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Big, fat, dragon edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:
>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What's your bet on when we'll see the faction packs?
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Who will /yourdudes/ support?
Is this another poor attempt at a "campaign"
Yep. Winner gets early reveals.
Clan Rattlesprue has a vested interest in the rise of Skavendom, but are probably more interested in getting their hands on that kickass new gun.

Probably humanity, nobody likes the rats - not even the rats.
soulblight. always the soulblight.
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In a stunning display of petty vindictiveness, the Arch-Warlock of my clan elects to clandestinely aid the Sigmarite cause via smuggled depleted warpstone munitions, solely because he's extremely irked that no one told him about the Vermindoom before it happened.
in the end chaos is chaos, so rats.
Is Death still more-or-less on the ropes atm lore-wise?
I hate Stormcast but also don't care for the Reddit Rats
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Explanation please
Not much to say beyond "small budget + lack of clear direction + general early game weirdness = shitty maps"
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The realm were all afterlives exist doesn't make sense in a realist physical sense
I'm a lizard player and fully half of my battles throughout aos have been against skaven. i don't even need to know who the other team is to know who i'm fighting (i'm assuming stormcast?)
Slaanesh cares little of the rat folk, so against them for sure.
Its over... tow unironically had more hype than aos4.0
A severe personality disorder is the explanation, you’ve been posting that long than you’ve been in the hobby.
A lot of that was due to a dead franchise coming back. But post launch the interest has absolutely died.
are skaven souls worth anything to IDK?
I assume not, since otherwise that would be too easy a solution, what with there being so fucking many of them
Why are you responding to bait?

TOW players need some entertainment while waiting for their $230 ugly as sin giant model to ship from GW.
I'm really hoping that Spearhead is fun.
Get new material!
Nagash is a asshole. Always has been and always will be. His realm now reflects his way of thinking as well. So after Sigmar helped Nagash kill and eat the vast majority of other death gods now there is no will in the realm of death other than Nagash. So thanks for that Sigmar you asshole. Now when everybody dies our souls go to the worst monster and biggest soul rapist ever known. At this point it may be better just to submit to chaos and let the Everchosen destroy everything. At least that way there is an end to the suffering of being dead and the eternal slave of the god of soul butchery and torment.
Not even the same file name
Warp stone and chaos poisoning of there souls may be a big factor of why the IDK do not like going after them or other chaos forces. So they mostly prey on other order factions as they are the weakest and safest option to raid safely. Destruction is to hard and dangerous, death has Nagash looking for them all the time and if he finds them then they are fucked, And chaos has chaos corruption of there vary souls as one of there main things so trying to use those for anything is bound to end in tragedy and madness.
Is the green named something
yeah all that makes sense to me
although I wonder if we can get something fucked up out of stealing souls from slaanish cultists and hedonites and such
I wonder if it would be instant death
Some of the FW stuff is nice
Well at that point you are stealing from the Khain sluts gimmick what with hiding chaos corruption mutations in plain sight with all there snake stuff they have going on all the time. So now we have real fish elves with really bad soul problems. What with all the scales, giant mouths, and fish stink.
It's comfy
Humbling requesting for the fury of the deep pdf on some Fyreslayer vs Deepkin combat.
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DoK are not corrupt at all. If they were they would fall to chaos all the time and they never do. They're Sigmar's most loyal allies, remember they saved Excelsis and Har Kuron from Chaos. Not to mention Uglu was never conquered.
Unshakable faith in Morathi keeps us strong and pure
Collecting scalps for the GHR to get my previews first and fast, yes-yes
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The Vermindoom have threatened the hidden cults inside the Free Cities of Sigmar. The Speaker in the Stone has called for his cabals to assist them.
The Skaven. If Helcrown gets held then that'll mean an endless attrition war for a single pass. But if the Skaven win then that means New Elthennia can start to make tactical insertions behind enemy lines. That and fuck Stormcast. I've not forgotten the start of 3e.
Previous thread since OP fucked it up:
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ToW couldn't manage to get more hype than Battletome+1 hero AoS releases
What should I know going into soulblight in 4th
I loved how Tzeentch was busy playing 4D chess inside Excelsis only for Slaanesh and Kragnos to show up and flip the chess table
puppet strings and subtle words are no match for 10 tons of rage and blunt force trauma deciding that civilization is for fags
I got curious and didn't like what I found. 4e didn't even change anything
difference is, most 40k searches are from secondaries that dont even own a single mini.

>franchise that's roughly 4x the age of AoS is more popular
aos is 9 years old that excuse doesn't work anymore
it does
40k will always be more popular than GWS fantasy setting, its just how it is. This is both a boon and a curse.
>ToWats don't even try to fight their case, just instantly surrender and cry to 40k for help

It absolutely does. Regardless of how good AoS is/could be, it's competing with its brother that's been around since the 80s and has the breadth of media to show for it.

It's like WoW and every other MMO. No matter how good it is, WoW is literally WoW and that's all it needs to succeed.
wow aint a good comparison there. Final fantasy or whatever was kicking its ass last I checked. I think, I think that game is also shitting the bed.

uh you're gay and chinese
I mean 40k has a legion of memes, multiple active and recent vidya games , even Henry Cavill dropping the name here and there within greater nerd culture.

AOS has a video game that recently flopped and...a lot of good stuff on the tabletop, vastly superior sculpts, and a far more enjoyable ruleset with a playerbase that is generally far more laid back and less WAAC.

Unfortunately it means 40k's just going to be in the zeitgiest because it's got media dominance.

Doom to the day GW finally becomes a "multimedia" company and prints their last miniature.
It's not an excuse it's the reality.
Fantasy died whereas AoS still thrives.
Being second place to yourself isn't bad
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You know remember Grungi made a robot version of Nagash once

how does that even work
>AOS has a video game that recently flopped
mobile games can flop?
They should make Vermintide 3 in aos instead but pls find new devs.
It just scream rape and they slaged it after 4 days.
Make an automaton and stuff it with Shyish realmstone i assume. There was a Gorkomorka and Grimnir one too, probably running on amber bone and whatever Aqshy's one is

AoS: Realms of Ruin was an RTS you could call decent at best.
hes talking over "Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin". That you dont even know it exists tells you everything you need to know about its success...
It is literally made from pure condensed SOVL, in the physical and metaphorical sense
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>mobile games can flop?

Realms of Ruin. It was a vague attempt at re-creating the feel of Company of Heroes / Dawn of War 2 and just didn't make it unfortunately. The art / animation / etc isn't that bad either.

The funniest part of it is how everyone starts off as a fatcast and by the end of the story when the reinforcements show up, they're all newcast style and the fatcast are like "oh, we're being replaced..."
...the card game could have been good if it wasnt a pvp focused...
That doesn't happen in the story.
Underowlrds is good
I don't, that's new to me
>we want the video game/tcg audience
But yeah, GW fumble solitaire/coop so hard like holy shit it's so prevalent nowadays yet GW have zero support beyond some Warhammer community posts pretty much
Definitely should have launched 4e with a pve Skaven mode
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>"oh, we're being replaced..."
maybe you're referring to the banner bearer (thunderstrike) freaking out when he sees the guys in white, who are puritans to a genocidal degree
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He's gonna carry that weight.
Total rat death. Nagashs black pyramid will be avenged
There's also the issue that thunderstrikes are... literally just fatcast in different armor. It's not like Space marines.
I like how this game was such a flop you can get a key for like 2 bucks now
no, they're also better
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Video game wise it's so fucking easy, I have no idea why they haven't done it as they have exisitng formulas. The same way they made people more interested in Fantasy after it stopped exisitng, it would help increase the gap between AOS and the 3rd best selling mini game.

Vermintide 3, easy goal. Just new environments, new characters. It ties in with 4th launch, should have been hyped and released at the same time as 4th. Vermintide comes with a code for a set of unique outfits for the characters.
Witch elf , COS dude, Fyreslayer, Saurus, Stormcast dude easy

Then CA make Total Warhammer 4, AOS. Again, easy as, have heaps of pre-exisitng assets to use. Different genre so gets a different audience too from Vermintide.

Finally, mobile gacha game. Make it like Tacticus the 40k one, except make all the characters from AoS but Nikke style to get coomers in as well as some more casual people.

3 pronged approach that would work well, especially considering it's so fucking easy to do.
I got a key for 2 bucks back when it just launched, I think it's just a currency thing. For 2 bucks, it's actually a great game, I think. One of the more enjoyable RTS campaigns I've done and the story is good, I like the kruleboyz boss, he was surprisingly entertaining.
>Witch elf
stopped reading here
Is CSM.. I mean StD overplayed? I'm looking for a fun well rounded faction but want to be a snowflake.
Yeah, they're up there in the most played armies in my experience and seemingly in general
>still using slave names in 2k24
>universal enhancements, spell lores, etc are gone
>implying that's the issue
Ooh we're vagueposting
Dunno about the rest but the universal manifestation lore was revealed some weeks ago.
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>not allowed to lift so much as a rock in self defense, had to turn in my gun too
These new human compliance laws suck.
That's a decent spread. Healthy.
I get night haunt, but why is fec that low? Also I thought OBR has been ass raped.
Rules reviews are up and they all say they're absent (aside from manifestations ig)
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>show up
>only Fyreslayers player at the event
>wear pic rel
Because it's shit.
The BoC drop off...
The few true and faithful followers of Mamma Miia.
>but why is fec that low
They're ugly
Top 3 most played armies:
>fantasy space marines
>fantasy chaos space marines
>fantasy skeleton space marines
how surprising
Are we sure Tzeentch truly is the master of fate? It looks to me that if you want to undo all of his plans all you have to do is use endless violence and burn everything down until even the ashes are on fire. Then things just seem to fall apart for old Tzeentch once you have killed all of the people he was manipulating all this time. Guess khorn flakes was the real god all this time and Tzeentch was nothing but a fraud.
Also lizard Tau
Wow it's really just 40k.
I don't think we should put too much stock in WAACfag numbers
They were gone before you joined the hobby, newfag.
You ignored the gitz and vampire's, bignwah probably doesn't couth either tho.
Retard we had them in 3e
>Witch elf , COS dude, Fyreslayer, Saurus, Stormcast dude
the most ideal order lineup is stormie, kharadron, idoneth, ogre and human
You're delusional
I do not think Sigmar is the type to hold on to any one product if it does not work the way he wanted it to in the first place. He is more of a people person kind of god at the end of the day. So if the armor and weapons he gave his chosen are not up to snuff he has no problem scraping them and giving his stormcast something better to work with.
Oh boy I love ghoul the ghoulening made up of ghoul, bigger ghoul, and ghoul riding ghoul.
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Do you have a 40k one for comparison? I want to know if the '50% of armies are marines' is actually backed up by numbers.
It's great, isn't it?
It's okay to be a lil gay pissy baby.
He says crying over his army being unpopular.
They can't be entirely gone, because we've seen mystic shield and ressurection as generic spells and prayers.
You could always make a game all about the elves and how they deal with all of them being lumped in to the same faction even tho they probably all hate each other for being different and difficult to deal with all the time.

Like the elf factions are the only real hope the mortal realms have of beating chaos. Do not let the lizards or the stormcast fool you. Its all on the shoulders of the pointy ears as the dwarfs are to pig headed and stubborn to do anything positive for the realms lest they are paid in literal mountains of gold. And the humans are not just useless for basically anything that is not drowning the enemy in rivers of there own blood. But they turn on you all the time to go suck the cocks of the dark gods for the mere chance of power.

So the game should be all about how the elves have to prop up sigmars kingdoms for him. And deal with the craziness of the other elves and the worthlessness of the other mortal races.

Maybe a base building RTS of old with you using the elves to fight destruction, death, and chaos factions while keeping the order factions from killing themselves and each other. And it can be called The Bet With Sigmar. As it is all about some elf kings and queens making a godly bet with sigmar himself that they can prove they can lead Order far better as a faction than the human or the dwarfs ever could.
They're either not available for matched play or not universal (only existing in a faction pack)
>Then CA make Total Warhammer 4, AOS.
CA is circling the drain, better they not touch anything you care about.
Battle brothers would be great with an aos skin.
never used them so idc
Skaven sculpts are #3, for sure.
and still cooler models than every elf-faction.
>no more arcane tome Steamtank
feels bad
season of war has some spearhead games, gonna assume they are using official rules for the games.
Some YouTubes have shown off every page
so sylvaneths battle traits fucking suck cause you cant move into range of a WW and then teleport on the same turn
rank and flank gestures really ruined spider riders,they'd look kino with spread legs
Lol no.
They sort of can through Strike & Fade, but that requires them to first enter combat right next to the terrain and suffering the counterpunch before teleporting away.
Also with redeploy now being allowed for any unit, they can move away from your 9" charge
sounds good. Strike and fade is stupid.
sylvaneth's traits suck for a bunch of reasons.
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Nah it's roolz time.

Chaos is the space marines of aos.
They're examples, not generic. They're really clearly labelled on the page FFS
its for PTG
Do warmasters prevent another model from being your general?
if the other model is not also a warmaster, yes.
Fyreslayers need to be squatted ASAP just say the chorfs killed them all
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>"Ben – Age of Sigmar Product Developer: Matt said something illuminating early on, which is that the game is always going to be as complicated as the most complex army. No matter what we do with the Core Rules, the game will always be as complicated as the most complex rules that interact with it."
They're getting expanded in 4E, but I hear that GW is willing to collect your bitter tears and include them in the packaging of every new model.
makes sense, imagine anyone telling sigvald what to do
fyreslayers need to get fixed like stormcasts did
Not in current rules, I don't know if they are changing it in next edition.
Example from Kragnos warscroll:
This unit can be included in an Orruk Warclans, Gloomspite Gitz, Ogor Mawtribes or Sons of Behemat army. If it is, it is treated as a general even if it is not the model picked to be the army’s general.
Gw… models… please…
>We realized to our horror that if we left a single army that wasn't dumbed down completely, our goal of making the game accessible to retards would fail
How dull considering the core rulebook already leaked.
Won't happen until after the "Player Campaign" ends and the winner gets new models revealed first. Literally no new models shown until then.

Like strap in bro, we're not gonna be seeing anything except Skaven and Stormcast for months regardless.
Expanding them doesn't help the fact that even then 90% of their minis are absolute trash.
You claim victories for your alliance
It’s totally possible for Death to cuck the Skaven for once instead of the other way around
Gw… kill me… please
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Most likely someone else already figured this one out, but I knew I had seen that shape somewhere else before.
the game is still very complicated.
my answer >>93180214 was for 4e.
is correct about 3e
It doesn't matter if you like them, they will continue on and only grow more popular after they get expanded. Fyreslayers are not as unpopular as you think they are, they just sucked ass for most of 3E which made their tournament numbers dip.
Are there any examples of gorkamorka worshipping humans?
Amusing that they're still pushing the "Spearhead can be played in under an hour" line
I'm guessing chariot hero/unit
to be fair it seems like 40-50 minutes is probable...if you know what you are doing. Im gonna guess setting up the board takes like a minute tops.
>Path to Glory scrapped territory expansion rules
Lame, I wish it was more expanded and grounded
its 2 hours if your playing normally and and hour and a half if your sweating a little bit
Why would a god worship mortals?
Sigmar is a barbarian warrior god too so there's no point but I'm sure there's some tribes respecting the old comradery of the two who worship him as like a brother god
They should have figured out some way of making that #CHAoS.
the second age of chaos is not real
How did you manage to make even worse marketing than them
yeah but chaos is shit so why would they do that?
I need to blow my brains out.
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Stop that.
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okay I didn't see that coming

wait the box is on pre-order tomorrow? Will we get indexes too?
Tomorrow? nah, I think it'll be the week before launch
metawatch, the no metawatch edition.
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It's on Saturday. I guess the writer either expected the article to go up Friday or he didn't realize today is actually Thursday.
>Will we get indexes too?
I think they said faction packs will be published shortly after the box launches, so that'd be a couple weeks away.
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clanrat cannot be charged by gargant, or hit by the gargant with combat attacks
thank you GW very cool new rules
Well duh. If he were to run into that raised terrain he would trip and fall on his face
>before launch
show me the terrain that this would apply to. and how would it be relevant for the game if a gargant cant charge a single rat?
will Skaventide actually be limited or widely available like every other box?
no, they said multiple times now that faction packs and points will be available before launch online. the physical faction packs will be released after release.
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That image implies that cross-alliance mega-gargant mercenaries are probably still going to be a thing. Or did they mention that already?
no, those chaos dudes are running away from the gargant.
That's one of the main features of the Mega kit, there's 0 chance they would ever remove it
eh, being able to soup chaos warriors into all the chaos armies was one of their main features too and that seems to be gone.

nothing is guaranteed in the new edition
Oh I'm sure you'll still see a few collecting dust on the shelves of your LGS in 3 years, that's how these launch boxes go
pro tip players can make their own terrain
The only thing guaranteed with this edition is that its going to be way more sterile ans boring than previous editions.
>garagehammer players can construct terrain to exploit a specific edge case and piss off their friends
The horror
Looks like Elden Ring.
Main issue imo is that its yet another CoH/DoW clone, every rts in the last 15 years is either AoE, CoH, or Starcraft clone, if you ignore genres limited to a single game series (e.g. Total War). Its annoying and i like neither of them, they should have copied Warcraft 3 instead
pro tip people who run tournaments make their own terrain all the time
Then don't make terrain specifically shaped to break the game
Yeah I'm getting boss baby vibes from it
Pro tip people who run tournaments avoid terrain that gives unfair advantages and implement tourney rules for weird edge cases like this.
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he meant players retard
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why aren't you fags posting models and projects?
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I see that image posted more often for people saying "here is the solution to your problem instead of just sitting on your ass and whining" than I do for people actually defending corporations
players didnt write the rules
fucking idiot
>Cities and S2D bump with their boxes
>Kruleboyz still barely holding on

We'll see how 4th plays out if they plan on killing Big Waagh...
No but it takes a player to come up with incredibly niche situations or to produce terrain specifically to cause them
maybe they should write good rules
In this case the rules are fine. They can't account for every single way a petty player might try to whip up specific hypotheticals purposefully seeking silly results.
What a profoundly useless article.
>Back then, we started with the idea that the Stormcast Eternals were very Realm-specific warriors – some were fiery, others shadowy, and so on.
Missed opportunity to give the stormcasts some personality and culture by not keeping it to a chamber instead. We’re never getting stormhost specific models man this fucking sucks
>In this case the rules are fine
>players immediately find exploit
lmao fuck off redshirt
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I'm working on my 80s/90s toy inspired Kruleboyz spearhead.

I actually really don't like kruleboyz as presented in the lore and in art, (which is why it took me so long to assemble these dominion models) so I turned mine into he-man villains basically, removing all the severed heads and other grimdark elements to better suit me.
Thanks doc.
*make an exploit
in their heads
by imagining terrain that doesn't exist
>lets split the army into 8 different themes
no, it's not a good idea
When will the celestial vindicators get a turn
Justice for Thostos
what color of red is that on the bottom? mephiston reds the darkest one i have but that one is darker still and more of a plum color almost
They already split them into different themes in their battletomes since 1E. I’m not a fan of all these stormhosts supposedly being different but all being different colored hammers of sigmar. Even the limited edition SCE weren’t anything special ever
NTA does this help? Looks a little brighter than the picture though
Thought I remembered them saying they were going to make us wait until after physical indexes were on shelves before they let us have the free downloads
That's an Astral Templar, they don't wear red.

Celestial Vindicators are fucking awesome. berserker Lighting Angels with a hate-boner for Chaos. I love 'em.
dont all stormcast het hate boners for chaos ?
Eh, compared to the Celestial Vindicators the other Stormhosts get hate-semis are best.
>in their heads
in the rules
Because people on here are cunts who do nothing but put others down and shit on paint jobs even though they themselves are No Games who have never touched an AoS model in their life.
I thought Regiments would encourage hero use (5 instead of 6 but still, I'd expect that to always be met) but everyone's talking like 2-3 will be more likely given drops
NTA but I think that Reclusian is supposed to be a Celestial Warbringer. But I'm not sure since I remember GW not being very consistent about how their armor is painted.
I'm actually pretty excited for 4th and I'm very much looking forward to seeing more new skaven kits, be they refresh or new. I am hoping the "command horn" thing isn't going to be too pervasive though.
Can't wait to see updated weapon teams.
I am... leery about 4th, but I'm looking forward to trying it at least. I don't think it'll be fun but I'm willing to give it a chance.
wait is the varanguard with the giga nigga not an actual regiment of renown and just a value box.
I think the emphasis on counter play is too much and the battle tactics are just terrible
Part of their shtick is that every new initiate into their stormhost has to pass through a burning portal that kills anyone who's not hateful enough. If they succeed they are then blessed to carry a small spark of Sigmar's own hatred in their heart. So while other stormhosts can be angry and hateful, they can also not be, whereas the Vindicators make a point of being the angriest they can be.
heaven forbid you interact with your opponent
It's an army of renown like every box for the series after book 1, keep up
>unbinds don't detract from the number of casts you can do
tell me you're a retard who hasn't played without stating it explicitly
uh huh
Please please please let the Arch-Warlock take lesser warlocks in his regiment
I have a good handful of engineers and bombardiers and I intend to get that galvaneer too

I think it's safe to assume that Skaven will have ways to include many little foot heroes without resorting to multiple drops.
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I just primed with an airbrush in a tiny enclosed area with no ventilation and without a mask.
The problem would come then from eating up the three unit slots you have. Personally I'm more concerned with how they'll divide up skryre units since now they have so many heroes with at least one new one confirmed on the way. Weapon teams are another one, though it would be cool if certain heroes let you staple them to non clan rat or storm vermin units.
>they made this shit into a "character" instead of just giving us our gryphon replacement
If COS has anything, it does have a lot of headswaps. Several characters begging for one.
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probably gonna grab a box of these bad boys and kitbash em into rotbringer mages.
they should have rules but the griffon exists and will be refreshed soon so what're you crying about exactly?
post your results when you do, I can't imagine how you'd pull that off with their fancy robes
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>All these weapon options only to come out half an edition before they get homo'd together
They're not a good base for that
Yeah my first bet would be Nighthaunt and zombies with leftover Blightkings bits
We're talking skull for the star throne blood for hammer god level of "hate boner" stormcast
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already exists
The last time the celestial vindicators got a turn they gave tinnitus to an entire city
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This but it still weird they didn't update the marshal on mount the first go around with it being a freeguild wave rather then like Zentestra or Cannon who sub faction is like 2 model each

Im still shock that TOW is getting Karl Franz when it like they can't use the name Karl Franz & there already like various alternative antique models to shill
Kinda out of the loop with ToW, why cant they use karl franz tho?
I thought it was just a a setback to before AoS
Tow is set about 500 year before modern WHF time period (during the reign of Karl Franz)

Instead it leading up to the Graet War against Chaos when 12th everchosen Asavar Kul invadeskislev, the empire is dealing a 4 way schism, Thorgrim dad is high king at the time & High elves just bagan ending it isolationist

Karl franz is born yet
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The spearhead box gives you so many extra nurglings holy shit. This box is actually fan fucking tastic.
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and of course I posted the wrong photo.
>Max: It all comes back to the fact that these elements make them more brutal, indicating that the loss in humanity from repeated Reforgings is a grim side-effect for these characters.

>It’s cool to see the throughline from the way that core motifs and things like weapon choices reflect the brutality of it, and it’s all been thought through. We spoke about this idea that there’s a cost to everything, a pro and a con to everything, and at the dawn of Warhammer Age of Sigmar it was perhaps all positive for the Stormcast Eternals. But now we’ve reached the point where the cost of standing up against Chaos, Death, and Destruction is becoming more and more visible.

They’ve barely did anything though. GW needs a fucking time skip
>Steve: As bright and shiny as Stormcast Eternals have been from the start, narratively they’ve always been a desperation measure from Sigmar. The more we expand upon the design philosophy of the Ruination chambers and give them unique details, the more it becomes blatant that Sigmar’s plan is perhaps extremely desperate, rather than the hopeful opportunism it first appeared to be.
I might be a lorelet who’s been reading tomes since 1E But it was explicitly stated that the stormcast weren’t complete and the war of vengeance was a desperation move to stop chaos from winning completely

What the fuck is this? Is this for newfags or am I missing a narrative change
AoS launched with Stormcast being irrevocably changed after a single reforging. 2e added the inevitability of lightning gheists and heretic purging beliefs arising after reforgings.
Things were never optimistic?
Yeah, it seems to be going off the presumptions of outsiders which is a weird stance for a community article only existing Warhammer fans read?
That just makes it easier to /yourdudes/ it up without caring about the loadout sucking.
We haven't seen the warscroll yet
>They’ve barely did anything though. GW needs a fucking time skip
we already had timeskips
>DoK at a damn low
Wonder why, always heard they were quite a popular army that had good rules. Can anyone explain?
I can't imagine the guns not getting rules.
They have never had a single fun way to play the game since the inception of the IP. Its probably NPE incarnate for both people at the table.
Why are gore gruntas so absurdly expensive? £50 for 3 with no discounts? I wanted to start an Ironjawz army but £200 just for the 12 gruntas I wanted is crazy
Yeah, the Realmgate Wars is spoken of like it was a myth in the SoB audiobook.
Oh to have missed the SC when they were basically free
Where are the nurglings?
normal price for larger cavalry models. you can look at varanguard if you want to have a good chuckle.
its on the sprue, you get like 3 extra from the rot flys and 7 in the nurgling sprue.You can get some cheap terrain and bases and easily make a unit of nurglings from that.
And all of those gains are being lost or defended pyrrhically
So, ASIDE from the god-like beings what the strongest magic-users in the setting?
the slann
Are you counting slann as godlike? Because if not, slann by a mile
lizards aint got shit on a mf priest.
Is there a single spellcasting bonus in all of destruction?

Looking back on it, chaos, order, and death all had wizards with some kind of spellcasting bonus or subfactions that granted casting bonuses and so on.

But I don't recall destruction having even a single point of spellcasting bonus, despite them showing off both of the alliances big named wizard heroes
wtf I just noticed that verminlords don't have tail attacks anymore
Thanquol is supposed to be absurdly powerful, but he's also profoundly clinically retarded.
RIP that I choose them as army project for 4.0 then I guess?
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matt rose brother this isnt how the rule you wrote works
well I mean they can only go up from their current playstyle. I think, I dunno what the feet girl added for them in 3e.
The fact that ogors got such shit rules in our index but are middle of the road in popularity will never stop confusing me. Obviously there is a market for us
>used to be really strong, then kinda mediocre in the 3rd
>base witches are really expensive money-wise, used to be the most expensive small-based plastic unit since their release back in the 8th edition of WHFB
>army is kinda limited, witches, snakes, harpies, cauldron and shades, nobody treats warlocks seriously
>too early to predict how they'll do in the 4th
We don't have the full rules and points yet. Gluttons seem ok and even great due to their OC value if they are cheap enough. Yeeting Charges is a thing of the past but at least the new gorgers look great
I still don't get why GW cut up Dark Elves into three different styles and then just stopped support for all of them.
What are you on about, that's exactly how that rule works. If you have a unit that charged into combat this turn and its health characteristic is higher than an enemy unit it's in combat with you can do d3 mortals and make a normal move ignoring any enemy units that are in combat with it.
it says it can pass through and end the move within combat ranges of enemy units it was in combat with. So you cant pass over the models but you can pass through the combat ranges
NTA, but it took me a few readings to get it right. It says you can pass through and end moves within the COMBAT RANGES, not pass through the units themselves.
That's fair, if you fail to kill a significant number of enemy models and don't have Fly you can't actually move through the enemy units but I think the overall feel he's going for matches.
If you have fly its incredible but still hard to find a landing spot
If there wasn't enough room past the unit you wanted to power through for your unit anyway it didn't really matter if you had Fly or not. Presumably, you're planning to use the strat to bounce out of combat and onto a point, BT location, faction terrain, etc., I don't think you're using it when there's nowhere you want to/can go.
yeah its more like a bank shot kind of deal I think
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For the record I still want it to be known that the game and the world would have been better off if 3e's launch army had been Fimir instead of Kruleboyz.
Are they even in ToW?
How comes people are so obsessed with Fimir?

I hope this bot get's downed one day

A lot of people borderline on that definition. Like does Teclis count? Otherwise:

Death: Arkhan
Order (Ruling out Slann): Ionus (technically a Priest), Balthus Arum, Aventis Firestrike, Teclis (if he doesn't count as a god?)
Destro: Gobsprakk
Chaos: Certainly some named Tzeentch fuck I don't know
99% of it is memes the rest are the 1% that like weird monsters
Half of those 1%ers are vicious gooners but that’s neither here nor there
Almost the whole hobby is now taking one unit from WHFB and making it into an army, then ignoring it for most of the decade.

GW wanted a churn and burn model where people buy into 5 armies or constantly found new armies to play because they learned from Fantasy that people with established armies and frequent support only buy one or two kits per major release.

Only SC had gotten decent support because they needed to push fantasy space marines for adopters and they had to cut half their line in less than a decade to get people to buy the models again. (They probably wanted to do with with OG space marines too when they introduced primaris but they saw the 1st edition AoS whiplash and the old kits still sell).

TLDR if you want a better hobby you want to consolidate the factions so people have frequent releases, if you want to fleece people atomize as much as possible. Its great in the short term but we are already approaching the end of it.
I think you may have dreamt this.
>How comes people are so obsessed with Fimir?
Because now that Squats, Zoats, Bretonnians, and Tomb Kings have come back, there's only one notable "squatted" race left in Warhammer
>Only SC had gotten decent support
If models you didn’t ask for, conversion kits you did ask for but were completely worthless, and a rule set that only ever included anything above pillowfisted hero mashup wombs combos once for the a battletome that should’ve never existed counts as decent support I’m terrified by your standards
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I know that chamon is the immediate association because of metal, but overall what lore of magic makes the most sense for animating armor/golems? I was thinking Hysh and Chamon
Ghur/Ghyran are "life"
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I only have time window at weekends so not much.
Obviously he's a god you fucking idiot.
>How comes people are so obsessed with Fimir?
In relation to KB it kind of comes naturally since they hit a lot of similar beats as fellow swamp dwellers.
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>what lore of magic makes the most sense for animating armor
oh ok, cool
Looking damn good anon! I'd paint the rim of that base black and call it done if it was me lol
most of em I imagine.
He's more of a ghost
Still not as much support as Space Marines. Its just made more obvious in AoS because every other army is starving.
Yeeting charges was our bit. You say it’s a thing of the past but they didn’t replace it with anything. Unless all of our actual rules are on our tyrants frost lords and wizards we don’t have anything. If they are then the guy who did our post is an idiot
Settler's Gain has solar-powered robots to do all the hard labor.
holy fuck its useless on alot of monsters
Where are the leaks? So far what I've read of the rules sound really good. Do we know any points yet?
Really? That's pretty fucking cool I've never heard of that before.
Anyone got a pdf of the Echoe's of doom? I've been trying to go look for it online but no luck for me so far?
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Fire works.
Will I be able to take allies in 4th? I haven't seen anything that mentioned it but I could just be blind, or maybe they haven't even said it. I want to add some CoS to my Stormcast (or vice-versa) for theme/fun. The Stormcast ballista is 1) going away and 2) looks like shit so being able to take a cannon (or two) for /my dudes/ (alongside infantry, cavalry, etc) is a plus for me. Pic unrelated, but as an aside the Thunderers are the only good models for KO and one day I hope we get a focus on some sort of marine detachment with appropriate equipment because the ships look like shit.
its dead sorry jim.
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wip, finally highlighting the horde, i wanted to have them done for the 14th but it's taking an eternity
What kits have bare arms that would be the right size for stormcast?
Probably not, which is a serious blow to some armies, Slaanesh for example has like 3 non hero mortal units if you cannot ally in Slaanesh marked StD units. It's really dumb
No. Armies of Renown MIGHT exist as ally alternatives but everything has hinted at them being a legends element.
Khorne ones, probably.
Enjoy anons!


Wow I hate this model. Never seen him before but he is awful. Stormcast not being head to toe armour is fucking stupid.
But to answer your question, I'd go with Khorne mortal models.
Scourge Privateers
Darkling Covens
Ordo Serpentis?
Lame. I'm sure if it's not in the """"[Official™]""""" then my group and I could reorient the wheel, but it does suck that they're probably taking it away. There's always a little part of me that wants to play AoS even if I don't really like it that much. The rules are mostly boardgame trash simplified to the point of having a sea sponge capable of playing it (same with 40k, sadly), and my only real exposure to it is Warcry, which I had to tinker with to add some granularity (initiative, weapon skill, etc) and a bit more crunch that isn't overwhelming but makes combat satisfying and interesting.

Oh well. I will just return to The Old World, then.
It's very obnoxious that their rules are all keyword locked those. I wish we had a foot dreadlord
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If we're giving out files, would anyone happen to have access to any of the Dawnbringers short stories? I love the idea of the Dawnbringer crusades and want to read more about 'em.

Looking for:

The Road to Helsmarch
Past Returns
False Dawn

TIA for any help
Thats wip pic, I got trim and varnish coat done.
He looks damn good anon, well done :)
Such a cool model
Not much going on just cool little details that give him a personality
Yeah. In my opinion Monster-Charge Damage should just be a D6 instead of a D3 with the same 2+ test.

If Tyrrants or Butchers can provide us some Ward on Gluttons they might be fine for just outlasting on Objectives.
Just read the article or watch the video that was released today. Also you can try to look up the article from where your screenshot is from. They edited it.
Still no info about anvil of apotheosis?
Included in battletomes
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I thought it was funny near the end of the Dead Kingdom when the SCE airdrop in and basically make all the undead belligerents look like toddlers having a slap fight. Sure it's dramatic, but it also borders on physical comedy when even one-handed sword swings pack so much force that taking one in the side literally lifts Cado into the air and knocks him out cold when he hits the ground. The mental visual is cartoonishly brutal.
Nothing beyond what they said initially (narrative only, each army has its own anvil in the battletome).
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Not much to show yet, just finished assembling, working on a minor conversion of the sword
I don't understand. You're saying that you want a way to create something special and not have Games Workshop® do it? What's your problem with all the special characters and heroes already there? Are they not good enough for you? Buy a centerpiece model or fuck off.
>They edited it.
Edited how? The screenshot is from today and no changes are noted in the article.
It was confirmed in

Its part of each armies path to glory rules. So if the path to glory stuff makes it into the indexes it should be there day 1, otherwise probably not till their battletomes get released, or possibly in one of the seasonal packs
Handing out files are we?
Wouldn't happen to have a Dawnbringers 6 scan would ya?
how has no one scanned it yet?!
Probably because no one wants to buy a campaign book for an edition that ends in a week
Yeah I recall it took a long while for pdfs of the last few of 40k's Arks of Omen books to surface online.
>latest lit has human gyrocopter pilots
Can they fuck off with this shit?
Wait what? Really?
Sorry this isn’t WFB dwarves aren’t suicidally retarded or racist as they used to be
stop being bigoted, chud.
Ah, so the ruination of the CoS lore continues.
I swear, no faction has been more fucked over in term of lore than the CoS.
The short story Sigmar's Fist yeah
I love multiracial CoS and diversity but they're squatting Dispossessed while writing about their units as though they were humans.
Novel also has a female Dorf Cogsmith manning a Steamtank which is hopefuel ig
I’m sorry were the ironweld segregated or something what the fuck are you yapping about
Don't be a retard (hard for you, I know but do try). We both know the CoS are being ruined and reduced to Imperial Guard 2.0 rather than a faction that represents a cosmopolitan metropolis filled with countless races and cultures.
That's good, the whole point of the army is the various order races all working together
Is the implication of "Fiendblood" that they're somehow related by blood to Fiends of Slaanesh?
>That's good, the whole point of the army is the various humans all working together with the odd token member of another race as a part of a human kit
>We've removed a unit belonging to a non-human faction and gave it to humans

ThIs Is A gReAt WaY tO RePreSeNt ThE vArIoUs OrDeR RaCeS aLl WoRkInG ToGeThEr.

Dumb ass.
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That's what I like to see! The various races of the realms coming together to accessorize fantasy imperial guard models
>don’t be a retard
>says the man actively acting like a retard
So the ironweld lore is unchanged but you hate it because GW is changing it somehow. Got it I’m mad too
Oooh that raises some hot mental images...
But I doubt it means that. It's just a cool sounding name GW came up with I'd imagine.
I hope the Slaangor and Tzaangor models being a thing means we'll get the other two Marked Beastmen units at some point. Units of Pestigors and Khorngors would sell pretty well I imagine.
fluff has always stated they're duardin pilots?
its power through not power around.
Then check the BoK article at the bottom.
Ironweld has always been mixed but Duardin lead, even as far as the 3e battletome and the WD fluff with a Duardin artillery master or something leading Hammerhal.
That said, the models don't represent this and were racially segmented in 3e. Now they're getting squatted (joining the former artillery) so it's unknown if there'll be any tabletop representation - which does inform the fluff.
Blessed digits brother, Im gonna steal that look it is dope af.
>schizos that never played CoS complaining about CoS
>schizos that never played CoS complaining about CoS
Drooling inbred retard who has never read the lore trying to sound smart.
Chuardin are gonna end up more diverse than CoS by the time that they release... I'm not even joking.
They won't squat delfs... Right?
Greenskins, humans, duars, centaurs and demons are already a thing.
CoS has alfs, humans, durs, ogrs and undead.
>NOOO only duardin can fly these! Who cares that all of these races live, work and fight together they would NEVER even try to use what's available to them!!
please share the post refresh stories of duardins operating great cannons or serving as fusiliers. Oh wait, you can't
Goblins and pygmies are fully integrated in chorf society. Chorf birthrates are plummeting, some more radicalized groups talk about dwarf genocide.
The only people buying that book are doing so to have a nice hardcover book of lore to flip through. The only people who chop their books and scan them are people doing so for the rules
Go buy it, if you are so desperate.
Neck yourself beggar
There's nothing stopping a dwarf from picking up a gun just as much as there's nothing stopping a human from flying a gyrocopter I don't need GW to confirm a basic concept like that
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Has anyone bought minis from raging heroes?

I quite like the look of like their not-Lumineth range, but am hesitant to buy because they are an unknown.
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CoS is a human army now. They had the opportunity to update the entire range to reflect their fluff and the results speak for themselves.
They didn't even fully refresh the human part of the army let alone any other subfactions
The ogor is brand new
If you can't explain how 2+2=4 then you're sub-child in intelligence.
no one has ever been madder than whoever made this image
One guy brought his pet. True cooperation between man, elf and dwarf there
This looks awful just... don't, please.
We need more than just that. I need to see some bonuses to impact hit rolls. Either damage or to activate it. I need to see something like what the ironjawz boars got for mournfang
So? Imperial Guard doesn't even have something like that
Looks awesome.
Here's Past Returns

Thank you anon! May you always find the perfect feet pics when you need them.
Looks better than gw but I preffer grey renders.
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looks almost as bad as lumineth.
GSG used to have Badsnatchas, which was casting subfaction for many small wiazards. Also, Skragott used to have casting bonus. I would say that we don't have anything like that right now
Post yours then
I don't need to own the model to see it anon
Bleh, slaanesh spearhead allegiance ability is complete trash too. Wtf is it about this faction that just can't get their faction traits to work.
bullgryn, ratlings
IG is literally more diverse than CoS at this rate lmao
Think of the children in a world where slaanesh is popular
what an awful board.


New thread
God Bless Your Heart Anon, Thank you so much! Much love and appreciation!
You wouldn't also happen to have a Arena of Shadow pdf as well, would you? I've been trying to get a collection of 3rd editions boxset's going, and Arena and Arcane cataclysm are the last ones left for me to find.
Not once
Every single piece of lore says the weld is integrated with humans and weaves learning from each other
if you run into a situation like this and your opponent doesn't just let you work around rules to play what would make sense in universe. why play with them?

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