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Reviving the wonder that is /tvg/

/t/'s general thread for television show torrents.
Previous threads:
Looking for Top Gear
I'm looking for American Pickers up to current. The last person who posted a link only seeded about 25% of it then stopped.

Also, looking for a complete Seasame Street collection if anyone has one. Only link I can find is dead.
Saturday Night Live
1.6 TB

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Kung Fu Season 1
15 episodes
8 GB

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2 Broke Girls
Seasons 1 - 6

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Seasons 1 through 7

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S01 - S04

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Season 2

Holy shit, thank you so much. It was almost impossible to go through all the seasons, and find working torrents for a few episodes.
Looking for:
Top Gear
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Huge (300Gb) compilation of Svengoolie episodes

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North and South DVD all 3 seasons. By the way season 3 is kinda crummy but if you want the complete story you have to watch it.

I am looking for high quality rips of House MD with the original theme song. I can get seasons 5-8 no problem, but EVERY HD pack or torrent I donwload of any of the first 5 seasons has the shitty replaced song. I can only find them in DVDrips that are extremely low quality (and not even in 4:3 to compensate). Anyone know where I can find them?
hello I am looking for ultra q tv series
Looking for Severance
anyone have Third Watch? 480p is fine
kys fucking beggars
What do you think this thread is for
Anyone have any Seasons of..

Cutthroat Kitchen
The Hustler
Trust Me I'm a Game Show Host
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Does anyone have I Am Jazz?
lazy as fuck I know but if anyone has true detective in decent quality would be much appreciated
>Does anyone have I Am Jazz?

You can't be serious.
hello I am looking for Babylon Berlin (seasons 1 to 4 ) with
decent file size
1080p IVY versions of Seasons 1-4 of the 2018 Das Boot TV series would be mightily appreciated.
When you said "I am looking" did you mean "please find for me"?

>1080p IVY versions of Seasons 1-4 of the 2018 Das Boot
I have no clue what you mean so heres something for you to investigate.

>1080p IVY versions

Most of the iVy releases are found at the Soft Archive, but Das Boot isn't there.

iVY is an uploader who has created a bunch of good hi- res uploads. Though I thank you muchly for the link

Myea I know about Soft Arch. Couldn't find it there myself either. Though thank you
saar do you have....
some fuckin normie shit that could be found with any torrent search engine.
>>1337802 (OP)
does anyone know where I can find G4 TV stuff? like the largest collection of old G4 stuff? AOTS Xplay cheat portal the screen savers all that shit
can you please find me
PSA version of Babylon Berlin
I am a poorfag who can't download huge file sizes
>PSA version of Babylon Berlin

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Here's a Seasame Street collection:
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American Pickers:
Anyone got site recommendations? I've tried Bitsearch, tgx, and 1337x for pic and Unwrapped, but I can only find a small selection of seasons, and the only links are all stalled into oblivion
>Anyone got site recommendations?
you need to use private trackers to get full tv shows like that one
How I Met Your Mother, ING-au 4
,RUS au1-2-3,17GB
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Seconding this.
I know there's a lot of stuff on the Internet Archive but it's all disorganized and split into individual posts. It would be nice to have one, big comprehensive G4 torrent.
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Any anon got a lead for some surfing/skate video /dvd rips ?
I'd really like to have them as background at my job
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Anyone have the show mountain monsters? I’m convinced it’s lost media in these circles.
FIRST, download Firefox and install an ad blocker. For the love of god do not use these sites without an adblocker.


And please remember to share this list whenever possible. Things disappear and those "best torrent sites of 2044" or whatever the fuck are all just malware and clickbait. The ones with legit sites are always out of date. They never update their list they just keep repeating the old shit. Rargb.com has been shut down a long time. If you see a list recommending it, get off that site and never go back.
Jesus, pirate bay and rarbg are dead. Do not go to those sites.
No offense but you dont know what you are talking about and you should not be posting until you do know what you are talking about.
The impostor sites that pose as pirate bay and rarbg are not to be trusted. If you don't take my advice it's not my problem.
Sorry dude, but >>1340871 is absolutely right.
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oh course i am. the show is kino.
Let me know if you find anything. I'm trying to put together a G4 archive, but like you said it's all scattered and nothing's put together.

Dude, the others are right, a lot of these are dead. Every time I check btdig it's down. Honestly, piratebay is more reliable than some of these other sites.
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>oh course i am. the show is kino.

>I'm trying to put together a G4 archive
Share it here once it's done
I'll be seeding that until the end of time
Anyone have ALF? YOUTUBE has most episodes that I already downloaded, but there's a few that I'm missing like the 2 part christmas episode.
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Tues November 19, 2024

You guys are drunk or something.
Or you forgot to use Firefox with an adblocker.
I am currently sitting on a slow torrent that has the last episodes I need to complete the set, so gimme that time then I'll endeavour to post a complete magnet link here for you.
I agree, it's horrorkino of the highest order.
>outing yourself as a cumbrain
What do you think this board is for. Fuck off to /r/
Hey that's my line!
>Anyone have ALF? YOUTUBE has most episodes that I already downloaded, but there's a few that I'm missing like the 2 part christmas episode.

Complete Series


Aussie puppet show
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God bless
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Does anyone have any rips of The Outer Limits from 1995, specifically the unsensored/unedited version from Hulu that were up a few years ago? I found a few uploads on 1337 and RARBG that appear to be DVD rips but those were all heavily edited for the most part.
The Outer Limits - The Uncensored episodes

can't post this correctly for some reason
A quick way to check if the outer limits you have is the uncensored version is look at S1E3, I think its called Valerie. The cute blonde gets topless and bottomless a few times. Download that episode first and watch it.
Thanks! I ended up doing this and it worked out well, replaced the censored eps with the one from that magnet. Funnily enough Valerie23 was not censored but the rest were.
>Valerie23 was not censored but the rest were.
I swear people on the interwebs are fucking with us.
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King of The Hill (Seasons 1 - 13)


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Holy KEK
Can we get some seeds? I've been stuck at 48%.
thank you for your diligence.
Are the dvd rips censored? I downloaded that a bit ago and did a quick look and my copy of valerie 23 does have tits and bush, but I noticed some of the episode numbers are different than in this collection.
Got a quick time code for one of the other eps so I can check my rips?
OK so I checked IMDB and yeah, Valerie 23 is considered S1E2, because episode 1 is a double length one.
on the DVD set and on the DVD rips, that episode is considered S1E3, but in any case, she is uncensored, breasts and pubes.


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Brat Camp

anyone got a magnet for any OG dvd rips of scrubs? i can only find shitty sped up russian dubs or changed music. thanks chads
Does anyone have the best of episodes? Will Ferrell, Adam Sandler etc. Seems they've disappeared from the internet.

I downloaded these a while ago, watched them, and deleted them. Someone else should still be seeding and sharing today.
Is this a legit site? I thought rarbg was dead.
Don't trust the impostor site, rarbg is dead and isn't coming back.
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Alright so somebody named CKlicious has been posting clean rips of the original broadcast versions.


Which is cool EXCEPT from season 6 onward they are the heavily edited version. All the musical numbers and many sketches which would be deemed controversial today have been removed. As an example the "nigger" sketch from season one (Richard Pryor) is there in unedited form and the musical numbers. But in season 6 episode 1 all the musical acts by King Creole and the coconuts are gone, even though they appear in the good-nights. Also a couple sketches but I cant tell which ones. Episode is only 40 minutes where it should normally be 67.

I can only guess CKlicious is sourcing them from Peacock and NBC decided to only release the cut versions after season 5. So basically you still want the super mega 1.6TB version if you actually want to see the full episode. Which in come cases include the original commercial block.
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Perfect example. S06E05 David Carridine.
ALL of Carridines sketches are gone, even the monologue. And the musical numbers. He is there for the good nights but thats it. And he doesnt say anything and the ending music plays immediately.
Also the video quality is better but since they cut out half the content it doesnt matter. 27 minutes verses 67 minutes.
This is the best Top Gear torrent I’ve found. It’s 980gb.

This is the best.

okay, I think I found a way to streamline this. there's this YT channel called Television Archive Project that has playlists of every show that ever aired on G4. so someone would just have to rip all those playlists and then rename the vids which is the hard part.

Sorry it took so long to pull together, I had some shit going on. Here's I Am Jazz complete as promised: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d1364d647a1eecdacf1e760a0111ef327529d6a2&dn=I%20Am%20Jazz&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Did you know David Carridine died of auto-erotic asphyxiation?
>>1337802 (OP)
Anyone have torrents for
>The grand tour
>Clarksons farm
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>>1337802 (OP)
requesting families like ours

This includes the latest two seasons (I thought it got canned because of the cough)
thank you very much! truly, i did was not bothered by the wait. this will be very helpful to me in redpilling my friends on the severity of transgenderism. i am downloading now and will seed generously.
Any grand designs would be fucking great
I dream of jeannie and bewitched?
Ya gotta search before asking.


Also they have too many different formats. If you want the high quality 1080p thats like 150 gigs per season.

Hey, retard nigger, you want to stop posting links to fucked up rarbg clones? Rarbg is dead, don't use anything that uses their name. It's not safe. Idiots may beg and ask but you are infinitely stupider than them for doing this.
Are there any megapacks of Hoarders? Every result on 1337x is just single episodes.

>>1337802 (OP)
Looking for Big Bigger Biggest, 480p at minimum, english. Currently only have a mixed bag of really bad quality and Russian only.
Here's a kind of hard one, NorthWoods Law. None of the packs are seeded anymore except s15 and s4
I've got nothing from s6-14 and only various 720p files from s1-3
Anyone have anything?
I really should work on getting into private trackers....
anyone know where to find frasier subtitles? open subtitles didn't have any.
Found them, they're on SUBDL but they're kind of shitty. have to adjust them by about 1.5 seconds per episode. need to figure out how to have VLC do that automatically :D
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>>1337802 (OP)
Anyone got In Vogue: The 90s?
Does anybody have a complete Survivor 47?



Anyone have Azumanga Daioh, NON-upscaled? Every version I can find is a shitty 1080p upscale and it's horrible.
>Azumanga Daioh
babkabt has non-upscaled versions
>>1337802 (OP)
Anyone have Supernatural or City Hunter 2024?

You’re probably the fag looking for “Top Queer”
This is a long shot but yolo.
Anyone have "Beyond 2000" the American Syndicated version?
>Does anybody have a complete Survivor 47?

Wallace And Grommit vegence most fowl

That's a movie not a tv show you dumb fuck
anyone have mad men?
>anyone have mad men?

Mad Men (2007) S01-S07 (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 LION)
Hi can anyone help me find the complete uncut the sixth sense tv series & circle of fear series .
Does anyone have XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS ?
>Does anyone have XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS ?

Choose wisely:

Xena Warrior Princess (1995) Seasons 1-6 -E.Rev Complete 480p MKV x264


Xena Warrior Princess (1995) (1080p AI Upscale DVD x265 HEVC 10bit AC3 5.1 Vertag)
1080p AI Upscale
** 174GB **

Skins Seasons 01 - 07 HD

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>>1337802 (OP)
Dune 2000 director's cut miniseries in 1080p

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Homicide: Life on the Street Peacock WEB-DL (1080p widescreen).

This is starting to drive me fucking mad. I want Star Trek Discovery, s1-5 1080 under roughly 8 or so gb per season. Joy only did up to season 2, PSA is hard as fuck to find a source for that isn't up to season 3, MeGusta I can't find a complete season, and everything else is like 2gb per episode. Does anyone magically have this? I have searched several torrent search engines over a few hours and I can't find shit.
How about iVy's 55GB? That's the smallest 1920x960 I've seen.
I don't recall seeing iVy while I was looking, the closest I've seen resembling that name is Vyndros. I even tried looking again real quick and still don't see that name. Where were you looking at?
Sanet, it's an RG link, I can grab it and make a magnet if you don't find it in the wild.
>I don't recall seeing iVy while I was looking, the closest I've seen resembling that name is Vyndros. I even tried looking again real quick and still don't see that name. Where were you looking at?

I grabbed it, here's a new magnet:


Drunkposting but I was thinking about VH1 Behind the Music last night. Anyone got that?
bump? i can't find this anywhere, rutracker or elsewhere. it's definitely released digitally.
Thanks captain, very much appreciated
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In desperate need of a rip of Hornblower: The Complete Collection Blu-ray.

I'm looking for this version: https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Hornblower-The-Complete-Collection-Blu-ray/269132/

and i'm looking for 1:1 rips of the blu ray disks (NOT TRANSCODES) I need the files because i'm making a remux since I haven't been able to find one so far

this australian release seems to be the only one that isnt interlaced
>Drunkposting but I was thinking about VH1 Behind the Music last night. Anyone got that?

I found this one a while back, looks like they were ripped from YT. About 60 videos.


>requesting families like ours
>bump? i can't find this anywhere, rutracker or elsewhere. it's definitely released digitally.

Families Like Ours S01 (Familier som vores) (2024) 1080p Eng Subs

Anybody got Don Matteo? I know it's on Raiplay but I don't want to deal with vpn shit.
Do you have the Original Star Trek with the Pilot? Old drive crapped out.
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Spaced Out Episode 16 Pigs In Space Polish dubbed.

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If you ever had the misfortune of living in a liberal city, you'll recognize the caricatures of every hipster possible


>>1337802 (OP)
The Wonderful Stories of Professor Kitzel Anyone? please? I have contributed in the comics section, I have all of the series Crossed
>The Wonderful Stories of Professor Kitzel Anyone? please? I have contributed in the comics section, I have all of the series Crossed

All I could find, there seems to be over a hundred lost episodes.

The Wonderful Stories of Professor Kitzel (1972) (15 English 5 French)

This torrent won't even load for me
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>This torrent won't even load for me
Many thanks. There were 106 5 min episodes in total. Once I complete it it will be available to anyone who wants it. I do have crossed, Hitman and most of the conan versions.
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Kindly requesting the US version of Skins (2011)
Looking for How it's made or Unwrapped

Season 1 of Fraiser Bluray
Shit, I have the HiM 30 season pack but lost the torrent link.
I'm sure it's been asked before, but is there a well-organized listing for Doctor Who?

I'm hoping to find decent quality for the Ninth Doctor and up, but every torrent I find is either poor quality, terribly labeled, or not seeded.
Looking for a reality TV show called The Colony that had two seasons, ran from 2009 to 2010, and was about a group of ten people trying to survive in a post apocalyptic wasteland. All the torrent links I've found so far have had like zero seeds.
>The Colony



Does anyone have the recent SNL docu-series Beyond Saturday Night? It's not on the usual spots, and is missing ep 2 on ez.
>Beyond Saturday Night

SNL50 Beyond Saturday Night S01 1080p AV1 10bit-MeGusta

Thanks! Hopefully some higher def versions release soon, but this is great in the mean time.
Does anybody have Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12?
>Does anyone have the recent SNL docu-series Beyond Saturday Night? It's not on the usual spots, and is missing ep 2 on ez.
>>>1351387 (You)
>Thanks! Hopefully some higher def versions release soon, but this is great in the mean time.


Dead Boy Dectectives

Are there any with more seeds?
>>The Colony
>Are there any with more seeds?

New torrent, smaller size

The Colony S01 - S02 Complete h265

Zero availability and zero seeds
If you can make a new link, I'll seed
>How it's made

How It's Made (2001) Season 1-32 S01-S32 (Mixed AMZN WEB-DL x265 HEVC 10bit EAC3 2.0 Garshasp)
39 seeds

>circle of fear

I'm looking for season 5 of love island Australia
Is the SNL 50th special uploaded yet?
Ace of Cakes? Hulu only has season 9
Does anyone have good quality seasons of Dream On?
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Anyone got Twilight zone? If not will also settle for 2000's Cartoon Network and Toonami
>Anyone got Twilight zone?

Which one, OG Rod Serling or 90s?
LMK if that works
There's links to that in the old horror series thread
>>1132493 →
Anyone have the following shows:

Good Morning, Miami (2002-2004)
The Invisible Man (2000-2002)
>Kung Fu Season 1

This and Wonder Woman were my dad's favorite tv shows back in the day.
HBO's Real Sex
You Can't Do That on Television

This community is the best.
Can any Anons help me find these old shows?

Around the World in 80 Dreams (1992)
Bookmice (1992)
Between the Lions (2000)
Seasame Street
Survivor *Seasons 40+
The Amazing Race *Seasons 30+

Where is everyone finding new US TV episodes now? I'm seeing some shows like Curse of Oak Island, Deal or No Deal Island, etc. are not showing up on the scene until the day after they air. Did they quit releasing them in Australia first or on Discovery Channel & Prime at midnight?
I just snatch the NTb, FLUX or scene web-dl off BTN or BHD. pretty sure they just rip them from amazon or whichever streaming service has the best quality for the release whenever it goes up. The source is in the filename for NTb and FLUX but not scene releases
Sometimes if you're lucky the scene release will list the service it was ripped from in the nfo file. As an ex-scener myself I think it's completely retarded that this isn't a requirement. In mp3/FLAC scene for WEB releases they are required to include the URL it came from. They improved things greatly by requiring proof pictures for all physical media but it's a real race to the bottom with WEB sourced content.
I'm looking for the entirety of TMNT 2003
it's on 1337x
>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) - Season 1-7 - 480p x265 10bit EAC3 2.0
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Does anyone have the Primeval series and the sequel?
Sorry for coming back so late man thank you
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Fuck wrong person thank you
>Does anyone have the Primeval series and the sequel?

Primeval (2007) S01 - S03 DVD and S04 - S05 Bluray h264


Primeval New World (2012) (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Vertag)

My most sincere thanks
Anyone got Shoresy? Season 4 particularly.
Anyone have the Terror?
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For the life of me I can't find Blunt Talk anywhere, and the places I can find are just dead torrents. Any help?
Thank you!

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