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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Goodnight sweet prince, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Whats the iconography of your dudes mean?
we wait the end of the catalog in this household, inthrooder
With the news that Ironjews are being separated out of their soup tome, I'm quite interested in them. I like basically all the models, though their range is kinda still limited.

I'm also interested in Skaven, though they seem harder to paint mostly from the complexity of their special units/characters and the quantity of their chaff.

What do you guys reckon?
>What do you guys reckon?
Personally I say wait until the skaven new range reveal in next month and see if you want to paint the new range

if not go Ironjawz
Verdict on Sylvaneth? Alarielle seemed worse but possibly cheaper, Durthu and the Spite-Revenants seemed good, glad they kept their double teleports, Kurnothi Hunters and dragonfly guys looked pretty bad.
>Verdict on Sylvaneth?
Why have they randomly given so many unit/army abilities a 3+ to even work? who thinks this is good design?
Tournament players
Basically they're throwing shit at a wall to see what works, so they're trying their best to avoid a 10th: Eldar Edition scenario. So by putting all this stuff on a 3+ it gives the illusion of power, while being easily modifiable until the codexes come out.
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I feel stupid naming my heroes/characters
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Just painted up this two headed carnosaur in anticipation for 4th
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I don't.
>Kurnothi Hunters... looking pretty bad
The Kurnoth Hunters can't be properly judged because the only warscroll of them shown is for Spearhead, so it shouldn't be used as a reference for proper AoS.
I'm not a tourneyfag expert, but I don't think this kind of thing can be blamed on them. I'm pretty sure they hate arbitrary RNG as much as anyone else.
Embrace it.
Just consult those d10 tables at the back of the book.

Do any kits have saurus/skink/kroxigor skulls?
I've not seen any. I still can't fathom why the Citadel Skulls kit didn't have any lizardman or skaven skulls.
Actually, nevermind, I just figured it out: It's because every single skull in that kit is a CAD copypaste or edit, and since they didn't have any pre-existing lizardman or skaven skull sculpts to include, they couldn't.
>Alarielle seemed worse but possibly cheaper
She's basically Krondys but better with an ability to resurrect anything in the army including named chars. She's staying 700 points.
I don't mind the spiteriders. Counter-charge makes them 6 of them a huge threat with strike first and 37 damage 2 attacks.
Been busy all day and I’m just now seeing the Sylvaneth update. Every single revealed warscroll has an ability that only works if you roll a 3+ and also only under certain conditions to even be allowed to roll. Is that supposed to be fun? Because I’m not feeling it
Is it weird to use another armies models for your counts as or conversions?
Nope, its not weird. Have fun making a truly personalized army.
so what are the chances the mighty lord of khul gets squatted, and when the fuck can I see the new khul model.
Because we totally neeeded half the 40k sprew dedicated to Taushit with 0 generic use.
Kroot heads are at least interesting, but Blues are just ugly/awkward humanoid skulls
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Might lord is also a generic hero and on the same sprew as the banner guy
Only thing weird about it is caring what others think of your models
How is that you retards spell the word sprue incorrectly still, noone is spelling it that way except morons here
I dont think these are sold anymore
It's weird if there's no conversion whatsoever / it doesn't fit the theme. If you're running alarielle as archaon I'll play along but definitely lacks identity
Their future is a little bit up in the air. The only way to get them was through the old SC! box, but that's "temporarily not available" in the webstore. Considering its age and how many of the SCE models released at the same time have been discontinued, I think it's warranted to be a little worried for the future of these kits.
my problem is that there are a couple model ranges i like the models from, but not all of the models from either range, so i was considering combining them into one project, but i didnt know how particular people are with stuff like that.

the initial plan was to just do maggotkin, but the more i look at plaguebearers and plague drones the more i dislike them. to the point that i would not spend money on them. slimux and the piper are okay, but those plague bearers are too old and doofy.

so trawling through the other ranges, i found that crypt guard and morbegh knights have a similar rusted weapon style to blightkings, and i thought they might work as replacements for plague bearer and plague drone conversions, but i dont like the whole flesh eater range enough to want to do an army of them. the crypt horrors and dragons do nothing for me. ushoran is cool but his base bothers me deeply. too much base.

so thats where i'm at. i haven't attempted an army mixing conversion project like that before, and im unsure how well it would turn out, and more importantly how much of a problem it would cause on the table and the whole legality of it. i know in 40k they are very tight about wysiwyg and such.
If you take any model, paint it yellow/green and add sores or boiles then it will fit Nurgle. Do you have any Nurgle bite you can use?
i havent bought anything for this project yet. i've got about $700-800 to work with, so im planning it out ahead of time as well as i can manage.

from what i've seen the blightking kit comes with a bunch of spare heads, weapons, and shields, and i was planning to probably get at least 2 or 3 sets of them, so there will be a fair amount of nurgle bits to work with for conversion i think
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next khorne tome
I think they will just cease to call the Lord from this Kit Khul and it will remain the MLoK from now on.
This should work great to pimp out the knights and hide their FEC features
So, are we expecting a phase 2 for the darkoath range? 1 unit of infantry, 1 cavalry unit, 1 monster and a few heroes aren't really enough for an army
They're not an army, but an addon to STD
Odds of new pestigors in 4e?
low to none, mon aren't in the priority for an actual release this edition
I just pray they have good customization options and aren't a pain to assemble. also pls no trim.
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what about 17 infantry units?
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the dude on the warshrine is bare chested, so by law it is a darkoath unit and not a warrior unit
I want to see what the soulblight hero subfaction will look like.
>he doesn't know
Healing seems very strong, Alarielle is fucking unkillable if you don't bring her down in one go. They only showed the spearhead warscroll for hunters and those have been watered down every time, so I'm not worried. Durthu without degrading damage and extra monster hunter stuff seems good, but losing the fight last hurts. I've been playing Winterleaf and Everdusk so the 6" woods range is something I'm already used to anyway. I'm optimistic, Sylvaneth look like fun.
With Beast being nuke and them saying the mono staying they have a chance
I think it's likely given the show and realmgate wars era lit featuring them prominently, which is the inspiration for the new SCE range. Maggotkin and Nurgle beastmen were the major antagonists of the Realmgate Wars
>realmgate wars era lit
Does this still matter? GW moved on from it years ago. They didn't even adapt the whole series into audiobooks.
index when?
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Anon, they're remaking wave 1 kits with heroes based on wave 1 lit? Yes it matters
The box releases on the 13th of July, so probably then.
Real curious as to how big this will be.
but I want to theorycraft now!
15th July is when they drop actually, there's a leak with the date at the top of the page
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i wish we got a second season of blacktalon. neave was cute in it.

I doubt his head and proportions are bigger than any other stormcast, so that's probably a 60mm base same as Yndrasta.
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I didn't think much of the show as such, it could basically have been anything AoS related and not necessarily about the Blacktalons. But it was nice to have it as a recurring topic of discussion in the weeks where GW's promotion of 40k's new edition was otherwise sucking up all the oxygen.

I still don't really understand why GW decided to recycle Neave and Callis & Toll as more or less mascot's of the whole IP while at the same time deciding to fully reinvent them so they feel like new characters. It's confusing. I'm not complaining, I just don't really get it.
Would be great but plaguebearers dont have reason to exist if so.
That dude is older than all darkoath players.
Pestigiors would have more emphasis on mobility.

I'm a 40 year old Darkoath player.
Exacly, why would I use slow weak expensive model? I I can have sexy gor with fuck of 2hander?
Kek I hope u feel represented.
i'm 34 in september and I collect darkoath
I was gonna say that plague walkers could have some kind of synergistic interaction with a GUO but I think its already been killed as a concept
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I do feel represented by /mydudes/
Very cool
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Last at last, rules for bloody retards
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Double-activate is always welcome
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Big axe, big damage
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Get letters back for being in combat
Boring Spearhead.
Howcome some armies get fresh new paintjobs, while others get default box sheme, but with contrasts?
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Your 'basic' blood boys
>MLoK mentioned, meaning bloodsecrator sticks around
>no mention of bloodstoker or khorgorath
>no mention of gorechosen
I'm just mildly anxious.
the paintjob for this one is boring as hell.
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And that's it

When the FFs roll out for 5th ed, I'll be spamming F5 on the highly-predictable URLs for them too
bud...bloodstoker and khorgorath are dead. Expect resin models to not stick around.
>That’s the last of our Faction Focus articles. You can read all of them below, to find out how your army plays in the new edition. Faction Packs will be available to download for free before Skaventide is released, and the Digital Battletomes for Stormcast Eternals, Beasts of Chaos, and Bonesplitterz very soon after.

I thought they said they were going to try to sell us physical cards before letting us have the rules for free
I seriously hope that's not supposed to be a spearhead box
wait a second, those are the ETB reavers
Damn, this guy hits really hard now. I want to see Skarbrand.
Also appreciate built-in ward on demons.
It's less cool for sure.
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Got more of my plague lads done. I LOVE this fat little midget sorcerer. He's amazing lol
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I also got Mother Fucking Slambo painted up.
where did you get this model from?
He's a fairly old metal and/or finecast Rotbringer Sorcerer model. I had to buy him from fucking France. I gave money to the French... vile. But that's the sort of sacrifice we must make for Nurgle.
looks much better, but will probably cost a lot more
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It's just basic Goretide. As a paint scheme it's serviceable but not very interesting.
Boy could use some gradients or a texture on those plates.
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The Poxbringer is an ok model, I think mine came out pretty bad honestly, so maybe that's why I don't like 'em that much.
Are you people genuinely retarded? THose are reboxed vanguards, with proper spearheads coming with armybooks
Yeeeeah he looks pretty shite anon. Sorry, but he is.
Damn there's basically no hype for 4th
Looks better in person but even then he's still not great. Far from my best work. I don't like the model enough to replace him though so... eh, don't care much.
Boohoo newfag.
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with the new rules previews, does it look like it'll be reasonable to run a Hedonites army with few or no Daemons?
I really like that art, it's cool!
Also, a Chaos army with no daemons is retarded.
I hate the Chariot and Seeker kits. They are so godawful. Keepers are great and I can do a couple units of Daemonettes, but I really want to be running mostly the nice new Mortal models.
The armies people actually care about got plenty of discussion
I just want the thing to come out.
Previews have been underwhelming, it's almost the same game but all factions get an index reset.
There is a stage after 'drowning in shade' anon it's called highlighting.
what is Slavs to Drakness
I'm reserving my hype for when they remake the Skaven kits I actually care to see remade. I don't care about Clanrats; I have Clanrats. I don't have Skryre Acolytes, so I want to see those come out.
>chaos warriors are 3+/3+
>khornate chaos warriors are 4+/3+
this new edition is so dogshit
There shouldnt be, only people who hype new editions are 40fags, because editions system objectively just sucks
Yeah a model I don't take
Point is you can very easily have an STD army with no daemons without purposefully trying to avoid them
There will be more once we get indices and points.
But it's hard to get hyped for 'oh boy less fun, dumbed down abilities (unless elves you keep everything).'
Real talk: have the designed introduced one entirely unique faction mechanic for 4th? And if they have, hiw has it been received?
For 'total rewrite of warscrolls and armies' they seem to have done very little in the realm of 'new mechanics that represent a factions personality.'
No one said that it's difficult to make a no-daemons chaos army.
why are you posting what appears to be a 5th edition Warhammer 40k model in the Age of Sigmar thread?
More attacks though
Frenzied retards don't do finesse
I did some extra work on Slambo. That's why his chest, head and knees are brighter.
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If you want to hamstring yourself by not taking Daemon princes, then be my guest
Question; Since Daemons exist across all of Warhammer, would it be plausible to say a Daemon Prince in AoS would have knowledge of 40k, and vice versa?
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I'm waiting for more primer to arrive so I can get my Soul Grinder painted up. This badass cyborg daemon will fit perfectly with my cyborg Nurgle Daemon Prince!
See what they cost
Odds are that SOME of the things we've seen rules for in the last month that seem strong will turn out to be garbage by their price tags
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If you defend this pic rel is fine too.
You literally can not argue against this.
I admire painted army, I seed at all the fat women you call dudes.
I think there also comes a period where the edition cycle itself just gets tiresome instead of exciting.

Like just with Fyreslayers I've seen them go from 1st edition Battletome to GHB rules to 2E Battletome to 3E Battletome to 4E Index and later on the 4E battletome. That's six rules revisions for an army with a handful of units that's still waiting for it's second wave.

Even a newer army like LRL had two 2E battletomes, 3E battletome, Index, 4E battletome, that's 4 major rules updates in five years and coming up on 5. It's hard to even care about rules when they change so often.
better tanks than plaguebearers
in some cases, yes
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>no more spell ignore
Not sure if I'll use that.
The rapid tome/codex cycle is cancer, yes
I've been trying to come up with a good replacement for mine, since I don't like the look of the default one. So far, the best option I can think of is the dragon skull from the gargant kit.
Whoops, I completely neglected to include the central, core detail of this post:
I've been trying to come up with a good HEAD replacement for mine.
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they arr rook same
>There are lots of pale and warm teals – the primary Skryre colour
Skryre has a color scheme??? News to me, and my army is 90% Skryre.
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>they used the wrong runes
They're going by Stormfiends, and Ikkit
>warpstone ores are quite subtly coloured, while pure refined chips of warpstone are a violent, acid green
I thought that pure, refined warpstone was black
pure for skaven standards
At first glance the new reddit rat stuff looked cool but the longer I look the more retarded details I see. Guess beggars can't be choosers though
That's pretty funny, they gave Skryre runes to Eshin
What in the actual fuck is that passive, up to 5d3 mortals to each enemy unit within 8 of a 120x92mm base is absurd
Do people actually use this one? He's always looked and played lamer than the others. Bloodthirsters gotta have a whip.
GW doesn't know any of its own lore.
Rolled 4, 2, 2, 6, 3 = 17 (5d6)

Poor bastards are doing everything they can to dodge a squatting including claiming that they identify as another clan.
||honestly though, theft, gaslighting, and loss of meaning are pretty on brand for skaven||
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Could have been better
Well that's what I get for having spent the last few days shitposting in discord and playing tts with my local group. Fucking fried ass brain used the wrong
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The blood tithe seems pretty good
Destruction fags, for your sake, I hope you don't have any tomes released before next year. Because man gw is going to need to see the numbers for how hard they fucked you and then course correct and there's no chance of that this year.
spoiler text is ctrl-s
Indeed, It's the first one I bought and the one I play the most.
Orcs are toast then, because Ironjawz/KB are totally going to be some of the first armies released after SC and Skaven.
Yeah I brain farted and didn't use the brackets, brain was on another wave length. Good to know there's a shortcut for it though.
All that said and done, got my last games of 3rd in. They didn't go well. Just means I have an underdog start to 4th.
it's more than fine, I have been toying with the idea of buying one even though I don't play 40k. could use him as a kickass bloodthirster or something
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Mighty Skullcrusher damage finally not embarrassing now.

20 of these seem so scary now. Points are going to have to change they can't be just 10 more than letters.
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>A pity KB and IJ hero that don't really do anything to top off mediocre rules
I think IJ might be able to hang on by virtue of being tanky but I dunno about Kruelbros....
nta but with IJ they went with newbie-friendly stuff like simple rules and good stats for units like before. If they underperform, the solution is simple: make them cheaper, which will maybe improve sales as well.
I’m huffing hopium for ogors. It’s more likely that all of our shit is just cheap with some harder hitting attacks and no good abilities. Although I can see a world where our shit is expensive and we don’t hit that hard because gw thinks our ability is “really good” for some reason
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I'll never forget him, I'll cherish him always
Ogres have traditionally sucked a lot more often than they've been good, so it would be par for the course.
I think it looks like they have the potential for a strong objective control game
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What do you think are the biggest winners and losers of the faction focuses /aosg/?
Here's my thoughts but I don't play all armies so I may be wrong here and there.


>It's fine


*Ironjawz are a loss for those who like and care about how Ironjawz play now, because the new rules actually seem very strong but it's such a complete change in gameplay to the point that the sort of people who like Ironjawz might actively dislike their new way of playing.
True but we got some fun abilities so I mistakenly thought it won’t be too bad
> very strong
4" move army will get shot to death slowly walking up the board. Or they will hit screen, kill them, then get countercharged, then die
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Okay, i might actually get this one

I imagine most will not run infantry only armies and that pigs and maw krushas will still feature heavily in IJ lists, they just are less than half as fast as they used to be.
there are better alternatives
I'm a little disappointed in Sylvaneth. The warscrolls look decently powerful but the battle traits and generally the technical complexity of the army seems to have been toned down quite a bit.
god damn it they're scratching my "weird plushes based on things that wouldn't normally be plushes" itch
also it's fucking weird how inconsistent the quality is on these

>less technical complexity

That's true of everybody really (except Ironjawz who got more complex to use effectively) so in that context I'd say Sylvaneth came away fine.
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Sooooo... Anyone got a scan of Dawnbringers 6 yet?
If so, giz a link please.
Thanks <3
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As a SBGL & S2D player


Yeah, they're ok tier. Consistent ressing dead units is nice and our healing is ok. Warscrolls were maybe a little underwhelming, especially compared to what's been shown this week.


Actually really pumped for these guys, new Eye of the gods table looks amazing, almost guaranteed way to improve rend which can now hit characters like Archeon. It'll take a little work, but I think these guys have the potential the be the hardest hitters in 4th.
On the other hand the generic command abilities add a shit load of technical complexity in the game, so while the specific complexity has been toned down I'd wait to see how complex is the game now. Even things that are now simpler can get a lot more dept in being able to be used in the opponent turn.
I'd say I about agree with that though hat elves belong in winners. All elves made out like bandits really.
Pretty pleased with rats so far outside the sculpt teams insistence on shitty ass rhino command horns. Too many factions also getting ways to revive units makes that whole thing feel way less special, but their design intent was for longer games with more models, so that tracks as an easy out.
So they will get shot first (and die), then their army just lays into your 20 or so remaining infantry models (and they die, because 3+ saves won't carry your elite army on their own, see the entire history of Space Marines)
Rules look like made for special kids, warscrolls and battletraits look boring. It might work in the end but I have no hope.
Post it in every thread king.
I’m probably going to buy this stupid piece of shit
std should be in double s tier.
kruleboyz units are still garbage, better tricks are weighed against losing waagh. When boltboyz are shown without mortal shooting and sludgeraker loses his +1 mw aura they'll be back in the fucking dumpster again.
DoK lost all their damage. Crystal Touch mortals are gone, shooting mortals gone, shoot twice gone. Army is even more paper than now.
Ironjawz will be a positioning nightmare with move into combat and power through and counter-charge. They aren't going to let you get on objective and when you do brutes will make you cap 0.
sylvaneth should be in bin tier.
ko are winners, they get to deepstrike and transport without losing control. They get to redeploy without range restriction and transport at the same time. A frigate can charge, strike first 12 riggers, then power-through everyone out of combat 12".
>wholly within 6"
>strike and eventually one day fade when you get around to it
>1 destroyable tree
>overgrown removed
>alarielle can't use battle traits
>44% winrate
Unrelated universes. There's recurring themes and such, but they ain't related.
No, 40k and Warhammer were joined in the warp?
>but they ain't related.
yes, they are, and they have never not been.
Back in rogue trader era maybe
today too
Decades ago, maybe. But GW has stated many times that the universes are not related. AoS, 40k, WFB etc are all separate. Only retards and/or trolls claim otherwise.
There are locations in the Warp that are mentioned in both settings.
As stated
>There's recurring themes and such, but they ain't related.
What was the last new race or faction to get abattletone n age of Sigma?Not who got the last one but who was the last new one to get one..
Slaanesh is captured and not directly involved/present in AoS.
Slaanesh is still present in 40k.
Great Horned Rat is a Chaos God in AoS.
Great Horned Rat does not exist in 40k.
Plus a billion other things clearly showing they aren't fucking related. You're all just twats. Shut up.
They are not related.
We're not doing this shit again.
Syll Lewdtongue made a pact with the Forge of Souls to temporarily become a Soul Grinder.
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considering we also saw the slaughterpriest already, khorne is gonma lose a lot of utility for a straight up more consistant damage.
Wtf does that have to do with anything? The Forge of Souls in AoS isn't the same one in 40k.
>The Forge of Souls in AoS isn't the same one in 40k.
Prove this claim.
We're not doing this shit again.
Post models.
did i miss it or did they really show off the casting value for the hexgorger skulls but not the actual hexgorger skull warscroll?
>Decades ago, maybe. But GW has stated many times that the universes are not related.
No, that's a meme, they actually never did, the settings have always been connected.
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So... I REALLY hate to interrupt this retard af debate but does anyone have a height comparison between the new plastic Sigvald and the older metal Keeper of Secrets?
Thinking of using him as a proxy in 1st edition.

(Also all the way back in 3rd of 40k GW officially stated they are not linked at all)
Youre right.
They stated as recently as two years ago in a White Dwarf "Ask Grombrindal" and he fucking states its all the same shared reality.
Stop being a trolly retard and go touch grass. If you read even a single piece of the lore, it's clear the universes are not and have never been connected.
He’s on the same base size, so maybe do an overlay on photoshop for a good comparison?
Prove it, then. Go on, or wise and great tard. Post a pic.
>Slaanesh is captured and not directly involved/present in AoS.
>Slaanesh is still present in 40k.
>Great Horned Rat is a Chaos God in AoS.
>Great Horned Rat does not exist in 40k.
when do you think aos would be happening temporally, relatively to 40k? in its past? concurrently? in its future?
because no matter what your answer is, the correct answer is that chaos shits on your idea of what it would mean to be consistent
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We're lucky the universes aren't connected. All bow to Nuffle.
scalpers should be shot in the head
Holy shit, that is the most retarded non-answer ever. It's peak 'yes, but no.'
It doesn't really answer anything or address any of the contradictions to the lore of both universes. What a non-committal response to that question.
Take back calling me a tard, please.
>or address any of the contradictions
it's chaos, time and coherence don't matter, deal with it

if you want a more detailed answer go read liber chaotica, there a guy from the fantasy world has a chat with magnus the red and sees the absolute state of the 40k galaxy
>it's chaos, time and coherence don't matter, deal with it

You and me both know that answers nothing.
blood bowl is also connected, scyla in blood bowl canonically arrived there from another universe

the same scyla smashing people to a pulp in aos may have just returned from a blood bowl league
it's not a non-answer just because you don't like the answer
It's in Japan maybe he thinks American money is like his funny big number money
I would say LRL & Fyreslayers, SCE, Skaven came out the strongest as a combination of tools available and general strength of scrolls or battle traits (but also we've seen the most of SCE & Skaven).

FEC as of this moment can only rez one ghoul per hero a turn, and one of it's previous battle traits is now tied to a likely 400+ point hero, until more stuff is revealed I'd say that's pretty disappointing.

I'm ecstatic about OBR because it's shifting away from 15 models on the table to an actual castle army with combined arms play.

I think everything looked ok to good, with most of those being synergistic armies we haven't seen scrolls for. Ogors are supremely boring as always but I'm sure power level they'll be ok.
LRL won huge through “nerfs”. Changes in their base faction rules get rid of the “LRL hero phase” memes and power has shifted around. Hopefully this bodes well for Teclis being toned down and less oppressive.
It is an answer, it's just an intentionally confusing one. Chaos being retarded and making no sense is pretty much the entire point, the warp doesn't make any sense even if you limit it just to a single setting.
It's pretty clear as an answer to "Is the warp in 40k and aos the same warp" though. They would just say "No, they are not" if they weren't and avoid the confusion.
It's a non-answer because it doesn't answer anything.
How are daemons who are permanently destroyed in WFB in 40k? How are perma-dead Daemons in 40k in AoS? How is Slaanesh captured and imprisoned in AoS but present in 40k? Where is the Great Horned Rat in 40k? Where is Hashut in 40k? Why has a Daemon in AoS never crossed over into 40k, captured a Cyclonic Torpedo, returned to AoS and dropped it on one of the Mortal Realms?
It's a hand waving 'yes but no but maybe yes but probably no' answer that leaves it open and unanswered.
'ChAoS DoEsN't nEeD To MaKe SenSe' is the most retarded thing anyone could ever say. If you actually read the lore for 40k or AoS it's clear they are not related.
Ogors had some fun stuff last edition. They were either decently fast hard hitters or canon barrages. With hungry and eating dead I don’t have a lot of hope. The only way I think our power level will be fine is if we are cheap for our stats which is the least fun play
meh what is lrl going to do against 10 khorne chaos knights with power through and counter-charge.
Wow you lot are dumb. If that was the case, it would have been mentioned in the main line lore before, not a White Dwarf or some shit like that.
What am I missing? All those kits are still available. The only actual value that box had was the discount
>It's a hand waving 'yes but no but maybe yes but probably no' answer that leaves it open and unanswered.
Thats like the entire point of ahving chaos in the setting, you can always say "its just chaos fuckery" and dont explain anything.

If you want them to be connected, go on, and give your Lord of Khorne a chainaxe from 40k given to him by chaos demons
But… you can get all of that shit for easily half that price?
Not to mention that if both universes existed as one, Dexcessa and Synessa would either not need to exist since Slaanesh is not imprisoned (even though the lore clearly say he is) or they would be present in 40k.

Stupidity. And the inability to actually think or reason for a single moment.
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>How are daemons who are permanently destroyed in WFB in 40k? How are perma-dead Daemons in 40k in AoS? How is Slaanesh captured and imprisoned in AoS but present in 40k? Where is the Great Horned Rat in 40k? Where is Hashut in 40k?
you cannot find a single example of a demon that has been permanently killed in one setting appearing in the other

slaanesh is both bound and free because the part of slaanesh that's captured is not its entire being but its manifestation on this side of the universe, if slaanesh was COMPLETELY bound then the realm of slaanesh in the realm of chaos wouldn't exist, nor would its daemons, because the god and the realm and its daemons are all one with the god, there's no real separation between them but the one imposed by the god itself

ashut and the horned rat don't appear in 40k for the same reason you don't find every single type of fish in all and every seas, they're local entities and haven't grown in influence enough to be able to act elsewhere too yet

>Why has a Daemon in AoS never crossed over into 40k, captured a Cyclonic Torpedo, returned to AoS and dropped it on one of the Mortal Realms?
when has a demon in 40k ever operated a cyclonic torpedo? btw 40k did reach the fantasy world, chainswords for example, bolters and other weapons also used to be gifts khorne gave to his champions in fantasy
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>or they would be present in 40k.
GW is inconsistent, but it has given aos special characters to 40k, both belakor and syllesske crossed over
All you're really doing is reiterating that it doesn't make sense, which as I said is pretty much the whole point with chaos and the warp. If you want to complain about not liking that that's totally fair, but it's an entirely different point to the one people were arguing about.
>Why has a Daemon in AoS never crossed over into 40k, captured a Cyclonic Torpedo, returned to AoS and dropped it on one of the Mortal Realms?
Why would they bother? Cool, you destroyed a bunch of shit in a super clean boring way, how does that benefit their god in the great game at all? Daemons never really prioritise efficiency with that shit, they're always about doing stuff in the way their god prefers and corrupting as much as possible in the process.
>It's a hand waving 'yes but no but maybe yes but probably no' answer that leaves it open and unanswered.
It's not though, it's just "yes, in a confusing way". If it was not linked, they would just say so and nobody would really care.
I can’t really tell you because we don’t have all the info just yet.
To support this, Belakor has no origin in 40k. He is actually just from the fantasy universe.
remember when the skaven found an eldar communication device that was similar to their far squeeker invention and then called them on it?
>If that was the case, it would have been mentioned in the main line lore before
you mean how they did in the third edition fantasy rulebook? the realm of chaos books? or liber chaotica in 6th edition?
They hate arbitrary RNG more than everyone else.
It was a lizardmen device that received an eldar signal and they freaked out and broke it
Have you not seen it's current warscroll?
time in the warp isn't linear and doesn't match reality, so slaanesh can be imprisoned while still being active in 40k. it is pretty stupid and noncommittal though like most 40k lore
I always liked him because his AOE makes people actually mad when it goes off, like shitting their pants with rage mad.
The current warscroll keys off of wound roll crits, has to go through 4+ hit to get there, and brackets like mad. The new one is a total slot machine but you're guaranteed a pull or two every round if you're doing the thing you want to do with the unit and doesn't bracket till 10 damage. On average it's like 2 mortals aoe but you can get quite a few pulls per game and eventually you're gonna hit the jackpot and clear a quarter of the battlefield with 15 mortals.
>has a quiver of crossbow bolts
>firing the crossbow doesn't even fire the bolt

what the fuck man.
>The warlock engineers soon discovered the Device of the Great Beyond, a communication apparatus that spoke to beings from beyond the stars. As they swirled its many dials, a querulous voice spoke through the stone speakers. That voice, fair and clear caused the Skaven to bolt away. The device was something like the far-squeaker, but the melodious tones that issued forth were, if anything, kin to the despised speech of the elf-things. As they did not understand the alien language, nor how the arcane contraption worked the warlock engineers pulled the device apart and shot it with warplock pistols until it stopped making any sounds.
Very well, let's settle this. Find an Age of Sigmar core rulebook, so 1st, 2nd or 3rd, and find the bit 100% confirming, without a shadow of a doubt, that 40k and AoS are related. Quote page number.
Do this, and I will believe.
Until then, they aren't related. They literally can't be if you read the lore.
End Times has elves encountering a grey knight in the realm of chaos
Very well, let's settle this. Find an Age of Sigmar core rulebook, so 1st, 2nd or 3rd, and find the bit 100% confirming, without a shadow of a doubt, that WHFB and AoS are related. Quote page number.
Do this, and I will believe.
Until then, they aren't related. They literally can't be if you read the lore.
umm just because GW said the realm of chaos is connected to the warp doesn't mean the realm of chaos is connected to the warp!
Age of Sigmar Rulebook 3rd Edition.
Page 70.
"After the destruction of the World-that-Was, the Mortal Realms slo�ly
formed in the Aetheric Void. Like attracted like, and the various kinds
of magic clustered together, crystallising and combining with nebulae,
cosmic dust and the debris of the former world to form new realities."
>Chaos Gods mocking Nagash in Soul Wars
>Excelsis and Spear of Mallus
>Gotrek, Snorri, Ulrika, Max
The world that was is referebced so often in the core books it's obvious you've never read one
This is bait, perhaps to distract from shared universe of 40k, AOS and Fantasy?
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core rules
Perhaps he did post it as bait, but I held up my end of the bargain. I proved, via the lore of the mainline rulebooks, that AoS and WFB are related.
Now it falls to you lot to do the same with AoS and 40k being related. Have fun. I recently re-read all the lore and I therefore know there is no such mention.
>it's real
1. Thank you.
2. Why is it always the e-sports brained monkeys who are the first to leak shit?
Wait what? No way. Can we leave this dumb debate behind and focus on the new shit? That'd be great.
Thank you anon (assuming you're not a GW pig looking to spread 'leaks' to get us to buy your game)!
GW gives waacfags things first for playtesting then influencers in general after that
found it on the stormkeep discord, somebody there was posting photos of the book at their local store
>and eventually you're gonna hit the jackpot and clear a quarter of the battlefield with 15 mortals
Achieving 15 wounds with that warscroll is actually LESS likely than having every single attack explode in its current form.

At the moment, assuming no buffs to hit rolls, a boomthirster will hit on all its attacks once every 32 times, and will roll 5 6s to wound once every 7776 times in this situation. So a full jackpot, so to speak, would happen once in every 248832 times. That full jackpot would lead to either 20 mortal wounds (if in the 0-6 bracket) or 15 mortal wounds (in the 7-9 one).

In comparison, the new version will hit 5 crits once every 7776 times, and will only reach the top (15 damage) if you roll 5 3s on the d3s, which would happen one time out of 243. So that would lead to 15 damage one time out of 1889568.

So yeah, the current one is, as you mentioned, a fair bit more consistent, at the cost of not peaking as much.
i wish we got the PtG stuff as well, but thank you very much anon.
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Thanks, anon.
ughh not reading this shit on a photographed image
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I too wish I was playing 40K right now
That's not a rulebook, love. That's a White Dwarf, which is like the most non-canon thing you can quote while still being made by GW. White Dwarfs have been retconned, ignored or contradicted a million times by GW before.
Accelerate with the soul grinder.
So have rule books.
>not giving your anvil of apotheosis chaos lord ptg general a 40k bolter as is lore appropriate
Giant mechanized horror chaos is good and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
I might do that, if we get an appropriate ranged attack.
If not, I'll just stick to putting a Sisters of Battle Reliquary on my Killaboss' vulcha with the other banners he's nicked.
>Faction Packs will be available to download for free before Skaventide is released, and the Digital Battletomes for Stormcast Eternals, Beasts of Chaos, and Bonesplitterz very soon after.
this is like next week.
Hey, it's not my fault that they made the SG impossible to take with a CSM army without paying troops tax of lesser daemons of the same mark. I don't like any of those fuckers.
>the warp doesn't make any sense even if you limit it just to a single setting.
That's retarded, despite them saying that chaos doesn't make any sense in reality 99% of what chaos does or how the warp functions makes perfectly sense. I dare you to mention an actual example of the warp functioning in truly unknowable ways.
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I wanna play green retards and stikk fings but I can't decide wheter to go IJ or KB
I like KB having beasts and some gobbos, IJ just for having ripped retards swinging big weps

Lads how do you decide on this shit I'm going zany
Why is this bad but steam tanks and cogforts are OK? I agree this picture is gay, and I think steamtanks and comforts are cool, but I can't articulate it beyond "it just is" because I'm dumb.
oh nice, i didnt realize the FEC crypt horrors got new sculpts. sweet
Any time between now and July 13th. IIRC, 40k 10th's digital releases came out around the pre-orders, right?
A compact, modern dirtbike is a much more complex machine that requires a much more complex power source than a steam engine.
Ironjawz, easy. Orks is supposed to be Gorky and a bit Morky. Kruleboyz is just wimps who couldn't hang with real orks so they hide in the swamp and cope about how Morky they is.
A faction pack is what, the index plus a card pdf?
well we used to have an allegiance just for this very problem, but apparently people dont like soup and want to go back to the era of microfactions
It's such a brainlet take especially considering the new directions of FEC
The cost of IJ is ridiculous without a spearhead of battleforce out.
kruelboyz aint orcy, they like using tak tiks and other stupid things. always sneaking around its well pathetic, whats da point being an orc if you're too much of a wimp to krump em from da front?
>As a result, each faction in the new edition will receive a free downloadable faction pack at launch. Each pack will contain all of the rules needed to play – battle traits, subfactions, enhancements, spell lores, and warscrolls for every unit.
I feel like a good half of the skaven and sce shit isn't even going to be in because they don't want wave leaks. I do hope they flag squatted units in some way at least.

>not dolphin porn
I'm actually surprised it's legit. Guess I know what I'm doing after work/ the bar
this is the kind of meme ork shit that can happily stay in 40k and faaaaaaar away from aos.

so fuck off
just omonyms
>Guess I know what I'm doing after work/ the bar
... Looking up dolphin porn?
learn to have fun for once in your miserable life, faggot.
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but 40k is the one with sneaky orks
delaying legacy to September just to rub it in their faces
That's pretty fucking funny when you think about it. In a BB short story, a BB human and Mummy are teleported in the middle of a Tyranid and Necron invasion on an imperial planet. Human gets PTSD but the Sentient Mummy essentially says "This is my kind of place" and narrowly escape a group of genestealers.
Scyla is also originally from WHFB
ntg but it's more fun when the Blood Axes do it because the irony of these hulking brutes trying (and succeeding) to LARP as covert ops commandos is funny
These rules seem... fine. I guess.
Curious to see how they work on the tabletop.
Too busy to read this right now. Anything *really* wild going on that we didn't know about already? Does it confirm or deconfirm if allies are a thing?
Eske is from Bloodbowl though
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The warp not having time function in any consistent manner makes it completely impossible to make sense of by itself. Something having always existed but also having a set point at which it was created, as is the case with Slaanesh, makes absolutely zero sense but is canonically the case.
>Where is the Great Horned Rat in 40k?
That would be the God Emperor, biggest rat ever.
how strict are the base size rules?

would i be in trouble using conversions on 40mm bases when the unit normally comes on 50s or vice versa?
Lovely lovely day
GHR can't make a foothold in 40k because there are no Skaven... yet
Allies or coalition units don't exist in the core rules.
There will be regiments of renown which are prebuilt regiments that need specific units but can only go in certain factions. We don't know what they are yet, but they can't be a general.
I would allow it for single-model units. For squads, it would actually make a pretty big difference, especially if they're a melee unit.
>Something having always existed but also having a set point at which it was created, as is the case with Slaanesh, makes absolutely zero sense but is canonically the case.

That's just time travel anon. Time travel makes perfect sense.
Why is the rat in the back so fucking smug, is he the only one they modeled with anatomically correct massive balls?
Juggernauts being mechanical robot bulls but not actually being built by anyone
>I dare you to mention an actual example of the warp functioning in truly unknowable ways.
That's easy! Here we go:
40K and AoS having the same Warp despite it being filled with contradictions, such as >>93126903
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Sure thing, man I hope they give replacement dwarves. Otherwise the City of Sunsets will finally actually see its' final day. Like humans are humans, my freeguild guard are just steelhelms with less retarded tabards. Dwarves? You just know some faggot is going to go "urrrr, Anon, those guys are small which gives you an LoS advantage!" Which wouldn't matter if I didn't do pickup games, but that's life.
Shockingly if you have friends and grade 1 math skills, whether or not allies are legal is irrelevant
>love tzeentch daemons but hate his mortals
>hate khorne daemons but love his mortals
they had somewhat solved this with the slaves to darkness coalition rules, but it looks like that shit is dead and gone
I like the acolytes but I really need the doomknights to get sold on the faction.
release the index so I can be disappointed in the Blackcoach and if my shitty infantry are still 1w already goddamn.
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Are there any better images of emberstone actually being used for something
When doomknights do get released, they should, under no circumstances, have weapons (aside from the champ) instead, their weapon options should be different mutations.
Also tzeentch needs their CW and chosen equivalents, which should follow the same pattern (With the chosen ones being halfway to spawndom)
What the fuck is a doomknight
Knights of tzeentch that ride discs of tzeentch as their mounts.
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banshees went up to 2W so anything is possible
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i would much rather just have some good looking chaos chosen
>still no scream attack or ability
they are literally banshees, james
I would be livid if they wasted a release on that, put a chaos warrior on a disc and run it as tzaangors you lazy fuck
They really did kill allies. That is profoundly stupid when their major focus seems to be trying to hook people into buying spearhead boxes. Would have gladly picked up the lizard box to have them ride into battle alongside my sce. Oh well.
Fun fact; Howling Banshees no longer get anything scream or howl related in 40k. They're also utter dogshit and a complete waste of points to take.
That looks cool as hell, yes. But it'd also be awful to paint.
It'd likely be part of a wave of tzeentch mortals that have tzeentch's other warrior/chosen equivalents
i imagine the tabletop version would be a bit less intricate with the details, just like any other art to model translation for chaos
Well, that's just because their fights-first ability was turned into, well, Fights First. I've had a lot of instances of looking at 40k units in 10th, going "hey, where's x" and then noticing it got genericized into a USR.
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Tzeentch already has his warrior equivalents you just don't like them
those are marauders, not warriors
these are marauder equivalents, not warrior or chosen equivalents. same as blood reavers or blissbarb archers
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Yeah sure. Here's a guy who ate a rock and flamed on. Hope that helps.
4e AoS has a good amount of that too. It does make it feel like units are losing things when they aren't actually though.
Their masks aren't supposed to be fight-first, they're supposed to inflict fight-last on what they charge.
In 40k everything that charges automarically gets fight-first anyways. Ironically of you charge something that has fight-first, the target's fight-first goes into play before yours, nullifying the point entirely.
So the unit entirely about charging in and doing damage was changed to being a T3 defensive counter-charge unit, in an army entirely based around offense, in an edition where melee already fucking sucks.
I'm still fucking mad.
Tzaangors are "marauders", but that whole line of logic is retarded anyway
>We need StD x5!
tzaangors are beastmen, not marauders, nor warriors

>We need
No, Tzaangors are marked beastmen.
And unironically yes, since it's an extremely easy way to fill out the roster of the godmarked armies in a way that makes them all feel united AND distinct at the same time.
Just be a cool person and run oops all tzaangors
Last time I played AoS the Stormcast Eternals had just gotten the crossbow units (I believe that was late 1st edition?) how is the game now?

I have, unfortunately, lost all of my models+hobby supplies, so I would be starting from scratch . The main thing I see is that there are no more clanrats for skaven on the GW site, which was my former army
Tzaangors are almost the same but wothout a ranged attack and have 2 wounds, so they are closer to warriors
>We need StD x5!

i mean you didnt when all the armies could coalition warriors and chosen, but now that they've been locked out, you do actually need them
>the 2w unit is the marauder equivalent and the 1w unit is the warrior equivalent
what are you even saying right now
>no allies
FUCK, i wanted to run a HoS army with slaanesh marked chaos warriors and chosen, why are there like 2 mortal non hero slaanesh units
>how is the game now?
Very different.
This should be the moment you realize the irony that Chaos players act like their factions in that they’re never sated with what they get and indulge into self-propelling cycles of negativity.
skaven are getting model refreshes in like a week. new clanrats are incoming, which is why they are missing from the store.

half the stormcast did get squatted though
Are you implying that Maggotkin and Hedonites are all copies of STD? Because they got warrior equivalents, and if you count rotmire creed as a proper maggotkin unit, they both have marauder role filled out as well, yet feel distinct
>The main thing I see is that there are no more clanrats for skaven on the GW site, which was my former army
They're getting a refresh in a few weeks with the new Edition launch, along with several other Skaven and Stormcast units.
New Edition goes up for pre-order next week so we're currently in that chaotic in-between phase where nobody knows what the fuck is going to happen.
>Their masks aren't supposed to be fight-first, they're supposed to inflict fight-last on what they charge.
Ehhh, I agree with you, but is–ought and all of that. The Autarch's datasheet confirms that the FF effect is indeed bestowed by the banshee mask.
>nurgle has blightkings
>khorne has blood warriors and skullreapers
>slaanesh has painbringers

>tzeentch can't have armored mortals
Cross your fingers for the GHB to deliver I suppose
>Very different
In a good way or a bad way? I can't say I really liked AoS when I was playing it, it often ended up being a moshpit in the center from my experience.

I can find the rules to read, but if you have a battle report I could watch to see how the game plays now I would appreciate it. I do have to say I really like the new models. The skaven stuff looks cool and so do the ocean elves.. not a fan of the sky dwarfs
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the only hope is that they are handled like 40k 10e handles them where they are part of the individual army rules for specific factions rather than a core rule. since 4e takes after 40k 10th thats a real possibility
They also have a 5+ save like beastmen, as opposed to the 3+ that warriors and the other warrior equivalents (Blood warriors and Myrmidesh) have
Except skaven players which just seem happy with any scraps thrown their way. So yeah, I guess that does track.
Tune is going to change once the squat reveals hit though.
>Skaven refresh
Well that's pretty awesome. Are stormfiends with 3x warpfore throwers still an absolute god unit?
>New edition
Could be a good time to get back into it. Do you know anything about the new edition. If Stormcast and skaven are getting refreshed, have they revealed any news about a starter set? I don't really like Stormcast but I could use it to get my roommate in. The old isle of blood set was how I started skaven in the first place
The roles for the marked armies are beastman, marauder, warrior, chosen and cav.
Despite there being a good overlap between all 5 chaos armies in these categories, Blood warriors do not feel like blightkings which don't feel like Myrmidesh, and Nurgle's cav is distinct from slaanesh's which is distinct from Khorne's. Similarly, the marauder equivalents of khorne, tzeentch and slaanesh are all quite distinct, despite all being marauder equivalents.
You aren't wrong to feel that way. It takes away some of the diegetic fluffiness of units, and to someone who isn't already versed in the lore, it's completely meaningless.
Did you not see the bitching when the "Warlock" "Engineer" dropped? If not, I need to bitch harder.
You can't take 3X warpfire throwers anymore and haven't been able since 2e.
I still remember skaven players bitching about that endlessly, even though it was very obviously telegraphed that the unit loadouts would be limited to what you get in a model kit, given that every army that had gotten their 2e book before them suffered the same fate.
But if you go to warhammer community you can just... look at the starter set and some of the new skaven rules. Those got shown off a month ago.
The leakers should leak the shit I want to see.
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i know we havent seen the rules for the glottkin yet, but on purely aesthetics, glottkin or GUO?
>Are stormfiends with 3x warpfore throwers still an absolute god unit?
No, because
1. You can't take multiples of the same weapon without doubling the unit size
2. Warpfire projectors are now regular missile weapons and don't do mortal wounds
Even disregarding the fluffiness of it, it just makes you FEEL like you're losing something when you go from "This unit has a ward of 5+" written in the unit's aiblities to "Ward (5+)" in the keywords. It does make scrolls less messy though
GUO, Glottkin are cool, bet they are more realistically grotesque, GUO is more whimsical, which is really cool
guo hands down, glottkin is cool but definitely an inferior design composition
The Glottkin model is just a bit much, at least to me.
glottkin is a bit too much while also being way too similar

I'd go guo, unless you had enough bits to turn the big glottkin into a guo, and the other two brothers as a nurgle sorcerer on foot and a nurgle lord on foot
I think the GUO is one of the best mini designs ever.
Glotkin is cool, but it is very busy. GUO does more with less
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>Prepare to honour a Warhammer legend with the ultimate Wicked Brick display case for your Grombrindal 40th Anniversary Miniature, celebrating White Dwarf magazine's 500th edition.
Seems I will be the only one who prefers the glot then.
anybody have any ideas for kitbashing maggotkin hero's? I got a good chunk of leftover bits from the dawnbringer box and im really tempted to try my hand at it. Bonus points if you're ideas are economical.
Getting some real jar energy here
>Scythe Guy looks too generic and is just a Rotbringer with a fancy Helmet
>Sorcerer Guy has a weird pose
>Monster Guy's arms and head are odd. The Tounge-Stubble-Arm ist just random and the big Tentacle arm is weirdly posed. The head is ugly, but not in ugly-cool terms like nurgle should be but rather like let-me-change-the-side-of-the-road-ugly.
>On Pro side the horned back is just 1A designed and the deatils are crisp
GUO meanwhile is just a classic design. It is an oversized Nurgling. Honestly, this things design works so well, especially next to Nurglings, that one wonders why Plaguebearers are designed to look like a Half Life Vortigaunt Reference.
plaguebearers are the souls of mortals that died to nurgle's illnesses
they're not happy or cared for in the slightest
You're army IS musically inclined, right anon?
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Thanks anons.

I think I'll play a solitaire practice game of 4th tonight using only the warscrolls/spells/subfactions we've seen.

I figure 1000pts Stormcast vs Seraphon, using the current points and spearhead warscrolls where I need to.
Won't be 1:1 but it'll be close.
download link expired, any kings that can reupload the collection to a mirror?
Skeletons don't have lungs.
I still feel like the god-specific factions still ought to have access to a daemon prince. Seems silly to restrict them from using it.
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I don't know why they wouldn't.
Just play their ribs like a xylophone. Works all the time in cartoons!
3/3 yes. I wish I had chariots in two of them.
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skill issue
>never made it to audiobook format
>says on the cover it's book one
>never was a book two
The Khul deserved more.
was this any good? I need more khorne and nurgle books.
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thanks man.
I liked it. Has a bit of a sword & sorcery feel to it.
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what in the metric fuck is this objective stuff
Can´t wait for the rest of the GSG to be shit too.
Whats the problem?
marker on a 40mm base, if you are within 3", you contest it, compare OC of your models and enemy models, whoever got more controls the point, sounds pretty simple to me
Makes sense to me
Was "controling terrain features" a thing before? or is it something new?
wasnt it a seasonal battle tactic or whatever a few seasons back.

everyone just went to their home terrain and scored points.

New to AoS here, since you check at the start of a turn and the end of one, does that mean that if I move over an objective and then charge off it that it is not mine?
It works in the most straightforward and logical way. But written out exactly makes it seem complex

>At the start of the game and at the end each turn;if the control value of all my units within 3 inches of the 40mm objective is greater than the control value of all your units within 3 inches of the 40mm objective, then I control the objective.
>Unless control of the objective is changed using the above rule, control of the objective does not change.

Yes. You need to End your turn there.
If theres an enemy unit on it, then yes

But if there isn’t an enemy on it then it's mine
That seems to contradict >>93130253
im gonna keep playing with objectivemarkers, so its just the fact that the new markers will be a mix of milimeteres and inches that is weird.

so a 156mm circle then?
The reason for the mix is cause 40mm is a standard base size.
Technically this specific circle size is already in the game given there's a few units on 40mm bases that also have 3" auras
Just show me Chamon post-Vermindoom. I want to see what happened to that shithole.
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One of my Globadiers is inexplicably labeled "MUSICIAN", so I suppose so.
GUO is classic swag. Also easier to build and transport.
Skaven miscalculated and burrowed into an infinite lake of liquid mercury, Chamon Vermindoom postponed indefinitely.
His breathing apparatus is actually a pan pipe
Looks kinda ugly. I prefer the look of the Ultra Pro mini cases that have a similar clamp to a painting handle, but admittedly I've never actually bought and used one.
the way 40k handles it is that every one of their chaos armies has its own daemon prince data sheet and they all do different things, and wings vs no wings are also split up into different datasheets.

there are like fucking 10 different daemon prince data sheets in 40k
Also, the Death Guard variant is locked to the loadout of a model that they don't sell anymore. Genius stuff.
Whilst that is certainly annoying, I do think that each of the monogod factions should get their own daemon prince scroll. If for no other reason than so the tzeentch one can be a wizard again.
I need to theory craft my sbglJames, give me the index now.
Sorry, im a dyslexic retard
Will 4E still have allies? Like can I do StD but get a Nurgle Daemon too?
Allies are completely missing from the core rules. Maybe they'll be present in the regiment card that comes with the faction packs, but it's likely that allies are just gone from 4e.
That's a shame. I want to do a Nurgle StD but StD feels very Unaligned even with Marks.
Most people who bought and built an aleguzzler or chaos gargant just got fucked up the ass then
Nurgle StD definitely feel Nurgley and play significantly different from Maggotkin while still being in theme, so it's not all bad.
SoB are probably one of the places where they'll retain the rules, as they're the knight equivalent and being able to take one in any alliance is part of their selling point.
Yeah but that's only been the case for mega gargants previously
Even in 4e? Isn't a main ability of StD rolling a random boon from a god?
Yeah I'm feeling like allies might still be available just carved out of the core rules to not confuse new players.
Seems like a weird choice to get rid of entirely when it helps sell models.
>Isn't a main ability of StD rolling a random boon from a god?
That's always been StD schtick. They get stronger when they wipe out units.
But the mark of nurgle gives any StD unit -1 to wound in combat, which is no fucking joke as an army wide ability.

I have a feeling regiments of renown will soft-replace allies and represent the concept in a little bit more of a structured way.
>I have a feeling regiments of renown will soft-replace allies and represent the concept in a little bit more of a structured way.
That's gonna be gay as fuck. There will be no interesting combos or oddball army lists that way, no more "Why the fuck is he taking THAT?".
It means allies can be more themed but you don't have to take cross-faction balance into account when you realize you accidentally made every Order faction able to splash Stormdrakes/Fulminators, which got really messy.
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>no massive stupid back spines to work around
>no blindfold to impair him
>no second head to fight with food over
all he has to deal with is a stomach wound and a noose, he's living pretty good
if i wanted five stds i'd just wave at your mom

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