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Jailbreak edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What's there to talk about other than 4e?
These comics are never (and I mean NEVER) even remotely funny. Cringe? Totally. Fun? Nope.
>Reddit Letter Media
I thought people abandoned them after it turned out their ideal Star Wars trilogy was a cinematic abortion that killed the 2nd largest multi media franchise in the world
I no longer do but obviously millions of redditors still do
Anyway old clip is still relevant
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>Chadnos is the embodiment of masculinity.
>A giant, angry, virile beast who lives to fight and destroy. He's so friggin manly he encouraged an entire Grand Order to follow him by flexing his bicep.
>Beat feminine icon Morathi into a pulp so bad she lost her mind over it.
>Kragnos scares progressives by being too butch so GW is forced to imprison him again.

What's next for everyone's favourite meathead?
Being kept in the closet until GW decides to use him as a macguffin for some retarded nog intelligence level plot.Then shuffled to be made irrelevant again, because orcs players hate his existence, ogre players don't fucking care, and behemat players want more gargants.

Only ones who care are gitz players, who rely on crapnogger to get actual damage output.
Crying about his lost people like a little bitch while Karazai beats his ass. Meanwhile Gobsprakk finds and genocides his bitch ass race of furries
This is canon btw
File deleted.
>manliest man in aos is a literal incel
I don't think it counts if your race is dead anon.
>you've still gotta chase the bad moon across the table diagonally in spearhead

for fucks sake someone get me out of this stupid army
He was exiled as an incel before then
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I feel like there should be a way around this problem when Ghyran and Alarielle are involved
>for fucks sake someone get me out of this stupid army

Or you could just... not play them if you don't enjoy them?
How do you reckon?
they're by far my favorite models in the game, but their gameplay is god damn terrible
One greenskin doesn't wear a cloak. Why?
I've checked the model, he has no dick.
Same. There's so many factions I want to play because of amazing lore/characters or great models, but they're just not fun.
That's a snotling
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In THIS system?
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its a snotling, naked little half formed psuedo grot.

you find em on some of the gloomspite models, they used to have more units in fantasy, kind of like nurglings
Oh dear. That's...
FUCKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even Chadnos cannot resist those thighs.
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Literally the only fluff he has dude? c'mon
Give me flashbacks from an event I was at a few years back where the person coming in dead last got a special price where some of the people who arranged the tournament had made a drawing of Kragnos fkin Teclis in the ass. Most people laughed but someone got really upset, posted a pic on the country hobby fb page and there was an angry mob demanding the dude who decided it was a good idea to basically get blacklisted from all other tournaments in the country.

Was a shit show, but at least most of us took his side and refused to shut him out because of it.
Canon way to bring his race back.
I doubt even GW would do that.
BUT it might be interesting if a Stormcast has been reforged so much, lost so much of themselves, that they no longer have any clear gender.
Just a vague, androgynous lump of meat and lightning in armour, neither clearly male nor female. They've forgotten so much of their life that they don't even remember if they were a man or a woman.
It doesn't matter now. They are simply warriors of the Ruination Chamber. That is what matters.
THAT could be interesting, if handled well, but GW is too dumb to write it well.
Based. Stop caving to the mob.
You're right (except they could just look in a mirror), but problem with even vaguely interesting ideas is theyre chum in the water for the 'progressive' crowd. Don't give them an inch.
>person who has the worst score at a tournament gets publicly humiliated by organizers with gay deviantart fanfic porno

i gotta admit, im on the mobs side. thats cringe as hell and bad sportsmanship
>(except they could just look in a mirror)
Guess you missed the 'just a vague, androgynous lump of meat and lightning in armour, neither clearly male nor female' bit huh?
But either way, I agree that would just invite THOSE people in, and that's the last thing I wnat.
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The only way you retards could be more obvious is dropping your fucking discord link
Definitely not you lmao move on to another game
Wtf are you spazzing out about now, tard?
Ah, I did miss that. Are there instances of stormcasts looking like non.humans, except lighting-gheists? In this case, they still look human, hence the mirror part.
No, but it'd make the Ruination chamber even creepier. Takes the helmet off and there's just eyes and a mouth, no features belonging to male or female, no dicks or tits beneath the armour. Just a fleshly golem that's half-mad from ceaseless death and reincarnation.
Several people disagree with his political stance, this means it's a coordinated discord raid.
post your models
That's pretty dark my man, maybe for a novel!
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Sure. Here's my first drawer of Maggotkin. The second drawer is unpainted and I dare not show it.
What happens if Celly Prime bops Ushoran with Ghal-Maraz?
Lol I do like the idea.
Maybe I'll keep it for my own fantasy novel I'm working on.
Hands off GW! Mine!
Cool Dechala
No they aren't compare her to the garbage art in the new dnd phb. Its not even close, not even close.
Do I, I believe in you.
High five for writing own shit.
Anything Ghal-Maraz hits gets pretty fucked up. Would he be instantly killed by it? Hard to say.
Would it hurt? Hell yeah!

Thanks :)
She's my proxy Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount. I like her. Made by Reaper Miniatures.
I'm not sure how I feel about the third round deployment spearhead stuff but what about real world culture wars? Do you think they'll erase Kruleboyz slavery from the fluff like my discord said?
At least (and thats a very small least) she doesnt have african features. On the other hand, that just might be because of a shit sculpt. What happened to her anyway, didn't Ushoran wink at her or something?
>Do I, I believe in you.

Thanks, anon. It ain't done yet but I'm very happy with how it's coming along. It's a bit of a passion project I'm working on between jobs and studying. Keeping me sane lmao
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Someone in the last AOS general said that the old Skaven Vanguard box is also getting a Spearhead....anyone got a source on this?

I also just purchased pic related.
I wasn't able to find anything saying anon. Maybe it's based on the fact that the starter set Stormcast and current Stormcast Spearhead are both getting Spearhead rules? I guess with that in mind it'd make sense the current Skaven box gets rules as well but I don't think it's been confirmed.
Uh, but if "most of us took his side", that would make that poster part of a different mob.
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that rules anon here's a peek inside my nurgle drawer (bin)
Hey I read that story once.
It's not a critique of mobs, and I'd question if that was even a 'mob' in this incident, more of a group or coalition. Mobs are ruled by fervour and intense feelings, typically short-lived too.
Same anon! See you in authorville.
With the impending removal of retributors, do you guys think that most people would be agreeable to just running them as annihilators with grandhammers?
>do you guys think that most people would be agreeable to just running them as annihilators with grandhammers?

100% of people will be agreeable with this. they are practically identical models with identical weapons, differentiated only by some trim and armor flourishes. its so close it would even be legal at official GW events i wouldnt doubt
I REALLY want that von carnstein anniversary model
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So I just realized that they no longer provide painting color suggestions for models on the warhammer site. Luckily I wrote down all the colors for the old Skaven Vanguard box. This is "parade ready" status...aka the fanciest option. (anything marked with a * is a duplicate...meaning only buy 1 pot, despite being used in multiple painting recipes)

>Rakarth Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade, Flayed One Flesh, Pallid Wych Flesh

Wood Brown
>Dryad Bark, Agrax Earthshade*, Gothor Brown, Bane Blade Brown

Dirty Metal
>Leadbelcher, Agrax Earthshade*, Stormhost Silver

Dirty Black
>Addadon Black, Skavenblight Dinge, Stormvermin Fur

>Khorne Red, Agrax Earthshade*, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Wild Rider Red

Boundless Blue
>Caledor Sky, Drakenhof Nightshade, Altatoc Blue, Hoeth Blue

Emerald Green
>Waagh! Flesh, Nulin Oil*, Warpstone Glow, Moot Green

Light Grey
>Nulin Oil*, Ulthuan Grey, White Scar

>Warplock Bronze, Agrax Earthsade*, Brass Scorpion, Runelord Brass

I also have the color scheme for the Saurus Warriors and the Aggradon Lancers boxes if anyone is interested in the old Color Paints reccomendations...if anyone wants that info.
Rolling for my 4 daemon princes buffing my chaos knights.
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>What's there to talk about other than 4e?
We can talk about King Brodd needing to lose weight. Like, bitch, why don't you stomp into a salad?
why does brodd have a khorne plate on his cock
Rolled 2, 2, 2, 5 = 11 (4d6)

Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)

Rerolling 2 of the 2s.
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>No Nexus Chaotica
Wtf GW. You release the terrain right before the new edition but don't include it?

God of Literally Who
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Is it ever elaborated on how exactly IJ make their armor? Are they literally just punching armor until it fits? Are they making the general shape and then punching it in? Are they mashing a bunch of scrap metal together until it's all one piece?
Why this guy isn't beasts of Chaos is beyond me.
I also don't follow the logic of making him the boss of destruction "cause he's the biggest" because by that logic all of destruction should be fanboying over archaeon too
Can I just get my greasus reboot and go on my way please
What the....
Can someone translate I don't speak Taco Bell

>open Citadel app
>look up Skaven in AoS section of paint by model
>greasus reboot
Absolute shit taste
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Here you go bro
you think these ogres are going to stay unique? would be pretty cool if they were their own thing.
>wow this guy actually looks co-
>the fucking claws

I'd rather them over Slaangor for sure or even as a new behemoth.

pinches your nips on a 3+
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Hello fellow grandchildren
if you don't have a store near you, theres a fb group that sources stuff for people you could check, and the anniversary stuff is usually not as expensive as the wh+ exclusive stuff secondhand. just bought bawla and burk for like 30 bucks
isn't it going to be std faction terrain?
in the battletome, but not like to the level of supply logistics or quenching temperatures or anything
hell yeah I really like your palette
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uhoh stinky
>Why this guy isn't beasts of Chaos is beyond me.
At least you admit that you're at fault.
>woman warrior
the idea is just dumb
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Mold Lines vs Gaps...what is easier to repair?

Seems like old models have mold line issues, but new push-to-fit models have major gap lines...
You say that, but the gaps on old rat ogres might actually be the most egregious thing GW has ever done. That gap is nothing. Learn to hobby. I generally hate mold line more, unless there are seams running up the middle of pauldrons like in most of the ETB kits.
Most of the time gaps can be solved in the assembly stage with a little care, but even when they can't I find them easy to clean up with some liquid putty and greenstuff. A little more time-consuming than mold line scraping, but somehow less frustrating
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Finished this guy today. One more and the whole spearhead box is done... want more, do I buy a glottkin next?
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Nice anon, just finished a second blightlord last night myself. Swallows my pride and used mostly contrast for this one and it probably came out better than the lord of affliction I did before.

I see you used the nurgling rider. I’m trying to scrounge up enough of the decorative nurglings to make a unit of 3. I got 2 vanguards and a glottkin. Hoping it’s enough for a 2k army after the index.

I would hold off for now since we don’t know the rules yet. If you like the model then definitely get one. It’s a nice centerpiece but a GUO purchase makes more sense right now. We know its rules and it’s p much the daemon equivalent of the glottkin. I got one myself (stock issues are a real problem in my country) and while I’m 90% sure I’ll build and paint him, I’m waiting for the index rules to begin since there’s a non-zero chance that he’ll be complete shit for too many points. If he’s a useless brick then I can resell or hold onto him. He’s been carrying the army for so long that GW is liable to fuck him up for no reason along with the perpetually out of stock maggoth riders.
it's riffing on a certain movie poster
Gaps can be rectified even in the middle of painting; moldlines cannot.
moldlines on spines/vents/ridged pipes can eat my entire ass
And moldlines on the interior of a closed round hole.
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Make sure you build (or at least proxy) one of your vanguard flies as a lord of afflictions. They’re a lot of points and will help you reach 2k or 1k if you need. Here’s mine.

Btw I like your basing. How did you do it?
fair enough re: glottkin, and yeah I'm getting a GUO eventually no matter what because of 40k anyway. is the one I posted not acceptable for a Lord of Afflictions? as far as I could tell its the same except for me swapping the trident head for a scythe because they're cooler.

as for the base, its just death guard green primer, brush on a layer of white glue everywhere, then sprinkle on Army Painter brown battleground to it, then I glued on some tufts and used an eye dropper to apply dots of AK streaking grim while the glue is still wet under the basing material.
Any news on whether Warcry teams will still be units in 4th edition?
I would imagine yes since they’ve been giving them more focus with some 3E subfactions built around them and Warcry being used to straight update units like chameleon skinks and gorgers.

What I’m really waiting for is Underworlds go either be completely dropped or at least be taken away from AoS crossover. Feels like every unit either blows ass for the points or is too situational even if it COULD be playable.
What they should do with Underworlds is just make it totally character focused, 2-4 characters per player, and then its just character releases for AoS as that is easier to balance.
So literally what we have right now
underworlds cant die until they rerun the sons of vorlorn. They just cant. I will personally cum inside of James ear if I cant get my hands on those models at a reasonable price.
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How much we love Morathi
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Do we know what Attramor is? Is that a sigmarite Fortress/ City that allows passage through the mountain range? Or do all forces wanting to enter the Gnaw have to pass through the Emberguard Incursion, bypass Chakriks Folly and take the land bride by Hels Crown?
Sigmar towns have the coats of arms, while shitholes like Skulpile don't. So Att it probably another Chaos Dreadhold
Do we have a date on when GW releases the Warscrolls and Faction rules? Let me guess, it will be *after* everyone purchased their Chase-Box so they don't risk people deciding against the hype due to other factions having better rules?

God I wish we had a propper leak today...
They said they'll come out before the box, don't get your panties in a bunch.
Looking at how hopelessly bland the rules have been so far, there's not going to be much to get excited over in there.
Why would anyone care for this cringe character?
Yeah, yet I just want to play the fucking game again. 3.0 feels quite dead after a year of the same season. Also I don't know which of my armies to expand next.
>3.0 feels dead

And yet, because 3rd ed has actual character when it comes to the factions, and the possibility of allies, it still feels way more lively than 4th ed thats aping 40ks 10th edition.
are armies still only having the option between picking 3 artifacts? Did they showcase some of em already?
Gaps, anyone who says otherwise is a massive hobbylet GW baby who has never built a real model in their life. Meanwhile the mold lines on something like old Eldar models are a fucking nightmare.

Pro-tip: Buy some water based putty (I recommend Valejo plastic putty), dab some of it on the gap, lick your finger and gently wipe it off, it'll fill the gap completely and then you can prime over it like normal.

Do NOT listen to anyone who tells you to buy something like Tamiya putty, it is massive overkill and can only be removed by lacquer thinner which will melt the details off your model because of how small it is.
The rules complexity has moved slightly from factions to universal abilities that's all. The game is more balanced.
Unfortunately they're never coming back unless in a rivals repack and it's hard to say if that wasn't a one off (certainly was a limited production)
They've been milking Shadespire nostalgia, Beastgrave is obviously next
She's genuinely a great character, has that black comedy of proper Warhammer in spades, & remains an absolute powerhouse.
It's great when she succeeds, it's better when she fails, and it's funny when she does shit like talk to imaginary friends like a loon for millennia or gets no way fagged.
Half the warbands in the set were made available for the hachette mag so it's unknown whether it was an intentional release type or just to clear stock
Given they only produced one batch I'd say the later.
Totally get your point and I am also a huge fan of 3.0 despite it's flaws. It is a very well developed and balanced edition.

And while the Index-ation is a major issue imo I think that most of the core rules for 4.0 are real improvements. The new Warscrolls have the most potential to be the new weakspot of the edition (well and some weird layouting decisions like hiding the name of the Ability in the Textbox.)
Mold lines on fingers, rivets or any tiny ribbed part is a creation of the devil.
I'll take MTO models only.. I just can't bring myself to pay $150 CAD for whats basically a character and not even half a unit of Blightkings
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Like this anon says

She is a fantastic character, she's actually evolved from fantasy and also has evolved through AoS too. She has good lore, a gorgeous model.
How can you not love her?
I disagree with the whole post.
If you are yet to assemble it, using sprue goo before assembly and dry fitting it, can do wonders. If a gap remains post-assembly, then use milliput.
Because she is cringe coomer bait with boring lore.
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You can fix moldlines with a kitchen knife, but gaps require hobby materials you don't just happen to have in your house at all times
>Tharjafag is also a Morathifag
Kind of interesting, they’re pretty different apart from look.
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>big titty goth gf that's both evil but genuinely loving and affectionate
Her only downside is her flat ass everyone ignores anyways.
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Morathi is not genuinely loving and affectionate though, that’s my exact point. They have wildly different characters.
She LOVES her son
No, not really. Especially not in AoS.
all that matters to an autistic coomer
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>what I was promised
>what I got
Why are coomer always the biggest lorelets?
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Elven sexuality confuses and enrages the incel
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Yeah, she's a rancid cunt. So Anaerion bitchslapping her so hard she develops acute multiple personality disorder is really nice.
They don't read lore, they get all their knowledge through shitass memes
Tharja is a human, you won't get what she offers from an elf.
No one ever said Morathi and Tharja are at all similar. That was just why Tharja herself is appealing.
Please develop reading comprehension.
Wrong, that's a darkling covens sorceress and her pointy ears are hidden under her hair
she's a woman, she was bipolar by default anyway

all aenarion did was reminding her who's the one who can split her in half
She is if you're Aenerion
You should make use of your own advice.
I like to separate normal dark elves from proper daughters by making them Sigmar worshippers.
because that's as close as I can get them to catholicism and I like the idea of assimilation playing differently, whereas the daughters took humans in and these converted to Morathi worship, the dark elves had to live with a more dominant human influence and this resulted in them adopting their culture and religion
imagine showing up to a game and this guy reeking of semen tells you about his delves porn headcanon while showing you unrelated anime pics on his phone
>she's a woman, she was bipolar by default anyway

While they all are to an extent, I actually dated one who was medically diagnosed. Was legit crazy, but the best sex I ever had. Haven't had anyone before or since who's stuck a finger up my dot and I miss it
I played 3rd on and off for a while now, a little over a year, and of three DoK players all of them were women.
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Except I hide my power level so well.
Fittest and best dressed person at the LGS by far.
No one knows I'm an utter degenerate that wants to get pegged by mean goth elves
Ah yes. That's why Malerion gets to be a mary sue. He was the first black elf.
you know, the way more likely scenario is that your lgs is full of literal subhumans and you're just delusional about how much you think you hide your level
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>commission artwork for miniatures
>take promotional photography for miniatures
>use both in contemporary publications despite squatting the associated miniatures
GW are so mismanaged
Technically they're still on the store
Just out of stock
Not anymore, they arent removin them from the store
They are? Off sale means off sale
I know GW said they'd stop selling my favourite models but they're obviously lying because they're my favourite and they wouldn't do that to me
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I'm making my own spearhead cards to print. Didn't include the lore text. Any feedback?
Every LGS is.
There are a couple of normal people, but there's no one who lifts besides me and another mate.
One of the others I go to has a couple of very Normie people but they're just regular physiques, there's no one who has any mass or definition
Like half of them are on slave, online only
And this means they aren't going sold out online eventually how? GW said they're going, they'll go
why include the image and colours?
They were sold out twice after the anouncement, bonespliterz and sarcosant went away right after
colour coding is an important aspect of 4e?
it's mostly redundant and the most important and useful colour coding is for the abilities, where you could just use a simpler colored dot/shape
>just invent new iconography
I made them without images first, but images just make it easier to quickly tell what unit it is from a quick glance at the card.

Colors look nice and I have a new printer :)
This is an aside, but I can't help but wonder why the save quadrant is ONLY green instead of color coding it for different save values.
it's based on the official warscrolls
I think they made it green because the passive abilities that deal with saves and wards are also green.

But they could have also color coded the move, health and control sections.
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Something mounted?
I don't know why but I feel OBR even though nothing suggests them
Something Nurgle this way comes.
this looks familiar, anyone have the other unsolved ones?
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If anything happens to the Skulpile I'll kill every Skaven in Aqshy and then myself
Holy shit that is 100% the same style of barding as the Snarlfang riders
I get that, I'm wondering why GW didn't color code saves.
That could be it.
They nevers said JJ Abrams should write it.
Somethign monstrous, not sure if a mount or just a big guy.
Nurgle seams like a good guess, with the metal balls imitating pimples and the bell shape of the ornament
Kinda lacks symmetry for being dwarf made.
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Are those tiny horses on the chaos chariot or is the chariot and those upon it fuckhuge?

Either way it looks ass
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Chariots are never big enough
Doesn't matter, it's getting refreshed soon
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Did some touch ups on my Maggotkin Poxbringer. I think he looks a little model, but honestly this a model I completely fucked up and he's never going to look good.
I don't care enough about the Poxbringer to get a new one, since he's such a dull model, and try again though so he'll have to do.
He's usable, just ugly lmao
This shape recurs throughout a lot of their model range and artwork, so that's probably why. But the metallic studs, the leather straps and the hint of fur suggest it's not them.
you could always slap even more contrast on it, they're thin enough it won't ruin it right
This is 1to1 snarfang leather armor.
But now looking at it, it kinda looks like Iron Golems vibes, but if they were made of lether
What model is that?
Used washes eh? Amateur mistake, anon. Washes don't work well with contrast paints in my experience and just fuck up the whole model.
>strictly worse than the OW warband
newfag, it's vanguard gryph chargers
Archaon's ride
The only difference is the riders are bigger and have boots
>You came in late and will never own the wurmspat
feels fucking bad
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Don't know if I agree with that. I've used plenty of washes on contrast painted models and they've come out fine. I just painted the Poxbringer when I was tired af and screwed him up lol
Anon these look like shit
Not really, they look better than most of the shit I see on this site.
Sit down. Be humble.
Mostly due to unpainted eyes imo
I'm scared to try and do eyes. Hands shake like shit so I don't know if I've the control required to do 'em desu.
snarfangs get out gsg, make your own faction
Yeah it's definitely Gitmob, which is interesting. Could just be a Snarlfang Heroe to go with the riders as the next GG release, but even that's interesting because it means further expansion is possible.
I think they could pull a big pig, a big unit (wolf chariot) with a hero option, to kill 2 wolves with 1 stone

that's very harsh anon, those are fine gamepieces.
okay nerds, its neither
Just cover the eye in yellow/red and put a white highlite in the corner
you started seven years ago
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Like I said, unless you really think the stockings they have are a point in their favour you furry freak
Looking good anon. I know how much shaky hands make it a bitch to paint
Prolly better than yours Nogames
Predating vanguard units?
These ones fit GSG way better than the actual kit, which causes me to feel that the latter wasn't actually intended for Gitz in the first place.
I guess that might work. I like how the pure white 'dead' eyes look on the Beasts of Nurgle but I am thinking about trying to get better at painting eyes. More of a test to prove to myself I can than anything else haha
Just need to get some old models I don't care about to test on.
Nope, no hype from me.
You think they'd just do Legion of Azgorh again but this time in plastic?
Was kinda hoping they'd be more ambitious in giving them more tech to put them on par with the Kharadrons but if the Skaven refresh is anything to go by....
so what's your gripe? the neck?
retard it's the gryphcharger
>Like I said
You were wrong.
This looks really good, wheres the forward part from?
The goblins are sculpted in a different style. They're bigger and have boring faces. Plus, a lot of their stuff loks too well made.
>You think they'd just do Legion of Azgorh again but this time in plastic?
One can hope
>Was kinda hoping they'd be more ambitious in giving them more tech to put them on par with the Kharadrons but if the Skaven refresh is anything to go by....
Because this sounds like a nightmare
If you want to keep dead/rotten eyes vibe, i would still cover it in some very diluted blue/"white" speedpaint then, to five some shadow and depth
NTG but they don't fit in GSG because their gear looks like it wasn't crafted by a retarded goblin
Love that model. Relatively easy to prep and switch between bell and furnace.
Just make sure to paint it in subassembled state.
Where do they get their stuff? Trade with chorfs like Kruletards and Hobfags?
Hmm that could be interesting. Like a thinned Apothecary White or some sort of Army Painter Speedpaint white.
I might have to mess around with that. Thanks for the idea anon!
>Because this sounds like a nightmare
I just think it'd be lame to sell your soul to Hashut for worse tech than the Sky Pirates.
The horns of Hashut already have a man-portable flamethrower, and they're supposed to be the disposable vanguard.
That's what I assumed. Can't think of anyone else who would be making barding for wolves.
O&G boar chariot, same with the wheels though the base is from the sloggoth
>NTG but they don't fit in GSG
on that I can agree, but the underworld snarlfangs also aren't a particular good fit

they should go in chaos dwarfs, kruleboys or a new goblin faction
Why does Gitmob get lavished with shit while Spiderfang has yet to get anything at all?
They didn't sell their souls to Hashut for tech, they did it for survival and magic. Their dwarf autism just made them become very industrious too, like dwarfs without any cultural restraints
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Gits have pretty intricate equipment, they just choose to be stylish
Spiderfang are getting squatted for ToW
I'm hoping that it's less "high tech" and more "quality artifice supplemented with baleful magics". Like, the K'daai Destroyer is a big mechanical construct, but not really a "robot".
spiderfags are getting the rope
>2 units
>1 of them a underworld thing that will leave be legend this edition
i know the spiders are getting ignored but thats just GW.
My guess we will see a whole spider refresh mid edition or they are on their way out to be forgotten or cannibalized by TOW
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>StD tarantulos brood squatted
>Gallet incarnate cancelled
>GSG Scuttleboss squatted
Why does James hate spiders...?
>GSG Scuttleboss squatted
holy shit I forgot about this and they mentioned it with a WHFB name too. Significant blow to the range unless it's updated
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Where's the article about the new app. Just rip the bandaid off GW we know it's going to be obnoxious and shitty
I guess that's on me for using 'tech' in an overly broad way.
I don't want Chaos Squats, if that's how it came across. More of an incremental improvement on what came before instead of exactly what they had in the old world.
The flamehurler from Horns of Hashut and that grenades are something they feel comfortable trading to the Hobgrots are a good baseline.
Double turns fucking sucks and im tired of pretending its not
>losing player can make a comeback with a double turn
I don't know about you but I prefer my games not to randomly become a coinflip mid game
>double turns have to exist because going first is too strong
This isn't an issue in 40k so it's on gw to balance the game better also just "git gud" since every suggestion to mitigate double turns can easily be used to mitigate first turn advantage
>I don't know about you but I prefer my games not to randomly become a coinflip mid game
if you get good, the coin flip doesnt matter
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skill huff issue huff
Were they also thirsty fanfiction coomers into anime?
I agree with you
every other game has roll to activate or pulling activations from a bag, grow up and accept that it's not an report or house rule it
So play without it then.
2+ isn't a toxic waacfag, I remember him saying he had to stop playing Bonesplitterz in 1e given arrerboys were op
You can just ask your friends to not use double turns.
It's a stupid mechanic but one that is manageble to play around and you can even fuck people up by forcing a bad Double on them.

Also it is effectively gone in 4.0 so why the bitchin'?

>2+ with MAGA cap shopped
Bruh, what da fuq?
At a tournament using official matched play rules? Please think before you type out such nonsense. I'm not playing pretend, I have to use the rules as written.
He needed a hat to fit in.
If you are not good enough to deal with the double turn, you shouldn't go to tournaments in the first place. Think before you post.
double turns are dead anyway.
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>This isn't an issue in 40k
40k is one big issue anon.
GW doesnt want to leave IgoUgo in the main games, doubleturns are just a way to go around that GW taboo
I'd have suggested the autism one
>gw doesn't want igougo so instead they added igougooooooigo
Thats objectively what happend, retards in this situation is GW
>93155843 #
>Why this guy isn't beasts of Chaos is beyond me.
He isn't what? Anon, I don't think there's an army called that in AoS
Double turns can be fixed by changing the game to be more like LotR in terms of turn phases.
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Isn’t his backstory is he’s a giant incel?
Tzaangor is a tzeentch gor
What's a gor?
Doesn't exist in aos anymore
Yeah no, it's more tragic. Like John Constantine, but instead of shooting his puppy some Dragons genocided his whole race.
Yes, he incel rage killed his brother when he got a gf and was exiled with a few male followers
>This isn't an issue in 40k

You really don't want to open this bag
Incel because you are the only one left of your species
He killed his own brother in a fit of jealous rage for getting laid when he couldn't and got kicked out of his tribe. He spent the rest of his life hanging out with Greenskins, bro never scored ever.
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What are those hands holding the potion/poison? I originally thought they were Skaven hands but they don't seem to match well with the new model designs for the faction.
It's more of a meme than a significant part of his characterization. He and his brother fought a duel for the right to court one of the women of the tribe. Because Kragnos killed his brother he was exiled from their tribe. A few warriors accompanied him and together they struck out it out as a band of warlords to eradicate anything Kragnos perceived to be a threat to the drogrukh race. Some anons got stuck on the part where he and his brother had the same taste in women. In the written introduction that part makes up something like half a sentence of a backstory text that's four pages long.

Insofar as Kragnos has commented on his own exile he seems to have been disappointed in his own people for being too squeamish about violence.
6D is the bottom of this thing
100% Nighthaunt
There was a Necron model on there for like three years before it finally got officially revealed last November. Some of them seem to sit ready to go for a long ass time before they sell them.
whoops meant for >>93161141
No you fucking retard.
Read the damn lore of the game you're playing ffs.
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Yeah, but...
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And this guy knew what he was saying
It's weird how many AoS RE we have that will almost definitely not be part of the SC/Skaven waves especially paired with how old some of them are.
Been a long time since the OG Whitefang popped his head up, I wonder if GW finally got to him.
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You can get worried in another 300 days
Holy shit I recall some of these post and I tought that guy is an weird imposter. Daaaang.

>What you think of Aqshy
What forum is this?
Is there a rat ogre assembly video now? Anyone have it? I'm curious what the head and arm options are.
this shows the options via the instruction manual
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There you go. It goes live on July 15th.

I like how every edition is conveniently preserved as apps
t.2e enjoyer still using the first app for warscrolls and list building

Having played some 4th I can tell you that double turns are very much are not dead.

taking the double turn at the start of round 2 gives you all the benefits of the double turn and thanks to no battle tactic all but ensures that you are the underdog in round 3, which means an extra CP and the twist going in your favor.

My go to strategy for my 5 or so games of 4th is to ensure that I'm slightly behind on points early on, then using the double turn and underdog mechanic to help break my opponent's army and scoring much higher later.
>Same garbage design as the 40K app where you have to open up 12 tabs to see the full rules for a single model.
>the warscrolls for Warcry and Warhammer Underworlds miniatures supported in Warhammer Age of Sigmar,
suspicious wording there
>The app will launch on the 15th of July, just after the in-store release of Skaventide, and it will be free for a few weeks to give you a chance to get to grips with the new Warhammer Age of Sigmar rule set.
They don't say anything one way or another about warscrolls continuing to be free after battletomes are released so I'd expect the 40K treatment just so you aren't disappointed later.
> double turns aren't dead
> in fact, the strongest double turn to take is now at the very beginning of the game
So the idead completely backfired. Games are decided even sooner.
Holy shit can we now, finally, officially, STOP the Matt Rose dick sucking? Looking at you, Hey Woah and Vince.
The double turn mechanic is shit. Just fucking kill it already. Go to AA or LotR style AA lite.
Nope. You can always play a different game if you don't enjoy AoS.
How long until they cut ALL support for everything besides the app and force us to use it? I give it a year at most.

I like the priority mechanic and I think it's integral to AoS.

Just because playing into the underdog mechanic using double turns has been my strategy (and more successful than not) does not mean it's the only strategy.
There are certainly times when not taking the double is the better choice, like if you are already ahead on points and are in a good defensible position, then it behooves you to not take the double and weather the storm while scoring even more, perhaps being rewarded with a double in the next battle round and breaking the opponent's back then.

Double turns are fun, you just have to constantly remember that they are a possibility, it's the people who don't think further than one battle round who I see constantly get burned by the mechanic and then complain about it.
How on earth would you be 'forced to use it'
I hope you're not a 'no more physical books any day now' tard
How long until they stop releasing all physical and digital products and release EVERYTHING (Battletomes, campaign books etc) on the app? I give it a year at most.
You mean stop selling battletomes that cost $50-60 dollars for a sub-100 page hardback with reused art and copy-pasted lore? never. They want the double dip, pay for the app AND the battletome, and make sure you're subscribed to Warhammer+.
Never going to happen
Book releases always serve as a regular cash injection that they will never be willing to say goodbye to
warscroll builder is dead, I give it a year before the free one list build is removed and warscrolls are restricted

>anon makes reasonable suggestion

>immediately jump to one of two situations that you can’t do the suggestion

I’d ask if you’re retarded but we’re all on 4chan.
I agree, I don't understand James' obsessiom with double turn in aos when none of their other games have it.
Yeah, you probably won't do all 5 tactics anyway.
Just how many stormcast halves are gonna be clogging up ebay the coming months?
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I think fatcast vanguard hunters are cool.
It depends on a lot of factors, too early to tell.

I do think fucking nobody is going to want 2x the Stormcast half of this set though. Four characters you will never need more than one off, 10 Liberators is already more than enough, you might want to double up on prosecutors or Ruination guys (not for their shitty rules though) but not enough to buy an entire set of redundant shit.
I hate Skaven so I'm waiting for someone to post the Stormcast half on Ebay cheaply. Therefore I hope a lot of people try to sell the SC so I can find a good deal lol
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An actual article this time.

I dont think its gonna be like that, no will want that rat half two times. I think GW shot themselves into the foot this time.
40! clanrats

I'm a Stormcast player and I'm not buying Skaventide, I know two others who claim the same.
The sacrosquat changed my approach to collecting the army, and I will be using sacrosanct and fatcast models as proxies for the new stuff, the other stormcast players in my area seem to agree.
I may well buy cheap facebook/ebay skaventide stormcast however, because it'll be cheaper and James won't benefit.
Fatcasts are cool in general
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>half your army just gets fucking yeeted
How do you justify sticking with it?
Why could they not just be on flight stands? I hate, no... I FUCKING LOATHE tactical architecture/tactical bits of cloth holding up a model so fucking much.
I don't play anything beyond 1st/2nd so I don't give the slightest shit desu. That's how.
Because it all proxies very easily as other units? A Sigmarine is a sigmarine
I loathe flightstands what do
>I loathe flightstands
Ah, so you're a fucking idiot that can't magnetise the model to the stand, got it. When I get my Prosecutors I'll be slicing them off that stupid fucking rock and magnetising them to a flight stand for sure.
That just makes it look EVEN worse
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I'm of the opposite opinion, I hate flightstands and always remove them.
That looks so utterly shit. Why ruin good models with something as dumb as tactical architecture?
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working on this scrivener from the nurgle vanguard. tried to get a similar green to the faction focus paint job

how ca I differentiate the boney parts from the parchment and scrolls? Skeleton horde on the horns and sepia for the paper? also unsure how to paint the quill

the chocolate stormcast on the left got the fatass in me acting a certain way....
Literally anything is better than flightstands, they fucking suck.

From my point of view mine look good and your models on flightstands look terrible.

So I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
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Teal one looks pretty cool. Forgot their name.
Better question, why can't they just stand on the base with their wings folded in and weapons ready like Yndrasta? She looks awesome because she isn't flying about or constantly balancing on a bit of broken pillar.

3 of those just look like fancy chaos warriors.
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It looks good and sets the scene.
Anon's eels instantly evoke images of eels darthing through sunken ruins or something
Another nail in the coffin of 4th... for me at least. The greed gets out of hand, even by GW standards.
Celestial Vindicators.
Ok so my forest board set in an uninhabited part of Ghyran rolled by Beastmen suddenly has sunken ruins or collapsed buildings? A place no one besides Beastmen, who hate building and culture, have lived?
That's why I hate. Those models (beside looking shite with their tactical architecture) never blend in with the board.
But whatever. I ain't about to argue.
Like what you like, I just hate tactical architecture.
new models look cool
im not a poorfag
>my forest board
What are you one of those transparent bases fags?
Not my problem.
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>yeah this is my massive scarred gut
>check out my horny saddle too
>now imma stab u with my slimy goopy stinger!


if you hate flighstands and tactical suspension rocks, then stop fapping and meditate for some years until the secrets of the universe reveal themselves to you and you can levitate yourself and other objects.

no problem then. your dude is perfectly fine, its just that some people don't know you can run one as a leader and get way more points from 1 box.
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My man.
>if you hate flighstands
I was the one saying I prefer flightstands...
>transparent bases
Nope, we base to fit the board we play on. And random pillars/retarded fucking lumps of building don't fit. Thus models get sliced and cut until we can make them fit on flying stands.
>no one wants 80 clanrats
Verminous fans do exist, I prefer FEC or Nighthaunt if I want to flood the board with chaff but I can see the appeal.
>we base to fit the board we play on
You ever consider you're the weirdo here?
>You ever consider you're the weirdo here?

Probably. But I'm getting to play on a fully painted board with awesome terrain, with a fully painted army against a fully painted army with a brother I love in my own house, drinking cool drinks and having fun so who is really winning here?
Someone using desert, snowy, or urban bases won't fit in with that board either, regardless of tactical rocks.
So we don't base like that?
Why would we base in a way that doesn't work with the board we play on in our own home?
>‘The crows, Ionus! The crows circle above me!’

>There had been little for Ionus Cryptborn to recover from the battlefield. The shattering of the mountains and rush of pyroclastic warp-energies had obliterated both Stormcast and Goretide warrior. Vandus Hammerhand simply seemed too frenzied to realise he ought to be dead. Dragged onto Cthorak's saddle, the Lord-Celestant had remained comatose until Ionus had bidden his mount descend towards the black tower rising from the hills. Only then had he awoken. Only then had he begun to scream.

>‘Hush, Vandus,’ Ionus said. His voice was a whisper, almost lost below the sonorous dirges intoned by shadow-shrouded acolytes that filled the tower as he ushered his old commander along the narrow corridor. ‘Hush. You have passed through the Storm's eye. Nothing can change that now.’

>For precious moments, the Lord-Celestant calmed. Then, a sudden frenzy saw Vandus sob and scream as he tore at Ionus. The Warden bunched his muscles and continued to haul Vandus onwards, towards the yawning cell door at the corridor's terminus. All the while, Vandus howled.
NTA but I have a home board to match my basing scheme too. I'm just not as autistic about terrain always matching as he seems to be.
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>‘The Lightning Man! He comes to blast my soul to ashes. Hollowed out, filled with his blinding storm, until nothing remains save the twin monoliths of punishment and law.’

>Ionus heaved Vandus into the cell just as fulminating energies burst from the Lord-Celestant's eyes and mouth. With a hissing heave, he pulled the iron door shut. It slammed with a funereal groan, though he did not lock it; that was not his way. Breathing hard, Ionus watched as light flashed through the cracks around the door.

>The Lord-Relictor resisted the urge to slump in weariness. He could not resist his compulsion to rest a hand on the cold metal and sight.

>‘It may yet not be too late for you, old friend,’ Ionus said. Slowly, his fingers made a fist. ‘Did you know, my God-King? Did you know what awaited us? Did you think it necessary?’

>‘Stepping back, Ionus let the dirges wash over him. He tilted his gaze upwards. Hundreds of other cells lined the bleak walls, each a mirror of Vandus's. Behind some, lightning flickered.

>‘Aye? Then so be it.’
This is going to sound like an insane concept, but bear with me and read carefully. Imagine not playing at home for one reason or another.
>Khul ascends to daemonhood
>Vandus so broken about getting dumped he's reduced to a gibbering husk of a man
>So we don't base like that?
The logical conclusion of this thinking is to make every single base either flat dirt or indeterminate stone rubble
>stormcast are getting squatted
Huh? They are the space Marines of AoS, the literal poster children. Is it just a model refresh or are they actually losing units?
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Fort Gardus looked cozy.
Quite a bit is going.
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A little of both. They locked in a new design direction of Stormcast since 3E so now they're either updating or outright removing a lot of the older models.

The real surprise here is Sacrosanct, the 2E wave since they're being ENTIRELY removed with no replacements planned. They're being treated like a failed experiment GW no longer wants to care about.
are you too dumb/lazy to write a list without an app? Well, I guess one zoomer less in the hobby.
It's not like shit like New Recruit doesn't exist, free fan work continues to clown on GW's efforts
And interact with people like you at gaming clubs? Fuck now.
Perfect, thank you. The extra heads will come in handy for the new boss rat ogre because that head is an unfortunate sculpt. Eager to check that video out after work.
What's the next step if I got the dawnbringer box with Trugg the Troggoth King, because he is so ugly it's adorable, and I would like to have small army of goofy guys? My budget is about €100 per half a year.

I thought about:
2 x 3 rockgut troggoths, to round it to 1000 pts for Christmas

Then in 2025:
1 Dankhold Troggoth + 3 Fellwater Troggoths

Second Dankhold Troggoth to make a boss, + 3 Fellwater Troggoths.

Does it sound like a good budgeting plan? It should leave me with about 250 pts to still think about - what do troggoth players usually like to have in their lists? Non-throggoth suggestions are welcomed, as long as they are goofy and fairy tale looking.
Please save us Russian waha chads
I refuse to download more trash apps. My phone already has most of its memory eaten somehow and I don't know how.
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Personally I like to headcanon that Azyrite settlements are recognizable by their skylines. Specifically, regardless of their intended use, buildings will often be multistory constructions where the topmost floor is dedicated as an astrological observatory roofed by a cupola. This both harkens to their Azyrite ancestry and their Sigmarite faith, but also allows them to flaunt their social status and wealth.
So armies like Seraphon, SoB and IDK are now even more enticed to clear the table off opponent army and generate victory points for the "victory lap" round?
I wonder if heywhoah wasn't as chill as he is about the double turn, if he played a horde army with crap saves
Why ruin bases with IDK models, that is my question
I wish there was a digital tabletop version of AoS on pc, how there is one of Underworlds
Would make for a handy tool to practice
>The app will prevent you from looking at another factions warscrolls unless you activate a code
Christ, 4th ed is getting worse and worse with literally every announcement
Theres tabletop simulator.
Also Fantasy fags made SOVL, which is pretty much it, not sure how it might work with round based movement tho.
remember when we had like free rules you could download from the gw site any time
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>Darren: There was so much concept art that the challenge was bringing together all of the elements that we liked from that work into a cohesive vision.
>There was so much concept art
Dead on arrival.
Unless the wahapedia is nuked by GW out of greed, I hope the owners are prepared to handle extra traffic
First of all: did you even read my post? I am upset that gw wants to charge money for shit that should be free. Paying for rules and the army builder is scam of the highest order; i will not support that. And unironically yes, i am too lazy to write a list by hand. Usually i just smash units together in the army builder 10 Minuten before the game.
It's nice to have a spell caster or two for support and endless spells, so a Fungoid Cave-Shaman or Skragrott would be nice. You can try to make the Rabble-Rowza work if Dankholds end up being Monsters by default like Trugg, but really you can just fill up the list with more Troggoths and do just fine.
No ai to play against. And I don't have friends autistic enough to play it with me
SOVL is okay.
AoS movement should be easier to implement than WFB though
Most liekly due to russian spyware

>Vandus so broken about getting dumped he's reduced to a gibbering husk of a man
Placeholder so they can bring them once again back as new unit I guess.
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So my primer was delay... again. But now that I've got the Soul Grinder fully assembled, glued and dried I can finally see how big he is.
He's fucking huge! I love it.
This thing will be a bitch to paint, but he'll be so great to have on the table once complete.
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Like, he fucking dwarfs a Stormcast. It's actually funny the size difference.
anybody got any idea where I can find good third party bits for vampire heads? Bonus points if they fit the bloodknight look too.
I played Bonesplitterz but yeah it's a sacrifice you make when the momentum of the game is the hobby. I prefer 2e but mostly people only want to play the latest
I'm not so bothered because they're legends for 4e and playable for it's three years regardless of the official legality and then I'll just proxy them as Ironjawz and kitbash what needs be
>tool that should be gratis to encourage new players and player engagement locked behind WH+ paywall PLUS buying the physical tome to even get access to your rules in the app
Saw it coming a mile away. Also mass Underworlds squat incoming given how they phrased that. We already knew all those discontinued Warcry warbands were going to get shitcanned but I’m betting they completely remove everything up to around Beastgrave
They already said UW warbands would be legends only
>Additionally, a number of older Warcry and Warhammer Underworlds warbands for the Slaves to Darkness will go off sale and enter Legends. Many more Underworlds warbands will remain on sale, and will be supported only by digital Legends warscrolls in the next edition.
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First points reveal
why have you been so concerned about how you'll paint it then?
Mold lines don't both me.
Paint does.
the good news is it doesn't need to anymore! it will look atrocious no matter what with that level of prep. I imagine that's a load off
>the good news is it doesn't need to anymore! it will look atrocious no matter what with that level of prep. I imagine that's a load off
It is! Thank you anon, your opinion is the only one that matters. Thank you for deciding what does and does not look good for us.
Please let me suck your cock.
Absolute subhuman
Every app is spyware now. Why do you think so many companies are pushing for them?
How big is he compared to the arachnarok
No clue. I'd love to get a big spider lad someday but I show him next to a Stormcast Liberator here >>93162468
Why do they refuse to update their own apps
It's a 50 year old company run by guys that act like they're 90
Luckily for you there are a few fools who have elected to mangle both kits for the sake of a conversion that makes it easy to see.
Niggbringers story not canon, ignored as forced diveristy hire marvel nonsense.
I always found it really disappointing how a kit that big only has a single, solitary optional bit, especially when the Defiler has a respectable quantity of weapon options. If they ever remake this thing, it needs the Daemon Prince treatment at the very least.
faction packs are cancelled so have to wait for yout battletome.
Why are faction packs cancelled
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Must have missed that. Not surprised they’re finally doing away with Underworlds. At best it was solid proxy fodder but it’s gotten too pricey even for that
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I just remembered people actually bought 6+ boxes of the same underworld warbands to be compfags in StD
Khorne-marked Splintered Fang were absurd mortal-wound-spewing machines for a time
If Horns of Hashut are conspicuously absent from said Legends then we are so fucking back
ah, warcry band, there were multiple scuh cases i think
On GW site all warcry warbands with no AoS rules are "online only", Horns of hashut however, are not
>some randos anecdotal 2 games with no points and only half the rules
shut up idiot.
There were multiple warcry warbands that compfags spammed, they're all getting squatted now
>orruk warclans

You sons of bitches, you said they were separated
did you read the whole ironjawz article?
´they are still, for whatever reason, together under the orruk warclans tag, but they are two individual factions which each having their own enhancements, battle traits, four subfactions and so on. you cant even soup them together.
Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d6)

Rolling for Rampaging Destruction against Alarielle
It sounded in the article like they had only packaged the faction pack materials together for them, not actually souped them still in the army builder
will the vampire subfaction only buff hero's or will stuff like vargheists and bloodknights also benefit?
Ruination rules are fine. 6 Reclusians with the Lord Veri can easily kill Gordrakk without getting barely scratched in 1 turn. They almost bring down a Gatebreaker. If they hump the Lord Terminos with the strike first artifact they're unchargeable.
I guess this may hint that Gloomspite will be among the first wave of battletomes after Stormcast and Skaven?
that's likely because they have to let go of the aracnarok and spiders
cities of sigmar is also a likely early tome
it may, it may not be gsg at all, it may be revealed 900 days from now.
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Does anyone have any of the Dawnbringers short stories? I love the idea of the Dawnbringer crusades and want to read more about 'em.

Looking for:
The Road to Helsmarch
Past Returns
False Dawn

TIA for any help :)
Build for BND.
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You will attain Eternal Glory if you finish this but for the love of Dark Gods pls clear the moldlines.
those guys dont have anything to do with the chorfs though, thats the hobgrots.

probably either a token hero for the snarlfangs to go with a dual box/narrative campaign or possibly a chariot, but my moneys on a hero. they kinda need one, nothing in the army interacts with them
Why is it so hard for you to grasp that these aren't hobgrots
The logic is that since there's no given explanation for why they have gear fashioned with actual craftsmanship, they may have received it from the Chuardin, since no one in Destruction displays that kind of leather- and metal-working skill.
That logic is retarded and has no basis in anything
Okay. Who manufactured that barding, then?
come on man what the FUCK are you doing, cleaning that shit with a knife would take five minutes for something you'll be pouring hours of painting effort into
They're slightly mongolian themed goblin wolf riders

and that means they are honorary parts of the chorf range by defaulf
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Zero visual similarities
The species that can't figure out how to make a glass bottle is making clean-cut, studded leather armour with buckles and feathered edges?
There are also zero visual similarities between the Hobgrot Slittaz and the Horns of Hashut.
I'm going to fucking lose it if skittershank and skabbik get squatted since I just managed to finally get those fuckers maybe a month before 4th was announced. Eshin can't stop fucking losing and I hate it.
>Greatsworders in the latest novella series
C'mon, they really should've released a new kit by now.
you mean like how snarlfang riders having zero visual similarities with other gsg models
Why would chorfs custom make a completely different style of gear with completely different materials for what is supposed to be mass produced garbage. You're trying so hard to force this idea that makes no sense thematically and has no basis visually
They're a gitmob unit not a moonclan unit
Then why are they fucking in GSG instead of making new spider riders that do the same thing but in a more interesting way
>You're trying so hard to force this idea
How am I doing that when I wasn't even the first person to bring it up
That's literally the opposite of forcing something; that is agreeing with someone else's statement
Because no one cares about spiders
Tbf the snarlfang guys hang out in broad daylight so they can actually see what they're doing when crafting gear unlike moonclan who do all their leathercraft and blacksmithing in dimly lit caves
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I care about spiders
Do we have war scrolls for the stuff that comes in the new box?wg

The fact AoS doesn’t have new Greatsword models for Cities is a humungous fuck up.
Based and eternalpilled.
trogg players can either go all-in or they bring whatever else is good in their army. a few fungoids/foot wizards is basically an evergreen choice, but a few stabbas is good for holding objectives and dipping into something like bounderz has been really successful this edition.

with that being said we have 0 clue what list building for trolls will look like in 4th. what you're aiming for right now seems generally appropriate, though i might skimp on the fellwaters since they really don't add much (depending on how things shake out ofc)
based and basement-hammer pilled, even if I don't feel the same way about flight stands. good on you, anon

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