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Corrupted Spirits of Darkness edition

Previous >>93090754

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 3 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for June 27th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 2-2! Next set of chapters sometime in August?

BT16 Beginning Observer is out now everywhere!

EX06 Infernal Ascension is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for June 28th

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for August 9th

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is scheduled to be released June 28th in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM03 and LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

What cards are you thinking of picking up from Infernal Ascension?
>What cards are you thinking of picking up from Infernal Ascension?
Just the Lopmon and Xiquemon lines. Considered getting Legend-Arms too but I don't think I care enough about them.
first time playing against yellow vac with my funny blue flare deck and the only way i lost was by building a house. He bricked arguably even worse than me but i didnt see more than one metalgrey each match :c
Mastemon and mastemon stuff
Lilithmon for the upcoming lilithmon X so I can make the lilithmon deck
Lucemon for the upcoming lucemon support so I can make the lucemon deck
Diaboromon for when bt17 rolls around to add both to my Diaboromon deck and play it.

Ex06 feels like it really laid the groundwork for a lot of stuff even if its not doing anything too interesting on its own, which is pretty crazy.
Almost all of them. I need cards for Mastemon, Legend-Arms, 7GDLs, Shakamon, UltimateChaosmon. I think the only archetype I don't care about in the set is Diaboromon. Makes me think I should have ordered 2 boxes instead of just 1 but I didn't want to run the risk of getting repeated AAs.
Lilithmon stuff
Serpahimon ACE
Maybe the blue bird line, still struggling to make a functional play from sources deck
>that guy who flicks his cards so hard his entire deck has a diagonal dent with a thumb mark
Only BlackSeraphimon and maybe Dynasmon if I can get it cheap. I like the Millie stuff, but I don't own white Kimera nor promo Deltamon so it's not an option anymore. TigerVespa looks cool too I guess, but probably won't be good until a CyberSlut set is released
>max out on searchers
Including Bokomon?
Details for EX08, I missed if they were posted in the last edition: https://www.gtsdistribution.com/pc_product_detail.asp?key=35C3D3D8FC07445A84C75BA7ECB0AE69

> Many characters from “Digimon Liberator” are in the card lineup!
Many characters from the ongoing webcomic “Digimon Liberator” are featured in this booster’s card lineup! The protagonist Shoto Kazama’s new trump card MedievalGallantmon along with new Tamers and their partner Digimon! Will you digivolve these new Digimon from “Digimon Liberator”?

> Invasion of “Nightmare Soldiers” and “Deep Savers” Digimon!
2 powerful families of Digimon appearing in the virtual pet line “Digimon Pendulum” are also invading the card lineup. This means “Nightmare Soldiers” Digimon like Myotismon and Piedmon, as well as “Deep Savers” Digimon like Plesiomon and MetalSeadramon.

> Lineup include Digimon getting the X Antibody power up for the first time!
Many Digimon are getting X Antibody, which has already powered up many decks, for the first time! The popular Gallantmon X Antibody is back with new power! In addition, there’s now Barbamon X Antibody of Seven Great Demon Lords, Sakuyamon X Antibody , Justimon X Antibody, and more being added!!

> 2 BOX purchase bonus!
Includes the luxurious card designs of the Legend Pack, which was a BOX purchase bonus for EX07 and received rave reviews! Additionally, new text cards will be added as a BOX TOPPER to enhance EX08!

>EX08 Rarities
Common: 22
Uncommon: 20
Rare: 18
Super Rare: 12
Secret Rare: 2
SP Cards: 4

78 card types

*Also includes alternate art and/or design cards from the above types.
I hate playing against Magna tards who just misplay left and right but still win because their helmet is strapped on so tight it doesn't even matter.
Buying a box and praying for Mirei; if not then my Mastemon deck is going into the trash. Cherubimon ACE going into Alliance, needs some Beels, see what else I pull and might consider the fishbirds as a casual deck. Should be my last box purchase for a long while, think its worth it for the AAs.

Case in point, none of the Liberator decks have been very enticing imo. Probably waiting another half a year for even a crumb of Examon support.
misplays are based
what are you a fucking NERD?
is it a misplay if they win?
When they walk into effects that they should have known were there multiple times and waste Magna X stacks for no reason, yes, they are misplays.
slow players need to get shot im not kidding
its fucking exhausting playing with them.
I always make sure I keep an eye on the clock during events so I can say something like "this turn has taken you 7 minutes"
iv called judges for slow play so many times, like motherfucker I don't care if you need some time to think, but you legitimately are taking half of the time of a regular match on a single turn, do you not have any idea what your deck does or something?

Its annoying enough at locals and such when someone is like this, but I at least can understand when yes, they don't actually know what their deck does as they are new to it or new in general. Slow play is just so fucking exhausting to deal with and I pretty much always have to have a movie or something on when I play on the sim because of just how long so many people take.
Just 2 copies of cherubi ACE, I'm planning for puppets.
thanks doc
I want to update my Mastemon deck a bit and am debating if I really want to spend the money to make the demon lords deck
I hope we got more Puppet tech from EX-08. I'm looking forward to the Shoe Meta.
Lunamon with BT14 MarineAngemon is a cancerous amount of recursion for free shield gain.
Honestly thinking about somehow jamming PlatinumSukamon into my Numemon deck to deal with mirror matches. Valkyrimon hates this one simple trick

Pretty much how I felt during full power Anubis format
It's already a very real deck in EX7.
90% of the time it's just waffling.
>26 new cards for the dec box
>lm4 only has 6 new cards
What the fuck are the last 8 new cards for the dec box?
So when are we getting mass rotation? Will they do it when the sets merge? Also banlist when I’m tired of boring decks making bad players think they’re good.
When bandai wants to kill the game.
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>Card Art looks like it has dust particles on it
do you think Sistermons could will make use of the Arisa/Shoemon stuff?
Banlist probably soon though.
Why did they bother putting rotation number on the cards then qq
>rotation number
Game year indicator.
That's my plan. Sistermon Blanc Awakened can net you some neat Recovery and since you can Overclock to delete her at the end of your turn you'll be able to grab a Sistermon back from the trash.
The only issue at this moment is that there isn't a way to play her from the trash to cut out the middle man and you'd need to hardplay Ciel Awakened then Overclock her to grab Blanc Awakened back into your hand to continue the cycle since the Awakeneds can't grab themselves but can grab eachother.
No joke, I tried getting "dust" off this specific card a few times until I looked more closely and saw its just the art.
I saw some specks, checked my other copies, and realized it was just part of the card itself.
>Dot next to 'Digivolve
>Over the B in BT15
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>alt arts that make a bigger illustration together
Man, these are gonna be expensive.... I already want them. Multi card illustrations, or a story between many cards is the coolest stuff ever.
>And one of them is a SR
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>Luce AA is pure sexo

Good lord, no homo.
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Not a fan of it though I do like aa satan.
I'm so tired of the ukkomon menace enabling numemon, blue flare and red hybrid niggers. Ban the fucker already. And the bt16 one is good on any deck.
> All cards released after April 1st will have this new 'block icon'. It's being used as a release designation in case rule updates in the future means cards have to be removed from deck construction for future tournaments and events.

>At the moment the plan is to increase the number every year, and there are no current plans for them to use it, but it's being put in place for if (when) it's needed.
>ACEs get progressively more retarded
Soon we'll have a fucking Dexmon equivalent on counter timing.
You know the easiest way to solve the Ukkomenace? Just pull a Lui and bring your bat to your locals.
don't get me wrong there are difficult turns to unravel
if your yellow or purple and are going to have a bajillion memory and need to figure out exactly how much you will have, make sure you put the right thing in security/trash to setup the next play, account for what you might draw into if that changes anything and making it all fit into how much memory you have as well as the different plays that can be done
sure, this might take you a little bit, even a minute just thinking then doing the plays I wouldn't think twice about

but fuck me so many take soooooo long and its always waffling or knowing they are fucked and desperately trying to find an out and just not being able to accept the situation.
God I fuckin hate non-egg raising gimmick decks. I don't even care if they are good or not they make me feel like a useless asshole whenever I play decks that target level based shit.
Yggdrasil and Gate never leave raising and never put any other non-leveled digimon on the field so as long as you can hit 6s they shouldn't bother you. D-Reaper has been power crept to the point where the only time it sees play is as Raid protection in Sec Con.
Satan looks like a real ball hog in that art
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Here it is.
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I wanna spam more Sisters . . . Give me more support.
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Max rairty Seven Great Demon Lords
>deck space is on Lilithmon's boobs
What did they mean by this?
I wish Barbamon could get his own deck instead of being relegated to SGDL component. Would be nice to see him alongside Armamon.
>the only time it sees play is as raid protection in Sec Con
It has three other uses that are at least somewhat good:
1) it's a body you can sac in Omni Zoo to your level 5s so you can put Dark Masters in raising
2) it turns on the Deva option turn 1, while also acting as raid bait for all of your Aces and a target for Antylamon's Alliance
3) it's the basis of the Black Hybrid deck, as the entire deck is built around giving Mother Blocker
The deck is stacked
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lmao at them redesigning the play cost/evo wheel for colour blindness and then making this for multicolor DNA
>get banned from dcg facebook group due to sarcasm because someone forced lgbt into digimon discussion
Genuinely fucking hilarious.
Dont forget we're getting barbara x in ex8.
It was that stupid cunt Xander, wasn't it. I saw that post and I was annoyed as well.
Yup, it was that lgbt satanmode post. Best part is that it was a joke and somehow he got offended and I got banned.
Where do you guys get the tcg news? I genuinely dont know where else to go outside the twitter.
it just occurred to me that this would work with mastemon
I saw so many people using ordinemon in jp and thought sure a jogress is probably useful if you a mastemon out then they attack and you can blast jogress the other angewoman or ladydevimon that was played out and then bam you are setup to jogress inbto ordine for an extra attack
but why wouldn't I just run this? its just basically better, so much better
am I missing something or what because it seems like a no brainer over bt9 ordinemon
Some people have brought up maste before when this was revealed but well noone ever did anything with it.
I spent a while trying to make a Black Purple deck work for it with DKM, really hoping it'll pull itself together thanks to Crusader Ace and the xros manga set nene support (whatever she ends up doing).

It's harder to add/recurr chaosmon than ordine.
>Where do you guys get the tcg news?
Here or Twitter. I follow @digicaplayer on twitter, they always have the lastest leaks.
For me it's de_gi_no_gen_2
Can't believe these fuckers are printing more of the faker MedievalGallantmon instead of MedicalGallantmon
>do you not have any idea what your deck does or something?
If they're playing something popular and take 5ever for every turn they 100% netdecked their whole decklist 1 for 1
Waiting for those ST19 Chessmon to make my Chessmon deck 15% less bricky
>Here or Twitter
I post a lot of news here and it came from the FB group so yeah...
I hate that fucking fag Xander so much, every post he makes he has to insert his gay shit.
>Satan Mode is gay!!!!
>Susanoomon is rainbow pride!!!!
>Owen is a gay icon and my husbando!!!!
So fucking annoying, he's obviously mentally ill
>he's obviously mentally ill
>lgbt obsessed
>is a power tripping mod
>takes offense at sarcasm that is not even at his expense
I feel like that's a common package.
Sorry for the blog but I still cant believe I got banned for that.

I forgot to thank you two, i'll follow those accounts.
Arisa's main line seems pretty strong already so hopefully whatever her equivalent of MedievalGallantmon is can be splashed in the other puppet decks.
Would love a QueenChessmon, KingEtemon or ShinMonzaemon ACE.
This is true, plus you only get full value out of it if you can tuck 2 level 6s from trash, which Mastemon can't setup easily.
I think UltimateChaosmon really needs the Dark Master framework to function desu
It is kinda goofy that none of his component parts can make him easily, not to mention the fact that not a single one of them has a purple iteration yet
I've been testing out dragon linkz and i like the play style. is the next batch of support gonna be a decent boost in power?
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Honestly forgot this was coming out, but happy I will finally have my playset of Hawkmon
I don't like using promo cards in play. so i'm hoping this set lowers these cards some more. but either way i have 2 ab03 and 2 from this. so i'm set
>Satan Mode is gay!!!!
Accurate. Anyone who plays 7GDL is a faggot.
This post brought to you by the Three Great Angels gang.
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>so i'm hoping this set lowers these cards some more.
Probably not since the diaboromon pricing only got dented by like a dollar or two when the Pbandai set came out. And these promos are def more valuable than diaboros.
>released as a promo, gets a re-release as a promo
you.. you.. double promo!!!
give me rb-02, i am the victim here
Coomer decks always win.
Is there a verison of that without the zones?
yeah thats absolutely true
especially the variant I am looking to play will put a lot more in trash so it might be hard to play
I will try them both out and see what I like, but chaos is def not looking that bad right now.
>I hate that fucking fag Xander so much, every post he makes he has to insert his gay shit.
>>Satan Mode is gay!!!!
checks out, satan loves fags and they love him too. Holy shit I fucking hate those degenerates.
Damn prices skyrocketed for those. I got my 4 promo diaboro for 10AUD each around launch.
Itll fall after the hype dies down.
>Gave one of the armagaddeomon promos to my friend since I felt bad he couldn't get the set
>See the price for it now

Damn, he better appreciate that.
You saved him a few dollars on a 1 of. Good on you m8.
Crikey nevermind, Aus retailers were charging $25. Didn't realize how low it was everywhere else.
jfc 25$ is criminal, but I suppose this is Australia we're talking about
>on armageddon mon
>of all things
Im sorry for my sarcasm now, what the actual fuck?
He's $27 burger bucks right now too. Fuck I hate how there has been a general price creep in this game lately.
I wish more cards had a similar design concept to this. I love cards that force you and your opponent to make super aggressive plays. Just being able to drop something massive on my opponent and be rewarded for it or punishing my opponent for playing like a bitch feels good man.
Fuck you bamco and give us an official client that isn't a clown show. Also unfuck your reliance on shit AI translations for way too much content
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>27 burgerbux
what? armageddemon? no, it's 3 bux at most
we're NOT talking about diaboromon
I'm a dumbass. Yah armageddmon isn't worth shit. Diaboro ACE is worth a lot
i swear to god i better not get another canceled order on tcgp it didn't increase that much you nigger don't relist it (ex06)
What is a good deck for a gambler to play?
2 cost rookie rush. Either your opponent dies by turn 3 or you fucking explode.
Gacha Green
Alter S.
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Never underestimate the Hinabros.
What is a good deck to play if I hate my opponent and want them to suffer?
Magna X
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Deathxmon in my opening hand
Sec Con and Yellow in general
Shut the fuck up schizo
Only problem is that It gets even more support in bt17 so theres still like 4 more months of hype pricing, simply put if you don’t already have your promos then you’re fucked.
That reminds me that i should actually sleeve my diaboro.
Seccon is always objectively the correct answer. Magna nume are too quick while seccon give them a ton of memory wasting their time as they try to figure out how to get yhrough a gay ass regening wall.
I've got a few specific tech cards in my red hybrid specifically to make SecCon get fucked - specifically, AncientGreymon BT4. If they give me a shitton of memory, I'll dig for him, whip him out on a giga-stack, then eat their entire security for breakfast.
doesn't that 1 red hybrid card with the inheritable that stops options from activating in security just fucking annihilate seccon anyway? you already just crash in a few checks to build trash, then you warp and tuck that guy under for game
Aldamon, yeah. Also, BT18 is bringing a new one, so you can have your eight level 5's all be the "Fuck you, no security options" card, which I'm super happy for because fuck SecCon.
Correction, the Aldamon is from BT17, so it'll be available sooner and kick someone's dick in harder.
I wish they would errata all option cards from stuff like BT1 to have either "add this card to hand" or "activate the Main effect".
It's weird having an option card not activate in the security.
I chuckled at this
There are some options you really do not want to have this ability. Gravity Crush and blinding ray come to mind
In the case of cards like Blinding Ray and Gravity Crush, that's a necessary and deliberate limiting factor.
It's insane that Emissary plays a Patamon out of security AND adds itself to hand.
Sec Con or the Black Hybrid Mother D Reaper deck
In my defense I was only looking at Symphony Number 1 Polyphony so I'm fine with amending my statement for that specifically.
Though the two aforementioned would be fucking funny to have an opponent trigger.
I would even be fine with the errata for them all just being "add to the hand" if we had to blanket it.
Polyphony has been powercrept for a long ass time. The only way it could ever see relevance would be maybe if there were a Sirenmon that freeplayed it and did something else on top of that.
Given I'm a Sirenmonfag I would be cool with the whole Polyphony trio of option cards and another Sirenmon who adds them to hand.
Though I'd hope they still keep her at 5 play cost since that shit is gangsta.
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>somehow lost 2 of my fucking yellow lucemon
I dont even know how to build this deck honestly.
>he finally realized I was eating his cards when he wasn't looking
Mind giving me back my green training?
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*has suspiciously green agility training-shaped bulge in throat*
dunno what you're talking about, bro...
7GDL for sure. I still play royal knights at locals, I'm looking forward to having some variety
Why was Volcanicdramon and Metallicdramon in EX7 anyways.
They jobbed to HeavyMetaldramon in chapter 1 of the web novel.
Lmao, no wonder they didn't get a new tamer.
I hope we get more toys for HeavyMetaldramon, conceptually the deck is cool but the payoffs seem lacking for what it asks from you.
Do you guys give up on megagargo/rapid deck? It is confirmed to get support in bt19 but I don't know how can it be fixed.
I give up on getting Rapidmon X.
Everyone is going after it, there's no product available around me, and one particular whale at my locals is hoarding them.
whats wrong with it?
its still a very strong deck, its an incredibly aggressive deck that is at least tier 1.5 right now

what exactly needs to be "fixed"?
i'm glad people arent falling for the scalpers on diaboromon ace Pbandai set. 40$ a card is crazy for a deck that doesn't do much yet.

i'm waiting for it to hit 50 and i'll sell mine
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>People are hyping Diaboromon when you need a lot of shit like the aces, the BT2 Kera/Kurisari, and cards from BT17 as well
Annoying bandwagoners
Doesn't make a difference to me. I've been playing the deck since BT5, I have everything but the new stuff.
Yes but only because i cant justify the price.
Tier 1.5? deck hasn't prove anything and every other tier 1.5 deck which are Imperial and Tyrant can easily stop it.
the problem is that Rapid x is very impactful when it shows up but then it does nothing since most deck can either get rid of it easily or play around its dp reduction

it is a tier 2 deck at best.
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I will play Diaboromon because I like Diaboromon as a digimon.
I will play Diaboromon because I think the style of deck is cool and fun.
I will play Diaboromon because I already have all the cards and built a Diaboromon deck before the support was even announced.
I will play Diaboromon even though I don't think its a good deck.

And I think its fine if people think Diaboromon is cool and want to play it or whatever other reason they have for giving it a go.
>it is a tier 2 deck at best.
>40 usd card for "very impactful when it shows up but then it does nothing since most deck can either get rid of it easily or play around its dp reduction"
Truly digimon is pay 2 lose with exception due to magna of course before a retard gets pedantic.
You gotta accept that some folks are just hipsters.
>faggots at locals actually getting upset about Dragon Mode cucking blast aces.
Justified. Imperialdramonfags deserve the rope.
scrambles are really good for rapidmon deck but we wont get them till.. november? december? I forget
which is unfortunate for the deck (armor vaccine also really wants them too)

I think you misunderstand the deck, its not trying to go to its top end and swing over shit or anything, its an aggro deck, you slam down terriermons, go into rapids and play shit out for cheap, your search (double typhoon) gets you more bodies on board, willis gets you more eggs down, you just swing at face hard and fast, if you die in sec with rapid, you armor purge and who cares
megagargo being so expensive made it a bit awkward for the deck last format, incredibly powerful if they get to ace with it, hard to make use of as a top end with its price to close out games, but rapid x solves the problem, its extra resources, a way to deal with bigger threats, more pressure, and it still keeps up the aggro, not only that, but you are still always threatening megagargo who is very strong in its own right.

I understand you don't really like the deck, but when you talk about stuff like imperial and tyrant being able to beat it because rapid x "does nothing" its hilarious to me, its an aggro deck, you aren't meant to bring rapid x out and sit on it and play control, you go into rapid x for 4 (or maybe 3 if you dedigi them with lvl 5 rapid), clear some trash off their board its effectively only 2 cost, and swing at their face or clap a threat, if you go into off lvl 5 rapid you just kill something and a trash a sec while it being a 1 cost evo that pressures your opponent and makes them get rid of it through armor purge while you yoink their security.
its not a control deck, I don't understand why you think how easy rapid x to deal with is really that relevant when its not trying to stick to the board for that long and its effects are meant to swing games not control them
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Dragon mode is whatever but i absolutely SEETHE at this tamer.
We're getting it dec.
dragon mode you need to be careful around, yeah, I don't like it, but its not that big of a deal
but FUCK that tamer
its so much value in 1 fucking tamer, its absurd
trash 3 sources is absurdly strong, especially if they are 2 or 3 of them on there, your whole board just loses all of their sources
wanna digi on aces? well better not be against imperial
want to play a stack deck? not against imperial

and it gets EVEN better in bt17 with the paladin mode ace, not just the deck I mean mind you, its a strong card on its own yeah, but the synergy with this tamer is just fucked
fucking dumbass bullshit card
The issue is not what the deck is supposed to do or not, the issue is that it not very good at what it does, it does not have tools like other aggro decks, to name a few RH can swing at you with 2-3 checks consistently, numemon can float and swing with multiple checks aswell, even magna has better aggro tools than rapid x.

Imperial and tyrant can stop it precisely because it can stop the agression leaving rapid with little to no answers besides an option in security

Tyrant botdecks your stuff and redirects your target while imperial does not allow you to unsuspend while also botdecking your stuff.

You don't have to tell me what the deck is supposed to do, you just have to look at the results to see that every other 1 - 1.5 deck has topped more than rapid which has like what 1 top in the whole format? hell, even Phoenixmon which is also a tier 2 deck has more tops than rapid.
bro you are literally arguing that the deck is bad because two tier 1.5 decks have decent match ups vs it
its crushes numemon which is the best deck in the format
its has a solid match up magnamon tribal
solid match up vaccine armor

and you act as if when these decks get set up how invincible they are
but both of these decks are you describing are heavily piece reliant, yeah, its hard for you to out them when they get it all going, but not only does that not happen most games, its never to the degree you are talking about except in a fraction of god games
iv played all of the decks you are talking about, 50+ sets on each, you really are overestimating how quickly they can push out and take over the board especially when rapidmon already has them on 2-3 security before it happens, granted imperial is a lot faster than tyrant, but lmao

>opponent goes into pail after hard playing a lvl 4
>stuns my board
>maybe doesn't pass turn and does 2 checks, best case for them ends on dragon mode, usually just ends on bt16 pail
>build up board, in the back, and play tamers then pass turn making sure to choke unless I somehow have some wack setup thats godlike right now such as 3 bt8 rapid in hand and 3 terrier on board so I can clear board and the partition.
>opponent wants to go in and do checks
>can't because if I ace into megagargo he just loses the game immediately as no partition from battle death
>has to go into imperial without getting a pail check
>goes into dragon mode to attempt to do something or actually tries to check and loses the game
>swing in
>he fighter mode aces to bottom deck 1 of my stacks
>ok I go into rapid x on the other and kill your ace gaining 6 in total
>no partition since its battle
>games over and he just lost

oh no its so hard for me to just play terriermons when I have card that let me play terriermon for free and he needs to be constantly afraid of all of my plays immediately destroying his entire board
its a very volatile matchup
Tyrant has worse results in official events than blue flare right now lmao
At this point they may as well make a Leopardmon who gives all your digimon Reboot so that I can eat shit with an opponent who mass spams digimon, gives them all Blocker and Jamming and I just have to sit here and eat that shit.
nah the fact that you're telling me fucking rapid crushes numemon tells me that you have no idea what you're talking about lol.

you most likely only play casuals, since good imperial and tyrant players manage to get at least 1 stack early or a strong setup for when they promote and from there is very hard for rapid to get rid of.

every 1.5 deck and above can easily beat rapid, why are you trying to convince me otherwise when we've seen results from multiple events where rapid can't manage to get top 16 let alone top 8.

And by the way, I'm only bringing Imperial and Tyrant because they are the only two tier 1.5 decks imo, every tier 1 deck destroys rapid with the exception of maybe armor vaccine since they play almost the same cards, but of course, armor vaccine has a better base and top end.

it is, like I said in my initial comment, a tier 2 deck.
okay lmao if you say so
only been 1 regional in my area so far this set and I topped it with the next ones coming up soon but sure im casual and have no idea what im talking about
im sure tyrant is a tier 1.5 deck with its SINGLE top 16 (and thats at 16th place) in an official event definitely solidifies that it MUST be better

>since good imperial and tyrant players manage to get at least 1 stack early or a strong setup
I just know you haven't either A. played imperial or tyrant, or B. vs'd much imperial or tyrant.
so yeah I really don't care for you who is clearly a casual if you don't understand that two of the extremely high variance decks that a significant amount of games will not get a single stack by turn 4 just because of how their decks work will yes crush the deck when they high roll and lose incredibly hard when they low roll but are not in some dominating match up for majority of matches and while yes favored its by no means a bad match up
you talk about the high roll way too often for someone who actually tries to win events and be good at the game because that rarely happens and you need to care more about how often that happens as well as your typical game, rapid is an incredibly consistent deck that can execute its gameplan incredibly consistently, imperial and tyrant not so much, and the fact you think that they can consistently do it just because the player is "good" as you put it when its pure randomness in these cases is just fucking hilarious.
just draw better bro, skill issue.
>its so much value in 1 fucking tamer, its absurd
It is. This one time i continuously went into gran kuwaga ace to pop it but the fuck found one every time to replace it.
Every time I face an imperial deck in dcgo I just scoop, not because I can't win against it but because faggots are playing anything else and I'm bored of dealing with the same shit.
Did people forget to just pick an archetype or a digimon they like and play it ? We're not competing in wc. It's a damn sim with no ladder or prizes.
I'm not talking about high rolling here, i'm talking about a normal game where imperial or tyrant manage to get at least 1 stack and play from there, if you somehow are able to leave them at 1 sec before that happens that's great but those two decks have seen better results than rapid x and that is pure fact, if you can tell me a better way to gauge deck performance than event results please bring it into discussion.
There simply are not enough events to tell at this point.
By the same logic, birds and blue flare are tier 1.5 decks because they have better results.
What if the Digimon I like is Imperialdramon?
That's Great but 7 out of 10 people is excessive
Maybe 7 out of 10 people like Imperialdramon. The objective best way to play Digimon is to pick a top tier (or solid answer to multiple top tiers) with a Digimon you like featured prominently. There's not a lot of point to playing with bad cards if your opponent isn't doing the same
You have basic tastes.
Jesus dude the average dcgo player is a crayon eating moron
I’ve been beating imperial with all sorts of jank, vaccine armor too, you can just about set your watch to how stupid the decisions people make are
my whole locals cracks jokes about how bad dcgo players are
I recorded if I won/lost when I played the other day and I won 50 games straight and just stopped counting

people on dcgo are so fucking awful and concede for the tiniest of reasons.
>every concession is equal
>50 games in a row
On what deck? The odds you don't brick once in 50 games on just about anything makes me very doubtful of this post. Even an idiot can aggro you to death through a removal option with an okay hand if you've bricked hard
I can see it, you can totally win bricked against people who are still learning the rules and the dos and don'ts of the game and the decks.

Truth be told most actual good players are actually testing out new stuff in other platforms like Drasil, the table top simulator, or at locals playing with proxies.
Like, the people who sweat out the game hard are currently preparing for the 7GDL matchup
Man I am such a contrarian faggot.
I played Beelzemon before if was good aka before the starter deck and now that it's not good again or at least not as strong as the best decks I want to play it again.
>now that it's not good again
It's still good, just not fucking broken due to the ex imp.
NTA but Beelze is very fragile. You have to sync your turns up such that you win on a turn you can raise out, but all of your building has to be done in the Battle Area. You also rely on luck more so than most decks.
every time I see this tamer I have to laugh, first at how fucked Shakkou and Silphy are by only getting one searcher with an EoT DNA inheritable, and then at how pointless Henry & Shu-Chong feel compared to them all
Technically SIlphy has the st Salamon but it's not a searcher like every single Vee and Worm Imperial runs and you can't even use it well because Silphy is completely fucked in the egg and evo colors department. They really fucked over Shakk and Silphy with all that color nonsense just for the sake of flavor.
you forgot
>I will play Diaboromon because spamming tokens is fun and I get to use whatever I want as tokens
Or maybe that's just me, but making/using custom tokens is super fun.
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>Trying to come up with a for fun deck for EX6
>Can't do any testing because everyone on the sims are playing the same goddamn decks

Fuck Imperial and Fuck Magna.
At this point I'm just testing with bots
Make friends and do private rooms, you turtles
Okay, you didn't answer a single fucking thing I said. I've played all of 3 games on Drasil and I beat all of them. The players on DCGO have either been playing good decks or play well enough that not every game is a cake walk. There are bad players and good players on both platforms. You won't say what deck you were on because you either ran insanely hot or it didn't happen. You couldn't play some random tier 3 pile into a sea of Imperial, both Magna variants, Mirage, and Nume, then consistently beat all of them. You'd lose to a brick or a bad matchup. Claim cope all you want, anybody here could tell you the odds of what you're claiming are insanely low even against bad players, so long as the average one can do a simple two or three bread and butter plays.
Also, for reference, I play a lot of RP Imperial and Fish for fun. I'm not playing things that are favored into the meta. Players who are actual sweats should be testing like 4 sets ahead and only brushing up on 7DL right now to make sure they have the fundamentals down. They'll be playing against it so soon that it's too late if they haven't already figured out reasonable ways to fight it
Biggest issue with aces is that they keep giving all the best ones to yellow ffs. Compare yellows pool to every other color, it’s absurd.
Hey, don't toss your autism at me, all I said thay I can see a well seasoned player winning 50 matches in a row versus people who aren't familiar with the game

If you want to continue bickering with your boyfriend wait until he calls you back.
You hate ACE because they create unfair advantage at pivotal points in a match.
I hate ACE because none of the Digimon I like have an ACE version.
We are not the same.
In terms of individually powerful Aces I think Blue and Black, and to a lesser extent Green, are catching up. Vikemon and MegaGargomon are really good already, Blue and Green both get Paladin Mode, Blue also gets Bond of Friendship, and Black will a little bit of Yellow's privilege when ShadowSeraphimon comes out.

Also honorable mention to Red getting to share two of Yellow's best level 6 Aces and getting a surprisingly generically powerful Crimson Mode. Bond of Bravery is nice too, but isn't as powerful generically as Crimson Mode or Bond of Friendship.
Fucking Grandis is insane too and the way it's also purple for no reason. Breaking tamers and giving 3 checks to alliance makes it very powerful in many decks, for instance Leopardmon
need chaosdramon ace
Need Seasarmon X Antibody.
Killing Tamers is WHY it's purple. There is not a single other green card that kills Tamers. Unless you mean why GrandisKuwagamon the Digimon is in purple, which is because of the red/purple Dinobeemon in the set.
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>Get excited for pre-release in hopes of getting diaboro pulls
>Have to be reminded todady by one of the guys from locals that EX sets don't have prerelease

I've been waiting for so long.
just gran ty
I was playing armor vaccine, it wasn't long ago
which is crazy because the deck is very bricky

most people on dcgo just do not play out matches and will surrender after 1 solid play when the game is far from over and if they are only checking 1 a turn you have some time to recover and mount a defence
most people aren't really playing aggro on there mostly just some wack shit and at least 70% of games were people just conceding after I get magna out, 1 good turn with it, or just after I clear a stack even though I only have like rapid x on board and they are still at 5 security.
a lot of games I am losing but they just don't have the gas to close it out and I keep playing... and then win, so many people would have already surrendered by that point

I don't think its some impressive feat of mine, moreso just how awful people on dcgo, its rare I get a "real" match on there unless I am organizing it with people I know.
You're missing the point of what the first guy said, which is simply that he does not want to play against those decks, win or lose. I feel the same about vaccine armor and would rather hit go next than spend 20-30 minutes trying to outgrind an invincible wall that sometimes just comes out for free.

I am also personally annoyed that armor vaccine players have made Rapid X so expensive, as I would have expected it to be fully half the current price if it were for bunnies only. The result is that I've gotten priced out of a deck that I have wanted to play literally since 1.0 by Digimon's Gary Stu, AND the deck is everywhere and horribly unfun to play against.
no I understand what he was saying, that he hates to vs the deck because its boring and annoying, and that the other anon saying you can beat them with anything because yeah the people on dcgo suck
I just threw in my own anecdote that yeah they really do suck, its absolutely not just me that thinks this, the match quality is really low and pointed out something I kept track of that illustrates just how bad the players are.

I have no opinion on if he wants to play the match up or not, I really dislike vsing the current apocaly + belph deck, its very annoying to play against, it feels like a complete solitaire deck that just wants to ignore what you are doing but loses immediately to faster aggro decks
I just really dislike it and I wouldn't blame anyone wanting to not play it, I have instant surrendered a few times on like turn 2 when it was clear it was them because I just didn't want to play it, but a dude at my locals plays it too, and people will play it at events, so I have to know what I need to do to beat it so I still play it sometimes, but thats because I am a competitive player, if you just want to play chill matches on a sim with 0 stakes who cares if you instant surrender vs stuff you hate playing.

You missed the point of what I was saying.
And I have no comment on the price of rapid x, I got my set of alt arts for the equivalent of 70 usd each, the price is only really wack in the US which had shortages from what I can tell and was fine in the rest of the world.
need to see whatever a "very bricky" armor vaccine deck looks like because lmao
I think you're conflating the fact that they concede with a loss. People hate Magna X and don't want to play against it. You didn't beat all of them or even necessarily put them in a position where they were 100% going to lose. They just don't want to play against Magna X when they're playing on their break at work or know their deck can't beat it. Counting people who concede because their deck can't beat Armor Purge on Blockers or the immunity makes sense, but counting people who concede because they don't want to play against it really doesn't make sense. This does not correlate to the quality of their play on average. There are plenty of people who will concede when you flip Togemon, but I think counting that in your assessment is incorrect: there is no incorrect choice made by your opponent among their in-game options. I don't think the average DCGO player is great, but there's a floor to how bad you can be at this game and most of them are able to at least execute their deck's game plan.
very few immediately surrender, thats absurd
most people surrender after 1 play regardless of what deck I play
when I play rapid x on there the moment I establish a rapid x while killing a stack, even if they have 3-4 security they just immediately surrender

the players on the sim as far as I can tell, not only never want to play from behind, but give up the moment the game doesn't go perfectly.
there is a huge amount of players who surrender the moment the match doesn't look like its in their hands, even if its very far from over and they by no means are in such a bad position.
the same happens the moment you get a tyrant out and punch over, so many just surrender

more people stick around when I play dumb black hybrid shit because they don't know what my deck is doing and don't understand that yeah, they actually ARE in a really bad position right now and iv got them locked out of the game and I wonder why people DON'T surrender in those games that iv clearly won.
I came across a cunt whose name was MagnaPlayers=SOB or something like that. He was playing security control with the utmost toxic cards. Still clapped his cheeks but mate you can’t name yourself that and use an even more cancerous deck
I encountered someone called " Whoever can read this is a bitch " written in Spanish kek
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Very cute Gabumon
Armor Vaccine does tend to brick a lot because it doesn't have too many pieces for consistency and most of the strong plays result in negative cards in hand. For instance Patamon forfeits the hand advantage from draw by placing another card in security and evolving into Magnamon via Awakening results in a negative hand advantage. Not to mention that should you not find Patamon or Emissary of Hope in a timely manner or have a, funny as it sounds, bricked security, you will have to pay A LOT of memory just to make your chain.

The end result is that the deck has poor recovery capabilities should the Magnamon get removed and in some cases you may not even see the Magnamon X at all.
You sound like the type of person who scoops all the time and cope by thinking "I didn't lose! I just didn't want to play that deck".

A concession is a loss, plain and simple. The difference is that your deck didn't lose, you did as a player for not having the mental abilities and fortitude to handle a difficult matchup.
I want to see the list!
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I am happy to show you the list I play on DCGO, armor vaccine is well known to brick and like that other anon said (I am the original anon with the 50 streak) it bricks a lot for a lot of reasons

Top one is what I did the 50 streak with
Bottom is currently what I am testing
will be taking the list to an ultimate cup in a few days.
Wormmon is my favorite little dude and Imperial is his best deck. I was grinding Imperial Pre BT16 when the deck sucked and I’m enjoying the deck actually being good. Literally all I want to play is Imperial. DNA is my dopamine hit.
I also play Tyrant because I can tech in BanchoStingmon who is like my second favorite digimons but I’m not really a fan of Tyrant, just an excuse to play a deck that can play Bancho. Well that’s not completely true, I really liked Tentomon as a kid so there’s that too
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What should I build for a fun casual deck? Xros or Gammamon?
My friend really likes gammamon since it can go wide as fuck in the blink if you let it breath for a second. Bokomon helps it be sticky so when proxi comes out, youre just fucking spamming the board.
What would you say us your hardest matchup?
>max rarity on sim
Cool shinies bro, did you catch them yourself?
>Bokomon helps
Boko goes in?
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nume definitely
the mirror and magnamon tribal were a bit scary, but shuu yulin destroys them, starter deck tai is also a roughly equivalent but more defensive option, but I prefer the raw aggressive power shuu provides, t.k memory setter is the standard and solid and a safe play, but I like to hit the gas and kill if you give me too much space

I have cards that are higher rarity than on the sim and I have most of the cards I am using there in my actual in person deck
I don't have the patamons, I don't have the gold st17 rapidmon or the ghost rare magnamon (I prefer as marias art so I dislike the regular alternate art)
I don't have shuu yulin alternate art either yet because shes a more recent addition and been hard to track down
and I am missing 1 magnaangemon ace still
its also not max rarity, I don't use the ruin mode alternate art, because, again, I dislike its alternate art
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in fact I even have an extra rapid alternate art + extra regular art because I pulled them from packs at locals after I had my playset
Imperial is based and anyone who gets triggered by the new tamer needs to have a nice day

The LM bokomon, son.
not him but I run max rarity on sim cause my deck is actually max irl. With a few exceptions. Im missing a few lottery cards so I don’t use that art on sim
You're not getting away this time, Shang Tsung!
I know, it's just I didn't expect it. Thought it was another Calumon situation.
>Boxes are basically impossible to find.
ex6 helps out greatly, you can go into BT10 baalmon now, and play out the rush beelzemon when baalmon is deleted. Magnamon X and nume are still cringe match ups.
I have been testing the journey to the west deck with 8 ukkos and 0 lv4s and sometimes it does pop off like crazy.
Is the deck decent or am I high on copium?
It's more that 8 ukkos is just really fucking strong
The bots suck the hard play all the time. Magna is such a brain dead match it’s making the game so boring playing it or against it combined with Nume on the other side. Mirrors are as dull as when ice wall was at 3. There’s no skill involved in magna at all.
I have never lost to the deck, but it's always a challenge, so both.
It's just 8 ukkos
>concede for the tiniest of reasons.
I'm just quick to concede because I'm retarded and bad at games so I feel bad for wasting the time of the people I'm playing against
I avoid this problem by not playing with anyone at all.
Based goldfisher

I'm fairly new and understand how my deck works but it takes me a long time to get through a match against a deck I've never played against or against cards I'm not familiar with. The biggest problem with this game is the inheritable system. Text is tiny and it's awkward trying to look at the card so I have to ask a million times what something does or ask very clear questions like "any blockers?" Even cards I'm used to I sometimes have to ask because inheritable are a thing that can completely change what a mon can do. Don't get me wrong, I like that it adds depth to the game but it does make it very confusing. I've played people who have played for years make a pretty big mistake because they forgot I put a trainer underneath my mon so it had blocker.
>They knew about this, created shoto and pteromon to teach those players to not give up instantly.
Holy based!
I concede if I know I can't come back. I don't play many decks with security bombs so when the pendulum swings too far in one direction and I know I'm cooked I concede to save time. I'm all about that GPH (games per hour.)
Same although, personally I just don't like to lose due to my own misplays.
that part where Pteromon roasts Shoto hit way too close to home
is the universe trying to tell me to play a Zephagamon deck

It's pretty understandable if you're new/playing a new deck or if it's a match ending turn.

I think most players have issues where you're slow playing when you really shouldn't be.

Case in point, my friend(machinedramon) had a tie cause his opponent(Red Hybrid) was slow playing.
Yeah I'm just getting ready to go buy my cards on tcgplayer at this point. Hate we don't have any prereleases for these sets
>Don't like opening hand, mulligan
>Don't like replacement hand
uh yeah i'm thinking that's a consneed
I don't know enough about Chaosdramon to be making a serious commentary on it but that deck looks like it's absolutely feast or famine. If you can get Chaosdramon X Antibody on the field with a sufficient amount of sources, it's basically GG.
If you mean chaosdramon from EX3, sort of. Using 8 ukkomon, bt15 demimeramon, and ex1 haguro lets you cycle a lot of cards to more quickly and kind of play rookie-rush with a machine topend. But it's really more of an anti-meta deck at the moment due to ex1 machine being immune to -DP, ease of access to blocker, and being able to dodge deletion. Although it gets completely fucked by Imperial and Vike ACE.
The deck doesn't function without it.
You need to remember the deck requires a retarded amount of pieces, needs multiple things on board, needs to keep turn, and has zero ways to play a tamer and multiple hands are unplayable
Late to reply, I literally do not scoop unless I cannot win, usually when the last security flips, there's an attack on board, and I can't stop it. I also don't think it's worth counting a game that is not being played as a game. It's like the inverse of fighting the bots. Beating them isn't winning, it's goldfishing with an active memory guage
>I literally do not scoop unless I cannot win, usually when the last security flips, there's an attack on board, and I can't stop it.
So in essence you scoop at the worst moment. You make the opponent do all the work to get you into checkmate and then deny him the satisfaction of actually beating you by denying him his final attack.
The fact you don't see that as fucked is questionable at best.
>what is time in a round
On the DCGO the amount of people that just decide to do nothing when they losing is pretty funny.
whats the highest level card you would expect to get in those cheap ebay bulk buys?
champions? maybe a sparse ultimate here or there?
All the way up to level 7. There are low rarity cards at every level. I wouldn't bother with an Ebay bulk buy since it's almost always cards you will never use
there are plenty of low rarity Ultimates and Megas, the only level you're unlikely to find in a bulk buy like that are Level 7s since they're mostly Super Rares and Secret Rares, but even those have outliers like BT4 Chaosmon and BT13 Examon
and fair enough, but seemed like a cheap way to get started, potentially. was what i did with magic back in the day and it was enough viable cards to get started with if nothing else.
that said magic has been around much longer and had a bigger market, so could just be a different market for whats even in bulk.
Have you tried the learner app and/or fanmade automated client yet? From there I would just pick a favorite digimon and see if you can make or find a halfway decent deck to try. Can't speak for your area, but my locals is pretty good at just giving bulk to each other if someone needs it.
oh i've already dug through the cards lists and whittled it down to a selection of cards (but not an outright deck yet), i just figured the likelihood of getting exactly the cards i possibly wanted for any real price, if some are even easily found sold separately, was nill.
you always buy the higher end parts of your decks separately though, even for common rarities people usually sell a games 'ultimate+' type cards in singles, so it was more of getting the rest of the deck for a reasonable price, especially as the cards i ended up wanting made buying direct packs for them basically a no go.
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It really is hard as shit for me to get news when im fucking banned from the FB group.
Im glad bird tops since it doesnt fuck around
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Is a somewhat functional Lilithmon list centered around EX06 version possible?
Or should I wait for her Xsloot forme in EX07?
yeah there were some JP lists of people trying it, since ex7 wasn't even announced
but its pretty bad and wack until ex7 releases where its an actual deck.

I don't have any off the top of my head and im too lazy to look them up for you, but I know they exist out there.
Thats sufficent enough information; thanks anon. Ill pick up the singles while they are cheap one week after release minus the Lilith AA. IIRC theres a Premium Bandai AA in October anyways.
You haven't missed much apart from people jerking off over the possibility of Appmon being included
??? No, I concede when it's guaranteed that I have lost. I am saving my opponent 1 to 2 seconds. The win screen is pretty much exactly the same. Associating a slightly different screen with a more satisfying victory is autism. If I was playing no high-DP Digimon, no Options, and no Tamers, I would scoop when it was no longer possible to win at an earlier point, but that's not the case in my decks.
>thought I bought all of the Diaboromon pieces to go with the tamer goods set I got
>realized I missed all of the important cards like BT2 Keramon
>prices going up
Fucking hell
Oh nice, some variety after all. Surprised to see Phoenixmon and Jesmon

An opponent conceding is the same as swinging for win. A win is a win and a loss is a loss. Why would I spend the extra minute for them to go through the motions if I know I've lost? Why waste time when we could get another game in or I could be doing literally anything else instead of doing something we both know the outcome of. You concede, shake their hand and move on. If you don't get satisfaction out of that you actually might be autistic. Like, no joke.

That makes sense, drawing out a game by trying to get a tie via time is very bad sportsmanship.
Whats the purpose of mother in devas? Is it just to be used with antyramon's alliance? Seems very clunky.
Wouldn't it be better to play 4 of the bt15 demi meramon and bt16 ukkomon? Lets you draw 3 and trash a deva
its the only egg that also lets you use your options, so if you want them immediately or know you wont be playing a deva this turn you can hatch it and push it out, which also has some other benefits (and downsides) but yeah the alliance is pretty nice
ukko is a problem because you don't want eggs in the breeding area for your devas, its a little more complex with ukko thats not required at all for mother.

definitely could use ukko, but devas is irrelevant now basically.
15k body for alliance
Mastemon first, chaosmon second and i'm still pondering on the 7 sins and ogudomon.
Of fucking course. Im guessing ukkomon complaints are limited too.
The first thing i did was open up all my bt 1 boxes to ensure i had all the diaboro stuff before even deciding to make the deck during the ex6 reveal. I wasnt going to pay 2 dollars for fucking keramon since it was expensive even back then. Somehow i barely got a playset of it after 6 boxes but i had 12 of the babies.
White source on demand. There’s been many games where my opponent spent extra memory and resources to clear my board and I would just hatch mother then play the Fanglong option to nuke them in response. Getting to play Loyalty with nothing on board is good too. The alliance is just a very nice bonus.
I'm fucking pissed man. I'm sure I could probably scrounge a few in bulk bins nearby but by this point it'd be a pain in the ass to even look.
Paying the cost will just be me swallowing my pride.

probably just the fish stuff. I'd like to get 7DL but 4x of a Sec is gonna be a pain to get. I'll probably nab a few odds and ends too for some other decks.
Is it even worth getting a box of EX6?
>I'd like to get 7DL but 4x of a Sec is gonna be a pain to get
If you're talking about Ogudomon, most recent lists in Japan only run 2 Ogudomon, 3 at max.
The Diaboro stuff looks really cool and I am glad it's getting competent support.

I for one am going to enter copium with Argomon and hope it gets something that makes it click next set since the new stuff feels like half a deck.
oh really? I figured it'd be a 4 of but I'm probably just retarded and looked at it like I was looking at Devas/Fanglong.

WHat's a list look like, out of curiosity? Maybe I will chip away at building it then if I don't need many Ogudos.
Just be big brain and do some kind of end of turn setup using the new level 5, LadyDevimon, and Zwart.
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Deck is still kinda expensive because it also usually runs 2-3 copies of EX5 Leviamon, at least 1 copy of ShineGreymon Ruin Mode and 3-4 copies of EX6 Lucemon Chaos Mode which I think will remain one of the most expensive SRs of EX6. But if you want ot build it, yeah, it's doable. I'm gonna build it and I don't really have that much money.
Pic related is a japanese EX6 list I saw on Digimon Card Meta that I'm copying except, like I said, most lists now, in EX7, only run 2 Ogudomon and add Lilithmon X-Antibody. Also, most lists do run 4 of the Demon Lords delay option card instead of just 2 like in pic related.
I'd recommend you to check other lists on Card Meta to see which ratios you like more.
>satan trips
Maybe you are meant to build the deck
hmm, yeah getting the levias might be a bit tricky but I can probably swing it. At least its only 1 ruin mode too.
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Any good Lucemon Satan Mode decklist I can test with? How's this?
Depends do you want to play any of the decks in ex6
I dont know how to feel about bt4 luce since hes expensive as shit to play outside of an expensive option.
I was so close to getting on there with BF I
was eating imperials left and right only in the last match I could never find a metalgrey...
There's also Larva's Security effect, which is a bit more reliable than most Security effects because the other two rookie Lucemons can set it up.

I probably wouldn't run three though.
You did well nonetheless from what you said so grats.
Today is the day.
Just had the funniest match against a Machinedramon player where I unintentionally checked him by having this set up.
He used the heavy mobile Digimon option and stuffed it with Rapidmon, MetalTyrannomon and BT15 Megadramon.
He attacked KingSukamon, dedigivolved Etemon to avoid attacking into Plat and I prevented my deletion to spit out 2 Chuumon and steal the win.
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RIP Savers Agumon
I disliked the design of Saver's Agumon (>>>>>>>>nostrils), but he didn't deserve this..
Got my playset of diaboros + an alt and made a profit off my boxes.
Do we know when the fan client will update for ex6? Honestly I don't think really care that much because of how many cards haven't worked
If it's like the usual, it'll be 2 weeks from now.
I like his idea of running Beelzemon instead of Dynasmon and LKmon, since it gives you an alternate target for EX6 Lucemon in case you haven't found Satan yet or have it in your hand. Also, the Matt he's running does a lot more than yours does for the deck.

BUT I think running 4 Dead or Alive is the right call. 8 memory to bring back any of the Lucemon FMs seem like a good deal, especially BT7 if there's a level 6 or lower Ace on the field.

I also think you should add the secret tech that revolutionized 7GDL in the EX7 meta: EX7 Shoto. Giving one of your dudes blocker when almost all of them are 10k or higher is actually really good, especially when EX6 Lucemon FM can turn into another big body when it dies and BT18 FM can just prevent itself from dying once per turn.

ProtoGizumon and Ukkomon are probably both viable but I think the fact that Ukkomon digs deeper and can actually use the inheritable from Cupimon makes it better.
>Giving one of your dudes blocker when almost all of them are 10k or higher is actually really good,
Not only that, but you could give it to Larva and have an unkillable blocker every turn.
Maybe. If you don't have a backup Larva in breeding then if your opponent can remove your other Lucemon(s) they can 2-for-1 you.
Yeah, but on the flipside, if you have a Chaos Mode out, you could convert the 2-for-1 attempt into a Satan Mode.
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Promo Raremon is getting reprinted.
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Also, those LM2 alt arts that will be in the special set in december will also be part of Event Pack 7
Wish I could go to a fucking event.

>Tfw just bought my playset of raremons last week


Most event are online. Online events will have the same prizing.
I wish we didn't have to wait until December for scrambles.
I said what I said.
>>Tfw just bought my playset of raremons last week
Happened to me back then with Sunarizamon. I get your pain.
okay but where saberdramon
>3 rapid x
>2 ruin mode
There's your issue. Take out one of each. replace with either 2 trainings or 1 training and the 4th kudamon.
The FB group is a bunch of fags that don't allow any criticism towards anything. And most of them are still salty about the anubuis/apoc hit.
Cute Sistermons also gee Venusmon, why does Bandai let you have 2 AA?
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>This display sucks ass
>5th last pack
Quick sell it to cover the cost of a second box and pull Mirei.

He could probably get 6+ boxes if he moves it right now.
its in the box we get in December, you get a guaranteed 4 of from it
trainings are bad in the deck
boosts are far better
you rarely want to just be hard evoing so trainings are significantly rarer to use, especially if you cut a rapid
not only that but the search from trainings is worse with trainings than the search for boosts
memory is very rarely the limiting factor of the deck anyway when it comes to the plays you want to make, its mostly having the pieces and having them setup, not to say memory doesn't help with that, but jfc boosts are so much better than trainings in the deck

I also swapped out a ruin mode if you actually looked at the picture or read the post.
Also only running 1 ruin mode 2 rapid and nothing else is asking to lose to the only match up you actually need to tech for, nume, which is also the most prevalent matchup, mans really trying to give advice that makes the most important matchup bad.
If these aa are in the event packs, whats in the dec lm set?
>another ukkomon alt art
Oh no. It's not getting hit.
Bro you have 2 pillomon, 2 emperor, 1 ruin mode, 1 death x, and 1 rapid. I don't think 7 or 6 techs makes much of a difference between each other. You're literally bricking on the outs you have to nume.
>deck has consistency issues
>tell you how to solve them
The Special Limited Set is nine packs of six cards
>26 new text cards (LM02-04)
>8 alt art cards (including Deathxmon, Chaodramon X, Sistermon Blanc and Ciel)
We don't know what the other 4 alt arts are but seemingly they're only counting the ones with different art not just the coloured borders.
So people are assuming it will be 2 of each LM card and then 2 random alt arts.
six packs of nine cards sorry
sorry, 3 rapidmon. For a total of 9 cards to deal with nume. and deathx isnt even that good against them.
>Know the new ragna stuff didn't help the deck a ton
>still want to build it

why am I like this?
Ill try my best, wheel and deal boys
I bought all the new Ragna stuff for $50
Can't wait to take it to locals, go 0-X, and never play it again.
>diaboro is overpriced
>almost all my angel stuff are overpriced
I may as well just buy boxes.
>Just want my fish alts

This set is such a snooze for me personally. 7DL is cool but the deck needs EX5 shit which is hard to come by in my area.
>Blinded slut again
Why they persist so much?

>Release Hermana Noir
Black nuns matters.
>The shit just strong for no reason
Is that really strong or is just a meme? Poopfaggs, explain.
Only a week since my ban but nothing has changed i see.
>rushes you to death
>lol ukko
>monzae x makes your opponent eat shit with wide field
>can heavens judgement you if they feel frisky

Numemon + ukkomon is just rookie rush, but the rookies generate card value, memory, or floats bodies so it's a plus when they die.
The Nume cards are strong but it’s entirely Ukkomon that pushes the deck over the edge into tier 1. It’s so hard carried by Ukko that it barely deserved to be called Nume deck desu.
Both of them deserve a hit but I’m afraid the new alt art means we will be stuck with them for awhile longer.
We had an eyesmon aa/lm reveal right before the limit once so dont give up hope.
Ukkomon gets the board wide as hell
Geremon sets up your trash and draws
Numemon solid inherit and plays Satsuki for free
Monzaemon and WaruMonzaemon stall shit out
Monzaemon X makes the board even wider and DP reduces like crazy
Numemon X and PlatinumNumemon play your Digimon for free on deletion
Etemon and Valkyrimon combo clear out anything that get in your way
Black so it can run floodgates like Chikurimon and Chuumon
Yellow so it can run bosses like Venusmon, Rapidmon X and Ruin Mode

Should get limited: either Ukkomon, Etemon
Will get limited: Geremon
Let's see:
>ukkomon engine generates memory, searches for a digimon or tamer, keeps bodies ready in breeding on all turns, can chain into each other with Lui to go for an otk
>numemon x: makes anything into a floater
>monzaemon x: DP minus that lasts until the opponent's turn and can trigger EVERY turn. He also helps you swarm harder
>platinumnumemon: generates memory, floats from nume x for free, enables easy Ruin Mode
Not to mention their biggest buff in bt16:
>Valkirymon ACE: ruin mode on counter timing
I mean, it did help the deck in the sense that now you have a win condition that you can actually get to, but it's still a mediocre deck.
Nah Etemon is a cool card and a good antimeta tech, but it's not broken or anything. Yeah, it forces a blast evo, which can be huge in the case of MegaGargomon or Valkyrimon, but doesn't compare to shit like Ukko, Magna X and Emissary.
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How many cherub ace should be ran in angel? 11 dollars is a fucking ton for this.
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Leomon chads, I need advice.

Thinking of this, and testing it has felt good in DCGO. MadLeomon feels really good at 4.

Any tweaks? I know we can run a few cherubi ace in this as well if needed, but otherwise I'm unsure how to upgrade it.
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Trying this and not liking it, how do I turn this into something I will like. The obvious is swapping out Rapidmon for LadyDevimon (Dark Master) and putting in Piedmon over Cherubimon but then I'd have to drop Togemon for Wendigomon or Stingmon and Taiga would become awkward.
I've got no idea but the concept is cool
Needs some anal boy.
Terrier and Toge can only discount green tamers though.
Signed up for the judges exam, any good study guides/sources?
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Wrong X Antibody

I don't like DeathX and I've been running meruki instead of BanchoLeo but I don't know if that's good or not yet. I stopped running anal boy in favor of Davis and Ken for unsuspend on the digivolve while attacking, but Taiga is another soild play there. Training feels pretty useless too imo so I have the memory boost at 4

Just read up on cards. Here's a question for you:

Player A evos into BT11 Miragegaogamon, effect to bounce player B's token to hand
Player B has 7 cards currently in hand.

How much memory is gain(if any) from BT11 Miragegaogamon's effect (assuming no other memory inherits/effects)?
It should fizzle since the token should just disappear when you bounce it and isn't added to hand
Read emails, the rules, erratas, and the wiki on things like interruptive effects, and multiple effects.

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