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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>93094710
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Anchor your deliveries here!
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Requesting an underworld mob boss for a rogue trader game. She's a rogue psyker who specializes in pyromancy with blue flames.
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Requesting an Eldar Ranger and an Imperial Guardrsman sharing a cigarette over a pile of Ork bodies.
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I request an image of this well-clad individual hefting the weapon to the right, with the ammo feed optionally connected somewhere on his hip.
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Requesting a male Shifter Rune Knight/Beast Barbarian. He'd be wearing tribal looking clothing with various blue glowing Giant language runes etched onto them, look physically similar to the top left but more pale, emaciated and has blue eyes. His shifting would be themed after a Wendigo, so could have him turning from the traditional gaunt human interpretation to the more modern elk monstrosity.
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Requesting art for Tiae: She's a tiefling assassin on a mission to descend into hell and slay devils. Currently playing in an edgy, high level AD&D game, so I made her to fit the bill.
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Anchors aweigh!
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Requesting my dark elf cleric of trithereon for a planescape game, the only thing the ref is missing is her eyes being amber, otherwise as the image say, use that body with elf ears, that armor with the symbol and she dual wields a set of a phoenix themed blade and whip
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Requesting a druidlock goblin. Got the Tal'Dorei Reborn book recently and wanted to give blight druid a shot. thought the idea of a druid who has a pact with a demon that cursed her land would be a cool concept.
Requesting a character for a game I'm doing set in the Magic the Gathering setting, I'd love to see somebody draw one of the antagonists my party is going to face on Tarkir: Beipan, the Silent Avenger!
She's a mute monk that had her village slaughtered, and now she seeks vengeance against the clan that wronged her!
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Requesting a strom barb. Dickhead noble that's on a quest for revenge after his family was killed by a rival family. Cares for nothing but his own personal goals and is willing to deceive and kill anybody in his way.
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Can I get a female Shadowseer posed like Stańczyk in the Jan Matejko painting, maskless and frowning after having a vision of the fall of a Craftworld?
half the shit above has to be the same person based on formatting
It’s also all ass
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Requesting a better reference/redesign for my viscacha candle robot. Sorry I mean my beastfolk construct pyromancer.
Feel free to redesign literally everything about him as long as it keeps to the general concept + integrates the notes on the right.
Particularly, try to make him look more like the species he's based on. Doesn't matter if it's in a rounder animal mascot-y kind of way or a typical anthropomorphic kinda way.

Does he spycheck?
admission: I format like that too because how the fuck else does one format refs+notes

i haven't requested in a long time though because my players fork out for commissions
understandable actually, didn't consider that possibility
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example ref+fill

look i get the paranoia, i personally think this place is dogged by a couple specific shitposters but this ain't it
Oh god not again.
What kind of stupid ass question is this? Fuck off back to /v/
That is a really nice fill! Is it a CoC character?
yeah i got fucking lucky
it was for a historical upotte game. if it had be coc it'd be cruel to specify her be smiling lmao
Oh come on, half the fun is seeing healthy, happy characters descend into madness and paranoia.
i guess but i'm kind of a classicist and the og lovecraft protags were almost all broody fucks with something already weighing on them

(i'll stop metaposting now have a nice day, good luck if you've got an active req)
He doesn't haphazardly set stuff on fire if that's what you mean. His pyrotechnics are generally for controlled disposal of corpses + maneuvering himself through gaps + scaling buildings. More of a spy himself than a pyro, just with capacity for direct combat as needed.
But if you wanna apply Disguise Kit rules, he'd be able to detect minute discrepancies between someone's appearance and their weight/gait/footstep sounds/heartrate pretty quickly.
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Calling it done. Glad you like the sketch anon.
So...a spy that checks for spy.

I know his class now! SPYRO!!
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Rquesting my Call of Cthulhu PC faith as a hexblade that uses a scythe.

Was running her in a CoC campaign before it sadly ended due to the DM losing interest. My group has been running more 5e campaigns and i thought it would be a fun idea to convert her into a 5e character.
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Asking for a haughty blonde Simic researcher, possibly doing some magical slime manipulation.
Fuck off Royce
That anon is a spy.
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Requesting this, but with a generic fa/tg/uy and a sumo wrestling bear.
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Bear playing music plus friends.
I make no apologies for the low fidelity. It was fun, and I like trying new styles.

The shop request seems a might bit complex for the scope of how much I give a hoot. I may get to the holy warrior guy, if I can.
I literally do not even know how I quoted that
post. I can't even conceive of the mechanisms by which a cross-thread quote turned into that. Mysterious.

It's supposed to be.
This is better than I had in mind! So comfy and wholesome. Thanks, Pixel anon!
Least you gave the sumo bear anon an ego boost!
>This is better than I had in mind! So comfy and wholesome. Thanks, Pixel anon!
No problem mate.
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Left wearing outfit in the right doing an axe kick
should have given her famas, as a joke
Oh wow, I wasn't expecting a delivery at all. Thank you very much, friend! I love it!
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Requesting the weird looking gremlin girl using a kitchen knife to fight off a zombie cat. The gremlin is around 18 inches tall, so the cat is a serious threat to her.
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Looking for someone to create a fighting game-like outfit for our campaign’s tournament arc. Just chest-up is fine, as it’s for a token.

Pastebin with written details and images for references: https://pastebin.com/r0641ByN (embed)
Pity bump.
Bumping with a sketch WIP
OR here

I love her kind looking face as it's really fitting, and the armor looks really great. Amazing work! Thank you so much!
Its coming along, taking a break but throwing ya this WIP.

Ignore the BG for now, I got a tad bit carried away testing brushes and thinking of the shores of limbo in the Outlands.
woah, incredible, I'm loving it so far

good idea actually, fitting with her lore as both her parents and her older brother had some connections with limbo
>doesn't recognise a MAS series rifle.

You have lost the favour of Gun Jesus.
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Have a silly sketch to bide you over as I wait for it to get less hot.
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Fuck that was a huge pic, sorry for using up the image limit but doing it a bit more.

In any case, waiting for it to cool down so I can sit down for more than five minutes without drowning in fucking sweat. I might be done with the pic tomorrow or in 6 ish hours
So I'm pretty dense, too many bonks on the head/an ain't got no gas in it tier anon, and I've always been interested in finding some capable artist here. Let me see if I understand correctly. I'd like XYZ art. I put together a collage of visual references akin to those posted in this thread in regards to XYZ, and explain a little of what I'm looking for and sit tight? That's it? What exactly is an anchor post? I don't want to fuck up and make a mess of things.
>What exactly is an anchor post?
It's a post that people link their finished deliveries to, so people can quickly look at whatever's been actually posted as complete by the artists.
>post request explaining what you want
>wait for artist to take interest
>Receive art IF artist took interest
It's that simple, also anchor post is for requesters that have an artist that is working on their request and got a work in progress so the artist knows that he's still around and keep working on it
Page 10
Looking for waifu requests. No guarantees. Just fishing for something to draw.
Bear waifu.
a small, palm-sized mousegirl familiar for a wizard who is doing her absolute best to make a cup of tea, but it's really hard when you're 3 inches tall and you don't have access to mage hand yet.
A githyanki rogue smilling happily after successfully stealing a bag of gold
There are literal handfuls of requests featuring female characaters above.
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Requesting my waifu cracking open some roasted umber hulk, slurping out the delicious meat.
Wow, again, I'm loving it so far

And thanks for the chibi! I never got two things before, thank you so much guys, both are lovely.

may i offer a githzerai chronomancer i made in a vidya in this trying time?
Redhead dwarf lass in dwarven plate leaning on her warhammer and cheerfully raising a mug of ale.
Think they’re looking for an actually good request
I've been lucky enough to have a few deliveries for this girlie in various forms so feel free to ignore. She's a world/genre hopping shapeshifter with psychic powers and has been everything from a landsknecht to an eldritch horror and a Miami vice style biker. If you wanna transplant her into a world/game you've played/ran or a genre you like that would be sick.

She typically keeps the same eye between forms (one green, one swirling magical colors, or an eye patch).
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Not really related to your request, but here's some art of a similar concept that I though you might enjoy.
You're correct, gun witch is always a fun character concept and would be right up my alley if I ever got to play in an appropriate game for it.
There's a few other pieces in the same vein by the artist: https://x.com/GVanaka
sick, thanks anon, i'll give em a follow
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Your take on this fat-assed elf woman.
I say give her thicker hips and maybe a pudge. Then the proportions are balanced.
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>Become T H I C C ! ! !
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Today's update for ya, need to clean the lines and continue texturing some other time. Its gonna take a while, sorry!
no need to be sorry at all (OR here) take your time I'll be monitoring patiently for as long as you need, thank you so much again you're doing an awesome job
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Hey /tg/. I'm doing a campaign set in feudal Japan, with the main antagonists being the Three Precious Children (Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susano'o).

I'm requesting a fill of my interpretation of Tsukuyomi, the moon god. Once beautiful, he was deeply scarred by his sister Amaterasu, and bears an extreme hatred for her. He ultimately wishes to destroy the Sun and plunge the world into an eternal night.
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Fang on the Valley, my Vampire Tabaxi. I can't say this is the most serious character I've played and normally I'd just find something that fits somewhat the vibe, but I really couldn't find something that checked the boxes I needed for him.

He's basically a Dracula wannabe, aggresive but also derp Tabaxi. He's an Eldritch Knight, member of the Order of the Wyrm, who basically rule over the land with an iron fist.
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Had a somewhat dumb idea that I didn't see before (though in my eyes creepy and strange enough for the context of the game I'm running, the pc's are going through some nightmarish realms,).
Requesting a butterfly which wings are hands (which wings would make a clapping sound when they would fly, the pc would enter a nightmarish empty theater and hears the sounds of applause getting closer and closer to you as the curtains open, and a whole swarm of these strange butterfly would come at them). Any other flying insect could work maybe
Any appearance for their butterfly body, creepy, weird, normal, same for the hands, claws, rotten, shadowy, normal, pretty/dainty...
that's really just a sudden concept I had, and I really like the idea of it
Mid teen asian girl, long black hair with floral ornament, teal eyes, fair completion, wearing white kimono with bird designs, short hem that's high above the knees like a short skirt, teal sash fastened by gold cord, thighs, legs and feet are bare. Gold ribbon wrapped around left ankle. Tattoos that run along limbs and neck similar to Airbender tattoos. Doing acrobatic jump while readying bow and arrow
Anybody open for emblem/symbol commissions? Particularly for something that could be printed and readable for miniature decals transfers?
Eyed the OP doc and it seems like the only drawfag in there that explicitly has those offered has vanished
I think you'd get more of a response if you gave an idea of what's needed, might even have been able to nab it for free if it's not too complicated.
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Fair enough
The basic idea would be a hound skeleton in one of those old iconography rearing poses, somewhat akin to the warhounds emblem

You still around Misa Stugli?
Requesting a handsome, gay orc.
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Sorry gents, I picked from /v/. Maybe next time
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Happy Pride Month
You can't just say that without linking what you made, come on man.
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sip sip
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How about drawing D&D characters drawing their own party?
that's adorable, thank you very much
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Not really a request, but did whatsisname ever draw something for the booty warrior? I can't find his archive, and I need it for reasons.
Lewdanon? Yeah he did one for wuncler, stinkmeaner, granddad, and booty warrior.
My hard drive fried though, so I can't help you with any.
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Considering I'm the one that started that and also the one that colored that one in particular... yes, here.
Thanks anon, you're a doll.
Can you dump the rest while you're at it? I need to rebuild my collection.
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I always thought Uncle Ruckass would be a Black Templar. Wait...that sounds racist.
Much appreciated.
There's still one missing. Uncle Ruckus as a chaos marine of some kind.
Requesting character art for my Vampire: the Masquerade character. He's a Brujah.
Drop your disco or something, I suddenly got gamedev and UX work and I gotta focus on that but I will finish this up for ya but it will take a while. Imma send ya the og Krita file as confirmation.
Page 9 bump
Alrighty, my discord is johnshitlord
Yessir! I just finished up the last of those fuck-awful life obligations of mine yesterday and did some work on the final piece last night. When I'm back home in a few hours I'll be back at it. Sorry for DRAGON my feet hee hee ha ha. I'll getcha an update later today.
No problem friend, glad you're still around and glad you finally finished all your obligations! I was mostly just asking to find out if I should repost the request when next thread comes around since I know sometimes artists drop projects for one reason or another lol. Thanks again for taking interest in my noble edgeknight dragon!
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Requesting a/some Boshin war inspired fish-men solders. Uniform examples and fish relevant. Blue, grey, or tan uniforms, red, blue, or yellow fish if you are interested in any coloring.
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Delivery. Hope it meets your liking.
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Just a sketch so far, let me know if you'd like anything changed. I'm gong to sleep for the time being.
Thanks! Not entirely what I had in mind but it'll do. It's my first time playing Vampire so that character doesn't even really "exist" yet until the first session. I like your style.
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This is just a progress update for now.
I'm settled on the pose but feet are tuff so expect basically everything to change. I'm trying to find a good shape for the tail so I settled on a big alligator looking thing since you said he deflects attacks with it.

The spear is on like V5. I'll probably change it AGAIN but I'm trying to get the spiral flanges right.
Daddy dragon!
Holy cow anon! That's incredible! No revisions, keep on doing what you're doing. Tennōheika banzai!
New thread

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