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/pol/ torrents thread:

/k/s shit hitting the fan guides and prepper files 285GB - The Ark:

65 Black & Decker The Complete Guide Books For Home Repair, Plumbing, Carpentry and more 5GB:

Wikipedia backup 20GB (you need software to uncompress it and view it like "xowa_app") (theres also wikipedia backups that includes all revisions, where you see edit history, you should use wikipedia as a knowledge source without taking anything as 100% truth, for 20gb of storage it is more than useful for a lot of topics):

The Orthodox Study Bible - St. Athanasius Academy of Orthodox Theol 6MB:

Based and redpilled games 15GB:
More similar archived games: https://archive.org/details/@ctrlaltsigma

EUROPA - The Last Battle [Part 1-10] (all parts) 9GB:
Died Suddenly (2022) 1GB (Movie about Covid):

Useful political torrenting tips:

Torrent IP filter list you can use in your torrent client settings that bans Israel, India, Saudi Arabia, Albania, China, Turkey and Ukraine from connecting with you (mostly for chinese torrent clients that perma leech and never seed)
You can select countries and make a list yourself if you want from sites like: iblocklist.com/lists?category=country

Best trackers you can add to every new torrent automatically in the client settings (might help to find peers if you're downloading more obscure data):
Also remember to PORT FORWARD your torrent port on your router, it enables you to connect with more people and greatly affects speeds especially your seeding.

Use DHT crawler websites like "btdigg" that are searching all the decentralized torrents that exist and where you can also search for FILE NAMES that are inside any torrent, useful for finding old shit.

For those that are still using utorrent, switch to qBittorent 4.3.9. the most popular free open source client similar to utorrent.

Post whatever else you think might be useful.
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0$/h tr4noid seething
>/pol/ torrents
>Contents all belong on other boards like /v/, /his/, /k/ or /diy/
The /pol/ brainrot is real.

stay mad trannoid.
I added more games to the "Based Redpilled Games" and organized it a bit better into a new hybrid v1 v2 torrent below:

Don't want to create a new thread so I'll ask here since its the best fit (even though it doesn't fit at all).

Has anyone else noticed higher CPU utilization using the latest release of qbittorrent? Looking for a lightweight client to replace it. I need one for Windows.
4.5.0 qbit works better for me despite a lot of people complaining, last stable qbit was 4.3.9, you can try that one or qbit-nox
slow board
Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (2013) Documentary 1080p

Such a faggot
>Died Suddenly (2022)
Thanks for this. Never knew something like this was made. Thought this conspiracy theory hasn't been realized yet. I am seeing so many people dropping and dying like they are some lab rats.
>>Based and redpilled games 15GB:
who made these games?
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This is right you know.
The House of Rothschild; history behind them. intended to be a propaganda film to portray them as the good guys
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Nobody said you couldn’t post what you did. Stop whining like a leftist woman
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Anon, i must say i was intrigued after seeing the /pol/ games. I was looking for many of them last year and some I have installed. The files look shady, i compared to BLS and the content is not similar at all. I might just download in a vm some other day, that is if ur still seeding.
Maybe the main reason there's not a lot of the stuff in the left column going on is because these are mostly terrible ideas. People should not get suckered into them regardless of race.
t leftoid faggot
Suppose I want to share a file with my friend and my ISP doesn't allow port forward , will my friend be to download the file?
frens, I'm looking for "The Survival Stick". Gbs of survival guides, and even Bibles and podcasts. Site is down. Jews want 3k for the domain. I'm only interested in the survival stuff. Maybe there's a fren who has it?
>The Ark
anyone know what happened to this website/radio? seems dead
I looked into it more, found a songlist from the update to the ark

anyone have a torrent of the songlist?
songs not songlist I'm retarded
ok with a bit of regex I managed to remove all of the underscores and filepaths
should be able to download all of these with this
import os

# read the songlist.txt file
with open('song_namesmp3.txt') as f:
songlist = f.readlines()

# download each song using youtube-dl
for song in songlist:
os.system(f"""yt-dlp -f bestaudio -x --audio-format mp3 ytsearch:'{song}'""")

I'll set up a proper torrent soon
Mormon survival guide

Damn, nice
YAR HAR bump
>For those that are still using utorrent, switch to qBittorent 4.3.9. the most popular free open source client similar to utorrent.
Why 4.3.9? The most recent release is 4.5.2 - I was checking for CVEs, but I didn't find any. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist though.
I just use rtorrent, though.
4.3.9 is the latest most stable version, 4.5.2 works better for me but a lot of people complain about performance problems
is there any save site torent with old photoshop? like the old one pre 2012 (cs 4/6)
cant seem to find it on legit torrents sites
i simply do not intend to pay for program to do hobby drawing with 2010 tablet, and i cant stand gimp witch try to do everything different than photoshop
the old one should be open source as every uni is pushed by kikes to teach how to use the pay to use software
untested but here, checkout RUTRACKER, use browser translate addon and/or create account if needed.

Blessed legitimately good share
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2023)
How do i torrent anonymously for free? and if paid what the cheapest option?
and yet every single time that point gets brought up, what side do motherfucker chose to talk about when saying "NOBODY should do it XDDD"
that's right it's always the white side until you point out that hypocrisy but only then do they move the goalposts and keep saying "no one should do it" as if it washes their hands clean of the fact that they basically contradicted the point that they were programmed to
>Use DHT crawler websites like "btdigg" that are searching all the decentralized torrents that exist and where you can also search for FILE NAMES that are inside any torrent, useful for finding old shit.

Most dht crawlers I used have xvideo codec shit in them, it's a biggest scam in torrenting.
>4.5.0 qbit works better for me
It does have a critical bug in webui
>How do i torrent anonymously for free?
Does anybody have the Ukraine classified docs?
Anyone happen to sit on an Unconscious Cinema archive? That's a long shot, I know.

[spoiler]tg: leakeddocs[/spoiler]
Does anyone have a torrent to the Empire of Dust documentary? Preferably in good quality?
Any 3d printed guns torrents?
Best I could find.
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Libertarian Kit v1.0(6GB) freshly made OC and with alot of books and videos and a fact sheet

"The case against Breadtube"(3gb), seeders needed

"Hellstorm" (2gb) Neo-Nazi propaganda documentary

Walt Bismarck (alt-right parodies of Disney songs from c. 2016)

Can someone please upload the files from The Ark torrent to some separated telegram channel? I have much trouble downloading it on my smartphone. I have no access to my PC, because I'm in a warzone at the moment, and I don't know when I'll be able to get out of here.
Anon, that's politically incorrect in the current year, you can't do your own investigations, trust the experts or else you're a bigot NATZEE voldemortzz.
Guide written by people for whom emergency preparedness is literally part of their religion: the Latter-Day Saints.

/biz/ is another place to have a thread grabbing torrents from. ...Or maybe combine? Things can't last 24 hours there.
Vegetarian Survival Food Guide

Survival Pantry: The Ultimate Guide To Home Canning Preserving And Food And Water Storage

does the ar/k/ have bomb recipes?
like that we used in afganistan

thanks anon, anyone have documentaries? looking for one about Wagner without jews
bump question
The uncompressed folder dedicated to documents on explosives is 1.53G, If that serves you anything
i got myself an airvpn subscription today and dunno what to do next. I downloaded the client activated the network lock and connected to a swiss server. Have my qBittorrent client running guess it uses the vpn tunnel automatically?

first problem i encounter is that i can't access my router to configure port forwarding. Usually i access it by name and not ip and the dns is changed to a secure one. Are there any guides for torrent client/network configuration?

Another problem: my ip is banned on 4chan. Can't i have the vpn turned on all the time?
>guess it uses the vpn tunnel automatically
no you have to configure it in qbit settings
>first problem i encounter is that i can't access my router to configure port forwarding
to port forward with a vpn you need to port forward the port on the VPN IP through the VPN service instead of your own local port
Look into Docker
The use binhex/qbittorrent-vpn
It makes it stupid simple
The Armchair Operator Collection.
Size: 14.86 GB.

Contains over 680 books from the following publishers:
- Paladin Press.
- Loompanics Unlimited.
- Desert Publications.
- Eden Press.
- Festering Publications.
- Breakout Productions.
- Professor Parabellum.
and more

Many thanks!
I am Indian and I am seeding 100+ torrents for almost 2 years now . Fk your list
Tixati is natty
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Could someone please upload Jordan Peterson's Exodus series from Daily Wire+?
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can anyone recommend a good VPN for torrents ? i had nord but they gave up port forwarding
you can use i2p on bigly bt until qbit implements it
there is also tribler but some say it glows
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>The House of Rothschild
They do love throwing it in our faces, don't they?
protonvpn. open source, nothing identifiable about your ip is sent since theres always lots of people using your same ip (vpn) just choose busy networks
Zundel's Bunker (Pretty much every book you will ever need.)

NSL Achiv (All the information you need on National Socialist Germany, the books are good, but the videos are very low resolution.)
81ded8a0174a7a88c93a1e0e253d79b477759f3e (INFO HASH, not many seeders)
Die Deutsche Wochenschau (Weekly German newsreels from 1939 - 1945)


(With english subtitles)

the bump is hitting the fan
>>1198656 (OP)
I rarely torrent, and have not for a while. On a new computer, so I decided to try downloading a client. uTorrent, bittorrent, and qbittorrent all have PUADIManager:Win32/OfferCore in their installation .exe files. Is there a client that doesn't come with adware?
Never mind. I was seeing the old positive from uTorrent having OfferCore. qbit is clean. No idea about bittorrent.
I had a really good site for finding piratebay magnets but I can't remember what it was called. It was like bayproxy or something and you searched on that for what you wanted and it took you to a piratebay page that was working automatically with no bullshit.

Anyone know what I'm talking about or am I gay.
WHERE can I find the Octane render engine for Cinema 4D? Can someone help a brother out?
The Archives - Ironmarch collection
I kek'd
Delete your 4chan cookies. Ban Erased.
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What happened to the /pol/ torrent with all the German books and stuff, like the least pozzed translation of Mein Kampf? It used to be on /t/ for a long time.
Bumping with lawyers, guns, and money
the 170gb /pol/ torrent had some sort of virus/program in it that destroyed HDDs, mossad is lurking this thread planting viruses and spyware you can be sure.

>i will still download all of the things that i don't already have

Also, he is the ar/k/, 300gb of /k/ content including all the goodies

If anyone wants a magnet link, just make it and reply to this post

Reminder mossad is here, be carefull with what you download

linked the wrong post, look at this garbage full of viruses

link the virustotal scan of the files
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Get lost with STYLE during your bug out

If it's not hitting us, it's our esteemed political class hitting people who will want to fling shit back at us.
Thou shalt not steal
Wait for the free official reups to conclude then (7 left atm):
>youtube com/playlist?list=PL22J3VaeABQAppIsV0MmKYhGeFGJsy-dS
The non-pozzed Dalton translation is on libgen
I couldn't agree more. Speaking as a white cis male, I feel no need to celebrate the hard work I've accomplished in my life.
I could care less about my history. I'm not hung up on ancestry and I do not feel like anyone owes me anything. I've ate hot dogs and kraft diner for a long period in my life while I worked, put myself through school and paid off my debts.
But nowhere anywhere in my brain do I think I deserve a medal or any form of leniency/compensation for something that I have not earned.

All others like me have come to understand that anyone who is not us will hate us because we have constitution. We pass over the free handouts because accepting free shit intended for those who have none is most likely the reason you were born a nigger, a sand nigger, bush nigger, coconut nigger, rice nigger, albino nigger, ginger nigger or even worse, jewish nigger.
I enjoy life. You live in fear.
I have nothing better to do than remind you all every and all day.
I love my work. I love my life. I love how miserable you all are.
Thank you.
you can't. people saying you can are delusional or uneducated. you literally can't, your ISP will always know unless you have a trustworthy system in place preventing that. And it won't be free.
they will know you torrent but not what, and torrenting isnt illegal
that doesnt work
The only way you get on a shitlist for torrenting is by going after the latest Hollywood blockbuster and even then your ISP will just nag you.
Bumping the thread that went weirdly silent as the shit really started hitting the fan
>EUROPA - The Last Battle [Part 1-10] (all parts) 9GB:
Here is my torrent with stuff I've collected over the years called "Based-General". Simply put, it's a collection of pictures, videos and general info about all kinds of politically-related things. At first I made the torrent with the folder structure as it is. But the torrent wouldn't be created properly. So I made it into a zip file (7z). Some folders hold a lot more stuff than others. I've spent months organzing everything. There are 2 maybe 3 folders which aren't organized too well because they have too much stuff.. (Like the jew folder). Pic related are the contents.

My upload speed is not amazing and my pc isn't always on. So I hope many of you will be seeding this in the future. If you have further questions regarding the contents be sure to ask.

It's 427 GB btw. I also excluded the /wsg/ folder because well, it was 50GB extra and most of it wasn't really that desirable.
>So I made it into a zip file
bro no one is going to download half a terabyte zip file to check anything out and have to spend the same amount of storage space to then extract everything, there is no reason for you to not be able to create a torrent with the file structure in the picture or anything structure at all, the problem you might have had is that you tried to select multiple folders when creating the torrent instead of just one main one

download latest qbittorent version, put all the folders into one main folder and then create a torrent and select that main folder where everything is
with this people wont need to waste double the space if they want to keep everything and seed, they can just seed files that they can already use directly, also most people wont want to download everything but only some files, with everything in the zip that isnt possible
I definitely selected the right folder, just one. But I'm not on the latest version so that might have effected it. I will try to remake the torrent tomorrow I suppose. I will delete the one above then.
Still doesn't work. The torrent was created and then it suddenly went to 0% missing files again.
try to right click the affected torrent and select force recheck and then force resume
make sure the download location for that torrent is set correctly with "set location" on right click as well
since there can be a problem if the storage device files are on is unmounted at some point or similar
So I don't know what happened, but everything inside the folder disappeared into the aether. Only some empty folders left. But when I check the properties of the folder it's still the same size. So the files are still there I think but I can't see them. Very weird. Never have had this happen before. Anyone know the fix?
Ok I still had all the files so that was no problem. But making the torrent with the folder as is just doesn't work whatever I do. I've tried other smaller folders, they work perfectly. I'm getting real tired of trying. I should just do the zip file after all.
are you using an older torrent client? they might have problems with huge torrents
No I'm using the newest version of Qbittorrent (4.6.0) Google also isn't too much help with this problem.
what erorr does it bring up when you click create torrent?
There is no error. It creates the torrent. But after reaching 100% the torrent says 0% missing files. And when I force recheck it it will be at about 67%.
This is how it looks after it makes the torrent.
"One task in this status may be caused by a file having been deleted or damaged by external means, such as a virus scanner, multimedia 'tagger' etc. If ALL loaded tasks are showing this status is indicative of a drive not being mounted, an external device unplugged or a network location being off-line.

A single task in this status can be rectified by rechecking, then resuming the task. If all tasks are showing "Missing files", shut down qbittorrent completely with File -> Exit, remount or re-attach the missing drive, check that the drive has the same mount point or drive letter as previously then restart qbittorrent and resume the paused tasks (Ctrl+A -> Resume or Ctrl+Shift+S)"

if the above doesnt work i don't know, try force recheck force resume and wait a bit, then pause the torrent and try again, then shut down qbittorent then again
Force recheck doesn't work. It stays at 0% eternally. It's also not an external drive.
Alright. I've failed to make the torrent of the folder as is after many attempts, so it's going in a zip file after all. Final size is about 440GB. Please keep seeding it after downloading because it has a lot of stuff. If someone is able to take the files and make a torrent without the zip file, I would welcome that too.

whats the uncompressed size?
440GB, like I've said above
you are a terrible idea
ok we have and have had the pol files for some time and they increase in number.

But these are for the western "German" part of the planet, where is pol file for the east for Japan?
Black Power, A British story of Resistance.

Dont Look Up

Black Power, A British story of Resistance.

Fuck off nigger
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Is the ar/k/ torrent mossad virus free? It mostly just infographic images correct? I just want to read a bunch of cool/weird survival things
troon mad.

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>Wag the Dog

After being caught in a scandalous situation days before the election, the president does not seem to have much of a chance of being re-elected. One of his advisers contacts a top Hollywood producer in order to manufacture a war in Albania that the president can heroically end, all through mass media.

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Lord of War
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King of New York

A drug kingpin is released from prison and seeks to take total control of the criminal underworld in order to give back to the community.

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Growing Up in the Universe (1991) 528Mb

Professor Richard Dawkins explains evolution to high school students in a series of lectures.

Seaspiracy (2021)

Passionate about ocean life, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm that humans do to marine species - and uncovers alarming global corruption and modern slavery.

Maus - A survivors tale.

Maus is a graphic novel by American cartoonist Art Spiegelman. Serialized from 1980 to 1991, it depicts Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor. The work employs postmodernist techniques and represents Jews as mice, Germans as cats, Poles as pigs, Americans as dogs, the English as fish, the French as frogs, and the Swedish as deer.

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hello frens, does anyone have footage of from 8ch*n shooters?
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what a waste.
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Kingdom: How fungi made our world. (2018)

why ban certain countries?
The Remarkable Science of Ancient Astronomy
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>I have nothing better to do than remind you all every and all day

That you're a seething, rootless faggot with no soul, and possibly even Jewish. How genuinely pathetic it is to see someone take "pride" in depreciating everything both they and their ancestors achieved.
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>vaxxoid nonargument seething
every time, kek
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Did you know torrents were invented by an austistic Jew?
Did you know that the only group of jews who mixed with many different races that dont have arab tier IQ are the ashkenazis, which are the only ones who mixed with europeans?

The more you know indeed, kek.
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a troony is having a big melty in this thread for days on end what a retard lmao
how do you know they are a troon?
lurk moar
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>Tiger Claws (1991)

A mysterious martial artist is going around and killing martial arts masters with his unique style, Tiger Claw. Two police detectives, who're also martial arts experts, use unorthodox methods to track down the serial killer

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>Tiger Claws II

The Tiger Claws killer is broken out of jail by a former colleague, who acquires a large shipment of weapons and schemes to open a portal to the past into an ancient martial arts temple.

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>Tiger Claws 3

When a martial artist called Stryker resurrects three ancient Chinese master assassins so he can take over NYC's underworld, it's up to martial artist cop Tarek Richards to stop them. But he will need the aid of Stryker's former master.

waste of quints
neat, something actually useful
Is anyone even close to completing this? Should I not have added those public trackers?
What is this shit supposed to be. Most of this isn't even political.
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Bolo poster is based. The Tiger Claws films are better than pol shit anyway.
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wow, I've never heard of this guy, good thing they made a documentry about him.
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>Ultimate Cock Photos Compilation
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i saw some finnish guy posted a thread on /pol/ just now with some SHTF book collection, i haven't looked at it, i'm just reposting it here.

>So. Since world is going to the gutter I figured I would share my collection of knowledge that hopefully could make life after (insert your doom scenario here) a little better. 1600+ pdfs ranging from survival, homesteading, DIY stuff to textbooks etc. Put em on media of your choice, EM shield it and pray that you wont need it.


he then says the torrent "fucked up" (dunno if he was right) but there's a MEGA as well https://mega.nz/file/20R0DbBB#p9UrXTyv1zQ4vmsG7IZmiGFVhDX6HBWYxC3p0lU7s0Q

original thread >>>/pol/451717032
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thats it, probably the highlight of your miserable exsistence.
what, did you give us your chanfolder or something
You need to make a thread for /an/ torrents
The folders contain what they say. Memes and stuff relating to various 4chan boards. I have to say though. Adding public trackers to this torrent was a mistake. I have seeded it with a ratio of 3,25 over the last couple months and still I don't know if anyone is close to completion. I'm probably going to remake the torrent without public trackers.
Unless someone who is downloading is close, say so if you're reading this.
>I have seeded it with a ratio of 3,25 over the last couple months and still I don't know if anyone is close to completion
you do know that when someone reaches 100% your torrent client doesnt need to communicate with him anymore and doesnt do it, right?

keep it public, no reason no to
Yeah I'll keep it public I suppose. I just hope there will be extra seeders soon.
Should have padded the torrent with 20MB of extra content :)
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"Maintaining your culture is a bad thing because....
"Steering the nation of your culture and ethnicity/race is bad because...

What even is your argument
u seem angry
literally everyone on /pol/ is 9000x more intelligent than you, you lefttard fuckwit.
>People should not get suckered into them regardless of race.

shallom rabbi. please dig more tunnels
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downloaded, didnt seed
I think its great that incels have their own thread here.
ywn, baw, kek
looking for a cracked version of Maya. Not paying for subscriptions. Any good locations? Saw some stuff on archive.org. but not sure if i trust them.
first of all, wrong thread.
second, rutracker.
Yes. You fit right in.
Can anybody seed this and offer some good trackers?

>For those that are still using utorrent, switch to qBittorent 4.3.9. the most popular free open source client similar to utorrent.


cs2, cs3, cd4 on IPT
>qBittorent 4.3.9
Why not latest (v4.6.3) w/ Qt6 and libtorrent 1.2.x?
>I love my work. I love my life.
sounds great !
> I love how miserable you all are.
Uh-oh, that means the first statements are horseshit. Desu, happy, well adjusted people don't say things like or:
> nothing better to do than remind you all every and all day.
You really gave yourself away, pal. Why don't you drop all the chest thumping nonsense and tell us what's REALLY bothering you. Might do some good.
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>Ring of Power - Empire of The City
>Ring of Power II - The Zion King

From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, "Ring Of Power" unrevises 4000 years of revisionist human history with never - before - seen revelations. "Ring Of Power" puzzles together the pieces of a giant puzzle into one BIG PICTURE documentary series.
Yes. That would be great.
this documentary is fucking trash
within first 3 minutes already a made up bullshit claim theres no evidance for
please give a single piece of evidance supporting the supposed polish mass genocide of germans prior to september 1st
searched for solid 40 minutes, argued over this with at least 10 people and not one faggot was able to give any source to this shit they pulled out their ass
trash documentary for niggers
aaand another one, make that 11 now
thanks for proving my point you fucking retard
Bolshavics were going after the Polish they didn't check the papers. These areas had population overlay for centuries. You would need both records from that time. Much was destroyed.
Now add in the fact that at that time as well as now the creation of Zionism wanted to hide the Holodomor as well as get the West into war. The history is written by the victor.
>Nobody said you couldn’t post what you did. Stop whining like a leftist woman
>You have been banned
trip on commiepoof
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Speaking of Mossad, how do I properly protect myself aside from the basics, I already scan using VirusTotal and HybridAnalysis before opening anything, but only have Windows Defender.
Would it be a good idea to start torrenting in a VM to better contain files just incase they are bad before moving them out of the VM?: https://whopoopedmypants.com/torrent-to-plex-my-media-archive-process/

I also have a nice torrent of most Skrewdriver albums (not FLAC) from 1977 to 2007 so thought I should share:
Anyone seeding?
aint no FUCKIN way
it's a trash documentary you airhead

Does this include an archive of all recorded Hitler speeches? They are literally wiped from the internet with the exception of some famous ones.
Check The Archives, there's some good stuff in there
You forgot to include Muhammad Sex Simulator, anon.
So is this shit safe to install?
Any videos from Facist Italy? like official videos?
Spite bump.
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made a streaming channel and YT links playlist of those songs. info on link below.

Nobody here will ever do anything other than maybe read 3 pages from a PDF that they found in this thread
There's no "black culture" or "white culture" that eternally pervades through all of time, culture always changes. If you want to celebrate some weird idea of "white culture" then go ahead and if you're posting on 4chan chances are you live in a country where nobody cares and nobody is going to stop you (yes, even America, especially America). If the only thing in life you have as a lame claim to fame is some vague concept of white culture created by long dead people who never considered themselves explicitly white then you need to step outside, get a hobby and do something that people can know you for
If you actually didn't care and had a life that you enjoyed you probably wouldn't be on 4chan in /pol/-related threads on an otherwise unrelated board. Asians, Indians, Nigerians, Jews, and others who on average outearn the average White household also don't give a shit about any of the race stuff that /pol/ is apparently not obsessed with. The ones below are usually working too hard to give a shit about if they're disadvantaged or not. You don't actually interact with anyone outside your echo chamber so you don't know that most of the non-white people online who spout random crap about white people are college kids and losers who want attention. You've let yourself be poisoned by zoomers on social media
You are a nobody and have no personality, your "ancestors" were probably peasants and they're waiting for you to do something with your life already
you VILL get vaxxed, you VILL get a covid password, you VILL experience the new reality of our agenda, you VILL be under frequent lockdowns, you VILL get nanochipped, you VILL witness the red deer event... except none of these things happened and you losers pretend like you never said any of that. You fell for a meme brochure written by some random intern at the WEF in 2016.
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>There's no "black culture" or "white culture"
didn't read the rest, niggers never invented the wheel, seethe and cope shitskin, thanks for the bump btw
Must be the first time I see one of these with Argentina not being full black

The majority of Argentina's population is white. Italian and some German blood run strong. Almost no obesity, it's pretty much the promised land if it wasn't for their economy and socialism, that thankfully they are getting rid of now.
>it's pretty much the promised land
Kek, funny enough jews have been writing about making La Patagonia their Israel even before WW2
Socialism (Peron's) made a world power out of us, on his goverment we were the strongest country in the region, sadly the CIA organized a coup d'tat and since then we were ruled by British puppet goverments.
>that thankfully they are getting rid of now.
Roru rumao, the only thing that jew milei is getting rid of it's the middle class, we're all poor now. Also he keeps wasting millions of USDs in tranny pills and other plans that exist only to win votes :). There's no salvation to this country, at least not democratically.
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Simply ebin
its a pain in the fucking rectum to download The Ark shit, it stops every 10 fucking minutes, why????
thats actually me
Where can I find safe pirated software?

[spoiler]I know it's never safe with pirate software, but you get what I mean[/spoiler]
rutracker or private trackers (cgpeers/ianon)
this is actualy pretty nice, aside the religious side the preping aspect it's well studied, seeding...
does anyone have an archive or mega with webms from the natsoc threads?
Does anyone have the original Star Wars VHS rips?
anyone got the docs from dauntless dialogue?
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Just some Ausländer Raus(Gigi cover)

Anyone have Confederate, Axis, Boer, or Rhodesian music?
Drug addled white prostitutes being abused by some of the greasiest negroes you ever saw presented to you all with the hopes of inciting your rage.

Kill yourself faggot
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>Bored out of my mind
>Nazi propaganda movie
>Let's download this, even if cringe, it can be fun
>People have died, for gods sake!!!

Nigger, are you dumb? Everyone knows about the crimes of the allies, there's multiple oscar winning movies all about that! But everyone was doing war crimes left and right, so playing the devil's advocate won't work here. Just admit you guys are still salty about losing the war, and that your glorious leader was a dummy who ignored military advice constantly, leading to his inevitable downfall
That would be a good start, if you idiots plan to keep relevant in this century. Turn the page and try something new. Blaming the JOOS for your failures didn't worked in the past, and it won't work this time around.
All of western civilization lost that war. If you're a hetero sexual white male living in any of the western democracies you have every reason to be salty. We fought the wrong enemy. We're now ruled by people who hate us and are doing everything they can to destroy us. In fact we have been destroyed if the amount of tents popping up on the sides of roads and the amount of homeless drug addicts downtown are any indication.
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Does anyone have a torrent for New Scientist magazine?
wrong thread faggot
Does anyone have a collection of Third Reich books, magazines, etc.?
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Is there a torrent of books or media related to the abuse horses receive by the amish?
This thread is fucking trash
>doesnt post his own "good" list instead
many such cases
kill yourself retard
Follow your leader nigger
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ah, so the complainer reveals himself to be a libshit tranny LOL, that was quick, ywn-baw 50% suicide squad kiddo
go to pol, you are not welcome here, nigger
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>enters thread he hates
>gets exposed
>"g-g-go away!!!"
kek, poor little axewounder trying to derail the thread and failing

continue to seethe and cope
Same nigger.
The point is, you brainrotted niggers from pol, are expanding like plague. Every board is now filled with your fucking shit, that nobody wants to read about besides your selves. Nobody wants to talk about you, nobody wants to make a contact with your goofy asses besides other self fucking faggots from that shit mess called /pol/.
You will never get a gf, and you will fucking your throat or other faggot's ass for the rest of your life.
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Didn't read, you already got exposed as trying to astroturf.

/t/ is for any type of torrents, keep seething, libnig.
No one cares about you faggot
actually the supplemental material from drug addled white prostitutes gettin abused by negroes is /pol/ related.
nope. find God.
The ban is by IP, not by coockie
Tixatti is very resource hungry, especially if you open channels and post, chat there.
find old versions of torrent clients. The new ones are made exactly to drain, use more resources from your pc, cpu, ram, storage - everything.
This is how the software mafia works for the hardware manufacturers, planned obsolescence. Soon you will be forced to buy new pc.
this is the main goal for the updates and new versions of all proggies.
Anything else they tell you is a lie.
if you are scared to torrent , you better don't.
free vpn do not allow torrenting or if some do allow it, they restrict you on bandwitm and speed.

the best way to do it have a botnet with some socks5 proxy and use them.
this is going to be slow as fuck
bro give me,please ,a phone to create a telegram account
where do you get the metal parts from?
I bet they are all bulshit . the only way to learn that thing isnas a saper in the army
the safest and most secured way for the ruler to remai in power is to make its slaves to worship and adore him.
most idiots usw ipfilter.dat ans in these ip filters the free vpns are added. so if you use those free vpns who allow torrenting , you will not connect to many seeds, coz idiots use ipfilters who block vpn ip ranges.
do not collect propaganda. All of this is a propaganda.
Download crackednprograms, pc games. although some are still propaganda.
But the programs are very useful.

I am looking for oxygen forensics cracked, if anyone has some toreents of it. Any version is fine.
I need audiobooks.
I've listened to Turner Diaries twice, and about to finish The Lightning and the Sun, and need more like them.
There is a copy of David Duke's My Awakening read by the author included in the supplemental material of Drug addled white prostitutes gettin abused by negroes vol. III that I highly recommend.


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