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Genethieves Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What is the most interesting xenos species?
the catachan face-eater
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They're doing the Emperor's work.
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New terminator sculpts are really great. Just wish there was a banner for the sergeant i had the source that one from my bits box.
I was looking into getting a box of these too. Good sculpts and great dollars to points ratio.
Steal a drill
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Definitely Orks. Every time they show up in a 40k book they make whatever is happening 10x better.
I love my goofy green dudes.

Post Models. What did everyone work on over the weekend?
I dont like how you are forced to run two terminators with a sword though, looks fucking odd to me.
They are supposed to be two different squads. Kinda hard to tell since other sergeant doesn't have a banner
>dawn of war secondaries started buying models,painting them, and playing the actual game!
>it started becoming harder and harder to tell who as a secondary and who wasn't
>I ended up having to kill my best friend, a guy I'd been playing with for ten years, when I found out he only started playing after he read a Ciaphas Kain book
Is the +1S on melee really significant for nids?
depends on what they're fighting. guants going into orks? 3S to 4S doesn't matter in the slightest. guants going into marines? 3S to 4S is the difference between 5+ to wound and 4+ to wound.
you were literally describing them as an idea, an Abstraction.

Scything talons at S10, Genestealers at S5, Haruspex/Lictors at S8 is pretty big. A lot of stuff hits breakpoints
I'm not even a dawn of war secondary. I started with the space marine on the 360! I played Dawn of War years later.
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How did YOUR army get off this dastaslate?
You try too hard, newfag.
got 50 points off my 8bound. Honestly pretty impactful but I dont think I give a fuck to try out the game again. Not until codex time at least.
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That's not an abstraction. You need to return to high school and learn the proper use of those terms.
Green tide is still very fun. I played 1 game against nids before the nerf and 1 after the nerf and instead of completely overwhelming the nids, they could now handle the boyz quite a bit better and it came to good plays and good rolls/secondary draws to win.
They could've gone way harder on green tide, and i'm glad they didn't.
Go back to samefagging it in the last thread.
Seven years
is that your age?
uh huh, symbols aren't abstract now. Got it.
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Taken in aggregate probably the Eldar with all their different cultures and history
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Higher strength in synapse, more reliable Shadow, Neurotyrant can lead Zoans, Tyrant aura, things that got forgotten for synapse now have synapse, bugs are eating
Symbols can be abstract or not.
You are confused about the meaning of all those words and you mix them up.
That’s some nice art, but dark eldar is the best.
is the pirate ork dude still here? i wanna know where he gets his models from
>most interesting

probably necrons


orks, every time
Thoughts on Starflare Ignition System vs. Internal Grenade Racks on a Coldstar Commander leading Starscythe suits? I like the idea of picking my suits back up to ambush again, but I'm not sure how practical it is compared to just flying over shit to blow it up.

Also I thought errata would cover it because I'm still confused, but either GW Rules team are retards or I am: For units that have wargear that is once per battle, is it once per battle per unit or once per battle shared among all datasheets? Do 3 squads of Stealth Battlesuits get me three possible free rapid ingress drops or just one? In practice there's no way I'll get to do it that often, but knowing if I can do it even twice is a big factor into using Starflare or not.
Once per unit. And going back into reserves is an incredibly strong mechanic, far better than grenade racks which you will not get that many opportunities to even use.
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Chickpaints88, aka Maryse, has sadly died. You probably saw some her stuff on the Warhammer Community site. Too soon for anyone.

She had Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
I'm not sure what level of nuGW consoomer you have to be on to say "The 6+ Feel No Pain rolls ran out too soon". Doesn't strike me as particularly sensitive.
God I wish I was a female guardsman right there
Cool, the whole rope-a-dope bit works great too since /mydudes/ are a bunch of dirty pirate xenos doing hit and run tactics.

I'll probably run racks when I get up to 2000 pts though. Thanks for the tips.
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Emperor's Children army box this November
Rapid ingress is during your opponent's turn, Starflare goes off end of their turn, not really an interaction that matters, you'd already have an opportunity to deep strike them in
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The funny thing is that resin figures, for the longest time, were always seen as the more expensive option. Now, we've got third-party resin figures with levels of detail that blow GW out of the water, and it's actually cheaper than the plastic.
thats wonderful anon, why don't you post a printed, painted mini of yours? that'd be much more interesting than your shopping cart.
yeah but as you say, they're stupidly over-detailed.
They buffed our forge world models and nothing else.
Still not buying your garbage resin, James.
It is just supply and demand. GW has their three productions sites at max capability and can't keep with the demand, so they can increase the prices
A couple slaps on the wrist here and there. I'm still not running Blightlords at any price. Just swapping a few Foetid vireon and replacing PBCs with some other toys. Maybe Blight Drones and a Hellbrute.
Largely ignored and some sneaky stealth buffs in the global rules changes. A lot of their worst matchups got reigned in a bit. I think it's going to be a good meta for them to prey on.
Words can not contain my excitement. There's all kinds of stuff I want to try now even if it's not going to be anything crazy powerful. But that open landscape to explore is wonderful to have again.
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Back banners kick ass brother, I'm ashamed to say I forgot to add one to my terminators but may go back and magnetise one for the sergeant.

Apparently one reason is with scale creep and the current edition mandating bunching up inside ruins the banners wouldn't fit under the 3 inch overhang? Don't know if I believe that as the banners have been gone longer than 10e has been around...
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>more detail is better!
I didn't think much about it because +1 looks so little but it's true that's a lot of good breakpoints for wounding. Norns may have a good showing yet.
>please give me the attention my family refuses to
dank and clean but your bases are bad
Back banners haven’t been a thing for almost 20 years or so. They do look cool though.
if time is indeed money then i'd wager that the time it takes to find a good 3rd party sculpt that's detailed but not too detailed and is a good stand-in for GW unit is equal to the extra money you'd cost to just buy a GW model.
When you find a good STL or 3rd party model though, it's great.
That is a shame, nice paintjobs, and yes that's too young but EDS is a nasty full body connective tissue disorder.

If she was making morbid jokes about it, it might be the sort of thing she'd have laughed at.

Anyway what surprises me is someone on social media actually having EDS, rather than the "self-dx with a disease only Dr House would know about before 2018 based on symptoms anyone can find in themselves if they actively go looking and trying" bullshit that tiktok is full of.
>noise marines
>some random thing instead of phoenix terminators
>shitty cultists no one wants
Can't wait
why does it look like it just got sharted on by a nurgle demon?
Necrons got away okay, although I hate even more units going into legends. Must be at least 10 by now, just in one edition.

I've yet to really look into GSC, but I'm afraid aberrants are pretty much dead in the water. I'm just hoping the lower point values make up for the nerfs on basically the whole army.

All in all, could have been a lot better, honestly.
It was more a related question rather than a synergy question, but thanks for the clarification. Without a lot of experience playing it on a table it's easy to get confused by similar sounding rules.
I'd love a good Eidolon, but my hopes are low.
>iphone filename
lol lmao
Did the codex roadmap finally get updated?
nobody cares, go back to twitter
The expected nerfs happened and they really weren't that bad.
Hmm, the units I use weren't nerfed so I'm not too worried. The Repulsor got better so it was a win here
The only changes here was the Yaegirs getting a datacard and points and wow they're cheap for what they do.
Not a crazy Dataslate for me
Yeah, scenics are always a pain in the ass. Toss up between getting the minis sat flat on it and having the base look interesting, I went with junkyard molded bases and I'm too deep to change now.
Spoke to her a few times, genuinely nice person as well as a good painter. Young people with serious illnesses passing away always messes with me.

>About 80% of patients with vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome will experience a major health event by age 40 and the life expectancy is shortened, with an average age of death of 48 years.

Jesus christ.
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>Nu Sanguinary Guard
>No wings
>3 in a box
Time to start digging some nerd holes.
They have plenty of wings in the skaventide box though?
If you don't already own more than you ever need you have no one to blame but yourself
>but I need them in troonscale!
You made your bed, now lie in it.
Did I miss a leak or something? Did GW send new sang guard to a rando like they did with dante?
old ones look like shite.
>I play this army now too
>I’m outraged at imaginary things
>yes, I do have schizophrenia
DA had their special dudes come in a box of 3 as well. Best case scenario would be that we get both new BA assault termies and 5 man sanguinary Guard box.
I was a bt rash, but what I meant to say was not exactly bad, but perhaps a bit sloppy.
The theme is fine, no problems, they're just not as polished as the models.
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>have the choice between running a dreadnought or an extra infantry unit
>the dreadnought is cooler but the infantry will do more and is the correct choice
>can't bring myself to cut the dread
rule of cool keep the dread
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Emperor did nothing wrong and was right about everything.
You are giving off major hitler particles there
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I think he's cool.
Logar was in the right as well.
Yeah, both were right in their own ways. Erebus, too.
So if a vehicle is battle shocked and has to make an desperate escape move, will it get completely destroyed on a 1 or 2?
Had this case in a game yesterday, and we couldn't find anything stating otherwise.
god the genestealer in the best of art still looks so fucking stupid
GW really needs to give blightlords an actual role. They're just worse loyalist terminators (S5 AP-2 D1 melee vs S8 AP-2 D2) with the same shitty shooting. Maybe let them pack more special weapons? Give their combi-bolters something? So far it seems like they're just going to keep dropping points to see if they can pass the "how cheap do 5 terminators that do nothing have to be for you to take them?" threshold, which is sad for such cool models.
Biologus nerf is also pretty big but to be fair it was pretty bullshit and you're still running 3 due to 5+ critical hits so it's whatever really.
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You dont need to proclaim your lack of taste to the world.
Yes, unless it's TITANIC or has FLY.
Damn, that's rough.
>most interesting xenos species?
Eldar have the most variety and are more unique than humans.
>dude what if we ripped off Alien(s) but made them look like totally lame?
Haven't been running 3 in a while, you just get crippled by assassinate when you inevitably have to double attach a fights first dude. If you're only bringing 1 FF brick it's arguably a buff.

Blightlords they need something and it probably isn't offensive related. Surge move would be funny.
It's funny how often Eldar players complain about them not getting enough more focus when they have more written lore than almost the rest of the Xenos factions combined.
Leagues of Votann, easily.
they are very neat but they just need more. Imagine taking a bite of a delicious meal but that's all you get.
Genestealer cults simply because they interact with at least 2 other entities when their presence is known in a setting, people might shit on them for not having named characters but it makes them even more interesting. I almost wanna pick up Nechromunda for them.
I don't think it's ever a buff, the double grenade was part of the reason it was such a killy combo, and usually plagues will be stuck in combat after that.
I do feel they need some offense honestly. They have middling shooting and middling melee. They just have nothing they excel at, they'd be kinda decent at hitting chaff but deathshrouds massacre chaff while still being able to hit bigger targets.
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They're one of the best alien designs GW has ever made, they're inspired by Xenomorphs but they're so clearly different enough to be their own thing
They just got 2 KT teams in a row. They already have more kits than you'll ever paint
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>Imagine taking a bite of a delicious meal but that's all you get.
I know that feel.
I don't think I'll ever appreciate votann.
Agreed. I actually surprisingly like the foundation of their lore and feel it fits in snugly with existing stuff well. It just needs a lot more crunchy stuff, like established relationships and history with other factions to actually make them feel more like a part of the galaxy.
And, Allah forgive me this transgression, more names characters.
Definitely. Some flyers, some titans. Some more ground vehicles. Some terrain. Some more infantry units.
>tenth edition
woooo buddy.
>They already have more kits than you'll ever paint
What makes you say that? I was talking about lore, not models.
Regardless, here's an old pic of my army. I've been working on the yeagirs recently but haven't finished them yet.
I am so fucking sick of black women
With like one decent book, and a whole storyline that got scrapped because it sucked. Eldar do get a lot of focus, but man. I just want one good book at least.
I want to see isha get corrupted.
That’s such a dope colour scheme.
Right also looks bad
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>this will help sell our dwarf army
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A buddy printed this for me, rules wise it's shit but once painted it shouldake a cool terrain piece for games.
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genuinely yes

and frankly if I had to choose I'd much rather have a Sonic Elites unit than Phoenix Terminators. Dual build Sonic/Phoenix Terminators would be ideal tho
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That’s why they’re never getting rid of them. They were my brothers first 40K models when I got my blood angels.
>"a flollop"
Tf is a flollop? How many is that GW? 5? 20? 200? 5000?
This isn't bad.
I think their funniest art is the squat that looks like a carbon copy of Mike Ehrmantraut
Its pretty fucked that some people just get the "you die at 30" diseases and some of the worst people live to 110
Oh god, theres console peasants here too. Horrifying.
Why do people paint the windows? Is it laziness because they don't want to paint the inside or is it because it is 3d printed or what?
>coomer arm
He is like me, yay finally.
>Leagues of Votann
Space Marines, but smol.
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>Tf is a flollop?
A colllective noun.
In my case, it was 3d printed. Not my best print work either, you can see where the model was split right in front of the 2nd gun ball. Almost between the gun ball and the cockpit.
Back then I had a much smaller printer.
i think your buddy is retarded for placing the cut like that
>I want more kits
>prints the very few things they do have
Why do they all manage to look slightly like Bill Burr?
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Authentic Fan speaking to Activist "Fans":
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to understand your approach to this franchise. I realized that you're not actually fans. Every true fan of this IP instinctively respects and cherishes the original essence of the story, but you do not. You come uninvited into a beloved series, and you demand change, and demand conformity to your faddish ideals, and bully the true fans and original creators until every original element is replaced or destroyed. Then the only way to continue to stroke your fragile ego is to spread to another franchise and the process repeats. There is another force in this world that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus.
People like you are a disease, a blight on this franchise. You are a plague and mocking you while defending the original vision from distortion is the cure.

I need to find an AI voice generator program to have hugo weavings voice say this and post it all over everytime someone simps for femstodes.
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Man I hate their hover-trikes so much. Even the Orlocks in Necromunda got better vehicles.
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>god the genestealer in the best of art still looks so fucking stupid
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Is this an out of season April fools joke?
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DNA must’ve snuck into the gene pool.
i fucking hate GSC for giving me a fetish for bald women
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>mocking you while defending the original vision from distortion is the cure
There is no cure, anon. The rot is spreading from the head.
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Nah, looks cool.
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>i fucking hate GSC for giving me a fetish for bald women
Same. The one time GW added a female the right way.
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What a difference 2 years makes eh?
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And yet, GW can't be bothered to add more female GSC Neophytes/Acolytes.
>I realized that you're not actually fans.
>No true Scotsman
Duly noted, and ignored.
Nah, the hover trikes look sleek and slick.
Literal dysgenics faction
You started seven years ago.
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Genestealers are based.
>I need to find an AI voice generator program to have hugo weavings voice say this and post it all over everytime someone simps for femstodes.
nobody's gonna watch that video man.
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>hover trikes virgin
Custom mono-wheel chad.
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>muh true fan fallacy
Only good way to go is selective headcanon from available material. I don't give two shits if someone makes female space marines, that's their army. The problem is when they try to push something as canon that's not or tell someone they can't do X because that's old or there's no mention of it being allowed. I don't care if my armies are "canon", I just take bits and pieces I like and cobble together something I enjoy. Old models, new models, 3rd party, recreating pieces from art, stuff mentioned in fluff, RT to 10e.
Just go into your containment thread in /fourk/
Wheels > Hoverslop
"People who disagree with me politically must not actually enjoy the same media that I do" is such a stupid way to think and I can't fathom how it's so prevalent. I don't know how many times you have to read the phrase "No True Scotsman" before it holds fast.
Is there a chance the wheel could bend?
I just wish their big vehicles had tracks
I bought a SoS kit for kill team and with a little cutting the flatter faceplates can be easily turned into scarfs, and they look good on neophytes
>still trying to make that a thing
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>those fat old bike wheels
Ignored would be scrolling by, not chipping your .02 cents I. To let everyone know how not bothered by something you are.
They’re actually the opposite of this.
I don’t like this.
This is good, but I like both.
And to be clear, this isn't me going "Ohhh no don't shit on those people for their beliefs!". You can do that, but you have to do it in a logically sound and consistent way. The internet denizens' fixation on "discrediting and disregarding" people in lieu of actually addressing their beliefs/arguments is an absolute pox, regardless of who does it.
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Right? Its Tradition.
...I guess it depends on what you print it with?
>0.02 cents
Man, how bad has inflation gotten?
I like how even GW admitted that they had no idea what the fuck they were doing with squats and no one bought them for a reason, only for fake grogs to look back at them and claim they're kino
When they first revealed the trike I didn't care for it, but I think it was mostly due to the color scheme and the thought that it was 1 big vehicle instead of 3 bikes (because they only showed 1 alone).
But they grew on me. I like flying bikes and they fit the bill. However they absolutely need better flight stands. I used metal rods for mine because sticking the wheels to rocks and having them almost directly on the base was stupid-looking.
>>They’re actually the opposite of this.
Oh aye, they're supposed to be, but apparently the lore guys didn't speak to the artists all that much!
gotta love that old las pistol
He's still new to printing so some stuffs gonna be wonky as he figures it out but he just charges me for the cost of resin so I'm just happy to have cheap terrain that isn't just foam board L shaped buildings.
Being honest I mostly just don't like that the front hoverpad faces forward when you would really want it canted to the rear a bit so its providing propulsive force. I guess you provide a braking force with the front pad but all the same, it just looks ungainly to me.
I think it would take me some time with a pair of calipers, blender and a 3D printer to get something I was happy with out of the front end. At the same time though, they're such a non-fleshed out faction right now and I don't much like their other vehicles either, silly big rolling eggs.
>but apparently the lore guys didn't speak to the artists all that much!

I would disagree. I’d say here’s a good bit of variation here to demonstrate that portion of the lore.
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Pretty cool and kinda less mutated than the other ones, would look absolutely fine in a regular nid army pretty much
The giga arm is also a nice not to Roberto Cirillo broodlord I guess
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>if something wasn't like at their time, you're not allowed to like them now
Man, take that everyone who enjoys a movie, artist, or game now that was a failure at its time.
post your classic squats
If they enjoyed the same media as I do, why insist on all the fad changes? Why not enjoy it as is instead of changing it to match their politically beliefs?
Yeah, the vehicles took some time for me, too. It's why I printed the landfort instead of buying it (also because it's an ungodly cost for a unit that's not too costly ingame).
Sidenote, when it comes to plastic vs prints for me it's always if the GW kit looks good enough to buy at GWs price i'll get it. If not, then I look for a good proxy or scan. I bought the yeagirs because they look so damn good to me, but I'll probably print any more landforts or sagitaurs i want.
It's very amusing that you are unwittingly, literally saying "don't ask questions, just consume product" right now. I really doubt that you would accept your own argument if it were presented under a different framing and context, and I really doubt that you possess zero critiques of any of the media you consume.
Not on your life, my xenos friend!
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I have classic Squats but only in super smol variety.
Alright that's pretty based
I dident say "change bad" I said "how does a very specific political doctrine that offends many of the existing fans being shoehorned in when it makes no sense and adds nothing to the story/background" make sense to do?
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vroom vroom vroom
Putting together a Epic Armageddon 2K Squat army.
I have that exact box of...xacto knives.
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Smol rhinos
GW fucked up big time making their updated retooling of epic not include xenos. it could have launched with marines guard chaos orks and eldar and actually generated interest.
honestly if they'd simply made the launch box marines vs marines with a message saying they'll add xenos later it would've been much more popular. Hell, they probably would've gotten me if they added orks.
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Bring back 40k epic
tenth IS epic scale you frolicking retard.
This has to be one of the dumbest things GW have done. At least the titans fill a role as the poor man's... titans
>Even more Malstrain genestealer stuff
So we got proxies for
>Genestealer Patriarch
>Neophyte hybrids

What are the odds we get metamorph and abberant malstrains so we can have a full Malstrain GSC army?
Oh, I know it's dead in the water.
It's the reason why I recomend him to go there.
>well, uhm ackchually sweaty
Yeah, yeah.
>What are the odds we get metamorph and abberant malstrains so we can have a full Malstrain GSC army?
Pretty high, since it's more or less obvious that GW wants people to buy these for 40k as well.
If there is not a White Dwarf chapter approved Hive Secundus detachment like that one last edition for Destroyer Virus Necron armies i'll be fuckin' shocked.
They did bring it back.
>but muh xenos
Doesn't matter, it's here now. People asked for it and GW provided. And like usual, the monkey paw curls a finger yet again.
Its daft isnt it, no-one I know has any real interest in re-buying or reprinting their Epic Armageddon armies for LI, certainly not when there's no official xenos support, or chaos really. What's the point, 75% ish of the armys of the people that I know that play are not represented. Just use your 6mm minis in LI, maybe new the new scale LI titans as they look better. It works just fine. For everything else play one of the older compatible systems.
You don't even need that desu.
Just proxy everything.
Malstain genestealers are just generic genestealers.
what would the monkeypaw be for bringing back BFG
True and i will but this is GW we are talking about. If it can sell a second Genestealer kit to an existing GSC powerspender they will jump on it.

Also fun side project, a combat patrol all ash waste themed would be a nice basing exercise.
>Faction Name - Percentage who collect
>Space Marines - 38%
>Tyranids - 28%
>Necrons - 27%
>CSM - 24%
>Guard - 20%
>Tau - 19%
>Custodes - 18%
>Orks - 18%
>Sisters - 15.4%
>Knights - 14.7%
>Death Guard - 14.5%
>Eldar - 13.8%
>Dark Angels - 13.4%
>Chaos Daemons - 12%
>Admech - 11.6%
>GSC - 11.6%
>World Eaters - 11.6%
>Thousand Sons - 11.5%
>Votann - 10.3%
>Chaos Knights - 10%
>Dark Eldar - 9.4%
>Grey Knights - 8.4%
>Blood Angels - 7.7%
>Black Templar - 6.6%
>Space Wolves - 6.4%
>Deathwatch - 4.5%
I refuse to believe there are that many eldar players
Go back to watching your sloppa
That's fair.
Don't have to. Anon did it for us.
The faction has existed for over 35 years. Their numbers will be higher than more recently released factions just on length of availability alone.
I refuse to believe there are that many blood angel players.
Your photo has an extra digit in the date.
9e Blightlords were beastly. S6 meant anything smaller than a Land Raider was on the table with a 4+ wound roll and rr1s, with marines getting wounded on 2s. The flail also put in much better work, and their guns were much better.
DG is in a "fine" spot right now due to having the single strongest detachment rule in the entire game and easy access to 5+ lethal hits, but it was still pretty easy to see that in an edition where you increase the toughness spectrum from 2-8 to 2-13 it was obvious that the army who relied a lot on S5 to S8 damage attacks and a -1T aura would get shitcanned in the process.
Malstrains are weakened by radiation by fluff so they'd have to be -1 S/T :^)
The coomstealer
So every gets a new sublist/detachment based on the spin offs such as
>Genestealer Cults - Secundus Malstrain
>Necrons - Destroyer Cult Dynasty
>Eldar - Ynnari, lmao
>Space Wolves - 13th Company
>Tau - red boys

What do you wish your dudes got?
tau being higher than orks is a surprise to me. but necrons and nids being at the top of the xenos collections is very unsurprising, thanks to them being the edition starter factions.
i said it before, but i feel that having value boxes like that and the amount of marine players selling the xenos halves of starter boxes on ebay is directly related to how many people start collecting that xenos faction.
if orks got an edition starter set i'd wager it'd be #2 after marines.
What a retard take. No one complains they don't get enough focus, moron. The usually gripe is them jobbing/getting shreked/being ineffectual in their own lore books.
Fluff doesn't matter to the tabletop.
the leviathan terminators are compatible with the dark angel upgrade sprue right? Are there any other upgrade sprues that work with them in mind?
If I could've had a literal tide of Tyranids to pour over a flocked green hill, I would've bought without thinking. Having to paint all those minis would normally be a waking nightmare, but when they're all bean-sized, I can stress less about the detail, and it'd still look cool as hell when fully assembled.
Orks would probably have to be grot revalooshun. it's really the only spinoff orks have.
Dark Angels seem to be super popular compared to the other supplement space marines. Is it just because Terminators? Or robes over armor being a cool aesthetic?
>Faction Name - Percentage who collect
In this case "collect" was defined as "owns 1000 points of", which is nothing.
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They got primarised and a primarch
oh shit that would be fucking cool, you're right
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>Dark Eldar - Xenos Mercenaries: Scum and Villainy
oh fuck gw no my wallet please no.
>"owns 1000 points of", which is nothing.
That's a lot more models than most people in this thread own of any faction and enough to play a game with.
It just occured to me, have we ever seen Kroot working for Dark Eldar?
>"The crossing of the Rubicon Primaris"

Why oh why did they have to call the acto of being "Primaris-ed" as "Crossing the Rubicon".
It doesn't even make sense. Crossing the Rubicon wasn't challenging or risky, it was simply flouting the established laws of the state.
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Anon, this is 1000 points, its barely larger than a killteam ffs.
>laughs in 3rd edition
Child you couldn't survive in the wargames that built me.
And therefore do you think the guy that owns that "doesn't collect Eldar"?
Looks like a perfectly sized 40k army to me.
Fuck these look stupid, and feel bad for the families of the downies that buy these flying turds.
That’s two tanks, five heavies and characters, of course it’s almost as many models as a killteam.
2x the size ships, so you cant use your old ones. boxes filled with terrain you dident want to artifically boost the prices, even in non starter packs. and no plans ever to be anything but imperial v chaos. oh and somehow even with the good existing rules, changing them until its not fun anymore.
that's ok anon, we don't have to like the same thing.
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First time trying many things like hazard stripes, more complex faces and hair and chipping, so excuse him for looking a bit rough
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Posting the GSC scans in the hope somebody else made a better version. Can't read half the shit on this one.
>barely larger than a killteam ffs.
"Barely larger" in the same way that 5" is barely larger than your micropenis
that face deserves a spot on the 40kg hall of fame collage
Eldar were very very overpowered for more than half of the games existence. They are going to be owned more by those seeking a edge in gameplay more than fans of the faction more than any other army in the game. By virtue of being bought for powercreep, then sold and re-sold after the inevitable nerfs, they have spread, much like a virus across the fandom.
>boxes filled with terrain you dident want to artifically boost the prices
fuck that would be terrible
isn't it supposed to be in space, anyway? I never actually played BFG i just would like to if they released it with new sculpts for orks.
>Crossing the Rubicon wasn't challenging or risky
It is, it has a 60% failure rate.
But at the same time these are all named characters, meaning they will never die and GW will never kill them off.
And also another fact is that as much people aspouse it, in reality they don't like it at all if GW kills off a character or tries killing off a character.
This was a thing even in 2002-2003 when the 13th black crusade happened there, GW had Eldrad kill off Abaddon with Eldrad himself dying the process.
Lo' and behold people were angry and hated it, which caused GW to promptly bring both of them back and retcon the entire thing.

Only people whoever genuinely advocate for GW to kill off characters, are just people who just want GW to kill of characters that they themselves don't personally like at all.
It's forty thousand years in the future you fucking flid.
Pls no bully
The stripes look just fine. I do my yellow hazed stripes with orange and then yellow too.
good model, anon. I feel like the bolter needs some sort of runic marking or a transfer applied to it, though. it feels bare and/or unpainted.
We only improve with practice. Each attempt can never be a failure when its a step in the right direction the armchair critic never walks himself. Don't give up lil'cuz.
not bullying, i just like goofy faces. the model looks good, especially the damage to the armor.
here's one of my faces to show that we've all been there.
"Ive seen some shit, boy"
Just watch an eye tutorial you demon.
It's his only hobby besides making threads
Not taking it personaly or anything, i just tought that "pls no bully" is funny
Is there anything available for Sisters of Battle scans yet?

asteroids and derelict ships, asteroids and derelict ships everywhere.
ah, makes sense. yeah that would be terrible to have tacked on to every single box.
Its not meant to be personal. Eventually everyone gets better and its funny to think back on stuff like this.
what would be the real cherry on the pile of shit is if the derilect ships were from xenos factions, xenos factions that they never had any intention of adding but put wrecks of in space for "flavor" and just to give you the finger.
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Finally some good GSC dice.
Lol at this desperate cope. Keep crying tho.
oh that would be so fucking funny
the reaction alone would be worthwhile to see, especially if they made new sculpts for the xenos ships and put them into the rubble
Nice. I’m looking forward to EC dice whenever that happens.
Derelict ships, asteroids, space stations, space mines
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Impeccable cropping work
gold and purple, and it'll have the ugliest saturation's ever.
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i thought gold was pre HH and now neon pink with black trim was the default?
Oh no, you didn't think your ugly space elves were popular for aesthetic or lore reasons did you? LMAO
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>models that make you want to start an army
Not my proudest work, but gets the jorb done.
It will be pink and black and look cool.
The collage is a place of honour. I have two entries myself. Your dude looks fine anon.
>yes everyone just loved our 30 year old models and dog shit lore
The only eldar players I know are waacfags and that seems to be a common occurrence. Lmao at this faggot outing himself as a waacfag in denial
I love that at least 2 of those are the actual GW box art.
>friend asks why i play genestealer cult "beacause they have no named characters and can't be part of big lore events they are just nameless downtrodden rising up like an angry kicked beehive"
How does he not understand that IS the appeal of the genestealer cults? they are the Beastmen of 40k. They aren't there for space opera. They are there for flavour.
>it has a 60% failure rate.
You got that backwards. The SUCCESS RATE was roughly estimated to be 60%.
I love the NASApunk concept some dwarf models have, the muted colors and practical work attire look makes me imagine Neil Armstrong with a gun.
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this never happened
you just wanted an excuse to post your take and try to obtain some vapid internet approval from random faggots on 4chan
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I already own a set.
Can we go a single post without
>that never happened
>you own no models
>it's fiction
>you made it up
I know the Fists are hands-off with regards to the goings-on of Necromunda but holy shit there's gotta be a limit to how fucked up things are allowed to get
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>build wall around secundus
>nuke it
>we will be the stalwart watchers on the walls
>genestealers in the sub sub sub sub sump level planetary transit network lost to time: lol, lmao.

They are pointing a gun at their feet while the GSC took the bus to the next state already.
It’s shit like this that makes the primaris shit seem even more retarded. Just call them true scale marines and been done with it
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Funny, I despise that Archon sculpt and think it's the worst one they've ever had.
I like the bit where a marine is so injured he can't make it even as a dreadnought, but they stick the primaris implants into him and he makes full recovery.
I like that the OG is wearing a dead skin mask.
Middle one is so fucking kino my god it’s amazing the newer one got past quality control. Not surprised most players just kitbash an Archon instead
Nothing will ever beat the second.
If nothing else I wish that the helmet had made it to the plastic version.
>nutted blood but shes still sucking.
Makes him look Asian as well
>”oh herror, I am definitely a human, preaze show me to the emperor”
I was mocking it
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His ugly ass better get back to workin.
Did the GSC collectors edition codex even sell out? i saw idiots try and flip it for £200 on ebay when they were still on the store.
>You really shouldn't be smoking like that at your age
>Those'll kill you one day
>Dante finishes and immediately lights another
it's his once a century lho-stick break
>It is, it has a 60% failure rate.
No no, you misunderstand, I was referring to the original Julius Caesar Crossing the Rubicon, not getting primarised. The two things have absolutely no similarity whatsoever, I dont understand why GW chose to use that term.
Right, so the Rubicon is long since dried up, so even less of a reason to use the term "Crossing the Rubicon" for getting Primarised.
At least in Spain, it is an expression to make something drastic that you can't undo
Yes? I have that many Votann and I dont think I've ever played them, I just bought them for the craic.
because crossing the rubicon has become an idiom for a challenge that marks the point of no return
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That'd be this guy. And dreadnought sarcophagi aren't always a sure fix. Even when the thing works proper there's always a risk of rejection, especially if damage has been done to the central nervous system.
>Space Marines - 38%
>Custodes - 18%
>Dark Angels - 13.4%
>Grey Knights - 8.4%
>Blood Angels - 7.7%
>Black Templar - 6.6%
>Space Wolves - 6.4%
>Deathwatch - 4.5%

I somewhat can't believe that Black Templar are less popular than Dark Angels.

>Tyranids - 28%
>Necrons - 27%

Starter boxes work i guess.
Probably because it was.
That's also how the phrase is used in English. It's a common idiom. Maybe anon doesn't know.
Imagine going to a tournament and your opponent pulls out a set of these bad boys to do their dice rolls with.
Crossing the Rubicon has become an idiot for the point of no return or taking actions that have drastic consequences. The actual act itself being dangerous isn't part of itz but what it represents.
Waiting for this too.
Oh. Never heard it used that way before in my country, I thought they were making a direct reference.
GW really should've fully committed to the coats instead of only giving them to the pioneer units.
If you're so fucked even a life support system can't keep you alive, how are you good to go through extensive surgery with a 40% fatality rate and also manage to make full recovery?
Eldar don't fit in 40k and the setting would be better without them taking up space. There's no reason for them to exist while Necrons do literally everything they do but better.
>Deathwatch - 4.5%
At this point we're just going to get squatted, aren't we?
The Primaris operation is cutting their heads off with a hobby knife and gluing them into a newly built Primaris kit body. They leave all the old stuff behind and the only risk is whether the greenstuff gap filler gets rejected or accepted.
That's not low when you're like 1 of a dozen marine factions
Do Necrons have the cautionary tale of messing with psychic ability parallel with humans?
Do Necrons have the uncanny valley Xenos aspect?
Do Necrons inspire porn. Y being extremely rapeable?
So what did you actually get from the weekends preorders?
Sad part is most of those are probably GSC and Eldar players who got them as box halves in 7th edition.
>10th edition core rulebook
>Pariah Nexus pack
>Genestealer Cult Collectors edition Codex
>2x GSC dice
>GSC Biologis
>2x GSC Abberants
>GSC Biostanic Broodsurge box

I'm back in.
eldar are the only xeno option with boobs
Death Watch and Grey Knights should not be armies. They should be expensive elite options for imperial forces. Don't boo me, i am right.
eldar are literally just elves in space
literally the most boring option of all the xenos races
Same but for Custodes and Knights.
>Predictably, it is a much sought-after trophy among the Spyre Hunters, and scores of hunting parties have been slain by this unstoppable terror. Those few that survive their encounter bear their deep wounds with pride, and the Malstrain Alpha is second only to the elusive Patriarch itself as the ultimate prize within the Underhells
Patriarch alive confirmed, also theres canonicaly only one of these things?
Sick callback, excellent basis for an ymgarl broodlord.
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>they are the Beastmen of 40k.
I wish we did have Beastmen, and not those crappy Tzaangor things.
Not when you make a post as transparent as those people on twitter making posts about their 3 year old daughter looking at the news about trump winning in 2016 and going "mommy democracy has died today hasn't it?"
beastmen suck no matter what setting you stick them in.
>Do Necrons have the cautionary tale of messing with psychic ability parallel with humans?
Yes, via the C'tan
>Do Necrons have the uncanny valley Xenos aspect?
Yes, as they are humanoid Skeletons which invoke human ideals of death.
>Do Necrons inspire porn. Y being extremely rapeable?
Yes, for AdMech.
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>Spess Awoos
Well, being able to start the battle with one of my sagas complete is nice. I mostly just means I'm always going to be starting the battle with a 6+++ for the army.
We have the Beastmen from BSF and KT.
Bill Burr is a squat now?
If the Emperor had a captive CTan in Mars, why did he need to make a bargain with the Chaos Gods?
C'tan are weak as fuck next to the Chaos Gods.
Is Necromunda even profitable?
Not as bad as I thought it would be.
>Chaos Knights
Very nice.
Mortal wounds is a big change, detachments were made better. Don't give a shit about point drops, I don't touch forgeworld.
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>heavy support
whats missing?
good-looking models
even in my cramped shitbox gw store they sell necromunda. its a fun way to play the game until some faggot reddit spreadsheets a list to table everyone
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I'm fine with 3 in a box, Sanguinary Guards are supposed to be the most elite of the BA so they should be small in number. But no wings is an absolutely travesty.
He looks a bit like all of them! I'm glad its not just me that thinks that, I thought I was going mad.
He just must have a very dwarvey head.
flyer and bikes? a real cernterpice like titan?
Man, I hope there are several of you here with an irrational hatred of elves because that's a whole lot of autism for just one guy.
You cannot comprehend the level of autism I operate at.
Not elves, just Eldar.
This is what every 40k army should look like.
It's very very popular and very often sold out, so I would say yes.

Waacfags are the worst sort of cunts to ruin a Necromunda campaign. Definitely a campaign needs a good arbitrator to ensure people arent going too bullshit with some of character builds you can pull off. Goliaths can be the biggest salty cunts about it too.
Well you decided to jump into a hobby you hate after everything you hate about it already happened.
I hate elves as a whole in any setting. They are never, ever appealing to me and always look retarded and gay
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You a big fan of High Elves then?
Ok. Don't collect them then. Problem solved.
I like Eldar and a headcanon concept of Chaos Eldar
What is the giant Cow-Avatar-thing? I like its big bonk-hammer whatever it is, thats a rather unique weapon.
i don't collect them already. it's not going to stop me from shitting on elves and eldar for looking gay and retarded
eldar are universally the most disliked faction equally because of their lame aesthetic and their obnoxious whiny playerbase
Where does one learn to hate elves as a concept?
Is it specific to our generation or does the younger generation already foster a burning hatred for the fair folk?
Ok? You're entitled to your opinion. I like them, they're a nice staple of any fantasy setting.
>and their obnoxious whiny playerbase
No no, that's definitely the Guard players.
Does AoS not use a rank and file system?
guard is in second
eldar literally can never shut the fuck up about how unfair it is that this release wasn't an eldar release
>Twinstones beside Stoneguard, who don't have Wizards
>Dawnriders charving Chaos Knights, a fight they absolutely lose
That's fucking ANNOYING
It's a Spirit Of The Mountain. AoS Lumineth underwent a massive societal collapse due to having too much magical cocaine, so they reformed to be cut back on the drug abuse and become more in touch with the land and its elements. The Alarith revere Earth, which is represented by oxen. The big one is literally a Mountain utilizing a giant stone body to smash shit.
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Should have used der coomer's face
Holy shit thats a toddler sized terminator
And when it actually is an eldar release they're whining that the models don't look like as they should and the rules not being good enough
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these malstrain dudes look so good
I've been a bit out of the loop, are big CKs worth bringing again? Can I dust off my Desecrator?
If its a Necromunda release expect it to sell out instantly then not be available again for-fucking-ever.
My biggest surprise in my limited experience with 40k is I never found a bad sisters player. It seems like the type of faction to attract the worst types of players but all of them I’ve met were nice people.
Big knights can walk through wall. Some are getting points drop but apparently Desecrator still the same.
Weren't the new Scorpions pretty well received?
Yes, by everybody who isn't an eldar player

I really love the drukhari mandrakes I wish they were their own faction.
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Eldar derangement syndrome. Cry some more, tho.
But I'm an Eldar player and I like them?
Its easy to be nice when you have miracle dice. They get to be Imperial guard but better.
>intercessors came in 10s
>hellblasters came in 10s
>infiltrators came in 10s
>now standard bitchass boltgun marines are being sold full price in boxes of 5
the price hikes were worse than people made it out to be. This shit is actual insanity that we have to pay full box price for a half unit of boltgun marines.
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Agreed Its bullshit.
>warhammer faction is just X in space.
Holy shit, you must be the smartest guy in your special ed class!
orkz are different from fantasy orcs
necrons are different from tomb kings
tyranids aren't in fantasy
tau aren't
cope, elffag
you and I both know 40k wouldnt be a good setting without chaos.
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give him a bit of forehead carapace and you're golden
hell, the skin is even similar
I fucking hate them. No I dont play this trashfire of a game with you manchildren playing dollies. I only read GK books.
>you said something that's true! That makes you unintelligent
You must be the dumbest guy in your special ed class.
>No I dont play this trashfire of a game with you manchildren playing dollies. I only read GK books.
opinion entirely disregarded
a child who has only heard mention of 40k three times has a more valid opinion than this
Eaerth elemental based on a mountain ox.
Air elemental is a flying fox and water is a horse. No idea what fire will be cause that's not out yet.
no u
which books are GK books? there are so fucking many books
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Nah it'd be probably fine although I appreciate having Space Satan aesthetics around. I just think that Chaos worldbuilding/metaphysics is full of holes and kinda sucks if you start looking remotely close at it, but a lot of people slop it up while saying "haha its chaos its not supposed to make any sense xd".
>uh I just read slop not actually engage in the hobby, MANCHILD
You’re a bigger faggot than an actual homo that plays EC
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Inquisitors that get themselves some Terminator armor and get properly stuck in > Pen pusher Inquisitors.
Name 1 thing that doesn't make sense.
>no it's not literally one for one the same text so you're wrong!
We're high IQ posting today
Same but for every Imperial faction that isn't the IG.
Beautifully written, anon.
Khorne Bloodthirster being able to even feel pleasure when Bloodthirsters are basically mini-Khorne manifestations like other Greater Daemons.
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Honkhonk fellow inquisitor
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fine. but i'll only use paint.net
Does anyone have the new CSM codex pdf?
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I'm not fan, but I'd never spend the time pissing and shitting my self online about it. Tho this applies to most haters (tau, necrons, chaos). Well, except votrannies. They can die in a fire.
lmao perfect start the presses
>Nah it'd be probably fine
Unless the warp had its own pantheon or some shit, I really don't think it would.

>. I just think that Chaos worldbuilding/metaphysics is full of holes and kinda sucks if you start looking remotely close at it
I don't disagree with you there, but I think thats both a fault of both 40k only ever tacking chaos with nothing but space marine (and space marine logic) and that Chaos cant act independently apart from the Imperium.
So you're telling me Fantasy High Elves are an endangered race of psychics who practice ascetic lifestyles to prevent their souls from being corrupted and devoured by a Chaos God that their ancestors birthed by accident, condemned to live on giant irreplaceable ships drifting through space as they manipulate fate and other races as best they can to survive?
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Inquisitors that don't need pissbaby terminator armor to get the job done are better.
Enjoy having your shoulders dislocated next to your ears
>orkz are different from fantasy orcs
Orkz are just WHF orcs with guns.
>necrons are different from tomb kings
Just tomb kings but mixed with terminators.
The ayylmao noise marine at the center right looks like Starlight's actress post surgery.
Bloodthirsters are their own entities. Makes perfect sense. Next.
orks are actually more interesting in fantasy than 40k.
>I dont play with wardolls I read books from the hackiest pulpiest genre fiction publisher in the world
wow you sure showed us manchildren with your mature literary choices.
>salty chaos hands typed this
Nice try schlomo
Wait people actually read Grey knight books? how sad.
All greater daemons are specifically facets of their respective gods. Khorne, being fed by completely different emotions and psychic energy, should be entirely incapable of feeling "pleasure" which is 100% Slaaneshi domain. Similarly, a LoC should be incapable of feeling despair.
>but I think thats both a fault of both 40k only ever tacking chaos with nothing but space marine (and space marine logic) and that Chaos cant act independently apart from the Imperium.
It's also Chaos becoming equivalent to Big 4 which is a problem
Doesn't matter, still the same shit.
Huh, sick, its online 'shoop.
I updated your file.
Nowhere does it say that khorne cant feel pleasure, its just not his domain. Next.
Of course they were mostly well received. But also of course some had differing opinions (like every warhammer release in history). Small peepee members of the EDS community pretend this is solely an eldar problem.
>Bloodthirsters are their own entities.
They aren't.
All daemons are just small shards of their respective gods.
It's the reason why they are all so afraid of the Emperor, since Emperor killing any daemon means that part of the god gets erased permanently from existance.
>eldarbabs instantly start throwing a fit when proven wrong
let me know when grots can ride spiders in space.
You know your argument has shit basis when you resort to negative "nowhere does it say"
damn your shoop looks better than mine
what's that carapace from? i used the actual carapace from the model and it didnt fit as well
Wrong. Daemons are manifestations of material dimension's psychic powers.
This logic is how we got female custodians.
It'd be better off without Chaos.
You could just replace all the Chaos shit with aliens and largely nothing changes.
Surely the "eldarbab" would claim that his faction is completely unique and absolutely nothing like anything from Fantasy?
>nuh, marines aren't monastic knights but in space.... because
Really activates the neurons
You know your argument is shit when you start whining like a bitch
>Muh eldar derangement syndrome is just a forced maymay on 4chin
This is my favorite new cope from eldarfags
Who/what is this weird looking chap?
Cool opinion anon
I unironically thought black templars were the most popular non codex chapter
Mines fine, I cant help it if your one couldn't requisition properly fitting armor.
I think the Dark Reaper helmets could have been better, but otherwise I've liked everything about the recent CWE releases.
This is my favorite new projection
The point. ------------>
Your down syndrome head ( )
They were, but dark angels just got a big release with some fantastic looking models that tons of people are buying to convert or proxy
>my fellow human Imperial citizens, we MUST allow xenos into our hives and hab-blocks! The Imperium will not survive otherwise!
SOV ... no. No wait, this isnt sovl at all.
>ESL pushing EDS as a real thing doesn't know what projection means
what a shock
You're right, it'd be a great one
If I'm gonna read any 40k slop its gonna be the sloppiest shit at the bottom of the barrel. Anybody that takes any more seriously is a laughable.
Dunno "genestealer head carapace" on google. I closed the tab already.
I accept your concession for the lack of proper argumentation. Next.
wow that cool opinion shifted into a fact because you didn't contest its validity directly.
I remember the one friend I knew that whined loudest about quitting the game when 8th dropped was an eldarfag.
I'll never understand how the people that come out on top nearly every edition can be so whiny about change.
Eldar books are perfect for you then.
you're right. They just need to get rid of chapters like blood angels, space wolves and the entire concept of Primarchs as well. Oh and the Emperor needs to not be a psykik and just some really shrivled up old man with schizophrenia.
Oh wait, it was the wrong perspective, I just yanked on it a bit with puppet warp to slap it on his big noggin a little better. Still looks wrong but was low effort.
Meh'lindi, Calidus assassin. She once fucked Draco while in Genestealer form.
>Daemons are manifestations of material dimension's psychic powers.
And no, they are not made of, or feed by psychic powers.
They specifically exist because of the thoughs and emotions of all mortal races in the galaxy.
And the daemons are just shards of their own gods, it's the reason why Khorne, etc. have such power and supreme authority over all of them, except few, like Be'lakor or Drachnyen.

Emperor can erase daemons from existance, it's the reason why is feared.
Because it'd mean eventual death for the gods, it's also the reason why they ever orchestrated the Horus Heresy in the first place, it was to permanently disable him and get him out of their way.
Holy shit based, we’re RETVRNING, bros.
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Draco is the most soulful book in the entire 40k franchise.
This is the saddest forced meme I've seen here in quite a while
It's like the b*n/edgec*c schizo but caused by somebody's embarrassing tribalistic attachment to space elves instead of legitimate mental illness
ngl id fuck with thunder warriors more than space marines.
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so uh, what happened with cypher after the lion came back? they still figuring that out or is he getting shoved under a rug for the foreseeable future?
>>my fellow human Imperial citizens, we MUST allow xenos into our hives and hab-blocks! The Imperium will not survive otherwise!
Sure, I agree.
But I only allow Eldar and Tau, for they'll make good concubines and sex slaves.
Orks could be neat for blood sport, but all hive cities already have a horrific mold problem, so we don't need more fungus everywhere.

Face the wall, thank you.
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Jain do got dat booty
When 10th came out I was extremely disappointed with the Eldar stuff since it encouraged shitty cheesy tactics or spamming Wraiths, when I just want cool fights with my Aspect Warriors doing stuff while I had space wizards casting things behind them. My favorite units are Banshees and they're basically a waste of points in 10th. My Farseers and Warlocks now each do exactly the same thing with no customization or alteration. Strands of Fate became boring and very clearly had no proper playtesting.
I don't want to spam Devestating Wounds or Fire Prisms, that's just boring for everyone involved.
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>my opinions become facts if nobody contradicts me
Haha holy shit
I'm sure you would know, child.
You essentially just described Commorragh.
>and then everyone clapped
He's looking for the Lion's sword but forgot that it's strapped to his back
>I don't want to spam Devestating Wounds or Fire Prisms
I'd like to bring a fire prism but it's a waste of points to not run them in pairs due to the ability and they've been out of stock for over a year.
I’d like marines more if the primarchs were simply returned to being mythical figures rather than active characters in the setting.
>No vampfags
>No furfags
>No primarchs
>Emperor is just a dude
Unironically peak
Why are you here talking to children you fucking groomer?
Hey thats what happened with custodes amirite? There have always been female custodes afterall.
> since it encouraged shitty cheesy tactics
yeah. welcome to 10th
find another setting to ruin, trannies
This is the worst part about 40k. There's literally not enough supply to satisfy the demand. Fucking stupid. My lgs hasnt gotten a restock in fucking months
Lol, lmao even. Did you know it's thought thay Eldar can move their organs around.
>to ruin
It was ruined after 1st edition
Has nothing to do with the discussion about chaos that we were having. You were just like "this logic is how we got female custodes" out of the blue. You just want to talk about female custodes and not about how chaos does or doesn't make sense. Fuck off.
What do you obtain from pretending to be a grog like this
>ordered a boomdakka snazzwagon from LGS because i wanted to support them
>6 months go by if not more
>order a few releases like the big mek, ork codex, PN cards, etc. during this time
>crickets about the boomdakka snazzwagon still
they just fucking hate sending out any stock of something that's not entirely new. fuck you for wanting a model that came out a while ago, buy the latest thing instead. awful business model.
>soijak posting
>that filename on top of it
uh oh, the ESL's a tourist too
>I just want cool fights with my Aspect Warriors doing stuff while I had space wizards casting things behind them.
Pretty sure that's what most lists look like in 10th, though with more of the speedier AWs.
wow so you accept the fact that your illogical head cannons are whats destroying the setting? very cool.
Yeah well how many languages do you speak?
Native english speakers are proven retards.
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Eldar posters getting uppity again
>calling others retards while being tribalistic and defensive over space elves
Ok retard.
>doesnt answer the question
Lmao gottem
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Dark Eldar are pretty cool. I don't know why they get so much hate. Probably for their shitty relatives.
No need to feed you unrelated responses
Keep seething that nobody likes eldar but the whiniest most uppity faggots in the playerbase
If you're not doing WAAC shit, you can always bring big knights. Although I would recommend a despoiler instead.
:( sorry anon.
you had to learn english because native english speakers dominate the world.
who says im a grog?Old hammer was shit.Middle Hammer is shit. New Hammer will forever be shit. I want warspoon. Instead of space marines we get nothing but orks trying to weaponize kitchen utensils on a galactic scale.
They get hate from me because their army is split up into 3 keywore factions that don't synergize with each other.
they at least fit the aesthetic of 40k unlike craftworld eldar
>You essentially just described Commorragh.
Only difference is that Commoragh and DEldar are retarded enough to intentionally infect themselves with tyranid shit.
Since raided the planet of Vorgan that had bunch of GS cults on it and then started to graft genestealer limbs and other shit onto themselves because it's "fashionable".
Also they've taken an interest in the tyranid world of Lethidia that got transported into the webway as well.

At least the Imperium and humans have an excuse that they don't always know or literally don't know any better.
DEldar are just retarded.
Like their plan of getting some Emperor's DNA in return for fixing the Golden Throne so they can make their own "Emperor" who can then sit on their version of Golden Throne to keep shut the giant hole daemons tore open when Khaine's Gate was breached.
Totally this "clone the mon'keigh Emperor" plan will never catastrophically fail.
Yeah, you're right.
How do they not synergize?
Is there some way other factions synergize between units that they don't?
Is it just an index problem that a codex might fix?
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The problem is GW's counter opinion: They print money.
The Vorgani aren't any different from any other minor gang coalition in Commoragh. They can't bude their time and coexist peacefully because there is no peace in Commorragh. They can't recruit the downtrodden via labor unions because there is no labor but slave labor in Commorragh. They can reproduce and increase their numbers because there is not natural reproduction without consequences in Commorragh.
Remember when planetary governors had balls?
they would still fuck with the power scaling in this scenario. Geneseed itself would need to be reworked with only the current xeno races.
I accept your concession. I will allow you stay mad tho.
So you have 3 main keyword factions: kabal, wyches, and haemonculi. They all have abilities and synergies that work with only themselves and not others.
3 different leaders with 3 different faction keywords that lead 3 different kinds of units results in stratagems being split so half of your 6 don't even apply to your units.
The only fixes I could see to that are:
A) separate Kabal, Cult, and Coven detachments, but that still punishes you for mixing
B) Vect as a warlord unifying all three, but then he becomes a mandatory include
>rather than active characters in the setting.
Primarchs barely even are active.
After Guilliman got his ass lifted out of stasis only notable thing he has really done was partake in the Plague Wars, which makes sense it specifically threatens his own home turf of Ultramar.
And that is it.
Lion got woken up and he just fucked off instantly into the Imperium Nihilus where he is just ripping the Chaos forces a new one alongside any Imperial forces he has at his disposal.

As for daemon primarchs:
>Angron only took part in AoO and was either banished again at the end of it (not like it means much since he just respawns after 8 months again)
>Morty is in the both figuritive and literal time out corner because he lost Nurgle's favor alongside Kugath.
>Magnus is somewhere, last report was that he is in the Pariah Nexus... Doing something, never elaborated
>Fulgrim is literally jacking off at some planet like he usually does.
How is this any different from Tacitus, Gravis, Phobos, and Terminator keywords?
You don't understand how GSC work at all.
Once you're part of the broodmind all your ambitions go away.
You're part of the hivemind and you will only do whatever is good for the cult and that is it.

DEldar will have a genestealer uprising within Commoragh soon enough, and they will learn from their retardation at all.
>Brings up trannies out of literally nowhere
Rent free or projection?
Call it.
If you are expecting any lore to ever mention this little footnote again you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
>I was referring to the original Julius Caesar Crossing the Rubicon
It was considered a big gamble with high stakes. "The die is cast" and whatnot.
THAT's your issue with that snippet?
>ever caring about xenos
Anon, I'm smarter than that.
But I can still be realistic and serious about the verse I'm talking about
I play both Eldar and Slaanesh-majority Word Bearers.
I like to imagine them hating each other.
So, will i be added? I hope so (i painted the space wolf)
>clone the emperor
>use their tech to put the old soul in the clone body
>emperor simply decides not to keep the hole closed because it's a conscious decision on his part
>don't use their tech to put the old soul inside the cloned body
>has no particular power to keep the gate closed, as even if the new soul has the same power as the base emperor (doubtful) most of his power comes from the powerup at the gate
It literally has zero chance to work wow.



I want to gnaw on the Emperors rib cage.
>Primarchs barely even are active.
Can I get a list of the major plot points that have occurred since Bobby G came back that didn't involve so much as tangential relation to a primarch?
Yews, but some other people have cleared it up further up the thread, it has a different meaning in English.
There's too few units in each. The space marine range is huge. Not so for the drukhari



I'm still trying to find sisters but someone else posted this elsewhere

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