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You don't say edition

Previous thread: >>93118071

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
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>Fluff(visions and BL)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
this is why you don't spoonfeed

『Adeptus Titanicus』
>Rules and supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Do you like your legion upgrade kits?
FIRST for OG Istvaan bros
Just built a HSS last night with the TSons Mk IV heads and Mk VI pads, I love ‘em
giy online is saying that he played a 3k game against a BA player that:

>has 2 lascannon HSS, at least one was 10 man
>THREE BA special contemptors
>deep struck everything turn 1 (how???)
>daisy chained his deep strike across the board from deployment to deployment (how???)
>the other player was relatively new so the BA player was being a dick against him

the BA player was definitely cheating right?
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The heads are great if you trim the ears. The new shoulder pads suck, but only because they lack trim. The old FW torsos, shoulder pads, and heads were all great.
I'll like them a lot more if we ever get plastic chain axes, but we never will.
Fuck, I've posted this before without it rotating. Whatever.
I'm also in that conversation. The guy ignored the turn 2-4 restriction on Day of Revelation and interpreted the "within 12 inches of the first unit" requirement for DSA as "within 12 inches of the previous unit". He was either ignorant of the rules or outright cheating.
I love Istvaan III so much. The buildup, the payoff, urban warfare in general. You could make a whole game based around it.
A Night Lord breacher team but the front of the shields are mirrors
What's the best option for a nuncio Vox in a drop pod Assault Detachment?
>The new shoulder pads suck, but only because they lack trim.
I find it weird that on the TSons ones they added trim to *MK VI* shoulder pads and it's very nice looking trim too
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Should I paint Scoria's symbol in the blue i already use as an accent colour, a metallic, or the deep red of the official model.
Deepr red
i have 970pts I could spend on allies

I was thinking SA
could somehing like 2 20 man squads in dracosans, a legate marshal, some sentinels and some upgrades could fit?
Use the red, don't want people thinking Scoria is a genestealer.
Will do, thanks anons.
Hypothetically speaking you have a 10 man Sehkmet unit, all with thunder hammers and biomancy on the unit leader, and hypothetically speaking you also have a praetor in tartaros armor with a command squad of hypothetically all tartaros marines... would it be wise to kit them out with Dual Lightning Claws since hypothetically speaking I already have a thunderhammer deathstar?
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So I've settled on Iron Hands at the moment, I don't want to stretch myself too thin with multiple hobby projects. One question though, does anyone have any good painting guides or paint suggestions to get their signature dark metal with shining metallic highlights? Any brand is fine.
My friend does black and drybrush of silver over it
>Do you like your legion upgrade kits?
some of them, tsons heads and chest? hell yeah.
Shoulders? hell no.
>Shoulders? hell no.
What's wrong with them?
The Mk4 shoulders for Tsons with the molded sun icon looks way off compared to regular mark 4 shoulders, The trim on the Mk4 tsons shoulders is WAY thicker then the trim on the Mk4 plastic marines shoulders so they look way off next to each other.

The mk 6 shoulders? Eh, im indifferent to them.

The other thing is i dont like molded shoulders when ti comes to tac squads because it makes weathering look weird to me,
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Feels great.
>The mk 6 shoulders? Eh, im indifferent to them.
I agree with the Mk IV ones, but honestly I love the mk 6 ones, the trim they got looks very nice even if it's very different to the mk 3 bodies I put 'em on
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I've been painting titans for a while so I thought I'd go back to some blackshields for a bit.
I couldn't get the camera to focus properly because of all the metallic sheen, it's always a pain. Should I tone it down with a diluted wash?
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New WD has the start of an army building series for heresy, I like these salamanders
For easy black armor (drybrush + speedpaint) I'd suggest taking a look at Juan Hidalgo's tutorial (just add some metallic chipping, or perhaps add a metallic zenithal between his drybrushing stage and his speedpaint stage):


If you're interested in something more complex, Cult of Paint has some really striking guides for Iron Hands armor, with hints of metallic purple and green:



Their guides are airbrush heavy, but you could achieve something 50-75% similar imo with a colored metallic paint (zenithals & reverse zenithal) using a rattlecan.
>nooooo I'm just a widdle tiny white scars player don't mog meeeee
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Mirrors? Not lightning screens, walls of spikes or maimed prisoners?
Those do look pretty good, are those based off the word bearer dudes?
what better way to terrify than to show the enemy their own last moments?
I like the helmets for the Iron Warriors.
I don't like how MK6 look normally, so the heads make them look decent.
I kinda regret buying AoD instead of just getting boxes of MK3, but the heads fixed that a bit.
A full squad angling them to reflect the sun at a single marine like a makeshift melta weapon.
Or just shining lights in peoples eyes to mess with them
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Yes it's kino setting and that's why the first black book is very special to me.
IW are canon, they field tested proto-mk6. Besides if you dislike the heads so much, even better reason to make them tactical bullet sponge fodder.
This but EC so they can mire themselves
Someone post the Horus disco shoop pls
What's the damn holdup on the Armoury sets? I want Emperor's Children weapons already
>they field tested proto-mk6.
yeah... and they hated it and were against its widespread use
What do you need? You already got the phoenix spears bro
Yes but good for retard inductii nevertheless late heresy.
swap heads and put studs on their legs to turn then into mkV
That's an interesting looking predator.
How do the smoke stacks look on the back?
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>Here's 4 spears
>Oh you wanted to equip a squad of 5 or 10 guys? Buy more sets you fucking peasant
Is the rounded reflection supposed to give the enemy an eating disorder?
no, it bounces the targeting lasers back at the enemy marines so they shoot each other instead of the NLs
>NL Mirror Funhouse shield
>EC reflects on it
>Looks like a Tortuga fatty
Kek be nice to tubby tortuga
IW are best for mkV cause it's so easy to paint them since you don't need to paint the studs different to armour, it's all metal.
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You have to beat them at their own game.
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SOH tester complete
Which colour is the most hotly debated: SoH green, EC purple, or [spioler]the colour of bare ceramite[/spoiler]
looks good, whats the paints used?
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cool Slaaneshi swords and shields, sonic pistols, some kind of sonic heavy weapon
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Some cheap acrylic ink I got from a discount shop
>cool Slaaneshi swords and shields
just buy the age of shitmar bits
over a basecoat of white?
Wouldn't be my choice of green, but it does look nice with that subtle desaturating and weathering. Nice work.
the Painbringer shields are extremely cool but they're a little out of place on 30k models, imo. The swords would probably work. I'd be interested to see if those helmets work ok on Space Marine bodies
Any advice on removing the spiked parts of the trim? I was thinking I'd take off the backpack and the axe/hammer, and make him a Techmarine.
I have the kit, unfortunately they do not. The heads are a lot smaller and very slender, so maybe you can stick them on your Solar Auxilia instead.
Would really recommend the delaque upgrade sprue for heads, they are a bit small but in my opinion they fit very well.
Though you need to sculpt the neck piece yourself.
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De la qué?
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What do you think of this metal? I'm planning to hit the whole model with an oil wash after I block in all of the colors and the hazard stripes.
for a base color it looks good
Hard to say with metals since they can look really different irl, but i think it could look really good with an burnt umber wash.
Burnt Umber is a good idea.
I have that Newsh medium that turns paints into something akin to oil washes, I'll give that a try.
IW should have a slightly brown tinge to their armour desu.
Yeah I think you're on the money, I'll hit them with that wash and then do some rust in the recesses.
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Tell me how you equip your tac sgts! and what legion!
Iron Warriors, Power Fists and Plasma Pistols because the current kits don't have anything else and I'm too lazy to work with resin.
Should they ever come out with the melee weapons kits, I'm switching them to power mauls and shrapnel pistols.
Artificer Armor, Power Fists, and Bolt Pistols (TSons)
Chainglaive- nightlords
Putting artificer armor on sarges is gay, so just power fists
Chainglaive/chainblade and plasma pistol (NL)
is it worth taking 2 atheon sentinels with no upgrades?

or should I take a unit of 6 AT-RTs instead?
Plasma pistols or Volk Serps, and Power Swords. Arty armor is for pussies. IH, SoH, IF.
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Does this read as a stolen BA weapon well enough? Figure the gold + ruby is enough to set it apart from the rest of the WE arsenal.
Eh, I would've gone with a sword with wings on the hilt, maybe even a blood drop, I'm thinking of the sanguinary guard kit from 40k
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The real answer is run a single aethon fully-upgraded, name him tank fucker, and hide him behind a building during deployment
This was a case of "I have the sword praetor sword and I'm never gonna use it on anything else", so I was pretty well stuck with the bit (though I could have modified it, yeah).
>Do you like your legion upgrade kits?
I find them bland and uninspired
>This was a case of
I figured, but I also felt like being as honest as possible. Besides that it's fine, I doubt a sword that gold and clean would originate with the WEs anyways
EC, Combi Grenade Launcher, Phoenix Sword, Artificer Armour.

Always issue/accept challenges with him. Sometimes ends horribly, once killed a Caterphractii Chaplain with him.
Bayonet and meltabomb.
Feeling really demoralized about my legion bros.

I started collecting tsons but now I realize it was a mistake. I should probably just kill myself shouldn't I? I can't even fit any equipment on my tactical sergeants, my list is so fucked.
Alpha Legion. They're good. Headhunters kit is good, would like a new one tho to go with the bigger kits. Lernean kit is nice, unlike some of their rules. The heads and shoulder kits are fine.
spartans need to be like 75 points lower
If you started with the age of darkness box? The termies and spartan are a MASSIVE points sink that are hardly worth the trouble in most lists below 4k (which is an absurd points value to play games at), especially considering that you'll need to buy additional power weapons if you don't want to overprice them even further by giving all your termies lightning claws or power fists. They will singlehandedly remove room from your list to actually include cool shit.
>I started collecting tsons but now I realize it was a mistake.
Why exactly?
>Have three quad mortar rapiers in a battery
>Fire all 3 blasts at the same target
>Everything is dead on the second one
Do you think that third gunner felt like he wasted his time?
Because I feel like I don't have enough room in my planned list to actually include any specific tsons units...and all those specific units are fucking RESIN KITS. Like >>93138301 said the fuckin spartan and normal cataphractii termies take up so much room. I'm forced to run PotL to accommodate them because otherwise I won't have enough line units at 3k when I eventually get there. Not to mentioned that the rules don't actually reflect what the tsons are lorewise.

And worst of all? They barely participated in the HH. I should have started with an istvaan legion instead. I feel like a failure for going out and buying all these 40k tsons kits as conversion material
>*misses with the lascannon*
wouldnt the melta be a better pick anyway due to its long range armourbane?
>for going out and buying all these 40k tsons kits as conversion material
Just... use those... lol. Also who gives a shit if Magnus didn't do shit during the Heresy, YOUR DUDES might have! Also I personally wouldn't stop you from using the scarab occult terminators as sehkmet for example, or cutting off their crests and putting them on the cataphractii from the AOD box. If the spartan is that big an issue, just sell it
shoulda picked SW
ah the classic TS problem
I can assure you that your problems can be solved, it may not be obvious to you

what do you own and what do you want to get? lets start there
or rather, what do you want your list to be themed around?

terminator strike force? tank spam? sneaky recon army?
>the scarab occult terminators as sehkmet for example
I would stop myself because all sehkmet are cataphractii ruleswise and the 40k kit is tartaros. I don't know how to cut off their crests...I can't give my tac sergeants any nice equipment, and sehkmet would only make it worse because I'd have to run TEN OF THEM to fit in the spartan
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Probably, but tank fucker isn't here for optimal loadouts. He's here for bitches
>I don't know how to cut off their crests...
...With a knife?? IK Sehkmet are cataphractii and not tartaros... but they're ONLY cataphracxtii so I'd say it's fine to run them with the 40k kit and just make it clear what they are
>and sehkmet would only make it worse because I'd have to run TEN OF THEM to fit in the spartan
Or you could sell the spartan and replace it with a land raider proteus and run 5 of them with an HQ... OR run the Guard of the Crimson king ROW and deepstrike them in at a full 10 man unit
>I can't give my tac sergeants any nice equipment,
Like I said earlier when asked, Power fist, Bolter, Artificer Armor
>Because I feel like I don't have enough room in my planned list to actually include any specific tsons units
Honestly you dont need to, most of the Tsons specific units are MEH at best.
Kinda over priced for what they do, You gotta spend like 350 points just get them a power and a TH, with no real bosnus beyond that.
>Blade cult
Super meh, they are great at chopping up SV3, but so is everything.
>Special snipers
WAAAAAAAAY over cost
Actually not that bad, pretty decent, the blade is a weird weapon because every time you look at it you are left wondering, Who the fuck is this meant to be for? S11? But overall not bad.
Probably the best Tsons unit, makes rapiers and HSS SUPER fucking scary.
Ok dont sleep on these ones, they are actually good, you run Guard of the crimson king, and deep stirke these guys, and then shoot with breaching bolters, its a lot of shot, and it can blink away at things pretty easily.
LOL, LMAO, LMAFO, just dont.
>or rather, what do you want your list to be themed around

Not being shit. But the termies really force me to take PotL. So I made a sample list...3 squads of 20 tacticals (because I've heard that taking less than 60 tacticals at 3k makes you a fag, plus it's cheaper $$$ wise than buying rhinos), a lascannon HS squad, 3 apothecaries for each tactical squad, a ten man cataphactii squad in a spartan, a five man tartaros squad in a land raider, a contemptor dread with a lascannon, an osiron with a multi melta and minor arcana, and a praetor with a paragon blade and a command squad (because the standard gives the squad Line)
>Like I said earlier when asked, Power fist, Bolter, Artificer Armor
he doesnt have points lmao. also aa + melee weapon is retarded, you tank hits on your artificer armor so all those points you spent on the fist get wasted when he dies from tanking, stupid af. aa should only be taken if you arent running any other upgrades
NTA but what's wrong with Magnus? I was gonna take him in a GotCK list since someone at my LGS wants to run primarchs and I think he's fine
Oh and the tactical squads have to be taken with zero upgrades whatsoever to accommodate everything else
>Not being shit
anon, i hate to break it to you, but Tsons are probably the worst legion in the game right now, they went from being insanely broken, to insanely broken but not in the good way.
He is WAY over cost, cant shit out powers like he used to be able to, and since all the powers in the game save for telepathy kinda suck, its actually more deadly to use your pistol then it is a power. Let that sink in, the guy whos entire fucking thing is casting powers, is more deadly with his pistol then casting a fire ball.

He is just way to expensive as well, he is 520 points, the second most expensive primarch but he in no way performs as one. Shit he cant even take Sehkmet as a retinue option ffs.
He is kinda crappy in melee, kinda crappy at being a wizard, and comes with a shit warlord trait.
If I take artificer armor on my tactical sergeants, I'll be a waacfag. I don't want to be a waacfag
Anon, turn those tac squads into inductii and deep strike them.
drop the command squad and one of the tactical squads, add whatever you want
Fair enough, I'm doing it since everyone at my LGS is kinda one and I want to not get crumped every game
What a shame, I thought Biomancy was fine too, but having played my first game on 2sday i've learned how good telepathy is
>He is kinda crappy in melee, kinda crappy at being a wizard, and comes with a shit warlord trait.
to be fair he was the most useless and retarded primarch so it fits
Biomancy would be fine if you could cast it in combat, and it lasted a full turn, but GW said no fuck you, so the only time you EVER get biomancy, is on your turn, on the charge, so way to small of a chance to actually happen to be worth it.
>o be fair he was the most useless and retarded primarch so it fits
He is not angron or russ.
Cut out the spartan and the land raider transports. Thousand sons do not require transports this edition: just take pavoni arcana and even cataphractii will be zooming across the table. Use those points to get some cool shit on your tactical sergeants, maybe some jetbikes, upgrade those tartaros dudes to sehkmet (just say they're sehkmet bro, no one cares if they're tartaros). Run guard of the crimson king and give your tactical squads BREACHING BOLTERS. DEEP STRIKE EM IN
What a shame, I might still take him since having a centerpiece is cool... but if he's THAT bad I might as well just take Ahriman unless he also sucks
>give your tactical squads BREACHING BOLTERS. DEEP STRIKE EM IN
Fucking this.
Dropping a 20 man tactical blob into your oponant then rapid firing breaching bolters is fucking amazing.
Oh he is a bitching center piece i love mine he came out great, but i have used him like 2 times and never again, a SPartan with out anything in it would have been a better take then him.
okay right, that list is complete shit

firstly, 3 squads of tacs with apothecaries is always a good call, they dont have to be 20 men, 10 men+a rhino can go a long way

take guard of the crimson king, they make sehkmet troops
upgrade sehkmet to have the psyker, its worth the 25pts as biomancy gives a flat +1S to the squad with no risk (give them achaean axes for S8)

take khentai in landraiders, its an assault transport+cant go wrong with a land raider (just dont attach anyone to them as it fucks up their power)

psyker praetor with a command squad is also okay, you're gonna need to take a psyker praetor due to the RoW
>Oh he is a bitching center piece i love mine he came out great
Guess I'll buy Magnus just to have... I don't like doing that but I *really* want him
no, because all the mortars fire together and they would all hit simultaneously, so you wouldn't know who was on target and who was off
>upgrade sehkmet to have the psyker, its worth the 25pts as biomancy gives a flat +1S to the squad with no risk (give them achaean axes for S8)
Post FAQ this is not a viable strat anymore, the reason being is you ca nno longer cast the Biomancy buff during over watch or return fire, so the only time you get it is on your turn, and if you make the charge to hopefully make your axes S8.
Im gonna be honest your better off running a Preator with a Command Retinue all using TH, and then taking a medicae.
>take khentai in landraiders
Not a terrible idea, problem is though at the end of the day your still swinging power swords, so you are gonna be great at killing Sv3....so like...everything else anyway in melee
He is a beautiful model.
what about a 10 man aether fire plasma cannon HSS?

no gets got, S8 with achaen force, rending 6+
only risk is the psychic check

can easily kill blobs of terminators, and has anti tank potential too due to good S and rending
That sounds wonderful anon, You might convince me to build them
sounds bad 2bh
>what about a 10 man aether fire plasma cannon HSS?
No las canons are still miles better. DESU the worst thing about plasma is not how underwhelming it is, its how fucking long it takes to sort out that shooting alone. Enjoy scattering 10 fucking templates.

Which side note im of the opinion that small blast weapons should not scatter, only small blast barage should.
>no gets got, S8 with achaen force, rending 6+
only risk is the psychic check
Because of this its not worth it. you can do what you like, but im telling you from personal experience, the aetherfire plasma is a meh upgrade at best. side great if anything.
yeah but you wont look like a WAACfag if you field plasma instead of lascannons
plus the plasma goes for cheap on ebay as nobody wants it lmao
>they make sehkmet troops

And they don't make sehkmet line. Which makes them fucking worthless, you dumbaas
frees up elites slots
>yeah but you wont look like a WAACfag
Thats why i said you do what you like but im just letting you know how underwhelming the aether fire is.
There is being a WAACfag and just not running bad things. Plasma canons are just not good, the Tsons ones espeically, because your entire ploy is based on how well you roll 6s which, again, your trying to roll a 6 to ID a T4 model on an invuln, vs, just forcing a ID Invuln save with a las canon.
>Which makes them fucking worthless,
That and sehkmet just kinda suck, you get more mileage with regular old terminators with hammers. Sure you dont get WS5 which i dont deny is a big fucking deal, but honestly i would just take more bodies at that point.
Oh also Tsons anon, dont, and i cant stress this fucking enough, DONT sleep on the rapier battery x Numberologist wombo combo.

Wanna know what will fuck some ones day? 3 Laser destroyer rapier batteries hitting on 2s twin linked.
>ksons fags outing themselves as the waacfags we all knew they are
Eh, not really, if you are playing Tsons this edition i find that its generally because you like the idea of the legion, all the WAACFags from 1.0 moved over to playing IF.
They got some wombo combos in there still, but you gotta look for them, and they do not involve sehkmet anymore.

Numberoligists for example are a great tool to make units really strong.
I don't have the fucking elites slots for that you fucking numbskull. I'm not buying more resin kits than I have to. Whoever decided resin kits were a good idea should be fucking flayed alive I hate working with it
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Yeah, the idea is that he killed a BA officer and took his sword because it was supposed to be a BA model before I used it for WE.
Haven't decided whether to weather the guy like my other WE yet - I'm really happy with him and concerned about fucking him up in the process.
I thought rhinos were shit for tsons because pavoni exists
China cast you monkey, and besides you dont need to buy resin for a numberologist you potato monger.
Buy a god damn Mk3 box, or just find 4 mrk 3 marines, then buy a tech marine, congrats you now have a numberologist squad.
As for the rapier, bro just go to any 3d print site and you can get alternatives.
You then can just have 2 marine bodies running behind the gun to represent the crew.
I have 15 fucking terminator models. How the hell am I supposed to fit 15 sehkmet into a list? Especially considering that 10 will NEED to have power fists due to what I have on hand while the other 5 will be 40k scarab occult proxyed as sehkmet?

You have NO fucking idea what I have on hand, I'm not some richfag like you
bro, your recaster???
Correct, anon. >>93138491 needs to have his throat slit open, he is trying to sabotage you and trick you into building a bad list.
Just fucking proxy it dude, shit does not need to be wisiwig.
anybody telling you that 60 tacs is normal or a good idea is trying to sabotage you. kek
60? fuck no, running a squad of 20 inductii as tsons to deep strike them in and bolter bash them with breaching 6? Honestly, not that bad and pretty good for its cost and no one expects it to be as deadly as it is.
stop trying to sabotage him
Im not, DS breaching bolters is a good viable strategy and its a cheap one at that.
I don't have a fucking recaster I don't even know how to get drugs let alone a chinese recaster
remove the referral portion of the link if you like
Juts like use one of the store fronts that are easily found
I just did it in a game earlier and it fucked up a guys terminators, and it was just a 10 man squad, idk what to tell you but.
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go here for individual bits, the site has a higher margin for free shipping but it's pretty insignificant otherwise if you're not wanting 40bux of stuff
also the same guy outright as wtg as best i'm aware
your 10 man unit does like 2 rends on average in rapid fire range lmao. stop trying to sabotage him. theyd kill like 1 terminator if they didnt get liquidated by interceptor.
>people ask about the archive because they can't figure out how to use a link format /tg/ has used for the better part of a decade
>someone gives the link
>the archive immediately gets taken down

>someone starts talking about not having access to a recaster, something /tg/ has known to not just hand out willy nilly
>people start directly linking recaster sites
what do you think the next step is
for Christ's sake, reddit is better about keeping it quiet
Everyone here is talking about 20 man units, anon
you were just talking about a 10 man squad that "fucked up" somebodys terminators lmao. 20 man squad is even dumber since it makes it a more juicy intercept target
Do you think everyone who disagrees with you is one person?
I was saying 10 man did work on a terminator squad i rolled decent, but yes 20 man block of inductii with rapid fire will put the hurt on things.
these have been handed out here many times prior, they besides are centric in china and have multiple backup urls
>gw took down my mega folders so i started shilling recasters instead
maybe read the thread before replying to me next time, sperg.
2.0 really lowered the IQ of the thread
Where those legs from?
I can say the same thing to you, everyone was talking about using 20 man inductii squads
The legs and torso are leftover from a test order of Tortuga Bay parts to see their quality. One of the two MkII bionic sets, I don't remember which one. The surface finish was iffy on most of them and I doubt they've remade the mold.
>ksons fags are so dumb that they think if a squad is bad in a 10 man unit, running it as an even stupider points sink 20 man unit makes it a good idea
as expected from the retarded nerd legion
Ok... why is it bad exactly, why is a 20 man squad with breaching 6+ bad
>running it as an even stupider points sink 20 man unit makes it a good idea
Anon its 200 points, its not a point sink. IM not saying its the end all be all unit, but for 200 points its surprisingly good.
Damn. Thanks.
Breaching 6+ that is probably going to shoot at a unit at least twice in a trun with over watch and return fire.
Okay, how does this sound:
Praetor w/ 5-man tartaros command squad (power axes)

2 10 man tactical squads in rhinos with apothecaries
1 20 man tactical inductii squad with apothecary
All tactical sergeants have an aether-fire pistol and power fist
10 man sehkmet squad with psychic upgrade

1 contemptor with lascannon
1 osiron with multi melta and raptora for 4++
10 man khenetai occult squad in land raider

10 man HS squad with lascannons
2-tank Predator Squadron w/ autocannons, lascannons and pintle mounted combi bolters

Should I take jetbikes instead of preds?
lets see, if you dont get intercepted (you will, though) you are going to kill like 2 terminators if you are in rapid fire range. deepstrike in general is unreliable they might not even come in until late in the game. 200 points is a contemptor dreadnaught, its a points sink. its not surprising that the same retards saying 60 tacs is a good idea are also saying that 60 tacs but 20 of them are some stupid deepstriking unit, is a good idea. kek.
>deepstrikes with a shooting unit out in the open
Dude it's fucking over for you
>a-actually im going to deepstrike them out of LOS so they cant shoot anything!
brilliant plan from the retarded nerd legion, as usual.
>1 20 man tactical inductii squad with apothecary
can put an apoth with them.
>1 contemptor with lascannon
Give him a melta
>1 osiron with multi melta and raptora for 4++
DESU i would go with pavoni to move him faster up the board.
>10 man khenetai occult squad in land raider
Put the apoth from the inductii into here.

Pred i have found millage may very but they are alright.
I would look at getting Hammers on the command squad though if i were you. Swinging last, but not ID and or causing brutal feels bad.
Maybe replace with one 3 man volkite jetbike squad and a single vindicator laser destroyer. While your choomers zip around and make a nuisance of themselves dealing with backline units/being a distraction, your laser destroyer sits in the back blasting at the biggest targets each turn
You do know they can... move... right? Why would you deepstrike in the open when you can deepstrike in behind cover and then move... Do you have nails in your brain perchance?
>nogames thinks you can move after deepstriking
as expected.
technically they can move; if they get intercepted or mishap and killed, you can move them straight back to their carrying case.
you cant move after deep striking

unless you really wanna wait a turn to move into position
but at that point, just take a transport?
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I was taught the game wrong then, beautiful
good thing you dont play.
I've played once, a demo game
Post models and tell us about your latest game then anon.
I’m sure someone as confident as you have many stories (and pictures) to share.
the games only been out for 2 years lil bro. its ok, nobody expects you know basic rules.
It's IG anon, you're not going to get anything out of them.
Explains everything
whos IG anon?
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I fucking hate batch painting squads of 20
the only poster itt who knows basic rules
>if you dont get intercepted (you will, though)

with what, lascannons? nobody's wasting their lasHSS on tacticals anon

>you are going to kill like 2 terminators if you are in rapid fire range

no that is how stats work, it's not applicable here

probability works like this: your BS4 non-Breaching6+ is about 1/27 to get an unsaved Wound on T4 2+; your Breaching6+ as part of the same shooting is about 1/18 vs 2+/4++ and about 1/13 vs 2+/5++ and about 1/11 vs 2+/6++, which is to say each shot you take, regardless of whether it ends up Breaching or not, has either a 1/27 chance of unsaved Wound or between 1/11 and 1/18 depending on the invulnerable save, if any; if there is none (as is the case for some units like Legion Command Squads and their Legion equivalents and special units) then it's between 1/27 (without Breaching) and 1/9

you cannot rationalize these probabilities together because it's impossible for them to happen as part of the same operation as they're mutually exclusive outcomes; you can say that about 1/9 shots at BS4 with Breaching 6+ will be AP2, but that's as good as it gets for actual probability

stats would be collecting data on how they performed after the fact and making assumptions based on that, but it still doesn't change the underlying very high probability of AP2 - just 1/9 - that comes with the rule, and it doesn't stack because that's not how probability works (if you don't believe me, please spend the rest of your life bitching about how Vegas won't let you just throw down $38 in $1 roulette bets and walk away with more than you started with because bro you don't need to spin it, statistically guaranteed to win bro (the chance of 2x 1/9 is 1/81))

the problem you're having is you're dismissing very likely events (1/9) based on the potential final outcomes that you've frankensteined into a spreadsheet you don't understand because you're bad at stats as well as probability; once we hit 1/9, the best chance anyone has is 1/2
Even if you did he'd still be a primaris marine.
>with what
everything with an augury scanner
A nomodels faggot who just comes here to shit up the general by acting like an obtuse dickhead, you can ignore anything he says.
maybe learn basic rules before trying to discuss the game lil bro.
Still haven’t posted your models.
still dont know basic rules
Nice helmets
found the IG anon
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Just take a new, sharp blade and scrape. Recommend swapping the arms and chopping off the smokestacks.
to be fair the one sperg who always seethes at me is the retard who thought lascannons and TH arent meta, he didnt respond well to being corrected by me.
>he didnt respond well to being corrected by me.
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there is no meta
this is a freeform role-playing game inside the confines of a rules set
you're supposed to just be doing whatever you like because you like it
if that happens to involve a well-rounded force, good for you
Am I taking crazy pills? It's a primaris marine, you can't just swap the arms and chop off the smokestacks.
It's a Chaos Space Marine that looks like the Primaris Techmarine
Every part of the armour is primaris, every single part, it's completely unusable.
How so? The original model is literally part of the CSM range
there is a meta and being unaware of the meta can lead to you building a waacfag army unintentionally
war isn't fair
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>upgrade sehkmet to have the psyker, its worth the 25pts as biomancy gives a flat +1S to the squad with no risk (give them achaean axes for S8)
...or just use a WS5 Termie Command squad with Power Fists? It's not like the attached IC won't be a psyker
Only ever use Sekhmet if you want *more* WS5 units; but the first one such unit shouldn't be a Sekhmet
How about a tartaros command squad with lightning claws AND a ssehkmet squad... IK IK.. I'm a genius
>primaris legs, primaris torso, primaris backpack
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I love siggy so much, I wish I could marry him bros.
From the CSM Warpsmith kit
ALSO from that kit
ALSO ALSO from that kit with the smoke stacks removed... anon IDK what else to tell you
I tried to make "the worst possible TSons list" and even doing an effort I wasn't able to come up with something as bad as what you're suggesting.
And I went for Achean Configuration, yet you got me beat.
Basically you're only missed reccomending Ammitara to him. Can't believe even actual Nemesis Seekers are cheaper than Ammitara.
>anon IDK what else to tell you
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, I don't care what GW says, it's duck.
Why does he look like he's doing the Costanza face?
Ok, what about this CSM kit looks like primaris? The size? The legs don't have the kneepads nor the weird foot coverings of primaris, the feet are segmented though. The torso is just like the rest of the CSM torsos, or rather the newer ones. What about the backpack is primaris exactly?
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cause hes based on the funko-pop collecting author who worships him.
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Pretty sure it's just a trick of the light.
That particular reactor housing - the large cylinder with the rounded cap and the admech icon on - it's a giveaway. Take off the admech icon, it's the most obvious primaris backpack cue, with the cog, it's primaris techmarine. No heresy backpack has it.
Oh shidd he's a genious :^)
Nah but what I mean is, the IC is going to be a Biomancer anyways because for mere +15 pts he gets a S10 Rending 4+ melee weapon. Which gets a +1A because it's his second melee weapon.
HH has Big Head Mode?
BL writers be like
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What is chaos if not cheat codes
That's a very good point, that is rather damning. On further inspection it's nearly identical to the primaris reactors minus what you said...
I follow, in one of my lists I'm taking arhiman with that tartaros command squad and the cataphractii command squad with another praetor
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you must be seeing things.
where did you get that picture of adb?
He looks like a space marine and I think you're a faggot. He doesn't even have kneepads.
I've no idea what's going on but I've come to mock you

It is 100% possible to calculate the probability that a bolter with breaching(6) deals an unsaved wound to a terminator. Assuming cataphractii:
1s, 2s, and 3s fail to wound. This is half of the wounds.
4s and 5s wound on the armor. This is 1/3rd of wounds, which are unsaved 1/6th of the time.
6s are on the invuln, so 1/2 are unsaved.
Multiplying the probability to wound+be unsaved, and then adding the three events together, gets us a probability of a single shot wounding of 5/36. Multiply that times 2/3rds (the probability to hit), then you have 40 shots from 20 dudes, and that is 3.7ish unsaved wounds. Or 2 dead terminators.
I live inside his intestinal walls
Pearls before swine my friend
Tbh it'd be a waste to hurl them at enemy terminators. It they fired at a TEQ they'd do some 7+ wounds, which is decent.
I have never deeostruck anything. Would they count as having moved? I hope so. Otherwise it'd be 11 wounds.
You get more swine with pearls than with garbage. Or something like that, idk I don't play League of Legends.
I like it, looks sea green to me. The SoH color scheme is almost as diverse as AL.
DG, artificer armour, toxic bomb and chain bayonette.
>Combi grenade launcher
Do they ever do anything? I just think they are cool, reminds me of the Half Life grenade launcher.
sucks that you cant put a chain bayonet on a combi alchem flamer
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surprise pinning checks
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Yes, I give some of my sarges a combi flamer and chainsword instead.
Raven Guard, same loadout as the squad. It's not a melee squad, so might as well keep the lads together.
This perfectly encapsulates how i feel.
I finished the end and the death 3, right before the Emperor and horus fight, there is a dialogue exchange where the Emperor talks to the chaos gods instead of horus says" You have killed my son" then asks them "Why" 3 times. Why is he asking them Why? They are enemies already like isn't it obivious why they would use horus? I feel like was confused by this whole exchange.
I think it was an attempt to make him seem more human and that he actually did care about his sons beyond the capacity of them being a tool, like he generally saw them as his sons, so the idea of him asking why, is because he was actually grieving.
>Why is he asking them Why? They are enemies already like isn't it obivious why they would use horus?
the emperor is just really dumb
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no, he is BELOVED BY ALL
Isn't this after Malcador sees him bundle up all his compassion, emotion, and care into the not-starchild and jettison it into the warp?
What happened at Mount Ararat?
I heard a bunch of people died.
That was a nice bit. Everything is real I some way
the same thing that would have befallen the astartes and their primarchs had they continued to go along with the false emperor to the conclusion of his machinations
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Psh. As if the galaxy had been conquered: the Crusade never reached the halo stars. Or the ghoul stars. Or whatever that place is called, where the astronomicon doesn't reach
As if marines weren't going to be needed to fight in the still-secret webway
As if marines weren't going to be needed to fight rebels in intra-Imperial wars
Halo's Spartans were invented to fight insurgents. It was a sheer coincidence mankind had enhanced humans ready when the Covenant showed up
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Has anyone used or seen used a double inferno pistol mortitat? You have to roll the chain fire attacks one at a time but I figure you'd usually get at least four or five hits which should be enough for most vehicles, and it'd be pretty nasty against terminators or veterans.
Problem is, what if you roll a 1 first?
>Mild take: I think all space marine ICs should be able to take Inferno pistols, not just BA & Sal. It's 6" range, it's not that big a deal. The Armourbane range is from 1" to 3".
well that's just how things go, isn't it, there's not much you can do agasint that.
>there's not much you can do agasint that.
You can have a third pistol. A volkite serpenta would be the safe choice
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tempted to iron warriors
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Yeah, people who think humanity would have just magically stopped fighting itself and need no policing are completely fucking delusional. Not to mention that something like Nids showing up in your galaxy can happen, having legions of super soldiers at the ready is real fucking convenient in a lot of situations.

The culling of the thunder warriors was a dick move, but at least it was somewhat of a mercy killing. They were biologically and mentally unstable, with organs shutting down and widespread psychosis. The thunder warriors were never created to last.
But you don't go and make a bunch of incredibly powerful, near immortal beings like the primarchs when the plan was to get rid of them from the start. That's the complete opposite of planned obsolence. It just makes the traitor primarchs look like fucking retards for believing they were meant to be cast aside, no idea why BL writers ever thought that was a good thing to add to the story.
>daddy left to go to work instead of playing with me
>trillions will die
>It just makes the traitor primarchs look like fucking retards for believing they were meant to be cast aside
Given that the Thunder Warriors were purged, two of their own were already purged and existence erased from history, the seeds of doubt are already there.

Curze and Angron were already on there way out and knew it, and Morty and Pete had trust and self esteem issues, so it kinda tracks. Lorgar, Horus, and Fulgrim were high on the Chaos kool-ade, Magnus was told exactly what he needed to hear then Russ confirmed it for him, and who knows what the fuck Alpharius was thinking.
yes and no, the MKVI world eater helmets look great and the MKIII ones would be great but they're suffering from forgeworld's dogshit QA harder than anything
I bought a box of them a decade ago and even then the details were mushy and hard to make out so I can only imagine how godawful they must be now
when does the plastic admech release come out?
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>The Chaplain found his first Space Marine casualty of the engagement on an inverted stairwell– Khurgul’s impassive advance had taken him into the path of a stray krak grenade. His Mark III plate had been torn by the blast like a hastily opened rations can. His helm was shattered, and only half the Destroyer’s head remained within it. Lying on his side, his lifeblood cascading down through a grille landing, Khurgul blinked incomprehension at Murnau. He endlessly repeated his attempt to attach a fresh drum-magazine to his empty pistol, failing again and again.
>‘Peace, brother,’ the Chaplain told the Destroyer. Swinging his staff of office, Murnau brought the head of the crozius down on what remained of the Space Marine’s own.
>Pulling the stylised and serrated wings of the weapon from the Destroyer’s smashed skull, Murnau followed the Graven’s path of destruction down through the charnel-house decks and into the sinking bowels of the frigate.
astartes are magical creatures
probably after new sigmar edition.

Knowing GW's timing, I would guess after Nova given it has a pretty big Heresy event and it makes no sense to not have it available early or at it, so they can sell kits there, so that is probably what they will do.
When is that?
last week of august/first week of september
God damn that far away?
Time to hibernate.
could be coming out next week, for all I know.

But I usually assume that GW will do the thing that makes the least sense from a Fan Goodwill standpoint and that is usually what happens.

And putting it after a major event they run a GT at and cover on WarCom with a major Heresy event at seems like the best way to drop the ball for it's release.
You don't have a backlog to work on?
>Tighter than Dorn's ass cheeks
That is assuming the same thing won't happen to it as with the melee weapons kit.
Well space daddy didn't mention and communicate his intentions well enough. Classic bad leadership.
Honestly how much copium am I on that I hope they reveal plastic upgrade sprues to make the maegara, styrix, atropos, and moirax when the first wave of mechanicum drops? Getting it from the recaster's getting more and more tempting but I don't really want to fuck with plastic sprue recast in resin after the debacle with my ahriman.
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You have choo-choo-choosen wisely.
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>2 years
Who would have guessed the guy calling people “lil bro” was a newfag zoomer.
People really overplay reactions.
Unless we’re talking about intercept, which even then is loadout dependent, your opponent is getting 2 reactions at most a phase, more often just 1.
It’s not that hard to bait someone into wasting their reaction on something that seems more important, while leaving what you want alone.
Also if you’re planning on charging a unit, combine units for benefits. Hit them with a Recon Squad to fish for pinning, have some Jetbikes zoom in from another angle, charge first to absorb overwatch then disengage next turn for no penalty.
There’s plenty of ways to work around reactions. People who freak out over them and treat them like some impossible obstacle to overcome just haven’t adapted to them yet.
No anon you are wrong

Every unit can always react every time all the time

Also the enemy unit is always 10 lascannons and also a 10 man terminator death star with WS 5, chaplain, primus medicae, herald, and primarch, that automatically teleports into close combat at any moment.
This. Rarely goes off, but I’m a bit of an arsehole about throwing so much that can cause pinning at my opponent, somethings going to stick eventually.
It was everything that would hold him back from doing what needed to be done. He wasn’t lobotomising himself and losing the ability to care about things full stop, or he’d have just sat down and let chaos win, because he’d no longer give a shit about anything.
The anger, grief and sense of loss and betrayal he’d have felt over the gods abusing his first found son, that he’d have likely kept, because all that anger and need for vengeance, THAT would have been of benefit in the fight.
The part of him that wanted to save Horus, that would have potentially risked everything to spare his son’s life, that got siphoned off into the Star Child, but the angry father out for blood, that would have remained, and is why he still exhibited paternal care over Horus, even as he drove a knife into his heart.
My mistake, thank you kind anon for correcting me.
I feel that a lot of possible enjoyment people could have from HH and Warhammer in general is lost due to list building, efficiency and min-maxing.
Take Jetbikes and drop the Las HSS to 5 marines instead, both to not be a dick, and to avoid sinking too many points into a single squad that will likely be a overkill as an anti armour unit. If you’ve got 5pts to spare, for 130pts you’ll have Jetbikes with 2 volkites and a multi melta, which will seem less intimidating, but if you get behind vehicles, all 3 can fuck things up.
Absolutely this.

No one wants to get steamrolled, so you do need to know the rules and what units are capable of, but if you build units for flavour and fun, and take units because you put effort into making and painting them, then you’re more likely to have a good time, and be someone other people will enjoy playing with.
Obsessing over what the ‘best’ list is, and building an army to just that, will inevitably backfire when a new edition rolls around and the meta changes anyway.
All problems in HH, 40k, AoS, Fantasy, arise from GW writing rules to fix problems that arise from playing with randoms. 99% of Warhammer problems would be solves if instead of bitching to GW to plug an exploit, players said "don't be a faggot, that's clearly not in the spirit of the game, you're abusing the rules at my expense, this game is over, I accept your concession."
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I've come to strongly dislike list building min maxing. It's catnip for autists, but it makes for a worse game where almost everything is actually decided before playing or by pure luck of the dice.
I hate all those lists and talk about whole units with the "best" loadout. Like rampagers all with falax blades, or shit like suicide combi melta squads. It's gamey bullshit far from pseudo-historical side that I prefer.
Kill Team '21 approach of more fluffy menu-like lists without points made a lot of people butthurt, but it effetively moved most of the decision making to the actual gameplay where it belongs.
>don't be a faggot, that's clearly not in the spirit of the game, you're abusing the rules at my expense, this game is over, I accept your concession
Okay but that doesn't really work out very well when things like despoilers or dreadnoughts or thousand sons where it's just "because GW shat the bed, I no longer get to play what's cool because it's objectively weak/overpowered thanks to core rules changes."
>"because GW shat the bed, I no longer get to play what's cool because it's objectively weak/overpowered thanks to core rules changes."
As a result of years of GW plugging faggot holes. If we're being real, the best possible solution is to abandon GW rules altogether and play homebrew with friends, something impossible for most of us alpha males.
God knows how many years later and just now do I realize that the Iron Warrior rule Wrack and Ruin rule is not called Wack and Run.
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What else Pinning do you run? Rotor cannons? Or an all veteran combi-nade squad?
You left out the worst crime of them all... armour mixing
>an all veteran combi-nade squad?
Legally you could have any squad's sergeant have a combiGL
Yes I'm making one for my AL for tacticool looks.
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How do people think this looks good? It looks like a transformers alt mode
It looks perfectly 30k to me. Don't see what the issue is.
Horus should have seen it coming given the Emperors entire history is
>shows up
>solves problems
>refuses to elaborate
especially after how he did Angron.
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Just use the model machine god intended, rather than being victim of GW marketing autism.
It looks great. A perfect low grade Predator STC using riveted tech instead of more sophisticated casting and materials
The alternae name is just marketing bs.
Nah, the hi grade Anvillus vehicles should be reserved for marines
I want to think that one of the lost legions went missing simply because they painted their armor orange
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>shows up
>solves problems
>an Anvillus vehicle

Also, fuck off, James. This isn't 40k. Rhinos and predators were used by humans thousands of years before marines existed. If the division between "marine" and "non-marine" equipment existed as far back as the great crusade, what even was the point something like the Emperor declaring all land raiders for marine use? They apparently already were. How is it that SA, the dudes second only to marines, have to use cheap chinese rhinos and predators, but militia gets to use actual rhinos and land raiders?
Armour autists sperging out over the models not matching exactly to their specific opinions on what is ‘canon’ or not is utterly insufferable, yes.
Couple of recon Squads, Sniper Scouts, Deredeo with Volkite, scattered Nemesis Bolters and Combi Grenades, Missile Launchers.

I roll primarily with a melee focused army, so if it can shoot and isn’t a dedicated anti tank unit, I try to include a bit of pinning in their too.
You're confusing the gamey bullshit that FW made up about the Aurox and the Carnodon with them being obviously more primitive Saturnine made Rhinos and Predators of the same tech level as the original Mars mk1 versions of those from RT. Just like the Phaeton patterns also must have existed from the early GC era onwards.
The Deimos must be second generation patterns that existed at the same time than the Mars mk2, but were more popular thanks to their better tech.

There's an evident divide between riveted and non-riveted designs, with the latter pretty much only used by marines, and it was explained originally in the fluff about Land Raiders and Anvillus (lost later to the imperium due to the HH).

Riveted: Used by marines and non marines
Non riveted: used only by marines
>Solves problem by making new problem
Missile launcher and volkite pin? Wut
>an evident divide between riveted and non-riveted designs
this is even more obvious with the Legion versions of the Medusa, Basilisk, etc. vs the patterns used by the army and the SA
Deredeo volkite specifically has pinning, none of the other non-LoW ones. Missile launchers have pinning on frags, which no one uses for good reason.
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Based. Chad. Kino.
What about Land Raiders...
...omg SA with Land Raiders :O
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SA should have Land Raiders, but a version of the original RT one.
Or maybe not. Since LRs came from Mars at the start of the GC, the Saturnyne ordos already had their own equivalent big explorator vehicle in the Dracosan (Which IMO must have been used aso by marines at the start, since it's just uses the same terran Malcador chassis, itself a jury rigged tank design)
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It's all made up gamey bullshit. None of this was a thing until HH became a product to sell, at which point hard lines had to be drawn between product lines and you could not cross those lines. Why do you think Marines get to have Termites in their book but Mechanicum (and SA) got it moved into Legends, along with all the other "non-Mechanicum" units, like Land Raiders and artillery units? Because they don't belong in the proper list and it's easier to just remove them from existence down the line.
>Legion versions of the Medusa, Basilisk
You mean the shit they literally pulled out of their asses so someone's autism would be spare having to put different style vehicles in the same army? The same reason they made Aurox and Carnodon in the style of SA vehicles, because God forbid SA would use vehicles that looks like they weren't made in the 1800s. Why do you think SA don't have Dreadclaws, even though they're all about the void combat and Dreadclaws were used by the Navy and are used by non-Marine Chaos? Because they haven't made a bolted together "SA" style Dreadclaws yet.
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"gamey bullshit" is about the rules, not the fluff.
>different style vehicles
Art direction is a reasonable reason for doing it. SA are a diesel punk riveted faction, so the more modern looking vehicles look off in a force of them, and it makes sense that the best stuff goes to the Legions. SA are still short lived meatbags compared to marines in the military hierarchy of the Imperium, no matter how elite they think they are.
> IW basilisk.jpg
40k CSM scavenge whatever they can and their Basilisks are probably crewed by their cultists/serfs.
And anyway 30k legions could still use old riveted stuff they had in their reserves when they needed it.
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>Art direction is a reasonable reason for doing it.
Maybe don't make factions that don't work in the setting without changing everything about the setting?
>it makes sense that the best stuff goes to the Legions.
SA are, by their own fluff, second only to Marines. If Militia can get Rhinos and Land Raiders, but not Auroxes, then SA should too.
>SA are still short lived meatbags compared to marines in the military hierarchy of the Imperium, no matter how elite they think they are.
Then maybe Marines should be given something even better than mere human Rhinos and Land Raiders, since they're so good.
30k vehicles in 30k era.
>And anyway 30k legions could still use old riveted stuff they had in their reserves when they needed it.
Why didn't they make a "Legion" variant of the Malcador and various Baneblades? Surely they'd want Marines to be using the best and not some crappy third-line junk? Lets just ignore that Rhinos already were suppose to be super simple (which is why they had the ability to be repaired in battle), something which the even simpler Aurox does not have.
>changing everything about the setting?
rivets were the original 40k aesthetic, the marine stuff is the outlier since the 3rd ed. LR
>Visions art
either retconned or explained by being crewed by serfs
>If Militia can get Rhinos and Land Raiders, but not Auroxes, then SA should too.
> a "Legion" variant of the Malcador
the Malcador lack of a proper turret points to it as clearly a stop gap solution. Its role was probably fullfilled by the Kratos, or maybe even by Predators with battle cannons like the Sororitas one in 40k. WE DONT SEE ALL THE STUFF THEY MUST HAVE USED
>various Baneblades?
the Fellblade family is exactly that
>Lets just ignore that Rhinos already were suppose to be super simple
Yeah, for M31, not current tech. The Mk1 Rhino also had less redundant systems.
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>rivets were the original 40k aesthetic
RT Rhinos, Predators and Land Raiders (available to all Imperials) had less rivets than the 3e ones. Try again.
>the marine stuff
The same stuff that's available to Inquisition, Arbites, Sisters, etc.? How about Skitarii using "IG" vehicles, rather than their hover Higgins boats?
Yeah, no shit, welcome to the conversation.
In your headcanon, maybe.
>man, you're dense.
I don't care about your headcanon to cope with the goyslop.
>the Fellblade family is exactly that
Yet not the same. Where as Aurox and Carnodons are just Rhinos and Predators with a skin swap.
>Yeah, for M31
I'm glad we can at least agree Rhinos are simple machines and should be available to more than just Marines.
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Militia can take Land Raiders (Proteus) with the Survivors of the Dark Age Provenance.
>SA should have Land Raiders, but a version of the original RT one.
So... a Proteus?
Have i understood it correctly that you can put a pathfinder in any power armoured squad?
A bit unclear to me since he’s wearing scout armour.
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"Proteus" is an unbrella term for all the first gen LRs. The current one in the game was actually designed in Anvillus (so it wasn't avaible at first when they left the Solar System), and the RT one was probably a Mars pattern, and the version used by both marines and the army until it was retired.
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Yeah he was either unaware or cheating because Day of Revelation specifically states he has to choose a turn between 2 and 4, and for deep strike you have to be within 12 inches of the 1st unit, so you are restricted to that point
Speak of BA players
>people at my local hobby club keep losing to the one BA player that plays mostly day of revelation
>I have not played against him yet but I wonder about how strong it really
Isn't the counter to Deep strike stuff just having as many augury scanners as possible throwing out intercept reactions for free, right?
Regarding drop pods and intercept, if a drop pod gets destroyed by an intercept reaction, is the unit removed as a casualty as well?
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What's the better "be annoying to try kill, and stick around by the time the game ends to score points" unit? 20 man Militia infantry squads with flak armor, or 10 man (Warrior Elite) Grenadier squads?
(There are already 2 assault marine units, a command squad w/ banner and and a tac squad in my list, so I'm not just trying to be cheap with line)
>had less rivets than the 3e ones
holy shit, you are literally counting rivets in low fidelity kits instead of going by the super obvious riveted inter-war design clues?. Get a grip
>The same stuff that's available to Inquisition, Arbites, Sisters, etc.? How about Skitarii using "IG" vehicles, rather than their hover Higgins boats?
You mix 30k with 40k, and gamey shit like forced separate mini ranges with the actual in universe use of those vehicles. Do you seem to have a problem understanding key concepts like "before" and "after", or the order of events
>I don't care about your headcanon to cope with the goyslop.
lol, you're projecting to cope about your precious headcanon being fucking wrong and you being called out for your ignorance of the setting while trying to pass your BS as reality
> Rhinos are simple machines and should be available to more than just Marines.
The Aurox IS a Rhino just like the mk1 Rhino. The gamey difference only exist in FW rules and your inability to understand it.
>more Visions
that's a kino book but in the end just a series bible for the HH that was sandwitched between early 3rd ed. and the following dedicated Imperial Armour books. Not to mention the art wasn't supposed to be anything else that fast and dirty low res art for TCG cards.
You endlessly reposting caps from it as if they prove anything just shows your ignorance.
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NTA but I wish Visions was still canon or whatever, IDK it's current canonicity but I do knwo that TSons aren't that color during the heresy anymore which saddens me
3 full man conscript units on one objective (so 150 bodies)
"Pattern" doesn't always mean a completely different. The difference between a Ryza and Mars pattern Leman Russes is a slightly different turret. Main visual difference between a Stygies VIII pattern and Gryphonne IV pattern Vanquishers is the gun barrel design.
like 4 thallax
Visions is just like any other stuff made by GW. Parts of it are still valid, and others are not.
Most of it has been superseded by more recent material, but there's still some stuff that can be reasonably be taken as still canon, like many of those RT/2e vehicles being used during the HH, as the artists were clearly told to use them when the modern 40k designs from 3rd ed were already released.
yeah, "Pattern" is used from pretty much identical stuff (all those Ultima bolters made in different places) to widely different designs. I think it's supposed to reference the place of origin, but not even that seems always consistent.
>like many of those RT/2e vehicles being used during the HH
This is also backed by MkI Rhino still being canon in the IA books and MkIIc Rhinos being shown and mentioned in HH black books. Unless we just assume that's oldfag territory now that 2.0 is here to tell us that really happened during the Horus Heresy.
>I think it's supposed to reference the place of origin, but not even that seems always consistent.
Think that a lot of patterns are named after their place of origin, while some are named after other things (creator, mythical beast, etc.)
>now that 2.0 is here to tell us that really happened during the Horus Heresy.
Given the huge retcons and general disregard for even previous Black Books, I see HH2 as pretty much a soft reboot, both of the fluff and the visuals.
I bet once Mk2/4 armour kits are released FW will stop reusing the old art like they still do.
Well still have those Japanese toys in old armour.
It is, i have been saying this since the release of 2.0
HH 2.0 is going to be the spring board they use to reboot 40k in teh same way that TOW is to AoS.

40k is going to become their try hard tournamnt game that makes the money and lots of it, HH is going to move into the scouring and war of the beast, and is going to eventually include old xeno races like necros, eldar, orks, nids, possibly tau, all using the old 3rd - 7th rule sets.
While I like that artwork, the blue Thousand Sons are kind of odd. They had red armour since the beginning of the whole HH stuff (Space Marine 1st edition - back then with a M as chapter symbol).

I suppose they chose the blue and gold because of the Jes Goodwin miniature with the pharaonic style, but this wasn't a HH model.
>They had red armour since the beginning of the whole HH stuff (Space Marine 1st edition - back then with a M as chapter symbol).
Yeah IK, it's just that 40k TSons blue happens to be my favorite color captured in a paint pot and I want to use it, but I also don't like 40k. The candy red is fine tho don't get me wrong
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If you look closely, you can see that their armour is changing colour from red to blue, and the banners are turning as well.
That's fucking rad
Holy fuck i never noticed that, what an awesone detail.
I wish I had the skill to paint that on my TSons for heresy
>HH is going to move into the scouring and war of the beast
lmao. delusional
>People don’t use Frag Missiles
What? Why? Unless you’re going for a Heavy unit, Dreadnought or vehicle, pinning is far more valuable than just killing a few 3+ MEQs.
Its Delusional to think they wont.
This is the same company that nuked warhammer fantasy only to bring it back, this is the same company that shit all over the 40k lore and are continuing to do so in order to sell more models.
If you REALLY think, that GW would not use the HH as the opening to creating a 40k reboot that is designed to appeal to the older generations of players who are very much discontent with modern 40k, in order to get that market share again, you are the delusional one.
Pasting a marine is still better than paying 35 points for a bolter with a 3" inch blast.
It’s really only shooting reactions that stand out because they let a unit attack so many extra times. If each unit could only do one shooting reaction per turn, or one of the fifty different fixes proposed here weekly were applied, they’d be totally fine.
>If you REALLY think, that GW would not use the HH as the opening to creating a 40k reboot
thats what 30k already is. nobody gives a fuck about the scouring or gay ass xenos.
>HH is going to move into the scouring and war of the beast, and is going to eventually include old xeno races like necros, eldar, orks, nids, possibly tau, all using the old 3rd - 7th rule sets
That would be the worst timeline.
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Ah, found it! I knew I had seen someone do it.
its just a delusional 40k refugee seething that his stupid xenos will never ever be in 30k
>That would be the worst timeline.
You all best buckle the fuck up buckaroo because its happening. We are already approaching the end of HH from the story stand point, and there are a LOT of people out there are not going for modern 40k, enough that GW wants them back, and HH is going to move into the scouring and or war of the beast era to do so.
Just telling you whats going to happen.
>40k Refugee
Refugee implies im here for the xenos, im here because i like the HH, but im also not blind as to whats going to be coming this way.
>Just telling you whats going to happen.
whats going to happen is you continuing to cope with your stupid xenos being stuck in 40k forever where they belong.
That’s an amazing little detail I never noticed before. Actually makes me want to do a TS force like that.
>I care about xenos
Anon, your assuming i give a shit about what happens to them. Dont shoot the messenger here.
Im just telling you whats going to eventually be coming down the pipe. GW already has shown multiple times, they dont give a flying fuck about muh lore or fluff consistansy or even whats healthy for the games settings, they just want ot make more and more money at any cost.

Them pushing hh into a soft reboot of 40k with the intent to have it set in a time similar to older editions of 40k to tap into that market is the most obvious next move. If you think they were willing to nuke the fucking out of Warhammer fantasy only to bring it back because they realized a lot of people liked fantasy, but you think they wont sacrifice HH to bring back old school 40k, you are either being willfully ignorant or delusional.
My jaw dropped, that looks beautiful

Maybe I could try and do something like what's shown in this article https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/09/eddie-agent-of-change-part-4-my-armygw-homepage-post-4/
Thats one handsome young man.
So what do you imagine we used to do before we had strangers on the internet to tell us all hope is lost and we have no choice but to descend into a foetid hell of cheesemongering WAACery? If something is *that* broken it's not that hard to generate a consensus in your group to do something about it, and it's usually pretty obvious what to do - look how many people treat "1 dread per 1k" as pretty much a given for anyone not trying to be a cunt.

When shit breaks you can be a helpless mewling faggot numale who calls customer service, or you can get out the fucking duct tape and make it work again.
Damn, raven guard dread looks pretty good for TS.
>delusional 40k refugee thinks anybody cares about old school 40k
the soul of 40k died after 5th edition. 8th/9th/10th are more commercially successful than anything gw has ever done. there is no market for old school 40k that gw is missing out on, that isnt already being captured by 30k which is by design. cope.
>the soul of 40k died after 5th edition
> 8th/9th/10th are more commercially successful than anything gw has ever done.
Just because something is successful does not mean its good quality. McDonalds is successful but no one thinks of McDonalds as good food.
> there is no market for old school 40k that gw is missing out on, that isnt already being captured by 30k which is by design.
>There is no market that GW can capture
>Except the one its already capturing
>They totally will not want to expand that.
Again anon, dont shoot the messenger but the writing is on the fucking wall here.

Im just trying to brace you for whats to come.
I think that doesn’t indicate much, those are made by a thirdparty company using the old better established look of the models instead of GW’s nu-abominations, it’s likely that they did so because there’s simply more source material for the old design.
Breachers have no representation in model or art form with the nu-MK3 for example, which means that they would either have to establish a new look for nu-MK3 breachers themselves (which they obviously can’t do as a thirdparty company) or use the planned designs of the GW team for those breachers (which i highly doubt even exist since they are too busy huffing their own farts and planning on how to destroy other iconic designs).
So when John French pushed for GW to commision them to make IF breachers so he could put his favourite action figures in a cumjar they had to use the old design.

If the actual GW design team were to be more involved we would without a doubt only see the ”updated” armour designs and it would take several years between each new release.
>Just because something is successful does not mean its good quality. McDonalds is successful but no one thinks of McDonalds as good food.
i does mean mcdonalds has no incentive to change, just as gw has no incentive to change.

30k has always been the hold out of old school 40k, thats the point of it. nobody wants or cares about the scouring or your stupid xenos. mk7 slop will stay in 40k where it belongs, getting mogged by a half assed mk4 redesign that they called primaris.
So cool with the banner warping into a new design from the old white and red sun icon.
Holy kino, i wish i had the skill to pull that off.
Even if you brought missile launchers (their niche is taken by autocannon and lascannon), against marines you'd use krak rather than frag.
Yup, he even thinks that GW making a 40k reboot where you won't get the tourniekiddies jumping in and ruining everything for everybody is possible. Fucking fantasyland shit. HH as a setting works incredibly well for filtering the majority of them because they can't jump in without buying an entire new army, remove that and there isn't anything stopping them. I fucking hate 40k players and they have been saying the same shit for years
>HH won't sell because marine vs marine is the most boring shit imaginable
>HH as a setting is stale because you already know how everything ends
>they are totally going to add xenos just you wait
>next year they are totally going to do it
>well next one then
>GW and FW need to revitalize interest in the game by adding xenos
40kiddies were saying that shit since nearly day one and when you ask them why not play 40k instead of shoehorning their shit here they start to make up the wildest reasons that their diseased brain can conjure
>it's not as balanced / the rules are boring / the fluff is shit / there were two dead eldars in that battle once so I am justified to bring my entire army in / can't play an older edition or homebrew because there isn't any player willing to play with me / etc
None of these justify adding xenos in when they aren't the focus of the game and the armies that are are so fucking unbalanced / phoned in / full of shit that doesn't work the way is supposed to / gutted out of options from 1.0.
Why do they think that GW, which already tries it's best to do things like separate old options and make them legion uniques(teleporting termies) or army unique (relegating termites to legacies for non marines) and setting unique (40k losing 30k shit), would slaughter their cash cow (30k) in exchange for a setting that shares entire factions 1:1 with 40k? At best it's going to be some books for 40k in the style of the old imperial armour ones. Now they believe that because the books depicted the SoT the setting is ended and there isn't anything going forward so they must go onto the scouring. As if we ever got a SoT black book or supplement or as if we never knew the ending. So far we can count legion weapon upgrade sets on our hands btw and not all legions got new shit either, it's just the 40k brainworm of switching editions faster than some 40k players switch t-shirts. Why do they switch editions so fast? So these people don't notice that GW makes things broken on purpose, they think that it's because there wasn't time to fix things despite GW being the ones deciding when an edition drops.
Anyone have recommendations for recasters who sell the old plastic mkiii?
yeah, war of the beast is the most hilarious part of that 40kids delusion. orks are so goofy and retarded that they were deliberately excluded from mordheim for being goofy and retarded and not grimdark. 40kids really be like "uhhh yeah 30k is too grimdark and brutal uhh we need to add in female space marines and le retarded reddit orks, thatll really capture the old school 40k crowd!" lmao
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>excluded from Mordheim
cope and seethe, ork redditor. the designer himself said they are goofy and retarded and dont belong there.
(Whips out my BOC on the table) oh yeah?
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Dubs for BOC
40k is 2 doors down and to left, right next to reddit.
This sounds like the cope and sneed GW put into Ogre Kingdoms FAQ about their wizards taking magical armour.
Stop feeding the IG faggot, he’s just looking for (you)s.
Kys redshirt
Yeah i know i should have known better.
maybe if you nogames 40kid retards would stop staying the dumbest shit imaginable id stop shitting on you.
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Orks can be grimdark and not goofy at all. Most 40k and 30k stories with them are actually like that: The Crimson Fist books, the Wolf of Ash and Fire, or Warhawk of Chogoris

The problem is making somebody play them as the bestial runaway alien bioweapon warrior caste they are, and not as green hooligans with funny accents. Xeno players wouldn't like that a 30k ork Liber would not have names like shoota and choppa, but stubber and cleaver.
Gunheads is also a good example of that
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>Orks can be grimdark
Actually that’s be a good way to differentiate the Orks.

40K Orks are the vicious but comical hooligans, with the Goffs as the dumb thug clan in charge of proceedings, while 30K is the more cunning, driven and diabolically evil properly trained and equipped military force under the control of the Blood Axes, acting as the officers that carolled the other clans into a proper fighting force.

It’d need entirely different models, rules, names, vehicles and wargear to 40K, but it’d be a very interesting way to show how dangerous Orks used to be, and why they could become a true threat to the Imperium if Ghazgull ever manages to get a big enough Waagh going to raise their collective average intelligence up again.
You can pretty much counter their reaction with the fact Orks don’t understand the concepts of women or babies, and have no empathy or compassion.
Pretty much every time Orks take control of a human civilian population in the fluff, it is some of the most gut wrenching and stomach turning shit imaginable.
They’re pure evil, but are having a great time and not taking anything around them seriously, so they make for whacky clowns when they’re not a threat, but they’re despised by everyone that encounters them for a good reason.
they are a silly reddit meme faction and their exclusion from 30k is part of why 30k is great.
There's no need for different models, just not using the more goofy ones (like the pirate orks), and a more realistic/grimdark paint scheme instead of the cartoon-like stuff they got in 40k.

The Imperial Armour book about the Raid on Kastorel-Novem was already half way there.
Post models already
I like how this guy converted some of his orks, I wouldn't mind them in 30k if they looked this brutal
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Just noticed the two Ordinati (Aktaeus and Ulator) are sold out. I don't care, I don't own one of them (just a Sagittar - fuck you GW, at least give it legacy rules).

Plastic? Don't know, it's a large model and not the obvious choice. Both are still in the Liber Mechanicus though.But I suppose we rather get a new book...
i do, on ig where people who actually play games and arent just 40kid secondaries post.
It's just a regular case of FW not being able to keep up with demand, as usual. Or it's just going to be removed from their catalogue, another common occurrence (the list of what FW stopped selling is quite shocking to behold)
Alright, what's your IG?
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Can't believe people are still engaging with the IGfag, he's such an obvious troll.
I would mind them because you'd want to give them Brutal (2) weapons :U
why would i tell a schizophrenic retarded sperg my IG?
pointing out that xenos faggotry isnt welcome in 30k isnt trolling, lil bro. if you were actually part of the 30k community you would understand this.
>No models
Also is your IG a personal account? If so, you're a retard, but that's confirmed considering you're a good for nothing troll with no models
im a commission painter so obviously.
>so obviously.
Didn't even try to hide his identity online, you shouldn't be on 4chan lil bro
Since they merged the shops (I know FW had some problems before) it's usually pretty clear: 'Temporarily out of stock' means exactly that, and "Sold out Online' too. And in case of the Ordinati you'll probably won't find some boxes in an remote FLGS...
why would i hide my indemnity on ig when im literally taking payment for a service lmao
Almost everything FW on the webstore is sold out
SO you just put your full name and all those details on your IG for payment, but are too pussy to post proof that you have ever touched a model on 4chan? IDK if you're a retard or just a pussy, probably both
you can impotently seethe all you want lil bro, you still dont even know basic rules lmao.
And you are a no games no models faggot... so I guess we're on the same boat? At least I'm not too bitch made to admit when I'm wrong
>At least I'm not too bitch made to admit when I'm wrong
ive never been wrong on here lmao. you dont admit when you are wrong, you even know basic rules and have been autistically obsessing over me for like a year because i corrected your dumb ass for thinking TH and lascannons arent meta. lmao. touch grass lil bro.
>and have been autistically obsessing over me for like a year because i corrected your dumb ass for thinking TH and lascannons arent meta. lmao. touch grass lil bro.
Uh... wrong guy? I haven't been visiting this thread in that long a time... are you scared of a nonexistent boogeyman? Wow you really are a retard
>ive never been wrong on here lmao
Assuming everyone who disagrees with you and calls you a no models faggot (cuz you are) is an example of you being wrong... maybe YOU'RE the schizo
>n-nnnooo really everybody itt types like a braindead redditor! y-you are the schizo!
lmao, you still stick out like a sore thumb.
>lmao, you still stick out like a sore thumb.
How, I'm curious what you see in me that is identical to your boogeyman? Is it just because I call you a no models faggot? Is that the sole defining feature? Cuz a few people also do that
Uhhh.... Woah... Bazinga. Uhh Ohhh...

UMMM? Post models?!
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Stop giving him (you)s.
I want to see where his cope leads, I think he genuinely believes I'm some mythical boogeyman of his that doesn't exist, he's seeing patterns that aren't there, he's definitely an unmedicated schizo
What would be the protocol to talk shit on the internet, be able to post proof of minis but also not accidentally dox yourself?
I'm just curious. So this Instagrammer can do it and be done with it, but without tying his public minis to his silly opinions.
Paint a new mini he isn't commissioned to do (if he even is a commissioner, which he isn;'t) and doesn't post on his instagram (which he doesn't have)
i just refuse to believe that there are 2 nogames retards itt who fuck up basic rules and confidently both talk like they are big bang theory characters.
Add a paper with >####### (You) and a timestamp yeah
>Woe is paint a whole ass mini
He won't do it
There/s multiple people itt that are no games no models (you included), and I've never once typed the B word like you did here >93145220
Forgot about that, but yeah
>He won't do it
Obviously, he's a no games no models faggot who's trying to get a rise out of people without realizing I'm having fun here
why would i care about placating nogames retards who paint like toddlers and fuck up basic rules?
He continues to dodge the mythical request of post models, he's like an elusive fae creature
>no games no models
Can you be Yes Games No models?
I know they can be No Games Yes Models. Those guys scare me.
>why would i care about placating nogames retards who
Because you're a pussy if you don't lol
>Those guys scare me.
BOO! I've played 1 (one) demo game but my enjoyment comes from having a toy soldier army in my display case more than gaming. I really need to get through my backlog though LOL
*posts timmys first space marine painted with like 2 colors*
see! thats why i can move after deepstriking! also lascannons are bad! also im allying with orks now!
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His elusive boogeyman continues to evade him, he'll never catch him though, as said scary man in his closet doesn't exist!
the greatest irony being that i am the only boogeyman itt since im pretty much the only one who gatekeeps you nogames retards.
>Having a single model entitles you to however many shitty opinions you wish
I begin to see the issue now. Alas, you could comission an army and post whatever nonsense you wish.
"Pay to shitpost", like some Hiroshimoot scheme.
But there's no way to "prove" you know what you're talking about, is there
No, 'Temporarily out of stock' isn't the same as 'Sold out online'.
How does one gatekeep through the internet? YOU can't stop me from playing the game LOL. Best you can do is assume me and everyone else who calls you a no models faggot is actually one guy that's probably like 3 different anons in reality, and that just makes me laugh more than anything
>But there's no way to "prove" you know what you're talking about, is there
there is, because im the one who doesnt fuck up basic rules and say retarded shit like lascannons arent meta. lmao. im literally the savior these retarded ass threads needs, admit it. 40kid secondaries have been a plague since 2.0
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picrel, go team Amerifats!
>im literally the savior these retarded ass threads needs
kek'd hard, thanks
You two deserve each other. Maybe we have sinned, and our punishment is you too as well
Listen, I;m having fun fucking with this """IG""" guy, he's clearly a LARPer taking it too seriously but it's made my day almost as much as drinking beer does
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>he's clearly a LARPer
>says the retard who has based his entire personality and speech patterns around young sheldon
kek. btw meta update: TH and lascannons are in fact still meta.
IDK who this young sheldon is, and I never said TH and lascannons weren't meta, IK you're cowering in your bed under your blankie from your scary boogeyman, but he's not gonna molest you dude
It's such a shame yeah, I also wish the termite also came in half like that, more SOVL
>no carrier model for the termite
C'mon, man!
Holy shit just make a new thread and hope these retards tire themselves out here.
I'll stop replying to IGanon when a new thread is made I promise
totally new meaning to the post, like I said >>93145431 I wish both models came in half so you can have two and each was burrowing out of the ground or into it
uhhh... ummm... woah. uhhh... did you just use the R word?

major yikes dude. post models.
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I imagine a major proble for a carrier is the scale of 30k games. Who's gonna have the carrier on the table, then launch the drill, and wait for it to arrive at the destination, rather than launch it off-board? Then again, the not-Hellbore has even less of a reason to have a carrier due to its size, making it even less useful in most 30k games. Then again, you could have the carrier act like the Damocles Rhino for its drill, enabling it to arrive with more precision/sooner/do more damage upon entry, or something. Like, you'd buy the carrier for each drill (for relatively cheap) and if they're on the table the turn the drill arrives, you get the bonus. Idea being that the drill was launches just before the game began and the drill is close to the front to provide assistance. Without the carrier, the assumption is the drill was launched further away and the carrier cannot provide assistance to the drill at the battlefield.
>Idea being that the drill was launches just before the game began and the drill is close to the front to provide assistance
Yeah that's more or less what I imagined, the termite and mole being already prelaunched from their carriers and they appear from the ground during the game in their "half burrowed" model. Like you don't move your marines in the first turn to wherever they're deepstriking from, they're already there (whether in a teleportarium or low orbit in terms of jump packs)
The thunderhawk also was Sold out Online last month, but now it can be ordered again.
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What's the likelihood of us getting Solar Auxilia Charonite Ogryns in plastic?
I honestly thought they were gonna be released but once I saw the scout walkers... yeah not any time soon if ever
Considering they weren't in the initially wave of plastic SA and Mechanicoom is up next... not anytime soon. Or in other words, right after the plastic melee weapon kits :^)
like 100%
Who painted this and where can I find more?
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maybe I should do some world eaters.
Doesn't answer who but it's a good start, thanks
WE are a mark II legion
Wrong, they're one of the traitor legions which received preferential treatment thanks to Horus and thus got a lot of the new, fancy Mk IV power armour suits send their way.
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Maybe in like a year.
Join us.
Waiting on the melee upgrade kit before I get going. Tbh maybe some 3d printed Falax blades and other bits for a Rampager squad, fuck buying official scuffed FW resin.
>Waiting on the melee upgrade kit
im going to see if the arms from the command squad kit and recast versions of the phobos chainaxe kit will work
yes but they burn through armour so fast they have to bring out older suits or use mark V. But aesthetically mark II fits because it resembles articulated gladiator armour and it is also supposed to be the least restrictive for movement. The WE also don't care about enhanced sensor suites.
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>Waiting on the melee upgrade kit before I get going
there's also not a chance in hell the melee kit will have chainaxes in it.
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Plastic heresy chain axes aren't happening anon, there is 0 fucking chance. Take the resin pill like the rest of your XIIth legion brothers, you'll need 3d printed falax blades anyways.
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>we might get a plastic Angron before plastic chainaxes
There already is a plastic Angron.
lmao the last thing 30k needs is plastic primarchs. primarchs are cancer
exactly, its a classic GW move.
I bought a bunch of recast falax blades from the Rampager kit.
Several broke in transit. The rest were so thin that you could clearly see light through them.
I went with alternatives.
You do know the CSM warpsmith literally uses the same base model as the primaries techmarine, right?

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