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What do you think of the future french national team?
>manager is white
very problematic
Looking very bright
do white frenchoids no longer exist? too shit to compete with negroes?
white french have more career option opportunity so they dont send their kids to football academy meanwhile for black african its their only way get out of poverty
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>GK is so black you can't even see his face.
I dont fucking care and YOU will never be european. Obsessed sudacas holy shit
The French had a sub replacement birth rate before WW1, the deaths from that and the subsequent actual French birth rate fucked their shit up
Why are they all shadowed out? I want to see their faces
Simply put, we need to go blacker
at least France doesn't have disgusting mutts like most other WE countries
>/pol/ was right again
zeze looks like a white supremacist in that team
lol blasphemous
Making you chicanos seethe, so it must be based
>the flag
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That's what you get for killing your martyr and creating liberalism with the (((french revolution)))
how the hell you come from such names as


Desailly's real name is Odenkey Addy Abbey and Vieira just happened to have a non Ngubu last name because one of his parents is Cape-Verdian

Ok for Henry though
jesus christ
Because the first one are from the french carribbean islands, they're not feral negroes from the equatorial forest
I'm not racist. I don't mind when a child of immigrants plays in the national team, HOWEVER, it's utterly insane how normoid fags pretend there is absolutely NOTHING weird about the French team being literally 11 black men. Just as I don't mind when there's like, whatever, two turks, one african and one asian in a German school class together with 20 Germans, but 6 turks, 8 arabs, 3 Afghans, 2 Somalis, 3 Russians and 1 German? Do they really, really not see how quantity makes a difference here?
uhhhh sweetie they're all Germans x
Carribean blacks versus African blacks. It is the same here, we have a lot of black people from Jamaica and West Indies countries and they all have angloid names. Meanwhile the actual African ones have names like mfindu ngubu
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we still exist, we just don't play football anymore, even before the bantu invasion it wasn't that popular here anyway

rugby is still pretty white, even if that's changing too
Over here it's hockey. Friend's gf plays it and when we came to watch a game (because of all the girls there) I finally got it.
It's just a white people refuge away from all the underclass brownoid football violence which is destroying amateur football here.
They had music, there was a bar outside, people were all having fun, etc. Haven't seen that at a football club in ages
do the french say nothing behind closed doors? I can't imagine they see this and think its perfectly normal
some people do but a lot are completely brainwashed and support the team as if nothing was wrong

the normalfag has an uncanny ability to deny reality
Try women's footie, too. It's pretty comfy here.
>even the goalkeeper is black
they've reached a whole other level
Ngububall is completely soulless. I watch football for technique and skill, if I wanted to watch people running fast I'd watch track and field.
I think that the great replacement is a conspiracy theory and that it's pretty shitty out of you to suggest that it's happening by pointing at reality.
They haven't unlocked him yet.
allowing the former opens the door to the latter happening very quickly
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>let me tell you about race as a very white latinx
It's Schrödingers demographic replacement: until you talk to the particular commie cuck in front of you, it's both a blatantly false racist conspiracy theory AND something that is indeed happening and is a beautiful thing since diversity is our strength
whitey cope
The truth hurts the poor short brown man
You are a normoid fag with normoid fag opinions.
Sexo (post-marriage) with Joana da Escuridão
football is becoming, and there's no other way to say this, slavery
white rich men using black athletes to become even richer
literally what happened at the colosseum
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Mighty fine team you got there
All westerners below the age of 40 have been cucked beyond all recognition out of any sense of belonging or nationalism. They have had the lies of "civic nationalism" and multiculturalism hammered into their heads over and over again and told how ebul it is to say no to immigration. But even with such constant social and political indoctrination, they still instinctively and unconsciously realize what is really going on.

Go on twitter/X, screenshot your exact post and see what happens when you get a leftist account going viral in the quotes, clowning you. You'll have self-hating white zoomers and brown mutts of all varieties saying
>"Awww poor yt pipo mad dey being replaced, dis what u crackas deserve fo' dem slavery an shiett. America/Europe iz raycis nigga and yall mfers are incels"
We all know all know it's insidious population replacement, only that liberals want it and the destruction of western society while the "alt-rights" or anyone with a sense of national/ethnic identity is cognizant of it.
i support my fellow blacks all around the world, but its a bit strange to watch a WC full of import mercenaries on every team
thats all, it's a bit sad
Not a single one of these is making it into the NT
Doué will for sure
Cherki will hava a Hatem Ben Arfa career arc
Tel already was invited
It wouldn't make sense too with 11 Italians, Spanish or Germans in the team, or 20 Danish in your class, even as neighbors.
Race difference makes it just more blatant and weirder.
Was for >>145757372
>sub 21
I bet that the youngest one has 30
The shipping in of millions of blacks and browns definitely had nothing to do with it though
Vantablack keeper
They are just better. Also I am willing to bet that a lot more black people gravitate toward sport for the chance quickly to get out of poverty. Meanwhile white French doctor parent will never let his so waste his time with sport.

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