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previous: >>93130901

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
how did STAX decks become so popular?
Stax is popular? I've been playing that shit for like 10 years.
everyone got tired of so many players going to turbo value town with free spells and the like. the stax player probably doesn't even want to play stax, but it's the only way they can get the table to play "fair magic" without crying like a little bitch and trying to get the group to abide by their inane banlist that they would like to implement.
Stax is popular?
I've mostly just seen people calling their deck stax when it's basically just bad hatebars that folds to a board wipe.
Nobody in my meta plays stax any more since there's kind of a consensus that if someone plays a hard stax piece (Winter Orb, Statis, etc) people just ignore it and untap their lands as usual.
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Sounds horrible.
We have successfully gatekept something out of our games that the majority of us do not want in our games. Deal with it.
>We have successfully gatekept something out of our games that the majority of us do not want in our games. Deal with it.

Found the Thoracle player.
Nah we ignore that too. I'm happily enjoying our battlecruiser meta where wins are either through combat or 3+ card combos.
Can I pay for a card's Suspend cost if it is put into Exile by an "impulse draw"? The wording on Suspend make me unsure if it actually NEEDS to be in hand as part of the cost.
Instead of crying about it, why dont you run decks with lower curves and more removal? Winter orb should barely effect you and stasis has a massive risk of backfiring if you destroy whatever they're using as a key to their lock. Sounds to me like you're a greedy manabase meme deck.
>Instead of crying about it
How am I crying about it? I'm happy that my playgroup has essentially rule zero'd an archetype out of existence, just as the RC's rule zero intended.
It’s only a half hour old and no title, you should consider deleting and starting over with a title.
no. suspending a card is a special action. the wording of suspend is actually very clear/ "rather than cast this card from your hand" see the part where it says from your hand?
>noooo this card gives me badfeel
>I will not do anything about it, you just cant play it or I will ignore it okay?
>my feelings are the most important part of the game, deal with it
Okay sheldon.
Go play cEDH if you want to anon. We just want to slam Craw Wurms at each other and we will ignore your cards if that's not the sort of game you're looking for.
Majority of issues that people have with this format would be resolved with having their own private playgroups like this that simply say no to annoying bullshit. Good on you, anon, definitely living the dream.
How do I get good at playing stax?
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>everyone busy again for the weekend

I don't wanna go back to LGS games
you mean cheating
85 double sleeved cards is the patricians choice and no one checks
>"sorry anon, like we said, there's no stax at this table"
>untaps lands
You have to state that before a game starts, anon. Doing so during a game is called cheating.
>"what are you on about anon, this is the way it's been every week for years. why don't you go grab a beer if you're going to be a bitch"
>casts a seven mana sea monster
100 cards isn't enough why the fuck would you want less
>STAX decks become so popular?
The only stax player at my lgs is a misshapen and ugly goblin of a human that tries to lock out normies, inevitably gets hated out and scoops.

It's sad
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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>>casts a seven mana sea monster

You cant because you dont have enough mana,
Also did you pay the one?
>"i already untapped all of my lands, i'm okay."
>other two players nod in agreement
>"i will pay the one though"
Tithe and Rhystic are actually generally considered OK with us, as is "softer" stax pieces like Thalia or Sphere of Resistance.
No games detected
>says 70 then refuses to pay 70 and draws 70 anyway
I have over 40 deck lists how do I narrow down which ones I want to get next?
Please don't start this shit again
tell the judges to stop ruling that way then
>the virgin stax
>the chad grouphug
nooooo group hug is also bad. Just summon craw wurms like everyone else and turn sideways
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>bro invites me to his house
>when I get in his house there are two more people with decks
>"hey anon we are gonna play just one casual game, join us anon"
>they give me some stupid simic deck
>instead of gargling on my bro's dick have sit patiently for freaking two hours doing nothing but ramping, getting my dorks wiped out, playing two mana mana rocks and doing "combat damage" until the Niv Mizzet combo with Curiosity

That's why I am never, ever leaving Cedh, casual players don't know how to spend time properly
>leaving Cedh

Did you pay the 1?
cedh is for people who hate playing magic
It requires a moderate amount of format knowledge and deckbuilding skill. Essentially, stax is playing symetrical effects that you knew about ahead of time and building your deck so those effects dont fuck you over as much as they do everyone else. The most common type is to set up a situation where you have an advantage over everyone else, like building with mostly basics and dropping back to basics or bloodmoon, or lots of rocks and a winter orb.
Since we're ignoring rules anyway I've always just played every land in my hand and draw back up to 7 every turn.
Winconless stax is the best stax.
No. That's just bad deck building.
Collector boosters completely made me never buy boosters again. It now feels like a waste to buy a normal pack, and I'm not paying 40 dollars for a pack. I must thank wotc for fully pushing me to singles.
I traded for an esper sentinel and dauthi voidwalker today
BROS should I play him?
>lgs-only players not comprehending kitchen table groups establishing their own bans and house rules
It's pretty sad. You guys are missing out
>kitchen table tard not understanding that most of the skill in magic is tuning your deck to defeat things you struggle with
Many such cases.
stop bringing your kitchen table into the LGS. Stay at your home.
Man there's something really special about trading cards. I've given cards to friends and they have done the same to me, but specifically swapping one or more cards I own for someone else's makes me much happier
cheating isnt gatekeeping anon
I'd just knock your shit onto the floor desu
I'm currently having fun building her. Very versatile that you can have three decks that played differently and there's also the fact it beautifully curves into the other Olivia that reanimates.
I miss it no one trades in my town because they don't edit decks once built. It's weird
Making the other players scoop from frustration is a wincon.
>average mana value 4.5
>30 lands
You and me baby ain't nothin but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel.
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>trade some MH3 commons and uncommons with someone at my LGS
>end up in a pod with him later
>use cards he traded me to kill him two games in a row
I don't think he appreciated the irony as much as I did.
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You are getting your miku lairs tomorrow aren't you anon?
If you want to be a hipster and play rakdos artifacts, go ahead. But playing artifacts without blue is kinda dogshit
I don't get up until like 3 pm, when they will all be sold out.
I fucking hate everything about this.
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Only one I like.
Have they revealed anything else besides Summer Miku and the wolf SL? Cause I don't want either of them.
Does Magnus affect flashback cost? I ask because I question if its an ability
I love how they have made it so SLD's now don't come with every card and the only good valuable card is a hidden "small chance" card!
It's for players that tried to bring order to your hugbox format. Casuals have zero clue what is or isn't allowed in their format, and can only agree on spinning wheels as a valid strategy.
It's for people who get to the LGS then immediately start looking at their watches and getting antsy things aren't going fast. They act like people who don't have the time to play and thus need games to be under 30 minutes so they can quickly leave for their super important appointment of the night.
Nu-Magic players are fucking grim.
I just proxy secret lairs at this point
A lot of the frustration with commander for me has been adapting to different groups, the rule 0 shit just makes you not able to play some decks you have because they tend to not be compatible with other groups you might join later, I suppose my frustration comes from the fact that you build and make something only to move to another town or country to never be able to use it again without having to drastically change it and invest more time and money into it because someone has some inexplicable disposition against it.
In general I think a lot of new commander players are ninnies that get gaslight into automatically assuming some strategies are le bad because other turds tell them they are, people don't engage with the potential of the game and don't actually try to build decks that do anything that isn't some form of midrange because le funny creature xDdd and getting gas being the most inoffensive mechanics because they like to look at all the cards they put in their decks. To me this kind of curbs the potential for the social aspect of the game as opposed to enhancing it because you can't just sit down with randoms as easily as a game of say dandan which I've been playing more and more often lately especially with new people to introduce them to magic as a whole.
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Get out!
Just do the right thing and bully the stax player every game until they leave as God intended . Fuck what is wrong with the new generations
Budget replacement for Kodama of the West Tree?
That’s the point. They limit the availability of the good cards in order to pawn them on the unregulated second hand market through intermediaries. It’s vile, scummy, and pure undiluted corposhit, the very essence of JotC
A 2 cent printout of kodama of the west tree
Where do you guys get your proxies at usually? I want to order some good quality ones for a cube I'm building but all the sites I find are expensive and seemingly of dubious quality.
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Call the cops. I don't give a fuck
I want to play a welder/graveyard strat and he seems good for that. And yeah I don't really care about blue
Mpc if you want actual proxies. Ron, bl, USea for counterfeits. Check out r/bootlegmtg
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does anyone here have a deck with zero wins?
or do you have a deck that has YET to have a win?
I have a Mr House deck that i built back when he was first spoiled that to this day has only won once. It's just kinda mid
These are actually kind of cool
mtg-print when I bought my first decks, expensive, compared to MPC i didn't get the foils I wanted when i selected them before I bought, and some are low quality prints (low resolution) apparently you can make sure you choose a better quality one before check out but I wasn't paying attention.
some prints from select series are bad quality, on the site so you have to check each one before purchase
but I still recommend it because I can drag-drop an deck list
excellent post
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Big fan of this and it's one of the few pimp versions available of it.
Jesus that's fucking cool. When did they release it?
Tomorrows secret lairs
Noted. I haven't actually seen what they have on offer other than the second miku one.
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Get your leak suit ready
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>first line
>second line and everything past it
omfg stop trauma dumping. you took a monster man and gave him high schooler angst shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I’m not sure I understand what this is but I’m guessing the overlap between buying this and having debilitating mental illness is 100%
We're like two sets away from leaks being entirely unreadable.
There's nothing to "start", That's how the card works. It's not what they intended, but it's how it was printed. Until they update the Oracle text with corrective errata, the card is a cheap way to draw your entire deck.
There's no way theyre stupid enough to print this.

That's insanely broken.
>It's not what they intended, but it's how it was printed.
first the simic bird, now this. what the fuck is Q&A doing?
>omfg stop trauma dumping. you took a monster man and gave him high schooler angst shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why can't a monster man be angsty over his love spurning him for another man
Simic bird is just intentionally overpowered. The Wheel was straight up worded incorrectly.
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One of the playmats
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>You may promise an opponent a gift as you cast this spell
We unset now. Black border Ashnod's Coupon when?
It's basically an exploit which is hilarious.
>heart broken over a brief dating period that didn't work out
i thought Wilhelt's whole story about being a Gisa simp was funny, but now it's the second time I've seen ~Monster man from innistrad hopelessly pining for a chick~, and it has become lame.
Nah, they intended Simic as a HTPT instead of a STPT
I can't wait cause it'll cause a renaissance of fake spoilers where people just crop gay porn to an appropriate ratio and run it through the deep fryer before watching people try to figure out what the fuck it is
in english, doc
I'm only letting myself have a single deck, and a sideboard for it.
I chose the Quick Draw Stella deck.
What are some ways you would modify the deck to punch it up a bit?
I already picked up Twisted Fealty, and Involuntary Employment.
Bad enough they named him Timothar, poornguy can't catch a break
Simic was intended to be a hard twice per turn effect (IE happens twice then that’s it, regardless of who activated it)
Instead, it’s a soft once per turn (IE can happen twice for every creature with the ability)
Source: my ass
and not even that, if you blink the bird all your creatures' "twice per turn"s reset.

has there been actual proof that the bird was misworded, or are people just speculating? because the wheel is 100% a case of miswording.
Awesome flavour. Hate the borderless meme though.
Stax decks filtering out plebs as usual.
Put some god damn removal in your deck, play with 4 people so you can all just bumrush the guy out. 1v1 Commander is and will forever be broken and not fun. The inequality of strategies and how many cards being inconsistent to a wincon makes 1v1 a strictly deck power level thing.
That's just simply untrue. If they wanted the ability to be hard twice per turn, they would have just had the bird have an ability that looks for the targeting, and limited that ability to twice per turn. Instead, they went out of their way to have it give the ability to all your things.

Meanwhile, Wheel of Potential is a result of them not understanding their own game rules.
Don’t badmouth your mother like that
>and not even that, if you blink the bird all your creatures' "twice per turn"s reset.
Oh yeah, because he’s the one who grants the ability. Fucking hell
>has there been actual proof that the bird was misworded, or are people just speculating? because the wheel is 100% a case of miswording.
Outside of it being among the most powerful ramp cards in existence, wait
>the erratas and rulings just reinforce the soft
Reminder that strictly following the rules, in casual games, you can't use a dungeon if you don't own an official print of one. If you take the initiative from your opponent and you don't literally own an Undercity card, you're locked out of that dungeon and initiative becomes a one-sided bonus for your opponent.
And in tournament games, you don't need to own the dungeon card to venture into it.
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Why would anyone play such an expensive card since it will be countered preventing the ETB effect of stealing creatures from going off.
What ETB?
It's cast trigger which makes it better since there will be no leave the battlefield trigger
Gay Bolas
It's not an ETB. It's a cast ability. Even if they counter Emrakul, you still steal things.
*if it gets countered
Anon, please point out on the card where it has an "enters the battlefield" ability.
Many people don't know that.
>Anon, please point out on the card where it has an "enters the battlefield" ability.

When you cast this spell, gain control of all creatures target player controls

Thats an ETB effect.
So why do you feel the need to inform people rather than let them find out during their study of the mechanic?
If you meant by eviscerate thy butthole sure.
No, it's not. The stack is not the battlefield.

NONE of the legendary Eldrazi cards have an ETB triggered ability. When you cast them, you get their cast triggered ability regardless of if they enter the battlefield or not, AND you get that ability before they even enter the battlefield in the first place.

The only legendary Eldrazi with anything that could be described as an ETB is the new Ulamog, which ETB with +1/+1 counters on it. That's a static ETB ability, not a triggered ETB ability.
Casting a spell is not entering the battlefield, you dumbass. How do you know about countering but not about this?
there's no reason not to.
why dont the stupid fucking faggots making these threads put the thread title in the op anymore, you have one fucking job

Would Tefari's protection prevent the creatures from being stolen?
Not him, but pic related has been my Rakdos Artifacts commander, and that shit is fun as hell.
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I can't think of any cards in Magic that are HOPT like YuGiOh. They instead try to replicate it with "exile this card" for effects they don't want people looping.
Not only that, but Nadu works as-written on Arena. Wheel does not.
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Build or do not build.
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Played this against two super heavy removal decks vraska and some sacrifice one, ended up scooping because I couldn't do anything against it, removed every creature.

What should I cut/change?
Desert warfare
Like 8 lands wtf do you have 43 lands for
Ruin crab why? You're just gunna piss people off
Wonders cape seems like really poor draw overall
Oko is shit draw planeswalkers sucks this card reads 4 mana draw 2 then die.
As to what you need to add I dunno. There are cards that will make your creatures harder to target or be countered so that might be worth looking into. I'd also get more card draw imo. Nadu seems easy if you're in a removal heavy meta then hes just making removal not as good for your opponent there you go
my credentials are im not a very good deck builder but i looked and responded and thats more than 90% of this thread will do
the parentheses for bird did no necessarily need to include "this ability only triggers twice each turn"
this statement in the parentheses, included for each creature instead of just for the ability giver nadu makes it broken
the wheel makes no sense worded as is with the "may"
>the parentheses for bird did no necessarily need to include "this ability only triggers twice each turn"
>this statement in the parentheses, included for each creature instead of just for the ability giver nadu makes it broken
I've tried to understand these lines twice now and I've given up.
This is my next deck, I don't know about wincons yet but I am tired of someone comboing a win out of nowhere while everyone else is still setting up
this is the full ability per creature given by nadu “Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, reveal the top card of your library. If it’s a land card, put it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, put it into your hand. This ability triggers only twice each turn.”

If This ability triggers only twice each turn.” was not within parentheses, for your turn, it could only active the rest of the ability twice, not per creature.
as it works now, its twice per creature including nadu=2+x creatures
Why are you making shit up and then just floundering about to try and make it real lol
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Rabbitfolk are too few and far between in magic. Hopefully this set fixes that.
Viera next year
makes me wonder if the Classes mechanic will come back
they would want it to be countered to not have the leaves the battlefield trigger ever go off
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>managed to get an army from 0 to over 100 and chandras ignite it in the same turn
>only 100
I got one to 2000. You are like baby.
don't need more than 100 if it blows up in their faces
there are no parenthesis on nardu
everything after
>creatures you control have
is within parentheses
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Is this even worth running?
Yeah it has a really high cap for how much of a blowout it could be, but unlike Vandalblast it has no fallback option as spot removal and relies extremely heavily on getting a large blowout to be worth.
I feel like nobody read to the end of this post.
He's mad he got cockblocked, guys
He's fine, I like him in decks where I'm not overly reliant on artifacts/enchantments. Like if I'm running 7 or less things that he'd destroy, I'm in.
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Dunno if me and my friends resolved this correctly last week

>Arcades player plays Fell the Mighty, targeting one of his walls(0/4)
>Play Amphibian Downpour, targeting said wall and other things that can be frogged, resolves
>Fell the Mighty resolves, but all 1 or less power lives instead of a 1-sided boardwipe sonce the target is now a 1/1 Frog

Does polymorphing the target of fell the mighty or increasing the wall power would change the outcome?
Those are quotation marks anon
Correct. Amphibian Downpour goes on the stack above Fell the Mighty, turns the wall into a 1/1 frog, and then Fell the Mighty resolves, sees that the power is 1 and wipes everything above 1 power.
CMC6 in green is like CMC5 or 4 elsewhere. Its mana cost belies a different issue: It is extremely local meta dependent, if your local pods run a lot of enchantments and artifacts and notably not that much hate for either then it will be good. Otherwise it will be a clunker of a card usually.
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alternatively if you had some weird way to give it shroud or otherwise make it an illegal target (prot white, etc) the entire board wipe would fizzle
Thanks Anon

Its fine, I wanted my 32 scute swarms and Omo to live through the boardwipe
How did they get THIS much soul into new magic art?
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What's not to like?
Anon, these: ( ) are parenthesis.
These: " " are quotation marks.
Oh she cute
Reminder that teysa's holes got stretched out by every ravnican noble when she was a mindzonked sex slave.
She is pretty unfun as a commander
Too bad they ruined her
Holy chad
Based af and canon
Not bad in the 99 of aristocrats
He's better in higher power games where fast mana rocks, treasure spam, and strong enchantments are abundant and you can push it out quick. As another anon said its more dependent on your local meta but if your deck has a low number of artifacts and enchantments he's generally worthwhile since you'll usually get a 5/5 or 6/6 at least without fucking your board.
build only if you use an alt art proxy of a shortstack for her
eh kind of more interesting to have u cracking clues throughout the turn cycle
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in the 99
I would not play with you lot if you paid me.
I thought BBC always won...
Well yeah, it's the only one with good art.
You gotta Stifle the on-cast to stop the Insurrection, countering Emmy ain't gonna do shit.
Yeah, having 2 base power is also pretty abusable.
i know its hours later but i feel the need to post and tell you what a fucking whiny loser you are
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This is why you push for houserule of 30 life and bring you "casual 7/10" deck with stuffed with shit like moonshaker, mirror entity, and jazal goldmane that can close out games quick. Besides hardfought earned dick is better than free dick.
won with enter the infinite and thoracle today feels good mang
Stax is based and I'm tired of pretending its not

That being said, what should I add/cut in my janky Zedruu stax-y enchantment deck?
>what the fuck is Q&A doing
Being understaffed and overworked because Hasbro says less costs + more content = more consooming = line go up forever
As long as retards keep replying to the obvious bait, it will keep being posted.
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Isn't this kind of great in creature heavy decks that spams a lot of creature tokens. Looks fifteen deep draw three just on the attack trigger.
I will name instant and copy it again naming sorcery this time. Fuck blue.
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>Power levels
>Rule 0
These are just memes, right? They don't exist outside Twatter and Plebbit, do they?
more rule of law effects
If my commander doesn't have a colorless pip on it this card isn't in my color identity is it?
Yes. In reality most tables are playing budgetless cEDH.
People that said this will mostly drop Crypt and Sol Ring turn 1 and then teehee.
>Azorius player
>Plays a huge amount of card draw, fetches and tutors
>Spends 15 minutes counting mana, agonising over the smallest decision to end up playing a land and passing his turn
>Doesn't keep track of his triggers and gets pissed at you for not paying rhystic study
>Has no win cons in his deck aside from stealing other people's aggro pieces
>Does nothing the entire game aside from redirect damage, reset the board state every time he feels like someone is going to hit him

Is there a worse player? I hit him for 10 infect and he lost his shit at a 'loser mechanic'
Is Maddison Li or Satya the better energy commander?
edh adjacent question really, but proxyfag here

If I'm building a deck with all custom arts, what's the best way to handle that and MPCfill (assuming there are other, non-custom art decks in the order I will be using the tool for)
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>White in his colour identity
>Loses to posion
Pfft.... amateur.................
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Proxies should be the accepted standard.
this is correct
This never stops being funny, but the funny part isn't that a group of regular players were able to settle on a power level and stop escalating (such behavior should be taught and encouraged), the funny part is that the power level was so low and that it was the RC. It implies that Commander is meant to be solo durdling with no aggressive plays.
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Why did he do it bros?
Why did Sorin set Sheldon's life total IRL to 10?
Release him.
The mother of all stax
feels good man. i managed to glide over my newfriends at the table with a 69/69 trample infect, the other got the fling. poor fellas
can cards like ephemerate dodge targeted removal, or do they have to return the creature in a later step?
It's a "new instance" of the creature even if it's the same card, so it dodges spot removal. It won't dodge a boardwipe, as that resolving after still wipes the board, but using something that returns it at end of turn can.
in the same vein, does the same effect "interrupt" activated creature abilites or at least force the paid cost (for example the old instance sacrifices as a cost, forcing the player to sacrifice again)

intuitively it should, right?
Paid costs are paid before something goes on the stack and only then is priority passed. So if someone has Dockside Chef and chooses to pay 1B and Sacrifice a creature, picking their JoeSchmo, the thing you can respond to is the ability on the stack that is just "Draw a card", you can't flicker the creature they intend to sacrifice to force them to sacrifice again.
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My boy still useful in 2024?
lost me a bit, but i get the gist
to recount, the dockside chief getting flickered after the sacrifice does not impede the "draw a card", since the effect is independent of the creature?
Yeah, more or less. You'd have to stifle the ability on the stack, since priority (ability to respond, cast, etc) passes after the player puts something on the stack and doesn't have something else at instant speed to followup with. Now, if you wanted to mess with someone with an instant speed flicker, you could always hit something with a flicker after they use a combat trick on it like Giant Growth. If the attacker leaves the battlefield during combat, it stops being in combat.
I'm interested in 1v1 commander because I don't have a consistent play group. Would it make it better if we play 60-70 cards instead of 100 in 1v1?
Shh, trying to build a Rakdos shell with it.
i see
one last thing
>creature attacks
>designate blocker
>flicker blocker
does the attack go straight to face or get cancelled?

building a ghost council flicker/lifedrain deck, want a versatile way to control the field while getting my ETBs off

Trample would go straight to face, otherwise a blocked creature is blocked even if the blocker is removed
thank you for the assistance anons, i learned a lot

here is the decklist i planned, its a bit too expensive for now and i will probably cut a lot of it, so i think ill start off with the ixalan vampires pre-con
i think its not too bad for a first attempt
save the fucking $450 price tag jesus christ, the ixlan precon alone is $150
I feel like teysa doesn't really synergize with your lifegain/drain theme
tits are the only reason anon
the other one is that she should be a good deterrent for creature based decks, along with the token summon for things like suture priest and il-kor, but the other spirit token generators didnt fill the niche

maybe i tried to do too much at the same time
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>Get these UB cards right the first time with the Godzilla ones in Ikoria
>Immediately fuck everything up by making the UB shit 100% unique cards that isn't directly tied to a normal MtG released card
>my favorite commanders are low cost value engines
>my favorite wincon is lethal combat damage with the help of evasion
>my favorite budget limitation is ~$150 (less for mono color, more for 3 color)
>my favorite opponents are everyone
now tell me about you, anon
Why not one of the other teysas
I'm reading old cards on Scryfall and I read this one. It just me or is that pretty good?
yes, in real life the consensus is "if it's legal you can play it"
if people don't like your deck they won't say anything but they'll just avoid you
all courts are pretty good and monarch is a perfect mechanic.
>if people don't like your deck they won't say anything but they'll just avoid you
where are you from? at my store, people talk all the time, and if someone is know to bring bullshit decks to casual pods, that shit will happen exactly one time before everyone knows the deck and tells him to bring a casual deck or sit in the high power pods.
>storm being printed back into standard
I know they introduced 'cameo' mechanics coming back like wither in massacre girl but storm is what the storm scale is named for
So this is fucking GOAT. Purple maybeboard -> considerations. Yellow -> Cuts


Also a Q

>Be Omo, have 5 Omo's w/ helm of the host
>have endless evil on cultivator colossus (Point of contention)
>have 25+ lands
>my 6 colossus (all w/ everything)
>cast greatbow doyen, which triggers damage to owner when damage dealt to creature
>and pic rel
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fucking forgot to attach it
has the overreaction to nadu died down yet
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I'm reading older green cards. I like my tricky terrain precon but wanna spice it up abit myself and not just what upgrades people say to do.
It's getting worse now that people are actually playing him.
>but storm is what the storm scale is named for
Its farfetched but its a planeswalker ult. I cant imagine itll hit standard much unless they print a couple rituals or at least manamorphose. I dont see any place for it in eternal formats being a 4 mana do nothing that takes a couple turns to go off, it looks like itll just be edh jank.
As for the storm scale, first article that comes up talking about it is from throne of eldraine. Of the 14 examples from a 6 and up there are 12 that got new cards (mostly in modern horizons to be fair)
>SS 6 devour, ninjutsu, living weapon
>SS 7 snow mana, retrace, split second
>SS 8 madness, echo, suspend
>SS 9 phasing, threshold, clash
>SS 10 storm, dredge
I think planeswalkers -10 abilities are one of those design spaces that balance out things as absurd as storm
>no i dont run artifact removal
>no i dont run creature removal
>no i dont have a boardstate that can pressure life totals
>no i wont tech in appropriate answers like Containment Priest or Drannith Magistrate
>ban nadu pls
Why are stax players so salty about some anon's playgroup that wouldn't allow their deck? Feels like the same mentality that trannies use.
>You WILL let me play my pet deck deck
>You WILL respect my pronouns
i dont really see how Teysa Karloc fits in aside from lifelink vigilance
>deck revised to almost no tokens
>triggers 4 permanents in deck
>bloodchief ascension
>meathook massacre
>ghost lantern
i dont really see it, i dont know about the clue one, but the last one I doubt ill have the tokens to sacrifice
Artifact removal is pretty underrated honestly
I'm in Florida
I don't play standard but I know there's at least 3 notable edh storm combo creatures that are legal in it. The magecraft dwarf, flip urabrask, and birgi
>controltard realizes his deck doesn't work on me
>instead of adapting he doubles down on his interaction
>makes no difference because I'm an aggro deck so I simply have too much too fast for him to deal with
>starts making passive aggressive comments about my deck and playstyle
why are control players like this? the deck is too strong because...you can't personally lock me out of the game?
I'll never understand it
Wow its another episode of anon LARPs as though he participates in the most cutthroat metas, beyond imagination, that make every CEDH tournament look like a pack of precons played by first timers.
Neither are answers to nadu you fucking mong lmao like what? Like containment literally does not interact with nadu in any meaningful way and drannith just stops him from entering for a bit at best, he does not interact with his ability at all
No ones salty about that. People are annoyed at the smug attitude which is literally just cheating
the secret is that "timmy" is actually the blue player. Mono blue is the cheapest most common deck most new players pick up so when the first strategy they learn (counter everything) stops working they freak out because they never learned how to play real magic
I'm brewing up a Sovereign Okinec deck, and while I enjoy it so far, it really feels like a glass cannon. It has no way of winning on the spot and struggles to kill all 3 enemies in 1 turn. Okinecs effect can get out of hand, but it still needs between 1-3 full turns before it's able to get crazy. During my 1v1 testing, the deck struggles due to the increased amounts of interaction. Ward 2 only goes so far and while GW has protection spells, you also need things to pump your board.

Other than wishing he had red in his color identify, have you guys had any success with him?
if Nadu triggers you maybe counter him or use non targeted clear
>magic players when they have to use a removal other than path to exile
I've reached a point in magic where I just make decks that use only abilities since the number of stifles is much smaller than the number of counters
>why are control players like this?
People play control because they lack control in their real lives it's an ego thing. You should refine your aggro deck and really put the screws to him, controlfags are consistently the most pathetic cretins to infest magic
Theres already decent payoffs like them but standard doesnt have the actual spells to support a storm deck, youre basically building a deck that uses grapeshot as removal instead of a wincon. Shit format thats currently 40% white based aggro, 40% red based aggro and 19.9% 3-5c control with the same wincons. Its an online only format for a reason, havent seen people play paper standard yet this year
>sign up for store commander games
>bring hyper op deck
>Everyone has no choice but to play you
Problem solved
>instead of adapting he doubles down on his interaction
it's actually hilarious that EVERY blue player does this even though wotc went out of their way to make permission decks unusable because they're anti fun
the archetype basically has a neon flashing sign saying
>please don't play this
and they still try and then get surprised when they lose XD
I legit think it's a mental illness, they're so focused on making the experience of everyone else at the table miserable that they don't even realize they're the only ones having a bad time, because they played the forbidden archetype
That's just how G/X aggro works if you're not using Craterhoof/Overwhelming Stampede/Finale of Devastation. Okinec in particular is a slowly building advantage. The card is specifically designed to take multiple turns to really perform.

You can either accept that the aforementioned cards are staple finishers for a reason or accept that you need to pick wide or tall and kill one player at a time. Trying to mix and match between stuff like hydras and Cathar's Crusade isn't helpful; pick a lane and stick to it.
With how mana efficient counterspells are I've seen a lot more combo become ability focused.
Rule of law effects have become almost useless
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Do we know when the Assassin's Creed secret lair will be available?
I do this too because it makes it immediately obvious who's cheating
yes Jerry. I do notice that you mysteriously cast the same stifle every few turns without recursion.
I let it slide because I genuinely feel bad that you feel you need to cheat at friendly commander. You're still pathetic though
Anon you already revealed yourself to be a fucking moron by unironically suggesting containment priest as "appropriate anti nadu tech". You are now only further confirming that by holding Path/Swords as the premier white removal despite them being outclassed by a good handful of cards. Its clear that you have no personality and think going against the grain no matter what will serve as a substitute, it does not. You're fucking retarded, cards can be powerful and they can even be overly powerful, nadu is an example of that and LARPing as though it isn't doesn't accomplish anything beyond making you look like a joke
Nadu will never be banned. The sooner you accept that the better
Wasn't it today?
Oh I guess it is.
That would explain why the site is down
>You are now only further confirming that by holding Path/Swords as the premier white removal despite them being outclassed by a good handful of cards
And what would those cards be? And don't say Farewell. Farewell is an amazing boardwipe but boardwipes and single-target removal have very different niches so they aren't directly comparable.
>Huh, why is this General so unpopular? Her effect seems decent?
>Stare at the card for like 5 minutes
>Realize Ninjutsu only procs from the hand
>Will never get an EDH addendum to Ninjutsu cause of fucking Yuriko
I guess I can just make her as a hyper casual mono-black commander or a lieutenant in my Ashling deck.
Or just copy a phage list for how to get her to hand instead
>With how mana efficient counterspells are
Only tangentially related but I have been getting unreasonably salty about people misusing "free" counterspells. Im going to go postal if I have to explain how many ways using force of negation on a turn one mana dork is retarded
>me n the lads start playing commander
>friend starts playing Teeg
>first few times he absolutely shuts everything down
>everyone has a bad time
>"teehee. It's not that bad guise" :^)
>we all collectively get better at playing and deck building over the years
>teeg player can't shut games down anymore. Gets btfo pretty much the minute he decides to pull out that cancerous deck.
>teeg player stops playing because the game is totally broken now.
Never understood the mindset of how making the game unbearable to play for everyone is fun.
Teeg is the biggest shit player filter. I run it in my Selesnya deck as a control card, and the amount of people who seethe because they cant play their Big Stupid Value card is astounding. Bonus points when I ask them where their removal is.
People in this format need to learn to run interaction.
That being said good on you for teaching your friend a lesson. Theres playing control tools then theres dragging a game out because youre a jackass
Nashi is a dude and is Tamiyo's son
He doesn't even look like a girl
control players are faggots who think they are the sole arbiters of game balance
if you get countered they say it's because your deck is unfair and deserves to be countered yet as you experienced as soon as they lose the power to hold everyone hostage they have a complete mental collapse
you're so right bestie, that's why I always reanimate void winnower turn 3, it's very fair and honest magic, you see. I'm just preventing players from playing those pesky even cost cards!
>magecraft dwarf and birgi
Neither of those are in Standard. They rotated out like two years ago.
Have you considered cutting the pump spells and going hydra tribal?
>Comparing reanimating a 9 mana Eldrazi to a 2 mana 2/2
Grampa Teeg dies to a Shock. Run interaction.

Endless evil and cultivator colossus interaction

Also, the yellow/purples are my cuts/adds/swaps. Thinking of getting legolas quick reflexes
the rise of stax and the rise of homosexuality are the exact same graph
think about it
Whhat. Wasn't kaldheim and strix only 2 years ago. I thought the standard rotation was extended too
I have not. The idea with pump spells was lots of value for very cheap, but it requires some fragile moving parts.

I'll tinker with this tonight
nah, how about I just continue and you can experience what you're doing first hand!
Just like every other faggot teeg player
>Endless evil and cultivator colossus interaction
the token has a printed p/t of 1/1, but also still has the p/t setting ability that will overwrite it
if a dress down gets played it will be a 1/1 and not a 0/0 though
So did a stax player fuck your dad or something? Its wierd to get this bent out of shape over a deck archtype that typically folds to tranquility or shatterstorm or any of the white cards that do both
4 years
it was, but its midnight hunt - thunder junction currently
I don't know if it's popular, but it's something people aren't good with. People also don't seem as prepped for grave pact effects these days. Played a game recently where they left my Martyrs bond alone until it was way too late. It's weird
Most of the people who actually post in this general are bad at the game or they are like that guy above who thinks its heckin based to spend 4 hours turning overcosted shitty creatures sideways cause thats the true spirit bro........
hahaha no fucking way
tamiyo got RAT'd?
Comparing Void Winnower to Teeg is the most whiney, disingenuous comparison I've ever seen.
People like you are exactly why I run him. Because rather than learn fuck all about the game or how to deal with a card that has the stats of a fucking Grizzly Bear you go positively nuclear and red im the face.
Its like when people seethe about Aven Mindcensor or Big Thalia.
Run some fucking spot removal my guy.
God forbid people don't let you do whatever you want and throw a couple hurdles in your way.
This is so fucking funny because not only is Gaddock Teeg like the softest "stax" commander to ever exist, he hardly even restricts decks and dies to a strong breeze. But you then go on to claim that you and your friends get better at playing and building over the years.... but none of you have apparently developed in any meaningful way as players since youre all still fucking scared of a Teeg holy shit
You might actually be right guy
He's adopted
honestly, yurikos retarded design greenlights probably any rule 0 you have about nashi. no added tax on her ninjutsu either
do you live around the DC area? you sound exactly like the teeg player I did this too at my lgs, same whingy excuse about how they're not the same
but they are the same, they're both stax cards and you have just proven that you are a faggot who can dish it but can't take it
Your average EDH player is so fucking terrible at deckbuilding it's laughable. So many people nowadays just copypaste EDHREC lists and fill their decks with engine pieces and combo cards. Maybe two pieces of spot removal and like one boardwipe.
Then they run into someone playing a hatebear and get red in the face.
I run Teeg, Big Thalia, Yasharn, and Mindcensor in my Selesnya deck because I got sick and tired of people abusing garbage like Treasures or turbo combos or free spells.
If it bothers people that much they can drop 2 bucks on a StP or Lightning Bolt and actually learn to do something other than goldfish and jack off at the EDH table.
Adopted son, Anon

It's not clear whether any races can interbreed on MtG planes. It's confirmed that humans and gorgons can't after the infamous Thunder Junction epilogue.

>but Simic jellyfish crabs

Those are most likely ex utero splicing efforts using mechanical equivalents of axolotl tanks

>Wait, axolotl tanks aren't mechanical

Oh no. Oh no no no.

>What about Human Elf

Forgotten Realms isn't an MtG plane

>What about weird hybrids from Tempest block

I think they are mutants or something

>What about Zebra Unicorn from I think Mirage?

Uhh....a wizard did it.
You know its funny, I do live in the DC area

I̴̡̤̹̗̥̺̗͒̈̑̈́̾̑̆͋̏̓̐̊͘ ̷̡̧̤̘̫̜̘͍̀͂́̈́͌͊̂̿̐́͝͝ȃ̶̢̧̝͓̹̗̰̥̘͚̎͐̈́̎́͒͌̒̚̚͝ͅm̴̘̻͋́ ̸̢̡̛̛͇̫̗̳̻̣͕̙͇͇̱͙̺̏̽̊̓̍͊͊̓̕i̵̢̡͖̺̰̫̬͚̞̙̼͉͆n̷͉̺̙͔̰͉͈̫̯̑̇̇̌̈̑̃̓̓̂̐̋͐̊̚͘͘ ̵̧͍̭̰̣̙̤̣̺́͌̐̀̓̾͜ẏ̴̠̭̪̩̓͒̎̒́͒̉͘͠͝ȯ̸͈̙͍̦̭̊̌̃ú̸̮̠̰̙̻̿̐̾͊͌̈͝r̸̨̨̛͕͓͎̟̥̺̝͔̬̙͎͑͗̓̂͒́́̄͜͠͝ ̷̧͖̠͙̠̮̳̗͈̩̤͙̯̔̎͐͛̆́͗̃͐͝ͅͅẅ̷̱̫̙̤̤́̉̊a̷̙̙͔͇͑l̷͕̭̰̈́͑͛̒͠ļ̵͇̩̺͔̫̳̀̑͗͂̾̎̄s̴͇̙̪̻̱̜̃́̔̒͆̀̈́̚
t. stax player who got ejected from his table
this type of projection is so weird because even if we remove this entire general on a pure numbers basis, hell on the word of wotc themselves, stax is cancer and they regret printing it, the playerbase hates it. All around a design failure by every metric.
And you're seriously gonna sit there and say that only bad players dislike stax? Like honestly dude, how pathetic. Who do you think you're fooling?
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sounds good on paper but does it translate to a good deck? how to abuse?
Ah, then maybe we've crossed paths before after all. In that case I'm sorry you're still mad I crushed you in 4 turns but crying about it days later in here is not the solution. Nobody is ever gonna like teeg
no no no
it isnt real
no way
>Void Winnower
>9CMC 9 toughness (so you have to cheat it out if you wanna drop it early)
>Shuts down half the cards in the game (presuming odds/evens are a rough 50/50 split)

>2 CMC 2 Toughness
>Only shuts down noncreatures CMC 4+ and fucking "X" spells
>No inherent protection
>Cant block for shit cause of his small ass booty
There's no use arguing with you. Youre a genuinely terrible player if you can't deal with a 2 mana 2/2.
All Teeg does is turn off unfair noncreature bullshit. He isn't going to shit to any creature based strategy thats going to wanna beat my face in.
Go pick some loose change out of the couch cushions, Path to Exile is like a dollar. Jesus christ you suck.
storm off with pumpspells, take 10 minutes tracking Brias power, make Bria unblockable to 21 someone, have kediss out, rinse repeat. pretty boring imo
>the teeg player cries out at the mere concept of having to taste his own medicine
this is hilarious stax players are genuine embarrassing
aaah yes, the two hour one sided goon sesh
>Hatebears = Stax
I hate how faggots on Reddit have made these terms synonymous when they really fucking aren't.
Teeg is hatebears. Not stax.
Stax is you DONT play the fucking game.
Hatebears is "This is a school zone stop playing MTG at 100mph and slow down."
Boohoo you cant play your big splashy sorcery cause of Teeg.
Maybe play some creatures and swing at me. Remove him. Do anything.
But no rather than get better at the game or learn something about deckbuilding you just whine like a bitch.
>completely avoids the core point of the post
dude, nobody likes teeg, 99% of players do like their big creatures are you really this angry you get focused out of the table?
Play something less cancer then
How good would this be in the new Eris from the Quickdraw precon?
this is a good point, void winnower is a fair card because there's a real cost to playing it whereas teeg is basically a free middle finger to the table. Good thing nobody plays him anymore because he's a narset tier kill magnet
When I run into cards that shut down my deck or fuck with my strategy, I usually go home, look at my deck and consider if I have the appropriate cards to deal with such a hurdle going forward.
You know. Like a good player who enjoys getting better at the game.
Because that's fun.
Thats cool but still not playing planeswalkers
I guess I should have known by the way people call them "trainquility" effects but I think im putting one of these in all of my green decks fuck staxniggers
So then how do they interact? Is it still castable?
>dude, nobody likes teeg, 99% of players do like their big creatures are you really this angry you get focused out of the table?
Teeg doesn't stop creatures retard. Teeg isnt going to do shit when the Pantlaza player starts throwing down big ass dinos and comes after my ass.
Teeg only stops unfair combo bullshit, and depending on the combo he doesnt even do that (lol Thoracle Consul)
>stax player gets rapes for violating the NAP at his table
>has a meltie for like 3 hours
do we really have to do this every time is grasping the concept of table etiquette that difficult for people
It happens. Feels even worse when you just finished building a new deck or added some new additions to a previous one that you want to try out. Sorry anon.
If it has a regular mana cost yes. However you cant suspend from exile, only from your hand
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Anyone getting anything from the secret lair drops?
>teeg player pretending teeg is the only stax in the deck.
/edhg/ has an abundance of players who are so awful to play with they have no one and just post here all day.
These people are unable to grasp social cues which is why they spend hours crying that the table hates their anti fun deck with no self awareness
>Play Bolas Control
Nothing personal, Anon.
>plays [deck that doesn't exist]
good for you and your imaginary table
Anon I have Teeg on the field you can't play that sorry.
The closest I have to "stax" or even "control" is an aura shards in my naya deck.
"suspending" a card is not interactable, you cannot stop someone from suspending a card. you can counter the spell when it is cast once the last counter is removed from it. you can also use an eldrazi processor or something like pull from eternity to get it out of exile. as someone with the suspend card, you can only cast it from hand if it has a mana cost, so "inevitable betrayal" cannot be cast by normal means.
Im also definitely not saying only bad players dislike stax. You seem to be as good at reading as your are at this game. Im saying bad players get pissy over stupid shit that is easily dealt with
i like the Julie Bell artworks, but this stuff is just unplayable ass, so i wont buy shit. many such cases. sad.
All the best stax effects in this game are on creatures or artifacts. Why do you people talk so much about shit youre so dumb about
these freaks really come in here and they're like
>yeah this deck that is infamous for being so hated nobody plays it? yeah I totally play that actually and I'm such a chad and I totally win all my games and everyone is just jealous of me
sometimes I wonder if these people are straight up underage or maybe they're just players who haven't touched magic in years and are shitposting unaware of the meta
cuz like teeg is not a commander anymore pretty much precisely because he's so easily removed so these guys pretending they're actually playing games with him in current year are just outing themselves
two JP foils of Miku and a foil of Julie Bell
is this a joke?
Because EDH has become a bastion for retards who have been taught by Reddit/Youtube that if anyone inconveniences your strategy even a little bit theyre a big stupid meany doodoo head and their deck is perfect and should never change or evolve or adapt unlike every other fucking format in MTG.
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I got non-foil instead of foil for the secret lair, did I make the right choice?
I've never bought a secret lair before and I didn't want to deal with the curling people claim secret lairs do
The only decks infamous in EDH nowadays are comboshit like Urza, Krrik, Kykar, etc.
What fucking dimension did you come from?
if people stopped replying to such obvious bait they'd be forced to adopt less obvious methods of derailing the thread so naturally everyone leaps on the bait instead
>tfw been spamming pre-order now for the last 19 minutes
>still can't check out
Secret Lair foils are fucking DOGSHIT and thats coming from a foilfag. The early ones were good/fine, but the modern ones are Commander Legends level of pringles.
>so these guys pretending they're actually playing games with him in current year are just outing themselves
they don't care, they're schizos. In their brains they genuinely believe by posting enough they'll be able to start some sort of movement or convince people they're right
stax players are just turbo desperate because they've been eating Ls for like 10 years
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That's good to hear, it sucks because I thought the foiling on the red smoke on the Basim card would be cool but I intend to play these cards and not keep them for reselling sealed in the future.
SL foils have gotten better the last couple drops
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>Delay Blast Fireballs you
Sorry, Anon.
>Reins of Power and use your own creatures to do shitty blocks in my favor
Damn bro, sorry again.
>Bolas gets flickers at the end of your draw step, forcing you to discard it
Ooph, my bad.
>You finally get your Commander out, just for it to get Soul Shattered
Better luck next time.
Slam is all your modified creatures dealing damage to one creature, you'd only kill one opponent.
>gets accused of only playing magic in his head
>doubles down
if you learned to act like a person maybe you'd have friends to play with for realsies
If they switched to the cardstock/process theyve had with LIX then its possible.
I just remember I was looking for the Schematic Swiftfootboots at a con and ALL of them were pringles. Ended up just getting a russian M12 foil off facebook.
So much swankier
Come to think of it. Is there any fair alternative to Yuriko?

The new Satoru seems like a decent dude, if you go the ninja route. Anybody tried him?
Funny enough he's probably more popular as Dimor Affinity than anything else so you just draw like a mad man.
>control player blatantly cheats
>loses anyway
>Have a dedicated group
>Have 3 LGS nearby
>Have MTGO
This cope is always funny.
Schematics have been around a lot longer than LIX so makes sense it'd be a pringle, but I will always for for Ruskie foils over anything else so you made the better choice
if a guy has not sent my order after 7 days on card market and I get the chance to cancel. does the cancellation just go through or do they have to approve it separately? they haven't answered any messages
Humans and Faeries can crossbreed at least, as Kellan's existence proves. And I believe Radha is half-human?
>cuz like teeg is not a commander anymore pretty much precisely because he's so easily removed so these guys pretending they're actually playing games with him in current year are just outing themselves
Its funny because the only guy claiming he has seen a teeg deck recently is the guy thats been seething about stax all morning
Yeah theyre a bit hard to find sometimes, especially without access to MKM since Im in the US.
I just like foreign cards in general.
>JP Foils; Invasion Sisay, Showcase Lions Sash, and MPS Forests/Plains from Alara
>RUS Foil; M12 Swifties, and a Sigardas Aid
>FR Foil; Showcase Farewell

Always cool to show em off to people, most dont care for alt languages.
I've been snagging non foil RU cards whenever I can since they stopped printing cards in Russian. Also like to get my cards signed by the artists.
mtgo is not real life but I appreciate you again doubling down
>I also like getting my cards signed
Based. I grabbed a signed foil Alara Path to Exile for a song, and have a couple Poole and RK Post in a binder
Im still bitter at Chris Moeller. I sent my playset of Sprites to my friend in Columbus cause he was supposed to be at a nearby SCGcon and he fucking No-Showed.
Buddy snagged me a Russian Foil Winding Constrictor for a Pauper EDH deck I have, so not all bad I guess
>most dont care for alt languages.
Every old fart at the shop reminisces about how jap/ru foils used to be the very height of deck pimping
zoomers complain that they cant read it despite not bothering to read the cards that are in english
Depending on the era, theyre still incredibly rare. My two favorites I have are my RU Foil Wild Nacatl and my RU foil Sigarda, Host of Herons.
I know JP foils of any stuff from old Kamigawa are still highly sought after. My dream is a foil Japanese Jitte.
I'm in the signing groups on FB and have gotten some rare signs through that, like Wayne England's family signing my RU Stony Silence or getting my JP alt art Boseiju signed.
A quick googling says yes. Well done, Anon.
I should see if anyone there has connection to Larry MacDougall. He's my hands down favorite.
I have a full foil collection of his stuff and even own the original Mudbutton Clanger
So X can be any number you want?
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>Reconnaissance reprint pricing
I seriously hope you didn't buy the card or even the secret lair.
How good are bonus cards usually in secret lairs?
It can be, but they have already said it plays as if it has the text "If you do" despite them forgetting to put it on the card. Expect an errata very soon
>My dream is a foil Japanese Jitte.
Its one of my favorite cards of all time and I am consistently shocked it doesnt see more play when every game I get it out early it starts dominating the board the first turn cycle
Full honesty, I used to think Jitte was overrated trash.
Then I started playing it in my Voltron deck.
Jesus christ the amount of annoying little value creatures it gets rid of is insane.

just check this doc, though I remember he did a signing somewhat recently
>some avacyn says other permanents are indestructible
>some avacyn says she and other permanents are indestructible
which one is it
>they have already said
no they havent lol. the card works perfectly fine it is only here and a few judges (who debate it with other judges) who are. Even among the judges discord there is no consensus
Youre a true baller.
Thanks so much!
I find it hilarious how much money the market asks for a Kamigawa foil Jitte.
Kamigawa is still in the dreaded WotC cost cutting era where the foils were pure pringles plastic garbage.
>no they havent lol.
>We may have to tweak that template, but the card doesn't work that way.
Maybe they should write cards that do what they want then instead of just printing random shit then saying it works differently?
just doing my part to destigmatize signed cards, remember to mock anyone who calls signed cards "damaged"
I agree.
You still have to pay the cost to draw the cards.
Until they put in a gatherer ruling or change the oracle text, I couldn't give less of a shit about what some random WotC staff member says about the card.
If they printed a card that said
>Draw 3 cards
Then went online to say "actually you Scry 15 before you draw 3 we just forgot" I'd ignore it too until the text or the ruling comes in
Its not just that, it feels like people have to play against jitte 3-5 times before they fully understand what a monster it can be
>Oh wait that ability is whenever you want?
>Oh wait the counters are just combat damage, not to a player?
>Oh wait you dont even need it equipped to use the -1/-1 and life gain modes?
>Oh wait I cant even respond to the +/2+2 to prevent it?
Then all the shit with it going on first/double strike creatures, vigilance creatures, infect creatures etc
>some random WotC staff member
That is the principle magic editor.
If I bring a misprinted card that does something different than the normal printing I still have to play the misprinted card as if it was the normal printing.
You can abuse the effect until its errata'd if your local judge allows it but its clearly not intended to be played as written.
This wasn't a printing error, Anon. Your example doesn't match up.
>I still have to play the misprinted card as if it was the normal printing.
You play the misprinted card as though it had the current oracle text and rulings. This card has the incorrect text and rulings applied. Again, I'm fully on-board with having the card work like they intend IF they actually do something about it (like putting up a ruling or oracle text errata) rather than just writing something wrong and telling us it works a different way.
armchair andy rules lawyers are not people
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The comparison point is that both instances have a card with wording that is not intended that plays differently than the intended wording.
I don't think we disagree about how you can play it right now with its current unintended wording, my only contention is that the card is meant to be pay energy to draw cards and the current printing was an oversight by incompetent WoTC employees.
>Running removal is cedh
>Can't figure out how containment priest interacts with Nadu lines

I do occasionally forget that the average edh player is a complete fucking mong , literal sand pit show and tell mentality
edh players are genuinely the lowest fucking form of pond scum you will find as far as intellect goes
they take 3 minute turns to read their cards 5 times and still dont understand how they actually interact together, they just play shit without saying a word and when someone tells them thats not how it works they get confused, not even mad, just genuinely baffled
they also get really mad when thing doesnt work out th way they want
NTA but I'm curious how exactly containment priest is used against nadu shit. I've yet to play against him so I really don't know
Honestly, a shop opened up near us, I went with a dude from work, the shop died a year later but our pod takes turns hosting at each others houses, about 8-10 of us but don't all show up each week. Have decks ranging from precons to cedh and generally just have a 'what are you playing? Alright I'll play X deck' 2 minutes discussion and play
Reading online about edh, store interactions, and the average edh crybaby who cries about 3 quarters of the available cards or strategies in the game, I feel blessed by the gods to have my playgroup , genuinely
Not anyone involved in this argument but Nadu wants "landfall:make a token creature" because each one gives a land hit off his ability 2 more activation of his ability (assuming you're moving some equip:0 thing around to every new creature)
Containment Priest shuts that down. It also prevents them from blinking Nadu to reset his ability but I don't know how common that is.
I've never played with the original, but after a few games with Lost Jitte in Standard cookies I can only imagine how much value it grinds out.
Priest only stops nontoken creatures.
Something like Scute Swarm? I'm pretty sure Containment Priest doesn't help against that unless they're trying to put it to play with Natural Order etc. since the priest only cares about nontoken creatures hitting the battlefield.

I can see it being useful against the blinking though
could you explain in detail about how containment priest stops that interaction?
Jitte is $5 right now, pick a couple up and throw one into any deck that has creatures attacking and blocking. Dont even add any sort of synergy like tutors or counter interactions, just jitte is more than enough if you care about attacking and blocking
Containment priest does NOT infect shut down tokens from entering. She specifically cares about nontoken creatures. And yes she helps with blinking which isn't actually a big part of Nadus plan. Nadu wants to draw into scute or that new nantuko card
No? says right there
>you may pay x energy
then if you paid x energy and x is greater than 7 bla bla
but if you pay 0 energy, x is zero because the x represents the value of energy you paid, not declared but paid
Miku foil English lair is sold out already hot damn
Based, the idea of "signed card = damaged" reminds me of a roommate I had that got banned from a nearby LGS because he saw a custom-art birthing pod in their display case being sold for $50 and demanded that the store owner sell it to him for $4 because it was "damaged," and then when they refused he reported them to WOTC for doing pre releases a week early (which IDK if that was even true) Never understood why he threw such a fit over it, even if he thought that the card should be considered damaged because of the art/signature on it it's not like he had to buy it
they wanted to make it more "readable," so they broke up the energy gain and payment ability, so they broke it up into two abilities. it would unironically be much better if it was all one blob of text, "you get EEE, then you may pay any amount of E. each player may exile their hand and draw X cards, where X is the amount of E spent this way. etc. etc."
they don't need to tweak the template the card literally says
they should just ban every player and every judge from all events who misinterpret the card. They need to take a zero tolerance policy on this seriously, because this is not
>oops wotc made a mistake
this is a blatant attempt by bad actors to cheat. The card offers no room for misinterpretation people are literally just trying to cheat and draw their whole deck.
This happens every set, because mtg players hate playing honestly.
Literally just ban them
even separated you must pay energy to activate the rest of the card.
It doesn't matter how the words are organized, pay is very explicit
stop being stupid
It's especially funny cause cards are processed in the order they are written. So you will have an opportunity to pay X and if you don't then X is assigned the value of 0. There is literally no room for misinterpretation
then I need aggressive biomancy which does the fight trigger on ETB

What do you think?
>hatsune miku lair 2 already gained 30% value
>new miku lair is still available
Should I do it bros? Should I take the scalperpill?
Realistically it shouldn't say "you may pay X energy". It should just say "pay X energy", because X can be 0.
because he was a big gay spoiled baby who watned the thing for cheap and threw a fit when he didnt get his way
real people dont think this btw its just hyperonline autists,
im not memeing
Put in the 99 of the better commander, Aftermath Narset

Force of negation can't target creature spells, anon
no, it reads that way because energy decks always have an option to build energy and then spend energy
the function of the card is to gain energy or if you have energy to make a big play.
It doesn't "realistically" need to change anything. YOU need to stop trying to cheat
>It doesn't "realistically" need to change anything. YOU need to stop trying to cheat
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I imagine the first time somebody exploited Oblivion Ring's exile/return from exile being two different abilities there was a similar meltdown
107.3f. Sometimes X appears in the text of a spell or ability but not in a mana cost, alternative cost, additional cost, or activation cost. If the value of X isn't defined, the controller of the spell or ability chooses the value of X at the appropriate time (either as it's put on the stack or as it resolves).

Here retard bitches, literal rules telling you, that if it isn't a cost or defined, then you can arbitrarily define it, then a player MAY pay the energy, and they WILL draw the cards.

This isn't some magical gotcha, it's incompetence on wotc
not only did it absolutely cause a meltdown, one of my gigaretard friends still refused to even believe i could oblivion ring his emrakul because 'it has protection from colored spells'
just would not understand
>stop being stupid
stop sucking off wizards when they push out too much product and have ass quality control leading to poorly worded cards. intent of the card is clear, but mechanically it does not work. i wrote the correct wording, you complaining about people noticing is far more braindead. tabak has even said as much. tabak has also said he expects judges to rule in favor of working as intended rather than as written, but it has already been acknowledged by wotc that it IS worded incorrectly.
Stop replying to bait you fucking retard. You are being trolled.
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The stolen egg of the Great-Night Owl plays an elemental role in the story of Bloomburrow - and it could soon appear in your collection! It comes in the form of our RTE Boulder 100+, based on the officially licensed Magic: The Gathering artwork of the card Dawn's Truce by Justin Gerard.
forget good art/bad art, are there any otherwise good looking cards you don't use because you just dont like the way the card looks? ie bad frame or something
>the really nice looking commercial district is forever trapped on an ugly borderless card
when i see the trigger on mtgo with an actual frame around the art it looks so nice, i get jealous genuinely
Did you read my post? X will be determined as you are resolving the spell, when you hit the first sentence in the resolution of the spell you are given the opportunity to set X by paying energy. See Lightning Storm
stop samefagging, there is no misinterpretation and you've even had the word of wotc staff thrown at you
grow up, take your L and move on
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>Here retard bitches, literal rules telling you, that if it isn't a cost or defined
it is a cost though
the cost is x energy
>pretending disenchanting oblivion ring in response to its etb trigger is not a known thing that singlehandedly led to wotc making all o ring type effects in the last 10 years say 'until x leaves the battlefield' instead of being 2 separate triggers
>pretending indeed that it did not send boomers into a shitfit because it is not incredibly obvious at first to the average retard
>fuck, he btfod me by just pointing out what wotcstaff said how do I cope uh...I'll tell him to take his meds!
grow up
my nigger i was literally just wanting to talk about disenchanting oblivion ring causing a melty with the local retards
i have not said a single thing about the stupid energy wheel in this entire fucking thtread
anon. we can all scroll up, we can all see the context of the conversation
don't play dumb now
why would I trust any wotc employee? the comprehensive ruleset is hard to understand I wouldnt expect some faggot who cant do his easy job properly on how the rules work
One of the multiple ways I had to explain why its retarded to try and do
okay man
i dont know how else to tell you youre wrong
you dont have to believe me i guess
either get over it or die mad

Feel like I have TOO much card draw. So trying to determine if I want reliquary tower, but I feel like I'm already pretty tight on mana colors.
you're so desperate to be right and you're just not lmao
Does it say it's a cost? No? Then it's not a cost. I cast the spell, per the rules above, as it resolves, I may pay X, which I declare to be 50. I decline to pay 50 energy. There is no predicate or conditional for paying the energy, it is two separate blocks. I draw 50 cards.
>no you
uh huh well anon sorry but that doesn't erase what wotc themselves has said. You can say you're right over and over until you're blue in the face but you're actually wrong and wotc is right.
Except I am. X is the same everywhere on a card. And cards are processed in order. There is no declaring X phase. Again see lightning storm to see that cards can have an X, and that X can be determined through the resolution of the spell. Do you have an actual argument or just an appeal to a retard?
Matt Tabak has explicitly stated the wording might need changing, but as-is, the card plays as intended.
Trying to jungle Deserted temple, swarmyard, maze of ith, maze's end, thespian's stage and wirewood lodge
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>does this cost say it's a cost? No
This is just not how magic functions at a game. X can be determined during the resolution, and cards are processed in order. So X will be determined by paying energy. Declaring isnt part of casting a spell lol
i would offer to reply to every post i made in this thread and show you precisely that i have not made a fucking comment about this stupid gay debate but youre just so fucking frothing at the mouth to epic own the chudtards that you literally are pretending i'm your boogeyman to do it, that you would say i just cherrypicked random posts to lie to you and of course i'm trying to cheat the 50 card draw spell or something
technically correct, it isnt paid as an additional cost to cast the spell just determined during resolution
>read card
>card says pay this much energy
>have a meltie online
>Except I am
except you're not bro you don't make the rules or the game they do keep crying tho
yes, I just did that during resolution, where it asked me how much energy I won't be paying. I told the card I won't be paying 90 energy, but I will be drawing 90 cards because it's poorly written and there's no errata.
he has said it plays as intended ONLINE, as in the coders worked the intent rather than the actuality into it, as well as saying he EXPECTS judges to rule in favor of intent rather than the written words.
I've never seen a person try to cheat, get shut down and then get this mad over not being allowed to cheat
>ackshually based on this blatant misinterpretation of the rules you should let me draw my whole deck
like damn bro if you're so bad at magic that this is the hill you die on then that's pretty grim
so basically you're angry that normal people read the card and you didn't?
I don't see why it should be reworded just because you're an ESL retard
hey at least you stopped trying to pretend i'm the same faggot youve been arguing with all day, thanks for relenting anon (i am salty and (You)ing you out of anger)
grass, untouched
i am free and i am hateful
>wotc acknowledges it is worded poorly
why are you running wotc defense this hard? i hope you're being paid.
i am not the retard you think i am
i am a different breed of retard all together, anon
notice how two fucking thirds of my posts are arguing with you because you decided i had to be part of the esl cabal?
>proves my point
well ok then
it has already been acknowledged that it should be reworded. why are you pretending it is worded perfectly fine?
So would it end up like cascade where you can do the effect there without having to wait out the suspended?
you need to word this better. your question is unclear.
No retard-kun
You may only suspend if the card is in your hand
Impulse draws (exile and you may play until some specified end step) are in exile and require you pay the normal cost. Inevitable betrayal does not have a mana cost and so cannot be cast normally. If you impulse draw one of these suspend-only spells it is exiled forever unless you have some other way to casting it from exile
I'm not clicking a deck link that isn't moxfield
fuckin archidekt
Damn. I had thought they had a mana cost because that kept turning up and was something I vaguely remembered being told a whole back. Never mind then.
>schizo misinterprets tweets as well as cards
if youre thinking about cascade, it's because you cast the card without paying its mana cost, it doesnt matter if it actually has one or not, you just dont have to pay anything for the card you cascaded into
>retard fundamentally misunderstands magic
anon, the cards supersede the rules. Specific beats general and so on.
The format and syntax doesn't matter, a card can say whatever it wants.
A card was written very clearly, you thought you could be cheeky with it and the devs told you
>no you can't do that
instead of having a mental breakdown maybe try a different hobby, one you can enjoy without feeling the constant need to abuse, exploit or break the rules
Cultivator colossus tokens will be 1/1, they don't get the */* modifier thing. If it had a base P/T and got +x/+x for each land you have, then it would get buffed.
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anon the tokens will literally have this ability right here as part of their textbox
I didnt bother answering when the original guy asked because he types like a retard thats not going to get it but anon is correct, this is an instance of layer 7 sublayers
>Power and toughness are layer 7
>Layer 7 has a bunch of sub layers
>7a is the base as well as any CDAs (* is equal to how many lands you control for example)
>7b is any p/t setting effects (CDAs be damned)
>7c and 7d dont matter here
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Hey guys, check out my new Izzet Vehicle deck. At the helm I got Mary Read and Anne Bonny piloting iconic vehicles such as Bessie, the Doctor's Roadster, Brotherhood Vertibird, a necron Ghost Ark, a Knight Paladin and of course the Jackdaw. Too bad the transformers Slicer and Jetfire only got Vehicle on their back side and don't trigger Mary Read and Anne Bonny. Wish I got some more pirates like Corsairs of Umbar. Do you guys know if Warhammer Fantasy got announced? I'm looking at Vampire Coast. A man can dream.
I would rather use Tappedout in the year 2024 than Archidekt. Moxfield is the goat though.
>misinterprets tweets
i did not, tabak has said it is considered an error despite working in digital and expecting judges to rule in favour of intent.
Wait, is something wrong with tappedout...?
If you call someone retard at least make sure that the person you're calling a retard isn't correct.
site is run by a groomer troon
Im out of the loop.
Whats wrong with Archidekt?
I kinda feel bad for wotc they really have to make public announcements because magic players are so retarded they will read lines like
>pay this cost
and then think they don't have to pay them
You may pay this cost anon
and if you don't pay it you get nothing it's very clear you mentally ill tranny
The card doesn't say that.
it's old and ugly
it's ugly
it won't get erratad, wotc will just tell judges to ban people trying that stupid shit just like that mentally stunted retard who couldn't figure out how this worked
nta but I used both. archidekt is just super slow and buggy or at least used to be compared to mox, which has more features on top of it
yes it does, that's why it works like that in mtgo
the value of x is contingent upon how much energy is paid into it
i wasnt playing more than the occasional pre release when this set came out, what's wrong with this one? how did people not get it? it's very straightforward
>have game that works on very specific phrasing
>"man i feel bad for wotc for having customers who care more about the game's integrity than they do"
You don't announce what you want to pay to the X, you announce what you pay and the amount of energy you pay sets the value of X.
>who couldn't figure out how this worked
we truly yugioh now
>it won't get errata'd
You never know which creature "that creature" could refer to, it could be even your opponent's creature. Still no official rulings to clear it, guess we still have to wait.
yeah, it won't get erratad he just said it works as intended.
you're a clown, sorry you made a mistake in reading the card
>tweets where he says it WILL get an update
>"durr ur a retard!"
kill yourself
well wotc has to deal with esl's like this
this guy swore up and down this card would get banned or erratad but it didn't
wotc just made an official ruling and shut these autists down. Every card is like this, the Karens of magic trying to pick fights because they can't read cards
>when cardname attacks
this game object with the ability
>for each creature you control with power greater than that creature's base power
seems self explanatory to me
>put a number of +1/+1 counters on that creature equal yo the difference
even more straightforward than the above
am i too stupid? i dont get it, how is that minsconstrued?
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What is, "that creature," supposed to be here? I'm being serious, I've never seen this card before and it doesn't tell you to target or choose a creature, yet it pretends you did for some reason.
yes yes just like last time ;3
in reality they'll print a ruling and tell you to slit your wrists
no it doesnt, it doesnt act like any creature is chosen
it just checks for creatures you control with power greater than the base p/t printed on the card...
People like you have convinced me that proxies should be banned because clearly the price of mtg is a necessary filter to keep uneducated morons away
armchair rules lawyers are not people
don't interact with them as such
irl nerd emojis looking to UM ACTUALLY their way into a top 16 spot at their local fnm are dregs
You're severely overestimating how literate and smart the average player is. Normalfag are unable to make a legal 100 card pile without assistance of EDHrec or complete list made by a youtuber.
It's slow as fuck, despite me having gigabit internet speed. Something about it is really poorly optimized. Moxfield is equally feature rich and loads almost instantly.
>When Sovereign attacks, for each creature you control with power greater than THAT CREATURE'S base power, put a number of +1/+1 counters equal to the difference.
It never specifies what, "that creature" in question is being referred to here, and by all accounts, the only creature named or chosen is Sovereign itself, so because the wording is fucked, wouldn't it technically check Sovereign in this case?
no, that's stupid and obviously not what it means
it means any creature with power higher than its base power
Yeah that is just not how this card or the English language work anon
Wait, so it doesn't give me, the player, the counters?
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>anon proudly displays his severe lack of education
if you're gonna be the walking embodiment of this, maybe don't skip 3rd grade English lessons next time
why is this retard still going on about wheel of potential
>irl nerd emojis looking to UM ACTUALLY their way into a top 16 spot at their local fnm are dregs
Our shop has a judge that comes in every fnm that has dropped a couple unsportsmanlike conduct DQs on corner shooters that try to use judge calls to steal an unwinnable game in competitive magic.
except x is determined by the amount of energy you choose to pay
you may choose not to pay any energy but then x will be zero read the card next time anon kun, that's how it works in magic arena
do you feel embarrassed knowing that no matter what you type it won't change anything? does it make you boil with rage knowing that if you tried this at a store everyone would laugh at you?
holy basedola
>It never specifies what, "that creature"
that creature refers to any attacking creatures, that's why it comes right after! because English is a context based language! The creatures are mentioned explicitly
so to any English speaker they now know what "that" refers to. Do not criticize games written in English if you do not speak the language you arrogant jackass!
makes me thankful our local judge is very lenient even in comp rel if you are honest about your mistakes and not trying to be a dbag
>literally yesterday in an rcq
>go to explore
>accidentally grabbed 2 cards, just started to barely turn them over before i felt the difference between them
>explain above
>puts the top card that was supposed to be explored aside, shuffles my deck, puts the explore card on top, small scale 'game warning try to be more careful'
>just like last time
you mean when they had to update comp rules specifically so the card WASN'T broken, like with henzie or serra paragon? having to rewrite the comp rules is an even BIGGER admission of a broken design than a quick errata.
no, not really
it just reads off as 'we never had these edge cases come up before so it just was an unknown oversight'
no one expects the game to be perfect and infallible
I actually meant last time in lci where they just updated rules and told you retards to fuck off. You of course know this but didn't bring it up because when they did that you cried for 2 weeks straight.
So I understand it's a traumatic memory for you
Sovereign is the "that creature" it doesn't make sense for it to be any other creature that's attacking
Why "that creature" isn't "this creature" makes no sense
>last time in lci
what are you actually talking about?
if you don't know why are you even replying you brain damaged shitposter?
>for each creature
>that creature
It's pretty clear anon
>Sovereign is the "that creature
no, it's whatever is attacking. Literally learn English
Just. Learn. English
>for each attacking creature
>THAT CREATURE (or those creatures if you're attacking with multiples) gain +1+1s equal to the difference between their base and current power
it's actually extremely simple to understand if you went to middle school
Keep in mind, IPG is a thing and erroneous judge calls, even done maliciously, are only subject to a game loss at worst as theyre explicitly placed in minor infractions
The guy doing it was a known douche to one of the judges (not ours) and quickly agreed to a loose interpretation of stalling and threw him out. Basically tried to force a deck check hoping he would catch his opponent and force a game loss when he was a turn away from losing. When the deck check came back clean he demanded a recheck because the decklist wasnt using the correct language of each card (he isnt playing islands, he is playing insels!)
damn, mexicans ruined mcdonalds for me with their bad english and now they're ruining my mtg
when will it end?
>When the deck check came back clean he demanded a recheck because the decklist wasnt using the correct language of each card (he isnt playing islands, he is playing insels!)
sounds like ptcg lol
good bait anon, its catching
why are you alluding to examples without backing them up, you brain damaged shitposter?
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>(he isnt playing islands, he is playing insels!)
sounds like that man was playing
like that man was the one playing INSELS
am i right? hayoooo (the joke is incels)
faggy vendors try to get me to buy german islands when i check out their fbb section at events every fucking time with that same goddamn joke
it has never been funny once

alright nerds, I don't have any fucking tags now, but it's in moxfield.
>I don't have any fucking tags now,
so just add them :v
orange you glad i didn't say banana?
>Magic has gone so far into the shitter the oracle text of a card doesn't actually matter because the only rules that matter are whatever the table decides is fair
LED to cast from hand btw
i'm not gonna look at your list, but i want to build omo as a retread of a lot of eldrazi, 12 post, and tron decks.
>the only rules that matter are whatever the table decides is fair
>LED to cast from hand btw
but i wouldnt allow that at my table thoughever
How would you feel about someone running a non-legendary creature of a commander?
only if we all built decks for that
For pauper? Sure why not
Normally? Probably not unless its something like the nephalim
Unless it';s for pauper it is always to enable some degenerate bullshit so no. I think legendary vehicles should be useable as commanders though.
It doesn't say other creatures have to attack, only that Sovereign does
>I think legendary vehicles should be useable as commanders though.
I though oathbreaker would be a neat concept if they didnt do the signature spell thing, maybe could differentiate itself from edh by being 60 card instead of 100
It would depend on the creature.
Nephilim are fine, if you want Thassa's Oracle as a commander you can fuck off.
yeah the creatures dont have to be attacking just have higher power than their base power, like with counters or something
you should look at it, I'm running a hilarious combo w/ biomancy.

Thinking of adding megatron, but dont know what to cut

What if it's just a generically good beater or french vanilla to use for a Tron build?
no man only if we all agreed to make uncommon commander decks beforehand
But it's literally worse than using a legendary
>thinking of adding megatron
megatron is literally the 3 colours that omo is not
>inb4 some secret lair reskin
definitely not looking at your list. just call it by its actual name, so as not to confuse.
i dont care
You're being incredibly unreasonable
no i'm not
look ma we just dont wana play your weird stuff okay
youre like that guy asking to let him use led to cast a card in his hand, i dont even awnt you having led in my game at all
>Running a mono colour 2/2 with menace and a bunch of auras and equipment is weird just because it isn't legendary
yes dude
look i dont care, i'm not playing with you
stop asking
But Yu-Gi-Oh is usually very straightforward. The only marginally confusing bit was early pendulum. Or did something happen recently?
Always thought this guy was easy to understand but I can also get why some see it as a wording issue. Would this have been easier for people to understand if the wording was "...for each creature you control with power greater than it's base power..." instead?
because others keep eating his shit bait
Add a gaea's cradle. It's pretty decent

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