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The Good Old Days Edition

>Previous Thread

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>Thread Question
What is your favorite fact about a faction, group or a person in WoD.
changeling paizuri. or something. who gives a shit anymore
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What a lively general for the last few days eh.
Anyway, Alfabusa, of Hunter the Parenting and 40k TTS, posted the first episode of an Actual Play of Mage the Ascension.
You sound like a Changeling fucked you over and burned you out mate.
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>had several nightmares about werewolves over the past five years
>every dream involving vampires has been generally pleasant
Is something gonna happen to me
Just get your favourite clan and tribe roll charts and give it a go.
The tribe is obviously your new enemy.
>The Parenting-verse
What do they mean by The Parenting? are all the pc's parents or something?
>What is your favorite fact about a faction, group or a person in WoD.
That the Glass Walkers have a huge presence amongst the jews and how the Black Furies are the reason why Mary is worshiped.
I was the final post in the last thread. Didn’t realize it had hit the week limit for bumps (which is a retarded “feature,” by the way).
Anyway, to maybe word it more concisely, I have a simple question that may have a complicated answer, and I’m sorry if it gets asked all the time by prospective noobs interested in these games, but I am one of them, and I couldn’t find enough solid information to sway my opinion on this yet. Most of the info I did find was all over the place, but I’m curious what this general thinks of it, whether there is a consensus or not.
So, my question is this: If I use the lore and setting from V20 (which is apparently superior to V5, and more detailed than Requiem), but the actual rules from either V5 (what I’ve heard about the system itself sounds interesting and possibly better for personal horror and battling the Beast) or Requiem (which is apparently just a straight-up improvement on V20’s rules, or so I’ve heard from a few different sources), would one of those combinations make for a better game than just V20 alone, especially if I want more of a personal horror feel, with vampirism having constant consequences as well as benefits? If so, should I use V5’s rules or Requiem’s with the V20 lore and setting?
Requiem would require a lot more constant work to use the setting of V20, so I wouldn't go with it.
If the Hunger Dice mechanics of V5 interest you I would go that route.
While I use Requiem 2e with Masquerade bits, if you want a personal horror game you are better of with V5 because of how much the systems forces to deal with the downsides of being a vampire.
V20 and Requiem make for better political intrigue because hunger and frenzy are less prevalent interacting with other vampires is the main appeal.
>Requiem would require a lot more constant work to use the setting of V20, so I wouldn't go with it.
You could just use the translation guy for the generation bullshit.
Might be because most of their fans have no prior knowledge of WoD or they're so scared of copyright terms being changed on them that they don't want their stuff being misinterpretted as "canon" to the setting.
Thanks. It does sound like V5 might be more like what I’m after in a vampire game. I’ll prioritize reading it when I have a better handle on the setting of VtM.
It's about a hunter family, that's why.

You will have to handwave all the shit older edition vampires do if you use V5 system but you can. Same with Requirem system but at least there is a translation guide between VTM and VTR you can use.
>I’ll prioritize reading it when I have a better handle on the setting of VtM.
Just read what you need to flesh out your game.

That the Camarilla is actually pretty hands off, with archons usually only getting involved if there's a major masquerade threat, or to counter the Sabbat. 95% of the things vampires say sucks about the Camarilla is actually just their Prince being an asshole, and there is absolutely no fixing the problem of vampires being assholes.
I hate the fact that there's fuck all structure above the city level, to the point there faction as a whole feels organization feels empty.
An elder is recruiting werewolf hunters. There's a cairn in the way of a fantastic new parking lot.
I'm gonna be running the Palla Grande (Sabbat Halloween party) Soon and I need ideas games of instincts and other things a "Sabbat" party could involve.
I think it's fine, keeps Princes feeling grand and not like undead middle management. You have Justicars to handle grand strategic motions, Archons to be in the field, and it gives Princes some actual bargaining power with the higher ups, as they have most of the eyes and ears on the ground.

Helps when you consider that three Camarilla clans, Ventrue, Tremere, and Nosferatu have pretty tight internal clan structures that would chafe under a more regimented structure. All of them like being able to get away with their own personal flavor of bullshit.

You can flesh out the higher levels of the Camarilla pretty well with specialist Archon groups like the Josians, E-Division, and the Alastors.
How fucked do you want it?

I'm pretty sure competitive torture is a Palla Grande standard. The goal is to inflict maximum suffering with relatively little bloodletting. That way you can't just brute force it with inelegant things like cutting dicks off and flaying the victim alive. The Blood Feast is also standard Sabbat party fare, mortals are strung up to be enjoyed by any guest until satiety or expiry. It's rare that the larder is big enough to survive the party, but leftovers might as well be shovelheaded. Pretty sure that blood rave from Blade is a thing at some Sabbat functions, though probably not the Palla Grande, as Cainites tend to wear their best to that one. Oh, also they usually put on a play of some kind, usually depicting Noddist or Kindred history.

Some custom things you could try
>The local Tzimisce (or Lasombra if you wanna get into fucked up Abyss Mysticism and Oubliettes) have designed an "escape room" for packs to run through and test their abilities. The pack with the best time will be guests of honor at next year's Palla Grande and have input in designing the next escape room.

>"Pin the tail on the donkey". A Tzimisce has fleshcrafted a donkey tail that wants to attach itself into a victim. Participants are blindfolded and take turns pinning the tail to the "donkey", which is usually a Camarilla or Independent Gangrel but some domains with the muscle to pull it off use Werewolves.

>Blood Pong. This one is self explanatory. It's beer pong with spiked blood. More "refined" Sabbat hate it, but it's incredibly popular among ex-shovelheads.
that sabbat packs are sometimes trick or treating people for fun, even when it's not even near october and if you have candy for them they might let you life
the latest Choice of Games stuff (Unsupervised) is pretty cool and available in your favourite bay.
It's a superheroes game but still good.
>How fucked do you want it?
I basically want it to have the feeling of a sadistic frat party, much to the "elders" dismay. Maybe something like the Blood feast is "spiked" with the blood of someone who was hammed.
>>"Pin the tail on the donkey". A Tzimisce has fleshcrafted a donkey tail that wants to attach itself into a victim. Participants are blindfolded and take turns pinning the tail to the "donkey", which is usually a Camarilla or Independent Gangrel but some domains with the muscle to pull it off use Werewolves.
I had already thought about the "Pin the tail on the Veal" game, but the flesh sculpted tail is great.
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What role would you think gaia gave ajaba anons? I tried to dive into their lore and the older lore of them being trash collectors is too similar to ratkin, and wanted to go more indepth for a story I'm planning for a werewolf game I plan to run. I was thinking something along the lines of them being the more subtle version of the garou, where the ajaba similar to garou fight in groups, but unlike them do so in a more subterfuge manner (e.g. while a garou pack might attack a pentex facility and rip and tear their way through, the ajaba would stalk the pentex employees, identify their department heads, and murder them, and their whole family while they sleep.)

Cowboys and Indians is a classic trashy game of instinct, and it has the excuse of being "training". You could have a pickup game of shirts v.s. skins "football" going on out back with a terrified mortal as the "ball". If you want to really frat it up, blood-drunk cainites could be fornicating and/or sharing a mortal in front of everyone else in a mockery of all the obvious hanky-panky that goes on in a frat party, only some of it consensual.
>What role would you think gaia gave ajaba anons?
The exact same one as the Garou but for the arid regions where they lived. They just got stomped by the other breeds.
I hate every single one of you. The only reason I abandoned the path of Humanity is because "people" like you still exist. And it should not be a sin to rid this world of such filth.
Does anyone here use success thresholds in WoD?
care to explain why?
Do I have to explain to shit why I flush it down?
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I going to be honest with you guys.
I do not care for Hunter: The Parenting. It's just more "the power of friendship/family" bullshit. Like, the kid should have been violently murdered already. And that "quirky" LE MIGHTY KEVIN LMAOOOOO000OO. Kill yourself, full stop. Kidding. Not kidding actually.
I've said my piece.
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Gargoyles are fuckable now?
The Tremere keep the best ones for internal use only, if you know what I mean.
>all women look like botox whore
>All the women look like bimbos
I miss the 90s. A more enlightened era, in retrospect.
Gargoyles can be made from any clan, not just Nossies, Gangrel, and Tzimisce. A toreador gargoyle out there probably looks like this.
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not gonna lie anon, I feel a little stupid asking that question. Just thought that each of the fera breeds had their own unique roles is all.
Schrecknet is the other thread.
>"beauty is bad!"

Okay nephandi.
to be fair to you they usually do, but the ajaba are the outlier as they are just bargain bin garou
I don't think the traditions would have much of a problem with it. You can just use the Mind/Life sphere to alter your vision so that women look like perfect 10/10s to you no matter what they actually look like.
>Beer goggles but Magick
This is actually a legit problem with games like Mage, most people have a hard time writing transcendental material, because that would require admitting that 95% of what we do is worldly and materialistic, which would in turn alienate people from the game. So instead you get totally aware and wise mages who look and act like normal everyday people but with an odd sense of aesthetics. It makes no sense, but oh well.
Christopher burrows and Sullivan Dane.
One is mortal sorcerer who is on red list (how the fuck he is alive considering carmarilas resources and alastors) and he doesn't give a fuck about them. More alastors they send his way, more slaves he has.
Sullivan Dane is also mortal that terrorises Chicago, a polical boiling point between camarilla, anarchy and sabbat and dude still is scary even to elders and is on verge of being included in red list
It is funny that Warhammer fantasy vampires a way more vampirish then vtm or vtr vampires.
They behave like vampires instead of blood fueled super heroes or blood gods
What are the general thoughts about Deviant? I want to run a CofD game but the big three, Werewolf, Vampire, and Mage don't really appeal to me. It'd have to be either a mortal game or a deviant game.
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Sabbat is actually smart on how they break the masquerade. Only in cities where they fully control over and can mask it like in cartel land of Mexico they are overt.
Why wouldn't you want to look your best when you have the power? The Syndicate time travels to make money, let people have their beauty.
Also, it beats having ugly characters and larpers. I take 10 bimbos over a single "plus sized" landwhale or manwomen.
Have you actually read Warhammer Fantasy let alone played it?
Warhammer Vampires are like Twilight, pretty fucking different from the classic Nosferatu or Dracula.
Plus if you want Warhammer Fantasy vampires, play Dark Ages. You have armies wizards, werewolves, demons and much more fighting over stuff. Including things like steam tanks, flying ships (to other planets even) and ghoul armies.
>how the fuck he is alive considering carmarilas resources and alastors
it's implied that the tremere are secretly shield him because of his occult network

fucking greyfaces
DTR is incredibly good. I've got nothing bad to say about that one and if you like its ideas you should play it.
You can definitely run a game with just Deviant. It's very free form and you can include just about anything. Hell, you can very easily do a Deviant-Mortal mixed game. It's super doable. Be sure to look into Changeling, Promeathan, Geist, Changling, and Hunter if you haven't already. Those may be up to your speed.
If IRL werewolves are anything like Garou I'd be more than happy to help.
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The Syndicate is making all the money in the world from gacha games right? I bet that the executive who first realized the money in it received the biggest of promotions.
>The Syndicate is making all the money in the world from gacha games right
they have to, the union blames them having failed to read the masses when it came to crypto acording to m20 so they are perceived as having fucked up at the one thing they are meant to be good at and are thus on thin ice and need a win... perferably before the others find out about the special project division
To be fair, Virtual Adepts are the retards who put their faith in crypto the most.
where do I find a group that actually plays these games
Ask the biggest guy at your local gym
1) You are in a place with active TTRPG community. If you are, you can find groups in the shops.
2)You can look for groups in Discord. Official one is obvious but I wouldn't recommend it. Of the unofficial ones, Classic World of Darkness discord is a good place to look for groups and I would recommend it. Chronicles of Darkness server is also an option if you prefer CofD but well...you will realize from it's logo that it might not be for you. (They have been keeping the pride version of the logo for years)
3)Look for groups in 4chan (lfg thread) and other forums. 4chan groups can be sus but also great depending on anons and the thickness of your skin. Other forums have smaller communities but you could chance upon a decent group. Like RPGnet forums or Roll20 forums.
Deviant is easily the best core book from the entire 2e line IMO. It's just a rad game on every level. Variations and Scars are really well handled, lots of flexibility, and plays to the strengths of the system both mechanically and narratively. It's also got some of the most interesting single powers around without getting into shit from Demon or Mummy (which is kind of cheating). The system in general is just endlessly interesting to tinker with. Loyalty/Conviction is a really great twist on Touchstones. Making them the central focus of their morality stat, and also their anchors, leads to a lot of really great RP fodder. Conspiracy rules are the best "group action" stuff so far, and if the companion fleshes them out without making them worse I think it'll be one of the best attempts of that thing in general. Thematically I think it's a really strong combination of x-men style super heroics, where you're always an outsider, and awful revenge stories where nothing ends up good. The focus on body horror is also welcome. Only Promethean really did much with it. I've got very few complaints with it over all. Only really that the art is meh, that it's a little hard to get into because the mechanical complexity is frontloaded (despite that being necessary and not all that complicated once it clicks), and more than the other games you've really gotta be on the same page about some stuff.

For supplements the Devoted Companion I also think is great, and the Clade Companion is a little thin on the ground but still has some fun bits. The bigger thing is that a full sized Player's Guide is on it's way soon-ish by the main dev of DtR. He's previewed a lot of that and it's looking to be a great book. The ST Guide is on its way later too, and very probably a Night Horrors. So it'll be a good one to get into now as the core game is really solid, there are some fun extra bits already, and if it ends up being a game you get into there is great stuff on the way for it.
Christopher Barrow is one of my favourite WoD characters.
I used him in my V5 game I ST.
In W20 game I play, my kinfolk character has him as an ally. Which is fun because his Fianna boyfriend is original from New York's Sept of Green. My ST use all Barrow's lore, including the bits regarding his stay at NY and his relation with werewolves. Even though my kinfolk send a file to each Tribe Leader in the Caern about receiving a visit from some sorcerers for a small symposium, the Fianna boyfriend said no other about Christopher's true identity to him. My character doesn't even know how he reacted to this file because he wasn't there when he opened it.
It's a fun way my ST does to make even the most dearest NPC to our characters to hide information even if it's something important.
This is actually a good plot. I'm stealing it.
Thing is: Nobody cares about Christopher Barrow and doesn't consider him a true treat. The Gangrel Justicar put a Trophy on him because... "Someone has to care about this issue".
>ently superior to V5, and more detailed than Requiem), but the actual rules from either V5 (what I’ve heard about the system itself sounds interesting and possibly better for personal horror and battling the Beast) or Re
Gargoyles have always been fuckable

canonically some of the first Gargoyles were exceptionally attractive (Saxum, Luma).

Neither V20's three original Gargoyle "breeds" nor DAV20's Gargoyles have the 0 Appearance flaw
Werewolves really are just the plucky kids of a 90s movie
I have hough that camarilla takes red list quite seriously (in theory at least) and he's quite high in that list (7th iirc) so I guess he is serious threat, albeit not that dangerous for most kindred, except street punks like gangrel and brujah (but fuck them)
So correct me if I'm wrong but
>Wod: mortals are joke to supernaturals and big hunter organization continue to exist just because something supernatural &sufficiently powerful protects them from other groups
>CofD: hunters are credible threat to supernaturals and experienced hunters & conspiracies are on par with supernaturals
>V5 nerfed supernaturals/buffed mortals that now 2nd inquisition is credible threat to supernaturals but are as much corrupted and assholes as vampire elders

Should hunters be ultimate underdogs compared to supernaturals (wod) be on par with them (CofD) should be npc only?(V5) (H5 falls under wod's mere mortals are a joke)
>Wod: mortals are joke to supernaturals
That's very wrong
Peasant mobs managed to BTFO elders and methuselahs
I know fuck all about Deviant but would be interested to hear why those others don't work for you/what you're after

>>CofD: conspiracies are on par with supernaturals
No where close.
I distinctly remember reading something, sometime around the release of WtA 5e, about Paradox stating that offical rules for playable Fenris would eventually come in future supplements. But I can neither find or remember where I read that, so I'm starting to fear it might just be Mandal effect. Does anyone here remember hearing or reading something similar?
>Mandal effect
*Mandela effect
Mostly because they were led by Dark Crusade Inquisitors, had proto Technoracy Order of Reason support and Vampires using them to get rid of other Vampires for them.
I don't remember anything like that but I stopped following W5 news after the previews.
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Tangential as fuck but what is the point of reference for the ''traditional'' versions of each splat? every now and the I see people how the templates should be closer to that version but almost never tell what that version is.
The question is Obfuscated
>No where close.
Eh, conspiracies can be pretty strong also gear equalizes the shit out of most powers.
To be fair Sabbat just leaves Masquerade breaches to Camarilla because they KNOW Camarilla has to cover them up. That or "silence of the blood" aka kill all the witnesses.
>>CofD: hunters are credible threat to supernaturals and experienced hunters & conspiracies are on par with supernaturals
just like with everything else in cofd they're on the threat level you want in your story. maybe there are no hunters beyond the basic cell level, for example.
Gear that supernaturals can also have.
Here is a new trailer about Nosferatu
What do we think?
Is he an ironic powerful Nosferatu Methuselah, a Gangrel Methuselah that took the name to mock Nosferatu or a Lasombra Methuselah using the name just because.
I mean CofD hunters and conspiracies are way more powerful & effective compared to oWoDs hunters and SoC/arcanum/project twilight. Enough that group of veteran tier 3 could take out elder vampire.

Just like this anon said, >>93152299
Mobs of peasants had a lot of supernatural support (based on mage and inquisitor books. I'd argue that supernaturals did all of heavy lifting in burning times)
I know there are some serious hardass hunters like capathias smith or Sullivan Dane but true faith 5/true faith in general is big case of plot armor/donut touch my ultra important special snowflake
And yet there's a Mexican street gang that's out there shooting up leeches
Read Hunters Hunted, vampfags
The problem isn't that it failed; the problem is that the guys in charge of the global market, who are also more or less fighting to keep the NWO from controlling them, didn't think it would fail.

So, the issue is not that some tech bros lost money. The issue is the same problem all the other Conventions have in M20: a lot of the Union has become so out of touch with the masses that they don't understand them anymore and as a result, ALL of their predictions and timetables are failing(iteration x is currently working on a all new set of them... without changing their method of creating them one bit), but instead of coming together to fix the fundamental issue, each Convention is blamed for their own failures, mostly by the NWO who want more power over their peers despite fucking up just as bad in the sleeper department
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Uhuh, when your own books says not even dozens of hunters are match for an Elder and highly suggest that you should get supernatural help on top of modern ordinance, flamethrowers and petrol bombs and it might just be enough.
Oh and this is just for Elders, not Methuselahs which require an order of magnitude of the same stuff.
Hunters are as dangerous as the ST makes them. Everything from a joke to a serious threat.
>Hunters are as dangerous as the ST makes them.
So is everything else.
After reading this my thoughts are that 'yeah, right, mobs of regular folk defeated elders and methuselaths, when they can influence cities/regions even when asleep, can mass dominate/charm people to kill each other or just blast them with blood projectiles or summon armies of wolves and bears. Power levels of vampire are stupid. V5 was right to lower power scaling of supernaturals
Are v5, h5, w5 are basically updated versions of vtm 1e, hunters hunted 1, WtA 1e with addl dice mechanics?
Will m5 will also be just updated MtA 1e with paradox dices?
Imo they can simplify it and cut a lot of stuff if they'll provide more user friendly magic system. Overall X5 edition is great throwback to 1st editions with more engaging dice play
Sometimes 'less is more'approach works just fine
X5>CofD 2nd Ed>x20th
Is it a typo or as intended in Hunter 5e that you divide superficial by 2 when taking damage?
You're wrong. The "all of vampirekind btfo by peasant mobs" thing is absolute bullshit but that doesn't mean that hunters aren't a threat. If even an Elder gets arrogant enough they can be undone by mortals.
No, not even remotely. They're more like soft reboots.
One of the requirements for joining the Traditions was that Etherites had to supply free etherbotox for all. Side effects include slowly becoming more cruel, heartless and soulless reflecting Etherite beliefs in physiognomy.
I hate the fact that this fucking gargolye is going to be a 50% of that game's porn since i'll probably be hated and ignored like artifact.
The rest of the female cast really has appeal so who really knows.
>Michael mogging Luci and then casting him to hell.
This feels like something the big man upstairs would do.
I don't disagree but I'd always portray that elder vampires are just way to connected and influential for regular hunters to tackle (think of how it would be tough to approach prime ministers in this day and age) instead of being some sort of invincible blood god. Yeah I guess if they fuck up too much, elders heaven will get torched by society of leopold, but 8 times out of 10, it will be elders political rival (aka other elder) behind torching. Hunters can be dangerous but they are way too easily manipulated in wod. In CofD, vampire elders are same influence department, but they can't manipulate conspiracies & compacts as easely
You must be baiting but wherever you heard that 5th Editions are throwbacks to 1st editions, they are lying or don't know better, especially if they are writers of 5th. 5th Editions are mockeries of 1st Editions. Especially W5.
Quietus and Seprentis should just have been Thaumaturgy paths unique to their respective clans and all their effects above 5 dots should just be high dot rituals.
I'm not baiting, just looked over vtm 1st e corebook and v5 book and there are a lot of similarities? 7 camarilla clans, main factions being camarilla and anarchy with autarkis and sabbat getting brief description. No super unique disciplines, no merits and flaws. Maybe I got stuff wrong but X5 plays more closer to X 1st Ed then x20. Maybe there mockeries like you said, but it's still all dumbed down to 1st Ed simplicity compared to vastness of options provided in x20 or CofD.
Sorry if it reads like bait, I'm just slightly retarded today
Man I really want to play mage the awakening one day. Reading the 1e book was my first real look at a system beyond dnd, but we ended up playing changeling the lost instead. Not that changeling’s bad, I adore it, but I just wish I could play awakening
I've heard it used as a justification of V5's design choices before, maybe even a year ago or more. I think it's absolute bullshit too, 1e wasn't afraid of your character feeling strong and the entire mood is radically different.

By the way you're still posting with your Schrecknet name on, just a heads up in case people take you less seriously for namefagging
Ah I see what you are saying.
Yes, 5th Edition is basically watered down to1st Edition, perhaps even more with different focuses and in case of W5 and H5, a reboot.

Really the main problem is that people go long ways to justify some things. I still remember the shitshow where shills were doing everything to downplay and ignore the tracing (with 99% accuracy even) in W5 previews.

Also thanks for mentioning the name.
Powers function entirely differently in WoD5, and that can effect your game in a lot of ways. The mood is entirely different as well, and I think it's wrong to say V5 is closer to 1e than 20th when it uses entirely different stats and rules.
V5 with V20 trappings is basically the game I'm running. Hunger dice are my favourite V5 feature and as far as I'm concerned they're the selling point for this edition. You can just reject V5's lore changes for the most part, and if you're focusing on low-level vampires a lot of the flaws of V5 are less present.
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I have not read W5 yet. How did they adapt the entire eco terrorism thing?
The same way they adapted everything else that makes WtA unique. They watered it down as much as possible if not outright removing it.
>as far as I'm concerned they're the selling point for this edition.

I think that's a good summary of why the edition is so polarizing, actually. Hunger dice are possibly one of my least favorite mechanics in TTRPGs in general.
>How did they adapt the entire eco terrorism thing?
They toned it down because the main plot is that ''Gaia is dead this is the Apocalypse'' so you are just trying to keep your backyard livable until you get merked by banes.
and honestly I completely understand that. I think part of what made them great for me in the last chronicle I played in was that I was a consensualist, and so they really encapsulated the "you're your own worst enemy" vibe that I liked and was trying to capture with the character. But I also get that that's not what a lot of people are going for, and can definitely see how they'd be a source of frustration for others.
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Can vampires regenerate implants if they embraced with them?
No. The Embrace doesn’t heal a person, it makes their current state permanent.
i thought that was what they were asking. like, if someone with a metal rod holding their bones together gets embraced, and that metal rod gets damaged, does the rod get fixed?
Nope, vampire's body always reverts to the state it was at the moment of Embrace. Only exceptions are clan curses (Nosferatu, Samedi) and some "special snowflake" powers (Vicissitude, Obeah)..
I have a question about Scions, would this be the place to ask?
no it won't be the curse is still stored in the blood and does not work on artifical things, your glass eye also won't be fixed
Not really, but there isn't any other place unless you start a new thread since there's no Scion general. So ask away and maybe someone will answer.
not him, but I don't see how vampire powers would fix foreign objects inside (or attached to) your body. I read about some old rulings about enhancing humans and then embracing them, but that's it.
Meh, ask away.
Christopher Barrow is in 11th position. Under him is Kyoko Shinsegawa and Rabbat. He's in the "low level threat" of Red List. Gangrel Clan seems to only care about Barrow because one of his vampire slaves was a Gangrel (first Hunters Hunted book got more details on Barrow's thralls and allies). They got all the "we can't let this slip from us nor forget about it" vibes when it comes to Barrow's nomination to the Red List.
Yes, you should fear a mortal who gets into Red List, but when you come to know why he's in there, it's funny.
They didn't say anything like that. You're just insane.
Everyone divides Superficial damage in half. If it meant for only supernaturals or vampires to do so, it would say so. The original rule is there because vampires take superficial damage from many things mortals take agg from, like guns and stabbins.
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>a little 5 year old girl saw me on a store today, got all excited, and said "mommy mommy look, it's a vampire!"
I'm glad I'm pulling off this goth thing and felt really flattered but lmao, didn't expect to break the masquerade IRL. An Elder would totally have me killed for my way of dressing since it would attract hunters. Maybe they also need to get fashion consultant ghouls every couple decades to not attract hunters since it'd be bothersome to keep up with every nonsensical trend the kine come up with.
>Maybe they also need to get fashion consultant ghouls every couple decades to not attract hunters since it'd be bothersome to keep up with every nonsensical trend the kine come up with.
If you watch one video of that one polish historical fashion girl, you'll find out these old fucks should be used to it because it was as insane back then, if not insaner. They're just lazy.
>I know fuck all about Deviant but would be interested to hear why those others don't work for you/what you're after
The reason why is I'm just not really into either Werewolves or Vampires. Mage is because I'm intimidated by it, but that might just be the memes I've heard coloring my opinion since I'm not a big CofD person.
Gotta admit, playing as neonate Camarilla outcasts with with little to no power struggling to survive and having to please our elder overlords has been going better than playing as an Ancilla

Maybe that Bloodlines game was onto something
>Mage is because I'm intimidated by it, but that might just be the memes I've heard coloring my opinion since I'm not a big CofD person.
It's definitely one of the "advanced play" games*. The quick reference guide for building and casting a spell is 4 pages.

If you're looking for just a good core game to run a bunch of different campaigns without the "you're the monster" stuff you really can't go wrong with just running a core book mortals campaign. There's even the Mirrors books with guides on how to adapt to doing post-apocalyptic, dark fantasy, cyberpunk, and space opera with the system. And doing that can be a way to lead in to later campaigns in one of the monster splats.

*along with Mummy.
Depends on the ST.
I've had plenty of ST that can't do a neonate game to save their life, but could direct an ancilla or elders game for years and keep people invested the entire time.
A lot of things pushed in V5 feel like should have been optional rules or offshoot supplements rather than core rules.
What is it with companies currently? Ever single one is doing something that divides their customer base.
>lot of things pushed in V5 feel like should have been optional rules or offshoot supplements rather than core rules
Given how little changed in between previous editions, that's a fair sentiment.
>What is it with companies currently? Ever single one is doing something that divides their customer base.
Shit management.
I like porting some things from V5 to V20. Hunger dice actually work pretty well for the blood pool system with some elbow grease. It actually makes hunger important while striking with a better balance than I feel V5 does.
As a guy who's recently read thru some X5 manuals I have to admit the writing is not there. Too many of the humanity changes seem designed to go 'surely even if there's a single neonazi playing, there's no way the entire chronical is neonazis"
>pic related me and the boys

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Are there any protips or rules for adapting hunger dice to v20?
I might also be interested, but I feel the V5 hunger system would start to get annoying over time. Does anyone know if there are 3rd party rules for something similar that could work better?
You know what, fair. I always appreciate someone who can enjoy something without getting mad if other people can't stand it.

I think it's a natural consequence of trying to force a specific type of play. If you create mechanics and lore to facilitate that style of play at the cost of all others, you're going to isolate the people who don't like that style of play at all. This is exacerbated by a rise in the thought that your shit doesn't stink, or that your way is the only way. Zealotry, in a sense. For example, I have often seen people who hate V5 maligned as just wanting "superheroes with fangs", which is a ludicrous strawman, assuming that everyone who doesn't like what you're trying to do wants to play in the same creatively bankrupt way.

Lots of people nowadays are insecure, and with good reason. They're suffering the ill effects of problems sewn when they were children, and under-perform. Insecure people often lash out and/or develop an idea that it's always someone else's fault as a defense mechanism, so when something they work on gets criticism or pushback, they don't take it well and it creates a cycle of antagonism.

That's my armchair psychoanalyzing anyway.
Wealthy Paradox devs shielded from effects of climate change by their money don’t want us peasants to get any ideas, so they sell us passive doomerism.

We actually are quite fucked, but we can still drag the rich from their palaces and gangrape them as a revenge

The thing is the vampires in V5 are just too unstable and miserable to function as their own paraller civilization. Schreck from Shadow of the Vampire is not a character you want to play in game lasting over 5 sessions.
I agree, I think frenzy and to a lesser degree humanity already covered the bloodlust just fine. Hell, here's a possibly controversial opinion for the thread:

Blood points are actually an excellent mechanic, even if it may be unintentional. With blood points, players get start keeping mental math of how much they can drink from people without consequence, or with only limited consequences depending on their skill set and humanity. It can get to the point where whenever you introduce mortal NPCs that they start to eye them up for blood even if they're only a little hungry. I know when I was playing a Ventrue I started getting into the habit of asking the ST if they matched the character's type. Blood points also encourage a resource management mindset in players, which is excellent in helping them think like a vampire. The guy who blows all his blood on stupid shit is more likely to frenzy and more likely to get his ass beat, and players will learn this lesson quickly. It's a good thing when they need to remind themselves that this human is more than just a blood supply. The only time blood points can be a problem is if players don't bother to RP anything out, which isn't a mechanical failing it's just bad RP.

TL;DR: Blood points do a good job of making players think like vampires.
I have think both have merits. Bloodpoints encourage you to think like a vampire in cold and calculating manner. 99.99% of mortals are walking bloodbags for you, how to ration them w/o facing the beast? It's almost ideal way to play elder vampire who had time to master his own mind and the beast. Hunger mechanics on other hand is great way to play young vampire who has no control over his beast and didn't had time to adjust/master new mindset, so while Machiavellian elder vampire might get some inner beast voice only when his tummy starts to rumble, a neonate would have to contend with beast almost daily for simplest of tasks.
I just don't agree with your newfound bloodthirst being that much of an issue past like... your first week of unlife. Maybe less. Frenzy covers my needs for bestial unga-bunga well enough, I rule that every fledgeling frenzies automatically the first time they ever smell or see blood. But past the first couple of times, you get used to it. I just can't see it, nor do I like it narratively as something that persists for years or even decades. I also have a personal philosophy that how well you resist the beast is mostly a willpower/self-control and humanity/path rating thing, rather than something that mellows out with age for some reason. A strong-willed neonate should have a better handle on it than a weak-willed Elder, is my thinking. Neonates already have to learn the hard knock life of the undead, they don't need constant blood-fueled vampire moments. Plus, neonate games benefit the most from the contrast of being mechanically incentivized to take as much as you can before consequences arise. Elders are numb to that shit, they've mastered blood management or their humanity has bottomed out to the point they don't give a fuck if they kill, they have ghouls to cover that up.

All of which to say, you're not doing a badwrongfun for enjoying V5 hunger. You absolutely do you. It's just really, absolutely, 100% something I do not care for, and do not believe adds anything to the games I run and play.
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>Unknown origins
>A seemingly pathological liar
>Baffingly rich-Claims to make his wealth via selling bird trinkets.
>Bares a disjointed and bizarre understanding of humanity and indeed, of basic reality
>Has an sinister, yet enigmatically alluring aura
This guy has to be at least a ghoul. Maybe a revanant.
The Ventrue finance him.
As a joke.
He also thinks that vampires have flying cars for some reason
Well, Gargoyles can. Almost certainly something to do with the Tremere regardless.
even the oldest vampires sleep during the day and experience rorshre- rotskre- fire frenzy. This means that a mob with stakes and torches that attack you during the day will still btfo even methesuelah.

Luckily for them people are retarded these days and just bring guns
I would argue that any Methuselah or hell, Elder dumb enough to get their daysleep lair found by a torch-wielding mob wouldn't have lasted that long in the first place. Even if found, Hunters assaulting a vampire's lair should be on the clock to reach the vampire before night can strike through the many traps and defenses they put in their way.

Which actually makes assaulting an Elder's lair into the closest thing to a D&D style dungeon crawl you can do in the setting.
>Luckily for them people are retarded these days and just bring guns
That's in countries where guns are plentiful. A place like Britian or China may have that people may resort to get other things instead, which may stumble into being accidentally correct.
Like most problems with oWoD this stretches back to lack of editorial oversight. None of the writers can agree how powerful vampires ought to be, and their power in practice varies dramatically by build, edition, and which combat rules you're using. Personally I prefer the high octane version, where combat focused Elders can slaughter dozens of people without difficulty and it was a combination of weakness exploitation [fire, sunlight, etc] and minor supernatural abilities/early tech [hello cannons] that made the Inquisition feasible. Most Elders aren't combat monster anyway and the more esoteric Disciplines prevent obstacles that the traditional angry mob has no real way of dealing with anyway so fussing over how many peasants a Brujah Sixth Gen can kill has always struck me as stupid. The problematic Elder is the fucking Nossie who left invisibly thirty five minutes before dawn or the Gangrel who is under a hill in WhoFuckingKnowsburg
I would also like to nominate "Ventrue with a small army of insanely loyal guards, most of whom aren't even ghouled just charmed and he pays good, dominated early warning system mortals in government, and the ability to make the majority of your angry mob fall to their knees in his presence" to the list of hard to deal with Elders.

But yeah, I agree. I like my elders strong, but not invincible. Also dungeon crawling through a Tzimisce's fucked up castle is something I've always wanted to do but never got the chance.
I did a voivodes castle, a giovanni manor and a tremere penthouse turned chantry, although the last was part of a woof game, and i can say you are missing out, the amount of environmental storytelling you can do in a elders lair is amazing

Which is also why i think a modern vtmr like game would work better than people think
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You know, I miss the days when we legit had Methuselahs who could simply fast forward the day into the night to fuck over anyone who attempted it.
That's great. I ran a long-running Hunter game but they didn't deal with much in the way of Elders because I was afraid of an accidental TPK of a party everyone had gotten very attached to.

I learned recently that apparently Vladimir Rustovich, the big bad Tzimisce from VTDA who was famous for butchering Werewolves got killed off in a little note in Tribe Book: Shadow Lords. And the first thing I thought was "What a waste" because that would be way more cooler as an "Are you a bad enough dude to take out the giga-Elder?" premade story.
CofD specific. Can vampires detect werewolves in their human form innately or do they need to taste their blood or infer it via auspex? I imagine their beast would recognise a werewolf but I can't find a ruling on it.
this to me, Hunters are most badass PC characters there can be. imagine what kind of balls of steel you had to have if you decide to engage thousand year monsters that can warp reality around you. dark age inquisition had serious stones.
Dark age inquisition also had an arsenal of faith powered reality warping abilities of their own.
wasn't it just some (expanded) form of true faith? it makes sense to me somewhat that true faith was more potent in 12th century then it is in 20/21st century tying it Mage & demon themes that mankind is losing/lost ability to deeply believe in things
(IIRC Demon the Fallen True faith/faith in general as something similar to Magic in mage the acs (could reshape reality) or smt and mankind forgot how to believe due to technocracy agenda?)
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could run character like guts in Dark ages inquisitor?
(i figured i could use CofD HtV 2e as hunter that borderlines as slasher (that targets monsters)
Inquisitors were such a nice addition to dark ages. Like, I 100% believe some Lasombra Elders and Methuselahs died solely because they lost the ability to use Obtenebration at a critical moment.
>DAW game
>newbie player playing as a pre-made galliard silver fangs noblewoman
>pack went to check a kinfolk who was helping them with a chiminage
>everything dandy and well, they go back to their hunting ground
>during the trip, they stopped to lunch some fresh animals the kinfolk's family threw to them as offering earlier on that day
>silver fangs is disgusted by that
>theurge bone gnawer player has Cooking Gift and applies on the meat
>gave him Diff 4 since everything was good and chill
>5 to 6 dicepool
>achieved only 1 success
I still can't believe on that.
Ironically he proved Silver Fang right.
He had the most cliche plotline of impressing the rich noble princess with his cooking and failed. He will have no harem.
whats difference between magic (mage) and true faith?
according to demon the fallen, true faith in olden days was thing that made first humans on par with demons/angels and reading other sourcebooks true faith has other interesting applications (pacify and scare vampires/werewolves, functions as antimagic against magic, Shih from demon hunter X derive they're superhuman abilities from form of true faith and hatred for supernaturals, dark age inquisitors could do incredible stuff with true faith, etc) so you could say that people with high true faith (sulivan dane, etc) are latent mages (choristers)? as true faith needs belief, no matter in what/who, you could argue that it is part of paradigm
i really liked power (i dont remember whats its name) that boosts inquisitor physical stats on par with supernatural foe, so you can have Joe the Knight suddenly wrestling werewolf or something like that
Magic comes from faith in oneself, true faith comes from faith in the divine.
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Basically, True Faith is power you gain from your patron through belief. The most classic example is God and Heaven, but even a credit card can defend you if you believe hard enough in the protection money grants. There are definitely enough Incarnas of Capitalism and Money to answer your prayers if you are faithful enough. (No really, look up Easy Credit)

Mage is your Mage BS. Every human has an Avatar, unconsciously using their Will to influence reality. Those who awaken can do it Consciously which is of course colored by their belief.
Both can co-existing in the same person.

Faith in Demon terms is basically the spark of divinity that exists in every human since God created. "Breathe of God" and all. This might or might not be the Avatar of humans (VTM ToJ suggest it is)

TLDR: True Faith channels something, a deity, a concept etc through your beliefs. True Magic is using your Will to change reality colored by your beliefs.
Gotta say the biggest irony is how many of his kinfolk love him, but he's too oblivous on that fact and act like it's just friendly love. It's fun to roleplay the tiny acts of love they do for him or how they express themselves, and still he does not get it.
However, I cannot complain 'cause player roleplays pretty well a chill Bone Gnawer and it's fun to see how caring he is througout others, no matter which caste they belong.
Makes me question why Bone Gnawer players can't roleplay like that. Those I met/know simply always play a trickster vagabound (i.e. ravnos but werewolf), no matter which Auspice they choose.
if we go by demon lore, which i usually wouldn't but it's in your question then true faith is super faith it's zealously to the point where reality gives in around you while magic is the partically usurped admin rights of god (see the tower of babel project) channeled through an angel shard

and mind you "faith worker" in dtf means mage because demons see quintessence (and gnosis and vitae) as a form of "faith"
More than that. Inquisitors were basically the only example of an organized effort to unite the different flavors of human numina into one organization.
Inquisitors had access to true faith abilities, HTR style edges, sorcery paths and even european mystical martial arts comparibly to Shih qiao.
They also just happened to be the most successful human movement against the supernatural to ever exist. There might be a link there.
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it's not more potent inquisitors are only going between true faith 1 and 4 and Sullivan Dane has true faith 8!
Honestly just having a single rank in True Faith should be impressive enough.
which edition/version of vampire has the best combat, and/or supports combat-heavy campaigns the best? i am thinking of playing a solo campaign to get used to wod’s general rules, but i have a feeling i am just too unga bunga low iq to write a political intrigue campaign for my future players, like these rulesets appear to be made for (regardless of whether that’s correct, i am still wondering about which edition has the best combat)
Requiem second edition has the cleanest combat.
thanks. could you explain what makes it the cleanest? even just a quick rundown would be much appreciated. i haven't read any of requiem yet
and rare as f so making a entire splat out of it is kinda weird
Rare in modern nights. Old medieval days are adifferent story.
On the other hand, there's a good argument that Every splat is rare as fuck and your more likely to be hit by lightning 3 times in a row than meet one(outside of plot anyway)
VtR 2e
If you want to see crazy as powers and play Elder/Methuselah levels, VDA20 can be pretty fun.
Look in VtR's The Danse Macabre. Atrocity in that book is basically Hunger Dice but better and it'd probably be easier to adapt.
>go check danse macabre
>many systems used in 2e were supplemental and experimental systems in 1e
Yep, thats game design.
today i learned the celestial chorus send it's biggest knight order(Knights of St.George) into the week of nightmares only for them to be obliterated without archiving anything despite having forseen [ravnos] awakening

this does not make the traditions look good in comparison to the union ngl
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I like almost everything in Requiem 2E except them making Strix an fixture as vampire antagonist just because every other splat had one.
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He’d be a Toreador, right?
I'd be fine with them as just another mystery or adversary. But they're just not interesting enough to get a full chapter, especially when VII are introduced first and left only to be mentioned as potential pawns or enemies of the Strix.
Strix are rad though and they needed the update more than anything else did. It's nice to have something more than vampires and hunters
If you're UNGA BUNGA aligned you should be looking at Werewolf instead. There everyone's a killing machine that differs in how they go about their killing.
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I’m a hot artist and I play Toreador because I always just play myself in RPGs, albeit with superpowers and friends, dobeithough.
That's the shittiest thing I've seen this week. I know it's only Tuesday, but still...
Did anyone read HtV 2e companion, tending the flame? How is it?
it didn't really make sense for God to give such a boon to Cain. He has two weaknesses: the sun hurts and he must drink Blood. If he, or any vampire, can ignore these divine tenets, they should be under constant attack from Angels
HtV 2e has way less endowments, tactics & professions compared to 1st Ed. Is mechanical upgrade of 2e is worth it over losing 1st Ed stuff?
Isn't that god and angels have basically abbandoned wod setting? Iirc, 2 messengers that empower imbued are last of active angels
god didn't give him the disciplines he hacked those in with lilith and got extra curses as punishment for denying redemption while doing it, caine was meant to just be immortal and miserable even the embrace was part of the extra curses
None of the Disciplines of Vampires (or really Caine) is a boon from God. In fact, Temporis isn't even one of the OG disciplines Caine has. (He could probably learn it though)

Also, why is it a big deal? It is just massively speeding time around them (or slowing it down).
Given how easy it is to use 1e stuff, especially with Mortal Remains, it's not like you're really losing out.
The union is kind of the morally dubious heroes of the setting.
Yes, they're a tyranical, opressive organization with enough skeleton in the closet to fill a planet, but they're also the main reason why none of earth's population is living under the boots of the wizard kings and that humanity has a serious fighting chance against any splat looking to return to the bad old days.
They're currently and actively engaged in multiple wars to keep humanity safe from various threats like nephandi, other splats, and fucking outer gods on a dsy-to-day basis, and not having them around could see earth wiped of all life in less than a week.
>Can vampires detect werewolves in their human form innately or do they need to taste their blood or infer it via auspex?
You need Auspex to detect other supernatural creatures.
>this does not make the traditions look good in comparison to the union ngl
Because despite how bad things are nowadays they are still better than medieval times for the most part.
More victims of the NWO it seems
Enjoy the bleeding rocks retard.
Because Technocracy came from a good place that was Order of Reason. Sadly they ultimately got it in their head THEY should be the ones to decide things because they have humanity's best interest at hearts. Of course, "best interest" means being in charge.
speaking of which I always void engineers felt out of place ideologically. they're the only truly good guys in the union who, at the worst, have a rivalry with sons of ether.
The same could be said from the opposite end for the syndicate. Fuckers are almost cartoonishly evil compared to the other conventions, who all have a more even mix of good and bad elements.
They are kind of right though. They've been the major driving force behind technological improvement for a very long time now. Humanity is, objectively, in a better place across all metrics than any other time in history. Shit may suck, but it suck way less than it did(for humans anyway, most splats are biting the pillow and getting raw-dogged by modern reality).
I gave comprehensive reading of hunters hunted 2 And I like it
>Book encourages to reward players with 'plan dice, so if they came up with decent plan, hunters get addl fices
>Numinas are cool. Not on scale of vampiric disciplines but they can make a difference
>Playing project twilight, society of leopold, arcanum gives players access to requisition some serious hardware like silver bullets, military raids, 50 cal machine guns, etc or holy/arcane artifacts. Coupled with numinas it's almost as if you play HtV conspiracy tier game
>Advice that hunters can change conscience to conviction, allowing to play quite unhinged person, by normal people standards
Only thing is missing is willpower enchantments and it would be proto HtV. Has anyone played hunters hunted game and can tell how it feels/plays compared to HtV? (I've only read HH2 sourcebook)
Addendum: playing big 3 org campaign gives players superior knowledge and training compared to regular hunters, further enchanting 'tier 3 conspiracy like' gameplay
In some part that's because they don't really interact with humans that much. They're off doing their own things with crazy shit like Horizon Realms and fighting space ghosts.
>Technological progress (and thus all of the good and evil that has come from it) is the result of a shady cabal of wizards.

This right here is why I can not get into Mage. How do you guys like this crap?
Because it's not what you think. It's more due to CONCENSUS got shaped by order and reason, and Technocracy champions that.
Still, if a different cabal of wizards won out instead of the technos, we'd be in a fantasy setting. I don't like that one bit.
Fuck the week of nightmares with a rusty hacksaw. Cross-splat nonsense shit that everything after has to be downstream from.
You already are in a fantasy setting in WOD. You can literally visit any spirit world, any digital web server, or the hollow earth to see any kind of shit straight out of d&d. The modern world is a thin oasis of sanity in a desert desert of shifting madness.
>Cross-splat nonsense
Anon, the week of nightmares wasn't the start of any cross-splat anything. 2e was filled to the brim with cross-splat shit and it was the most beloved edition by the ancient methusela that still remember it.
Week of Nightmares was terrible for other reasons.
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Hunters Hunted is the OG Vigil.

It scales of pretty well ranging from amateur hunters to full on hunter organizations. The only difference is that unlike Vigil, all of it is integrated with other splats.
Funny enough, yeah. If Traditions won, the Technocracy would be the rebels. See image.
>Funny enough, yeah. If Traditions won, the Technocracy would be the rebels. See image.
Just because you are the rebel doesn't mean you are the good guy.
Cross splat is fine. A cross splat event being the main axiom of the setting onwards until Gehenna is awful.
Urban fantasy is different than dark or high fantasy, you know what I meant.

I just don't like the consensus, doubly so in a setting that is technically shared with other supernaturals as player characters.
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...Yes? What does it have to do with my post?
I am pointed out yes, we will live in a fantasy world akin to the Horizon if the Traditions won with the Technocracy as the rebels.
Have any of you played in your own settings, or maybe even just altered one of the official ones in major ways?
I know that Requiem is very different than Masquerade, for instance, in that it leaves more room for making stuff up as a ST (at least from what I’ve heard). What’s the furthest you guys have taken that liberty, if not just made an entirely new setting like I mentioned above?
Curious what kinds of tweaks or fully new ideas you guys have tried within these games, from Vampire to Changeling, or anything in between.
>...Yes? What does it have to do with my post?
Nothing really, I am just annoyed at how being the rebel is the one plot WoD feels the need to use every single time.
>Have any of you played in your own settings, or maybe even just altered one of the official ones in major ways?
Not really, I the notes for it but my current group isn't interested.
That sucks to hear. I would be a bit upset if I worked on something like that for my group and they rejected it without trying.
You could play it solo, I suppose, but a lot of people seem to hate the idea of solo altogether, so I guess it’s not a good replacement.
I posted it last thread but I essentially wrote my own version of the setting and system to use for future campaigns.
>You could play it solo, I suppose, but a lot of people seem to hate the idea of solo altogether, so I guess it’s not a good replacement.
I have no experience with it, from what I heard it was closer to writing and I am pretty bad at that.
>I just don't like the consensus
If you pay close attention, consensus theory is proven objectively wrong even in mage's own splat books.
This is one of oldWOD schizo narrator things, every splat has at least one core setting element they're demonstrably wrong about, even in isolation.
Of everything great about wod20, the fact the writers lost touch with this was an early warning sign of things to come.
That’s fair. I think, though, if you went to the trouble of writing what you wrote, it would be a shame not to use that material somehow. You wrote it for a reason.
Solo may not be your cup of tea, but would you lose anything by trying? Might work for you, might not. Doesn’t take long to find that out, especially since it’s just you, with no expectations or commitments to other people involved.
>Solo may not be your cup of tea, but would you lose anything by trying?
No, I will take a look on how to do it. odds are it will at least be useful.
On that topic, are there any solo books that work with WoD/CofD?
There’s one called Tourniquet, with a version for both V20 and V5 (1 version for each, I mean). There’s another one I think is called “Veins”, but I haven’t looked into it.
Mythic Game Master Emulator 2E is probably good to have anyway, even if just to pull stuff from that a more specific tool doesn’t cover, and it works with any game.
From there, you’re probably more than prepared for solo play. There’s also generic random tables that you could spend years collecting, but they’re scattered everywhere.
thanks you.
I can't find that in the Auspex section?
How do I justify a vampire viking in modern day who is not overpowered? my chronicle takes place in late 90s America and I want the enforcer attack dog of the antagonist to be a viking gangrel. But at the same time he'd be over a thousand years old and an unstoppable death machine so stuck in the dilemma.
Make him have a massive culture shock and borderline unable to to interact with modern society. Maybe he can only speak in ancient Norse and basically has to be tard wrangled by some poor neonate nerd that had studied ancient norse history.
>How do I justify a vampire viking in modern day who is not overpowered? my chronicle takes place in late 90s America and I want the enforcer attack dog of the antagonist to be a viking gangrel. But at the same time he'd be over a thousand years old and an unstoppable death machine so stuck in the dilemma.

He was recently un-staked and is like, ancilla years old
Are you talking about 1e? because Auspex 2 list ''Is this person a supernatural creature?'' as one of the sample questions.
IIRC there is 1e is like masquerade and you can identify supernatural creatures by their aura.
>How do I justify a vampire viking in modern day who is not overpowered?
Torpor is is the easiest explanation, just put some dots in mentor and linguistics to function in the modern world.
This is probably one of the most posted things here. But, anyone got an idea on how to swap the Changeling games in the greater settings? I personally don't like Changeling: the Dreaming but prefer Changeling: The Lost for (Old) World of Darkness. Any ideas on how to properly do this? Or if there's some pdf or other work I can steal from instead.

I mostly just wanna do this because I have a massive autistic issue with leaving out the Changelings, but still don't wanna deal with the Fae-related bullshit, and wanna just use The Lost because it's easier to shove to the sidelines due to how their lore is set up.
Use Changeling Dark Ages. Or their might be a translation guide.
There is no translation guide. For some reason they skipped all the other ones outside of the main three and did a Demon translation guide instead.

I'll look into Dark Ages: Fae. Never touched it before.
>I'll look into Dark Ages: Fae. Never touched it before.
The premise is that the PCs are fully fledged fae and get to be stupidly powerful as a baseline. I don't know much beyond that.
Simply be a Malkavian that just thinks he's a viking.
>consensus theory is proven objectively wrong even in mage's own splat books.
When is it proven wrong? That's interesting.
Actually, no need to be a Malk, simply piss one off.
It’s less proven wrong and more that it’s not the end-all. A lot of aspects of the setting don’t care about belief, like Umbral physics, the Dreaming, how souls work, Etc. It’s less that belief totally defines reality and more that the Consensus alters a pre-existing world-structure. Some Mage books tactfully recognize this fact.
Yes. Or a very narcissistic Gangrel.
What he said:>>93166705
Plus the fact that one of the void engineer books talks about the technocracy needing to engineer "reality zones" where the consensus wasn't able to alter the based physics.
Space in MtA is canonically dead because the Techies had to actively engineer it that way, the consensus wasn't enough to remove the murder-fairies off the moon(not a joke).
It was funny when it clicked why the Void Engineers were called that. They literally 'engineer' the 'void' to make it safe for people.
>t. Bootlicker
>AI Slop
Isn't wasn't enough they came for the art, now they come for the memes.
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>no big titty Etherite gf to explore the Umbra with
It wasn't all the technocracy though anons, it was a group effort.
The initial severing of the gauntlet that allowed this to even happen in the first place was caused by the weaver in the sundering before writing was even a thing, the empowerment of the worlds unbelief to affect bygons was caused by the fairies during the eclipse war that reduced them from dreaming gods to discount elves(talked about in DA: darkening skies), and the empowerment and ascension of the technocracy was being aided by Lucifer himself in an attempt to seal the earthbound forever.
It was a Big cross-splat group effort that allowed the modern world to come about it a setting that was originally on track to look like a darker Exalted in-universe.
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Ummm, bro? Dark Ages isn't canon lmao
>Remember the infamy of 2e etherships
>Take 70 levels of aggravated damage only to realize that was just the things void-shield and it hadn't even noticed you yet.
People complained, but the dice-caps on ritual-created wonders were written in blood.
What gave you that idea?
White Wolf Publishing
>written in blood.
Cry more vamp scum. Humanity For LIFE!
Gut's is just a guys so probably, he would be really high xp tho
Very high XP hunter with endowments.
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I was just reading the Tradition Book yesterday, too. Freaky. Anyway, I've never liked the Chorisissies myself, but slight correction.
Although the Varghese, the St. George Knights of India, foresaw [Ravnos]'s awakening, they didn't know exactly what to prepare for. So they alerted the entire order of Knights to gather in India so they could vanquish the ancient evil together. That went about as well you think it did.
Straight from the Tradition Book
>Within two days, the great knighthood, the largest of the guardian orders, was reduced to a mere shadow of itself
Only 30 of them were left, and several of them weren't even Awakened Knights. Sad, as I was thinking of making a Trad wife demon slayer waifu Knight, but the order is basically dead. Oh well, there's always the Sisters of Gabrielle, I guess. Then again, that all happened back in 1999, their numbers should have recovered by now.
>M20's Lore of the Traditions
>How do I justify a vampire viking in modern day who is not overpowered?
There's a literal ready-made character sheet in gangrel book revised called "modern viking". Go have fun.
In another world where supernatural creatures make up the real population of Earth, they designed a splat for the mythological creatures called “humans,” which have haunted the nightmares of supernatural beings for centuries.
What would this splat he like? What would it be called (“Humans: The…)?
I think the only way humans could work as a threat is if they were basically like Skaven or an otherwise innumerable horde waiting patiently to overwhelm the world of darkness. "The Recknoning", "The Onslaught", or "The Incurison" could probably work, at least under that context.
>The surfer bro who's parents were dirty hippies is a right proper viking, mate
getting ready for my first H:tV session on friday. I'm planning on having the cell be getting scouted and given a baptism by fire of sorts by their compact.

One of my players is playing someone obsessed with vampires, but obviously, being a rando, she won't have any real significant information. I was going to have the compact send her a message with a keyword that she'd recognize as being tied to REAL fucking vampire shit.

Which would work best for that? Like...something she as a rando may have found while digging for the 'real' shit.

or maybe something else? I figure actual clan names are way too high up there.
SO has anyone here actually played a Mage the Awakening game? I've been interest in it for a while but it looks madness inducing with the way the rules work for a GM to run and was curious to hear how it actually goes.
it's based on the original series he's doing, called "Hunter: The Parenting", which is a Hunter: The Reckoning story about a family of hunters - the crazy dad (who might have killed a antediluvian), his two sons, the one son's spouse, and the other son's boy.
In Chronicles of Darkness, the Camarilla is ancient history. It's something a lot of vampires are probably ignorant of, let alone human hunters. Cainite is probably a bit too high up too, given he's a common explanation for Kindred kind and I would expect that sort of info to be buried deep. It's either a line between Kindred or Masquerade. It's something even fledging vampires would talk about and a normie could happen to overhear.
I'm still running WoD vampires, since they're what I'm more familiar with. One of the secret monsters they're going to contend with is an anarch baron trying to establish a new homefront, but the main thing they'll be dealing with (for the first campaign) is a slasher ghoul.
Are you looking to be the ST or a player trying to convince someone to ST for you?
What would be the ideal splat to make a devil summoner esq character that goes around using the supernatural to solve supernatural cases but is otherwise himself entirely human? I played the latest shin megami tensei game and its given me a bit of inspiration for a character.
Oh, well in that case, I still feel like it's a bit too high level. Like approaching the level of the clan names.
yeah, I figured. I thought maybe Schrecknet as she digs through dark web shit, but my issue is I'm coming off VTM:B and didn't realize just how fucking hush hush schrecknet was, so I dropped that one right quick.

I'll probably word it like 'It's hard to breach the Masquerade to find the truth about Them, isn't it?'
The first, and if that fails, then the second.
>It's hard to breach the Masquerade to find the truth about Them, isn't it?
Feels a bit too on the nose. Maybe something like, "Do you ever wonder about the face behind a mask in a Masquerade?"
ooh, that's fucking perfect. If you don't mind, I'm just going to fully steal that.
>the ideal splat to make a devil summoner esq character that goes around using the supernatural to solve supernatural cases but is otherwise himself entirely human?
>but is otherwise himself entirely human
Only MtAs fits if this is the prerequisite.
>I played the latest shin megami tensei game
You mean Femboy Simulator 2024: Definitive Edition?
>Only MtAs fits if this is the prerequisite
Reality Deviants aren't human.
Glad to help. Maybe rework it a bit to make it shorter, it feels a tad chunky now I think about it.
I mean, the compact is tied to the catholic church, so wordiness isn't necessarily that bad.
>Reality Deviants aren't human
Ya know I unserstand how a lot of the splat can be described as "not human" and hunters obviously still are(until they arent), but Mages I dont get, yeah they use magic(k), but that alone hardly qualifies considering technically ANY human can do it if pushed hard enough in the correct way, that's double for Technocracy mages
>but that alone hardly qualifies considering technically ANY human can do it if pushed hard enough in the correct way
The Imbued don't know that, and the Messengers evidently don't want humans to be wielding that power.
I meant from a more meta perspective at least,yeah I doubt they know, given the splats make it seem like they can barely piece any of their histories together
I guess I'm just curious how far I could push a hunter (in vigil or schizo reckoning) thats not entirely agaisnt working with supernaturals/using supernaturals before going full on heretical
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yeah, I liked vengeance overall, but I think some characters got the short end of the stick (again), but tao actually got to be a character this time and having human party members like old smt was really nice.
I mean I could see working with Mages as fine as long as they aren't trying actively fucking with reality on a large scale atm, especially the technocracy
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There was a story in The Spellbound, the Imbued/Mage book, where a Redeemer high school coach discovered a student who was newly Awakened and confused him for another Imbued. That story was kino. The whole book is kino, actually.
>What would be the ideal splat to make a devil summoner esq character that goes around using the supernatural to solve supernatural cases but is otherwise himself entirely human? I played the latest shin megami tensei game and its given me a bit of inspiration for a character.
Well I guess that answers that? If they're mistaken as imbued, and I doubt the mage would be stupid enough to correct them, they can work together pretty well, and even then working with a redeemer would give some leeway anway
yeah. I suppose that judge would fit a more utilitarian "use any tool at my disposal and than discard it later" approach whereas an innocent will try to make friends with a supernatural and redeemers will try to fix them/look for the good in them
>imbued mistakes awakened as imbued
Why are the messengers so bad at properly communicating information?? also did he just never use second sight around the mage? cause if he did it should have been going off like an alarm that this kid was *not* imbued
Eh, still not for me. Something about most modern technology being a form ot result of magical psy-ops is baggage I don't want in my games.
>also did he just never use second sight around the mage?
Unironically yes. He had no reason to do it since he thought he was one of them.
>if he did it should have been going off like an alarm that this kid was *not* imbued
Yeah, happened when he suddenly used it when he busted in on the kid using magic to leviate a protractor.
what happened after that?
Redeemer got got knocked out by one of the two Hermetics that were there teaching the kid what he really was. When he comes to, they've already left the school. He races to the kid's home, hoping he's there.He finds the kid packing up to leave. The kid tells him they're going to take to others like him (a chantry)Then the Redeemer inadvertently used an Edge and caused the kid to indirectly kill himself.

I'm not really sure what I was expecting from whitewolf writers honestly
Well, it showcased how even the more “merciful” Edges could be used offensively. And the story also serves as a template for someone newly Awakened. Part of the reason I liked the story was that it’s fun when you, if you’re familiar with Ascension’s setting, could tell exactly what the kid was going through as he described what was happening to him.
I also like the second part where the Hermetic bitch who was indoctrinating the kid gets BTFO by witness1
Fuck the Order of Hermes.
Fuk u alchemy 4 lyfe bich
what redeemer edge can cause *that* to happen?
>rare witness1 win
now I have to read the story. Most the time witness1 is brought up its by hunternet users bitching about how shitty the site has become and how mods gay ect ect. I kinda love how some parts of reckoning mirrors modern message board culture really well
The way it was described as making the kid feel ashamed and guilty, seemingly even suppressing his Avatar and newfound clarity, I reckon it was either Insinuate or Shame.
>seemingly even suppressing his Avatar and newfound clarity
that seems...off somehow
Yeah, the Hermetic was trying to hack into Hunter-net so she could investigate the Imbued, and was confronted by witness1 who politely warned her she should stop. All I’ll say is, it sucks to be the technomancer she roped into helping her.
>Edges shuts down supernatural advantage
Seems on point to me.
Kinda funny that game rules still try to portray imbued as underdogs but art and stories show them as someone not even werewolves should fuck around
A newly awakened Mage is vulnerable to getting his view twisted and believing himself deserving of death might result in killing himself
>to portray imbued as underdogs
I prefer the “unwitting jihadists” angle.
>Give V20 Tremere their V5 Clan weakness
There, now they’re balanced.
Jesus, I'm blind. Thanks anon, completely overlooked that.
I have a confession to make.
I have never played a single WoD game.
You mean people actually play these games? That the setting isn’t just there so people can have endless arguments over hypotheticals based on intentionally open-ended lore? Or its editions aren’t suppose to serve as a gay test to see which people love sucking cocks (it’s the CofD fans btw)? Say it ain’t so.
Oh, so many. As much as there is to like in WoD, there's a lot I can't stand and cut out or replace.
>Main games I've played/ran are a VTM-VTR conversion, aka running VTM in the VTR system with some tweaks here and there to make it work, and Hunter: the Vigil.
>Mix in some oWoD HHs organizations like the society of leopold and the Arcanum, adding on to the Vigil ones.
>Completely removed the Kuei-Jin
>But added a lot more "lesser" vampires like the ones you find in Requiem Night Horrors books, such as Jiang-Shi or Ghuls. They aren't so much direct competitors to Kindred in the region locked antagonist way the KJ were, but more other things that exist in the night, some with little conflict, others with a lot. How they're treated varies from domain to domain.
>In general a lot of little things and ideas taken from Requiem while still remaining more Masquerade than anything else.
>We don't deal much in big metaplot, though we've de-facto not had the Week of Nightmares happen because it adds so much baggage to the setting. I've always wanted to flesh out "our" metaplot but I'm the only one in the group with more than a passing interest in it.
>Try to inject a lot more mysteries and unknowns to the setting in general. There can be categorized monsters, and there's a lot more conspiracies and cults, even within existing organizations.
>Changeling: the Lost Fae are our Fae, alien and mysterious. Though we prefer to go 1e dark fairy tale with it rather than what ever 2e was on when it updated the template.
>We haven't really touched Werewolf much definitively though we've used Wyrm and Weaver stuff in other games. Doesn't mean they need to be end all be all entities.
>No Mage of either kind, don't like it. I have been working on a full template nWoD Sorcerer building off of Witch Finders, because human magic users are cool. Running a medieval game to test it right now.

I could elaborate on any of these if you'd like but I don't want to clog up the thread.
Me too. I have a lot of softcover/hardcover books books from drive thru rpg but I haven't played any of them as all my friends don't play/don't understand roleplaying games. All we do is play board games. I have a lot of2d20 Conan books and some CofD books. But at this point I read them like regular novels as I've lost hope of trying to play any rpg in general
(Find new friends advice won't work )
I only played one game and I was sucked into the settings thanks to the magnificent Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines game. Every game I try to involve myself in seems to fall apart and I can't seem even get a game going myself. It sucks.
Honestly, Bloodlines is pretty peak and the only way to equal or top that is gonna be a VtM game with a good ST and good fellow players.
What the fuck happened to Lancea? He had a pretty entertaining VtMB fancomic but one day he nuked all his accounts and now the comic is near-impossible to find.
Just woke up. Thank you all for your advice frens.

If anything, I'd say conspiracies are more than on par with supernaturals if you factor in the number of mortals vs number of supernaturals -- I've never seen PCs manage to wipe out even one weak starter conspiracy from Deviant.

However, to the extent that hunters operate as lone wolves, they are absolute underdogs. And to the extent that they are only powerful in numbers and don't know who to trust, they are also underdogs.
A vampire can attract a horde of mooks just with Majesty.
He has to be a Nosferatu since Animalism is his main thing.

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