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Post hard to find content content, can be anything - TV , Movies , Porn , etc. If I see something sufficiently rare enough and it interests me I will seed indefinitely. I'll start with some OC:

>The Farm: Angola, USA
This is a 1998 documentary about prisoners in Angola Prison, Louisiana. Not only is there no surviving torrents, I couldn't find a legal copy of the original 1998 DVD anywhere, only VHS or the 10th anniversary sequel. I had to buy a bootleg copy of of some pakistani DVD reseller, and ran it through an AI to remove compression artifacts. This is the only surviving torrent of this documentary, please sneed.

Personally created torrent of my digitalized dvd serbian dubbed cartoon collection, although now a few high upload seeders joined, the data is still obscure as i cant find almost any of these anywhere consistently outside of a couple of them in low quality on youtube

This is a movie ive found seeded by one guy only on one torrent on dht and nowhere else, i am mostly the only seeder on it since then, although ive uploaded it on archive.org now as well, along with other rare things ive had

Anything you have rare and obscure i recommend also uploading to the archive
Good shit, I will put both of these on my seedbox
interesting concept op ill try to boot something
Neanderthal, the Mystery of the Bruniquel Cave

In 1990, a teenage boy discovered a cave near the village of Bruniquel in the Aveyron gorges. Deep inside this cave, 350 meters from the entrance, lay structures made up of hundreds of stalagmite fragments, some of which were arranged in circles and showed signs of fire use. In 2014, analysis of calcite samples dated the structures back 176 500 years, proving that their Neanderthal creators were capable of exploring underground, using fire to light their way, and of carrying out activities that were not merely subsistence-related.

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Looks like a 72.639 GB folder of different VHS RIPs of Pokemon.
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A friend of mine collects movies and lost his "The Legend of Bagger Vance" DVD. You can't buy a good version anymore, so since his wife doesn't speak english, i'm allways looking for this german version. There is no other one and i'm looking for years now... Would be amazing if you can help out, anon!

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Randomly selected NASA document! Need I say more?

>>The Farm: Angola, USA
Can you provide media specs? I have a 1.2 gig 1:29:19 long AVI of it but not from the DVD I think
One Year in Hell by Selco of SHTFSchool, giving out prepping and survival tips from his experience in the Balkans War:
I would really appreciate a seed for this
Mike Tyson - Complete Career 1981-2006

Audiobooks on self improvement and language learning
USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection 55.55GB

Fitness Ebooks v0 21.55GB
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>Audiobooks on self improvement and language learning
This one gives me an error
formatted incorrectly

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Mad About Men (1954)
Thank you
Im a chronic lurker, but i can't for the life of me find a decent collection of Anthony Bourdains shows. Anyone have a torrent like that? I would be eternally grateful.
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You did this on purpose, didn't you
Cummins Calterm?
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Pain of Love (Kærlighedens smerte) 1992

long shot but I've been stuck on 99.2% for months, does anyone happen to have the complete torrent and/or a different copy? you'd be my hero
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Cairo Drive, A documentary about the driving conditions in Cairo and filmed during the Arab spring at Tahir square; I have been trying to get this torrent finished since around late November but the only seeder with 100% is a Romanian who keeps switching on and off his computer, uploading at around 15kbps max. I should purchase the movie at this point but I am too invested now at 82% to go through with it. I have 100% of the first half hour downloaded the rest is scattered.
Much appreciated and will seed indefinitely.
>Mad About Men
mf this movie is on youtube
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Almost 65Gb of add-on levels for Quake 3:
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Coding Tutorial Videos 148.19GB
3js - Dichterbij de Horizon

wq[U`Bb t# hU5 15$3 qx#`V

(You'll need a Sindarin font to read this, obviously)

A movie torrent so rare that there's no torrent for it at all.
incest? seriously?
there is no real incest on the internet and if there is you can never know
visit your cousiin and stop being a pussy FAGGOT
Anyone got the book series the DEA released on the manufacture of different drugs? I genuinely don't care about learning to hide and bypass certain transactions in order to not be caught by the police. I simply want to learn about it- so it can be outdated like a documentary I watched that showed you how to make LSD the old way (they told the viewer that way was a sure way of getting caught)
Put the Mediainfo in a pastebin for you to compare
>ne guy only on one torrent on dht and nowhere else
Holy shit anon, thanks for Hamos The Green Chariot! I've been trying to find this for years!
i was browsing the archive page, and saw the "571,540 Random Lightshot Screenshots" tar file there. would you have a torrent for that download? the archive for that thread is dead and it would fit the thread here
This does sound interesting
Been getting in to danish movies for a while, do you have other danish movies you can seed?
Post some then or shut the fuck up

I'm not sure that requesting they post incest after they stated that it doesn't exist makes any sense.
Gryphon discology flac, It's just me and two other guys seeding the only lossless version.

Has anyone heard of a TV show from the early 00s, Til Death Do Us Part? It was a true crime show starring John Waters, only lasted 13 episodes, but I've never seen it anywhere for download, to the point where I'm half-convinced it's lost media

This has always been scarce on public trackers, and non-existent on all my private trackers. Adding it for anyone who wants it. The Brothers McMullen (1995)

>Now this is podracing, thanks for turning me onto this
A Documentary about the job of an embalmer in the poor parts of Colombia. In Spanish but has english subtitles.
where did you find this?
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Bumping with an obscure Pepe image
looking for John Schneider's To Die For (2022), haven't had any luck with torrent sites
The Big Bus (1976)
basically airplane, but with a nuclear-powered bus traveling cross-country to spite "The Oil Lobby"
Stalled at 26.9%
starting it up again
this is a classic here in colombia, kinda funny finding it here of all places
Does anybody have the Frontline doco Showdown in Haiti?
seeding it forward
Doesn't exist on public trackers. You could be the first to buy it and upload a torrent.
Its not on public trackers. Maybe its on private trackers but me thinks it is indeed lost media.
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Burst city (1982)
Not too obscure per se, but this exact release has been dead for quite some time, had to steal it from other place:
looks neat
Actually, does anyone have Triple Trouble, the 2022 movie by the Residents? If there was anything fitting of the title of 'obscure' it's probably the residents.
VA - Vocal Trance 2013 New Year's Eve Special

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Does anyone have any torrents for the softcore skinemax, playboy, or various other studio catalogues? Will reward handsomely with rare smut webms.
Who is the whore?
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> softcore skinemax
i'm actually trying to find Forbidden Science, a 2009 softcore cinemax show.
you can buy it on amazon prime video, but the second they lose the license, you're fucked and it doesnt let you download to play without their service.
you can find it on streaming sites too, but it's shit copies with desynced audio, episode 6 is usually missing, and it's 240 or 360 quality.
ideally someone who knows how to DL stuff would post since it's only $10
Thief Of Baghdad (1961)

Based on the German Bluray of the Italian version, but matches the English VHS rip.

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The Games (1998)

Australian tv show about the olympic games. Tried looking for a torrent, hard to even find a legit dvd of the show these days.
Its on ABC iView for free mate,

Find a way to rip it off the site if you want to keep it
>Find a way to rip it off the site
damn near impossible nowadays unless you know how to decrypt the fucking DRM shit they have on the site.
there's scam apps that claim they can DL it for you if you login via their app but its a massive risk, one not worth taking
Looked into it already

Pretty much the roadbloack I found
I found this after days of looking on various torrent sites

>The Simpsons Commentary Tracks From Season 1 to 19

you can find some other season commentaries separately but this is complete I believe.


Oh and another one is

>Journey - The Essential Journey; Limited Edition 3.0 (2008) 320.MP3

doesn't have a lot of seeders thoough
Looking for the 1997 version of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and The Valley of the Bees (1967)
Lil MIss Chanel
Looking for All Harry Potter with the commentary tracks (director commentary)

I can't find it anywhere. The fan wiki (fandom.com) says it's there for all movies.

pls if someone can find I'd greatly appreciate it.
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why is this torrent of a single movie 12gb?
blu-ray rips can be really big like up to 50GB. The smaller re-encodes usually come later, but it's not crazy for something rare to only be available as a big rip. In fact, we're quite lucky that it's not some ancient 700MB avi.
Does anyone have a rip of the marriage counseling classes from Geoffery Setiawan? This shit might not actually be out there, but worth a shot in case anyone somehow has it.
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hate to ask, I rather wish I had something to share. By any chance does any one have movie called Eyes of Fire (1983)
>The Games (1998)
You mean this one?
It says "The Games: Complete Series" but there isn't anything else besides the title. I could try ripping it if you give me the link and tell me what to do. I don't know if I need a free account and give details or whatever since I'm not australian.tsg8sm
This music is bretty good. I'll finish leeching and keep seeding it forever or until my pc breaks, which is unlikely.
Last known copy of this film was lost in 1965
Please Seed
Please Seed. Stalled at 64.2%
Please Seed. Stalled at 64.2%
Nirbashito (Exiled) | 2014 | movie based on the life of Taslima Nasrin, but unexpectedly focuses on her relationship with her cat. Nasrin has been living in exile since 1994, with multiple fatwas calling for her death. Churni Ganguly is the main actor and director.

Not a torrent but

Tho Big Bump (1976)
Anyone got Volcano High? The MTV dub?
Requires premium. I'm not paying to steal thing that feels wrong.
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Doubt this will work but I'm desperate, old Japanese political thriller about arms trading, very rare, I've managed to find machine subs that actually seem coherent but the file they go with is in a torrent with almost no seeds/peers.
Very first Marx Bros movie, Humor Risk. You missed your chance to see it. So did your grandparents. No torrents available.
I could use some of them italian pokemon VHS rips
any of you bros got a patreon video rip of Cold Ones from youtube,

Its one of the few things that cures my depression but i cannot afford the patreon
Playboy magazine collection, up until 2016.
I'm not requesting but if you're looking for skinemax movies I recommend Alien Erotica 1, 2 and 3, and Damien's Seed.
Now 111Gb of add-on levels for Quake 3
See if this works.
Hey, I'm looking for the movie MONDAYS/このタイムループ, anyone got this ?
Requesting a magnet link for The Silk Road (Documentary TV series) made in Japan. Produced by NHK in the 1980s.
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Thank you so much. I can't express how lucky I feel to get this finally. I really appreciate your help.
thats not a mentally ill scientifically inaccurate anthropomorphic dinosaur
do you have the old Treasure PLanet movie?
It is neither rare nor obscure. Fuck off.
fucking torrent is dead af too
no one has more than 1.74% done
"Piracy, it's a crime", the torrent (because it was so stupid it is fun)
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>Anus Magillicutty
Oldfags will probably know about this movie, it's good because it's very bad. I had this file on my pc for ages and it matches with a more recent magnet so I'm reviving it

forgot link lol
Does anybody have the full length French version of Les Misérables (2000 with Gérard Depardieu
and John Malkovich) with English subs? In fact, does anyone just have any subs for that version?

This one seems weirdly lost. And actually different to the English version for reasons outlined here:


Many fruitless years later it is still unfound.
Go Ofege yourself anon ;)



so apparently, the film Big Tits Zombie had a dub made for it that makes the whole film even sillier than it already is - it takes an already ludicrous film and basically turns it into a gag dub. Problem is, I've never been able to find it anywhere. Anyone happen to have a copy somewhere?
Just some TV broadcast preparation from 1964.

Sadly 0 seeders
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Sailor Moon Music
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Traxx movie

found a re-construction of this.

Fiona Costello.
The Auteur (2008) movie Directed by
James Westby this is hard to find the torrents I have found are dead a long time ago it's a porn comedy too
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Does anyone have the movie Hotai Club? its a movie from 2007 and I can't find a torrent for it anywhere.
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Looking for any "Great Chefs" videos. They did over 600 over the 80's and 90's, very comfy series. The narrator's voice is like velvet


There's a few samples on places like Vimeo and YT, but I'm looking for as many full episodes as possible. They sell the DVDs on their website, but they're like $250 for each of the 14 regional series https://greatchefs.com/chef-shop/dvd-tv-series/
It doesn't exist on public trackers. Maybe you can find a DVD and be the first to share!!
mandy flores - ill tell my mom
Feeding now:

Fucking Shadoe Stevens! The announcer from the John Davidson-era Hollywood squares!

Fucking hell, memory unlocked!
FUCK I remember this movie, it definitely used to be available via torrents
Will take a look and see if I still have it on some old early 2010s HDD
This work for you?
the valley of the bees is on rutracker
Just a chakuero I like: DSTAR-9097
Here's Forbidden Science (2009), only it's dual audio (rus-eng) so you have to switch manually
can't connect to seed
can only find lower quality versions of this one elsewhere online, so someone should seed this properly
Has anyone a torrent for the quite old french movie "delicatessen". Would appreciate.
he only ate 1 foot
I noticed this was a bit dead and there was an anon who I'm assuming was you asking about this in /jp/. I found all the Sayuri Ito collection on an old HD of mine and put them together into a torrent. She only did 3 as far as I can find. Here:
I'll seed as much as I can but be patient while I try to get it off the ground.
Please use this one instead: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b66447a2d3695fffde4697bd23f836ad7ed417e7&xt=urn:btmh:12205b151afb0090f6b38d68c595b850a82c32c03fc0edce49d366b7d044703b4dd9&dn=%e4%bc%8a%e8%97%a4%e6%97%a9%e7%94%b1%e5%88%a9
I accidentally zipped the first one since I was seeding a bunch of games recently and forgot most people will want to look inside and select what they want when it's a video collection.
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Does anyone have the last slice of pie?
Complete torrent ignorant here.
I downloaded this magnet and seeded it for a few days.
I am not interested in softcore porn, I just downloaded this for the sake of contributing to the thread.

The Seeds column in Qbittorrent says
> 0(1)
Does that mean I am the only one seeding it?
If I delete it from my computer, is that going to kill the torrent?
roadkill season 1-12, i'm at 100% and seeding it.
isnt this all on youtube?
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they stoppped it on youtube years ago, it's behind a paywall since then, regionlocked too, best magnet in at least a year...
if you want to be a onions dev, its old
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found a nice write-up in there.
sex is politics is the article.
Seams to me like not much has changed.
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For those whondering why I don't post the intro as well: Its just the intro, not these bars.
where's the guy with like a terabyte of high res moth pics
Bakabt would have it. Maybe nyaatorrents
>Does that mean I am the only one seeding it?
Yes, qbittorent counts yourself.
>If I delete it from my computer, is that going to kill the torrent?
Maybe. Other seeders might just not be online right now, or only do seeding at night when they don't need the bandwidth etc.
Requesting these hard-to-find things:
- Commercial Kings (2011)
- Nanalan (2000-2006)
- Kenny vs. Spenny Patreon commentary content
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Why is Mad Tv and All That impossible to find? I'm pretty sure all of it has been added to streaming by this point but I've never seen torrents for them.
Honestly, you could just press record on an old VHS camera and throw it in a washing machine with the American flag, a copy of the Turner Diaries and some random KKK paraphernalia and you'd pretty much have this movie once it runs out of tape.
great stuff thank you
BUMP for any hope of finding The Auteur.

Also, looking for 2 other rare movies:
Marco (1973)
Coons: Night of the Bandits of the Night (2005)

If anyone has these three films you'd be a hero!

Did that anon who was looking for some CYOA books to finish his collection to make a completed torrent of such ever post one? If so, anyone willing to drop a link?

>Vector Magic Desktop Edition 1.15 + Portable
Immoral tales, anybody seen this? saw just few scenes, look like art kino lol
wrong thread, jesus
try search with yandex, auteur coons and marco somebody has it on vk, but in shit quality, maybe with russian dubbing
here's more.
roadkill garage season 1-8, i'm at 100% and seeding it.
Wanna feel real fucking old.

That's Fred Rated.
Anyone have Ebola Syndrome 1080p
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>William Pierce Audio Archive, 1.65 GiB
>ideally someone who knows how to DL stuff
there's a product / service called playon that screen records amazon prime and other services in a hands off way
Been sitting on this film at 91.6% for quite a long time. Posting the magnet here in hopes someone has it...
bumping this, I have been searching for years now...
does anyone have the torrent which had photos taken inside north korea?
anyone have Riding Alone For Thousands of Miles self titled album? It's one of my favorite post rock albums of all time, but very rare and I lost my collection that had my copy. I found it on /mu/ a long time ago. so maybe someone here has it.

Lucky you two, my data hoarding ass never deleted this. Maybe I should watch it someday.

Zero seeders after a week don't bother.
Goes for almost all of these. What a waste of a thread. Probably harvesting ip ranges.

Can anyone help me find "The inventions of Dr. Nakamats"?
anyone have this?
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I'm sure this is really useful but this testimonial is so fucking funny
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Sukeban Shachou Rena Wii [WBFS], the worst sold Wii game ever. You can find some crazy gameplay videos on Youtube of it.


The life's work of a rogue nutritionist who discovered the truth hiding in plain sight but masked by layers of brainwashing and institutional power. If you want to heal yourself or just be a healthier person, this is the last stop. Almost everything you could want to know about food and health is in here.
a fucking what
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Been trying to find a quality torrent for The Langoliers (1995). I've exhausted my usual sources and so have come here.
It's a 1995 film, what better quality than any DVD rip out there could you possibly want?

The tpb proxy I was using displayed way less results than yours so I guess I'll be switching thanks
please anyone with this album respect these quads and deliver me this music I crave
[VR] LUNA MILLIS - Gamer's night 8K (52 GB).
I couldn't find it as a torrent, only the shitty resolution 5GB existed before now. Feel free to re-encode it to halve its size:

Anyone have La Diva from 2006? It’s a tv show with a big tit actress. I want to watch it.
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After my HDD crashed I lost my episodes of Popoz. It's a somewhat vulgar Dutch TV series that aired on Comedy Central and had 2 seasons starting in 2013. It was apparently also popular in Eastern Europe as I found some Ukrainian dubbed episodes. I'm looking for the original Dutch dub. I've tried buying the DVD of the show but even that seems to have completely disappeared from the world. Any (Dutch?) anons have any idea where to check? I've exhausted all torrent sites I could think of.

There is also a movie that came out in 2015, that seems to be more available, and the blu-ray of it is somewhat available in online marketplaces.

I can't find a self-titled album, but they self-released an album called A Boldogság Minden Reményét Elragadták. This is available on SoulseekQT with 4 songs labeled I to IV. Is that the one you want?

Found magnets. Downloading now too. 720p, checked one episode. First audio track is Russian, second is Dutch.


Even though they're both from the same uploader (BkD), only Season 2 has dual audio tracks with one of them being Dutch.

Thanks so far though, now I only need to find S01 with Dutch audio.
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anyone has this movie? it's an old 1960 japanese movie called Jigoku, I watched it with some friends back in the early 80's and I've been trying to find it for a while, it's a pretty good oldie and I recommend to watch it at least once.

Have you tried https://tpb.party/search/Jigoku%201960/1/99/0 ?

After more searching found 1080p Bluray RIP, but didn't test any beyond metadata works.
works pretty good
Even the source DVD itself is pretty low quality. The best I ever found is this 1080p upscale on YT, it's been up for 3 years. I have no idea how it's still up, King's lawyers are pretty tight with the DMCA
Has anyone seen Secrets of Blackmoor: The True History of Dungeons & Dragons?
2h 8m
You would need an account and most likely a vpn. But if you actually succeed, then I have a request. Dance Academy.
Was hoping any of you guys had the complete Starlog Cinemagic print run? I can only find pieces of it, even if u just have issue #23 thatd be perfect

This one?
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All 26 episodes are on this site with working Rapidshare links. I use Real Debrid so can't share a magnet link. You can sign up with debrid for $5 for 30 days, and Rapidshare downloads at full speed.

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Have been looking for this Peter Grudzien documentary for about 5-6 years now. I just don't know what to even do anymore I even went as far as contacting the filmmakers
I've been looking for this movie, but I can't find it anywhere. Can someone help me?
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anyone got Ryan's Babe?
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Looking for a place where I can download or torrent art and photobooks, more interested in the latter than the former. I've scoured the easy trackers to get access to, like myanonamouse. There ain't much out there. Libgen is relatively light on them. Even local fucking libraries don't really have much in the way of photobooks. I'm too much of an old shit to use the uni library, and I've already checked. A lot of the stuff I'm looking for is perpetually rented out. Here's a pic from Cindy Sherman's Untitled Series.
Dutch TV series Ramses, about singer Ramses Shaffy. Might have added a few too many trackers.

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Large format coffee table books have always been a challenge for scanners, they're expensive, hard to find, limited printing, hard to get access to, even harder to get access to scan outside of copyright freak eyes, but occasionally a rogue university librarian with a desire to rebuild the library of Alexandria will fight the good fight. I find Anna's Archive to be one of the best repositories for hard to find books and periodicals. A bunch of Cindy Sherman stuff here: annas-archive dot org/search?q=cindy+sherman
IPT has it, only DVD quality and around 1.4GB though. If you can't access IPT I could upload it on gofile or something.
>Tyson Complete Career
This was really good, is there an Ali one out there similar to this?
Blessed anon. Thank you very much for your help. If you're interested: I'm researching photobooks to get an idea of how to make my own. I've been doing BW portraiture that people tell me resembles Sherman's (did not know of her before) for a long time. Figure it's time to compile and make a little release to get some grants.
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G4tv Icons seaons 1-3 original avi format. These are the original raw files all the others are based off of. It currently seems dead and I have most of it but am missing 2 eps from season 3. Great series about video games and these raw files are great quality. my 2 files suffered bit rot and died sadly.

G4TV Icons Season 1-3

[PRIDE] Full Colletion (1997-2007) [By SsabroS]
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So I caved and bought the DVD, my network setup might not let me seed this, so if this doesn't work I'll upload a DDL later. This is a full disc rip (iso). Once I figure out how I'll make an mp4 or something.

The Residents Triple Trouble:
Dive deep into the psyche of Randall "Junior" Rose (Dustin York), son of a recently deceased rock star and a former priest who has lost faith in the church. Convinced that a fungus is a threat to humanity, and accompanied by his only friend Cherry, an AI enhanced drone (voiced by Isabelle Barbier), Junior slowly gathers evidence to support his bizarre theory, spiraling out of control in the process.

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Dreams in the Witch House: A Lovecraftian Rock Opera, a favorite of mine.
I could not find the EPs/singles for the life of me, I had to buy them off Amazon hence the mp3s. Everything else is FLAC or WAV, WAV was ripped directly from my CD copy.
Again, my network may not allow me to seed, I'll upload a DDL if no one can get the files.

Don't be rude.
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Hit Man 2023 with Glen Powell, I can only find shitty cam versions
>Hit Man 2023 with Glen Powell
thats because it isnt on streaming yet.

June 7 you will find it
Hello, I am searching for the undub version of Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces. I know it exists somewhere on the Internet but I can't find it. I tried to patch the game myself but I fail every time.
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>Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces

English, Japanese & Euro
Do you know what undub means, dude ?
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These are the original releases of the Star Wars trilogy, preserved digitally.

They were on Archive.org for a short time, but DMCA takedowns make these hard to obtain. Supposedly HD copies exist but I've yet to see 'em

>original releases of the Star Wars trilogy, preserved digitally.

Restored 4K versions of the original 35MM prints


4K77 83GB

4K80 60GB

4K83 66GB
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A collection of promotional imagery, drivers, and other miscellaneous things related to Dolch Computer Systems.

looking for Rawtime archives, the Austin public access call-in show from the '99. TinaRina especially. I have these https://archive.org/details/rawtime90 but theres just a few videos on here, and a couple on youtube i found. Anyone have a more exhaustive archive?
fuck off retard
There's some genuine mother and daughter stuff, but they are usually only getting fucked together and not fucking each other.
>>Hit Man 2023 with Glen Powell
>thats because it isnt on streaming yet.
>June 7 you will find it

>Volcano High

might be the one you're talking about. I'd recommend downloading it before its striked
Does anyone have:
>Asha Quinn - Open Secret
>Tim Wheater - Awakenings
>Guitar Moods

I can provide more info if needed.
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I'm back, I'll share the extra info anyways:

The reason I wanted this is because I had someone rip the music for me 13 years ago and they didn't provide any info, and for the past 8 years I have been trying so hard to find the album and track info with no luck, until a few months ago some based anon had posted a link to an aha music site which finally helped me track down these rare albums and get the info. Now the problem is that I can't find a proper torrent of these very hard to find albums anywhere, so I turn to you for help. I have qbittorrent already set up, I just need working links with seeds. Unfortunately I have no access to private torrents via lack of a seedbox, so I can only use public torrents. FLAC is preferred, but a high quality mp3 set is fine too. I just wanted to make sure I can both restore the missing tracks from these albums and preserve the integrity of these rare albums that I always listen to at night without the worry of data rot. The current tracks in my folders have been copied so many times from disk drive to disk drive, going from an old dell dimension 8400 windows xp pc, all the way to my current windows 10 iot enterprise ltsc pc, so there's definitely going to be some degradation in those remaining tracks. Picrel has even more info if you're curious.
obscure porn DVD, runaway sex


composed by the lovely Ryo Mizutsuki(水月 陵) who's done some composing for a fair bit of other vn osts(narcissu, little busters, rewrite, harmonia, summer pockets, etc..). only copy I could find online, think I'm one of the last seeders on this one
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There is an urban legend that there is a giga torrent of every Demonoid torrent before the original site was taken down the first time. There was some super obscure stuff there that has never popped up anywhere else. Does anyone have it, or can confirm that it exists?
>Does anyone have:
>>Asha Quinn - Open Secret
>>Tim Wheater - Awakenings
>>Guitar Moods
>I can provide more info if needed.

Here are Open Secret & Awakenings in flac:

The Guitar Moods is not found available online, but the physical CD is available on Amazon for $5: https://www.amazon.com/Guitar-Moods-Various/dp/B001R2ZTAQ
are there any communities that do rare seeds like this? i'm a former university archivist and have a small cache of rare media i'd like to share. would like to talk to like-minded folks.
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I literally can't find this anywhere at all and it seems like it has 0 seeds. I would appreciate if anyone has the magnet link
If you find a group that shares old/obscure/hard to find media I'd love to know, too. I've been trying to piece together a media archive for years now, but it's been slow going.
Holy shit, God bless your soul anon! I am the one who posted that request above! I cannot thank you enough for these two! I know these are very rare to come by so I kinda expected one of these to not have a lossless rip, but this is amazing, thank you! And you even used one of my favorite high speed sites, GoFile! (I recognize it because gog-games DOT to uses that site as well!)
These beautiful albums are getting more rare and I hope some people will get together to both help others find info on completely unknown and broken albums from old and failed rips, and to help make high quality flac rips when a CD is found. (I have not a single clue on how to do a proper flac rip, but maybe I could learn with an easy to follow documentation in the form of a pdf so I could one day return the favor to you and many others here.)
We must preserve these albums in this age where many things are starting to get nuked from the internet forever because of corporate greed. Once again, thank you and God bless your soul!
Does anyone have both windows and mac copies of the game "Plushie's Hustle" along with the necessary programs to play it on modern PCs? (I'm using code words to avoid being detected by the infamous autist who DMCA's any mention of THAT rare japanese CDRom game)
Do not say the real name of the game or any keywords relating to the game, just remove the extension of the file and post it to a site with fast dl speeds and share the link in base64 to avoid detection. (As long as the original hash will remain intact after I download it and put the extension back on the file, then this should be safe as long as we don't use the real name.) Torrents won't be fast enough since there's not enough seeders due to the copyright troll who detects and nukes all links/magnets in a heartbeat, but dl links will be fast enough because the game is small enough to not be a problem for me.
The more we can randomly and quietly share copies of THAT rare game to others using code words instead, the more we can beat the copyright troll and eventually outnumber him.
We just need to use code words instead of the real names because no human being has the capability to browse hundreds of sites and nuke the links with DMCA alone. That copyright troll is definitely using a bot to look for keywords and alerting him if it finds any. Please do post it if you have it, we need to silently beat that private collection autist.
Never mind anons, disregard my post because I'm a fucking idiot that forgot to toggle qbittorent in my simplewall settings (I thought the links were down but I'm just a based retard afterall). I also found the site with all the Cookie's Bustle stuff and snagged all of it, so I'm all good now.
oh fuck yeah, thanks for this anon
looking for Eric Andre Show. lost my old copy in the fire
Looking for Tears Of Santa Barbara (2015) by Lauren Avery

It seems like it's been nuked off the internet but I know it must exist somewhere. There's a Dazed article that used to play the video and a Vimeo page, that is now password protected. Hopefully someone can find it as it seems to be completely lost media at this point. Maybe someone can have fun and try and find it embedded in the sites somewhere.

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/video/116646084
Dazed: https://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/23797/1/tears-of-santa-barbara
Drug addled white prostitutes being abused by some of the greasiest negroes you ever saw along with supplemental materials. This type of content is aggressively wiped from the internet because our jew overlord wouldn't want to incite white people.

quick strokes (2006) porn dvd

Ed, Edd N Eddy - 4K upscaled
found this shit 2 years ago, took forever to download from mega so here's a torrent.
I dont have a lot of space on my seedbox so this 960GB torrent wont last forever, hope someone takes it over

Does anyone have torrent for Warhammer TV stuff? They arent available in Canadia and no one seems to be uploading in the popular sites
Can anyone help me find these? I've looked everywhere I can think of.

The Easter Egg Adventure (2004)
The Invaders: Genesis (2010)
Rising Dead (2007)
Rabid Rage (2008)
To Surive (2014)
Militia (2010)
Anonymous Zombie (2008)
>The Simpsons Commentary Tracks From Season 1 to 19
thats actually pretty good, thanks. I have the first 11 seasons on DVD but I hate digging up the discs just to listen to commentaries. And actually some of the commentaries from the first 8 seasons are genuinely good. You learn a lot about how the show started and continued thru the good years. But I still think it all went to hell in season 10.
Looking for any giantess hentai/doujin/porn megapacks, thanks volks
gag on this 6 - porn movie

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This must be the scene from jesse loads monster facials with Alison Tyler. It was uploaded recently in some streaming sites but got removed immediately. Trying to find it but cant. Anyone? Where should I look it?
porn DVD - obscure and generic - not even a dvd menu on the disc - blondes with big tits and huge asses

teen dreams series - missing #2 and #9.

Does anybody have a copy of Gale: Stay Away From Oz?
Damn near impossible to find a decent quality file.
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Long shot but can anyone find the Yamaha Teens Music Festival 1995? Specifically Marvelous Marbles’ performance? I could only find a short clip.
>Long shot but can anyone find the Yamaha Teens Music Festival 1995? Specifically Marvelous Marbles’ performance? I could only find a short clip.

This is probably the same one, seems to be the only copies out there, all 240p 1:31 seconds

Don't dig too hard. Terrible movie. I bought it at a thrift store for $1 and was disappointed.
>book series the DEA released on the manufacture of different drugs
picrel is also interesting but a glowie produced version sounds good too
Shergar 1999 (movie about a stolen race horse used to have it on dvd none of the torrents i find work)

thank you!:)

None of these work?

omg i found one that works from the link thank u
Billi Bardot, Everyone stuck on 25%,absolute no speed.

Anyone got the Cantonese dub of the 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms TV show?
Every one I can find only has the Mandarin audio track
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>Anyone got the Cantonese dub of the 1994 Romance of the Three Kingdoms TV show?
>Every one I can find only has the Mandarin audio track

None of my tools rip from the bilibili site, though all 84 episodes can be watched in 360p anonymously, or 720p with a free registration:

There is very real Brazilian sister and mother/daughter lesbian porn where they show photo IDs and everything. Basically if there's no penetration it's not (or wasn't idk) considered incest under Brazilian law.
>Does anybody have a copy of Gale: Stay Away From Oz?
>Damn near impossible to find a decent quality file.

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anyone have dvd rips or other small size version of the entire psych series?
most psych series versions out there are webdl version which are usually around 150 Tb

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