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>most popular sport in each country map
But what do they play in No Information?
Association football in Western Sahara and ditto for French Guinea.
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Thats just because of all the Sirs there is it
Probably. Though I think they do like cricket in general too, similar to Afghanistan.
how the fuck are Estonia so god damn awful at skiing if it's the most popular sport, damn
They got no mountains
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will become apehoop in the next decade
this is misleading, canada has one team and they just had their golden age in the late 2010s
everyone jumped on the bandwagon
now that the raprots are shit again, this will go back to normal in a few years
Last time I saw this map I thought that China's favorite sport being table tennis was just an unfunded claim based on the stereotype that they are good, so it must be the most popular.

Now, after watching the olympics, I take it back. They won so many medals, and every time the Chinese fans all looked like robots when celebrating, but not in ping pong. I never believed I would have ever seen a Chinese crowd with soul.

What I don't believe is South Africa's sport being football instead of rugby. The South Africa football team struggles all the time with having a good attendance, and they are not even midtier. And the rugby team have all their stadiums full, they are back-to-back world champions, people would just jump into the bandwagon by now.
Much prefer the map with US states so that way I'm not wrongly colored with handegg.
>What I don't believe is South Africa's sport being football instead of rugby
There are more blacks in SA and they tend to lean towards football. Rugby and cricket more for the whites, with an alright black following too.
>What I don't believe is South Africa's sport being football instead of rugby.
Football in South Africa is played and supported by the majority black population. The Premier League,La Liga,Serie A and Champions League are also widely watched. South African national football team performing below par on the international stage has more to do with money not being invested at grassroots level.

For all the Rugby World Cups that South Africa has won the pinnacle is still South Africa hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2010.
I really doubt baseball is below soccer in SK, KBO had its highest ever average attendance this year by miles.
I’ve seen you post this so many times that it can’t possibly be right
Based Vancouver

I'm told that Korean soccer fans don't care about the domestic league and only watch European leagues and the national team
Based Mongolia, Laos, Cambodja
most popular on which metric
Change Mexico to baseball. We are a baseball country now
Valenzuela picked the perfect time to die desu, right before a Doyers championship to send Mexican pride in baseball to a fever pitch
Get out
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Redpill me on Mongol Baseball
That's wrestling
QRD on Gaelic and Aussie football? Also, am I blind, where is horse racing?
what the fuck is gaelic football
>gaelic football
Kind of a cross between soccer and rugby.
balcks and filipinos have always loved their rapties
fix your map Sicktorian scum
Can someone tell me what the fuck is australian football? I see the general all the time, but never actually entered it. Is it like real football or like american football?
It's a football code, but Australian.
>real football or like american football?
Those are the same thing
>competitive sex isn't popular anywhere
Hold me bros...
Your underestimating the popularity of basketball here if you think it's only from the raptors championship run
>based Finland
Apparently hockey is the most popular sport in Latvia too.
It’s not
TV ratings for the CFL blow NBA out of the water in this country. The average CFL regular season game gets 4 times as much viewership as a Raptors game. MLS gets even lower ratings.

In terms of actual tv ratings in Canada it goes:
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I don't care about the doyers or that fat fuck, is just that our footy league is so bad lol
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Literally a fingol went to USA, watched a game of baseball, went back to Suomistan and described it to the other fingols and thus pesäpallo (literally a fingol attempt to pronounce baseball, but they cannot pronounce the letter B)
It's like a mix of American Football and Rugby
This bait is over a decade old
If it was like this a decade ago, imagine what it is now
It's bait no matter what year it is posted in
pesäpallo is a direct translation of baseball tho
>Finland is the only nordic country where hockey still reigns supreme over divegrass

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