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Duardin Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:

https://ageofsigmart.booru.org/index.php (This hasn't been updated in 7 years.)

>Thread question:
Presumably we'll be getting new Spearheads for every army across this upcoming edition. What would you like to see in the Spearhead for your army, and what do you expect to see in it?
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New default prayer is kino.
Maggotkin, and any box without Pusgoyles would be acceptable.
I don't think we are. They're showing off the current spearheads and their rules like they did with 40k Combat Patrol, and that was pretty set in stone.
Yeah but 40k had this too, but every single faction in 40k has gotten a new combat patrol to go with their codex so far.
Yeah, but that was based on what was in the rules given for CB. They didn't add a second CB or a reworked one, just a new box to match the rules.
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Black dragon
X2Drakespawn knights
Drakespawn chariot
5x Brutes
3x Gore-Gruntas
1x Tuskboss on Maw-Grunta

10x Ardboyz
3x Gore-Gruntas
3x Brute Ragerz
1x Ardboy Big Boss

Basically, I want to build an elite pig-heavy army with no ardboyz. Give me that first box and I swear I will buy 4.
Are they really just examples? Are they in a lore you can actually choose?
>Are they in a lore you can actually choose?
Yippee Mystic shield is fucking useless for 75% of the factions.
At least its finally a ward save, which you'd think from its nature and description would represent it better than a reroll or addition to armor
Shit for death, great for pretty much everyone else.
It's not that bad
TQ: Cities Spearhead should swap out something for Fusiliers. Maybe the Cavalry?

It feels a bit melee-heavy, which is fine I guess. More shooting/casting would be cool though.
I want to see a Sacrosanct chamber spearhead formation, let people keep using their old SCE.

Preferrably it keeps most of the units that were part of soul wars. So 5-10 sequitors, 5 evocators, 3 castigators and a lord arcanum on gryph charger.
Why would they bother doing that
They said preorder THIS weekend, yeah?
Keep getting tempted to start deepkin, there is fuck all infantry unit variety. Look it's a cool concept abandoned by gw to never anything again
Did anyone even buy this shitty model?
>write up a formation for spearhead
>done, let players play with the models they already have

I'm not saying they should release the soul wars models again, just make it legal to play with them using spearhead.
There's nothing really wrong with it if you're not the kind of person who gets mad about one very specific part of it
I know three people that bought a Cities of Sigmar army and none of them bought her. Idk if that means they're racist or the unit sucks.
its a great looking model, it just has a couple practical problems. those wings make it a pain to transport, and im not a huge fan of "put a whole ass wooden throne on the creature as your saddle", gobsprakk has the same problem
Literally the only thing they had to do was give the kit a generic version, I like the manticore a lot.
Nobody cares about that character, I know one guy that bought it for a chaos manticore and I've still never seen him show it so I'm assuming he sold it or something
I think its a cool model, but I dont know what to do with a giant winged lion.
Cause you've painted every single model you've painted right away right anon? You have no grey plastic sitting around right anon?
could be the fact that she's a big flying melee hero that wants to lead melee units in an army thats 90% shooting castle.

she'll work great with wave 2 though
Lots of people don't care for big expensive centerpiece monster models
They have three regular, multiperson units (four if you include the command squad) and literally only one of them is a ranged unit.
TQ: a CoS spearhead without those fucking steelhelms. I'd love my elves and dwarves to last another edition, but worst comes to worst I can proxy them. But I can't stand those bib-wearing, belt-faseted retards.
Same. The lack of generic option is the only reason I didn't start CoS. Went Hedonites instead. I was right to do it.
>why does nobody care about this committee approved "character"

I'd rather pay about half the price for Zenesta who won't immediately die in my shooting CoS army.

Also won't be a fucking nightmare to transport like Tahlia.
What was the point of giving her those weapons if she only has one profile
Zenestra shouldn't be in any real danger as you should be able to outshoot anything that can snipe her.
She's a repurposed replacement for the gryphon

That's what I implied, yes. And if it outranges me, I have a Fusil-Major to rectify that.
Misread your post, mb. But yeah totally.
Today I have built and primed:
>Maggotkin Vanguard
>6 Nurglings
>1 GUO
>and a blighthauler for my 40k DG
I must sleep now.
So, today is Sylvaneth and tomorrow is Khorne, right? What are we expecting, lads?
Sylvaneth are all about teleporting in and out of the trees, you get bonuses for hugging terrain in general.

I hope that you can swap terrain for wyldwood but don't count on it
How big of a pain is it to paint khorne
You can hide all imperfections with blood red paint
Easy colors, simple models, but a lot of trim
Deamons are super simple, just make em all red!
Warriors are a bit more annoying with having to do trim and stuff. But overall I think it's pretty easy.
And I'm one of those "I hate painting" people.
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>200 million in profits and still can’t keep stuff in stock

>prime red
>paint trim gold
>fuck up the trim
>repaint the trim

Are these really the default spells?
It just says EXAMPLE SPELL, might not even be playable.
It would be weird to use non-existant/mode-specific spells as an example but it wouldn't be the wierdest thing they did this week. I still think it is a generic spell, making priest auto-include
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What does this skin color make you think of?

Just fiddle-fucking with some paints and shades to see what to do with Daemonettes. Makes me think of flayed skin, but also of a grape.

Thinking it'd look leagues better with some red or white detailing somewhere.
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Your bank account balance doesn't magically transforms into physical product on demand.
The issue is lack of production fascilities and/or storage fascilities as well as ocassional issues with supplies (mostly during corona).
And the record profits year on year didn’t let them fund a second factory until now?
I've been a bit out of the loop due to professional issues. Can you tell me what the new KB rules look like in relation to the old rules and the new rules. Will they be the weakest army in the series again or can I finally start painting them?
>making priest auto-include
It requires rolling a 7 on a d6, it's only once a game and to take it you have to to renounce to all the specific army prayers.

It's good but it's not that good.
Blades might be pretty strong if they keep the free dispels on some warscrolls.
I hate how every army is respawning zombies now, just to maintain some persistently competitive game state across all five rounds
They're going to tank the game by kowtowing to tournament tards just like warmachine did
>every army

Every good army. Destruction can't respawn
Are there no default prayers anymore that everyone has all the time?
It's odd because the legs I think reptile, but the top does look a bit like flayed skin.

I'd probably spot those up as black to make it more chitinous or like the talons. I have zero objections to making the girls look hideous - it's only fitting.

I appreciate your input.
From what we know there is a default lore but you still have to choose a single lore. So either you take the default or the faction. It's the reason for why every lore has at least an unlimited spell.

Still, while they said that endless spells works like that explicitly, they didn't do the same for normal spell and prayers, so there is a chance default spell and prayers still exist.
It might be not that good to take it every single time over your army's lore but if you have something better on a priest you are taking him anyway. Since you probably won't be able to go full monsters, I think that the only you would not take a priest is when your army's lore is shit, your priest is shit and you don't have a valid target for it. I can't see which faction could check those 3 boxes.
Cost is not that bad, you are not using it turn one anyway.
Ok, but unless priests cost very little (and I doubt that) most of the times you are probably better just taking a second copy of one of your infantry heroes. Of course there are going to be edge cases (do seraphon have priests?) but my point was that you aren't going to take a priest only to use that
Yeah please post the finished result, I am curious to see where you go with her.
Yes, it's a cool model and had a bit of play in a cavalry list. I gave her the generic helmeted head. I think she'd be more popular if the rules were better
If you can viably take him, considering new army building. We will see it in a month, but I think that even a mediocre priest will find his place.
Large investments are risky in a rapidly changing enviroment with Brexit, Corona and Ukraine war+resource crisis happening one after the other and throwing wrenches (transport costs in 2020 vs 2022 are like from 2 different planets).
Additionally large scale construction requires proper permits and even if the local city council is corupt in GW favour there's still paperwork.
Besides the blatantly unfinished wings.
No I'll never forget.
Is there any good proxy for zenestra? I'd be down with it if it was an evil pope type model but I can't stand the ugubu look
Rally, universal resurrection prayer, etc
It's obvious their intention is to enable it in general
Could literally just do a headswap but you'd still send GW the message that you'd buy slop like that.
It's very good for those armies that have very strong foot heroes and priests, which aren't really that many.

Stormcast being able to bring back Bastian/Celestant Prime/Yndrastra is actually pretty clutch.
Yes but again, if you have to choose between bringing back Bastian and being able to use the teleport prayer then it becomes less of an autoinclude

If your argument is that priests are probably going to be very useful so you are almost always going to take a priest if you can, like wizards, then I absolutely agree.

I disagree with that prayer making priests autoinclude on its own.
why dont they just bring Nagash back to life and then kill him for good this time.
It's perfectly reasonable to get mad about there not being a generic option, fuck named characters


Here's my Spearhead wishlist for every army I play.

The current one is cool actually

Ardboyz, Brute Ragerz, Big Pig, any foot hero

All squig one might be fun

Liege Kavalos, 10 Deathriders, 2 Morghast

Anything as long as the models aren't ancient

Anything except Warlocks

Slann, new skinks, new saurus guard, raptadons
>on. What would you like to see in the Spearhead for your army,
I don't. They're always worse.
jesus christ no
legit they got my favourite set of rules and I don't play them.
Are morghasts the OBR equivalent of shoving every DoK box full of warlocks?
morghasts is not a kit you should be shoving to a new player to try and assemble. Fuck it even looks painful to paint too.

Nothing in OBR is painful to paint.

A kid can cover them in skeleton horde contrast and they look fine.
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Oops all mages
imagine if dirty tricks were fun and you got an ambush ability
Aos is marketed as the casual warhammer game and casuals hate getting tabled and losing units. I'm wondering why they haven't gotten rid of double turns yet since that's the biggest casual filter
Did this mean KB would be playable?
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We Win Kruleboyz Brothers!!
casuals don't like the enemy just respawning everything they've killed and winning on battle tactics
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Hopes? Fears? Expectations?
They where playable even before, they where just a bad choose for a serious tournament. Now they have better rule but with no points your question is pointless. Play what you like and stop sucking the meta cock
I bought Zenestra, but this model is like $150 and doesn't have a generic version so I held off. I've already got a griffin anyway.
Teleportation stays.
Teleportation goes away.
Teleportation stays.
Teleportation stays but is more conditional
Teleportation stays unhinged and barely counter able
Teleportation stays as is
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Imagine if bonereapers looked like this
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Like regular skeletons wearing armor?
Sorry, dumb question, but can I just drop a Mancrusher into any army list?
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Are Seraphon easy to grasp or should I pick something like Fyreslayers or Ogors?
Currently no, in 4e who knows. They aren't mercenary like the mega-gargants
aww man. I wanted to get the three pack and use bits to make each one fit a different army aesthetically.

>Are Seraphon easy to grasp

The answer used to be yes but only if you play coalesced.
Now the answer seems to just be yes.
Their new battle traits are simple to understand: pick one battle trait that fits your army, and if you complete the side quest associated with it you get a second trait in round 3.

I will add that the Seraphon range is very large so for a new Seraphon player I would suggest starting with the Spearhead box and then just buying the new models to begin with, the ones available in shops.
no, imagine if they were like THIS
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and this
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or this
Okay cheers
perhaps even this
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it kinda is that?
dys too
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it's not that enough! look at this
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or at this
Stop spamming your garbage, tree focus soon
its a prayer you can learn in path to glory, not a default prayer
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I was over anyway, look at this last one and tell me it's not some grand boneshaping business
I'd add to that that their biggest element of uncertainty right now is magic. Because they use a fuckton of magic, and magic is one of the things that have been overhauled going into 4e.
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Rules for trees with bees
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Nature is healing
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Queen heals too, why not.
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DURTHU is the one who dishes it out then
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>teleports in
>fuck your commands
How obnoxious.
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>Buzzing noises
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Oof, 3+ save nerfed. Guess the 'jawz stole it
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Now are the wildwoods going to count as faction terrain, and can we punch them down?
>furious tree elf ghost teleports next to me, calls me a slur, and then teleports away
I'd be too baffled to listen to orders too
this image fucking kills me
>seasons entirely gone
Not exactly unexpected, but still. I'm not happy about it.
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>Anon, the forest needs nutrients!
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Take a big ol fat shit on her roots.
Some of these are cool, but they have a completely different vibe from OBR. OBR are civilization builders, a highly rigid and organized society. These are messy and disorganized, with little coherency even between similar soldiers.
>Strike and wait untill everyone hit you to fade
Losing half the point of it. But any turn is neat I guess.
Also if I'm reading it correctly, "Walk the hidden paths" now allows you to move your unit after the teleport, which is neat
So overgrown terrain features are gone? Because if so then that's a big step back.
You know what makes for good fertilizer? Ash...
There's a reason big companies have china make everything
Holy shit that Alarielle glowup. She was good before, but the new warscroll seems nuts. This lady heals so fucking much. It's 4d3 on her own per round baseline, and even more if she sticks close to trees. She can ressurect herself (and then heal up) and also other monsters! Sure, they're damaged, but gee, what if the faction has a fuckton of healing?
>Durthu without degrading damage
They know not what they do!
They have health, yes. But the Treesong spell is unlimited, so good fucking luck keeping them down.
>revive anything in the army
>even the heroes
>even the monsters
>they take 8 damage but then heal a billion
>have to kill her twice to make sure it stops
>she heals a billion and then more
>2d3 mortal spell, d6 mortal charge
>also does great damage in melee
how many points is she gonna be?
They better make a better fucking wyldwood model the current ones are so retarded

>strike and fade now at end of turn.

Massive nerf that will make Sylvaneth way easier to deal with.
No more charging Drycha in, killing shit and then fucking off before she can be hit back, you're gonna want to rely more on survivable stuff like treelords.
>Also do you have PDFs for them all?

No but I've a few as epubs if that works for ya?
Probably around the same, they essentially shifted her summoning power into her own warscroll.
Oh fuck I didn't notice it at first.
This makes everything way worse, this will be fun to have your treesong dispelled or your tree broken and just lose 95% of your warscroll
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Didn't realize AoS has so many armies now

And fantasy-era models have been reduced to a tiny percentage of the range
>fantasy-era models have been reduced to a tiny percentage of the range
Good, hopefully they'll all finally be gone by 4th
*THE END of 4th
Doubt. Think of Ogres.
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>yfw at the end of tomorrow's BoK article is "Next Up: ???"
It might just work differently. Like instead of saying terrain is overgrown they just say you should slap the awakened wyldwood keyword on it. But if it's just completely gone then that sucks in a major way.
Ogors badly need an update what are you talking about
maybe for the resin stuff but the plastics hold up fine
all resin will be removed in this edition
most of the basic infantry is being redone. expect new skinks, flagellants, plaguebearers, dryads, ghouls, grave guard, gluttons, grots
this already started in 3rd ed with slaves, cities, saurus, etc.
>Source: MY ASS
it's not exactly an unbelievable prediction; there's barely any resin left now
>Ironjawz turned into the tactical anime glasses army

I now predict Khorne will be made closer to World Eaters and are the new unga bunga army
GW has been aggressively removing resin, to be fair, even the heralds are gone without an immediate replacement. It's pretty much just Ogres now that need a big cleanup.
Some kits do, but I struggle to imagine them redoing the monsters or the war machines just for the sake of it

Ogres are probably getting a refresh no later than the 5th edition starter box, but more likely halfway through this edition.
Then the current Ogres will move to old world.
Yeah but it still won't be finished by 5th
GW COULD do it all if they prioritized it, but that's not what's most profitable
They honestly should, the ironblaster looks fine but the cannon makes zero sense in aos. Where are all of these specifically ornate giant cannons coming from
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>There are many Gutbusters legends on how the first Ironblasters came to be, but all of them agree on one thing. They were the formidable weapons of the Sky-Titans from the Scrabrous Sprawl. When their empire was torn down, or devoured by Gorkmorka as some mythspeakers say, these cannons and other destructive weapons were recovered by the Ogors. Over time these weapons were destroyed until only a few remain, claimed by the richest and most powerful Mawtribes. The rest can find similiar devices by looting the walls of conquered Sigmarite cities, pressgang Ironweld engineers to create such devices and even finding someone willing to do business with ogors and craft it for them.
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So big, so beautiful
They definitely be getting refresh in 2025 they're like one of the only army with significant amount resin within their range

And most of it just heroes and HQ so a refresh with the basic troop like Gluttons, ironguts along with heroes like slaughtermaster and fire belly similar to how Seraphon was done
>This was also an opportunity to revisit all the major Stormhosts we’ve painted or shown in battletomes over the years. We took a Reclusian, a Liberator, and a Vindictor, and presented modern interpretations of every single Stormhost for their Warrior Chamber and Ruination Chamber.
OK that... that's awesome.
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Apart from the nu-liberators helmet i quite like the look of the new stormcast
They get a bit too busy for my taste, but they are not horrible.
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>modern interpretations of every single Stormhost for their Warrior Chamber and Ruination Chamber.
itll be in the battletome
along with the scrolls sylvaneth look like they'll be fucking strong
I still like the fatties more but the new heroes are neat
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Rules For Trees
the skinks are from 2002, and we know more seraphon are on their way from the rumor engine.

if you dont care about aesthetics and want your cheap 24 skinks for $40 or whatever it is, i'd get em now
Oops. Too slow.
the liberators and most of the wave 3 stuff was all pretty clean and simple, so im fine with this guys being a bit fancier and more esoteric
Kurnoth Hunter tiddies...
why are all aelves so boring and cringe?
Nah. The restriction is built into the core move ability now. Can only target a unit that was not set up this turn.
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>Looks at loonshrine
>It explodes second round before it can do anything
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It will probably be some cool shit like Ruination Anvils being basically just undead, exposed bones and all, that we will never get on models
its the opposite of what tournament players want. tournament players want the game to basically be over in the first 2 rounds so they can take a break and go get food or sit down with their friends because they're gonna be there playing warhammer for 10 hours straight possibly 2 days in a row.

the last thing tournament players want is for games to drag on into turn 5 bloodbaths every single game. no, all the recursion and reinforcement rules are designed for everyday players, the players who are only getting a game or two a week at most, who want their matches to go the distance and not be over in half a second because it might be the only match they play that month.
It's not a funding problem. It's an infrastructure issue outside of GWs control. There is simply not enough power to run a new factory and not mess up existing consumers including the hospital. For whatever reason the city council hasn't really been fully supportive of an extension to the power grid and have been dragging their feet approving it.
Its for spearhead, good chance they will turn out different in the actual game
It's annoying how most of these faction focus articles aren't even showing off basic troops
I don't give a fuck about the named big centerpiece bosses, show me the goddamned battleline
Remembering their rules is a bit hazy but it seems like a big nerf to strike and fade, but the healing is better? Durthu does look like a semi truck but alarielle is too dicey for my tastes.

Guessing another faction where indexes will show more sauce.

Ruination stuff is cool, my only suggestion is to make them look like pic related helmet wise. The angry SCE helms is ok but I wanted more death imagery. I'm trying to think of a way to paint them that invokes more deathy vibes (like ivory armor with a black trim?, throw in some greenish glows).

Also I'm really curious about what role liberator/vindictors will play in the army. They're already getting outstatted by even non buffed units like wardens. Are they going to be supremely cheap or just mandatory in some way, or will there be some synergies??
It would be a huge change to the army if that suddenly became a focus.
unfortunately it looks like the trend of making the stormcast basic infantry just kinda shit will continue.

i dont know why they are so opposed to giving shit like liberators and vindictors actually good stats, but they are constantly about half as good as anything on a 40mm base should be.
>12" attack
Didn't that use to be a lot higher? Also, why is the spear more accurate at a distance?
>Nerf to strike and fade, but better healing

Pretty much. We lost the ability to teleport immediately after combat, but we did gain a heal and a strike and fade on the opponent's turn now. It's a move away from the asymmetrical style we tried to play in third, and time will tell if the added tools will make up for the extra damage we're taking.
Used to be 24". They said they're trying to reduce ranges across the board, so it's not a huge surprise. Greatbows went from 30" to 18" on their spearhead scroll, too.
>1 precision throw attack
>5 stab flurry of melee rage
Guess which one is more accurate. If this doesn´t isnt enough of an explanation its probably gameplay reasons.
It used to be 24" 2+/2+/-2/6 at one point. Alarielle's own attacks also used to be beyond garbage, but now she can use the spear for combat, so it's fine.
>but the healing is better?
It looks like it at first until you notice that overgrown terrains are gone, and the wholly 6" instead of wholly 9" is huge. You only have one terrain at the start of the game instead of 4 and you need to succesfully cast a spell to start unlocking your warscroll (and also have a spot to place it, which will be harder now looking at some of the battleplans full of decors).
So the healing won't happen most of the time
GW seems to massively overvalue healing for some reason, or can't make it work for things that aren't huge single models. Like we saw it with the hunger being abused for single models but does nothing for bloodknights & foot heroes. Rally might help a ways toward returning models but not so much for sylv with a ton of 4/5 wound stuff.

It's a shame because I really like some of the basic foot models. To stay in the ring now we've seen everything I feel like liberators and vindictors need damage 2 or twice the attacks.

We've seen some synergistic play happening with ruination stuff (fight twice and there was an aura I think). But I feel like that is just because it's the "new shit". Maybe the questor or Vandus will give something exciting to redeemers.
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Wait for old world to rerelease the good version without the ugly chimp

it is an unlimited spell though, so bring lots of cheap wizards I guess?

Also I assume sylvaneth wizards will still be able to use wildwoods to extend their spell range, so it won't be hard to get 3 up all over the battlefield on turn 1.
That thing has never, NEVER looked good.
Infinitely better than this retarded pile of shit
>the last thing tournament players want is for games to drag on into turn 5 bloodbaths every single game
literally the opposite of reality
casuals want the game to be over quick thats why they play shit like ogor monster spam
competitive players want a fun and engaging strategy game
I very strongly disagree but whatever.
you could not be more wrong.
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headswap her, her head is not even glued to the clothes
I like bottom left a lot
can't you put the skeleton on the front seat?
expecting people without a single model to kitbash is crazy
>her head is not even glued to the clothes

as if GW had known people hate it.
it's the better face for the priest in the command corps

honestly I wouldn't even see the other, or the little mummified undead for that matter, as looking off
The whole wheel idea is so retarded
Broken Realms - Kragnos, Page 52.
Have we ever met or had more info on non-Nagash serving Necromancers?
I just hope it doesn't interfere with the rest of the army, like are we not gonna get a steamtank replacement because a fundamental technology of civilization is now some stupid religious thing
It’s almost as if the cults thing is satire on how stupid regular humans could be when they have living beings that could interact with Sigmar or his direct reports. There could just be one Sigmarite religion, but religion itself is a powerful tool for control. The cults are so up their own ass that they were blaming SCE on stuff that happened to their crusade, Wheel cult vs Blacktalons after Lauka Vai poisioned the water-producing metalith.
There's no reason that they would HAVE to like nagash to be a necromancer. It's definitely a bad idea for them in the long run but most necromancers are self-serving dickheads in general so it checks out
Shyishian mages in general are? There's a lot of instances of necromancers who are accepted in society as good only to be revealed as evil and worshipping Nagash in the fluff (Gotrek stories, Soul Wars, etc) so presumably not all are old bones loving nutters
It's still retarded conceptually and looks like shit I don't care about some psuedo-intellectual examination of religion
Tank walk now
Most likely yet another case of
>Hey, UK Gov, can we have some assistance with local infrastructure investment to promote your 'levelling up'?
>Lolno, screw you, not-London, you're interrupting some important nest-feathering. Just quadruple your council tax, seemples.
Total Wheeler Death.
Why do Brits put up with this
You could argue Daintalos ins't alligned with Nagash.
CoS has undead familiars in the command corp and the Lethis insignia.
It’s supposed to be retarded. They even point it out in the books that the crusade would’ve had an easier time traveling through certain spots if they didn’t have their stupid no-wheels restriction. Since the beginning when Vedra returned to Hammerhal, Zenestra was hamstringing the crusade.
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I strongly believe it all stemmed from the idea of using a lowly wheel as the poor guys' version of a holy halo and then it spiralled out of control in the hands of fluff writers

I'm sure there's going to be some 5D bullshit shenanigans that justifies the nutjobs' aversion to wheels
but if the crusade went faster then they would have reached embergard before the vampires showed up
Are the begger's ears just fucked or is this a knife ear who mutilated himself to fit in?
>weaker teleporting but stronger healing
Pretty much what I was hoping for, old Strike and Fade meant that the army being tough would be busted so they gave us a bunch of glass hammers, of which you only want to take 1 or 2 since you could only S&F 1 per round. Now that we're expected to take hits and recover units can have a bit of beef and army lists can be a touch more varied although no-wizard builds look nonviable unless there are more free tree abilities on sheets we haven't seen.
just fucked
Life in the Cities would have to be insanely dire if a being as infinitely proud as an aelf would consider self-mutilation to pose as the dregs of human society.
To me it always read as a cribbing off Imperial Guard's "good men hamstrung and lead to ruin by retarded commanders" with an added dose of "lmao religious idiots" for good measure.
Well they're pretty dire now.
Yeah we have the Soul shepard and his familiar >>93116169

but in passages we know that the Lumineth nation Zaitrec allow the study of Necromancy in their schools
This reminds me of the Stargate Jaffa
Wrong, it's a gag about suffering and how fundamental the wheel is to convenice
how mandatory would you say the big 400+ point units are like greater daemons and mawkrushas and such?
Centralized tree placement is gonna be big now. Maybe Sylvaneth will want to go first in this edition, in order to get their trees up before the enemy can screen them out of the mid-board.

That ability was tied to a command trait, and while it might still exist, it also limits list-building somewhat.
No way of knowing what the meta is going to be before launch, competitive theorycrafters seem to think hordes have the advantage in 4th.
We have to see the actual wildwood warscroll. Too much is dependant on that.
>how mandatory would you say the big 400+ point units are like greater daemons and mawkrushas and such?
Depends on your army. As a general rule, though. Centerpiece models are good in AOS.
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yeah idk what the problem is. you look at any other armies basic 40mm base units and then compare them to stormcast and its just the saddest comparison.
>We have to see the actual wildwood warscroll
For sure. With faction terrain being targetable in the new edition, they have an opportunity to make the scroll a bit more powerful while still allowing for counterplay. Doubly so because we're limited to three woods now.

...that said, they're probably just going to do a few mortal wounds in the charge phase again.
trying to decide weather i should drop the nearly $200 to get a GUO or not. its a cool model but it costs more than the whole vanguard box
In the official and theorycraft batreps I've seen so far they haven't had the spare resources to bonk holes so as long as they're not paper I'm not too worried about trees just yet.
tough to say, but if you're going to be running demons in any significant portion the preview makes it look like it has a lot of utility, and it's spell works very well with the army ability
My secret hope and cope is that they will be a place of power
In 3e they were mandatory for some factions like vampires and not mandatory for others like khorne.
Generally gw likes to give them army defining lynchpin rules.
Angron as skarbrand, yay or nay?
Hard nay.
Nay, looks too futuristic.
The model is great. Problem is nobody wants the lord on monster to be a named character and nobody cares about characters.
No proxies please. Conversions only.
I haven't kept up with all the SCE lore but is it implied that Aventis Firestrike is Gelt?
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gelt is balthas arum, a different lord arcanum
So when can I start list building for fourth
>too futuristic
>when chaos has these suckers rollin around

lol. lmao.
>still have push-fit gap issues
mid to late july. they will roll out spearhead first, one grand alliance per day, roughly a week after the edition launch box hits shelves which should be in the 1st or 2nd week of july, then full rules for the core game will probably be another week or 2 after that.

so 3rd or 4th week of july, potentially even 1st week of august
the purpose of chaos tech is to be futuristic in comparison to what normal people have
Preorders go up Saturday next week. So it's next weekend at the very earliest, but more likely it's gonna be a month or so.
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sure, but why doesn't it have pic related?
Because GW are cowards
You would have to design the model in such a specific way that it would hinder the design
as far as i can tell they have no problem with robotics, but draw a hard line at tank treads
the tank treads are too sf but the other chaos machines should be in AoS ngl; the dragon, spider and four legged thing
i personally think you could probably make an argument for bloat drones too. aos already has plenty of propeller and airship tech
The murdercycle is one of those designs I thought was dumb as shit on release but which has grown on me since.
They managed it with Dominion
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chaos in aos shouldn't have the soulgrinders

the horned rat and vashtorr should be presented as being in direct competition, one stops the other from reaching full godhood by stopping it from extending its reach in the other universe
To be fair he's more of a throwback to the times when the fantasy and 40k universe's were overtly linked to a much greater degree (albeit long after that particular philosophy's heyday)
I could accept that. But what is their opposition? For instance, if Khorne is the death of ego versus Slaanesh's exaltation of the self, how do Vashtorr and the GHR fundamentally disagree?
Man, I love every single thing about obr except how small and puny mortek guard are, why couldn't they have made them taller than normal humans.
this, I would buy a lord of skulls for my bok in a second
>Infantry hero revives
Gargant discrimination
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First test model for my maggotkin
>how do Vashtorr and the GHR fundamentally disagree?
they both want to be the 5th
that's it
That's a completely retarded idea, these settings should be getting farther apart not adding more stupid bullshit that "links" them
One builds robots and stuff and the other one smashes them out of spite.
And look how well dominion went
>nerfs everywhere on a bottom tier army
>strike and fade destroyed
>seasons gone
>range nerfs so short on tree abilities they're practically unusable
>overgrown gone for no reason
>forced to play god model in every list because she does fucking everything now and carries the whole army
typical 4e preview
and now our actual 3w elite units are all come in fuckings 3s after they squatted paladins, and they refuse to give us a real 5 man cavalry unit. I'm starting to get really annoyed with this faction.
nice and grungy anon!
I'm still not sure what role reclusians play in the army, they kinda compete with shield annihilators and look way less useful. Like I wouldn't want to push blocks of them around if only one of them can do the shrug or get the 5++. They're like immortis guard but need more investment to get returns on and not as much model restore.

We haven't seen anything so far that makes me think SCE isn't going to lean on a majority shooting list, even with the inability to shoot in combat. Counter charge helps some units a bit but why take or reinforce liberators/vindi's. I get the feeling that regiments are going to impose a tax and that's where the need for old battleline units will come in.
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>not even msu ghouls
>$20 shipping
It's funny because the LoS's head design is directly based off of one of the skullcrushers' helmets
One is progress and artifice and the other is decay and duct taping uranium to a slab of rotten wood
It's out of print :)
Kind of a similar dichotomy to Skaven tech vs. Chorf tech.
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Verminus +1 rend on the charge for 3 units a turn seems really strong
I hope Clanrats are cheap af
Reclusians just suck intentionally, they don't want starter box units to be useful so you can't make a real army out of it. They did this with Dominion and they did it with Soulwars. The ultimate die another die another day edgelords of the edgelord chamber and their profile is flat worse than a Brute and they're unplayably slow. Its not an accident.
Even more reason to not shove vashtorr where he doesn't belong
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Anyone got a scan of Dawnbringers 6 yet?
If so, give please.
Thanks <3
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Darkoathpersons, what's the meaning of this? Are we getting Dominion'd?
Abraxia is stunning and brave and doesn't need no man
its just for the army starter set, the models will be available still.
Nobody wants to pay for a book that's immediately being thrown into the trash. Also no one wants those abhorrent models
The only model I want in the whole box is the Wendigo thing, so I ain't buying the fucking entire box for him alone.
It fucking rules the fuck are you on
Yes the line between Necromancy and Shyish has been thinned. You can major in corpse geometry
From what they have previewed, God models are more mandatory than ever.
IJ are so slow they need the Kragnos 3d6 charge or they are fucked.
Sylvaneth telport and healing is so short ranged and wholly within as to be useless, so you need Alarielle.
Kairos has a straight up 'win the game' battle tactics ability.
King Brodd is basically mandatory for Gargants.
Morathi is still probably mandatory as an unkillable anvil (and buff piece. And wizard).
It's so tiresome. I don't want to play Special Characters or lose. I want to play with My Dudes.
What are the new board dimensions? I heard it was shrinking?
>4e comes out before them so they never get AoS warscrolls
> a second frigate has hit the loonshrine
>I want to play with My Dudes.

Playing the wrong game then lad. For better or worse, AoS is not the game of /yourdudes/ any longer. Hasn't been for a long while.
Then don't use them
Then they need to release OBR archers so I can just play TOW instead.
I'm real tired of this bullshit.
This works for me, honestly. I've always loved using named characters in my games since I find it cooler and more fun to have named dudes with story and character doing stuff rather than a random warboss, for example.
So I'm not really against 4th's encouragement of named dudes.
It's effectively tying both armies behind your back when you play if you don't.
Fuck that's hideous. Time to give up on Sylvaneth. GW clearly have.
>Then they need to release OBR archers so I can just play TOW instead.
>I'm real tired of this bullshit.

And yet here you are, bitching and complaining on a thread devoted to the bullshit you so hate.
Probably a No Games.
Jesus is the spirit of the hobby just dead?
Fuck I miss the days when even using special characters required permission from the other side. It kept them where they belong - narrative battles or special huge games. Not 'Alarielle and Kragnos show up to every shitty skirmish between 30 dudes.'
This is why Stormcast have never really been an infantry army even though the vast majority of their roster is infantry in a nutshell.

Shooting, Monsters, Heavy Cav, these are things SC can play and not get fucked by their laughable stat to base size ratio, infantry not so much. New 3" reach on everything helps a little but everyone else gets it too so not really.
When that's the experience you offer for a decade you filter out the people not into it. Even TOW just launched as bing bing wahoo dragonhammer.
>Fuck I miss the days when even using special characters required permission from the other side

Anon that still works today
just model your own stuff and use it as those named characters. lots of people do that here.
For one thing, I will at least wait for the index to confirm it.
For a second, fuck you faggot. Go apply to be a janny if you want to moderate conversation.
For a third, who in their right mind is playing 3rd right now with 4th on the horizon? My local scene of over a dozen people has been waiting for 4th for two months, we are all playing other games.
You... DO play other games, right anon?
>Fuck I miss the days when even using special characters required permission from the other side.

Good for you. I don't. I'd much rather use Yriel or Pedro Kantor in 40k than some random Autarch or Chapter Master.
I'd rather fight Gardus Steel Soul or Gutrot Spume in AoS than a random Lord-Celestant or Lord of Plagues.
It's more for me and those I play with.
>You... DO play other games, right anon?

Yup. Played Mutant Chronciles Warzone 1st Edition a few days back. And Battletech before that, and MESBG a week ago :)
The part they're leaving out is that most of these super God named character units are usually list cripplingly expensive and are actually rarely taken and often easily countered. The only real exception is morathi who is literally invincible, but every other hod unit is a 700 point gamble that your opponent can't do 20-30 points of damage at range right off the bat, which is often a losing gamble. Only like 1 other big dude besides morsthi can counter that easily and that's kroak because saurus guard allows him to buy ablative wounds
>the spirit of the hobby

Jesus, stfu mate. People like you are some of the most cringe fuckers on the internet. Everyone enjoys a hobby differently.
It's a cope out. It's still using Daddy GW's special boy, no matter how you try to cope. It's even more pathetic
> so is that Katakros
> no man that's Ashrotep the Cunning , my custom dude wh-
> so it's just a counts as?
> well yea-
> Ok Katakros got it.
It's not random. It's your own character.
Looks like someone failed the apple test.
Anon this analysis would require someone to actually play the game
>It's your own character

Ah yes! Lord No Body with no lore and no presence in the setting. How could I ever forget him!
That's a decent spread.
Been playing FO Wasteland Warfare, Lunar, Blood and Plunder, TOW, and AT myself.
> so is that a Megaboss
> no man that's Raknar the Bigtoothed , my custom dude wh-
> so it's just a counts as?
> well yea-
> Ok Megaboss got it.
>Been playing FO Wasteland Warfare

Easily my most played game and me and my brother own nearly every model for it. Wasted what feels like years of our life having fun with that game.
Fucking amazing taste anon <3
How can someone be this uncreative in a hobby that's centered around it
My own character exist in my mind. I don't need others, be them GW or other players, to validate its existence.
> list crippling expensive
Oh yeah that's why in 2rd every OHR list had Katakros, Arkhan, or both.
And every DoK list had Morathi.
And every DoT had Kairos.
And every HoS had Glutos or Sigvald.
And every SBGL list had one or two SC.
And damn near every Chaos list had Belakor for a while.
And damn near every Mawtribe list had Kragnos.
Buffcast Swoleternals for life. I fell in love with the immortal lightning crusader vibe in 1st ed, despite the rules being trash.
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Spearhead is played on a smaller board, dunno about regular games.

I got two boxes myself and already painted them up, but there's still a small pile of Darkoath boxes at my LGS so maybe I'll be able to get two more at a good discount in a couple months to bring my Darkoath to 2000pts
>How can someone be this uncreative in a hobby that's centered around it


Jesus, we're reaching pathetic levels of NPC here.
>I want to play with My Dudes
>My Dudes need to be the strongest dudes or it's no fun
I get the idea of putting Spearhead on a smaller board, sure, but that does seem very SMALL.

Or, shocking I know, I just like the characters! And thus want to have them on the table.
What about Alarielle, Archaon, Krondys, the Glotkin, Nagash, Teclis, Gordrakk, Shalaxi, Skarbrand,
Yep, get ready to play against some god tier unkillable named character in 90% of your games
I hate waacfags so much it's unreal
>I hate waacfags so much it's unreal

Yes, liking the characters and wanting to use them on the tabletop is certainly being a waacfag, whatever you say anon.
>Yep, get ready to play against some god tier unkillable named character in 90% of your games

Sounds like skill issue
Absolutely soulless rredditoid its a miracle you manage to breathe.
looks like 2x2ft so same minimum size as necromunda
Go play with action figures if you just want 2 models smacking into each other repeatedly, morons
Make me
i'll see you in 4 months crying in this general that there's nobody wants to play with you and that the game is dead, just like countless other waacfags of the month.
The only person that complain about this is someone that doesn't have any friend to play with he can just ask to not play named characters, so he's s forced to only play with randos at the store. A pityful existance.
This Sylvaneth preview looks like the worst army in the game no bs.
Lol good luck with that. Unlike you I have friends dude.
You're literally required by the rules to paint your models
Oof, that does not seem like enough to have a fun game to me.

Wow, how sad you lot don't have friends to play with and can do nothing but bitch online about people not enjoying the hobby the "way I demand!"
Enjoy your No Games, lads! Don't worry though, I'm sure your super cool OC DO NOT STEAL character will look amazing on your shelf :)
both my friends and I wouldnt be such a shitty guy to bring a god tier character to a game without explicit permission. Seems you're a pretty crappy friend.
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And I do? LMFAO
Then why are you crying about this on 4chan? How does this impact you at all if you have friends that don't use special characters?
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Photo is upside down lol
But personally I hope we get plastic Epidemius and Festus The Leechlord this edition. I want those for my collection but hate finecast lmao
I just want the thrice damned Maggoth Lords to come back into stock so I can finally finish my collection off with one of them.
Because the game is being railroaded into picking god tier characters, every faction seems to have their core identity locked behind a 500+ now and I dislike that.
You want to make snakes not suck? You have to bring a basically unkillable model into every single army list you use. Do you want your flesh eater delusions to actually do something? Best bring Ushoran. This is a place to discuss AoS i'm not sure whats gotten you confused.
I don't disagree.
Then how can you miss the days where playing special characters require permission if you play with friends that require permissions to use special characters?
It's not my fault the only skaven hero riding a big rat ogre is a named character
>Seasons of War appear to be gone
Not really surprised.
So did most other armies, so no big deal there. And some of those "nerfs" are more like side-grades, so not too bad.

I'm mostly disappointed by the removal of Overgrown Terrain, so I'm going to have to buy and paint two more sets of trees, as well as concerned with finding spots to summon them during a game. Also, this is more personal, but I'm mildly peeved that not a single one of the units in my current army was previewed, so that's mildly lame.
I don't mind playing named characters, you want to bring scrimblo bimblo the 110 point named stormcast character? I don't care either way, the problem is certain armies being almost forced to run a god character to run properly. I like to see variety in army lists, and armies being practically forced to run certain characters is very repetitive.

>two more sets of trees

you can only ever have 3 trees at any given time. so you never need more than one wildwood box.
Aren't they always supposed to be arranged in a circle?
You can't even use paths and fade because the ranges are so shit and trees are practically impossible to get. Alarielle literally can't fit in 6 inches.
God these are so fucking stupid

James realized that expecting Sylvaneth players to buy multiple boxes of terrain was dumb and was stopping people from playing the army, so now you start out with one tree and you can summon two more, that's it, no circle.
Festus should just be turned into a generic hero like vilitch it makes no sense for him to still be around
Really army dependent question, there's not really an answer that rings true for every army
Why the fuck is faction terrain not on standard bases, man? What are you supposed to measure "wholly within 6" from on these? The flat part?
If you want variety you can just deny your friends the permission of using special characters, you know, like in the good times

whichever part is closest to your dudes.
I agree with this, but 2 generic mortal foot sorcerors would be redundant. Maybe lean harder on the healer lore and make him a priest with some sort of regen ability? Like a mini guo without the wizard keyword
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Holy shit, I've been using my Wyldwoods wrong. I interpreted "1 scenery piece" as being a three-tree circle, and then each size of the Wyldwood being making larger circles of six and nine trees.
Not really, it's kind of a rude thing to do, especially when army lists dont work without them
>priced at the cost of the models + the book
>book is useful for less than a month at this point.
People are just waiting for the standalone sets
>Fuck I miss the days when even using special characters required permission from the other side
>But no, I am too much of a pussy to actually refuse to give that permission

Sounds like your problem is completely self made anon
Why do they insist on using this old piece of shit instead of just making a fucking wyldwood that's designed for the game, I really wish they just got rid of it completely and just used a token like graveyards
>old piece of shit
It's actually pretty new, it came out in 2019
Isn't it the old fantasy terrain just repackaged?
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They don't look anything like the shit old trees bro
Nope, the one you are talking about is pic related. It got squatted in 2019 when the new one came out.
they're fairly similar, the new ones aren't exactly leaps and bounds better
>Noone should be allowed to use named characters unless I say so
>but also I will not say so
What is everyone playing against you supposed to have esp and recognize that youre neurodivergent without you saying anything
That pisses me off even more, why would they choose such an asinine design for something that's vital to the army AND barely different to the old one
>t.a blind man argues about aesthetics
Is every red fruit an apple in your eyes
The problem of the old ones was that the trees were removable and that they were in the middle of actually putting the models inside it, so in practice everybody always took the trees off during game and you ended up playing on the bases.
I want good dogs for khorne
all doggos are good doggos
Eh, maybe. I just want a proper Maggotkin healer unit lol
the new ones are definitely more convenient, I like them better from a gameplay and a visual perspective. I just don't think the sculpts are as distinct as some more easily impressed anons
That's what it would be
This is truly the most efficient way to admit you have shit taste, thank you for demonstrating for the class
Honestly I was reluctant for a while because it looked like a token hell game (it still is but the app is really helpful) and some of the 'special measuring stick' BS. But my one buddy really wanted to try it, and I have bought 3(ish- mirelurks aren't really a faction I guess) factions for the price of a single 2k AoS army.
It's pretty fun.
> if I put words in the other guys mouth and straw man, I win!!!!
The level of intelligence in the average mouth breather in this thread.
Sylvaneth have been garbage tier for a year but the lists that did mediocre all had either Belthanos, Srycha, or Alarielle.
Khorne used Skarbrand a lot. Slaanesh I already mentioned. Nagash and Archaon aren't really used but at the beginning of 3rd Archaon was everywhere until they Errata'd him out.
What was the point you were trying to make here? Because it seems like you completely failed.
I was just interested in the past viability of other big named models
sylvaneth topped a 60-person gt in april with none of those units



So whats the deal with kharadron food?
>spamming, flooding
>400 posts
>page 8

You can't don't know when to make a new thread, do ya?
>>page 8
We're on page 7, retard
once upon a time in a distant forgotten system there was wargear you could add on to help give your characters a bit more personalization. and it was pretty fun too.
Sorry anon but edgecoc is unstoppable
I genuinely don't understand why you guy's don't just stick to video games
New hyper lewd Witch Elves pls
>It's still using Daddy GW's special boy, no matter how you try to cope.
Your logical error here is stating "you are doing this" and implying that said "this" is intrinsically bad, instead of articulating why performing that action is bad.
You guys know that Anvil of Apotheosis is coming back, right?
>inb4 "I MUST play matched play, the most restrictive game mode, despite touting the virtues of customization and personalization"
no one cares what you do fag.
This is a complete non-sequitur reply. I didn't say anything about what I do. I pointed out a solution to the thing you're complaining about.
I wouldn't bother giving him attention, these generals have been so shit lately
Yeah. I swear I've even that precise reply before, same wording, even down to having a period, but no comma. Might be a bot.
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>This is a complete non-sequitur reply.

NTA but let me make it up to you.
I've been waiting years to see someone make this pun.

You could say that with the sacrosquat that the entire game of AoS has been made non-sequitor.
>suggest narrative play like a gaylord assbandit
>redditor immediately outs himself and runs to his defense
So how many points before Alarielle isn't auto-include?
Not even joking
I feel like all the gods should be 900 and while super powerful, each has some hard counters so they're not auto includes
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>Not even joking
At 900 she's still priced to move; she will absolutely prison fuck anything she charges, her utility is top rate, and if you commit enough resources to actually kill her she has a 50% chance to pull gif related, *every turn.*

They did it. They actually made her a proper goddess.
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So where do anons buy their models for cheap? eBay resellers are getting bidded above amazon prices these days.

Trolltrader is good if you don't mind some elbow grease required. I still trawl ebay, sometimes you get lucky. Almost got the old Juan Diaz Daemonettes for $20, and snagged a Spearhead for $100 (after tax).
And I've also had decent luck with reddit and Facebook swap groups. You have to be patient and constantly check or make requests, but you can get some good deals
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The Warchief on horse is kino too.

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