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>Thread Question:
What are some of your favourite paint schemes you've seen on Warhammer 40K models?
Why are the detachment previews still linked in the OP?
>What are some of your favourite paint schemes you've seen on Warhammer 40K models?
Ultramarines have a really nice colour palette.
You write 1 rule for 40k that every LGS has to enforce under threat of legal action for the LGS and the players. What is it?
Running out of ideas for TQs spamming all these threads huh?
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Always had a soft spot for ulthwe.
>What are some of your favourite paint schemes you've seen on Warhammer 40K models?
Thunda Krunchaz anon takes the cake for my favorite paint scheme that's not mine.
it helps that his conversions are incredible as well
Home owning white men only.
loyalists just don't look good in red.
TQ is gay, post models and WIPs instead. Here’s my Ancient/Company Standard Bearer.
>Home owning
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forgot pic. these models alone inspired me to begin a kult of speed.
You have to be bald be able to bench at least 200 lbs to get in the door, this includes the women and children
>made the cut
You HoMO too?
I kneel, lt Dan reborn...
you can no longer pretend you dont know your tank move is completely phasing through terrain. I’ve called this out so many times and it always starts an argument every time so I just dont bother anymore
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How the FUCK do you paint white?
uh...just prime it white? Retard.
bought mine last year, didn't care about interest rates being high because I didn't want to wait 5 years until they die down a bit.
it's actually within walking distance of my LGS which is nice.
Fun is mandatory.
prime white with a good brand, so not citadel
tamiya has a great rattlecan white
then recess shade and add all your details and clean up any mess with pro acryl bold titanium white
You don't. You paint very light grey.
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Been working on a kitbash of a Firstborn Techmarine (no Primaris marine bits, not even tiny accessories)
Still need to figure out how to attach the pimp-slap servo-arm to the backpack
Oh god, I hadn’t thought of that. Brother Dannus it is, then.
no more greytide
That’s excellent, anon. My guys are also an all-firstborn project, the biggest problem I’m having is finding pistols that aren’t the faggy nu-style ones.
>prime white or if you're crazy you can basecoat with bold titanium white (i'm crazy)
>wash with a mixture of 1 drop space wolves gray, 2 drops contrast medium, 3 drops apothecary white
>if it's a very flat surface then recess shade and glaze it into your midtone to make sure the surface remains clean
>highlight with the same color as your basecoat
result is picrel. apologies for aos but it's my only white models.
Have the Votann been in any books since one million years or is this still their entire contribution to the lore?
>What are some of your favourite paint schemes you've seen on Warhammer 40K models?
Grimdark compendium's purestrain genestealers, which I can't seem to find?
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On vehicles? With one of these if you want a flat smooth result. Try getting some high coverage titanium white acrylic paint from an art store and use liquitex white ink to thin it, gives you a nice heavy coverage white that goes on smooth.
They're new and unpopular, so I don't think they've been in much.
>prime a mini white primarily
>the other parts are too light
about to dip this fucker in a pool of nuln oil and call it quits.
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Is this what peak performance looks like?
>Home owning
lol, so how are those property taxes coming along?
Checked, based Dan
Does anyone know a good UK supplier that sells just the new new Vallejo Model Color? It's like playing roulette as to whether you get the new stuff or the old stock.
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>all-firstborn project
Based, i'm doing the same. Using the MK6 guys from 30k to convert them into other armor MKs, like this MK4 one.
I've got a couple of MK7s converted already and plan on making at least one MK5
>It's like playing roulette as to whether you get the new stuff or the old stock.

look at store pictures and/or ask beforehand?
I pass those expenses along to the tenants.
Excellent work on the greenstuff kneepads. What's your method for achieving it?
>look at store pictures
It's usually just the stock new one.
>ask beforehand?
So far I've just been told they can't guarantee which one I get.
Ben, you live with your dad and sister and own nothing.
Nice, dude. I got some bionic bodies from Tortuga to make a unit of Sternguard, a captain and a command squad, but I’ll also be primarily using Mk 6 dudes for my tacticals and stuff. What chapter are you making your dudes?
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Firstly make the horizontal cut on the knee and shave off the protruding MK6 kneepad above the cut.
Then flatten out a sheet of greenstuff and cut out this shape of more or less the size you want the kneepad to be.
Wrap it on the knee and using the silicone tool massage it into proper place and shape.
I'd recommend making it sliiiightly bigger than you want them to be and then after they're cured, use a knife to cut the top and sides off to leave a sharper edge.
>What chapter are you making your dudes?
I'm planning on making them Lamenters, though i am a bit terrified of all the checkers i'll need to do
ork player here - checkers aren't bad. draw out a grid with a pencil then paint over that with a fine-tipped brush. practice makes perfect and you'll be fine after a few tries.
use very light grey.
Best of luck on your project, anon.
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If you have a 3d printer, just get one of those stl with the checkers already done in the pauldrons. If not, just use this, it's pretty useful.
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Just need to clean up this librarian a bit
One day I will attempt to paint Harlequins.
...one day.
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The last guy that i have on hand is the only fully MK6 guy that will be on the squad and i wanted to convert him a bit as well so i did my darn best to give him a Rogue Trader era bolter with the magazine all the way in the front (that i built out of a Sisters of Silence bolter and some magazine i had lying around)
hardest part was finding the arms that'd properly hold the bolter
Saving this image on my PC, it looks perfect (though i have some Lamenters decals, so at least i've got that part in the bag)
>i just brush on black primer,slap chop only white paint, and put white speedpaint/contrast paint onto the mini and that works
i dont know how people struggle with white and yellow so much, then again i always used to just mostly drybrush and do some layering before slap chop and easy paints became a thing
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Will GW ever experience a period of SOVL again?
>I like the Guard because they're regular humans with human feelings and emotions and beliefs doing their best to survive in the 40k universe
>that's why my favourite Regiment is the DKoK, a faction which makes the Iron Hands look full of humanity and emotion
What causes this?
Are they unpopular because they're actually lame, or are they unpopular because they have a handful of kits and no stories about them? The world may never know.
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That’s cool, is that the DV Librarian?
I like that old-school bolter, anon. My hope doing all-Firstborn is that they’ll release more armor marks for HH at some point, just for variety.
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It's surprisingly doable and Duncan did a good tutorial back in the day.
Remember when GW painting guides were worth a damn?
wehraboo autism, and bad memes
Terminal Reddit-brain
DKoK is the most Reddit of the Guard Regiments as 99% of their fanbase are only familiar with the fucking retarded shovel memes.
Hygiene, if you look or smell awful get the fuck out.
How many sisters is too many sisters if I want to go full sisters?
they'll all look like men at the end of the day so porbably never enough for a sister army.
If they are venturing onto midboard, they really need transports to not get pasted instantly. There best damage is up close (flamers and meltas) and one wound 10 man squads are not durable.
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Just got a box of resin recast shit, any guesses on what's inside?
Whats in the torrent? Is that where l can get all the books? Are there any good torrents out there? Im getting into Sisters and want some books to listen to when lm painting by candlelight
resin models?
A thunderhawk?
>Figure it out for yourself
>Figure it out for yourself
>Figure it out for yourself
>Unsubscribe from blog, please
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>is that the DV Librarian?
Yes, next up are the captain and chaplain
dragon dildos
did you buy the space marine half on ebay recently? if so was probably from me lmao
miscast dildos
so what's the consensus on genestealer cults now? and Brood brothers?
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Plastic Vampire when?
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Oops it's all Krieg
Needs playtesting. Some of the core rule changes help them and prices went down. I'll be playing my friend sisters vs. gsc this weekend (are main armies) so that will be interesting. I'll be bringing Bringers of Flame, not sure what detatch they will take but Pauper Princes was always their favorite.
>librarians were founded with lore from Prospero and Baal
>original patrons were Magnus the Red and Sanguinius
>red, red, red, and more red
>codex librarians wear blue
Fucking Rowboat erasing the contributions of his betters.
It's kinda funny how librarians are always showcased as ultrasmurfs so it's never obvious that they're actually supposed to be in a different scheme
You got the Nightshade Interceptor, that's more than good enough.
death korps of kringe
as I said miscast dildos
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I'm not convinced this model is real
>haha le shovel hehe le bayonet hoho don’t le stop le artillery
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>Plastic anything
Roboute Guilliman is the best Primarch though
Battleshock tests aren't a thing anymore.
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Blocked in some stuff on the lefthand dude last night. Slightly stuck atm, since I realized if I do up this dudes tentacles the same as the last one they're gonna end up way too samey with the fabric.
No i bought it a while back, didn't really have a use for the characters so i'm just now getting to them
>Land Raider, Predator, Vindicator and Rhino still out of stock
popular thing BAD amirite fellas?
I have only two rhinos and an immolator, my sisters are poor. Also the new combat patrol means I will likely not get another rhino, given their ridiculous prices.
he's not even the best of the milquetoast flavorless primarchs
>I will voice an opinion contrary to the contrarians so I can be the most contrarian
Sorry to hear that. But being able to carry two full squads + leaders is something. 5 man special weapons team in the immolator. Anyway that's just my opinion. When I try to run sisters infantry without transports (that aren't arcos) I just get alot of dead sisters without accompllshing much, so usually that acts as a kind of points hardcap on my list.
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give the tentacles a slightly more soft flesh tone, then add a layer of 'ardcoat to make them slimey. also the cloth is lacking a lot of depth, just imo.

ah.. yeah I've broken up and sold three sets of DV recently that I found in an old model shop in the Yukon lmao. Kept the cultists and sold the rest.

Should have bought the Land Raider last month when it got one of its every 6mo restocks.
I swear to god that thing sold out within a day, the fuck is wrong with GW. My only hopium is they're going to refresh the chaos vehicles soon
>Fall of the Eldar happens
>One Craftworld close to the Eye of Terror undergoes a shism, with a large portion of the surviving population believing Slaanesh should be worshipped
>This is in part instigated by a former noble of the Empire, who had snuck onto the Craftworld with a personal entourage before the launch with the intent to worship the new God
>The Slaaneshi populace subdues and imprisons the non-believers, then pilots the Craftworld into the Eye of Terror
>They perform a mass sacrifice of the non-believers seeking to gain Slaanesh's favor and become his servants
>Slaanesh is pleased with the sacrifice and amused by their abasement, and decides to grant their request as their souls are forfeit anyways
>The leading Noble is transformed into a Daemon Prince, who reshapes the Craftworld and brings about the creation of a colossal temple-city of silver and gold inside it
>Life continues as it had before the Fall but with renewed fervor, with pursuits of pleasure now being underlined by devotion and reverence to Slaanesh
>Mutations and possessions are fairly frequent occurances, but are viewed as divine punishments and blessings accordingly
>All souls still go to Slaanesh on death, but they view it as the ultimate act of devotion in that they become one with Slaanesh, and that they must experience as much sensation as possible to best please Slaanesh upon death
Completely stupid or potentially workable?
make a homebrew Krieg army of Nurgle zombies
>Are they unpopular because they're actually lame
Yes, they hitched their wagon to the fat ugly lesbian midget thing.
>home owning
Im a millenial
>This is in part instigated by a former noble of the Empire
The Eldar Empire? How would they make it there if the Fall would have eaten them?
Does having a home-owning wife count?
do what I did and get yourself a zoomie wife with rich gen x parents
Oh! Where's that MK4 helmet from? Is it OOP?
IIRC chaos eldar used to be a thing in the lore. It would be interesting as being slaaneshis would they have a much higher birth rate?
>the fat ugly lesbian midget thing
Oh, ya. That thing. I mean, dwarfs should be muscle-fat, with gruff, bordering on ugly features. Where do you see lesbianism coming to play though?
They got on before the Craftworld set out?
It would effectively be a 'normal' rate for Eldar, likely more than Craftworlders with Spirit Stones but less than Dark Eldar with Cloning and Vatborn.
as long as you own the wife
Ok, I've been thinking of my latest game, and I've changed my list a bit.

Deathwatch Blackspear – 1k points
Chaplain on Bike (Warlord) - Thief of Secrets
Librarian Terminator

2 units of Kill Team (2 shields/bolter, 2 frag launcher, 1 shield/xenophase sword)

1 unit of Vanguard Veterans with Jump Pack
1 unit of DW terminator veterans (2 hammers/shield, 3 with cyclone ML, Storm Bolter and Power Fist).

2 units of Veteran Bikers (6 bikers in total, one with xenophase sword)

Here's the plan. Since my main problem last time was bad positioning and deployment, I'm not bothering with 2 redemptor dreads. Instead, I double on bikes, and I have the termies with librarian being the scary unit. The regular veterans are there to take the closer objectives and do actions if needed. Bikes are there to move around the battlefield to contest the enemy's objectives and to take space, and the vanguards are there to help. The terminators are there to threaten whatever danger is near, but it will go second round or later to keep them safe.

Any opinions? i could take the termies to put two more units of vanguards, but I fear that I'd end up lacking punch against heavy armor.
>They got on before the Craftworld set out?
I guess it's not that important I undersatnd this particular. But how could they be aware of Slaneesh and get on the craftworld without being eaten when she was born? My understanding of Eldar lore is super limited and maybe wrong though.

But overall yeah it works and sounds solid.
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Eldar flyers are such fantastic models
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more progress on the koptas
As I recall roughly 2/3rds of the Eldar Empire's population died instantly. The Eldar had a rough grasp of what happened and of what Slaanesh was, but many were too shocked to accept what was going on, or were in the Webway were the impact was dulled.
I also believe several of the Eldar Empire's nobles who were in the Webway took over Commoragh and founded the Dark Eldar, only to later be usurped and assassinated by Vect. May be misremembering though.
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i really like wasp themes for 'nids. Black, yellow and some red in there.
Right, the webway, that makes sense. I wasn't thinking about it.
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I know 40k was originally written in the 90s when the "overpopulation" and "climate destruction" myths were in full effect. The then imagined dystopian future coming in the form of overpopulated hive cities making sense only in the Grimderpness of the future. You'd imagine people in the future would stop reproducing too, due to degrading living conditions and high cost of living like today. What societal and environmental pressures are there to keep human populations high in those cramped and unliveable cities and colonies?
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>'ardcoat to make them slimey
mfw (I'd been using a vgc wash on them to try to get a bit of gloss, but it wasn't quite enough)
>cloth is lacking a lot of depth
ya, I agree. It's gonna need a couple more layers to give it more life, tho I might wait until he's more assembled to do that part to get a better idea of how the shadows from his other leg will go.
Sidenote: vmc violet red has weirdly shit coverage compared to the rest of the range. I shook the absolute FUCK out of that thing, and it didn't make any difference.
To show the potato who's boss.
Mashed taters are good. All taters are good. Fuck off tater partisan glowy
Sorry I posted in the wrong thread.
>You'd imagine people in the future would stop reproducing too, due to degrading living conditions and high cost of living like today. What societal and environmental pressures are there to keep human populations high in those cramped and unliveable cities and colonies?
The Imperium influences birthrates in lower hives by lacing water supplies with chemicals that either stifle or enhance sex drives depending on what the planetary government deems necessary.
Tomorrow I'll paint a model.
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people fuck a lot anon. Some of the worst places on the planet people have the most kids

what they were last week
Dont beat yourself up anon, last time I bought a 40K mini was probably about 6 years ago.
Consooming and painting are not comparable
I don't know much about the empire's local tax policies, but the reason people have less children in cities is because they are expensive furniture, unlike on farms, where they are free labor.
If the hives run on a food ration system instead of a free market, so offspring get rations and don't lower the parents living standards, plus propaganda encouraging children, people keep making children.
>If the hives run on a food ration system instead of a free market
In Necromunda terms the hive runs off House script notes for the average citizen. You work for the House and the House provides script to buy your housing, food, water, etc off the House. It keeps the House citizens from jumping ship, House script is only largely good within each great house.
>mfw I got a Land Raider, Razorback, Predator and Vindicator last month
and you do neither so why are you even here?
I do both more than most of this thread, and it amuses me how much you throw that insult around
Same, only have a house because my parents left me their house in their will. Feels like that's what every generation after the boom booms is waiting for:for them to die off so they can finally buy instead of rent property.
crazy how you'll lie like this and come up with 60 embarrassing excuses for why you can't prove your claims every single time
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I remember when these first came out, I didn't buy one for YEARS because I hated the model so much, its just so ungainly with the lad in the open topped turret.
The new one is a beauty in comparison, not everything "nu-hammer" is bad. : )
This is interesting, but I wish more lore was given to explain how the Imperium keeps its numbers afloat.
Contraception, birth control and the service economy is making places like Africa and India experience falling birthrates. Younger generations are also experiences noticeable degrees of estrangement between the sexes, thus fewer kids are being born every day. The less said about East Asia and Europe the better.
>offspring get rations and don't lower the parents living standards
Honestly a good explanation, if there's a culture of safety in numbers, there could be a reason for hives to survive. Humans in 40k aren't economical units, but rather we're back to the days of humans being replaceable chattel.
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>expectations vs reality
Don't forget that in 40K every large population planet almost certainly have a planetary tithe to keep for supplying units to the Guard, and it incentivises lax population control.
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The current Razorback is a decent kit
I've been building mine and had managed to lose the front plate's visor, so i used plasticard to make a new one and decided to base it off the Baal predator.
Of course, after i finished doing this, i found the actual visor plate pretty much immediately.
Into my bits box it goes, i guess.
The main gun is magnetized and i've also magnetized the entire razorback/rhino roof-plate too.
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In one of the Necromunda books, forget which unfortunately but within the last two years, they mention the Master Nauticans of the water guild being responsible for adding things to the water (sterilization meds, aphrodisiacs etc) to help or hinder the population as needed.
playing astra is finally fun again.
what changed?
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This army looked a lot better in my head
I pretty much always post them, then the person that asks has a giant meltie about it.

But sure, here we go again - Drukhari, Guard, Blood Angels, Black Templars, Tau, Tyranids, Death Guard or Orks?
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stinky boys should always be posted.
nta, but post orks. Love those retarded dudes.
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Loving 3rd and 4th Edition 40k. Can't wait to play more of it.
Show me your older edition games!
old sternguard or vanguard vet box I think?
pretty sure i remember the last time you posted them. If i'm correct, you posted your orks and then the anon you were speaking to pissed and shat himself over your usage of pigments.
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Not to mention, I LOVE the old Kabalite Warrior sculpts!
So I wasn't wrong when I made my Lamenters librarian yellow?
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Plus the metal Haemonculus is fantastic. The old metal Grotesques are... unique.
Nice, dude. I’m not crazy about DG myself, but I like your guys so far.
Like the other anon said, its from the now OOP Sternguard kit.
Oh yeah, that's probably the Sternguard Vets
Vanguard Vets one doesn't have the eye-lense
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And I guess I'll show my brother's Crimson Fists force from our last match :)
It's small since we were doing a 4th Edition Combat Patrol. Which is MUCH more fun than the later versions of Combat Patrol.
your brother should base his models. the paintjobs are lovely, though. very clean.
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Kabal of the Xbox looking pretty sexy ngl
they look like the bad guy from nightmare creatures
I cannot for the fuckin' life of me find a picture of them as an army, so you'll have to settle for a picture that my LGS took. Or I could just go take a picture of morty in my cabinet.


Did that last time
>your brother should base his models

Oh believe me, I know. I keep telling him but he's always going to "do it when the army is finished."
I agree though, he's a much better painter than me. I enjoy it, but he's clearly the more skilled one lol

You know... I kinda see it.
fuck yeah, love to see some nicely painted DG. how about those tau? Don't see many tau armies here on the regular.
I used pink for my DG plasma too. Nice choice.
Posted the Tau before too, getting more suits together now that your average Retaliation Cadre list doesn't give up 80VP
I just wanted to see some orks, but ok.
Maybe instead of green try brass?
beautiful. red tau are so great, but I think if i ever did them i'd try for a white scheme.
A sturmtiger
>(no Primaris marine bits, not even tiny accessories)
We get it, you're vegan.
Cool model though, but cut off the foot cable, it looks like shit.
Same here, the foot cable is terrible.
So they’re supposed to be blue because of the space book but Mephiston doesn’t wear blue despite being one so you do you
I will greenstuff extra foot-cables just for you.
Greenstuff moon boots on them while you're at it.
Eh, Codex Astartes is more of a guidelines than anything.
The whole "librarians - blue", "techmarines - red" crap is often ignored even in official art and paintjobs (even in shit like fucking Ultramarines that are extra anal about the codex)
I don’t have a librarian, but when I get one it will be painted red. Mephiston is red.
he cheats with BA artificer armor. You can't paint exposed muscle blue!
Shut up, faggot.
Space book bad.
I'm planning on painting all of my Lamenter Techmarine completely yellow except for the right shoulderpad which will be Martian red
>>what I want to say
some cool rarely done well army like admech or somesuch.
>>what it probably sadly is
How do you guys feel about conversions
I converted some models fairly heavily and brought them to the store and a guy said something like "I don't like models that are so different from their STCs"
>so brainrotted by his need to be contrarian he ignored that the contents were already revealed
why the fuck would i care about what some moron thinks of my conversions/kitbashes?
converting is the heart of the hobby
make your army your own
Conversions and kitbashes are based. Especially if you're also saving money by kitbashing character units from cheaper basic units.
Pic. depends on the conversions.
>Librarians = Blue
>Techmarines = Red
>Apothecaries = White
>Chaplains = Black

These are the four specialist dudes in chapters. Almost every single chapter sticks to these paint schemes... Except for Librarians. These can really vary in paint scheme.

The golden rule for what to paint Librarians is whatever the painter thinks looks best. This is why Blood Angels Librarians are very commonly painted red.

Yeah, Lamenters Librarians could and should be yellow, the blue might look weird among yellow. Or maybe not, could be neat in how it looks weird.
No, the foot cables are shit.
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Don't be a pussy, grab the blue paint
Rule of Two. No named characters.
I'm using a lightly modified Lord of Hubris as a Master of Possession.
I'm using a squad of Blood Sisters as Possessed.
If a conversion is fitting then good, and if someone can put the logic behind it then even better in my book.
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>Almost every single chapter sticks to these paint schemes...
More or less, they still change it up a ton.
Like how Salamanders just slap some blue paint onto the librarians arm and give it thumbs up and "Looks good to me.".
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Conversion and kitbashes are cool. Show us your stuff anon.
> "I don't like models that are so different from their STCs"

Is he joking? Like, referring to plastic models as STCs? Or does he mean in-lore STCs?

You can just say that YOUR DUDES have a private STC that prints out variants of the gear, and they keep it to themselves and Mars. And Mars doesn't use it because it's not that different in performance and they don't want to re-tool their factories.

But real world? Conversions are GREAT! It's always amazing to watch people new to the hobby go through the mind-opening steps of, "I don't have to paint like the box art?" > "I don't have to build them exactly like the box art?" > "I can kitbash stuff and make it whatever I want?"

Yeah. Kitbash your stuff.
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Official miniature of Ultramarine Techmarine that is mostly Blue.
At least when it comes to Techmarines, there seems to be a LOT of leeway on how much of the Techmarine is painted red.
Because they look like molding mishaps.
Same with the other leg cables onto the nu-mk6 and nu-mk3. They look terrible, also it makes no sense armor wise because congratulations, that cable is going to snag on something and either get cut or worse case you fucking trip because of it.
I hate 2 of the primaris infernus sculpts too because they also have retarded foot cables.
Yeah, it's pretty neat that way. Even Iron Priests from the Space Wolves tend to incorporate red on their equipment and servo-arms.

And of course different shades of the color could be used to fit in more with the army.

I think the biggest reason why newer fans assume Librarians don't have a special colors is that the box art is Ultramarines and they're always blue anyways.
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>angry binary voicemail from Mars
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>Is he joking? Like, referring to plastic models as STCs? Or does he mean in-lore STCs?
>Casualfag mad because someone actually takes 40k seriously and respects the lore of it and treats it like a proper wargame.
Go play AoS, it's fit for you perfectly.
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Retard, the footcables exist on most Space marine kits, including the Firstborn Tacticals, the older MKIV kit, Devastator squads
>treating it like a proper wargame means calling the sprue options by their in-universe name
what a retarded faggot you are
>Casualfag mad because someone actually takes 40k seriously and respects the lore of it

Explain to me why there are Voss, Vostroya, Triplex, Ryza and countless more pattern Lasguns.
I like the idea of the Techmarines personalizing their armor and the amount of Red vs their Chapter color represents how close they feel to either, since canonically they're kind of misfits that are often ostracized by both the Techmarines of Mars and their Battle Brothers
Not that the chief techmarine of the Iron Hands wears black and has his clan symbol displayed on his right pauldron which would traditionally be a variant with segmented plating.
I meant techpriests of mars, not techmarines.
I am very sleepy.
Please stop using slave names.
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fuck off you secondary piece of shit the foot cables have been a thing since forever
Retarded newfag lmao
>Retard, the footcables exist on most Space marine kits
I know they exist, I don't care if they exist, they still look like shit despite of it.
You think I'll give this shit a pass when I don't give the primaris ones or the nu-mk6 or nu-mk3 a pass?
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Pink plasma: Yes or no?
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>but they existed
Cool beans, they still look like shit.
>pink cooler
>green tube
gay ass coloscheme.
No one cares if you give them a pass or not, shitlips. They’ve been part of the marine aesthetic for as long as they’ve had plastic kits.
Liked the pink plasma ever since DoW
>cool beans
Nice. Purple could work too.
go play some other wargame like warmachine you shit
um actually that's magenta
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Do you also sperg out anytime you see the foot-cables in artwork as well?
So recently my friends finally pressured me to get into 40k, and I went into a Warhammer store today.

A couple questions. The guy there wanted to sell me the Leviathan Box for $220. Is that a good value if I don’t want the Tyranids?

If not, what is a good, small, all-around balanced list that a beginner space marine player can get? I’m thinking a smaller list, only 500 points but well rounded. I just want to figure out how to play the game and figure out whether I like melee or ranged armies, elite or horde, etc, and space marines are a good way to figure that out. At least that’s what the Warhammer store guy said.
Raise the contrast between the coils and the interior with more white and a washed down version of the pink, then recover the coils with darker shades of the pink. You’ll be surprised at how good it looks
That is true. Purple and red just like on Blue’s Clues.
You need to go all in and no green in the gun, but it looks pretty cool so far.
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Almost done with mk mkV marine, just need to do the chest tube down to the belt.

Your dude looks really sick anon. Really nice lines on that armour panneling on the servo arm.
>No one cares if you give them a pass or not, shitlips
Clearly plenty people do since you all keep replying.
Those look like shit too.
But it is better because it is at least symmetrical. I am a cordial person, I can give some lee way in my standards.
I guess the white stuff is some sort of putty?
Is it milliput?
The leviathan box is still good value as you could just swap the nid half with someone for their marine half.

The leviathan half has:
1 x Termie Captain
1x Termie Librarian
1x Phobos Lieutenant
1x Apothecary
5x Termies
5x Sternguard
1x Dread
10x Infernus Marines

without any enhancements that's roughly 700 points of space marines which is enough for a small game
Telling you that you’re a retard with shit taste doesn’t mean anyone cares about your opinion, retard. Also, leeway is one word.
The guy at the store is half-lying to you.
Leviathan is great if you have somebody to split the box with both model wise and cost wise.
Marines are okay but it's the option everybody tends to be pushed into starting in part because it has the most models available and thus can have the most money spent on it. Chaos Marines are slightly better to start with but you always want to go with the army you think looks the coolest. You probably aren't going to have fun so you might as well get the models you like. Honestly reconsider your friendships if they're trying to get you hooked on 40k.
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This is how I do mine, same technique as >>93153996 but instead of greenstuff I just use 20mil thick plasticard. Its really easy to do.
He actually made sure to mention that, being able to sell your Tyranids to recoup the cost. I ended up just walking out with a SM codex while I figure out my options. Btw what is the purpose of a stern guard anyways? Terminators are good frontliners for slugging it out, infernos are good for mopping up chaff, what are sternguard good for? They don’t seem as elite as terminators and they’re not as tough and don’t have good weapons.

>You should probably rethink your friendships if they want you to get into 40K
Ha, yeah, probably. But I also kinda wanted to get in as well. One of my friends plays Tau, the other has a necron and Dark elf army, and I thought it would be cool to play with them. Why are chaos space marines better to start with?
>no, i don't care
You do.
If you didn't you would have moved on and shrugged your shoulders.
But here you are still.
>Also, leeway is one word
Li wae
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>was the weakest primarch
>didn't like fighting, hesitated about his powers despite having a potential second only to magnus
>the guy that mainly sneaks beat the shit out of him in a straight up fight
>so he stopped hesitating, embraced his powers and fighting, became empowered and ascended through chaos
>now a psychic and physical powerhouse with magic and shit
>still got beat up by the sneaky guy that became a not-daemon in a straight up fight
Will Lorgar get any Ws? Angron loses too but at least gets to kick some ass before getting punked.
he meant in-lore STCs
Space Marines currently have an insanely bloated index where every unique possible variant of a unit exists (largely to sell plastic). I would say that the more "elite" an army is the cheaper they tend to be. Orks, Nids, Guard and GSC all tend to be pricier due to you need a shit ton of models to hit 2000 points. Take a look at the different armies and see which one you like. If you really want into the hobby you'll have a better time collecting a faction you like.
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I've combined these three into the one image, you think go more like the attached pic? Just a quick photoshop, I think that's what you mean?
What purple though, In my head its just not working, all I end up picturing is lilac!
Thanks for the input.
>Will Lorgar get any Ws?
Lorgar doesn't deserve any Ws
The dark angels and space wolfs combat patrol box is decent if you want to test things out they have a mix of melee and ranged guys. spacemarines can do most things a bit but not great (and can't do horde at all) the leviathan box is good but have no dedicated melee on spacemarine side and you should hold on to the tyranids for now to maybe test them as well in a game. being hordy and spacemarines can't do that.
>Why are chaos space marines better to start with?
They look cooler and have more interesting rules while also having a more flexible roster. Having a Maulerfiend smash into something is more entertaining than watching a Dreadnought do it.
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Yes its milliput superfine white. Its just an alternative to greenstuff that I am more comfortable with and like better. You can even mix it with greenstuff to get a best of both worlds, 1:3 green:put.

Only downside to it is it blows out photos pretty badly.
Like what did you convert then?
You built your Rhino with the headlamps in the wrong place and smoke launchers backwards?
angron beat leman, horus and roboute
lorgar beat nobody
Lorgar threw the galaxy into hell for his own sake. Now he reaps what he sow.
>>still got beat up by the sneaky guy that became a not-daemon in a straight up fight
Lorgar has been meditating for the past 10,000 years. All Corvus does is fly around Lorgar's tower screeching and cawing.
Lorgar won by virtue of Chaos Marines existing.
I honestly don’t care for a faction in specific, I think all of them are degrees of cool. Space marines are pretty cool. I might be biased because I’ve played boltgun.

How would you recommend getting into it? Which chaos space marines are the coolest? Thousand sons? Death guard?
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I would also have thought orange would go with the teal but... its not doing it for me?
>orange and teal on a marine
I like KSons but they have the oldest models, and a lot of their discount boxes are fucked to the brim with shitty tzaangors.
Though i believe rumours say they're getting new stuff soon'ish
3e and HH only, my store has become infintiely better for it and even the most ardent of WAACfags had to kneel to 3e fluffy army supremacy.

>Verification not required.

Do this with a white oil wash, you don't need the dumb oil pen he has, you can just get a tube of windsor newton white and thin it with mineral spirits
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Also maybe the face, chest,backpack, knee and maul, leaving only green for hair and shoulders.
Normal CSM are pretty decent to go with and already have their new Codex.
Death Guard are slow as hell.
TSons are nerds who just kinda exist, don't see them much.
World Eaters are pain to play.
the waacfags at my store all stayed in their little group until tournaments came and they'd all try and waacfag the shit out of it. Eventually everyone took the narrative pill so they left for a while but have slowly slipped back in. They're like roaches you think they're gone and then *BLAM* you find a bunch more hiding away.
Get whatever faction you like the looks of most. Get the HQ you think is coolest, a battleline unit, and something hard hitting. Then see how many points you have left
before doing any of this just buy a box of the basic unit and see if you like building and painting that
*cries in Thousand Sons trim*
If they still have one you should grab it. It’s easy enough to sell whatever half you don’t want later. Also the rule book and the space marine half are worth more than that separately.
Yeah this is probably the best advice. If you go CSM get a cultist kit and a kill team: legionaries kit.
Yeah, I’m looking on the website, CSM look pretty cool with all the spikes and gold decorations.

Okay, thanks for the tip.
There's something wrong here but I just can't put my finger on it
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Here you go you sick fuck :D
It's called phoneposting.
Huh, I'll give that a go tomorrow, cheers!
Gen Z cant help it, they prefer it to a desktop/laptop.
Now that’s a colour scheme!
Ok, I just read the codex for SM and the leviathan box is a fucking scam. You can only have one leader per unit right? So that means that either your infernus or sternguard are going to be without a leader because captains in terminator armor can’t lead regular units. WTF???
Not every unit has to have a leader, I wouldn't buy Leviathan for the reason that most of the marine units in there are crap right now.
Charges you with 4 str 10 attacks
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I forgot this pic, which is basically another picture from a different angle.
Fun fact, about 20 seconds after taking this picture, that Combat Squad went on to be fucked up by squad of Mandrakes.
you can just...walk over it
Maybe something on the crimson side of purple? A darker shade of raspberry?
Ok, thanks for explaining. I thought leaders had to lead a unit or have the “lone operative” ability or else they were useless. Do you have an idea for a good, well rounded, beginner space marine list? I love the idea of these Salamander guys. Helping out civilians at their own risk.
>replies with 60 choppa attacks and 4 power klaw attacks
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Here's a kitbashed jump canoness out of spare parts. 102F and I'm deathly allergic to glue and spray paint (I'm a retard for picking this hobby) so had to put it together and prime outside. Ruined it but I just need this for a game this week and then hopefully I can strip and reprime when it cools. Also need to find a real flame pistol and not glue some random bits onto a snub nosed bolt pistol.
500 points?
If you go with the leviathan box, I would suggest using your models as proxies for other things if you have a buddy who doesn’t mind them not looking right. That way you can play as all the different marine chapters that vary from melee heavy, shooting heavy, or mixed. That’ll give you the best option for figuring out which faction you really want to play. But at the end of the day, rules are temporary, models are forever. So if you don’t like the look of marines, I’d suggest figuring out what you think is cool. If you’re more interested in having a strong army so you don’t just get table stomped all the time, then perhaps ask around with your buddies what different armies play like. I started by asking my buddy what army is a mobile glass cannon and he pointed me to Eldar. I liked the look of them, I liked the way they played, and have never gone back since. It’s really up to your preferences.
Yes, thank you.

Thanks for the insight. I’ll try to play some proxy matches. What army did you play before eldar?
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Use this as a reference for the process. It’s surprising how good it looks. You can stop at the 6th step, but the more you work on it, the better it looks. Keep in mind, the coils are the darkest part of the effect. The internals are hotter and therefore closer to white while the coils are exposed to air, thus being cooler and therefore darker.
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>crimson side of purple? A darker shade of raspberry?
Isnt that just red anon?
> What army did you play before eldar?
Eldar was my first. I had played Fantasy Battle with him as the Wood Elves before switching to 40K
I like that sister in the back has nice hair, the gw models do lack flowing hair which is odd for the female faction
Its lovely, I might pull out some other models and give it a go there - I didn't realise the "upper" parts should be darker, it looks much better!
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There is red in it, sure.
Yeah, the old style was always making the coils lighter, but them being darker has a striking look that feels more real
nta but isnt the one of the left there the pink one they are already showing? How do you do "darker" shaded plasma? Wouldnt that just read as washed out?
Here's a 500pt Vanguard Spearhead list.


1x Apothecary Biologis (80 pts)
• 1x Absolver Bolt Pistol
• 1x Close Combat Weapon
• Warlord
• The Blade Driven Deep (+25 pts)


3x Aggressor Squad (120 pts)
• 1x Aggressor Sergeant
• 1x Twin Power Fist
• 2x Aggressors
• 2x Twin Power Fist
• 1x Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets
• 1x Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

5x Scout Squad (65 pts)
• 1x Scout Sergeant
• 1x Bolt Pistol
• 1x Close Combat Weapon
• 1x Boltgun
• 2x Scout
• 2x Bolt Pistol
• 2x Close Combat Weapon
• 1x Missile Launcher
• 1x Scout Sniper Rifle
• 2x Scouts
• 2x Bolt Pistol
• 2x Boltgun
• 2x Close Combat Weapon

1x Repulsor Executioner (220 pts)
• 1x Armoured Hull
• 1x Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon
• 1x Icarus Rocket Pod
• 1x Ironhail Heavy Stubber
• 1x Repulsor Executioner Defensive Array
• 1x Twin Heavy Bolter
• 1x Twin Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber
• 1x Heavy Laser Destroyer
Yeah and the hair texture on some of the sisters is very flat, almost like a smooth bowl. Kind sucks to paint so I use helmets for everything and then 3rd party heads for the HQs
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I got this box and I seriously do not know how to get into the game. I ebayed the Leviathan rulebook but now I see they just rewrote movement then two days later, they've errataed that too?

How are you actually supposed to start playing and figuring out which weapons I should glue on? Is this even a good start?
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I hate how oversized primaris pistols are
the old pistols were worse
How did they fuck this up so badly all they had to do was rescale the exact same model
go to wahapedia.ru and look at the unit rules.
and then laugh because the only unit with any options in that kit is the deff dread, which you'll want 3 klaw arms and some form of shooting for lols
I don't even want to convert the new one because the pose is so fucking bad even if the detail on his armor is pretty neat
They're really not.
problem is even for only using 3-4 sm units its still cheaper than box kits. welcome to warhammer
CAD modelling was a mistake.
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They're quintessential warhammer kino
I don't care how noguns they are
does anyone here play 2nd Edition?
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You’re allowed to fiddle a bit.
Love the bionics. I wish there were more of them in kits
Do you care about Combat Patrol and wysiwyg? Build them as what the Combat Patrol tell you to. The data sheets for it are free.

Do you not care about Combat Patrol? Build them as you want and try to get access to some form of the codex/data sheets to help you decide, whether for meta or flavor play.
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My favorite ones are probably the ones from the MKIV kit
Asking for test games in the stores is probably the best way to start, getting the rules explained maybe with a small army of someone else or the shop, what to glue well asking for more specific cases can help but what is good or bad changes quite fast so it is better to glue what you like (within the rules) or magnetise/sticktise the options there aren't that many anymore anyways.
Yeah great bolters too. MkIII ones are also great
look up datasheets on wahapedia. find the loadout you want. combat patrols dont always come with all the options so just be ready
>is this a good way to get in
sure why not. paint em up and get someone at your lgs to run a game
I’ll play literally anything as long as my opponent doesnt mind proxies.
The MKIV ones are the Tigrus Pattern, aren't they? and the MK3 ones are Phobos (not to be confused with the shitty primaris phobos armor, because GW keeps reusing words)
Aren't they just phobos because that's the name of the forge that creates them?
? It can be argued lorgar got the biggest W out of all of them. His doctrine about worshiping the emperor as a god is now standard across the imperium despite what the emperor wanted. He was shit on by the emperor for that very thing and turned it around into a giant win for himself. He hasent done anything because he is too busy smugly sitting on his throne made of right and win.
Hey, thanks Sallyanon. I dig that superheated sword.
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It's amazing they threw away such an iconic sculpt for such a terrible one. Even the alternative helmet was much better than the new one. Which has no helmet options. No wargear options. No pose options. It's a tragedy.
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And this fucked this dude over too though I find the new haemonculus less offensive than the archon
Succubus isn't bad tho
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>Will Lorgar get any Ws?
Either get smarter or go play with dublo retard.
Because due to 10 000-15 000 years of cultural drift has caused people to come up with different designs to solve a problem they were having.
>Will Lorgar get any Ws?
Only W Lorgar deserves is Corax's wet thumb in his ear.
Lorgar deserves to get bullied.
hobbylet cope
>Friends want to play some crusades over the weekend
>Decide to get the new CSM codex
>Previous codex I've gotten crusade rules were shit
>Read the rules
>It's actually fun and really flavorful
>Actually feel really exited to get to use the stuff in it
The more I read from the different codices the more I'm convinced that there's two teams making the codices with one of them just being far superior.
>His doctrine about worshiping the emperor as a god
Emps still isn't a god and is just a psyker on a throne.
Lorgar was and still is retarded in that regard.

Nevermind that he is retarded enough to not be able to understand what "No." means.
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The guy you mentioned opinion is bad. Show us the one he whinged about.
A darker shade of raspberry as pictured.
I wish I had such child like confidence in my painting
Sallyanon has repeatedly stated he has no confidence. He’s just passionate enough not to worry about an Algerian potatoe farming forum’s judgement.
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Well whatever he's doing it's clearly working for getting models out there
The tilt shield freehand is ass but the flesh tones on the sleeveless guy’s arms are decent. And his paint isn’t too thick. It’s a bit fuzzy but it looks like he’s starting to experiment with volumetric highlights too. Which is much better than the fat and bland highlights I remember almost vomiting over last year.
I mean those look near professional. Not a fan of the yellowish green tho. And considering how old those sculpts bits are I bet that guys been at it longer than sallyfag.
Oh pic was unrelated other than being sallies
Power to the Forsaken
Power of the Foreskin
get out of here sylvanas simp
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I don’t seek controversy by posting my dudes. I just don’t like spamming memes or reaction pics. Why must it always spark discord? Have I offended Eris in some way?
Okay those are pretty fun. Lmao at the literal lizardman head on the bike guy.
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Probably like stepping on eggshells to be fair
Don't ever feel guilty for posting your own models. Any controversy it generates says a lot more about the people who feel the need to start it than it does about you. Don't feel like you have to defend yourself against empty disparagement either, though.
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>dropped points of blight hauler by 10
DG bros, how are we feeling? Is it enough? I get that they don't want to make him too cheap, because he's fairly resistant, but damn bruh they have so few shots. MF noodles way too often, and the tank hunter shit isn't enough to offset it. Like... damn they couldn't give my boy a -15? Would it be too much to just say fuck it and errata tankhunters to rerolls instead of a +1?
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I made an incredibly cursed, glass cannon list based around the Captain’s rites of battle ability and the Fire Overwatch stratagem to basically make it so that no one could move at all near me or every single unit could fire on them (once per round, but still, fucking hilarious) I felt so proud, and I sent it to my friend and all he said was: “Why don’t you play T’au”

I feel really stupid.
There is nothing a blight hauler does that isn't fulfilled better by another unit in the army. PBCs are going to be much harder to replace though. Might still have to run a few even with the nerf.
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>over 2 million views on a 4 hr video on a niche part of the lore
Do people really?
the crux of one of the most popular chaos legion's lore is popular? What a shock
thousand sons are one of those factions that you just hate when you start to get into their lore, Magnus is dumb from a writing standpoint even in contrast to other retarded Primarchs like Russ or the golden sucking twink.
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>See boarding actions box at "nearest" (an entire county away) GW store last month
>Look up BP boxes
>OOP, some look better than some Combat Patrols
>Check rules
Holy shit these suck ass.
>he cares about rules
what a queer.
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always post your dudes sallyman, no matter what anyone says.
have the KT mandrakes gotten a separate box release yet
Believe me asking you fags was not my first choice
No, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are dozens of listings on the secondary market from all the rabid Night Lords fans scooping up the box sets instantly. It sold out insanely fast as I recall.
How do you twist up the tank cable like that?
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It's just a bit off the razorback
>handguard/forward grip on the one on the right

That's no pistol, that's a fucking sbr with the stock removed.
Why do space marine shields look so bad?
Why do you have such shit taste?
But they do though. Like name a single shield that looks good.
They're not marine shields but I like wraithblade shields
___Orks___ need a Storm Shield option.
Especially Meganobz.
captain with relic shield
chaplain in terminator armor
bladeguard vets
aren't razorbacks kinda dead bc primaris
can't put tacticus armor units in there
I simply kill anybody at my table who says slightly taller marines can't fit in the metal box
Why does playing space marines feel so banal

Like, you could play a melee list or you just play dark angels and be better. So many of the detachments are just bad. Even after nerf, it’s just better to use ironstorm for a vehicle roster and gladius otherwise. (Unless you’re playing a chapter with its own supplement) That’s not even getting to the whole firstborn/primaris shit. You’d think that they would pare down the roster but no! There’s still 10 heavy support and only 2 are viable. Only one battle line is viable depending on your detachment.

Also, entire chapters are redundant, like why even play salamanders when all of your leaders are resin? Also the themed detachment is bad. Vulkan only gives rerolls on wounds for melee so your stratagems suck. And there isn’t even enough dedicated flamers to fill out a roster. Remember, you can only play 3 of a data sheet in each list. I hope you like storm bolters. Why play Imperial fist gunlines when Tau can outdo you? Why specialize at all instead of just congealing into ultramarines? At least they have a good duelist primarch.

I know I shouldn’t complain as a Space Marine player but my games have been so boring lately. My Salamanders list doesn’t even have any flamers in it anymore. No, really. Also, I just use Gladius detachment. Being the Jack of all Trades sucks because you have to use every “slot”‘s best-in-slot or else you’re leaving points on the table.
>Blade guard
Dumbest fucking thing for a marine to use, like what the hell is it supposed to protect them from? A stubber? The skulls are overdone as well, it only needed one single big one and that's it.
>Deathwing knights
These at least have more coverage, but it could use some innovation. These are okay I guess.
At least this one's big at least. I can appreciate an entire skeleton on it as well.
Do we have any in-universe songs, monk chants, things like that that I could blast while studying?
Darktide OST. Vermintide OSTs too maybe. I played other vidyas but can't remember others standing out.
Oh some of the Rogue Trader OST might make for good ambience.
shit taste
Mechanicus ost
Nighttime progress. Really love this guy, hope once all of the washes and highlights are done it looks a bit better.
I think my problem with the model is that the box art has the black and metalics blend together to make a mess of a model to the eyes. not with my paintscheme.
Thin your paints!
I'm thickening my paints. Fuck you.
Disregard what I said here. I’m a complete newfag
Even a newfag can tell that its shit.
what the fuck are you bitching about coverage the bladeguard shields are the size of their entire upper body
New thread



Step 5 looks the best there
the kite-shield shape is still dumb
you simply have bad taste
nu uh
Which recaster? Are they any good?
Does anyone have a scan or photo of the weapon and profile summary page from the 3rd ed Ork Codex?

The pdf I have of the dex is missing it so I don't know half the weapon's profiles. Much appreciated!
I'm running 100% Firstborn units, so i don't give a fuck
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Mucho texto
waaco fago

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