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Round 1 Results
>Barry Hawkins 6 - 4 Ronald O'Sullivan
>Shaun Murphy 6 - 5 - Zhao Xintong (ar)
>David Gilbert 6 - 4 Xiao Guodong
>Ding Junhui 6 - 5 Robert Milkins

Todays Matches
>13:00 Ali Carter v Ryan Day
>13:00 Mark Allen v Jackson Page
>19:00 Mark Selby v Jack Lisowski
>19:00 Si Jiahui v Wu YZA
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alri. Thanks for making the thread. I was sure Polebro would finally do it but, in the end, I had to celebrate Ding dinging Milkins all by myself last night.
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This is >us when a thread is archived, so it's obviously /sp/ related.
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>Ding and Gilbz actually won
Lovely results

>magical gnelf powers.mp4
wtf is this real?!

Here we are then!
Top lel
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Actually, I was just about to do it while Ding was still playing, literally JUST about to. Alas, suddenly the disappearance of the thread reminded me of the passage of time.
This in turn made me realize that we're only Mark Selby, 1 month away from Christmas (strange when you remember that we just had Christmas ~4 months ago).
So I was distracted by the thought about presents. Decided to immediately look for some, because there's no time like the present(s) after all. Starting with myself, obviously.
So I spent 4 hours looking for rare Hakos. Bought 5, then couldn't buy more because of an error, which absorbed me further (a dude from my bank just called as I was typing this, my card was automatically blocked, should be able to buy more now).
Then I noticed it was 2:00, so a bit too late to make a thread. Then I slept for nearly 5 hours, tried buying more Hakos again but couldn't, and before I could make a thread, it was already here.
This is a true story.
I just paid 15 euroshekels for a Hako literally cut out from a magazine. I'm done looking for presents.

>Bai destroys in an hour
>two minks destroy in an hour (one another)
>Ng destroys in an hour
>Roof destroys in four hours
>Selby destroys in ten hours
Should be a fun day.
As a man with Mercari and Yahoo auctions tabs always open on the same searches, I admire your dedication to the ‘tism. I’m sure there’s someone in Japan who buys Steve Davis clippings off eBay, so it’s obviously sp related.
>I'm done looking for presents.
Is what I said. However...

I browsed all stores they have on Buyee, even the "Korean Market", just in case.
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Even better than just snooker. Text snooker:
Bai: IN
Pic related. It's a full snooker match in its pure, unfiltered form. Read from the bottom, obviously.

Minks: pending
Either the site stopped working, or it got VERY zesty, because it's still 0-0. Probably the former, but I hope it's the latter.
In the future, WST won't even need magnets. The scriptwriters will just produce a document like this, feed it into AI, and the match will be generated, complete with AI Willie Thorn and AI Shorn Murphy commentary (Shorn will still be alive at this point, but he will have sold the rights to his voice to WST as an example of being "great ambassador" for the sport).
>Shorn will still be alive at this point
A grim vision of the future indeed.
Sophie didn't destroy...

I love you little autists (no homo)
ref forgetting to re-spot the yellow gave Murphy the chance to engage in his famous banter, thus relaxing him going into the final frame.

Zhao should be reinstated.
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ever dream this man?
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Finnbro still alive!
why does it have to be bingham willo round one
GWAN the 20 year old boomer
Mink won 3-2.
>Bai v Evans
>Ng v Mink
GWAN >ge Day
GWAN Page (son of Jaxx)

Helps cut the buffet costs
Imagine buying tickets for a Sunday afternoon session months ago and ending up having to watch Ali fucking Carter v Ryan fucking Day
>GWAN >ge Day
>GWAN Page (son of Jaxx)
Based cymru chum

>Ali fucking Carter v Ryan fucking Day
What are you on about? That’s a Championship League CLASSIC if ever I’ve seen one.
>GWAN >ge Day
>GWAN Page (son of Jaxx)
What a unique thing to say.

And being crushed by the roof.
your fizzog when you real eyes the whole 20th century was computer generated
I wasn't here last night. How did /147/ respond when Ronnie got bawked?
It was around this post: >>145794993
Not much, because I'm sure I wasn't the only one who decided to not comment as long as Shorn was still playing.
how was rpdmey seeded as #1 for this tournament when he hasn't won shit all season?
I thought the reigning champ always gets the #1 seed?
Defending champ, unfortunately.
I assume he was the defending champion of this particular tournament.

Thank you, and based.
>bo3 on both tables (that count)
Make sense, thanks.
I like watching Gwannie - he's a genius regardless of how much this board seems to hate him but seeing Hawkwindandfire go though is pleasing so I stfu'd
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with great respect and consideration
Meant bo5, obviously.
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>What a unique thing to say.
Dire circumstances require dire measures.

>Championship League
I miss it like you wouldn't believe

(yeah, we did well)

HongGonk triad workings surely
Rumi O' Sulliman
I swear page didn't used to be called Page
Some sort of matrix glitch
Blackson Rage
When is Pellew reffing?
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I'm afraid he's busy elsewhere
Little Bai in big trouble.
Let Bai-gones be Bai-gones
And Bai somehow lost. Hope Mink/Ng can beat Evans in the final.
whos co commentating allen/page right now. having a brain fart and am drawing a blank
nevermind its kryren innit
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>Bai, You Lose!
Mink will avenge her.
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>de Gay

You better be right!
he should be paying the big black cock to let him commentate, not the other way round
I want to be friends with Mink.
Boybros, why are girls so silly?
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>Baipat tongue

And that's a GOOD thing
Germany beat Scotland in the European Snooker on Ice Championship final (curling)
This is of course snooker-related ever since the Bullet from Belgium won the Cruce.

London Bridge is falling down...
You now remember Eve
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Naisu. I saw it was on the other day, but also that it was mens and I’ve always been more of a ladies man.
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baized (what's the curling equivalent of baized?)

Well, it’s called a “sheet” but, since “sheeted” doesn’t sound so good, I’ll suggest “iced” or even “rinked”.
>Selby depressingly sitting by himself before heading out on to the stage
Yeah, I'm thinking we're fucking back
>*Kasabian intensifies*
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Who needs “nothing to smile about in my life” when you’re the fucking jester.
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Seemz is back?!

Going to head to sleep now and surely will wake up to some good results again tomorrow with Selby's smiling face
I tried posting about it on /180/, but was rudely ignored by all the drunk people singing in there
Nooo, not a century, I want zest.
>human leopard in kill mode from frame (mark selby,) one.

>Seemz is back?!
She’s back! And in the studio with who else but are Steve.
My religion, you ask? Selbism.
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>She's back!
she was looking quite... healthy, too. (image not from today, just a random photo that I found on my hard drive haha)
we are woke here. be gone with your vile, virulent antiselbitism
B O 3
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We haven't complained about the pervasive yellow bar for a while
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>two centuries
wew lad
I bet this is going to end well.
His smile and optimism? Restored
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It's been 3 years, I think we need to learn to accept things that we can't change (whilst seething inside).
Yeah, for us, we are so fucking back (and by us I mean Ding and Selby)
formidable lugs on this wu tang chap
Is this the most handsome match in snooker?
>Jegging intensifies
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Should have played for snookers. Only up to 4 needed.
Something to watch during the interval. A highly prestigious snooker event:
Are YCPs allowed to play each other
>no referee and the other player has to fish the balls out
That's some "Gibraltar Open 2020" level of prestige
Where I come from, we call it "SOVL".
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Anybody else notice Stephen Hendry's Cue Tips had ALL the top players on except Selby? I think they Selby hates Hendry
>top player
great big mother milkins
>ref pronouncing it "lisovski"
That's how I pronounce it in my head.
Right in front of the lemon.
Evening lads, waiting for the timer to tick down and to finally enjoy some UK snooks.
Wouldn’t bother, Ken. You missed the good bit and now we’re suffering.
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>£2,000 for winning the prestigious Women's Masters
that'll keep her from bothering Mork for a while
>BBC Young Jazz Musician of the Year
Holy based. Why don't they want me to watch snooker? Why is all the best television always on at the same time as snooker?
I saw 3-1 on flashscore........bros
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Don't worry, this has Selby decider W written all over it.
#wst #scoringsystem #metoo
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>Losing to Reanne Evans in the year of our lord 2024
Gibraltar Open levels of prestigious
It was bo7, pretty much a coin toss.
Bo7s should be outlawed, the entire sport would be better off for it.
>how has he not won at tournament? It's beyond comprehension, so much bottle.
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I don't know what to do. There are pretty much no posters with Hako and this one is especially great, because it's a debut poster. I'll probably never see it again if I don't buy it.
But... It's expensive, full of wrinkles, tiny cuts etc. (nearly 50 years old), plus they can't just fold it and put it into an envelope. If they rolled it up, the package would be of a non-standard size, so it's likely they won't be able to send it together with the other things I ordered, so I'd have to pay again for shipping. Because of the size (~73x52cm), the shipping price could potentially reach some retarded numbers for all I know. I only ever ordered flat, easily stackable things after all. And then I can't just say "okay, then, I changed my mind", they don't do refunds. You pay for the shipping or they "dispose" of things you bought.
But it's so beautiful...
Someone should decide for me, so I can blame them. If I had the time, I'd make a poll, but I need to get my 4.5 hours of sleep soon.

Other than that...
B O 3
If it's any comparison, I passed up an opportunity to buy a rare Joy Division demo track for like 150 euro and have regretted it every day since. It depends on if it's the specific item you want or the content (Hako on your wall)
Bo11 should be the minimum.
more like Back LiPOWski
Selby? More like Shellby, because he's a just shell of a player.
mental shot behind the lime
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long time no post
top draw - pure zest
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Can you ask the seller if they can do you a deal? I emailed a record shop in Hungary to see how much it would cost to buy lots of old Hungarian pop music from the 1980s (pic related; she's the GOAT), and they were very helpful. In the end, I got something like 30 records for £100 + £40 P&P, but I forget the numbers because they were all in Hungarian forints.

>Lisowski v Carter
Roofbros are feasting
Watching Selby now and remembering the old days of SELBYWINSLOL is like watching Wolverine in Logan.
Jesters this can't be happening to us, we're not meant to get molested
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>losing to a player who has 0% chance of winning the tournament
>losing to jegg
I love how the commentators are fully in on the meme as well. Everything they say about Jack Lisowski is about what a legendary choker he is.
Makes me laugh everytiem
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Can see now why he's the Jester, losing to Jegg is very funny.
Come now. "Day of the" Jack L specialises in winning in the early rounds. That's why he's been hyped for his whole career. It's only later rounds, and finals specifically, where he crumbles into nothing and any of us could beat him.
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>13:00 (bo11)
Kyren Wilson v Stephen Maguire
Chris Wakelin v Matt Selt

Luca Brecel v Jak Jones
Gary Wilson v Michael Holt
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>morningfrens when they check the results
u wot m8
>Evans won
>Selby lost
Yep, it's time to pay the price.
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Lovely news. I hope she'll be around for more.
>are Steve.
It's undeniable that Steve just got that rizz
>she was looking quite... healthy
LOVE to see the girls healthy (haha)

>scoring system failed
Riggins strikes again


>J.Jones and Gnelf on at the same time
Yep, it's getting stuck time!

These are not the results I wanted to wake up to...
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I hate snooker so much it's unreal

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