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>liverpoo are going to win the league again

who booked this shit?
still vince
Slopdown got cancelled
Based ToneGOD
>>liverpoo are going to win the league again
??? you rather want Shitty to win again and not other club? fuck off retard. PL is healing, Shitty downfall is the best thing that happened to the PL in the last 7 years. Those cheaters deserve the worst I hate them
Gotta love the Tonester, you just gotta !
many are saying this
I root for Citeh ironically just to rile fagots like you up. And it never fails.
Still Vince.
still him
*tips virginity*
no milly
still tony
Still Vince, the BBC sissy cuckold who lost his company.
It's another asterisk season
The only thing unique about this season is that the Champions League has more games. And we're top of that table too.
sad but true
still tony
Still Vince.
>vince gets caught BBC posting
>"ummm still tony"
>be half-bong half-paki
>look mulatto
genetics is we*rd

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