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Previous Thread: >>93091916
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93094287
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
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Are vampires inherently lewd?
Not inherently lewd but the intimate nature of their hunting patterns lends itself to lewdness
I've thought about this for awhile, but in a lewd setting vampires should probably be able to survive off of milk. Human milk if your vamps can't eat animal blood, but store-bought cow milk should work as well if they can. Also, if a human is in love or loves their child, they produce more milk. One of the reasons many modern women can't produce milk is because their serotonin receptors are fried and they literally do not love their children.

They're steeped in power dynamics.
>...many modern women can't produce milk...
This is the first I am hearing about it
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>vampires should probably be able to survive off of milk
some can
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>Milk is actually BLOOD!
>proceeds to explains that the milk is just milk and the gland simply filter certain nutrients from the bloodstream and does some chemical shenanigants to then pour it in the final product.
It's likely he made it up
It blows my mind that some of you actually know nothing about the other sex. Like, not even a scientific curiosity. 83% of mothers try at least once, and over 60% can't breastfed as long as they'd want to because they can't. According to the CDC. Literally just type it into Google, you ostrich-brained loser.

And blood is virtually identical in composition to milk.
So yes you don't know anything so you just make shit up. Go be retarded somewhere else.
How everyday I wish I had the powers to torture such stupid fucking people as you. Everything is fine, totally fine. There's no problems in the world.
Wish I could see your stupid fucking face when you learn what SIDS actually is!
They are the lewdest of monsters, sucking out all your vital life energies, blood, milk, cum...
Yes yes you are retarded faggots who make claims without proof then get butthurt when called out on it.
>They are the lewdest of monsters...
The Succubi and Incubi would like a word with you... then again, that's exactly what you wanted, wasn't it?
Too on the nose. Lacks the fine art of subtlety that true eroticism requires.
>Too on the nose. Lacks the fine art of subtlety that true eroticism requires.
this anon gets it
Then use their original name: Lilitu
Most people don't know WTF a lilitu is and will assume it has something to do with the biblical lilith at a guess(it doesn't).
Lilith is the only thing that shows up when you google Lilitu. I'm happy to learn but I'm going to need some help.
I hate to be the umm akshyually guy but umm akshyually I love being that guy.
> Then use their original name: Lilitu
It's disingenuous to say Lilitu is the original name for Succubi. First and foremost because Succubi and Incubi are medieval European ideas with names derived from Latin so there is little to no cultural or linguistic connection between a Lilu/Lili and Succubus/Incubus except in so far as they are masculine and feminine terms for some specie of evil spirit and in-so-far as any concept of Lilith filtered out of medieval Kabalistic thought and influence the European esoteric tradition that spawned the idea of Succubi.

> Most people don't know WTF a lilitu is and will assume it has something to do with the biblical lilith at a guess(it doesn't).
Lilith isn't Biblical it's Rabbinic/Talmudic. The Greek Septuigint translation of the Biblical text that contains the word Lilit renders it as a wild animal and so at least for the Septuigint translators of the 3rd century BC there was not a supernatural aspect to the term but by the 4th-6th century AD the Rabbinic tradition had adopted a supernatural perspective likely borrowed from the Mesopotamian Lilu now that they had set up shop in Babylonian territories following their exile from Judea.
There is also speculation that a fundamental linguistic relationship between the Lilit mentioned in the Biblical text and the Lili of Mesopotamian conception exists. That exact nature of that relationship is debatable but Akkadian is a Semitic language and so it's not only not impossible its almost expected. It's definitely much more closely related than Succubi is.
In this way the Lilith of Jewish mythology is likely a product of early medieval Jews directly borrowing from the Mesopotamian Lilu because of a real or imagined linguistic relationship between the words and thus the Jewish Lilith does have something to do with Lilu while the Biblical Lilit likely does not.
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Yes, Lucy became a seductress after she got vamped and >>93163721
yes though it's not a fault of vampirism in the subject. it's vampires are all emo nihilistic tryhards, so they think acting lewd is just part of their new identity. they in turn only turn other people with similar personalities. it's a perpetual cycle of cringe. I assume there are a few vampires out there who are completely normal people who just so happen to live off of blood minding their own business. their biggest flaw is being stuck in perpetual eye rolling when near the other vampires.

makes me think of a thread a long while back where people came up with the idea of vamp hunters having a yearly hunting competition held by a hunter bar where the fangs only count if it was some melodramatic guy claiming to be dracula or some variant. most fangs win. it was implied secretly that the bar was owned by a friendly vamp who may have been the real drac and holds the competition because he is embarrassed by the drama of the fakes reminding him of what amounts to his "edge Lord teen years"
this was fantastic. sending to a friend.
many thanks anon.
Isn't there an updated full color version?
Just started trying out a human soldier, "Chase", using the 'reverse trap' advantage I came up with in previous thread. Despite her young age and androgynous appearance she's non-virgin, she just presents as a male to reduce threat of harassment and attack by monsters.
>First few days are boringly successful. Delivers a couple packages in the woods, does some odd jobs around town.
>After an annoying day training Chase decides to unwind by getting drunk at the tavern, with a few traveling farmhands. They eventually realize she's a girl and start hitting on her.
>Due to being drunk, Chase tells them 'Pay my tab of 40 gold and I'll jerk you all off."
>One likes handjobs, one likes thighjobs, one is an experienced older guy.
>First two she rolls great on her service skills. Young guy #1 gets an amazing handjob under the table. Young guy #2 has her pull her pants down and rub his cock between his thighs.
>For #3 Chase, feeling adventurous, tries the 'footjob' she gave her old mentor once a week. But she only gives him 10 lust out of 12 needed. The older guy says she didn't fulfill the deal and he won't pay unless she lets him fuck her (rolled 2 on the table).
>Since she's aroused now, Chase follows him to the alley out back, bends over against the wall and drops her pants, too drunk to remember if it's a safe day or not (rolled for random; it isn't). She uses persuasion to tell him he needs to pull out, but fails the roll.
>The randy old farmer does a massive 23 points of pleasure to Chase. He fucks the inebriated tomboy so hard that by the time it's over she's forgotten all about the fact he wasn't supposed to cum inside her. Luckily she rolls 19 on the pregnancy save and dodges the bullet this time.
>In the morning, she wakes up and vows she'll never do that again. Due to rolling 1 on the d4, her reputation goes up by 1, meaning someone saw her.
>Due to her boyish appearance, the unfortunate farmer now has a rumor going around that he's a homosexual.
That's good stuff. Would love to hear more about Chase in the future
Played a lewd game drunk with my buddies, we spent half-an-hour arguing whether or not the lizardfolk could get a half-elf pregnant.

Me and two of the other players said no, lizardfolk was too out there, “it’s like a velociraptor trying to get a bonobo pregnant”.

DM and last player argued that elves and humans are also unrelated but still can cross-breed so obviously there’s some unnatural genetic shit going on and the lizardfolk needs to be careful where he sticks his dick like the rest of us.

Whose right and why is it me
Yes. They are a metaphor for aristocracy ("immortal," through their dynasties, parasites who suck the livelihood from working people), and part of that includes the aristocratic proclivity to seduce via leisure-cultivated sophistication and beauty unmarred by physical labor, and rape via privilege and might.
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Breeding half-elves is similar to breeding femboys. If you don't get them pregnant right away, try more often and harder next time. Do it enough times and you'll get a result.
>the knight on the left is male
Sorry, Anon but I also subscribe to the Gygaxian method of fantasy hybridization, which is Parent A + Parent B = Child C, no matter the race or species. Where do you think mongrelmen come from otherwise?
Wizards engaging in gene splicing. Same place we got owlbears
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>"They are a mixture of many different creatures, each mongrelman having possibly the blood of humans, orcs, gnolls, ogres, dwarves, hobgoblins, bugbears, elves, bullywugs and others flowing through his or her veins."
Bullywugs love BCG (Big Crabmen Gonopods), and you can't keep ignoring it any longer.
Lewd no, sexual yes. I honestly prefer the sexual aspects of vampires more subtle than overt, makes it more alluring and easier to take them seriously in a serious setting. Yes I know this is Lewd RPG but I need a good narrative to really get off.

For example, the horny lesbian (more accurately bisexual) vampire with her massive titties out at all times eyefucking everything that moves is tired. On the other hand, imagine if we put all the latent sexual energy of your typical aristocratic vampire that almost always drinks women into a vampiress. She's not a common harlot, she's well composed and erudite. She's an excellent conversationalist, a woman of class. Beneath it all is a desire to ravish and devour the latest man who's caught her eye, and you can juuuust barely see that under the surface. But it doesn't come out until the fangs do. Until then, she plays the role of a genteel if slightly archaic in manner noblewoman, who humbly invites you to her manor.

That is the hot stuff right there.
Dead thread even more dead server
Shut up George
Modern vampires, yes. They have to take advantage of people and do morally dubious shit to survive so that wears on you after a while. They also have no hard cap on how long they can live. Most lore also denies them an after life. So you've lived for 200 years, you see people as playthings, and you know that there's nothing waiting for you after you die (except maybe hell no matter what you do). So yeah, they do freak shit.
Under what circumstances are enough of these couplings happening to produce… that? An entire RACE of that?
>Frequency: Rare
They were created by a wizard as an attempt to replace Dopplegangers
alveoli basically extracts all the nutrition from blood to produce milk, so sure, they are related closely enough sure i guess
> I'm not wrong. Drop the disc of the guy that kept the server alive I wanna invite him to mine
Look up DownSouthBoi
Should vampire women be able to carry and give birth to dhampirs?
Dhampirs are when pregnant women are bitten by vampires
Vampires are symbols of corruption and sexual perversion. They are all about the exchange of fluids leading to the loss of a soul. Add in the neck biting, animal forms, and mind control and you have a full cocktail of sinful, primal hedonism.
Was the wizard a fucking idiot because how? Was the idea the hybrids would eventually become shapeshifters for… whatever reason?
Nah, dhampirs are the result of a vampire returning to bed his wife or a woman he was into when he lived. They gotta bone down to make one.
I consider dwarves, humans, elves, and halflings to all be races of Man, so they're related enough to breed. Lizardfolk? Get outta here.

You’re both right, dhampirs like most mythological and folkloric creatures don’t have one, solid origin. In my own stuff, dhampirs can be produced by most of the origin stories.


>tfw you’ll never accidentally get a tomboy adventurer pregnant behind the tavern while the two of you are plastered out of your minds
Considering the topic, it's interesting how much overlap is there between the older depiction of succubus-like beings (like Lilith) and vampires.
Sure dhampirs have a solid origin: Albanian lies.
Given how obsessed Vampires typically are with their personal prestige, which dhampir origin is considered "superior" in your setting (for what little good that actually does)?
Did you contact him?
I'm starting work on the Lewd Attack maptool framework again, but I lost the pdfs for v0.65. It's going to be a pain to update everything without them since I use a difference checker tool to easily comb through and make updates. Does anyone have an archive of them? any version from before v0.65 would be fine too.
>emo tropes as perpetuated by Bram Stoker
Only true for post-Polidori vampires, which is a distinction without a difference in most settings but it's a different story if you're dealing with more mythological versions like strigoi or vrykolakas.
this is my favourite picture
Actually, properly medicated transwomen are much better at producing milk than "real" women.
Isn't that funny?
That's obviously not the same guy it can't be
Since we are on vampires, the best vampire ever is the Wamphyri from the necroscope series. Evil parasite that warps someone in body and soul into doing and enjoying evil and giving them traditional and new forms of powers like fleshcrafting (even allowing full on hentai monster moments). It makes vampires real monsters that give into whatever evil impulses they have without disneyfing it.
That... sounds basically the same as Buffy vamps, except for the tentacles

I'll stick with my Tzimisce who just do bad things because it's fun
You fool
Fuck you drop the real disc
Anon working on the city hex crawl from last thread.
Just popping in to say I'm still working on it. Planning on using a Free League system for character stats and progression.
Found out I've got a bit of time to myself in the house next week too so the timing is perfect.
dullahan guys in lewd setting ain't that common when compared to the dullahan girls, right?
Don't know why you need 0.65 specifically, but here you ho. Good luck.
I'm not sure what that word means so I couldn't tell you
Traditionally the Headless Horseman.

Sometime JRPGs make them possessed suits of armor..
Why does it matter to you? What if it's 50/50? Why canìt you just make up whatever number you want?
Rolled 4, 1 + 2 = 7 (2d6 + 2)

rolling for cock size
how do I do 2d6-2? this was supposed to be minus not plus
Rolled 1, 3 - 2 = 2 (2d6 - 2)

wait I think I got it
Rolled 3, 3 + 2 = 8 (2d6 + 2)

>2 incher
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>Tzimisce who just do bad things because it's fun
you fundamentally misunderstand Path of Metamorphosis
Rolled 6, 1 - 2 = 5 (2d6 - 2)

>4 incher
Thanks anon! I haven't updated the maptool framework since november 2022, so 0.65 was the latest version at the time. You wouldn't have Inner Kingdom scenarios or Fey scenarios would you? any version from before 0.65 would also work.
Kine are just furniture who still have the misfortune of limbs
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Yeah, jappys have some weird kinks, bless their souls.
you're a lifesaver, thank you
its not important or anything but i still want you to know you are wrong and maybe a little retarded
So looking at LABO, there seems to have been intended to have been rules for how long the pregnancies of greater invasive species take, but not written. What do people here set for Tentacles, slimes, fungi etc.?

Also did anyone ever do any rules for Cumflation for LA?
A dullahan lewdness is more correlated to the creative usage of a detachable head and the length of it's tongue rather than its gender.
How do I make Ironsworn more lewd?
You don't. It's shit
So my own thoughts on the latter question, using the capactity rule from LABO

Going to use dicksize as a shorthand for amounts on this so let's say normal and below do not give enough to cumflate.

How cumflation works is that once cummed inside, a dice is rolled for the enemy depending on his dick size, and that is added to capacity.

For huge dicks - 1d4
For Enormous - 1d8
For Impossibe - 1d12

For gangbangs, count all of them, but -1 for each participant who cums inside (to simbolize cum leaking out)

For tentacles and slimes, always at least 1d4 inflation(as environment for their young to gestate in that looks and feels like semen)

Cum, unless the exit is blocked, will flow out during the night. It can also be removed manually as a 1-hour activity on the road, but you must roll a d10 against the amount of capacity you are clearing. If you hit the capacity that is being removed or below, get bukkaked.

Cumflation fetish, gained as a circumstancial one if in mindbreak is involved the sanity loss from gaining capactity.:
Gain 1 extra pleasure dice from all sex acts where you gain at least 1 capacity of cumflation. Gain 1d4 additional lust everytime you sleep with capacity of cumflation. Gain 1 additional lust per every event where you have capacity of cumflation, if the semen is from an enemy you have a fetish for, double this effect

Major Corruption: Semen Demon:
You may absorb all the cum inside you instantly, and put it towards increasing your breasts-, butt- or thighs- bonuses. The amount of capacity is the number that you wish to increase to*10. For example, if you have 2 breasts bonus, and put the absorbed semen towards gaining 3, you must absorb 30 capacity of semen.

For those who use the Lewdyria blessing tables, also, if you go sleeping with capacity, for every 10 capacity lost roll once on the blessing of Lilith table if you have any corruption.

Does anyone have the newest enemy dynamics For LA, pdf, the mega only has v2
I do, because I'm the anon that made it.
Thanks, good stuff
You mean sexually attractive and seductive? Yes unless otherwise.
Where do yall draw the line on what can reproduce with what?
Obviously there’s half-orcs and half-elves, and it seems like shapeshifting into something lets you have kids with it (hence half-dragons).
Keep ‘em coming, anon
a lot of lines and veils on this

>people on people cool
humanoids can dig with other humanoids, exceptions apply sure, but generally.

>monster on people, just don't harm
monsters with humanoids produce monsters. humanoids can act generalized incubators. most eggs, fine if they are deposited. live births that aren't the stuff of horror, fine

>magic monsters on people
dragons on people for instance, you'd have to have like magical intervention or it just fails or it's about mutating what was already there kind of thing. her egg, but magical potency makes it happen results in humanoid mutated by magic.

get out
sure exceptions i guess
>This man saying he wouldn’t fuck a dulahan
>spirits (fey, celestials, demons, etc) can reproduce with anything sapient because cooky spirit world rules.
>races descended from spirits stuck in the material world (elves, dwarves, giants, dragons, etc) follow that same rule
>mundane races, or races that naturally evolved, (humans, halflings, lizardfolk, etc) don’t have magic inter-fertility and gotta follow nature’s rules. So halflings, a type of human, can reproduce with other humans, but they can’t naturally reproduce with lizardfolk. You can circumvent this with magic, though (a lot of “love potions” do as a side effect).
Vampires being an exception works perfectly well, they’re already usually portrayed as “more alive” than other undead. Though, I limit them to only being able to have kids with non-vampires. They still need a living sperm or egg, and if they care at all about having a real family life they can just turn their partner and dhampir kid later.
How's your game session going, Anons?
My monsterfucker character is doing pretty well on Labyrinthus
Started a new LA run as a Wild Elf Charity Priestess with Beast heritage (descendant of an old character that got her insides rearranged by minotaurs for a solid month combined, as well as every wolfman alpha in heat she came across courtesy of a lot of beastman fetishes gained from said captivity), virgin with a greenskin fetish

Absolute clown show run
>first day, lose virginity to four goblins while on a because the assasin parries from a 2 dice pool deficit and then gropes her for 5 sux and failing like three running rolls. (Mindreabks into Greenskins II)
>Spends a few days in town teaching, living paycheck to paycheck, gets some drinks with her breakfast only to get drunk and get taken to drunken poundtown by three guys, wakes up next day
>Decides to relax the next day, nearly raped by a gang of alchemically stupefied men but manages to run away
>gives a footjob to a guy desperate for coin so she can rest up and actually regain sanity
>Finally completes some missions a haunting and priest duty
>Goes to adventure again, packagle delivery, runs into a large gang of brigands having ambushed a caravan
>decides to help
>gets 0-zoned in the first turn, gangraped by the brigands
>next day
>she has enough money to relax but runs into tentacles courtesy of an alchemical accident
>gets raped by tentacles, but also immediately cleaned from the eggs by the priests
>next day does priest duty again but it goes poorly and she tries to get a drink
>get's drunk AGAIN, gets in a fight and arrested on 2 vigilance (one was for a defusing the situation tavern event)
>Three days later so horny thanks to heat she seduces the guards to get out early

Honestly, once she gets out probably a good place to retire her, but I think I am just gonna skip town

(this is her btw >>93192744)
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Everything breeds with human women, even monsters. Especially monsters! Even the monsters where it'd be really weird like Mimics.

Male offspring = monster.
Female offspring = monster girl.

Monsters are otherwise all male aside from all female monsters.

Being breedable is the 1 big advantage females have over males in that they will always be targeted for capture. Makes adventuring 'safer' for girls. All they need to worry about are the mental scars, haha...
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Ah, it happens. Lewd Attack updated to 0.73. Don't hold your horses, this is a weird one.
The content addition is Crimes in the Great Cities, additional scenarios and missions for doing crimes, and I'm not happy with it.
The idea sounded better in my head, I guess: the missions are based on specific targets and locations, and you have so far two approaches, one mainly outright breaking in, the other one infiltrating the place in some way while rolling on scenarios.
It isn't very creatice, not very sexy, kinda cumbersome and I simply cut it short for the moment. Will revisit it, add more missions and targets. There is probably more fun criminal things to do in for instance a wizard tower or magical academy, or rigging fights in the arena. Or just add more variety for the missions.
But it's out, doesn't apply to most characters anyway. Please see it as an early build or something.
Are there any number/mechanics changes or just that?
But wait, there is more!
The balance has always been a controversial thing. On one hand, you get >>93197615, on the other hand characters can become very powerful fast. For that reason, I decided to hard-cap character attributes. It's the same hard-cap as during character creation, so for many races 5 max for an attribute, with the occasional 7 or 3. Characters can still increase their attributes below that limit via advancing skills, for instance from 3 to 4, but not from 5 to 6 or 7 to 8.
However, this is not all. Characters can still exceed this limit, for instance gaining permanent bonuses from drinking certain potions, and all kinds of bonuses from scenarios or gear can still add to your rolls. Furthermore, I added a bonus die for advancing skills past getting Expert status (which is already a big bump), for that specific skill.
And furthermore, I didn't just nerf the characters and left everything else the same. Some scenarios have their enemy numbers decreased, and I also adjusted some of the more dangerous enemy stats. The goal was not to just nerf characters, but to have a more consistent baseline for the characters strength, as they will likely hover around 10 or 12 dice (+ bonus). 1vs1 fights should be easier to create this way, instead of rolling 30 dice against 12 goblins.
Yes, I will specify which in the next post. I'm not typing fast today.
I meant 4 instead of 3. For the races with lower attributes.
Damn my own system.

>Inner Kingdoms
>Orc Boss dice reduced
>Goblin Boss dice reduced, ability added
>Minotaur and Minotaur dice reduced, ability added
>Dark Elf Warrior dice reduced
>Minor Demon dice reduced
>Incubus dice reduced, ability added
Dark Elf Warriors, Incubus and Minor Demon also for the other regions adjusted.

>High North
>J6 Bearkin numbers reduced
>J11 Salamander numbers reduced
>J15 Dark Elf Rangers numbers reduced
>M5 Orc Berserkers numbers reduced
>N4 Orc Elite numbers reduced
>Northern Orc Boss dice reduced
>Dark Elf Ranger dice reduced

>Fey Forest
>I1-11 Satyr numbers reduced
>K5 goblin numbers reduced
>K9 Dark Elf Warrior numbers reduced
>Fey Goblin Boss dice reduced, ability added
>Satyr Ravager dice reduced

Also, changed the summon demon spell to do something of worth.
Many thanks for the feedback over the years. Yes, it has been years.
On a side-note: the hard-cap on attributes is an easy change to revert, if this should turn out to be a mistake. I thought a while about this and tested some other methods, but this one seems to be the most reasonable option.
>Lewd Attack lives.
This is all I needed to see to keep playing and homebrewing.
Pretty great. The Labyrinthus game I started recently once I got a grip of the oracles and the Table of Meaning, is spiraling out of control a lot and I'm loving it
sounds interest, and yeh, I did have a character who became a walking nuclear bomb really fast, going to be interesting to see how things work out

probably not a good idea however to some of the DLC with these new adjustments, since they're sort of reliant on massive statflation
I’ve already begun massively overhauling the enemy dynamic homebrew to compensate. Stay tuned, I guess.
It's not dead until I say it's dead. And then you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.
Understandable. I really don't know what characters that already increased their attributes should do with the new edition, in case you want to continue playing her. Ignore this rule?
The additional areas have been slightly nerfed. Just a bit.
I understand that these changes add more work load for those that make homebrew material. I hope it ends up to be for the best.
>Its not dead until I say it’s dead
This is why you have my respect.

The workload is worth it. I genuinely have a blast playing LA, faults and all, it being malleable enough for modulation adds to my enjoyment of the game. So far it’s the only game that does what I need from a lewd solo rpg and thus I’m willing to stick with it.
Sounds like she had fun
oh I was already deep into fractured marshes with her, so if I pick her up again I'll just do that
but making a new rules version of the same character and seeing if she can still explode an entire encounter with a single spell if I can't stack spell dice
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Just rolled up a big ol' fat barbarian in Scarlet Heroes, rolled to determine his cock size and he's packing an 8 inch hammer with the "Thick" modifier.

When I rolled up his background, I got "Farmer". What would motivate a fat farmer to go out adventuring in search of gold and enslaving women?
Boredom? No wife in his village? Inspiration or vengeance from another fat ugly bastard visiting his town?
For LA Oath of Charity what qualifies as luxuries? I am thinking whether amulets, potions, and books for learning count.
Intentionally left a bit vague, but whatever has no practical use cases.
A healing potion would be practical, an aphrodisiac...
It took her two weeks but she finally won a fight that wasn't against drunk commoners
>mfw meeting the other players
What rules or resources are you using besides SH, anon? Any homebrew? Tables?
Do you live under a rock?
I posted what all I use here >>93199475
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>Crimes in the Great Cities
>How this Works: "even if you succeed, increase your characters Vigilance by +1"
Kind of a deal breaker for Crime missions. Yes they pay a bit more than normal Missions, but it's counter productive if you are always getting tossed in jail by Vigilance checks every day. Maybe make it 1-in-4 to gain Vigilance after successful Crime? Or only have Vigilance increase on mission failure/events - and add a few more Vigilance risk events? A good thief should be an elusive shadow unknown to authorities, not automatically red-flagged for being successful.
the guys do look pretty snazzy themselves tbf

the artist's twitter is right there on the page
its a single page image they posted on 3rd May
the link to the attractive human women generator in the rentry has 404'd, by the way

> female offspring=monster girl
you are boring and a coward

>monsters are otherwise all male
wtf does this mean? otherwise? otherwise to what? if they are an all male species then they are only reproducing with humans so if that can result in monster girls what 9in the cinnamon toast fuck does it mean that they are otherwise all male
monsters come from dungeons, naturally

Breeding lets them massively speed how quickly they multiply. Solely dungeon spawning will never have them prosper.

>otherwise to what?
Otherwise to monster girls and breeding with human women.
Why is COMPLETELY FICTIONAL AND NOT REAL porn or any NSFW smut always being attacked and scrutinized for being "problematic" or for so called promotion of violence and crime wrong think? Especially today in this day and age? It thought we've evolved and moved past that point? If a motherfucker doesn't like the more hardcore non-vanilla, why not just stick to their vanilla and romantic erotica? Are we still stuck at some weird early 2000s time warp whenever porn and nsfw is mentioned and talked about?
Favourite race for lewds?
Variable awards and rewards, that escalate until you reach "One last job" which is supposed to remove all your Vigilance and other problems but comes with an ultimatum of having to forgo your friend or turn your rival into your friend. idk, oceans elevens heist film that scenario
The LA Creature Vore PDF has been upgraded with one more creature and a few more scenarios. With the new stat caps, the Vore attack may have become more viable.
>be me
>19, virgin, obese despite my job being hard manual labor
>wake up one day, eat some leftover pork pie for breakfast, go outside to hit that dirt
>where the fuck is all my dirt
hovel is suspended in the air, fall twenty feet and almost die
>only saved by my massive gut
>in the distance, see all my dirt floating away
>some fucking skinny bitch floating next to it on a broom
>despite the distance I can see she has point ears
>it is fucking on
>gather several rocks from the massive hole that was once my farm
>pack two or three pork pies for later
>eat two or three now for strength

Anons I am gonna destroy that sorceress's entire life
That bitch done gone and stole your whole farm?
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The world is in a weird place, that's for sure. You can get "I'm Engaged to Mothman" at any major bookstore, but god forbid [insert thing god forbids here].
Neopuritans, anon.
In Puritan New England wives could successfully sued her husband for failing to satisfy her sexually. It's a thing that actually happened more than once.
The Puritans got down, you just had to be married first. The modern prude is a more devilish animal because when you have strict regulations on a thing it clearly defines where the grey areas are where a genuine range of freedom is allowed. Without strict regulations nobody can know what is and is not acceptable so you get weird shit like >>93207622 literally one shelf down from the Bibles so the retailer can cast as wide a net as possible.
>Without strict regulations nobody can know what is and is not acceptable so you get weird shit like
What religious doctrine promotes posting on the lewd rpg thread of /tg/?
I forgot to actually finish my thought.
- so the retailer can cast as wide a nest as possible in a society that will expect both traditional sexual morality in some areas and radically novel sexual morality in others. A good example is how we all went to high-school with turbo-sluts who were encouraged to whore themselves around by modern sex education but relationships between 20 year old women and older (usually wealthier) men are treated like borderline pedophilia.
Surfing the Kali-yuga mostly.
I have been surprised to learn I don't find coercing/extorting/bargaining every vulnerable female character I encounter into having sex with me all that enjoyable. It gets boring if I'm doing it solely for its own sake—becomes rote, routine. I found myself wondering, "Why am I even doing this?" past a certain point. So I think I need to rethink my approach a bit.
Most of what you said applies to the US and UK. In East Asia here, it's a completely different set of problems; from shut-ins being much more common, to both males and females trying to put their career first to the point where few people pursue relationships, to sex and NSFW media being straight-up considered as socially taboo to mention. Many south-east Asian countries consider even even seeing things like >>93207622 in public to be a socially incorrect thing.

Meanwhile, birthrates are maintaining their fall, and are only just above 1 right now.
Quality over quantity anon
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So I am thinking of maybe writing a Great City Sewers/catacombs environment for LA. Obviously with the obvious monsters of tentacles, slimes, goblins, cultists and Dark elves, maybe trolls and sex devices, but I am kinda thinking it needs something a bit more special. Any ideas?
(I already considered ratmen but I feel they'd be too similar to Goblins, and the former have better lewd potential)
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That could be really neat. In fact, I thought about adding some kind of adventures for the cities, and of course the sewers would be a great place to start. But I wanted to focus on other regions first.
Aside from all kinds of shady people, you could add fishmen, giant alligators or rat people.
Gonna add it.
Changed it that certain failures while rolling add to the Vigilance, but at the end of a successful mission, you can roll a 1d4 and that's how much the accumulated Vigilance from that mission is reduced.
I want characters to engage with the vigilance scenarios, but I may have overdone it.
Well, fuck.
You could go weirder and grosser with giant spiders, roaches.
Or turtle people that do kung fu.
Games resemble life in some cases. It's the hedonic treadmill. If something is novel, it's temporarily satisfying, but with any repetition, it becomes stale. Thus, you must find newer, more challenging activities to stay interested. This can come from either diving further into the pointless endeavor of searching for new novel experiences, or subverting expectation entirely. Both the paladin and the lich are highly motivated, just in mildly different directions.
Something like mutants or morlocks.
I like the Fishmen idea actually, thinking of giving them some lovecraftian stuff, maybe go with them as malformed fay creatures, so able to steal some stuff from the fairies (thinking the mist here).
And before you know it, you're a cenobite.
LA anon, what happens if the character is defeated in a tentacle cave?
Also LA anon I checked and there is precisely one Inner Kingdoms mission that ever takes you to a normal cave (DK difficult class mission), seems like kind of a waste
the worst thread on /tg/
Left on the ground, shamed.
If you want to argue that there should be some kind of tentacle capture scenarios, yes. I just don't don't know what the scenarios could be, aside from being tentacled until the character gets rescued.
Fuck, should change that for the next edition.
Been getting into domain levels of play stuff, lately. Wondering if there's any way I can incorporate lewdness into mass-combat rules. Or more realistically, if I can due so with post-combat rules.

Like, are there any rules regarding the women that remain after a town is ransacked? Any rules for women as treasure?
if there was a bit more involved restraints/escape system that could work, but yeh, it feels more like waiting to get rescued before you rack up too much whatever it is they do to you
There is actually a Tentacle capture table in Fractured Marches which I like, but it uses a lot of his more exotic tentacle types.
On the sewer environnment :
Sewer octopus, kraken miniature and other discarded magical experiment
Fugni/myconid people with growth control over their mycelium-hive
Fishmen, creature of the black lagoon-style
Parasitic creatures that may or may not mimic clothing

On the catacomb environment:
Giant spider in need of an incubator. dark elf handler in option
Ghosts that molest or possess the character to enact their fetishes at a later scenario
Living armor, tentacle edition
Cursed objects (belt of sensitivity, robe of wardrobe malfunction, animated dildo, the work)
maybe cursed objects could be something, rather than being unique to catacombs, something that can be it's own specific expansion?

varying degrees of cursed, from outright trap items to things that provide bonuses at a price
There are a few Treasures of Lewdity like that
>if there was a bit more involved restraints/escape system that could work
Any opinion about this?
“Friendly” goblin merchant that sells weird and/or lewd alchemy items you can’t get anywhere else.
that one is really good, still looking to try and integrate it a bit with LA, when real life doesn't strangle me
Wonder for LA, would a full on underdark region potentially be interesting?
An alternate name for the Dullahan is Durrachan, how are they not way more popular in Japan?
Whatever you write or draw regardless of whether or not it is real or fictional. Is ultimately a reflection of your character and what type of person you truly are. So make it what you will whenever you see any Western or Eastern artist drawing or writing rape porn, NTR and ryona. Hopefully a majority of such artists and people don't have skeletons in their questions and harbor any malicious thoughts.

You all know how insidious and malicious some people are and how the most vile predators and groomers can seemingly hide amongst the most normal of people. Including le based porn and hentai "artists".
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I disagree, competent artist must not be bound by his (or her) preocupations and should be able write comedy and tragedy write equal skill. Most fucked up shit and sweetest vanilla can come from the same brush guided by the same hand.
Who fucking cares
>if you write and paint wholesome stuff, you can't be sex pest
Yes. With dwarven citadels and dark elven matriarchies and mindslaving mindflayers
Just because A=>B doesn't mean that ¬A=>¬B
Sometimes I believe the NTR genre just has to be the author/mangaka themselves trauma-dumping their failed relationships in doujin form. I can't help but feel that sometimes, just sometimes, alot of these NTR plots and doujins is the authors/mangakas summarizing their failed IRL relationships which may or may not had nasty breakups with their exes or were cheated on. I get that sometimes NTR is some sick demented "power fantasy" for cuckold faggots self-inserting as the darker skinned or more masculine NTR Bull-Chad and the "Beta Male MC" who gets cucked is their perceived "rival" or blank slate representation of some person or character they hate and do not like. Maybe just maybe some NTR is just the author's/mangaka's trauma dumping therapy session explaining their failed relationship and vilifying their hated Ex through manga-doujin form.
LA Anon, I remember reading somewhere that gaining an extra fetish doubled the existing amount of tice rather than simply increasing it(So the progression goes 1-2-4...) am I being schizo.
>Maybe just maybe some NTR is just the author's/mangaka's trauma dumping therapy session explaining their failed relationship and vilifying their hated Ex through manga-doujin form.
Some? Perhaps, but certainly not majority of them. NTR is one of those very... formulaic and straightforward porn "plots", with a hint of inherent misogyny (all women are whores), that's why it's so popular. Majority of the audience does not need convoluted narrative to get off.
>people who write/draw weird shit are sex pests
>people who don't write/draw weird shit are sex pets
So, in general, people are sex pests.
>the darker skinned or more masculine NTR Bull-Chad
And all the ugly bastard ones? Because I've seen way more of those in Japan than Tyrones.
It adds another dice. 1d4, 2d4, 3d4 etc.
>formulaic and straightforward porn "plots", with a hint of inherent misogyny (all women are whores), that's why it's so popular. Majority of the audience does not need convoluted narrative to get off.
So does this mean women authors and mangakas who participate in the hentai scene and produce such content themselves are of self hating "internalized misogyny" or hate themselves?

So is this why Japan is accepting more immigrants and loosening their immigration laws? Allow me migrants of melanin skin tone or from the middle east to produce more Blacked and NTR. Along with more demoralization and to dunk on and "eradicate" white people, isn't it?
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Hey just wanna do an interest check:

Ravnica (a fantasy ecumenopolis)
5E or Earthdawn
Investigation with a mix of 70% adventure/30% lewdness
Roll20 for the game itself, Discord for text or voice with voicechangers
0.1, basically just the base encounter tables
Still need
New enemies(shouldn't be many)
Fishmen village and captivity (I am taking an inspiration from FM's Pigmen and having two tiers)
Infestations (basically a mechanic were the nasties down under are pressing upon the city itself.)
The infestations are gonna be one of the enemies as a major - Tentacles, Slimes, Dark Elves, Goblins, Cultists, Fishmen, so taking ideas for how they appear on the city (besides outright invasion)

Also ideas for fishman village and captivity, going for a hypnotic/lovecraftian theme.
maybe an alternative to corruption unique to fishmen that turns you into a fishman slowly?
Here's another revelation why Western porn and Eastern (Japanese) hentai is filled with so much misogyny, rape, NTR, guro, scat, general woman hating, etc.

Its because a vast overwhelming majority of porn artists and or hentai authors/mangakas are just simply bad shitty writers. Yes I have said this before already, but it looks like we're having this discussion again. So yes, that is a highly likely and probable case why porn or Jap hentai is seemingly "meanspirited and malicious and hateful towards women." Porn and or hentai artists/authors are simply bad shitty writers at worst and at best, are below average to mediocre writers.

Porn and hentai artists may be good or God tier at drawing and illustrating sex scenes and the nude male and female anatomy. But a majority of them cannot write a sex scene or anything remotely erotic with foreplay to save themselves. That is why so much porn and hentai is basically rape scenes, gangrape scenes dubious consent, mond control and absolutely retarded NTR plots that should never realistically happen because of common sense and consequences that will happen.

That is how most porn and hentai artists who're piss poor bad writers make up for their lack writing. Just making the plot be some braindead convoluted and moronic nonsense where nearly every single female is a naive sub 70 IQ moron who easily gets themselves in a compromising situation, nearly every single male is a morally depraved evil rapist. And there is zero law enforcement zero comeuppance and almost no consequences whatsoever especially to the male rapists/perpetrators.

And yeah, the same can be applied to female porn/hentai artists too. Excellent or decent artists who can draw good sex scenes but are hack fraud writers just as much as their male colleagues.
In my experience female authors fall into three main branches - wholesome yuri (with undertone of self-inseting), wholesome /ss/ (with undertone of self-inseting), and most vile and depraved atrocities imaginable (I wouldn't dare to guess if there's any self-inseting involved).
Also sometimes author (of either gender) makes particular kind of stuff just because they know it sells.

this feels more like zombie movie, and really when you tilt your head a little Zs start looking just like Ns (or vice versa)
What would that do Lewd wise,though?
maybe a heavier form of fetishes or new fetishes that are active only when partially transformed making you give in easier until it's fixed?
encounters that grow more lewd or so
fishmen should definitely lay eggs in you
Maybe go all in on the purely physical build, with the pros being sexual control and increasing physical attractiveness with the con being losing menal atrributes
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>wholesome yuri

If only IRL yuri is just as wholesome as the 2D anime one and not basically be glorified man hating
And the worst little shits of them all, deep gnomes! Also slimes, dragons and mushroom people, but they're generally pretty chill compared to the rest.
Chinese men have the right idea to be vigilant against yuri. It really does comes down to hating men. Look at all those artists that draw cute girls and yuribait but the second there's a man involved they turn it into sicko degrading FUB shit.
maybe a different type of dragon, something like wurms or so?
Hm, steampunk deep gnomes could be fun for various lewds, both regular and captive, though in their case they're not referring to you as a captive instead you're a volunteer test subject, to be let go automatically after enough tests
Maybe the point of the whole thing, rather than succubus which more makes you into a femme fatale, the point of Fishwoman transformation is to make the victim into as much of a cumdump as possible?
that could be an interesting take, maybe there's only male fishmen by default and they need to turn you into a rare female one for breeding purpose?

for lewds could always involve them checking if you're already fertile by breeding the shit out of you, could also involve that at partial transformation you do lay eggs but they're not fertilized?
I am leaning towards eldritch mutant Innsmouth style, with women as pure breeding sows as both tool and ideology for these guys

Also no eggs, good ild cock balls and vagoo
I think I'm going to shift my focus to more of a "family man" playstyle, where I
focus on acquiring high-quality women for my harem and building relationships with them using the NPC dialogue system from the Solo RPG pastebin. The marriages will still be some degree of nonconsensual (for example, arranged or purchased) so I can still get my rocks off, but it'll be kinda heartwarming for them to start liking me anyway. By adding a new, reluctant woman to the mix every time the latest one starts liking me too much for sex with her to feel rewarding, I can hopefully stay apace of the hedonic treadmill mentioned by >>93208558. It also increases the total amount of possible debauchery over time, as I can arrange ever larger orgies with my harem, and encourage loving relationships among them from the sideline for bonus wholesomeness.
New ennemies :
Slime [Gibbering mouhter] with Xd4 very long tongues
Male medusea (maedar) who can un-petrify people with their cum
Insectfolk, with optionnal Hivemind Queen
Mutant rats with too much mouth, tentacle or member
not really an enemy, but pollution and magic waste with random effect (grow tentacle/mutation, get corruption, monster pheromones)
Sewer mermaid
Vampire seeking to expand his/her harem and/or food supplie

Fishmen village/captivity :
Entertain pet tentacle
clean/construct/repair altar of the Deep
watch disturbing ritual

New missions :
Ratcatching/sewer surveilance
Sealing cave or hive entrance / put poison to kill vermin
Rescue woman kept as breeding stock
Defeat the Medusea/unpetrify some dude she is using as sextoy
Sewer repair /escort the repair team
Destroy Corruption Stones that contaminate the surrounding
You are free to be dumb back to /hm/
Fuck off
this sounds good
Maybe something you do during a scenario start an infestation : touching some strange altar, opening a locked door, being defeated by cultist or whatnot, being impregnated by tentacles/fishmen and birthing eggs/larvae/young.
It would work like the Fame mechanic, tied to the place, which is overrun/fall/invaded if it reach 10. It goes up by 1 each 1d6 day, unless you do succeed an "infestation control quest". If you fail the infestation control or is defeated by the same kind of ennemies as the infestation, it goes up.

You could roll a d10 each day higher than the Infestation value, or you must roll on an Infestation scenario table to see what happen : monster roaming the street at night, someone is kidnapped (if unlucky, a merchant or the innkeeper), when you use a service, you get corruption, vigilance incrase because the Guard smells something fishy going on, you get strange dream while sleeping, draining your sanity...
Or you could roll on that scenario table each time the Infestation grow.
i'm reading through some of the lewd attack stuff, and i'm at the point where i need to ask what the fuck a hiver is.
>Lewd Attack
Have fun reading through different documents for scarce rules and wrong references
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>Changed it that certain failures while rolling add to the Vigilance
I realized a few hours after posting that there is already a solution in the game. Just wear a fucking Mask, reduces Vigilance gained by -1. Works for things like breaking into Warehouses or Assassinations. And in situations where you can't really cover your face (like infiltrating as a maid etc) it'd make sense that Vigilance would increase.
nah nigga you've never seen the wholesome metalhead
Like what?


I thought you guys were lying but holy shit! And women are the ones who say men are weird freaks.
Never really tried a lewd system myself, but your story got me interested. What system do you use and any homebrew mechanics you recommend?
Porn/hentai artists are sometimes a gacha or outright minefield themselves. Half of porn/hentai artists can be one of the best fan artists for Shows, Movies, Videogames, Cartoons, Anime, Comics, etc. while the other half are the fucking disrespectful piece of shit grifters who're not fans of the Shows, Movies, Videogames, Cartoons, Anime, Comics they're making porn of nor do they consume, watch, play or read them.

How and why? The first half of porn artists who're the faithful/actual fans and consumers of the Shows, Movies, Videogames, Cartoons, Anime, Comics make the best well drawn and hot porn and smut imaginable. While the other half who're the disrespectful grifters who're not fans of nor consume the Shows, Movies, Videogames, Cartoons, Anime, Comics; often make the most depraved and disgusting smut and rule 34 of the IP and media they're never fans of to begin with.
>faithful/actual fans and consumers
Of course, true fan consoomes, nobody likes the secondary.
Yet one can be faithful fan yet still make most depraved (and still insightful and perfectly on topic) stuff - I'm sure ShindoL played Dragon Quest, I'm sure Huqu plays GFL.
>Yet one can be faithful fan yet still make most depraved (and still insightful and perfectly on topic) stuff - I'm sure ShindoL played Dragon Quest, I'm sure Huqu plays GFL.
They're the minority or must be the obscure 1% minority of the total fandom/community. Artists/porn artists who produce porn and smut who're not actual fans or consumers of the certain IPs, Shows, Movies, Videogames, Cartoons, Anime, Comics they're making porn of. Are the 2nd fucking worst type of tourists/non-fans of any media, IP, story, show or game out there; only trumped and beaten by the Woke DEI ESG diversity leftists as number 1.

I consider these "artists" to be the piece of fucking shit grifters they are because the big main reason why the make low quality or predictably disgustingly abhorrent unsexy rape and NTR porn of IPs, media, shows and games they're not fans nor engage or consume. Is because of money and commissions! I am willing to tolerate artists/nsfw artists making the gross as fuck morally bankrupt and degrading porn of IPs, media, stories and games if they're actual fans and consumers of it. Because AT LEAST I can forgive them as horny fans fapping to their favorite characters whom they ultimately respect, give justice to and ultimately respect and honor the canon and Word of the Author/Creator.

Meanwhile the artists who're the shit heel artists who make porn and rule 34 of the media, IPs, stories and games they're not even actual consumers or fans. Absolutely DO NOT respect or honor the canon, they BASTARDIZE and insult the characters they actually do not know nor are familiar with. Because they never read, watched or played the stories, shows, games and IP and media they came from to begin with!
I mean notice how some doujins, fan fiction, porn and hentai featuring the characters we love can be so out-of-character, uncharacteristically weak and stupid. Because the artists who produced such slop are or were NEVER fans and consumers of the characters and the media and stories they come from!!! They're sleazy shit heel grifters profiting and banking off of dumbass coomers and gooners and such artists ultimately are disrespectful to the IP and stories AND disrespectful and insulting towards the original authors and creators. Because like I said, they likely do not respect, honor and cherish the canon and story proper. I despise such creators and artists.

And yes, sure! You can say I fucking hate these shit heel artists because they're ones who produce the depraved soul crushing and awful NTR, and """alternative bad end loose""" scenarios of otherwise powerful and mighty characters being NTR gangblack'd as they're romantic partner/loved one watches on horror. Because AGAIN, they NEVER are fans and consumers nor watched, read or played the shows books and games the characters come from!!!! Yes I'm triggered and have my jimmies rustled over this.

I can only imagine so many authors, creators and developers hating and despising half their own fans and audiences due to not respecting their stories and canon thanks to these types of shit heel artists and non-fans.

I'd you ask me; or it it were up to me, these types of disingenuous non-fans and shit heel artists deserve to be gatekept and forced out of fandoms, communities they're not a part of. And be barred and gatekept from shows, books, anime, manga, games, etc. -that they're never going to truly watch, read, okay or consume. That way to ALSO prevent constant oversaturation of already disgusting unsexy and out-of-character porn, doujins and fanfics out there.
If you read the OP it clearly says it's time for meds
uses rocks
.....are you a hobbit?
Oh! And lastly. Imagine meeting new first time fans of the show, game(s), anime, cartoons or books you like and have loved since forever. Only for you to find out their first time exposure and discovery to the IPs and media you like and loved is through fucking porn, rule 34 and doujins made by the shit heel non-fan porn artists I am negatively talking about. And believe should be gatekept and scrutinized for the low quality out-of-character NTR and rape slop them make of IPs and media they're never fans or consumers of!
Actually I found where I read it, it's in the Mindbreak tables for Inner Kingdoms beastiary

"8 - 13: Free Space: Either Rape, Consensual Sex, Captivity, Masochist, Huge Dick, or Gangbang
depending on the situation. You gain that Fetish, double the number and Dice if you already got
Ditto for other mindbreaks
a roving pack of city planners
escaped convicts
kobold/ratman sappers (as in they tunneled into the sewers as an invasion force)
80s anime monsters
watery extra dimensional demons
Minotaur (only one)
an intersection/crossroads controlled by a powerful monster. if you lose its a capture scenario where you get prostituted to one random encounter a day till escape.

a group of heroic adventurers, afterall this dungeon is close to civilization so meeting some isnt unlikely

a wizard got a girlfriend an flushed all his pervy degenerate junk to turn over a new leaf
now its in the wrong hands. yours. or lil bastard guys i duno.
oh yeah chuds are a classic
pretty sure it was failing to put babies in her
half of england didnt think women could cum
>a roving pack of city planners
Attack on sight. No parley, no prisoners. Thou shalt not suffer a bureaucrat to breathe.
if result is in highest bracket note result and roll again, if second result is in highest bracket add 1" and repeat
if result is in lowest bracket note result and roll again, if second result is in lowest bracket subtract 1" and repeat
unless current result is 1" in which case divide by 2
Penis length

Race Tiny. Short Average Long Huge Massive biggus-dickus
(1-2”) (3-4”) (5-6”) (7-8”) (9-10”) (11-12”) (13")
Human - 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - -
Elf - 3-5 6-8 9 - - -
Dwarf 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - -
Halfling 3-4 5-7 8-9 - - -
Orc - 3 4-5 6-7 8-9 - -
Centaur - - - - - 3-4 5-9
Goblin 3 4-6 7-8 9 - - -
Kobold 3-5 6-7 8-9 - - - -
lizardfoks - 3-5 6-7 8-9 - - -
Catfolk - 3-5 6-8 9 - - -
minotaur - - - - - 3-5 6-9

Human - 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - -
Elf 3-4 5-7 8-9 - - -
Dwarf - - 3-4 5-8 9 - - -
Halfling 3 4-6 7-8 9 - - -
Orc 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - - -
Centaur - - - - - 3-4 5-9
Goblin 3 4-6 7-8 9 - - -
Kobold 3 4-6 7 8-9 - - -
lizardfoks - 3 4-5 6-7 8-9 - -
Catfolk - 3-5 6-8 9 - - -
minotaur - 3 4-5 6-8 9 - -

ex centaur 20" long 17" circumference bit small by centaur standards

be with god my son
That must be some leftover from a previous design. Thanks for pointing that out.
Can anyone recomend me some good japanese trpg's with bond or companion mechanics? I want to see if i can possibly modify them to be more on the lewd side for possible harem shenanigans.
I believe I've seen something about captives and slaves in one of the ACKS books, but I'm not sure which one. Probably not core. Domains at War Campaign, maybe?
Sewers: Access to basements. Either for some sweet loot or for accidentally breaking into some pervs BDSM rape cave.

Catacombs: Magic seals that are opened by offering a sacrifice to a conveniently provided mind-break apparatus.
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>You gain that Fetish, double the number and Dice if you already got this

Goddammit, I can't believe I missed that during the edit pass.

Also, I'm at work and don't have my stuff to check, but there aren't any actual *dungeons* in Lewd Attack scenarios as far as I can recall, right? We have Ruins, obviously, but i don't recall an actual D&D style underground complex anywhere. And yes, anons upthread, sewers and underdark areas are good, but aren't dungeons either.

With that in mind, is anyone here familiar with Earthdawn? Specifically, their Kaers? Earthdawn was a 90's era FASA game intended to give a reasonable explanation as to why "dungeons" would be laying about everywhere for adventures to go plunder. Basically there used to be a magical apocalypse, Kaers were anti-magic bunkers for people to take shelter in for a few centuries until the apocalypse died down, and a whole lot of the Kaers *didn't work*, and the inhabitants died to the horrible magical creatures that got inside.

What would people's thoughts be about functionally dropping Earthdawn-style Kaers into Lewd Attack to fulfill the role of "dungeon complex"?
>Also everyone should go try out Earthdawn for real. Fantastic fantasy RPG. Includes an entire race of overly dramatic, swashbuckling lizardmen, with vertigo.
LA only focuses on encounters in the wilderness or cities because its structure doesn't really supports Dungeon Crawl
Fractured Marches has some dungeon tables, but I think >>93221072 is right
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>its structure doesn't really supports Dungeon Crawl

I'm not entirely sure I agree. Every static adventuring location is essentially a reskinned dungeon crawl. The inherent nature of the Cave location, for example, is nearly identical to a dungeon, just with differently-themed encounters.

We may be seeing things from different perspectives, so in the interests of clarity, what about LA makes a dungeon crawl *not* work? I'm seeing a system that lets you move from self-contained encounter (ie, room) to self-contained encounter, through a finite space (area size limits), while tracking your personal resources (food/sleep) along the way. Adding additional levels to the dungeon is as easy as creating a new encounter table. What are you seeing which counteracts this?
LA allows Dungeon Exploration like any generic encounter of roll on table, encounter requires to roll x or y or fight then move on. Dungeoncrawl usually is based on more complexity for solving certain situations and actual navigation, like opening closed doors, detecting and disarming traps, even in the same room. Dungeon Crawl could be finding a locked room that requires a key, and then the room presents two statues holding a gem and to unlcok the gem you need to pull two levers somewhere but when you do the statues are actually gargoyles that attack anyone who doesn't wear the medallion of Gyrblax. And maybe you can even find clues scattered around or the spirit of Gyrblax who was murdered yesterday by a giant bat, sleeping in the opposite side of the dungeon
How best to make a Tentacle/Slime invasion for LA without it being completely unfair (ala whoops quess who just rolled three fours, quess who is facing 16 dice rape attempts on Round 1)
90% done, just need to write up how the invasions look.
Please help, I can just use Large gobbo attack for them, and figure out something for fishmen, but could maybe someone give me nubmers what would a Delf/Cultist village attack event would look like?
invasions are always a bit wonky, I'd say, for now just write up numbers that feel right and see if playtests make it feel too easy/too hard
I've seen this clip a few times. Is it a bit from some show or an actual jav plot? Cuz the latter is down right comedy gold when it comes to jap racism.
this is looking good anon
>what would a Delf/Cultist village attack event would look like?
Depends on how you like your Delfs. They could be just a swarm of evil nimble Delfs. Or if you prefer them to be subterranean overlords then elite bands of Delfs driving forth hordes of Gobbos & cave horror warbeasts, supported by summoned Demons.
Cultists could be raving hordes of madmen & imps with some elite Cult Mages and more powerful summoned Demons.
And ask why are they attacking? Slaves? Booty? Mayhem? Mass sacrifice for dark ritual? Figuring that out might give you more ideas.
What do people think about the Deep Corruption and how I did infestations?
it's a bit funny that the easiest way to handle an infestation is to just fuck off from the city for a few weeks and that it only really picks up when you're around like you're a walking apocalypse maiden

other than that seems okay at first, probably needs a bit of playtesting to see how high the level of city destruction is?
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On one hand, I envisioned it more that if adventurer's are around, they are counted on to do their jobs, and if you are not around, the Higher ups may moblize other resources to handle those problems.- may even just be other adventurers that undertake cleansing missions in favour of other ones. The player just doesn't see the cost because of perspective. It's also just a conceit for gameplay so that it is present

Alternatively, have you considered that in uh, relevant literature, armies of rape demons/monsters/bandits or some combination thereof seem to overrun countries who have recently gained princesses who make a habit at traipsing around in armour and thinking they are though shit?
I mean, in a sense, the PC is a walking apocalypse(or at least trouble) maiden, as she is the protagonist of a very particular kind of hentai, is she not

As for playtesting... uh yeah... haha
This is a muse project desu, it's prob gonna be a bit scuffed.

I should probably put that as a disclaimer.

As for destruction, it should be very rare, only if you get very unlucky. In the first place these are Large Invasion rolls(2d4+2), so not only they would need to roll max encounters, they would also need to win them all to destroy the city in one fell swoop. And, unless you get really unlucky multiple times, most of the destroyed districts should be rebuilt before a new surge can hit, provided you fail utterly to contain it
>the oh shit moment when the king realises his daughter is a hentai protagonist
was thinking more for playtesting for other people to do so, which I will once I get enough time for it, which is soon tm

but yeh it should mostly be fine, unless you get supremely unlucky
Could be a fun plot for a vaguely humorous one season Ecchi anime, have some fun with porn logic and hentai tropes
>"devote additional knights to guarding the border with orc territory and keeping the goblin population in check"
>"but why sire? Neither had been a major threat in living memory"
>"just trust me on this"
And it is finished, I hope people enjoy and post some adventures had with these here.
I basically just added the invasion tables
I decided to turn the Slime/Tentacle surges into basically boss rushes
looking good, again, will try out as soon as time permits
Very first word misspelted. (wSewer)
Muh immurshun and verisimilitude lost.
Uninstalled and refund demanded.
I'll repost it
Fixed version, gomenasai
there is also a funny part where you used thermite instead of termite
so that might make people think you're talking about burning the whole city down
>Help! I've been reincarnated in a porno!
>when the king realizes she's kind of into it
>but by now he's gone full dad mode and just doubles down even harder at fighting back against fate
>the king establishes order of lady-knights and starts sending them into monster territory in hope they take the "spotlight" and his daughter can stay safe as a background character
that or he starts radical reformations among his lady knights
none of the individual heroics with a sword nonsense anymore ladies: here's proper breastplate, half of you get a pike, other half a musket, let me tell you about this thing called a Tercio

orcs have 2 feet of height and reach on you for gods sake, stop trying to 1v1 them
>the king then starts getting teased for being shy with women
>publicly holds up a stoic face
>privately turns to drinking, raises a glass at the former uniform of the royal guard hanging in his private quarters knowing it's all for the better
>goes back to deploying Plan N on the tentacle forests before his daughter can try to make a daring rescue into them
Do tell if there are any other glaring errors, I'll check back and fix them tommorow
Great work anon, and in a short amount of time. If you think you are done, I'll add it to the folder.
All this talk about fishmen and the corruption tables made me realize how prime this game is for a Lovecraftian region.
But don't ask me, I wanted to work on some other region soon.
Go right ahead
Actually I found errors give me a moment
There you go
Added, thanks for your effort.
I honestly might run a version of this for my next session. The party getting hired to deal with the weird tentacle monsters, slimes and other things of that nature before they can do anything lewd to the adventuring princess
Code is BDD-01.
Slime Expansion anon here. I've just thrown together a Tentacle Expansion for LA, as well. Was hoping to complete it earlier desu. There shouldn't be any mistakes or obviously imbalanced encounters.
A potential 16-enemy encounter reminded me: there was a goon combat mechanic in Deviant: the Renegades. Basically, you could group same enemies as one entity, which targeted one character, or could split itself to target multiple. I think Lewd Attack would benefit from something similar to it, for the sake of rolling even less.
I've captured an enemy queen and her daughter. They come from a culture that's sort of like Japanese/Mongolian mixed with Inuit. (I rolled random cultural traits that their peopel would find attractive; their women are known in this region for having light colored eyes contrasting deeply against tanned colored skin, and having large, round hips and asses...) So, in creating the other aspects of their culture, I decided that one of the most private, personal, and sensual things you can do in their society is a sort of "Bath Drawing Ritual". Though, to us it may seem normal, to them, drawing a bath or bathing with a loved one is one of the most personal things you could do, and performing sexual acts in the bath is one of the most highly erotic and romantic things you can do among their people. To a point that mothers bathing sons, or son-in-laws even has it's own psuedo-sexual context.
So normally, the wife would draw a bath for the male members of their family and would stay in attendance in case they needed anything, like a towel, or brush to scrub themselves, or to have someone wash their back. For sons and other male relations, it rarely ever goes further than this, (But if it does, it is NEVER talked about. EVER.) But a wife who attends to her husband is expected to wash him and pleasure him.

So, naturally now that my character has caught them and has learned this fact, he's about to force them to perform the ritual for him together, and he'll desecrate the sanctity of the ritual with both of them at the same time... Obviously.
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>In my experience female authors fall into three main branches - wholesome yuri (with undertone of self-inseting), wholesome /ss/ (with undertone of self-inseting), and most vile and depraved atrocities imaginable (I wouldn't dare to guess if there's any self-inseting involved).

Oh come on! How could you ever forget literally josei and femporn mangakas!? Literally women artists and authors making smut featuring hot handsome guys or cute boys fucking girls. And even though the doujins they make is hentai made for women, by women. Basically think otome- BUT can still be watched, read and enjoyed by men because women artists always manage to make the best hottest and sexiest erotica and sex scenes.
>made me realize how prime this game is for a Lovecraftian region
Ideas stolen from CYOA Docklands/Innsmouth and other games:
- Transients: population varied with few speaking same language if at all, many come and go with constant stream of ships
- Sea Mist: Heavy chilling Fog rolling in from water, slow but inexorable movement
- Inconvenient Weather: always rains/chills at worst possible time
- Blackbeak Gulls: scabarous sea pigeon scavengers, blanket landscape in foul droppings, steal anything edible/shiney thats unattended
- Storms: massive waves pound seashore, high winds and lashing rain tear thru streets
- Lone Times: strange periods where everyone seems to vanish leaving ghost town, but people always return with no knowledge of absence
- Blackwater: floating slime that creeps along hull slowing vessels and tries to drag beneath waves
- Angry Waves: malignant sentient waves rarely powerful enough to swamp ships but still make navigation difficult
- Mysterious Bells: hauntingly musical bell tolls on open sea that only lead astray, mesemerizing sirene-like quality difficult to resist
- Rip Tides: powerful subsurface currents that drag ships off-course (or back to where they started?)
- Moonfish: large silvery vertical pancake fish with piranha teeth, ill omens, vindictive and hateful
- Shallow Sleepers: in deep water sometimes hear low bass rumblings from beneath waves of something in fitful rest about to awaken
- Non-Euclidian: streets wind & twist in ominous impossible fashion that confounds & frustrates, can often find oneself in wrong place/time
- Psychic Landscape: environment imposes & reflects mental state enhancing Fear and unease
- Alley Thugs: strange belligerent residents who glower hatefully for no reason, waiting to catch you alone on empty dark streets
- Urban Decline: wasteland of mouldering warehouses & looted shopfronts, debris & garbage litter streets lined with rusting fences
- Spiteful Shrubbery: trees lean menacingly their branches snagging clothing, whorls and knots creating uncanny disconcerting shapes
- Carrion Crows: perched on rooftops in dark groups patiently watching for weakness, territorial & vicious, ominous croaks inciting Fear
- Jackdaws: blanket gnarled trees filling air with endless maddening shrieking cries, may attack in large numbers
- Midnight Store: always open with variety of convenient/contraband items, foreign owner doesn't speak your language but is always smiling
- Twisting Tower: tall lighthouse reaching into dark sky induces feelings of dread rather than safety/comfort
- Carnival Pier: stretchs out into murky water lit by flickering lanterns, desolate trashy attractions & gambling with shuffling patrons, win obscure prizes but gamble with more than gold
- Food Shop: manned by grubby flabby glassy-eyed foreigners in greasy aprons, only serve Meat Pasties which are strangely tasty
- Speakeasy: hard to find as seems to move to different basement but always the same, great drinks, exotic waitresses/music, intrigue
- Phantom Lighthouse: on certain nights distant beam of light sweeps over dark ocean from unknowable disembodied source
- Island Ruins: long abandoned but always visible by inexplicable tower torches & sporadic witchfire, twisting innards hold danger/reward
- Tidal Caves: cliffs skirt the coastline with wave carved caves covered at high tide but explorable at low, beware the rising waters
- Shallow Reef: patch of ocean lit by eerie phosphoresence from strange flourishing reef with glowing corals & bizarre sealife
- Ship Aground: decrepit algae encrusted hull stuck on sandbar in harbor, watch the tide and moor your craft securely lest you be stranded
- Kelp Spires: wind & twist upwards from oceans depths into sky lifting sunken treasures in grasping fronds to unknown heights
More Continued:
- Macabre Puppet Show: small booth near water, owner never seen except for wrists, morbid subject matter of murder/adultery/gruesomeness
- Sea Shanties: despite inability to communicate everyone knows and is oddly compelled to sing the same songs
- Pontoon: ugly ramshackle sprawl of haphazard materials cobbled together into makeshift floating island reeking of rot & sewage
- Jellyfish: drift in vast herds washing up on shore in poisonous stinging gelatinous mass
-Sunken Ship arises from depths on certain nights?
-Creepy beach bonfire parties/rituals at night?
-Ghosts/Corpses washed up by the waves? and/or crawl forth from rotting beached leviathans?
-Weird seaweed-draped driftwood effigies/totems? around which diseased gulls gather?
-Cliff-dwelling harpies/sirens?
-Disturbing lustful fetishist dreams! (drowning & tentacles?)
-Fish from the sea whose whispered secrets grant knowledge & madness?
-There are no Dolphins, their brutally evisicerated carcasses displayed on docks?
-There are no children, only the progressively elderly & hopeless!
-Populace afflicted with deep phlegmy watery coughs! Some found drowned in their beds!

Ah, you've got a very distinct definition of Dungeon Crawl. You also have a good point. There's no real way to apply that sort of puzzle solving inside a procedurally generated system like Lewd Attack's, since you can't control for whether other puzzle pieces could ever come up.

So, yeah, by your standard, that's a fair assessment. Still, the idea has been percolating around my head and I can't get it out, so I'm gonna do a writeup of something as close as I can get, and I'll put it up when the thread refreshes, since it's in 7-day autosage.

Strongly considering putting it up on a public google doc so that people can add Scenario entries as well. I have a feeling I'm going to need a lot of them
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sometimes little details matter the most
>you've got a very distinct definition of Dungeon Crawl
>by your standard
Dude that's average Dungeon Crawl 101, not like something Anon invented yesterday
>What's Dungeoncrawl Classic
>What's B/X
Next you are going to tell us you only played 5e
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>Dude that's average Dungeon Crawl 101

I don't agree. Dungeon Crawl is exploring, existing in, and returning to a persistent environment which is populated by multiple threat types (creatures, traps, environmental), and which is large enough that multiple expeditions are not only likely, they are assumed. It's an environmental exploration and clearing exercise which takes significant *time*, hence, the "crawl".

The lateral problem solving/environmental puzzle-solving aspect that >>93221751 mentions is absolutely *desirable*, but it isn't *necessary*. It's entirely possible to have a multi-session dungeon adventure where PCs "crawl" through an unknown space, mapping and exploring as they go, requiring not only multiple days spent in the environment but also multiple trips, which doesn't include the sort of environmental puzzle-solving that >>93221751 mentions.

I personally would want there to be that puzzle solving, but I wouldn't say that an adventure which didn't include it wasn't a "dungeon crawl" if we're having to explore and take significant time to move through the environment, while we deal with multiple types of threats within.
>it's only a "requirement" to have a spread out environmental puzzle-solving component to call an adventure a "dungeon crawl" that I'm taking askance with. I want to be clear about that. Dungeons are qualitatively better when they include that, but I don't see that as a 100% requirement.
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Not even slightly.
My interest is piqued, can someone reupload?
Looks good,
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We ryona now?
Very neat, gonna add it.
The homebrew folder is getting bigger, should probably use some subfolders, but don't want people to click too much.
New thread >>93235466

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