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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Alliance of Fryreslayers and [REDACTED], edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Do your dudes have a symbol or iconography that represents them as opposed to any other schlub?
Maybe 2+ Fat has a mumbly review of it you can 'listen' too.
Don't worry he was a play tester for PtG, so hard things like 'tracking casualties' and 'knowing what territory you have' is removed. Now it's just EPIC PERKS for your heroes- Just like in my Vidya games!!!!!!
Are there any good AoS battle report channels? I'm not up with the cool kids on the interwebs.
Battle reports are for losers
Its a shame hes one of the only youtube aos lore posters.

So damn cheery, it doesnt even seem natural.
They've announced events for every game but warcry and underworlds. What is going on?
Got any AOS audiobook recs? I've listened to Bad Loon Rising and Neferata: The Dominion of Bones, they were alright painting fodder. I have Dark Harvest and The Return of Nagash, is there anything else that's at least background noise worthy?
There are events for either game scheduled at Warhammer World and elsewhere in the coming weeks and months. There's a Warcry event to be held at Warhammer World this Sunday. I don't know what's supposed to be going except what currently is.
I only watch season of war and battleshock nowadays, can't be assed to sit through long form.
The Drekki Flynt ones are fine. A little unusual since the text is annotated to fill the reader in on the Kharadron language, and those annotations are read aloud in the audiobooks. But it works. Grombrindal: Chronicles of the Wanderer is also a good one, and also a little unusual, because it was largely published as a series of short stories which were then compiled in an episodic format. But because it's episodic it might work well for painting sessions. It also features many different narrators between the different episodes, so while it may feel uneven it will at least provide some variety.

I also gotta rep Scourge of Fate and Blood of the Everchosen, because I just love the audiobook adaptation of those two. The narrators do a fantastic job of characterizing the different Chaos cultures by putting on different voices, especially in BotE.

>Bad Loon Rising
>The Return of Nagash
I'd love to have those if it's no trouble to you.
well shit, seller only sent half my order and now they're ghosting me. time to do battle with customer service again.

ffs i just want to paint little plastic soldiers.
Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
It's pure shill energy.
Thanks for the update
What’re ya buyin?
I ordered an LRL spearhead for $90 on ebay, got it that the same week. Seller had more so I bought another. Still hasn't shipped it 2 weeks later.
FEC knights, the ones riding the bats. doing a nurgle FEC fusion/conversion army. got the GUO earlier this week.

still waiting on the big bulk order that has most of the units which is coming from overseas, probably take a week or two for that to show up.

i little frustrating because i want to start testing out the scheme, but the only shit thats shown up so far is the big expensive centerpiece, gonna wait till i get some little guys to test out paintjobs which means the whole project is kinda stalled for a week or two while the infantry is on its way and the knights are in limbo
might be time to file a report. ebay has pretty good seller protection, including a money back guarantee. worst case scenario you get your money back.

might want to get on that though, from what i remember you only have 30 or 60 days to file a report. cant remember which.
It's still not past the arrival date which is listed as like mid/late July, otherwise I would.
I actually checked just now before submitting this post and the arrival date changed from July12-18 on the original listing to June 29- July 6. The first one actually arrived from a well known store in Missouri, so I suspect they're doing some under the table hijinks to sell at greater than GW-permmitted discount by selling merch on a random ebay account listed in Vietnam.
The completely destroyed it. Like holy shit. I agree the casualties thing was bad, but this... This is insanely bad
oh yeah you've still got time then, the window to file a report doesnt start until the arrival date has passed from what i remember. might be worth checking the policy just in case though dont take my word for it.

the seller i ordered from is a similar situation. listed halfway across the world but shipped from the southern US. i dont think its an outright scam because they did send half the boxes i ordered. if it was a scam you would think they would just not send anything or ship an empty package or something.
>i dont think its an outright scam because they did send half the boxes i ordered. if it was a scam you would think they would just not send anything or ship an empty package or something.
True, the one I did get is new in shrinkwrap and sounds perfectly fine if I shake it. I figured, for $90, fuck the elf tax. It's a great box, too.
Took a bit to download, convert, and upload
You wouldn't also happen to have a Arena of Shadow pdf as well, would you? I've been trying to get a collection of 3rd editions boxset's going, and Arena and Arcane cataclysm are the last ones left for me to find.
Had to sell my Flesheater Courts army for emergency funds looking for a new army to start the new edition off with. Should i go Ogres,Deepkin or one of the chaos factions?
ogres will probably be really cheap to make an army with, but you probably wont have a good time with em in 4th. Idk about idk.
Chaos is all around looking great, Nurgle is probably the cheapest and easiest to collect right now.
>probably wont have a good time with em in 4th.

Whys that? Did they make them shit somehow?
yeah their rules are looking pretty bare bones, the impact hits do about half as much damage and also have a 33% chance to just not do damage, stonehorns lost their durability mechanic, the whole army got about 25% slower on movement speed as well, and for all of those nerfs they didnt really get anything cool or new in return.

hard to say for sure since we havent seen the full picture, but they're looking kinda lame at the moment, just a bunch of slow, fragile wounds that kinda hit hard if they can ever reach you.

the minis are timeless soul though, and i do regret selling mine sometime back. LOTS of personality and customization. the arms, weapons, heads, gutplates, and other bits from every kit from the humble glutton to the mighty frostlords and ironblasters are all interchangable, you can use mournfang hackers to make gluttons into ironguts, steal crossbows from the beastriders to convert on foot hunters, give a leadbelcher cannon to your thundertusk for a bit of flavor, etc. they all use the same joints.

they also have the added benefit of being pretty cheap kits comparitively, and very cheap on the secondhand market like trolltrader or ebay
Ha. I thought someone got confused and put in votann art for a moment.
oh and the new gorger kit is absolutely fucking amazing. absolutely get at least 1 set of those if you end up getting ogres. some of the coolest sculpts in the whole game, and surprisingly customizable for a new kit
Yeah those gorgers look great

I'll prob wait for the game to release before i decide. Luv me ogres.
deepkin look almost exactly the same as they have for the last 3 editions. they kept their tides of death mechanic pretty much completely unchanged, the units still do mostly the same thing except shield eels are more of a techy debuff unit now rather than just a raw stats anvil. sharks look amazing, deadly and carry some good utility, and they have the scryers outflank baked into their core rules now. as for the models, your enjoyment of atlantis and elf themes will directly correlate to how much you like the range. i had them in the past, fun models, only problem is the eels have obnoxiously fragile flying bases so look into an alternative basing solution like gluing them to rocks or terrain attached to the base or something
Yeah they're great although i wish they had more sea creatures.

Probably going to be split between them and Ogres.
for chaos, khorne and slaves to darkness are both looking very punch and very tanky. good armor saves all around, slaves have a reworked buffing mechanic that can stack infinite buffs, very good for juicing fat units of warriors/chosen/knights/varanguard on steroids. meanwhile khorne got better saves on their basic warriors, and seems to have gotten better attack profiles in a few places, as well as keeping their blood tithe mechanic for out of phase shenanigans and free bloodthirsters.

nurgle is kinda doing what it always does. a shitload of wounds on a 5+ fnp just standing on objectives making you sick if you get near them. summoning is now tied to the great unclean one, but their disesase mechanic looks maybe a bit more impactful as a tradeoff. low damage on the units themselves but anyone standing next to them for any length of time will be taking a lot of mortal wounds.

tzeentch still has its cheat dice, kairos has a rule to literally cheat at the game by manipulating scoring, and they got a new flame mechanic where their shooting units light enemies on fire causing a debuff that deals damage and ties in with other units special rules, though the full extent of this has yet to be revealed.

slaanesh.......just dont. its bad
Ogors need a range refresh badly I dunno what that other guy was waffling on about
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Another belf LrL.
looks sweet.
they'll get one, they hardly even bothered writing rules for their spearhead. You can't use half your units for the half the game is their entire allegiance ability lol.
Their resin needs to go but a lot of the plastic is fine. We need a tyrant kit that doesn't suck ass
i liked the new tyrant, what was wrong with him?
this guys great. you're smoking crack
how'd he go and grab that stormcast faceplate.
My FLGS is starting a spearhead league. It's a competitive format, bring three spearheads and one gets banned, then you pick. What three spearheads do you think I should run into this?
slaanesh, ogres, gitz.
well, considering you're going to have to build and paint $500 worth of models i'd say pick ones you like the look of.

barring that, most of them look good, but i'd avoid ogres and seraphon. those 2 look kinda shit as far as rules go
the gsg one looks ok to me, it has a ton of board control.
Wrong. Ogor plastics belong in fantashit
>One of the few fighty heroes
>Perfect to ally in
>No more allies
RIP Sigvald, you were fun to play in S2D as long as it lasted.
He ate it and shat it out. Mawtribes style
We kinda know already they will rework it from base once there is a slot. Both new heroes, the Bloodpelt Hunter and the Tyrrant, have slightly different proportions. Bloodpelt Hunter has even a different style of the face sculpt as well as a way smaller head in comparsion. New gorgers loosely fit in as well. Once the new kits arrive the old ogor kits will feel quite cartoonish.
>One of the few fighty heroes
he's really not, at least in 3rd.
he's comfy
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I'm shocked that this is still the only model leak we have had so far.
we'll get the reveal after the skaven kick SCE ass.
It says more about the unhealthy state of 3rd than it does about sigvald if a guy with an average of 7 attacks at 2s and 3s -2 d2 ignoring wards with +3 to charge and strikes first isn't considered fighty
I hate how the new regiment system has me thinking "What units will this new hero unlock? Will it be worth it? Will I need him for this or that unit?" instead of "Yay new Skryre hero!"
Remember you can pay 1cp a turn to ignore the regiment system entirely
Because its 6 damage on a slow 200 point foot assassin, it has nothing to do with power creep.
>requires 3 armies per player
what the fuck is your store bro
Gotta make sure people buy the entire range for their armies somehow.
You're right to dread how they'll divide the skryre units and heroes though.
its just going to functionally prevent spam. Having generals and warmasters have omni-slots will cover most builds.
Would it be reasonable for me to fear that lord of afflictions and rot coven won't exist with the launch?

Paypigs and a findom redshirt.
Personally I love it, it encourages some form of nuance to list building.
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As one of the 12 or so people who actually plays Crusade, does AoS have something similar?
Thats why his right arm is all bloody and he is grimacing. That faceplate tore his asshole into pieces coming out.
Path to Glory
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I finished the unit, having a shitty night so the paint is soothing.
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And from the front
That's likely second wave, but here's hoping eshin and pestilens get something at least. And the new hero rat ogre has some alt head sculpts

4th Edition is going to put more of an emphasis on the Narrative mode of Path to Glory. Rules for building custom characters will be in there.
>the new hero rat ogre has some alt head sculpts
There's an acceptable chance of that since it's not in a starter box, if nothing else you can lop off the horn and greenstuff over it.
lovin it since it makes waac-fags seethe.
I love the regiment system. I miss the old days of warscroll battalions being so important. I want the armies to follow their lore, not just bring the 5 best things 3 times.
That or use some of the rat ogre alt heads since they apparently come with some head and arm options.
we had the ratling cannon and the big rat ogre
Now it's just "bring the best hero-unit-combo 5 times".
They would have to fuck up the balance pretty hard for that to be optimal. I'm not saying it won't happen for some armies but it won't be a norm
faction packs this weekend
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Generally winning lists tend to bring the best available units. There's never been an edition that wasn't true.
I hope you get your wish, Settranon.
how would you implement him?
definitely not this weekend. Maybe next friday ? But probably still too early for gw
trust me
What's your source?
He is either shitposting, makes a guess based on the non-spearhead-batreps announced for the Weekend, or knows something because he is either playtester or knows someone who knows someone.
Too armoured, too thin and such a static gesture it makes you hate seeing unconverted versions
It'll drop on a weekday and maybe next just because they are necessary to play what's in the box because the galaxy brained tournament players at GW thought warscroll cards are redundant inclusions
His source is literally "trust me". You just have to believe
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You guys ever had a girl/lover ask you about your models? I got a story from this past week

>been painting nurgle mortals like crazy for the past 2 months for 4th edition
>moved to a new country a year ago for work
>older female colleagues egg me on and hype me up to date one of the young women at work
>finally cave
>talk to one girl who's a few years older than me
>we've been following each other on instagram for a a few months
>we talk a lot and she asks me about my hobby
>explain hobbying to her
>she pulls up pic rel from my instagram and asks me "what is this character called"
>explain maggotkin to her
>"they're mutated warriors who worship daemons of disease"
>she comes to my office the next day to chat and show it to her
>she thinks my hobby is realy cool
>she likes all my progress pics on instagram

thank god I'm not into slaanesh. anybody have similar stories of ladies reacting to your miniature toy collections? I heard chicks like orks and tyrannids
Webspinner shaman is a 2 cast with a +1 to cast and unbind
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Belated thank you
Joke character as a talking skull in one of those OBR monsters filled with them
My Ogors are a long standing band of mercenaries that view their wealth as a sign of experience, power and status. They use the blood money they earn to craft jewellery and armour, the coins smelted down in blessed boiling blood and forged.into equipment as strong as steel, shining as bright as a sun. Its from these plates they've picked up the name Glintbellies, the most arrogant band of fatties to ever walk the realms.
An Ogor is only accepted into the Glintbellies when he has earned or pillaged enough wealth to forge his own gutplate. They have an initiation ceremony where the old, iron gutplate is ritualistically consumed and the brand new gold gutplate is first worn.

...At least thats how I justify what my Ogors have so much gold on them.
No, they don't. Ogor plastic kits are a dream to work with compared with new shit. Everything is logically laid out and easy to convert. They are simple and intuitive and the sculpts are still good.
Meanwhile, the gorgers are like putting together a jigsaw puzzle and are just as monopose as the old kits without having any of the customization options. The old Ogor plastic kits are cross compatible and its great. Meanwhile Gorgers take a lot of work if you want to use pieces from them.

The only thing they win on is detail....and even that is barely. There are loads of little bitz and pieces you can use to add onto the Ogors. The Ironblaster kit is amazing for it, same with the Stonehorn.

So yeah, you're fucking wrong, We only need half a refresh with the finecast. Everything else is great.
you have to believe!
>Spearhead MSU isn't half the normal count it is the normal MSU
Why do you think that ogres are slow? They are still faster then half the infantry in the game. Not being very fast anymore doesn't magically make them slow
I want to start a new army. Ironjawz or Kruleboyz, like the look of both. Which one is easier to play and paint?
Ironjawz, easily.
Ironjawz are really easy to paint with subassembly for their armour imo and they seem to play simplistically in 4e
Kruleboyz have a lot of little details and are a little more complicated
IJ js easier on both aspects. Lots of metal, few materials, no cloth, large areas. Their play stile is literally just go forward and kill

Coming from an Ironjawz player: if you like both equally get Kruleboyz.
Kruleboyz are much much cheaper to get into right now (Ironjawz don't even have a spearhead box) and seem pretty good and simple to play in 4th.

The complexity of Ironjawz just shot through the roof with the 4th edition rules, they used to be possibly the simplest army in the game, but now it looks like they will require good game knowledge and tactical planning to be effective.
Leagues of Votann looking pretty good.
I talked about age of sigmar to some coworker and an older female coworker started googling it and looked at models on gw website. I talked to her and turns out she really liked the idea of hobbying so she bought some sylvaneth, built them and we also played a bunch together.
>The only thing they win on is detail
Which is a two sided edge considering detail creeps makes models and armies more and more of a chore to paint. I really like my Ogors because they are less detailed and I have room to go wild with freehands
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My BF is generally not interested in warhammer but has painted a few Ogres and also plays games with me using his bishoujo statues as daughters of behemat.
So painting is definitely easier on with Ironjawz if I see your reactions, but gameplay time will tell with 4e?

Think I'll start with some ardboyz then to try the ironjawz out!
>serve or rule
>be a slave to the system, hierarchy's bitch
>still a slave to the system, still hierarchy's bitch
I dont give a damn about either. I live, i am, i wonder the worlds and star voids. I am free.
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Now that high elves are inspired by Chinese mythology, what upcoming army will occupy the Greek theming in Age Of Sigmar? Surely DOK can share that spot with another army.
LRL are Greek+Chinese
>Ogors player
Every time
More specifically Tyrion is Greece and Teclis China
If I take the Dominion Stormcast and add it to the Skaventide stormcast, is it the guts of a decent army or did they get squatted during the Stormcast purge?
>love dorfs
>love warhammer fantasy
>hate kharadron overlords
>hate fryeslayers

That art looks fucking neat but I hate the lack of actual faces and beards.
Dispossessed exi-
All the Dominion stuff is sticking around. No idea how it'll work with the Skaventide units, it's tough to make the call before being shown all the new battle formation traits, spells, prayers, and warscrolls.

nothing from dominion got squatted, it's the previous starter box Soul Wars that did.
take those two together and you've got a nice start for a Stormcast army but way too many heroes.
Did they ever say if the current legends range would carry over to the 4e rework? Wanderers weren't squatted that long ago
Would be funny to see Brets renewed and persist
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Dispossessed broke my heart.
>it's fine, they're still in CoS
At least they'll be available to buy with ToW and inarguably playable until the CoS battletome drops
>There is more art of attractive dwarven women in AOS than there is of human women
Bit odd.
>>At least they'll be available to buy with ToW
I'm absolutely hyped for them returning for ToW, I just wish they were still present in the major game system. Not sure how long ToW will last.

I'd settle for Kharadron Overlords with exposed faces. Weird that in 40k the votann can all be helmet-less.
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Fucking ratmen get gorgeous new minis and a launchbox.
Dwarfs get tinmen and one of the worst fucking line of miniatures.
They're present in 4e and will be 100% playable until the CoS battletome releases within 3 years. After that it's just whether your opponent is a dick
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Here's hoping Fyreslayers get the Stormcast treatment, as they actually need it.

Squat the old ones and redo the army with pic related as the basis for their design.
>hoping Fyreslayers get the Stormcast treatment
No. Fuck that.
I can't see them refreshing non-SCE AoS kits
Jesus christ that looks terrible and it's not the paintjob
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There situation so weird
>ToW Dwarfen moutain holds tm next
>Do a mass squatting of models
> Only announce Beastmen and savage orc squatting
> cos dwarf still in the index
> CoS rules pushes mixing
> all models are sold out and repackage

There was no communication there was no organization. Hoping 4th is the end of this weird dance with TOW because they can't keep two seprate peices of paper
No they don't.
t. actually own fyreslayers
Worry about your own army.
post models.
They announced what was leaving in that wave, Dispossessed came after and the Empire/StD stuff will come after that. GW are never consumer friendly with these announcements: they come after the shift to end production has happened. WarCom are basically damage control.
It's crazy to me that they never made an edition box featuring ironjawz, literally one of the easiest armies to paint well. Ever their big monsters like maw gruntas and cabbages can be as simple as basecoat, wash, drybrush and then lighter drybrush
Ironjawz were one of the earliest releases for AoS but still more complicated than the ETB Khorne and SCE kits
in a box there will always be marines, and since marines are an elite army, their opponents can only be a horde army to make the box seems like it contains a reasonable number of models

Yep, I believe this is the only reason why hobgrots exist in Kruleboyz.
exactly, there's no hobgrot anywhere else in the range except one in an underworlds warband, only normal goblins
haven't touched aos in years, what's the news on Emberneth Aeves?
>hobgrots were stolen from the future chorf release just to inflate the model count of Dominion
I think this is the first I've even heard of that.
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they don't exist, dude
their one and only mention ever is about the fact they're fucking extinct
shit that scheme looks cool.
They're coming after the Rootkings next year.
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Wait for chorfs
how many times has an extinct people returned now? KO, IDK, OBR, Kragnos
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What's to say Chuardin won't be to chorfs what fyreslayers and KO are to their fantasy equivalents?
once: draconith

ko weren't extinct
idk weren't extinct
obr weren't extinct
kragnos's people is still extinct
I know that a lot of people love these but I really can't stand the blank helmets
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Some kind of daemon facemasks would be cool for a potential redesign. Though them becoming faceless was kind of the point fluffwise.
I feel like they could benefit from white, silver, or gold masks. The lack of a plumed crest also means they can't have the traditional red on there. But the paint job looks rad in any case.
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I just can't get behind the new designs. It's like they keep trying to attract non Stormcast players and don't care about the people who picked up SC for what they were in the first place. Doesn't get much more obvious than just squatting all of the sacrosanct
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Oh I like these. The white gold looks classy.
almost as if fatcasts were a terrible mistake that not only sold underwhelmingly despite the constant support but also dragged down the entire IP by association
Slightly better view of them
Kragnos' people are alive, read Dawnbringers.
KO were presumed dead and a surprise to the people of the realms, only joining the setting after their release in the fluff. Same with IDK.
OBR, Katakros, was MIA until Forbidden Power.
Lorelets shouldn't post anything about the fluff.
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How do we stop them
A cartoonish cat.
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Well all of AoS was but you don't see them squatting it.
They absolutely knocked it out of the park with these. An army with that level of quality would be worth collecting.
Fyreslayers look great in general aside from their two and only other infantry kits which is just cursed
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Talking rats

Exactly. Big hats or bust.
Hell even 4e and FW chorf fans can't agree with each other. Pretty sure big hats will win out because GW is all about muh retro aesthetic atm
kragnos people are POSSIBLY alive
kharadrons were as much of a surprise as any people that survived the age of chaos, doesn't make them extinct
idk were never considered extinct by anyone
katakros is not a people

you are the lorelet
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GW also got rid of savage orcs, so they might want to avoid the an evil race with a vaguely Persian aesthetic.

IMO that would be a waste, the FW ones are too generic.
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This dude is finally done on the pait job but Idk how to drybrush the basing paste. It's AK mudy ground.

Should I use dark green, a light green like moot green or ice yellow to look maggoty?
I'm all for it. GW has been catering to me, specifically, for the last couple years and I'm not going to complain while the train keeps running on time.
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>tfw i can paint better than this
As someone who liked the first rendition of them idk how you don’t see the progression of design. You say that as if they’re removed from their core design
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for reference here's a lord of blights with ice yellow drybrush
You now understand why modern GW tutorials are so fucking shit
I wish people could grow up and just appreciate historical analogues for monstrous regimes and admit that they are both cool AND terrible and still very much not representative of their descendants today. Like conquistadors.
Oh boy, more masturbating over their new models
>After several failed attempts to mix silver and blue paints together, I instead sprayed them all in Leadbelcher
Literally me
That's sort of the point. If they only show off Golden Demon level stuff, people will be put off.
Look man we gotta keep people hyped until the actual pre order date is here, get those filler articles rolling every single day
> But Skaven are fundamentally fantastical, and we needed to ground things a little, which is why we have the Grey Seer and the Warlock Engineer in there – classic Skaven archetypes that have stood the test of time.
Probably because of the battletome or a new unit
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how would you make stormcast look less like space marines and emphasize their fantasy setting more? how do you create a unique identity and distinguish them?

I think the gold and blue scheme was a mistake. silver is much better.
oh come on these dudes look better than 90% of what you see on tables in any given space. I'm not doubting your hobby skills but I think the guy deserves some slack

that white brooch on the lord vigilant desperately needs some more definition though
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>But Skaven are fundamentally fantastical, and we needed to ground things a little
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isn't that literally grey knights steel though? tinting/coloring a metallic paint is as easy as applying contrast paint or recess shading it with wash a few times.
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I think they will remove them because the duality of AoS/TOW for the kits is undesired. Most likely they will do so when the Battletome releases. Up to that point, people buying the models for both games might boost the sales which is likely what GW wants and why they didn't pushed them out of AoS early. I can imagine that they use this to push the TOW sales numbers this way. When the indexes drop and dwarves rules are pushed we might have a confirmation here.

Once the Tome comes I expect them to either remove the Dwarves or replace them by a new model wave. If it is the latter I think we will see new kinds of units that makes reusing old Dwarves (and Elves) as hard as possible
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Quit teasing me with these gas masks, James! Reveal the new Acolytes!
What a waste of a starter army. Can't wait for Domtanic 2.0
>how would you make stormcast look less like space marines
Maybe I’m autistic but beyond being armored I don’t think they’ve ever looked like space marines to me

>emphasize their fantasy setting more
The armor design is uniquely an AoS thing. Even chaos doesn’t do bulk the same way Stormcasts do despite having the opportunity to.
They’ve already done that with the motifs of celestial bodies. Stars, comets, flames, suns, moons, lightning. If you read the design article they state how even things like the wings of the prosecutors are influenced by designing them like celestial bodies. They have embellishments on armor and accessories built in the likeness of lightning their eponyms.

>how do you create a unique identity and distinguish them?
Again might be my autism but I think they’re solidly unique and distinguished. The issue is there’s so much stormcasts that all look the same that they cannot show the true range and extent that model line can go. Every stormcast is effectively a hammer of sigmar painted a different color.
Celestial Vinidcators literally worships swords on top of being buttfuckingly mad all the time but what of the models convey that?
Astral Templars also worship a god beast bear who may be Ulrich or whatever his name is. Same issue
I think the anvils have it the worst however they’re ancient fucking weirdos and in the books they’re often covered in weird shit, talismans, dead languages, literal ghost spirit humonculi.
The Hallowed Knights are so eager to put themselves through strife and tribulations to test their faith that they literally strap broken chaos relics to them they took in battle. They finally decided to do a different scheme for the box which I love but it’s a missed opportunity for bits and actually distinguishing stormcasts

I pray to Sigmar that if they do release more Lord Commanders they atleast bother to not make them all look the same. Also Gardus update pls
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>so they might want to avoid the an evil race with a vaguely Persian aesthetic
2 more editions, directly after chorfs. Trust the plan
>autist thinks warlocks couldn't possibly wield a rifle
Newfag is also a poorfag.
That's because you're coked up on marvel and 40k, they're basically pariahs who have a helmet melded to their face, why the he'll would it be fancy and ornate?
No, you really can’t.
No, but I think that
1. Old versions of models should be compatible with newer versions' rules and I don't think that it's very fitting for my pistol-wielding warlocks to be sniping with them
2. A warlock should be, you know, a wizard
NTA but this is how these threads turn into bigger cesspools..
deal with it
I don't know what it's called, but you're doing a bad kind of argument where you use part of the problem as justification for the other part of the problem.
If my premise is "I don't like the look of the helmets", then saying "The helmets look like this because they wrote fluff to explain why the helmets look like this" isn't going to sway my opinion.
That model doesn't have a big beaky nose.
>having cock shame
Personally I would make my mask look really cool
Well GW apparently now thinks that warlocks can't possibly wield a glaive anymore, so...
Anon it sucks but if you got surprised from GW removing options from heroes you haven't been paying attention
The influencers speak.

Well, I know and expect that sort of thing, but I've never had a hero unit entirely reinvented to the point where I feel that it's not even the same concept before. "Your wizards are no longer wizards" is a hell of a bigger change than "Your guy has a different gun now". Has that happened to any other hero models in AoS? Things ceasing to be (or becoming) wizards or priests all of a sudden?
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>have slaanesh vanguard and several other kits like myrmidons, epitome and sigvald
>wonder how many points I have and check Warscroll Builder(RIP)
>Already at like 1600 points
No wonder people always mention how overcosted they are. desu I don't think that's a bad thing, just would be neat if they were also good for the cost
they can, the new sculpt just doesn't
model your retard with a glaive and count him as shooting with the rifle's profile as it it was magic lightning
The Prince Maesa audiobook is a must listen honestly. Easily one of the best AoS novels ever and I suggest everyone listen to it.
You got Cado Ezechiar who is basically the same thing but a vampire.
No, sorry anon. Arena of Shadow's the only one I've never been able to find either :(
I almost conceded to you before I remembered that they made it so that the WE now exists solely to buff a unit that I don't own and have no interest in
Looks good, anon. I'm going to paint my Realm-Lords in red as well when I get around to them :)
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You think you want this but you don't

Prince Maesa is a Wood Aelf anon.
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>tourist doesn't understand the time gap between Fantasy and AoS
many such cases
>lord of afflictions

Why the fuck would they be cut?

> want the armies to follow their lore, not just bring the 5 best things 3 times.

So much this.
pick one
I greatly prefer "severely autistic whining over the warlock engineer" hour to "spam five million images about black people" hour, can we go back please
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>he thinks Skaven are safe
Wow, wrong in every way! Well done :)
Prince Maesa+that dwarf and three randos he never interacted with in an $80 box set WHEN GW???

Naturally he'll get a new novel to go with the box where he's now leader of the Prince Maesa Revenger Team working contracts for Allarielle.
Well, I don't mind the general idea of enforcing fluffy armies, but I fear that they're going to get too restrictive with it. Ideally, it should be "Skryre heroes can take Skryre units", but I fear it may end up like "Only the Galvaneer can take the WLC, only the Engineer can take the Ratling Warpblaster, only the Bombardier can take Acolytes, etc".
In case it wasn't made blindingly obvious, I'm not sympathetic to your views, cretin.
Every part of your post is fucking awesome anon. Based af.
Should I care? Play a non-DUARDIN army you like the look of then, retard.
>in a box there will always be marines,

Good for 40K, now back to AoS.
Chocolate elf ladies are a weakness of mine. Besides that, is the book any good?
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Except Stormcast always sold well and have cool/interesting lore. Fucking No Games, shut up.
The units are looking ok so far. I'd be considering doubling up on prosecutors, reclusians, and annihilators. The standard building blocks of stormcast list this edition may well end up not including anything in the two boxes however depending on what dracoths, longstrikes, grandhammers, stormdrakes etc look like.
Cunt away off back to your WFB thread.
>I'm not doubting your hobby skills but I think the guy deserves some slack
i wasnt saying they are bad, im just happy to see i can paint better than the stuff theyre showing off on the website
feels good man
Neither khorne or kruleboyz are elite armies. What you mean is they'll usually contain some 20 of some chaff unit which they can invent for anyone.
It's alright. Secretly it's like 45% an IDK novel, but that's not really a bad thing.
we already know he can buff multiple units, not just the jezzails
the other units have the rules that detail how they can be buffed by him
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thunderstrike already looks less like space marines, that was the entire point of it retard.
>is the book any good?
NTA but I recall it being okay. It had some interactions between Lumineth and Idoneth that were interesting. But the tone is somewhat bleak, it's not a happy story and it doesn't give the reader much to laugh over.
>entirely one color
>even the trim is the same color
It's amazing that they were willing to die on the hammers of sigmar hill for so long. It made their minis look worse
It’s a decent paint job just not one we should’ve seen every single release of anything
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That Celestial Vindicator paintjob is such an insane flex even compared to the other non metallic schemes there. Amazing blending. Never thought they could look that good.
>we already know he can buff multiple units, not just the jezzails
That applies to any Skryre hero, so there's no reason to take him specifically if you're not also taking jezzails.
I don't know, well have to see what they do with them. With their allegiance abilities basically completely squatted the points for them need to be completely rebalanced from scratch. Based on early unit comparisons without summoning/pretenders/depravity, the warscrolls they've shown should be cheap af. Twinsouls are barely if at all better than liberators and blood warriors. Slickblades and Cavaliers/Spiteriders are roughly equal and should be much lower than blood knights and chaos knights. Given we haven't seen the real scroll. Fiends are like, I dunno wtf to do with fiends, they're barely a 100 point scroll considering the way 3e is pointed right now, legitimately I'm serious. Slaangors spearhead scroll is complete trash again like 70 points tier level trash.
>That applies to any Skryre hero
who are also, invariably, warlock engineers
Doesn't look like any other ogre so...
I don't understand the point you're trying to make or of what you're attempting to convince me.
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Literally just an old dude and his wife with a crossbow.
His daughter...
Lol sorry I don't even read most of the books anymore and just assumed. I got tired of reading a lot of the lore coming out in micro-FOMO fashion and getting a single print (if ever). I remember picking up my Nagash Omnibus in like 2016-17 for $24 out of Barnes and Noble. Fast forward to today and even the shittiest dog-eared copy is going for like $100 on Ebay because it will never be physically printed again.

Alternatively I actually gave my Sigmar omnibus away years ago because it was just that bad lol...
Found the Lumineth Realm-Lords Spearhead for £70...
I'm tempted.
nta but that was pretty clearly satire, brainlet
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Stormies in green is kinda nice
I am a bit shocked how shit and how well designed this Box actually is at the same time.
>Next to the Copters that currently noone plays in AoS no units that double with AoS
>Good baseline for jumping from some AoS CoS Dwarves to full TOW
>No fucking heroes included
>No fucking more elite troops included

So basically a shitty Box that works well when you come from AoS. I just hope it's cheaper then the other ones.
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It's not satire if he actually believes the thing he's joking about
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>This is the end of our behind the scenes interview series on the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.
Thank fuck
as a full army or as a spearhead?
Spearhead to start, but there's a handful of units I'd like to add to 'em in the future if I get it.
nda drops saturday
indexes start next week
one day for stormcast + skaven, then one day for each GA
points and hero/unit regiment combos are not included
there is a single file with day 0 errata/faq, all the points/regiments for every army. that should go up the following week

You will come to hate the Wardens and their spears, I assure you.
>points and hero/unit regiment combos are not included
What's even the point then
Lmfao I'm sure! There's never been a spear wielding unit that isn't a complete pain in the ass to work with/store.

to fuel more speculation, also with all the indexes you can totally play a game of 4th using the 3rd edition points.
It won't be accurate balance wise but it'll get you used to the differences in the new edition gameplay.
I've played a few games of 4th myself using the stormcast and seraphon warscrolls we've been shown, was fun.
I'm a MASSIVE fan of the good ol' "High Elf vs Dark Elf" thing so I'm going to be getting a Lumineth army at some point to go against the Umbraneth if/when they release.
With that in mind, the question is whether or not the army is something you like enough to enjoy. Don't buy it because it's good, buy it because you like the models/lore/characters.
Otherwise what's the point of playing?
other spear models are lovely in comparison.
I've seen worse but they certainly don't look like they'll be fun to work with.
Oh you definitly need a magnet storage solution for this
>There's never been a spear wielding unit that isn't a complete pain in the ass to work with/store.

Not true

Those little fuckers have stabbed my hands so many times!
Lies. My sleeve caught on those fuckers all the time back in the days of WFB.
I'm thinkning of dabbling what with the new boxes and such. What's less of a meme Skaven or Daughters of Khaine starting point of nothing in terms of models.
What does "less of a meme" mean here?
What does that even mean
dok is an advanced army.
>lawnmowers are advanced machinery
>yeah bro just paint 50 bareheaded naked women as your first army
I'm not chasing wins, and I like the look of the two armies mentioned. Which of the two would you say is stronger as a tabletop faction?

Advanced as in mechanics? In sigmar?

I wouldn't call them advanced but while their gameplan is simple, you do have to know the game pretty well to play them effectively.

They are a good second or third army imo.
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>yeah bro just paint 50 bareheaded naked women
Yes sign me up
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>StD army is just slowly turning to GA Chaos palooza
Up to 3rd DoK were historically strong whereas Skaven have been much more inconsistent. However, DoK had a pretty long mid period in 3rd.

>Advanced as in mechanics? In sigmar?
Oh OK I get where this is going.
Honestly I love the chaos casino, I couldn't be happier. I'm just sad they took some of the tricksier stuff out of the army.
That answer actually pretty much sums up what I was asking, DoK are the better bet to not get instantly tabled early. While Skaven would be better off waiting till the full release / more testing
I would say going into a new edition it's probably the other way around. DoK are very fragile outside of Morathi.
>Advanced as in mechanics? In sigmar?
Troll detected.
Fuck off.
Anon you can't even ally armies together let alone run a GA army

DoK cannot take a punch (with one exception), so if your positioning is bad you will lose hard.

That being said, flying Morathi straight into the enemy lines and tanking their entire army while snake ladies move up behind her will get you far.
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Does anybody have the last book of Dawnbringers?
I know but I barely play the game and I think moving away from allies/coalition is stupid so it's mainly just for display. It's primarily StD but I have a guo with a blightking posse, some khorne mortals, tzeentch daemons and I'm adding the skaven half of skaventide
>is stronger as a tabletop faction?
Ask after we actually have their full rules. Right now DoK have ways to gain strike first and to hand out strike last with melusai that have access to fight twice in a turn which is going to be a nightmare. Skaven shoot well and stormfiends and rat ogres look really strong in melee.
did they get rid of the dispossessed models? i thought they were still in the game

I do but I won't share because of the racist image.
Sorry, I promise I'm not a troll. I'm just retarded. I wasn't sure if they meant Mechanically. Also I'm extra retarded and wasn't sure if DE's had an Old World Counterpart (yet), I was also of the understanding that AoS was technically less rule intensive then WFB was.
I like the new -1 hit on sister of slaughter with all the hit on 4s in the game now. They're effectively better than 4+ save, if bloodshield stays they'll be quite durable.

They’re “supported” in CoS still. Duardin get a +1 to their save on a defense order. Aelves get +1 hit on a different order.
They in the index but currently all the models on the website are "Sold Out" to start repackaging them to this >>93189977

Whether or not nu-Corves are coming for the second war is up in the air
Holy shit can they please stop spamming this Spearhead crap.
It's "the new thing" so these marketing swine will be posting about it nonstop for a year
>Sorry, I promise I'm not a troll. I'm just retarded.

Apology accepted.
The DoK is a fairly complex faction to due to having fragile units that rely upon buffs from others (via buffs and so on). They can hit very hard, or die the instant someone looks at them.
It's not exactly easy to play them well, but you'll get used to this sort of complexity quickly enough after a few games. Just remember, BUFF EVERYTHING!
>They’re “supported” in CoS still. Duardin get a +1 to their save on a defense order. Aelves get +1 hit on a different order.

so elves get one enhanced order, dwarfs get one enhanced order, and humans get one enhanced order. where is the evidence that this in any way indicates elves and dwarfs are on the way out? they have as much rules interaction as the humans as far as the army traits are concerned
I still don't understand the logic of quashing allies when it's objectively good for sales to let people dip into other armies
>via buffs and so on
I meant "via prayers and so on"
Literally tourniefags fault

The alternative is how Combat Patrol "the exciting new way to play" went.

I'd rather have all the spam that goes with a genuine alternate play option over something that is forgotten after a week.
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>sold out

no they're not. they're just sold out in the US because fucking everything is sold out in the US because they cant get their distribution problem fixed
But why are they ceding to tourneyfags when they're a profit-driven, publicly traded company? Aren't they supposed to do anything that would potentially get them more profits?

>let people dip into other armies

that's what spearhead is for now.
also allies were a real pain for competitive and usually traps for newbies. "I'm a new player and I'm gonna play a bunch of chaos warriors and chosen in my Khorne army!"
I don't agree with any of their design decisions. The push fit models are a bad joke completely at odds with their ideas.
Two reasons. First Its because GW higher ups are notoriously incompetent retards, just cracking the whip each year demanding more profits and the people below them scramble to deliver. And second its because MUH COMPETITIVE, MUH TOURNAMENT AGE OF SUGMAR type fags want everything sterilized for "balance" sake.

They don't want people dipping into other armies THAT way, they want people dipping into other armies by whaling out for an entire starter forces worth that you CAN'T share with your other armies. BUY MORE, DON'T JUST BUY ONE OR TWO UNITS THATS NOT PROFITABLE ENOUGH FOR US!!
Locking people into only having very specific boxes as options seems liek it would be objectively worse for sales than letting them buy whatever they want.
Spearhead is the only game right now. No indexes, no warscrolls

buy a spearhead and you are only a kit or two away from 1000pts
Those cretins buy whatever is good regardless of what it is they're still making money
They've been cycling back and forth in the UK as stock is recalled. It's going to happen, note the difference between sold out and temporarily unavailable newfag
The point is that there are and will be people who aren't interested in the contents of the spearhead boxes who would have otherwise bought other kits, and now won't, because they don't have that option. Let's say that I play Maggotkin, and I wanted to buy a Chaos Gargant, a Daemon Prince, and a Verminlord Corruptor to coalition in, just because I think they look cool or fun to play. GW saying "you can't play those in your army now" means that I will not be buying those expensive kits, and since the Spearhead and Regiments of Renown boxes don't have the models I want, I won't be buying those either. Ergo, this is a loss of a sale for GW, and something to be avoided.
they are literally available for sale right now. what the fuck are you talking about?
>MUH COMPETITIVE, MUH TOURNAMENT AGE OF SUGMAR type fags want everything sterilized for "balance" sake.
If you don't care about balance, and aren't playing in a tournament then just ask your opponent if you can use allies.
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How should I paint the new ratties, I'd like to avoid the boxart scheme

they make more money off the very mass produced spearhead boxes than they do individual low production kits and the attempt is to sell a lot more spearheads than before.

it may well fail but that's what they are going for
>they make more money off the very mass produced spearhead boxes than they do individual low production kits
But these don't need to be exclusive!
The colorscheme of your favorite beverage
Stepping on a grot is the stepping on a lego of Warhammer
I told you, learn to read retard newfag. This has happened every time something has been squatted
I'm going to do my albino. Cloth is going to be purple and black. Armour primarily bronze.

I wouldn’t hold my breath on either race being removed from Cities anytime soon but I also wouldn’t expect new models either.
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Well you can't have mine

Seconding Dr Pepper rattos
That I can see, I found a copy of the tome for DoK so taking a deeper look now. That concept is relatively forward enough, the in-depth aspects of the buffs will be the fun part though. Thank you for the brief overview of em. Most of my understanding of the setting is coming from the now (was it ever actually the same) outdated Total War Warhammer.
Because prime, and Ionus, and stormdrakes have to stay permanently overcosted. They couldn't put ward on nugle's scrolls. Belakor had to stay weak, etc.

you can still play open if you're a mouth breather who thinks basic game balance is "tourneyfag".
It was not the same. I really strongly recommend waiting until AoS 4e actually hits.
Yes, look at the new scroll. He was overpaying for his cheese ability with a weak body.
If you can't make a simple decision like that yourself than you're never finishing that box
>tourniefag upset that he's the reason the game gets worse every edition
>you can still throw the baby out if you dislike the bathwater
There's nothing wrong with getting ideas from others, anon.
That's not really a valid extrapolation. Choice paralysis is not the same sort of affliction as executive dysfunction.
whining about a game you don't play.
Gotcha, I mean yeah, beyond "acquiring" a few battle tomes I'm not doing much yet. It's also why I'm debating Skaven. Since launch army
Looks like more cool knight helmets from victrix coming up
I hope you're getting paid for these
I think he's going to pay for this
Always love it when they show 3d renders instead of the physical product

Bro trust me it'll look so good in person trust me bro
They're generally fine but there's nothing interesting or unique here and no one asked about other bits
no i just sub to their news letter, thought some people might be interested in the bits.

i guess not

i might. could be fun to throw some rusted buckethelms on some FEC guys. victrix isnt as small as perry, its closer to the scale of the freeguild guys than most historicals, so it should be okay for basic ghouls or the morbheg riders.
obvious shill is obvious

>1¢ has been deposited into your account
Vince already laid out the future (unintentionally).
You will only have two Regiments, and more likely than not one WILL be some SC warmaster faggot (who will unlock any choice).
Your other hero will be whoever gives the most synergy. No auxiliary ever, a ton of 'cool power pieces' that nonetheless are never taken because they would cost too many drops (ie one) or an auxiliary. Armies will have a set 'warmaster general regiment' that's basically set in stone, the second regiment and it's one power pair is just the favor choice (will rarely be impactful), or, worst case, it's another auto include set.
Look forward to everyone playing for a turn 2 double, which are stronger than ever.
Gays not welcome
I don't often say this (and never on aosg before).
Nice chorfs. Good basing, like the metal schemes

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I will shill for 3rd parties

and I will do it FOR FREE!
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Not mine. I never quite got beyond some basic color tests with mine. Probably got them from the chorf forum or something.
Meh, 3d renders always looks good, miniatures themselves don't.
> renders
Actual models printed by someone who isn't the company or GTFO.
> let's pretend like some of these people (Adam from Forge the Narrative) are literally bought and paid for by GW
Can you shill good ones at least
What are the Legends rules for Chorfs even like? I can't see 'em being great.
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i think if im getting 3rd party spiders im probably getting these ones. they've got more boingrot style armor and weapons, and the spiders are bit more chitonous like the arachnaroc. not a fan of the old spider riders tribal look, just like bonesplitterz i think the tribal stuff just kinda looks bad
they're not really. from what i remember, their rifles have a chance to do mortal wounds, and their melee guys reflect mortal wounds on successful saves like the old gorefists. other than that it was basically just dwarf infantry lines with some artillery and monsters, and access to wizards.

i do remember the cavalry led by shartor kind of fucking up my shit during 2nd edition, but i was also a new player at the time so it could have just been me eating a bad charge
>I want my units to have fancy, tall, ornate hats
>X units have fancy, tall, ornate hats, these chorfs do not because of XYZ
>Um, actually thats a bad arguement
Sounds like an ugly, unplayable mess for no reason
Anon never said it didn't make sense. They just don't like it. We're allowed to not like things, remember?
idk what you were going for here because this doesn't read well for your argument at all
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Look at it like this
>thing is designed
>fluff is written why they are that way
>someone says they don't like the design
>other guy defends it by citing the fluff that was written to justify the design
You see this shit all the time and it's always a shit argument.
Is there anything across the chaos armies that can fit the the mawkrusha on it's base
Maybe when you stop using the cringe 40k term for it.
archaon. maybe GUO or glottkin, glutos orscallion

Biggest is a Glutos on a 170x105mm. Archaeon is a 160mm.

Mawkrusha is 160mm.
Anvil of apotheosis might have already made rules for something that big
important to bring up, the mawkrusha doesnt really NEED its gigantic base. it can actually fit on the same base as a stonehorn without much hang over, the base on the mawkrusha is really kind of excessive, there is a lot of empty space on the mawkrushas base

so if you're trying to use a mawkrusha model for a conversion, you have a little wiggle room

Good addition. Never seen a Mawkrusha outside of the box, so I didn’t want to assume just how much of the base was empty.

Also model overhang can be a thing.
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Are marked dragon ogors a thing in the fluff
I don't think I've ever heard of any existing.
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Think I'm good to call the FEC project done, I should probably get back to getting my Skaven done so Skaventide can slot right in.
Says who
Nope. They hate the deal they made with the gods so it wouldn't make sense anyway.
No. Dragon Ogres made a race wide deal with the Gods for their souls, the Gods don't bother to grant marks if they already own you.
>Dragon Ogors
Curious if we will see them one day in Ogors or Chorfs
alarm set
money secured
skaventide preorder moment
Looking good anon, ghoul chads rise up
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No ones gonna applaud you for consooming bro.
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Would anyone happen to have access to any of the Dawnbringers short stories? I love the idea of the Dawnbringer crusades and want to read more about 'em.

Looking for:

The Road to Helsmarch
False Dawn

TIA for any help
Are the chaos realms still like alternate realities like they are in 40k?

I had an idea for an annihilation/stalker "the zone" style army but I want to make sure chaos still works that way in aos
The Realm of Chaos is basically an alternate reality of infinite, manifested madness and insanity. The Chaos Gods own pieces of this land and each moulds it to his/her tastes. Sometimes the Realm of Chaos bleeds into the Mortal Realms, for example the Maggotkin often bring the Garden of Nurgle 'into' the Mortal Realms when they corrupt the lands.
Wrong anon lol
You'd have an answer to your question if you actually... you know, read the lore of the game you're playing?
Okay that's exactly what I wanted to know. I was going to do a zone of nurgles garden opening up over a castle and mutating the castle, landscape, and it's inhabitants like the lighthouse from annihilation, but I wanted to make sure that kind of thing checked out
Yeah it works. Read Blight War to learn more. Horticulous Slimux was working to draw the Garden of Nurgle into the Mortal Realms but was (only just) stopped by Blacktalon.
Here's Blightwar if ya want more info

:( this is my first AoS set!
Man eavy metal really bogged his face
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Im sorry, youre allowed to be excited for things, obviously.
How many steelhelms is too many ya think? I like the models, but I'm not paintfag who only consooms to paint.
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>Warhammer fans
>reading non-Memehammer material
based, give no regard to poorfags.
I can't really see using more 30. They might just get replaced entirely by dwarfs with orders change.
Same man, I'm genuinely excited. Gonna be the first set I'll be sharing with a friend and we both actually care about the armies.
I'm waiting to try the free rules before I buy anything, due to being leery of 'em, but I hope you enjoy purchase anon.
What base size does Abraxia come with?
100mm base.
Literally took a five second search on Google you inbred twat.
IIRC they were basically a late 1E/very early 2E army in terms of design, so utterly outdated at this point.
Thank you anon! May the feet you lick and/or sniff always be thrillingly sweaty.
>getting this mad but still answering
False Dawn
The only google results are redditors speculating before it was ever confirmed inbred twat
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No they're not, inbred tard.
Love you anon!
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>Preorders start tonight
>phone decides it wants to die
what uncannily shit ass timing
Lol you're so mad
>he doesn't have his lgs reserve a box for him
Ngmi. Waking up tomorrow at 10am without a care in the world

I've already put in my preorder via best local store. At a discount too. 174$.

Selling the rats for 80$ to another dude. High life for me.
NTA but lol
You know you were just fucking owned and have nothing, you've got no comeback at all.
>not reserving a box at your LGS
It's so easy and you get a discount if your LGS isn't shit
NTA but I don't have an LGS I'd want to support. Ordering through Element Games of Wayland Games is so much easier.
>samefagging this hard
Kek this is pathetic, admit defeat and move on
Tbh I don't care if anyone has Harrowhand since I dislike the Blacktalons (Mary Sue bitches) but I'll take it if anyone happens to have it.
I also reserved my box at my LGS but I dont think skaventide boxes will be sold out.
I dont mind being wrong about that. Would be a great sign that there is big interest in 4e.
would just mean GW under-produced. I need those fuckers to do a discount again.
it just reflects their production efforts. Dominion could've sold incredibly well but below what they produced
post otherwise perfect models with 1 glaring flaw.

i'll start with the obvious. too much base
According to GW's shareholder reports, Dominion DID sill incredibly well.
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The reason is a bannable offense.
Yeah, but why would I run anything that isn't a human? Fuck the lesser races (literally)
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Basing the model is a challenge of itself that might leave you spending triple the time it took to paint the model
>Kurnothi are now blessed humans
They really wanted to remove any possibility of Wanderers existing huh
Trim on the monster looks like he's wearing glasses
Sir, this site is not for 12 year olds. Please come back in 6 years.
Too much base is like too much cock, it's not possible.
That's been a thing for a while, but they're used more as canon fodder mostly while the elf/sylvaneth Kurnothi get treated better.
Horned helmets are dope.
Putting horns on a head itself is hard to make look good. Unless you're going for a forsaken vibe
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She has a helmet option

NTA because he’a a faggot but the current AoS app has base sizes for everything on it.
There's more than a few things wrong with this model. The monster isn't great: it just feels like an alt take on the Karkadrak whereas a character meant to be significant should have something better and more imaginatively posed. It's better than the random Stormcast chimeric monsters but not by much. The Karkadrak also just looks better than this thing in its dimensions, even though it's smaller: it's more squat and powerful-looking and it has this brutal wide head and jaw that look combative.

The thanatorg (lol) has this crouching pose and long, beaklike mouth that make it look more like a scavenging beast than a ridden monster. I do like the pose of hte one claw grasping the stone and the curve of the tail, which nicely complements the monster's silhouette face on: you notice it just a touch after you take in the rest of the model, which is probably how the beast also uses it to strike at enemies.

Abraxia herself is just kind of a generic chaos lord apart from being a negro woman: I don't mind that because I like generic chaos armored lord details, the shield and the spear are a bit interesting, but nothing really stands out as it should for a centrepiece character.
>he’a a faggot

I may enjoy the odd dick, but I was still correct. It took 5 seconds to answer his question with Google.
Wish she had a better face option too
You'll come around to the same opinion in 10 years or so when your done being a nieve 20 something.
Also spearhead sounds like a shit game mode. Come back mechanics like its a shitty moba clone. Who wants to play on a tiny ass board with no terrain where you buff your opponent when you do well?
4th edition seems fine if bland, drawing out this hype for what feels like eternity has killed any enthusiasm i had though.
Kurnothi is an umbrella term referring to any and all Kurnothfags. Trees, bugs, aelves, humans, or whatever.
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This dude used some backgrounds and photo magic to change my opinion on this model.
It really looks like it is cut from a Frazetta art piece.
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wait a minute...
I've never loved the model but I've never disliked it honestly. I doubt I'll get her, but she's not the worst Chaos model. Not even close.
Agreed, Varanguard are worse.
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I was thinking Darkoath, actually.
>Also spearhead sounds like a shit game mode.

I gotta disagree. If it lets me play Deepkin without needing to buy an entire army, I'll love it.

>Who wants to play on a tiny ass board with no terrain where you buff your opponent when you do well?

Only retards don't use terrain.
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Somehow they're all worse than the warband too. The idea for a fantastic looking army was there but it was just sabotaged, by quotes from higher up, bad designers, bad concept artists etc. I don't know why but I do know it was entirely preventable. Conan army is an easy fucking sell and they fumbled it.
Even the original warband wasn't great imo but it was better than what we got later for sure.
Eh the Darkoath heroes look good and some of these ones are fine. The strangely elongated female bodies in the Warcry band and the diversity minis in the regular one (like the fat woman standard bearer) are the worst options IMO.
I forgot that their queuing system is set up so that you're made to wait in a queue before they place you in a queue.
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AoS aesthetics peaked in 1e
When the Sacrosanct Chamber came out and every one of them looked fucking amazing.
Not abraxia
This dude just fucking owns. The grin is a huge part of it.
This reminds me, WHY did they kill off the coolest Stormcast minis? Think we'll get Thunderstruck versions at some point?
Why precisely does this guy work whilst the later Darkoath stuff doesn't
I do believe that he looks better but I can't articulate quite why
Pretty sure Nighthaunt won that aesthetic showdown
I like the look of them but they were less fun to assemble than their 1e counterparts.
I have got to buy that fucking Silver Tower box my LGS somehow still has.
Dems fighting words boi!

I never find assembling or painting models fun so I'll take your word on that lol
sacrosancts didn't fix the design flaws of fatcasts, only thunderstrike did
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mark harrison designed some the best models period
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Reference > Expansions > Dawnbringers: Book 6 - The Hounds of Chaos > Base Size
Between, Ogres, Free guild, Slaneesh, and Daughters, which is gonna have more fun with shooting options in AoS? Originally I was only considering Ogres and freeguilds because I had fun with their equivalents in TW:WH3 and glad they had gun options still, but the other two caught my eye a little. Overlords look way too goofy.

I only have 40k tt experience along with the total war mention. Only given consiration because friends at LGS are getting into it and TOW releases slowed to a crawl.
Literally rippling with muscles
Incredible barbarian couture aesthetics
Shit-eating grin
100% disagree with that, anon. The Sacrosanct Chamber is peak Stormcast design imo.

I love this man, so fucking much.
Shooting is looking worse in 4e in general, so hold off until we see the rules.

I don't know anything about shooty ogres but historically Slaanesh was just about spamming maximum archers and DoK were about getting one unit of bow snakes buffed up to shoot twice.
But to answer your question. CoS will outdo the others quite a bit I imagine. But if you want THE shooting faction, play Kharadron Overlords or Lumineth Realm-Lords
>also reviews big titty anime statues
I think Cities are the clear option out of those.

Gunlines, artillery, tanks, snipers and heroes with gun options. And thats only the mainline human stuff.

Then you can add heavy armor dwarf flamethrower infantry, darkelf crossbow men and chariots with big harpoons.
Lumineth in 4e will hopefully succeed on the combined arms shit they're meant to be rather than just spamming Sentinels.
The answer is wait a couple weeks for indices. During which you can save your money up to buy whatever you want.
As far as shooting goes, freeguild is traditionally the shootiest of those options by design, but slaanesh and ogres are also very shooty due to their best units being ranged, can't speak for daughters.
Though with indices coming out, I wouldn't be shocked if something goofy like KB becoming the best shooty army in the game happened.
A man can hope. I'd like to see them more interesting builds instead of fighting the same list a billion times.
You mean Alexandrian phalanx supported by archers and cav right?
Looks like waiting is worth it to see what changes come out. Thank you for clarifying what each's histories were and considerations for the future, including other factions. Might go ahead and get Skaventide tide and split with friend as an introduction at least. Wish the sigmarines weren't in the box.
Ah, a TW:W Secondary who still uses that meme. Yes this is the sort of new blood our hobby needs.
ogres are a combination of shooting and charging. even their shooting units kind of want to be in melee charging, so its a very aggressive playstyle (barring any major 4e changes). doesnt have a great analogue in 40k. probably the closest comparison would be imagine a tyranid army made of tyranid warriors with mixed melee and shooting loadout, backed up by haruspex and exocrenes

cities is more of a static castle, a tight shieldwall of fusiliers support by cannons, marksmen, and captains that often moves very little and is bubble wrapped by troops. closest analog would probably be like a tau gun castle or imperial guard artillery battery

in slaanesh shooting is a bit of a gimmick. they only have one unit that really shoots at all, a basic unit of archers, and its only really a viable strategy for them at all because everything else of theirs was so bad. its kind of a mediocre shooting unit as far as shooting goes and they dont have good rules to support them.

daughters are in a similar boat but their shooting was actually good, and made obscene by one broken interaction which seems to be dead. so dont be fooled, daughters are a 90% melee army

if you dont love boats, dont play overlords. thats an army you pick for the aesthetic. their gameplay is janky, hard to play, and a lot of people dont like playing against them either.

if you're just looking for any shooting army, tzeentch and kruleboyz also do a considerable amount of shooting. kruleboyz are the dark eldar style poison shooters of the game. tzeentch is more like a short range machine gun, glass cannon units that pack high volume of fire supported by offensive thousand sons style spellslinging and eldar style cheat dice
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>also sneaking terrain review into the anime fig review
I wish bard did more content

Neck yourself.
Oh boy I sure wish them heckin Sigmarines weren't in the starter box, am I right fellow gamers!
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he does a lot of streaming on twitch I believe but obviously it's different from the actual videos we love
I don't know if there are any new ones in there.
Didn't know dok and Slaanesh were less shooty than expected. Will give that special consideration.
fucking lol

Just shut up. You are the other side of that same stale coin.

Happy to have you my dude.
I don't see a helmet on there :/
Honestly, Abraxia herself is sculpted fine. I get that people hate her for the lulz and that GW's "strong colored women representation" gets more and more ridiculous, but the Sculpt itself is fine. If this was just an unnamed Varanguard-Hero-Kit and happened to be painted in another color, people wouldn't mind the riders sculpt at all.

What is really off is the design of the mount. It looks like a Kruleboys-Mount with 40k CSM Armor Bits slapped on top. Why the hell would you even put armor on top of a mount instead of protecting it's vunerable parts?

Also, why do all new heroes need to be named ones? Like, please, let me just fucking play my-dudes and stop wasting release slots on the 6th named hero this week.
Unless you hate elves, look into idoneth deepkin.
>Has mechanics to control who the opponent can target
>easily stacks rolls to hit for range, making unleash hell a great counter against charges
>Almost all ranged hits/wounds on 3+
>cheap, fast and spammable battleline with 20 attacks per unit with -1 rend
>Allopexes with long movement, longer weapon range and also good in combat
Eh. Any true gamer has a fuckton of leftover heads/helmets so just use one of them if it bothers you.
He's not a fat racially ambiguous woman.

>If this was just an unnamed Varanguard-Hero-Kit and happened to be painted in another color, people wouldn't mind the riders sculpt at all.

I do agree with this, however. If she were white, people wouldn't be complaining imo.
you vill use the bald woman
Useful idiot
I just recall the hype when SoulWars dropped. Shame GW stoped caring with 3rd.
Quite dissapointed with him honestly.

The flaming sword feels too much, the blindfold is just dumb and he doesn't look much like a priest at all. Bring back the old model GW, it was better.
Soulwars was kino, it's a shame the box was so fucked with the unit sizes and ridiculous balancing
oh the new knight-questor shares a sprue with the reclusians
the big headsman guy is on there too
Soul Wars design was peak AoS imo. I love everything in the box.
To be honest, I think AoS peaked in 2nd in general. Broken Realms was fantastic in terms of writing and lore advancements, some of the best looking models came out then, some of the best novels etc.
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Pic related was a great set
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>best stormcast
>squatted without replacements
Glad I got what I have but it's still only a fraction of the sacrosanct range
I also really like vanguard hunters and got pic rel back in the day(amazing value btw) but there's no way I'm buying those kits at online only prices separately even knowing squatting probably looms over them too
Maybe Check Lumineth as well.
This guy is hilarious in Broken Realms, he just loves setting fire to things and is loosed on the city by Be'lakor to cause Chaos like an attack dog with a flamethrower lol
Soul Grinder will have space left I belive.
> I think AoS peaked in 2nd in general.
The build up with Malign Portents, the new gothic atmosphere, Nighthaunt. It really did.
The vanguard were a weird addition to Stormcast, I love them but they're very much the odd one out, even to this day
Overall current purges of model ranges are annoying as fuck. It became way too frequent that people buy models and are told 2 weeks later that they won't be able to use them anymore.

I get that GW needs to remove some models from time to time due to logistics but we had way too much mess around it in the recent years. They should have communicated what they are going to do with model ranges way ahead of time, so it is at least nice that they told us BoC are leaving instead of hyping them up. But the 2 Waves of CoS squatting, current SCE purge that still leaves me riddles with how many kits I am supposed to trash or use for dioramas, the whole FW fuckup...I am really getting tired of this fucking hobby.
>The build up with Malign Portents
I loved all that! The Soul Wars, the Siege of the Eightpoints by the Bonereapers, the attack on Lethis that led to Lady Olynder and the Celestant-Prime fighting, all the shit that happened in the Broken Realms Saga, it was all fantastic imo and AoS will likely never reach those heights again, which makes me quite sad :(
he's right you're a fucking hobbylet.
Soulwars was garbage, its even more garbage now that half of it is squatted. What a shit take.
>Soulwars was garbage, its even more garbage now that half of it is squatted. What a shit take.

What a shit take.
American spotted
What was your favorite part? The low quality models with half the detail of the real sculpts? The unplayable unit sizes? The literally unfinished models? The filler units that still have the worst warscrolls in the game 6 years later? The entire range getting squatted and fucking over everyone who bought it?
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RIP Bricky
>What was your favorite part?
The lore.
The badass models.
The fact that me and my brother has an insane amount of fun with the set.
The lore, again because it was so cool.
I think that should make it clear enough for even a retard like yourself to understand <3
>The literally unfinished models?
So we're making shit up now, ok.
The story, new Stormcast lore that fleshened them out and made them much more interesting, the Nighthaunt in its entirety,

They had some fucked units sizes and 1 scuffed SCE model, that's their only flaw. Any other take is retarded.
So when are those nee grave guard models getting shown off.
>The entire range getting squatted and fucking over everyone who bought it?
Inbred tit still plays the newest shite GW produces. I've never moved on from 2nd and am still loving my Lightning Angel Battlemages.
RIP, damn it all. Welp, that sucks to here for you, but thank you for telling me. I'll just try looking harder around somewhere, its gotta show up somewhere.
>So we're making shit up now

>that's their only flaw
They're covered in gaps even if you clip the pegs, the stormcast being split right up the middle of the pauldrons is especially bad. They're low detail compared to the individual kits. The sequitors and evocators are laughable compared to the real kits in posing and options. The ballistas are way worse than their etb counterpart as the castigators. Its obvious everything in it was a rush job.
>>So we're making shit up now
You'd never really notice that on the tabletop desu anon, crying about it is dumb.

>They're covered in gaps even if you clip the pegs, the stormcast being split right up the middle of the pauldrons is especially bad. They're low detail compared to the individual kits. The sequitors and evocators are laughable compared to the real kits in posing and options. The ballistas are way worse than their etb counterpart as the castigators. Its obvious everything in it was a rush job.

I've played them for years and never had an issue with detail or assembly and they look fine. Stop being a whiny bitch and let people enjoy themselves.
Who am I kidding, inbred retards like yourself can't stand the thought of someone having fun. Maybe touch grass? Or even just breathe some fresh air?
this is not defense of my legitimate criticisms go have fun with boyfriends cock fag.
Decided to go with both Ogres and Idoneth.
Has anyone actually converted this into a chaos manticore yet I remember seeing people saying that everywhere when she was announced and I have yet to see one
Probably too hard given the Asqhy symbols need to be scraped off and that chair is fused with the manticore's back.
i think more people are put off by how much of a pain in the ass the wings make that thing to transport. the wings add like a full 2 additional bases to the width of the damn thing
Gee whiz people are tired of forced niggerification and hamfisting negroids into everything? What a fucking shocker.
>Cabal coming to AoS

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