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Moo edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What specific colors are you somehow always incorporate in your various armies?
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First for the glory of Nagash!
Wolf riders have been a thing forever you're retarded if you think they have anything to do with chorfs I'm so tired of seeing this pop up every few months
I dont know how to paint.
Few here know
>I'm so tired of seeing this argument pop up... so I will bring it up in the new thread!
You're a fucking moron, you know that?
Those are goblins, not AoS grots, and they ride wolves, not spider wolf things.
Please divorce Fantasy preconceptions from AoS already.
There are no wolves in Ghur.
Aos is a continuation of fantasy
You're right, they must be hobgrots working for chorfs then but decided to change their anatomy and wear completely different armor and wield completely different weapons
Literally no one has said that they're hobgrots.
I have seen his "perfect" creations and desire no more of his sloppa
I actually got some snarlfangs to specifically make them hobgoblin/hobgrot riders but I haven't finished my current stuff yet
Fantasy can't even make continuations from itself edition to edition.
>Wolf riders have been a thing forever
Maybe in Orcs&Goblins

Gloomspite Gits are a different army, they're moon worshippers, not sun followers, snarlfags shouldn't be in gsg
I'm going to fucking lose it if skittershank and skabbik get squatted since I just managed to finally get those fuckers maybe a month before 4th was announced. I know I'm better off in my army than some, but Eshin can't stop fucking losing and I hate it.
But they are? Cope, you don't write the books
Regardless of your opinion on the subject the fact of the matter is gitmob is part of GSG
>Traditionally, those grots who gaggle around the glow of the Bad Moon exhibit a palpable animosity towards the surface-dwelling Gitmob hordes. As the Era of the Beast dawns, however, a grudging truce has been formed between the tribes of the underworld and the overworld – there are simply too many other gits out there in need of a good shanking
Also, GSG don't need a fourth cavalry unit, and definitely not a second cavalry unit that fights with a spear and a shortbow whilst riding a mount that attacks with a venomous bite.
They're legends in 4e, so playable outside of autistic opponents
GW totally didn't mean to put Snarlfang in GSG twice, it's just a hold over for when Hobgrots go to Chorfs so Snarlfang can get put in KB
I'm not insane, this came to me in a dream
Are the spider wolves here in the room with us right now anon
Spider riders are leaving get over it
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Sadly all the warbands are about to be squatted, still can use the beautiful sculpts as proxys for other units tho.
Rip Zarbag you ugly freak, i never even got to pull your spell as a combo off but the idea itself always made me hard.
He's mistaken with the "spider" part but snarlfangs are mentioned to be biologically different from regular wolves
They're a cavalry glass cannon army. They haven't been intended as a horde infantry army since 1ed aos
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>its bite does poison demage so it must be a spider
Legends wascrolls for all of them and a few remaining for sale
Between this and "Despoilers are gone" from the other day, I must be the only fucking person here who actually reads the faction focus articles instead of just hallucinating what they say.
Yeah and pugs are said to be biologically different from great Danes but you still call them both dogs
>pugs are said to be biologically different from great Danes
They aren't. They're the same species.
Whether or not they're the same species is irrelevant when there are distinct biological/genetic differences between them
nta but indexes do not reflect the future of armies; i.e. Dispossessed despite being oop for AoS as they shuffle to ToW
Nothing suggests spiderfang are going beyond black library and them being WHFB kits
This is also index rules which are literally just temporary battletomes, this doesn't stop them from being squatted when the actual book releases and we get that gitmob hero to replace the scuttleboss
Are you fucking proud of yourself, retard?
Discord said Fyreslayers have non-binary Runequeens now? Who does GW think their audience is?
I think that it's absurdly cynical to think that they will invent subfactions for an index and then remove them afterwards instead of simply not adding them in the first place.
Pugs are the same species as wolves still. Dogs and wolves haven't diverged enough from each other, all the hundreds of thousands of years of living with people has done is made them develop more expressive faces and docility.
Then go buy a bunch of spiders and tell me how it goes when the battletome releases
You are equating the biological difference of "has a different skull shape" to the biological difference of "has venomous fangs".

>Who does GW think their audience is?

I think that's cool, so me I guess
Anon please it's been almost a decade of GW fucking over consumers. The gall to say this right after the 4e squatting
Retards that think overpaying for toy soldiers is a political statement apparently.
It's only logical to be neutral about everything until it comes time to actually observe it. Both optimism and pessimism come from a place of irrationality.
he dosnt make poison, he never cleans teeth
People who want to fuck an orange-haired shortstack with long braided hair and big thighs.
I agree, like I said there's little indication Spiderfang are going (beyond what has) unlike other kits
It's a relatively recent revelation, but it has been observed that Komodo dragons do have venom sacs.
Debunked a long time ago. Comodo doesn't have any more bacteria in his mouth than any other large carnivor.
It does make anti-coagulant venom to help pray bleed out from non-fatal bites
Snarlfang have never had a mw ability
There was also no indication that skaven were getting refreshed until recently and here we are
Modern GW loves inconsistency.
>This StD unit coats their weapons in venom: 2+ to wound and a MW ability
>This StD unit coats their weapons in venom: 2+ to wound... and nothing else

My CoS are Straken Green with shades of brown.

Hedonites are currently heavy on Screamer Pink and Xereus Purple. Trying to sneak in Fulgrim/Emp. Children pink because they’re obnoxiously bright.
Shhh, the secondaries don't know that, they only read warhammer community articles and base their entire understanding of the game off tiny blurbs that the warcom team shits out
What are you even getting at here? No one said they do. The venomous bite is a fluff thing, not a crunch one.
So we got any new 4th warscrolls?
Anon they brought wolves back from the grave AND are giving them more wolves while spiderfang has gotten zero attention for the entirety of AoS besides a one-off unit for a board game that isn't sold anymore. It's frankly a miracle they survived this long
I wouldn't call it cynical. For a time being, spiderfangs are legal and need a formation, so you can play them. It's either giving them their own formation or shoehorning them into other, where they have to be accomodated by the rules.
>Ferocious Pounce: Snarlfangs strike with startling speed, falling upon their prey in a blur of claws and venomous jaws.
>This unit is eligible to fight in the combat phase if it is within 6" of an enemy unit instead of 3", and it can move an extra 3" when it piles in.
Venomous Jaws
All Underworlds warbands are going to be Legends only from now on. So unless your opponent is a stickler for tourneyfag rules you’re fine. Otherwise enjoy your fancy proxy Eshin Deathmaster and one model shy Gutter Runners unit if that’s even still a thing in the new Skaven index
If you could point out the mortal wound ability in your post I will concede
Why would it matter if it's a fluff thing then, like anything else in the fluff it's easily forgotten or ignored for /yourdudes/
Much like the skaven clans had formations and rules, but later received refreshes and new units
I genuinely don't understand this post.
>You can't say that snarlfangs have venomous bites because... yourdudes.
No one said they have a mortal wound ability.
Please tell me they would at least be converted and not just painted yellow
He has no point but feels compels to post
For at least a year, true. Here's hoping they're competitively costed and maintain value though to help keep them afloat as long as possible though.

That sucks, but the paintjob is good so well done on that.
I think skabbik is going to give insight on how pestilens formation is going to work given its corruption type name which will be very good for control if that plans out.
Skittershank though is where I get nervous since the rumor mill suggests gutter runners are dead. With that done and skittershank out, that only leaves the death master, a verminlord, and the ancient night runners for the clan. I'm sweating bullets and hoping they'll get stuff in the second wave later this year, because with that and also no formation in favor of verminous instead... I'm not feeling good about the odds of the clan sticking around for much longer.
I never said you can't say it, you can say whatever you want anon. Which is also the same reason why you can choose to focus on fluff or ignore it full stop
>a year
>For at least a year
You know that editions last 3 years right anon
They will, I was debating waiting for chorfs or starting StD but I ended up going with StD so my original ideas for how they would look have changed. Probably just gonna do whatever I think looks cooler for their gear instead of trying to make it match the slittaz stuff, they'll be allies for my KB/IJ but they were always gonna kinda be their own thing stylistically so it doesn't matter
Whatever was shown off already. They all get released in about a week or two and 3 weeks from now the app is out.
They're confusing legends with BoC's support for a year before it goes to legends
You know the indexes get replaced by battletomes right anon
It’s almost as if a different substance would have a different effect… almost.
my lgs asked me to paint the skaven half of the skaventide shop-boxset that will be used in teaching new people
Legends are always detached and it'll always have the correct keyword so how does that matter? Powercreep might be a bitch but I doubt it
what're you getting in exchange?
If you aren't being paid then you're being taken advantage of.
The new Clanrats have an Eshin Head for the champion, for whatever that's worth. New Nightrunners or Gutter Runners is also a really good idea for a Warcry Band so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they are waiting on.
Legends aren't in indexes and whether a battle tome excludes them or not, you can still take legends units in your lists from the legends list until a mew legends list comes out excluding them
You know they won't be accepted in tournaments
There aren't allies in 4th
And even outside of tournaments Legends shit is almost always unplayable garbage. If not initially than inevitably with time, especially as the entire game format shifts and changes.
I have friends, I have no interest in playing beer and pretzels games with unlikeable autists. If I wanted to play a game at a tournament level I'd play chess, or something else that is better designed for competitive play. Aos is for having fun with my friends
"Beer and pretzels" is fag terminology but you used it completely wrong it's literally the opposite of sweaty tournament play
A nonbinary one? No thank you.
>Aos is for having fun
No one actually likes playing this game, it's all in your dudes homebrew. Like with 40k.

>Can only make ONE army with free version

Just because discord claims something doesn't mean it's true, what's the actual source?
Pretty sure they said that about the 40k and 3rd ed apps and it always let me do whatever I wanted anyway
ok didnt know that

you are retarded and should be mocked for it.
Even if they did, why is that an issue? They're three inch tall toys, no one who isn't a 4chan user or over 40 gives a shit. Most of AoS's audience just play the game because it looked cool.
Good goy
They train them very well.
Is there a PDF of the compiled spearhead rules? I'd like to print that out
I'm not 100% on this, but I'm fairly certain there are some stupid laws in the UK that forces them to add such stuff
GW will publish a PDF on their WarCom site sometime in the next two weeks. As well as all the warscrolls for both Spearhead and the Indexes.
>Discord said Fyreslayers have non-binary Runequeens now? Who does GW think their audience is?
Said that about the Ruination Chamber in the last thread, thus I don't believe you for a second.
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Stormcast unfortunately already have that garbage
>Acts like Soulbound is canon
Just because we don't like it doesn't magically make it not official
Lore in Soulbound has been contradicted by mainline GW products.
Therefore Soulbound is not canon.
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This is the future of all duardin and it's beautiful.
Luckily they didn't do boob plate so as long as you have enough robot/guy heads that unit actually looks pretty nice. The rest of the range is irredeemable tho
That’s not how that works if it was more than half of Warhammer that’s canon right now would not be in all three settings
Excuse me

You know it smell in them coats.
That'd be a bit strange since they're wearing them over EV suits
The suit ejects all feces through the chest slots

Imagine that smell too.

Those strap-ons have miles on them and I plan on cruising 'em.
Where are their beards?
Why the fuck do the severely introverted denizens of this website act as if they regularly go to official tournaments?
Is that actually true because it kills any chance of me finishing this cos army
sorry anon.
they lost coalitions in 3e anyway
The article doesn't mention them being 'non'binary' that's just Sigmarxism being the (literal) faggots they are.
But yeah, FYRE QUEENS are now in Fyreslayers
FyreQueens/Runemothers have been cannon for fucking years, it's not a new thing.
WD isn't canon.
When it's in an article like Warcommunity, where the book writers copy paste their bullshit, it's canon.
I'm talking about the battletomes, retard. The 3E edition battletome literally talks about how while the Fyreslayers are mostly patriarchal females are starting to take a more visible role as warriors and priestesses and Fyrequeens are also specifically mentioned.
>Those are goblins, not AoS grots

lol dont tell my moonclan that
the rest of the range uses the same ball socket head slots, all the heads are interchangable between all the kits and the kits come with plenty of regular male heads with generic dwarf features if you cant stand these. the basic warrior kit alone comes with like 30 heads and visors.

also none of the models at all have any gender whatsoever visible below the neck, they are all at least as armored and ambiguous as the new hernkyn, most moreso

there is nothing you can say about that unit that doesnt also apply to the rest of their range.
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female dwarfs/duardin/kyn dont have beards
The rest of the range is ugly shit, the ones with coats look good because it covers most of the crap
i disagree
Wtf is the one on the left?
It's entirely possible they could come up somewhere outside the core rulebook, but I wouldn't bet hard on it considering 40k killed Allies altogether.
Um, don't you like SOVL old artwork?
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unfortunately GW has drawn like 4 dwarf/duardin women ever in 40 years, so there's not much to go on.

it is canon though that at least the skyfaring version are absolutely swole

Respect your elders. That art is probably older than you.
Helgar. She's a dwarf queen from the war of the beard.
She spent her life leading armies of dwarves into removing elf. I think at the end she dies via being caught in a fire but I can't remember very well.
Yes dwarf queens have always been canon. I wonder, are AoS dwarves still polyandrous?
I see that thats a dwarf woman, i meant who the fuck drew that art? Proportions so fucked up mayber look fine when its a colorfoul dwarf covered by a beard 90%, but it looks like shit
Well yeah, it's og cartoony proportions of dwarfs but without a beard. It took a while for some form of sexual dimorphism to develop in artstyle so the women have more human proportions.
Votann are not dwarfs. They are midgets. They are a subtype of abhuman. A subhuman, i.e. a midget.
its the 40k version of dwarfs. they have runes, viking iconography, short stocky stature, the males all have facial hair, their dwellings are called holds, their culture revolves around forges, they wield hammers and axes, they fued with dwarfs and distrust elfs and magic. its a setting appropriate interpretation of dwarfs in a setting that has an incredibly hard time adding anything new due to the nature of its established lore

quit being pedantic
*fued with orcs*

By that logic Eldar are not elves
They were abhumans since the onset. They are disgusting, beardless midgets. Calling them dwarfs is insulting to dwarfs.
they are not beardless. like 80% of the faces have full (but trimmed for spacesuit functionality) beards, and the few who dont still have mustaches. there might be 1 or 2 among the 60 or so male heads produced that is clean shaven
they're an incredibly shitty setting equivalent that I don't feel like acknowledging
just ignore them, like everyone else does, their lore is shit their models are garbage and they'll be squatted again before long.
>They were abhumans

so are their ogres and halflings but no one raises a stink about that
they have some of the coolest lore added to 40k in 30 years, and their designs are fine for marine clones
They dont have any lore.
in other words, garbage based off of garbage
a double shitty knockoff
they have enough to get started, and a book is being published from what i understand.

its a refreshing change of pace from the 'look at me, look at the main character robot goldenman, have at the my nemesis a bad man!" marinewank that the stories have become, and just a calm few pages of how their tech works, how their society is structured, and a bit of space whaling and merchant guilds.

it is by far the best type of lore, the type that 40k used to have. concise, no main character, kinda just doing their own thing in their own corner of the galaxy, open for short stories that dont need to tie into some big forward moving narrative
Stubs at best. If 50% of their body mass is not lush facial hair, they are puny, disgusting, little midgets and should be looked down upon. The abhuman designation is perfectly fitting. They are less than human. Subhuman.
Still are in both cases.
Even marinewank is preferable to mockery.

Ogryn and Ratlings are essentially irrelevant. Ogryn have some models and only continue to exist because of Darktide.

Ratlings were models at one point I think.
>imagine getting this steamed about make believe space dwarves and ebil wizard men
You guys are all fags, spend less time seething and more time painting models maybe you'll have a painted army before you die at age 42
Anyone got a pdf for the lore behind the fury of the deep boxes? I just found out their are lore bits in the boxes and figured some good sea elf vs Fyreslayer action would be the best place to start as it should be the simplest to read about.
hows summer break treatin ya?
humbly asking for a pdf of wrath of the everchosen.
nta but shit, you learn something new every day

I love a nice saturated red and have it somewhere in almost all of the factions I paint. World eaters armor, death guard fabric, slaves to darkness fabric, I love it.

Should I split skaventide with someone, which I'm thinking of doing, I'll probably make their cloaks red too.

I feel so bad for them....
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What kind of lift technology exist in the mortal realms? Or does everyone take the stairs?
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I'm 5 years into the hobby now and have painted a number of armies.
The first two were copied off youtube how to videos, and the next few after that were in colors you'd expect of warhammer armies.
Recently though I've leaned heavily into very bright and cartoonish colors, most hate them when I post them anywhere but the cartoonish/toylike colors are very satisfying and nostalgic for my brain I guess.

Pic related, it's my WIP kruleboyz and their friends from the future.

Order has the technology and/or magic
Death has a few strong enough not to care about such things and a whole lot of dead things that get to walk.
Destruction doesn't even build steps
Chaos consider walking part of the path to glory, gotta get them gains bro! except for tzeench worshippers who teleport everywhere like the nerds they are.
Your dark gobbos are an inspiration
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Making some progress on the boys! Tell me these old sculpts aren't holding up
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I wish they looked sillier.

I see one Stormcast and three Chaos chosen

Those old sculpts aren't holding up.
You did a good job though.
I wish we had kept fatcast instead of these pseudo-chaos warrior shits meant to cater to secondary fags and non SCE fans.
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It's because of the chains, the chainmail, and the lack of backpacks. You can't tell they're heroes if they don't have a compartment to pack their lunch in. They grow malnourished, thin-bodied, and their helmet crests fall off.

I agree, my Stormcast are all noblebright and these new ones clash with that.
They are heading more and more towards a 40kish style where the lore and intended vibes of the army is heavily sculpted into the very models, which I dislike as I prefer more freedom to make them my own.

it's the dark armor and grim vibes actually.
You see Chaos chosen, I see a doctor, an engineer, and a scientist.
the crop top armour is silly af
When do you think can we expect chorfs? I would say spring next year they probably have something like a buffer period between starter boxes and new army releases.
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you should have bought more fatcasts if you wanted them to be successful
People did. That's why they took the gamble on making those people rebuy their armies.
Just read between the lines
>Steve: It’s coming up on 10 years since we introduced Stormcast Eternals, and now we’ve got to this position with them, you can’t help but wonder – where will we be in ten more years?
I guess people should have bought Space Marines if they didn't want them to be redesigned few years ago. Too bad they're such an unpopular part of 40k
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>Reveal date: March 21
>Release date: N/A
If people had just swallowed GW's shit and bought Centurion's we wouldn't be in this mess.
Its getting released today
Could be worse, Dwarfs are in ToW's first wave of releases
its because he's a moron.
Actually the proven lack of taste by people buying centurions led us to primaris
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They promised me news eleven weeks ago and haven't said a thing since then.
right there was no lore sculpted into stuff like shark riding atlantis elves back in old aos.
Stormvaults are so irrelevant, abandoned like incarnates
The color scheme ain't that bad, but it does lack a bit of depth. Maybe use a recess wash?

By "they" I meant Stormcast.

That being said I have painted my Deepkin in an unconventional way, and have my own lore for them.

mine are all greenish blue skinned and are blind because they don't need eyes in the depths, not because of some soul nonsense.
I really don't see how ruination chamber is grimdark, if anything they're lacking skulls
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Thank you anon.
The kruleboyz are by no means done, and I'm still deciding on the details and certain color choices
I really dislike the points hike of 4e, my army just went up 500pts
The issue with FEC isn't the figures, it's how awful the army itself is. SCE level of "all the same bloody thing".

If you have points then post them please.
...thats what we call cohesion man.
Thoughts on Spearhead? I was pleasantly surprised after getting a better look at Fire & Jade.
Tell us your secrets

I haven't played yet but it seems fun, I'm painting up a couple vanguard boxes I hadn't finished in preparation.
Needs customization options for the spearhead setups to keep it interesting beyond a handful of games.
What rivalry in the Mortal Realms is a he equivalent of State Of Origin?
NTA but that's glad to hear.
I think it'll be mostly a noob/entry level type game like the structure decks from yugioh or MTG. A one-stop usable force that you can build off of or just buy for the value.

If GW is telling the truth and they actually put considerable effort into balance then I must give them credit. But I don't think it will be anything that long-time players with big armies will want to play. Being the newbie game mode is a respectable niche that had to filled.
absolute stupid take. just look at 40k 10e where every army has almost double the models on the table compared to two editions ago. its terrible. space marines are a horde army now.
That has nothing to do with aos.
it has
>fantasy 40k has nothing to do with normal 40k
m'boy point inflation is a very serious issue with these games. It killed fantasy, and its milking 40k people dry. Im grateful that we are only having to deal with free mandatory endless spells and terrain.
Freeguild Marshall went up 40pts and Fusiliers 80pts. 40k is not AoS
-40 on fusiliers actually
your point being?
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>anon has 4th edition points
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>spend hundreds, if not thousands of britbong dollars on models and shit
>excuse me paypiggy, you need to pay extra for TWO army lists
NTA but im gonna assume his reference is from the phone app picture that was revealed.
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>There are more subtle changes, too – the new armour has had a martial glow up, with larger vambraces and reinforced nose bridges on the mask that add an extra brutal edge. The starter set includes a choice of helmets, some fantastic bare heads, and extra weapon options.
So is that a choice of different helmets, or a choice between these helmets and the bare heads? And are the "extra weapon options" swords?
In 40k, they just kept making votann cheaper so now some of their units are just trash and you need to keep buying more models.
it's either helmet or no helmet
and for the weapons it's either hammer and shield or two hammers
one gal has the two handed hammer
Their anime is free to watch now apparently. Dunno if that excites anyone, I never watched it.

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>can't see shit
>just gonna smirk
>that'll throw people off
I sure fucking hope there's a helmet in that kit. That bare blind androgynous head looks awful on the female stormcast armor.

The irony that the original liberator kit had different helmets for the different weapon types. Hammers had the half circle crests, and swords had a pointy arcing crest.

New kit is a definitive step down, especially since poseability is gonna be set to the same 4 poses for the entire fucking kit.
Why is this guy wearing a girl's stormcast armor?
I don't get why they fucked with the hammer design. The new ones look like Nerf foam toys.
Can someone post the Nurgle battletome pdf?
We really should bring the mega back, if even for just for a month or two after 4th launches.
There is no point inflation problem with aos.
files dot fm/u/r627bd87aa

Anyone got Dawnbringers VI?
The old ones also looked like shit, some of the worst weapons in the SC range. The problem with the new hammers isn't the design, they're just too big for some stupid reason.
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I like Sequitor hammers, they look way more deadly and have a pleasing shape.
I like that their maces retained a bit of the art deco aesthetic from the first wave. There wasn't as much of that in the vanguard wave, and the new ruination models went in a gothic direction instead.
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Let me guess, you need more?
new models gw…. Please

There's a reason why no one ever uses those in popular fiction.
They may have been practical and deadly but they don't look cool.
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So what exactly did GW mean by releasing this?
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Oh man hard disagree. I love them and hate how underrepresented they are.
They look so nasty and lethal rather than foam toys.
The thing that annoys me most about fantasy warhammers is they account for the weight when they make them comically huge. Even this one would be bigger than most 2 handed sledge hammers and impossible to fight with.
Underworlds has never foreshadowed upcoming releases beyond Gloomspite where it was explicitly stated. Underworld is it's own thing and nothing really relates to AoS proper.
Elliot my beloved, please come back to us
It means they were probably toying with the idea of a bonesplitter revamp at some point but ended up discarding the idea entirely.

Shame, I have that warband and it's really fucking good, an entire line of Bonesplitters like this would have been kino.
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Assembling Skarbrand and just noticed his torso and legs are fully fleshed out i.e. he'd look complete with no armor.
Since I'm going for a more animalistic/natural looking Khorne army (bone swords, etc.) I'm considering leaving the armor off. Would that violate any weird tournament rules (i.e., line of sight, etc.?) It seems like it'd be pretty insignificant since it hugs his body pretty hard, but idk how strict GW is about that stuff
>inb4 just make the armor bone, I think it'd look pretty bad with my color scheme. I'll paint it metal if I have to
That's not really the case, Underworlds has always been where the design team shunts over their discarded prototype models to make some quick cash out of them.

Not every experiment gets followed up on, and some things change in the final version but UW releases foreshadow real releases much more often than not.
You're just speculating
No I'm not, GW themselves have said it countless times you're just too much of a newfag. Go look up their old podcasts where they went over the origins of Underworlds a hundred times.
I speculate that they had a guy who was making greenskins, and he was responsible for beast snaggas and bonesplitters. Beast snaggas came out first, but people didn't like them, so they scrapped bonesplitters operating on the same concept.
>old podcasts
Man I'd completely forgotten they did those for like a month or two before giving up
To be fair I suppose they ran out of interesting GW guests
I've listened to every one and you're full of shit
Oh? Tell me about how underworlds got started then, in detail.
It was getting repetitive towards the end, you either had the same guest on telling the same stories, or guests no one actually cared about like some chick who was in the marketing department. Was cool when it was running, though.
Yes, GW haven't stated how it started so surely your headcanon must be true
>Yes, GW haven't stated how it started so surely your headcanon must be true
Yeah nice try, I knew you'd out yourself. It's literally the most repeated story on the podcast because it came up so many times from different guests.
Yet you can't even suggest one episode that might contain it
Actual schizo
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A bit of nothing.


Coming from the actual schizo that can't handle me dropping facts on their retarded worldview, that's hilarious.

I'll give you the TLDR version, though. Underworlds happened because the miniature team went over to design with a handful of leftover models they had made for various armies, (Stormcast, Fyreslayers, etc) and said they were thinking of finding a way to sell them, maybe as like alternate sculpt unit packs or something. The design team came up with Underworlds as a way to monetize the idea and off they went.
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>Clan McDonalds
You got a source for that? No? Weird
Models… please…
it can wait, my autism will compel me to spend way too much time on it when it releases.
>bother to freehand a cross-hatch pattern on the robe
>don't bother to fill gaps or apply the contrast so that it doesn't pool
Post models.
Are they going to do the 40k thing where they drop all the Warscrolls for one Grand Alliance at a time spread out over a week? Or just put them all out at once?
I'm not shitting on the skill or lack thereof; I'm questioning the bizarre priorities displayed by the painter. It's really fucking weird to do something relatively difficult whilst disregarding simpler steps.
So you have none to post. Got it.
The fuck are you even on? You're getting offended on behalf of a guy who I'm not even actually insulting?
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Thanks guys
Also Can someone post the Nighthaunt pdf?
>try the new warplerizor from skavonnalds, it'll melt your flesh and and make you see-see into oblivion itself. Yours for only 3 warp stone shards. Buy now yes-yes
The table is small and the terrain is a joke.
Everything seems so close so everything is always in combat with everyone, even less maneuver than previously.
The battle tactics/command point system is literally the only interesting thing about this (so I'll be using it in full sized AoS)
I bet the delay is that they never even made 3.0 rukes for them, and the instructions for the models have the striped back 4.0 rules on them.
So the release was delayed until after 4th drops.
Makes sense. If they had 3E rules they'd have been rushed out before the edition launch.
>>Reveal date: March 21
That's only three months. It's nothing out of the ordinary.
FACT: Every faction could be made cooler by giving them another elite infantry unit.
>Gloomspite Gitz
New spider riders on intimidating large spiders like the scuttleboss
Counterpoint armored goblins.
Looks like a fun intro to AoS or stand in for the full-fat game when you don't have 4 hours to spend on a game

Sylvaneth would rather have a beefier and/or ranged cavalry option and the last thing Nighthaunt needs is more infantry
It's the same play book as always.
Faction previews are done.
Now it's 'look at warhams community/content creators paint shit' week.
And next week will be 'oh yeah PtG, GHB review, hOw dOeS tHe GaMe FeEl??' BS.
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>2 nights down, hopefully 2 more to go

>still have 10 Blissbarbs (+Homunculus), 3 Slaangor, Shardspeaker, and other Slickblades
Bring back Flayerkin for Moulder, but maybe make them full Skaven instead of half-human
Could Idoneth justify an Akhelian Steeltide infantry elite? Or does that step on the toes of LRL too much?
>Thoughts on Spearhead?

Good to learn AOS, but playing a pared-down version of AOS rules on a board that small means like others have said: stuff is too close for most positioning, deployment, and terrain to matter all that much. It's a good learning tool, but it's not going to be its own format.

Basically they took Warcry and removed a lot of the nuance of the individual pieces and You-Go / I-Go activations so they could put full AOS squads on the field sold out of repackaged vanguard boxes. Again, good as a tool to teach AOS, but it will not be a "supported" game mode. It's barely balanced at all.
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Lore dump time

>sniffing out degeneracy
Interesting choice of words considering our political climate
New Hammer and Bolter ep
That’s a neat lore but that’s shockingly not copy and pasted with one extra line added

I’m impressed
I mean they mean literal degeneration not abstract
Sniff sniff.
Hmm yes, Purify this soul.
Yeah definitely could, its no more toe stepping than Lumineth having fast cavalry
I'll say it again: Retard.
"Degeneracy" is not any more relevant to the current political climate than it has at any other period in history, because "degeneracy" is a buzzword concept used by retarded cretins like you to describe anything they don't like.
>Ben, Age of Sigmar Product Developer: Every single Faction Pack comes with its own lore – we want these to be products that anyone can pick up and have a thorough understanding of the overarching aims of the faction, and the background behind each unit. Every warscroll card is double-sided and contains a lore explanation on one side and the rules on the other.
So that'll be the new standard as of the faction packs. Every unit gets a writeup like that one.

It's old.
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Thee doth protest too much.
>Phil: We’ve got Callis and Toll, these Order of Azyr agents who are normal people who go for a pint in a pub, chatting over a diagram and asking questions like “How do realmgates work?”, “How do they teleport you?”, “What’s the deal with the suns and moons?“, and getting an explanation in layman’s terms.
Phil, please drink less. I get that this has some rustic charm to you but overwhelmingly people's first though on how to learn about something isn't to hit the pub and talk it over with your tipsy mates.
>Characters like Callis and Toll, Neave and the Blacktalons, and Gunnar Brand are going to be one of the ways that we help introduce concepts and stories in the Mortal Realms too. There’s at least one perspective for each Grand Alliance – and you’ll learn about the ones we haven’t talked about later!
Destruction stonks rising!
Have you seen the hard on people have for the way WFB is presented? What do you expect
>faction pack
When I go drinking and start telling people there's lizard men in the hollow moon or that there's rats in the walls and under the floorboards, I get asked to leave.

I wonder which faction the destruction characters will be from?
My money is on Ironjawz, since it's easiest to do, just copy Orks with the krumpin and all that.
"Faction packs" are analogous to 40k's faction indices, except they will be less barebones than what 40k got.
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How get Warhammer gf?
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You'll get Zograt and Skrog.
Collect Sylvaneth

>what is precedent
Have you tried interacting with people over your shared interests in any social setting that isn't an anonymous Mongolian basket-weaving forum?
No, that sounds horrible.
>saw a batrep with Sylvaneth and Seraphon for the new spearhead on my youtube feed
>neat, lets check it out, I've heard good things about spearhead
>two girls playing
>a dude behind the camera has to remind them of every single rule, they're clearly just there to be pretty faces
I don't know where I was going with this, I just thought it was kinda stupid to put people who obviously had no clue in front of the camera like that and I was reminded of it because apparently girls like Seraphon and Sylvaneth?
There's a popular 40k channel whose owner posts his wife in every thumbnail for views, that's the kind of audience wargames attract
I loved that book so I'm all for this lol
I got the impression that they were fully new to the hobby, I guess they wanted to show a Spearhead batrep being played by its target demo.
I mean it's pitched as a quick intro style way to get into sigmar, so as bait ridden as such a video may be, that is indeed the mode serving it's intended purpose.
I suppose that's true, and I didn't look at it from that perspective. They probably had fun.
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>OK, when they come around the corner, you take the 200 on the left, I'll take the 200 on the right.
>instead of combat patrol style skirmish games with a modular dungeon set we got matched play lite extra competitiveness
I'm so tired
Imagine dying to protect a shitty nameless city in the infinite realms of meaninglessness.
Yes you may use that as an album title.
Way to show you're a retard who doesn't even know what he's talking about
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>veritant hunts chaos corruption in stormcast

you guys ready for the chaos space marines of AOS?
this is how it starts, with little lore tidbits like this to justify it 5 years from now
>Chaos Stormcast Eternals
Aren't those just Warriors of Chaos? Or are they something different? What would you call them?
I have been playing aos casually since first edition and I keep forgetting shit every phase.
As long as you watched like 10+mins and saw the first ad the purpose was served.
Hammerhal probably has more lore written about it than Altdorf by this point. Certainly more than Praag or Kislev.
Lmao I remember Visicast doing that in like 6th/7th edition. And his wife/girlfriend was legit hot. Literal broken English 'Russian mail order bride' vibes (which was funny because the hist guy was clearly a fit military/ex military dude, he could 100% get a normal woman).
Just turn your brain off bro.
Not before we get Chaos Primaris
that is actually the whole plot of the video game.

dont bother playing it, its not a very fun game mechanically, but the story was pretty good and it dropped some neat lore and had great characteriziations for the 4 factions in it, so if you have the time its worth a watch to just watch the cutscene movie

broadsword wargaming is the channel I was thinking of, it's not even titilation it's just his unrelated wife in almost every thumbnail like she's going to cover the topic
The story is as bland as the gameplay what are you smoking
no it wasnt
The whole point of primaris is that they're actually completely distinct from CSM
lol why?
What? Realms of Ruin doesn't have anything to do with chaos SCE. It's about a dawnbringer town and the stormcast trying to protect it from kruleboyz. The NH and Tzeentch parts of the campaign are basically a completely separate subplot. I really liked it, a decent RTS campaign, but it doesn't have any big chaos threat in it.

FEC could probably use something in the 40mm base size. they go straight from like 25s to 50s, skipping several size steps inbetween, and it would be a cool space to add something.
Unit of 3 Pestigors redesigned as monstrous infantry like Slaangors
>We must protect our cannabis
What did they mean by this
so you just didnt watch the end where the main stormcast sorcerer succumbed to tzeentchian manipulation and doomed himself and an entire town to chaos corruption? where the tzeentch sorcerer directly confronts the stormcast wizard while simultaneously breaking the 4th wall and confronting the player as well?

it sounds like you didnt actually finish it. because nothing you have said is true if you have actually seen the ending
Ghyran Guard representation
>where the main stormcast sorcerer
He was just a CoS rep hanging out with the boys, he was never a Stormcast
Demechrios or whatever his name is isn't a stormcast, he's just a regular human. He never was a stormcast. Can't you tell from him being half their fucking size and not wearing stormcast armor? None of the stormcast were corrupted, and frankly, it's not even clear that the town was actually lost. He himself certainly wasn't corrupted, and the Hallowed Knights could very well be acting far too harshly. Yes, the artifact is tainted, but as the wizard guy points out, they still have time to fix it, or would have if the SCE didn't come to wreck it all.
You are actually retarded if you thought that dude was a stormcast he's literally just a human wizard. I'm genuinely shocked there are AoS secondaries
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I hope Dankholds are closer to 80-90 this edition, let the boss be expensive but the regular guys should be equal to a troggoth unit reinforced so more can be ran
*equal to a troggoth unit when reinforced
so two for 180
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Hot Tzeentch Bird GF!
I'd accept that, quite happily in fact! It sounds cool.
Stormcast literally can't be corrupted. For fuck sake, the Stormcast entered Nurgle's Garden (twice at least) and emerged both alive and untainted.
Fuck off with you CSM shit and go back to 40K.
>instead of combat patrol style skirmish games with a modular dungeon set

This has never existed.
>Stormcast literally can't be corrupted
you actual illiterate faggot
the image you replied to says they bear the mark of corruption
>they bear the mark of corruption

That's very different from actually being corrupted. Tainted by Chaos, perhaps, but they are not Chaos worshippers, nor are they servants of the Dark Gods.
So no, you will not be getting AoS CSM. Fuck off back to 40k.
>but they are not Chaos worshippers, nor are they servants of the Dark Gods
this is how it starts anon
Seriously, mate, if you want 'lol the go0d guys are evil now! We're so creative and unique' shite, go back to 40K.
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Impressive Maneater cosplay in the bottom left...
Eternus is not technically a stormcast but he is varanguard resurrected and infused with a bunch of stormcast souls. Now I don't know if those stormcast souls still live, but being inside an eternal chaos champion probably makes them super corrupted.
By god...
How does such a mighty beast even move?!
>Eternus is not technically a stormcast

Exactly. So no Chaos Stormcast. Glad we agree :)
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This is literally what lord relictors do in the case of fucked up deaths and rebirths but for chaos instead what are you talking about
That's a man btw.
A real victim of change.
What happened to all the stormcast souls that live inside of him? Are they just seething and cursing chaos or are they corrupted and would become chaos champions if released?
Mobility scooter.
Or a carpet of gnoblars like the old Greasus Goldtooth model (the gnoblars are Mexican children)
Presumably destroyed and used to fuel his recreation into what he is today.
Or they're still there and could be reforged upon being freed since Stormcast can't get corrupted and become Chaos worshippers.
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Should the new stormcast be lightning golems instead of ugly people with torches
I don't think they LIVE in him, I think they just blasted into him a bunch of times, then Belakor brought him back to life.
>its the same
>except its not
how did your giant sausage hands even manage to make a 4chan post
The Downcast are coming
no matter how often that idea is pushed, it is still terrible.
I think we're more likely to see a dreadnought equivalent in those statues the poor the souls too far gone and fucked up for reforgings into.
litter catbox moe slash 6drtfp pdf
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Executioner proxy?
This was a cool story. Turnskin Beastman who rose to become leader of a Warherd. I liked it. Shame they killed the faction off :(

Sure, that'd work.

Or play an older edition that actually supports them as a unit.
>Or play an older edition
That's just crazy talk
I do it. I only play 1st/2nd edition. You just have to BELIEVE anon!
And find friends willing to play them as well, I guess.
Oh you’re exceptionally bright my
WarCom recommended using them like so, so you're just taking they're advice.
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I hope that chuardin still have some of the stupid half-serrated axes
recently they retconned turnskins of ghur into tzaangors
Yeah but they're canon from what I know. It was GWs way of getting around the whole 'Beastmen rape every woman they find to keep their population up' thing.
>remove grand strategies
>but keep battle tactics
Why? Thematic pre-game objectives influencing the game is much better than oh gee which random action can I do to win points this turn
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Drums pound across the Aqshian savanna
This, but also individual tactic special to each battle plan that forces you to account for it in your tactics or risk falling behind.
Guts out, boys!
Should I get into skaven with the new box or start a gitz army
Play Underworld Denizens in Blood Bowl instead
Jokes aside I'd probably go with Skaven since they've got more unseen stuff coming down the pipeline
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Gitz are one of the absolute best model ranges in AoS
Skaven are gonna be the second most popular in the game due to getting starter box focus
Skaven are an obnoxious reddit faction
Do with this information what you will
I want to believe we somehow escape the "souls are neither created nor destroyed" kind of thing.

Granted the Realms are macguffins to just be whatever they need to be, but there has to be some meaningful consequence and SCE can't just be overly grimdark.
Stabbas look like shit though unlike new clanrats
This looks cool
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>unlike new clanrats
Lanky grots after a headswap
Also I just realized they sell this for TOW at the same time as the AoS box
as someone who's played gitz since their launch (and even earlier via old moonclan), only play gitz if you absolutely 100% LOVE the models and are ready for pain on the table. gitz have only ever been good for 1 or 2 patches towards the end of 3rd edition, the rest of it they have been terrible, forced to rely on wildly random mechanics with terrible payoffs, underpowered or overcosted units that have bad gimmicks that lose you games, incompetent attack profiles, hard to use rules, wizards with no casting bonuses whatsoever even on the big named ones, and it looks like we are returning to this playstyle.

skaven have periodically had good units here and there, and while the entirety of skaven is rarely good, there is almost always a build of some kind that does something even when the bulk of the army is bad. they are a bit of a slot machine like gitz, but the good kind of slot machine where you usually get the reward up front and the gamble is just how much you have to pay on the backend, whereas gitz often just come up empty up front. skaven have a lot more deployment shenanigans which makes them more tactically flexible on missions, and more shooting which means their power projection is a lot more reliable, far reaching, and hard to screen, and they have some actually good big monster heroes instead of janky and often overcosted ones like mangler squig bosses.
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Wait those are actually different models. Guess sharing across ranges is still haram after all nvm
the stabbas look fine, especially for something you need to build and paint 120+ of. you will be greatful for their simplicity. and they really dont look bad
Did they have a list of all that I must've missed it
>have lord of pestilence onna horse dude because I liked the model
>considering getting maggotkin spearhead just to play with the army a little
I fucking hate it when James' mind tricks work on me.
>having a product for sale is a mind trick

Sub to r/skavenlabourers btw
Sure and plaguemonks look fine too. Everything else mogs them and GSG is 99% new kits
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Alright sir here is your new upgraded infantry. Please paint 80 of them to start with.
You're talking as if it's a recent invention. Turnskins and gaves have been part of beastmen fluff since at least as far back as 1992, over thirty years ago.
Good? That kind of grogshit attitude do you have umm it's okay that they're potatoes I want to paint a lot of them
>You're talking as if it's a recent invention.

No, I'm mentioning that they're still canon. And while they've been a thing for a good while, they became more prominent as AoS got 'cleaner' and mass rape wasn't something GW wanted to acknowledge.
Personally, I prefer my Beastmen as mass murdering, mass raping fiends that rampage across the Realms. I love playing the utterly detestable villains in games.
Lorelets and rage fags will just find any way they can to make "GW took away my rape beasts" into their soapbox of the week. Same retards arguing for Fimir to return despite them being bland as fuck.
It would be a lot more honest to post an actual remake of a horde unit. From what I've seen, these new Clanrats seem to still be pretty easy to paint quickly.
Sure, mentioning lore is finding a reason to rage. I think the Turnskins are cool, but I think Beastmen were better when they weren't cleaner and more PC.
Honestly, I'm only mad about losing the Monsters of Chaos and Thunderscorn units. The actual gors never interested me.
Man, Skaven have never looked good have they?
You can thank secondaries for keeping them alive
I remember them saying most of them are just two pieces so it should be very quick
>want other chaos army units to accompany my StD
>skaven releasing soon
>chorfs on the horizon
This truly is chaos
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furfag begone
Anyone got a Dawnbringers 6 scan yet?
Buy it you poorfag
They are, there's an unboxing video that shows the sprues. Only the champion is more than 2 pieces and it has clan-themed head options.
>Allies dead
The monkey paw sends its regards.
I don't need an allies system I just need the warscrolls
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How unhinged would it be to use untamed beasts as wildercorps
Yeah well that has 0% chance of happening.
They were pretty prudent with the poses as well. The only models with poses that might prove annoying for painting are the ones holding their blades two-handed.
>you need to build and paint 120+
more like 40 maybe, this isn't fantasy.
I'm currently building a Darkling Covens army and need to paint 30 Bleakswords and 30 Dreadspears plus 10 Executioners, 10 Black Guard, 10 Drakespawn Knights and a shit-load of DoK models, so there's definitely still the need to paint up a fuckton of models in AoS.
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So youve literally never been against a gitz-tide in AoS?
Can easily run 120 gobbos in a list, and more if you really want.
Main problem is the differing quantity of beasts
Wildercorps lore:

'Wildercorps Hunters are scouts and trackers employed by the Freeguilds. Often recruited from the Reclaimed, they use their knowledge of the harsher places of the Mortal Realms to ensure that their army is not ambushed by more nimble foes. Their wilderness knowledge also makes them capable of moving quickly and stealthily, avoiding enemy scouts and setting deadly ambushes.'

They're too courageous to be the cowardly, worthless wanderers who apparently their people in their hour of utmost need.
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fat humans are better at it
you can in a skew list isn't you need to.
Shitties of Sigmar haven't focused on non-human in a while, anon. It's humans all the way which is why I don't play 'em. I wanted my multiple races working together, not Imperial Guard 2.0

The Wanderers are trying to redeem themselves for the sins of their ancestors and so it would've made sense for them to take on the dangerous jobs and roles in the military to atone for their past.
Omg I just noticed that now that you've said it.
Ate noise
Ate discovery
Luv stealth
Luv silence
Simple as
He didn't get fat by being bad at hunting...
Not yet anon, sadly. I kinda want to read it, but don't care enough to pay lol
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So can we be certain that this is the spearhead or are we not close enough to the actual tome release yet?
The spearhead you see is a spearhead you may play in the spearhead game mode for which spearhead boxes are sold.
in any edition before 4th, 120 grots is just 2 full squads. its not even that much

thats not even that much. people skew harder into a double reinforced squad of varanguard as far as points are concerned
He eats everything he kills. Everything.
so weapon loadouts no longer matter in 4th right?

building my GUO at the moment. wondering if i should bother magnetizing
I love him. He looks like he's gonna tip over.
>so weapon loadouts no longer matter in 4th right?
depends on the unit
wait for the indexes
For the most part yeah, like Kurnoth swords and scythes are probably fused but Stormfiends still have a variable loadout. GUO probably only has one loadout.
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As it is right now, there's just "blight weapons", but it's not impossible that the options will come back in the full book.
And then there's the weird third case where certain weapons are arbitrarily bunched together under the same stats, like grundstok thunderers
The spearhead book is already out, people are playing with them. Hellstorm has a 4 hour video showing the rules for all of them.
Well they hunt ogres in their box, you want someone to be slow so they get caught and you don't
Yeah but it's just the vanguard relabaled. I was under the impression tome releases came with new boxes.
I'm just considering buying Sigvald and don't want him to show up in the next box or something
The overwhelming majority of list in 3rd ran 20 or 40.
Retarded. I already have blightkings or lords, 5-10 or 2-1. We need chariots, catapults, canons. Smaller Mulch-like snails for poxbringer cavalary.
They've mattered before and they'll likely matter again in the future.
cool and hot
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dont know if anyone cares, but victrix came out with a new knights kit that comes with a shitload of medieval bucket helm bits. i know some folks are occasionally looking for those kinds of helmets for conversions and shit, and there arent a ton of good ones out there
3rd barely counts because they were completely overshadowed by the busted squig warscrolls and only got to use that tome for like a year at most.
There's no way to tell. They like to release new crap when books come out but that doesn't mean there will be replacement spearheads instead of something else and slaanesh could be the 3rd battletome or the 26th.
Nurgle needs its own version of chaos warriors, then I'd pick them up.
Aren't those just Blightkings? Or Chaos Warriors with the Mark of Nurgle that are painted green?

>Smaller Mulch-like snails for poxbringer cavalary.
This, so much this! I'd love that sort of unit.
Also, plastic Plague Toads.
red, i started with khorne and there are so many ways to work with it
Oops wrong anon, sorry.

But warriors already exist and are good with MoN.
I feel like snails and toads wont happen but im happy for either as long as riders are more than bearers.
the 40k app was free to begin with but then they locked you out from creating more armies, i guess they are going to just reskin that app. So my hot tip is max out the amount of armies as soon as the app drops and then never delete any
>But warriors already exist and are good with MoN.

the problem is in 4th, maggotkin wont be able to take them. allies and coalition are dead
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this is what they have in death, just like the looser OBR in the catapult hamster wheel
Blightkings are chosen equivalent.
Maggotkin can't play chaos warriors.
Nurgle has spoken
>let's make StD and also 4 other StD armies
std doesn't have demons, and khorne mortals are ugly.
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How come Wan Piss does the Imperium better than 40k does?
skarbrand shares top parts with the standard thirsters, its a viable build
As other anon pointed out you need something for the beasts. Doesn't help that wildercorp use crossbows and untamed use, bones
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>Mfw Alariel feet
That actually makes me consider getting one. No chance in hell I'll ever do a BoK army but I'll throw him into my StD
>so many people still don't know about allies
What cavalry kits are left that have the rider fully detached from the mount?
Allies aren't a thing, only regiments of renown within grand alliances are permitted. There's two for every GA
Fellriders are sort of but not actually detached
Most of them, really. Chaos Knights are probably the newest kit that aren’t detached, but I’ve got my own theory of them being from a cancelled starter box due to the push fits and peg hole bases.
Chaos has three
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I wouldn't say most

Cavalier Marshall for CoS and Slickblades for Hedonites.
Every race that ran and hid in Azyr is guilty of that.
both the new skink riders and saurus riders are completely dethatched
>Allies aren't a thing
That's what I was referring to
Off the top of my head, new seraphon cavs, dawnriders, Windchargers, eels, stormdrakes, squighoppers(sort of), death riders.
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>cavaliers are $30 more
>Bonesplitterz gone
>Underworlds getting decoupled from the main game, meaning even less likelihood of old warbands returning
We might stop seeing the Madmob at every Golden Daemon event now.
I bought a bunch of drakespawn last year so I'll always have enough cav for a cos list. They'll just be my skinny cavaliers forever
legends doesn't count really
Old warbands have only returned as UW specific repacks and technically the legends warscrolls may be an improvement over them getting squatted from battletomes in 3e
Four, actually: Thryx, Hargax, Phulgoth, and Brand.
>3e regiments aren't legends
Uh huh
I want to like these but I just can't
praying for u
They look better without the riders and in a darker scheme
The unit makes no sense without the riders tho
I dont care. I like dinosaurs
in a faction where everything is the magical psychic conjuration of an ancient near omniscient floating frog wizard demigod, its really not that much of a stretch.

just say the slann is controlling them telepathically
>where everything is the magical psychic conjuration
Let me guess you think stormcast are empty suits of armor and the realms are infinite
I love the derpy fuckers, I want some for my Monster Hunter Seraphon but my backlog is enormous right now
That's a fantasy army retard
This is fantasy retard
>The spearhead book is already out
He literally fucking told you
Also we need a new bread.
Some literal who's channel isn't out, numbnuts.

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