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• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>93163795
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Anchor your deliveries here!
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Requesting a male Shifter Rune Knight/Beast Barbarian. He'd be wearing tribal looking clothing with various blue glowing Giant language runes etched onto them, look physically similar to the top left but more pale, emaciated and has blue eyes. His shifting would be themed after a Wendigo, so could have him turning from the traditional gaunt human interpretation to the more modern elk monstrosity.
Anchoring my lovely dark elven cleric
Would you kindly remove /slop/ from your header? Thank you in advance.
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Can I get a female Shadowseer posed like Stańczyk in the Jan Matejko painting, maskless and frowning after having a vision of the fall of a Craftworld?
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Requesting a strom barb. Dickhead noble that's on a quest for revenge after his family was killed by a rival family. Cares for nothing but his own personal goals and is willing to deceive and kill anybody in his way.
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Requesting an underworld mob boss for a rogue trader game. She's a rogue psyker who specializes in pyromancy with blue flames.
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Delivery. Hope you like it.
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Requesting a druidlock goblin. Got the Tal'Dorei Reborn book recently and wanted to give blight druid a shot. thought the idea of a druid who has a pact with a demon that cursed her land would be a cool concept.

edit: decided to go with blood hunter instead after doing some buld crafting with it and finding it more intresting
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Requesting art for a female tiefling assassin on a mission to descend into hell and slay devils. Playing her in an high level AD&D game, so I made her to fit the bill.
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Rquesting my Call of Cthulhu PC faith as a hexblade that uses a scythe.

Was running her in a CoC campaign before it sadly ended due to the DM losing interest. My group has been running more 5e campaigns and i thought it would be a fun idea to convert her into a 5e character.
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Anchoring. Also yes big gator tail works well for this. He has a tail slap natural attack and also has an ability to use his tail like a shield so yeah. I like the look of the spear too so far, though I understand how it's gonna be hard. As for other stuff, can you make the horns smoother instead of spiraly? I'm a bit partial to smooth horns lol. If you'd prefer the spiraly horns that's fine too though.
That's amazing anon, thank you very much! You did a great job!
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Requesting a sizeable butterfly which instead of having wings, has creepy hands on them (which would clap themselves together, so the palms are facing each others).
Players will go through a nightmarish theaters and see a who swarm of these things flying & clapping towards them. You can make it as monstruous or as "normal" looking as you'd like
Dragon daddy!
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I'd like to request an Eldar Ranger and an Imperial Guardrsman sharing a cigarette over a pile of Ork bodies.
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Looking for someone to create a fighting game-like outfit for my character. Just chest-up is fine, as it’s for a token.

Pastebin with written details and images for references: https://pastebin.com/r0641ByN
I've often wondered how sorcerous bloodlines would manifest in artificial races.
So I'd like to request some warforged sorcerers. Feel free to design that however you wish.
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Requesting a better reference/redesign for my viscacha candle robot. Sorry I mean my beastfolk construct pyromancer.
Feel free to redesign literally everything about him as long as it keeps to the general concept + integrates the notes on the right.
Particularly, try to make him look more like the species he's based on. Doesn't matter if it's in a rounder animal mascot-y kind of way or a typical anthropomorphic kinda way.
Requesting a character for a game I'm doing set in the Magic the Gathering setting, I'd love to see somebody draw one of the antagonists my party is going to face on Tarkir: Beipan, the Silent Avenger!
She's a mute monk that had her village slaughtered, and now she seeks vengeance against the clan that wronged her!
>that had her village slaughtered
... that sounds a lot like she was responsible for the village being slaughtered. I know that's (probably) not what you intended, but the phrasing amused me.
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Requesting a little wizard fella version of your character.
Requesting a bald eagle aarakocra posing patriotically with fireworks in the background
Can someone please do a version of picture related, but with her autumn traits and features replaced with summer ones, like a miniature sun above her head, green leaves on her antlers, etc.?
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I request an image of this well-clad individual hefting the weapon to the right, with the ammo feed optionally connected somewhere on his hip.
Requesting a crocodilian lizardfolk Barbarian. The village kids loved him once everyone stopped being terrified of the 8 foot crocodile that wandered in
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Hey /tg/. I'm doing a campaign set in feudal Japan, with the main antagonists being the Three Precious Children (Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susano'o).

I'm requesting a fill of my interpretation of Tsukuyomi, the moon god. Once beautiful, he was deeply scarred by his sister Amaterasu, and bears an extreme hatred for her. He ultimately wishes to destroy the Sun and plunge the world into an eternal night.
I'm playing a warhammer fantasy ttrpg campaign with a rat catcher that's pretty much pic related but imperial.

Can anyone just draw on top of the pic to make this absolute unit look like a warhammer character/adventurer?
I tried to do it myself but paint with a mouse was too difficult
Very nice
So....crocodile daddy?
A little bit. Basically he saw a father and son gathering things around his swamp and followed them home. He was chased off by fearful villagers, then came back with a freshly stripped deerskin loincloth, because obviously the villagers were just mad that he was naked! Eventually he just took to sunbathing in the middle of the village and kids started climbing and playing on him.

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