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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Blue ladies edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
After the Skaventide ends, who should be the main bad guy for 5th edition?
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Gitz is the only answer
Cado from sgbl
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if we going by cycle theory is going to be Death faction

Ossiarch? They already somehow were prepared for the Skavendoom while every other faction was flailing around
It's going to be an oddball choice that no one will expect
The Elves. Specifically DoK
What exactly are these things in the OP's picture? Are they a fantasy analog of 40K's wraithknights?
They are forest spirits that look like elves because they love Alariel so much
They're human sized treekin that may or may not have the souls of wood elves, but are now one with the sylvaneth and Alarielle.
Nah, they're Tree-Revenants and are like reconstructions of the wood elves from WHFB that Alarielle created. They're made in the image of elves, but not quite elves, just imitations. They're among the more "grounded" beings of the Sylvaneth, in that they can relate to other mortals a bit better than some others (but they're still fairly alien).
Tree revenants 6' foot fairies that take the resemblance of TOW Wood elves out of worship for their service to the Oak of Ages
That's kinda funny because a pretty significant number of the spirits really hated the Wood Elves in the Old World and only suffered their presence because the Oak told them to.
Sylvanet pretty much hate Wondereres, who are AoS wood elves
and only started to tolerate them because Alariel forgave them for their cowardice
Any CHAD got a pdf of the leaked core rules?
The imgur converter anon linked last time just stalled out on me
You get to make a pile in move into combat if you aren't in combat? Is everybody Khorne now?
Or is this just for specific abilities that allow for a pile in outside of combat?

Pic related.
There's a recurring theme of 'You didn't stand and die to the very last man woman and child in the Age of Chaos?! You cowards!' in this setting.
That is specifically for when you get to use a pile-in move, which can happen outside of combat.
I dunno if it's still canon in AoS but back in WHF dryads spent most of their time looking pretty much identical to wood elves, the tabletop models only being their 'war aspects'.
Im reading that as there will be abilities to do a pile in move outside of the combat phase.
How new are you
it kind of still is as the Greywater Soulbound expansion tell how some Sylvaneth in Cities of sigmar run orphanages and druid mentorship looking far different from their "wild" kin in the swamp
Could someone clarify about moving past objectives please. I got contradictory replies last thread.

Let's say there's an objective in the center, I move a fast unit up to it in my movement phase, then charge the enemy with that same unit in my charge phase, leaving the objective, there are no enemy models near this objective.

Did I score that objective, Or did I need to be standing on it at the end of the turn?
Realm Lords look cool, how do they play?
Seraphon! Threads of the great plan are revealed. Temple ships that have sailed the cosmos for thousands of years are all headed back to the realms. Slann spawning has begun again. The great plan dictates that the realms must be cleansed. Lizardmen amass in the millions and the great purge begins on all fronts.
They're basically shield walls, they hit pretty rough and use a lot of magic. But the main thing you need to know is the phalanx.
Elite castle with powerful wizards, cavalry and hammers

Lots of spellcasting, lots of ranged attacks, can't take a punch without buffs, fairly tricky army to play.
this should be saved for the next end times, where the scalies conquer the realms, like they always should have. (so based)
Why should anyone trust that you know what you're saying when you can't even spell the names of the factions you're talking about
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Core rules been leaked?
If anyone can share that would be rad. I'll give Dawnbringers 1-5 and I'll keep reposting post the leaked rules too
Only after fighting.
That's for special cases like if you charge a unit with two of your own and your first fight action wipes out the enemy unit your second unit can still pile in and maybe get into combat with another unit or move towards a point.
I just had a quick 1000pt (based on current points) game of 4th, Stormcast vs Lizards.

4th seems fun, counter charge and power through are fun and impactful and redeploy not being a reaction is cool.

Combat phase feels much quicker and things feel plenty killy thanks to limited command points and next to no savestacking.

I will say that Stormcast feel very strong, they took out my lizards without losing a unit despite lizards having the rend reducing asterism, Yndrasta is a fucking beast.
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4th edition core rules and missions leaks:
(not too many surprises if you kept up with the articles)

> Yndrasta are current points
> with her 4th edition scroll

To be fair she's always been overcosted, but yeah Stormcast seem like they need to be higher costed than they are now.

On the other hand I could only use the warscrolls we have and no spells so I just went for a carnosaur, krox and saurus list, which seems especially weak against Stormcast.
Some mortal wounds would have been helpful.
Anyone got a pdf of the 5th and 6th Dawnbringers series?
Like the actual phalanx?
I'm guessing this means they have poor saves? Since there is no strength or toughness
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i added honor guard and battle tactics to the core rules album i posted earlier

battleplans have already been posted so i wont bother
>I'm guessing this means they have poor saves?

not really. average to above average on saves but low wound count and high points means that once damage does get through they evaporate. but they have lots of defensive tech like hit penalties, rend penalties, ward saves, etc
>Like the actual phalanx?
Look at these mf's and tell me there's any other way to play them. Even if you could, why would you want to?

4+ save and 1 wound on their main battleline, but they have buffs to help with that, giving them 5+ wards (aka feel no pain) and potentially bringing their save to a 2+ with mystic shield and all out defense.

This is all based on current rules however, the ward spell might be gone in 4th for all we know and mystic shield no longer gives +1 to save.
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those spears are soooooooo much longer than that image makes them look.

take a good look at this picture before deciding if you actually want them
Granted, battleline is a thing of the past and LRL have other great melee units like bladelords.
oh im not saying dont play lumineth all together, im just saying before you decide if you want to run spearmen or not, be aware that those things are half a millimeter thick and 4 inches long
Hey bros I was thinking of starting aos for 4th and wanted a dorf army. Are my options really just steampunk votann and slayers? The overlords look okay but they aren't really dwarfy and the slayers look like shitty copy pastes
sadly, yeah thats all you have right now when it comes to dwarves. Chaos dwarves are something thats being teased indirectly so i dunno if you want to wait for that.
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Cities of Sigmar has dwarf units, they have a decent number too you could totally base an army around them. They're terminally sold out, but it can happen.
There are still some regular dwarves in Cities of Sigmar but they're in the dangerzone where they may or may not be squatted.

KO are very dwarfy if you just remember they're gyrocoptors and thunderbarges made into a whole faction.

FS are one of those armies that look better in person, as there's a little more variation in their units than their literal Photoshop copypaste store promo images suggest. But obviously only go with them if you really wanted a slayer army, because that's all you're going to get.

You can also mix KO and FS a bit, even in 4e.
there are cities of sigmar dwarfs, but while they havent explicitly said so, there is moderate reason to believe those units could be removed from the game without warning at some point in the near future due to internal politics.

there have also been strong rumors that chaos dwarfs are coming back for aos this edition
Wild Card:

Death vs Chaos, Soulblight vs Chaos Dwarves, fighting over a dwarven afterlife.
Chaos dwarfs like the total war ones? Arent they fantasy?
Overlords look alright but they look too scifi for me and I already play 40k. Fyreslayers look so bad like the model range is just the same guy 40 times. The dragon looks cool but I wanted a dorf army not drafons

I guess I'll just wait and see if chaos dwarfs look good. I'm only really interested in sigmar to play dwarves
>Chaos dwarfs like the total war ones? Arent they fantasy?
Fantasy stuff is the one thats in Core factions in Old World, the rest are AoS now
>Chaos dwarfs like the total war ones? Arent they fantasy?
They were, now it's looking like they're AoS core now.
Bear in mind all we have is lore hints and a reliable leaker confirming they're happening so who knows if they'll look/play any better than the other dwarf options.
>Chaos dwarfs like the total war ones? Arent they fantasy?
Their successors, at least. We don't know too much about how they look or what units they'll have, besides two teaser units in other armies: Hobgrot Slittaz (successors of hobgoblins, obviously), a Kruleboyz unit that trades with the chaos dwarfs and uses their (rejected) grenades. There's also the Horns of Hashut, a unit once belonging to Slaves to Darkness that got suspiciously pulled from their book eventually, which is a squad of humans who act as the vanguard for chaos dwarfs, leveling cities and burning down forests to clear the room for the chorfs' forges.
Also, "Hashut-worshiping duardin" have been mentioned more and more frequently in background fluff, and earlier this month a map of Aqshy was shown which features map markers that correlate to various playable armies... and one for "Hashut Forge-Cities".
except we have a kruleboyz hobgrots who use chorf armor and weapons, and a warcry unit of human chorf slaves
NTA, but I painted a Warden as a test model and the spears are surprisingly sturdy. And about 2mm thick, to be exact.
this is the correct answer
which one
it's an inevitability they'll be showing up and likely putting the rats back in their place.
no clue why those retards decided to plop their city in reality when they where perfectly safe and could strike from anywhere in their pocket dimension.
The Hobgrots I'd file under lore snippets if only because I seriously doubt they'll be a part of the actual chorf tome.
I did forget about the Horns of Hashut though, gotta wonder what they were thinking having them released so far ahead of the chorfs themselves.
>and likely putting the rats back in their place.
As someone who plays skaven and wants to also play chorfs, that would be incredibly hype.
You're probably right, but the fact that they're called "Hobgrot Slittaz" instead of just "Hobgrots" gives me the slightest inkling that there might be other hobgrots in the chorf army.
A unit can be chosen to fight if it is in combat, or has charged this turn. Meaning if you charge, but somehow are no longer in combat, you can still be chosen to fight - allowing you a pile-in move
Also true. There's nothing stopping GW from conjuring a seperate faction of Hobgrots that are just are just as much suck-ups to the Chorfs as Hobgoblins ever were.
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Someone tell me I'm reading this wrong
>can only use 1 Core ability per phase
>can use abilities in any order unless timing is specified
So I can descend from the clouds with my Frigate, which is not a Core ability, and just float it and my Wardens/Riggers up for a 3" charge?
There is a universal rule stating you cannot move after being set up unless specified otherwise.
what do you mean by "float it and my wardens/riggers up for a 3" charge"?
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Blightkings done
Party boy in the middle ready to rock.
Must specialize in STIs.
ty, see it now, 24.0. I should read the whole damn thing before getting frisky
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and the Plaguebearers + character from the spearhead, will start on the Pusgoyles tomorrow.

Well he spent a single night with your mum and he didn't really have a choice after that. Kidding, love you anon.
Thanks, missed that one, just the dead link
>All based
idk I kinda consider that part of the bare minimum, and its just the same basing materials as my 40k DG (cus I want the daemons to be used for both)
Do blightkings come with enough parts to give every guy a breastplate?
I think so, I know at the very least the champion and mr. smiles in the back could have them. Just didn't feel like painting that much more green armor after just doing a land raider for my DG.
And a literal mark on the 4e map detailing things called "hashut forge cities" in the legend, alongside fyreslayer holds and obr necrotopias.
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I want to believe
We had Chorf cities on maps in the 3rd edition rulebook too.
Zhar Vyxa in Shyish.
Anons, please help the retard, I'd swear I've seen an official AoS artwork with Sylvaneth fighting Seraphon. Any kind Anon's got it and is willing to share?
you weren't meant to see that.
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It's less "there's a chorf city in aqshy" and more "there is a chorf marker on a map that otherwise only shows markers related to playable armies"
This is also working right now. If you charged, but the enemy unit is destroyed before you fought, you still make a pile in move.
You have to be on the objective at the end of turn to take control of it.
>trailer has skaven teleport right on top of a city
>map has them teleport down in literally fucking nowhere land of no consequence
they're 100% getting their shit kicked into the dirt for free by the end of this edition, aren't they?
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Whew, thank Sigmar that Pepper Woad is safe.
Did you miss that gigantic Embergard (Ruined) right there on the border
also props to this guy for his great guess
considering the text is microscopic, yes
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Here's a zoomed-in view
That actually does help a lot, thanks. A lot more going on in the zoom.
What happens in Pesten Sludge
What's the future of warcry models in the main game lookjng like bros? I got a couple I have been eyeing and I don't want GW to legends me.
we have no clue; std got a bunch of kits squatted but that was almost assuredly to push darkoath since everyone was just buying those kits for cultists anyway.
The only squatted ones were the million ones in StD that were really awkward marauder clones. All the others seem to be intended from day 1 to work in AoS too.
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GW changed the core design idea and is actively making AoS units through Warcry, like Chameleons or Gorgers
Maybe you should buy the things you want instead of just wishlisting them forever
Maybe if they weren't overpriced
Dispossessed just got squatted

They're supported in 4th. I wouldn't say Duardin are out of CoS just yet.

They're just barely supported.
Warcry warbands are 60$ lmao, if you can't afford some of the cheapest units in the game then you aren't going to be able to afford an army. Go collect sticks or acorns or something kek
It's not that I can't afford it, it's more just that monopose models that have no customization options just seems really dumb for that price point.

Trolltrader then? Ebay is already jacking prices up even though GW is still selling. Good luck finding an Unmade box for less than MSRP.
So you don't want them? Or you do want them? Make up your mind. If you want them spend the 60$. If they aren't worth it for you don't spend the 60$. I don't see the issue.
Warcry models tend to have more customizable bits than most, as in Warcry different armaments have different stats.
Usually each individual guy has two builds.
>I've been eyeing them
>but I'm not going to buy them
Okay? So why do you care if they sent to legends then?
Old Warcry is overpriced and webstore exclusive but the newer sets are reasonable imo.
GW actively sabotaged cultists by removing the repacked double sprue discounted retail boxes to charge like £40 for a 60pt unit
Speaking of the warcry units.. how do we think Rotmire Creed is gonna be for Maggotkin?

better than 40k cultists, they removed a box of 8 with special weapons to remove the weapons from the unit, then resold a single model from the box of 8 to sell as a character for more than they used to sell the box for.
All the warcry/underworlds warbands kinda shit in game, they look great but seldom are they worth their points
the best one I can think of is actually from underworlds and it's the mos recent skaven one. I suspect it will be used as a template for pestilens and what I presume is a new point corruption system as implied through their formation name.

also general reminder to print shit and avoid gw stores if you can since we're talking prices here.
>print shit
If I wanted a bunch of mismatched models that all have different aesthetics and scales I'd agree with you but I like my army to have some semblance of coherency amongst themselves and alongside other armies
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aye got a nice lgs that sometimes gets really nice deals (sometimes a 20-25% discount) on some of their GW stuff that comes in, don't think I'd ever get into aos if it wasnt for em tbqh.
I guess its maybe something that only someone who purchases plastic outside of gw can see, oathmark, victrix and other miniature companies are so much better than GW when it comes to quanity, and id argue even quality in some cases. If the prices weren't jacked up over in the states (compared to brits) I wouldn't even question the prices to be fair.
eh...I dunno. Only thing that caught my eye thats been recently produced were the gorgers, The OBR vs Sylv Box don't scream value as well.

man if only AOS was more popular and the warcry models I wanted had stls so I could print em.
Once again, do you want the models, or do you not want the models. Cause this is a very simple problem to solve if you have 60$ in your bank account

Most non-GW LGS have a discount on their Warhammer products. They're allowed to do up to 20% as their default price IIRC.
Uniformity/coherency is a very rare trait for armies in aos so I dont see how printing affects that.
15% seems to be the standard here, but im probably fucking with the numbers wrong here. I remember buying a combat patrol from em at $80 (back when they were $160 base) with all the sprues intact and the only tampering was the semi used decal sheet.
>Uniformity/coherency is a very rare trait for armies in aos
If you had any models or played any games you would know this is blatantly untrue
>dynamic poses that are also monopose
>centerpieces being a staple in nearly every army
>the amount of WHFB minis that are still in the game being put up against new aos units

yeah no putting a triple a reinforced unit of chaos warriors TOTALLY wont look off with the same dudes in the same poses. I know that with it being a skirmish game it probably isn't noticeable all the time, but when it sticks out it sticks.
Let me guess you're one of the guys who think the cure to having 2 guys in the same pose is having 20 guys in the exact same pose?
regardless of what my opinion of what the models should look like, minis having the same general silhouette would be the definition of uniform.
Treegirls look cute, but why are there no big treeladies? I should have more option of lady-only army, than just daughters of Morathi.
Time to dig in.

stormcast is kinda an option there, but again the sprews are kinda mix matched so you would have things 2-3* to get an all female army. Also the squatted line seemed to have more noticeable uh...sexual appeal I guess, so its even more of a pain to buy I suppose. You'd also have to paint the faces really well or headswap em.
>Allies are also a thing of the past now, with each grand alliance instead getting access to Regiments of Renown.
Well fuck.
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I like the art style. It's expressive in a way that the giant scenic two-pager colored illustrations aren't.
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So apparently according to the core rules the Waagh can be used once for every hero you have. That's pretty nice and explain why it's not unlimited range.
it's the most retarded move they could have made considering their laser focus on trying to push people into buying one off spearhead boxes.
I'm glad this leaked though so now I'll just pick up the rats second hand since I no longer have interest in the sce side since I can't use it as an excuse to also buy some lizards and maybe sea elves to go with sce who have grown on me.
Sadly, that would be expensive option.
More hinting at chuardin
W knew this already
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Big trees are all bark. This is a female tree for exaple
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>in a shocking twist Hashut worshipers look like Horns of Hashut
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>I know what everyone's saying
Kek, even GW knows how Chorf players (prospective) feel.
New core book says there's a plant called the Kurnotheal mandrakk that can fill anyone who looks at it with an unquenchable urge to hunt and kill stuff
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Now in even more color.
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That's a stupid plant. I want to kick it in the ribs.
The mandrakk claims another victim......
Watching the bat rep and man skaven seem free as shit this edition. Nearly a full tabling at the end of turn 3. Everything but the grey seer got killed on that side.
>Once per Battle,
I think you are getting this wrong anon.

It literally says once per battle
Once per Battle means that you can use the ability once per Battle for each different target.

Once per Battle (Army) means that you can use it only once regardless of the target.
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Rules in question

We all but knew this for ages now, but it's good that the bandaid was finally ripped off and people can stop coping.
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Also, because you choose an hero for the ability to take effect, the hero is considered by that unit and not by the player
I like the idea that the continents sprouted roots and branches following the rite of life

Yes exactly, once per turn means once per turn, and once per battle means once per battle.

(Army) means that you can't spam it just because you brought multiple of the same unit with that ability.

Are you having trouble with reading comprehension anon?
Am i understanding this right then?
You could stack 3 or 4 IJ heroes together and just supercharge all units around them for one round?
No because no buff with the same name stack with itself, it's an universal rule.

But you can use it with two heroes to cover more of the board or use different heroes in different turns.
4e is no fun allowed edition so we'll never see 1/2e waaagh spam again

It's not the hero using it, it's the player, the hero is the target not the user of the ability.

So it's once per battle, you are not getting a waagh every turn, that would be crazy and even 8f the rules somehow allowed for it James would errata that shit real quick.
Did someone do a summary of the nonsense faggotry that GW scribbled in the dawnbringers books?

I know GW used their female POC diversity hire character to kill one of the cooler CoS because GW are fags like the UK goverment is.

You write like a surly teenager
See >>93133801
The Waagh ability is literally written Next to the Mighty Destroyer rule that works the same but has (Army) instead
This has to be some of the most crazy nonsensical logic used to write these rules that I've ever seen in age of sigmar.

I get that it works, but you could jot have picked a more confusing and disjointed way to handle that
And you can go back to your redditor discord servers. I know your subhuman ilk infest this place.
>But you can use it with two heroes to cover more of the board
This doesn't work because every ability can only be used once in a specific timing window
buzzword buzzword buzzword

So at most, it might allow multiple ironjawz heroes to use it in the same turn, extending the range of the waaagh but not overlapping and multiplying the effects of the ability.
>Nurgle and Gitz poke the hornet nests of Hammerhal
>Fyreslayers and Ghouls save Hammerhals and then Hammerhals chase after the Gitz/Nurgle
>Aqshy side gets subverted by the cheir skeleton and goes on a tour of the Skulpile, but Khul shows up and they fight
>Ionos revealed to have been dating Velka
>meanwhile Brodd shows up leading his and Gordrakk's army to wreck some shit in Ghyran, Ghyran crusade pushes him away, but it was all JUST AS PLANNED
>Ghyran crusade keeps going until they find out where the ghouls that saved them came from. Turns out Neferata was running an illegal moonshining operation using Ushoran's blood
>Ushorna uses the chaos arrival of a CoS army brought to get Neferata's goons killed (another L for her)
>cheir skeleton leads Hammarhalans to her home town and has them reconqaure it from other corpses
>Ghyran guys build a city
>Khul shows up again, realises Khorne never gave a shit about Vandus, and it was only his problem, so he powers up into a daemon prince
>Varanguard bitch attacks Ghyran's new town
>ghouls save the day again by spiting into her mouth and giving her AIDS
>Varangaurd bitch attacks Phoenicium to cure herself from seeing everything as a Disnay cartoon
>Lumineth steal Phoenicium's phoneix "for safe keeping"
>Skaven teleport a continent from GHR's chaos relam into the Materium and blow up skeleton bitche's crib
>4e starts
If you think that's bad, see this
Multiple Abilities with the same nane that have continuos effects never stack with each other. Which means that you can use multiple times an ability that does 3 mortal wounds on the same target, but if you use multiple times an ability that say "this unit get +1 to charge" on the same target it never get to have +3 to charges.

This is written literally nowhere in the rules. You have to derive it from the following

>Passive abilities with the same name don't stack with each other
>An ability that gives a continuous effect is considered giving a passive ability with that duration to the target unit
Does anyone know if the goblin wolf riders from tow work on rounds? I kinda wanna use em for dire wolves.
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You forgot that Crowfu saved both Hammerhall Aqshy and the new city of Verdigris
she saved her from threats that wouldn't have befallen the cities if she didn't need to be introduced
Wolf is a wolf, it has the same basic shape. I gues sthe quation is are the riders separate piece or attached?
>Explain the Nadir to me, necromancer.
>Well, see, it's like this.
>And where did you learn that?
>It came to me in a dream.
Friendly reminder that 40k 10gh edition came out with day 1 with 60 pages of rules and 30 pages of faqs
Apparently Ulgu is explained in the manner of a written testimony of a cultist of Be'lakor.
Tree eruf sexoo
Where do crazy murder cultists get pedicures?
Quality naming right there, sasuga GW!

You write like a dank meme redditor.
You'd have your reddit profile deleted for writing "faggot"
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>have human War Cry army dedicated to the chaos dwarf god
>new map has multiple chaos dwarf fortresses
>still no proper chaos dwarf army announced
Are they edging us?
ok faggot
Full army rules when?
Yes, heavily.
They sludge the pestens.
>vargheists are still infantry
Avengorii is never going to have synergy with these dudes huh.
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Before the 13th
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post models
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More fleshing out on fyreslayer women. It's becoming more common for women to take up arms in part because the magmahold interiors have increasingly come under threat since the necroquake.
Shield annihilators are very very good now because Stormcast can still savestack.

You can easily turn their 2+ save into a 0+ save essentially ignoring all rend because 3 rend is very rare in 4th and good luck lifting them if that's all you have anyway.
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Here's my WIP 80s toy inspired Kruleboyz.
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another mention of the big bull of wazzock street
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Have my latest finished model.
What has been the functional difference between pusgoyle blightlords and plague drones? Just cost and competence? Or do they have different roles?
>map marker for literally who town Naithwaites crossing
>no map marker for the new City of Sigmar, Verdigris, right next to it
This is not fair. Even ruined Emberguard got its own map marker.
Aren't one of them a mortal and other a demon?
Surely you mean Valkia?
My dude that's from 3e's nurgle battletome. It was published more than two years before there was even a mention of Verdigris.
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Gunnar looks... different?
Isn't save stacking dead or I misremember? I thought that in 4th you calculate your save, with bonus and malus cap at 1, and THEN you apply rend. Is this not the case?
Anti-horde shooting respawning daemons Vs more expensive mw causing deep strike potential mortals
The cities of sigmar will never know the delight of his kebabs
Do you think with this much teasing we'll see any Chorf plastic this year?
>*does mortal damage to u*

That mistake was messin with THE DARKOATH YEAH!
And why is that? WELL I'LL TELL YA!
It's because the DARKOATH got oaths to the DARK POWERS! and those dark powers don't mess around nono
SO I'm swearing an oath right here YEAH an oath to TAKE OUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YA RAT BASTARDS!
One of the last things I've painted but I've been on a bit of a drought until 4th. Gunna pick my CoS up again soon though.
There was a mention of it in the gw article but I don't understand if they simply mean that there aren't many way to stack your save or if it is an hard rule that you cap at +1 BEFORE you apply rend. Who knows?

Less of it in the game than before, it's obviously their weakness but they are better because mortal damage is rarer.
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These are the rules in question
I thought this was indicative of cross system support, given it's known the griffon is going to ToW, but they evidently never rebased the battlemage
I don't see anything preventing stacking saves so I assume that they just meant "it's harder to do it"
Their slaves
Anything about the cities of sigmar dwarfs?
Yes it was a joking refrence to his Realmgate campaign where he and Valkyia made an allaince to deal with the maggot riders and in the end the mißion complete Valkyia chuck her spear into ionus heart howling in approval of his martial prowess
>Ruination chamber has been deployed en masse to fight rats
>Tempest's Eye is fucking still under siege and getting no help
Sigmar must really want that place to get fucked.
This one?
Dispossessed, Ironweld, Darkling Covens and Scourge Privateers are all mentioned.
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any BoC?
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It's Drycha Hamadreth vs Seraphon. Always one of the coolest Sylvaneth pieces imo.
its tree mech and its fucking cool. i would honestly play sylvaneth if you didnt have to carry their dumbass trees

You only need one pack of trees now, so they aren't really any worse than any other army with faction terrain.
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this lord of afflictions is done but idk what color to drybrush the base. I was thinking khaki then ice yellow or ivory for a kind of mushy wormy looking ground.

I also pick these plants and rocks as I was walking home. I know the plants will die but part of my thought they will get really dry and hopefully hold their shape. if not then oh well I can just get some tufts next time I go the store

I think the piece of mossy bark looks good but idk if I should add another rock
I wanted to paint some cool nurgle chaos warriors using duncan's youtube guide....
We are so back.
I loved that scene. It was interesting to see Khorne and Stormcasts, of all people, teaming up to fight a common enemy. Even if it was only two people.
very nice job on the squig skin
Wait till you find out about the Scatborn
its weird that they'd make the ruination rules worse the more you include. its like the rule actively discourages you from buying more than 1 or 2 reinforced units of ruination guys max.
I've tried keeping an eye open but haven't really seen anything. It's mentioned once that Sigmar's conquest of Azyr forced the dragon ogors into Ghur, but that's all I've found. If they're mentioned elsewhere it's only in passing. Bonesplitterz don't seem to have gotten any acknowledgement whatsoever, they're completely memoryholed.
Have any reviews discussed the points yet?

I'm not sure having more is worse, it means you have more tactical options of where you put that 5+ ward.

That's like saying Stormcast should have as few units as possible to make Finest Hour stronger
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Give me a Cogfort already.
I don't think anyone has seen them. Best you can do is try to reverse extrapolate from the battle report armies they show off.
Dispossessed still being mentioned is weird, I thought they would have scrubbed them and moved them off to TOW
Increased interactivity off the new commands looks really good. Screening looks very tough with these rules, you basically need to double wrap.
Chargeable faction terrain basically means Sylvaneth wyldwoods improve the enemy’s mobility more than the Sylvaneth’s. Think the whole faction is gonna need a huge rework.
>Necroquake ravages the realms
>Ghurquake ravages the realms
>Ratquake ravages Aqshy and the other realms soon I guess
What's next?
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Their karak is on the maps >>93132546 and they're still in the index with rule that promotes mixing units despite not being able to get them online

so they probably either be refresh/herogonize with new models by the time of the next battletome

okay so given this wording, are both of these commands eligible to be used again, or just the DoK one? the stormcast ability says that you are picking the unit as the target, but not that the unit itself is using the ability, while the DoK one specifically says that the unit is the one using the ability. so in the case of the stormcast one, is it still the player that is technically using the ability, and thus it is not eligible to be used more than once?

fucking christ this language is murky
fyreslayers are gonna love fighting sylvaneth

they still mention pheonicium and the pheonix temple from time to time, being mentioned doesnt mean much for weather the models are actually sticking around

neither one can be used again, they are once per battle and they are command abilities, so even if the language allowed for multiple times in that one phase you can only do a command once per phase, after which the phase is over and you've used up your once per battle.
One would assume the first words in the picture 'Once Per Battle' would answer your question
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Eh? Surely they're on the warscroll cards like dominion
You are intentionally confusing the Once per battle (army) rule for things printed on the warscrolls for things printed on the army traits.
if it doesnt have the (army) tag, then its only once per battle for that unit, not once per battle for the whole army, and can be used again
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>The March of Time
>In the chronicles of Azyr, the Era of the Beast began in the year 117 ST and the Hour of Ruin in 133 ST - in other words, one hundred and thirty-three years after the breaking of Sigmar's Tempest, that first, epochal event from which all modern time markers are measured. All dates before this are written with minus signs; for instance, the Red Century, at the Dawn of the Age of Chaos, is counted as having run from -498 ST to -398 ST. Through the rejuvenating miracle of Aqua Ghyranis, some who battled in the Realmgate Wars are still fighting hard to this day.
>The skink ambassadors of the free cities have formally endorsed the Sigmarite calendar, saying it obeys the cosmic laws of the Old Ones creations.
>The days of the week, in order, are Cometsday, Moonsday, Zenithus, Sunwane, Stardsay, Horizonday and Voidsday. THe last Moonday of each month is Sigmarsday, traditionally a festival.

once again GW fuck up the numbers and proceed to controdit their fuck up number by saying the cities were build centuries ago so which is it?

like whoever writing the lore doesn't know how to count, it the "add more zeroes" all over again lol
The Cites of Sigmar have always been built centuries ago. It's been 200 or 300 years (roughly) since the Gates of Azyr opened. It's been many generations since the Cities were founded, long enough for peoples great-grandfathers and so on to have been involved in wars fought by them.
>Order Draconis faded
>Lion ranger faded
>Eldritch council faded
>Shadowblade faded
>Wanderers........well they're still around for now
>Phoenix temple genocide

Swifthawks still remain in lore ever the loyal agents of sigmar
Army tag? You mean the keyword? Go back and look, none of these 'Once Per battle' abilities on the allegiance rules page have any keywords.

If what you're talking about is on the units warscroll then yes you are correct. Otherwise, no.
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they do actually. here is one that has the (army) keyword while the other does not
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I'd fuck that keeper
cool, we're getting actual dates and years

>era of the beast didn't run for more than 16 years
4e is dead on arrival if the only way to play out of the box is spearhead
yikes imagine your starter set discouraging you from playing
Anon, skaven and SCE spearheads are quite literally what they put in the starter
>saying the cities were build centuries ago
they didn't contradict anything, we got a timeskip between first and second edition so that the newly founded cities would have at least a century of life
>imagine jumping into the hobby seven years ago
I seem to have misinterpreted what you meant. But as it stands you are still incorrect. Once a game, pick one unit simple as that, I'm not sure how you could interpret this any other way.
Both of them can be used once per Battle per every unit that uses it. Otherwise it would be "Once per battle (Army)"
Alright now you're just baiting.
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pic related is an example of an ability that can be used only once even if you try to pick different units. Note how it has the (Army) tag

Otherwise you are free to explain why this one has the (Army) tag and the others don't
can you run FEC effectively without any dragons?
Why do the others not have army tag? No one fucking knows. The ability says ONCE Per battle. Does someone in the core rules start what the (army) tag mean? Pic related is in regards to the DoK ability and even the text after states that if it's needed, a All out Slaughter can be called ONCE Per battle.

I hope they don't have to FAQ this shit for people like you. It's very clear that it's a once a game Trump card.
we dont know but likely yeah because thats how they were played in 3rd. The ones that relied on dragons alot were soulblight, but even then they had other options.
>Does someone in the core rules start what the (army) tag mean?
Yes. It explicitly says that Once per Battle abilities can be used for different units, UNLESS they have the (army)tag, in which case you can't

Anon why are you rules sperging here? You must be able to gleam what the rules as intended are here despite your laywering.

Even if you were technically correct on some of the stuff you are saying, it's so clearly not the intent and would be irrata'd very quickly.
>The game explicitly make a distinction between abilities that a unit can use once per battle and abilities that you can use only once in your army regardless of how many units have that ability.
>It dedicates a specific tag for that and a paragraph of description
>"It's clearly not the intent"
>trying aos with a pal
>sign up for a newbie tournament
>1st round game against someone named sigismund
>pal is playing a girl called nimea or some shit
>2nd round I'm playing said girl
>pal is playing a giant dude called dekk
>last round, I'm playing another girl called raven
>pal is playing a dude called ordo

We're confused. What's with the cringe names and why does everyone think they're fucking Matrix characters? Is this common now?
They shrimplified too much
you might be playing 40k or some other game bro. Or you're group was weird and doing something else.
I had to go back through the rules and fucking find it myself, while I believe you're correct now, you could have fucking posted this from the start.
>>The skink ambassadors of the free cities have formally endorsed the Sigmarite calendar, saying it obeys the cosmic laws of the Old Ones creations.
There we go. Sigmarite timekeeping is officially planpilled
We might have another Dominion on our hands, not from lack of interest or anything but because GW is basically strong arming FLGS to order way the fuck more Skaventide boxes than what would be reasonable.

From there it'll be a race between the FLGS on who will be the first to offer discounts and then they'll be undercutting each other to move the product.
How is it bad for us?
Good thing there will be a Rules Commentary/FAQ document released the week after point values come out because you guys are way too autistic/not autistic enough.
Dude it has already been posted in this thread
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I hope someday the Order Draconis gets a bit of love. Maybe give the Lumineth some of the stuff Caledor used to have or something.
I dunno, I just want my dragon riding elves back :(
dominion was litterealy the most consumer friendly thing GW has done in the past 10 years.
I didn't follow the thread far up enough FUCK , they shrimplified too much....I'm going to krill myself.
so why is there so much anti infantry now
Did Dominion shitposting actually make GW a worse company and thus worse for us?
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Sooooo... Anyone got a scan of Dawnbringers 6 yet?
If so, giz a link please.
Thanks <3
I appreciate your right, and your left.
Isn't it mostly battleline units that have anti-infantry? Not like I've done an accounting of all previewed warscrolls but that's the sense.
I know you're shitposting since the start of the reply chain, but im losing what you're perceived track of thought is here.

>not autistic enough

That's me, the first couple months of the edition is basically me doing everything wrong and doing a lot of "ehh it probably works like this" while I slowly learn.
Hell until yesterday I was 100% certain that you claimed unguarded objectives the moment you came within 6" and were then free to charge away, but apparently you have to stand there till the end of the turn!
dont sweat it, like i said in my original bitchpost both the wording and the weird contradictory nature of it is completely nonsensical and the rules seem to directly contradict the intent deliberately and specifically.

its fucking madness, i guess we see now why matt rose's main army is FEC, he's fucking delusional.
they do! they were gitmob for awhile in aos. >>93134015
they are separate
hell yeah! nice playmates/kenner vibe. could use some neon green here and there and maybe some bright yellow
>lizardbrain diplomacy
Wrong, there's extra units
wait since when can lizards speak common tongue?

i thought one of the big things was that no one knew what they were thinking because the language barrier made communication impossible
>seem to directly contradict the intent deliberately and specifically
How? They decided that some units can do a thing once per game and they also decided that some abilities would have been too powerful to just go "I take five characters to do this five times", so they decided to differentiate the cases. They could have worded this better but the intent looks extremely clear
please understand, he's not frustrated, he genuinely cannot conceive the degree of doubt warmbloods have about their duties
Since 1e? Skinks have always known how to talk.
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skinks have always been able to

do you know in what language the skink translator addressed marco colombo when he found lustria back then? bretonnian
Skinks have always been able to, Slann don't care to learn, Krox are too dumb, and Saurus are warrior autists so they don't care either.
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>marco colombo
Is this real?
Yes but you need to have a very high IQ to appreciate WFB world building.
It wont be bad for us immediately but the dominion debacle really pissed off a whole bunch of FLGS owners and this is just a repeat of that, pair this with GWs inability to fill orders on other big releases and their lack of communication with orders in general and you start pushing people to stop caring about carrying the product as they're sick of disappointing their customer base while also getting less and less of the pie for themselves.
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of course
he even got 2 miniatures

try to guess the year of his arrival in lustria
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So will Judicators still be in 4th or have they been squatted? Doesn't matter if they are, I'll just proxy them as something else if GW does cut them, I'd just like to know in advance.
1e to 2e was alrady a centuries long time skip.
Thye didn't build CoS overnight
Theres another bowmen unit now
chorfs confirmed and potentially soon
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Just checked, literally 1492...
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Please tell me Slimux and Beasts of Nurgle will still be good in 4th! I love these lads. I'll still use 'em, since I adore the models, but it's always nice when the models you like have good rules as well.
Never! Dragons are a way to popular concept to not give it to stormcasts exclusively.
Order draconis is never coming back. All we can hope for are some cool legends rules.
That's a massive fucking shame. AoS Caledor could have been awesome. The scions of Teclis/Tyrion getting dragons would've been sick.

They haven't announced any new Judicators (doesn't mean they won't) but you can totally proxy yours as vigilors or vanguard guys.
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Dude I NEED the Umbraneth already. Fuck the Chaos Duardin, I need my Dark Elves, and I need the Eternity King on the tabletop!
bro that's a 10/10 model fr
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>stings u with his drippy goopy butt stinger

how's my 2nd flyboy looking?
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Never happening like Darkling Covens
There's a beautifully painted one on display in the cabinet in the LGS that the store owner painted and I can't help but ogle it every time I walk in.
its even ribbed for his pleasure.
Keep the faith.
Trust the plan.
Umbraneth comes.
The shadow rises when light falls.
might be worth it to invest in a little filling putty or sprue goo to seal up that seam, and get a bit of fine sandpaper or a file and sand it smooth.

a little extra elbow grease is worth it in the long run
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alright now that they're all done, how did your armies fare?
Still too early to call but I am cautiously expecting nothing of any real substance to change.
Tyrion got phoenix-coded the whole time in aos. I don't think lumineth will ever see anything dragon related ever again.
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not bad, nothing to complain about

I like the skin on the rider you did a nice job with that, but this anon >>93135434 is absolutely right that huge seam is a major drag
I need to see other shit for soublight first before I can make a call, an all vampire subfaction could be cool depending on both points and the benefits. I guess I also have to consider regiments now too since that seems to be pretty important as well. As a hardcore kastelai and Avengorii fan im still clutching my pearls.

I honestly think they'll be among the strongest armies, everything else got nerfed but they seem to stay mostly the same, and they are apparently the only army that can effectively savestack.
I'm anticipating an Oath of moment situation, where Stormcast players get to have fun for a few weeks and then their battletome is much weaker.

Gloom and doom, they seem real bad

A shift in which units are good (gotta get us to spend money) but they seem strong

They kept Morathi as is, 10/10

they essentially play the same

very simplified, at least for Starborne players and in a practice game I had Stormcast slaughtered them

I play darkoath and they seem like they'll be better simply because their warscrolls were always meant for 4th and were very weak in 3rd.

Depressing, my speed racing funtime unga bunga army has become an STD/Khorne hybrid
Heh, amusingly I have exactly one army from each row: Gitz, T., Fyreslayers, Behemat (one man army is still an army, right?), LZRD and Sylvaneth. What should I build next? (I don't give a shit about Death factions.)
Do beasts not have any build options?
all my armies so far seem to have lost quite a lot of soul and character in favor of appeasing waacfags.
They do. I like how they look when built with these options so I made 'em up with them.
they do, I guess anon liked that configuration in particular a lot. honestly they're all awful imo, i hate that kit
>I guess anon liked that configuration in particular a lot

That's what I said :)

>they're all awful imo, i hate that kit

I actually really like it, but to each his own.
So indexes will drop on the 13th or will everyone be unable to play at launch?
they said they were dropping them before the launch, probably the third but im hoping they drop it right now.

perhaps even a few days before the 13th.

the pity pdfs for the squatted armies are after release.
>Nighthaunt, Sylvaneth
Their army rules are weaker, as I had hoped. We'll see if the commiserate boost in unit power and strategic options I'm hoping for pans out.

Basically unchanged, as expected for such a recent battlescroll

looking good, as you'd hope for one of the faces of the edition

Uncertain, the preview doesn't give a very clear idea of how well such a heavily dualistic faction will work
There is official artwork of Lumineth dragons here and there. Never talked about in the lore though.
Really? Never seen that but it sounds cool. I'll have to take a look!
Alright. Let's break it down a little further. Adding the (Army) tag to abilities is for things that would appear on a warscroll. Why would they need to clarify that you, the player, can only do the Ironjawz Waagh once for your army per battle, when it literally says "once per battle". If the Waagh ability shows up on individual warscrolls, I'm wrong, and it's probably a fuck up. But this is a faction ability, not a specific hero one. You don't need the army tag. I'm not going to look, but if very their are other "once per battle" faction abilities that don't have the (Army) tag. It would also be different if they clarified that this has to target your general, or can be used per hero. As currently with, once is once. Unless there's another definition of the word.
>such a heavily dualistic faction will work

i think the dualism is going away. i dont think you're going to see a hard separation in coalesced vs starborne playstyles anymore
>le chaos is le gonna win like always :^))))

Aww no lore reading twat thinks he's making a funny. How cute.
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I still think I prefer the 2e book's primer. Instead of being framed as Toll exploring shit in the Great Parch it just infodumps a bunch on what's gone down over there.
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>8 people to paint 40 rats
Amazing use of resource there GW
Fucking hell that's pathetic.
Bitch, I painted 30 Plaguebearers in three days last week alone. Is this all GW's "staff" is capable of?
1st Ed.: Chaos (Khorne)
2nd Ed: Death (Nighthaunt)
3rd Ed: Destruction (Orruks)
4th Ed: Chaos (Skaven)
So 5th Ed: Death seems in the pattern. SBGL are a classic and would be well received I guess, OBR are very beginner friendly with their Elite profiles and FEC are also great to sell the Warhammer Franchise. But I guess it will be a completly new Death Faction instead.
I would be sad if BoC got canned to make room for chaos manlets.
idk if I like the idea of sgbl taking a starter box, but I wouldn't deny it. I just hope stormcast stop hogging the other side of it for fucks sake.
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they paint them to a different level here
makes sense to me for a GW box-art standard, that shit is neither simple nor quick
I doubt you painted them so well they would look good on a box
Aaaaaand here come the GW cock sucking paypigs to defend the massive corporation that will never care about them or know their name, right on schedule.
as opposed to just canned?
Wait...what da fuq?
>Lumineth steal Phoenicium's phoneix "for safe keeping"
Is it just a late "Oh yeah that is why we removed the Phoenicum" or a tease for upcoming Tyrion shit?
>Skaven teleport a continent from GHR's chaos relam into the Materium and blow up skeleton bitche's crib
Sudden Plotpoints out of nowhere. Great writing. Much wow.
>say something stupid
>get corrected
>Is it just a late "Oh yeah that is why we removed the Phoenicum" or a tease for upcoming Tyrion shit?
Why are you here and why do you judge how they use their resources to paint a box, why do you even care about some stuff they made up to make the process of painting some rats up sound impressive
it's totally not corporate cocksucking to fret about how they use their resources!
Ossiarchs seam like the most starte set friendly faction
>I honestly think they'll be among the strongest armies
Of course, GW has a new range of SCE to sell.
Hasn't been the case with most of their past releases. Only the dragon spams were SCE getting strong rules
>(I don't give a shit about Death factions.)
Mawtribes: Many Sidegrades, Nerf to charges. Need the full rules for a real verdict.
DoK: Ready very similar to 3.0 with some minor changes. Depends if we have enough good buffs to slap
S2D: Solid buff to the profiles and promising so far
Khorne: Boomthirsters slap hard but I think we will see there a solid points increase.
why are you getting angry again?
StD bretty good, Sylvaneth murdered in their beds.

How is anyone “I play Darkoath” when they came out a month ago?

I've painted them and played about 10 games using darkoath that's how.
They were literally canned into meat rations for the invading chaos dwarf hordes.
They're getting canned anyway, might as well get something for it in return
It's certainly not the same as the big hats, but I wouldn't mind if they wore masks like that.
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>GW cock sucking paypigs

If it makes you feel any better, "influencer" channels just dropped their own batreps in the last few hours with their own personal pre-release boxes of painted-up Skaventide

And they're doing it for free
Anyone have a pdf of the Skaven heraldry?
check exhentai
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We've gone full circle once more and now stormcast are chaos marines
>But this is a faction ability, not a specific hero one. You don't need the army tag. I'm not going to look, but if very their are other "once per battle" faction abilities that don't have the (Army) tag.
There are multiple once per Battle faction abilities with the (army) tag. See >>93134884

Hell, Ironjawz themselves have Mighty Destroyers exactly next to the Waagh ability, and that has a (army) tag that would not be necessary if you were right.
yeah, I totally trust your reading comprehension
As someone who used to make this error, it's "glean", not "gleam".
Its crazy how little conversion work is necessary to make the stormcast into a traitor lord or apostle.
Can I still use just terrorgheists and morbheg knights in 4th I don't want any of the infantry
Not wild about the simplified army rules in 4e but I really like what I see of the core and advanced rule previews. Just feels like it's gonna be a much more interactive game.

Yes. It works like conquest now: everything is in a regiment and what can be in a regiment is specific to each hero. You can take units outside regiments but it's bad, giving the enemy extra command points (I do think losing command points yourself would have been more appropriate, representing your force being more disorganized).

So if you take the heroes that allow you to take morbheg knights and terrorgheists, you can stick to only using them.
Is it worth getting Krethusa's cronehost for the extra bits/models if I dont really care about DoK and only want Krethusa cause she's a cool model and I might proxy her as a nightbringer? Should I just be smart and buy the model alone?
How wilderfiend heavy are you running your list?
I'm guessing a reveal in the winter and a launch in spring
Probably the other stuff in the box is nothing special at all. The warlocks are really dated models.
Logically, there is no reason AoS Fyreslayers would not fight for Chaos Dwarves.
Buy the model alone, everybody playing DoK has warlocks and doesn't want them. Your only hope of getting rid of them would be old world dark elf players years from now
>Chaos Dwarves
They're called Chaos Duardin around these parts.
yes, there is, they have vowed not to act as mercenaries for the forces of chaos long ago
Their greed is centered around their god that is directly opposed to hashut
Logically, there is no reason AoS Kharadron Overlords wouldn't sign trade deals with Chaos Dwarves.
The thing is, you start with so few command points and get so few that losing them would amount to not getting them.
They would be competitors, Red vs Blue type shit
What is your army's pet unit that is actually good that you JUST know will be locked into oblivion behind some useless pity hero for the entire edition?
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>pfp vs irl
Only requirment to be 40k Chaos is having spikes, soemthing SCE naturally have due to comet and sun iconography
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It's all about the money.
>gloomspite working together with anything human
Lmao lol
Are you a lawyer?
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I used to be...
Elf took my job
I love the detail of skaven being the only army that is fractious with itself
They wouldn't dare.
ONE FEAR: The Warp Lightning Cannon gets locked behind the Warlock Engineer specifically
Their spearhead warscroll DID NOT inspire confidence.
true, but they would be sneaky about that, because they also kind of vowed to be exclusive allies to the forces of order
These guys will be fine because the Akhelian King will be able to take them.
I’ll level with you dude: I think that’s probably quite likely.
I am praying that, if it has to be locked behind a specific hero, it ends up being this guy.
Why do people who get these leaked models early "by accident" never actually, you know, paint them afterwards? That always made me suspect that they're controlled, astroturfed leaks.
It's gobsprakk/shamans, boltboy and gutrippaz in the previewed formation; gnashtooth/killaboss with stab-grot, banna, gutrippaz and hobgrots for stealth; sludgeraker/swamboss, break boss, sloggoth and monsta-killaz for beasts.

This leaves boss on vulcha, boltboyz and killbow for shooting. I like shooting and I don't have vulcha
the guy who leaked dante painted it

some leaks are definitely controlled, but others aren't and the simple truth to why leaks rarely get painted is because the vast majority of miniatures live in the pile of shame or as greytide
very few people actually get to paint their army

The Skaventide box is meant to do numbers like Leviathan did last year. Will it? Probably not, but GW is doing that hip Exponential Growth stuff.

Imagine trying to out-sell fucking Leviathan.
They know full well it won't sell anywhere close to Leviathan.
>The Skaventide box is meant to do numbers like Leviathan did last year.

If GW really thinks that, and they learned nothing from Dominion (which still is available at some stores), they are beyond retarded.
But i wouldn't complain and it would be the perfect situation with high discounts on that box if stock is huge and demand low again.
Give that guy a backpack and maybe a head with horns and its done.
>still no Storm Vermin reveal
Why should I care GW, why
The box being heavily discounted would be good for the TOW guys. Clanrats, rogres, grey seer, engineer and jezzails all usable in TOW. Not sure about the warlord.
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Trips checked.

Storm™ is now a proprietary theme of the Sigmarites.

So far I've been running 1 in 1000pt games, but since it's the only real damage dealer in my army I'm thinking of painting up my second one.

I would definitely want at least 2 in a 2k game, maybe 3, I think it would be good to have an extra one to charge in recklessly so that it can respawn when heroes die
Hedonites actually look OK it's just extremely feelbad that your '1-3' ability actually reads 'only 1 ever' because giving your opponent a 12" guaranteed charge is so ridiculously terrible. But the units and stuff, and I'm assuming there will be hero abilities or magic items that let units count as euphoric without giving the opponent dice, they seemed decent. It's just that "give opponent boxcars they can use on a charge" is game-losing.
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it's so fucking happening
That's interesting, I figured for sure wilderfiend spam would be the way to play them. What are you running overall then? A lot of the horsemen?
My hot take prediction for 4e is a new Archaon model incorporating horned rat and slaanesh shit onto Dorghar.
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Pretty sweet of them to put this beauty in there.

Essentially the gist I got was they expect it to outsell Leviathan, but they’re also being realistic and not putting a whole lot of pressure on the store to meet those numbers. More, we hope this happens.
Most of the leaks are staged
or maybe they ditch the redesign completely and return to a horse with aspects of chaos represented in ways that aren't 4 or 5 extra heads
Habe they even mentioned Golden Demon in previous core books?
Hopefully, that was a way sicker model.
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I don't really care for the new position of prominence given to Callis & Toll as the setting's exposition duo, but I do appreciate the ogor with hooks for hands.
I legit think I'm the only person who plays CoS (pure human no shitty outdated copy paste dwarf models) in my entire region.
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I bought 2 army boxes and have been running exactly that in 1000pt games, minus the second chieftain and wilderfiend and with theddra from the darkoath underworlds kit counting as a chaos sorcerer lord.

I'm sure it's not an ideal list but I find it fun, and it's very challenging to play, the darkoath units can't really kill much on their own so it becomes all about board control and using strikes first and strikes last abilities to gang up on the big threats.

It plays a bit like endless swarm tyranids
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Man, KISS makeup is a great idea.

I’m withholding the rope until we get an index/tome to show the full roster. My hope is Dice become a bait tactic with anti-charge stuff like Shalaxi to make your opponent put themselves out of position.

Also waiting to see how they do Glutos and Syll - if they change at all.
That feels wrong. The plural of "Stormcast" really should just be "Stormcast", since it's an adjective.
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>look at plant
>turn into 28 Days Later reenactor
I like how all the daemons seethe at the GHR but the slaanesh one just wants to lick it
One Stormcast, many Stormcest.
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An upgrade sprue would be enough
I only see high elves and the empire on here.
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Should I do a Tzeentch army? Only 1000 points, just so I can have some demons on my shelf and play them on occasion.
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Make your own decisions
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My bad, there you go
Thank you friend.
>they're still giving out links to the golden demon website which hasn't been updated in years
What the hell?
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It in the tomes edge decoration and the Lumineth Vanari warden has some dragon design on their chestplate (we know it not a phoenix because those have a different design)
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also short stories just dropped

read and report your findings
I expect stormcast to be overpriced again.
>They are joined by the Grunta Stampede, a cavalry force that picks up more speed as it tramples enemies
I suspect the actual index is designed around expecting people to play pig spam, and will look different when the whole thing is released. If we multiple waaghs and a 50% chance of an extra attack every time something charges in brawl then the damage on this army is actually insane.
didn't archaon shittalk the horned rat?
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Well thank you
Yes that why the Vermindoom is a big deal as the GHR and Archaon made a pat where Archaon will now recognize him as a actual player of the Great game

Archaon can do this because He Grand Marshal of The Apocalypse a over glorify referee something that was meant to be a fuck you to him by the gods now coming back to bite them in the but
Yea, in 3d there was a troggoth golden demon winner
>He Grand Marshal of The Apocalypse
EXALTED Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse, thank you very much.
Why isn't the DP a model for every chaos god range?

amazing ty anon!!
they'd rather make individual princes like syll'esske.
very nice, ty anon
that guy is a DP? I always imagined a slaeesh one to be more flashy.
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The two of them together are one.
>amidst the infinite carnival of Slaaneshi hedonism...
>true love is the most degenerate thing of all

Unprotected handholding and missionary sex is pretty deranged.
Do we think the skaventide stormie half plus a dominion half would make a decent stormie army
Army traits are nerfed, but so has everyone else's for the most part. Seasons of War are gone*, but that's not a surprise. None of the units previewed are in my current lists, so I don't have particularly strong opinions on them, but they overall seem fine. I have some slight concerns about Kurnoths, particularly the 4+ Save, but that's specifically a Spearhead Warscroll, so it's not a useful benchmark for AoS proper. My biggest concern is the loss of overgrown terrain and having to rely primarily on summoning trees around the board for mobility again.

*I am curious if the apparent loss of secondary traits, like Seasons of War or Delusions, is only for Faction Packs, and if we'll see them return with battletomes (as a way to further justify people buying them, essentially) or if it's overall part of the paring-down of rules.
I think wyldwoods are way worse than you even imagine them to be in the new nerfed state. Opponents can charge your wyldwoods. Putting them down basically just opens up mobility options for your opponent.
I dunno I think they'll still want to run Tempestors or Stormdrakes and Longstrike Raptors. Prosecutors potentially look decent but you'll want more of them. Vindictors look meh. You'd want more Annihilators than 3. Reclusians aren't looking good. I really want to see what Prime, Bastian, and Stardrake looks like.
>Seasons of War are gone
This hurts because they were such a flavorful part of the army.
Yet they still do, as the short story 'Blood Gold' clearly shows.
It literally ends with:

‘Blood is blood, Khorne cares not who sheds it,’ said the champion, putting the ur-gold back into the bag before throwing it to Ungrimmsson’s feet.

‘And gold is gold,’ replied Ungrimmsson, stooping to pick up the sack as he turned towards the gates, readying his axe with his other hand.
flavour is anti-competitive and let's be real you only picked the meta one anyway
Hmm, that's actually pretty neat. I REALLY hope we get Caledor 2.0 when Tyrion comes out or something.
it's so funny seeing all the influencers play spearhead thinking it's the new edition (because GW didn't provide warscroll cards and points for what's in the box)
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M-maybe they'll buff Vengeful Forest Spirits to make charging Wyldwoods more undesirable?
GW wants to push the entry-level game as much as possible because that's their best shot at getting people into the game
I hope there is some sort of rule that does mortals to a unit charging a wyldwood, but it's a faint and dying hope. With the 6" wholly within cap on sylvie teleports and with units being able to charge terrain and then take a 3" pile-in anywhere, I legit think wyldwoods open up more movement options for your opponent than for you.

I feel like strike and fade as a playstyle is totally dead. Your units can't take the crackback that's now built into the ability. Play is going to tilt to the fast high(er) damage stuff that heals a lot until GW figures this out. Teleports will still be good for grabbing objectives with chaff, but you can't even count on a wyldwood sticking around. Damage is overall nerfed but there are still factions we've seen like vamps, StD, ironjawz that should be able to remove a terrain piece pretty trivially.

We need to see full warscrolls but my base assumption for sylvaneth going into 4e is you want alarielle and several units of bug riders.
My hot take is it's good if the mini-game you can get into by buying one box and playing it against another box is good.
I think it's just due to indexes; with only the warscroll cards in the box provided it's not as if they could really play anyway unlike 2e/3e which was compatible with old warscrolls until the new battletome dropped
They aren't in the box because they'll be online before it comes out. It has full ghb matched play rules.
Strike and Fade isn't offensive anymore its a defensive ability. It just exist to get your backfield heroes out of combat. They want you running monster mash with the heal 6 per round and reduced bracketing, that's even more of what this army is now.
I picked everdusk because I like the winter theme :(
Chaos serving Fyreslayers?! That's fucking awesome!
Finished Hounds just now. It was alright.
So how important are the KoS and twins to Hedonites? They're nice models but it's looking pricy
Probably a bad time to ask since the rules are about to change
Does anyone have any of the Dawnbringers short stories? I love the idea of the Dawnbringer crusades and want to read more about 'em.

Looking for:
Heir of Shadows
The Road to Helsmarch
Past Returns
False Dawn

TIA for any help :)
Yeah just wait for the new rules. My guess the twins will be optional, but you will want at least one KoS.

Shalaxi looks pretty good with the counter-charge ability, no clue about the others.
This one was the best of the lot so have fun with that.
Much appreciated anon <3
Well they only have one unit in the box that does any damage. Its like the 900 points of all the stuff you add in a list before you finish it off with a couple hammers.
The twins have been dogshit since they released. If they were suddenly good that alone would make 4e good in my eyes.
Fyreslayers will work for anyone with ur-gold. Remember that ur-gold is literally pieces of their god, they'll set aside a lot of morals to get them
They were dogshit in the lore as well. Got killed by two Witch Hunters (one of which is a woman, the other an old man), a single (poisoned) Stormcast and some politician and her personal guard in Broken Realms Kragnos.
Descendants of an evil god my hairy arse.
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The models are some of the best slaanesh daemon stuff tho. Shame.
Well now I want the option for Chaos to take a few Fyreslayers! >:(
Oh look one of them has people bump uglies

Tbh while all the AoS stuff for Chaos is great (95% of AoS models are fantastic to be fair), I feel like Slaanesh definitely won out. All the humans are perfect and the daemons are just mostly old stuff from Fantasy, but they're still solid.
There's variety among the lodges, though. Like how Greyfyrd are viewed as scumbags by other slayers because they're less picky about the jobs they take on. And in the case of Lethis, the slayers who sold out the city regretted it enough that they all took the oldschool slayer oath of penance.
Oooh my. Not exactly graphic, but that's fucking erotica compared to what Warhammer usually has. Interesting. Maybe they're finally maturing beyond the point of not being allowed to mention sex in their stories.
For demons twins, keeper, enrapturess, epitome, syll'esske, masque, fiends are new. Only seekers, chariots, and daemonettes, the worst models in the range, are old.
That was annoying, clearly an asspull to have them lose to guys way below their league.

I figured Fiends were older and essentially named stuff (Syll and Sigvald aside) were new.

Thanks for the clarification.
It pissed me off so much. Especially because the models are so cool!
Fuck sake, the Celestant-Prime turned up at the end to judge Morathi for his crimes. If they wanted the two to lose, surely he could've fought 'em.
I've read hotter.
Everytime I see one of the old dragons my hatred for them increases further
I'm indifferent to them. I'd make us of 'em if they were made of plastic, but they looks pretty 'meh' to me and are made of metal/Finecast thus I never used them.
There is zero reason Order should maintain their hold on Aqshy at this point

This continent is fucking fucked and I dislike how they’re turning Sigmar’s empire into the imperium 1.5. Every crisis spawns 600 problems and by the end of the edition only 3 are ever addressed
They’ve should’ve been that since the eight lamentations crew got shoved into the cuck closet
C and T had the best novel to read about the setting in city of secrets
Khorne served some jail time for 3e crimes but is generally the same playstile.
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I just read the seraphon one, is it common for short stories to not actually end at all? it's more of a setup or a teaser than a short story
>hold on any realm but azyr
>imagine admitting you read erotic literature
It's probably much faster to say "I haven't had sex"
>imagine admitting you read erotic literature
Not really, I've just read fantasy novels with hotter sex scenes. Still, interesting to see sex in a Warhammer novel. That is usually only alluded to or mentioned and never really shown like this.
That's dumb, they're all written by women. They're literal how to instructions on how to pick them up.
>be a rich handsome bastard who rapes me
I've now played 2 games of 4th, Stormcast vs Seraphon, using only warscrolls we've seen and current points.

4th is fun and feels pretty fast compared to 3rd.
Yndrasta is a goddamn cruise missile who wrecks face, but if she whiffs she is super dead.
The new command abilities are great and very impactfull

I've been feeling a bit down about 4th because they squatted my sacrosanct and ruined Ironjawz but the game itself seems great.
Most of them are x random job forced to work together, girl thinks guy is an ass, falls in love over time after. Same format as romcoms.
I actually think skaventide has a good chance of selling as much as leviathan. The box is packed with minis and has better value plus aos 4.0 has insane hype and is looking to attract tons of new players. Finally tow grogs looking for skaven minis will buy it too (while contributing to the second death of whf lmao)
>feels pretty fast compared to 3rd.
I would have thought it would be much slower considering lethality being dropped virtually everywhere and recursion being a thing.
>ruined Ironjawz
I looking forward to running 20 ardboyz and throwing out 80-100 damage 2 attacks personally.
Are the morbheg bats small enough to fit on the freeguild cavalier bases?
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kill gheists, banish gheists, roundhouse kick a gheist into the aqualith, slam dunk a gheist wisp into the trash can, crucify filthy gheists, shove a brick into a gheist's skull, kick a mourning widow gheist with silver toe boots, hang gheists like laundry, launch gheists into a realmgate to hysh, catapult gheists into the maw of ignax

My LGS has straight up warned customers that they ordered much less of Skaventide than they did Dominion.
I thought the same thing. It does read like setup for a novel. And to answer your question, yes, it's common for Warhammer's short stories to be open-ended.
>kick a mourning widow gheist with silver toe boots
fucking kek
No, they are on 75x42mm bases, cavaliers are on 60x35mm.
Man, people in Lethis really dont like gheists.
It shouldn't be legal to use oval bases.
You can see that they pretty well fill up the 75x42mm bases they come with in the pic right? Cavaliers are on 60x35.

This is true but the universal 3" combat range makes the combat phase go by much faster.
Also the battle tactics (the core book ones anyway) feel very doable and there's far less agonizing over them.
Plus no battleshock phase.
That's only like two thirds of the whole thing btw
Lethality isn't lower because no one is using AoD anymore and saves went down. There's some reinforced unit in most of the faction previews capable for cranking out 20+ damage in a turn vs a 4+.
yeah they're only on 75s, they're not as big as they look
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You could call them necrophobes
There’s a short story from like 4 years ago or something that has stormcast fuck
Neat! I wonder how packing male Stormcast are...
They aren't called The Hammers of Sigmar for nothing
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Man, I really hope Be'lakor does something cool this edition. He was AWESOME in the Broken Realms Saga and I think both Be'lakor and the Legion of the First Prince are super cool, so I hope they don't get dumped in the bin and forgotten about by GW.

(Like they did with him in 3rd)

Hahaha that was actually a pretty good one, anon. Well done.
It's not the size, it's the voltage
The Lightning Golem by Nick Kyme. It's made clear that the MC fucks, but I don't recall that there's an actual sex scene written out. There was a postcoitus scene, I think. It's not meant to be titillating, it's meant to establish him as a passionate guy so that can then be juxtaposed against the husk of a person he's become after all his reforgings.
I hope they spend more time on him cucking and increasing his influence on the rest of chaos like he’s supposed to as opposed to joining the order bully party. Everyone gets to beat up on order do something cool and exciting usurp the order of the fly bang one of slaanesh’s twins, try not to die from Olynder, something anything

But they probably only ever gonna reference him when the dark skies are relevant to a plot
Oh yeah I remember that, great story! Nah, it ain't really a sex scene, just vague wording then you're onto the post-sex scene.
Wrong they will join DoK
Har Kuron stands strong
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are all these leddit leaks just from videos?
Anything new since the core rules yesterday or
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How are they not completely ashamed of this "sculpt". Fucking mirror mode.
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>>Tribes of the Heartlands
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This already sounds like a dogshit idea
The guy next to him isn't much better he's posed like an action figure
Are you in seattle or some shit? Never seen anything like that in the midwest. They're all just normal dudes/dads.
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I really want to play tree niggas but I can't stand giant literal god centerpiece models. Is taking Alarielle going to be a requirement for the faction to work well?
I only now noticed how garbage the lord tardimus looks, his axe is so oversized he has to stand on a fucking booster rock to be able to do that pose. Fucking GW sculptors are garbage.
Dude, you will at most play in a shop with random dudes, who the fuck cares what the optimal way to play them will be?! Just olay what you like and learn the game.

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