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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by Gwendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like
- Read the last 3 threads before posting



>Guides (Install 4ChanX script for better experience)
FDM Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/H1en2ghM
Resin Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/SbYWdMnC
Resin Safety: https://radtech.org/safe-handling-of-3d-printing-resins/
Printer Buying: https://pastebin.com/raw/1Kfib5YK


>Last Thread: >>93076294
>brother gets 3D printer
>cheap one, non resin
>I send him something to print
>tells me it needs support lines
>add some, it still comes out looking like shit
Is a resin printer just absolutely mandatory for any kind of real miniature? I was just trying to do an airship on a stand without any complicated rigging, so I could have minis for my steampunk airship battle rules.

I appreciate him printing me stuff for free and taking time out of course, I am just mystified if the non-resin printers are really that limited.
Post a screenshot of the supported model on your slicer.
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how hard do you guys think these would be to turn into 3D assets for printing?
how much do you think a sculptor would ask for if I commissioned them?
>how much do you think a sculptor would ask for if I commissioned them?
'Bout tree fiddy.
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get outta ere daymn monsta!
kind of a worst case scenario. doing minis in FDM, where both the guy supporting and slicing the model and the guy running the printer are inexperienced.
you *can* get decent results out of an FDM printer. they won't be as nice as what you get from resin, but those printers have advantages. but it takes some time working with it.

This >>93150906
Minis in FDM are perfectly viable, I went cold turkey into printing miniatures, and 99% of everything I have printed for my D&D game is FDM.
I'd even say that in your case an airship is more of a vehicle/scenery situation for which FDM might even be the better option, but you have to cut your teeth with the entire process first.

I'd say, go have a good hard look at Fat Dragon Games (Tomb of 3D Printed Horrors on Youtube) tutorials/printing profiles, that's what got me to speed back when I started.
If you can draw a picture you can make it in blender.
So, are you going to chip in for EmanG?

> support-emangs-fight-against-legal-fees on GFM

On one hand, his models were good. On the other, he was fine until he fell to the jewery of opening an 8k/month Patreon, which gave GW the weapons to fuck his life forever, and that's on him.

Say what, Eamann: make a step-by-step tutorial on an agnostic model. Something with thin 1-pixed details and fur. Go pick a free werewolf on sketchfab or something. Since you're out of the game show everybody how we can do it ourselves.
I'd donate for that.
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I honestly thought it would be more complicated than just "press the 'fix issues' button". I feel retarded for stressing over this shit
came out pretty damn good. Still need to clean off some supports but I was in a rush because I wanted to see the finished product.
Smallest thing I've got good results on a FDM with is a Warhound, and it took some tinkering for the smaller parts
So what's the most flexible, silicone- like resin you can get? Asking for a friend.
IIRC Resione does a very flexible resin, not sure it's silicone-tier soft mind you.
>t. also uses his printer to make poseable figures and is looking to get some to make soft/bendy pieces
Speaking of resins, I've about fucking had it with this clear resin.
>Try and print models
>Badly underexposed and nothing prints properly, sagged supports everywhere
>Run some calibration tests and can't seem to get a perfect exposure even going up to 8.5 seconds
>Fuck it, it'll have to do
>Try printing models again
>HORRIFICALLY overexposed on the support side to the point the lower points of the models are welded to the raft by a blob of fused supports
>Progressively try lower and lower exposure ratings
>Get better results but nothing useable, still getting model-ruining blobs
>Last attempt, despite having the lowest exposure of all, has the problem EVEN WORSE than the higher-exposure-rate prints
I'm gonna try resupporting the models such that there is no way this can physically happen, seems the higher parts are safe so by raising the parts off the plate it SHOULDN'T be possible.
The models were Puppetswar's not-Venomthropes FWIW. I was using the presupported files as I found they worked pretty well with other resins.
The resin in question is Elegoo ABS-like clear. I have since learned Elegoo resin has a reputation for being shite, but as it was a present I don't want to just chuck it. That said if anyone has a recommendation for a better colourless clear I'd appreciate it; a friend recommended Anycubic's tough clear, might try that.
Printer is Mars 3 Pro BTW.
I've exclusively switched to ANYCUBIC ABS-Like Resin Pro 2. Any misprints I have had, I've been able to track down to other problems. Really have nothing bad to say about it.
Thanks anon, will get myself a bottle. Nice gelatinous cube BTW.
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Anyone know if there exists STLs for these Stormcast Eternal wings from AoS? Mine keep breaking, and I could really use a way to print more to replace the broken ones.
Anyone with WW2 files? More specifically IJA stuff, I've found a lot of Germans and Americans, but rarely any japanese stuff, looking for bicycles but anything would be great
Ooof those arms look awful. Not like from a print stand point but looks, it makes the kit look like a fucking gorilla.
I've had issues in the past with siraya tech's clear resin where small details get mushed up, guessed it was the light leaking through the clear stuff and stopped using clear resins, have you had this happen? Have been wanting to test some flexible resin, last one was siraya tech's and it was "fine" but I wanted something with a bit more resistance so it would support stuff on top of it (like a headphone stand clamped to my desk that broke after a few days, yay siraya tech tyvm)
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I'm not really sure what you mean by "mushed up". I haven't had a problem with fine detail. I think if you look at the attached photo at 100%, you will agree. As for flexibility, i would say its about as flexible as ABS like it says on the label.
Afaik Dominion and the majority of Stormcasts have been scanned.
Ive definitely experienced that with clear resin, but ive never used any sirayatech other than navy grey. I tend to only use translucent resins on things Im not gonna paint now, and then only if they're relatively simple.
So i've been having trouble recently with my prints coming out smushed and without detail in places. Figured it out, my lcd was covered in cured resin, but i can't find any leaks in the vat. Maybe some overflow from when i did a few monsters?

Anyway, covering the lcd with an IPA soaked cloth for a few days should soften it up, no?
use a sharp scraper
As if you had the print made out of clay and then you pressed your thumb against some of the detail, for example that shield had almost to no detail, not that I look at it screen off time could've helped, had this issue with siraya tech smoky fast curing one, looking at past pictures, anycubic's clear was good enough

yeah probably a smart thing to do, do you keep two vats? Or clean everything when you need to print something clear?
god damn it, it was this goblin from twin goddess

tried looking for better pictures to excuse my stupidity but the fact that the shield came out looking like shit made me avoid taking pictures of it too close
So what I'm hearing is that no matter what I need either a shit ton of supports that will be a bitch to clean out, or I need to cut it into loads of pieces?
My bro knows what he's doing somewhat, he told me I needed to cut it into more pieces, but I said that it's gonna defeat the purpose at some point.

I'll check out FDM though.
Serves you right for helping pay for some mentally ill mans HRT.
Yeah you want to look for minis that mention they are for FDM/FDM friendly

Supports on an FDM might not be too bad of an hassle either, if they are just "on the outside" of the actual model you just pull them off. And cutting up a model in more than one piece might be necessary either to actually fit the model on the print-bed (but that would be a problem even with a resin printer, an even bigger problem because the print volume of a resin printer is way smaller than a filament printer) or to optimize the print so that instead of printing a shit-ton of supports for the entire model and take 30hrs to print everything in one piece, you break it down in two pieces that don't need supports and print them separately in 10hrs each thus reducing the total print by 10 hours at the cost of just having to glue them together.

In all honestly (and that's fine, everybody has to learn shit) it seems like you have no clue what you're talking about.
Say what: send us a picture of the model so we can have a better idea of what you want to print and give you actual advice.
>do you keep two vats?
no, it really isn't that bad to change resins
Thoughts on the Mars 5?
How different do supports need to be with resin vs FDM? I've got a resin printer, but am going to have a friend print something using his fdm and wanted to support it before sending it out to him
What 3d scanner are you guys using?
Ok here you have one, I'm not sure if I'll do more ......
as if they're not among the most reposted files along with ronin's, I just like thick goblins idc who makes the model

oh well, always imagined it as a tedious process, will give it a try next time I need something clear ty
I need help tg
I have officially managed to save up enough money to break into actually owning a resin printer.
Ive lurked for a while and read the buyig guide but when i actually went to buy a printer i was hit with huge buyers anxiety.

I was looking at the Saturn 3 ultra but i dont want to lay down that sorta cash only to regret it.
Alright. So if I am modeling something myself I need to really read up.
pic related was my model. The base was around 1 inch in diameter. I expected the little details to be lost of course.
>Sexualizing game tokens
Kill yourself, virgin.
Something this basic will be fine. It's when you are getting into detail in the micron scale is where you will lose out. The smallest nozzle generally is 0.2mm, there is 0.1mm but they are more trouble then they are worth issue wise with clogs and alike.
Elegoo are releasing their series 5 printers. You might want to hold off a little longer for the obligatory price drop of their previous models.
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>Get phrozen sonic might 8k
>Within weeks the glue holding the touchpad/front screen falls off and touchpad is loose in it's position
>still works so don't give a fuck
>Fuck up UV screen on printer because i'm a retard
>Replace screen
>Go to turn on printer
>Touchpad isn't turning on
>Cables are all connected properly and retry 4-5 times to reconnect it
>See picrel, a rip in one of the other cables behind the touch pad, meaning it's entirely fucked
Turns out if the fucking touchpad is loose and you open up the front panel, the touchpad will be hanging off of this delicate cable and will rip it under its own weight.
Can't find any replacement touchpads anywhere. Really hope Phrozen support saves my ass because I'm fucked otherwise. I'm blaming that shitty fucking glue that fell off after like 4 uses.
Oh sorry, didn't realize the goblin with huge tits and massive thighs wasn't already sexualized enough like all of their models
For tax reasons i need to purchase a printer in 3 days max so waiting isnt an option

I dont mind not having the best printer in a years time, just the right choice for now.
Every review seem to blend together and i just dont know whats gonna be the right choice
The large ones are a lot harder to deal with than the small ones to be honest. I guess theres the danger that you won't be able to make what you want to make with a smaller one but its definitely a much smoother new user experience. I started with halot mage, but I print a lot more with a mars 4 ultra now. If you're mostly interested in minis it might be better to get a smaller printer first. It's not the worst thing ever to have two printers you can run at once, or have a smaller one for when you don't want to deal with a giant vat of toxic slime for a small number of minis.
Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your parents for being a total waste of their genetic material.
In that case then go for it.
Contact chitu if phrozen let you down, they might sell the cable you need.
Certified retard here.
Feel free to call me a retard i don't care.
>Live with parents
>Have a resin printer I haven't touched in over a year with a wash station and all that.
>I never cleaned out the wash station and the alcohol inside has turned black.
>Getting ready to move, need to dispose of everything.
>I was going to dump all the liquid in a random spot outside of town but I think that might be illegal and get scared
>Decide dumping it down my bathtub's drain is a better idea (I don't know why the fuck I thought this)
>Open up the wash station and it almost knocks me out from how strong the alchohol smell is.
>Should have closed the lid, but I went through with dumping it down the drain.
>It's been like six hours and I can still smell the alcohol all throughout the house.
Did I fuck up and completely destroy my parent's water pipes?
I know I'm a retard and shouldn't have dumped it down I regret it so much holy shit.
But like will this smell go away?
As much as I'm loving the idea of making minis I need to be real and start with a low level non-resin one right?
If you want to make as in create from scratch you don't need a printer at all. But if you mean make as in print minis then a resin one would be the better option as non-resin aren't as detailed but have more practical and varied applications.
They're very different. A noob is likely to have better results with a resin actually. They're both annoying in their own way but resin actually has fewer variables that go into getting a decent print than filament plastic printers.
resin is a pain in the ass and there are a lot of safety hazards if you are lazy

fdm is a pain in the ass because prints nearly always fail and you are always trying to fix the piece of shit machines
What are some good model lines for models i could use in a dark heresy game? I saw heresy labs which has some good ones but im curious what other people tg would recommend
Run the all the taps in the house and try to flush it all out. Tell your parents it was aftershave and hope they believe you.
Fucking hell, anon. Aren't those fumes like, a health hazard?
in my room I can't smell it at all but if I go downstairs I can smell it still. it's been like 6 hours or so. FUCK.
Would running the water flush it all out? I have no idea how plumbing works.
should have exposed it to UV first
very contaminated alcohol turns into a semi-gelatinous slurry when exposed and is maybe safe to put in the normal trash
Got to see some people upload a few of their prints of things I've designed to cults. Feels nice to see what other people use your designs for.

Surely, running the tap can't hurt. Maybe try some of those foamy cleaning products for pipes hoping that il will stick to the resin and drag it down the drain.

One time, I dropped my ipa cleaning tub and it went everywhere, the smell was STRONG in the entire house. I mopped the shit out of my place, rinsed the floor with half a bottle of rubbing alcohol, in half a day it went away as if nothing ever happened.
6 hours is not much and this shit is volatile: clean the residue, keep the air going (do you have fans?) and it should go away eventually.

Also you are probably smelling the resin, alcohol would have evaporated by now.
I ran my bathtub for like 20 minutes as well as all of the sinks upstairs.
my house has two floors, I can only smell it on the bottom floor now. I don't know anything about pipes, do I need to run the water downstairs? like have i pushed it all down and since water hasn't been run downstairs is it stuck in those pipes or something?
I can't really run all of the water consistently. My dad works from home and I didn't tell him I poured it down the sink and he'd be livid if he knew I did. I told him I opened my little grow lab thing for a few minutes and forgot to shut my door.
It's iso, the pipes are probably cleaner than they have been since the battle of hastings.I wouldn't worry about destroying anything.
fill buckets and tip them in the downstairs drains when you can
I got worried because of this:
>Maybe try some of those foamy cleaning products for pipes hoping that il will stick to the resin and drag it down the drain
that the liquid would stick inside the pipes and like poison the water or something. There's not a chance of that, is there??

Well, you are poisoning the water for sure because you dumped you ipa like an asshole, but you are poisoning the water OUT THERE, the water going into the ground, rivers, sea. The waste water being relased in the environment, basically. Maybe it could create problems in the long run if you have a septic tank or something like that, but one single dump is not going to destroy your septic system.

If you're afraid about poisoning the water that your household uses for cleaning/drinking/cooking, no, of course the water coming in and the water going out come from different places, it doesn't circle back into the pipes and faucets to be re-used.

I get that you're panicking but come on
If you're afraid about your dad, wear some disposable stuff, dump what's left of ipa/resin on it, and then tell him that you accidentally dumped it on yourself as you were cleaning, so you ran to the bathroom to get cleaned and that's why some ipa+resin went down the drain.

He might not be that understanding and beat the shit out of you anyway, but it's a better reason than "I DUMPED EVERYTHING IN THE BATHTUB FOR THE LULZ"
Same. I care less about seeing a sale and more about seeing people posting photos of my minis on their tabletop in the middle of a session.
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i bought my first resin printer last week and was about to invest into some uv leds/lamps until i remembered i had this 600w metal halide lamp laying around
apparently some 30% of this light is uv so i ran 400w trough it and what do you know it works like a charm
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finished printing and priming some !gw terrain; turned out pretty alright. mainly fdm with some details in resin like the wall spikes and the landing pad ladder
Not sure to ask here or the 40k general but what Steel Legion like STLs are out there? I was tempted to get recasts but I'd rather every squad isn't a clone of each other
Plenty. A simple google search should tell you that.
I did google and I found that Davik_Designs's was probably the best but the lack of breathing tubes on the masks make them totally wrong, I'm wondering if anybody here knows of any that are better
If you are looking for a specific look, you may just have to settle. I think Redmakers look nice, but no gas mask hose. So i don't think that will do for you. Might be time to kitbash want you really want.
Ok thanks, I think I might just go for copies of the original, if I mix in some of the STL's by MKIjiro and then a bit of variety in the painting scheme then there might be enough to not make it obvious
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Massive thanks for the recommendation, anon. This stuff is a joy to print with. None of the issues I had with the Elegoo stuff (pancaking or blobs around supports). Settings were 2.4s on 30 micron height- it's a touch yellow, I dunno if that means I'm overexposing it? The details certainly don't look mushy but it IS a tiny bit brittle. Not like "snaps if you breathe on it" brittle but oddly stiff for an "ABS like" which are generally pretty bendy.
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Fortunately the slight tinge to the colour doesn't greatly matter as I'm painting the parts I'm keeping translucent with clear red. Sorry for crummy photo, I'm shit at photography, especially with dark subjects. Need to get a lightbox.
That's not a real resin anon the ONLY real resin you need to print with is Siraya fast. You have to do many things wrong at once to get a failure with it because it's so runny.
I use Siraya Navy Grey already, but I was specifically looking for a decent clear. I dunno if Siraya's clear is even better than this and I'm willing to try it, but given this Anycubic resin is £20 a bottle the Siraya would need to be immeasurably better to replace it.
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Hey fellas

DM Stash shill back again. Sorry I wasn't working last month but back now.

As usual, vote for your favourite model from this month and I'll chuck a download link for it in the next thread.


You can get last month's free model here too

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I'm glad it worked out for you. Mine comes out consistently not yellowed, so it must be something on your end. Or maybe a bad bottle? It is not as bendy as some other "ABS like", i should have mentioned that before. I have almost no pictures of unprimed prints. The cube is one and the canopy in this pict is another. No yellowing.
Wow these are static as fuck.
I probably either overexposed it, didn't do a good enough job washing it or overcured it. Curiously, the latest batch of parts I've done with it were much less yellowed, so no idea what happened there- though they are also much thinner.
Speaking of, I've tried applying a thin layer of the resin to one of the parts and curing it on like a varnish. The part in question is the clear dome on an Oshouna critter and it's mostly just a big smooth bubble with some basic "folds" in it, so I'm not losing any detail. It seems to be working, it's MUCH clearer and smoother than before, and without having to risk polishing it (it's a very thin piece). Gonna give it a good blast with the UV lamp though to make sure it thoroughly cures. Obviously it won't be like "aircraft canopy" quality but as it's an organic piece that's not an issue, it just looks nice and slimey/gooey.
I haven't done anything like that with the clear yet. But it is on my "to do" list. Like water effects or saliva from a monster.
2nd try, yes I can't upload imgs here for some reason.
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Anons, is this okay to do? I've joined bases in the past but never put the whole thing inside another, are there any risks of anything? I haven't been printing for that long yet and haven't seen this done around
No issue with overlapping rafts, but shape wall rafts are dum suction cup shit
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Sisters coming off the ipa bath
show examples of how flexible should they look?
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printing a big knight statue by pieces for a friend. and the sword have started to bend because I was not going to cure it until now.

can I just put some heavy weight and start curing it so it stops bending?
this sword is like 10 or 12 cm.
soak it in hot water for a few minutes and straighten it out before curing. once cured it will never be straight otherwise
Is there any reason to buy the Mars 5 Ultra over the 4 Ultra? I can't see any reason...
Flexible? The man is saying the poses are just "standing around" and not like they're in an active combat or doing anything other than posing.
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Ah, I recently learned about that, makes sense, it's lychee's default, I'm guessing pixelate is better, right?

/3dpg/ any clue why this error happens? It has happened when printing some bases as well but don't have enough knowledge to figure it out
Freshly printed stuff is thin sheets of jello, without supports it curls in if you don't peg it down like a tent.
No, there isn't even a reason to buy it over the mars 4 non ultra.
Aren't the ultras substantially higher resolution than the non ultras? The site lists 36um for regular, 18um for ultra.
retard who poured resin IPA down bath tub a few days ago here.
House has a super faint resin smell still.
I'm scared it's stuck in the pipes.
if I poured drain o down the drain to get it unstuck (which I don't even know if it is) would it create a poison or anything? like would the chemicals mixing create some form of reaction?
look what is in the drain cleaner. most drain cleaners are made to deal with grease, not other chemicals.

Open multiple windows and use box fans and you will be amazed at how much air you can really move.
It's time to own up, anon. Go tell your dad you are an idiot, that you made a mistake and you want to do whatever it takes to fix it. Be man.
when he goes to sleep I'll try opening the windows and turning on the attic fan.
You're absolutely correct and I probably should but I'm scared of my stepmom. she gets back Sunday and I honestly think she'd contact the police on me or something.
I live in a 2 room apartment and have not purchased a resin printer for safety reasons.
I do have a separate storage unit in the building but it is small and has no windows.

Would it be safe to run a resin printer in the storage unit, safely away from myself and my pets, or would I just be walking into a cloud of resin dust whenever I go in there?
depends how thoroughly the room is vented, but wear PPE whenever you are in the room with the printer, especially if the hood is off or it's in operation.

only cured resin will create dust, uncured resin creates fumes that smell so fucking horrible you have no idea

Thank you anon.
mars 4 and mars 4 ultra have the exact same screen. The mars 5 non ultra has a much worse screen than either mars 4 and I think a lot of people are going to end up getting scammed by it.
forgot to mention mars 5 ultra still has the same screen as mars 4
Oh, I see. Interesting. Yes, that's definitely a giant scam.
some quality of life features.
So I've been trying to collect all of the Bestiarum stuff, I've gotten a few things here and there through telegram but there are somethings which just don't get posted. Does anyone know of any good resources to find STLs for companies like them?
and a 2nd version
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So do internet shops that sell not-cosmic soldiers have to fear their lawyers or are they in the clear for now? Because I'm looking for not pic related and I'm not sure if I have to play the whole cloak and shadow thing and not name the beast or can I just ask?
And the third one, with less detail because I'm tired, I maybe finish it later.
FFS dude, now a stepmom? How old are you.
im 19

smell is completely gone we're in the clear.

I'm gonna hold off on printing again until I figure out venting and IPA disposable better.
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Gunplafag here. I've been working with resin kits from e2046 and GK-M for about five years. I sand and paint with lacquers in my bedroom and haven't had any issues with fumes so far. Pic related is my setup.

I'm considering getting an Elegoo Saturn 3 and running it during the day when I'm not in the bedroom. How much of a game changer and potential hazard is operating a 3D printer in my bedroom compared to what I've been doing so far? Is this a crazy idea?
No you dont need ventilation. In fact you should pour some resin into a glass and have it sit by your bed each night so your body can climatize to fumes.
I'm planning to build a more refined ventilation system, similar to the one shown in this video:


The question is, considering this is for my bedroom, will this setup be effective, or should I wait until I move to a larger apartment with more rooms?
Im running a death world campaign for Dark Heresy in the coming months.
What are some of the coolest monster / beasty stls you guys have found?
Naturally i tried searching the usual place but obviously generic "jungle monsters" isnt a fruitful search term.
Either way it got me thinking what sorta cool / out there stuff tg has found
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Worst case scenario I guess I could turn that corner into a closet
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Here's the dome on with the clear "topcoat". I reckon it might have been better if I'd just let the majority of the excess drip off and then just cured it without cleaning it, but I know for next time and for what this is meant to be (a big gooey organic sac) I think this will be more than passable when painted.
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Interior is gonna be a slimy gribbly mass of eggs and unborn gaunts, and TBF having it only partially visible will add to the effect I think. I could keep the dome removeable, but honestly I'd rather seal it up and have the miniature look seamless.
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Model's gonna be a Tervigon stand-in. It's Oshouna's "Transporter Jellyfish" with various printed and plastic parts added. Will also have the wings you can see added- not sure where to put them, I want it clear they're propulsion organs rather than actually keeping the thing aloft, so will probably have them sticking out from the underside just above the legs.
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The big bitch from behind. Printed talons are by Xenobits, back legs are plastic amalgamations. Tentacles won't be left clear, they're cut off from failed attempts at printing the Venomthropes in that awful Elegoo resin.

If I may: considering how heavy and meaty the model is, and especially if the "wings" are propulsion organs and not something that is allowing it to fly, I would go more with a paddle/fin shape than actual insect wings.

Something big and just as meaty, like a humback whale's fin or some prehistoric creatures like mosasaurus or one of those armored fishes. That would give the idea of a body kept afloat by its own means (psychic levitation or gases) and steered by those limbs, like swimming in the air.

Insect wings would inevitably conjure the image of furiously and comically buzzing them around struggling to keep the thing in the air like a gronckle from How To Train Your Dragon
No that's absolutely fair; I was going to go with the wasp wings for consistency as my Tyranids all have insectile wings but I think you might have a point there. I'll try rooting through my bits box or otherwise model and print something up.
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I ran my resin printer for a week straight before in my bedroom, only started to get slight headaches when i woke up near the end of it. No ventilation.
If you have some sort of vent im sure youll be fine, and if not youll probably be fine to. just dont have it next to your bedside.

pic related its what i printed years ago.
And the portal, I'm not doing the hand thing, sorry, and as for how much would I ask, if I had to charge something it would be 20-25 $ each weapon and 40-50$ the portal.
what is the best way to bend resin and should you do it before or after hardening
Hot water or a heat gun, and definitely before curing.
The betterer way is to make adjustments to the file before printing
thank you
i noticed i messed up one little support 32 hours into one print
luckily it can be bent into place
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Printed up my third Imperial guard kit bash. Was going for an A10 warthog look. Its got the parts to be run as an Avenger or a Vulture.
For miniature printing do I want to just buy the highest resolution resin printer I can find, or are there other concerns?

I'm completely new to 3d printing, but not un-techsavvy.
Honestly? For miniature printing, anything with a mono screen is enough, back to a 2nd-gen or EVEN an upgraded 1st-gen. 1000000K resolution is kind of a meme, maybe if you're a Golden Demon painter you would squeeze something out of it, but I'd be more inclined to spend in quality-of-life features/upgrades than resolution.

I see so this thing would be unsuitable and troublesome as a first 3d printer?

So I just got a printer, mostly as a family thing for people to do and hobby. But I'm not sure it was such a good investment and am struggling with buyer's remorse. Most 3D prints seem to just be minis and figs which was what I wanted to do with it but I am worried others won't, and they'll feel left out.

I'm also not sure there is enough out there to print for me to get my money back. I don't want to add too much 3D prints to my army because I might want to go to GW tournaments one day and would hate to not be able to. There are some third party minis but for what? Just to paint and then sit on a shelf? Seems like a waste. I got this cus it seemed like there was some cool stuff to do with it but now...idk seems like there actually isn't a lot and everything has a catch.
>For miniature printing

Pretty much anything that is currently sold is good enough. Get a Mars 3 or 4 and you are set.

Far more important is the size of the build plate, depending on what you want to print. For regular miniatures (i.e. Space Marine size), a Mars is big enough, but it becomes annoying for Dreadnoughts and bigger monsters/vehicles. Its still possible of course, but sometimes you will have to separate a model by yourself.
So if you plan on printing big things, get a bigger printer right from the start

I see thank you, I certainly want the option of printing monsters and such without having to edit the 3d models myself so I will consider a larger printer.
Think of random bullshit daily objects you want, or not. There probably are 3d printable files of it out there.
Some toy you always wanted? Maybe there are 3d scans out there.
Also look up some card kits, they're just neat.
There's so much shit out there; if you have any interest whatsoever in miniature games of any sort you'll be able to find someone making or scanning what you're after.

>I might want to go to GW tournaments one day
Any tournament that excludes 3D printing in this day and age is absolute faggotry. Shouldn't let a future hypothetical prevent you from enjoying your 3D printer anyway.
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Pretty happy with how these turned out. 60% scaling, if anyone's interested
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It's not dangerous, the most dangerous fumes you will encounter is ironically the the IPA but no one knows that because youtubers are retarded
fuck off retard you come here every couple of threads and meme this shit bait
Save some money and get a Mars 4 Ultra instead.
> I might want to go to GW tournaments one day

> There are some third party minis but for what?
To play games with them.
To paint them for the sake of painting
To proxy GW stuff

>idk seems like there actually isn't a lot and everything has a catch.

Why did you get a printer in the first place then?
What Miniatures did you print so far? Or which are you looking to print as your very first project?

Here is some random stuff you can print, without "warhammer" in mind:










Wew that's great detail. As much as I like Hotwheels I would have to try that when I get into Gaslands.
I think he already made a PDF with instruction on how to replicate what he was doing.
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I gave him 5 bucks on his crowdfunding page to support him cover for his legal fees (because i pirated some of his stuff), but i dont think he will get out of that easily. He should have known when to stop (or when to board a plane to russia or china and continue).

Speaking of that, he also seems to have learned nothing from all of that, and is working on the next CnD against him (which he then probably will ignore again).
even if you are stuck in the GW jail, there are still lots of uses for a printer like terrain, bases, and accessories like shoulder pads, custom helmets, etc

Have you ever thought about playing 40k or kill team at 15mm scale? speeds up the game a lot, and lets it take up much less space. What about branching into other wargames? Ever wanted to try a 6mm "epic" scale wargame? All this and more is easy with a printer.

>Just to paint and then sit on a shelf? Seems like a waste.
isn't that what the hobby of painting miniatures is?

DERP, I had that shit figured already up to Netfabb. Guess I'll pirate it and give it a try.

Btw, does somebody know how to break open a .dwarf file? TWWH3 gets mostly leaked for linux, the pack files are JUST there in the directory txt, but I don't know how to bust that open.
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I want to replace the head of a Questoris Knight with a giant space marine head. Are there any .stl files out there that would serve as a good reference to what size I should print the head in order to fit onto a questoris knight?
get some calipers the determine the size then you can scale any 3d model you have to fit

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