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Skaventide Incoming Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Will Skaventide preorders sell out?
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Gib faction packs.
I just pre ordered the skaven half from some dude on ebay instead
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I was gonna buy it and flip the Skaven half but I realized honestly I'd rather expand my little Hedonites collection into a proper army than start Stormcast.

And then I discovered some super rusty pipes in my bathroom so it's a good thing I decided I don't want the box because I'm definitely going to need that money
I almost did the same thing and also came to the same conclusion to just work in my HoS army.
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James' shit sells out in like an hour
It doesnt have any death armies so I dont really care.
Come to think of it, I can't help but feel we'll be seeing the faction packs within the next week, if nothing else because Warhammer Community has been scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel as far as AoS filler articles go. I can't imagine they have much else to artificially maintain the hype.
hell yeah Slaanesh bros. may this edition bring us a Lord of Pain on Exalted Seeker
i ran out of super glue and its too late, the store is closed :(
I pre ordered skaventide at my lgs to support them and im planning on assembling and painting it for them so they can let people try out the game.
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Dont paint Skaven tails like worms. They looks more like hairless snakes, then dumb segmented earthworms.
skaven are mutant chaos monsters
paint their tails like worms
verminous means worm-like
half an hour in since the pre-orders dropped and skaventide STILL hasnt sold out, BAKA this edition has FLOPPED.
I walked into my LGS and asked. Dude said he had 10 on the way with no one reserving one, so I was the first.

>No one plays in my area but he stocks anyways for online sales
>Pic related, me watching the entire store play 40k while I refuse to buy models for that shit
Why would I buy Stormcast or Skaven if I play neither army dumbass?
Why would I buy a box full of units I already own?
I'd play admech but I'm not a saudi oil billionaire.
>show an animator an animation technique
>he complains about it being grotesque
>when his own movies have shit like a giant boar puking blood as it's devoured alive by parasitic demon worms
I like his movies but goddamn he's a faggot sometimes.
On topic, I hardly see AoS played near me. One of the rare times I did it was pretty funny. One table was 40k and had a whole crowd of tabletop gamer stereotypes clustered and sperging out. Stenchbeasts in ill fitting clothing all screeching with an autistic disregard for indoor volume or the fact that others were in the room. The AoS game was two dudes just chilling and throwing dice. One guy was a spooky skeleton and the other was holding a sleeping baby the entire time so the skelly was being a bro and helping him move his units. Made me chuckle. The memes manifest themselves sometimes.
There's no way that will happen. They need to harness hype for the new edition, so that means drip feeding to everyone not purchasing the big skaventide box. If you let people play with the stuff they already have they will be less likely to buy a 350$ box because they will be more excited about using the stuff they already have than they are about new sculpts
You shouldn't be using superglue for anything but resinshit and metalslop. You should also be avoiding resinshit and metalslop from the get go
I'm gonna paint my tails like worms because now that I know it makes some people upset
No I prefer using super glue. It means if I need to pop something apart later, I have the option. Plastic glue is too permanent and destructive.

Plus I can get super glue in town. I'd have to drive 2 hours to a hobby shop to get plastic glue or try to order it online and wait for shipping
>2 hours to a hobby shop to get plastic glue
Ah you're a third worlder, definitely explains being retarded
What kind of petty bitterness possesses a man to insult another man on an anonymous forum about their choice of toy soldier adhesives?

Absolutely deranged
You have a glue inside you if you know where to look
Is the box only available from GW direct? Was looking at third party retailers and they don't have the box listed.
They are available, at least in the US they are.
Very cute rat
snagged one. my anticipation is so high I'm watching other people unbox it just to prep for how to best go about painting the new stuff or seeing what extra bitz there may be.
Huh, just found a shop that straight sells faction halves. Was thinking of buying the box and flipping the slopcast half on eBay but that that'll save me the hassle and the risk of having to sell it for pennies if it turns out to be like Dominion. I just hope there are separate assembly manuals and that they include the skaven part.
Oh no no no bros, it was supposed to sell fast for real this time
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Indexes when?
Anyone got a pdf for the Arcane Cataclysm boxset? It's the last kind of boxset ive been looking for, but I've been having o luck so far for looking for it.
manuals are shared, but the guy I linked here does a decent enough job of showing full views of the pages.

the rat half looks rather easy and self explanatory to assemble regardless.
Monday for SCE and Skaven. Tuesday is Order. Wednesday is Chaos. Thursday is Death. Friday is Destruction.
Tomorrow is NDA lift, so maybe man reads book at that time.
We got multiple stores in my metro area. Each has dozens of boxes, and one will nearly sell out just for confirmed people preordering.
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Do people honestly like or dislike Stormcast? Seems like people are kind of apathetic to them. They're fun to paint; the default scheme looks off to me though. Hard to describe why. Pic related; literally like 1 hour of total work so far; just painting them all at once.
They're alright I guess.
So spearhead only goes to turn 4? Doesn't that mean dudes who come in on turn 3 are basically useless?
I've never seen anyone passionate about them.
I mean what boxes even have those kind of units? I know sgbl is one, but aside from that Idk.
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does anyone have color suggestions for drybrushing this AK muddy earth? moot green, brown, or ice yellow?

Are preorders not out? My LGS has preorders up and still available. I'm not getting one personally since I don't play either faction
>t South korea fag

stormcast's big ass angel and heavy shield dudes come out turn 3 I think

looks great. what blue did you use for the liberator pauldrons?
Nowdays you can find all assembly instructions online with relatvie ease

Mood. I picked up the HoS spearhead for $100 on Ebay, and I'm enjoying painting it much more than my CoS stuff (even if I've done only a Slickblade...)

Excited for both armies. Waiting to see actual army info before picking a centerpiece model. Hoping I can make Glutos or Syll work because I fucking love the mortals.


Locally for sure. My store is only getting 10 boxes outside of pre-orders. But the store is chronically shafted for no reason. Got zero promotional material for Skaventide, got the WD500 coins 2 weeks late, got 0 Grombrindals (was supposed to get TWO) etc etc.

Was gonna buy a box and sell it piecemeal but that sounds like a lot of work and time considering I only wanted the rulebook.
They're cool. I liked Ionus and Thostos Bladestorm initially, but never found any other characters worthwhile. Some were just too vanilla (Gardus). Some were cool while they lasted (Tarsus). Others were just obviously plot devices and not really characters (Vandus). But after the initial barrage of Realmgate Wars books were done, I didn't follow the rest of the lore closely and only heard later that my boy Thostos died apparently.

So who the fuck leads the Celestial Vindicators now, I dunno. My original Fatcast SCE were painted in Celestial Vindicators but I dunno what I'll do for the next ones - maybe Hallowed Knights or a not-white Excelsis.

Almost everything regarding the dragons annoys me. The fact SCE ever have "full size" dragons besides the smaller dracolith ground mounts annoys me. The original dragon mounts were dumb and the new ones are only slightly less dumb. The fact that the progeny of the fucking celestial serpent or whatever can be taken as models is dumb.

It frustrates me SCE gets the Muhreens treatment model-wise and winds up with so many fucking characters and releases that it's hard to care about any one in particular. They did need to purge the range for sure and I'm glad they did - wish they had purged a few more desu. As for the NEWER, GRIMMER, DARKER Stormcast, I dunno. Like it was clear they wanted SCE to flex in the way Muhreen chapters did: You pick the chapter that has the flavor you want. But fuck the "Reclusians" or whatever the newest "OH HEY BRUH SIGMA OPENED A NEW CHAMBER," just seem like they wouldn't fit into most Stormhosts.
Most of them enter the board within charge range so they're in for half the game.
I think they've come a long way since the ground marine memes. I'd like to grab some but they keep getting shunted to the bottom of the priority list by other things.
>does anyone have color suggestions for drybrushing this AK muddy earth? moot green, brown, or ice yellow?
Mix some greenish color into a light brown like Baneblade Brown. I like using Orruk Flesh + Baneblade Brown.
They're just big fantasy paladins with dragons, I don't get whats up everyone ass about them in the first place. Frankly just seems like wfhb grogs wanting a symbol to direct their butthurt.
Thye've been the most popular faction in the game since forever
you identified the exact "issue" that causes people to complain. they're cool, they have dragons and they're paladins in cool shining armor, its not like WHFB had amazingly unique ideas for factions either, or for fucks sake, the elves in AoS arent exactly unique other than the deepkin
Honestly I've learned my lesson from consooming starters. Got a whole bunch and though the models are cool it never ends up working out.
I might try to find the stormie half for cheap assuming skaven are like 10 times more popular, but that might just be secondaries and not translate to actual sales.
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Did the painting schemes for Clanrats leaked? I want to know what paints I need to paint them.
I doubt it differes that much from exisitng paint shemes
Surely there's plenty of guides for the old rats that should work just as well no?
Just paint however you like them. Why would you buy GW paint in the first place?
>Why would you buy GW paint in the first place
There's lots of clear examples online and you know exactly what you're buying
I probably have like 10 different vallejo blues because I was trying to find a specific shade
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Everything is push fit shit with huge gaping seams again.
The last 40K starter pushfits were actually a real step up, GW are getting better at it. That said those skaven with a split right down the middle look horrid.
Anytime gw puts out a paintlist it's usually only half true. It's better to just pick your favorite versions of all these colours and shade and highlight them the way you enjoy

I just got my hands on a box of the minis. All the shit I saw built was very tight and the only noticeable seams/gaps were on the backs of the winged Stormcast.
What faggotry is this? Metal is the patricians choice.
>There's lots of clear examples online and you know exactly what you're buying
Not really. GW paint quaity and shades can be quite different between batches.
>I probably have like 10 different vallejo blues because I was trying to find a specific shade
Skill issue.
Also true... thanks!
If resin wasnt so fucked then metal would be among the worst things to work with.
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Lets go Skavenbros!
how long did it take for dominion to go on sale
Alright, preordered.
I hope those of you who want a box will get one, and I hope all of you have a pleasant day.
>even the tie in novel isn't releasing until the 13th
Everyone will get one, if not we'll see a made to order run just like 40k had. GW aren't going to turn down guaranteed sales
>Nurgle, Tzeentch and Belakor all tried to suck in the Materium into the Realm of Chaos
>GHR throws his Chaos Realm out into the Materium
Who is right?
at the end of the day is just a matter of perspective
Several Weeks. The Dominion situation is that almost no one could get a copy from 3rd parties initially so they gave up and bought from GW directly, and then finally retailers got flooded with extra copies after the initial demand had already peaked.
I see retailers are recieving 300+ so surely it'll be available for a whole right?
Is that the current cope we're going with?
Got it.
>Skaven halves in short supply already
>Stormcast flooding the market
Imagine how good this box could sell if not weighed down by Stormcast.
No, that's just reality for people who aren't retarded and were actually around for Dominions launch.
Selling fast!
Not him, but that's not true. You could always easily get Dominion from the 3rd party stores. This time they're definitely wary, I've had emails from several in the prior weeks asking for customers to register interest, so they're clearly intent on not overstocking disastrously again.
>I'm retarded!
Yes, we covered this already
what would you put in the box to make it sell as much as the skaven half?

>more skaven
not valid

Probably SBGL or OBR. They’re on the higher end of popularity with Reddit.
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True, the 3rd parties at Games Workshop ordered too much from Games Workshop and had to dump their inventory at a steep discount.
Gitz, Lumineth or maybe relaunched Dwarfs.
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Got mine for 150EUR which is about 40EUR cheaper than I expected. It means I can preorder Wargames Atlantic 10mm Samurai as well without abusing my monthly hobby budget. Life is good.
I don't think ossiarchs are particularly popular unless the box has less stuff that looks like morteks and more stuff that looks like kainan
CoS obviously.
They're Stormcast tier.
OBR is popular with WAACs, but you can easily justify putting em in a starter box. For the most part they can be easy to paint.
Got mine at a 20% discount. Hopefully I can sell the stormcast half at a decent price if I throw in the box itself, the rulebook and the board.
Sprues & Brews and Goonhammer posted their review of the General's Handbook.

Meanwhile Goonhammer is also dumping overviews of the upcoming faction packs with breakdowns of battle formations and whatnot.
yeah, they would tick all the boxes for a stormcast replacement faction in a starter, except the one that requires that side of the box to be good guys in the setting
>Hopefully I can sell the stormcast half at a decent price
The current floor is £60, and I foresee it falling much further.

I would consider you lucky if you even manage to sell them.
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are they making the covers shitty on purpose to make you buy the stand alone core book?
Leviathan, Soul Wars, Dominion. The new one. They all suck. It stops being a coincidence at a certain point.
Oh no no no I told you the centerpiece should have been a plus-sized black trans kween.
Nagahs Is the good guy of the setting.
There's no actual queue on the website. It makes you think there is one, but I entered the captcha and instantly got through. I don't want to jinx it, but this may be selling incredibly fast.
leaked ages ago
Soul Wars didn't have a launch box variant, Dominion was the standard edition without the text
What are you even posting, retard?
If you've got the faction packs on hand then please do share.
People will be discussing them online later today, influencers have them and the nda drops this afternoon
The Stormcast half isn't going to be worth much even to Stormcast players.
>10 Liberators, the cheapest and most boring SC unit since the OG faction launch, anyone who has SC probably has more Liberators laying around than they ever needed
>4 characters no one needs multiple of ever and except for maybe the mounted guy could be easily proxied as already anything from the vast range of already existing SC heroes. Two of them explicitly resculpts of older characters.
Basically the only thing worth doubling up on from the SC half is the Prosecutors and Ruinators, and no one is paying full box half prices for that.

The Skaven half by comparison is a lot easier ot justify buying two of.
>Dominion was the standard edition without the text
Covering up that art made it better
It's joever
why is there no queue?
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They're fairly bland and unappealing, their whole fantasy space marine aesthetic seems a little over the top and slightly out of place when compared to most of the other factions, but painting them up has been a pleasant experience. I don't like them, but I also don't dislike them enough to actively shit on them.
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When will GW admit that Stormcast are a millstone around the neck of this game?
>been an hour since release
>still isnt sold out

its selling fast r-right?
40k won....
You literally have to bundle the hideous DEI faction with other more popular armies to force people to buy, who would have thought.
they can't, with thunderstrike they've minimised the damage, but they're not really allowed to walk back on this
>cheapest you can get the box online is £125
>selling for £70 each faction
>ebay takes 15% plus p&p
How are these guys making money?
40k for all its faults is x10 more popular than AoS.
How is this news?
I went into element games in March and they still had several leviathan copies for sale
It'll be stores looking to sell through back channels. They'll have a retailer price for buying in bulk.
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Hope GW takes legal action and assassinates them legally.
>Ancient Bloodlines
>All of your Magmadroths gain +2 to their Health Characteristic. Simple and good. Magmadroths are all 14 wounds base so boosting up to 16 wounds keeps them in the fight a bit longer, especially now that they all have a built-in 6+ ward!
Is Ben Johnson going back to his old droth list?
god damn, the only good looking stormcast are the liberators and the questor.

meanwhile all the rats look great. especially the rat ogors and characters
>TL;DR trying to get this color scheme on Skarbrand's skin, but the more I look at it the more my brain hurts, could use advice from someone better at painting
If anyone remembers/cares I'm the guy doing chaos demons with Godzilla paint schemes. It's coming along great, but I'm finally about to tackle my first big model.
>Black prime
>1 part vallejo black 2 eshin grey base coat
>Eshin grey highlight on raised musculature
>Layer 1 part eshin 1 part administratum grey covering 75% of highlight
>Layer administratum covering less
>Edge highlight or drybrush celestra grey
-Nuln recesses
They were 16 wounds base in 3E so ironically all this does is undo the nerf.
Why bother? It's baked into the premise that GW already got their money.
Not a fan of the monkey rat but the rest look good
Makes sense
He looks more brown. Try using warm greys instead of cold greys, like Skavenblight Dinge.

Wow, the 40 year old franchise is more popular than the franchise that's almost 1/4th that?

Good work Anon, you can make basic observations!
Do the gryphons have sculpted sheaths? Asking for a friend.
>Not even the power of Skaven can compensate and save thsi release
Stormcast are the worst. The worst!
Yeah even Leviathan took a long time to sell out, these launch boxes by design aren't supposed to sell out overnight.
>Yeah even Leviathan took a long time to sell out
Not that long, and GW didn't take down their queue almost immediately.
dont you understand? its the ULTIMATE fantasy miniatures game!
GW upgraded their website infrastructure for Skaventide because they know AoS is king.
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I boughted it.
Even Alchemist's Workshop, which falls over in a stiff breeze, is up and working...
Looking at it now that looks like it would work perfectly, thanks.
Any specific suggestions on how to go about it?
I feel like going with my original plan but replacing administratum with skavenblight would probably do it, but I'm still relatively new at this and would appreciate any advice
I'm swapping all the female SCE heads with Sisters of Battle ones. Something went really wrong this time even by GW standards.
I'd probably start with black primer, then go all over with Skavenblight Dinge. Recess wash with Agrax Earth. Highlight with Stormvermin fur with extremes in Dawnstone. Maybe freehand some striations to imply the scaled look more.
Just 3d-print some anime girl heads at that point.
Goonhammer website has faction focus articles up!

Also aoscoach on youtube has a video on endless spells.
I could see 2 veritants, that guys scroll is fire.
they sell the books.
>putting together the starter
>stormcast are 274635272828474639 parts
>skaven are 2

Why is gw like this, so fiddly and counterintuitive compared to other minis
Probably don't want weird gaps in the middle of the pauldrons again.
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Most players care about the detail of their armies. Skavenfags just want to spray them brown and dunk them in a bucket of quickshade
And it'll still look better than stormfag golden spray.
Is that a man or a very ugly non-gender-confirming woman?
Ironic posting a guy who doesn't do the hobby

Ugh I think I will just sell them, silly bastard faction anyway. XEROX PALADINS
>Ironic posting a guy who doesn't do the hobby
Oh no he used to play skaven in WFB and that's what he did because he gave no fucks about anything but being a furry WAACfag.
A man. The easy tell for Stormcast is whether they have individual pectorals sculpted for men, or a monoboob for women.
It's a dude. Even when fully armored they can easily be told apart because they have different styles of breastplate.
They really should have made him more...intimidating. Give him some scars and age him up like 10 years. Dude looks like some British Fuckboy.
>The little hanger on guys are the most interesting models
>People are buying them to use as Inquisitorial Henchmen
The pic is him defending himself from sexual assault at a furry convention.
Your English is as bad as his

A dudegina
Is this another ESL complains about perfectly acceptable English episode?
Sigmar lied
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Well I think Sigmar sucks!
Discord told me the ruination chamber Stormcast are non-binary women now? Who does GW think their audience is?
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>Discord told me
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>Discord told me the ruination chamber Stormcast are non-binary women now?
That's just Stormcast in general.
>trying to sell the books in Skaventide for 25 each
Uh huh no one remembers every other edition where they're reduced to £3 in a week
What did he lied about?
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He told me I'd pass
pass where?
Protip: don't use the past tense after 'did'.
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I don't mean to alarm you all, but GW and third party websites have begun to raise the number of boxes you're allowed to buy.
Damn that sucks, I really didn't want the chance to buy more down the line
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More than anything I think it's just the pace at which they keep pumping shit out. 3e wasn't even that long ago and we just had TOW and another 40k edition, not to mention a whole bunch of other releases. At a certain point even pic rel realizes buying more doesn't have much point when your previous 3 starter boxes are still unbuilt/painted
I bet the Mechanicum Battle Group will have no trouble selling out.
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when they announced TOW i kinda assumed that meant they were switching to a 4 year schedule, cycling between 40k, AoS, HH, and TOW so they could still have their big new edition release every year but give every game a little more time to mature.

But no, they're sticking to 3 years AND adding TOW on top of all that
>3 hours
>hasnt even sold 23,000 copies

TOW isn't getting a new edition in ages, it'll be a decade before they're even caught up re-releasing all the old factions at the pace they're going for that. HH as well seems to be mostly handled by the specialist branch, and those guys don't just don't release new editions as often. Honestly, both 40k and AoS would probably be healthier on 4-year cycles. But gotta please those investors.
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>No trust us bro, have you seen how much fanart skaven get? Have you seen the size of their subreddit!?
>Blaming Skaven
This actually vindicates the skinny orks in Dominion as well.
>ToWfags confirmed for secondaries who don't play
Wow, Skaven are so quintessentially WHF yet the Skaven box remains in stock 3 hours after being made available? Yikes guess more than Kislev is getting scrapped
I fucking love 'em. Badass Lightning Angels shooting down from Heaven on beams of light and energy to fight demons is fucking hardcore. I also think their lore is pretty cool and quite tragic.
It helps that I'm a huge fan of Darksiders and similar settings so the more over-the-top aesthetic of AoS really works for me.
I'm watching a tabletop tactics AoS4 battle report and noticed a concerning development.
The 2000pt Ironjawz army in the videa is 1630pts in the current points.

looks like model count is going way down people.
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I'd have been more concerned about the oposit, because then a guy with a full IJ army would have to buy 400 points extra to play
I just bought 90 Ard Boyz.

I started in 2nd edition so it just feels like I get to play with fewer and fewer of my toys at a time each edition.
>So who the fuck leads the Celestial Vindicators

Thostos never led the Celestial Vindicators, he was merely a Lord-Celestant. Also there's been plenty of interesting Stormcast characters over the years, but you confess to being a no lore reading fag so I ain't surprised you don't know that.
>there's been plenty of interesting Stormcast characters
C'mon now.
you can always play bigger games for that, but the standard format should be accessible to newcomers or the playerbase falls apart
I wish I could get a 20% discount here in the states....
Rent free.
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Do real people have he boxes already or is it only in hands of inflencer types who can't post photos without being blacklisted?

Just checked another aos4 battle report and a Lumineth army there is 1740pts in 3rd
tbf I tried to buy Skaventide (for the rats) from AW this morning but it kept crashing at checkout, so I bought it from elsewhere
Lorrus Grymn
Hamilcar Bear-Eater
Blacktalon (Sometimes)

And so on. Now fuck off back to your WFB thread.
thank you based hachette
brit bongs can get their boxes.
It's not like it's a wargame anymore? Lower points, more recursion and fast back and forth competitive but not complicated games are the new ideal
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Well then. Bongladeshi Anons, start posting photos of the book
>It's not like it's a wargame anymore?
Utter retard.
hop a fence in Nottingham to pick one out of the skips unironically
I'm so nice and incorruptible lol. Not interesting.
>Lorrus Grymn
The potato guy? Not interesting.
>Hamilcar Bear-Eater
Redditcar Shit-Eater more like. Not interesting.
>Blacktalon (Sometimes)
Feminist slop. Not interesting.
The archetypical stormcast, only he's now crazy because GW want to backpedal hard to grimdark. Not interesting.
>And so on.
Shit all the way down.
It's not? You wouldn't call godtear or Warcry a wargame, those are skirmishes
I almost missed it as well because the website listing all future issues had the release being five of the old Black Orcs.
All of your opinions are wrong, but you knew that since you're just an inbred troll begging for attention online to fill the void of social interaction in your heart.
Fuck off back to WFB.
>halves MSU
>hike points on everything
>reduce enhancements to 3/3
>reduce spell lores to 3
>remove allies
Beginners edition
Am regular britbong and have pre-ordered ST but it doesnt get delivered until 13th July. I assume people who already have it are 'insiders'
Then don't play it? I still play 1st/2nd with my friends and enjoy it. What's stopping you? A lack of friends?
>All of your opinions are wrong
If they were then maybe Stormcast would be selling this starter box.
If you were right, they wouldn't be the most well selling, supported and popular army either. Fucking dumbass, piss off back to Warhammer Fantasy.
Yeah? It's a neutral observation anyway and maybe it'll be good for the game? I know most newbies at my lgs dropped 3e quickly
AoSisters... we lost....
so like its always been theres always been shit choices
>If you were right, they wouldn't be the most well selling, supported and popular army either.
They're simply being forced by GW, who are desperate to have another space marines. But as Dominion and Skaventide have proved, they are nought but poison. They game would be far healthier if they were excised.
>armies are 30% smaller

So basically we actually do pay for our 3-4 endless spells, it's just that everyone is forced to pay for them all every game.
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i finished this scrivener today after a week of painting after work. Working on some plaguebearers right now and having fun painting all the little sores and guts. then that's the end of my nurgle spearhead!

isn't this a good thing?

shit like admech and votann in 40k are getting really horde-y and expensive combined with their obscenely bad combat patrol bundles and the recent price hikes. I hope there's no overlap between the 40k and AoS design teams. They've been shitting the bed in the 40k balance dept by just dropping points for armies that are fundamentally bad.

some anons get a box or some models early from their LGS's to paint and build for display or promo purposes. Besides that there's bound to be some backdoor selling.
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didn't the whitefang or whiteclaw leaker post that endless spells are free? or am I mistaken? I know he said something about endless spells

do we know anything about faction terrain? I like feculent gnarlmaws as a model and terrain piece but I don't want to kneecap myself by not dropping $100+ on 3-4 trees that I need to transport as well
hurr durr I only pick the meta option
lose weight fatty
Manifestation lore is something you pick alongside a spell lore, enhancement, etc

It certainly makes it cheaper to get into the game (apart from the essentially required endless spells) and I do think 40k takes it a bit far but I do like having a sizeable army on table.

We're at the point where a 2k 2nd edition army would be close to 3000 points in 4th.

Yes, manifestation lores are free, my point is that while they were made free, the rest of our armies were made 30ish% more expensive, so really it's like we're paying for the endless spells.
1k Spearheads are agreeable
They should keep Stormtrash but they should be just another faction loosely aligned with Cities.
Cities should be the poster boys if anything as they have more character.
Tbf binning The Old World which was much more relatable and accessible was the biggest mistake of all.
dedgame fags go back to your shit general.
open your wrists on camera if you're going to be a dick
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>blue: game with Stormcast
>red: game without Stormcast
But why couldn't GW bring in AoS rules on The Old World Map?
All that rich history and background just thrown in the bin?
I hate that I'm not going to be the only skaven player at my lgs now
>named heroes that are warmasters by default become your general
Hahahaha get fucked
>rich history and background
I genuinely don't understand what the fuck people are talking about when they say this.
You can literally see the dip as people played their first rank and flank game
Season of war battle report is going on now.

2k of 4th edition DoK is 1600pts in 3rd while 2k of 4th edition FEC is 1900pts in 3rd.
everything leaked at worlds, so we can expect points and indexes to leak on monday or something.
thats quite the difference in points
They're playing it wrong already, you can't use command traits with ushoran in your list

update the fec army is 1950pts in the video so being 1900 in 3rd they've barely changed at all.

you don't have to give the general the command trait anymore.
The Old World had loads of background and depth already from WFB and WHFR. Any gaps not covered by this could be filled in with what we know of Holy Roman Empire, Rennaisance Europe, Slavic history, Chinese, Arabian history etc.

AoS world just seems an astroturfed, generic high-fantasy setting already covered by D&D and other high fantasy settings
When I ask you a question, I don't want the answer to be your thesis restated in different wording. When I ask "How is it rich?", I do not expect to be told "It is rich because it is rich".
fec can barely rez now so they're actually playing 800 points down.
Better that than the other way around. 10E 40k points are so insanely low it's not even worth trying to build a 2000 point army.
Well the historical periods I mentioned are rich sources of inspiration, however in the case of WFRP the Enemy Within Campaign is excellent and deeply immerses you in the type of society The Old World is.
It's not officially out for another two weeks, no one without an inside connection of some kind is going to have one.
Well, when I read about a setting, and I see shit like not-India being called "Ind", not-Japan being called "Nippon", not-Arabia being called "Araby", et cetera, it reeks of laziness and lack of creativity. I don't consider that to be rich worldbuilding; I consider it to be the precise opposite.
It seems an improvement on not-D&D
Hey dead gamers go shitpost in your own threads while you still got em Tick Tock
You sure do like to opt for comparative arguments, don't you?
I want to sell you Stormcast, but in all reality, they are around the tier of Ogor Mawtribes and Daughters of Khaine in terms of popularity. Maybe slightly less so for Stormcast. They literally do not sell at all outside of the starter products. There is one luscious shortstack regular who buys the dragons for her dudes and then random DnD people for the Gryph hounds. Besides those, they literally do not move at all. Cannot convey enough how much of a dog they are on the shelf. I'm about to dump like 8k puts of their sprues into the trash and most people won't even care enough to reach in and pull them out. They are as popular in AOS as Genestealer cults are in 40k.

I think it's a few things

- they are in every starter pack, so they get dumped for basically nothing on ebay or just in person trades/second hand sales. Why would you ever buy any of the 3rd ed stormcast standalone kits when ebay has them all bundled together for like 30% MSRP.

- the boxart paint scheme makes them look like little kid baby toys. they follow a child's understanding of elegance and fortune where everything is gold. makes them look tacky

- death masks suck, always. they are cool on real life costumes, but they just seem off at the miniature scale. either give them a face or a proper knight helmet.

If they were literally just Knights of Sigmar and were just modern WFB Knights, they wouldn't have any issue selling. Because knights are inherently cool and don't need a lot of explaining compared to immortal DEI paladin lightning storm gigachads.
But i'm already on the dedgame thread!
It's not really that rich or in depth, it just had a lot of it because it was around for 3 decades and so shitty novels someone wrote 25 years ago and campaign books from 5 editions prior become part of the "deep tapestry of lore".

This clearly varies by area. Stormcast are prominent at every event my LGS holds and sell well according to shop owner.
100% agree with this post. stormballast are keeping AoS down
but this is still more than the AoS multiverse
Only by function of time. Already people are starting to get nostalgic for 1E AoS or the Malign Portents Era, give it another 10 years and the wanking of old material will quadruple.
Are the elder scrolls a multiverse now
>They game would be far healthier if they were excised.
>Tbf binning The Old World which was much more relatable and accessible was the biggest mistake of all.
>All that rich history and background just thrown in the bin?

Fuck off back to your DnD rip-off game. TOW is dying because it's so shit and you know it, so you come here to whine and complain about how "bad" AoS is. It's pathetic, get a life and move on from your shitty obsession.
WFB is a LOTR/DnD rip-off. There's nothing "deep" or "rich" about it retard.

>AoS world just seems an astroturfed, generic high-fantasy setting already covered by D&D and other high fantasy settings

Oh wow! And you've never read the AoS lore! Who would've thought?
ahh yes the rich lore of Smorge Boshington From the Cunited Shmates Of Germerica Im so immersed
Damn, I guess I'll cancel my preorder and pick up a box at a 50% discount in the fall.
Red shirt does GW know you are posting here on company time
>AoS world just seems an astroturfed
This series of words doesn't convey an idea.
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Here's the AoS read order, love. Come back when you know what you're talking about <3
Man, if only we still had our mega link with the books ..
Man, the lore for 2nd was so fucking sick. I forgot that all my favourite AoS moments/stories are all focused on 2nd Edition.
You joke but that's exactly what fantasy battle provinces sound like
Tbf, anon, he's got you there >>93198620
WFB never had this sort of consistent, connected timeline or plot and it shows. The lore was shitty, never moved and the novels sucked hairy ass. It isn't a setting, it's some generic fantasy writing stapled onto shitty looking factions that no one ever cared about, in fact so few people cared the game fucking died.
AoS has an on-going story, with recurring characters, locations etc and it's AWESOME.
>Protip: don't use the past tense after 'did'.
Right. My mistake. What did Sigmar lie about?
yawn, so much of sce shit was sold the fuck out for months on end after the 3e book released. Kindly kill yourself and stfu.
>Warcry's OBR & Sylvaneth units have their rules in the faction pack
How you know dis
Are we expecting anything else for the next GW reveal stream? When would it be?
Much wow, very rule





TLDR: If you're playing Troggs it's all going to be alright bros

They talk about it on the podcast. You can scroll down to the bottom to find timestamps for each faction, so you don't have to listen through all their commentary.
next month, I think? I guess after the global campaign for the fate of hellcrown we should start seeing the other models that are going to get released for sce and skaven with their respective tomes
then I guess a roadmap for the first tomes of the new edition

I think they also have a "summer of skirmish" thing? but I don't see many warcry/underworlds news happening when they're hyping the new edition here

WFB died because of grognards. TOW was made to keep them from pissing and shitting themselves over AoS existing because anyone else getting what they wanted was unforgivable.
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I read up till All-Gates and was out there. Even though I think Mannfred is an ABSOLUTELY insufferable cunt, the best story I read in that initial 1st Ed batch was Prisoner of the Black Sun. Even then, my favorite characters in all the lore are Nagash and Arkhan. Tarsus was good in this story because of the interplay between him and Mannfred, although the notion that anyone like that could be forgiven for what happened is a joke. I imagine if people who knew most of what happened (Celly Prime) figured out where he was, there would be motherfuckers going AWOL to kill him.

Re: Other SCE lore - Like >>93198243 said, some of the characters are just too vanilla. Vandus was a good example, and from what I skimmed after the end of 1st Ed, they made him crazy because he had no personality otherwise. Gardus was much the same in being too vanilla. At least Thostos and the Celestial Vindicators had the "angry marines" vibe from day one.

Neve Blacktalon, Hamilcar and most of the Astral Templars: I dunno. I wish they had come out with the slimcast when the Vanguards released. They look dumb just draping shit over their armor and it was a good opportunity to get them out and into something different. Otherwise even when I first read about Hamilar and ATs, it was impossible not to read them as fucking Space Wolves just being repackaged.

Sadly despite Nagash and Arkhan being my favorites lore-wise, I own absolutely zero Ossiarchs. I don't like the look of the army at all, and the idea that Nagash was just "working on his version of Stormcast all along" is a classic example of Nagash really only being as good as whoever's writing him at the time.

As an aside, I always felt like Death was cooler as a combined force (ghouls, skeles, ghosts, etc). Now all three of those are isolated on their own lists as FEC, Ossiarchs, and Nighthaunt...
I regret not picking up truggs trogherd now.
>I read up till All-Gates and was out there.

Well then you've no right to say what is or is not good about the lore.
Opinion ignored.
No soulblight? No soulblight : (
>Buffed Shield Vulkites
>Buffed Auric Hearthguard
Surprisingly promising, I can actually play half my models again
>no artefacts
Now that the dusk has settled, how was it?
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These things are an absolute fucking eyesore
Yes I know I'm late to the party
They're doing several factions a day ending on the 5th. So we'll keep tuning in I guess xD
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>Spiderfang subfaction is just "you can bring other units when deepstriking a skitterstrand" again
Ugh, fucking come on; I don't understand this bizarre push to get people to build the naked arachnarok.
Given the Black Lib tendency to FOMO publish, think I'll pass. Even my Realmgates Omnibus goes for over double retail now because there's never going to be physical copies ever made again. My Nagash Omnibus goes for 4x what I bought it for because of the same thing. I literally threw my Sigmar Omnibus in the fucking trash because I DGAF how much its worth, it's better off no one reads shit that badly written lmao...

I did listen to the audiobooks that had Callis and Toll though lol. I want to listen to the stuff all through Dawnbringers before 4th Ed lore really kicks off regarding how some of the COS characters wound up just appearing or how the fuck Hammerhal just, you know, exists now. I've known the Realms are convenient macguffins to just do plot, but the whole premise that "time passes differently in X place..." immediately made me wonder how the FUCK a city exists on two sides of a fucking gate.

Also grabbed the Darkoath audiobook, although something tells me Darkoath will get like 1 model every 2 years or something and that GW has no intention of continuing to expand that part of S2D as a niche. I do think the character packs (Callis and Toll / Brand's Oathbound / Blacktalons) are cool even though I do not like Neve.
>These are all different units
Wrong, there's 2 runesmiters and 2 battlesmiths
Why reply to me with such a large post when I said I was ignoring your opinion? I ain't reading any of that.
Guess I wanted a conversation.
Should've actually read the lore then.
They're trying to make a subfaction work with two kits
Couldn't they at least center it around the mounted shaman then, so that it incentivizes building one of the actually cool options instead of the worst one?
Well Lifeswarm is terrible so I sure hope Sylvaneth’s own endless spells are good.
It's another minor evolution of the faction rules they've had since their GHB update, older than the 2E battletome.

People get too hung up on the models and don't realize that Fyreslayers have always had fun rules (and lore) and buff effects out the ass.
Man the new endless spells are so weird. Something like Ravenak’s can just be your army’s hammer, and it’s free.
So, the arachnacauldron is good, there's a trait to get +1 to casts, and the webspinner shaman has +1 to cast, but... what do I do with it? The spells all seem really bad besides Hand of Gork, so do I just keep moving units around every turn???
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I like them but I’m mad they killed Sacrosanct and I still haven’t painted Dominion.
Unbinding is easier now that you get one per cast your wizard can do
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I really need to paint more of my Hedonites. I got the battle force a couple years back but only painted the Shardspeaker.
Yeah but realistically speaking, how many wizards are you bringing?
I love the original stormcast, both looks and premise. Newcast are bland, ultra generic grimdork darkie souls wannabes.
>gunhaulers now have transport 5 by default

okay that changes up the math on this army quite a bit.
But what if my Skaven are mutants with bug parts?
Then you're playing /mydudes/ and are therefore cringe.
12" -1 hit bubble.
That’s pretty Slaanesh art.
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Sprues and brews is a shit tier shot and their analysis isn't even skin deep
Nagash can unbind 10 spells
You just swarm him with melee.
you get the rest of the endless spell lore too, so presumably you'll be casting mighty mushrooms, malevolent moons and scuttletides every turn too
When he costs over 2/3 of your army, he better. Also fuck the game is going to center around god pieces for that cp generation aren't they.
no since that doesn't exist.
No word on regiments yet?
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Now we wait 2 Weeks.
they fucked up priming that.
professionally painted official Skaventide models
Hopefully this will be the edition where the lesser daemons are refreshed.
They're still fine ffs. Let's update the last of the Finecast stuff this edition. New Festus the Leechlord and Epidemius please!
lol no. only issue with the demons is that they have way to many fucking moldlines.
man reads book video for the skaven faction pack tomorrow
>Clanrats are totally fine guys; they don't need remade
Deja vu!
With multiple factions having easy ways to give opponent units -1 DICE to charge rolls, even with the nerfs to shooting I feel this is already a shooting edition.
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Those people are always 100% correct
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That's also just Fantasy in general
clanrats are in no way comparable to 4 distinct infantry lines.
>I feel this is already a shooting edition.
*Glances at my 40 Darkling Coven Darkshards*
Oh no...
As someone who's built both old Clanrats and Bloodletters, the latter are way worse and more in need of an update. The swords aren't even fucking straight.
>had to read over half of this until I realized it's a they/them instead of the plural group of elven survivors
Yes, yes, they were totally right when they said it about chaos space marines and necron warriors too, yes? And saurus warriors, god what a flop those turned out to be, right? Nobody bought those...
Yeah but it's from an ancient WFB TTRPG so I fail to see why it's being mentioned in an AoS thread.
How well do warcraft eternals re-sell? I'm very tempted to grab this box for the skaven half but nobody at my LGS even buys aos so I haven't been able to find anybody willing to split it with yet
It says "her" multiple times you fucking kneejerking retard
>warcraft eternals
No clue. Do you have a question relating to AoS? If not, fuck off.
>god what a flop those turned out to be, right? Nobody bought those..
GW know their furry audience.
sorry I insulted your generic golden armor golems :(
Doesn't wfg take like 3 days to make a new thread? Seems pretty dead.
freudian slip. Read again.
Right now both Kharadron and Stormcast can quite easily hand out a -1 dice charge buff to enemy units. When you consider that both armies can also be packing Soulsnare Shackles to movement debuff 3 enemy units for free too, and both are themselves mobile (SCE through teleports but Kharadron ABSURDLY mobile right now via their ship rules), it’s pretty tough to see how a melee army closes the gap or wins on objective control.
Freudian slip, a mistake in unrehearsed verbal speech, in a published book????????????????????
in the case of clanrats idk, its a slight upgrade, but not enough that if i already owned 60+ of the previous clanrats that i would be scrambling out to buy the new ones. the previous clanrats looked very good and had a great kit with a lot of weapon variety while still being easy to paint. the new ones offer a bit more texture and slightly more animated faces but thats about it.

nowhere near the difference of skeleton warriors >>93199551, for which the old kit is VASTLY superior bar a moderate resolution increase
Neither of your opinions have any bearing on the topic of lesser daemons needing a refresh. It's fucking bizarre that I see everyone say "oh, the current lesser daemons so bad and inferior to their older incarnations", and then argue with anyone who takes the logical extrapolation from that and says "yeah, they need remade".
>both armies can also be packing soulsnare shackes

how? KO dont have a wizard. i didnt see spell in a bottle in their artifact list either unless i missed it somewhere
If I call you "he" in one sentence, and then "they" in another, that doesn't make you non-binary, genius.
Yeah and clanrats were an 8e kit that was fiiine
Yes. Did I fucking stutter?
No, because — like Freudian slips — stuttering is something largely exclusive to spoken word.
$60 for less customizable demons? Just say the word!
i dont disagree about daemons needing a refresh. i was merely commenting on clanrats and skeletons.

daemons definitely need a refresh.

plaguebeareres just need more detail and better poses, the overall design is great (see horticulous slimux, sloppity, etc)

bloodletters i would like to see their basic guys get some armor plating like the herald/skulltaker has, though i do like the design of them just being red pitchfork devils, i wouldnt mind them getting a spaded tail to complete the look

daemonettes need a complete ground up rework. more bdsm leather and lanky slender graceful poses like the slaangor

tzeentch daemons could use a return to the 3rd edition "dudes crawling out of other dudes" look
4e will succeed if Fyreslayers, Ogors and FEC have mercenary rules for every GA. If not it's soulless garbage game-wise
shit takes first two, no one will contest daemonettes needing to be remade but NOT in that fucking fashion. Tzeench is whatever.
The current slate of tiny daemon kits offers no meaningful choice of options for customization. Gotta convert that yourself.
>Now we wait 2 squeaks.
it sounds like you just dont like daemons
you're the one who wants to turn them into something else.
>tzeentch daemons could use a return to the 3rd edition "dudes crawling out of other dudes" look
Honestly I think horrors have aged relatively well next to the other three flavors. They don't suffer as much from having stiff poses, which is an actual problem all the others have. And while mould lines and gaps can still be an annoyance, they're not the worst offenders of the bunch.
Are the wings too big for a daemon prince?
there are multiple issues with turning this model into anything chaos related.
You don't want those wings, they're unfinished
that dok list is 1880, your math sucks.
I'm using the lion for a stormcast but I was just trying to think of a use for the wings
Seriously. Sure I have like 20 pairs of crab claws, but I can't actually tell any of them apart
What's it proxied as?
Idk yet I just had an idea I wanted to try
Chaos lord on manticore?
The day for what? Rat packs?
Bro how the fuck are you customizing Bloodletters without using other kits? If anything, it might end up like Necron Warriors where *more* options are added.
>the World's Greatest Fantasy Miniature Game
More like the World's Fattest Fantasy Miniature Nerds
Grabbed the skaven half for 95 euros. Thought about getting the whole box but I don't care about the goodies or the hassle of selling the other half.
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Sigmarbros, not like this
Time to put slopcasts out of their misery.
whats the problem here?
cool, its preorder day so all the grogs are in here seething that their 20 year old models arent selling as well, can we get total boomer death?
SELLING FAST will never not be funny.
Its a problem for the Seller who still has 250+ units to shift at the end of launch day
Nothing actually, edition starters don't sell out, period. But that's not funny so you're going to see bait posts acting like it's just a normal limited box set and not instantly selling out is proof that the game is dead.
the TOW boxes instantly sold out thoughbeit
discord said...
what FLGS has 250 units? my FLGS is pretty big and in the capitol of my state and they still only tend to get 10-20 copies of boxes like these, and they usually do a poll on the community site to gauge interest before ordering

i have no problem with scalpers being left holding the bag though
so any TOW players who wanted to buy those boxes more than 10 seconds after the launch is just shit out of luck?

and they're bragging about this? sounds miserable
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TOW Bretonnia Core Set is still out of stock months after release, even on GW's site. It Sold Fast.
source that they produced the same amount of TOW and skaventide boxes?
Its a fairly large mail order operation. They probably bought several pallets of Skaventide
>t-there's no queue because the retailers improved their infrastructure, that's all
>s-so what if there's plenty of stock left? that's a good thing
>ok so they lifted the 'one box per customer' rule. that doesn't mean anything?
>alright, GW is sending out weekly emails reminding people to buy because it's selling fast, that's marketing 101
>i-it's discounted at 50% because greedy retailers bought too many
get well soon
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On the hunt for the latest editions of Kharadron Overlords and Fyreslayer battletomes.
Anyone got links to scans?
Will the models also be push fit when they release them as individual boxes?
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2nd Kharadon code of rights
https://files <DOT> catbox <DOT> moe/7fcm25 <DOT> pdf

Grimnirson show them your profession!

https://files <DOT> catbox <DOT> moe/5qnr6o <DOT> pdf
anyone know if the normal stand alone unit boxes of the stuff in the starter set is releasing same day or is that all coming with the second wave at the end of summer/ early fall?
With the second wave
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does anyone know if there is an option to give the dual wielding reclusian a shield instead of the second axe? it just looks so weird having one guy in the unit dual wielding like that
Nope, they have no options
Doesn't look like it. The push-fit models may only be assembled in the exact configuration you posted.
fyreslayer update, give them all pants and make them look less like naked babys.
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Looking at the frames, there seems to be a third shield there.
Okay, i know the dominion push fits had a few options like extra heads and a couple different weapon poses for some of the unit leaders so I wasn't sure
>TOW Bretonnia Core Set is still out of stock months after release
>still out of stock months after release
no there in stock here in USA

doesn't that just mean the under produce hard like wasn't there reports of local game shop of being undersupplied
The guy with two axes wears his shield on his back.
There are no options
those two guys are so fucking annoying its almost unwatchable, why is this channel so popular.
40k and TOW definitely sold out. But yeah it's not a guarantee
Isnt that a good thing?
>My god, it's full of stars...
The new Saurus did flop; AoS dropped out of the top 5 the same quarter the new Seraphon dropped
The average Freeguilder is more messed up than this after a single battle, SCE are melodramatic they never lose a limb
40k because they have ten times the players, TOW because they barely produced any boxes.
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These boxes are selling so fast I can't even see them move.
Are you just genuinely stupid or are you baiting me to say a phrase that will prompt you to post that one cancerous wojak edit
Threadly reminder to not feed the T(OW)rolls
>it just looks so weird having one guy in the unit dual wielding like that
He's the prime, they often stand out a bit.
Dude the reforging involves getting their naked soul physically battered with a hammer
I have to go to a lunch thing but you can see ICV2's top sellers for the launch of that quarter.
>worst part of the worst faction is unpopular
surprising, truly.
Now I have to see the edit.
And the result is what? Glowing sometimes like Gardus? Lmao
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Lmao poor stormfags.
What's everyone working on this weekend? I'm putting some paint on my Wardens for my LrL spearhead. My local is gonna do a 1 day tournament for em, and I'm hyped to get a chance to play a half dozen games in a day.
>pray for death
This pleases Nagash
>...to a different deity
Eternal damnation in chains chasing the false light of freedom
Man Nagash is such a good petty dickhead villain
it's just the one made to sperg out over phrases like "correlation doesn't equal causation"
it's not interesting
The funnier part is the special soulbound ritual all the gods do in the RPG? Sigmar couldn't be assed to learn it properly so his soulbound sometimes just randomly die during the binding because he tries to do the ritual in a retarded, overly forceful and dangerous way.
>Child, I select you to undertake my most dangerous and sacred missions
>Oops, a little too hard with the hammer there. Oh well. NEXT
Probably going back to try and work on my box of stormfields and try magnetizing for the first time.

I was going to do some PSB conversions from some extra monks I had, but I'm waiting for the index's to drop to see if they'll still exist or not. If they don't, I don't know, maybe I'll try converting them to acolytes instead if they exist.

Failing all that I guess I can just whip up some custom heros to reflect some wargear fun in TOW if I ever play that or just save them for whatever the faction specific Anvil of Apotheosis section of the tome will have for path to glory.
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I pray for non-monopose Skaven minis, but I know my prayers will go unanswered.
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I honestly really like most of the changes I've now seen for 4th edition AoS, but simultaneously I don't think my poor Sylvaneth are going to survive them.
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>And this is to go even further beyond!
This really undercuts the Stormcast. If they were denied some sort of paradise in favour of life times of gruelling war, and eventual madness and oblivion then you could see why their "immortality" might be a curse.
But the actual afterlives are generally much worse than living as a gigachad with lightning powers who can die several times.
Wow the IoB one looks like crap in comparison.
The grimdarkening of the reforging process has made it seem like you don't get that many respawns before your mind starts going.
Still gonna use the IoB rogers because they fit more with my Stormfiends in terms of detail
Having more than one death is more than most other people get, so it's all gravy.
Accept for gay-os dudes. They're allowed to die and come back a shitload of times for free, because ChAoS hAs To WiN tO bE gRiMdArK.
Which chaos guys have come back from death in AoS?
I'm sick of these kind of characters. I think we should kill Nagash. Me and you, go, suicide, kill 'im!
>Accept for gay-os dudes
Most chaos guys don't come back to life, it's usually a pretty rare attribute.
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Furthermore, the few that do are usually as daemons which is kind of a hellish prolonging of existence of its own with a big loss of identity and free will.
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>the reforging involves getting their naked soul physically battered with a hammer
I like that they're not that much larger, and in fact just seem a shade more lean. Gives a very different vibe, and feels like they could move in the middle of a fight.
Agree. I really like the new ones.
It's really just the proportions that are different.
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The thing is that I like this picture, it sparks joy, and I wouldn't want it to be invalidated by the whole army suddenly being made to wear trousers.
no they didnt retard, the tomb kings box sat for weeks
>doomwheel now guaranteed to move at least 9" (2d6+7)
fucking finally
Do you think ST will sell out before the official starter sets launch?
Where are you getting this information and does it still damage things if it moves across a unit because it becomes godly with the new three claw steps ahead army ability if so.
But we have to make them look less like big naked babys. I still cant believe how terribly they borked up the execution on these guys.
Heywoah, get back to making your faction focus videos.
>Squat half of peoples SCE army
>Wonder why only few didn't ragequit SCE or AoS in general and are in to buying a shit box with even more Liberators
>Include Skaven in to the Box
>40 Pushfit Clanrats will kill any will to live untill you either end the army project or just accept playing with 5mm gaps across your models
>Shitty ruin terrains that are useless unless you have bought the other overproced matched boxes
It looks better then Dominion at first glance but simply isn't at second. Honestly the SCE Squat made me quit the army and therefore rendered the Box useless and I don't think I am the only one.
>Where are you getting this information
Goonhammer's review, but don't bother because it sucks ass and barely tells you anything else new
>does it still damage things
2+ to d3 when you roll over something yes
No they just have to go to actual stores.

Both my local GW stores have the boxes sitting on their shelf since launch.
>After chatting with numerous store owners, it’s pretty clear that the Skaventide launch is about as popular as a Nurgling at a hygiene convention. Here’s why this release might be dead on arrival:

>Economic Woes: In a challenging economy, luxury hobby items are more and more becoming a tough sell. With wallets feeling tighter than a Space Marine’s power armor, the high-priced Skaventide box is struggling to find buyers. Everyone’s saving their thrones, and pricey plastic rats aren’t exactly top of the shopping list.

>Community Split: The release of Warhammer: The Old World has split the Warhammer community like a poorly cast psychic power. Some players are diving back into the nostalgic embrace of The Old World, while others are sticking with their current armies. This division means fewer players are looking to invest in the Skaventide box when their interest (and cash) is already stretched thin.

>Price Shock: Even die-hard fans are balking at the Skaventide box’s price tag. In a world of grimdark financial realities, this hefty cost is making folks think twice. When it comes down to buying groceries or more Skaven, well, the choice is pretty clear (unless you’re feeding a pet Rat Ogre).

>Confusing Rollout: Games Workshop’s launch strategy for Skaventide has been more confusing than an Eldar webway map. From sending automated emails and then going on holiday to demanding pre-orders before officially announcing the product, the lead-up has been a masterclass in how not to build hype. This chaos has left store owners and customers scratching their heads and questioning their enthusiasm.
From the looks of it, the Skaventide box is facing a perfect storm of economic pressures, community division, high costs, and a muddled launch strategy here in the States. Unless GW pulls a miracle out of their hat, this launch might be as dead as a squished Skaven under a Gargants’s foot.

>right now, Skaventide just isn’t cutting it.

>Spikey Bits
Fuck off.
not sure if written by a middle schooler or a chatbot
A chatbot probably wouldn't put a bad reference in every sentence.
Finally another excuse to buy a doomwheel and then try the try not to suicide while building and painting it challenge.
Hope the doomflayer survives too.
Looks like a dwarf to me, your baby fetish is kinda weird ngl
That's actually the thing that makes me suspect that, since some of them don't even make sense, like "split (...) like a poorly cast psychic power".
It's probably AI generated. Can't imagine Rob actually spending time writing for his gossip rag website.
They look fine to me.
Fingers crossed skaventide flops so I can buy the box for 80 bongs

isnt it basically the same price as last editions launch box?
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I just asked ChatGPT to write an article about 4 potential pitfalls of Skaventide. Pretty sure that SB article was also AI-generated.
I knew it
They'll can the game if this keeps happening.
Are any actual aos playing instead choosing to only play old world? The game where you need to read 100 pages of bloated rules and 5 pages of keywords before even playing, and when you do someone’s busted monster riding hero just wins regardless.

Not to mention playing modern gw prices for 20 year old kits, while also having a weird community of no game total war babies and near historical gaming level old men
So long as they tread the path of DEI I wish that would be so.
IDK what they expected. Stormcast players have enough stormcast and people like my Skaven buddy like the new models but don't feel the need to replace the old ones immediately.
I have some mixed feelings on some of the things here, but man do I hope tomes patch a lot of shit in. The absence of brass orbs is agitating for instance.
>Finally, I’d like to point out warscrolls that had older miniatures that haven’t had replacements announced. These are Stormvermin, Warpfire Thrower, Ratling Gun, Master Moulder. Who knows what the future brings.
uhhh I really hope this doesn't mean there's an even bigger squatting than what the leakers said before
The Stormcast one for these saying Prosecutors gain +1 damage on the charge gives me some hope for buffs for the non-Spearhead versions of units we've seen.
They where very vague on the skaven squat/ refresh list. Long list of models with "a lot are getting refreshed, but not all. Wait and see hahaah" bullshit. Whatever cunt made that shit that vague for rats and sce needs a boot to the ribs.
Though the leak did say that ALL weapon teams where getting refreshed.
What I'm really worried about are globadiers/skryre acolytes. That one leaker did directly say they'd get remade, but I'm still worried. I have a few converted ones that can't really be used as anything else in the army.
If they squat acolytes it's gunna make the troubles seem like childs play and they'll deserve it
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i hate ToW on the sheer amount of referential rules alone

the rank and flank movement system does more to put me off of it than the USR system, but the USRs certainly dont help
The poor saps who actually paid full price to buy those fucking metal models might end up showing James their own home-made poisoned wind
I agree, and I hate that a bunch of the rules in AoS are going referential.
>The release of Warhammer: The Old World has split the Warhammer community

I don't know anyone who likes AOS who wanted to go back to moving blocks of 30+ troops at a time that you spend the absolute minimum time painting because you're just going to throw them off the board as fast as they got on. Much less the dumb amount of crunch that only a grognard could love.
Ohhh that looks like hell to play, but i guess that what grognards want?
Definitely not the Total war newcomers though.
yeah, thats one move i dont like about 4E. at least the rule tends to describe what it does right in the name (ex; crit 2 hits), instead of just being some vague word you need to look up, but i really liked in 3rd where every rule you needed to use a warscroll was written out on the warscroll. even if it resulted in some more or less duplicate rules with different names, which may irk the designers on an OCD level, it was cleaner from a players perspective. i look at the warscroll and immediately know everything it does, only occasionally having to maybe look at the army rules in the same tome
Total War is just as autistic, so it's a perfect match.
I’m convinced like 2/3 of this hobby is FOMOfags.

Don’t want it unless it sells out then waaah GW doesn’t produce enough to meet demand.

Remember how mad people were over Cursed City only to ignore it now that it is back in stock?
>The grimdarkening of the reforging process
It's been fucked up, flawed and simply broken since Day One. Fucking No Lore Reading retard.
>Are any actual aos playing instead choosing to only play old world?
Nope. Worse setting, worse lore and worse models + a shitty ruleset. Never wanted to play it, never will.
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It begins.
Bruh where have you been all day
I honestly miss wargear and kitting my heroes out to be fully /mydudes/ and the fun and dumb shit that allows me to do. Outside of that though it doesn't interest me all to much.
Fuck yeah Slaanesh bros of the thread. 4th edition will see the release of Slaanesh and Malerion will get models.
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Its over AoSbros.....
No you don’t, newfag. Heroes were always metal and never easy or possible to even customize.
>he's never kitbased or used greenstuff or plasticard in his life or converted non heroes to heros
sup secondary
Cope harder, newfag.
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Stop feeding the T(OW)rolls and post models.
From Selling Fast to Before It's Gone
Seriously, all the people that play sigmar here are not interested in the old world.

There are a couple of grognards talking about playing the old world someday but I have never seen anyone actually play in our club or the game store.
>The only issue is that the only two priests in the skaven factionpack – the Verminlord Corruptor and the Plague Priest on Plague Furnace. The humble Plague Priest was announced as a model that is leaving the range but part of me thinks we haven’t seen all of the kits that Skaven will get in this edition.
>Corrupter is finally a priest
>At the cost of losing the actual on foot priest
James, what are you fucking doing
Everything else aside, it's a really expensive box where like two-thirds of the box is just refreshed Liberators and Clanrats, two units that already had decent quality cheap plastic kits available for a decade or more.
GW did try to play cute with the space Marine Index last year, hiding a second wave of old marine squats in the like four weeks between the indexes and codex release.

I wouldn't put too much faith in either the SC or Skaven index right now.
No, Dominion was $200 IIRC, vs $265 for Skaventide. Big hike.
What the fuck that's disgusting
I think they are justifying it with the added terrain.
To be fair the more apt comparison would be leviathan, which was $250.
GW have really been doubling down on price hikes lately.
I guess they made a horrible miscalculation with their corona time growth which obviously didn't last. Shareholders need numbers to go up, no excuses.
There's 14 more models skaventide and has terrain as well
You're a fucking retard. He was referring to the attempt to automate his craft not the subject matter.
40! skaven
I buy gw products full price at my lgs to support them
I don't.
I honestly would have preferred 10 storm vermin over another 20 clanrats, but hey I guess I can do brown tide now.
In any case it's still a pretty nice box to start with both factions which is the intent. That said, the pricing is still absolute horsecock especially since it doesn't even come with a download code for their tomes when they release.
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Oh no AOSisters! 80% Discount right on the day of VerminFLOP pre-FAIL?! It's so joever! How will we possibly continue playing the game?!?!?!? Dead on arrival! LGS closing soon! Meta's destroyed! Everyone's giving up the hobby and Ebaying armies! Quick, cash out your shit before it's too late!

I do find it funny that people are thinking the price on the box is halting purchases. I know most points for 4th aren't known yet, but holy shit if you compare it to the average shit GW puts out for 40k? It's a fucking bargain.

For that matter if people were so fucking concerned about value, I guarantee not a single one of them plays fucking Warcry where you can get a FULL two-player kit that you play the FULL game with, TWO armies, and more fucking terrain than you get in an entire year's worth of releases for about $200. Then what's an extra list? 50 fucking bucks. AND you can play tons of your existing AOS stuff in it if you don't want to buy. Give me a fucking break. And in before some fucking grognard complains Warcry isn't crunchy enough - if you want more crunch, go fuck a calculator with your cheeto-stained fingers, ffs.
Two armies in one box is only a bargain for an extremely limited amount of players.
When did you realise it was a failure?
>Games Workshop Designer:
I would say we always knew Age of Sigmar was *going* to be a failure. You don't write rules that give you a bonus for having a moustache or for [laughs, gestures with hand] bobbing up and down pretending you're riding a horse and expect that to be a success. But it only became clear it was an overwhelming *commercial* failure with the launch of the Skaventide box.
It didn't sell?
We sold almost none of what we had made. And it wasn't a matter of overproduction: we knew Age of Sigmar sold at a 1:8 ratio compared to 40k, and we knew we had no Space Marine faction making up 40% - 50% of total sales. We made the right number of copies for the fanbase we believed Age of Sigmar to have and it just did not sell. Nobody bought. Actually, we couldn't even give Skaventide away. The company losses would've been too great. We had to set up these skips, big metal trash bins, and melt down hundreds of boxes every day as "nonviable product". That way we could claw back some of our costs on tax writeoffs.
What are, in your personal opinion, the reasons why the Skaventide product failed?
I think we overestimated the disposable income the Age of Sigmar fanbase had available. They had less money than we thought. The uh, the particular demographic we associated with Age of Sigmar has a lot of outgoing expenses. I don't know too much about this *exactly* but uh... hormones, surgical debt, preventative... there's this preventative medicine you can take for AIDS now... all of these things are quite expensive. And Age of Sigmar was overrepresented among the transgender community. It was the most popular wargame among the transgender community since its inception, we had the stats on that.
I see. And what was the result of the Skaventide release?
Well [laughs] we lost a lot of money. But ultimately I do think it was a blessing in disguise. With Skaventide sales so completely in the tank even the corporate office couldn't ignore that Age of Sigmar was a failure. So were able to take the resources being used on Age of Sigmar and reassign them to The Old World, where really they belonged. And that led to the biggest ever launch of what is now our biggest *ever* game in 2024.
It must be deeply depressing for TOW players that their game is so fucking dead that they don't have anything better to do than hang out in our thread instead.
Go back to your redditard cesspool discord servers you thin skinned subhuman troglodyte. There you can circlejerk your consoomer products perfections with your perfectly curated and sterile vocabulary.

Missed this, been too long since Dominion
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They're just too busy playing games and painting armies like they've always done
You know that there's a breadth of options between "sterile" and "polluted", right?
It's just trolls trolling trolls. TOW also has AoS brigaders.
They've been waiting for dwarfs for a while now, I can get if they feel a little stir crazy from the wait
>I do find it funny that people are thinking the price on the box is halting purchases
I don't, sticker shock is a real thing and most people don't have as much disposable cash these days than they did in 2021.

Obviously, the box is still a "bargain" compared to GWs usual assrape prices, which will only prove more true as the separate pieces of this set start to get rolled out in the next few months with real horror show pricetags.

Even just breaking the $250 psychological threshold in order to squeeze out a few more bucks per unit is terrible marketing, honestly.

GW tried to add perceived value to Skaventide by making it effectively an AoS starter AND a complete Spearhead starter in one box, but that's making the assumption that a significant number of people really are super hyped to jump into a brand new untested game mode. It also severely diminishes the value of buying multiple copies.
>Go back to your redditard cesspool discord servers you thin skinned subhuman troglodyte. There you can circlejerk your consoomer products perfections with your perfectly curated and sterile vocabulary.

Retard speak!
More retard speak!
Looking good anon. I'm hoping to get the Realm-Lords Spearhead soon and I'll be doing 'em in red and gold as well!
No one I know is excited about Spearhead. It's a clusterfuck of a game mode where everything mashes in the center. At best it's a blunt tool to introduce people to most of the basic rules, but it's not any alternative to the main game. It does give people a standardized "out of the box" way to play an immediate game, which honestly is vastly more than 40k's Combat Patrol / Boarding Patrol boxes.

>the box is still a "bargain" compared to GWs usual assrape prices, which will only prove more true as the separate pieces of this set start to get rolled out in the next few months with real horror show pricetags.

I'd agree. Things will only get more expensive. AOS endures it a little better because the points-per-dollar are vastly more favorable than 40k.
Get out of here

at this point, the glut have articles has thoroughly put me off having anything to do with AoS. I just keep thinking these articles are boring and could have been double up to give room for some necromunda or HH...God forbid even Old world articles!

GW really shit the bed by squatting some much stormcast stuff, lots of the fair weather new players fucking off already which is good.
its not even been up for preorder a day, its not even fucking out. god damn i fucking hate grogs. also whoever wrote this is a redditor that should be put down
Thanks Doc
I'm sure there's plenty of people that dabble in both but I doubt many people that were invested in AoS moved over fully unless they were BoC players
soul wars was like 100 bucks, shit is fucking ridiculous.
>It was the most popular wargame among the transgender community since its inception, we had the stats on that.
Unfortunately the stats were from 2022, and at least 40% of those transgendered...had...erm...left the market by Skaventide

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