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Previous Thread: >>93162477
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93170128
3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
How's your game sessions going, Anon
Pretty good but the last one was a bit slow, people traversing a building way too slowly due to paranoia
Which system are you using? or Character playing
What happens when the spear hits the belly??
She gets impaled you dumb motherfucker
She takes 2d6 piercing damage.
I'm probably going to shelve the current Labyrinthus game due to too many easy rolls and convenient npc reactions. I've been spending more time looking at other solo options for normal games, so a reset is definitely in order.
>easy rolls
That's the first time i've ever heard someone say they've got easy rolls in Labyrinthus
Started a human soldier for LA, testing out how the difficulty feels with the attribute cap. For humans, it'd be 10.
Since she's a soldier, plan on using all kinds of weapons for the class-ability. Maxed out strength, body, agilty and stamina, which means she's mediocre at best at social stuff. Thick and ample everywhere. Also, want to take her to the north and turn her into a viking warrior queen.
>going well enough at first, rescuing a village girl from 4 orcs
>cleansing an altar despite not even being good at it and preventing a demon summon
>on another mission, finding a noblewoman and her cart besieged by bandits
>time for heroics
>kill all the brigands while they destroy her armor, which sends them into rape mode
>bandit leader actually manages to get on top of her as last man standing
That was one of the most unlucky rolls. At least she wasn't a virgin. Decided that he stole all of her gold.
>earn some coin working and doing easy missions, getting back on her feet
>yeah, of course the village gets attacked by a large goblin horde
>wide swinging saving her ass, tearing through the encounters
>but guards failing and running out of stamina makes her flee the scene
Threw her a bone and allowed her to pick up the gold from the goblin massacre she caused.
>armor almost destroyed, fends of wolves on the way to another village, actually kills a griffin and strips down in front of a minotaur
So well, so good.
I'm making a soldier in lewd attack too. Just got to get a few last details down and then I'm ready to go.
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Give us some details, man, how did you managed to only get lucky rolls. Loaded dice? I barely get good rolls
Continuing the unfortunate Wild Wlf Priestess in Last thread, her fortune actually turned as she left the town and has had a overall good time.

Highlights involve recruiting absolute GOAT companion(amazon barbarian with magicians student) and captivity so she doesn't get Horny until it's unimportant (if I understand how to run simpl. companions right)
Afterwards we got graped again by that noblewoman event, as the bandit leader managed to wardrobe malfunction the priestess with his last arroq and that triggered the two remaining brigands into raep mode.
Another time she got into a drinkiny contest, nearly won and awoke the next day in heat(beast heritage) and no money and the solution was obvious(getting creamed for money) (didn't actually cream her)

And finally, got gobbed in a cave again, but at this point that's like a light breeze for her and she is into it, so didn't even come close to mindbreak. Broke out the next day because the goblins decided to mindbreak the barbarian instead, but got raped by goblins on tge qay back home. Poor amazon got two mindbreaks out of that, any onnger in there and she would be a goner.

Anyway, orettybvlose to maxing this character out stat wise about 50ish days in, wanna get to a city
Rolled a male cambion warlock and just lucked out anytime an npc or monster was encountered. The only real hostile npc was a little halfling enchantress in the dungeon's exit tunnel and the intimidation check was a natural 10. Even the corruption rolls have been mostly low and going between dice rollers and physical dice made no difference. The only low rolls were when the question was something like "explore or go somewhere else" and were usually Decisive No's.
I haven't given up on building a cambion corruption sponge, but this one isn't it.
Since I am pretty sure that's AI, what's that model/style
this does make me wonder, since cap is now "that" much more important, would it be reasonable for lower cap races to have some way to increase the cap of their stats to that of higher cap races?
That's the most luckyest Character i've ever seen. But you can always decide the reaction instead of rolling if you want to, or just re-roll. I re-roll from time to time if it makes sense for the whole story or just pick what makes sense. For example once i got captured by Cultists after the character fainted in the middle of a random corridor due to traps, escaped, then met other Cultists which had just a neutral reaction, so i decided to make them hostile instead, since that would have made more sense
I mean there aren't really lower cap races, some are just better at some things and worse in others, favouring certain playstyles.
>or just re-roll
Had to do this for almost all the dungeon's second level when it came to the number of additional doors. Any further re-rolling felt excessive. Usually, I end up rolling too many doors.
You can just use the pre-made maps or maps you find online and then just roll the contents for each room when visited. It's easier that way
Remind me LA anon, there was a rule that you gain personal fame for every champion you kill?
It's noted in the creatures stats, at the bottom, where the gold and abilities are.
No, i know where it says if it's a champion, does killing it mean you get 1 Personal fame?
Nah, don't remember such a rule.
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How much damage is this?
3.5 "Book of Erotic Fantasy" rules state that performing and succeeding in a sexual encounter gives you various bonuses to Charisma when associated with that specific partner for a time in the future. Does this stack? Also, can you keep a person in a specific sexually satisfied loop that turns them into your slave? You can do this with a group of people, too. Can you make an army of cock-addicted sex cultists?
Why don't you do a bunch of simulated rolls like you were on a week-long sex staycation with an NPC and see what the effects are with and without the stacking rules?
2d6, drink a potion and walk it off you baby
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>I have 13 HP
>the weapon deals 2d6 HP
>therefore, the weapon is non-lethal
Your fault for resolving conflicts with your sword and not with your cooter you sloot
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well, excuse me for trying the less-lethal option first
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L-less lethal for who?
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Cut by a sword still leaves the opponent with some chance to change his mind and run away.
Leglock doesn't.
"Attractive Human Women Generator" from the other material and systems is down. Does anyone have a back-up?
was on hiatus, rolled up a sci-fi horror setting, doing android space station stuff. nothing lewd so far, but it's interesting so- fun, i guess
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Ok, I said I would do this when the next thread went live, so here it is.

Kaer Crawls is an expansion for Lewd Attack that is intended to try to fill the niche of a somewhat more traditional Dungeon Crawl experience. In particular, Kaers are expensive enough that multiple trips are necessary, and the risk gets higher the deeper you go. Mechanics for traps/trapfinding (no, not that sort of trap, but I was tempted), and finding secret doors to allow you to bypass sections of the Kaer, are also included.

This draft document represents the core mechanics of the Kaer. What it's missing, are the actual Scenario Table entries, as it needs something like 200 of them. If people generally support the concept, what I'd *like* to do is put up the Scenario Tables into a public Google doc so anyone who wants can write up some entries. The entries are generally themed, but the description and mechanics are, as yet, undefined.

What are people's thoughts? Worth pursuing further?
>this only represents 2 nights of effort while I'm at work anyway, so if the consensus is that it's shit, it can be discarded and no time of value was lost.
One of the players in my cyberpunk game installed an anti-theft feature in her power armor, a pair of dildos that would make it very painful for someone not of the female persuasion to try to wear it.
That...fuck, that actually makes a whole lot of sense.
I think Kaers are dumb. I think Earthdawn was dumb. I will just call these Dungeons.

No idea how to determine what Kaer Dice type to roll (d6? d10?). Not stated on Kaer Level Type Chart or in Level Type descriptions. Also maybe have Kaer Dice effects happen at same time as scenario, so you can get stuck in a trap while dealing with any scenario monsters.

Weariness mechanic seems overly punishing to martial classes. Doesn't affect spellcasting or their resource. Maybe instead have the mechanic drain Sanity unless Mental Strength. And lose both Stamina & MP unless Resistance check.

Poison Dart Trap could probably use a Resistance check, to make high END character feel good about themselves while frail Elves eat shit. Also no chance to Parry traps? And you use "Perception check" thru-out, is that supposed to be Investigation or Magic Perception?
even if she survives, the poor girl can't breed without magic healing or something.
Nice idea, adds some more spice to the best region
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As a first draft goes, this is damn fine work. It's deep, looks playable, and most importantly isn't <repetitive>. A lot of LA tends to get repetitive, but this makes each kaer experience relatively unique. Good start. Keep going.

>No idea how to determine what Kaer Dice type to roll (d6? d10?). Not stated on Kaer Level Type Chart or in Level Type descriptions.
Top right side of each level page. Barracks is a d10. Maybe read carefully before commenting.

>Also maybe have Kaer Dice effects happen at same time as scenario, so you can get stuck in a trap while dealing with any scenario monsters.
Not a bad idea but I can see it getting overly complex really quick with the timing. Keeping them as separate events is a LOT easier to resolve.

>Weariness mechanic seems overly punishing to martial classes. Doesn't affect spellcasting or their resource. Maybe instead have the mechanic drain Sanity unless Mental Strength. And lose both Stamina & MP unless Resistance check.
Hard agree. I like weariness. That's a good mechanic. It's aimed in the wrong place. I feel like you're aiming for a sort of Mines of Moria vibe, and that saps both the will and body. Reducing attributes is too big a PITA to calculate. SAN and Stamina are probably your best targets. Not being able to refresh until a rest period in town is a good idea.

>Poison Dart Trap could probably use a Resistance check, to make high END character feel good about themselves while frail Elves eat shit.
Hard agree. Fuck Elves.

>Also no chance to Parry traps?
Disagree. Makes shields more useful, and you still have dodge as an option.

>And you use "Perception check" thru-out, is that supposed to be Investigation or Magic Perception?
Should be one of these, yes. Consistent with the rest of the game. Problem is you don't know what to roll until you've generated the trap. Easy fix is to gen the trap and THEN do your perception check, whether magic or not, so see it before hitting it.
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>I will just call these Dungeons.
You cannot. There are already dungeons in the Fractured Marches. You can't use the term again without causing confusion.

>installed an anti-theft feature in her power armor
And that will now be automatically included in every set of Glitter Girl power armor I ever include in any future Rifts games.
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>Maybe read carefully before commenting.
Maybe stop being a snarky faggot? But we both know that's not going to happen.
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Sorry anon, I can't stop being either of those things. Don't blame the player, blame the fact that dick is so good.

But you did just make your very first comment something that Nea very clearly did already address in the pdf, solely because you didn't read carefully. Own up to it.
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Well if you can own up to be a snarky faggot, I have no choice but to own up to not reading carefully.
>very clearly
Ok now you are taking the piss. The placement is fucking terrible.
It's not foolproof, some men could be...experienced enough to accommodate both at once, and of course women can still steal the armor, but female ACPA troopers are rare, it drastically cut down on the number of people that can wear the armor. They even retract when the suit is open so nothing gives them away until it closes up and the...moment of truth arrives. I obliged her once and had someone try to make off with the suit, he didn't manage to drag himself very far before she followed the blood trail and stuffed a grenade into his new orifice.
Savage worlds, scifi setting.
If nobody finds a replacement it will be removed
>what I'd *like* to do is put up the Scenario Tables into a public Google doc so anyone who wants can write up some entries
I'd be down to add to this.
>what I'd *like* to do is put up the Scenario Tables into a public Google doc so anyone who wants can write up some entries

You should put it on that thing where you can approve or disprove changes, else some joker is probably gonna just come around and delete it
Also you should prob decide on enemy types that dominate particular levels tobgive some direction
Never got around to grabbing it before the pastebin went down, but I remember efforts being made to rebuild it. Check one of the offsite archives. I think it was four or five threads ago and the op image was a guy with his face stuffed in amazon cleavage.
rolled a setting?
also what system
Pretty sure its a feature on Barbarian and maybe some other class, I think a specific Paladin oath
I just started playing Labyrinthus. Very good game, I'm playing the premade adventures and much to my pleasant surprise all the tentacle related kinks and traits my character took have paid off
What's the best universal system for determining initial attraction from NPCs?
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I'm the current proofreader for Labyrinthus and am looking for someone to take over. As is often the case, my free time has all but disappeared leaving me with little choice but to pass on the task.
If you've enjoyed the improved clarity of the parts I went over so far, consider helping out. It's not all that complicated and actually rather fun. You also don't need any experience, I certainly didn't have any, but you should be confident in your english language skills.
Go to the discord from the itch.io in the OP and leave a message that you want to help out.
Labyrinthus is pretty good overall and people will agree with the adventures being good too
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Pretty sure I mustn't be the first one to suggest this, but wouldn't the LOQOverse fit perfectly for that kind of a TRPG? I mean, everything's already there in a semi-detailed worldbuilding and the actual video game can perfectly be played as an RPG.
Or perhaps the idea would be kind of redundant due to the existence of the latter
Never heard of this, but she thicc so it gets my approval.
This is a good question. How do you determine if an NPC is even attracted to a player character, and when do you choose to initiate such mechanics?

How does it work in real life? I guess when an NPC sees you in passing, if they are of importance or if you interact with them, you'd roll a reaction roll from them.
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>She was too ugly to become a harem girl (just look at those pimples) so she became a harem guard.

Sorry for squatting in your thread broskis, it's just that I'm not good enough to post on /3/.
not going anywhere and i'm a bit frustrated over it.
>I'm not good enough to post on /3/
Because you are still using stock DAZ poses.
With stock DAZ body morphs.
And stock DAZ clothing/textures.
And stock DAZ lighting.
Start pushing yourself. Use the stock pose as a base and change it. Tweak the morphs until it's something unique. Learn an image editing program (GIMP or PS if pirated) and alter the textures. Change up the lighting and dig into the shaders to figure out how things work. Your art sucks because it's plain, boring, generic, and looks like every other noob shit out there. But you can fix that with effort and learning.

Also /3/ sucks. Don't go there. They'll just demoralize you.

And don't post your shit here.
>And don't post your shit here.
Don't listen to him.
Any more of the knight chick?

Fair feedback, thank you. I'll work it a bit more and drop another basic rules doc (without Scenarios) next week. I have AD&D and Call of Cthulhu and BattleTech to run this weekend.
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>more games in one day than I've played in months.
Why? What's happening
Anyone make/post/collate adventures they made? Or record dungeons/adventures that they roll up?
You must be new here. Be welcome newfag.
Yes people post their adventures.
Look in OP, follow the bottom link, look for the Old Greentexts folder.
Since not everyone wants to go to the Discord and read, i've made a PDF file with the full Run of Kate the Rhodenian Skirmisher which ended few threads ago.
It's mostly an attempt to showcase how Labyrinthus can be played with some extra flavor to make things better

What oracle do you use?
Labyrinthus has its own oralces and tables already built in so you don't really need much else
mothership rpg was released, it's pretty easy in terms of a setting, and i've enjoyed the premade campaigns that they have. the only lewdness is basically like taking the training wheels off motivations for monsters and expanding the encounter lists from a d6 to d10 wherein i'll reference laby. there's a lot of mind fuckery. laby is also still really good for rolling up the actual room layouts, but there's a lot of back and forth between things so it's slow if i want a lot of detail.
What do you want, ryona or vanilla?
>How do you determine if an NPC is even attracted to a player character
Define the breadth of appeal on the PC sheet, eg roll under 80% for PC's appearance to give a bonus. You can work in fumbles too
You should probably make a comic desu, it doesn't *really* fit RPGs or blue board.
>Falling Down rules have nothing to do with Breakfast at 11:30 am.
What did he mean by this?
>What did he mean by this?
That Labyrinthus Anon is a man of culture
I just can't get things moving. I waffle about with what system to use and get lost looking up new games in search of "perfection"
perfection is the enemy of good
yeah, i know. i just can't help it
And what systems you used so far? because i think you should just pick one and stick with it.
i've been trying to use a lot of rules light stuff. Tricube Tales and Scarlet Heroes were my last two games where i got anywhere. I've been reading a lot of stuff like note quest, mork borg and ker nethalis looking for something i can bolt lewd stories on top of since i want something i can just roll dice and not worry about looking tables up or tabbing between pdfs which keeps me away from going back to Lewd Attack or Labrythus.
>i've been trying to use a lot of rules light stuff
To me rules-lite means you will always end up having nothing concrete and scrambling to find something good because the whole point of being rules lite is that it doesn't offers you much
>reading a lot of stuff like note quest, mork borg and ker nethalis
And did they gave you any idea? because if not maybe that's the problem
Not that anon, but is Ker Nethalas any good? I tried that publisher's Under Ashen Skies and hated how much of the mechanics were just survival with very limited story elements or oracles. Felt more like a gamebook than a tool for solo games.
> is Ker Nethalas any good?
i think it's twice as many pages as it needs to be and it's a bit too random like needing to roll for hit location which give a bunch of results but only one really matters and it's the head for like 90% of the body types. It's a game that has a great atmosphere, but the rolling doesn't really feel like a good game.

>And did they gave you any idea?
yeah, but they don't really give ideas while i'm playing, more just the atmosphere or potential stories seem good which is why i'm looking for a system i can be comfy in.
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I'm writing a one-page rules document on how I run lewd encounters in Scarlet Heroes. Anyone have any recommendations or requests on content they'd like to see in it?
How you handle reaction rolls to account for horniness on either side.

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