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Stomp edition

Previous thread: >>93101119

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
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>Fluff(visions and BL)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Where is the melee kit?
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What are you talking about, there never was a melee kit announced.
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>Where is the melee kit?
Where are a lot of things
A deredeo with lascannons looks dumb
mk2 when?
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Real jetbike pattern when?
>Bullock pattern jetbike
>remember GW is british
>The Cock and ball pattern Jetbike.
>Ironically the jetbike pattern that actually looks like a penis has a different name
In the memoryhole, to be pulled out when they need to boost profits for the shareholders, since they know we are going to buy it when they eventually release it.
With the plastic MK5 kit, end of 2024.
this link doesn't work, the mega got taken down
yeah, because you stupid fucks insist on spoonfeeding newscum
Where’s my battle feats and notes brother?
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posted last thread
Ave Imperator brother, thank you
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turn 1

>salamanders get first turn as i failed to sieze
>land raider goes for the kratos and gets immobilized due to locus strike return fire
>predator also goes for the land raider and fails to do anything due to dogshit vehicle damage rolls
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note that because we had to use the dogshit 40k boards we have 2" leverage off each side of the board

turn 2
>land raider gets wrecked by a predator autocannon
>pyroclasts inside get shot at by the kratos
>spartan would have immobilized itself due to a dangerous terrain test but i said thats bullshit because its not fun and let him ignore it
>unloads vulkan and his guys onto the field
>land raider pops salamanders predator
>leviathan pops a rhino, men inside get pinned by a nearby rotor cannon support squad
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that's bollock

Bullock was an Australian motorcycle manufacturer, it's probably named after them
Anon, how many points was that?
It looks like a parking lot with so many tanks.
turn 3
>spartan gets popped by kratos due to locus strike return fire
>...but dies to a single pyroclast
>tacticals charge a rhino but fail to kill it with grenades
>vulkans guys take some damage
>tacticals take some hits
>other tacticals get out to try and body block/boltgun vulkan
>said tacticals who tried attacking a rhino get deleted by sicaran punishers
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>forgets image

its 3k, as per the mission
>>Where is the melee kit?
>here's your melee kit bro
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turn 4
>vulkan detaches from his squad
>pyroclast and his attached champion consul charge lernaen terminators (behind a building in photo), champion deletes the sergeant due to murderous strike, but the terminators stick around
>vulkan charges tacticals, only kills 3 but they managed to successfully run away
>remains of firedrakes attempt to charge a predator, 3" charge but they fail due to AL -2" trait
>leviathans get killed by collectove fire from land raider, kratos, predators and master of armour
>one blows up near a rhino, destroying it
>lernaens strike back and force the champion to run
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turn 5

nothing happens really, just
>vulkan escapes
>apothecary and TSS die

score is 13-5
good to see a primarchbabby lose
>2 sicaran punishers
I kneel, anon
sicaran punishers are so fun

S6 main gun so can always return fire/overwatch
"its anti infantry" so it always gets ignored in favour of tanks that can kill armour
>>spartan would have immobilized itself due to a dangerous terrain test but i said thats bullshit because its not fun and let him ignore it
Based and interesting. It's weird that Rhinos and almost everything can get dozer blades, but almost all Land Raiders can't
LR and spartan chassis should just come with dozerblades built in
Word Bearers detected
>The couldn't be bothered putting more than 1 pistol in this
I fucking hate modern GW designers so much
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Idea: like the Achillus, all LR gain Galvanic Traction drive (reroll Dangerous Terrain).
It is pretty much the same as an integrated Dozer blade...but I also have the idea of having Dozer Blades granting +1S on Ramming attacks
I mean look at the Kratos' dozer blade. +1S would make its AV14 rams S8 against infantry. I say it makes sense.
How so?
bullocks are young bulls
I ended up not using the Land Raider Spartan for my Iron Warriors, thinking I might have a second, smaller, loyalist army to use it with.
What are good units to actually put it in it? A block of 20 despoilers?
How did the Imperium forget how to make Jetbikes again?
How did they forget to make Contemptors? Or literally everything else from 30k
Lotta forge worlds got crippled or destroyed thanks to the Horus Heresy. Lots of knowledge lost. Basically the heresy crippled the Imperium on many levels, and it hasn't recovered in over 10k years.
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>How so?
>What are good units to actually put it in it?
dominators with a chaplain
>A block of 20 despoilers?
despoilers are trash
how did they forget to make Razorbacks, or Predators with transport capacity?
Thank you for your service
you're trash

Despoilers, Chaplain, Champion, Praetor, Apothecary, Techmarine
>My 20 man despoiler squad doesn't curb stomp 10 man WS 5 terminator squads, woe is me
abnett should have included rape scenes in TEATD vol.2 to emphasise just how horus had fallen
>muh 400 point transport for a 250 point dogshit ws4 melee unit that loses to anything
ok kid
yeah he shouldve raped sang
If Sang had to suffer the tortures of all the Chaos Gods as part of his death then he was probably raped by each of them several times in several different combinations
deredeo melee arms when?
Bro I don't even own a spartan, those things are such a colossal waste of points.
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>Man, this is such bullshit. Never should have went to Calth
Which cult legion do you guys think will be the next to receive the Legiones Hereticus treatment?
Thousand Sons. We need to break Magnus into pieces and retcon the timing of the Rubric again.
>Bro I don't even own a spartan
lmao you dont even play 30k
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Projecting much?
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I hope they're next, they're my favorite legion and I wouldn't mind either of those things. It's a shame I prefer 40k's Thousand Sons color scheme over 40k, IK in some old artwork (picrel) they were blue in the heresy but IDK if people would accept me painting my heresy tsons blue
>games been out for over a decade
>spartans been out in plastic for like 3 years
>despoilertard brags that he doesnt own one
Post models.
this isnt IG lil bro
Consider your opinions invalid and discarded loser, lmao.
>lil bro doesnt even own a spartan
>The IG sperg is unfortunately still alive
>the retard who thinks TH and lascannons arent meta is still seething
kek. its okay lil bro someday you will be right about something... probably.
I play HH as the Emperor intended it - with hordes of marines hosing their enemies down with relentless volleys of firepower, before cutting down what's left in brutal melee. My dudes are no cowards who hide in their pathetic metal boxes.
tell me you started playing hh in 2.0 without telling me you started playing hh in 2.0.
so what's this about the Imperial Guard that I keep hearing
Wrong thread
Regular thread shitter dubbed the IGfag who claims to have models but never posts them, claims they're on instagram instead. He's identifiable by his abhorrent grammar (particularly his utter lack of capitalization). When he replies to a post he usually makes a greentext strawman of whatever post he's quoting then has a crude rebuttal. See >>93120291.
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Tell me you're a nogames nomodels troll without telling me you're a nogames nomodels troll, loser. Lmfao.
rent free, sperg.
just go back to 40k lil bro. we actually have painting standards in 30k.
If we had, you wouldn't be allowed to post here. Loser.
>>The IG sperg
..."Imperial Guard"? What other IG is there
>he weezed, impotently, knowing full well that his toddler-tier paint would be bullied off IG so he posts it here.
I use both tactical hordes...sandwiched between a spearhead of terminators and HSS lol. I think they can work together fine.
Yeah I did begin in 2.0, but I did make a list for 1.0. It had, like, all the AP2 Phosphex lmao
Ah Insta Gram. Oh ok
>tactical hordes
are fine in 2.0. despoilers are bad, despoilers in a spartan is very bad.
Despoilers aren't THAT bad. Had 15 of them, with power weapons and vexilla, survive a 5-man Warden squad for a couple turns. That isn't so amazing, but it also means they aren't so trash.
Their main problem is delivery. I think a Spartan fixes that. And Spartans are an okay tank.
>Their main problem is delivery.
their main problem is that ws4 is garbage in the new ws chart and an overpriced 400+ point tank isnt going to change that
They never 'forgot' how to make them, the STCs to make them were lost. Hover tech isn't uncommon at all and a jetbike isn't more complex than a landspeeder. It just is tech heresy to modify such a design without the STC. Blame the mechanicus
>Blame the mechanicus
You mean blame the Traitors who infected thousands of databases with malware and daemons?
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>One (1) bolt pistol
>Four (4) shoulder pads
>Eleven (11) heads
I mean damaging your opponents' ability to wage war is just good sense
so what did the traitors even plan on doing with the Imperium if they somehow won the heresy? I know Horus sometimes called himself the "New Emperor of Mankind" in the later stages of the heresy so presumably some of them at least aimed to usurp the Emperor rather than destroy the Imperium outright.
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>we actually have painting standards in 30k.
You're not one of us, and you have no standards.
I don't run my Spartan, but I have one. I thought almost everyone got the box set, it's almost tradition (outside of the fucking Mark 3 one. Old Mk.3 you will be missed)
I didn't get it, still had more than enough shit to paint from playing in HH 1.0. Therefor owning a plastic spartans makes people seem like a newfag to me.
>didnt have a resin spartan in 1.0
lol. lmao even
Me neither. Nor do I want to get the plastic one. I don't like the design. The extended front ramp is goofy and the widened hull makes it hard to mount the proteus ramp on it. The quad lasers are also a turn-off. Been thinking about converting something like pic related, but lately been too busy with other work.
>getting filtered by the most iconic tank of hh
just go play t'''au lil bro
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Working on a mess of WIP Militia what about you anons?
Where have I seen this before?
It's 100 fucking burger degrees where I live today so I'm trimming flash and moldlines from 40 Tacticals that I need to prime when the heat fucks off.
presumably more of the same, each of them was pretty much doing his own thing, some of them may have had long-term ambitions to depose Horus themselves

but apparently as it stands Horus was going to make the Emperor wear a daemon hat that would corrupt him and rule through him
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>collecting traitor EC + SA
>they’re 100% traitors and I intended for them to be so since the start
>in my head though I keep fluffing them as the “good guys”
>all of the characters are reasonable and nice dudes fluff wise
>other than thinking they’re better than them, the EC aren’t dickheads to their SA allies
>don’t have any augmentations since I don’t like the idea of being “corrupted”
Do I just make them loyalists at this point? I feel like that’d be less special snowflakey than having “evil but good” EC who somehow aren’t a band of excess obsessed retards
Painting the first test model for my rampagers, not really ready to show yet. Had a bad time with other projects last few days.
real people do monstrous things in the name of being good
Nobody sees themselves as the bad guy anon. And plenty of marines became traitors because they just followed orders.
Make them blackshields, a bunch of fuckos who were on the "Yeah fuck the Imperium!" train but peace'd out when Fulgrim started making that literal.
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Good point actually
I guess, it just feels hard to buy into that sometimes when you see the descriptions of traitor marines, especially EC, as the heresy progresses. Feels like they’re always described as utter psychos and degenerates, never seems like there is just “normal” traitors unless they’re one of the more tamer legions.
Can’t do that since it means I can’t get Legiones Auxilia, and I also desperately want to paint up some of pic related
fulgrim is the epicenter of degeneracy in the ec. you could easily have less batshit retarded traitor ec assuming they just arent around fulgrim. like traitor ec fucking around in ultramar or whatever
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>like traitor ec fucking around in ultramar or whatever
no one but WE/WBbros permitted in the dead ultramarine storage sector kthx go find your own shadow crusade >///w///<
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There's specifically a story arc about one company of EC who are 100% traitors, but aren't full on psycho degens. The champoin who leads them and most of the company are obsessed with martial perfection and excessively hyper-fixate on being the best duellists. There are more ways to be traitors and/or chaos than just 'Oops random tentacles!' anon.
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Blood angel bros what red do you use for basecoat? I tried army painter vampire red but the coverage is trash, need a new paint to try.
I exclusively use the blood of my enemies.
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Is that an eye of Horus on those tanks?
But anon that's strictly for drinking, not painting.
Never played any HH before, or 40k of any edition (though I was a fan during the 3th-5th edition era). Is the game fun currently? I'd like to make a shooty (possibly Dark) Mechanicum army. How complicated/difficult is it to learn for a newbie? I find modern 40k's rules to be annoying and shit.
HH is highly intuitive and intimately tactile
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>intimately tactile
Do I have to fuck the miniatures?
no but you need to be on point in activating reactions and possess a lot of good feel for all the nuances in play
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He's beautiful.
this guy fucks
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>mfw the customs office decides that all imports from Ukraine are restricted and I have to jump through all sorts of hoops to get my fucking Tortuga Bay shoulder pads through
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How the hell do I paint Alpha Legion vehicles?
My air brush is a cheap all in one, and doesn't get enough PSI to do contrast through it properly. Brushing contrast on even just door panels looks blotchy and bad.
How do I do it?
Don't use contrast paints, silly.
Use dedicated air paints or thin out regular paints with airbrush medium.
They don't do that cool green/blue in anything but contrast, do they?
Am I gonna have to try and mix my own paint? :(
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My brain is telling me that a dracosan filled with 20 veletari with stormaxes is a waste of points that likely won't get to hit a damn thing and that I should just get an extra tank and some riflemen but my heart is telling me that it's fucking cool and I should do it regardless
>my heart is telling me that it's fucking cool and I should do it regardless
always heed your sovl
taking shit even if you know full well it's hardly optimal just because you love it is something seriously cool guys do
not as though appropriate positioning and a little good or bad luck on all sides in rolling won't see them through either
and it'll make it all the more juicy when they do, if eventually, end up performing admirably
>five shields
>eight pairs of arms
Traitor mechanicum have some interesting options in demon engines and characters which loyalist mechanicum lacks.
Are you just using GW paints?
Highly recommend you try some other brands, since they are usually cheaper, higher quality and don't use the retarded paint lids specifically made to make your paints dry out while in the pot.
Or just go for actual artist paints.
Real talk, try out baal red contrast. It's transparent so you can preshade, even just with a basic zenithal prime or drybrush if you don't have an airbrush. Most saturated red I've ever found, and it goes down in a single easy coat.
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Currently working on Hank Scorpio
There’s also the two sergeant arms on the MKIII/VI sprue they’re designed to go with.

They did the absolute minimum they thought the way could get away with.
the extra neuemk.3 arms are fucking sublime in their posing desu
>activating reactions
>Playing HH2
>Not playing HH1 and backporting things you like
purely out of curiosity what do you think the former system has going over the later iteration?
>lore: each and every thousand son is a FORMIDABLE BATTLE PSYKER
>tabletop: ur tactical marines can take a psychic check and if they pass they move a lil further/get hammer of wrath or something

Because in 1.0 they were busted and one of the rules writers was salty about it
I mean now they have to be ran the same as every other legion: Tactical Squads of 20 with apothecaries. Whereas lorewise I think it's noted that thousand sons prefer to have tactical squads of 10, each with a rhino transport
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>"they prefer msu squads in rhinos lorewise"
>meanwhile, pic related

Lorewise, ALL HH legions run HORDE MARINES.
Fuck it, I’m running my tacs in metal boxes. In Achean Configuration you can pass off perils to a tsons unique robot within 12 inches and with the Legiones Auxilia rule I can pass it off to any auxilia units in 12 inches, and they get a 6+ invuln save against the perils, which is better than nothing. I think it’s a fun combo being able to send perils to a robot and have it hop to some helpless mortals trying their best to help
Stop fucking playing thousand sons. They're MY legion. If everyone else is playing them it just ruins the appeal of HH. I don't want thousand sons v thousand sons mirror matches.
my goodness magnus is/was a fugly as shit abomination of a creature
can only imagine the vindication for all mankind russ felt when he rekt him
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>They're MY legion.
Thousand Sons are common whores, utter sluts even, and hundreds of fat fucks play with them behind your back. You have been cucked by all the Sorcerers of Prospero and each of their thousand sons.
Paint them however you want. Anything is better than grey plastic
Why are 2 of the right arms randomly missing the wrist armour?
because here's your fucking melee kit bro
>There’s also the two sergeant arms on the MKIII/VI sprue they’re designed to go with.
Yea but why would you need that many arms when it goes on a 5man squad and you only have 5 swords to begin with?
>however you want.
But please leave the pedophile pride flag color schemes in 40k
>Stop fucking playing thousand sons.
Make me
>They're MY legion
Mine first, actually
>If everyone else is playing them it just ruins the appeal of HH
I *think* at my LGS I'm the only one planning on playing them, I don't have me army yet, just 3 minis i got from Warhammer World while I was visiting over seas
Yeah yeah I know but I don't want my opponents to go "hmmmm why are dey blu???"
Sir yes sir
All flamers should get at least 3" torrent. Discuss.
No thats stupid, and no reason for it
>no reason for it
Get a 10-man flamer or heavy flamer squad to all fire their guns in the same shooting phase, with normal table terrain. Unless you manage to somehow encircle the other unit, you're going to block your own guys from firing and waste their shooting. 3" torrent would allow a two-rank squad to fire successfully. Could probably drop it to 2" and still be fine, 1" if you really wanted to be strict. Just some way to make a large flamer squad able to actually shoot.
Flamers should be mandatory for each unit, and if ever there isn't a flamer in the unit, the other models should be asking "where's Flamer?"
It is self evident, there isn't much to discuss.
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>forgetting the oldest trick in the book
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i got yer 3" torrent right here lmaofa
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Was really inspired by this motif and decided to go back and edit the list a little, dipping into some corruption stuff by going with the Kakophoni RoW. The idea of a bunch of marines turning themselves into monsters and abominations for a percieved "greater good" or end goal whilst still being behaved/in sane mind is very cool. Thank you anon, and all the other anons who said something too!
Then include them I shall. My list probably isn't good by any means but it's filled with sovl imo
>Delegatus w/ phoenix spear, sonic shrieker
>Apothecary w/ sub-sonic pulser
>Contemptor Dread w/ gravis lascannon, gravis power fist (combi bolter)
>Two 5-Man Kakophoni Squads w/ artificer
>20-Man Tactical Squad w/ sonic lances, artificer, vexilla, augury, chain bayonets
>5-Man Seeker Squad w/ sub-sonic pulser, melta bombs, chain bayonets
>Two Sicarans w/ searchlights, lascannon sponsons

>Legate marshal w/ archeotech pistol, paragon blade, artificer, iron halo
>5-Man Lifeward Section w/ command vox, cohort vexilla, bayonets
>2-Man Medicae section w/ needle pistols, power fists
>20-Man Veletaris Storm Section w/ needle pistol, vexilla, vox, storm axes
>Dracosan w/ dozer blade
>Two 20-Man Rifle Sections w/ vox, vexilla, bayonets
>Two Leman Russ Strike Tanks w/ vanquisher cannons, lascannons, dozer blades
If I'm gonna job, at least I'll look and feel cool doing so
why is he blurry?
to obscure the underlying roughness of the piece with a trick of post-processing
Crack theory, the new dreadnought is gonna be a plastic mk iv castra ferrum
It's always without fail one of those three, for obvious reasons.
Because I grabbed him from google images, because for some reason facebook images don't load their resolution properly and I refuse to make an account for it
He has an aura ability that sends all your blood into your cock, so the viewer is mid-passing out.
I bet you have a WS5 Terminator unit in your legion.
>I think it’s a fun combo being able to send perils to a robot and have it hop to some helpless mortals trying their best to help
Not sure if that would work. If a TS suffers perils, they can allocate the wounds onto either a Castellax or a Prosperine Spireguard.
If they could "have the Castellax suffer Perils instead" rather than allocating the wounds, then yes you would be able to have the Castellax save what it can with its 4++ AW and then have the unsaved wounds fall onto the spireguard
So, rules don't say that...but should they?
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Where abouts are the rules for the Blood Slaughterer and the Decimator? I can't find them in any of the Hoe Russ Here-say files. Are they only find in their model kit's boxes or something?
They're in the 'The Depths of Tredecimmia' pdf on the WH site, HH download section.
i believe you are looking for this fren
Then what’s the point of both the Castellax and Legiones Auxilia gaining AW if they can’t use it? If they can’t then it’s not that big a deal for me, but it would be a shame
The solution would be to space your units properly. But I shall never do that.
Nah but fr you can just simply make a double line of 5 models keeping about 1.5" space between them. It's the same thing I do with Warders, just have the line be wider. It will be curved, but you don't really need an actual half circle.
It is a good thing that you asked first
It is June 21st.
Spring has ended.
Games Workshop, where are my melee weapons?
here's your melee kit bro
*(Grave) Wardens
can a legion/company command squad take legion specific upgrades like banestrike bolters?

gonna be sad if they cant take banestrike
No. Houserule it so that command squads (any) have access to the armory as if they were Characters? You know, like IF do.
Is there any non-termie infantry that has access to normal combi-bolters with regular ammo?
Idk I find it weird that power armoured marines can get hammers but not the big doublegun
not as best i'm aware
a bolter as such already takes pretty full advantage of a legionary's capacity to actually use and brace the thing so the doublegun probably wouldn't be very feasible for one without wearing a land raider (read: terminator plate)
>Is there any non-termie infantry that has access to normal combi-bolters with regular ammo?
Command squad.
oh shit
>combi bolter
the absolute badasses
I want AL termin banestriek combi bolters access again reeeeeeeeeeeee
>No plastic breachers
>No plastic melee weapons
>No plastic veterans
So much for this relaunch
>No plastic veterans
they still sell the mkIV kit
I think they're the arms for the flags?
>implying he has a legion or even models for that matter
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Just a test fit.
Besides duelling and, in the traitor's case, hedonism and loud sounds, is there anything else to EC?
I'm looking for displays of Tactical Excellence. Something like "if your plan doesn't survive contact with the enemy then you're not drawing the right plans".
I think Maru Skara can do the trick, but also would Recon Company
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My brain simply cannot accept that people actually like saturnine meme armor.
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We want to make the axes work. We need an assault vehicle, otherwise prepare to stand around eating shit a whole turn after disembarking.
Same. Except for tartaros.
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>the eaters on nuceria throwing their repulsive librarians forth to be eaten by angron
>>Ralakas’s skull detonated as though struck by a bolt shell, showering bone fragments and bloody-grey ooze across his last living brothers.
wholesome and healing
I don't think one could give Assault Transport to vehicles like Aurox or Dracosan, which don't actually have forward ramps
It'd be like having a RoW that makes Rhinos assault vehicles.
What about modifying the Arvus flyer to have something like the Grav Chute?
Nooo :(
The whole "assault vehicle" is bullshit anyway. It's a gimmick they throw around to some vehicles but not others, purely because they removed the universal ability to charge after disembarking.
whats this from
No it's not bullshit it's there for a reason it's to prevent melee bombs in rhinos
It was a dirty tactic in 40k and I think could work in 30k though less likely
You would give a rhino a combi plasma, and then rush it forward as cast as you could get it blown up on a gets hot, unit disembarks it's full movement and then charges.
Eh but units don't move after they disembark from a wrecked unit, right?
My real worry is that you could pivot the Rhino and then drive backwards 7" so that the disembark point is aimed at the enemy. Or disembark from the side like a hit-and-run.
Idk how to solve that
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I'll need to re read the rules but iirc emergency disembark is basically the same as embark but with a dangerous terrain test. But even after an emergency you can still charge if you have assault vehicle I believe
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>modifying the Arvus flyer to have something like the Grav Chute?
I'm game for that. Want plastic arvus with multiple variants
I mean they can't really move per se. It doesn't say they cannot charge because this rule assumes the vehicle gets wrecked in the enemy turn, instead of self-wrecked by the use of a Gets Hot weapon in the same turn.
Though it does imply a unit that disembarked from a vehicle wrecked in the usual manner during the enemy turn would indeed be able to charge if the vehicle was an assault vehicle
That that second point is my main point as to why vehicles have assault vehicle other wise you can the thing with rhino to pop it yourself to disembark and charge.
Desu if the enemy wants to shove their WS5 units into a little box that can get blown up by any anti armour that stares at it I’m absolutely game for that. Also the combi plasma gets hot could wound it potentially on a lucky roll but unless it had already taken a wound prior, it’s unlikely to kill itself.

Honestly assault vehicle is a stupid rule that isn’t thought out well. Drop pods and termite drills, vehicles used to get INTO enemy lines, somehow don’t have it
>they don’t have assault ramps
Should not matter in the slightest. I refuse to believe the only thing stopping a world eater from bumrushing a cunt from a termite drill Is because he needs to make sure he doesn’t trip while falling out. It’s just a dumb way to get people to use the spartan land raiders cause GW wanted people to buy them. Land raiders should be the option for taking large amounts of dudes/transporting terminators, not the only de facto option for vehicle assaulting in basically the entire game
Ooor, you could have all vehicles be assault vehicles, but add the provision that you cannot charge out of a wrecked vehicle in your own turn?
But if the enemy vehicle gets wrecked in the my turn...and then passes their Pinning test...and then their unit survives the my attacks for that turn...then sure: I wouldn't have any problem with the wounded, post-Pinning survivors declaring a charge in their turn.
Seems like a valid World Eaters tactic too, driving straight at the enemy, surviving the wreck and rushing them still, too heavily armoured and crazed to be put down in time.

in short, if you're Disembarking in any player turn for any reason from an Assault Vehicle, you can Charge in your next Assault phase (unless you arrived from Reserves by means of a rule which specifically prohibits doing so), but if you make an Emergency Disembarkation in another player's turn you can't Charge in your next Assault phase *unless* you had Assault Vehicle; without that, players would claim that their unit began their turn Disembarked and therefore eligible to Charge

the portion of Disembarkation Restrictions referring to Emergency Disembarkations in the opposing player's turn doesn't change what you can do in your own turn at all, it only applies to the opposing player's turn
wish breachers didnt suck
Eh maybe we're worrying about nothing. After all, marines move 7" now.
Imagine a Rhino moves full 14" before getting self-wrecked. Which is 1/18 of 1 HP because this isn't 40k, but still.
Then the SM squad disembarks out of the usual entry point, moves 3.5" and can charge.
As opposed to...a Rhino moving 7", the marines moving another 7" and charging. They gained 3.5" through a process you can't really control. Eh.
That is, if a Rhino were an assault vehicle, which is the worry here. The argument against it being "GW wants you to buy LR and Spartan, which is why Termies don't teleport either"
based. i wish night lords got a unique breacher so i could justify recreating the shield wall bit from siege of terra with them
Why are you saying they suck. Is it because for their price you could bring 15 marines instead?
I mean....hot take how i would do it?
You can assault out of any vehicle you disembark from.
Assault vehicle: Vehicle make move more then half its movement and still allow models to disembark, models may then disembark in according to normal disembark procedure and may perform shooting and assault moves as normal.
A vehicle with this rule, that has moved more then half its move characteristic, and has had models disembark from it, may not shoot in the the shooting phase of the turn the models disembarked.
when we getting a new book folder?
black, yellow, blue, red?
What was that? I didn't read
You have to realize how retarded that looks right? This has to be bait, if it’s not, I’ll ask: what kind of strategies do you use to build and paint when you’re blind?
I’ve had parts sitting around for like eight years now to do a light gunship conversion for the arvus with some applique armour plates and an asymmetric hip mounted autocannon a-la kamov gunships. Combine that with a bottom hatch like the giant VTOLs in that Tom Cruise movie and you’ve got yourself an assault vehicle Arvus.
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Give them heart of the legion and the problem is solved. Actually, just make breachers an upgrade for tac marines.

Alternatively, remove heart of the legion entirely and give tacs obsec instead - suddenly tacs have a niche to deny other scoring units but aren’t durable for no damn reason when there’s an alternative troop dedicated to durability.
That's a buff for Land Raiders, it's not what I'm looking for. Plus idk how that'd work for Drop Pods. Could marines assault out of them before? Or at least in 7E 40k?
As for being able to charge out of a Rhino
1. Wasn't Rhino rush a bad thing?
2. Rhinos are frailer than LR but also faster and, currently, have better mobility. What would prevent it from moving 7", then pivoting 90° and point an entry point towards the enemy? That's what I wouldn't like lol
It was basically them doing synced shooting and advancing to bully a blood angels force on top of a wall at Terra. Unfortunately the blood angels have dreadnought ex machinas to save them. It's notable because they speak nostroman in the scene, saying "ILASHOVARATH!" to advance
>1. Wasn't Rhino rush a bad thing?
It was a sling shot technique you could use in 40k with the rhino if you took a Combi Plasma
You would rush it forward full speed, double fire the combi plasma, get it to get hot on like a 1,2 or 3, and the blow up the rhino, disembark the unit inside, then charge, you could end up getting like 30 something inches across the field turn one and into combat.
It was not really a bad thing, it was just a 50/50 gamble but if it paid off it was a big deal.
I mean you could just make rules like, the front of the vehicle has to be facing the way it moves and then start doing rules for pivoting taking up full movement and such.
id rather give breachers a 4++ if they are in base contact
>they speak nostroman in the scene
Fuck. no.
We do not need a fucking LINE choice that has a 4++ invuln with a fucking heavy sub type for rerolls on blats on top of easy as fuck access to get an apoth added to them.
Breaches with an apoth are already a cheap and annoying as fuck thing to chew through, they dont need to be stronger. Maybe a bit cheaper? Sure but not stronger.
>Give them heart of the legion and the problem is solved
>Give them easy access to a 4+++
No. they dont need to be stronger they need to be cheaper that's it.
give breachers a 2+ because of the shield
>b-b-but the shield already gives a 5++
dont care.
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I bet you guys also dislike the armor from fifth element or from machinen krieger. Saturine armor is cool solely because it is so unnecessarily big and bulky. They're cool because It's like a big fucking bear rearing up on their legs getting ready to maul you to death
>Easy access to a 2+ line choice.
JFC what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Breachers do not need 2+, they do not fucking need heart of the legion to get up to easy access 4+++
They already got a 5++ with a 3+ and you can toss an apoth in there for an easy 5+++
They just need to be a bit cheaper thats it. They make a great point hold unit they dont need to be fucking terminator level of tanky holy shit.
>We do not need a fucking LINE choice that has a 4++ invuln with a fucking heavy sub type for rerolls on blats on top of easy as fuck access to get an apoth added to them.
why not.
>Breaches with an apoth are already a cheap and annoying as fuck thing to chew through
lmao they die the same as tactical marines. you are supposed to shoot bolters at them.
you don't understand, there's nothing wrong with having an almost strictly better tartaros termi with built in line, the ability to take an apothecary and a rerollable save
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It's a multipart thing. First make Boarding shields work KINDA like in Badab, where they grant re-rolls of 1s to armour saves (which makes them useful to other units and characters too). Though also reduce their invuln to 6++.
Then, give them the niche of guarding. They can be a deterrent: the enemy doesn't gain +1A on the charge when they are unengaged and I'm base contact (their old 1.0 Defensive Grenades)
That gives them a enticement to go full TESTUDO TIME
tartaros have 2 attacks base, arent heavy and come with power weapons and can also be line with potl. so yeah breachers should be more tanky than them.
>why not.
Because not everything needs fucking invulns or 4++ invulns look at how well that worked out for 40k. you jsut create a arms race of making things more tanky, so things have to be more deadly, so thing end up being more tanky ect ect ect.
>lmao they die the same as tactical marines
Tacs dont have a 5++
>you are supposed to shoot bolters at them.
Bolters still let you have a 66% chance to live.
im 100% convinced that if anyone thinks Breachers should have HotL, a 4++, or a 2+ armor save they are an IF player, or a IW player that is salty over IF players.
Rerolling 1s of armor saves and granting a 6++ would be an interesting idea.
Just given them a bonus to LD when making checks for combat or moral. Like they only take tests if they lose 50% of the unit not 25%
>Breachers should be more tanking then fucking terminators
Holy shit /tg/ you heard it here, IF players are not content with their busted ass breachers they gotta be better.
heavy is a bonus more than it's a detriment on 2+ armor
and taking potl is a trap
This, heavy on a 2++ is fucking great. Because anything that your opponent brings that is meant to be big dick explosions gets you a rerollable.
Lmao wat
>Just given them a bonus to LD when making checks for combat or moral. Like they only take tests if they lose 50% of the unit not 25%
Eh idk. Like I said, I'd tweak shields so they don't rely on a 5++, and give Breachers a rule for defense just like Tacticals have their for holding their ground or Despoilers for chasing the weak.
That and maybe -15 pts to their current cost, down to 140 pts
If I were to give them yet more stuff, i wouldnt be able to defend their cost decrease
I mean fair enough, i think still all you need to do to them is just drop their current point cost and call it a day.
>and taking potl is a trap
no it isnt.
tartaros also have 2 wounds and a 2+. 10 tartaros is 250 points, they are dramatically better than breachers even if breachers had a 4++. stone gauntlet needs to be removed from the game so trying to justify breachers being garbage just because pissboy slop exists is missing the point.
Heavy's detriments are, -1" to reactions and not being able to run. It may be my DG side talking, but I don't see why any of that would be a detriment lol.
Maybe it should also inflict a penalty to sweep. Cataphractii already can't, but it could be also a thing
You're right I don't, it looks retarded.
>they are dramatically better than breachers
Yeah....because they are fucking elite choice, and they are terminators, not a troop choice.
You dont need a RoW to make breachers a line troop choice, you do for Terminators.
Breachers do not fucking need to be as tanky as terminators in any way, they need to come down in points a bit but thats it.
>stone gauntlet needs to be removed from the game
First reasonable thing you said
>to justify breachers being garbage just because pissboy slop exists is missing the point.
And then you fuck it up.
Breachers are not garbage, they are just SLIGHTLY over costed, a breacher squad with an apoth is tanky as fuck for being as much as it is, you wont get that much tankyness even out of terminators with a medicae in it, since anything strength 8 is going to fuck a terminators day.
S8 against breachers? Oh no, you instant death my 1w marine.
Because in reality they are not going to be. the majority of things that have heavy either are not going to be moving, or are going to be transported in some way into combat.
>Breachers are not garbage,
they are.
>a breacher squad with an apoth is tanky as fuck for being as much as it is
lmao. they are as tanky as fucking tactical marines. a 5++ or 4++ for that matter doesnt mean much when you are 3+ armor and just get killed by small arms the same as cheap tacticals do (tacticals are actually more durable because of heart of the legion). breachers either need a 2+ armor so they are good vs small arms or a 4++ invuln so they would at least be more decently more durable against ap3/ap2. 5++ invulns in general arent good
>The unit that targeted by something taht shits out a crap ton of bullets does a lot of damage to infantry.
Wow, shocking.
>breachers either need a 2+ armor so they are good vs small arms or a 4++
You are not just wrong, you are stupid lol.

Breachers are a line troop choice that everyone can take, 2++ is for elite choices, some with the 4++ save.
We do not need a unit that has a 2+ with a 4++ and EASY AS FUCK access to a 5+++ in a troop line choice. This is no way good, balanced, or healthy for the game in any way shape or form.
>5++ invulns in general arent good
It is when its on a line troop choice you plan on parking on an objective and being backed up by a 5+++.
Are they a bit overcost? yes, thats it though.
To explain why they dont fucking need a 4++
A unit of cataphractii can only fail 5 s8 shots to them before the unit is wiped out because S8 is going to be instant deathing them.
if you gave breachers a 4++ they would be better at tanking Las canons then fucking cataphractii terminators are. There is no world that is a good thing.
>We do not need a unit that has a 2+ with a 4++
nobody said that you disingenuous retard. 2+ OR 4++.
A line choice needs neither.
even with a 4++ it means breachers are better at tanking S8+ hits then cataphractii terminators are.
>if you gave breachers a 4++ they would be better at tanking Las canons then fucking cataphractii terminators are.
they should be, because there are more of them. if you are shooting lascannons at breachers you deserve to be punished for it. lascannons being the be all end all best weapon in the game (despite the protests of /tg/ retards insisting they arent meta) that everybody is spamming units of, isnt good for the game.
>A line choice needs neither.
newsflash, cataphractii can easily be line troops. lmao
Point of clarification.
A line choice with out taking a RoW does not need a 2+ or a 4++
>they should be
They should not be, they are still just power armored marines.
Cataphractii are terminators.
>if you are shooting lascannons at breachers you deserve to be punished for it
So wtf is your logic here?
You want them to be tankier, but now your saying "Well you should nto be shooting htem with las canons." So you want them to be tankier then Cataphactii which means you have to bring heavy weapons against them but lol yours stupid for doing that now.
You jsut want Breachers to be asininly broken anon.
>newsflash, cataphractii can easily be line troops. lmao
No, they can not, you have to take a RoW, a RoW is a big deal for a lot of legions.

Breachers do not need a 2+ or a 4++, or HotL.
They just need a point drop thats it. They are a troop line choice, not an elite choice. Stop trying to make a troop choice into warderns for everyone.
>a 5++ or 4++ for that matter doesnt mean much when you are 3+ armor and just get killed by small arms the same as cheap tacticals do (tacticals are actually more durable because of heart of the legion).
Yeah. Its them dying as fast as Tacticals (or faster) that made me think about changing Breaching shields
>breachers either need a 2+ armor so they are good vs small arms or a 4++ invuln so they would at least be more decently more durable against ap3/ap2.
I went for rerolling armour saves of 1 instead. Hell and that wouldn't be against blasts or templates, as to not intrude on heavy type. But that becomes very good on 2+ save models, so it'd also reduce their invulns down to 6++
That way you can still argue for a points decrease, which is what almost everyone complains: Breachers are too expensive for what they are
>5++ invulns in general arent good
I am against everything having 4++. 4++ is the realm of Iron Halos, and not everything should be a Praetor. 5++ is the realm of terminators (or should be).
Even Custodes themselves only have a 6++, and you would have regular marine troops have a 4++? Nuh uh.
Imperial Fists never again
>I went for rerolling armour saves of 1 instead. Hell and that wouldn't be against blasts or templates, as to not intrude on heavy type. But that becomes very good on 2+ save models, so it'd also reduce their invulns down to 6++
>That way you can still argue for a points decrease, which is what almost everyone complains: Breachers are too expensive for what they are
I can solidly agree with this.
A rerollable armor save of 1 seems fair for a 6++
As i have been saying, the onther major factor to consider is that Breachers are SUPER easy to give a 5+++ to. Getting a 5+++ ona unit that is packing a 5++ or a 4++ is typically a difficult thing to do.
Them dropping in points i agree is needed.
>They should not be, they are still just power armored marines.
>Cataphractii are terminators.
and? they are more breachers per point so they should be more durable a lascannon which is only killing a single model. lmao
>You want them to be tankier, but now your saying "Well you should nto be shooting htem with las canons." So you want them to be tankier then Cataphactii which means you have to bring heavy weapons against them but lol yours stupid for doing that now.
hey retard, if breachers are 3+ 4++, would they still get raped by volkite and all the other small arms fire? yes. just means they wouldnt get demolished by all the ap3 and ap2 stuff as hard as they do right now.
>You jsut want Breachers to be asininly broken anon.
you are just retarded.
>No, they can not, you have to take a RoW, a RoW is a big deal for a lot of legions.
its not a big deal. potl is basically the best row anyway lmao.
>They just need a point drop thats it.
so theyd just make tacticals obsolete then, great thinking retard.
>They are a troop line choice, not an elite choice. Stop trying to make a troop choice into warderns for everyone.
wardens come with power axes and a bunch of in built IF bullshit. you once again expose yourself as a disingenuous retard.
>and? they are more breachers per point so they should be more durable a lascannon which is only killing a single mode
Number of models has nothing to do with them being more durable if anything thats an argument for them being less durable per model, not more per model.
>just means they wouldnt get demolished by all the ap3 and ap2 stuff as hard as they do right now.
Anon they are troop choices, they are not meant ot be tanky against AP 2 and 3 thats the point. Marines should be getting ass fucked by AP3 and 2 thats the entire point of AP3 and 2.
>you are just retarded.
No i just see what you are trying to do, and its stupid.
>potl is basically the best row anyway lmao.
lol, LMAO even.
>so theyd just make tacticals obsolete then
If you think dropping their points a bit, would make tacticals obsolete, but giving them a 4++ or a 2+ would some how magically NOT make tactical obsolute as well, you have some of hte most wild bias I have ever seen. Because if you gave them either a 2+ or a 4++ fucking NO ONE would ever take tacticals ever again.
Do you know how tanky a 10 man unit of 4++ or 2+ with an apoth in there would be? That would be fucking insane for a troop choice.
>wardens come with power axes and a bunch of in built IF bullshit. you once again expose yourself as a disingenuous retard.
Which giving breachers a 2+ or a 4++ would be fucking stupid.

JFC anon you really have no games do you? These suggestions SCREAM either "I have never played this game" or "I have played this game but my favorite unit keeps getting ass fucked so it needs to be broken."

Just absolutely not, not a shot in a million years should breachers have a 4++ or 2+
Based. I did indeed imagine it sounding like harKINOnen dialogue
>Number of models has nothing to do with them being more durable if anything thats an argument for them being less durable per model, not more per model.
a 3+ 4++ isnt more durable per model than a 2+4++, you drooling fucktard.
>they are not meant ot be tanky against AP 2 and 3 thats the point
then whats the point of them having an invuln, einstein?
>but giving them a 4++ or a 2+ would some how magically NOT make tactical obsolute as well
a 4++ wouldnt make tacticals obsolete, tacticals would still be more durable vs small arms than breachers are.
>Do you know how tanky a 10 man unit of 4++ or 2+ with an apoth in there would be?
a unit with 3+ 4++ 5+++ is still less durable vs small arms than cheaper tacticals with an apothecary because of heart of the legion. lmao.

you are just dumb as fuck.
>a 3+ 4++ isnt more durable per model than a 2+4++, you drooling fucktard.
Yes it is you retard, if you are getting hit by anything that is forcing your 4++ you need to fail 10 wounds to wipe the squad. If you are getting shot or hit with s8 weapon, and are forced onto a 4++ you still have to fail 10 wounds to wipe the squad, against terminators S8 is going ot instant death them, meaing you fail 5 wounds your gone.
>then whats the point of them having an invuln, einstein?
To try and negate it, and they have that, at 5++ they dont need more then that they are troops.
>a 4++ wouldnt make tacticals obsolete, tacticals would still be more durable vs small arms than breachers are.
anon a 4++ wiht a 3+ and an apoth with a 5+++ is way more durable then a 3+ and a 5+++

>you are just dumb as fuck.
I might be dumb, but i know a bad fucking idea when i see it, and these are bad ideas anon. Breachers are troops, not elite, they dont need a 2+ or a 4++, at fucking all.
You can scream, piss, shit, and stomp your feet all day, but anyone with any reasonable sense would see that they dont need that.
A slight point drop? Yes, thats it though.
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It's not great but it's something.
>Yes it is you retard, if you are getting hit by anything that is forcing your 4++ you need to fail 10 wounds to wipe the squad. If you are getting shot or hit with s8 weapon, and are forced onto a 4++ you still have to fail 10 wounds to wipe the squad, against terminators S8 is going ot instant death them, meaing you fail 5 wounds your gone.
you just said PER model, numbnuts. jfc you are dumb shit. 5 breachers would die to lascannons as easy as 5 cata, lmao.
>anon a 4++ wiht a 3+ and an apoth with a 5+++ is way more durable then a 3+ and a 5+++
you know tacs have heart of the legion and are 1/3rd cheaper per model, right? lmao
>but anyone with any reasonable sense would see that they dont need that.
funny how its only you, the dumbest fuck in this tread, who thinks breachers dont need any of those things.
>the dumbest fuck in this tread
Anon, your ideas are just bad, breachers don't need a 2+ or a 4+ invuln, just stop it.
No one is engaging because its completely asinine to suggest it.
post models
>you know tacs have heart of the legion and are 1/3rd cheaper per model, right? lmao
Anon they also dont have a 4++, or a reroll able save against blast, Or the ability to take special weapons.
>No one is engaging because its completely asinine to suggest it.
oh really? i suggested a 4++, another anon suggested 2+ and another anon said rerolling 1's. only YOU are the fucking retard protesting these things. you stupid retard, you tried to appeal to 'le everybody would think its OP' while the general consensus itt isn't agreeing with you. lmao
>i suggested a 4++, another anon suggested 2+
anon 4++ on breachers is bad.
2+ is also bad.
Rerolling 1s on saves in exchange for a 6++ is a reasonable change.
Breachers do not need 4++ or a 2+ end of story.
Thank you, please do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, go straight to stupid jail.
They need a point drop, not a buff.
>Anon they also dont have a 4++, or a reroll able save against blast
the only blasts worth shooting at marines are ap3/ap2 so heavy doesnt actually help breachers anyway. ap4 or worse blasts dont do much vs tacticals or breachers
>Or the ability to take special weapons.
yeah 2 special weapons that they have to spend more points on, tacticals still have better firepower per point as they should.
you are wrong which is why nobody itt is agreeing with you, retard. lmao.
Saturnine armour is fine, yours isn’t. Your shoulders are way too big for that termi. You need to scale them down like ~15-20%. They’re supposed to be big, but yours give him a square looking frame, rather than a top heavy looking frame.

As far as my opinions on saturnine armour, I like it, and I’d be happy to see a kit with it, but it needs to be modeled and sculpted well by someone who understands silhouettes of miniatures if it’s going to be good.
No, no one is engaging because the entire idea is retarded and does not warrant engagement.
So on that note, its 5PM, its taco time, so imma go get tacos, but.
On that note.
Breachers are fine rule wise, need a point drop not a buff good luck on...what ever the fuck you are doing.
If you wanna take me dipping out of this retardation as a win for you, go fo it my guy.
But your idea is still not healthy for the game.
>No, no one is engaging because the entire idea is retarded and does not warrant engagement.
funny, theres been plenty of engagement, 3 people agreeing with me and adding their own ideas on buffs that breachers need, and just you, the lone retarded sperg screeching against them.
I’m all in favour of a buff to breachers, but

I think one issue is that heart of the legion is way too strong. If tacs were less durable (heart of the legion should just be 6+ FnP or +1 to existing FnP), breachers would be able to slot into the defensive niche, but as they are, tacs ARE your defensive option, and breachers are left as this weird unit that is outclassed at pretty much everything by something else.

Maybe units charging breachers always count as disordered, but otherwise leave them as is?
I like the idea of them being able to disorder a charge, or maybe something like they can pick to either disorder the charge or overwatch with out it being a reaction, sort of play the whole "These guys are defensive dudes."
I do think Heart of the legion is crazy powerful though, its what lets tacs get a 4+ FnP which is kinda crazy.
>Maybe units charging breachers always count as disordered
theyd still lose combat to anything decent and dont have stubborn (unlike tacs on an objective).
That model looks like it’s fucking AI generated. The paintjob is nice, but the model is pretty damn awful.
DESU its just the helmet that looks bad, if that got replaced with just a Mk3 or Mk4 it would be fine.
I'm not that guy, Just a saturine appreciator
that helmet is so fucking cool
I figured the helmets were a gamble on aesthetic. I like them, and the people in my local group like them (actually got them from someone else in the group), but I can see how they'd rub people the wrong way.
I do have a stockpile of regular MkIV helmets lying around in case I do more than this pilot unit and end up not liking them.
Ready to see yours any time.
Because me and my playgroup don't think much past 2017 rules-wise are worth playing. Some things like the Kratos are worth backporting, but reactions seem too much like Stratagem-lite shit and we're not big on 8th+ ed inclusions.
>make Boarding shields work KINDA like in Badab,

the last update of siege mantlets (which were never called boarding shields) was a reroll of armour saves against shooting (useless to AP3), no Runs or Sweeping Advances, and what would be Bulky (2); that was 2014 iirc

the siege mantlet didn't prevent using a Two-handed weapon or gaining a bonus for 2CCW but was only available to Tactical Squads (for +50 points for the squad) so other than sergeants this was irrelevant; ICs which joined the unit gained the benefit and the restrictions (by hugging Johnny real tight); prior to that since their introduction in 2010 the only difference was that Bulky wasn't specifically applied and Taclets were simply prohibited from getting into Rhinos and Razorbacks (which can't carry Bulky models) as Terminators were, which Bulky does anyway

at that point, for two years prior and all through the first edition of HH, boarding shields granted a 6++ ranged and 5++ melee, counted as Defensive Grenades (prevented bonus Attacks; disordered charged bombs, basically) and prevented the extra ccw bonus attack (but not Two-handed, unless that's in a FAQ I don't have to hand)

they were never, ever the same item of wargear, or intended to be, but if you want boarding shields to work like siege mantlets, sure, that's just Heavy with Bulky (2) and the right to reroll all Shooting saves, but not melee
yeah reactions are gay af and definitely an attempt at turning 30k into 8th+ 40k
Incredible how we have to share a board with retards like this
Exactly. If it isn't broken, don't try and fix it. Always been our mentality.
Stratagems in the modern 40k sense are just Formation benefits from 6E/7E

but special rules like that go back at least to late RT with Ghazkhull's Waaagh! rule; the SW had something similar too iirc, though I may be misremembering some bullshit from early 90s Epic
>my playgroup don't think much past 2017 rules-wise are worth playing
so you think the dogshit rules from inferno are ok but reactions are too much? lmao
GOtta agree reactions are poop, i dont like them, not needed, just adds issues.
>all through the first edition of HH, boarding shields granted a 6++ ranged and 5++ melee, counted as Defensive Grenades (prevented bonus Attacks; disordered charged bombs, basically) and prevented the extra ccw bonus attack (but not Two-handed, unless that's in a FAQ I don't have to hand)
to be fair, breachers were terrible in 1.0 as well.
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Reactions as a concept are great and solve the one eternal problem with 40k without overreaching and rewriting the whole system with AA. ATP, beyond the insane strength of Intercept (which, at this point, everyone and their mother has a house rule for) distaste for them stems from a skill issue or anger over having to try different tactics.
>Reactions as a concept are great
stopped reading there. lmao
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>"they're not suppose to be that big and top heavy!"
>meanwhile, in official art...
nu saturnine models are going to look extremely dumb. lmao. how the fuck are they even going to writes rules for them? yeah heres your unit of t5 2+4++ who all have head mounted multi-meltas, thatll be good for the game.
agreed in general, I think Intercept and to a lesser extent Return Fire are the problem children while the system itself is a comfortable middle ground that keeps out AA. And even with Intercept half the issue is augury scanners being cheap as fuck for the massive benefits they give you.

IMO if you have Heavy weapons making a shooting reaction of any kind they either can fire at full BS but can only snap fire in the controlling player's next shooting phase, or can snap fire and preserve their full BS for the next shooting phase. At least then there's some kind of decisionmaking that goes into it.
>Reactions as a concept are great
No, they are really not.
>Heavy weapons making a shooting reaction of any kind they either can fire at full BS but can only snap fire in the controlling player's next shooting phase
I have been saying things like this for a while.
I think particularly with intercept you should only be able to fire snap shots with heavy weapons, and no templates.

DESU i honestly say just go back to old overwatch, no reason to get rid of it.
For heavy we just use a modified Overwatch system from 2e, if you want to do it, lose 1 turn of firing but feel free to use it once as a reaction, either Overwatch, RF, or Intercept, full BS.

>Theyre really not
>Describes wanting to go back to the old overwatch, which was essentially a less powerful reaction

Choose a side, nothing wrong with extending the tactical flexibility of OW to other phases.
Anon, old overwatch is NOTHING compared to current overwatch or even return fire. You never got to shoot back at full BS.
I literally said the problem with yours is that it doesn’t look top heavy, it just looks fucking goofy - they’re not the same thing. Notice that that art has him being taller than he is wide.
>Notice that that art has him being taller than he is wide.
the manlet terminator crowd arent going to like hearing that
>No it's not bullshit it's there for a reason it's to prevent melee bombs in rhinos
It's bullshit when you don't apply any sort of logic to it and only use it as a gameplay gimmick. If having a front ramp is enough, why doesn't Gorgon get to be an assault vehicle? Why did Dreadclaws allow assault out of the bottom hole but drop pods didn't when they were effectively open sided? Stormlord got to be open-topped for the purpose of assaulting out of it, but the identical doomhammer and banehammer didn't.
Please read the second half of my second quote, anon. No shit it wasn't as strong, but the idea of allowing the player to do something on the opposing's turn is not a bad idea, and allowing baits or pushes in the movement phase, or legion specific/Hold The Line, are excellent additions. Why not have your opponent consider every action?
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It’s nothing you did to make it look bad, it’s just a weird print(?) or third party knock off(?). It looks like someone tried to make something that resembles MkIV without actually making MkIV.
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you should be able to disembark and charge on the same turn you disembark from a rhino as long as you disembark from the rear ramp. change my mind.
I agree allowing them to do something is not bad, but the current form of that i dont think is good.
If we are being honest reactions just tip toe around the actual problem.
HH and 40k have LONG gone past the point of IGOUGO, the game really needs to be alternating phase at this point. I posted it a few threads ago, but if i could redesign the turn orders it would go like this, and i think you could even do it right now with all the current rules maybe a bit of tweaking here and there.

>Turn1: Player 1 is player A, Player 2 is player B
Player A does all their movement actions with all their units
Player B does all their moment actions with their units
Player A does all their shooting actions
Player B does all their shooting actions
Players remove casualties at the same time from shooting
Player A declares all their charges and moves them
Player B declares their charges and moves them
Resolve combat at Init steps.

THen on turn 2, player 2 becomes player A, and Player 1 becomes player B, repeat

The thing that would need to be worked out is in the movement, like giving a bonus to charge if you are charging a unit that ended further from you after your move
>how the fuck are they even going to writes rules for them?
Both FW and GW have said it's identical to the Indomitus, just visually different.
Only if you disembark at a 90 degree cone out the back of the vehicle. And the vehicle didn't move in the movement phase.
My response is to see this >>93129409
Yeah, they're printed (the jump pack is a recast and the weapons are plastic, otherwise they're entirely printed).
I like your banner dude, and is that the centurion in the bottom right?
so theyd be a unit of indomitus with multi meltas/other heavy weapons strapped on their heads? yeah thatll be broken
What you're describing is somewhat like the battletech system, which is fine, but doesn't work at 30k/40k scale at all. My group recently tried it with 3e, as we figured a smaller system might help, but it shafts the fuck out of melee armies and just has you remove shit in droves without them feeling like they were used to any real effect. It works excellently with smaller games though, hence why they use AA for Munda and the new KT, i think. Haven't played it.
Well, the art is not of Saturnine per se, it's some Salamanders armour pattern. And it's not like we haven't had units of terminators packing extra heavy weapons before.
Aw shidd bon appetit anon
>Points decrease
Sure. Everyone says they cost too much for what they are. Naturally, if we change what they are, their cost will also change
>Heart of the Legion
Tacticals have HotL and FotL
Despoilers have HotL and SotL
Meanwhile, Breachers are defined not by their rule, but their equipment, Breaching shields (which aren't even exclusive to them). Plus Heavy type.
If they were given HotL, then Assault marines and Recons would also ask for it.
I'd like to hear your ideas for "Bulkwark of the Legion" please.
Was thinking about forcing disordered charges, but then I thought...
>Force disordered charges
With the caveats of having to be unengaged and being in base contact.
In fact I'm tempted to it being an Advanced Reaction granted by a whole unit being equipped with Breaching shields (which wouldn't count against the limit of 3). It wouldn't be the first time a piece of equipment grants a reaction; Auguries do that
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>Only if you disembark at a 90 degree cone out the back of the vehicle.
>And the vehicle didn't move in the movement phase.
seems like this defeats the whole concept of disembarking and charging on the same turn if the vehicle has to stay immobile for a turn anyways, especially if we consider the previous point.

Seems pretty reasonable all around.
>And it's not like we haven't had units of terminators packing extra heavy weapons before.
those are legion specific units and the ultramarine ap2 variant was so busted they had to nerf them, which is rare considering they never nerf anything this edition. if they only give saturnine access to heavy bolters/autocannons or something theyd be fine but if they give them multi-meltas its so over.
>those are legion specific units
Just like the Salamanders ones.
I agree you should be able to disembark and charge from a basic transport in the same turn, perhaps with a penalty to your charge roll (and then make it so assault vehicles give you a bonus to your charge roll).
salamanders were the only indomitus with heavy weapons on their heads? iirc they all had it
Breachers should have a 2+ save and no invul at all
It would fill a niche of cheap-ish 1W 2+sv infantry that doesn't exist currently since everything with a 2+ got 2W this edition.
It'd give a meaning to power axes existing for once as well as any other ap2 weapon that is not a TH and it'd make plasma weapons more useable as well
>Was thinking about forcing disordered charges
theyd still lack stubborn and lose in melee so it doesnt really help them.
>seems like this defeats the whole concept of disembarking and charging on the same turn
Was it not the whole concept behind 3e Rhino Rush? Drive up to the enemy line, next turn disembark and charge.
>Breachers should have a 2+ save and no invul at all
yeah that would work
The main goal i was going for was trying to ease up on the alpha strike that mostly happens during shooting.
Let them change the bolters for chainswords and the special weapons for power weapons and I'd be preffectly happy with them
Honestly, this is kinda the best imo. I say drop their point cost a bit, and then give them a melee option/version of them.
theyd have 1 attack each at ws4. kek
>exchange bolter for shred
>A1 power weapon
Don't think it's gonna work that well.
Does not need to, they are just a troop choice not like they need to be that much better. Giving them a 5++ for melee would make them a pretty solid Tar pit unit, and tossing a apothecary in there. Honestly i would take it, especially if that power weapons was a Maul or a sword.
>Does not need to, they are just a troop choice not like they need to be that much better. Giving them a 5++ for melee would make them a pretty solid Tar pit unit, and tossing a apothecary in there.
you are assuming they are 2+ armor, in this scenario?
Nah even Sv3, a 5++ your sitting at a...what. 33% chance to negate a hit? Then with an apoth thats another 33% chance to save it, and if.
They are just troops afterall they dont need to be this amazing end all be all tar pit melee unit. They should just be there to do a thing and do it ok.
Breachers with a apothecary and a 5+ invuln with melee weapons would be a decent troop tarpit.
Assuming of course they come down in price, right now 10 for, what 150 or something? bit to much. I think breachers at 130 or 120 would be better.
>Breachers with a apothecary and a 5+ invuln with melee weapons would be a decent troop tarpit.
they wouldnt
Breachers with a 5++ and an apothocary pumping them up would be pretty decent anon, unless they are coming in swinging Power fists, chain fists, thunder hammers, at which point i mean, they are doing their job, they are soaking up most likely a 200+ point unit from doing something more important.
likewise senpai.
breachers already have a 5++ and apothecaries and they suck.
Counter point, they are fine they are just not amazing, they are just a troop choice after all should not really expect them to be amazing contenders on the battle field.
but at the current price?? EHHHHHH nah, should be like 120-130 for 10 imo.
>they are fine
stopped reading there
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I'm just having fun with Breachers as they are. Occasionally run two 10 man squads on foot with 2 meltaguns and a thunder hammer on the sarge, they do surprisingly well most of the time.
Not trying to discredit other people's complaints though.
You are not, personally the only thing I really can see as off about breachers is they are just a bit to much points per model, other then that, i mean its easy access to 10 wounds with a 5++ and you can hide special weapons in them.
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What are you working on Anons? I finished this Pathfinder today.
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man I never even thought of using Telion.
>bitch about Stone Gauntlet for 2 years
>turns out it's fine
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*heems d*rn's hairiest wall rat*
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looks like Tyrant Guard
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Finishing up first half of a unit of despoilers. Just needs some cleanup and straightening out Mr. Flaccid Axe
What the hell is that pose on the middle guy with the fist?
>hey yeah we're looking for one of my legion serfs, about this tall, name is jimbo, you seen him anywhere?
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he's about to spit some crazy shit i can feel it
Blood angels?
Sweet sarge dropping the mike
MkII my beloved
it really just looks like the uparmored mkIV armor destroyers wear, except the helmet.
i wish i was dumb enough to enjoy clown car rhinos
I wish I had more dreadnoughts.
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>infiltrating an MM rhino with your tzeeker squab
Given that the stl for the bodies was billed as "Mk4 Reinforced" and included near exact copies of the jump pack destroyers I also have, I'm pretty sure that was the intent.
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>fits 10 marines into your rhino
>inb4 "that's 9"
Sarge rides in the front, next to the driver, as per official fluff.
Usually people's first guess is Iron Warriors but no, terran death guard that got lost in the warp since before they found mortarion until the Ruinstorm was opened.
where are the bolters thoughever
Stored in the lockers under the benches.
where are the chainswords and vexilla?
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>where vexilla?
They upgraded to folding ones for easy disembarking, like in TSoaLR.
Thanks lads.
Gib marauder squads
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>squeezed into a rhino with twelve of your bros (driver included)
the intimacy of it...
Imagine only having one legion. Imagine giving a shit about anything other than theme and aesthetic. I'd finish with "imagine being you" but you don't have to and frankly I don't want to, if I want to feel shame and misery I can just watch the news.
You definitely have the foetid stench of an artspammer about you.
Ahhhhhhhh, dimwits. Honestly you lot quietened down so much in the wake of the initial backlash to reactions once everyone else realized they're brilliant and you realized you're a tiny minority that everyone else thinks are just thickies I'd forgotten you existed.
>Imagine only having one legion. Imagine giving a shit about anything other than theme and aesthetic. I'd finish with "imagine being you" but you don't have to and frankly I don't want to, if I want to feel shame and misery I can just watch the news.

> -- The Emperor of Mankind, 0.141.550.M30
>why doesn't Gorgon get to be an assault vehicle?
It should be. It's a crime it's not. The model is literally open topped
>Why did Dreadclaws allow assault out of the bottom hole but drop pods didn't when they were effectively open sided?
Dreadclaws should be Assault Vehicle tbdesu. Idk if drop pods should be assault vehicles, for balance reasons.
As in, a 35 pts Rhino can be stopped before it gets there. A 35 pts drop pod can't.
Neither can you stop a Dreadclaw, but at least they pay 115 pts, more than triple that price
>Stormlord got to be open-topped for the purpose of assaulting out of it, but the identical doomhammer and banehammer didn't.
Then they dldo should be
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Problem is you can pivot at any time and as many times as you want (because going around obstacles is a thing).
So the "restriction" is moot because you can simply drift the Rhino into position by driving forwards, then pivoting 90° to aim a side door towards the enemy
they look nothing like DG, Dusk raiders scheme wasn't metallic btw.
It was. The image in hh1 looks purple because the pic was taken at dusk ;^)
Considering all the reactions, augury scanners, etc., how hard would it be to damage max 10 dudes dropping next to you?
I’m none of those anons but the real issue with reactions is the exact same as everything else this edition: they were rushed and poorly tested. The premise is sound, and the basic idea is good, but the implementation is wrought with problems.
It’s not purple, and it’s definitely not metallic. The black books had a pretty defined art style with lots of reflection for metallic surfaces, and the dusk raiders shot has none of that. A hit of matte varnish over the metallics might make a neat effect though to keep them non-conformist enough to satisfy your snowflake needs, but make them look closer to what they’re supposed to look like.
do atomantic detonations apply on a per-model basis or can they be freely allocated to the things in the unit being affected?
Is there anything with an atomantic deflector that doesn't split up on deployment?
pretty much any automata maniple

it's all models within D6", so unless you've got Guardian or whatever in the same unit it's per model

weirdly when Vehicles explode it's per-unit so you can, for no good reason, tank all those tank explosions on the one good dude in your squad
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>point this out on a batrep
>get told otherwise
i mean it isn't the end of the earth as it actually having a major impact will only crop up in fairly niche cases but it seems pretty explicit in referring to the individual models without a caveat to free allocation as is given with, as you stated, a vehicle going up with people inside
interestingly a vehicle explosion's effects to those around it seem to indicate allocation to the unit itself as opposed to the individual models
They're not metallic, you can see the paint chipping off and revealing the metal underneath.
Finished building another squad of Grey Slayers, and Grey Stalkers yesterday. Going to get paint on them next week when I'm off.
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Is the terrain in pic related and the toothpick foam ball cactus plants too retrohammer and not HH appropriate? Kind of want to try making some terrain and feel like they could fit with some appopriate weathering and basing
>Reetard bait, I JUST can't wait
Prove me wrong then, post your models. Or are they totally only on IG and you won't share your page because it brings the meanies on there?
No I refuse purely because you ask.

Anyway - fagfluencers have started posting content with the new mechanicum plastics, so assuming nobody jumped the gun how long is it usually between totally-not-advertising-in-exchange-for-free-stuff embargos dropping and the subject being released?
depends what units have them, where the men get out (i.e out of LoS), what units have to take a pinning check (and failed) due to deep striking within 6" etc
Time to build your list and deploy your dudes better to cover each other.
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I dont drive
Might makes right, the legion with the strongest LA goes first. The second, third and fourth don't matter.
SoH and IF go first, then WE and BA go simultaneously.
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>careen straight through at top speed without even having stopped to begin with and kill every other driver and maybe themselves too just for good measure
twelfth uber alles

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