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Call of Archaon edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:

https://ageofsigmart.booru.org/index.php (This hasn't been updated in 7 years.)

>Thread question:
Take a guess whether Ironjawz will be better off as their own thing again without Bonesplitterz and Kruleboyz cramping their style. We'll find out for sure in a few hours.
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Did they seriously just re-release the exact same box as "spearhead" and up the price?
Glad I got my vanguard box back then.
There was a price hike in general that coincidentally coincided with the rebrand
They do it annual now
Yes, they will be. They won't be balanced around having KB shooting and naked retards. Good things are coming
This shit can't be sustainable
Irrelevant in a pruning edition. The additional subfactions, artefacts, etc they may have had won't appear in this edition and I doubt they'll have as much as they did before in soup


I'm optimistic about Ironjawz, they have never been overly strong, have few enough core battle traits that they should easily fit on that one page, and everyone who plays them likes how they play.

All James needs to do is keep what they have while perhaps making a tankier ardboyz playstyle more viable.
It's fine until entry level boxes are beyond what's reasonable, right now it's probably close but it's fair enough sunk cost existing players can justify everything else
My baseless guess is that they want to be able to report that the profit margin per box (which is already insanely high) is trending in a positive direction. I'm not convinced about that idea, but I don't have any better ones.
Eventually yes
I just wanna what's in the potential spearhead box for iron jawz
If you had to place the Horned Rat on one of the sub-spokes of the 8-pointed star of Chaos, which two existing Chaos Gods would you place it between? Tzeentch and Nurgle? Tzeentch and Slaanesh?
10 ardboyz, 3 small pigs 5 brute, weirdnob
I'd bend all eight of them inwards to the middle and place the makeshift cage over the rat.

>What it ahould be:
Warchanter, 10 ardboyz, 3 pigs

>what it will be
Weirdnob, 5 Brutes, Big Pig
>Tzeentch and Nurgle
That’s probably more accurate. I think the interpretation the Skaven are really the failure state of Chaos: bloodlust without bravery, plotting without point, decay without rebirth, excess without enjoyment. But I also like the idea they have a point on the star and thus there are potentially 3 other minor gods ready for ascension. They should have committed to a Mark of the Rat, it would have been funny.

That’s where I am too but it’s awkward because the two main spokes should really be the opposing gods i.e. Tzeentch should be opposite Nurgle, no inbetween.
Why? Inflation will never end
No spearhead, just an apology
>but it’s awkward
well, yes, you're trying to impose order on chaos, it just doesn't work and there was never any real attempt or desire to make it work that way

hell, you're going at it on a bidimensional pov when the 8 points of a star might as well be pointing in three or four dimensions
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GW uploaded a new battle report that's free to watch. Idk if there's anything new in there but there might be some new tidbits from the core rules or the warsrolls.

The rate of price increases on GW products over a given period tends to be greater than the inflation rate. They're not keeping pace with inflation, they're getting ahead of it and widening the gap.
Before the latest price hike, pretty much every new release sold out, so the demand is clearly there. Because supply is lower than demand, price goes up. Unga.
Ardboy Boss
10 Ardboys
Maw Grunta
its definitely accelerated the last 5 years or so. it used to be every 2 or 3 years there would be like a $1-2 jump on most kits. but since 2020 most kits have jumped $10-15 and some bigger kits like GUOs have jumped $30-40

definitely gotten to the point where i dont buy unless its a good deal off a secondary market anymore.
>Skaven are really the failure state of Chaos: bloodlust without bravery, plotting without point, decay without rebirth, excess without enjoyment.
Those are the essence of the four gods. Khorne never cared about bravery and so on.
They'll just cool off eventually
But you'll see more hike announcements down the line. There's just too many piggies and whales at this point.
also the poor bastards playing 40k. all their rules team knows how to do is write shit rules and then drop the points. some armies like admech are legit nearing $2000 to build a full army. their brand new space dwarf army had the points costs on all of its units cut clean in half 3 months into their new edition so all their players suddenly needed to double the model count of a 2k list

at least age of sigmar is a fair bit cheaper than that game....well for the most part anyways
Fair weather Slaanesh “fan”.
I don't know what this is supposed to mean
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>Khorne never cared about bravery and so on
Khorne does not care about honor, but bravery is still kind of a thing, even if it's the bloodthirsty crackhead kind of bravery. Even in rules, at the moment daemons of Khorne lose their ward save if they retreat.
I play Sisters as well as a couple AoS armies and I stick to buying deals. It took me a few months to have full AoS armies but it’s taken 3 years for SoBs.
That's not bravery, that's wasting time not collecting skulls. If a follower of Khorne saw a very hard enemy and decided to go instead towards an orphanage to slaughter orphans Khorne would only approve.
RIP Grub
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it will probabaly be shit seeing how GW has been treating combat patrols in 40k.

all the legacy vanguard boxes are decent to good since they were made years ago.

it's likely going to have a weirdnob, brutes/pigs, and some certainly some ardboyz.
3 kits seems like too lite, but 4 kits seems like too much.

seraphon struck a balance where
the character is a big ass dino, with krox's and some battleline. IJ might do the same with a big pig, brutes, and ardboyz. maybe a ardboy boss thrown in. that would be decent 1-time buy box.

whatever they release, people will buy it since IJ have gotten no bundles since start collecting went away. I actually liked the old boxxy ardboyz.
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I feel like Spearhead seems to handle very powerful pieces better than Combat Patrol does. A redemptor is effectively impossible to balance in Combat Patrol because it'll fairly easily kill a unit a turn, two if it gets to charge as well. It just has too much firepower while also being effectively invulnerable to the majority of weapons appearing in spearhead. Like, what the FUCK is the new GSC combat patrol gonna do against a T10 12W 2+ save vehicle? For spearhead, they've either balanced things in a different way, like Yndrasta being an absolute beast but only coming onto the board very late, or things simply aren't as tanky and deadly. The seraphon carnosaur is dangerous, but it's still only on a 4+ save and can get drowned in bodies, as an example.

I got one on Ebay for $100 brand new. Price increase or not, anyone still buying direct from GW is silly. I get paints from my LGS to support the managers I like, and maybe a box here and there only.
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Rules for big boyz and pig toyz

Yeah. Half a page.
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The boyz get real excited by high charge rolls
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RIP Warchanter
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It's a prayer now
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He's a big guy.
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Brutes have 2-damage baseline now though, but they pay for it with other snips to their profile
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Also missed that Brutes are now 3+ armor, as are big pogs apparently, dead ard
And yep, NO IJ SPEARHEAD IN SIGHT, I was right
Woodfaggots tomorrow, Khorne boys confirmed for dead last
>All of the rules for the Ironjawz and the Kruleboyz will both come together in the Orruk Warclans Faction Pack. They are functionally two separate factions, but the pack contains a full set of battle traits, enhancements, battle formations, and warscrolls for each.
>The current Orruk Warclans Spearhead provides miniatures for the furtive Kruleboyz, who have used their dirty tricks to get ahead of the competition. And while we’ve heard rumbling and clattering with a distinctly Gorkish timbre to it, there’s nothing on the horizon just yet. Keep an eye on Warhammer Community for further Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Spearhead updates.
So OWC as a faction is actually sticking around for the foreseeable future and there is no IJ spearhead to announce as of yet. That sure puts a damper on any excitement I might have got out of this.

>Tomorrow we’re awakening the woods and covering the Sylvaneth.
Okay it's back on. I've been waiting for this one the whole time.
He seems... fine honestly. A little boring, but usable.
A damn cheap one too.
Also it's about damn time they made the warchanter a priest, seeing as before he was a priest in everything but name
They also got a 3+ save as opposed to a baseline 4. They lost all their boss weapons but I'm honestly fine with that seeing as they were all pretty similar to the baseline attacks. Hitting on 4s kinda sucks though, but they do have a 3" range now (Like everything) and the baseline damage and anti-infantry is pretty nice. Gore choppa dealing three damage is also very nice. And losing duff up da big thing makes sense given that they're trying to enforce these lads as anti infantry infantry.
Overall I say it's a small upgrade.
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>no IJ box
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guess we're gonna have to wait for a christmas box to make the army affordable
Could be a lot worse, sisters have gotten tons of great boxes. Especially if you don't mind nundams.
>still a combined book
>but no mention of Big Waah, and no spearhead rules for IJ
Weird, feels like they're planning for a split but the divorce paperwork isn't official yet
I mean this is still gonna be absolutely devastating when it goes off.
I guess it looks fine? Looks pretty straightforward with getting the boyz into melee and pumping them up with bonuses to attacks and charges.
3+ save now. Sweet.
This looks pretty fucking psycho at +2 attacks +1 damage. Hard to get rid of them before they hit your lines.
Wish they would have shown ardboyz.
We only missed out on them because no spearhead
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Ironjawz player here
I hate it.
They took the fun movement shenanigans and alpha strikiness and abilities that just worked are now on rolls.
I'm legitimately sad that the army and gameplay I love has been skewered, even if they end up being strong I will remain sad.
Such a weird thing to do, why would they keep them together? At least KB rules are fun, but we are getting half the releases

>Smashing and bashing gone
fuck you James
Fair, but at least you're looking boring and strong, as opposed to boring and weak like Mawtribes. Can always be worse.
If I had to guess, probably Orcs will be one of the first battletomes and IJ will get their spearhead then. And GW just doesn't care enough to print separate books for them even though they'll be two armies for all real intents and purposes.
There is absolutely no hype for 4e anywhere, it might be over
I’ve been reading this post since 2015
No Hype, but also no real outrage. Hard to tell if that's better or worse.

I don't know how much rules matter at the end of the day anyway. model releases and discount boxes will probably be a much bigger factor in how much money the edition makes. The rules would have to be really outrageously bad over a sustained period to even make a dent in GW's profit margins, IMO.
Nundams look like dogshit sadly.

Going to a 3+ honestly feels huge for IJ. There’s a lot less rend and a lot less mortals from what we’ve seen so far.
Did they just turn Ironjawz into Slaves to Darkness?

looking at their stats they are now the survivable counter punch army, not the speedy alpha strikers.
After they announced that battle tactics are here to stay I feel any sense of hope was lost, there seems to be a sluggish malaise about the whole edition. More of the same shit, but now the datasheets are obnoxious to look at
Pretty much, yeah. They away what little finesse the army had left and now they're just a collection of beefy warscrolls.
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I like em. Sitting on piles of sisters sprues.
One day...
How hard would it be to print 2 books? If you can't mix the armies with big Waagh then having one book is a bit retarded, especially since they wouldn't be the smallest roosters. I'm baffled by this, there seems to be no point whatsoever
Yeah pretty much. Every now and then you see someone try to act hyped up about the rules but it's unconvincing. Hard to get excited about what it is basically just a blander, streamlined 3E. Index release day will be the real tell for how things are headed, since there's still a lot concealed there that could be better or worse.
They just said they will be part of the same release pack, being the index. We'll see later if that also means army books.
Really not a fan of the charge on 8+ abilities. It might be statistically fine but it feels awful in play both from a planning and getting hit by it perspective. They fixed this with Nighthaunt in 4e so it’s wild they just added it in to several other factions. Ironjawz just randomly getting +50% or +25% attacks sometimes is going to feel like shit. Make it a resource you have to spend or something, stop doing this kind of luck-driven design.
There’s a lot of response to these previews on r*ddit. Think it’s just your bubble.
Apparently they have a pig formation that might play more the way you like it.
When was the last time you guys would say chaos got humbled? They’ve been clearly set as ascendent since the start and the narrative is about taking the fight to them as opposed to the constant defense and undermining of empires but I don’t think they’ve solidly lost much since Kataky launched his invasion into the allpoints and even then it barely did anything plus everytime he fails one of his boss rushes against Archaon he loses more of his soul. Also it’s been mostly presented as a slight annoyance in the grand scheme of things
Yes but keeping them like that even for index period seems pointless, unless they really didn't want to spend 5 minutes designing another pack of artifacts and mount traits.
I mean, there's never really been a point in souping orcs to start with except laziness and not wanting to support them individually. 2E Warclans got nothing except the soup tome, not even endless spells or a pity hero. 3E barely tried to pretend they weren't going to squat Bonesplitters while kicking them in the dick repeatedly and only finally expanded Ironjawz through Dawnbringers at the end.

They probably just a single orc pity hero planned for 3E orcs along with the IJ Spearhead so they just want to push them out early and wipe their hands with it, which is easier to do as a single book release.

Mind you it's not confirmed they're getting a combined battletome YET, but it's very plausible.
I know the magic the gathering refugees are going Gaga for the overly verbose, poorly written abilities and the insistence on bland competitive symmetry.
Never. They have to prevent ADB from tardraging at the office.
I don't think I've ever played an IJ game that resulted in the game being over in turn 2 for either players, so not really shedding any tears over them losing their playstyle.
I'm excited about the core rules of 4th. Spell lores/endless spells being universal and free is a great change, lots of little things are streamlined, new commands seem fun, etc. But I honestly believe the faction focuses were a mistake. It's 4-5 weeks of GW going "LOOK AT ALL THE COOL THINGS THIS ARMY WILL DO" and every day it's just...less stuff. Less toys, less fluff, less fun. But we also only have like 3-4 warscrolls and like a 5th of the other rules (artifacts, command traits, other subfactions) for each so all we can do is sit here and feel like we don't have anything. I'd rather we have just gotten index drops all at once so we can actually see the whole thing. Even if we get disappointed by them at least we'd only be disappointed once instead of twice.
Seems genuinely scary, he hits hard, moves good and is hard to kill. Good "duelist" against other monsters too, especially other monster mounts where both Gordrakk and Bigteef gets their bonus rend.
This thing at full momentum is fucking terrifying. Combined with Gordrakk's Waaagh or all out attack and the subfaction shown, this thing can potentially (it's not super difficult) do 7 3+/2+/-2/D5 attacks.
I don't think ADB works on aos
Chaos is Chaos
But also I have too many tabs open
Chaos will always be wanked, it's a GW game.
What if they gutted the IJz playstyle because Khorne is stealing their gameplay in lieu of having summoning?

It is when GW creates false scarcity on some stuff. A non-trivial number of products get the "FOMO Print," ie: "We only print precisely what we think will sell, minus 10%" or whatever their cutoff number is.

While it creates less waste on their end, the result is stuff flying out of print quickly. Black Library is probably the best example with it going (nearly) all digital. Are there physical copies of some books made? Yeah - you can still get paperbacks of the stuff released maybe in the last 6 months on Amazon or similar. But the hardbacks? Lol bruh they make like 500 and call it a day. Campaign books too are also unobtainium after about a year or so. I see Realmgate Wars campaign books (not Ghal Maraz but the others) go on Ebay starting at $100 usually, and even the mass market paperback novels are going for over their original retail once they're a few years past their release.

Meanwhile you got companies who long since went to print-on-demand and you can get things like the 1st Edition book for Cyberpunk for cheap. Other companies have similar print-on-demand services, or at least they've transitioned the old edition rules and supplements to "Official PDFs" or something. Not to muddy the Novels vs the Sourcebooks but you get the idea.

As for me, I had both 40k and AOS stashed away, but recently dropped 100% of my 40k stuff. About two armies' worth (which is not that much) but the points-per-model has just gone insane across the range, even with Custodes. AOS (generally) gets you more for your money, and the sculpts are so hilariously superior that there's no contest.
During the middle years of 40K chaos was treated the same as any other faction as a response to the hate for how wanked they were in fantasy. Then Horus heresy got popular and so now chaos is the big evil threat again
So I guess they're grouped together only because there's no IJ spearhead ready to go?
Seems so
They've been having issues with shipping delays since just before covid. Whether or not those shipping issues are their own fault or a product of printing things en masse from China has yet to be seen.
This is true, also the fact that most of their FOMO releases are a significantly better value for money than the durable ones. Obviously Vanguard/CP boxes exist as a durable discount option to lure in new players but GW has increasingly designed them to be less appealing especially for multiple purchases so that people feel even more pressured to either grab the fomo releases or pay full price.
Oh God it's so bad. There's nothing left. There's nothing even resembling a playstyle here. They cropped the fucking image because they didn't want to show how empty the page was

Why does gw hate destruction?
they want everyone to play elves
Everyone was shitposting and making memes about Destruction being NPCs so GW took it to heart.
Death, you're on thin ice narrativewise.
Too long ago. Chaos being so monumentally faggy that it can't suffer lasting defeats and massive losses while order is only losing shit makes the setting really, really fucking bland.

AoS 1st edition and 2nd edition had this idea that order was slowly gaining ground on everyone else, especially punching chaos. Like 99% of the realms are still fully chaos controlled. We need to have an edition timeskip where order establishes beachheads and takes massive swaths of territory EVERYWHERE in the realms so that there's more room for shit to happen. Now things like Phoenicium getting destroyed is a really fucking annoying thing since its a massive loss we won't get back. "your dudes" and "your time spent on their products" don't matter to GW anymore, and its showing through.
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Post models.

I'm working on swampboyz, these are just dominion models that I never really cared for so I'm playing around with an out there paintscheme for the spearhead game.

They are meant to evoke He-Man and other action figures of my youth.
>don't matter to GW anymore,

It literally never has. Not for a single second. GW's business model has always been about bringing in new customers. They've never given the slightest fuck about keeping existing ones. This is a decades old thing at this point. It's amazing that people still miss it.
I believe that Chuardin are coming and that my purchases of a shitload of hobgrots and HoH were not in vain
>They are meant to evoke He-Man and other action figures of my youth.
Ha, I see it
>Oh God it's so bad. There's nothing left. There's nothing even resembling a playstyle here

Yeah it's fucking great. In the end everybody gets what they deserve.
I am hoping (coping) that this is all setting up for a major internal war in Chaos, with the ascendant Horned Rat and the Skaven throwing their weight around and the other gods getting pissy and plunging everything into civil war and losing their gaind as the Great Game becomes even more of a clusterfuck with a 5th player.
Of course since GW writing is as predictable as it is dull, I'm sure that will somehow all be part of Archaon's plan.
I would fucking love if a chaos faction ends up being the one to save the realms from the Vermindoom, especially if it's Khorne or Chorfs as payback for daring to fuck up Aqshy.
I have a theory that destruction rules are bad because all the good rules are tied to hero’s

Is it hopium? Yes but I still think it probably true
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I painted a horse.
Ironjaws got army rules reigned in because their warscrolls became a shitload more powerful. The big pig is ridiculous.
>destruction player complaining his rules are simple and straightforward post #455, for the faction that says shit like big is best and krumpin'.
But muh Dawnbringers. We brang the Dawn. Cities of Sigmar and etc etc...?
The army rules don't have to be powerful, but for fucks sake give us something to do.

The army does nothing now but crawl threateningly at you 3 or 4 inches at a time
IJ Spearhead will come with IJ releas. Which given that Big Pig wave just happened mught not be that soon
>Oh God it's so bad. There's nothing left. There's nothing even resembling a playstyle here.

Well there's always Kruleboyz if you don't like IJ. Kbz got teleports and a few crazy things. Nothing remotely to measure up to the top-tier factions, but better than the 30% winrate bottom tier its been.
>Do an edition about Dawnbringers
>End the edition with dawnbringer settlements and larger cities getting permanently destroyed left right and center
>In the end, only one new named settlement is founded, vs countless failed or destroyed
It just feels like a huge waste of time, honestly.
>Which given that Big Pig wave just happened mught not be that soon
Other way around, Ironjawz are probably getting released this year BECAUSE Big Pig wave just happened and they aren't getting anything else except a new spearhead and maybe a pity hero.
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Working on Drycha
Ehh, it's there, but it's a really twisted view on "bravery".
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I feel like some gloss varnish on the skin might look cool. Something to make the texture/matte finish stand out from the tree elements.
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Anyone got a scan of Dawnbringers 6 yet?
If so, give please.
Thanks <3
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It's ya gurrl

Lol well now we have emo Stormcast so psychotic that there's literally a psuedo-Commisar that hangs around to retire them if they can't do their job.

Granted we also have hobo with a rifle on a pole being carried by an ogre. HE WILL DEFEAT CHAOS, SURELY.
BSZ are going to be pure sovl rules, no doubt about that. Get ready for Green Wave
Weird timing. I guess technically it has Dawnbringer "Spoilers" so they couldn't release it with the battletome.
>Announced on Juneteenth
It's a nice idea, will actually try it out, thanks!
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Wan't Nurgle's only rle in the recent story to be beat up by ghouls?
>When was the last time you guys would say chaos got humbled?
Excelsis. The skaven's only role in the siege was to accidentally pave the way for the Destruction boys to get in, and those Slaaneshi retards quite literally just sat around and did nothing before being banished.
Yall forgetting that Archaon's plans were so disrupted that he flew into a rage and killed several Varanguard before flying off to the distance which caused Eternus and an entire host to turn to Be'lakor.
The plot with the Skaven wreaks of desperation.
>The army does nothing now but crawl threateningly at you 3 or 4 inches at a time

It's all the same shit.
I'll also take a link to the scan if anyone has it.
broken realm and its prequel alone were chock full of it
>katakros invading the eightpoints and setting up a fortress at the door
>sigmar and morathi thwarting the entire varanite mining operation
>lizards blowing up one of the 9 silver towers and summoners of tzeentch
>grugni scaring away belakor and delivering vindicarum
>slaaneshi interference in excelsis getting nullified by 2 witch hunters defeating 2 demigods and a skink priest making slaaneshi reinforcements lose themselves along the way
>kroak teleporting kragnos right on top of chaos' fortress in ghur, demolishing it

chaos has only shown to lose ground time and again since the realmgate wars despite the poor-writers including the usual copes of "oh but it's just one drop in the ocean", "oh but actually it was all planned", or "oh, but you see, they'll just bounce back no problem"

only now with khul's ascension, the vermindoom and the destruction of phoenicium we start getting some genuine actual development and I'm happy that these are real steps and not the usual kindergarten power-level retardation
its funny how many people forget that like 70% of ironjawz units are speed 4.

without a 3 unit/turn mighty destroyers move this army is fyreslayers slow unless you're running all pigs
Rats have always been a plot device, I'm flabbergasted how any of you can't or refuse to see it. Every time rats have done anything is to further someone else' agenda. It was that way in ET and ever since, the Necroquake, their role in the Age of Chaos, Soul Wars, the Siege of Excelsis, and now they are part of some scheme of Archeon. Even in pre-ET WHFB they just existed to kill off factions and characters GW didn't care about. That or they exist to make other factions look good by being trashed and terrified of, like Seraphon.

There is no deeper underlying meaning, just a formula passed down by the previous design team.
>unless you're running all pigs
Isn't that what everyone does anyway? Or the run and charge berserkers. Brutes have never been very meta IIRC.
Anon that's not what the discussion was about.
This seems like a total non-sequitur of a reply. The point is "chaos loses plenty of times".
probably some autistic skavenfag

hey, how many clans should skaven have?
not him but that's a really vague question
do you mean like in lore or as keywords or for battle traits or what
A free 3" move into combat in each hero phase is absurdly good, and everybody that can't see it deserve to be depressed about the rules.

The big pig also has a free retreat and charge ability that fulls its momentum, makes it fly and does mortal damage to the units it moves over, which makes it basically untarpittable because tarpitting it just means it goes to Damage 5.
this post aged like milk
2 tops
>make literally who BL female poc character
>instantly gets a new model while classics like Ciaphas Cain rot
At least that one looks pretty good with the helmet on
>tfw Honsou model never

Ironjawz players like how they played, the 3" move into combat may be super good but it's a fundamental change in how the army plays, turning them into an anvil army that is dangerous to charge into.
I for one liked having 2 movement phases, and carefully planning chain activations.
We will shove Queenz down your throat and you will love them, goy.
>At least that one looks pretty good with the helmet on
That's pretty much every SoB model except St. Celestine.
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And you thought they were joking. Joking!
There's plenty of decent SoB heads. GW just refuses to paint them like women.
Cunts stole our boob plates! RIOT!
While 'eavy Metal doesn't help, they are just flat out ugly. Some even look like Laurence Fishbourne.
There's like a dozen bare heads in every single kit. While some are bound to be ugly. Plenty are still decent looking. So if you also use helmets you won't need to use a single ugly head quite easily.
>Same author who wrote "Head of the Serpent" short

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Her only plot hook so far is semi rebelling CoS against Azyr, making Hammerhal A abandon Hammers of Sigmar colour and replace it with Aqshan stuff to show reclaimed care more about their own identity then whatever the returning are bringing.

But we know GW won't furthr this thematic element, it won't have the balls. She'll be generic military commander without actual character for the next decade.

I just hope they don't drop the balls with Zenastra's Wheel cult's obviously evil ulterior motives, because Dawnbringer seamed more interested in that
>Lioness of the Parch by Evan Dicken looks back at the early days of Tahlia’s illustrious career before she earned her epic epithet.
I think the cover art might be misrepresentative in that case. The scepter in her right hand is a recent acquisition of hers.
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>fyreslayers and seraphon short stories
That means full novels soon
I still find it funny that they dedicated like 2 entire pages of the CoS tome to an absolute slop short story where she just randomly kills the leadership of Hammerhall or something.
Tangentially, I'm annoyed that so many short stories are written more or less as a teaser for a future novel.
Opinion ignored.
but they still have boob plates
Based KWEEN kneeler
I kind of prefer it because it a warning to what to expect for the Novel

head of serpent was trash so I'm steering away from wasting time on the novel unless some anon tell is something to read

the opposite happens with the Yndrasta novel where Monster was pretty great, and the Celestial Spear was pretty allright

it the canary of the mine
What's the timeframe between the short stories and the novels? because I'm clueless on the matter but reading such a trend it makes me think that they simply create the novels based on which short stories end up proving successful, making them less like teasers and more like pilot chapters
>Boob plate makes it easy to tell model is female from across the table, even if wearing a helmet
>This makes it easier to represent women on the tabletop, as they are clearly visible and stand out as women
ThIS iS aN IsSuE ThAt MuSt Be FiXeD aT OnCe!!1!
>she just randomly kills the leadership of Hammerhall
The setup was done in the first Dawnbringer book. The conclave members she kills were introduced in that book with a bit of explanation of how they're corrupt shitbags and are making everything worse for selfish reasons. There may also have been some details in WD and in the online fiction, I don't recall. Evidently even during its writing it was least partially the intent to publish the battletome mid-campaign.

On its own merits the two-pager in the battletome isn't written well, it's legitimately written really bad, but I suppose it might read even worse without the additional context of an end-of-edition campaign book. It doesn't stand on its own merits.
Know I'm in the minority on this one but I've always liked the doomfire warlock horses. They're so weird and sickly looking. My neighbour had some feral horses on his property left by the previous tenant and these models always remind me of how weird and scary they were
>Her only plot hook so far is semi rebelling CoS against Azyr, making Hammerhal A abandon Hammers of Sigmar colour and replace it with Aqshan stuff to show reclaimed care more about their own identity then whatever the returning are bringing.
I think it's trying to speak english here, I anyone fluent in retard here who can act as a translator?
Excelsis is a long game with the twins working on making the Aelves more distant from the cities of sigmar. It would’ve been a set back if that was Helbane that got banished
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>inquisitor greyfax
>no boob plate
Pick one, greyfax has always had fat metal titty protectors
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Hmm curious, GW
>They took the fun movement shenanigans and alpha strikiness
fuck your bullshit army charging from the other table
just use kragnos
>katakros invading the eightpoints and setting up a fortress at the door
That hasn’t stemmed the tide of Nurgle into shyish last I read and if anything it’s a negative as Katakros was busy getting spawn camped instead of helping Nagash’s autism with the war against Teclis. If he doesn’t get a breakthrough what’s the worth in him constantly losing bodies and fragments of his soul?
>sigmar and morathi thwarting the entire varanite mining operation
Definitely forgot about that plot to sneak into Azyr
>grugni scaring away belakor and delivering vindicarum
The dark skies is still cast and the attrition on stormcasts it what led to dawnbringer crusades even needing to be launched and also being doomed 8/10
>slaaneshi interference in excelsis getting nullified by 2 witch hunters
The interference basically caused a genocide in the aelven population and is a sentiment that isn’t going away

I’m not denying they don’t take hits don’t get me wrong it just feels like they take more than they ever lose in the grand strategy of things. AoS is infinitely better than the other settings at letting chaos lose however
Would it look weird if I bought blightkings and chosen kits and mixed em 50/50 to make my squads?

I want to do a death knight themed army, could be fun to have a blend

Also does anyone have a size comparison between blightkings, chosen, and regular chaos warriors?
NTA. The Marshal with her newfound status reformed the heraldry of the city to represent its Aqshian hertitage instead of the Azyr one to ease the constant simmering tensions and increase recruitment numbers. The blue bloods and such are still around with their colors though and are referenced in the last books I read might’ve been her short story. Anyway it’s half political move half her opinion on the state of Hammerhal culture.
Well that's just because the writers are gigantic faggots who think that saying 'But actually the bad guys were really 1000 steps ahead so everything was for naught!" Over and over again is peak writing.
this site isn't totally accurate but it's decent
Holy shit its even worse than slaanesh. I'd take Ogres over this. Boring ass garbage, fucking hell. Can I get like 10% effort, jesus.
You have countercharge now you ape person, running isn't even a detriment.
It's time to accept that you were going to complain regardless
It literally looks good. Why are people pretending they played IJ because it was a tactical genius faction?
Whatever happened to the plot point of Be'lakor controlling the leadership of Hammerhal?
>that like 70% of ironjawz units are speed 4.

Brutes and Ardboyzs? You know Ironjawz have had more than three units in a while right?
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New Nagash art from the Kragnos Warhammer+ lore video.
>all the subtlety has been taken out of my faction of actual retarded green-skinned apemen who can only take and give violence!!
>you still have combat and movement tricks though??
what da fuck

I liked Ironjawz because of the speed, seeing my opponent leave an opening in their defenses and knowing I can get my pigs and maw krusha in there turn one, kill something important and then keep killing thanks to chain activations.

The army looks strong now, but strong isn't necessarily fun, and being a wall that the enemy crashes into is not as fun as being the wall that crashes into the enemy.
>Holy shit its even worse than slaanesh.
This is an absurd thing to say when the HoS trait is actively deleterious to use. No mediocre buff ability will ever be worse than giving your opponent a guaranteed charge.
10 Brutes with Bash em lads, Killa Beat, and Gordrakk Waagh put out 60 damage vs infantry.
You are killing me
dude he was blatantly being sarcastic for humor; read the rest of that line
Did they remove pigs and mawcrusha while I wasn't looking?
You get a 3” move into combat in every hero phase, you can absolutely still do this it’s just going to be more difficult to completely stomp an entire army with it. Like you HAVE to lose the chain combats of 3e with these new brutes and pigs, they go incredibly hard.
Yeah sorry, I realized it after. My mistake. To my defence I invoke Poe's law
The HoS trait is fine to use on one unit per turn but I agree it needs a serious rework.
Their damage still shit. This is like a 180 point warscroll.

maw krusha has 10 inch movement now, and mighty destroyers no longer lets you double that.
also while it's not confirmed I'll bet the fast'un mount trait is gone as well.

moving a maw krusha as much as 36 inches and pigs 18 inches before charging is gone, it's a fundamental gameplay change and that's what I'm sad about, I don't care that this new way of playing looks strong, it just seems boring and generic, like slaves to darkness but slightly different.
>moving a maw krusha as much as 36 inches and pigs 18 inches before charging is gone

That's what you are crying about?
You deserve to play Slaanesh

yes, it was fun and now it's gone, it was the core gameplay of the army and it's been changed.
This is not a strange thing to be sad about I think, the way I've played my army since 2nd edition is gone.
Literally yes, also yes he's fucking stupid but he's an orc so what can you do.
The problem isn't the damage, it was never the damage. It was closing the gap before getting shot/spellcasted to death or screened into your deployment zone forever. Now they're basically nurgle without the things that actually make nurgle work like an army wide 5+ ward

And if your opponent is kind enough to oblige you putting his good units with 7 inches of your brutes for that little hero phase shimmy to ever matter, then you've already won because you're facing a retard
Sounds healthy for the game that’s gone desu.
Sorry dude not sorry that your army now actually has to actually play the game.

>Play Orkiest Ork faction

>piss pants when their tactics are git in ‘nd krump gitz
There are literally supersonic jets in 40k that move less than that.

Ask yourself why it has been removed
I want an army that's interesting and has meaningful allegiance thematic allegiance abilities and not just a collection of vanilla 4" move warscrolls. Excuse me for not being excited about a nerfed gordrakk and a once per turn 4+ violent fury.
>not just a collection of vanilla 4" move warscrolls

Maybe you should try using more than 2 units.
>man sad his 400pt autowin button in 1000pt games has been removed
It hits for 7 bro.
Every other combat army in the game would kill for a 3” move into combat in every hero phase lmao.
>and a once per turn 4+ violent fury.
Try actually reading the Warscroll bro
People want to play 4D chess with the army who’s best plan is punching you in the face

>crack shots your hero

>Greenpost about gettin in and Krumpin gitz
>new rules have 99% less gettin in and less krumpin

What is this gaslighting? Must be stunty propoganda

Ironjawz were never a very strong army, despite all our movement nonsense, that was big waagh which I never played.

Yes we could get into combat any time we wanted but almost everything had a 4+ save so if we charged the wrong thing or didn't kill what we charged into we were toast, god forbid the opponent could dish out mortal wounds as we had no defense against them.

IJ games usually could be decided by the end of turn 2 and I liked that.
Nah, people just want to pretend they are playing 4d chess, actual 4d chess scares them. Ironically what they actually got is a lot more 4d chess than what they had.
and then they complain when khorne plays like 4d chess and not punching you in the face
>>new rules have 99% less gettin in and less krumpin
>Greenskin players can't read
Fucking lol
>I'm sure that will somehow all be part of Archaon's plan.
He literally said that.
Anyone with a half a brain would know a new chaos god is going to fuck up the balance until they figure out a new status quo to play the game
Keeping the gods to 4 is a part of the game in the first place
yeah me and everyone else will be playing nothing buts pigs for yet another edition.
And now you have a 3+ save.
Never forget

I would trade it for a 5+ save if we had kept our fun gameplay
I wanna snipe him with a jezzail so badly
Are Orks players really so retarded that the concept of using different units for different roles really that incredible to them?
who cares, brutes will be like 200+ points now.
Atleast Khorne is unironically in lore about the biggest retard who can herd a bunch of large hulking angry cats in the right direction at the right time. Otherwise they’d just be a ravening mob with no real teeth to them
I think, at this point, the Khorne playerbase has genuinely been culled down into the sickos who enjoy playing an equation for murder. I will never forget that insane how-to-play by the tournament guy that was like:
>first, I start by killing my own guy twice
Your own description of fun gameplay is a cointoss that decide the game by turn 2.

It's time to accept that the problem is not everybody else.
Yeah different roles like sitting on the shelf. I understand it fine.
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To be fair to Slaaneshi Retards, that’s on brand for them to break in during a siege and then get distracted committing shitposty warcrimes instead of actually doing what they’re supposed to be doing.

Doesn’t matter if it’s 40k, WFB, or AoS, you can always rely on Slaanesh worshippers becoming unreliable because they got bored mid-battle.
Good because you are getting exactly what you deserve

Sometimes that's what you want.

I have a slaves to darkness army, I don't need my Ironjawz to play like them.

I know reading is hard and all, but go make the text green and I’m sure you can grasp something through your tears.
>I will never forget that insane how-to-play by the tournament guy that was like:
>>first, I start by killing my own guy twice

Sounds hilarious, do you have it?
The only gameplay you acknowledge as fun was a 36” move flying mawkrusha.
>I have a slaves to darkness army, I don't need my Ironjawz to play like them.

They only play like that if you want to do that. Sounds like you are the source of all of your problems.

No, having 2 movement phases was fun, carefully planning and executing chain activations was fun, doing shit that no one else can do is fun.

Ironjawz didn't play by the rules of the other armies, and I liked that, I don't care if they do better now.
go back to the discord im sure somone will give a fuck
As predicted they remove all the speed entirely from the army, replace it with a garbage tier mighty destroyers and then a bunch of elf players proceed to tell the worst army in the game it was always unfair and deserve it, yawn.
I call it Schorrukfraude
>once per turn (army)
>any hero phase
Actually kinda neat. It’s a free reposition.
You still have 2 movement phases.
The worst part is they only gave us half a page of rules.

There was so much empty space they cropped the image to not embarass themselves. Like if you want to take away all our chain fighting and crazy movement, whatever. But give us something in return. There's nothing there, they couldn't even bother to add a fluffy filler rule, it's just 2/3s of a page of empty space
I can't think of anything less interesting than a corporate battle report
I tried watching it but it was obnoxious. More product ad than actual battle report. The first 15 minutes are just them showing off the product they already showed off and glazing it

moving 1 unit 3 inches is not a second movement phase, by that logic redeploy means everybody gets 2 movement phases, we used to move up to 4 units their full movement.
Mighty D should be 3 units minimum. They should have come up with something more for it do optionally based on the units situation than just a tiny move to retain the same flavor.
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I feel like 4th is just gonna be a slow agonizing crawl back to a slightly worse verson of 3rd and then we'll get something even worse than 4th for 5th
I suppose that you're right. I actually really love how unreliable and sometimes actively harmful they are as allies.
I think 4th looks like an improvement over 3rd right now, and I think 3rd was an improvement over 2nd.
Hopefully the actual tomes are better I'm not excited about any of these indexes so far or at least the ones I would be using
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It's not new and it isn't even the full picture
Is it worth using cryptguard if I'm not gonna be using any foot heroes
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Damn i think that website still needs a lot of work
It's honestly worthless
Those kits aren't going to mix well at all
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at least tahlia is attractive. would fuck her eyehole
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No boobplate means with a headswap you can have the models be all men. It's the better choice
Anyone has the short "all is fortold" they're willing to share?
Indifference is the worst.
Outrage gets you press, gets people talking.
Indifference is no one cares.
These are the people complaining about Ironjawz
Don't be this person.
it does seem to be working very well

I would be genuinely shocked if they're making money on non-HH blacked library books
That was the only way yo play before (and it wasn't strong it only beat new people who couldn't screen). It's the only way you will play now.
> let's compare to the literally retarded game
Maybe try fucking off
Most of those writers are desperate so they probably get paid almost nothing or it's mostly commission so they wouldn't care. Most of those books get one print run and then vanish
>Don't try to point out how the thing I am crying about is more retarded than the retarded game!
Sure dude
Battle tactics drag it all down to 2nd with tome nerfs being the best
So nothing changed?
I meant more as a general strategy, not necessarily limited to the BL releases
They're not. The books are supplementary, which is why they're so bad. The heresy doesn't get them much money either
There are a shocking amount of secondaries obsessed with HH
Think the biggest miss here was not having the IJ spearhead ready to go. GW's manufacturing problems continue to fuck them over.
That's not a manufacturing problem. They aren't going to release a new product unrelated to the new edition release.
Here let me use your retarded logic
> mawcrusha movement of 36" isn't so bad man
> a queen in chess can move all the way across the board!!
Literally KYS. Or just keep working your minimum wage job
Probably not directly through book sales but lets be honest, HH and to an extent 40k wouldnt sell well if autists couldn´t have their favorite primarch glub shito and his legion of cool dudes.
It´s impact is very hard to scope.
Does the morbegh knights kit come with spare mount heads?
Remember when they could've easily had a pig dawnbringer box and just didn't
Honestly yeah. You won't hit as hard (warchanter buff is much worse now). So that list was like at low 40% win rate before, it will probably be about the same or worse now.
The only wins IJ got at tournaments were, almost entirely, very new people. Anyone who has played this game more than 2 or 3 times knows how to screen. The second to screen, Ironjaws just lose.
Oh yeah, absolutely. It's the books themselves that don't sell very well, but the impact of their existence creates a captive audience
Do you have a 36" chess board?
Can I see it?
>You won't hit as hard (warchanter buff is much worse now).

Warchanter is unironically a buff for the entire army. It has been explained before but when you have that kind of buff with that level of certainty it becomes something that you have to account for when writing the army, which meant that actual Ironjawz units weren't allowed to have an actual good output without it. In other words, the fact that +1 damage is nowa prayer is the reason Brutes are now allowed to have Damage 2 natively.
These books don't CREATE a captive audience, it's just more money pulled from the pockets of the GW whales who already purchase everything.
Noone outside of people who play AoS give a fuck about these books. These aren't famous authors. These books don't win awards.
I would bet it is literally embarrassing how little profit the entire BL section brings to GW. After the initial HH series (like the first 6 years) people just stopped giving a shit. Maybe a little bit of interest was revived with the Siege of Terra (haven't heard it wining any NYT Best sellers, like the books used too, and GWs own release model basically torpedoes those chances anyway).
Look at rhe 'Dawn of Fire' 40k series, which has gone over like a fart in an elevator. They have the guy who was supposed to be 'managing' the series writing books now, probably to save money. No one gives a fuck
AoS is hated by everyone that doesn't play it so it's guaranteed that they sell like ass
We don't know that for sure. If gore gruntas don't have that built in the army is turbo fucked.
Chess boards can be even bigger than that. Haven't you seen the big chess boards at parks with pieces that are 3 feet high?
Nice try. Your 'logic' is still retarded and you really should just take the L here (I got a feeling you do that a lot in your normal life anyway)
> AoS is hated
The group of deranged individuals who still 'hate' AoS are such a pathetic, unattractive crowd anyway their hatred literally attracts decent people who are interested in something that makes chuds seethe
>If gore gruntas don't have that built in the army is turbo fucked
Man I hope they don't then
I love how mentioning AoS outside of this general seems to have an intelligence-draining effect that causes posters to post the most juvenile shit imaginable.
>Your 'logic' is still retarded
Bold words from the guy that is trying to compare Aos to chess

>just take the L here (I got a feeling you do that a lot in your normal life anyway)
I mean, I don't play Ironjawz so it's still one less than you.
>I demand everything in my life, hobbies and work be male!
>What?! No I'm not gay!
Sure, mate. Whatever you say.

TOWfags can only seethe as the Cities of Chadmar player buys the same models as them
What if I am gay?
>their hatred literally attracts decent people
That's one of the most retarded things I've seen on here in a while
Then congrats on being brave enough to mention it on fucking 4chan of all places.
I mean what are you going to do? Call me a faggot? It's not like I don't get that otherwise
I don't mind having strong, badass women in my army. They're cool, I just dislike everyone important in the setting being women.
It's pretty clear why they're doing it, to win over the Tumblr-tots who love to get their pronouns in a twist, but it's still annoying and dull.
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>Almost all stories take place in the Cities of Sigmar or at least involve them
>Almost every main character in human

I fucking hate this.
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The cities characters annoy the fuck out of me because we already had characters that existed in the fluff that got passed over for these garbage noncharacters that are all the same thing
I've read some sylvaneth short stories and for the most part they pretty much suck.
>tfw anon is retarded and didn't magnetize hisbases
>now anons has difficulty to transport his army and dreams about magnets
What is the best way to add magnets to already assembled models?
Glue them to the bottom of the base?
Maesa! My boy
I want more of him, and a model. His story was fucking awesome and I loved his character!

Then you've read the wrong ones.
Maesa is a Sylvaneth character. Sorry.
>I've never read the book
We can tell.
He helps Beetle Mommy but he certainly ain't a Sylvaneth.
If that were true wanderers would've been in sylvaneth and not cities
I REALLY hope Maesa gets released as a Kurnothi model when that army comes out.
You read the book, pal. He's Alarielle's (unknowing) champion.
But he certainly isn't a Tree-lad. He'd fit FAR more as a CoS character, or maybe a Kurnothi but that'd be a stretch.
The what now? I really hope you're not talking about TOW Wood Elves and confusing them for AoS products.
>The what now? I really hope you're not talking about TOW Wood Elves and confusing them for AoS products.

People like you (retards) are why the CoS have been ruined :)
brutes were cheap now they won't be, its not a buff.
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NTA but from a tournament a few months ago
Isn't Maesa's whole point that Alariel tricked Nagash into giving her an immortlal chmpion? Why would he be in COS and not with her?
Queens are literally the first thing you learn how to play around.
Can't ruin something that was never good
CoS was a grave
Because he roams the lands, moving between cities and settlements in his quest to return his wife to life. He spends most of his time in the cities, in the presence of those who live in the cities or alone in the wilds.
He's got no clue he's working for Alarielle.
It'd make no sense for him to work for the Sylvaneth.
Anon, are you confusing magnetizing the multiparts and magnetizing the bases for safe transportation? Glue a magnet to the bottom of the base and put them in a padded box with metal base
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Put them into one of those hospital MRI mchines overnight and the models themselves will become magnetic
By that logic Cado shouldn't be Soulblight either, but he is
Yeah, I get that... how do I keep the magnets in place, when the model has to stand and magnetic field of earth will pull the magnet down? I cannot turn the model upside down. For new bases, I add drop of glue, push the magnet into it and leave the base upside down overnight, so earth magnetizes the magnets down, pushing them deeper in the glue. But when the models has to stand, then the nature works against you. Do you get some kind of strings that you can hang the model on, while the magnets get glued?
Are... are you trolling?
Don't think about it too hard, anon. Get yourself some 5x2mm and 10x2mm magnets, flatten the center of the base by filing it or using something sharp to cut the mold gate where the plastic is fed through to make the base, then score the area where you're going to glue the magnet with your hobby knife, apply glue and then magnet on glue, let it sit on it's side for a while so the glue fumes don't cloud up whatever it's immediately under. Done.
Make sure you have 1 set polarity orientation for the whole army. Just hold the model by the base rim along the curve of your index finger/thumb.

Anon, your autism is hanging out in public again.
>i've been holding onto a warchanter new on sprue i've been meaning to sell
Where's the other half of the scroll?
Don't worry about it, since earth is flat you just got to play all your games on the underside of earth so the magnets don't fall out.

Get an empty cup, place two pens, chopsticks, paintbrushes, etc. on the rim, then hang the base from them.
I hate to say it, but Kragnos genuinely helps IJ as it stands. Buffed damage profiles so they aren't tethered to a warchanter as much, 3" in every hero phase and 3d6 charges (including countercharging) is pretty fucking wack.
This is funny.
Just in case you aren't joking. Grab model, turn model around, put some superglue on the bottom of the base. Put magnet on top of glue. Wait a little bit. Put the model down.

Now you have a magnet and you can put it on a metal carry case.

Sometimes magnets will come undone, just glue again.
I was in one of those for 20 minutes and they billed by insurance $10000. Not exactly cost effective
By that reasoning literally nothing can be a buff
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>they somehow managed to make even ironjawz boring
Oh god, this editions a stinker at it hasn't even released yet
He seems fine to me. Far from great but also hardly terrible. Just dull.
They don't cost that much to operate, just give 20 bucks to the night janitor
2 units and hero is the start collecting format. Spearheads are 3 units and a small hero or 2 units and a monster.
>Dream box - Pigs, Ardboyz, Big Pig, Megaboss
>Realistic box - Big Pig, Ardboyz, Weirdbrute Wrekkaz.
Can someone run math, op vs pic related? I know points and abilities ect but one is for taking and other is for holding and I wanna see who is better.
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like a champ
Putrids do 4.6 wounds to Brutes
Brutes do 5.1 wounds to Putrids
RIP relentless attackers
They still have access to turn 1 charges if you really want them, but they got some serious buffs elsewhere to make up for it.
is that including disease?
Nope, sheer stats.
>but they got some serious buffs elsewhere
See >>93108528
Fulminators from 2e to 3e gained a wound, a rend, 2 attacks, higher damage on their mounts, and stayed the same price because they were expensive and extremely mid to begin with. That's a buff. Liberators have undergone the long journey up from 4+ save, 3+/4+ rend 0 and stayed the same 100 points.

I don't see any universe where they'd keep a 15w 3+ save 35 damage rend 2 unit 140 points. Not with 3" reach and immune to battleshock now. They think they gave them Retributor stats and Rets cost 210 before they even hike points.
depends on what you mean "better", blightkings are going to do like little more than half the damage for a lot more mitigation, but their OC is weak and can't shut down enemy units.

That doesn't mean they won't have play for their army, since your army's main thing is being smelly fat fucks that do mortals over time.

Eitherway both are probably going to be grinded up by mortek guard.
brutes do twice as much damage but are 66% as durable.
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>deleting kinocast in favor of primariscast
This has to be the most soulless edition yet. At least manlets got to reign supreme for decades before getting the boot
okay, well keep in mind that anything in combat with a nurgle unit is taking on average 2 mortal damage at the end of each turn.
Are gryph hounds the same size as the wildercorps dogs? I have some shadow warriors but no animals to use in place of the dogs
Lol America. I've been in them and they have cost me nothing (directly)
What's the price of Skaventide?
>Shift argument from units of which we don't know any points in an edition that is increasing everything to units that got buffed in the past.

Please mention a Warscroll change in the index, real or hypothetical, that you consider a buff that can't be dismissed by "well they will increase their points and make them overcosted anyway".
I'm a fatty enjoyer but libs are terrible, the heroes and paladins are so much better than the new stuff. Sacrosanct was literally perfect and it's removal is still insane to me
yall lost the right to say lol america after the nhs killed MF Doom.
i think my out of pocket at the end of the whole affair was only $300, but they send you the whole itemized bill showing everything the insurance covered and it was nutty. for a 1 night stay the total was like $25000, and they didnt even find the problem
$270 in US, not sure about UK/Canada
oh and if you're running the subfaction they showed, its average 3 mortal damage instead of 2
It's really not. You can infect a single unit in the opponent army each turn. And it's 1.66 Mortal wounds. At that point you should also consider the Waagh.
Feels so good to have zero interest in a box for a change.
Hoarder bros we're gonna make it...
Been trying to dive into AoS lore and it feels like shit is filled with metaphors and one-sentence handwaves when it comes to anything important for knowledge. It's okay when that shit is done for movies or trailers because you have only so much time to explain anything, but this is a fucking book and I'm already sitting down reading.
Wouldn't it be funny if everyone found a way to remove the horned rat from his godly throne by the end of the edition
Yeah, that's how it works. Basically the hospital can put any arbitrarily large number in the bill, and the insurance just say to the hospital "I am not paying that, I am paying like 1000$ max", and the hospital says "that's ok, I'll just note that I am a hundred thousand dollars in the red for tax purposes."
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I know just who to replace him with
Imagin if they actually killed him off like retards think they did to slaanesh
Shalaxi was hard buffed, she'll probably go up between 90 and 110 points still but she's 90 to 110 overcosted already anyway. There aren't a lot of examples because this is squash edition. Severith, the Twins, Krondys, Heartrenders arguably got better and will probably not change too much in points.
Brutes getting "better" is like saying Myrmourn Banshees are better when they're probably going to go up like 30-40 points and be net worse by gaining a wound and getting a worse unbind.
Maybe, maybe Brutes end up good because of casting teleport with unleash spell.
Isn’t the vermindoom itself his ascension? It happened already
Should’ve happened in 1st edition desu
I still don't understand what his "ascension" actually means. Like slaanesh is in jail but all of his daemons and mortals are still running around so it's all kind of meaningless
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Just because they later reverted it doesn't mean Slaanesh wasn't fridged
That shit is so expensive I'm weighing it against getting a whole ass std army instead.
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im torn.

ultra gritty grim metal and dirt and rust or psychadelic neon acid trip warp?
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Any development on Slaanashs potential escape from their wack dimensional prison?
>I was in one of those for 20 minutes and they billed by insurance $10000. Not exactly cost effective

Spot the guy living in the burning shithole that is America.

I love the OG Stormcast and I'm still going to use 'em in all my games. Like fuck I'm replacing my whole army lmao

I'm re-reading the AoS lore as we speak and it's really not. The lore is actually quite well done these days with a lot of detail.
At no point was he actually dead and instead he was insered into the metaplot of every knife ear species because they were all "here's what Slaanesh did to them"
That shit's just semantics.
He's still working on getting out. After Archaon attacked his prison and Morathi went inside him and had herself a lot of interesting fun, his chains were weakened and he's VERY slowly working on freeing himself.
Some of the chains are now broken but the aelves guarding him don't know, since they're remade as illusions from magic by Slaanesh after he breaks them.
He'll get out any day now!
Just like how Malerion is supposed to turn up any day.
I mean it's not worth buying at all unless you want every single thing in there, and if you do want everything it's a better deal than anything else you'd be buying from them. There will be halves all over facebook/eBay if you just want one side as well
How is DoK, Deepkin, Lumineth and STD lore revolving around Slaanesh in some way sematics?
Whining about how he technically wasn't dead like it's some kind of argument is.
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why don't we just throw every undesirable in the same timeloop kraggy was thrown into?
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I updated my list of Daughters of Khaine Stories to include one I missed, and the new Dawnbringer Chronicles involving them.
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Kaiser's been working on the Stormbringer mags for a while now. I hope WarCom gives her something to do. I like her doodles, they're nice.
Fiend sweater puppies...
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Yes, if I remember right there are two head options for each mount.
The 300 IQ move was getting the battleforce.

I hope it's big pig, little pigs, ardboyz, and an ardboy boss. I'm expecting something like weirdnob shaman, weirdbrutes, ardboyz, and little pigs.

Why are so many in the hobby fat, bearded, incels?

>plays the orkiest ork faction
>complains rulez iz proppa orky
Sir, you may be a closeted boy wot iz krule.

>its even worse than slaanesh
Now wait just a goddamn minute, Rondel, that's cap and you know it; IJ are getting two abilities that just work, no rolling a dice for a chance to roll another dice, whereas our battle trait is a literal trap 9 times outta 10; it's almost never going to be worth it to take more than one temptation dice because of how powerful boxcars is on a charge.

Temptation is a good idea that needs further refinement, and it should probably be skewed more towards the Slaanesh player being able to take risks for more power; I don't play this faction to flex my game IQ, I play this faction because I wanna go fast and make bad decisions.

Well said. I like "simplifying" rules when it manifests as cleaning things up, clarifying ideas, and making things run smoother. I fucking *loathe* "simplying" when it manifests as just taking away decisions and making the game more braindead; as bad as GW might want the MTG demographic, the requirements for modeling and painting hard filters most brainlets they're clearly trying to pander to.
The best part of Dawnbringers was easily the strong implication Ushoran is completely sane and just doing this whole thing as a sick joke.
I feel slightly bad about that but there really wasn't much difference between getting that and the vanguard with some myrmidons.
That makes the whole idea of the faction so much worse
YMMV, to me it's hilarious, makes Ushoran so fucking evil and the interactions with Gormayne were incredible.
Like this is just great:
The "I know you know" over not just the betrayal, but the fact Gormayne can see things as they really are.
>Sacrosanct was literally perfect and it's removal is still insane to me
I've never been a fan of Stormcast but those sculpts getting retired is the weirdest part of all of this. They look perfectly fine for what they are and are practically new.
>Temptation is a good idea that needs further refinement
Literally all it needs is to change it from a guaranteed 6 to a reroll. Still very useful, but d3 mortals can outweigh it which makes it an actual choice.
The best part of all it is that the implication that if Ushoran is sane, he has an agenda, and a vision... also FEC are practically a given for the 5th Edition starter.
I agree, it's fun. If you have any interest in 40k, I highly recommend that you check out the short story "Severed"; there's a scene with a similar vibe to this.
Correction: It's a novella, not a short.
I believe 5th ed will be either destruction, sun gobbos specifically, or zombies
>guaranteed 6 to a reroll
You got yourself a goddamn deal. You can even use 'em on a charge roll, but you have to reroll all the dice and spend temptation dice accordingly. Temptation dice should have a Faustian bargain/"the house always wins" kind of vibe.
>Temptation dice should have a Faustian bargain/"the house always wins" kind of vibe.
Honestly, "Reroll but if the result is a 6, you take d3 mortals" fits this idea perfectly.
>FEC are practically a given for the 5th Edition starter
Most of the armies in this game have a "big plan" in the waiting there's no reason to think it would be FeC this early
>1E: SC vs Chaos
>2E: SC vs Death
>3E: SC vs Destruction
>4E: SC vs Chaos
Death is up next, FEC are getting involved in the narrative, and are the lead designer's favorite faction. My money is on FEC. That said...
I'd be fine with this, and I seem to remember some sentient zombie chick being a likely Mortarch candidate.
>sun gobbos
I'd also be fine with this, what makes you think, though?
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>Why are so many in the hobby fat, bearded, incels?
No control in the worlds they live in, so they retreat into worlds they can control.

>the requirements for modeling and painting hard filters most brainlets they're clearly trying to pander to.
Snapfits and clamshell pre-painted garbo line soon,

Pic related: On clearance for "please just take it out of the store everyone is tired of looking at it"
>and are the lead designer's favorite faction.
no, they aren't
He wants those things therefore they're likely
Should I build my Blightkings with Standard Bearer and Musician?
IJ is now a faction that actively promotes you to move 5.9" away from a unit and not charge like you're playing faggy khorne. Its gay and lame.
They should scrap it entirely and give them the chaos marine rules.
It's funny you say that, because I was initially going to make the Khorne comparison; "the guys play the WAAAGH! faction and the BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL-THRONE, SOULS FOR THE SOUL-EATER! faction... obviously they want a play experience based around meticulously keeping units wholly within and gamey bullshit."
Completely, utterly wrong as Waaagh only works in your own charge phase.
Big boars can get out of tarpits but they should still be trying to charge. If there's tech to get them to run+charge they'll be really set.
no reason not to. they're straight buffs, dont cost points, and the blightking standards and musicians look cool
I don't think they're the leads favorite faction, if he has a favorite I think he plays LRL? They were bullshit tier for a hot second with helon but were nerfed right away, so I think they're doing good with that.

Death is just leaning more into techy/buff/wombo combo armies so those synergies are easy to overlook in playtesting, vs just giving retarded orcs 2 damage/2 rend. At any rate the books were probably written before they intended on giving out look out sir, which made the death factions leaning on support heroes that much better.
There's never any reason to not give a unit any options like that, I personally don't do multiple in a reinforced unit but I've seen plenty of people do that too
OMG Cryptborn loves Vandus!
How long until we get a manly Stormcast kiss?

>No control in the worlds they live in, so they retreat into worlds they can control.

Oof, so harsh but so true.
I ship it.
Every BL author who switched from Fantasy to AoS talked about how the AoS BL books sold exponentially better than any WHF books ever did, including JKR. And even then AoS BL book sales are nothing compared to 40K books.

It's why you see a lot of BL authors who prefer fantasy writing mostly for AoS but splashing the occasional shitty bolter porn novel just for the cash.
I won’t ever consider him ascended until he accepts other followers. It’s such a handicap he doesn’t even have to treat them well
Yeah, same. It's mostly a matter of saturation or inserting characters that obviously aren't cool to anybody for pandering reasons, otherwise I dig having female models.
Exactly. If well done, they're awesome. If shoved into a story to tick boxes, they suck grot dicks.
I’ve been reading since gates of Azyr he has always been appearing the only people who say this were retards who didn’t read and assholes incapable of fathoming the dark gods being in a different state than 50 years of status quo and wank
>Severith, the Twins, Krondys, Heartrenders arguably got better and will probably not change too much in points.
Nah, they'll increase their points so that they are more overcosted. It's actually a Nerf.
See how that works?
ty anons
The best thing you can do with a big pig is move 10" mighty 3" auto run 6" which gets you 2 momentum, then mighty again on your opponents hero phase to lock a unit 25" away from you initially in combat so they fail battle tactics.
your argument hinges on brutes staying 140 which they wont.
Which makes sense for one unit, not the whole army.
Your argument hinges on knowing in advance if a unit will be overcosted or undercosted in the index, which you don't. They can increase their points and still end up undercosted because we know that everything is on average going up around 15%
It's very strange that you can mark units with slaanesh but not ghr, especially now
>DoK Stories List
Fucking based.
Never knew we'd got so many dok stories. TY anon.
>Severith, the Twins, Krondys, Heartrenders arguably got better and will probably not change too much in points.
Source: I made it the fuck up.
One time I threw a hellpit at tzaangors and that unit survived because the opponent literally blocked 3/4th of the damage with 5+ wards. To this day I wonder if opponents etsy custom dice were crooked
Do you need the direct intervention from the god to be marked? Or can it be done by a random demon?
I've been watching this game and running moath for it for a decade, yeah I do know. You'll be nowhere to be found in a couple weeks when the points drops.
Post index points then
cope hope eventual rope, your brutes will be on the shelf because battleline doesn't exist and people will be avoiding combat and doing gay shit like >>93110122 to win on points, that's how these rules are written, deal with it.
Ok? I am still interested in what the points are going to be. I don't even play Ironjawz. Can you tell me how many points a Slaan is going to cost? What about a Carnosaur or Kroxigors? I am very interested in the insight of someone like you.
dunno if this is the place to ask this, but should I buy the warcry box that stars the vampire monks versus khorne twice? I really like the two forces, and while I dont know if im ever going to play bok, I already have a army for sgbl. I just dunno if I would have a justification using the terrain in a regular game of 40k or aos.
Both are usable in their respective armies as regular units and aren't getting squatted as far as we know, so it's not terrible if you really want them and are getting a discount.

The terrain is totally usable in AoS, arguably being designed to work with both Warcry and regular AoS just fine.
Ehh, I'd honestly say that Bloodhunt has the best terrain in terms of compatibility with the main game. The bridges would probably have to be left out, but I think there's some solid, usable stuff here.
>I've been watching this game and running moath for it for a decade
Please tell me that you just choose the wrong words and you also played it
>I don't think they're the leads favorite faction
He has said they are to multiple people. I don't... think... in an official interview or dev log? But multiple people/content creators have reported his favorite faction to play is FEC.

Which is good for me, since they're my favorite, too. Aside from the days of the build-a-bear courtier expectation, which are mostly over.
I can't play every faction obviously.
Ok but you did play something right? You didn't just watch and ran math for a decade, did you?
Well slaanesh is "imprisoned" and he's still giving his followers marks and gifts so apparently it's irrelevant
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Holy fucking kino
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NHS lol I don't live in Bongstan
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Based, thanks lad
Also do you have PDFs for them all?
acid trip
After the US didn't let him back in the country?
>Be surrounded by literal Death
>Death sucks for everyone because Nagash is an asshole, and life also sucks pretty badly for a lot of people
>Decide to give what respite you can by gifting them delusions of nobility and regal stature
>Become a noble more beloved than that FUCKING WHORE Neferata ever could be, AGAIN

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