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Realmgate mishap edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:

https://ageofsigmart.booru.org/index.php (It's dead, Jim)

>Thread question:
The influencers are beginning to talk faction packs. What are your impressions so far?
It's joever
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obvious fake discord rumors but fun to post it

GW is trying to catch up on some stuff that was intended for AoS 3rd right now, so the releases will be a bit heavier than usual. Expect more mini waves than single mini releases.

Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there, so after that we’ll have:
Warclans and Nighthaunt will be the first BTs in Fall
>Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
>Nighthaunt will have a Harridan Warder

After those, we’ll have Idoneth as this year’s Christmas announcement, with:
>Akhelian High-Lochian
>Akhelian Knights
>Endless Spells
And Soulblight following after with:
>Wight King’s Court
>Grave Guard
>Corpse Cart
>Endless Spells
Idoneth are supposed to be coming early Winter and Soulblight February-March

Spring will bring the first „bigger” release of the edition with Cities of Sigmar, with:
>Freeguild Marshal on Gryph-
>Freeguild Bombardier-Major
>Botanite Apothecary
>Lector Unberogen
>Devoted Acolytes
>Outstrider Cogfort
>Dispossessed Gearwalker
>Dispossessed Clan-Tinker
>Dispossessed Ironclads
>Dispossessed Drakegunners
>Highscryer Outpost
>Endless Spells

First Chaos Dwarf teaser on April 1st

Late Spring will have:
>Temple Guard
>Endless Spells
Slaves to Darkness:
>Chaos Lord
>Chaos Sorcerer
>tfw got trogg's herd and mollog's mob this year
Ready to trogg.
>Wight King’s Court
LGS owner was begging me to take a skaventide box for 10 dollars as I was buying his last tomb king army box, poor guy...
>>Orruk Warclans is still one Battletome. Ironjawz Spearhead is coming. Only new mini is a Hobgrot Chieftain
I don't like it so it is not true
>Basically all of the Stormcast and Skaven stuff is already out there
THIS is how I know it's fake cuz the influencers have heavily implied were getting stuff that hasn't been revealed yet.
No mention of a new chaos chariot is odd considering its getting canned.
Same here, saw my LGS owner in tears as a lorry unloaded 3 pallets of vermintide GW made him buy
Dude yours too? Mine was busy dousing the entire shop with his stock of Tamiya products so he could set it on fire and claim the insurance.
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>Bought the box at discount 170
>sold both factions for 80 each
>got rules and everything else for 10 bucks
Feels good man, see you later facebook boomers.
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Post models.
Ain't none of this going to happen lmao
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dropped $135 for everything besides the stormcast sprues. I'm ok with that, but now I have 100 fucking clanrats so I guess I'm obligated to play fur tide at least once.
Also entered in an lgs lottery for the command point coins.
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>Not splitting every single miniature individually NOS and selling them at 200% markup
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Looking good fellow Elf-bro!

I'm still waiting for my primer to get here but my latest models are these three. Two Dreadspears that I'm both going to paint differently to decide what colour scheme I want to go for in my Har Kuron force (red and purple on both but more or less of each colour in different places).

I've also got a Master with Battle Standard from the Dark Elves Legends document awaiting painting once I've settled on the colour scheme.
Yeah there's been almost no information about what the remaining Skaven/SC models are going to be.
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Das some gud elfs there man. Looking great elfchad.

Looking great lightning anon.
I'm waiting for the tome, but the fact that plague priests are apparently squatted really pisses me off. On the plus side I guess, the corrupter finally counts as a priest.
Loss of rabid-rabid and brass orb also don't sit well with me, but I imagine they'll return along with skryre spells in the tome. At least they fucking better.
Anyone check out that new gamemode in WD501?

Got invited to play it tomorrow, so I'm hastily working on a Shardspeaker. Figured I'll either be a support bot for my teammate(s) or show everyone that the Shardspeaker has some fucking hands to throw.
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3 day speedrun of a Slickblade Champion for a contest. Dry-brushed the base after taking this photo, I promise.
>or show everyone that the Shardspeaker has some fucking hands to throw.
that made me realize there's like an 80% chance that they've removed her claw gimmick and now I'm mad
Very good bruh, some highlights and it'll look good under better lighting.
Not bad at all; finish up the base and I'd say that's pretty good.
There was a new game mode in there? Was that part of the Bunker stuff? Never checked it out.

I'd be upset, but I'd take that over the spells being replaced. Or even just downgrading her Claws would be cool. Obviously the dream is zero change.

Going to probably slap some skulls/swords on it later since I was just trying to get it out the door.

Highlights too, eventually. I still have the other Slickblades and (fuck my ass) all 11 Blissbarb models.
Theres zero buzz or hype for playing 4th edition around here. 6 weeks of articles seems to have had the opposite effect. There was momentum and hype for soul wars and dominion just killed the game it feels like. I wonder if there will even be a 5th edition.
Come to think of it, shouldn't White Dwarf 502 be announced tomorrow?
just went back to preorder another few skaventide boxes, i have friends wanting to get into it and start and skaventide was what sold them due to skaven because they recognize them
We'll never see this army finished
Selling fast?

It's basically 2v2 TDM with 1 200pt or less hero per player. First team to 20 kills wins.
shit, this sounds neat, is there scans?
Yes there will be and it will be glorious, gw will have learned this time and stop shoving stormcast into it.
5th edition starter will be flying squig goblins pirates Vs a refresh of kharadrons, going deeper into the jetpack thingies they have.
And now I'll go to sleep to dream this into reality.

Probably. I don't have any, nor did I buy the magazine. I walked into the LGS and they asked me to play it tomorrow.
I’m at 160 of the fuckers after this. But it’ll be nice to get the new sculpts in since the old clanrat kit was my favorite GW set
Why does it feel like skaventide isn't selling more than dominion
this is a good edition for hordes so no problem. clanrat spam will be a legit strategy in this edition.
I saw an LGS owner throwing the boxes into traffic in a rage because it was the only way he could get them out of the store.
We still have the Stormcast problem. They didn't front things with an ugly lesbian this time, but the people remember.

It feels oddly desperate, some of the articles feel like one article they've just split in two for extra views.

I'd bet any stormcast fans are wary as fuck after the great killing off of a chunk of their range, old hands saw it coming but they generally dont collect stormcast, its the nu-fans finally got burned.

All the printed stuff will obsolete in like a month why not just buy the stuff split?
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>corpse cart
>endless spells
>"if I invent a name people will believe me"
fake and gay a mile away
Skaven aren't particularly popular or unpopular and Stormcast players already got the Stormcast they need. This appeals to an incredibly small audience who want both Skaven and Stormcast and want to shell out beaucoup bucks.
Lochian Princes are already candidates for Akhelian King status. Morrsarr and Ishlaen are already Akhelian Knights. This person needs to practice their creative writing.
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>Skaven aren't particularly popular

u wot
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finished today
4e basically requires everyone to get their own endless spells released.
I just hope the tome writers manage to pack in enough cool shit where you've got multiple fun ways to build and play like they ended up with in 3rd.
Already hyped to try out a heavy moulder list now that storm fiends can finally be whipped and their close combat profiles are ok looking again.
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>Doesn't know what Skaven/Stormcast will be revealed in a month or so.
>Does know in detail everything coming out 'till next spring.
Yes, he literally did say they were fake discord rumors. It literally says that OWC is still one book when GW has stated the exact opposite.
I mean, they still haven't explained one of the oldest leaks- the built skaven hero with zappy gun.
So maybe that fag shouldn't repost bullshit.
I sincerely hope they pick back up on releasing endless spells and faction terrain. Though I'm letigimately unsure what the hell they'd do for ES for Sons and KO since they utterly lack spellcasting or prayers outside of niche cases.
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Working on the DoK spearhead.
Everyone hates warlocks, but like tzaangors GW has to stick them into every bundle box.
those are super clean bro.
Why aren't they buying it then are they retarded
The only way people will play aos is if people buy them it
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thanks, here's the backside ;^)
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seems legit
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Build the Spearhead box you want to see for your faction

Here's mine

>Hedonites of Slaanesh
5x Myrmidesh Painbringers (more build options and less of a pain to paint than Blissbarb Archers)
5x Blissbard Seekers {build options again, and too damn expensive outside the box)
3x Fiends (I like em)
1x Lord of Hubris (annoyingly no HoS foot heroes have build options but this one at least is a great basis for conversions)

I'd buy two. maybe three
they could release a new SoB caster model. One of the Matriarchs mentioned in the fluff, dual build as generic or named
I'd be okay with that. Though it'd probably be tri build, at least.
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But if they release it as dual build, next edition they can toss another sprue in there for another build option and count that as new release
Why not convert the warlocks into witch elf riders?
>$95 for one unit
Never mind, it's a stupid idea.

That skin is smooth as fuck and I hate you for it.

t. Hedonite player

Would buy as well. I'm scared to paint Blissbarbs
I have a lot of ideas, but I'd need to see the rest of my range refresh first. I honestly think the current skaven vanguard is pretty great.
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mfs in 2014 were really saying
>Damn, wish Sigmar had an age
do you think anyone would complain if I proxied Mortisan Ossifectors as Boneshapers?
The thing is, the pre-brodd megagargant kit was only 3 1/2 sprues and that already fits three build options.
Guardian of Souls
A new big monster
5x refreshed Hexwraiths
10 Harridans or Bladegheists
maybe chuck in spirit hosts or chainrasps if that's not quite enough
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I painted a second unit of blood elves today. Probably will do some bows next.
Yeah. It's generally not okay to proxy one unit in an army as a different unit in the same army, unless the model doesn't actually have dedicated rules. It's just confusing.
Refreshing hexwraiths is a pain in the ass to do since they share a kit with Black knights, so they'd have to do both at the same time, or in relatively short order.
In garagehammer? Probably not but you know your friends better than we do. At your LGS? Quite possibly, this isn't a straightforward proxy or non-WYSIWYG situation since it's actually a different, non-legends unit.
Ard boy boss
20 ard boys
Big pig

Lord Regent
5 Dawnriders x2
10 wardens

2 Crypt Haunters
Crypt infernal
6 horrors
3 flayers
(The meme is that it's just 4 boxes of horror and flayers, and I want more of those.)
I don't think they've ever done a double unit of something in a spearhead or equivalent box. I doubt they will, since they seem designed to try and give people a variety of things to start with instead of focusing them into one specific army build
They can just completely separate the new sprues since they're in different armies now, it's not strictly necessary to refresh both.
what is their to WYSIWYG? its a skeleton with smoke
both have the same stats and weapons
Nighthaunt has double Chainrasps and double Reapers, it's not that unusual
The issue is that I think the parts are mixed on the sprue, so if they updated one they'd be selling a unit with parts that aren't used for anything.
Didn't know that. Intresting.
They could still be used for old Hexwraiths if you wanted them for some reason, and if you don't play the other army those parts were already not used for anything.
crawlocke the jailer
dreadblade harrows
spirit host
Wight king
20 graveguard
black knights (hopefully updated)
Every time I think of a new rat box, it's either unrealistic or already covered by the existing one or the upcoming one. Maybe I can brew something up when all the new stuff gets revealed.
Putting an Easy To Build kit in a discount box feels weird since it's already half the usual price
alright, got a spare base to check real quick and it looks like the morbegh knights will just barely fit on a 60mm round so the plan to use them to convert my plague drones is a go

pretty fun kit so far. fewer options than i thought there would be, but im going to spice them up with left over blightking bits so its all good.
is 100 bucks a bad deal for the skaven half of the box set?
2x Wildecorps Hunters
1x Executioners
1x Battlemage Trio

Yeah yeah, squatting all non-humans that aren't mounts. But outside that CoS has no dedicated melee foit unit that's has non-pointed ears. And you can't buy Wildecorp Hunters on the cheap. Make a proper magic skirmish spearhead.
A models-only half is currently ranging from $70-100 with Skaven currently being more expensive due to demand. I suspect you could find it for 80 or 90 if you shop around.

The existing one is p. good honestly, it has a fucking cannon, cav unit, cav commander, and Steelhelms. Wouldn't really change anything.

I think the Shaman would have been a better pick than the Banner, but eh. The Beastkiller Bow is good in its niche, but I can see how it's prob the weakest of what's in the box.

Getting Yndrasta in this box pushes the power level a little, although SCE might as well be built on named character models more than most. The chariot is quite meh, but like some other kits - they definitely shoved it in here to move the model cause I'd doubt people would be picking this up otherwise.
I don't get why there's a muscian and standard bearer in this, it's not like you'd field a dozen of these is it?
Where are you finding them at these prices? Ebay sure as hell isn't selling them reasonably priced.
+1 OC and and extra Rally die are never a bad thing, especially when they're free
sure but that took quadrupled the number of units available to the SoB. they don't NEED to make the next SoB kit that versatile
Rage inducing image.
All I want to know is, do Annihilators w/ Grandhammers still slap, and can Lord-Imperatants still do the thing?
This will sell our army
I wish my market was like what you're seeing, everybody in my city's selling theirs for prices similar to ebay, I think I'm just gonna go for the 100 dollar one since it's at least slightly cheaper
or you could just wait a few weeks for inventory to cycle out and the hype to die down as inventory floods
I'll be doing that myself for an extra ratling cannon
9 hours until man reads rat "book"
Sounds cool, think I'd rock a Harbinger of Decay, its 170pts, cause some shit.
How many points is roughly in a Spearhead box atm?
But I must consume now!
It varies. The upper end is like 700, the lower end is like 500
And a couple outliers like ogres get up to 1000
The current Skaven one is pretty exceptional at around 700 and worth grabbing two copies of. Hope they keep it around and cycle out the clan rats and grey seer for the new sculpts, but they probably won't do that.
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Would like a more Rotbringer only centric Maggotkin box.
> Gutrot Spume
> 10x Putrid Blightkings
> 1x Feculant Gnarlmaw
I want to make a Slime Fleet. It's not a spammable box to build an army, though I like Blightkings and I like dropping them in.
For maggotkin I'd like to see a
Maggoth lord
Some nurglings
a beast of nurgle

They are never putting terrain in a spearhead.
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according to garagehammer podcast;

>warspawned kroxigor get -1 rend monster, +1 damage if they have skink units in 12 inches, +1 save against shoot
>ark of sotek nerfed, solar engine buffed
>finally fixed aggradons, they get a rage token if they fought, no need to stay in combat

our time is coming lizard bros
fucking finally, godspeed lizardbro
So did the box flop and are we headed for the landfill?
Cool sheme
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>guardian of souls + whatever
It's fucked up faction's only non-named wizard is online only
>an entire box worth of furfag and tranny pandering
gee, i wonder why
Just woke up. We still selling fast bros?
Do you think SoB will be any fun to play in Spearhead? Imperial Knights are fucking awful to play against in small-points 40k and I wonder if it's the same in AoS.
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Megas were infamously obnoxious in 1k points, but Spearhead only has mancrushers and small overal unit pull (with no list building) so i expect GW to actually try and balance things
They are insufferably even at 2k. I can't imagine them in spearhead
That sounds good for warspawned. Base rend 1 or 2?

>fucking finally
>faction that has historically been overpowered since its WHFB introduction
You're still in the nightmare, you haven't woken up yet
koatls claw sucked ass compared to starborne
Just had two pots dry out on me with no warning. Fuck this shit, I'm switching to brands with drop bottles every time I run out of a color.
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>he buys citadel paints
Try out Fanatics, Vallejo, or Pro uncle. buddeh.
If you include combat patrols the old tyranid one had 36 (thirty six) termagants
NH had Single reapers. It's an unit of 10.
It's over. Dominion 2.0
I fucking hope, I'd buy 2 of them if they were $150.
Oh no no no zizters we should have seen the writing on the wall and bought Tomb King potato skeletons when we had the chance.
Went into my LGS today and saw boxes of skaventide booby trapped all over the floor, hoping people would accidentally step on one and be forced to buy it. Wild shit
Bought a box of Bretonnian men-at-arms and thought myself lucky because they're always sold out. Then I went home and opened it and it was full of stormcast...
Wait longer than a minute before replying to yourself
He's just practicing his stand up routines.
Leave him be, maybe he can actually come up with something funny.
He's poking fun at the doomers thoughbeit
Wtf is this price. I can find it 20% off at £125 in the UK.
I think you need a maths refresher
>buy the skaven half and think myself satisfied because I am not going to collect the rest and selling it is a bit of a hassle and a risk if no one's interested
>see another store has the full box at a steep discount so that it's only about £40 more than the half I bought
>briefly think about cancelling the first order because hey look at how much more shit I get for only £40
>remember I don't actually want the extra shit
Damn, the paypig/FOMO logic really taps into the hardwired primitive part of the brain.
never play a gacha
Everyone saw what happened last time and know there's no need to rush. Many who FOMO'd last time will this time wait to see piles of boxes on discount at their local third-party instead
It's GW's fault for fostering the whole "while stocks last" mindset over the past few years. Now if something sells out within minutes people are angry and if it doesn't then they lose interest because clearly it's failing and must not be good.
Today lads
everything in that box looks like shit
You take that back. Bonedog dog a good boy and I will allow you to slander him so.
>heckin doggo
I will refrain from posting a redditor sóyjak but I want you to know that I was sorely tempted.
Sounds fake and gay but I could see them getting off their fat asses and finally giving every army their own bespoke endless spells now that they’re doubling down and “manifestations” are free so you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot if you don’t bring them just in case.
Don't make me post a chud
only the sylvaneth part.
I mean its not a great deal but it roughly lines up with GWs perceived value
I think the boners are alright, they expand on the faction without looking weird
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>we got to wear the big boy pants today
Those legs do look odd now that I look at em.
are these guys taller than mortek guard, they look to be, these are the scale I feel the default units should have been
Those guys are like Stalker/Immortis height.
They are too big for basic dudes (but I agree mortek are too small they fucked them up)
Whatever you anon. Unlike you, I don't waste money on models I'll never paint, it's called commitment.
>They are too big for basic dudes (but I agree mortek are too small they fucked them up)
Thunderstike Ossiarchs confirmed for 5th.
Ah yes, reddit.
Reddit is the metric by which everything is measured, how could I forget?
Ben can’t be funny though, he’s autistic.
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finished up these 5 plaguebeares. I made sure to use the soijak head one one.

I got five more. Should I use the same green or go with a a more blue-ish green? I was thinking a dark purple but I would need a different color wash to shade the boils since red won't pop out like it does on this green here.
> 6th edition DE plastics when you have the superior 8th edition DE plastics right there
What kind of Endless Spells should Idoneth get?
fish. maybe some seaweed.
morteks are perfectly acceptable size but people are absolutely mindbroken by size thanks to primaris and troonscalers
Mortek are human size so it's fine.
Mortek are the scale they are so you get big blocks of them with 20 in a box to make it feel like you're comanding actual legions and not small elite squads.
If they were bigger GW would make them a 10 MSU and ruin the illusion
I think you'll see it announced next Sunday. That'd make it go up for preorder right as Skaventide sees its proper launch. If it's announced today, that'd mean it and Skaventide would both be up for preorder concurrently for at least a week. It's just a hunch but I think GW would like to avoid that.
Yes! It's almost like I wanted the Master with Battle Standard to look different so I used a different looking model to represent her! Crazy, right?! Absolutely insane.
I wouldnt mind the 28mm mortek if the rest of the range actually complimented the disciplined look of the army.
a whirlpool, a kraken and fish swarms
A large shark head.
They're supposed to be the elite army of death and yet they're on 25mm bases, the same size as normal people and smaller than skeletons. Use as many buzzwords as you want to cope.
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shit that actually evokes the idea they're fighting with an aethersea on the battlefield, like the eidolon's cape
>parting waves (with fish)
>whirpools (with tentacles)
>directed tidal current (with bigger fish)
Imagine the smell of fish and rotten seaweed.
Water bubble/vortex that traps heroes with 5 or less wounds
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morteks are perfectly acceptable as normal infantry but not as elite infantry and ossiarchs should have an elite infantry
why so smug?
har kuron
>t. permavirgin
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It's a fishing town that has to wash it's streets with weed killers 24/7 due to the artifact Sigmar hid in a vault under the city. All they have is fish markets and compost
>t. cuckvilgardian
GW fucking ruined my trees.
>giant tentacle
>pirahna swarm, maybe 3 small pieces like the Ravening Direflock
Love that paint scheme. Guide?
>the siojak head one one
>one one
Skaven really are everywhere. Anyway, thanks for that, now I can't unsee it.
*the soijak head one

the paint scheme is just 1:1 contrast medium and militarum green. 2 of them have 2 coats of this mix and thus are a bit darker.

all the sores and boils are covered in berzerker bloodshade then dotted on top with Toxic yellow but ice yellow works fine. the horns are VMC grey brown, and the guts are bugman's glow with more bloodshade. the one with the really pink guts has squid pink instead of bugman's and I tried using a dark purple wash instead of berzerker bloodshade.
they know your city's males average bone density is decreasing with each generation
Hmmm, yeah that sounds not great.
Is Ben in the room with us right now?
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KB Win!
It's weird that they wouldn't let you use the furnace's priest as an on-foot hero like they do with the ghoul king and webspinner shaman
Why did you word this as if having ASD and being funny are mutually exclusive?
>places of power and overgrown terrain gone from battle traits, now a warscroll ability of Belthanos
>treelords lost their warscroll ability to teleport
>strike and fade requires closer proximity to wyldwoods and forces unit to weather counterpunches
They're gonna be so much less mobile than they used to be.
Because they are? No autist has ever made me laugh, they've only annoyed me.
Dawnbringers 6 scan yet? I really want to catch up on the lore before 4th.
Yeah, you’re constantly posting.
Fucking hell, Ironjawz lost the destroyer artifact (once per game +3 damage) and brute ragerz lost the slotmachine weapons (terrible profile but 6s did 3 mortals).

Is 4th the no fun allowed edition???

Many of us enjoy BIG stuff happening or whiffing based on unlikely luck.
Sending a 100pt unit of ragers into something expensive and rolling 5 sixes dealing 15 mortals to it is fun, even if it was mathematically not "good"
sent ;)
Think of 4e in terms of tournament centric matched play. You can't have anything too swingy, too unexpected or too fun.
Sorry but that type of high risk high reward gameplay made tournament players piss and shit and cry. All corners must be rounded off and all armies homogenized with everyone getting access to deepstrike, 6+ ward and D3 mortal wounds if you win a coin toss.
What the fuck, dog... Where's my Shield of Distraction? Where's my Rustcursed Armour!? WHERE'S MY BRASS ORB!?!
And why the fuck is Scurry Away a warlord trait instead of being something baked-in to every Skaven character like it was before? And where are the actually cool traits that make a Clawlord into a combat badass?
That's odd, why do I have 2 bell boys? You usually only get 1 champion on a sprue
I don't understand the mindset of these people who see the most insipid, lame, boring rules and say "I really like this". Who the fuck is bouncing up and down in their chair over fucking "add 1 to melee attacks"?
I read only one thing from maggotkin and im already feeling kind giddy. Its gonna be hard to paint my SGBL with papa nurgle in front of me like this.
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fyreslayers and tzeentch have release waves, and are in the first 5 new books (after stormcast + skaven obviously)
It seems like every army now has "stormcast artifacts"

by which I mean artifacts that are next to inconsequential, to the point that you don't even care.
We already knew it'd all be once per game type stuff, it's less about equipment modifying heroes than trump reactions like every other facet of the game now
ironically stormcast have really really good traits now
no fucking way a 3 year old did that.
Yeah I haven't seen an updated artifact list yet that doesn't put me to sleep just glancing at it. Spells also seem really fucking boring, not that they weren't before but now we've got even more stripped down and boring spell list AND they got rid of at least half of the old warscroll spells for literally no reason.
I'm not even angry. I feel only ennui and despair.
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Anon is correct though.
Sorry, anon. We at Games Workshop determined the Destroyer artefact was too fun and swingy to be allowed in the upcoming edition. All factions must be neutered as to avoid any faction imbalance at tournaments, thank you for your understanding.
-Games Workshop
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>why doesnt my index army have all the fun tools of a battletome army
4th is a major flop and I bet these beginner friendly changed won't even attract new players
Just wait until the battletomes before going dom and gloom, same goes for you sylvaneth fans
A lot of 10E 40K armies wish they could go back to their index because the full rules were even worse. Pray you're not a first wave 4E army.
do the goonhammer articles show all of the subfactions.
We already avoided total retardation that was 10e. I have hope
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>if you want to have fun you must buy ze book
Everyone uses wahapedia already here.
As long as they are not making the books with outdated data like how the 40k team did with custodes and genestealer cults, then the game will already be in a good spot.
All I'm going to buy is a binder to hold all these pages I'm going to print fuck GW

What if your army isn't getting a tome till late 2026?
>t-they'll fix it l-l-later... it's just deliberately bad right now
>As long as they are not making the books with outdated data
Anon, the first several battletomes after Skaven and Stormcast are already written. The only ones that have a chance of being changed in response to feedback are the later ones as with every edition, that's the point.
It's the classic trade-off. You'll suck shit most of the edition but your chances of having a good battletome are greater. You know, for like six months until the next edition rolls around.
I like having physical battletomes usually, but between GW's retarded prices, the indexing, and the boring faction rules all around, I'm out. I'm not buying any battletomes this time around unless they're incidentally packaged with an army box I would have bought anyway.
>it's just deliberately bad right now
kinda yeah
just makes sense to make the free rules worse than the paid ones
>No mounted STD subfaction
I can overcome
>There is no subfaction under which to run 2k points of mounted stuff unless you put some into shitty darkoaths
What the fuck man
>Despoilers is just fighting in sequence instead of added vitality or durability
I still wanna see the scrolls for the beasts and monsters though
>overgrown terrain gone from battle traits
This strikes me as very weird since it's walking back one of the most welcome changes since it's practically regressing to how their 2nd edition battletome handled it. They had good reasons for changing that.

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