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Practice Painting More Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

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>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
How important is the visual aesthetic of an army in your selection process?
I only play casually so it's literally the only thing I care for when picking an army.
I don't give a fuck about the lore, rules and all that garbage. All I want is cool toy soldiers to paint and the ability to play a casual game with them from time to time. Y'all niggas take this shit way too seriously
I like that fellas sensibly sized sword.
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>How important is the visual aesthetic of an army in your selection process?
Well I certainly wont ever be playing Custodes, its just golden slop.
>How important is the visual aesthetic of an army in your selection process?
GW fuck with the mechanics so much and so regularly that visuals are about the only thing worth picking for. Fluff is of secondary importance, but the setting has so much wiggle room that you can almost certainly bend your faction to get close to what you really want.
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I wonder what he meant by dynamic and natural posing

btw using old designs of existing units to make new additional units should be more common
Huh, so even way back in 2nd Edition GW was asking artists to pose their art like models they sell?
I thought it was a modern thing.
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GW has been doing it forever. In pic related from RT, almost every single marine was a lead mini at the time.
I liked colorful Warhammer. : (
The 4th Tyrannic War lore says that the High Lords ordered a grand mustering of forces to stop the Tyranid tendrils coming out of the Western part of the galaxy.
The CSM codex says that the 13th Black Crusade is ongoing and is tearing its way out of the Cadian Gate toward Terra. The High Lords are throwing every force that they muster to delay Abaddon from reaching Terra.
Then you have the Pariah Nexus and whatever is happening there.
Obviously, this creates a contradiction. So which is it, GW?
So paint things like that?
>Western part of the galaxy.
West relative to what?
Terra is a ball that spins, "west" is going to point in every direction
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4th Tyrannic War is a Segmentum Pacificus problem, they are rallying available Segmentum units for the cause.
13th Black Crusade is a problem for Segmentum Solar.
The Pariah Nexus is in the Nephilim Sector within Ultima Segmentum, so it falls on the Ultima forces to deal with it.

There is no contradiction, you just need a map.
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I wish there was a separate "Abominable Intelligence" faction.

Necron have turned into space pharaohs a bit too much for my liking.
If you want a quiet life, live in Segmentum Tempestus. Nothing ever seems to happen there in the lore.
necrons were never ai
such a fucking shame
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There is, its just shit.

What were they thinking?!
It just looks so bland and unappealing.
>this creates a contradiction
Not really. 10e timeline is set before those events got resolved.
>the 13th Black Crusade is ongoing and is tearing its way out of the Cadian Gate toward Terra
Turns out Abby didn't want to take Terra directly, it was a feint to avoid repeating Horus mistakes. He actually wanted to isolate the Terran core by cutting the warp lanes to it with Noctilith pylons from Cadia, while he took over the galaxy.
In the end he got twarted at the last minute by one of those lanes being kept open, and thus reinforcements (and Guilliman) being able to get out and start the indomitus Crusade.
See the Watchers of the Throne duology for more info.
>Segmentum Pacificus
That Segmetum is pretty much kaput. The Tyrannic War is going to draw its forces from Segmentum Solar. Hence the Solblades.
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Thats the image I increased the size of the tires of too, thinking it might improve it somewhat. It didnt. Still the piddly small tires of the original are worse, they look like someone knicked them off a boy racers vauxhall corsa.
Problem is when the same forces are said to fight in all those theatres
>See the Watchers of the Throne duology for more info.
Urgh, do I have to? New lore is so dull, predictable and cliched.
You are wrong because the novel takes place before any of these events. It happens early in the timeline. The current revamped timeline is dynamic and progressing. There is no cut-off point.
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What happens here?
Is there a proper high-resolution map of the galaxy that is easy to read and has all the different factions territories mapped out?
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Thats ok, it doesnt have to make sense anymore. Also GW covered their own arses with that Inquisitorial war between the various record keeping and time keeping factions, if they fuck up on the dates to where something doesnt make sense, then its just a side effect of that.
Yes. It's unironically a good book and probably the best introduction to current 40k.
It's set at Terra just before the opening of the Great Rift. Here's the PDF.
This is probably your best bet:
Oh god its a Custodes book? Surely its just going to be a load of OP fanwank.
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>What were they thinking?!
Exactly what I had in mind, thank you.

It's just a prime example of the recent "rounding out" of shapes that they're trying to push with new designs.

I think the defining overall aesthetic of wh40k from its inception to maybe 10 years ago or so was blockiness. Everything looked clunky, unwieldy, oppressively large and imposing.
There was an extremeness in design that was conveyed in all that but also loud colors, exaggerated and strong poses, grimacing faces etc...

Now everything is oval, models are in some pensive lackadaisical poses, etc...
And Votann are the worst about it.
The stars fighting in the Pariah Nexus:
The Silent King
The Ynnari characters.
Cato Sicarius
Sister Stern

Geez GW is pulling out all the stops. It's going be a royal rumble.
The main characters are a Custodes, a tsundere Sister of Silence, and the most powerful imperial politician just below the High Lords.
It's not about Custodes fanwank at all.
>Welcome to Moonbase Alphus, a realistic simulation of life in Earth's 41st millennium
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Blocky Imperial chonk was the best Titan aesthetic. I forget what "pattern" they called it.
I must say i don't like the look and even building it is kinda irritating at points (mostly the armor) but it still kinda growns on me while building and painting it.
I hate these kitchen sink wars using lame excuses to justify having all factions and characters instead of focusing in a couple ones.
It's non-organic marketing slop.
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>The Silent King
>The Ynnari characters.
>The Ynnari characters.
lol, lmao even
Chaos wins.
Chaos always wins.
Big battle: time for orks.
What is Magnus hoping to accomplish in the Pariah Nexus?
Prevent Vashtorr's ascension.
Illic Nightspear
>The Ynnari characters.
[Citation needed]
Update: I painted today

The problem is that usual faction minature you can deck out for war and get some wear and tear, battle damage, war regalia etc...

What are Votanns gonna have? Extra space dust?
They are just too utilitarian to the point it's like a space plumber faction.
>[Citation needed]
Psychic Awakening 1
They swore to come to Stern's aid after their fight with Shalaxi was over.
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Why would he care? Is he pulling a B e'lakor?
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Gothic Cathedral looking Titan, BEST Titan.
That’s this close to being a Christmas scheme. You need to be so careful with red and green.
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The will of Tzeentch.
The problem with Vashtorr is that he looks stupid.
He thinks that Tzeentch doesn't want Vashtorr to ascend. Why doesn't just call Tzeentch on the phone and confirm exactly what he wants? He is a daemon prince after all.
Got the rest of it?
>Why doesn't just call Tzeentch on the phone

moshi moshi tsentchu des
ah so des, abunai, motto abunai uashutoru sama
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Magnus is an extension of Tzeentch's will. He should automatically know what his god wants.
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It's a long shot but I may as well ask - has anyone had any luck buying from Black Market Miniatures since they changed to their new non-Ruskie payment system? I really, really want to get my hands on that sweet sweet Falcon Type II conversion kit but the order keeps failing when I put in my payment details and I was wondering if anyone here might have had more success.

I always wondered how csm replenish their ranks, they seem to be losing personnel in droves every time they do anything, plus the fluff emphasizes they mostly use heresy-era equipment (modified though), but they should've lost their gear many times over by now
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He looks great, the problem is hes shite on tabletop.
Dust broken armor pannels mining equipment or if it is a scouting army or a grudge army following the enemys outside of the terrytory extra armor bolted on stuff half repaired rusted and shit?
>using old designs of existing units
They are old designs for a reason, they look terrible.
Your pic doesn't even look like an original tyranid warrior at all anyway.
>GW has been doing it forever. In pic related from RT, almost every single marine was a lead mini at the time.
>turns GW is just doing the same shit they have always done
>people who are up in arms are up in arms about anythign are just midwits who joined during midhammer and thought FW fluff and designs was the norm
Honestly it explains everything why the fanbase is so full of dumbasses.
Nice. I will later.
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Oh right she said she'd eventually do something at some point in the future. Note that after making that deal Ynnari involvement has never been mentioned in relation to the Pariah Nexus. Not in Psychic Awakening: Pariah, not in the Flashpoints Argovon & Nephilim, not in Kill Team: Pariah Nexus, not in Crusade: Pariah Nexus, not in Crusade: Beyond the Veil, not in any core books, not in any codices, and not in last month's White Dwarf article that specifically discussed xenos activities in the Pariah Nexus and made special mention of several pointy-eared factions said to be present in the region.

By literally all accounts published to date there are exactly zero mentions of any Ynnari at all being present and fighting anyone in any capacity anywhere in the Nephilim sector.
>I want more gay garbage to be added into the game even though no one fucking cares and there is already too many factions who already ape each other off and step on each others toes
Naw, you do.
Steal gene-seed from Loyalist.
The issue is that the design itself doesn't really lend itself well to that kind of thing.
That's why more blockier designs go well with weathering and tinkering.
Votann stuff already looks "busy" without looking cool.
>The Ynnari Characters
Show one quote about their appearance.
>It's just a prime example of the recent "rounding out" of shapes
>it's not 40k if it isn't encrusted in 4 metric tonnes of [insert imperium iconography here]
People like you are the real reason why 40k is shit.
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I've been trying red and green with some Tau and I feel like I've dodged the christmas vibe
Yea that's true.
>Abaddon concentrates his efforts in those regions where he holds the upper hand, such as the Nachmund Gauntlet
>Abaddon has given the war in the Nephilim Anomaly little attention
Why were people saying Abaddon was in the Nephilim sector? Are they stupid?
They are keeping it down low for a big reveal.
Abaddon is on the WD cover, and the title says Chaos in the Nexus. People got baited.
Okay so they're just stupid
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>cool imperium vs xenos conflict (necrons specifically)
>everyone involved are having a great time
>chaos smashes through the proverbial wall like the Kool-Aid man yet again
>all imperium and xeno players lose interest immediately
Thanks I guess, GW?
That's one big nothing burger. The Xenos article was way better.
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For some of them its only been a few weeks since the Heresy though, time does not flow the same in the warp.
ADB done an effort-post on the topic quite a while back which is pretty comprehensive:
I've included the text in the image if you prefer to read it that way.
Chaos must always win.
There was some book or whatever that had a small tidbit saying that Yvraine and Ynnari are going to bring their forces into the Pariah Nexus.
Iirc it was specifically to help Guilliman?
I might be wrong about the last part, so don't quote me on that.
Chaos is the spice that makes the Warhams great.
You can never have enough of it.
None of them will die, nothing will happen really.
I take it some loretuber made a vid about this and that's why retards who can't read are parroting it as fact
>if a character that has a $100 model doesn't die, then that means nothing happened
Fuck off, kid.
Did the old pewter sisters of battle use smaller bases than the current plastic ones?
Illic Nightspear is a Ynnari character. He helped Eldrad locate the moon that was supposed to flashbang Ynnead into awakening.
>>Okay so they're just stupid
>deliberately put the most prominent named character, literal and actual face of the X faction onto the cover
>title specifically is about the said X faction that the character is part of
>why would people assume that this character is in this sector
I dunno man, really boggles the mind doesn't it?
What is going to happen then? Faction X won, at a terrible cost. And faction Y could not achieve their ultimate goal and had to retreat, again at terrible cost. And then, with the next big "thing" all forces will be ready again, all those named characters will meet and fight again, and again there will be immense losses.
If they want to tell a story, there should be consequences. If they don't want consequences, they should go back to a sandbox.
He is right, it's just the same old shit GW has done for 30+ years.
It has always been just nothing really happens or even matters.

GW can put as many words onto paper as they want, but it still doesn't change the fact that there isn't any real permanent consequences for any of the characters.
Which makes their addition in any narrative more or less pointless. They are just statues essentially just come into the story, stand around for a bit and then fuck off to do it again somewhere else.
Yeah, that’s more teal.
That's turquoise though?
The Damocles Gulf is on fire.
The Great Rift.
Wyrmwood. The return of the Lion and the redemption of the Fallen.
A few lasting events.
I hope Trazyn eats shit and gets rekt by Vashtorr, I'm so tired of seeing Trazyn memes. Cawl can fuck off and die too.
>pathfinder finds path
No shit.
*Sea green
>The return of the Lion and the redemption of the Fallen
GW has already turned this into a nothingburguer in the last DA codex. The Dark Angels still hunt the fallen but sometimes the Lion takes away prisoners to make Companions and that's it. ALL else is still the same and he's not even spoken with Guilliman or travelled to Terra.
It's a blantant reset button after all the hype of his return.
The Dark Angels and the Unforgiven lost 3/4 of their forces to Abaddon and Vashtorr. The Risen are going to fill that void. So the majority of the Dark Angels are going to be ex-Fallen.
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I'd thought about it most recently when someone posted the Angel's Tears from 30k. These helmets look bad and the nipple armor is absurd, but I can see intent shining through how ugly it all is. There's something trying to be evoked here that's just bungled in the execution, so I'd consider them at least a little soulful even if they're ugly.
>Killing named characters
>Killing popular names characters
>Killing characters with models!
Shit man are you retarded?
>The Damocles Gulf is on fire.
And has that effected the Imperium in anyway?
>The Great Rift.
Exists, but yet again, basically effects anything and most GW writers just treat it like it doesn't even exist anyway.
Oh wow, some never before seen nameless wankstain came crawling out of the woodwork and did something that GW is now desperate to shove down everyone's throats because his original and first introduction was received about as well as a wetfart in a movie theater
>The return of the Lion and the redemption of the Fallen.
Yet again, has affected fuck all because Lion then immedeatly fucked off into the Dark Imperium and then started to rip Chaos forces a new one.
Which was never elaborated on more than that, he just now exists in the Imperium Nihilus.

All of these are nothing burgers and if you removed them basically nothing would change.
Fucking Cawl has had a more of an impact on 40k than any of this shit. And his only accomplishment is just "I just added 1-2ft of height to marines and made some new armor."
They killed Aun'Va.
Nice anon, I have to repaint/rebase some of my kill-marines. I want to start using them for Kill Team.
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Visual aesthathics is just the gay way of saying "Rule of Cool".
>Shit man are you retarded?
No, he's just a butthurt faggot like many of them.

Only people who really want GW to kill of named characters or any characters really are just people who are mad and butthurt some certain character they just don't like.
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Eldar warlock titan with warlock helmet head is the peak of eldar aeathstics
Yarrick is dead.
30k NL raptors are the same. Fucking terrible sculpts, but you can see they were trying.
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He looks nothing like the kitbashes that GW showed a few days ago.
>Your pic doesn't even look like an original tyranid warrior at all anyway.
NTA but it definitely does, just updated with modern design cues.
>Damocles Gulf is on fire
Not anymore Great Rift stopped that. Not to mention that was entirely focused on the Tau. For the Imperium literally nothing changed. Quite literally nothing they didnt even use that to reconquer any planets.
>These helmets look bad
They would look good on noise marines IMO
>mad and butthurt
>some certain character they just don't like.
You're allowed to not like a particular characters lore and portrayal anon, not everything (far from it) that GW writes is gilded perfection. You can still play characters that have been killed off in the lore, not every battle has to be set in "Current Year, M42".
Ghazghkull has let the Orks down for the last time. Its time for a Reform of the Ork leaders
>The Dark Angels and the Unforgiven lost 3/4 of their forces to Abaddon and Vashtorr
Which yet again, is a nothing burger because in the future GW will just have DA and their successors be at full strength.
Also notice none of the Unforgiven chapters are even named, that already tells you it means to 40k about as much as shit.

Nevermind the fact that GW has regularly done this in the past, with marine chapters.
Like they take horrible loses with like 100 or so marines, if not less, only surviving in the chapter.
But they still get back to full strength whenever the next Big Event happens.
Blood Angels, Crimson Fists, Imperial Fists being prime examples for this.
Hell, IF basically got slaughtered (heh) to 1 man during War of the Beast and they still came back from it through the use of their successors and whatever.

Marine losses or any losses for the Imperium or any faction in 40k have NEVER mattered in the slightest.
Got a source for that?
GW made the article that basically boils down to "maybe he is dead, haha sorry, jumped the gun on that a bit :)"
So no, Yarrick is still alive and that wanker is gonna come back and GW is going to give a new fresh plastic model to "commemorate" it.
Those helmets look daft.
>NTA but it definitely does
It doesn't.
It only shares the silhuette and barely.
This seems to confirm that those rumour engine pics are not darkmech or men of iron, but new TS automata units, they will probably come with their codex
christ that one in the middle back
I think the exarch needs some dark wash for the receeses
>You can still play characters that have been killed off in the lore, not every battle has to be set in "Current Year, M42".
Unironically some people simply cannot grasp this concept, it short circuits their brain or something.
They really don't match the TS aesthetic at all though
Take the oilpill, he'll look good.
It's a fan sculpt based in this Neil Roberts cover art of an HH audiobook.
Those new Sanguinary Guard kitbashes are lame cash grabs to sell FW upgrade kits unrelated at how the SG is described in the HH (pretty much the same as their 40k version)
Are beast of nurgle any good to take as allies for CSM? Their rules looks fun but I feel like they might be in the "gets shot off the board the moment they pop up" category.
>The machines of war many of which are based on ancient patterns and predate the Horus Heresy have undergone a millennia of socerey and manipulation
So brand new designed robots that are archotech or have been reshaped, they will be made to match the egpytian aesthetic
Not everything has to be about the Imperium. The fire in the gulf led to the Startide Nexus and the Greater Good Goddess plotlines.

>Exists, but yet again, basically effects anything and most GW writers just treat it like it doesn't even exist anyway.
If you read Psychic Awakening and codexes in 8th ed you will see that each books covers how the races are reacting to the Great Rift.
Many of the novels were about navigating or surviving the Great Rift era.
It's the culmination of a decade of Dark Angel lore.
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I forgot, but with 10th edition you can actually bring 3wraithseers and 3 wraithlords. This really changes the viability of an all wraith list.
You could bring 2 spirit seers, 1x5 wraithblades, 1x5 wraithguard, 3 wraithlords and 3 wraith seers and still have 550 points for battle line and objective scorers
>make entire plastic mechanicum range for 30k
>say there'll be no rules for them in 40k
>bring the castellax-achea to 40k thousand sons anyways
it would be a very tzeentchian play indeed
there is a battleline tax meaning you have to take a squad of nurglings or plagebearers on top
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I'm gonna add some deathkoptas to my army and while I normally like kustom mega blastas, I think they're probably a trap on a kopta. Anyone have experience? 3 for 100 seems solid for behind enemy lines objective annoyers
I already bring plagebearers since I think they're fun.
Also pretty decent deepstrike blob
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does anybody know how well the 2008 chaos terminator heads fit into the 2019 two thousand and twe the new chaos terminators
i want to find new in box 2008 chaos terminators and kitbash to have 10 completely unique chaos terminators
thanks in advance
Im going to do it with dark tone right now
the older heads were a bit bigger and that's it.
>Sometimes my Astrogranite Debris crackles nicely
>Sometimes my Astrogranite Debris hardens smooth
What am I doing wrong?
What are you layering it over? Have you tried putting varnish underneath it? How sickly are you applying it? Are you making sure to stir the container vigorously before applying?
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I get that, but this just does not look like a TS model.
Why bother at all? Chaos won 10k years ago.
To add on to this, the claw appears to have a flamer, and the flamer does not match TS warpflame weaponry at all, instead looking more like Vashtorr's flamer.
oilpill me on oils
>What are you layering it over? Have you tried putting varnish underneath it?
I'm just applying it to bare plastic bases, depending on some I subassemlied the base might have primer on it.
>>Are you making sure to stir the container vigorously before applying?
Ok, this sounds like where I've been going wrong.
Your wash but betterâ„¢
Everything is simple. Vashtorr will steal them from a Thousand Sons.
Listen, the numbers are clear, under this Goff Waaagh! we will need to build a new shack every TWO MINUTES just to keep up with the number of grots coming in. Isn't it time got back to fighting properly?
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Did it?
Yes, the Chaos Gods have won. Best boy Erebus has done everything for this. Now everything is developing according to the plan of the gods, and every conflict in the galaxy fuels them.
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You have missed a few recent developments
1 in 30 Orks that have grown in the last two years are GROTS. This is unacceptable.
This looks retarded but you are entitled to your retarded opinion
if you planning Kult of Speed, Koptas are the best unit for that detachment by far
Personally i hate crackle texture but it might have something to do with the speed at which it dries.
Try applying it to 2 bases, set one outside to dry, and leave another inside. see what happens, repeat this process a few times with different bases to see if its constant.
To get this upset about make believe space men is a sign of being on the spectrum
I think that terrain needs less layer lines before worrying about anything else lmao
Nurgle really didn't give much of a fuck about that. He took his armies to the Rift Wars.
The Emperor is nothing compared to the Gods of Chaos.
The Emperor is somewhere on the level of Erebus. Even lower.
Its just for some flavour when taking pics, cost me about a fiver with some rocks as well
erebus couldn't even beat kharn
he's the lowest of the low
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>So no, Yarrick is still alive and that wanker is gonna come back
Anon, Yarrick is dead as fuck, hes a human and he was first a Commissar over 600 years from the current date in 40K. He's dead. Get over it. Its ok. You can still play games set in that era and use him.
Thats a pretty quintessentially lore accurate Imperator anon.
I am on the spectrum. Cawl can still fuck off and all, tired of him being the Imperiums new saviour.
Erebus could become the Dark King, the strongest being in the universe. Erebus planned the Horus Heresy and brought it to life. Erebus planned the fall of Sanguinius. Erebus killed Erda and Loken. 40k exists thanks to Erebus. Erebus is the best character in 40k.
Abaddon is the Dark King.
Same morphology, just a different weapon loadout.
The only thing that doesn't match is stuff that is obviously out of the question for modern nids, i.e. scales and the old face (and even then the latter could maybe even work)
Nurgle got so pissed off that he grabbed Mortarion to spank him inside his hutt being a closed door.
The Emperor could already become a 5th chaos god anytime he wanted by 30k. But he didn't want to become humanity's equivalent of Slaanesh, so here we are 10k years later with the God Emperor.
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GW make air light ochre again pls
>first page
>defaults to using she when referring to a random hive ganger
No, it's Erebus. Child of Chaos and Hand of Destiny. Abaddon has always been a pawn.
No. He got pissed by Morty not following his orders and going to the Rift Wars. The novel makes that clear over its course. Nurgle's patience ran out.
The Emperor was losing anyway. Erebus talked about it.
>Same morphology
Yes, same silhuette.
It's not the same at all still. You're the same type of retard that tries to act like the new mk3 armor is same as the old plastic ones.
No, it's Erebus. Child of Chaos and Hand of Destiny. Abaddon has always been a pawn.
>Nurgle really didn't give much of a fuck about that
>got a wound that will never heal
>doesn't care
>It's not the same at all still.
It's as close as it can feasibly be within modern tyranid aesthetics anon.
I challenge you to correct the original anon's digital collage to make it more like old warrior while still keeping the modern nid style.
According to Rotigus who was reporting about rumours spreading around.So a rumour of rumour.
Who said that it never heal?
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I'm going to Warhammer World AGAIN this year and I am wondering about the Command Tanks exclusive model.

I want a Land Raider anyway, so as I understand I can build/magnetise this one? But what about the Rhino if I only have Primaris/Gravis/Terminators? In other words should I buy these?
>It's as close as it can feasibly be
Still not the same at all. No matter how much you try and twist it and back pedal, it's just isn't and you're still retarded.
Funny how you didn't address the mk3 comment, you know it's true.
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>"Rotigus hunted carefully for his rival, and it took him a very long time. The groves of gnarlwoods stretched into an infinity of rot. From their boughs depended slick birthing sacs, each one burgeoning with the promise of rebirth. Decay and renewal, life and death, the gnarlwoods epitomised Nurgle’s cycle, and ordinarily Rotigus felt a thrilling sense of belonging there, a charging of the soul. To be part of such purpose, and to see the truths of his lord presented to him in metaphysical form as solid as himself, gave him a heightened sense of joy, and he wandered there whenever he could. But the occasion was far from ordinary, and that took much away from his victory. He felt as hollow as the trees, rotted out from inside with no new, wriggling life to replace what was lost. He and every other aspect of the Great Grandfather felt the same, for at the beginning and at the end, they were all a part of him.
>Wound the garden, wound the god.
>The neverground shook. There were whispers in the hierarchy that perhaps the burns would never heal, and that Nurgle tossed uneasily in his sleep with the pain. The upheavals in the liquid earth would last for some aeons to come, at the very least, like loose bowels incapable of rest. Rotigus could taste it on the air, a clean burning in Nurgle’s holy foetor. He could feel it in his soul as a hot scar. He shifted his gut around to settle the pain, and it did not work. The mouth in his belly and arm were sealed tight in discomfort."
>i-its just a rumour lol it cant be true who cares if the upper daemon hierarchy suspect that "burns would never heal"
The implication is there and there are no signs of it healing yet.
>The Emperor could beat the Chaos Gods!

He couldn't beat Drach'nyen.
He effectively lost the fight against Horus who was holding back his power. The Emperor was giving it his all and sapping Horus Chaos to stay in the fight while Horus himself wasn't using his full power against the Emperor. Horus still won. The Horus killed Horus with an underhanded trick.
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>oh no, female hive gangers in my 40k!
"There were whispers in the hierarchy that perhaps the burns would never heal, and that Nurgle tossed uneasily in his sleep with the pain."
Like I said rumors. You can shove your imaginary implications up your ass.
>Funny how you didn't address the mk3 comment, you know it's true.
I didn't address it because I don't fucking know marine armour autism and I have no idea if its the one with studs, the one with lamellar layers or some other shit. I never cared to learn a lick of it and I shant. I have my own nid design autism.
The Emperor killed Horus*
Seethe, Carnac
>He couldn't beat Drach'nyen.
Because it's the symbolic anti thesis of the Emperor. The Warp in 40k doesn't work like fucking DBZ power levels. It's all about meaning and symbolism, and the Emperor is the Anathema to Chaos for that very same reason. They can't hurt him in the warp, and that's canon.
I'd buy them anyways; they look great. I wish that command vehicles were still a thing in-game.
>I didn't address it because I
Irrelevant, just proves you're full of shit like the rest of them.
Everyone who calls you out is a boogeyman? Try using reading comprehension next time.
they look cool, I'd get them

maybe use the rhino to proxy a impulsor or whatever it's called the smaller grav tank with the force shield
He isn't the anathema of Chaos when his power comes from Chaos. Echoes of Eternity has a daemonette revealing the origin of the name. It's a mocking title the Chaos Gods gave the Emperor.
And they can hurt him. The Emperor can't get into the Warp proper without being destroyed source is Vegenful Spirit novel.
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>a daemon says
Those were the daemonette's internal thoughts.
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Okay, provide evidence that it will heal instead of discarding thing as "rumours i.e. irrelevant". You're just being dishonest
Granted it's still marvelslop writing but the point stands. There is no reason to believe so far that the Garden will ever heal from that aside from "me no likey"
>You can still play games set in that era and use him.
Of the 5 squads Captain Tycho can lead, 4 of them are exclusively Primaris.
Captain Tycho has been canonically dead since before the introduction of Primaris.
Whether a character is dead or alive has no basis on who has rules or what those rules are. Removing the rules for Yarrick on the basis that he's dead is retarded, even if he is dead.
>his power comes from Chaos
No it doesn't. He got the "secrets of creation" whatever those are, but he's not tainted or corrupted by it. For all we know it was the Old Ones secret book of Inmaterium recipes
>a daemonette revealing
worthless daemon lies
> they can hurt him
No they can't. That was the whole point of the HH: to hurt his physical body in realspace because his soul in the warp literally burns out chaos, except for Drach'nyen
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He does not mentoed in ynn*ri. Alaitoc is too based to take part in ynn*igers campain.

Yeh I'll buy them and can always flip the Rhino on eBay if I feel like it. Land Raider lools way cooler than the Repulsor.
Nope, you're just a sperg that can't into nuance and thinks that every re-imagining of old must be barely a scaleup and proportion change
>internal thought
It's not up to me to prove a negative.
You said that the damage was permanent. There is no proof of that. In-verse speculation is not proof of anything.
Not only do you lack reading comprehension but also you are unaware of how arguments are structured.
Fucking idiot.
She was coping.
>n-no you're a sperg if don't agree with me
And you're lying little shit.
The image doesn't look like anything like the old tyranid warriors.
You have to be willfully retarded to think that.
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It's good to have friends I guess.
I helped out a friend with a mini he was struggling to together. It was metal model for some other game.
Dude said he'll give me some prints.
I was just happy to help. He handed over the minis. Got 3 trukks, a squad of warbikes, 5 flash gits, a 6th body I plan to make either a warboss or mek, 3 kill kans and enough bits to make them look different.
I'm hype to build these things.
you're the one that needs to prove that the damage has healed agaisnt all references to the opposite, you disingenous cunt
Post em big dog
>Erebus killed Erda
Bruh, you're embarassing yourself. If you're gonna bring up stupid shit like Erda you have to acknowledge the Eldar seeing the Emperor 1v4ing the Chaos gods in the warp to protect the astronomican.
>No it doesn't. He got the "secrets of creation" whatever those are, but he's not tainted or corrupted by it. For all we know it was the Old Ones secret book of Inmaterium recipes
Tell me you didn't read the End and the Death without telling me you didn't read the volumes.
Malcador and the Custodes said that the Emperor took power from the Chaos Gods when he went to Molech. Malcador even said that the Emperor took pleasure in turning the Chaos Gods own powers against them.
Years before that alivia Sureka said that the Emperor took the power of the Chaos Gods from Molech.
>worthless daemon lies
Nah. She wasn't speaking to anyone.
>No they can't.
They can and have. The reason why the Emperor couldn't seal the Gateway on Molech was because if the Emperor ever entered the Warp or drew near the Chaos Gods then he would be destroyed.

The soul to linked to the physical body and released to the Warp on death.
>Eldar seeing the Emperor 1v4ing the Chaos gods in the warp to protect the astronomican

does anyone know what the thing in the middle of the chains is? a window in the hatch? an eye?
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>internal thoughts
this game needs another greenskin army faction, and more humor. grot rebellion when?
You are turning me into a strawman while I am alive.
I merely called you out of you thinking it was permanent damage when you have nothing but rumors. A positive claim was given by you but you did not provide any proof. Unsupported claims are dismissed with no support.
What the fuck kind of brainlet are you? Ths failure of comprehension and basic logic is something to behold.
I seriously can't fathom why they refuse to give grots more support/models when Gloomspite Gitz have proven really popular in AoS. Adding a non-Legends gretchin character and a few new kits seems like a no-brainer. Guaranteed sales.
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anything xenos will be postponed for a decade now after the failed launch of the new kroot no one wanted.
Fabius was shitting himself in that scene and later in the series his soul was sold to Slaanesh. The me crowd butcher the context like no one's business.
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>The image doesn't look like anything like the old tyranid warriors
>wasp ass: check
>bulbous head without crest: check
>old deathspitter design: check
>rending claws in bottom arm socket: check
As I said, I dare you make it look more like old warrior without making a departure from modern nid aesthetics. I am inclined to believe you wouldn't be able to. Ergo, it's as close as it can possibly look to the old warrior.
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Gotta build them my dude.
With some stuff from my bits boxes I should have nice stuff soon to add to my orks. I'll have 4 trukks soon, I think that's the bit I'm the most excited about.
I offered to pay some for the time and plastic but he just said "nah man your money is no good here".
I'm still at work, but I have some emergency glue in my locker. Might sneak off and build a trukk.
>but did you snopescheck it?
>There is no proof of that
There is more proof of that than there is of the inverse
get that ai generated slop out of here. look at it, its a horrible misshapen mess.
What proof? Rumors? We already covered that. Do we need to add the memory of goldfish to your expanding list of mental deficiencies
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>air light ochre
AK - RLM 79 (1942) is a pretty much exact match for it.
All you're describing is the same silhuette, it's still not the same and you're still willfully stupid.
Go play Necromunda '95 - one of the best games GW has actually produced - and stop being so new.
There's reading and there's understanding. You fail at the latter.
>took power from the Chaos Gods
which is just a figure of speech and doesn't mean it was chaos power, specially because Chaos is not all the Inmaterium and never has been, no matter what daemons say.
>She wasn't speaking to anyone.
irrelevant. Daemons' opinions are not proof of anything but their very subjective a PoV at best
> if the Emperor ever entered the Warp or drew near the Chaos Gods then he would be destroyed.
yes, in his physical body. Not with his soul, like he did during all the HH before even going briefly supersayan as the Dark King ready to fuck them up face to face.
This is all about the Emperor's self restraint. He CAN defeat the gods, but at the expense of becoming another one, so he's been stalling for 10k years.

The real plot twist of 40k is not that the gods won back at the start of the HH. Is that the God Emperor entity became unavoidable.
I know, but the delusional aspect of chaos is one of my favorite parts of it. I love shit like
>"I won't become a slave to daemons; I'm built different" - quote from a guy who is already a slave to daemons
He is bullshitting. The Murder clown sees the massive psychic presence of the Emperor and senses that the Chaos gods are circling it like sharks.
This is ignoring that she isn't seeing the full picture. The Golden Throne is built with anti-Chaos Wards and the structure is a psychic amplifier.
When the Golden Throne was damaged and the Light of Terra was switched off during the birth of the Great Rift, Khorne invaded Terra with 8 hosts legions. The daemons would have been able to conquer Terra and kill the Emperor if Roboute didn't intervene.
Looked pretty much exactly like them, I agree.
>big round pauldrons with studs
>big round pauldrons without studs
you are an insane retard dude
Fabius was Slaanesh bitch since he was a kid and tortured animals for fun. He was already corrupting the EC with his experiments years before Fulgrim was possesed by the Laer daemon
Yeah, but whenever I see that meme image it's obnoxious fedora tipping when the idea behind the scene is to show how foolish Fabius was being.
>The Emperor was giving it his all
Bullshit, he was holding back immensely because he noticed he is about to escent into a chaos god himself and become the downfall of humanity that way, he even cut of part of his soul to prevent that from happening. Horus was not holding back in general he was just resisting the "gifts" of the chaos gods to not completly become their puppet. ok the emporer won because horus let him get killed because he regrettet what he had done and begged for forgiveness.
I always assumed that the "Nah, (x)" format was supposed to be ironic and representing overconfidence.
I love the Scouts outfits but those haircuts are wack.
"Nah, I'd win" is a meme because the guy who said it lost and died.
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Can't be true.
Abaddon who is canonically uncorrupted by Chaos said that Fabius was like him and urged him not to give up his soul to Chaos.
In the non chaos version it is a window.
>Malcador and the Custodes said that the Emperor took power from the Chaos Gods
to make the primarchs, not to empower himself
Noone said its the same, because it can't be the same you massive sperg.
The initial response to you has been
>NTA but it definitely does, just updated with modern design cues.
The nid overall design has changed
Please rething your entire framework or at least try to argue a concise talking point instead of repeating the same mantra
>Abaddon who is canonically uncorrupted by Chaos
nu-lore ignore
Dear god how much you butchered the novels.
Horus and the Chaos Gods plan was to trap the Emperor into choices. The Emperor knows he cannot beat Horus so he was to
A) Go with it anyway and lose (Chaos Wins).
B) Transform himself to the Dark King and blow up reality (Chaos Wins).

Oll talked the Emperor out of becoming the DArk King so the Emperor with choice A. Befoire doing that the Emperor cast off the soul fragment of himself that contained compassion and mercy (his humanity) because it would have been a hindrance in the fight since he needed to fight Horus 100%.

The Emperor would have lost if it wasn't for Oll and other intervening and if he didn't trick Horus by creating a Loken illusion to trick Horus into abandoning the power of Chaos. Moreover, Oll gang provided the Emperor with the dagger he needed to use to kill Horus.
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Those chains don't seem very conducive to that hatch ever opening again.
Wrong. The Throne is a soul pain engine to control the webway that keeps shut down the damaged portal to it in the dungeon. It's not a life support device like most imperials believe.
The Emperor's will is what keeps chaos away, and it took Terra in disarray due to the opening of the Great Rift, and cultist plots sown for millenia to summon khorne daemons for the attack to happen.
>The daemons would have been able to conquer Terra and kill the Emperor if Roboute didn't intervene.
Guilliman killed the last and biggest one when the rest had already been defeated by Custodes, GK, and mortals. It was also a feint to keep imperials pinned on Terra while the real attacks where to the worlds in the key warp routes to Terra.
chaos knight pilots are fused into the cockpit anyways
Lucius-pattern titans
So the Emperor chose the third option?
Cheers anon, wonder if I can find that fellas STL, I like it, wouldn't mind printing out a smaller scale one just to have a punt at painting.
>which is just a figure of speech and doesn't mean it was chaos power, specially because Chaos is not all the Inmaterium and never has been, no matter what daemons say.
It's not.
Malcador, Alivia, and the Custodes all confirmed it. He took it from the gods themselves and like I said he was mentioned to have taken amusement from turning their own powers against them.
Moreover, which shoes me how you didn't read the books at all, the Emperor over the course of the last two volumes was sponging Chaos energy from the vengeful Spirit and from Horus himself.
>This is all about the Emperor's self restraint. He CAN defeat the gods, but at the expense of becoming another one, so he's been stalling for 10k years.
You do know that the Chaos Gods planned for the Emperor to become the Dark King to be one of their win conditions?
The Emperor couldn't beat Horus which less the Chaos Gods.
Like >>93077436 said, plus they'll kidnap loyalist marines and convicts and brainwash them into changing sides.
Oll chose it for him.
Traitor apothecaries harvest gene-seed from loyalists.
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>plus the fluff emphasizes they mostly use heresy-era equipment (modified though), but they should've lost their gear many times over by now
Just because GW pretends they don't exist, that doesn't mean you must too.
If I served on that titan, I'd want to be the penis gunner.
I hope that pictures cropped otherwise its prime nu-slop.
CSM replenish their numbers with traitors, kidnapped neophytes or elevated mortals when they get geneseed from other sources.
And their equipment although often heresy era stuff, can be made from scratch by chaos forgeworlds (don't remember the correct name) who also repair the heresy era stuff.
And, due to the warp being the warp, some chaos marines are still not even a couple centuries from the heresy by their perception of time, so some heresy stuff is kinda new still
I thought Horus gave up the power of Chaos so easily partly because Russ wounded him with a spear.
Everyone wants to be the penis punisher cannon operator, few are selected. Its a prestigious role. You'd probably get fobbed off with a job in one of the knee guns.
Never understood why that Rhino was made when the Damocles exists.
>Wrong. The Throne is a soul pain engine to control the webway that keeps shut down the damaged portal to it in the dungeon
The Golden Throne is a psychic amplifier and beacon that the Emperor uses to guide the Light of Terra and project his mind across the galaxy.
The Webway thing was a contingency created after Magnus blew up the Webway.
>The Emperor's will is what keeps chaos away, and it took Terra in disarray due to the opening of the Great Rift, and cultist plots sown for millenia to summon khorne daemons for the attack to happen.
Wouldn't have happened if the Golden throne was functional. The rulebook lore makes Khorne invasion look like it was on a whim rather than any plan.
>Guilliman killed the last and biggest one when the rest had already been defeated by Custodes, GK, and mortals.
A Custodes novella has a Custodes muses that they wouldn't have won without Roboute.
In addition to that, Eldrad foresaw the same event but in a future where Roboute didn't wake up. The Daemons conquered Terra and killed the Emperor.
They do both.
CSM actively try and raid loyalist marine geneseed stockpiles which are placed strategically through out the Imperium.
Or they just kidnap loyalist marines and brainwash them to join the traitors or torture them until they join or die, whatever comes first.
And CSM specifically do this because both Chaos and the Warp are corrosive as all hell and mutate and fuck up everything and anything.
So any chaos marines are rarely if ever going to produce usable geneseed that the legion can then use, never mind that the lackof infrastructure doesn't help either. People forget but the traitors have the same exact technology loss problem as the Imperium and Mechanicus, but it's like 10x worse due to the Wapr actively corrupting and fucking up whatever tech they have.
Darkmech exists but they will only supply the most powerful warbands or none, because Darkmech don't give a shit and can tell anyone to fuck off whenever they want because it is Chaos. Everything works by "I Have The Bigger Stick" diplomacy.

Which is kind of off-topic, but most traitor legions practically almost extinct due to this, some probably already are but there is no way of confirming it.
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This is me just fucking with the parts. I'm thinking of building each with increasing armoring. One will just be an ork technical. Another a slightly uparmored version. The last one, I'll likely go take plasicard and make it a killdozer trukk.

Fuck, I love orks.
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Man I hate the corpse emperor and the imperium so much it's unreal
>Malcador, Alivia, and the Custodes
None of which knew the full plan of the Emperor. Well, except for maybe Alivia at the very end.
>sponging Chaos energy
you seem to believe that all warp energy is chaos. Wrong.
>the Chaos Gods planned for the Emperor to become the Dark King
yes, yes, that was the reveal, but you miss that they wouldn't need it if they could kill the Emperor directly. Or why even seduce and use Horus against him? They NEED proxies in realspace, and couldn't hurt him directly in the warp. As shown by all those astral scenes with the Emperor keeping them at bay, just like he has been doing for 10k years.
>The Emperor couldn't beat Horus
Horus was a deluded fool that even Sanguinius could have killed if it weren't for the warp juice given to him by the Gods. The second he cut the warp juice after being baited was enough for Big E to kill him despite being already wounded and maimed.
You're also forgetting how this is all so very convenient to set up the God Emperor's existence. The same entity that was already operating at the very start with Keller banishing daemons in the Vengeful Spirit
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anyone has the pdf?
He’s not an Ynnari character. He’s from Alaitoc Craftworld. He helps Eldar in general during times of need with webway travel, but he’s certainly not Ynnari.
That's a short story. It's priced for 5 bucks. FIVE DOLLLARS. Why don't you buy it and support the author?
>The Golden Throne is a psychic amplifier and beacon
wrong, you are confusing it with the Astronomicon
>The Webway thing was a contingency created after Magnus blew up the Webway.
Wrong. It was canonically its main purpose from the start (Visions of Heresy, Master of Mankind, The Path of Heaven, The Dark City).
> The rulebook lore makes Khorne invasion look like it was on a whim rather than any plan.
Modern codexes are garbage. Abbadon sown cultists on Terra for millennia primed to wait for the right moment.
>Eldrad foresaw
lol, my sides
I'll send him $5 on paypal, now post the pdf
Mi'lord I have an unparalleled record as a phallic artillery engineer. I served as a loader on the cock cannon of the Warlord class titan 'Rapist of Absalom', in the testicular armory of the Warmaster class titan 'Savager of the Fertile Valley Pink', and in the Vas Deferens command node of the Reaver-class titan 'Brazen Serpent'. You will not find a more qualified and faithful master of cocks than I.
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I have the epub of the anthology that contains it: https://gofile.io/d/6JOUgM
How many artists has that guy commissioned for his OC?
Quite a few by the amount of pictures floating out there.
ALL of them, apparently.
Those look pretty nice
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Your favorite 40k smut artist rendered your favorite primarch.
neither of these things are true
What is better for CSM with Jumppack?

Plasma Pistol + Axe and Raptors?
Lightning Claws and Warp Talons?
remember how thousand sons will bait other chaos marines into joining their legion just so they can stuff them in helbrutes and lock them in rooms with daemons until they go insane.
that's pretty funny.
It's connected to the Golden Throne and feeds it power. From the Throme the Emperor channels its light.
>Wrong. It was canonically its main purpose from the start (Visions of Heresy, Master of Mankind, The Path of Heaven, The Dark City).
The purpose of the Golden Throne is unknown even perhaps to the Emperor. The things it can do are known. It can empower the guys setting on it to shut down Warp rifts and cast huge psychic shields over entire planets.
>Modern codexes are garbage. Abbadon sown cultists on Terra for millennia primed to wait for the right moment.
Regardless of your opinion the invasion was done on a whim by Khorne and not planned. If Abaddon had any involvement in it, then it would have been because he foresaw it and wanted to help the daemons like how he helped Magnus secretly during the Siege of Fenris.
>lol, my sides
name of prophecy Eldrad got wrong.
>turning the Lion into a pretty young girl
what's the name of this mental illness?
all marines should have rectangle silhouettes.
>super human warrior with god like strength and stands at like 10ft tall
>female version is a small dainty girl
If you're gonna make female primarchs at least make them into tall busty amazons who could crush me with their thighs.
I will not stand for less.
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Primaris struggle with this.
>It's connected to the Golden Throne
Wrong. The Astronomicon was online BEFORE the Throne was made and while the Emperor traveled the galaxy during the Great Crusade. The psykers in the choir are soul bound to him, and he guides the song, but it has nothing to do with the Throne.
>The purpose of the Golden Throne is unknown
No is not. It was first revealed 20 years ago in Visions of Heresy and explained further in more books since then.
>cast huge psychic shields over entire planets.
Wrong. That was Big E, not the throne.
>the invasion was done on a whim by Khorne and not planned
Wrong. Read Watchers of the Throne. It was all planned.
>name of prophecy Eldrad got wrong
Eldar farseers are worthless uppity idiots. Remenber when he tried to warn the Emperor about Horus through Fulgrim and he didn't know jack shit about him already being possesed or that Imperials did not know about Chaos back then?
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Should fit nicely with the rest.
There's an anchor as the wrecking ball as well. I'm now thinking of making the low armor version really simple and paint it as a tow truck. The middle one, I'm putting the gunner out of its gunners hatch, on the roof, with a shoota or something.
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Hey, Happy Father's Day to all you dadhammerers out there.
thank you!
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That's literally a good thing and anything a pilot could ever wish for.
Like these motherfuckers go insane if they don't get to pilot their mechs for a couple of weeks.
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please cease your wholesomeness, this is an edgy safe space. Read the room, man
>Wrong. The Astronomicon was online BEFORE the Throne was made and while the Emperor traveled the galaxy during the Great Crusade. The psykers in the choir are soul bound to him, and he guides the song, but it has nothing to do with the Throne.
Wait a minute. The first of the choir was created when the Emperor needed to get off the throne during MoM.

The Golden Throne was found not built.

>No is not. It was first revealed 20 years ago in Visions of Heresy and explained further in more books since then.
I recall Malcador that they don't know its purpose. They just use it.
Post the Visions page.
>Wrong. That was Big E, not the throne.
The Emperor on the Throne. Malcador and the Emperor's feats of shutting down the rift and casting the shield were all done on the Throne.
>Wrong. Read Watchers of the Throne. It was all planned.
Not according to the codexes and the 8th main book. Khorne does not create complex plans.
And it doesn't address the main point. The invasion happened because of the Great Rift shuting down the Light of Terra.
>Remenber when he tried to warn the Emperor about Horus through Fulgrim and he didn't know jack shit about him already being possesed or that Imperials did not know about Chaos back then?
Being ignorant about the present =/= being a bad farseer.
Eldrad had never failed to see the future in any of his readings. He foresaw the HH when the Emperor couldn't.
>The Astronomicon was online BEFORE the Throne was made
I'll just chime in and say the Throne was discovered rather than invented. The Emperor was not its creator.
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No. I will join anon in wishing all the dad's here a happy Father's Day.
I hope your kids grow up to be strong both of mind and body.
I will likely never share in that, I had always dreamed of being a father. The sort of dad that would listen to his kids. Share in their triumphs and defeats. I wanted nothing more than to sit down with a daughter, put on a funny hat and share imaginary tea with her.
To those of you dads. Go and play with your kids. Make time for them, listen to them, be there for them. All the toys and gadgets are nice, but nothing will replace making memories with them. I wish you all health and wealth anons.
Thank you.
It's literally the same weapon loadout as one of the configurations (Deathspitter + Rending claws). That's how I built all of mine because I wanted to reserve my boneswords.
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Whats a project you like the idea of, but will never do? For me its pic related ( not mine). I did it with the previous mk3 and every brush stroke is flirting with danger.
I wish that when I become a dad I can have some hobbies in common with my kids.
It's pretty shit when your dad dislikes every single one of your hobbies.
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Either a terminator focus marine army, or a Vashtorr lead vehicle centric chaos army.
Both of them sound great in theory, but in money and time are whole ass impossible right now, I have two other armies that are not fully painted.
Evangelion Eldar, with 3 Wraithknights in Eva 00, 01, and 02 colors each with squads of guardians/apect wasrriors in their respective colors.
Hello I've been wanting to get into the game for a while and I have a question

Can you mix chaos guys in the same army? For example, if I have khorne and nurgle dudes, can I use them together or do I have to stick with just one?
As an IG/Nids player......shrug.
I think you can mix whatever you want as long as it's a Chaos Space Marines/Traitor Legion army. If you go God-specific, that's when you're locked into specific cult marines/units.
I always thought about buying the GSC combat patrol because was a shitload of minis, but I never did.

Now I've paid the price for my inaction. The new one is dogshit. Half the minis for the same price.
>lets forge a compelling narrative
>chaosfags believe this
Adding Chaos to 40k in the latter half of RT was a mistake and I'm tired of pretending that it wasn't.
40k Smash when?
Are there any examples of major defeats of Word Bearers? It seems to me that this is one of the few factions that always wins.
We get it. You like bland food.
>The first of the choir was created when the Emperor needed to get off the throne during MoM.
No, you're confusing the start of the daily human sacrifices (The unspoken Sanction) to feed him and the Throne soul energy with the trained psykers singing in the Astronomicon that eventually burn out after some time. They're NOT the same.
>The Golden Throne was found not built.
It was both. But it didn't became online until after the Emperor left the GC and named Horus as Warmaster.
>I recall Malcador that they don't know its purpose.
Nope. They know what it does. It wasn't even the only throne they found and used.
Read the Path of Heaven
>Khorne does not create complex plans.
Khorne corrupts societies and individuals little by little just like all the other gods even if it ends in open bloodshed.
>Malcador and the Emperor's feats of shutting down the rift and casting the shield were all done on the Throne.
The shield held while Big E was blasting Daemons in the Webway. We're told again and again during the Siege that it's him doing it.
>Being ignorant about the present =/= being a bad farseer.
hahaha there's a reason even many eldar are tired of farseers' bs
Awesome thanks
The entirety of them Fire Warrior videogame
You're misguided from the very foundation of your question.
>so mad he makes an edit of the original "let's recreate Aliens" maymay
Literally any way they can. Steal loyalist gene-seed, clone them, use sorcery or half-assed gene crafting or all of the above. Some warbands just slap stolen gene-seed into like a million mortal slaves and put them through a crash-course process which involves any combination of mad science and daemonic sorcery, then have the survivors (obviously a fuckton of them die) fight to the death, the winners come out as something resembling bootleg Astartes and get equally shoddy gear. They are of lower quality then regular Astartes but cheaper and easier to make in greater quantities, that's why a lot of stories have the loyalists just plowing through the CSM, most of them are mass produced mongrels in bargain-bin gear fighting actual Astartes. The veterans of the long war are the champions tearing through loyalists like paper. Fabius Bile can make perfect Astartes though, he obviously charges like hell and everyone tries to be on good terms with him.
>he makes
This image is probably older than you are.
Word Bearers at their core aren't a martial legion. They aren't going to be waging war against hard targets.

They attack Shrine Worlds, Ecclesiarchy worlds, places of religious significance etc. I wouldn't say they're cowards like Night Lords, but they know they'll get fucked up if they go up against loyalist SM targets of equal size.
Because if you care how much documented "winrate" a given faction or subfaction has, you're displaying some major moba player autism behavior.
A recorded history of battles of any given faction is but a small facets of engagements it has taken part in. Otherwise one might just ask "Are Brotherhood of Darkness (or any no name warband) the strongest CSM? They never had a recorded loss
Same extends to other factions
in one of the old Huron Blackheart books (or the Night Lords book where they visit Huron), there is a scene where theres like 4 or 5 Red Corsair Apothecaries in the same room.

They have the means to replenish their ranks. Just that they have to steal it geneseed/gear/resources.
The Rogue Trader videogame.
They got bodied on Calth despite it being the second most skewed battle in the lore after the Iron Cage. The ''hurr they achieved secondary objectives'' bullshit doesn't work because their failure to destroy the Ultramarines and kill Guilliman directly resulted in Sanguinius reaching Terra to defend it and Guilliman forcing Horus' hand at the end of the Siege.
>hurr but now they won because endless war was their objective
Lorgar betrayed his entire species and everyone who ever cared for him and sold his soul only to get absolutely shredded by Corax going SSj and the gods gave zero fucks when he was about to be killed despite him being their supposed high priest. The reason he was so depressed when limping away from that battle for the realization that
A)the gods give zero fucks about anything aside themselves and
B)all the horrific things he did and everything he sacrifices served to make him WEAKER than his father intended him to be
The gods themselves wanted The Emperor dead and Terra consumed.
Gender dysphoria
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Im having a lot of trouble against melee armies as imperial guard.
Guardsmen can't defend themselves and bullgryn are expensive for their stats and even they can't really hold off dedicated melee attackers.
For reference I'm mostly playing against Necrons running lots of skorpekh destroyers, World Eaters, and Votann.
I can't get my guys to stick to objectives they just keep getting pushed off.
I am close to finishing a write up of "Kill team: Termination" (Votann Kin vs GSC Brood Brothers). Anyone interested in reading it?
no, go away and post it on reddit or something
The WB on Calth were expendable, which practically destroyed the Ultramarines and caused a warp storm of galactic proportions.
>Play guard
>One of the armies known for having shitty melee
Well, the guard answer to everything. Put more bodies between you and the enemy. Make them get into combat with things you dont care about loosing, and then when they loose, simply shoot them.
>50k veteran Astartes are expendable
Lorgar is a fucking retard, also while Calth delayed Guilliman ultimately it failed to stop him decisively influencing the war, which was the primary objective of causing the Ruinstorm.
Then you will post later that the Votann don't get enough lore. Hypocrite.
>The WB on Calth were expendable
>which practically destroyed the Ultramarines
>caused a warp storm of galactic proportions.
The WB regularly carried out purges in the legion.
50k WB killed almost 120k Ultramarines.It's insane.
No, trust me, I won't, now begone, shoo
Go for it.
That doesn't change the fact that he failed to achieve his ultimate objective. Guilliman is directly responsible for Imperium winning by sending Sanguinius to Terra and by later forcing Horus' hand. Guilliman was also pivotal in the Great Scouring.
Fuck off. This is the 40k thread all 40k discussion is welcome here.
Post it. I like GSC
It's embarrassing they didn't win with the absurd advantages they had.
>your allies don't even dream of you betraying them
>they muster together which leaves them extremely vulnerable to a massive attack because, again, treachery is inconceivable
>you have daemon magic bullshit which they have no defense against and which allows you to hack their own planetary defenses ridiculously fast
It's the peak of irony, WB wanted to humiliate the Ultramarines and knock them of their high horse, yet only ended up proving everything about them was true, they really do live by courage and honor and they really are an example to all Astartes, despite being betrayed and assailed by inconceivable forces and slaughtered en masse in the early stages of the fight, they manage to slowly regroup, push back and win. Meanwhile WB proved that even with every advantage under the sun they're still just a bunch of bitter losers who can't do anything right.
Is that really what I have to do? Take 100 guardsmen and then play it as a parking lot?
According to black books Ultramarines had 250k+ legionaries.
WB had 100-150k
They both lost around half that is not "Almost destoryed." They dealt a massive blow to each other, but they did not "almost destroy" either of them.
Welcome to the guard, your bodies are shields for the tanks and heavy weapons.
WB had 250k astartes too at the peak of Heresy.
>do I really have to play the infantry spam park lot army as infantry spam parking lot
what did you expect?
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Buy an ad, fag
this whole thread is an ad buddy
What company would spend money on a thread that just whines constantly and tells people to buy 3d prints or from china?
Wheres her beard, receding hairline and welsh accent? They're RUINED my enjoyment.
>Ready Yourself for the Next Balance Dataslate!!!
>entire article is about AoS and Merch
the british aren't as smart as they think they are
>What company would spend money on a thread that just whines constantly and tells people to buy 3d prints or from china?
GW, because they know that it is all bark with no bite, we just buy their shit anyway.
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>at least make them into tall busty amazons who could crush me with their thighs.
God I wish they would make them apex predator women instead of pathetic waifs.
> we
The Word Bearers don't have defeats, only temporary setbacks.
Truly this was a post.
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Because its not Lorgars legion any more, he's unneeded, Erebus and the various Dark Apostles done more for them than Lorgar ever did.
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I'd buy those magnets for my beer fridge door so long as they arent taking the absolute piss with the price.
Would your mom be okay with them?
lol that imperial fists banner mogs all those other ones so hard
How well do the Legions translate to the Major Arcana the means by which all is revealed?
fists banner there is literally the worst of them all
Blood Angels win again.
nor you
>Big 4
>No SW
Yes "we" based on the fact how many of the models posted here (vast majority), are just GW plastic.
Might pick up the Ultramarines one, their classic style is one of my guilty pleasures.
I doubt she'd ever see them? She lives about 7500 miles away, why do you ask?
I feel you've missed the Ultramarines stamping on a xenos and unloading bolter rounds in its face.
UM > BA > DA > IF
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No one loves Space Wolves any more. : (
Sad but true.
Monarchia was a pretty big L I think.
Word Bearers avenged the Monarchia by staging the Horus Heresy.
>so long as they arent taking the absolute piss with the price.
$20 each, $80 for the set is what I've heard.
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GW killed their appeal doubling down in the furry shit and baby blue that only a small group of degenerates like, and scaring away the metalheads that had been traditionally the biggest SW fans.
Then they made the 30k SW and Lemon Russ into a bunch of useless idiots that did more for the traitors than for the Imperium.
Thats like saying the Age of Strife was a big L for the Imperium.
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I'm not really a kult of speed guy. My go tos will be war horde, dred mob, and green tide. Possibly bully boys as I have a shitload of nobs
It tries too hard.
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Turn out people online watch too much porn and can't see a wolf without connecting it to gay sex.
I expected that I would be able to take and hold objectives.
Tried applying a satin varnish to my mini then painting over it. The paint doesn't seem to be sticking well. I take it this is a bad idea?
depends on the varnish
satin can have some issues with adhesion in subsequent layers of paint since it's semi-gloss when gloss finishes typically have the worst adhesion
So if I want to try this, I should use a matte varnish? Then if I apply satin once I'm done it'll look fine?
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Space Wolves are the patricians choice of Space Marine chapter, just have to drown out and ignore the gibbering idiots.
Satin is smooth.
Matte is "bumpy".
Paint can't adhere to smooth surfaces.
this is wrong, you can't paint over matte varnish neither
you'll have better odds getting your paint to stick on a matte finish
just remember to apply your varnish coats thin or you'll lighten and fog up your paintjob
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The summed up story and lore of "Kill Team: Termination" (Kin Hernkyn vs GSC Brood Brothers).
No, they just suck. The entire "muh noble barbarian" thing is so silly, especially when they are supposed to be extremely smart at the same time.
>The Imperium suppresses knowledge of alien races. As a result, a few Imperial Guardsmen know of the Tyranids and their cults or how they operate.
This is retarded.
they got mogged by the world eaters at their own game of being feral wardogs of the emperor
imagine losing to a legion of lobotomites
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I can only find so much on google for Relictor Marines. Anyone got some cool pics saved?
that has been canon for decades, tourist
Yes, the Imperium is retarded.
They also get played with by the Alpha Legion, and had to be saved by the Lion.
Hello gibbering idiots.
>You have to ignore your army to enjoy it
Imagine the mass panic if it were common knowledge that there are gigantic swarm fleets waiting to eat the universe.
4 for 4 on dumb posts
Those don't count.
No, just ignore other peoples stupid opinions of my army. : )
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Nice custom chapter you got there.
Space Wolves look like pic related.

If you want to have space marines with a dark viking theme.. all power to you. But Space Wolves are not that. Create a custom chapter.
Space Wolves got a lot more competent when Leman Retard Russ finally disappeared.
If Xenos became common knowledge and the Imperium was honest about the state of affairs, how much would the plebs push for alliances with the T'au/Eldar/Votann in order to handle the actual imminent threats? Or would the indoctrination run too deep.
>Space Wolves look like pic related.
Nah. That's retarded. That shits not my headcannon.
>Create a custom chapter.
No, I don't think I will.
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Pic related is what GW intended for Space Wolves.
Yours are way too dark.
Well my headcanon is your dudes fucking their wolves or each other in their spare time, because they're huge fags.
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>Yours are way too dark.
Too bad, cry about it.
Hey, if that's what floats your boat, you do you anon.
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Lets face it, GW made Space Wolves into a laughing stock of an army.
They got, BY FAR, the worst space marine minis in the entire range.

Show your sledge, i dare you.
>what GW intended
People who insist of doing things the way daddy GW tells you to are the worst part of this hobby.
I like your wolves, anon. I think more people should get interpretive with their armies.
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>Show your sledge, i dare you.
Don't have one, why would I buy something that looks retarded?
You either play along the books, or you make your own custom chapter. Thats how it always was, and how it always will be. THats why they created successor chapters and the options to make up /yourdudes/ in the first place.

If Anon wants Space Wolves, but with cool colors and without the random wolf here, wolf there bullshit, he needs to do that, because GW clearly defines what Space Wolves are, and how they are painted, and how they look like (i.e. shit).

Show those nice looking Termis (>>93079653) to anyone, and they will think: SW Successors, and not aha, thats clearly Space Wolves.
Of course they should, I find it ridiculous when people think they have to do things exactly like GW depicts them.
In hindsight the Blood Angels are extremely fortunate that their chapter's gimmick is much harder to put into model form. They got updates around the same time as the Space Wolves but they got normal models with really dumb names instead of their entire aesthetic being completely and utterly destroyed for all time.
There are some yt videos with cool conversions, just look em up!
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>you either play along the books, or you make your own custom chapter.
No. Thanks, but I'll keep playing Space Wolves. : )
>THats why they created successor chapters and the options to make up /yourdudes/ in the first place.
Good for them, I'm good, thanks.
>he needs to do that, because GW clearly defines what Space Wolves are, and how they are painted, and how they look like (i.e. shit).
Too bad. Sucks to be them, I'm not painting them like that.
>and they will think: SW Successors
I don't see why I should even care?
100% true. Same with Dark Angels and Black Templars. Their unique stuff is completely "normal" and in line with their chapter. Only with the wolves, GW went completely crazy with those silly riders, the wolven and some of the other bs.
And it came out of nowhere, because the old space wolf marine sets were fine, with those upgrade bits with wolf pelts and stuff. But all of the sudden it got retarded.
>SW veteran
I assume that is a Scars White veteran?
Space Wolves aren't white.
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>Some methods of infecting guardsmen include feeding them rations from genestealer-infested agri-worlds or giving them tainted vaccinations.
I see safe and effective is a thing in 40k too
I'm really not getting why people are freaking out about some anon painting their Wolves a bit darker, more like the 30K Legion, it makes no difference whatsoever.
>it makes no difference because I say so!
Life doesn't work that way, numbnuts
So the Votann are like the Eldar Infinity Matrices. The Kin even have their own version of soul stones the legacy vaults.
I have the feeling that the Votann Leagues are a lazy mesh mash of ideas from the Eldar, Imperium, and T'au.
What difference is it making to you at all anon? Is it triggering your autism or something?
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>unironically seething over Space Wolves because they are better than you
Its like painting Ultramarines purple and then shoving the fact that they are 100% legit Ultramarines, and not any other chapter into peoples faces.
Spacewolf anons paint job looks better then 99% of the shitty models i have sen posted.
>Completely different color
>A darker shade of a color.
Anon this is the most retarded attempt to make a point i have seen in a long time on this thread.
I cant find a single one. The only video i found was someone playing as a Relictor in the Space Marine video game.
Space Wolves are thematically better than most xenos or chaos factions.
40k is about, space vikings with a wolf theme fit in better than spiky elves or spiky marines with daddy issues.
Its a different shade of grey anon, why does it trigger you so much? I think they're Space Wolves, you can see them as a successor if you want, it doesn't make any difference to me.
Light blue <-> dark grey
Ultramarine <-> purple

If anything, blue is closer to purple than grey.
No one asked for your inane opinion, wolf bitch
Dark grey is just a shade of grey, it's not an entirely new color.
furfags aren't better than anyone, sorry babe
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Absolutely sick models, god damn.

Absolutely retarded no models, no games schizo.
Did you just double down on your retardation?
>space vikings with a wolf theme

Problem is, they abandoned that theme long ago, and now its silly barbarians riding wolves and hover sledges into battle.
30k Space Wolves are so much better because of >>93079695
Light gray to dark gray is more introduction of back into the color to change its saturation
Blue to purple is the introduction of red into the color to change the hue
Go look up what, hue, saturation and volume.
Learn to color theory before posting.
There is a nice guy who made some conversions for the entire mythos angelica mortis. His video on yt got a relictors segment and he even converted some chaos salvaged gear iirc
those four you quoted aren't that anon's models lmao
Holy fucking based. Marinefag rivet counters on suicide watch.
For those who play on GW terrain: how many tanks do you tend to bring @ 2000 points and how do you manage to navigate them with the dense terrain?

Are elite infantry or flyers with big guns better on GW terrain because of the dense terrain and relative lack of open fire lanes?
Sure they are, why would he post them otherwise?
because he wants attention
>buzzword salad that isn't relevant at all
>but GW
I don't care.
Interesting how the SW enjoyer posts models but none of the SW haters?
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>and now its silly barbarians riding wolves and hover sledges into battle.
So what? Proxy that shit out for something you like the look of or conversions that look much better.
If GW changed your chosen army into something you were less of a fan of would you just lose your shit and stop collecting them?
Like you?
Tried stripping paint off of an old Tau Pathfinder (Metal) and heard nail varnish remover would work. Whilst it seems to have worked for the metal, it kind of really softened the plastic base. Luckily that can be replaced. But I also have some plastic models I want to strip and am worried now.
That was the biggest sign to me that the other anon has never painted anything. Probably just is one of those lore only weirdos.
acetone is great for stripping metal models yeah
Use rubbing alcohol for plastic minis.
>I don't care.

You care enough to buy their shit
Go buy a jewlery cleaner off of Ebay, toss them into it with some rubbing alcohol and call it a day.
he posts models he grabbed off the EoB discord lmao
>If GW changed your chosen army into something you were less of a fan of would you just lose your shit and stop collecting them?

Of course. Just like you stopped collecting space wolves, otherwise you would own those retarded models. But earlier you said you dont have the sledge, so apparently you aren't collecting Space Wolves, you just paint generic marines into your headcanon version of them. (which is fine).
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I think what was most amusing to me is that the autistic tourists cant tell what's a well known 30K model when presented with them.
not relevant, still shows the furfagification of your mary sue chapter
It's acetone free.
>a well known 30K model

Who gives a shit? Its a space marine
Its very relevant, those were all lore accurate 30K Space Wolf Legion paint schemes lol.
so fuck off to your general?
Isn't iso alcohol good enough for resin, metal, and plastic without harming the materials?
Why must lining up Deathmarks arms be so difficult?
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You will genuflect to the chads of /tg/, menial.
Nah, I do use those models in 40K games too.
Honest question, why do you expect anyone to know about some random officer of some random company of some random chapter from 10,000 years ago?
I'd expect a 40K fan who is apparently obsessed about lore accurate paint schemes to know that the Space Wolves used a darker grey when they were a Legion in the Heresy.
Tl;dr who won?
>random officer of some random company of some random chapter from 10,000 years ago?
nta, but that's supposed to be fucking Bjorn before he became a dreadnought (Or it was until GW remembered that Dan Abnett turned him into a nobody so they made up a notBjorn character)
Struggle makes it more rewarding
>caring about 30k

Anon.. if you like the primarch slop, go play 30k. This is the 40k general.
Space Wolves were always meant to be a "funny" SM faction and they got further flanderized.

It's one thing that you have a wolf motif or iconography and another altogether when you're riding a wolf into combat while wearing a metal fursuit and turning into a wolf under the suit anyway.

Also the AWOOOO is a lame low-effort gimmick anyway.
Who's Bjorn?
Is he the guy riding the giant wolf?
I didnt think you could use Kratos legally in 40k anymore?
I like both?
>Who's Bjorn?
Jesus christ how can you not know who Bjorn is?
If only it were just a spice instead of the main ingredient. The stories about non-chaos struggling with falling to chaos are great. Armies made up of people who have already fallen to chaos aren't interesting at all. It's literally an army of losers. When chaos armies show up, the narrative basically turns into "and then a bunch of losers showed up to piss and shidd and fard all over the place, and named faction leader #1 fights Apollyon the Shardder 1 on 1 and banishes him back to the demon realm" yawn
I don't play or care about Space Wolves
Wow that sounds like garbage!
I'm more of a Tankred kinda guy.

Oh, so you're talking about Horse Heresy? This is the 40k general.
I would say that the lore of the Horus Heresy is somewhat critical to 40K anon.
UMMM horus heresy was an L???
Lol, not for the Word Bearers it wasn't, they converted half of the Space Marine Legions to Chaos worship, thats a pretty fucking huge win.
Its not their fault Horus fucked it all up.
Pretty sure not even Khorne wanted the the World Eaters.
Lorgar getting his ass beat by Corax. Word Bearers in general don't come off as "winners" either, but "getters away with it". They don't reach for things or take real risks, they're the guy who sucker punches and then runs away like a bitch screaming when people com after them.

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