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Red vs. Blue Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Are there any armies you initially disliked but grew to appreciate over time? What changed your mind?
Bloodpact, thought they were just another chaos cult but they are actually competent.
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Ironkin are gendered.
There are male and female Ironkin.
Explain this.
only army i didn't like were the tau, not from a lore standpoint just aesthetics.
decided to try them out, build them, paint them
and they're just too boring, paint schemes are terribly monotone and posing is terrible
they use male/female ports
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I got in at 3rd ed and thought the Dark Eldar looked kind of crummy. Many but not all of the newer figures look fantastic, I just wish they'd update the entire line and add some more units.
Not really, I still don't like Tau, Space Marines and Imperial Guard as much as I did when I first got into the hobby 15 years ago
They imitate the people around them. If they hang out with dudes, they behave more like dudes.
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the normal squats are gendered, they are what their personality is modelled with and after

also, for the same reason species have 2 genders and for the same reasons the squats keep having both females and males getting cloned, the ironkin may be made gendered on purpose even when an alternative was possible
The right "gender" for the right task, Female voices are typically more soothing and better suited for customer interactions while male voices sound more intimidating better suited for battleline units, to name just one example.
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Yes. As a kid I loved space marines, and had a soft spot for tau broadsides and hammerheads. I collected ultra marines. I took a huge break from aged 14 to 22. When I got back into it somehow CWE spoke to me. I knew one guy with cwe as a kid and didnt like his models. They felt so odd and I never paid attention to them.
On comeback though I found then geniunely beautiful. The lore, the old stuff, is spectacular. Its so good. And the art and models are so creative. Wraithlords and blades were a huge part of it. Then I found warlocks with big fuzzy fur coats and that was swaggy as hell. Scorpions also, grabbed my attention.
As a man who has gone through a lot of pain and tragedy in my 25 years, more than some will see but ofcourse different to a third worlder or something: I quite enjoy the tragedy and beautiful melancholy cwe have. Its funny I am short and stocky and eldar are tall and thin though
>I just wish they'd update the entire line
why? their stuff is still a gold standard even 14 years afterwards
The female Ironkin in question likes to stab Orks and Tyranids in the face with her plasma knives.
Gender is more a social designation than anything physical.

Take orks for example, they are asexual but people still refer to them as male, treat them as male, etc.
my ironkin wife...
Never let your gender dictate your hobbys.
It is juts to piss the orks of being stabbed by something with a quieky toy voice.
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what kind of idiot makes a robot you can't fuck?
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You ever play a pink slip game? Both players select a model from their army as the buy-in and winner takes the chosen model
Do you use male pronouns to refer to orks or netural ones?
This works better with card games, I dont want some stinking space marines
NTA, but they really need more unit diversity because they're already a small line and still manage to have a lot of redundancy. And while the ideas behind a lot of the 5e sculpts are great, their proportions look a little off next to modern updates.
only against japanese kids with weird hairstyles and ancient artifacts, why?
>I recieve 1 (one) worthless model
>They lose use of an entire unit
wow epic
I only play winner tops games
I play AdMech
This anon is right and it's nigh irrefutable at least in the framework of fantasy writing. You either accept >>93073178 reality of "all orks are dudes" or you awkwardly refer to Boyz as "it". Either or, no fencesitting.
Is the punchline gay sex?
Only if you play with men
They are literally called boyz.
Male pronouns
You call em greenskins or orks or the green terror Mike Brooks, now do fuck off.
Then why did you use "they", a neutral one

checkmate RETARD
>Red vs. Blue
All skub enjoyers appreciate red over blue.
>you provide namesakes while attempting to sidestep around the issue! That's the solution!
Write 10 sentences about orks like that and you will start to sound like a lunatic.
Again, pick your camp, there is no either solution.
>orks are all boys (boyz) and it doesn't matter that they don't have more than 1 sex because social construct or whatever
>orks are it/they or whatever
Why do people always say your back would break if a Space Marine or Primarch tried to hug you. If you actually stopped and thought about it that's like saying your minis would instantly break if you pick them up since you're strong enough to crush them if you wanted to.
>you're strong enough to crush them if you want to

This is /tg/ anon
No, you arent fucking strong enough to crush your models
side step what issue, orks exist to kill and be killed not for studying or conversing with you retard. whats next are we going to gender a fucking rock?
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but all orks are dudes
do female lizards stop being female the moment they can reproduce via parthenogenesis? no
orks are male even if they reproduce asexually, they've got 'urty bits down there and if they didn't have a silly shroom penis they couldn't piss on things while standing for humorous purposes and I refuse to consider that option.
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Camo netting Russ is getting there. I had planned to add little green stuff strips inside the netting like Hessian strips but to be honest it's got enough texture. Don't think I did enough glue in the glue/water mixture as it's not solidified much yet, hopefully with a day left to solidify it'll be okay to prime.
>Why do people always say your back would break if a Space Marine or Primarch tried to hug you.
They don't always say that. Why are you lying about what people always say?
If a Critical Wound always wounds, does that mean there is no save roll performed?
What does succeeding a wound roll do anon
Saves are after wounding.
wut. maybe you're not using the same models as I but my guardsmen would definitely come apart if I squeezed one of the minis in my hand hard enough. hell one of the bayonets snapped off after it hit the floor the wrong way.
Is there any way to undo citadel glue if it’s cured? I was in a finish to hurry before I left because I’m a fucking brainlet and I came back to realize I wasn’t supposed to glue any of that
plastic cement chemically fuses parts together. If you've used enough, its not coming off
"Wounding" just means you succeed your roll to wound
You can reapply the glue and hope it dissolve the plastic enough to easily pull apart, otherwise no
People do that though. Like I get your greater point but that's a bad argument because people already gender rocks.
Damn, thanks for answering tho
That isnt crushing tho, crushing is if the model became deformed
are you retarded or something?
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I initially hated votann for not looking enough like dwarves (no huge fuckoff beards or not enough runes) but they grew on me and I realized most of what I hated was their main paint scheme of blue and teal. it just didn't fit them.
I grew to like the models. I just built up the Yeagirs kit and I absolutely love these guys. I wanted more squats with big coats since I started the army, and now I have them. They even have kino shotguns to go with them.
the ironkin look almost headless
oh yeah lol the lighting can trick you thanks to the angle of the models
The coats look quite nice on them.
Are there two ironkyn heads in the set or did you take one from elsewhere?
It seems really sad that gw hasnt done anything with vottan and eldar duo yet. Hopefully next wave they do, because they both share some similar love of biker aesthetics.

Cwe arent always wearing their armour, and most of them dont rock around in runes and robes. Id love to see some more art and definitely some models showing eldar in more casual clothes like pic related. Crop jackets spikey hair, show off how cwe look when they arent in war mask mode, arent being seers and arent murder rapists
I'm torn on doing netting, kill rings or the Sherman Firefly style half-barrel paint on the vanquisher when I get my Russ. At the rate it's taking to get delivered to my LGS it'll probably be up to my grandkids to decide.

You decide how you're gonna paint it up yet? And do you have any stowage on it besides the Jerry can at the back?
there are 2 in the kit, thankfully. hope there's more heads in newer kits going forward. love my bots
their pronouns are dem/deyz
didn't they do a little story where a set of votann were vastly outnumbering some eldar or dark eldar and got BTFOd anyway because the eldar made the squats think they were the ones who were outnumbered?
You're right though. Dwarf and Elf hatred has to seep into the setting somehow. I am glad we got Miner v Miner with this kill team box, finally.
Yes. That was in the Kill Team Salvation book. Leavues tried to settle on a Maiden World, Biel Tan responded by deploy a handful of Striking Scorpuon shrines. The Eldar were outnumbered to an insane degree but utilized shock tactics and rapid redeployment to make it appear their numbers were quite larger. Eventually the Leagues were forced to abandon their settlement attempts since they were dying in droves and weren't even able to fight back against the Eldar.
Prove it anon, post yourself crushing your models
Modern lore... Making eldar look competent and deadly?....
No, git, and it’s unisex.
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Support weapons look so much fucking better with the crew mounted on the platform, why the fuck do people model the crew on bases next to the platform? Its so triggering
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Food for thought;
In AoS Morathi was consumed by Slaanesh but was able to rip herself out, but emerged horribly deformed and mutated due to Slaanesh's lasting impact on her soul. Therefore it stands to reason that Chaos Eldar would be equally mutated and 'deformed', taking on a serpentine nature or growing huge bat wings like the Melusai and the Khynerai in AoS, who are also deformed like Morathi.
Neat. I dislike the vast majority of eldar stuff (hate elves as a whole) but that story is pretty cool i must admit. It's neat to see a faction that's always bullied get a win.
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This gives me fucking hyper cancer
Because eldarfaggots are universally unrepentant waacfags, and having separate crew was at one point strongest
Maybe 40k needs less marines.
No, 40k needs less xenos
if it means more chaos, then sure.
Go play HH then
Ew gross no, HH doesn't have Primaris
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>Nurgle daemons only, who get a separate codex with no ally rules to the other 3 gods and their units removed from the daemons codex
>They all have names like Sloppity Bilepiper
How does that work
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Wrong. This is Le Chaos and therefore the most Le Chaotic trait would get exaggerated.
Therefore 40k Croneworlders all take their looks after the Fiends.
They're the space BDSM anteaters.
Aarvarks with sniffy-sniffy cocaine noses.
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I genuinely did consider the firefly style barrel as it's a really cool effect. Colour scheme wise it'll be painted fairly plainly but weathered to match my other Russ. There is a little bit more stowage on the otherside of the engine block, a wooden box with a looted tau gun shoved inside, but I didn't want to overdo it because with the weathering and camo netting it'll already be a busy enough vehicle.
You used to be able to block charges with it
I dunno anon having your lower half melt into a snake tail sounds more chaotic than getting a longer tongue.
Why is Aeldari consistently considered the Chad faction? And I guess these days only incels play Custodes. So that would be embarrassing for anyone with a collection.
>Why is Aeldari consistently considered the Chad faction?
We don't take kindly to folks who usd that word here.
That's some nice fanfiction bro have you uploaded it to Ao3 yet?
You can't go wrong with the classic ww1 look. Have you painted any guardsmen yet?
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I've got about 70 infantrymen, 41st Drookian Fen Guard.

Fucking lorelets
Rock on anon
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They're not even the chads of their own species and are notorious for being a total buzzkill at parties
Nice. What are you using for the half-masks?
why the fuck would I break my minis just to prove a point for some anon on /tg/
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Thanks anon.

Half masks are from the GSC brood brother kits. All the other heads are either from the empire flagellants sets, or are the heads from the upgrade sprue they released around 2021 for the old cadians before they had their scale adjustment so they're hard to find. I tend to green stuff facial hair on every model.
Dark Elves from WFB were all banger models. Thinking of getting some old Delf models for kill team.
That's sick. Keep it up anon
Drookianon you are the biggest psychopath every to grace this board and I love you for it, but please paint something other than tartan for your own sanity sometime
Why do I keep getting laughed at and bullied whenever I try to play my Custodes at my LGS?
ugly models and WAACfag bait
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Is it true that the "default" Leman Russ set up is battle cannon, lascannon hull gun, and heavy bolter sponsons? Is that the most iconic setup of the Leman Russ battle tank?
Very dated opinion
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It's what the first came with. Plus the stuff on the upgrade sprue (heavy flamer, HK missile, storm bolter, etc.)
it's the objective truth
I guess that configuration just became the default configuration for the Leman Russ and became iconic.

I'm leaning towards a battlecannon and all bolter configuration, but maybe I'll go with the battlecannon hull-lascannon and bolter sponsons configuration.

Having a hard time deciding though. Which do you anons think looks better aesthetics wise?
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Just had an incredibly based first home game.

>play whatever music you want
>cracking a cold one and rolling dice
>no weirdos

Life is good as a home gamer. Ill be the first to admit our board is light on terrain, but we're both working on more.
Glad you had fun, anon!
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Just got back from weekly game. This time the opponent was a gentleman playing Votann, making this the first game I've ever played against the faction.

I brought a printout of a tournament table this time to try to get the right balance of terrain, after I was rightly corrected last week for being too light on it.

The mission was Vital Objectives, which removes the center objective and leaves 2 in No Man's Land.
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Beautiful paint jobs, love the light green.

Deployment after first turn scout moves. IG won the roll-off for first turn, but we each have 5 scout move units to resolve first.

Scout sentinel north went to move block the two transports that were lined up to hug the table edge for the north point. Scout sentinel south tried to move block or delay the votann from moving onto the south point.

His bikes moved into the center, then his vehicles drove as close as they could after the sentinels had forced them back to 9" away.
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>hull battlecannon
>turret lascannon
>pintle stubber
>no sponsons
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From Votann side.
zone has a robot?
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Turn 1, the northern sentinel and 3 karskin chimeras sprint to block the north point, with the sentinel spotting for the vanquishers in the backfield.
>it's the objective truth
It's the Imperial Truth
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I then made my first critical mistake and started shooting phase before I remembered to move the 3 southern infantry chimeras forwards, leaving them a turn behind contesting the south objective.
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Is your favourite guard regiment the Mordian Iron Guard by chance?
Seriously seeing your dudes and gracing these threads with a battle report is great, anon.
>>no weirdos
But you're there?
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Vanquishers start popping the dune buggy transport things, dropping 2 on the first turn. The surviving ones sprint around the sentinel easily to contest the south objective thanks to my mistake moving up my own vehicles.
No one cares fag
>I brought a printout of a tournament table this time to try to get the right balance of terrain, after I was rightly corrected last week for being too light on it.
I'll be honest bud, if this was the finished setup I can't even imagine what tournament terrain standard you could have possibly followed
I love your work and see you almost as a brother.Side note, how prevalent is Old English and Gaelic in your community? Might have fucked up talking to a trans person that relabeled as Robyn and just unloaded the history of the name of her as a Rob.
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Been playing Steel Legion since 1999, and only Steel Legion. And yw, I'm always happy to share with the guys.

Votann shooting destroys 1 sentinels and fails to down any of the chimeras, only managing to damage the northern sentinel to 2 wounds. The triple techpriests put 4+ invuls on all the northern chimeras, and use of smoke launchers pretty much castrates his weapons' effectiveness, even with the grudge tokens.
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This one.
I love seeing /v/ tourists get mad about people actually playing the tabletop
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Turn 2 and second mistake of the game. I absorbed the charge and shooting phase from his bikes with the chimeras, then on the following turn dismounted with everything to get more volume of fire on the bikes. I assumed there would be nothing left to shoot back at the kasrkin if I melted all the bikes.=, so I left this gap to shoot through.
go back tourist
Thanks anon. We're all brothers in autism.

I live in the UK and honestly didn't learn any Gaelic at school. I did some old English at uni but that's because I did a hyper specific masters. Generally if you apologise I'm sure things will be fine. Despite the propaganda most trans people are fine if you slip up, so long as you're not a cunt about it.
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Chimeras on the south move up late, but manage to at least block him from moving into the board center.
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I'm not gonna get on your ass about it as long as you both had fun, but there's a reason you popped multiple things that had nowhere to hide

Do you see the difference between your layout and the actual one, where footprints block LOS?
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The the pain starts. He emergency teleports in one of his terminator-type units on my turn, and gets to shoot with them, throwing out like 40 grenade and 6 plasma shots. Compeltely deletes one kasrkin unit outright.

Then on his turn, he moves up and shoots again with the unit, deleting a second kasrkin squad to a man. That's most of my anti-elite infantry vaporized on turn 2, 240 points worth. Took 4 plasmas, 4 meltas, and 2 melta mines out of the game practically instantly.
Neat. I'm a software engineer in the US, but am Scott-Canadian so shit gets weird sometimes. Mum's got a masters in English so I understand some of what you did in grad school. I feel really bad about the whole encounter as I am on the autism spectrum and just wanted to talk. But knew way more than she did and she wanted to feel special with the 'y' and I accidently shitted all over her identity
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I do see the difference. None of the terrain at this shop has a footprint, though, or at least none of it that was available. I will say in my defense we both collaborated to set this table up, so it had his approval.

The aftermath of that single unit's double shooting.
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The surviving kasrkin unit hops into a healthy vehicle, and the chimeras rotate to present the healthier ones in the gap to block the objective. Techpriests move in behind for repairs and invul saves. Miraculously the sentinel survives and limps back behind the objective.
>our board is light on terrain
just go get some from the pantry
I mean if you both set it up and you both had fun I'm not in a position to say anything about it. Looks like a bloodbath either way and that can be enjoyable
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Centerline at the end of IG turn 3.
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He drops in his second unit of terminator-things on the south objective, since he can't squeeze anywhere into my backfield. Their shooting takes out a chimera, its infantry, and damages the russ.
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He makes a stupidly long charge with them and deals some more damage to the russ, but fails to kill it. He does have to abandon the point to threaten the tank, so infantry move up to claim the south point.
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Meanwhile north, attempts at containment fail and he punches through one chimera, allowing him to threaten the north objective, as well.
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The remaining kasrkin unit, vanquisher, 2 chimeras, and the command blob all dump everything into this termie unit. They're T6, so even the heavy bolters are only wounding on 5s, and he has some ability which further reduces it to 6+. Plasmas are only going through on 4+.

Still, weight of fire takes him down to the character and one wounded model. I don't even bother trying to damage the south termie unit, and just pull the russ back to make him choose between the point and the tank. Chimeras drill down all the remaining infantry on that side, so he can only use the terms for one or the other.
I appreciate the battle report. It's nice to see anons actually playing the game instead of just white rooming and bitching about perceived imbalances.
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South side. He would eventually opt to hobble back to the point for the 5VP, letting the russ escape with 3 wounds.
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A vanquisher shell penetrates his invul save and kills his last character, so he charges in with his last infantry unit to try and contest the north point on turn 5. It's 4 votann (2 OC each) vs 9 kasrkin (1 OC each), meaning he needs to kill 2 to push them off the point and capture it. He shoots one, then inflicts 2 wounds with the charge. One carapace armor saves, one dies not. Command point reroll succeeds, and that leaves 8 kasrkin left to his 4 votann, denying the point.

Game ends at 43-37, IG victory.
Nicely done. Good job clawing your way back after that counterpunch. Those terminators look really deadly.
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A wonderful game, I love your reports. I would love to play against you, steel legion bro. Maybe with a bit more terrain.
It's pretty sad that there's only 1 Guard player at the store I play at. Even sadder that he doesn't play with painted models.
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It did feel kind of like a gotcha move, but I guess that over time you just learn each faction's tricks. If I hadn't taken my kasrkin out of the vehicles it would not have been so close.
Why do videos always show inquisitors with huge I face tattoos when all the books describe inquisitors infiltrating behind the scenes
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Thanks. If you're ever in AZ it could happen.
because slapping a big =][= is an easy way to show the guy is an inquisitor when a book has more chances to tell you he is explicitly

plus inquisitors vary in behaviours and looks a lot and there's plenty of opportunities and ways to hide or remove any symbology should the need to go undercover arise
Aaahhhhh saint Celestine don't put your boobies so close to my face! they are sure to emit so muc light that I'll go blind!
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Today I'll paint a model
I doubt it
If you see a DoW space marine plasma generator here later its mine.
This datasheet on the back of my model is so unspecific… doesn’t help that they changed the stats for its weapons in a balance errata…

If I’m playing a sort of defensive, ranged SM army, what weapons should I put on my redemptor dreadnaught?
They hate you because you told people the truth.
Can't wait to buy a forgefiend for world eaters only to see it get squatted come codex time.
>I play Space marine

Will they ever stop neglecting white scars? One character and no special units or rules is pathetic
the singular eldarfag in these threads woke up
I’m new, I was able to get some good deals, and everyone recommended it to me. At least I’m not playing ultramarines/salamanders like a redditor
Whats the best loadout for Chaos Lord with Jump Pack?

I play Word Bearers and I'm trying to decide Raptors or Warp Talons and how my Chaos Lord would fit with the other HQ I've given lore towards
you'll get your primarch sometime in 3 years
See if you can learn what options you can rotate and learn magnitization so you can swap your options around
Would you rather get nothing but characters like GSC?
To be frank I would love for them to get jet bikes or something like a grav ATV for movement tricks
When Jaghatai went on his webway vacation he took all the jetbikes, outrider weapon options, and biker khans with him. We'll just have to wait for him to come back.
Yes, zone-tron.
id care for space marines again if white scars or blood angels got completely annihilated from the universe.
How long did it take you guys to not be shit at model painting?
unironically when I started working on fantasy miniatures rather than 40k shit. Might be a brain worm thing but there is much more innovation to be had when painting more than working on power armor after a dozen tries.
The plasma, as you would always choose.
GSC is a whole army. The comparison would be if GSC was just standard guard with a Magus character
It's sad the upgrade sprue doesn't even include a talwar or glaive
Watch tutorials, pay attention, don't be lazy and you'll be an alright painter basically instantly.
Just simply "staying within the lines" and painting surfaces in colors appropriate for them is 95% of the way there.
They just need to go back to letting people take Court of the Archon with 4 Sslyth. And plasticize the resin models.
are you playing your chims with autocannons and twin-heavy bolters? I know those were FW turrets but do they even have rules anymore?
>drop 170 dollars on a combat patrol just to realize you were right the first time and hated tau
This is why I don't try new things.
Nice digits. Thats interesting. Im working on my first battle sisters squad and its harder than l thought it would be. I wish l hadnt finished building all of my models and done sub assemblies
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Holy shit as a Votann player that guys list is awful, absolutely horrid. Dude is running one squad of battleline split into two units of 5, two buggies and it looks like he dumped all his points into Hearthguard (the terminator thingies) and bikes. Wtf is he thinking. Where are his Berserks that can one shot basically almost anything in the game? His Thunderkyn which could have easily bodied half your vehicles since they are our premier anti-everything unit? His only anti vehicle are his buggies which are basically guaranteed to get focused down especially if he uses the scout move. Very confused how you always seem to play the most clueless players when you post these reports.
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Sounds like an error on the Votann player's part. When led by a character, Hearthguard are -1 to wound if the attack's strength is greater than their toughness. S5 heavy bolters should still wound the T6 HG on 5's.

Congrats on the win, though that one's going in the book!
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Hot take

10th edition is shit and the people who play it are shit
Um HH containment thread is that way sweety
>Dude is running one squad of battleline split into two units of 5
That's pretty standard fare though
10th edition is the greatest edition of 40k thus far. New = better, anon. Now wait for your codex sweetheart.
Just started Votann and I was wondering about his list as well. I would definitely not leave home (hold?) without a squad of thunderkyn
You are wretched and know nothing.
What is the correct interpretation of the Horus Hersey:
>You can prosper by having wary respect for chaos like some of the cultures encountered in the great Crusade and imperial chudiness was their own downfall
>Any contact with chaos will inevitably destroy you
the latter
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Chaos finds a way.
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>What is the correct interpretation of the Horus Hersey
Humans, even genetically modified immortal demigods, need something greater than themselves to believe in. If you do not guide them properly they're gonna believe in some fucked up shit.
Go consoom more codex releases and "balance patches," shill.
The first.
Not at the point size he's playing, wtf is a 5 man gonna do against that onslaught? Literally a waste of a buggy that could have been carrying some Berserks instead and running anti vehicle duties.
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Is it worth Kitbashing up some Munitorum servitors with Plasma Cannons to Attach to my Techpriest Enginseer since they are only 35 points?
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About 4.1k points, he's asking for $620 USD. Do I pull the trigger?
If you have to ask, the answer is no.
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>Very confused how you always seem to play the most clueless players when you post these reports.
I just drop a line for a game on the store's discord and paly against whoever answers, so I dunno. This guy was going to the Tacoma tournament next week (month?), though.

I will say that since I switched my list up I still have not lost a game in 10th, and I think the common denominator is people really struggle to remove chimeras. I don't know why that is, since they don't seem all that tough to me, but most of my opponents just don't have the damage to get through 11 T9 wounds with 3+ 4++.

Pic related was against tau a couple weeks ago, and it was the same deal. He had like 12 crisis suits and they either didn't have the range to or the strength to melt through the chimeras, while heavy bolters just chewed them up.
The contents of this table looks awful Jesus Christ.
The best lot I've seen for my army over the past couple years was $850 for 3k and 2/3 of it was 3d printed
Hey if l primed my minis gray is it too late to try the slap chop method? Can l spray them down again or will it be too much?
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>Painting Daemon Prince
>Putting Agrax on the rock
>Accidentally bump bottle and spill it
>Brain takes a half second too ling to realize it
>Got all over my leg
only with GW pots.
I would never buy used models without seeing them first. "Good" condition could mean a lot of things.
I've also just been burnt too many times by retards who build models wrong or glued badly or not cleaned up well or primed so thickly it obscures detail or are missing some cosmetic pieces or have loadouts optimized for an older edition and don't include any bits.
For slapchop you actually want them grey with a white zenithal highlight/dry brush. You don't want the undercoat too dark or the contrast color won't glaze over it very well.
painting reflections on black armor is really hard
Depends, did you use a spray can or an airbrush? And how heavy did you go? You could also try doing gray to white instead of black to white, but you'll have less strong contrast.
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Tau shooting pretty much caps out at S8 so chimeras might as well be T12
For you
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Yes, I used to run them all as triple heavy bolter or autocannon when they still had entries in Imperial Armor. I don't feel compelled to throw out or buy new turrets to replace them just because GW invalidated their own content. I just tell the other guy it's double heavy bolter on everything.
Unironically most people are too poor to afford that many vehicles and it sounds like your local scene is really casual so they've probably just never really had to deal with fighting a lot of vehicles or considered that they really should be bringing dedicated anti vehicle stuff at all time. The Votann dude you fought basically had 0 units that can deal with anything above toughness 9 except the buggies which are themselves Chimera equivalents and not dedicated anti vehicle so lmao.
if you aren't transferring all your GW paints into dropper bottles the moment you open them that's on you
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I used to get rolled pretty hard. This game against Chaos Knights was a disaster, but I was still using artillery back then. That and knight do pack the AT to deal with mech infantry easily.
I remember that one dude on here who bought a used vehicle from ebay and the bastard who assembled it used hot glue.
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Painted up one of the coat squats tonight.
I think the coats look way better open than they do closed, but closed coats still look pretty good.
>Tau shooting pretty much caps out at S8
Both combat patrols have multiple units with options that are S9 or higher.
>bottom row middle tank
What turret is that from? 3D printed?
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Conversion from a space marine predator, with a 3rd edition giant box HK missile on it, and the autocannon swapped out for a heavy bolter and storm bolter.
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Custodes. I fucking hated playing against them since they were introduced. That said everyone getting super buttfrustrated about them amused me greatly and I can now tolerate them because of how funny the seething is. Helps that they’re wildly mediocre on the tabletop now.
>Being a good painter
Ha. I’m still years away. But it only took like a year and a half to manage “acceptable.”
Wow I was not able to identify an official GW model part but could identify the Imperial Steel Commissar easily.
I've spent too much time looking at third party models.

Thank you anon.
The day I bought an airbrush
Clearly he wasn’t asking you Sallyman.
Captcha: GoyP
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Which faction is the coolest and why is it Necrons?
Because they're unthinking and unfeeling terminators.
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Do Not Buy Second Hand Models
Why not?
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I still am mostly a bad painter because I don't get that much time to paint my miniatures, but that isn't gonna stop me from trying.
bought a box of terminators secondhand recently
two of them had their pauldrons on reversed and one of the others had the assault cannon then another had the missile pod and flamer so it was nowhere near a legal loadout lmao
whats the point of wearing a roman helmet. A dog can pry it open.
Basic troops are T6 with 2+/4++ saves. A full squad has 25 S7 -2AP 2D attacks. And they are all painted gold.
I dont like you.
real talk. of the many valid reasons to hate custodes what is your reason?
The game has faction bloat and they're one of the most irrelevant factions.
They exist. Its bad enough we have to deal with space wolves and Blood Angels.
rent free
models are ugly as hell, easily the biggest botchjob between decent art and their tabletop presence
their cataphractii are the only okay models they have
>google (real world civilization) Imperial Guard
How annoying they were on the table
When they are weak I don't hate them
I hate the boring gold and red colour scheme everyone uses. It's lazy and ugly.
I like how well their models assemble though, they fit together in a way that hides mould lines and gaps between pieces.
>models are ugly as hell
Ah yes, gold. The most disliked color.
I mean the actual sculpts
the paintjob being nothing more advanced than gold spray paint and a flesh wash is just the offensive icing on the ugly cake
He's clearly talking about before paint is applied
How boring they are to fight. Every single game against them is just sitting on objectives and hoping your a shooting army because there's 0 chance of beating them at melee, and their shooting sucks dick.
If they get into melee on turn 3 and take you off the points, you lose. If you charge them, you lose. If you stand on the circles better than them, you can actually win. It's boring after 3 games.
Already long established the Chad faction is Aeldari
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You hate to see it you reall do.
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>I mean the actual sculpts
>baroque power armor with bolter halberds
Still a shitty opinion senpai
you don't get to double dip on this low effort bait twice in one thread
You put it way better than I could
>If you charge them, you lose.
Fights first no longer exists anon.
as a custodes player i don't like how far the spears extend off the bases. it makes picking them up off the tray tricky
what do you mean by reversed? for my CSM terminators I gave one squad with the busy/corrupt shoulders on the left and the other squad with them on the right. did I fuck up?
it's nowhere near baroque lmao
>bolter halberds
retarded final fantasy shit, if they were power poleaxes it would be kino
Doesn't change what I said. At best you'll kill 1 or if God smiles 2 and then they'll wipe your unit.
they put the crux pauldron on the right side and the blank on the left on two terminators then seemingly realized their mistake because the tilting shields have notches to rest in on the correct facing sides lmao
Never should have been a full blown army, should have been treated how gray knights were back in 3rd and 4th.
The custodes themselves should be Elite options only.
Then again, 10th needs the force org chart back so.
>only took like a year and a half
Is that going to be a year and a half from now?
Or you use mortal/devastating wounds and wipe the entire squad.
I miss angron getting his shit stomped
You just described orks.
See >>93075303
You assume my army has any. But regardless that doesn't change my point. It gets boring to throw a singular type of damage at them over and over and if you do anything else you lose.
what were they thinking with those right terminators, they're so awful holy shit
You can absolutely beat Orks in melee.
Judging by the cratering WR of custodes, I'd argue you can beat them in melee too. Which means this is less an issue of balance and instead one of player perception.
How about I crater your golden ass in
Is there a better unit than Aeldari Windriders? Honestly I don't think there is.
The original question was why I disliked them, so yes of course it's player perception.
I don't dislike them because they're good or bad, I dislike them because every game I play against them is the exact same and boring (multiple players, too).
You’ll have no (you)s from us. Talking shit to Sallyman is pointless, I’m pretty sure he gets off on it. Besides his minis, while marines/10, are hardly the worst shit I’ve seen here. Be nice if he didn’t post the same one 6 times every time he finished them tho.
>Be nice if he didn’t post the same one 6 times every time he finished them tho.
There's like 5 people here who do this
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Anyone figure out how to break triple MANZ Bully boys yet?
name them
I can only think of sallyman and orange marinefag
By asking your opponent to paint them.
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I wonder if the hate towards elite armies is because players don't get the same hit of dopamine that they might when playing against horde armies.
>Greytide metachasers

Every fucking time. Why do you even play against something like that?
That looks really good.
The one nid guy who was spamming a while back got tiresome. Slaaneshianon…. Only other ones that comes to mind.
Off the top of my head?
>Blue orkfag
I guess I can only think of 3. Why the hate for the blue and orange marine guy? I've seen him post maybe like twice.
Call him sallyfag as is right and proper.
edgecoc doesn't actually post here, the iphone filenames of his shitty models are all the anti-ben/anti-edge schizo spamming
At least edgecoc and Blorkman are decent painters. Orange marinefag is a slapchop hack.
>Why the hate for the blue and orange marine guy? I've seen him post maybe like twice.
He posts the same WIPs constantly, are you high?
Fair enough I guess. I just remember that any time there's a new model made by the guy it's in every thread.
>why doesn't anyone posts models?
Well, if true then I can see why the hate, then. I never really payed attention.
Jealousy is often ugly.

That said, model posting is fine, it's posting the same image over and over that becomes a problem. At least get something new to post
uh oh ben melty
But what if you really, really like them and need to have someone talk shit to get over yourself?
Simple: ask for solid criticism, no punches pulled. Alternatively, post in WIP.
Sallyfag has some fun models. I hope he's proud of them and never gets over himself.
Looks like the discord kiddies have arrived
How would you fix custodes?
Hard mode: you cannot remove them from the game
he has by far some of the most soulful models here
he doesn't let his lack of finer skill get in the way of painting flair that he wants unlike 90% of poobabies too afraid to "ruin their overpriced plastic with their bad painting"
kill yourself orange and teal anon
But they’re such insufferable fart sniffers over there.
Don't know why you're asking me, but here goes: ......

I can't think of anything. I'm not a rules writer. Maybe just jack up their prices so that they're not deleted but basically unbuyable?
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That’s very kind and genuinely touching. Thanks anon.
Half of the line is forgeworld. That's basically it. Everything else is cope.
I like you sallyfag, but honestly wish you'd change either the green or the red in your scheme. It just rubs me the wrong way.
Sallyfag is the guy with the redemptor nought with lizardmen shields right
I'd go with the opposite. The only good models are the old Forgeworld kits and it can only downhill for custodes as those kits are replaced.
It's fun to chip away at something and feel like you're making progress. You could potentially chip away at elites too if they had higher wounds but lower toughness/saves, but that's not how the game is designed
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Yes. It birthed one of my favourite recent edits.
Sounds good
I used a rattle can
In what way would you reccomend I change either? Lighter or darker shade or a different hue? I’ve mostly been a slave to Citadel paints Cus I inherited a bunch but I’ve mostly gone through them now so I may be looking for other stuff before long.
Paint stuff how you want them to look, not how people online want them to look.
Their models look like they should be from Age of Sigmar. They have very little "your dudes" potential both in painting and in lore. Their model line does not make much sense as they have always been portrayed as having only a few types of units so there isn't much that can be done to expand them and they really should be just three units in a larger Imperial Agents codex. They are picked up by generally garbage new players who want a small army that is easy to spay paint gold..

Realistically they would be first on my entire list of armies to squat.
Most people don't want cancer.
I still will. But I’ll take things under consideration when presented to me.
Thanks man, it's been a while since I'd painted votann.
It was a nice palette cleanser which reaffirmed my confidence in the scheme. Previously I was worried I needed up change up how I did my bronze.
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I'm not some sort of advanced painter, I just know it looks a bit off. I'd personally make either the red or the green brighter. I think they're just a bit too close.
t. Also paints sallies
I think new players tend to pick them up because of how cheap they are
what nid guy? the one that had that ugly skeleton-handed Neurotyrant?
You have presented the worst opinions here on custodians
Have you tried edge highlighting?
You should be wearing a mask while you're sanding anyway, breathing in regular GW plastic is almost as bad.
Or even just doing a quick drybrush of a lighter green on top of the basecoat.
The "delete armies I don't like" guy is worse.
I zoomed in and there are highlights, looks like he’s trying to do them a bit more volumetric though, the edges do have colour difference and stuff too. It’s just not particularly stark. Dunno if some more shading before he applies them might help or if his technique is just ass and he needs more practice.
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The only carcinogen in most resins is the titanium dioxide that's used to make it opaque, which is in many of your hobby paints as well.
There’s clearly edge highlights on the ‘naught my man. Sloppy tho.
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Re-devastated Baal the other day. Having to deal with transports is probably the hardest part of being a Tyranid player. Cracked open his land-raider with about 1000 points of shooting and wiped the squad inside in one turn though.
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All the shit that people have probably already mentioned. Boring to play, boring to play against. When they're good, they're unfuckable walls of gold that sit on an objective and you have no capability to shift them off with largely ineffectual shooting while they chip at you with equally as ineffectual shooting because you don't want to charge them, and when they're bad, they have no real play besides trying to sit on the objectives before they get blown off the table due to a lack of numbers not really letting them play the secondary game. James will never do anything about the lack of models because every Custodes player chimps out and shrieks like a child the moment there's a suggestion that they get a slight stat/points drop so there can be more dudes on the table or that they field some SoS because their army has to be lore accurate (and solely banana boys) and their battleline sqauds have to be able to unga bunga a Primarch off of the table. Also the small range of datasheets plus the nature of being pure elite skew usually means that you'll run into someone accidentally bringing a competitive list to a casual game just because those are the only models they own.
Really I think it's more color choice than skill issue. I feel mean picking on sally anon because even if he isn't the most skilled, it's soulful as fuck.
It’s worth the effort to crack that nut and get at the gooey delicious insides.
Resin also shards easily, which if inhaled, can fuck your shit up.
One of the many reasons why sanding resin is a bad idea. God forbid you do that shit in your house.
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I don't slapchop, I tried a zenithal with contrasts for a few assault intercessors and didn't like the result so went back to airbrushing an orange base then painting normally
I try not to, I haven't posted outside of one thread a couple days ago in the last few weeks because I haven't finished anything other than a single test berzerker in a couple of months
I've got nothing but respect for the sallyfag, he puts way more character into his dudes than I can
It’s not picking on him if the comments are clear, the critique accurate, and you post some of your own otherwise don’t act like a cunt.
Alternatively, he fucking deserves it. Suffering builds character and strengthens the soul.
>That one WE exchange student
dats me, and its correct.
I honestly think you’re a more technically skilled painter looking at those.
Airbrushing is a cheat code.
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Custodes have the same problem femstodes do: /tg/ won't stop crying about them, no matter how terrible they are.
The world could end in nuclear hellfire tomorrow, and there would still be a britbong in a shelter somewhere cursing god and country for the existence of custodes.
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>take a peak at some tau tournament lists
>almost none of them have crisis suits
What is this “soul” you fags keep talking about? And be specific.
If you don't get it, you might be ai.
Thing that existed when I got into the hobby or when I was 12? Soul.
Thing that existed when you got into the hobby or were 12? Soulless.
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Triptide is back and mean as ever.
The thing I liked as a kid.
The thing that appeared after I hit middle age.
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Competitive is just nothing but cancer.
Same. Expect a minty fresh ghostkheel in a few hours
So Sallyfag paints like a happy 12 year old and not a bitter middle aged incel?
So according to you Votann are soulless?
Not to put too fine a point in it. But ye.
>Riptides aren't glued down sideways to their bases
Come on man, is that Tau player even trying to win?
Pretty much, yeah.

Jaded bittervets come into these threads bitching about 10e but then hearken back to the days of scatter dice. They are not reasonable people.
It's sincere and authentic.
cultural exchange student to help them learn CQC better
I appreciate the sentiment but I still hold by my opinion, I wish my dudes felt as characterful as sallyfag's
Scatter dice are based, templates are based, removing turns and replacing them alternating activation is a better solution to the non-turn playing being bored out of their skull.
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How does this sound for a first time Necron army?
>Already owned
Command starter box (1x overlord 10x warriors 3x skorpekhs)
>To be purchased
1 Combat Patrol
2 Heirotek Circles

It'll be just about 1k points and then a spare 'mancer on the side. Maybe a third Circle box so I have 1 of each 'mancer for Kill Team, 5 immortals, 5 deathmarks, and those two specialists (also for kill team)
I'm also gonna buy a baggie of roboanubis heads to customize my leaders
guys... do I start AoS or do I just buy another 30 infantry?
>arguing for hours over whether not a template is "over" a model is based
It's the sole thing that Soul Grinders grind.
This. no one misses arguing with blind, stubborn idiots
>when you sneeze and someone says "god bless you"
pretty sure 30 infantry would cost you as much as a spearhead box nowadays.
That's a playing with randoms problem, as most problems that 8th, 9th, and 10th "fixed" are. Don't ruin the game for the rest of us because you're scared of conflict.
actually worse.. the infantry is, specifically, ash waste nomads w/ orlock weapons to use as traitor guard. for the price of three squads I can buy one of the AoS christmas boxes for MSRP on amazon in my country still.
>That's a playing with randoms problem, as most problems that 8th, 9th, and 10th "fixed" are.
Nigga, there was literally a time in 40k history where players would outright pretend to be retarded to survive a bad roll. That's the chaos that scatter dice brought to the table.
If you want to still play that game, you can, but you'll be lucky if you can find someone to match your autism.
Honestly most things people bitch about in 40k are a "playing with randoms" problem. Like the one guy a few days ago crying that 10th was a terrible edition because "if one model can see the tip of one sword they can shoot the entire unit!!!!!!" - why would you play against someone like that? That's clearly a playing against a faggot issue. No sane person does that, even if the rules technically say you can.
Anyone got a download for the Eisenhorn audiobooks or Deathworlder audiobook?
Pretty sure you can find them on audiobookbay. At least Eisenhorn.

Actually, on that subject, anyone have some good recs for 40k audio books?
Im 5'6 and play drukhari
Im also a softie and nothing like them but i like their ships and their backstabby ass city
No, it chemically bonds them as the same material. Your best bet is sawing them apart
is that the same with tamiya plastic glue, because I glued some terrain bits together and they snapped apart. Is it because I have the thin version?
that purple is disgustingly good. I don't know how it works with green and red.
green and purple as much as they're memed are still complimentary colors
tamiya's stuff is the same basic solvent as citadel's plastic cement, either you applied a small enough amount that the bond wasn't very strong or the plastic types on those terrain pieces don't react as well to plastic cement
Tamiya tends to be thinner than GWs
got it, I shouldn't just do a light dab, I gotta SLATHER it.
Initially disliked Space Wolves but over time started to enjoy their irreverence and devotion to the wolf bit.
They have a ton of goofy models but also just a ton of models because their range support was crazy, there's plenty of cool bits, I especially like their chainswords and pelts. I do prefer the darker blue-grey scheme to bright pale blue.
you could have picked worse, but I do like what little bit of a viking theme they have.
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I will tell you what I wish I knew when I first started.

Models tend to look best when the color you choose is contrasted well against the base you use. The model pictured here works well because it is a light, bright color on a dark base, making all the details on the model really stand out, especially from a distance. The opposite is also true - dark colors look good on lighter bases.

I made the mistake of painting my own stuff the same color as the bases I was using, because I was still thinking of the uniforms as camo - the point of which is to melt into your surroundings. That's great for combat, bad for tabletop miniatures.

tl;dr : if you choose a dark color for your dudes, put them on a light or neutral base. If you choose a light color, a darker or neutral base.
they could definitely do better with the viking thing. maybe a longboat-like craft whose sole purpose is to crash into a vehicle to pin it down as the crew jumps out to wail on it
for things that don't need a delicate application to preserve detail? Absolutely go for it
helps to apply to both surfaces being joined and let it sit for a few seconds to really start to work into the plastic and get a strong bond
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Soul, to me, just means something is earnest. Something can be bad and soulful.
Fist em good pedro
fist me good pedro
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fist em good pedro
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Terminator and two legionaries I painted today. Tried something new with the green power sword. Custom las-cannon on the one legionary.
Fist em good Pedro.
How worth it is to get a monolith? Both as a model kit and in game. I've been wanting one for a long time but it's hard to splurge on such an expensive kit, even with a retailer discount (I get 25% off)
its very mediocre when you see it in person. its not that big either.
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Like asked before and like to get more answers form people
Redpill me on the daot, we’re they a liberal xenophllic democracy and thus how they were so advanced, or what?
You sure it was democratic and tolerant, or was I tjus a oligarchy that had limited tolerance
And my response from the previous time
We’re it said it was a human federation, especially a democratic one, and the other human empires and government types
Well, size is not something that really concerns me, seems big enough going by the warrior in the picture, 4-5 warriors high seems pretty big for a mini.
I'm more concerned about the kit being decently designed and fun to paint. I hate doing a million subassemblies
Shut up faggot
We don't know any details about how DAoT functioned outside of relying heavily on AI workers (men of iron) and being an extremely advanced post scarcity society. They were not pacifist though because a ton of the archaeotech is weaponry, and pretty fucking powerful one at that.
nobody knows what the dark age was like other than humanity making massive leaps in tech that were largely lost in the age of strife
Should I cook up a new bread
No. We still have like 200 posts left in this one.
/tg/ is a slow board, threads live for hours after hitting the bump limit. There really isn't a reason to make a new thread early.
Cook it up. Fuck board etiquette, we're 40kg this board was made for us.
Shut the fuck up you retarded faggot.
Death to throoders.
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Fuck off. Nobody sees a thread at 400+ posts and thinks "i want to post something for discussion" because the thread is already dying
The base looks like pubes...
It looks hella bad in person
Even painted well
I do.
And those ogryns are looking nice.
Bit more of shading and highlights would make them perfect
How so?...
Looks plastic and doesnt give off a sense of weight
crop your image before posting anon, 4chan strips the exif data from images including orientation
you can cutout bits of cardboard or acetate to bring with you and pop under the terrain. the footprints are six 6x12", two 5x10", and four 4x6" footprints. we use the gw layouts with those footprints at our lgs and no one is getting shot off the board turn 1.
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It is still too hot/humid to prime anything new, but I'm still trying colors and shit so it's whatever I guess. Left (today) is the same base, just washed with sepia instead of umber. I kinda like it, but also want to try a couple more things before committing to painting anything new.
it might be worth getting a cheap chinaman airbrush if your prime keeps coming out like that due to heat & humidity. did you shake the can for 2 minutes before using it?
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>They’re a post-gender society.
then why do they have gendered robots?
It's a sex thing
Are harlequins worth it in drukhari? Or only in eldar
This thread sucked from the start and now it's going to end like this. What a waste.
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What's he looking at?
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These were actually built & primed by my sister, but she lost interest and never painted them. Figuring that if I was going to strip them anyway, I might as well practice/test paint on them first though that isn't really working out because now I'm getting attached to them even though they're pretty scuffed but yea, I'm gonna pick up some brush on primer, and if it's not satisfactory maybe it'll be time to take the airbrush pill
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They’re all either clones or robots so they probably adopt a gender identity as a way to express themselves. The robots probably do that too since they’re seen as equals. Also >>93076496 obviously.

Look it’s very simple, anon. Civilizations have an ideal phenotype and a civilization that’s extended that phenotype to AI (thus essentially solving the singularity) has to inevitably extend that phenotype to all gender identities too. That is, unless you can imagine a civilization that is more ready to include robots in it over its own biological progeny. That’s an interesting what-if, but probably not happening to humans or even Demi-humans.

Though to be fair, an attitude of “I can accept AI sovereignty but multiple gender identities is too far” is the funniest and most retarded thing the Kin could be.
>when the neurolictor pounced on your sergeant and all you can think of is how great it'd look in nylon stockings
>And then the valiant Guardsmen defeated all three xenos witches with his trusty lasgun
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)

>Rapid fire +1
If Humies use sandbags, what are some good barricades for other factions?
dead bodies
Gretchin, corpses, either works.
Barricades implying remaining stationary, so none.
Reinforced plastic and metal fortifications like the nerds they are. Probably also has full air conditioning and safety rails.
The endless tide of Warriors and Immortals
They get less small dopamine doses for killing a lot but they get bigger ones for killing something bigger and stronger.
The urge to buy a big dumb children's tank toy for dirt cheap and then slap a few pounds of plasticard and paint on it is stronger than I thought.
I don't even play Orks. How do you bastards live with this urge every single day?
Would i get kicked out for making my eldar black? Like if i green stuff some fros and everything. Im white
I would personally come to your house and confiscate your miniatures to stop you from further harming them with your stupid ass ideas.
Just sell me your minis. Please dont do this
Tau use energy shields for trenchlines, there is/was a kit for that.
Orks whatever they get, rocks, corpses, scrap.
Tyranids i guess nothing.
Eldar usually hide rather then build barricades i guess but in the dawn of war games they also use energy shields.
Necron probably nothing.
rest is practically humanlike but all of those could also use something like the barricades from kill team (metal shields).
Just do it from time to time OR REALLY REALLY overdo it once and you always get ptsd just thinking about it.
yes, when it comes to eldar you either make them black OR give them afros
and in any case you have to give them uniforms that resemble 80's aerobics leotards

or else!
Be sure to model your wifes son too
Eldar have those cool forcefield barriers in dawn of war.

Ork barricades have been depicted in a lot of GW terrain and they are just a bunch of scrap metal with jagged bits and gork and mork graffiti.

Necrons have no barricades, they teleport from the inside of a planet and just start walking slowly towards you and down smash.

Tau would just use concrete with reinforced steel or if you wanted to be more sci fi some plasteel shiny blue plasticy looking thing in the same shape.
I like my monolith, but you absolutely do have to paint it in sub-assemblies. It's satisfyingly big and chunky.
I'm writing some stuff for a friend's crossover campaign so I wanna ask: Would it be credible for some of the more 'aggressive' Craftworlds to hire Frieza's forces to do some 'pest control' on maiden worlds they discover to have been settled by other races? Or it's too far even for Biel'tan?
Since Frieza apparently mostly does business by selling planets to civilizations who have lost their homeworlds and mostly live on giant spaceships, kinda like Eldars with their craftworlds, I thought it'd be pretty fitting to make Eldars his main clients within the 40K galaxy but I'm not sure if any Eldars would actually get involved with Frieza since he's pretty bad news.
Hiering a guy that destroys a planet if he gets pissed, as arrogant as eldar themselfs. NOPE they would probably never let him in range of anything they value. They would probably not even want him to know they exist. if they need his power they would do some shitty manipulation to lure him somwhere to get rid of him and his opponent.
I sneezed on my minis.
did any of them fall? if yes they've now got the mark of nurgle
Scarabs are always fun, and they're usually very cheap. Get at least 10 more warriors so you can make a full unit. They're not that great right now, but for me, Necrons means tons of warriors and scarabs.
Once you've reached 1000 points and start towards 2000, you should think about getting a monolith or c'tan.
To be fair, they'd be hiring his soldiers more than him himself since as you said, when Frieza get involved personally, a planet blows up.
But given the destruction said soldiers unleash during clean, I can see why Eldars wouldn't want to have entire parts of their maiden world flattened.
Armies you hate playing against
Hardmode no knights or custodes
I prefer the old model, and I love it. In my experience, some armies can't handle it at all, 13 toughness is REALLY hard to crack. My friend bought a Stormsurge just because of it, and I'm a bit afraid of it, to be honest.
current meta
Complete horde armys, Like Guard spam, it takes years to do anything. Additionally in 9th you had kinda the shots to deal with it but now that everything is syncronised again and has reduced shots you just can't properly deal with them with some armys (especially if you don't tailor your list to do so).
Eldar, harleykins, and DE
Fucking gay playstyle of shoot and scoot
Mass indirect (death guard or imperial guard)
Dead game
No, fuck off zoomer.
This isn't tiktok, learn to be patient.
Fucking finally
Tau precodex
The triple ionic blaster or whatever it's called spam was mega cancer and not fun.
>More popular than its ever been
Try again anon. You might not like it any more but its popular with more people.
This isn't the X-wing thread...
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Beakies are your besties.
the best armies to play against have a healthy mixture of both numerous units and big shit and neither stand around in a corner to shoot or all alpha strike your ass on bikes or something similar

which means the only good armies are tyranids and orks
beakies honestly save phobos, really distracts from the ugly calves
10th is the best edition in years. Do you really want to go back to 9th where vehicles were pretty much unplayable?
Hand-illustrated and painted artwork
Hand-sculpted models with greenstuff
Flavorful rules casual 40k with no named characters
Fluff written around plagiarizing other popular sci-fi IPs
Digital artwork
CAD models
Competitive rules "shrimple" 40k with must-take named characters
Fluff written around idpol virtue signaling (tranny necrons, femstodes)
Bonking daemons on the head with a big fuckin' hammer is soul.
Soul is a meaningless word you use because you have nothing insightful to say.
Did someone put pen or paintbrush to paper or other medium to create the artwork? Yes? Then its SOVL.
Did someone fire up Photoshop and you can see the lazy work evidenced in cloned brush strokes because the artist was too feckless to bother to add a bit of angle jitter to their tool? Does the background resemble a half thought-out idea and is just essentially a blurry mess? Yes? NOT SOUL.
been here longer than you
>inb4 I started with Rogue Trader
Was the art created after 2010? Almost certainly not soul.
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You started 7 years ago and cant post models.
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eg, this picture? NOT SOUL.
You can't discriminate against me just because I only heard of 40K last week on twitter!
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Example, this picture? SOVL.
Why are Blood Angels do downright boring looking even went technically painted well? Monotone slop is what I'd describe their paint-scheme as.
I don't post models when some mentally disabled faggot asks for it.
You don't deserve them.
>inb4 you don't own any
Maybe I don't, maybe I do. That is the point, you will never know.
Whichever helps you sleep at night.
this is true for literally all space marines
and I agree
>cartoon shit with faggy colors made for kids
I became a 40k fan during the Rogue Trader era and you're hipsters full of shit.
Every 40k edition has legit good stuff and marketing driven slop for kids. Every one.
>red era
lol, those bright colours were part of marketing 40k to little kids after the more raw and punk RT.
>bright colors
see people like you are the problem
kek just plowing on through with the ritual lines
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Skill issue and no taste. Red marines and Blood Angels look great when properly done.
good morning i hate pin washing
use oils if you hate it that much
>Core of 40K's aesthetic
You might be playing the wrong game anon, you want realism then play a historical wargame with better rules.
Lets see how you painting your respective armies then anons, if you think bright colours aren't cool. : )
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I kinda like canoptek wraiths better than normal wraiths
why did they even make the new versions part of the destroyers instead of flayers? my autism can't catch a break
>Paints Blood Angels in the same scheme as Khorne Berserkers
>"See Blood Angels can look good"

Aye no fucking shit anon when you paint them like something else lol
No, is high-fantasy fags like you who should leave instead of trying to turn 40k into AoS with guns
Dunno, try asking /hhg/
>On top of brown
>With a side of brown
Fuck me you're think you were playing Quake II.
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>khorne berzerkers have ornate gold trim
Also it's not about the trim. BA are renaissance vampire marines, and that's cool.
>trying to turn 40k into AoS with guns
Turn into? Anon, it always was bright and over the top. Its you who wants to change it.
Quake 1 was the brown one. Q2 was green and multi coloured lights.
>BA are renaissance vampire marines, and that's cool.
I don't deny that, I have nothing against their lore, but their paint scheme is shit. Even their successors manage to look better, usually by adding a second colour.
>turn 40k into AoS with guns
anon, there're reasons why aos is considered "fantasy but made into 40k", and the marines are only part of it
orks have always been the funny comedy race in bright colours, but not the others. It has changed by edition depending on marketing trends.
There's a reason Dark Eldar were introduced in the late 90s
new one

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Q2 was absolutely just as brown, I have vivid memories of days of playing it at lan parties.
Not all fantasy is the same. WHFB was a lot more grounded and gritty than the meaningless and over the top weighless CGI of AoS made for MtG brainlets.
40k comes from before that shit.
EVERYONE was bright coloured anon. EVERY faction, not just Orks.
Congrats anon, you've got the only correct definition of SOVL in the thread.
Keep on fistin em good Pedro.
It was more yellow than brown. It had a terrible piss filter all over the place that ironically looks a lot better in sofware mode or using one of the modern ports.
there's neat bright colour schemes designed for children, and there's gritty schems that use bright colours. Your example shows the later and not the first used in 2nd ed. or by modern GW
Fist'em good Pedro
really well done, anon
Orks are fungi that happen to resemble human males
Orks are my friends. I love my boyz.
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>in 40k tau and interex , and perhaps the humans in daot, became technologically advanced and powerful by being a liberal xenophile state/democracy
What did gw mean by this?
You forgot the Diasporex.

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