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True Form edition

Previous >>93133582

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 3 Part 2! Next chapter scheduled for July 11th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 2-2! Next set of chapters sometime in August?

EX06 Infernal Ascension is out now everywhere!

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for August 9th

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

Favorite card art from BT18?
>Favorite card art from BT18?
Kotemon easily.
Second for Tentomon.
>had to spend 80 dollary doos for angels
What the fucking hell, this was goddamn expensive, atleast i got 7 sr for cheaper than 4 fucking diaboros becaue that is true jewery.
Hail Satan.
>hit by the angel tax
my case of EX6 is coming in on the 1st. If I don't get the textured Ogudomon I will be killing myself
Lawfags will always suffer. I was intent on making this day 1 so it still sucks.
Cannot unsee goatsee
someone edit a ring onto his claw
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>have maste.dek
>Buy 1 ex6 box
>Pull exactly 1(one) maste ace
I also pulled only 4 ladydevis, fucking Bandai short printing. Can't complain too much tho.
Did they really short print ex6 as well?
Yo the gay icon yaaasss Lu-Slay-mon!
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So any changes to this overpriced deck?
The several stores in my area had no issues. Sellers are just being jews.
Well no, I mean, boxes seem kinda hard to come by in my shithole but I was talking about the ratios of each archetype that come on the set.
Maste cards (ladydevimon, angewomon, even fucking gatomon) come in less quantities than the metric fuckton of Ragna shit that I pulled. Diaboro seemed worse tho.
Also also, only got 3 Mega assemblies. thought I would have gotten all 4 I wanted for my AlterS brick
Nothing gayer than annihilating your enemies in the flames of purgatory.
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>lucemon will now be known as hyper homo due to this guy being gay
who is this guy?
Some guys were talking last week about how he was talking about lgbt bs with a pic of lucemon satan mode.
Not if you just don't pay any attention to him.
Don't know what you on about. EX sets' boxes always get you 2 of each rare, 3 at most, so you got lucky to pull 3 Mega Digimon Assembly. Also, Uncommons are 3-4 of each per box and for Commons, you get more than a playset of each.
Since EX sets are smaller, it's actually better than regular sets where a lot of times, you don't even get a playset of a specific Common with 1 box.
He is the marc equivalent of the digimon tcg facebook group
Of course his name is fucking Xander.
this is the only digi fan group i'll participate in.
/digi/ just posts porn
discord is full of trannys
fb full of fags and attention whores

the less i know about them the better
guys I thought they said they would sync the set releases why are we still so behind
By BT20.
I believe you may be retarded.
>got mirei alt art
you plused big dog
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i was lucky to get this card, hopefully someone will buy it soon so i can get more boxes but god the art is so gorgeous it hurts to sell
I'll give ya 250 for it
>not keeping it
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Some people don't give a shit about collections and only care about getting return investments on boxes
>Some people don't give a shit about collections and only care about getting return investments on boxes
What a vapid existence.
>What a vapid existence
Dunno if I'd go that far, but I like having a cool collection and they like selling their cards so it all works out in the end
what if its a card he doesn't really care for though? if he has no intention of playing it or using it because he doesn't like the deck then why not sell it to buy cool cards you DO like?
I have no intention of playing an Imperialdramon deck but I wouldn't sell my dragon mode AA because the 200+ bucks it would fetch means less to me than having a sweet ass cool card. Might also be an income issue. 200 bucks isn't really make or break to me, I can afford whatever cards I want, but if you're playing on a budget, a big money card like that could easily net you the remainder of the cards you need for a cool deck. I think it's all up to the individual.
its not necessarily about the 1 card though, I would like to have all of them match ideally, so if I get a $200 card its either sell it or spend $600 to get the rest of the set kind of deal.
I am not spending $600 on a deck I don't like, care about, or play, so id rather sell that card and buy stuff for the decks I DO like.

But it depends on your perspective, im not much of a collector, its playing first, but that isn't to say that I don't just like some cards and keep them around because they are neat even if I doubt I will play them again.

I very much enjoy all of my cards for topping events and the such.

I think I've only ever cracked 2 chase rares and that was gold machinedramon and English AA metalgreymon, which was sad.
I was able to sell my MetalGreymon to a Dan Mora fan who had no idea about the cardgame
I also pulled the Mirei AA but other than that, my box was kinds meh. No regular SEC, pulled Diaboromon AA which I couldn't care less about and got the cheapest SRs.
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>checked a booster case in ebay just for memes yesterday
>went from $1200 burgershekels to $1400 today
wtf is wrong with people
It isnt like a decade ago where you can sorta get a deal off ebay anymore.
Made yet another Imperialdramon player forfeit by having KingEtemon on the field
kneels to The King.
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my local TCG speciality shop and the big local hobby shop both dropped Digimon. Target also stopped carrying the cards. They all replaced them with Disney's Lorecana.

Considering Bandai's brand initiative presentation has no mention of the digimon card game, does that mean it's officially dead?
As much as I'm willing to believe Bandai randomly deciding to throw Digimon under the bus at any opportunity, I wouldn't worry about it just yet.
That sucks about your locals.

Does target not carrying them just refer to you not seeing them in your local target? Cuz they're there online and at my local targets. Mostly just starter decks for me though.
My local target used to have them in the card aisle. Originally they had a few pegs, then went down to one and became spotty. Now there's a ton of Lorecana stuff and zero Digimon.
>throw Digimon under the bus at any opportunity
Worst part is that it has been doing that since fucking digimon 1.0 pre release.
>union arena isnt even there
Game became dead before even release.
Why the fuck are they making 'Rider Kamens' global? They refuse to make official subs for kamen rider, but instead make the otome game global?
Makes sense to me. Western fujoshi are a stronger demographic than western toku nerds.
They have been doing that since 2004
It's just because they're trying to push Ride Kamens in general right now
I'm trying to start something digimon in my locals but its so hard and annoying to get boosters and/or boxes that I'm losing steam.
yeah it's over
Bandai is retarded since theyre allocating their contracted printer between 5 fucking tcgs when they cant even handle 1 tcg.
Locals are fine here in ny but thats ny so it's natural that our stores dont fuck around.
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>Bandai is retarded since theyre allocating their contracted printer between 5 fucking tcgs when they cant even handle 1 tcg.
Might be the most retarded company on earth honestly. They always make the most obvious mistakes that literally everyone can tell will fail but somehow the multi billion dollar company doesn't until it's too late.
That's what happened with the VB. It was doing absolutely fine when it was digimon then they mixed it up with other IPs and when that failed (no fucking Shit, wtf is even a demon slayer or mha evolution line ) they just threw the whole thing under the bus.
They don't really like digimon. They aren't satisfied with a Mon franchise that isn't as big as Pokemon so they keep it to beta test ideas.
The card game was a huge success instead of giving a more well deserved budget and investment into the digimon IP they put that budget into 3 other soulless card games that play like digimon but dumber and way less balanced. Union arena is even more soulless with how it's just multiple anime IPs so it's less focused.
Why are they so stupid? They have been this way as long as I remember
Complacency from being a big company with toy rights to some very big franchises maybe
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Like anon Said >>93205896
They own the merchandise rights for many big IPs like Gundam, one piece, Naruto , dragon ball and pretty much any big anime you can think of so when something works in a smaller franchise like Digimon they get too greedy and try to shoehorn other big franchises into that market since the beta testing was successful. They don't understand how this will actually work long term. Now digimon has 3 other card games competing against it in the same manufacturer which is so damn retarded.
The problem with big companies in general is that they see it as less risky to just use the already big IPs they have rather than try to grow the smaller ones like Digimon because that requires risk taking and investment.
The digimon tcg was a success because it leaked out of the usual Digimon fans demographic into the wider card trading demographic making digimon a known name in a market that never knew it. I have friends who are into yu gi oh who switched to DCG and with it they also got interested in the Video games and anime. instead of bandai making sure that the digimon tcg stays relevant and available for everyone we see the opposite with stores who sold Digimon switching to one piece and DBS.
half the digimon players at my store are yugioh or ex-yugioh players, and the other half are people who really like digimon, with a portion who is both
im one of the few odd ones who isn't an ex-yugioh player (I mean I did play as a kid when the anime was airing, played a chunk of the games, fucked around casually in sims/games with friends, etc but I never played in person yugioh even slightly competitively) but have played other games in person, online, and some digital TCG's, and while I like digimon, im not a super fan and I was hesitant to even try the game BECAUSE I thought it was just going to be a brand game and not even be good.
Once I learnt the rules and actually played it once, I thought the memory system was dope, I loved a lot of the systems taken from duel masters (security vs shields, security effects vs shield triggers, etc, I enjoyed playing duel masters and thought it was one of the best card games I ever played) and I thought it was just a really good card game, so I play it now, reasonably competitively I would say.

we have had a few people recently swap FROM dragonball with the whole thing happening with that and the reboot, but one guy did swap TO dragonball and a few had swapped to dragonball over its existence.
This is pretty common for digimon, the games always do a lot better than expected and there always seems to be the case of bandai (and people in the community) really underestimating how much digimon is liked and they just never give it the support it needs or deserves.
>They own the merchandise rights for many big IPs like Gundam, one piece, Naruto , dragon ball and pretty much any big anime you can think of so when something works in a smaller franchise like Digimon they get too greedy
Bandai owns Gundam and Digimon outright, unlike the other franchises you mentioned that they merely license. Which might explain why they're trying to push One Piece and DBZ card games, to make a greater profit off of the licensed series, or to maintain certain terms of the licensing contract.
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My story is similar. Never played yu gi oh in person. Mainly really older video games where it's against bots then played master duel for like 6 months before I realized that I don't enjoy sitting through a 10 minutes combo or putting 15 negates in my rouge deck to make it playable. I Heard snake eyes killed the game even further.
I always liked Digimon but wasn't a consumer. Just enjoyed the anime and the general lore until Cyber slueth came out and fucking hell I actually enjoyed it alot so i emulated world redigitze decode and it was also pretty good and comfy. When the card game came out the artwork is what grabbed my interest. Shit is full of Soul and is nothing like the garbage in MTG and yu gi oh but I stayed for the evolution and memory system and how they tried to integrate lore accurate mechanics like with hybrids, Xros or Markus being treated like a Digimon and the fact that i can actually play and the memory system makes sure you're not taking 15 minutes setting up a Negation board
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On a more positive note, have some interesting interviews
so sine ex6 first released in jp ive been eyeing it with some mild interest as someone who doesnt usualy play yellow. Can an anon who follows that meta stuff tell me why it fell off now in jp ? I mean aside from obvious "enemy is unaffected" stuff
Will read later
Yesterday I found out you can loyalty deeper than the sea a black deva under Mother and get a 15k blocker with effect immunity for 1 cost.
Thoughts on heavyleomon deck?
This shit doesn't work against devas lol
you might wanna read the deva inherit again
Oh no
yeah the art is amazing, it blows mtg and yugioh out of the water and its the best look card game I have ever seen, not to mention how consistently high quality the cards are. and you are 100% right on the digivolve system and memory, I always loved (like I think most people) having a big boss monster on board who fucks shit up but so many games 1 removal just destroys them and you need to deal with a bunch of shit to actually be able to play big boys like that, either setting up other ways to stop them removing it, or other things from hand, its just kind of shitty, digimons system with inheritables and how it encourages stack decks (but other playstyles are still viable) just is fucking fun, I love it, and yeah memory is goated.
The lore accuracy is really nice and fun as well for the stuff you do know and notice and then others point out things to you and suddenly I feel this greater appreciation for those design choices and elements.

So much of the game for me, just feels like what a card game SHOULD be, not to say its perfect or every choice bandai makes is perfect, but holy hell its so much nicer to buy digimon stuff than it is other card games, I don't feel like I got ripped off, the game isn't obscenely expensive, the quality is great, the design is great, the support feels great and it feels like a great card game as a PLAYER who wants to play it.

I also love the art for that gatomon, need a few more singles for my maste deck and I can start playing it at locals again, so glad I have a playset of that art of that gato.

Shit don't work on imperial either.

>No, get stripped
>When attacking Evo?
>No, get dragon moded
>Hard drop bancho to stall?
>Get magnamon'd

Fun deck but struggles against the top decks
heavyleomon crushes devas, its one of your easiest matchups? they can't ace and try to do anything to you since you just dedigivolve their aces if you die (or just go into heavyleo and dedigivole), you kill them fast enough that they can't really setup and if they give you a lot of memory you just murder them.
Its also the kind of deck that can easily have a few removal options (its green after all, most of the tamers suck, and the core of the deck doesn't require some weird ratio) so you can easily have a giant missile or heavens judgement to remove fanglongmon.

A lot of the time you die you bottom deck their stuff as well which makes fanglongmon even harder to get out.
Heavyleo, in my opinion, does really well against devas, coming from someone who played it a bunch and took it to multiple regionals in bt15 and did well with it.
I’ve done the Leo matchup a ton with Deva’s and won the majority of the time desu. You’re right that HeavyLeo is a great answer but what I noticed is that the fear of their 4 and 5’s getting bounced by Azulong slowed the deck down a ton. That swing with the lvl4’s into a 5 is a big part of the decks game plan and losing the first stack to an Azulong would often be game ending right there. Ebon stunning everything was also a huge deciding factor.
I fucking love Seasarmon and hope that we get the X Antibody version at some point.
yeah you are right, personally I don't think devas draws that much that its that likely that they see the perfect counters when a lot of the time as heavyleo is doing this turn 2 and the devas player hasn't went deep into the deck.

Don't get me wrong, im not saying its an unwinnable match up, I just think heavyleo is favored in it, but you are right, if they get the answers you just fold, and leo players scared of swinging and then losing their stack is definitely brutal
its the kind of match where despite the counters you just need to swing in no matter what.
options like zubagon punch to close out games are very good in it, especially since if they pass you a lot of memory you could realistically go push out a level 4 > go into loader neg by 3k > heavy > bounce the deva, 2 swings with the restand for a perfect 7 cost and pass with a hard play lvl 3 and they just die next turn to a zubagon if they don't have the ace or 2 turns even if you don't play the lvl 3 and just do a mem boost or something.
devas definitely in my experience doesn't like high speed aggressive and heavyleo can really bring it, but its by no means unwinnable and like you said if you get setup and have the answers early you just take over the game and win right there basically since they are too far behind to come back a significant amount of th etime
>leo players scared
Stopped reading. Never happened.
thats what im saying
if a leo player is scared, they will lose, you MUST swing, you MUST go in, you MUST do your checks
leo is such a no pussy davai deck that it made me play other decks like an absolute loon and make some incredibly risky plays when I really didn't have to after I had been playing it regularly.
Are you me? I've played probably over 200 Leo games on sim and at locals and you cannot stop ever. No rookie first turn? Drop that level 5. Got a 4 on board but no 5 in hand? Swing and draw, Loaderleo is waiting for you on the top of your deck. Never slow down. Never stop. Post your list.

If you like Leo you should try Myotismon. It's a lot worse, but you have to play like a fucking insane person.
Sorry I am not playing it right now, I think its awful in the current meta (I also am a big magnamon fan and played the shit out of armor rush last format and am playing armor vaccine right now because of it).
I am waiting until bt17 and leomon X to go in with it again.

Its pretty solid against a lot of stuff, but also awful against a lot of stuff.
Really want to fuck around with madleo though :(
>Leochad becomes vaxx-virgin
What a shame
I thought I could do better at events
top 32's wasn't good enough for me, 18th was the best I did with leo
played an ulti cup yesterday and got 9th, so I guess I am doing better, im a meta sellout

to be fair I was playing vaccine in bt14 and a little in bt15, I just thought leo was a lot more fun.
>I just thought leo was a lot more fun.
DIfferent anon but as long as you have fun that matters most right? You dont wanna burn out playing hardcore and having no fun. Winning does matter too of course.
oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I really enjoy playing armor vaccine
I thought leo was a legitimately good deck, sure it wasn't meta top tier, but it was at least tier 2.
I think its quite bad this format though, I thought vaccine was really good last format too but had an unfortunate consistency issue, since games went so long, if you lost game 1 that was basically it, you pretty much were playing a bo1 format, which I really hated, not the case with armor vaccine.
got another event coming up on the upcoming saturday as well, a regional, hopefully I can get top 8 in that, going to keep playing armor vaccine till then after which il probably swap to mastemon and play that for fun at locals until bt17 where there is a few decks I want to play.

Playing events is incredibly fun, talking about it with the fellas from locals, the testing going up to events, coming in on extra days to grind out matches, the whole process is just super fun and enjoyable for me.
Theory crafting the meta with others, figuring out the techs, deciding what to take, playing other decks you also have so others can practice vs them and vice versa, and the events, while tiring, are also really fun and its super fun to see people you only see at events, or see someone you only have met a few times at some other smaller stuff I go a little further for (like evo cups, etc) and just catching up with them.
I have a really great time with the whole process.
Just started getting into the game. What cards should I pick up in anticipation for Satan?
Probably the Lucemon cards from ex6. Not really sure what else. Chaos degradation will probably help a lot too
Just ex6 shit and dead or alive I guess. There's not really a coherent lucmeon deck.
Japs have low expectations for it judging by the pricing.
we need a tamer or inheritable that is like "when one of your Digimon would be returned to the hand or deck you may delete it instead" because all this bounce is pissing me off
Mind sharing your list? Or just a good poop list. Thanks
Not Chaos Deg. You do not want to be stuck with an 8 cost Option in your hand when your core Digimon all cost 5 memory at a minimum to do anything with. At most you can tech in Biting Crush and a single copy of Leviamon as an extra threat.

You should grab a couple copies of the EX4 and EX7 SECs but you don't need a full playset. Also grab Dead or Alive and BT16 Ukkomon.
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Anyone else looking into aliexpress.dek?
How many Shakamons would I need?
What else should I add to the deck?
Seeing these prices while I wait for the slow asses delivering my boxes is painful. I just want to see what I get before I grab singles.
I'm going to be getting the cards later in the week, it's a strange deck to build though because Shakamon is comically easy to BTFO and the optimal usage scenario for him still requires 7 memory to even take your turn.
The fact the DigiXros for them is an instance of "Or" rather than "And" means you can only ever reduce their cost to 5 meaning you're basically always passing up your turn for minor effects.
I hate how you get so much less value out of hard playing your lvl5’s compared to Deva’s. Especially when you have to play the deck like a way more jank devas with all the good yellow lvl6 aces. I’d love to see more support one day but they’re pretty bad about supporting ex set debuting decks.
>The fact the DigiXros for them is an instance of "Or" rather than "And"
Wew, I hadn't noticed that. I'm guessing 4 YMBoosts are in order then.
Yeah the fact they have the Devas as an example of a playable hardplay Lv5 deck really makes the Journey deck design confusing.

> I’d love to see more support one day
Me too, brother. We're not going to get it though except for maybe some option cards.
I laughed.
You'll need more tamers than Memory Boosts. To avoid memory choking you'll at the very least need some Set to 3 tamers so that in the usual case scenario your opponent will end up on 2 from a DigiXros though it wouldn't hurt to get BT8? TK/Kari to give you +2 memory for when you have less security which is pretty much going to be guaranteed because the deck tempo ain't great and Ukko is going to hit you at least once before you can start your flow proper.
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Full transparency I don't think my list is good but most people on the sim are bad enough for it not to matter.

BT3 Sukamon, BT11 MetalEtemon, BT14 Chuumon, Cooties Kick, Suka's Curse and Maki are all indulgences that I play because they're fun. You can cut them all to increase the other cards and add Aces and memory boosts/trainings/heaven's judgement. Valkyrimon, MegaGargomon and Vikemon are all good.
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Yeah that makes sense. What about the older Sanzo/Cho-Hakkai/Gokuu/Sago? are they any worth as xross fodder or are they a wasted slot?
Wasted slots though I haven't put enough consideration into a Save hybrid version of the deck to know if that would work.
It's sorta annoying that the new Journey cards don't have Save in their text so they have zero synergy with the previous version.
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Disappointing box, my ability to dodge secrets is astouding. I do it every once in a while for fun but still.
Aren't you missing a SR.
>got sleepy lilith

EX is 6 + 3
That's better than 2/3 boxes I got. It's easily over 90$ there. What cards did you want?
Oh damn, Lilith is that good?

I just wanted a secret.

Nah she's crap, I'll give you $10 for it.
I got one box no sec
One box ogudomon
Both had Shaka alt and bird alt
Couldn't have rolled lower alts
Last box I got double Mirei couldn't complain
No shes not good. Like a 1 or 2 of in 7gdl. She has waifu wife pricing.
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>2nd box of the 3 I've ordered
Fuck seraph ace
Building 7dl but dont care much about yaoimon AA but apparently he's well worth.
Actually happy about Ophani AA, I think it's the best illust of the set
opening packs on the live laugh love chair
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>4 ragnas in 3 boxes
As with his big version, I already have 4 copies(obviously) and I care more for other cards so the shota goes to the folder
Mommy saved a shit box.

What decks are running ultichaos, even?
Give me your EX6 RagnaLoardmon lists.
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>Ophani AA, I think it's the best illust of the set
I hadn't paid actual attention to it, but I kinda can agree.
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For me it is seraphi, can I have your copy since im making the angel deck?
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Sure, if you pony up the shipping from Congolombia to wherever is you live.
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Can someone better explain how this card works exactly? Me and a friend where playing decks both from EX5, they whipped this out and didn't actually know how to play it. I think I vaguely understand, but I wasn't sure a good way to explain it. Is there some way it could be more clearly rephrased?
T-thanks, im cool since the shipping will probably cost me more than double.
Beginning of turn, shit out a card under your thing that is the same level, then dna. If you didnt dna the card you shitted out gets bounced.
Basically you check the level of the top card of 1 of your Night Claw or Light Fang digimon (Apollomon or Dianamon usually), you grab the other one out from the Digivolution sources and then you may DNA digivolve (likely GraceNovamon). If you do not DNA Digivolve the two digimon then the Digimon you took from the Digivolution Sources is returned to your hand at the end of the turn.
I think I was confused because I didn't see the other half of the tamers and couldn't fathom when you'd have another large digimon at the bottom of the stack. Thank you both
Ordered a few batches of cards on release
1/3 have tracking updated

you can always count on "The WoW factor"
Wow factor has been great to me for a long while now so i can always rec them.
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Holy shit.
I overpaid for a playset for diaboromon (50 total) on saturday morning and it will be here by today.
i got diaboro mastemon and lilith. i thought for sure they'd stay around that price
i under anticipated the hype for this set.

glad i passed ophani, ragna and domini those are dropping fast
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>glad i passed ophani, ragna and domini those are dropping fast
Hahaha.... Thankfully dominion and ophani and cherub has fucked up ratios in angels so i only overpaid by like 30 usd this set. Still 30 dollars that i couldve fucking spent elsewhere.
you never know with this market. i remember when i thought i overspent on angewomon ace when it was at 8 bucks. now its 20
That's true. I hesitated buying angewomon ace for 6 dollars each and I honestly didnt even use her at all since I was waiting for angels to come out the whole time. A huge waste since i only use her as a 2 of.
I paid 62€ for the normal Ogudomon AA on release day and now it dropped to half that price. FML. Why can't I be more patient?
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>That time Tentomon shot up to 20 dollars
>Still seeing some available for 28bux
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>Why can't I be more patient?
Because there is a thin ass line with patience and getting fucked in the ass in this erratic ass digimon market.
And it's STILL cheaper than Mirei.
i didnt even notice biyomon and tentomon dropped so hard until your post.
every set has to have a loser SEC one that you open and wish it was the other one. or bandai fucks with the popular cards ratio

speaking of which can i get by with only 2 ex6 mirei? i pulled them might as well use them.
I forgot to mention that part in my post but yes. I cant justify it at all since maste is still a medicore deck at best while 7gdl is good
and hard to fall off since it isnt as restrictive as royals.
Youre more than fine with 2.
>3 people at locals started running pillowmon + crimson blaze solely because of me playing diaboro

I tech in ult flare for that reason.
If we ever get a dna from a red and blue four, or five that isn’t kimera, you’re gonna see some wild shit with this deck
>since it isnt as restrictive as royals.
Royals have Aces now that are cheap as hell to play with Yggdrasil. LordKnightmon doesn't do much but Dynasmon and Omnimon aren't nothing.
True but what happens is I always see the cards dropping in price after release day here in Europe but for some reason (maybe I'm retarded) I always buy them on release day or even before instead of waiting a couple of days. I kinda thought that the Ogudomon AA price was a bit high on release day but I actually bought the cheapest one on that day because I thought "well, everyone is selling for higher, must be the 7GDL's hype or something". And now it dropped a lot in price and I could have saved 30€ if I waited a bit more.
The more I read EX6 Leviamon the worse it gets.
very nice, yes
>Shit don't work on imperial either.
Fucking what does? Imperialdramon is so absurdly easy to use and consistent now, and they keep making the dragonmodes and fightermodes insanely good. Doesn't help imperialdramon players are such babies all the time too.
>Boo hoo I have the possibility of drawing a bad hand, this deck needs support every fucking set
fuck imperialdramon babies
when an effects puts the top card at the bottom for any reason (Coronamon, Lunamon, Sunmon(?), Koh & Sayo) you can suspend to gain a memory

and start of opponents turn you can bring out any digimon from your digivolution stack that is the same level as the digimon you're taking the stack from. If you have Lekismon, you can pull Firamon, if you have Crescemon, you can pull Flaremon, etc. If you pull a lv.6 and pull the other and have Gracenovamon in hand, you can DNA for it. At the end of the turn, any card you summoned with it goes back to hand. That being said, if you summoned the lv.6 and made Gracenova with it, it's considered a new digimon and doesn't get bounced
>rape locals so hard they need anti-anon techs
feel pride
>pay 8 for Ultimate Flare on a field of Diaboromon tokens
There's a guy at my locals who always tries to counterpick me if he knows what deck I'm playing.
He will literally wait for me to bring my deckbox out and then pick his based on what I picked.
mix up the deckboxes then and catch him with his pants down
Or just bully him. At my old locals there was a dude who would get butt blasted constantly and was a whiny bitch (and genuinely terrible) and me and my friends and the store owner fucked with him until he stopped showing up. It's funny when the owner of the store and the person running the event sees a dude come in and say "oh hey look, here comes the cardboard coward. Gonna make a fool of yourself today?". No one likes fags, man, make his nonsense known.
I was going to ask how he would know from you pulling out your deck box as if he had memorized what decks they had in them, but thats absurd so obv not
but apparently he did lmao.

I had a guy at my locals complain my deck boxes and sleeves never match the deck and I would make some vague connection to why they were that colour and how its fine
as well as regularly changing them for arbitrary reasons
wonder if he was actually trying to do that now that you pointed out a guy at your locals doing that lmao
He gets shit on pretty regularly because he does other shady stuff too.
I'm just not gonna bring my deck out until he does from now on.
He most definitely memorizes them. I have seen him start to pull one deckbox out, look at mine, then put it back and take something else out instead.
It's unfortunate you have to go that far. If everyone hates him I wonder what the reason he even shows up. I guess I also wonder what the point of this behavior is at all. Everyone is trying to have a good time and he has to go and ruin it.
>Fucking what does?

Pillo/pomu stops the free plays, valkyrie/ruin mode kills the partition bodies when they come out.

It can be difficult but not impossible to play around all of imperials gimmicks.


How does ulti flare work against diaboromon?
I meant i tech in ult flare IN diaboro for that reason.
Suka's curse and Cooties are not optimal? For some reason I like them
Thanks anon.
God this game is a bunch of horseshit now. So many absolutely busted rookies, eggs, and tamers.
and yet, none for my deck so let's keep going until we get them
>waited for Diaboromon
>price drops as expected
Nearly 10 dollars is still way too much.
So do you think Mirei is going to end up like Ex3 Rina for price or actually go down?
>EX3 Rina
You mean Hina
bt11 Rina. Got the back wrong
you aren't having a good time with this
He's phoneposting, bro. There's no need to give him sympathy.
phone posting in a meeting that should have been an email to be exact.
My condolences for the inconvenience but my point still stands you filthy fucking phoneposter.
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It gives your all your Digimon blocker in a really roundabout way but now your sistermon help defend your security. At least it does if I'm reading the card correctly.
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Only a couple stores got 1 case out of 2 or 3 they bought for EX6, and still didn't get their orders of BT16 in full.
How the fuck am I supposed to get rid of Magnamon X Antibody? This hoary motherfucker just spends all his time being immune to fucking everything and being too strong to run over.
I am once again asking for EX6 RagnaLoardmon lists
If yellow vaccine you don't
If Veemon base use a blocker
Aces or blockers. But like the other guy pointed out, Yellow Vaxx can just force it.
Gatomon armor fucks. To be fair, i've only played it in a 6 person locals and against a ton of my friends in more casual games, but it hasn't lost a set yet. Beat devas and blue flare.
Anyone else fuck around with it? Curious if there's thoughts on the deck.
I say this fully knowing it's likely meme territory/jank but it's overperformed every time I have played it, and it's been a few weeks now.
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Its a strong casual deck but will struggle against strip/bounce and blanket -5k DP.

This was my build a few weeks ago, might try adding ophani to the mix
Here's my current list. I'm very all-out aggression. While I am not solid on Mitamamon, considering how often you trash yourself down and pressure your opponent, he's proven very useful so far. Especially as a proactive 6 to go on top of your 5s. Tai Kari is also a nice tamer to maximize memory gain and your digimon surviving. You can tell I tried to fit in a lot of sec trash and effects that proc when trashed, but considering how easy it is to do multiple Lynx in a turn with BT16 Salamon (free play/on play makes nice recycle), the Angewomon + Rev of Light combo is that extra 'oomph' to push over bigger bodies. Also Rev is a great way to pass turn after doing all your armor shenangians and having your BT15 Gatos armor purged down, so you gain memory off of their effects.
I'm curious how you feel about the 1 of green Sala as a free play option. The +2k DP seems really nice with Lynx raid, and searching out the 4s in a deck that's hungry on card draw is desirable. Also the Gato X, he seems fun if you get the slide off.
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Retard moment. I also admit a lot of my ratios are because I have them prerelease, so i'm trying to get use out of them. You could always do a little tweaking one way or the other.
You tag it with a dp deletion option for next turn otherwise you just scoop and hope you get paired against someone who isn't running it

green sala is nice for searching any of the level 4s and it can be color fixed by sala x or BT 16 gato can just evo over it.
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>Everybody and their mother cracking open their boxes
>My shop still didn't receives my boxes.
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Cherubigods, what's the deck looking like? Threw this together which obviously includes a lot but it searches and recycles so much that I feel like you can get away with it? Needs MegaGargo and Heaven's Judgment for defense maybe?

I think the main thing the deck wants to do is
>Alliance swing with EX4 Wendigo/Turuiemon with EX4 inherit
>evolve to EX6 Antylamon for 1
>play EX6 Lopmon
>suspend itself with on play OR with 2nd Alliance from ST Lopmon
>suspend Shu-Chong to evolve to Cherubimon for 1
Megagargo, starter Rapid (gold), and way more EX4 inherits.
I don't run the starter Terrier at all and prefer using EX4 searcher Terrier/Assistant/Lopmon X. Compared to Terriermon's deck where you only hard play Willis if you have no other choices, playing the new Shu-Chong for 4 doesn't feel too bad since she also searches.
Other than that I also max out the starter Wendigomon (killing your Lops to search again or stack more Alliance is fun) and only run two Turuiemon. Whether you run EX4 or EX6 Turuie is up to you (personally I run the EX6 one in case I need to rest something or I want to evolve with Shu-Chong's effect without using Alliance).
Your friends and locals must not be very good. It’s a fun deck but it’s easy to beat and pretty predictable.
I haven't had the chance to play against a friend who is playing something strong against it with their game face on, sure. But the fact that I was able to overcome devas really surprised me.
Maybe it's my build with the Angewomon Ace and Revelations? Those are really effective at clearing things.
I wouldn't ever run this into a regionals, i'm sure Magna X just laughs, but hey, i'd love to run the match up back 10x and see how well I can do~
>try to put together an Argomon list
>have to either run every level 5 or lower with Argomon in name or its a crapshoot to get 4 in trash

So lame don't make me run the textless level 3.
For the third time I am asking for EX6 RagnaLoardmon lists.
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Here you go! I have never played Legend Arms
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almost scoured first place locals today with a working d brigade chaosmon list(lmao just slot in hisyaryumon for bancho or whatever yellow 6er you want)
but demon lords stood in my way and i just tried the most out of the three matches to get a feel how to go up against it.
still got some good experience out of it
Better plan: use Ouryumon and UltimateChaosmon
>Only ragnaloardmon player on earth asks for help playing ragnaloardmon
I'd run him in Gaiomon lists if his blast evo wasn't name specific.
3 boxes of EX6 and no lilithmons.
The list in the middle and on the right are 1st place lists from 4 months ago when JP had EX6, the list on the left is also from JP but it won last week during BT17/EX7 meta. As the other anon said nobody plays the deck so nobody can really help you but I'll look over the lists and compare to try and get your own list. Good luck.
If the Garurumon gentleman I was facing on the sim just before is here, I apologize for those shields, that was fucked and I can understand why you'd surrender.
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finally got done opening my case, this was my final haul
pulled red hot, fellas.
also not shown here, but I have 26 Seraphimon Ace's and they're almost 10 bucks, so that's cool

damn looks nice. I would buy those mirei and maste AAs off you if I could.
Nice pulls.
unfortunately I am building Mastemon. My friend has the same reaction since he JUST built her deck. Feels bad but at least I can trade him a spare Mirei for cheap lol
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>be bricked all game
>losing against rapidx player
>suddenly found my level 4
>climbed all the way up to mirage BM to 5 check and win

This deck is still some BS still, good lord
I have no idea how to build 7 lords.
Beelzemon, Demon, and rookie Lucemon are your main trash-filling engine, supplemented with Mist Memory Boost and whatever draw/discards are available to you (Raremon, Sistermon, Bakemon, Gizumon, whatever). Lucemon CM is your main way to slow down your opponent, with EX5 Leviamon/Biting Crush/Levia X and/or BT13 Belphemon being pretty effective and recyclable backup. EX6 Rage Mode and Leviamon kinda suck so you can skip them if you want or just run 1 for the rare cases where they come up. Run 4 Rise to smooth things along and 2-3 Ogudomon. Run 1-ofs the other 7 GDLs/their X-Antis/the Seventh Options to taste. Rivals Barrage is pretty decent since you're trashing from deck a lot, Meiko is actually not bad either since she also trashes the extra cards and will occasionally give you back memory when you play Lucemon CM. Digimon Emperor if you hate Ukkomon.
The Journey to the west deck looks pretty fun actually
bought lucemon CM a little late but glad i got it today. its about to be bought out
We still have 5 months before we get it so noones in a real rush. Doesnt help that japs dont have faith in the new support either since most stores are selling satan for 1500 yen while falldown is going for more than the sec.
I should mention that i meant this for a lucemon deck unless you meant for using it in 7gdl.
Been away from Digimon for months now.
Anything new?

Games? Toys? Shows?
>play as leomon vs mirage
>have 4 or 5 security, opponent has 4
>i have heavy leo with blocker and memory terriermon in raising
>opponent evolves to level 4 in raising, passing turn with empty board
>send terrier to battle area, use zubagon punch on heavy leo
>attack security for 2 checks
>attack security for final 2 checks
>last security card is ice wall
>turn passes to mirage with 1 memory
>somehow he climbed to mirage burst while bouncing both my digimon and keeping turn
>checks all my security and hits for game
This general is made up of the same people as you hate there.

games dying any way. Sim officially killed the paper sales and the sim will be dead soon too lol.
There’s a new Olympus 13 game coming supposedly
That's been news for years now

Wierd, the memory terrier should have stopped ice wall
Yeah likely, I keep forgetting these effects and was playing against a 16 year old
I'll find the fucking timeline thing they showed us and report back soon, you fag.
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Fuck I am retarded, it's just a timeline, I thought I remembered reading that they were going to sync releases.
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>I thought I remembered reading that they were going to sync releases.
They are. Retard.

What decks win against yellow vaccine? I'm willing to autolose every single other matchup if it means shitting on yellow vaccine.
Send me a pair of those Lucemon CMs.

RH, nume or mirage.

YV's game plan is to set up and play out of security so rushing quick while they're trying to set up is key.
apoc belphemon restricted pair when
That's completely retarded.
>transform Chaosmon into Sukamon
>hard play Etemon, forgetting that it has Partition
>luckily it had an extra +1000DP from Armadillomon
>immediately remember that he has two BT8 Shakkoumon in the sources and if he DPs down my KingSukamon the -3000k in its sources will trigger partition and play out a Valk and Vike
>luckily he seemingly forgets that DP reduction triggers partition and spreads it out
>hits a Chuumon in security
>overflows for 8 and immediately surrenders
How many regular MasteACEs did you get?
7DL feels really bad, pay 8 memory for really shitty effects while Nume and Magna just trample over you.
Magna and Nume are the problems
They're too fast and cheap for anything else to get a leg in

and you can tech to win the matchup with
yellow vaccine and magnamon tribal

there are a chunk of decks who go even(ish) vs it, but very few outright beat it, nume is about the only deck with a good match up

anything else doesn't really care

mirage being ABLE to win doesn't mean its actually a good matchup, for a deck whos entire gameplan is building a perfect stack to OTK you with a lot of setup cards and tamers having to not only get more specific cards as well as needing another source of unsuspend so more resources and another tamer means its LESS likely to execute its gameplay successfully vs other decks, not MORE likely
mirage CAN win vs yellow vaccine, its not LIKELY to win.
winning 30% of your game isn't a "good match up"
I gonna bust 200 bucks for my Duroguramon BT16 deck, pray for me.
Ukko was the biggest mistake.
Fuck that goopy squid
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>cheap staples were the downfall of yugioh
>bandai decides to make a cheap staple
The fact that they have double downed on the fucking dickface is what annoys/worries/angers me.
>have been telling people for a long while now that ukko is a fucking problem
>lol nah ur just salty
>ukko is a clearly an issue
>they still stand their ground
What the actual fuck causes a person to go this goddamn blind?
A) They're dumb as rocks
B) They feel good when using Ukkomon to go plus for free
I had fun last set but Magna and Nume(Ukko) gatekeep the meta so hard my motivation to play has been way lower this format.
This must be how jp felt during Apocalymon madness. I genuinely think if they hadn’t hit Apoc in advance over here it would have killed the game. Even if the hits did tank bt15 sales.
>I had fun last set but Magna and Nume(Ukko) gatekeep the meta so hard my motivation to play has been way lower this format.
I feel the same way
My locals is effectively segregated with the magna and nume/ukkofags playing with each other while the rest of us get sent to the back of the bus (the bottom of the rankings)
Know that your feelings are mutual since jp players are tired of the same shit too and that it is still an issue in ult cups.
watcha got to trade
7 regular
2 alt art
luckily my friend needed a playset for himself so I was able to get a playset for both of us
only mysterious digimon story game they refuse to elaborate on
not only is there no new toy, they cancelled the VB because they're retards, so there's actually less toys
No, but there's a new official webcomic about the TCG called Liberators.
Numemon and some of the more outlandish hard to recover OTK decks.
Greymon checking 14 security cards can certainly hurt them and Gallantmon CAN do decent too. Might want to make sure to tech in A Delicate Plan if you decide this route though
>I gonna bust 200 bucks for my Duroguramon BT16 deck
Jesus, all the cards are inexpensive as fuck, are you getting BT7 alts or something?
Vaccine doesn't run a lot of bombs anon.
people always say that but every time I play them I get the supposed weird faggots who run fucking Wyverns Breath or Odins Breath or Chaos Deg or fucking Heavens Judgement and I always hit them. I am a lucklet, I gotta play around Murphy's Law

>Reg art lucemon chaos modes now going for $30 ea

This anons gonna get his money back and then some
>This anons gonna get his money back and then some
Already did the math, if I sold everything in that picture alone plus my Seraphimon Alts, I'd be up about 300-400 bucks
1 or 2 heavens is common
but vaccine also pulls a lot of shit OUT of its security and often removes all its bombs
its security is often not that scary full of mostly low DP digimon (and often has lvl 4's being put IN to it)
if you are swinging in with some 20k greymon stack you really don't need to be afraid of anything in there
>Satan is probably going to be shit
>Lucemon CM prices going out of control
I'm just so tired.
It's just hype prices. I mentioned here >>93234223 that it is cheap as hell since they have low expectations for it. It is the same price as susanoo ace.
I feel like an idiot for not thinking about that (prolly because new) I could also run the option which be funny af.
Very iffy on the ultimate chaosmon since it doesnt have partition and theres a chance it wont have protection
wtf r u talking about, ultimatechaosmon has partition
Are you playing Digimon Emperor?
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Is this what it feels like to play bunny dogs?
How many Chaos modes and Ogudomons do I need for 7gdl? I assume a playset. I pulled 1 Ogudo and no Chaos modes.
Didn't Latam had a regional last week? Lists on eggman?

Ogudo is 2/3
Chaos mode is 3/4
Gotta wait for the Lucemon hype to die down, otherwise I guess i'll get a couple more Ogudos and a playset of Lucemons.

Yea, it's kind of hard to tell at first but lucemon + CM is the engine that makes 7gdl work.

It's hard to predict the value of such a Keystone card like that will be in a few weeks, especially if it is a 4-of
I have messed around with the deck a bit when EX6 was coming out in JP, but otherwise I haven't had much time for playing digimon, so I wasn't too aware how the prices were going to be.
>watcha got to trade
A laurel and hearty handshake
EX-06 in DCGO when?
2 weeks.
In 5 minutes.
i love you guys...
>sold my chaos mode for 35€
well shit
Is Diaboromon a fun deck?
Token spam sounds fun
There has never been more Crimson Blaze in the game than right now but yeah it's pretty fun
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I am once again asking that If they refuse to do original art for anime tamers that we at least get costume alt arts
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these are the closest we've gotten
>>cheap staples were the downfall of yugioh
The downfall of Yugioh was the mindfuckery of their rules, the insane power creep and novelization of card effects. Cheap staples were never an issue.
I’d say Valk Ace and Rapid X are a more common problem than Crimson realistically but yeah. I hope whenever we get Diaboro X it can do something to buff your tokens in some way. There’s so many anti-wide tools with more on the way and Diaboro gets hard cucked by all of it and it doesn’t have the insane speed of Nume to recover.
Reminds me, all those bt17 aces being on play was a mistake imo. They’re just high cost options but better cause it also give you a huge body.
the issue with big bodies with on play effects you can slam down is the same problem as deathx
you can treat them as options with an extra body and I think at least the lvl 7 aces are a better design than deathx, you are punished for not killing deathx with its effect, you are not rewarded at all when you kill it, and the person who plays it doesn't care if deathx dies as it already did its job the moment it was played, the aces are a lot different as you need to protect them or give up a lot of memory and if it doesn't close out the game then and there it can be a huge swing back and you at least need to care to protect them.
The real place where they fumbled is making them all have strong persistent effects as well, all of them have powerful when attackings or other keywords (or both) that let them impact the game state heavily even after their initial play (or blast)

the lvl 7 aces in bt17 make attacking in when your opponent has a lvl 6 sitting there incredibly scary
seeing I just got Valked playing against Gallantmon you may have a point
>the six ex6 boxes that I pre-ordered finally shipped yesterday
>Won't be here till Monday
>Meanwhile single prices are jumping all over the place
I'm stressed, only thing keeping me from blowing my brains out is the fact that I got them for $85 a box.
Honestly this makes me want to get a box more so I can secure some cards in case this gets worse.
Hell, it makes me want to get BT17 even more now.
Regular Chaos mode being 25-30 dollars is such bullshit, it's like we're back to 1.0 and 1.5 SR prices.
Blame the hype for it being in an upcoming mediocre deck and partially for needing a playset of it in demon lords.

Do you best and bully 7gdl players, play blue flare this meta
I'm starting to think it wasn't so bad not waiting to buy the EX6 cards I needed (I'm this anon: >>93215573) cause I bought 5 Lucemon Chaos for ~10-13€ each and 1 AA for 44€.
Objective speaking, if your game is going to have generic or semi-generic staples, it's far better to have them cheap, at least as far as the playerbase is concerned
had a very intense game against shinegrey which I truly only won by getting lucky with the last 2 security and being very careful with playing around that fucking annoying "when one of your marcus is deleted place it on top of security" effect
gg to that person
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I just don't understand how you're supposed to play against this deck.

It can go from almost nothing to level 6 in one turn (and may still be their turn), suspends all your digimon and tamers, and can attack security safely at least twice with piercing and jamming, remove your inherits, and send your cards back to the deck. If you delete it, de-digivolve, etc, it comes back twice as fast and does it all again. Only thing I can think of is deleting tamers, but it seems like more of a minor set-back if anything.
>I just don't understand how you're supposed to play against this deck.
Just play Vaccine Armor dude
play a deck with tamer hate and bounce protection like insectoid and etemon
Bait out their ace with a nothing stack have a de digivolves ready to punish them etc as soon as the initial ace effect happened theres real nothing else happening. the paildramon dna with double tamer tap bullshit is way worse in my mind

What deck are you playing? Some decks just have a straight up bad time against imperial.
Does anyone know what a deck using Digipolice, BigUkkomon, promo Knightmon and EX5 Etemon might be trying to do? Just played against one and it sort of flailed around aimlessly after getting BigUkko out but was clearly trying to ACE
The bugs deck is pretty strong honestly. I had the most wins with it compared to other non Meta decks
Tyrant is meta, it just isn't the best at any particular thing. The result is that you have a deck with very few bad matchups, but very few autowin matchups, which suits me just fine.
It is ?
Oh well it's pretty easy to learn and isn't that overly obnoxious.
uhhhh the d police stuff if commandra and hi commandra could just be for protection, big ukko does big ukko things i guess lmao, the promo knightmon is a way to play lvl 3s and some one play shooting and etemon does etemon stuff both setting up for aces
clunky as fuck and will always be worse than a normal d police/briaged list i recon
case1300,500bux back...profit?
2 or 3 ogudo
4 chaos modes. but it depends on how you are building the deck so you could get away with 2 or 3

I think 3 ogudo is good, because you can generally get recovery and good stall with the deck. I see most list have it at 2 though. My worry is you get one stuck in sec and one is bottom 20 of your deck.

I think getting 4 copies of Chaod Mode is worth it in general because of the future support it is getting. Ogudo is something I would get 4 copies of when they get cheaper, because I think 7GDL will always get good support when they start printing the x antibodies for each version and giving them their specific option cards.
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They seriously should start putting limits to how many tamers exist on the field
There is a hard limit. If you have enough cards on the field DCGO just stops you from playing cards.
7 is already a lot. Yellow vaccine is even worse in that regard, bandai probably thought that memory would be enough to prevent such situations but then the game developed into a state where people can abuse it and keep recycling memory effects so by the memory doesn't really matter for that deck anymore.
3 should be the maximum amount of tamers someone is allowed to have and they should trash one to play another
Oh this is just stealth vaccine complaining. Tamers are fine
Nah they are op. Some decks depend on them to an unreasonable degree which is fine in gimmicks like Xros or hybrids but abusing memory defeats the purpose of having it in the first place. Decks who make memory obsolete should be hit
I see I see anyway My magna is immune and I'm swinging twice with his unsuspend don't worry about tamers
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>about to get 4-checked by rage mode
>dies on 1st check

Huehuehue, I shouldn't have won that game
Can you even call it stealth when it is pretty blatant?
Guess im like the ragna player where im the only person playing angels.
My cards are coming in tomorrow and I gotta figure out what to take out for shinegrey ruin.
I’ll take a look at mine sometime today and we can chat about our decks anon
>a lot

I had 13 on board with my black hybrid blocker deck
You know, maybe I'll feel differently come EX7, but I'm not really worried about Shoto at all.
Pretty much everything I play can swing over mother, swarm, or both.
>500bux back
that textured Ogudomon alone is worth 500
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BT-17 Memorial Pack cards
It seems playing dorugoramon is only viable through loogamon base. The bowmon egg glues the whole deck together while dorimon does nothing.
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>Screenshot art
Bandai you lazy SOBs!
At least Double Typhoon and Gennai look nice.
Pretty sure there is some legal stuff about drawing the characters, like they are only allowed to use the stock art or they would have to pay extra to Toei.
so why is the new Paladin so good? Yea bot decking their trash is amazing but it seems situational and it being an ace with no protection seems like a big “use option removal on me” target.
The trash all source of everything thing is fucking powerful as hell and if they cant get rid of it, it starts fucking everything up.

>playing any purple deck
>pay 9 to hard drop paladin
>they lose

I double-dog dare you to play machinedramon in bt17
Some kind of special sadism releasing a new Argo line that needs copies in trash in the same set as Paladin.
The Savers movie is cool
Getting to strip all sources from everything is ridiculous. Not only that but it also gets to completely clear your board and potentially otk if you go wide. The overflow really doesn’t justify how much it can do which I think is going to be a continuing issue with aces desu.
The one downside to Paladin ACE is that he's an ACE whose effect does not control board at all. Unless you're playing Hexeblau, going into him will not save you from getting swung at.

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