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The Good Son Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What initially drew you into Warhammer 40,000?
my uncle who abused me

Totalbiscuit. Not much else until I tried the Dawn of War games. Now I'm more AoS, but I like enough of 40k to follow some conversations.
>Different weapon on each sponson.
Mans a fuckin' psychopath, only a sick fuck would make their tank with a different weapon on each side sponson.
A friend from the neighbourhood when I was a teenager. Only stuck around for a year or two. Returned to the hobby 15 years later and the spark was the total war game. Initially only fantasy but eventually branched into 40k too
I just bought 5 of the beautiful metal wraith guard and I wondered how they are in this edition. 190 points is pretty steep with no invuln and things.

Is there a way better weapon option and are spirit seers good with them? Im not great at the game so knowing how to play the unit would be good
'The Founding: A Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus'
'Horus Rising book 1'
Correct starting point for those two respective series?
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I traded a creased and water damaged blue eyes white dragon and a few gogos for a battle for macragge monopose tactical squad on the playground about 20 years ago. Then I played DoW and really got into the setting.
>What initially drew you into Warhammer 40,000?
Wandering into the mall GW sometime around 4th edition and seeing wow cool robot (one of the big Tau battlesuits), then following it up with Fire Warrior (the video game). I've only become fiscally deranged enough to buy models in the last couple of years, though.
newb question:
I like both space marines and guard, can I build an army combined of both? Thanks!
Sadly no.
Combined armies are not really a thing.
that sucks, they interact so much in the lore it feels weird not having like mostly guard army with some space marines in there to help out
You can kind of get what you are looking for with doubles matches. You and a team mate each bring 1k points to the battlefield instead of one big army of 2k points. You can field it against a other team or again one player playing a normal 2k army. It's not an official tournament game type but lots of local game store players will gladly do it for fun.
Guard x Space Marines is a staple of 40K lore.
If i am not mistaken the only things you can mix are imperial knights with imperoum stuff, imperial agents with imperial stuff imperial guard with Genestealer cult, chaos knights with chaos stuff, deamons and chaos (not sure). i think thats it and all these are extremly limited in combining (for example just one knight OR 3 armieger can be used in an imperial army.
>coolest Marine minis
>terrible in melee combat
>terrible at ranged combat
>terrible durability
Why is GW like this? Maybe at 45 points they would be worth taking.
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>Horus Rising
It's essential reading if you wish to understand and fully appreciate pic related.
I'm sorry, what kind of retard drew this?
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That lads enjoying that a bit too much.
>>coolest Marine minis
You and I will never agree on this.
Fleshborers arent god-damn Mars Attacks style ray guns!
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>Horus Rising
It's essential reading if you wish to understand and fully appreciate pic related.
maybe that is the reason, those that like the minis buy the minis even if they are crap ingame and those that are not as nice need to be good ingame so people buy them.
You marine pigs make me laugh. Looking at 3+ 4++ T4 3W and say "they just aren't durable at all ..."
I love this guy's art but the laser from the nids is awful.
It is always in realation to points.
What is the worst piece of official 40K artwork? Pic related.
Doesnt really matter though. I get the perspective but points dont actually effect whether something is durable or not.
>Brought in GT placing lists going 5-1
Whoopsie! Shitter detected
That's what people mean when they say it, autismo
Words have value dumb fuck cunt die bitch, use words.
They have decent melee. They are very durable. They have got uses. They are overpriced so they aren't optimal.

They still look boring as fuck
I will never understand people that unironically enjoy SM minis when literally every single faction is more interesting aesthetically
So i recon you are not someone that plays the game because it sure does determine how durable something is in game.
tyranids shoot whatever the fuck they want
THERE ARE words that determin that they are overpriced and imply that they are just bad in melee FOR THE COST, you just didn't get it.
If I had the money and time to do another army I would do a full terminator SM army.
It's the only marines I really like.
also I can agree on that, regular troops and most vehicles suck dick though
But in this art it actually looks like a chemical explosion propelling the fleshborers and devourers.
It's not that hard, nids shoot bugs or other things out of biological weapons.
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>cum guns
Uh oh tourist meltie

Sorry you don't understand how words are used here
Exception for me with the old tactical squad. I dunno, the old marines, even if they are shorter, have something I really love.
If I ever did this I would paint them in several blood angels chapters colours to justify so many terminators together and reference the DoB
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Wonderful, isn't it?
Depending on the points you can have a unit go from unusable to essential while retaining the same stats and abilities.
It's all a balance of how much it costs to put it on the table and how much worth you can get out of it untill it dies.
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>Yes biped, we have pretties for sale. Weapons and slaves and secrets. The price is ours to name after the sale, but do not fear biped, it will be fair.

Do you accept? What do you buy? What do you think he wants in return?
and this one's chemical reaction is a bioplasmic jet

suck a biomorph
>The price is ours to name after the sale
Fuck no I don't accept, what a retarded business model.
Basically anything from around 8th edition to now. Anything that's just basic drawings of actual miniatures. Anything by that guy who draws shitty paper thin weapons.
>I'll take a.. uuhhh..... do you have any jokaero rings? no, it's not for fingers
Can you stop being obtuse?
We have a good amount of lore on how Tyranid weapons and specifications what they fire.
Artists being lorelets proves nothing
He said it'll be fair, don't you trust him?
Wonder if you can get a digi-weapon cock ring?
Shoot him and take whatever he has, If HE determines what's fair after the trade you are always fucked.
If it would be fair in both his and my eyes he could state the price beforehand.
it's not digital if it's for a cock, now, is it?
I love having to clean the mould lines off every individual bolt on hanging ammo belts!!!!!
stryxix are the typical unknowable merchant trope. You could buy a gun and he could want anything from money, to a keyring or your left testicle. Their reasons are their own
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do you have any description that mentions biostatic charges for fleshborers? or any that absolutely excludes the possibility of variations for the gun's projectiles or type of reaction?
When will Geedubs release the 3rd ed rulebook and codices for print on demand so I can ween my local player base off of 10th?
Yea like i sayed, your hand is worth shit to me but for you it is extremely valuable. If you don't know if the trade is worth it for you its just a scam.
can't you print the scans?
I guess it would be cockwork then.
I bought an Ammo-Jack from a Chinese recaster anon. I discovered myself in that trial. I fell through pain and frustration, I almost touched Nirvana during that cleaning process.
Never but you can find that stuff as downloads online or second hand if you really really want to.
Why wouldn't they? Even greedy-ass WotC sells print on demand copies of AD&D through drivethru.
I love size comparisons.
For the same reasons they don't have already.
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What's the point of having air intakes on the jump pack if, as evidenced by the inceptor design, the large thrusters don't need intakes? The smaller stabilizer thrusters might need the air for jets, but then there are also such thrusters on the back of the legs and there aren't any intakes on the legs.
Sure there are the knee shield is hiding vents
We've reached the point. Where the designs look like the bulked up "space marine as gundam/transformer" artworks youd see from 15 years ago. It doesn't look like a space marine.
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Also the plating not covering their kidney area makes it look like they have more top heavy builds than they actually do
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So now that battleline is basically mandatory for competitive play, how are you changing your lists?
People already took battleline competitively. The actual answer to that question is how individual TCs decide on what missions they'll be running. Its like asking how you'll build for Servo Skulls when absolutely fucking zero tournaments ever ran it
Because meta. If GW officially came out and said "we're still selling older edition rules, and not just in limited time fomo runs," people would just run to those older editions whenever the meta changed and they didn't like it, or if they didn't like the new edition rules, etc. Communities might even pop up that reject 10th ed in favor of index 8th, or 5th, or 4th, etc etc. This not only would cannibalize 10th edition core rulebook sales, but also prevent people from buying 10th edition campaign books, chapter approved, new codices, etc. It'd also prevent some people from revamping their entire collections due to massive balance changes. Compare this to D&D, where the player base actually mostly makes fun of editions before 5th and decries them. Not so with 40k.

They want to keep people on the current edition train until it runs its course: If people had the option to just jump off the train and get on one they prefer, they wouldn't get as much sales. They have engineered the 40k community since 2017 to more or less accept that "new is always better." Offering an alternative would just open the eyes of the customer base. There can be no alternative, not for GW.
Why waists soo skinny
I am reading the lore from "Kill Team: Termination" and have read the lore from the Pariah Nexus.

The Votann Kin view humanity as weak. They don't think twice about killing massive numbers of humans if it benefits them. They have no empathy for their fellow human species.

What is GW thinking by writing them like this? The dwarfs in WHFB and AoS, while flawed in their way, think humans are foolish and ignorant but they will march to fight in their aid and are stalwart to the human factions. The Leagues of Votann are nothing like that. They are greedy and evil.
That’s a pretty dope toy.
I want the crack you're on little bro
Le grimdark
>They are greedy and evil

Yes. It's 40k. Everyone is bad. Are you some kind of newfag? Go back to marvel if you want good guys.
Because they are classified as Xenos and not abhumans now so GW needs to double down on the only war thing between the Imperium and every other faction.
>I like 40k
>i am bothered by factions being fucking horrible and awful to each other in a setting where the average modern day person would be better off offing themselves than living in it

Pick one.
The desperate try to seperate them from the Imperium and make them grimmdark borderline evil like everyone else.
>The dwarfs in WHFB and AoS, while flawed in their way, think humans are foolish and ignorant but they will march to fight in their aid and are stalwart to the human factions

I mean so are (high-flavored) elves in fantasy. Their craftworld eldar 40k equivalents, meanwhile, will burn an entire hive world if it means they can save just one eldar life, and view humans as ants. Think of Votann as less "40k dwarfs" and more "Votann are to dwarfs as eldar are to elves"
Gw needs to change the fucking glow on the warp spiders gun from red to blue or white PLEASE
a kid I went to soccer camp with. we nerded out with 40k 4th ed and Pirates of the Spanish Main, but I was 12 and couldn't afford either. we didn't keep in touch after camp.
nearly 20 years later, I had the money and time to pick it up. I was in a game store playing Pirates (somehow the game is still on community-run life support) when the 40k gamenight started. I asked to watch a game of KT and asked a few questions, went home and started watching lore videos and looking into the game again.
and now i've spent way too much money on little plastic men
Ive misplaced a single exarch from my army and I cannot find it. Ree.
Aeldari can feel empathy for humans and have helped humans for no other reason than it was the right thing to do.
We have PoV of some Asuryani warriors and we see that they don't enjoy killing humans it's what they have to do.

There is some brightness in the Craftworlders.
It's called WARhammer, not peacehammer. I think you need to find a new hobby.
Friend wanted to try it, he saw the shop by accident pulled me with, we bought the starter and some models/paints n stuff, he never finished his army and never played a single game in his life.
i mean, you could do this without team mates too. just talk before and agree on "hey 500 of the 2k points can be from a secondary"

terminators are probably going the way of the firstborn. we're down to just the regular squad and the assault squad. gravis marines are better and have more variety. plus GW seems intent on dropping lightning claws from SMs so they can be more of a CSM iconic weapon
idk what that means for GK, since terminators are their thing and will they get primaris-fied?
Can we stop ironically trolling him. The idea that they have tried to separate from the imperium many times but both sides keep needing each other so an uneasy alliance that often ends with war, and underhanded dealings being more common is more interesting.

The artwork they showed when they revealed vottan showed them interacting with imperial diplomats, being a tier above xenos and a tier bellow admech in terms of social relationships with humanity.

Newfag zoomer detected
go nuts
I refuse to deadname.
>introduce vottan with a meme video showing them as having a sense of humour
>Introduce the idea that theyve seperated from humanity but cant cut ties completely or they wouldnt survive
>Dwarfs are Scottish coded so this is a perfect referendum reference, putting back to 40k roots of having political jabs

>Fail to keep or do anything with the concepts.
To be fair, the "humanity" in question here isn't like you or me; it's the fucking Imperium.
>Compare this to D&D, where the player base actually mostly makes fun of editions before 5th and decries them. Not so with 40k.
this might hold true if 3.5 didn't have pathfinder
itd be like if there were a game rivaling 40k in popularity based on 4th ed
Wow, they dont have everything but this website is amazing thanks anon
Has anyone checked the new genestealer cults codex? I'm curious to know if there is a new vehicle or something industrial listed.
>We have PoV of some Asuryani warriors and we see that they don't enjoy killing humans it's what they have to do.

We also have had descriptions of craftworld eldar killing massive numbers of humans if it benefits them since 3rd edition. They never enjoy doing it, but if that's what it takes to prevent a prophecy that sees their craftworld destroyed, it's what they'll do. They will also happily assist humans when it suits them. Votann are the same way. Neither Votann are Eldar are human, but are each human enough to be willing to fight alongside Imperials just as often as it wars with them, unlike nastier xenos. It greatly depends on the situation.
Eldar and Dark Eldar are also an option.
there would've been a new model to go along with a new dataslate, no?
>deamons and chaos (not sure)
You can staple daemons onto any other chaos army but it made it stupidly restrictive (to take any unit that isn't battleline, you must also take at least one battleline unit of the same god keyword per said unit).
I think it flies under most people's radar that humans almost never get to interact with craftworlders when the latter have their war mask off. It's not a thing most anons will be aware of unless they took a specific interest in eldar and went to read up on them in some novel or older codex.
Vottan arent human? Yes they are. They are humans living in high gravity for generations and generations and now they have space cancer too.
If you're so pissed off about it, why don't you do us all a favor and shoot up Warhammer World so GW can bring back 3rd edition rules?
Without their warmasks eldar would probably cry every single time they had to kill a human, people sleep on eldar lore.
>Shooting the shopkeeper
Careful now >>93043150
They are not human. They are manmade clones governed by aging AI whose data has intermingled with thousands of ancestors' memories. They are the Men of Stone: Constructs created to assist humanity's interstellar expansion, but not truly human themselves. They are children of humanity, not members.

Also, it's worth pointing out that there's a huge, huge difference between "empathy for humans" and "empathy for imperials." It's very likely that the Imperium being so inhuman has made the DAOT remnants that are the Kin so disgusted by it that they have no qualms about razing Imperial worlds if it means they get the resources they need. It's overwhelmingly likely that they NEVER tried this shit during the DAOT and have only begun doing this in the Age of the Imperium.
Look dude they are human clones of humans that are human. At best you can say their genetic code is so altered by shit cloning its tough to still call them human.
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Cool minis app painted up all nice in the shop windows glass cabinets in the late 90s. Saw them and thought "I want to make minis like that, its cooler than my airfix". : )
Really? Didn't know that and makes no sense does it? (have barely any idea about eldar/deldar lore or rules)
What tier would you rate your favourite unit this edition?
Mine is striking scorpions which I rate a C tier unit in 10th edition.
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I saw this image when I was 11 and thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen and I still do. I had to know more.
If he is an ass then i am an ass.

>They are the Men of Stone
Wasn't there a video just yesterday that would proof you made this up?
It was hanging in my art teachers office and he didnt even know what warhammer was or what it depicted.
Why is warhammer more popular but the art so much less grand?
The only company with grand art is wotc with magic
Part of why they adopt the war mask isn't just to make the act of killing easier, it's also to guard themselves against taking pleasure in the act. Rather than cry every time they'd risk being overwhelmed by exhilaration in the manner of deldar.
>The only company with grand art is wotc with magic
maybe years ago

and it's only going to get worse now with bots
It's unclear. The guys who did all the classic 40k art are still alive and working, GW just chooses not to hire them.
What do you do if you/your opponent gets wiped off the board in turn 1, before the first player even finishes their go?
>Soul Grinder
D. I love the addition of weapon options, but this >>93070236 completely ruins said options by tying them to lesser daemons.
>Oh, you want to use the scream profile? You'll need to buy and use daemonettes too.
Instead, I have to run mine as a Defiler.
>The guys who did all the classic 40k art
left GW tired of doing the same stuff for several years. It's not a secret, talented artists get bored doing repetitive work
Win the game and start again?
Why do saving throws not come before wound rolls?
The only way that happens is if you are playing specific armies and deployed like a mongoloid or your board is not fit for purpose
faster gameplay
because it adds a bit to the suspense and it's more rewarding when you save
It's not the first time they release a codex with units with a model not yet published
Because there's no point rolling to save an attack that doesn't wound.
be glad you don't play sisters of silence in HH, almost the entire army doesn't have models
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Eldar have much closer relationships with each other than they do with any other race. Even if they have deep fundamental disagreements over just about everything, they all will quickly unite against Slaanesh (and to a lesser extent all of Chaos) as their mutual great adversary.
That sucks, this daemon rule is nonsensical. Itd make sense to have to bring a character not battleline
When was the last time 2012?
they don't do that for 40k anymore.
No models no rules.
>I get the perspective but points dont actually effect
If Baneblades were 50 points only for 1, you and I both know everyone would be fucking spamming them out the ass.
Same with Bladeguard, their stats might be good but they are not worth it at all in terms of cost.
Just use anything else instead, like terminators or gravis.
Ynnari potential:(
At the start of the edition I would have called them D tier, but now since their last buff they're solidly in A-/B+ territory.
I will never understand people that unironically enjoy tyranid minis when literally every single faction is more interesting aesthetically
The weird thing is that it was ostensibly added to prevent spam... but the most spammed CD allies at the time *were* battleline, being Horrors and Nurglings.
Ok. Doesn't change if something is durable as a blank statement
being a low effort contrarian sure is fun isn't it anon!
I thought Drukari are more or less worshipping Slaanesh in hopes he spares their soul? Being kriminal priat scum killing and torturing everything they get?
And eldar use kristals to lock their souls away matrix style so that slaanesh can't get them?
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Kitbashing is too dangerous guys.
Are there rules for that?
Is there a full version of the art for #3?
They dont worship slaanesh, they provide them with pain so she looks the other way. They clone themselves or grow back from a severed hand, to avoid death.
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what do you get?
>But in this art it actually looks like a chemical explosion propelling the fleshborers and devourers.
Which is wrong.
Fleshborers "fire" by having the borer beetle itself pushing itself out by using its own legs like a grasshopper.
There would be no chemical bullshit because that's not how it even works.
And devourers are fired by an "bio-electric jolt" basically meaning the tyranid tasers the gun which then causes it launch the worms at the enemies.

And no, just because something is "bio-electric" doesn't magically make it chemical in anyway.
TQ - WC3 40K Tower Defense. It was fun and had text describing the units. It sounded so over the top cool I looked more into it. Then I met a guy who played and he gave me some Necron units. Been playing over a decade now since 7th.
She doesn't look away. Drukhari have their souls drained by Slaanesh passively. This affliction is called the Thirst. Being in the Webway slows the process. To top off their withering souls, they need to be exposed to suffering and violence. All they are doing is delaying the inevitable.
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I go green.
Is that only with Skysplinter?
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They're just sticking Wahammer names on random drinks, they don't even fit thematically.
>They dont worship slaanesh, they provide them with pain so she looks the other way.
That just sounds like worship out of fear so the specific deity doesn't smite your ass out of anger.
idk necron croissant is pretty good
>well ok
And it doesn't change the fact that you're still retarded.
Help me remember where I put my warp spider exarch
See >>93070481
They don't worship her. He got it wrong. They don't bribe Slaanesh. They fix the damage she is causing to their soul.
This basic knowledge is available in the codexes or even on the wikis.
This isn't /v/. This is teegee. You should be aware of this. Fucking tourist.
It's bullshit. What actually happens is Deldar are constantly getting their souls leeched away by Slaanesh and so they have to feed their souls with the suffering of others.
Sorry to inform you but dark eldar lore is probably the least relevant lore nobody gives a fuck.
24" inches from you into the floor
woah careful there anon, make sure to go to emergency care or you might die from the blood loss
Second drawer on the right.
>You should be aware of this. Fucking tourist.
not caring about ancillary NPC faction lore doesn't make you a tourist
>ratfucked proportions
>horrible shading
>Zorn palette
>bad outlining
Blanche is a hack
They are definitely better in sky splinter, but not completely dependent upon it.
The biggest buff they got was being able to be led by an arcon, because that gives them rerolls to hit and wound with a pain token.
And they still get an extra AP on their attacks regardless of detachment.

Sky splinter just gives them a lot more tricks with the disembark charge and wraith-like retreat back into transports. But you can kind of still do that even without that attachment using venoms. And of course Lance on the disembark which combos with the rerolls to make them exceedingly good
>What's the point if X design cue
Looks cool or needed to fill negative space on the model. Any other answer is autistic
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Pic related but forgotten
based low effort contrarian
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Mega genes > chaos
Genestealers out here carrying the Tyranids on their backs.
That's rad as hell
Dawn of War. I only started painting models within the last few years, but I've been a fan of the setting for close to 20 years now.
>120 boyz before
>120 boyz after
I might throw in some snagga boyz now.
Those prices seem too cheap for GW.
a local shop has krieg by steve lyons
worth it?
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What are the cables on his boots for?
Thank you for the free 20VP ork-kun
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I know it's a long shot, but could anybody post a size comparison between the GSC Goliath and the IG Taurox please?
In return I am posting models
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this one?
Any time!
supossedly there is multiple krieg books, not sure if I can just grab that one and read it
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One more week
wait I just realised you uploaded whole pdf what the fuck
is this only a /tg/ thing?
First of all thanks a lot anon, but I just personally have to have it in paper, it's a huge part of the enjoyment for me
Making the autistics irritable
>competitive play
I have friends and don't have to rely on pickup games to play with my space dollies
You say that as though Leagues of Vuitton didn't just come out
Neat. I hope for the love of God you guys don't play 10th edition then.
i have more if you change your mind
Contrarianism isn't a personality
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Behold: Feeties!
>having friends is contrarianism
That might be one of the saddest things I've ever read
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Sure is, bb
Found it in my bits box covered in paint that spilled. Time for a repaint.
Every time I see someone ranting about 10th edition I can only imagine it is the AVGN screaming "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING" while holding the leviathan box as the one posting
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Nah bro, I hate this shit.
> I've ever read
I don't think you can if thats what you took from it :)
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I don't thin my paints
I don't remove mold lines
I don't use a wet palette
I don't prime my models
I don't use varnish
all gravis armours have them with the exception of inceptors where the tubes connect to the thrusters on the legs, we can assume they serve to increase the energy input into the legs-powered features, especially considering how the main feature of the armour is its added weight, hence the name
Prove it.
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>I don't thin my paints
>I don't remove mold lines
>I don't use a wet palette
>I don't prime my models
>I don't use varnish
only priming and varnish is necessary of those 5. Mold lines I will never understand why anybody gives a shit, I can never see them once painted. Wet palette is a noob crutch and only useful if you're not using citadel paints (which you shouldn't be).
Apparently for drawing the eye directly to mold lines. Holy shit that's unacceptable quality for something this expensive.
this is one of the most telling no-models posts I've ever seen
Amazing job anon
Mold lines will immediately make even the most immaculate paint job you've ever seen look like shit
You could have just typed
>my models look like shit
And saved everyone the time reading
It's true unless you factor in that the knowledge of Chaos is suppressed while the knowledge of the mutant and to a lesser extent the Xenos isn't.
>I can never see them once painted.
You're either a nomodels, or you're blind
More AoS announcements tomorrow?
looks nice so far! best of luck on your Hive Tyrant anon. I think they're the greatest Tyranid around.
Announcements don't happen on Sundays aside from what is going up for preorder next week
Hopefully. The next Warcry box is due.
well post models you painted following these rules :)
That's an announcement, buddy.
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these are the same people that will give you advice on how you should paint your models
still upset that we laughed at your orange and teal marines huh?
Print it out then you ungrateful faggot
Post them please lmao
schizo post
I don't save your slop orange marines, sorry
I'm not that guy actually but now I'm interested
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>Craftworld suffers terrible losses to recover a single suit of armor for a character
>That character did literally nothing and is now discontinued
Eldar 'victories' are funny.
Do people who make this kind of post think that the general only has like 12 users
Sometimes a new unit is showed in the codex and the model released then.
I'm asking if is any new vehicle on the codex

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wish his model was tau rambo
I mean the bases are shit but the scheme itself isn't that bad, I don't even see anyone really laughing at him
I think you should chill out, anon
dude what is your fucking vendetta with these models
I saw you sperging out over them last month too
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Pew pew pew
They're not half bad, what the fuck are you smoking?
Dying breed, hopefully they're relegated to Kill Team next edition.
Tolkien slop belongs in fantasy settings not sci-fi.

The orks are cool though.
I'd always been aware of warhammer 40k as a thing for as long as I can remember, but what made me take the plunge is when I started reading the articles on 1d4chan around 18-19 and realized I actually had enough money to start buying stuff and painting it
Krorks are cool. Orks are just as much tolkein slop as elves.
I stopped smoking to buy 40k, not because it's a money issue, but I just don't feel any guilt spending $200 on a couple of grams of plastic.
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model posting. land raider goes pewpew.
thanks anon, you're very kind
Yeah but Orks in 40k are really fucking cool and funny.
Love the Ork players and their kitbashes and builds too.

Elves and midgets have none of those qualities.
You aren't slick
Why do Chaosfags get so upset about Knife-Ears?
isn't it about time for your daily meltdown over your imaginary lack of new eldar releases
Two of those posts were made within 23 seconds of each other.
>inb4 kafka trap
he feels similar to a schizo that sometimes comes to shit /wip/ up
Because they don't fit the 40k aesthetic and theme, their models look like fucking shit too, and not getting any refreshes filla me with hope they'll get squatted in the next edition or two.
What is so hard to comprehend?
Take your meds schizo
looks really good but the green feels a bit flat, maybe some splotching with a different green would help?
How is that any worse than marines with spikes?
I'd even argue that space marines do the whole skulls angle better than most of chaos range and mechanicus is better at body horror than them too

There are but a few models that make me feel that they fill a niche well like the DG, and TSons, but in general only a few sculpts do CSM well enough to be a chaos faction
Ignore the other anon. Your green looks good. He's just blind to the weathering.
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Your corpse god knows nothing of Flavortown
Look, let's not conflate all the elf complaining together.
There are people that don't like how they play on the tabletop because when played well they are non-interactive and fast armies are always at least mod tier and oftentimes end up broken.
There are people that dislike their model aesthetics because they are very smooth and flat without much detail and contrast with the usual 40k grittiness, but also have a bunch of ancient models that still have weird proportions and make them look even more awkward.
There are people that hate them because of their portrayal in the lore where they are proud and haughty people and have all the usual elf tropes despite being total losers on the back foot with no real reason to be smug anymore.
And then there are people that just hate the way GW portrays them in most modern lore where they are often humiliated and all their struggles are pyrrhic victories at best and their place in the galactic meta plot is meandering and weirdly absent even from events that they should have a keen interest in.
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You think spiky hedonist subspace pirates don't fit the 40k aesthetic?
Other than that you're right though.
Because far too many "No, you shouldn't get that release you want" posts seem to be followed by "not while Eldar still need XYZ".
I appreciate both of your opinions.
Very useful. Cheers anon.
Phoneposting won't save you now
the madlads actually fucking did it. half a million points apocalypse event.
Hey Anons;
So I just got my Airbrush in and I have the Compressor for it on the way and was wondering how I'm supposed to Go about assembling my First Model (A Leman Russ)
Should I thin my Tamiya's Cement before I put it into the Airbrush or is it already thinned enough?
How much do I need to spray to get the parts to stick together and what PSI should I use?
Also what Kind of Russ should I build? I was thinking of either an Eradicator or Vanquisher Tank Commander?
Kind of a similar position, I stopped going to clubs/bar and was amazed how much money I was spending while drunk

Not all goes to 40k and paints/brushes, but it's nice to actually have savings for a change
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you are in the wrong neighborhood to be asking advice on airbrushing
you dont airbrush your plastic cement, you use the little applicator brush attached to the lid
Recycling footsweat into drinking water.
Oh, that makes a lot more sense, I thought that was like a Stirring Wand or some shit
Any cool knight stories? be they chaos or imperial.
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>Oh, that makes a lot more sense
You weren't baiting about using plastic cement in your airbrush?
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I really shouldn't.. however..
A guy i play with stole a piece of terrain from the lgs and won’t take it back. Feel bad, as the guys who work at the store are always nice.

I’ve been looking for a replacement part but can’t find one for under $80 and don’t want to buy the whole set anyway.

Does anyone know a place that’ll do me a print of a single terrain piece from a set so I can paint it and give it to the store? Looking to spend $20-30 tops (I’m not the thief and that’s about as much as I’m willing to be out fo pocket to make things right).
>imperials cheating to have even more points
>disgusting parking lots of tanks and artillery
Happy pride month anons c:
>Should I thin my Tamiya's Cement before I put it into the Airbrush
what the fuck am I reading
>stealing from the community terrain
You should double check your shit. He probably steals from his friends too
friend got 3rd edition starter set for his birthday and we got into faba pretty much immediately
later many years after when dawn of war 1 was released many of our friends and their little brothers who had previously laughed at our hobby hopped on, that game had some serious pull when it comes to 40k
Hey,this is almost verbatim my personal experience too. Same box, only I split it with my brother.
DoW is probably responsible for half the posters here.
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Chaos Space Marines, Heretics, Cults, Chaos Knights, Daemon Engines etc are all the embodiment of Warhammer 40k.
Without Chaos this would be just another sci-fi setting nobody gives a shit about.

Dark Eldar are pretty alright, their cyber goth style is miles above regular eldar and squats.
>I don't assemble or paint
We know.
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>Werr! Akcthually!!!
Cope harder, Chaosfag.
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Ok, so I don't need the Airbrush to apply the Plastic Cement?
Is there anything else I need to put this together or am I good?
This keeps reinforcing just how better the battles can be when there is a game master ruling how players can think out of the box
definitely want clippers and not just an xacto knife for removing pieces from the sprue
Looks like shit, genuinely.
don't listen to the trolls, the airbrush was literally made to apply plastic cement
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Okay, so... There are no Traitor Chapters from the blood of Sanguinius? Not even asking if there's any Blood Angels who turned Traitor, but none of their Successors either?
blood angels have a hate for chaos literally burned into their genetics by a chaos daemon's curse
why would any major contingent of them or their successors willingly go traitor
Nah chaos alone is better than spiky marines
Their characterisation has been shit for a while too
Defining feature of blood angels is they all have ptsd of horus killing their primarch. None of them want to hang out with people aligned with horus or his followers
I can't think of any off the top of my head. There were the Knights of Blood, but they're officially extinct. The Angels Penitent have been coopted by a preacher who may or may not be a heretic and potentially a Chaos stooge, but as far as they and everyone else are concerned they are still loyal to the Emperor.
Didn't the encarmine something made a pact with a demon to cure themselves of the rage?

When one falls to the rage they are immediately cured but they have a small chance to meet the demon and the demon asks them if they want to join chaos, if they say no nothing happens and they are cured of the rage however if a single one of them says yes the entire chapter is doomed

I'd say that's pretty heretical
Honestly I'd always just kind of thought that the bio-electrical shock isn't a very visible phenomenon since it's happening inside of the gun and the bursts of chemicals or viscera occurring when the symbiotes are fired are just a by-product of the mechanism by which it does so rather than an artist misinterpreting them as the mechanism itself. Like a docile animal throwing up in response to getting tased (except replace "throw up" with "projectile vomiting flesh-eating beetles in a trajectory aimed at the nearest victim"). The shock is what causes the borer-beetle to jump and the gun to disgorge it, and also makes the devourer spray worms at the target, but their guns are still living and very visceral looking creatures and you'd be hard pressed to convince me it's a neat looking process. DoW2 did it well in my opinion, with the majority of weapons having swift, efficient firing spurts that have gross greenish-yellow slime/acid/fluid/etc with most shots to convey the symbiote discharging it's respective ammunition.
And the Heavy Venom Cannon having little flashes on hits sometimes since canonically that thing shoots crystallized acidic shards of poison that explode into balls of lightning.
I don't care how good it is in 10th that thing is awesome.
Dios mios, mucho texto autismos
That's what I thought, thanks for the thorough answers. I'm interested in starting a Chaos Warband and I've been considering Chapters they came from, because I want to go for a Gold/Red color scheme. I know, it's a very dangerous color to go for since that's typically Imperial, if not explicitly Custodes, but the codex was dogwater and I didn't want to buy models I wouldn't use until 11th.
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>most nid guns shoot by tasing a thing into either ceasing laziness or throwing up which is why they spray stuff when they fire
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where Do I get this?
I searched for Erebus body pillow and didn't find it
>DoW is probably responsible for half the posters here.
most likely
anons who started with dawn of war are usually made fun of in /40kg/ but it is never specified if they are talking about the first one (2004) or the third one (2017) so by default they all get the 2017 treatment
>and not getting any refreshes
They just got their refresh like a year ago, and their newest release was in December
Red corsairs are red and gold/brass

They are literally the coolest part of chaos since they cut the chaos bullshit and are held together out of nothing but their leader sheer spite and rage

Look up the Red corsairs if you want some inspiration, even I'm tempted to paint them and I don't like chaos
>Look up the Red corsairs if you want some inspiration, even I'm tempted to paint them and I don't like chaos
God damn, now that's a *proper* shade of red! Hell yeah! I knew about the Red Corsairs but I didn't quite *get* their color scheme until now. Very nice. Word Bearers were a backup for me since I love how comically villainous they are, but I really want figures that'll pop.
I am reading the text here from Kill Team Termination. It outright says that a few guardsmen know what the genestealer cults are or even what the Tyranids are. You can't fear something you don't know.
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Shit opinion but alright

I thought they only got a couple of Kill Teams
You guys are all tourists.
The Kharn audiodrama features him dueling a Khornate Flesh Tearer.
You might think that's rain. Well, you'd be half right. It's raining, but that's not rainwater. That's leakage from the upperhive's septic tank installed over the square.
7th edition was the age of deviantart tier art, where the fucking idiots in the studio decided they needed cheap fast art of the models in their poses. The absolute worst and I hope who ever was in charge and made that decision was dealt with.
well, at least it's upperhive's and not underhive's
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>why is this melee sword and board unit armed with pistols not good at shooting
I urge you to up your reading comprehension
a single marine does not indicate a trend
Give her the D.
>braindead animeposter ignoring that they're dogshit in melee too just to try and feel smug and post an unrelated image
Do any of you losers play at local shops? I'm thinking of bringing my Ksons to a little Combat Patrol campaign at a local store but i'm worried the half finished nature of my paintjob might upset some folks.
Also in another Gabriel Seth retrieved the helmet of Nassir Amit, the original Flesh Tearer.

The helmet's final recording was of Khorne's Realm and the voice of the helmet wearer was that of a bloodthirsting monster
if anybody really gets upset they weren't worth playing with in the first place.
>Do any of you losers play at local shops?
Hell yeah, discovered a lovely game store not far from me, so I've become a regular.
Imperium Maledictum is okay and the lore is pretty nice, but something about the system feels very soulless.
Is this guro? I think it might be guro. She's been mutilated and I can see her tits so by the presence of that combination I figure it's meant to get a rise out of someone.
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Beat them at their own games.
marks of chaos should have been the CSM faction ability as part of dark pacts
it nerfs dark pacts while being fluffy and keeping a core part of the CSM identity

so if you're mark of khorne, you can only dark pact in the fight phase, and you only get lethal hits
if you're mark of tzeentch you can only dark pact in the shooting phase, and only get lethal hits
the same applies to nurgle/slaanesh with sustained hits in the shooting/fight phase
undivided must choose reroll 1s in shooting or melee armywide, no mix and match

pactbound zealots just buffs it to the crit on 5+, undivided gets both shooting and melee instead of just one
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I urge you to fuck yourself, You can make a warband out of disparate Blood Angel bloodline fallen marines or you can come up with a whole OC Blood Angel succ chapter that has fallen to Khorne.
We know that it can happen. We have examples of Blood Angels falling to Chaos. And we get you tourists saying it can't be.
I am revoking your visas. Get out!
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huh so flayed faces is okay but not female nipples, im sorry jannies!
Some fine 40k art.
>melting over his lack of reading comprehension
nobody ever claimed there's never been a single BA or successor marine to fall to chaos, they explained why a bloodthirsty violent chapter that has a predilection for falling into mindless carnage has yet to see any major shifting of allegiances
settle down, illiteracy-kun
>that one skitarii ranger copied 5 times
>they explained why a bloodthirsty violent chapter that has a predilection for falling into mindless carnage has yet to see any major shifting of allegiances
Are you retarded? What a retarded thing to say.
I think that was grotesque enough to reach the eroguro threshold, yes.
violence no problem
sexuality ...... NEVER
Its just what a female chest looks like when flayed and split apart, pretty standard stuff for deldar, was just meant to post cool art of deldar being evil not guro
fine then keep melting down, illiteracy-kun
it's mildly entertaining to see you get this upset over misunderstanding people and trying to act like you're well-versed because you can name a single instance of an individual bangle successor marine joining khorne
Read the responses slowly and then try again. Starting with this one >>93071374
You can't beat the tourist allegation. I can smell the hawaian shorts from here.
>any major contingent
does not equal a single marine going to chaos
keep melting
No. That's sexual violence. Drukhari don't do that.
keeping seething, BITCH
If one can fall others can.
flayed faces and general gore can get deleted too if the thing being eviscerated is cute or beautiful enough

it's one of those lines that can be hard to define objectively but is practically unanimously recognised when crossed, at least by normal people
no shit sherlock
but one falling, even 100 marines across all the successors falling would not indicate a trend or commonality, which is what's being put forward as to why you don't see entire chapters of bangle successors falling to chaos like the original poster asked
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now you're just taking the piss anon, they do do that, and far far worse. And art that shows flayed human skin (standard 40k accessory really) that happens to have a female nipple is not sexual violence, its just violence and torture done to a female body, which again is very standard for 40k
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Never explicitly. But I mean... Come on now. Read the subtext. Do you think the murder-rapists meme came out of nowhere?
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These red midgets are still awesome but im glad to be done with them and now I can play them
Yeah, it's a subtle thing. But there is a difference between a portrayal of desecration and violence and a portrayal of a specific thing being violated. The context changes the meaning.
No. That's not. The guy wanted a Chaos-corrupted chapter from the Blood Angel bloodline. He was told no when Chaos corrupted marines from their bloodline have always been a thing.
In fact, I think the villain of the Huron book was of the Blood Angel line.
The whole trend stuff is just pure cope.
I hate the big guns but i love the design of the leader.
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One of my kitbashed Meks for my Dread Mob, the Grot Professa. He will be exclusively leading the Mek Gunz, of course.
>.. There are no Traitor Chapters from the blood of Sanguinius? Not even asking if there's any Blood Angels who turned Traitor, but none of their Successors either?
>traitor CHAPTERS
I accept your concession
Man, fuck non-chaos rebels. The most fencesitter pansy ass garbage that has no place in the setting other than to show how tenuous such a thing would be. The only canonical ones all required Xenos support to stay functional anyway, which isn't real independence
no. It displayed a naked woman in bondage in a sexualized form of guro torture. The viewer is directed to look at her dislocated breasts and ass.
Its intention was not to repulse or revolt but to entice and arose. The Drukhari do not do that. Sexualized atrocity is not what they do.
the drukhari are literally the result of millennia of sexual deviancy
He is a SUPER inspired design. From all of his tassles to his big mechanical arms, and the way he poses like a spider thats rearing up to make a large foe step back. Really great, I dont know if gw can beat it with the remake but id like to see an attempt
The second line, you idiot.
>Not even asking if there's any Blood Angels who turned Traitor, but none of their Successors either?
He was asking for any case even if it was individuals.
I accept your bussy.
We have like three or four deceptions of the Pre-Fall Aeldari such as the Asurman novel.
There is zero sexual degeneracy in any of the descriptions of what the hedonists were doing to each other and their victims.
>He was asking for any case even if it was individuals.
no he wasn't you fucking illiterate mongoloid
he was asking how the blood angels or any of their successors have never turned wholly traitor
nobody ever even claimed that blood angels can't fall you chaos like your faggot ass is crying about because you can go BUT A SINGLE FLESH TEARER, they explained why there aren't any instances of large groups of BA successors going traitor
yes of course they were very chaste that's why their actions birthed the chaos god of lust and rape
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Played my first game with a friend, GSC vs CSM. Shit was so cash
How much cash we talking?
Yea exactly. They probably make him sit spiderman style on a stone all arms down.
The line is clear, mister illiterate anon.
"If there is any Blood Angel"
The qualification implies he wanted individuals as well. You construing it into trends of groups is just a product of your senile brain.
he's asking for justification to have a chaos warband, a few individuals wouldn't qualify for that
and nobody ever said he couldn't make a chaos bangle warband, they just explained why there aren't any in the official fluff
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yeah, outside of slavery and torture and horrific body modifications and sadistic gladiatorial games they're perfectly pg13, they're also progressive in both racial and gender issues and would never think of being bigoted or discriminatory with the human race they enslave and torture in their normal day to day living
Slaanesh is a god of excess, not rape.
FFG Tome of Excess says that Slaaneshi followers consider sexual pursuits as mundane and boring.
That's why when you read Emperor's Children books you don't find that the stuff they do is sexual.
I love watching retards like you pretend to know anything about the setting
Is that a Stargate?
But how can the imperium be dictatorial if it doesn't have secessionists to squash left and right?
thinking everything is chaos, or genestealers or tau or whatever makes the setting feels way smaller
Only the loreletest of the lorelets would boil down Slaanesh to lust and rape when most codexes and army book say he is the god of excess.
yeah there's nothing sexual about slaanesh that's why all of his daemons are hermaphrodites and why his worshipers wear leather chaps and slap tits on their armor even when they're male
The new direction in their writing is every single Dark Aeldari is secretly good at heart and disapproves of the necessary torture lifestyle but everyone feels societal pressure to keep up with it.
hermaphroditism is the result of being birthed by the Aeldari Empire where gender/sexes barriers were so fluid that they could switch genders when they switched jobs.
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That's canonically how some Drukhari feel. Inculding Lelith
He's absolutely correct.
The father or son?
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>What are the cables on his boots for?
Power cables, that's it. Nothing special to it.
Can a brother get the 10e CSM codex pdf?
Should Daemonifuge be useable in Eldar armies too?
anyone ever find a better version of the sisters codex?

Absolutely, I'm sure you'll be able to
>Only the loreletest of the lorelets would boil down Slaanesh to lust and rape
No, people who do that are the ones that actually know what it truely is about.
The whole "perfection" and "excess" shit came after when GW realized that they can't market a literal God of Rape to kids, ie. the biggest real demographic of this franchise to this day.
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"scout titans" imply the existence of even bigger titans
>Wanted to get Possessed to go with a Slaaneshi Daemon Prince
>LGS is out of Possessed
>But they have these, with the same bade size
If I painted these to be Daemonette-like do you think they'd be a decent counts-as? They'd keep the masks and be run pretty much only with the Prince, figured they'd be proper daemon-y.
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I'll make this work
Now you're just being silly. Warhounds are huge, how could there be a bigger one?
Now this is a paste right out of the 2012 folder.
8th and 9th edition had armies with win rates going from 35 to 75% and most games were won or lost in the shop when you picked an army.

10th already has the game down to 44-55% with the average around 48, and the worst off armies are way more playable than before
10th is a success
>and most games were won or lost in the shop when you picked an army.
Skill issue

>10th is a success
If you only metric is winrate, which is a pretty mediocre metric
What is more interesting is that scout titan implies there were enemies so fucking big, you needed something as big as a titan to safely scout it out
Heres the thing. Playing genestealer cult in 9th edition, for around 2 years, was an auto lose against anyone but the other fellow ultra shitters namely guard and cwe.

Gsc vs ANYTHING else was pretty much pure pain. Now the worst army is like 43% wr and thats fun, being able to take your models and find success with their datasheet abilities is fun
Preposterous. What's next, a separate game about the horus heresy?
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>watch video guides
>their stippling/dry brushing looks amazing, nice and smooth like a glaze
>I do it
>shit is dusty as hell
>wash helped a little, but not really
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>Playing genestealer cult in 9th edition, for around 2 years, was an auto lose against anyone but the other fellow ultra shitters namely guard and cwe.
Even by your own metric this is untrue
YouTubers are good painters and shit teachers yes even duncan, they assume knowledge and skill.

Hint, wet your brush before you add the paint that you dry off on the tissue. The wetness will make the paint go smooth and enter the bristles so that when its dry, it still looks smooth.
What does the Legio Titanica think of knight houses? Like as their backwards cousins who live in actual castles and drive the 40k equivalent of giant tractors into battle?
what paint brand? and are you thinning the paint at all before you drybrush?

when it comes to drybrush, consistency is a huge factor. just using straight out of the pot paint, especially if its a thicker paint like citadel, will give you a grainy or dusty look because its depositing larger, dryer particulates on the model.

the type of brush you're using can be a factor, actual drybrushes arent great. try makeup brushes instead.

and your undercoat can also effect the finish. if you applied a grainy or rough undercoat you will have more buildup on micro peaks which can result in the dusty look as well, usually common when using ultra matte paints
Pro-tip for chaos Anons thinning their paints, use the following fluids instead of water:
>Khorne - Blood
>Slaanesh - Cum
>Nurgle - Diarrhea
>Tzeentch - Engine oil
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ursus claws are the best weapon a warhound can use, imagine driving a warlord titan and getting hoth'd by the biggest chicken walker known to man
Youtube painters have years/decades of experience. Everyone's first attempts look like shit.
"scout titans" implies the existence of soldier, pyro, demoman, heavy, engineer, medic, sniper, and spy titans.
>spy titan
Sorry, think I misheard you?
Why do historical miniature modellers always make us wargamer painters look bad?
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What makes GSC difficult? I've just beaten my friend in combat patrol but even though it was our first game, he was way more clueless than I was.
because they don't care about playing and thus don't mind spending 50 hours on a model, and when they get their hands on a model that's actually quality like 40k's unlike the usual historical trash they work with they can really go nuts
Add water for coverage.
Use no water for picking out details.
Me too. I am an unironic newfag to this game, having got into it in the last 6 months. But it was Dawn of War 20 years ago and buying Helsreach in an airport that got me into 40k.

I am THE DEFINITION of a secondary, I was always poor. Now I'm post military with some actual stability and I can actually afford minis I'm really enjoying just painting. I may never play a game because I'm not a LGS type of person anymore.

>why are nerds ugly
Look, I get that you have some pride because you work out and take care of your appearance but is this really such a revelation?
vallejo model color (they're aight, the bubbling isn't as bad as people make it sound, but it is a bit annoying)
less than I would have for applying with a normal brush (idk that's how it looked on video)
is probably half the problem, I'm painting some old minis that my sister had built and primed ages ago. She coated them white, and it's pretty speckley. Probably because where she lived at the time was very hot/dry all the time.

>wet the brush
now I realize that's what the little pad thing they're using in the video is.
>skilled person =/= good teacher
unfortunately so fucking true. it's hard for someone at that level to remember what it's like to be a beginner, and translating mastery back down to lower levels is a special skill in it's own right.

Thanks for the good words, frens. I'll give it another shot this evening.
Their entire shtick is wombo combos and deep striking. If you don't do wombo combos and deep striking they are just shittier weaker units who will get shot off the board by basic Space Marines.
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They've dedicated years of focus to replicating reality for the sake of art, while wargamers paint colorful cartoon characters for the purpose of bringing them to the table to have fun with. They will spend weeks on a single model while wargamers have hundreds models to get through in a timely fashion if they want to get to playing the game in a timely fashion.
>now I realize that's what the little pad thing they're using in the video is.
Even the drybrush tutorials that mention them are like "You wanna wet this sponge but you dont want it TOO wet" and really stress the point to where newfags are basically using a dry sponge because they're scared of their sponge being too welt
I love me gantries, but I want to make a styrofoam wall as an option to make one side LOS blocking.
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You're thinking of the Men of Iron, who as everybody knows were powered by money
GSC are pillow fisted and frail without their combos. their shit doesnt hit particularly hard until you add in the character that gives them rerolls, the debuff that gives them an extra AP and ignore cover against their target, the strat to give them +1 to wound, the trait to give them sustained hits, and so on. also if you dont utilize their deepstrike, infiltrate, and positioning well, its easy to get caught out with an army that at best tends to have a 5+ save and a single wound per guy at T3

you need to put together a lot of little pieces to make the army sing. its not insurmountable, its just a higher skill floor than a lot of other armies who kind of just work with fielding a unit, attaching the appropriate character and saying go.

all that said, GSC are about to get a LOT harder to play with this new codex
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I deepstrike'd with neophytes on his Deployment Zone and got a super luck charge towards his Havocs and locked them from ranged combat. He didn't secure his home objective with Legionnaires and mine just kept giving me 5vp at every turn. I can see why it's great.
I'm gonna play casually but yeah, the models are made out of paper with a Havoc cutting down my four neophytes with his chainsword swing. The detachments also seem very model oriented and I don't know how I should build upon my two combat patrol boxes.
"Success" depends on who you ask. From winrates standpoint yes, from a hobby and fun standpoint not necessarily. Some armies only win with abusing some boring shitty units or rules, rest of the codex is pretty useless. dropping shitton of units models and options makes the game more balanced but arguably not better. 9th edition had quite a lot of codex internal balance and not between armys, 10th is the opposide.
I thought tzeench is the fluid of the 8 ball.
Now I understand why my stipling tries have all been shit. I wish someone would do a real how to paint channel starting from the very basics
>"scout titans" imply the existence of even bigger titans
Big if true.
The sponge thing is very confusing.
I just dip a finger in the water then apply it to brush.
I love it but give him a good base
GSC have an insanely strong combat patrol, it's basically unbeatable in many of the matchups (the one with the rockgrinder).
Mary sues, please understand.
Old Sororitas combat patrol is a strong contender. Tons of action monkeys, a vehicle and shreds infantry.
rent free
Currently one of the cheapest combat patrols in general too. I keep seeing it on ebay for $100
I saw someone selling a squad of oop models for 27 quid. Normally that squad goes from 70+. It almost feels wrong that I got it so low. I could immediately sell them on, but Ill actually paint and play with them.
how is this for a DG list?
i do not like named characters
1985 points
>2 putrid biologists
>tally man
>2x10 squads of PM, 7 bolters+2 plauge spewers
>20 cultists
>2 DG rhinos
>2 blight haulers
>2 DG mortar tanks
>6 nurglings
>x2 great unclean ones.
You know it to be true. It's the ultimate virgin chapter.
Oh look it's the fag who doesn't know what a mary sue is again
>experinced painter paints well
>no characters
based, but get used to never winning , you'll always be at a disadvantage
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blight haulers a cute
You get your panties in a real twist when you don't like blood angels being called out huh. You can't try and talk about the blood angels without painting them up as a Mary Sue
Same response as the last time you posted it
Maybe the universe wanted you to have those models because you will actually paint them and make them see play.
Or maybe they are a recast and the seller just didn't want to disclose that fact.
>umad XD
try harder next time
The line between unhinged and brilliant is often small and blurred
lol, probably because people wanted to stock up on the "good box" before it got replaced by the new CP, then wanted to dump them after the codex reveals showed how badly GSC were getting gutted.
Thanks for the concession.
You need to run them with a spiritseer. They’re still pretty good at bullying mid objective, but they are far from their strength at the beginning of 10th edition, that’s for sure. Still a solid unit to be run as a 5-man unit with a spiritseer, but I’ve recently seen people using wraithblades instead as a 10-man unit. Unsure whether to run them as wraithcannons or d-scythes. My inclination would be wraithcannons for the extra 6” of range
Go ahead and explain what makes them mary sues in your eyes so we can laugh at your misunderstanding of what mary sues are again
My LGS had one yesterday but it was sold out. I'll either get the new box for some motorized units & more acolytes or a Broodcoven & Purestrains next. I'd love a Biophagus as well for the daily dose of Green & Purple, which is what I'm painting my minis in.
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>My LGS had one yesterday but it was sold out.
They are metal, well they were primed black but im sure I could see metal on the edges where the paint was. I like your perspective anon, I really love my other old metal models and dont see myself selling them. Id rather turn my room into a museum for ooo metal
I meant in their online store one was in stock yesterday but today when I visited the place, it was gone in addition to some other GSC units.
I wonder if anyone got the scan of the new codex.
how good at anti-infantry would a bolter squad be with 3 piss canons? (2 plauge marines with an attached foul blight spawn)
Back when Cityfight came out in 2001, there were 3 PDFs of propaganda posters and Imperial signage you could download from GW's website and print out. Anyone still have them?
What would the Admech do if they got their hands on a Votann supercomputer?
going to have to make sure you can get close to use those spewers or your gonna be stuck with only part of a squads worth of rolls , but God help any eldar or guard models that get to within that 12 or 13 inches
kill the abominable intelligence
NTA but Spewers + the character flamer are Anti-Infantry 2+ babe. They're crisp
check offerup and marketplace, just be carefule of marketplace listings that have a bunch of product information in the description
Depending on how radical or puritan the Admech sect is they might just use it like normally or just destroy it.
Or the middle of the road option where they try to extract all usable information and then they destoy it.
Was there any cool fluff in the new SoB codex?
There is essentially no reason to be running bolter marines, they're basically wasted bodies in a unit
>Masters of the arts despite being clinically retarded

>Have a fighting style that should see the chapter being thoroughly squeezed out of both geneseed and marine bodies, especially when they are supposed to only have 1000 marines at a time

>The whole black rage shit is literally just the equivalent of a deviant art fanfiction super power. Oh, my papa is dead and now I can randomly power up to kill things better in a universe that fucking yearns for slaughter. This psychological "demerit", has you kill random allies too sometimes but who is really going to miss a squad of guardsmen? Or civilians? It's not even grimdark at that point, it's grimderp.

I think the worst part about blood angels is that the fucking primaris marines managed to nail the whole mentally stunted thing better, because despite primaris marines being better on paper than the marines that came before them, they are also more vulnerable to chaos, unlike blood angels for no fucking reason.
google "warhammer posters for terrain" and you find those and more.
>Masters of the arts despite being clinically retarded
not a thing, the death company no longer do anything artistic for the obvious reasons
>Have a fighting style that should see the chapter being thoroughly squeezed out of both geneseed and marine bodies, especially when they are supposed to only have 1000 marines at a time
like almost every chapter, numbers are meaningless in 40k
>The whole black rage shit is literally just the equivalent of a deviant art fanfiction super power. Oh, my papa is dead and now I can randomly power up to kill things better in a universe that fucking yearns for slaughter. This psychological "demerit", has you kill random allies too sometimes but who is really going to miss a squad of guardsmen? Or civilians? It's not even grimdark at that point, it's grimderp.
they don't get better at fighting, they just lose any sense of self-preservation
thank you for yet again proving you have no idea what you're talking about and just hate the blood angels based on 1d4chan posts and memes you've seen, tourist
Yep, you're just as retarded.
>no argument
every time
I accept your concession
I'm beginning to suspect it is the same person that loathes any faction which does not have an official Chaos variant.
is farsight enclaves a chaos variant?
>because despite primaris marines being better on paper than the marines that came before them, they are also more vulnerable to chaos
What the fuck are you talking about, up until the Angron appearing thing there were no chaos primaris because GW wanted them to be incorruptible to handwave no chaos primaris models and try to make them seem even cooler than normal marines to pump up sales
Why would I argue when you clearly picked out only bits of my argument? I didn't even go into the inherit illogical fallacy for letting blood angels be within the Imperium. Surely you can handle the girth of the arguments that are being protruded upon you without resistance, right?
>Up until
Thanks for the argument.
>picked out only bits
I quoted you in your entirety and provided rebuttals, something a mental midget like yourself is apparently incapable of doing and can only cry falsely that I ignored your arguments
Didn't an emperor class titan that was defending Ryza get killed by a bunch of traitor knights that got under it's shield?
Angron showing up and hard corrupting the entire fleet wing of mixed forces doesn't establish that primaris are more susceptible to corruption,
Uh huh
>*completely breaks the rules of your game*

why did we ever go away from the older rulesets?
The Space Wolves are far more egregious to be allowed to remain in the Imperium, they have just as rampant of geneseed flaws as the Blood Angels, they refuse to follow the Codex, ignore Imperial law regarding Psykers, and have gotten into open conflict with the Inquisition on several occasions
>aircraft goes into hover mode
>means you have to measure to and from the hull
>oops you need to measure deep strike range from my wing tee hee!
>oops you cant actually fight it from the wing because of the vertical engagement range mechanics, you need to be within 5" of the main hull
>well sometimes, depends on the quality control of the model as the wing is sometimes above or below 5" high
What did the image look like? It got nuked
Ah so just you not understanding what happened at all on top of thinking older editions didn't have far more egregious actually broken rules
Some gore'd sister body
We have been over this.
The issue of the Space Wolves was addressed by the Chris Wraight Space Wolves saga series.
As a first founding chapter, ONLY THE HIGH LORDS OF TERRA can sanction and punish the Space Wolves. No single authority in the Imperium can go after a first founding chapter.
There is no distinction between "main hull" and "wings". Hull is every single part of a model with no base.
Damn, sounds like the blood angels have the same protection :^)
Listen, nogames. here's how you use them

>put a 6-mam of them into a repulsor
>attach Apothecary to the unit
>Turn 1 send the repulsor to the middle of the table
>jump them out turn 2 and charge, use gladius lance Stratagem
>kill niggas on the objective
>bring back casualties with Apothecary
>use repulsor ability to save them from counter charges
>send them to anywhere else that needs bodies

They're middle objective-grabbing GEQ/MEQ killers. Play more games.
>putting a 7 man unit in a 6 capacity transport
nogames detected
>hard corrupting
So there's no free will in the grimdark future?
Does 40k have unlockable battlelines or is it preset and rigid for every army?
not when a giant pervasive mindblast hits you telling you to worship chaos
A few
Just say no.
There was a bit about Primaris marines not being all there and slowly lose their cognitive abilities compared to regular marines, which seems like its open season for the ruinous powers to capitalize on.
no, there wasn't
my dubs prove you wrong. Go ahead and get trips to deny my claim, because I sure as shit am not looking for the book where I read that again.
Didn't happen. Check this 6
Damn. Was it official content or someone’s spank material
the latter
I finally saved up enough to buy a redemptive dreadnought and I was so excited that I didn’t read the instructions correctly and glued the sarcophagus outer panels shut

I may be retarded
Is it possible to use HH dreadnaughts and terminators as proxies for normal 40k versions?
I really don't like modern dreads and some HH terminators are really cool.
yeah, which leads to stupid interactions because the rules are not written well
No thats just you not being able to read
>measure deep strike distance from the wing, as per the rules
>oh but combat? well the wing doesnt count because its more than 5" up
>the base does not matter in either of this because when an aircraft chooses to hover, it lacks the keywords to measure from the base and you instead measure to and from the hull
>measure deep strike distance from the wing, as per the rules
Yeah? Where does it say that :)
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When Hovering, Aircraft are just like any other model

Looks like a base to me
Weird question: is there an official recipe for those standard GW bases they put on all their show models?
every horus heresy book cover.
I hope you didnt have to play 10th
Wheres the throoder when we are actually on page 9
Alright, guys. I just found out that female Ironkin exist.
Explain to me how robots can have genders.
Never wipe off your paint on a porus surface like cardboard, paper or tissue, you're pulling excess binders out of the brush that the paint needs to go on non-chalky.
eavy archive has a couple
Depends on if you want a realistic look or a dramatic look. I would argue his model failed in that he intentionally went with a faded yellow look for the Imperial Fists scheme when realistically you're want a good bright yellow for 40K's over the top look. Additionally he chose to use a yellow dust colour on a predominately already yellow model when he could have gone for a deep ochre colour dirt and dust to make it pop more.
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rules commentary

you measure to and from the hull of a hovering aircraft
Why do Orks and Eldar have the only flyers you could actually believe might fly?
A commentary should be "When we said this specific thing, here's the context / further detail". Not "oh yeah it works differently than we said. Fuck you.
The lore says that Ork aircraft are not aerodynamic
their engines are mostly cosmetic as well

>Their craftworld eldar 40k equivalents, meanwhile, will burn an entire hive world if it means they can save just one eldar life
Why do retards pretend this is a bad thing? The Imperium would let a million humans die in order to kill a dozen Eldar. "THOSE DAMN ELVES VALUE THE LIVES OF THEIR COUNTRYMEN AND SEE EACH DEATH AS AN UNBELIEVABLE TRAGEDY" is a point in their favor, not against them.
>but they'll kill humans to save elves!
yes? so? they're a different fucking species, why would you base eldar morality on how they treat humans instead of on how they treat eldar? if humans killed a bazillion orks to save a human orphanage everybody involved would be correctly declared heroes. you don't judge the morality of a species by how they deal with hostile alien threats lmao.
Hey Matt, this is pretty pathetic
*laughping in tyranid*
- eldar don't
- it is a cifi setting
- ork flyers are the only ones that are modelt with actual planes in mind
>up until the Angron appearing thing there were no chaos primaris because GW wanted them to be incorruptible to handwave no chaos primaris
Primaris have never been immune or incorruptable by Chaos. That is just another 2017 reddit hot take.
They have always ever since the begining just been "more resistant" which is just intentionally vague and realistically means nothing, and just effectively says "they still can go traitor but it is more unlikely, maybe, probably, not sure"

Sludge Pump or whatever it's called. Good drink, looks like Nurgle bathwater.

Find an STL and see if a local library has a 3d printer? Think they call them Creation Labs or whatever.

Also kill that faggot. He ruins good communities and inevitably bitches about the lack of good communities.

Also >>93071224

Give me a link to drop it on and I got the fluff-free version of it.

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