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Previous Thread: >>93033000
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic or Artists.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93026790
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
I see Labyrinthus is still going strong, so i wonder how Thot Amon Anon is doing
Give me ideas for a themed magic system
I'm not sure I fully understand your question, but I'll take a crack at it.
Rune magic springs to mind, since it can be very focused on prepared enhancements, but also has the benefit where you can have it either traced on objects or people. I suppose that depends on how much you like tattoos though.

Or for something more specific, mirror magic. Scrying via mirrors, using them as portals, summoning mirror doppelgangers, or on the lower end could be stuff like illusions, beams of light, or entrancing people with reflections.
what kind of sexual appeal could you give to dwarven males, that women of other (taller) races might find attractive and would want to romance/have sex? stamina? (almost literal) rock hardness?
Wealth? A feeling of safety. Never showing any emotion (while still providing for you). Stuff like that?
They inspire "daddy" feelings.
Dwarfs are a race considered by most to be tripods.

They have only 2 legs.
Dwarves aren't the men you date, they're the men you marry.

Reliable and steady income, won't leave you and healthy & hardy so won't die on you either.
The two main reasons are the following:
1) They are not elves
Are there any useful lewd adventure generator or random table collection out there?
Like mythic but in nsfw version.
Labyrinthus has its own version of Mythic Tables, Oracles, Plot Lines and is built to let you randomly explore maps and dungeons
Semi related to >>93093338 request, how do you anons feel about like, lewd TCG? In concept, at least.

I had an old concept for a MtG-style system (colors and themes and the like) based on fetishes. Never found my old story about it.
>mirror magic
>stuff like illusions
Strike a mirror illusion and get a luck debuff.
Tons of women get with IRL dwarves (that is, stout, burly men). Just look up what they say they like about them. And I assure you it has nothing to do with dick size like some virgins ITT are saying.
These may be the utter worst threads.
Thank you for your service.
Given their strength and short stature, they're particularly good at the "wrestling" part. I'm sure that has its perks.
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I'm brainstorming a system and the more I think about it the more I want to use nonstandard dice, especially the d16 and d24. I've got the start of a decent sex system and I will share the system if it comes to anything but I know that would put people off.
My gf and I are going long distance for a few months so we're thinking about doing some sort of Lewd RPG game together, is there a good sort of prewritten adventure for this to get started? I was thinking about using the 5e supplement thingy in the OP.
The 5e supplements have no pre-written adventures.
Check Labyrinthus which has 3
Start with your requirements, then pick your dice; not the other way around. Figure out what distribution best serves your intended gameplay, and then how much resolution that distribution should be resolved in.

Don't just jump to funny dice because of the novelty; it should have a reason.
Please don't do that
What's the system like?
Pardon the late reply an please no bully... I just simply thought for a very long time that you /tg/ anons and tabletop players have different standards and principles than most other nerds, geeks, gamers and otaku out there. Especially with that "magic realm" comic strip that was all about tabletop players not enjoying and disliking sex and fetishes in their Rap games. Not to mention Warhammer fans; specifically Imperium mains and Space Marine players, who're the "purge the heretics!" type of attitude and personality and are devout religious Christians and right-leaning conservatives in real life...

Well I used to think like that until I started browsing /h/ and or /aco/ more recently a year or two ago, noticed the OC threads and started seeing all the characters I've seen in /tg/ being featured, talked about and having lewd and smut drawn and written for them. Again, was surprised and hit with nostalgia that time and shocked that /tg/ and tabletop players can be THAT horny as well. But to not sound like I'm ragging on you guys too much, I suppose you tabletop players making porn content of your OCs; wether it be wholesome vanilla or /h/ardcore /d/egen, is a sign or indicator you guys do value or have some attachment to the characters you've created for you dnd or Shadowrun games. I used to think back then most of the characters you've created for your RP sessions were just one-off, one shot single use throwaway characters you used for one or two games and move on. Which was another reason I was surprised at how horny and lustful table top players are.

And yes, also saw the Warhammer lewd threads there too. Does that mean most Warhammer players and fans who claim to be devout Christians and stout right wing anti-porn traditional consecutives who main Imperium of Man are hypocrites. And the Warhammer fandom/community is filled coom brained sex pests and love rats too?
>EVERYONE thinks about sex this much, anon. You're the anomaly. You're the one who is suppressing yourself because you're afraid an invisible sky daddy will be mad at you if you don't.
Nah, have been a coomer otaku myself for how long already. Like I said, I simply used to think you tabletop players and Warhammer fans are built different with different standards, morals and principles than most other nerds, fandoms and otakus. Especially with Warhammer fans who turn out to be horny hypocrites themselves. Looks like I did fell for the meme of the Warhammer community being wholesome virtuous right wing conservative traditionalists who reject /d/egen and /h/ardcore pornography.
Take your meds
How would you go about giving your setting something like primae noctis except it's consensual?
A god of marriage who blesses the family by sleeping with the bride? Still cucked, but at least they get some kind of supernatural fortune out of it.
That's not a bad idea, I think it would be pretty fitting in a Sword and Sorcery, Bronze age type world.
I had something similar. When the half-elves migrated to a new land the king of that land sleeps with all the half-elf women. In a mythical sense if the ruler is tied with the land then the king sleeping with them the women ties them and by extension their families to the land so they aren't considered foreigners but a part of the land
I'm only considering it to make the game simpler and less modifier heavy. By using a side chain I can do that and using d16s and d24s I can even out probability a bit. I'm also taking a lot of inspiration from Dungeon Crawl Classics of all things and that game has the weird dice.

The sex system's core idea is honestly quite portable and intended for solo play. I do break break it down into rounds and initially struggled with wanting to make some huge mega tables of different moves and positions with descriptions and modifiers for each entry but soon saw that it was a foolish and unending task. The new system should be universal for any situation or partner. Each round you roll for a sense and whether that sense is directed at your own character or your character's partner. So if you rolled hearing/partner, you might construct a sentence "you hear the orc grunt loudly as they..." You do that for each round of sex until it concludes. There are also some twists in the table that indicate a change of position or an opportunity for a special move or action.
There's nothing wrong with lots of modifiers; only with things that don't need or justify modifiers. Can you go into some detail about what sort of statistical problem you're trying to solve?

Fork-lift certifications
This guys historically-accurate porn is so good, shame he draws lolishit
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Should female adventures wear
>lots of armor, so it can be stripped off
>"armor" like picrel
>slutty bikini armor
Or instead of a uniform look should it just be all of the above, depending on the adventurer
Variety is the spice of life.
nothing sexier than a striptease out of full-harness
>Warhammer fans who claim blah blah culture war
Warhammer fans aren't anything specific, including your rent free strawman. After all, Warhammer is for everyone, right? ;)
Literally one reply to that post was about dick size
I'm not against modifiers, I just know that the less modifiers there are the quicker rolls become, by using a dice chain with fewer jumps I can eliminate some modifiers and take the rolls at face value. Especially when having two or more partners rolling repeatedly during coitus. That said, I can see the arguement that I'd just have to keep track of what does and does not qualify increasing a die size.

Honestly, I'm only partly motivated by the lewd, the whole idea of implementing sex mechanics is like an intriguing rpg design challenge.
One school of magic for purity and one for lust, a la CoC.

>implying dwarves need additional sex appeal
Recently, there was a discussion on tumblr (Or one of those social media sites that are frequently used by women, I definitely think it was tumblr though,) where there was a discussion about fantasy races that are traditionally not considered in the usual line-up of "Sexy to women". And the discussion immediately turned to dwarves. I was really surprised to see just how enthusiastic and straight-up nasty female dwarf fans are about dwarven men. As a bearded guy with a "Strongfat" build, it definitely made me ask, "Where the fuck are these women located?"

Women were saying they'd suck a dwarven man's cock until their knees gave out and then they'd let him have his way with her limp body. They were saying they'd take a dwarven train so long that all their hair would be yanked out of their follicles, and that they'd take so much dwarf warrior cum that it would damage the lining of their esophagus, intestines, and stomach. Frankly I was a little grossed out to imagine how tame women usually are with their sex shit, and this time around it was like they wanted to be gangraped by the seven dwarves. It must be that the female dwarves of fans get good representation of their fetish so sparsely that they are thirsty for it.
>social media sites that are frequently used by women

Anon…. I hate to break it to you…..
>After all, Warhammer is for everyone, right? ;)
A-atleast we still have Trench Crusade as our right wing board game, right? ....RIGHT!?
Don't he's only a boy. Let him live with some hope, for just a bit longer.
Don't be shy my manly & chadlike dudebro. Please share your testosterone fueled insights with the bro-circle.
somewhat related question. how would you differentiate the sexual appeal/niche of male halfling and gnome? halfling being more shota and gnome more skilled/good with toys?
You've got it all wrong. Halfling occupies the niche of Danny DeVito and gnomes are for the Shota audience.
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I’ve been a long time dirty RPer and played a clean D&D campaign for the first time and really enjoyed it, so I’ve been trying to learn DMing and balancing combat to make a lewd RP that’s half dating sim/dirty rp half strategy combat (with 5e rules, or at least simplified rules if necessary, based on the other person). The main sort of plot is you’d be a mercenary squad leader building an army and taking jobs across a warring continent and romancing your squad mates in between combat. Does that sound like it could work? I’ve done and refined my style to control multiple characters before, it’s more a matter of a making an engaging world and play style to go with the lewd parts. Or should I really try to keep it separate
>how tame women usually are with their sex shit
As seen with 50 shades of ghey, women are anything but tame when it comes to fantasies.
It should be noted, that, if female characters don't start with lots of armor, only to gradually stop wearing it bit by bit as they lose their aversion to having unspeakably lewd things done to them, their progression towards depravity will not be adequately illustrated. As such, it is clearly necessary in such tales for female characters to..
1. Start with a fairly full set of armor (preferably some kind of alluring)
... and...
2. Which is constructed in such a way that it is capable of being worn piecemeal, as the necessity of certain kinds of protection gradually yields to... other needs.

There's probably also something to be said for having armor that conceals everything but the erogenous zones; maximizing survival while not sacrificing even the least opportunity for pleasure. Admittedly, there are not many useful examples to work from, on that front.
>I'm not against modifiers, I just know that the less modifiers there are the quicker rolls become, by using a dice chain with fewer jumps I can eliminate some modifiers and take the rolls at face value.
Sometimes I wonder if modifying target numbers is better than modifying dice results. Does the ambiguity of summing modifiers with the value on the dice make for a slightly steeper mental challenge?
Anyway, I'm very used to GURPS, which uses lots of modifiers to reflect the additional challenge in, say, making a called shot to a certain part of the body, while also at a certain range, and so on. So, to me, in the right context, so long as a modifier is doing a job it should be doing, it's a good idea to have it.

>Honestly, I'm only partly motivated by the lewd, the whole idea of implementing sex mechanics is like an intriguing rpg design challenge.
As the guy who spent the effort to make a statistically accurate rollable table for generating the measurements of healthy women, I can relate.
Aren't Gnomes typically white-haired beardies? I'm not convinced by your stated position.
>The main sort of plot is you’d be a mercenary squad leader building an army and taking jobs across a warring continent and romancing your squad mates in between combat. Does that sound like it could work?
I think you need to be a little clearer what you're intending to go for.

Assuming a mixed gender unit, the mens' tents and the womens' tents are probably going to be reasonably separate. And, even if it's the commanding officer, having one person hog all the opposite gender attention can be a significant problem to loyalty or morale. How is the commanding officer going to make sure his subordinates get their supposed rightful share of intimate attention, in order to ensure their loyalty? This seems like a systemic problem.

On the other hand, you have units like the Spartans and the Roman Legion... which works fine, if you're into that.

As an alternative source of "romance", maybe your character gets a reputation for offering discounts when given an appropriately intimate "incentive", and that eventually develops into relationships that become a pretext for conquering the territories of the Nobility or Royalty involved.
The recent Labyrinthus updates to The Shadow have given me a reason to drop my own tables for that encounter. Very nice.
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>The recent Labyrinthus updates to The Shadow have given me a reason to drop my own tables for that encounter
Any reason in particular?
NPC and creature variety is good enough that I can do away with the four d6 tables I had for similar regions. The current assortment works almost anywhere and it saves time.
Expanded Tables are always good
Open Labyrinthus
>Ctrl+f 'orgasm'
>0 results
>Ctrl+f 'cum'
>0 results
>Ctrl+f 'rape'
>0 results
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Open Labyrinthus
>Ctrl+F "Climax"
>46 Results (plus variants)
>Ctrl+F "Semen"
>7 Results
>Ctrl+F "Intercourse"
>26 results
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Been working on a fantasy setting for awhile and recently been incorporating AI into it. The AI had been critical of my magical realm government where a dragon king ruled at the head of a council of twelve sorceress queens. The magical realm aspect being that the queens maintain their immortality and other magical abilities by ingesting dragon semen. The AI thought that a council of twelve queens would be unstable and them making decisions would be "slow and arduous" with lots of infighting. But it also thought that having a dragon king overseeing them might cause issues of overcentralization if they were so dependent on him for their immortality and other powers.

But as soon as I suggested that they use their arrangement as a religion, the AI thought it was a great idea. So now the nation might not only be governed by a lewd government system, but also follow a lewd religion as well.
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Got to make sure there's enough to keep twelve magical queens powered up.
>Seeking validation from an AI
What are yoh suppose to do? Talk to other people about all the taboos?
>I just thought tabletop players and Warhammer fans have different standards and principles and morals than most other otaku and nerds

Battle Brothers... Those this mean we are not chaste and virtuous followers of the Emperor but are Slaaneshi subjects ourselves!? We- we're not blessed with the Emperor's light this whole time, we're coomers too!??

We really aren't blessed by the Emperor this whole time!?
How did you get into Lewd RPGs? I've been ERPing for the last four years or so and I want to try playing with myself.
>You see when a man loves himself ...
Ahh hell you can go to /d/ on your own time. Fundamentally it's not different then other solo rpg's it's just pervy. Honestly spending most of my time designing Dommy Mommy Gothic Corruption Dispensing Roleplay aids for 3.5 Turbo. You're going to need to decide if you just have an Idea prompt or an oracle and then basically do both the GM side of the equation and the Player side of the equation.

You can do Mythos GM or a few other ones.
Literally the point of these threads.

Like I can ask all these degenerates for ideas on a new antagonist for my solo game of Delta Green set at Miskatonic U.

My current ideas is one of the professors is using hypnosis to bang his students. Goals could be to steal a copy of his thesis (with his method) or find his list of trigger words.
I've been enjoying bouncing ideas off the AI actually.
Whatever is internally consistent anon.
The key to justifying bikini armor is to make it a known rule of magic that sexy give magical protection.
Rolled 6, 5 + 1 = 12 (2d6 + 1)

trying to test dice rolling cuz idk how it works (rolling for cock size)
shit I meant minus one. that's a 10
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The baseline for the traditional dwarf is already just an archetypal male "provider". I.e. your strongfat hairy alcoholic handyman dad. Except without all the usual debuffs, like being an angry deadbeat loser who beats his wife and blows your money on useless shit, give and take the racism.
Its really not hard to find a woman who would be into that.

Tangentially related, but F Elf + M Dwarf is the absolute peak couple and nothing will ever convince me otherwise.
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What are some resources or ideas I could use to play Succubus as a solo TTRPG, and yes I’ve already looked at the toolkit in the OP, I’m looking for other good ones
There is nothing much outside the OP. So you either make your own or tough luck
They're already in the sticky because they are the good ones you fucking dunce. Do you think we're just sitting on piles of great solo rpg tools and posting here because we don't want to share them? Even if we didn't want to share them, what would asking the people who don't want to share accomplish?

What are you looking for in your solo smut adventures, Do you have a setting, a game engine, a randomizer or oracle? Is there one of those (or all of those )that you need help with. Is there something that you like or take inspiration from? Give something for christ sakes, I can't even spoon feed this. Worst than a goddamn woman.
there's like million doujins for inspiration
Even tho this shit is dead as fuck, this guy's system and premise intrigues me https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/Onyxdime/44600/Super-Virgin-Magical-Girl
>system and premise intrigues me
Could you explain and elaborate? I browsed thru the first entry and it just seems like a bad-end simulator with pedoshit. I am not willing to subject myself to reading more. Are you capable of summarizing the rest of it?
It's a bad end simulator tho not with pedoshit. It's a battlefuck sort of thing with effects being rolled on a bunch of percentile tables which stack progressive penalties on the magical girl
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>magical girl
>not pedoshit
If you say so.
What a coincidence, I made a very rules-lite lewd magical girl setting lately. It's not in a presentable state right now but I've been getting a lot of mileage out of it.
Dang, thanks
The more you berate me, the harder I get…
I just figured I’d ask, sometimes people have good ideas that aren’t in the OP. But very simply: oracles, I need stuff that will churn out random events in a modern day setting, no need for a specific game engine, I can just translate into Succubus whatever occurs
True, thank you, but I meant more of a princess for events to occur in a modern day setting
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What >>93131032 said.
The system could probably be salvaged somehow, but on a few skims (2nd day looking at a few of the stories) I don't feel like there's a lot there I'd feel interested in. it's definitely a bad-end ryona simulator; protag goes in, victim comes out. Could stick in an evil couch in the system from what the stories look like and you end up with a flummoxed victim of something at the end.
I'm an anon, male, and I'd definitely be interested in a one on one lewd game.

I prefer realistic worldbuilding even when it comes to coomer stuff. I enjoy seduction and romance, politics and scheming. I love playing around the acquisition and maintenance of power, wealth, and status.

I know it's a long shot finding someone interested in DMing. I'd be interested in playing a male character pursuing women.
> it's definitely a bad-end ryona simulator; protag goes in, victim comes out.
That could be an interesting conceit; format the game up like a roguelike, with a relatively short campaign and a defined end goal, with the character(s) passing through a gauntlet of ways to bad end on the way. Maybe something Oregon Trail style, with a long overland journey of dealing with dwindling supplies, degrading equipment and marauding rapebeasts.
If I'm using reaction rolls as in OSR games, should that be the main mechanic to decide if an encounter is sexually interested in my character? If not, how do you do it, what procedure do you use?
Does anyone actually play these games?
they're primarily solo games
Labyrinthus has a 1d10 chart for npcs and one for monsters if the encounter doesn't include a smaller reaction range.
For other games, I usually stick with a simple 1d6 and then factor in kinks based on the results.
At least once a week, but usually more.
What AI did you use for this?
This is how the stories are formatted, with each magical girl being a different person and trying to do a different thing
So I, a fool, attempted to go beyond the usual time-honored challenge of attempting to roll a FATAL character, rules as written, by trying to make a FATAL character generator in Excel. I failed, of course. Fuck tables. If you are a table, and I catch you in the street, you better be ready to throw hands.

However, I did note yet another odd quirk. Nestled right between Areola Diameter, which you must roll on as a male, and Nipple Length, which you must roll on as a male, is Cup Size. There is nothing in the rules preventing you from rolling on Cup Size as a male, and unlike the other two above, there isn't even a penalty for it. The only advantage to female Cup Size is a potential bonus from Most Attractive/Repulsive Feature. The writer simply assumed that you know that all males lack breasts.

FATAL is a world of bustyboys.
I would try the discords, they all have lfg sections
Congratulations for wasting your time
wanne see some of this. in general I'd like to see a magical girl oriented system that is more about ugly bastards, fuckboys, etc. targeting the MGs for blackmail and molestation. unfortunately, every magical girl related lewdgame so far has been hyper-focused on tentacle stuff, which I've got no interest in
>Fuck tables. If you are a table, and I catch you in the street, you better be ready to throw hands.
Bring it bitch. Fuck around and see what happens.
>can't reflavor tentacles into whatever i like
The thing that pisses me off specifically about the 50 shades shit is that women will only act that way or admit what they want when other women have already done it. They waited for shitty BDSM fanfiction to hit the mainstream before they all admitted that they wanted to get "softcore consensual rape."
bodice ripper novels have been around since longer than you've been alive. Just because 50 shades put them on the map for you doesn't mean that's the genesis of that style of novel.
>why don't women talk about their rape fetish to me?!
>t. Exactly the kind of person they don't want to rape them
B-but it's not fair.... [heavy mouth breathing]
>Uh Hello I am Anon E. Moose, I'm looking for a racist tradwife slut that wants me to rape her!
>Horrified screaming
So are these Lewd RPGs and campaigns basically just a thinly veiled excuse to play out sexist and other woman-hating fetishes, or you really do have female friends who're table top gamers and insert their women centric fetishes straight out of a soapbox opera drama and Lifetime Original?
What are elves like in your setting?
Women are crazy, irrational, and self contradicting. Well done for realising this. They also write/draw some amazingly fucked up stuff.
>"was waa muh pedo shit I'm pooping my panties in wage"
Grow up, loli does not equal pedo. And if your really that rectally reamed over it, make an older girl.
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>5e has a spell that lets you bang a succubus with no negative consequences
Maybe it ain't so bad after all...
Slowly dying off, she-elves are only fertile once in their lifetime and always give birth to twins. As such they can only ever sustain their population, never grow

None of my players have ever figured out why, so I won't tell you
Level 8th spell which means you'll probably never be able to use it since almost all campaigns end at level 11 or die out even earlier
These are FAQ question if I ever have seen them repeated more than anything, so they could probably use a fair and agreeable response written for it.

The first goes along the lines, of "Yes, mostly in solo but plenty in small group formats"
The second goes along the lines of a Panty and Stocking song, "Women get horny too" or something. I feel like the 3rd edition dnd lewd thing was written by women to codify stuff. The context and lines drawn are beholden to the hosts and players, so yeah they'd be focused on whatever they want to focus upon, it's not a production for production on Broadway.

Nah I'm not writing a response, I'm just saying the OP could probably use it.
>My players haven't figured it out.
I'd guess it has something to do with reincarnation and a limited number of available (elf) souls.

But if they aren't always fraternal, with one male and one female, you could technically see a very small amount of population growth if enough female pairs were born.

And if cross-race breeding is possible in your setting that brings up a whole other interesting set of questions.
>These are FAQ question if I ever have seen them repeated more than anything
Most of the time is just the same anon making the same posts every thread and even if genuine, Anons just don't read the OP so having a FAQ other than explaining what's a solo game it's basically pointless. People who answer only do that for bumping the thread
>female dwarf fans
>damage the lining of their esophagus, intestines, and stomach
Anon, I want you to consider the only orifice they didn't talk about.
you said you weren't writing a response yet you're giving them (you)s , which means we will have to read more of this shit
Just play solo, anon.
>Just play solo, anon.
If I have to play solo I'd rather play anything else
let's talk about pregnancy mechanics. specifically, when that's your fetish.
having played through some Lewd Attack with the optional rules for it, I found it okay, but wish there were some more detailed rules for it, specifically when it isn't due to goblin rape or whatever and is instead being rolled for due to town events. when it's consensual I thought there should be a roll for convincing the guy to pull out. the biggest problem, of course, is lewd attack's day-by-day time tracking system which means you'd have to play out hundreds of days. it seems the logical choice there is to just do an immediate timeskip.
but, in both lewd attack and Rapture World, I found a similar problem: both rolling for it and having it automatic have their issues. if it's automatic, there is none of that gambling sense of excitement. however, when I was running Rapture World with a simple "roll of 1d10, 1 = pregnant" system, none of the girls ever got knocked up no matter how much fucking went on.
as far as a compromise goes, I think what I will try when I continue my Rapture World run is the same d10 roll, but with the target number increasing by 1 each time a particular girl avoids pregnancy, and certain 'named adversaries' adding a situational penalty.
Seems like a similar system could be applied if you are running a male/futa MC who is trying to breed as many women as possible. But I'm interested if anyone has found any particularly interesting or elegant impregnation mechanics in one of these games.
How good is Exalted for solo lewd play?
And what edition edition is the best?
Maybe essence?
I'm trying to get into Exalted for solo play, but honestly I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it for some reason. I think the issue is that I have books from different editions, and the books themselves don't have plain, simple names. I can't remember what it's actually called, but for example, instead of having something as simple as a "Bestiary", they call their monster book "Denizens of the something or other" or some shit like that, so it takes a while to figure out what each book is about, I think.
2.5 is the best edition for anything. 3e improved a lot of things, it made combat and artifacts more interesting, but in general 2.5 is better.
All the times impregnation mechanics are brought up and people responded, Pregnancyfags were never happy with what was proposed nor tried to come up with something because it always ends up being a slog
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>Infant or Child
Degenerates aside why the fuck do you need to roll for that?
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Justify this. No "purely ceremonial"-ism.
>day by day
kind of in that boat, too

For sure. Just set up a regime of what happens during a day and extrapolate out, rolling chances based on how much time is allowed.

Strangely, today I'm trying to revive one of the games I put down too long ago, that I'm just doing a time-skip that includes rolls for sex and risk. which given any probability metric, if it's possible to happen, it's bound to happen given a long enough horizon. So it's really about simulating and nailing out the timeline.
Yes character got more comfortable with things, roll the knock up, roll the ideas and keep rolling towards more.
>Something something reason why wizards use robes
>To taunt the enemy
>Woman moment
It's a humiliation tactic to partially strip a knight.

She could only afford the pervert blacksmith
An evil wizard cast a spell on her while she was getting dressed.
Conan is gay, but hes like, prison gay.
I don't justify my hard-on to anyone, least of all you.
> Conan
Has any one man ever been so ignorant as this man is right now?
>Space Fantasy city in the background
Imagine being such a retard
A wizard sent him into space.
And gave him an haircut while he was at it? What a guy
These are my favorite rules I've seen here. Dice Clock for fertility and/or a matching dice test for impreg chance.
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The latest development by the local blacksmiths. They observed where warriors returning alive from the battlefield had wounds, and so added armor along those key areas such as the arms and legs. Because clearly, warriors are getting hit there far more often.
She's coming back from the gym
Women wearing armour and being warriors is inherently unrealistic and immersion breaking, so you might as well give them something that at least appeals to my dick.
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>But allow me to give my two cents
Thanks for telling everyone you are stupid and don't know anything.
Statistics don't lie.
I think there actually is an argument to be made that women on a medieval battlefield would be safer in sexy armor than in armor that could allow an enemy to mistake them for a male. Even if some kind of 21st century like feminism exists in-setting, 95% of men will not willingly shoot or stab a woman dressed like this unless they absolutely have no other choice.
being a female knight on a fantasy battlefield means that if you win, you're a feminist hero. if you lose, you're taken captive and get to fuck the winner.
I'd honestly like to see a fantasy series of some kind that treats the "sexy women on the battlefield" trope deconstructively and acknowledges that the only way most women will thrive in wartime is by cynically leveraging their inherent value as sex objects. Hot mid-to-late 20s woman in charge of a group of expendable soldiers that are mostly men? Yeah, she probably slept her way into that command. Women wearing cleavage, thigh, and midriff exposing armor? It's because they know they won't be expected to fight to the death like a man would. They'll participate if their side is winning, and the moment things get tough, they'll demand rescue or surrender.
If it sounds like I'm an incel that hates women, well, maybe, but it's also just about women behaving rationally and using what they have to obtain resources and survive.
I have homebrew stuff that fixes most of this, and it includes a time skip clause for stuff like pregnancy. I haven’t shared it yet because I want to see evidence that LA hasn’t died first before I waste my time.

Don't gotta justify shit; humans are stupid and, historically have done a bunch of ridiculous things. Simple as. Failure of imagination to think there has to be a good rational reason behind the actions of pretty irrational animals.
You should be less proud of your total, childish ignorance of history.
I still play it. how do we prove it? more greentexts? I can do that.
>I want to see evidence that LA hasn’t died first before I waste my time.
You'd better off by not wasting your time then and do something else.
Has anyone tried to use PDQ as a lewd engine? The game itself is content neutral so it wouldn't have a problem with things you would expect in a lewd rpg (Qualities like Buxom, Endowed, Good Shag, Tantric Yoga instructor, all work fine in the game). You'd probably want to make *ahem* sexy qualities as the only ones you can pump heh unless you wanted a more comedic product.


I'm not sure how the [Master Quality] Worlds Best Handjob, the [Great Quality] Starbucks Barrista from Idiocracy, the [Good Quality] Piperlayer, the {Average Quality] Husband from an NTR manga and the [Poor Quality] Idiot Virgin are all going to fight crime (and loneliness) together but I think it may have some legs.
You don’t have to prove anything. I’m waiting to see if LA anon pops in and mentions anything at all, update or no. If the game is discontinued, I will make my own version using the homebrews I’ve put together, and those of other anons who dedicated their time to it. But I’d rather support the game before attempting to succeed it.

It’s not a waste of time if I want to do it.

That is a good point, I've never considered that. I suppose having twin girls would be a significant boon. Fertile females are the most valuable elven commodity.

And yes, there are still half elves and such. One of my players was very happy to sneak in and steal the opportunity on an NPC elf that was travelling with her would-be mate.

These are mine, I've never posted my house rules here so I guess it's about time
Speaking of Lewd Attack, and because I feel the urge to play again and greentext it, it's discuss rules for playing a reverse trap/crossdressing PC.

New advantage: Reverse trap
A character can only take this advantage if she has 2 points or less of tit, butt, and thigh bonuses, TOTAL. That means that one with a +2 tit bonus and a +1 butt bonus cannot be a reverse trap.
A character with the reverse-trap advantage can pass as a male of her species while wearing masculine clothes. This does work on greenskins and beastmen, but not on animalistic creatures, which identify prey by smell. As long as she is perceived as male, enemies do not gain lust. If a layer of armor is destroyed, or the character otherwise ceases to be covered, this advantage ceases to function, and anyone who already knows the adventurer is female (including all beast-type enemies) gain lust normally even if she's covered.
In town the character will also often be treated as a male adventurer. However, the more she interacts with someone, the more likely they are to realize she is female by the sound of her voice and other clues, and some won't be fooled at all. If it matters, roll an average difficulty bluffing roll to see if you pass successfully. In the case of events on the general table, tavern table, etc., which involve guys approaching you, after determining how many there are, roll a 1d6. On a 1-3, you are approached by women who have mistaken you for a handsome man. On a 4-6, you're approached by guys. After determining the gender of your admirers roll another d6. On a 6, they are lesbian or gay. If you were approached by straight girls or gay guys, they will lose interest if you fail to bluff or don't attempt the roll, unless you succeed at a very hard seduction roll. If you were approached by lesbian girls or straight men who correctly assumed your female sex, convincing them you're actually a man is a very hard bluff roll.
If you are arrested, guards will typically assume you are a male due to circumstances. You can make an easy persuasion check to convince them you're actually female, or offer to 'let them check', in which case you gain 1d6 lust from being groped - after which you may attempt to seduce them as normal. If they think you're a male you will be thrown in a cell with male cellmates. If you fail the bluff roll to make those cellmates think you are female, treat them as suitors who approached you in the tavern who won't take no for an answer, necessitating an intimidation/persuade/bluff roll to dissuade them. This roll must be repeated every day you spend in prison.
One significant benefit of the "Reverse Trap" advantage is that it serves as a shield to your reputation and can let you get away with acts that a more feminine adventurer would be condemned for. Each time your reputation would increase, roll a 1d6. On a 5 or 6, negate the reputation. However, if your reputation is 5 or higher, you lose all benefits and drawbacks of the Reverse Trap advantage in that village as word gets around.
Whenever attempting to seduce a straight man or lesbian, a Reverse Trap must make an easy persuasion roll to convince the person that they are actually female. A 'suspicion' is not enough, so they can't just automatically fail the bluff. They can avoid the need for this and be treated as female by default if they change into female clothing. However, a Reverse Trap in female clothes doubles all increases to Reputation and Vigilance if they are less than 5, as townsfolk assume ill intent.
It should go without saying that the Reverse Trap advantage is rendered nonfunctional if your character is pregnant in the second or third trimester.
Setting notes: Androgyny in the world
There are several reasons why a character might have the Reverse Trap advantage. In the Inner Kingdoms, it's not uncommon for women to become travelers or adventurers, so it isn't a matter of mere necessity.
The main distinction is between the intentional and unintentional cases. Sometimes, female adventurers just happen to have a build, style of dress, haircut, and/or voice that makes them prone to being mistaken for men. In this case, the adventurer will never attempt bluff rolls to pass as male. Whether they find this error amusing or annoying, such girls tend to be stubborn types and will usually not alter their style just for the sake of avoiding misunderstandings.
Among those who affect an androgynous appearance intentionally, there are further divisions by reason. The most common is a simple, practical desire to reduce the amount of sexual harassment or targeting that most female travelers have to worry about. Other times, it is because a woman genuinely dislikes the female gender identity and wishes to be seen as a male, or as gender neutral. The latter are often bisexual, lesbian, or asexual in orientation, but not always. The final category is those who have a specific practical reason to not want to be recognized as female. This may be because they are wanted criminals, runaways from overbearing families, or finding a loophole in a curse.
Regardless of the reasons why, the practice of male impersonation tends to be of limited effectiveness at the end of the day, and is seldom enough to prevent these "reverse traps" from meeting the same 'bad ends' as other female adventurers - falling to corruption, sex slavery by monsters/bandits, social disgrace, single motherhood, and so on.

In addition, there are, of course, 'traps'. At player discretion they may appear as companions. They raise enemy lust as if they were female companions. Anything further in the case of defeat etc. is left to player discretion.
I haven't used it as a lewd engine, but for some small solo test-runs.
In truth&justice there are two sets of qualities, one for super powers and one for mundane qualities. In combat the mundane qualities act as health, but you can combine mundane and supers qualities for any action.
This could be an idea for you as well. Have normal qualities as one set and lewd qualities as another set used only in lewd 'conflicts'.
I have a sci-fi setting I've never done anything with that has an alien race that (normally) gives birth to fraternal male and female twins. Rather than have a traditional father and mother be the parents in the family unit, the mother and her brother (if she has one) are. This lets both siblings sleep around as much as they like, and, as a species, their genetics are very diverse as a result. It's considered extremely shocking and somewhat controversial for a parental couple to consist of a male and a female that aren't brother and sister. It's seen as something akin to the parents promoting incest by not embodying a positive platonic counterexample for their children, and, by extension, encouraging the children to find physical love within their own home, rather than outside with others, like they're supposed to. Visitors from Earth are frequently shocked by how age-restricted Earth family sitcoms are, there.
Alright lads. I feel inspired to run one of these lewd rpgs that you are always talking about. If I actually do I promise to even post my after action report.
My question is have any of you played with any urban hex crawls that I can use or hack to my own personal taste. I am imagining one that generates a building/district type and then what it actually does i.e. recreation -> sports hall or tourism -> hotel.
I copied this from some book, but don't remember which one. Not exactly what you asked for, but it's a start.

URBAN (2d6)
11. Apartment building or suburban street
12. Hotel
13. Bar or nightclub
14. Power station
15. Church
16. Restaurant or cafe
21. Laboratory
22. Factory
23. Lighthouse
24. Hospital
25. Garden
26. Organisation/business headquarters
31. Cinema
32. Gym
33. Warehouse
34. Dock
35. Graveyard
36. Farm
41. Supermarket
42. Department store
43. Mansion
44. Office building
45. Train, Plane, Truck or Ship
46. Castle or palace
51. Mine
52. Prison
53. Military base or Bunker
54. Abandoned building
55. Airport
56. Bank
61. Train station
62. Depot or Archive
63. Stadium
64. Market or City street
65. Abattoir
66. Rubbish dump or junk yard
I think I can work with this. Ty anon
Isn't that usually referred to as a d66?
>Babylonian marriage market
Oh to be a fly on the wall of that room
It's never a good sign when you see a flat distribution for these things. I mean, it's fine if you need an idea, but if you need the actual probability of what's going to be in a location...
New Thread >>93162477
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Exalted has incredible lewd potential. The lewdest situations from any of my RPG campaigns have all been from Exalted.
But Exalted is a hard system to enjoy solo, because of how crunchy it can be. I'd suggest using Exalted 2e and minimizing combat (2.5 mostly improves combat), or else try a more streamlined ruleset like Exalted Essence or Kevin Crawford's Godbound.

In defence of the design here:

>1: Lina Inverse is a mage and doesn't really NEED functioning armour.
>2: Also, Lina Inverse is a fucking moron.

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