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Last Thread: >>93060013
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>Thread question
How are you holding up Anon?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
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Was there much variance between Union uniforms in the ACW? I wanna do the 1st West Virginia but it's hard to find any information on stuff like this
There was a fair bit of variance. Being influenced by French styles of the time, they had zouaves among the most stand out-ish. And quite a fair bit of variance to the regular blues you'd expect to see with other regiments, from piping to jacket cuts and trouser styles, not to mention corps and regimental imagery that could be found sewn-on or embroided.
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Has anyone tried Littoral Commander? What's it like?
Anyone have a pdf of Age of Hannibal 2nd edition? couldnt find one in the mega unless im blind. Heard it was a good game and wanted to skim through it a bit before deciding to pick it up
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Taking 4 weeks off for traveling with the family. My first batch of 6mm Russians has arrived, so I will be busy as soon as I come back home.
My fish are the only thing keeping my gun out of my mouth.

great castings, where from?
License printed Turner miniatures from tableschmock(dot)de. I don’t own a printer but like the Turners for 6mm. Importing stuff from the UK is a major hassle since Brexit, so Baccus are no alternative.
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played another game of rebels and patriots
we've been using a house rule that a unit counts all casualties in a morale test instead of just the ones taken during that action
prevents it becoming a bloodbath so casualties have been quite low, like 12 per side per game and I think it works well
my commander showed up late again, then shot his own guys in the back, but still managed to win and captured the enemy commander
think I am going to rebase most of my 10mm, don't like the feeling of picking up 20x20mm squares, lots of overhang on some figures from the guns too
I like those pipe cleaner pines, Anon.
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Anons, I'm having an issue: I can't fucking decide on basing for my 28mm Ancients. On one hand, I was 100% in on basing my army for Impetus with the 120mm wide diorama bases. Then I realized I was probably not going to do a ton of dioraming, and that I wanted to be able to play several games. So I decided to go down to 60mm wide bases, and be able to play ADLG, FOG, TTS, and other games. But then I realized that there are dozens of skirmish-y games that require single basing. However, single basing is a bit of a hassle sometimes, and looks worse than multibasing (especially worse than Impetus bases)... but they're incredibly versatile and would let me play pretty much anything. So, what the fuck should I do? Any advice?

Pic rel is some kind of sabot bases that actually look quite decent

I know a guy who was institutionalised after two failed suicide attempts and he found his wife from the mental hospital. They're still happily together. So chin up bro, your fish need you.
DBX basing
It is the Way
I personally push every unit down a base deoth though.

So Solid Blade becomes 4 figures on a 60 x 30mm base. Lovely. Warband are deeper, 60 x 40 - I add two more figures.
What about the knowledge that your miniatures and all your work would likely go to waste.
Don't be silly
I have a broken spine
-30 dollars in my account.
Every day is agony.
But I persist. I look for beauty and I create it. Even if my arthritic hands make it torture
But what about games like Wars of the Republic, or Men of Bronze, or SAGA? Can't play those with DBA basing
I love my fish very much, part of me likes to think they love me too even though I'm sure they're incapable of it.

Anon, I've been a carpenter for the past 15 or so years. The knowledge that anything I create or do will likely go to waste is hammered into my head everyday I go to work. I spent a long time mastering old-school skills and techniques to do fine precise high quality work, to be a master craftsman, and no one cares, no one wants that anymore. Customers just want me to do good enough for as cheap as possible and get out, and I'm a lot better a carpenter than a hobbiest. I already know my minis will go in the trash. It's the reality of things. My hobby stuff sits collecting dust.

>But I persist. I look for beauty and I create it.

How do you do it? How do you connect with the beauty of the world? I see it every day in my aquariums, but I'm cut off from almost all of it. There is no joy left for me in anything other than tending to my fish.

Anyways sorry for being so off topic, I'll shut up now.
Tired, so very tired. My wife inherited this shitbox of a house from her grandmother who stopped giving a shit about life years before she passed, and my 500 pound sister-in-law who's been living here since before granny died is completely disconnected from reality and shares granny's extreme apathy towards cleanliness and self-care. There is so much trash and shit to fix and we need to get the sister out of here one way or another, she needs to be fucking institutionalized or something for her own good before she destroys this house and herself further.
It's exhausting. We've been cleaning for days trying to get the house ready for tomorrow as we have someone coming to fix the water and a charitable organization is going to be installing some new flooring where the floor has rotted out. Half of me thinks this place is maybe salvageable, the other half just wants to be rid of the place and move on. For now, just gotta keep taking things one step at a time.

In /hwg/ news, I am currently planning out the Western table and event I want to run for a convention next year. Going to be hosting a stagecoach robbery scenario.
Its not that no one cares, its that no one has enough money to afford what high quality work costs today. Cheap wood is cheaper and better than in the past, and good wood is astronomically more expensive. Likewise cheap work (assisted by power tools) is cheaper and better than the past, and good work is much more expensive and harder to see immediate value in. Wealthy people by and large care a lot less too, because anything which isnt gay and minimalist isnt fashionable in a woke culture which disregards aesthetics as subjective. Then most people who actually want decent woodwork can often buy it 2nd hand for cheaper. It doesnt mean that the craft is without value, because ultimately it will outlast you, its just about finding people who both want it and can afford it.
ah my friend thank you.
>How do you do it? How do you connect with the beauty of the world?

I look for it
I hope that long after anon is gone (hopefully many years from now) people appreciate his work.

As for the minis, I am slow due to pain but it's better than not doing it and there is more power in the simplicity of that aphorism when paired with action than you can possibly realise.

Just do 5-10 a month, to tabletop standard.
I think you may have some luck if you can market yourself in very upper class areas with old houses. I know this because I am one of those people who is paying anyone who seems half serious about heritage restoration to restore elements of my 100yo house.

I don't want to say I get you but there is some shared thoughts about the value of old wood probably.
best places to source medieval miniatures? fantasy or otherwise
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Can anyone tell how these Carthaginians are based? Looks like 30x60mm, but it could be 25x50 as well... They're Gripping Beast minis, in case the scale/size of them helps

Rather well considering the circumstances, been living on my apartment for nearly six months due to my ongoing divorce, which should be finalized around November. Have a good relationship with my soon-to-be ex-wife and we have 50/50 custody of our son. Still, occasionally I get really melancholy as I think we did him dirty and that it's highly likely that he'll never have a another sibling. The online dating landscape seems rather bleak and I think my best odds of finding a new girl would be through a friend or an acquaintance.

Some minis are on their way and should arrive today, more fireforge stuff.
Could I please get a photo of DBMM Book 3 24 Middle Anglo-Saxon?
No, but also curious about it.
>I get really melancholy as I think we did him dirty
yes, yes you did

He has done nothing wrong but he will still have to suffer, that's the worst. I mean, we live less than a kilometer away from each other and he sees both of us basically every day, but it's still a shitty situation.
It sounds like he will get way more support than most kids his age. It sounds like his parents are higher-quality people than the parents of most kids his age.
whats the context? why divorce if you know it'll be bad for him?
having split up parents fucked me up so much I could never do it

She thought I was too cold and cheated.
Depends what era you want and in what scale.
This is certainly the better outcome for him given the situation, having both of you in easy reach, walking distance even, means he's not missing half of himself growing up.
Oh, damn
>good relationship
if she's done it once she'll do it again, probably, maybe he'll find out one day
but yeah i get it though you gotta put your son first, hope it turns out ok for him and you tbqh
Fuggin great. On vacation with my boyfriend, running a con game later this week, and slowly getting back to work on a system for ultramodern mechanized infantry combat
>my commander showed up late again, then shot his own guys in the back
Ah, so like Greene at Germantown...

>but still managed to win and captured the enemy commander
...but not
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If I wanted to paint a standard basic Italian Infantry army, would the Neapolitan gray be best or another color?
>How are you holding up Anon?
Got a baby on the way so I'm trying to get my hobby shit together before I get too busy so baby doesn't end up drinking isopropanol at six months old

I know I probably lived off worse things as an infant, but that doesn't make it a good idea
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Looking into some foldable printable terrain like the one in the pic, are these common in /tg/? Haven't seen them, just got a paper printer and these would save a lot of time and resin
European-theatre Italian infantry wore olive green uniforms, including in Sicily, the Balkans campaigns, Greece, etc. Desert uniforms were obviously present in North Africa.

Looks like standard WAB-style bases, 25mm frontage, 50mm depth (probably).

List No. 24
bit fruity.
For any SAGA players out there; for Age of Vikings, what factions can you build a full list out of a single box? I was initially tempted to go in with the Victrix Anglo-Saxons as I love their history and look, but the idea of painting 70+ levy has me baulking at the idea as it seems you want to run lots of plebs to get the most use out of their board. The irish and scots were close seconds, with WGA doing an irish box, but I can't seem to find any good scots in plastic. Any suggestions?

Holding up okay. I'm carving out time for my hobby projects and slowly starting to organise my life better, so thats nice. Going to be moving house fairly soon, so that's a dollop of stress, but I'm excited for it. Hope all you /hwg/ Toms are doing well.

Things can always get better anon, remember that. Focus on making every day just a little better than the last, and hang on in there.
>Looks like standard WAB-style bases, 25mm frontage, 50mm depth (probably).
Thanks anon, I don't know why I thought they would be 30mm wide, maybe I'm to used to Victrix models which are wider.

Maybe with 1 box of Vikings and 1 box of Dark Age Archers from Victrix you would be able to build 2 warbands: Vikings and Anglo-Danes.

Speaking of SAGA, does anyone have the SAGA: Age of Hannibal book? Can't find it in the sharethread nor here (both link to the same folder, actually)
Best 15mm range(s) for Napoleon in Egypt?

Also, where do I start with building a force? I’m still trying to figure out. For example, if I want to go after the Battle of the Pyramids, where do I start?
Best minis comes down to taste, just look at which revolutionary range of French you like most.

Building a force for a specific scenario/battle is relatively straight forward. Get a good source on the scenario and read it. Figure out which part of the battle you want to recreate. Get any detailed OOB. Viola, there is your force.
A good starting point for most things French in the napoleonic period is Campaigns of Napoleon by Chandler. The Nafziger OOB collection is available online.
>Wealthy people by and large care a lot less too, because anything which isnt gay and minimalist isnt fashionable in a woke culture which disregards aesthetics as subjective.
Autists will get diagnosed with a disorder that leaves them with low emotional intelligence, weirdly out of balance empathy, and a poor understanding of subjectivity, and instead of rationalising their way out of the latter they'll believe that taste is objective (just somehow fashion still exists and changes, different cultures exist and change, the prevailing fashion is opposing their own tastes but despite that they are the ones that are always objectively correct).
silence gayboy
eat shit sperg i'll piss in your locker
only autist here is you
some of us appreciate good furniture, aesthetics and objectivity
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Anyone have any rule recommendations for Indian Mutiny?
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Best game to use this models? Team yankee seems to be a disaster so it's not an option for me.
Maybe force on force?
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What I mean by disaster
What fish do you have?
too many vehicles in relation to infantry. Platoon level games in 15mm works, but you only need 1-2 vehicles per players
AB figures are the only one I know of
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With which system? Because with team yankee those MBTs that can engage targets a +2km have a comically short range.
It's like watching the naked gun.
I'm torn /hwg/. Do I paint up a unit of handgonne skirmishers, a unit of archers or a commander next for my WotR project?

7 days to the river rhine: this starter set is basically 2 full forces for it out the bat. The ground scale is still a little weird (I personally play it in 6mm), but it's a lot less parking lot-esque than FoW.

What con game are you running anon? I always find con games interesting as you have to have both a good hook AND a fairly quick teach for new players.
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Brainlet take. Aesthetics and beauty are objective, you can have different styles and tastes within that which forms subjective preferences, but the acceptance that aesthetics exist within those is objective. Minimalism, modernism, and brutalism are a complete rejection of traditional aesthetic standards as irrelevant or somehow "too much", they're a globalising, homogenising force of being boring and indistinguishable. I reject it, and the uppity homosexuals such as yourself who rally around it.
Why not all three?

Early, High, Late? This could mean anything. Do you want Anglo-Saxons? Danes? Normans? 1st Crusade? 3rd Crusade? Baron's War? Early HYW? Mid HYW? Late HYW? Burgundians? WOTR? Italian Wars? Maybe you want something more esoteric like Komnenid Byzantines, Kievan Rus, or even Mongols?
Most of my house is furnished with antiques, some finds the thread has been impressed by. Just because I'm pushing back against your autistic coping and spinelessness doesn't mean I'm in your outgroup as much as you'll probably pretending I am. All I want is for you losers to grow some fucking balls and argue your tastes and passions honestly rather than lying to and deluding yourselves, even in relatively low stakes online discussions. My opinions about a lot of current taste and design, the availability of good build quality furniture, the disappearing midground between disposable cardboard tat and high end furniture, blah blah, well they're probably not dissimilar to yours, what boils my piss is that spergs pretend they're not opinions at all. It's effeminate.
If I try and batch paint more than 15 minis at a time I completely lose the will to do more than a few basecoats. I don't know why, but bashing out a unit of 12, than another unit, and so on, is significantly easier to me than doing 25-30 minis all at once. That's even if the colour scheme, basing, etc is identical.
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>want to rebase 10mm
>spend days figuring out a system which is flexible and can be used for multiple rules
>still can't decide
probably just gonna go with 30x30, cant go bigger for awi/acw stuff because my fortifications and things wont hold em, lots of rules seem to use 60x30 units too
tho the flags will not be centered with 2 or 4 base units, maybe I could use a dud base that holds a dice or two but counts as the unit so it looks even
>muh basing
Or just use a base agnostic ruleset like To The Strongest. I'm essentially just going to base my 15mm minis for the 28mm recommended base sizes.
Big units always look better.
I'm running Fistful of TOWs (technically a lightly modified version of the quick-start rules from their website), going to be doing part of the Sino-Soviet border conflicts in '69
>With which system?
any of the systems intended for small scale platoon or squad actions with a heavy infantry focus. There also should be tons of cover since it would just be assumed you can hit everything you can see with most weapons.
Incidentally I'm collecting 15mm minis for the battle of Hue, not decided if I just want to do generic streets or if I should bother to build boards for some of the more famous set-pieces
I like to play a variety of rules, including ones where formations can change
Cool minis, anon, which manufacturer?

Also, is TTS that good? I've never tried it, I kinda disliked the way it handles a few lists in the period that I like the most (antiquity), so I never gave the rules a chance.
Base autism actuallynstoppe d me from getting a lot of stuff done. Unless it's for something specific like Kings of war, I uae slightly deeper dbx basing (60x30, 40, 50, 60, 800, 100). If it's individually based stuff I like washers. If you drop a plastic mini it usually lands standing up with a good 25mm washer. Increasingly the KOW bases I do just have a sprinkling of figures, dice frames and terrain and are like mini dioramas. Thinking about doing similar for historicals because I usually do a couple of big and smaller bases and I'm done lol.
Handy tip, don't be afraid to jazz up some shxty awuarium terrain and lincoln logs. Yes it can look naff on its own but blended even with 2d terrain and the "real" stuff it's gonna make your games more tactically interesting.
Same reason I use dip on figures. Yes, it can be a bit inelegant not brushed on or over a very bright paintnjob but it does at least toughen figures up. Light tone is the best and most subtle, strong tone probably a little more versatile and dark tone surprisingly good for mechs and primary colours. If you give your model a light gloss prior andit will preserve the brightness of metallics and flow better. Let both coats cure for twice as long as instinct wants.
How do you feel in the gap in the washer? I'm considering it for using a magnetized box for transport
Fill* holy shit
What modifications did you make?
Not sure if a different ruleset will fix what is essentially a force size problem. 10 tanks = squadron -, 10 btr is a company -, and 2 batteries of AA, so a battalion sized game at 1:1 representation. So if you want to play this level of game, there really isn't a rule set that will stop pic rel from happening. As other anons pointed out, the option is to go to a company sized game with spread out objectives.
I added in some of the "notes", like vehicles being open-topped or being a towed weapon, plus rules for air strikes, smoke artillery, and close combat
>vehicles being open-topped or being a towed weapon, plus rules for air strikes, smoke artillery, and close combat
FFoT doesn't have rules to cover any of that?
Not that anon, but I use 1in fender washers for my 28mm stuff, and line my storage bins with cheapo letter-size adhesive magnetic sheets from Amazon.
I just place a small piece of masking tape over the hole, which is small on the washers I typically purchase. Once you get some ground paste or whatever on top, the taped area is more than rigid enough- and more likely, it's between the mini's legs anyway.
NTA but I use 25mm washers for Perry Miniatures and the base attached to the minis covers the hole. I've also covered the hole with tape and based over it like normal.
Are Konflikt '47 posts welcomed in this general? If yes, am I retarded for only taking two squads of infantry in a 1500pt German list?
It does, but again I'm using the "simplified" version available for free on their website as the base. It ends up only being like 8 pages which I feel is a lot easier to read through and understand than the like 120ish pages of the full rulebook
There are like 32 konflick 47 players in the entire world, you can ask here but I don't think anyone else plays it
Can you share how they play out? I'm going to use FFoT for the Iran Iraq war and I thought they already have a rule for airstrikes.
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I had a much better time painting 3d printed Italian infantry than the official flames of war models. Probably because the details are exaggerated on the 3d print.
Smoke arty is pretty easy since it works the same as normal arty but the reduced effect doesn't do anything and it creates a cloud 1"x1" per barrage marker.
Air strikes also work like artillery, but with different firepower ratings depending on ordenance and penalties to hit if the aircraft flies over enemy AA. Some options are very powerful and like everything else in the game there's no guidelines on how to balance it.
Close combat kinda sucks in FFoT. You better hit the defender with every debuff in the game or they will wipe the attackers and take zero damage. Or you can use the direct fire arty rules and force them to take morale checks until they run away. Only thing I really like about the CC is how weak unsupported vehicles are
Thanks, anons, will consider it then, seems like a nice way of basing and also taking advantage of the metal's magnetic capabilities rather than adding magnets to it.

Man, I'm so sad about what happened to Legio Heroica... I think that the three nephews of the original owner should consider selling the molds to another company to keep production going.
I haven't done any painting or work on my project in about 6 weeks. I'm about to go spend a month at my folks house several states away to scout work and the feasibility of moving closer to them (they're sick, old, need more help, etc) Should I bring some paint and minis with me? I've never traveled with my hobby stuff before. I'm driving so it shouldn't be a problem, but not having a dedicated work space might be.
Anyone happen to have pdfs for Battlegroup Stalingrad or Barbarossa? Missing from the mega and I can't find any in stock anywhere.
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does anyone have any experience with boomer Avalon hill games? I picked up Afrika Korps recently, pretty stoked to play it.
I know how you feel anon. There's been periods, some very recently, where I've wanted to enjoy one final drink and step off the edge of a local quarry.
You have to find something to keep going for, your fish are excellent. Your hobby too, find something you want to make or finish and keep at it. Or if all else fails, spite. It works for me, I refuse to die because that will mean they have won. I won't let them, and even if I'm in pain, even if I feel hollow inside, no matter how bad it gets, I won't let them win. I live on to spite them.
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I appreciate you lot. I'm still here, haven't wanted to clutter up the thread with more of my blog posting. To answer some questions/reply to a few things: I used to have a small business, me and my uncle, and I was trying to specialize in "pre-war restoration and repair" I thought that could be my niche, but the pandemic killed it and left me with a lot of debt. The tldr is that carpentry practices, code, techniques and even lumber changed dramatically with sweeping standardizations that came with the post WWII construction boom, at least in the US. As a result a lot of carpenters don't want to work on houses from before the war, but I did. Despite living in a state with a plethora of old houses I couldn't actually make anything of it. For example I can rebuild a 100 year old rope and weight window and make it work like new. Noone wanted it. Tear out the old window and replace it with some vinyl crap that will only last 20 years. It was cheaper, faster. Instant gratification on a budget. At this point I'm considering getting out of carpentry all together, but I don't know what else to do. My autistic interests in history don't lend themselves to making any money and I don't have any sort of degrees. As for my fish, I have a few aquariums with happy Bettas and fresh water shrimp. Planted aquariums, little under water gardens with grumpy fish. I'm trying to find something to keep me going, I just recently left a decent paying job that had the atmosphere of a sinking ship and an incompetent boss for a much worse paying job where I spend most of my day house painting and chain smoking, which unfortunately let's me spend too much time alone in my head. I hate where I live, my roommates suck, and I've lost a third of my income. I gotta figure out how to make some sweeping changes because I can't stay on the path that I'm on.

Fish related.
I'm looking to do Crusades in 15mm. Does anyone know if Khurasan mixes well with Mirliton? And what about OG15s? I've also seen some models from Donnington, but they look too chunky, even if they seem to have models that others don't. Any other manufacturers that have some good 3rd-4th Crusade models for both Crusader states and Ayyubids?
>Thread question
>How are you holding up Anon?
Ive got moderate concussion thanks to a garage door, my 2nd jobs boss is cool about it, but my main jobs boss is being an utter cunt about it and its honestly been an eyeopener.
Apart from that, im 30 in just over a month, been single for the past 8 or 9 years. I hate it but ive no idea how to meet anyone, especially anyone im interested in, and the feeling of being lonely and knowing im going to be lonely forever has sapped my will. I feel hollow and I have begun to resent my family, particularly my borthers who wont come and do their bit to look after mom, and my main job for forcing this situation on me. I also still have never been abroad, despite wanting too, because of this.
Its been lovely weather and I havnt been able to get out anywhere because of work, then this concussion. I wonder why im bothering to go on, or even type this. Im tired of being a fat fuck and I cant even go biking or to the gym.
HWG wise ive been doing some 2mm imagi-nation stuff for the horse and musket period, and tryning to finish other half-done projects so I can work on my 10mm ECW Royalist army for LMT.
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Anyone by any chance has this book or has tryed the system?
I would like to try it myself, is it any good?
been thinking about how I could have got into wargaming years ago, tried to paint stuff when I was younger but gave up because I didn't have a clue
now I feel like I got to make up for lost time
The issue is the fact that the player is a dumbass and thats an easy target for artillery and if you play on an actual board with spread out objectives this doesn’t happen nearly as much as you think it does and it only ever happens with warsaw pact armies and is usually a gigantic detriment to them if they bunch up like that because then nothing can fucking shoot because you can’t see through friendlies in team yankee.

Sidenote for actual REAL issues with the rules.

Is assaulting just fucking useless? What advantage does it provide? Soviet RPG infantry for example hit on 6s in assaults but just shooting an RPG normally they would hit on 4s not to mention when you assault you give the enemy a free shooting phase against that unit while also giving them the advantage of your infantry getting no save and they hit your vehicles side armor. Further if they pin your infantry or bail out all your tanks you basically just took a gigantic hit for no reason. And after all that crap you’ll probably barely kill anything unless its infantry and even then they can just counterattack you without you being able to shoot defensive fire.

Like is there any reason you would do something so fucking dumb?
Legio Heroica's 15mm stuff looks ok, although i think 28mm is generally more appropriate for the crusades.
What about welding? There's demand and it pays really well. I think it's fun too.
t. welding gave my autistic ass a new beginning
>I'm still here, haven't wanted to clutter up the thread with more of my blog posting.
For what it's worth I really enjoy your blog, it's nice to see someone with a vision for what they want to do in this hobby and try and achieve it
I agree with you anon, on both accounts. But first of all, Legio Heroica doesn't seem to be functioning anymore, the owner died. Secondly, 28mm are my favorite minis by far, but I no longer have the space for a 28mm army, or the time to paint it right now. I'm considering 28mm for skirmish Crusades and 15mm for mass battle Crusades, which would be a good compromise
I feel for you anon, I've never understood why rich people don't appreciate craftsmanship. If I won the lotto, I would for sure be living in a Victorian style mansion with hand carved crown molding and silk curtains.

If it provides you any sense of vindication at the very least, I work as a FF here in the states and the new styles of house construction are quite literally killing people. Every new study that comes out is proving that people have less and less time to escape from fires as the framing gets thinner and relies more and more on gusset plates. Combine that with the cheap furniture from overseas, that's made out of pure petroleum products, and puts off toxic gas when they start to burn, means more and more people are dropping where they stand before they even realize their house is on fire.

So some people may not appreciate your work, but I do :)
Well I haven't done any projects in probably a year, I'm either at work or so tired from work that I don't have any motivation to paint or play anything and wind up just playing vidja instead.

I also lost all my notes for the game I was designing so that killed a lot of my motivation desu
Yeah just hit it with some guns
I blow up your parking lot check m8
Thats why I like area effect weapons and blast templates
Maybe they are gimmicky but they keep your guys moving

Fast one day a week. Make yourself a couple of ham salad sandwiches and drink water only one day a week. Go for a walk to the park two days a week. Oh you want takeout? Put a couple of spuds and some asparagus in the oven, do yourself a steak and serve both with a little mustard and parmesan. That's already half a week of better habits to give your body a break.


Stop. Basing. Autism.

The solution might be just 40mm squares anon


Well. A lot of guys here will spend $60 on clothes, $200 on furniture and $2,500 in games a year... is that to be criticised? I don't know, I used to be very into externalities and quality goods and now I have a limited budget and nobody sees this stuff anymore. Sweatpants and banana lounges, with the caveat of working man's pride that everything is clean and tidy. No slobs in this outfit.
Just remember the minis anon.

People make much ado about muh Warhammer saved muh life and that is some saccharine annoying shit especially when a lot of people you meet are actually antisocial lol.

But there is something about putting your brushes out and admiring your handiwork and just plodding along with a semi reliable rythym. Use it to 1. Regulate your focus on positivity and creation 2. Enjoy what you've done
I dont have either khurasan, mirliton or OG15 so i cant help in that other respect, however imo the khurasan ones look a lot finer in proportion than the mirliton ones. LH are the only really good 15mm crusaders that come to mind aside from khurasan.

I didnt know that legio heroica is no longer in business, their website is still up, i thought his nephews took over running it? As an aside, Its funny how many fairly sizeable businesses are ultimately entirely dependent on one man, I find it quite inspiring though, how one can create and maintain so much purely out of passion to do so.

I dont believe that tabletop standard 28mm requires much more effort than 15mm tbqh, especially as you have access to a lot of decals and effective drybrushing at 28mm scale, but I understand. I hope you find what you're looking for. I assume you're just going to go ahead with Khurasan?
>40mm squares
too big for 10mm AWI
would work for medievals and ancient stuff though, might do it for that
basing autism is necessary for me I don't like the feeling of picking up tiny bases but dislike having one big base for conflicts where there was lots of flexibility in formations
It's nice to see all these plastic companies making small scale figures. These look like they will be samurai, which I'm pretty excited for. I've been looking to get into samurai but I don't have time or money for another 28mm project
Damn these actually look really nice, at least from the silhouettes! A lot better than the Warlord epic scale
Lol you can't help yourself
I know but don't waste time agonising over it
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It is Samurai
These look fucking incredible for 10mm
Damn I was really hoping for 15mm , it's gonna be impossible to find 10mm jap terrain
Anyone tried UMS: Modern Age? I'm looking at getting it to do some modern skirmish stuff. I like the idea of having infantry as well as vehicles at a skirmish scale.
Everything is amazing when you set your expectations low, anon.
>3d printed slop
I hate Cromarty.
you'd know all about that, you're posting a picture of a render
Does anyone have a pdf of the Vittoria campaign for gda? i'm going to be fighting the battle of Osma, and would like to see what i'm up against
I am thinking Old Glory, and I think I am going to try to go for Desaix's division during the Battle of the Pyramids.The closest I can find for the order of battle at the Battle of the Pyramids is 9 October 1798. Ruleset I'm thinking of doing is General d'Armee.

I feel a bit overwhelmed by next steps here, now. How do I carry across these numbers to which minis I should/need to buy and how should they get composed? Furthermore, having a hard time finding uniforms for these specific units.

Doing my reading btw from Campaigns of Napoleon is helping a bit, but still needing some more info. Sorry for the very starter questions!
When it comes to representation, there are multiple ways to go about it. The easiest way would be to have batallions one for one. If you want to get a little fancy, you can represent over- under and nominal strength batallions.
In your pic rel, we see 3 Demi-Brigades with 3 batallions each. 88th line seems to be understrength, you might want to represent them with 3 small batallions.
We would therefore look at 6 line batallions, 3 being reduced size, 3 light batallions and 2 batteries.

As for specific uniforms and special literature, I am not a subject matter expert in that specific campaign/the French army of that specific phase of the war. For the Directoire/Consulat phase of history you might need to start looking into french literature. Maybe some other anons can contribute by listing sources.
Man I love Cromarty's stuff.
Pendraken have the old Castle Arts 10mm range, but have only released some of it. Maybe if enough people nag them they'll get on with resupplying what they have and maybe release more.

If the figures are at the larger end of 10mm, then Oshiro 15mm will probably fit. Those buildings are very small for 15mm. Helpfully they give you the dimensions for each building.
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>This hard plastic box set allows you to field up to 192 10mm infantry and 32 cavalry equipped with yari (spear/pike), naginata (pole arm), yumi (longbow), and katana (sword).
>You can see the mix of one, two, three, and five man strips on the back of the box with the variety of weapons.
>There are also 12 casualty figures included to use for scenic basing or as markers.
33EUR for this box feels like a good deal. With the single minis (16 close combat Samurai, 16 archers and 32 mounted dudes) it should be enough to play some skirmish games out of the box.
Think it's the same (3D) designer that does stuff for Grey For Now. Really nice figures. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to know much about the period.

Weapon mix on samurai is useless, no ordinary yari at all. Naginata were rarely used by the Sengoku, katana was never a main weapon.

Too high a ratio of missiles to spears in the ashigaru box.

And minor quibbles:

Arrows on the wrong side of the bow

Looks like shoulder armour plates overlap the wrong way.

Spearheads too large on the long yari.
Land is land my man, a restored home is something lovely.
Enjoy it while you can, my dude. Make sure you show up for your kid. He'll thank you for it one day.
t. That kid
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>Painted nearly everything in my Soviet pile of shame
>Working on Gaslands cars cuz my friend wants me to join up and I have a lot of machine guns and small rockets laying around for a fun little project
>Finally found a comfy work from home job to supplement income
>Sleeping more (used to odd hours)
>Eating more (usually don't eat enough)
>Running and doing my calisthenics at least four times a week
>Feeling a loss of my creative spark, can't draw or write or paint as easily, trying to get that back before I lose it
>Ex just got a new cat and won't shut up about it, which makes me think about how much I miss my two cats and makes me emotional
>Grasping at threads to find some path to follow out of the mist before next semester kicks off and I try to finish off my degree
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Has anyone here played the 2nd edition of Test of Honour? I want to try the game but it seems like I have to buy the damn cards even to play a demo game which feels quite retarded.
kinda gay that WGA don't actually budget enough time for research, feedback and adjustments
even if they fart about fixing sculpts it's surely a drop in the ocean compared to machining the moulds
>don't actually seem to* budget...
anyway, not an unreasonable chance they'll still end up on my list, just wondering what systems are out there, if there's any that are good, up to modern standards, and period specific

I try. The days when I'm working from home I quit working an hour earlier so that I can pick him up from the nursery and be with him on the playground.
No one cares you fucking autist... These obviously aren't marketed for rivet counters like you
Wargames Atlantic is a 28mm plastic miniature company marketing themselves to the exact same crowd of COOONSOOOMERS as Warlord. They're not some dedicated boomer in love with a specific period or conflict, they just want to make money selling average to mediocre plastic kits to 28mm grey pilers.

Weird announcement article too, most of it is spent talking shit about 6mm and 15mm.
WGA has simps now? mild disappointment followed up by saying I'm considering buying them anyway has you malding
you should just fuck off back to simping GW already and spare us your soi faggotry

actually weird these two posts followed each other, not an unreasonable chance you're a desperately sad faggot samefagging and trying to start shit for attention
Samefag or not, you're both retarded shitstirrers and you're the bigger faggot
No, that's just my opinion. I think WGA has some neat stuff but generally every kit they make is considered flawed by wargamers whose knowledge of their project isn't surface-level.
Funnily enough this is a specialty of mine, one of my ancestors served in the pre war militia and served in the Wayne County Homeguard and was killed by rebel bushwackers(34th VA cavalry), did a shit ton of research for a school project.

For the 1st west virginia, depending on what year your painting them, can either be in early virginia militia uniforms or standard union blue. It should also be noted however that kentucky, tennessee, and west virginia soldiers tended to use blanket rolls and a mix of slouch hats and bummer caps, not quite as varied as rebels could be but still allows for some customization.

If tour going for a more general multipurpose look go with regular union uniforms with the occasional slouch hat in there. If your doing something specific like the Battle of Philippi use virginia militia uniforms
>I think WGA has some neat stuff but generally every kit they make is considered flawed by wargamers whose knowledge of their project isn't surface-level.
well then surely if even you are acknowledging that it's entirely reasonable to express mild displeasure that they don't budget more on the planning and sculpting phases when machining the moulds is such a significant expense you cunt
Been doing great! Got a A+ on my midterm for summer class and have been whittling away at several projects in rotation, Spanish Walloon Guard, Napoleon's Portugese Legion, and finally some Shawnee warriors. My least favorite is the Portugese Legion, it's fun to convert the models, but after painting so many spanish militia brown coats with red facings is boring.
Smells like projection desu, nobody here mentioned autism until you brought it up. Anons were just trying to comfort a fellow anon and you had to barge in and derail the conversation, funnily enough that's exactly what a lot of people with autism do.
>he who smelt it dealt it
Whatever. It was retarded shit that shows such a lack of worldly wisdom it must be from a retard. Do you moderate a Discord? Give me the channel and next time I'll run my replies past you. I should be a much better poster by the time your janitorial applications finally get accepted.
Why are you seething so much?
I'm being blunt. Now, passive-aggressively replying to me but not directly, that's seething.
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Anon, wtf are you talking about? If you actually agree with us, then it seems to me that you're just trying to manufacture a reason to cause an argument and denigrate people. I can, and have asserted that aesthetics are objective, even if tastes vary and are subjective, its not "effeminate" to believe in objectivity, nor is it spineless to criticise the modern deliberate lack of care for aesthetics. There is no point in you being aimlessly antagonistic, is this genuinely how you hold conversations? Pretty ironic for you to accuse others of being spergs tbqh.
I hope so too, whenever I see something truly old I always think of Orson Welles's speech about Chartres Cathedral.
Thats good to hear anon, having something to create is great for the mind, so is improving in a skill.
What the hell is your problem? Every time this thread gets a good convo going and some actual interaction you screw it up by being a prick to everyone and having a stick up your ass.
It is not matters of taste I disagree with, it's the arrogant, stupid, farcical bordering on insane notion that there's this universal undercurrent of objectivity that the posters of this shite invariably think they are one of a minority that's tapped into (or perhaps understands) it even though they never choose to articulate, clearly or otherwise, what objective aesthetics are unless pressed and unable to think of an exit.

It's not spineless to criticise the modern lack of care for aesthetics, what is spineless is swaddling yourself in the notion that objective aesthetics are real instead of standing up for yourself, accepting your opinions are subjective but articulating why your opinions are important anyway.

This is not how I hold conversations because people that have these bizarre anti-reality cope driven worldviews rarely go out in public and there are so few people out there that are so pathetically afraid of dealing with the reality of the universe they find themselves in that I'm unlikely to encounter them except online.
You wouldn't know when I reply to other posters because I'm perfectly polite to the reasonable average poster that deserves it. Open both your eyes and you'll see I wasn't the one that restarted this conversation.
Oh? Your polite to people who "deserve it". Let's start anew then and see if that true, hi anon, any good hobby projects as of late?
Well your tone is still pretty sassy. I consistently answer questions when qualified. You scrutinising me rather than the others that also makes me think you didn't like what I wrote as much as you didn't appreciate the posting itself.

But anyway, I'm working on an ACW project, Sharpe Practice, intend to work up to a confed cavalry raid campaign once I return from the very literal wilderness. Plugging away at the painting, haven't touched the terrain yet, fear it may be difficult if I have to fly home for a visit rather than take my car.

Trying to figure out some interesting small side projects for some small wins, build up the collection. How about you?
reddit spacing autist
My main painting project right now is the Walloon Guards of the peninsular war, but I've also been gathering references trying to build an OOB for the battle of Tippecanoe. I'm looking forward to it as I haven't ever painted native american flesh or war paints before, and it'll be interesting finding ways to implement rules for frontier warfare.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, how'd you end up in the wilderness? Hunting or hiking trip of sorts?
This has never not been a newfag shibboleth

It's only proper wilderness for 6 hours a day but it's a tour boat in the middle of nowhere. Nearest club is a few hours of serious mountain driving away.
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Some more war of the roses done, this time some handgonne armed skirmishers. I'm slowly getting faster at batch painting these guys, hoping to throw a podcast on and bash out two blocks of archers tomorrow.

WGA stuff varies pretty radically from "pretty good" to "just okay". Their Dark Ages Irish and their new first crusade boxes have one or two little flaws, but it's nothing some light converting and sculpting doesn't fix. Honestly, having available plastics makes it significantly easier for me to tempt people into weirder historical periods, so I'm not complaining about small inaccuracies. Would I like them to be perfectly accurate? Yeah, but I can go to any number of Toms with webpages from the 1880s to pay out the nose for metals that ARE perfect. For bulk or to entice new players, it's fine.
Are you familiar at all with what the scale would be? Again sorry if it seems like I’m seeking out handholding, but if I’m doing 15mm and a battallion was around 1000, how many minis would I do per each? Again sorry for so many questions.
A pretty out there request, but none of you anons happen to have a copy of Hellion's "Peter the Great Humbled"? I'm interested in the available forces for the Prut river campaign, but the only sources I can find online are ballpark figures that barely differentiate cavalry from infantry.
People apply a rigour to Wargames miniatures unseen in video games or movies. The Dark Age Irish set is reasonable, emphasis on short sword, javelins, slings, hatchets, clubs, shunning armour except helmets and shields, which could be used offensively. Would have been nice to see more Brian Boru/Clontarf era double handed axemen, who were pretty much fighting in the Danish style but I am guessing take a Warlord double handed axe wielding Bondi and pop a Gripping Beast or WGA Irish head on him. The dogs are a nice touch.

Many of these kits are doing better than the Airfix days of yore where detail was good but things really wete boiled down to stereotypes to fit into a box.

The other thing is presumably you don't paint everything to the same standard... the mass of my dark age troops are browns and greys with block painting and a wash... metal command units I pick up here or there I might be more rigorous in both painting and selection for accuracy. The plastics add visual mass.

CRUSADER minis is a great place, because their stuff does have expressive cartiony elements like Warlord that you sometimes want in 28mm especially command or lead elements but they aren't grotesque or inaccurate. I recommend them up front leading your plastic guys.
Usually your rules set a batallion standard with regards to bases/formation width. Moving to strict representation like 1:20 doesn’t work in most rule frameworks, because they work with bases and not individual models.
A more sensible approach would be to match your formation frontage to your ground scale. Rule of thumb for napoleonic warfare would be batallion frontage in line = effective musket range.
You can then work backwards and figure out the number of bases you want and then just fill them with models.

If you really want to go for full representation, 1:15-1:20 work well for batallion centered systems. You can go 1:10, but that’s a lot of minis to paint and I feel like the resulting unit frontages make your battlefields really small and very crowded.

Let’s use your example of 1000 men / batallion.
50 / battalion
100 / battalion
Usually you would be somewhere in between these numbers.

Last I would like you to consider that you will a) need a board that you can use your army on and b) you might want to do some maneuvering and not just have a line spanning the entire width of the battlefield advance at the enemy. Usually smaller unit footprints are more desirable than larger ones.
50 men (as in physical miniaturrs) a battalion is the upper end I think even in 15mm. Most people I know are doing battalions of 12, 16, 24 men in 28mm. Most people I know are doing 30 man battalions in 10 ans 15 mm. It's really like a one figure to twenty IRL human ratio
Those numbers would use 1000 man battalions as a reference, usually you are looking at something along the line of 600 men per battalion =30 minis. I prefer small footprints as well, like 40/bat in 6mm. But that is personal preference. In the end, it really comes down to the rule set and desired ground scale.
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I bought these 6 boxes for $20 at the Historicon flea market a few years ago, and they're just been gathering dust. I have no interest in the ACW. Which one of you anons wants them the most? I've received gifts from /hwg/ before so it's time I return the favor
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Those are neat, if I wasn't stalled on my current project I'd take you up on it.
I'm trying to find a tank skirmish game. Between like 1-6 tanks that doesn't go into the depth of each crewman has stats and a turn but still has mechanical depth. Any recommendations? Any era would be fine.
There is a universal undercurrent of objectivity, your arrogant belief in supreme subjectivity is facile and irritating, as well as completely ignoring anything which isnt your own post, you are a supremely spergy poster.

I can imagine you acting like this in public, its really pathetic, and then mumbling something about the "reality of the universe" when brought to account. Just talk about your minis, maybe you have some redeemeing qualities considering that you're here.
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While I'm not going to take you up on this (I'm in bongland and shipping would be a nightmare), it's nice to see someone doing something altruistic. Good job anon.

Check out TooFatLardies 'What a Tanker!', seems to be what you're looking for. It simulates the fact a tank is just 4 guys in a box really well, without having you individually track their height and how slippery their hands are.
>While I'm not going to take you up on this (I'm in bongland and shipping would be a nightmare), it's nice to see someone doing something altruistic. Good job anon.
yeah, I'm international too, wouldn't want to be a complete pain
do need to get some more cav and would like that earlier infantry kit too though, currently a bit lean on work
fantastic anon

>'What a Tanker!'
seconding this, I think the Chain of Command style activation mechanics work pretty well to model the confusion of metal box warfare and makes for a good party game if you aren't playing with complete retards that are going to be upset to roll for action types
an abundance of playthroughs on youtube, there's a few that On Tabletop do with the writer which are relatively polished
Force on Force definately. That's what I plan on for my 15mm gear
wish someone would buy magistermilitums 10mm crimean stuff
bought some of the British(in greatcoats and caps/bearskins) for an ACW intervention force, bought a couple Russian packs too but looks like they're nearly out of stock now
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Would you be willing to part with one box of infantry and one box of cavalry? I'm an anon in the US, and I could use some of those lads for Boshin War conversions and ACW skirmishes.
What are Aventine Miniature's good and bad ranges? I remember some anon mentioning that the sculpts from 2022 til today were not as good as the previous ones. So apart from the renewed Republican Romans, which other lines should I avoid? Successors seem amazing in general, so do the Sassanids
Is it good? Can you share files?
Armored column caught with the pants down, not a combat formation.
>How are you holding up
I've got to well most of my collection and am struggling to get a new job, but I'm somehow optimistic. Maybe because I'm better off without my former job than with it.

Anyways, speaking of which, where would y'all put up armies for sale? (Fully painted, ready to play stuff). Right now, all I have is three groups on boomerbook, and there aren't that many people who are still active in there. All I find on Google seems to revolve around selling bits and separate minis for WH40K and other SF and fantasy stuff, and that quickly gets old.
I'm that anon. I still think their newer stuff is good, but the redone miniatures and ranges are always worse than the originals. Just look at the images and buy what you want, when painted even the less good sculpts (still better than most on the market) look great.
>where would y'all put up armies for sale?
I've mostly sold on FB groups, just find the right one and keep trying: delete listing if no sale and re-list after a couple of weeks, etc. You can try e-bay, but they take a fair bit of your price these days and I haven't used them for years.

That was over like a week of combat, stop shilling for Team Yankee: IRL does not work like TY, the game only really works in 6mm with their retarded command distances.
Engagements irl dont have tanks ranked up like napoleonic infantry anon, to put tank engagements in context, most tanks engage at around 500m-2000m. A 28mm scale tank (1/56) engaging at a represented distance of 900m, is shooting at another model 16 metres away.
How do I find people to play these with? There is a board game night near me but I'm guessing they don't play this stuff there
Thanks, anon. Thinking of going for some of their successors line. I already have quite a few Victrix minis, but I think I don't care that much about the scale difference, if there's any.

Additionally, and for a different project, any 28mm caparisoned Crusades-era muslims out there? Apart from the excellent Footsore Mamluks that is. I haven't been able to find anything. There is a ton of stuff in 15mm (Donnington New Era, the now defunct Legio Heroica, Khurasan, and Mirliton) but nothing in 28mm as far as I can tell. And for worse, the upcoming Victrix Arab cavalry are just that, arabs, and no way of making caparisoned Ghilman or Mamluks.
How hard would it be to sculpt something like that? I'm thinking quite a lot, especially since I don't have sculpting experience
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Aight, I'll give What a Tanker a scope. Thanks for the suggestion.
Jomsvikings probably
Its good. Hard rules to read and understand but it's just right for close-range platoon fights.
I don't have the rule myself (I read someone else's) but you should be able to find either free PDFs or maybe Wargames Vault has it. Second handers are floating around regularly too.
>How are you holding up

A lot of my problems could be solved by putting the Missus on a holiday.

Otherwise, good. Coming to terms with the fact that if I want anything "done" I am going to have to paint things in big batches and that the garage is too cold and dark to mraningfully use as anything other than a drying area.
Anyone know where I can get miniatures for the Fall of Constantinople 1453?

I can probably use Perry WOTR mercenaries and footknights as Genoese and Venetians, but what could I possibly use for the Byzantines and Ottomans? I don't even know what Byzantine equipment would have looked like in the 1450s. Were they wearing plate harness like western Europeans or were they dressed closer to Ottomans in robes and shit
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There's a couple from V&V miniatures or some of the later gripping beast Timurid range. You can potentially convert from european horses though they need a chamfron and the material should probably be heavier
Footsore's are ok, they look a little persian to me thoughever. The upcoming victrix cavalry are still suitable as ghilman/mamluks, not all mamluk horses were neccessarily caparisoned, and it is relatively simple to make a greenstuff caparison anyways.
Plus the Fatimids/Ayybuids/Zengids did, in fact, still field regular arab cavalry.

The Greeks wore a mixture of their usual scale/lamellar+pteruges, alongside imported italian plate, you can check the ospreys. Incidentally they did look very similar to the ottomans in their normal attire, or rather the ottomans at this point looked similar to them, they did wear robes and shit and turbans too, plus some very strange looking hats (including what would become the fez). With some head swaps for more byzantine helmets, and maybe some greenstuff, you could make some convincing byzantines from the perry sets.
Many of the combatants were mercenaries +Venetians and Genoese.

As for what you could use for the Ottomans, not sure, most 28mm ones are for rennaisance/early modern, as thats when they're more relevant. You can selectively use some of those e.g. assault group's Sipahis. It wouldnt be too out of place to use some earlier stuff too.
Those horses are a beaut. I've seen the V&V minis, although I was under the impression that they dwarf most 28mm minis out there, and their proportions do not match (maybe they're 3d prints?). Regarding the GB Timurid range... that would definitely work, quilted caparisons, cloth covered ones, and lamellar as well, with bows and lances or maces. Nothing in their dress/armor strikes me weird for Ghilman/Mamluks, to be honest, but I'm not really an expert. Combined with Footsore's mamluks (from their Barons' War range), those would be enough. Too bad there isn't a Timurid SAGA deal for GB...

>Footsore's are ok, they look a little persian to me thoughever.
You mean their Ghilman or their Mamluks? Their Mamluks are pretty spot on, I think, I've seen a few illustrations by Angus McBride of their helmets and armors, and they're clearly inspired by those images.
As for Arab Cavalry, I think I'd use the Footsore ones, plus many Perry minis for those, added to the Perry Turkoman horse archers, Bedouins, and some Syrian lancers.
I have some V&V crusaders and i'd say they're in the normal range of 28mms, the proportions are good, they're resin casts not 3d prints. I'm not a fan of resin though, its too soft and theres a lot of material to carefully excavate on the feet and the bottom of the heads.

I'm mostly nitpicking about the Mamluks, although the main problem is that theres only four. One of them has a very kipchak/cuman helmet, i guess its possible if many of the mamluks came from turkic tribes originating in central asia, but i'm not aware of any finds or art in the levant and egypt of such a helmet linked to Mamluks. The one with the red helmet has it based on a find from the Damascus Citadel, so thats fine. The other two are acceptable, the one with the rounded nasal helmet is good, but the one with the ottoman style helmet looks a little early for the turn of the 13th.c, although it would be fine for a later 13th.c mamluk. Then again, a lot of crusaders are shown with great helms.

Footsore's Ghulams look accurate enough, i just think they look bad, real gorilla looking, which i guess is kind of appropriate in a roundabout way, as they're meant to be negroes, but i dont like how they look.

The victrix arab cavalry look great, just not out yet, better than the footsore ones, which i also have. Can be used for turks too. Perry is aways good.
If you want to get to Anglo-Saxons eventually, start with Anglo-Danes, and just start out with a fair bit of HG. They're pretty easy to play too. Warbands with lots of HG are not idea (so I hear) but maybe 1:1 (in points) HG:Warriors could be good initially. Later as you paint you can get more levy and become the Anglo-Saxons you've always wanted to be.

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