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/KNUCK/ is not just a sport. Knuck is a lifestyle. Knuck is unpaid child support, multiple DUIs, meth addiction, and stealing copper from construction sites. It's posting incoherent right wing rants all over your instagram, getting poorly thought out tattoos, and have your car repossessed. Knuck is about taking out all your rage in the most savage way possible. It's primal therapy in the squared circle. KNUCKLE UP!

Upcoming KNUCK:

TOPDOG - aka Top Dog aka Russian Criminal Punch aka Vodkaslop
BKFC aka Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship aka Meth Punch

webm related: it's a clip from GROMDA, a Polish bare knuckle fighting organization.

Q: Is /knuck/ safe?
A: Beats me, I'm not a doctor

Q: how often do people die in /knuck/?
A: One guy died in BKFC. I'm not aware of any other fatalities, but that might be because I can't read other languages

Q: How does /knuck/ compare to water buffalo fighting?
A: Even a great KNUCK can't compare to a great water buffalo collision.
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One more webm before I take a break. The time a fighter in TOP DOG won a dog.
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i really enjoy watching people get CTE from my comfy armchair
Me too, Greece
there has to be another board for this garbage
>implying KNUCK isn't a sport.
Are you retarded or something? It's an athletic competition that's sanctioned by state athletic commissions. If we can discuss boxing, MMA, and even soccer on /sp/, there's no reason we can't watch and celebrate KNUCK. If there were a magazine called DUMB BASTARD DIGEST, you'd be on the cover every single month.

A new webm for my real knuck chads
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Extremely based thread. /knuck/ is the future of combat sports
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I was on 29 TOP DOG in SPB. Long live knuck.
it's the simplest things b
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Based KNUCK enjoyers. Have a KNUCK.
pin this thread
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I'm about to make another webm, KNUCK pals
I was at this fight. Based
You can count the teeth leaving his skull!
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Sup playas, here's that new webm I promised you.
>You can count the teeth leaving his skull!
Blessed thread. Been a combat sport fan all my life, knuck really adds a layer of excitement to it. A lot less pitter-patter point fighting bullshit when bare knuckles are involved.
Schaub heemed that guy btw
How much did they get paid for this? I bet it's way less than the cost to replace those teeth
I'm starting my own org called BUCK, if anyone's interested in cross promotions let me know.
Give us the details on BUCK, my Thai pal
PS: don't worry playas, I'm about to drop a brand new webm
Here's a classic while I finish making the new webm
The NEW one. I call it "Big Skinny Bozo Bop"
and another new one for my KNUCK buddies.

I'm going to bed but will be back tomorrow for bountiful beatdowns and gnarly knucks
man, the tooth fairy sure can punch
>I will never experience a kino Top Dawg event live
Why even live.
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the Undertaker would have done well in this back in the day with his pure strikes
So all those stories about boxing gloves making boxing more dangerous because you can punch harder without hurting yourself turned out to be horseshit, huh.
mmmm badass. /knuck/ would have drawn big dimes with the american badass fighting there. his pure strikes would have evaporated some skulls
Turns out boxers in the 1800s or whatever just sucked ass or faked their 5 million match records
>How much did they get paid for this? I bet it's way less than the cost to replace those teeth
Enough for some vodka or meth, not enough for dental surgery.
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If old time boxing art is accurate, the way they leaned back and punched doesn't seem conducive to doing any damage
Another classic KNUCK for the true KNUCK aficionados.
And there it is
TOP DOG fighters get paid well, largest bare knuckle org in russia, cost of living is cheap
He didn’t lose any teeth, it’s snot
Nah it’s true, deaths in boxing come from getting pillowtapped in the head non-stop for 12 rounds, there’s a shit load more deaths in boxing than in bare knuckle
BKFC has so many heems because they sign flushed old MMA fighters and cab drivers
Y'all have made a KNUCKer out of me. I shall be on the lookout for these threads going forward
>b-but m-muh reach!!!!
sleep tight skeltal
the winner is always mean to the loser
Why doesnt it show the seizure? It was KINO

unfortunately it was spit
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The heemer is fighting on Saturday btw
i noticed that too, why are they all acting like dicks after knocking the guy out? feels more like an actual fight than a competition tbdesu.
In the long run, it's probably best to get hit once and stopped than get your head rattled for half an hour. Taking 80% of a KO 80 times is worse than 100% of a KO one time, unless it happens to be a lethal/particularly severe injury.
A motorbike suddenly conking out, and then stopping for immediate repair will probably be a cheaper fix than one that's been making a fucked up grinding noise in increasing volume and cutting in and out but still being riden over 50 more miles of bumpy terrain.
Holy based OP
im the knuckernaut, bitch
The webm for those unfamiliar with that incredible KO
New KNUCK webm for my fellow KNUCK chads
do you take requests
hate that they stopped showing the fighers height and weight before fight

it was half the entertainment
If you've got a youtube link to the video I can probably make one
viking energy
>foot speed vs hand speed
New webm for all my knuck buddies
Which OF whore is the biggest Knucks fan?
yeah b i'll give you timestamps as well, and i'll only suggest stuff i reckon you'd like, been watching top dog since it started



a classic, heem

i have way more but i wont bombard you
I think some of the knuck ladies actually have OnlyFans accounts
So, this basically is KOTS but worse. I'll keep watching KOTS.
Thanks! I gotta run, but I'll be back later with some new webms and such
Are homosexuals welcome here?
brother kots is just a poor mans bkfc
do people go into the fencing response like this is regular boxing after getting knocked out?
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They do it in all sports
Everyone is welcome to enjoy the great sport of KNUCK.
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Those were some based knucks. I didn't have time to make any of the webms yet, but I did download the videos so I can make them.

Here's a webm I started making earlier today and just had time to finish now.
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And a classic knuck moment for all my knuck pals
PS: does anyone have a recommendation for the best Youtube ripper to use? I've been using the Video Download Helper browser extension but it seems a bit slow.
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just curious, do you get really "excited" when seeing people get hurt? or animals in that matter since you are giving me the vibes of a person who jerks off to national geography documentary. don't get me wrong, I ain't judging. people gets off on all sorts of fucked up shit and a man needs to get his rockers off otherwise our society would just fall off. I mean I wouldn't mind rubbing one out for the sake of this world.
Goddamn it, I just updated Video Download Helper for the first time in quite awhile and now there's a goddamn watermark on the videos. Any suggestions for a program? I gotta make more webms.

>just curious, do you get really "excited" when seeing people get hurt?
I enjoy the athletic and competitive aspect of it. I enjoy watching masters of their craft deliver truly powerful knucks as they battle their foes. BIG MEATY KNUCKS are one of the greatest parts of humanity's intangible cultural heritage. Frankly, I'm surprised they're not already on the UN's list of intangible cultural heritage https://ich.unesco.org/en/lists

I do not enjoy just watching random violence, war footage, car crashes, or depraved garbage like that. I do enjoy watching water buffalo fighting which is also a great sport.
I do not enjoy bullfighting because it's more like a lame dance ritual than a sport, and I do not enjoy watching animals eat each other in nature specials because that's not a sport either.
PS: if you don't understand the appeal of knuck, you clearly didn't watch the webms!
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gotchu. keep fight the good fight and may god bless your soul.
Thank you, President Biden
Go watch a full match of BKB or BK MMA and you'll see dudes pawing each other like any other fights
how much do these guys make per fight?
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>Youtube ripper
>make more webms
there are some GUIs outta there integrated both yt-dlp and ffmpeg, I recall there were some called yt-dl helper and webm for retards but the support probably stopped. just learn to use command line. it's ez.
damn this stuff is complicated I'll try to figure it out though
That new androgynous coke head thai prince calls himself "buck". What you had in mind?
love these ones where both are just swinging at the same time
Please stop with the faggy edits
Please dont stop with the sovl edits
wtf who do I listen to?
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I made a webm of the first one. I hope you like it
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I'll be back later with more KNUCK. For now, here's a classic knuck for the new KNUCK fans to enjoy.
nice work b, his nose was always like that though
When the knuck's so supreme
you let out a scream
for me its the weird hop the ref does before calling off the fight
that ref got let go from top dog for being too shit kek
How can you be so bad at reffing that you get fired from Top Dog?
this retard's never heard of CTE
TOP DOG is unironically an extremely professional organisation, especially when compared to other russian orgs, i know you like your "criminal punch" and "vodkaslop" jokes but they run a tight ship, everything is overseen by the russian boxing federation.
Watch wilder vs liakovich
CTE comes from repeat subconcussive blows e.g. getting jabbed with a pillow 500 times. It's unironically better to get knocked out cold a couple times than jabbed a thousand times
They do. There are multiple /knuck/ women fighters with giant fake cans and OF accounts. One is named Sigala, forget the other one.
I don't want to sound racist, but I'm not sure how trustworthy the Russian Boxing Federation is
they're good, TOP DOG is the only org i've ever seen that will review things and overturn them i.e robbery decisions and performance bonuses
the fact that they got rid of a ref for being incompetent actually says a lot, ufc has been using the same incompetent refs for 30 years
I think the UFC usually has to use whatever refs the state athletic commission chooses. If I remember correctly, there was a ref on some middle east card that the UFC got kicked off the other fights he was supposed to ref that night after he did a terrible job reffing one of the fights
UFC doesn't choose their refs you dumb paki
Seem good.
UFC absolutely have a say in who refs for them, steve mazzagatti, mario yamasaki and that retard that stopped ankalaev vs cutelaba all got banned from reffing UFC and continued to ref elsewhere
Actual knockouts like these are extremely rare in boxing because of the giant gloves
They can't be worse than whoever the fuck ran the sport into the ground and transformed it into fixed moneygrabbing sparring sessions

Surprisingly respectful & restrained for apparently amateur/ nonpro fighters. Kudos.
Everyone in BKFC is a pro fighter mate
Mike Richman fight week
New to /knuck/? Watch these classics

Angulo vs Riggs
Richman vs Hunt
Alvarez vs Mendes
Perry vs MVP
Trout vs Sanchez
Kantemir Kalazhokov fight week
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Guaranteed banger
New to /knuck/? Watch these classics

Chibis vs Gladiator
Iz vs Khanov
Kratos vs Frohlich
Gatti vs Uzbekskiy Levsha 1 and 2
EBOSHER vs Shaman
Shisha vs Dedok
Russkiy Bogatir vs Ballas
Mako vs Kurazh
Tuinov vs Kovalenko
Pogodin vs Valera
Colin Varvar vs Zohan

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