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Blood Angels Edition

>SoB detachment preview

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>Thread Question:
Which loyalist space marine chapter is your favourite, what draws you to them?
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Wow blood angels suck.
you're going to drive the anti-BAfag insane
Dude imagine that
>the dakka cast
>the grog cast
>the shumbliwombi cast
What would the last one be?
I don't like this. He's not even wearing Goff colors. Even Bad Moon yellow would have been fine.
Should I get a box of scouts or a box of terminators to paints as Death Company? I bet both would look really nice with those colours.
I wish the bigger tau suits came with pilots like imperial knights
I dont know what your asking to be honest.
15 points for a 3+/4++ model with 3 S5 AP-2 D1 attacks with sustained hits seems pretty decent. Add -1 to wound if you give them a cheap leader too.
scouts since BA will likely get their chapter specific assault terms """soon"""
The Tau already have a warrior cast, how hard would it be to employ Orks as auxillaries. Get them believing that The Greater Good will always have enemies that need to be fought, and then just send them at known Imperial military strongpoints.

I know why, because 40k isn't actual military scifi anymore and is all about the horus heresy spinoff series, but it would be cool if GW pretended to care about their setting anymore
I currently have stuff for a squad of Possessed with a Master of Possession, though neither look particularly CSM. They're all pretty much just AoS models, with the MoP having some bits changed.
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Good idea
Is your pic purely for decoration? Or does it have a datasheet? Seeing pilots for knights kinda ween me towards em.
tau HATE orks
they're basically the only sapient race they refuse to even try to negotiate with
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Retardanon can't spell "caste"
To be clear that's one specific named character who came with the sprue for the wolf bits and laser gun. There's not really a generic pilot model.
They don't have a 4++ my guy. The problem always comes down to 1W, you fire S4 stubbers into them and 1/3rd of the time they fail a save and a model goes splat.
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Just use your own headcannon
Why is the First and Second edition so weird?
every "generic model" is named in some source
Because GW was throwing everything at the wall to see what stuck.
>still no plastic Mortis-Ballistus dreadnought for the Dark Angels
There can be no justice in the world until this wrong has been set right.
Black rage scouts would probably be not really lore accurate
Better question is why everything's so boring now?
You can cope how you want. Just making sure people don't get the wrong idea about some secret feature the knight kit doesn't actually have.
It does have a modeled cockpit though which is cute.
Blood angels aren't consistent so why bother caring for their "lore" constraints?
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2nd Edition was alright, its when my old ass started the game, played till mid 5th before taking a massive break from the hobby.
>inb4 "you only started playing 7 years ago"
This makes me not feel so bad about wanting to make an Orkstodes force for the grins and giggles.
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When are we getting more space marines?
God I love this art.

Warhammer 40K was always pretty Heavy Metal, and I want to see it return to that some day.
Also, beak marines.
Marines are dull af.

I'm building both SM and CSM and I'm getting sick of them
new primaris models in the 3rd quarter
All Space Wolves, Primaris Blood Claws, Primaris Grey Hunters and Primaris Long Fangs
They'd also be useless as scouts, yet not good enough to be used as melee DC berserks, but whatever.
What do you even lack??
Did any of the other great companies ever have transfers of their own? Or was it always just Ragnar's crew?
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I believe GW used to sell this on the store separately
Do you have pics?
Someone post the primaris variant vs rank/job chart
We still got manlets to replace with at least 3 units each. We're lacking tons of lieutenant combinations still. Chop chop.
Ok, so I'm trying to build a decent list for 1k games.

Deathwatch - Blackspear Taskforce

-Captain in Gravis (Warlord, Beacon Angelis, Master Crafted Weapons).
-Chaplain on bike

-2 veteran DW team units (2 bolter/shield, 2 frag grenade, 1 shield/xenophase blade)

-Aggressor Squad (6 models, boltstorm gauntlets)
-2 units of Vanguard Veterans (5 Storm Shield)

-Outrider Squad (6 models)

Here's the plan. I leave the agressors with the captain in Deep Strike to protect them until the second turn or to use them as a spearhead against the opponent. The DW veterans go near the objectives to earn points and do whatever actions are needed, while the vanguard veterans hide and try to contest the enemy's positions. All while the bikes are quickly taking the center.

I know I'm ass at deployment, so I need to figure out what to do before I start. With a list like this, should I prioritise scoring or battling?
This is one reason I'm glad I still have a crapton of the super old red stencil style chapter symbol transfer sheets...and they still work fairly well.
Primaris HQs on bike or on jump pack. I don't even want new models, I just want the rules to make conversions.
vanguard vets
primaris centurions
assault termies
termie LTs
gravis LTs
Am I reading this correctly or is there literally zero use to having flamegauntlets on aggressors? You can take the grenade launchers *and* the stormbolt gauntlets *and* have backup powerfist melee while the flame storm variant doesn’t get grenades?
imagine unironically liking SM

have some self respect and at least be a teenager
The higher end of output for the flamers is better, and they effectively just shoot normally in overwatch. AP1 is actually relevant on a gun that ignores cover, too.

Both get the powerfist attacks
being a contrarian isn't a personality
This guy makes some good points.
But yes. They were better when you could spam dev wounds but now that you can only get it at best once per 2 turns for 1 cp it’s a strat that’s never gonna see use.
>Just want the rule.
I’ve got some bad news for you fren.
Where are the rules for the new scouts? Did they change at all when they rereleased them?
Oh, so you’re supposed to run them with a captain for rites of battle to get the free overwatch. Got it. My mistake, I just noticed that it was really absurd to get grenade launchers and bolsters for your shooting phase without sacrificing the power fist melee.

Some of us like having well-rounded armies with tougher infantry.
wtf I want to work for James now
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Possessed are Blood Sisters.
MoP is a Lord of Hubris with a headswap, this picture's a bit old. Have since covered the free hand with the Slaanesh icon from the Chosen, added some base decorations, and primed him.
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I was gonna say the HH legion transfer sheet has them, but that's wrong. Because the Great Companies are different in HH they use different badges. By comparison the Iron Hands sheet is damn useful since it includes the iconography of all their modern clans plus a few extra ones. Their sheet in 40k only has Raukaan stuff on it so this is actually great.
Keep your samefagging to the last thread.
If you gave him a bolt pistol to hold in his left hand he could absolutely be a cultist champ.
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I see how these gals could plausibly be stand-ins for possessed. I would give them mutated arms though.
They still sell the HH one which you could say is your own OC Donut Steel Great Company.
I really like the Nordic knotwork.
Or you could make your own because fuck paying GW 35 bucks for this.
Etsy has several decal sellers as well, a sheet from them will only cost about a third of what GW's charging.
I am building a Coldstar Commander right now. Dumb question: Where do I put the two extra weapons that aren't on the arms? I'm guessing the inside of the wings?
He has no armour though and the silhouette is way off. Poor proxy.
Impressive cock protector.
Was sorta thinking along the lines of Fulgrim and Dechala
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Tell me about your favorite unit bros i need something to distract myself
My wife left me and our daughter to start a new life in france
Ben, neither of them exist and neither does this situation. Seek help.
>how to invalidate your army for tourneys: the guide, 10th edition
nobody cares about tourneys
tournaments don't care.
Damn bro, are you the guy from Synecdoche New york?
Your dudes must be awful boring
no tournament will care about third party decals you nogames faggot
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Chaplain dreads are my fave of all time, close second is probably leviathan dreads or mortis dreads
Too clean for orks
How large are Dreadnaughts in lore? They look large enough to be about twenty feet tall or so.
Why would I want to go to a tournament and pay to stand in a room full of unwashed, autistic aliens with grey tide armies when I can play with my clean friends and their painted armies at their place
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Best damn looking mini in the whole game. Turns heads every time
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Tournaments are the one place you won't ever find greytide though, nogames-kun. Unlike everywhere else, where it seems not only the norm but the overwhelming majority
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Ah. My fingers are covered in super glue, but my sharks all have fresh base magnets for storage. I can't wait for this weekend, so many new things to try out. I probably won't have any actual Pariah Nexus experience unless I can squeeze in a prep game on Friday, so I've just been left headsimming with the new tricks we have available to us.

I'm considering running my Callidus a little more aggressively when she's not doing actions. I figure I can deepstrike her 12" away behind a wall from something my lancers or thundersharks want to kill. The opponent would need 2CP to overwatch her, and would need to pay the tax for any defensive stratagems to protect themselves from me. Might not be the best use of her, but I want to experiment with that 26" bubble of "fuck you".
You've never been to a tournament if you think people aren't showing up with grey armies or 3 colour minimum armies
>I'm the size of an average Private.
Neat. Relatable. Also.
>Roughly fifteen feet tall.
Alright, thats big.
The autism is starting to turn. Help. I'm going to. Do something retarded.
I can't say I would ever want a sprue grey coloured army but I'm glad you like your dudes anon. It's nice seeing heavy kitbashing in anyone's army
You're gonna chop off your legs and hop in a mecha wheelchair?
3 color isn't even a thing anymore little buddy. But no, they're not. Greytide is a DQ outside some rinky sink RTTs
At least you have your daughter. I've heard children give meaning to the latter half of your life, and while I'm not quite there yet in terms of age, as a father myself I can definitely see it coming.

In terms of fluff I love terminators, it's nice to imagine a brick of top notch soldiers teleporting in and wrecking shit.
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Thunderwolf Cavalry got off easy from the balance patch, 200pts per 6 is a steal for what they do on the board. They can't double up on Ride Hard, Ride Fast anymore, but you CAN use the captain's CP reduction ability on Full Throttle now to launch his unit 21+2d6" across the board turn 1.

The final result will be a little brighter, edge highlighting with dawnstone and administratum grey. This is just to get them to a tournament, but I totally get you.
>inside of the wings
Yes, it's easy to magnetise them there
Thanks. I didn't put on the wings yet to potentially drill holes there
I'm digging your basing.
That looks very nice.
They do have a 4+ invuln, their problem is no 2+ save. You can add an imagifier for the 2+ save but you waste the 4+ invuln bonus then.
I love the detail and dynamic poses of the new possessed models. Also the fact you can kitbash/modify them easily is such a nice thing. In regards to your wife, fuck her. Women come and go, just do your best raising your daughter. If you're close to your mother I'd say ask her to be in your life more so that she can have a positive and present female presence. Don't neglect her anon and give her all the love and support your wife decided to not give her.
Worst, I'm going to imagine a hypothetical scenario where a Dreadnaught encounters and converses with a Clan Centaur Protomech.
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Thanks, I do the same style for my tyranids, but I wasn't sure if the sprue crystals would add or detract from the flying models. Looking back on it I probably should have kept it in for more color, but oh well.
Fellow firstborners, how do you deal with the need for innovation and growth?
>Metal models era
>People complain constantly about the weight
>Fast forward to current day
>Everything is plastic now, no more heavy models
>People cover their models' bases in magnets and line their carrying cases with sheets of metal
>Making carrying around your army heavy as fuck yet again
I don't understand you people.
They have a 5++
10 pounds is heavy to you?
Every generation is smarter and stronger than the previous one, old man.
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Are there any Salamanders here?
>We made ammunition lighter with composite-polymers!
>Great, now soldiers can carry twice the ammo
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Magnets are light, dude. I'm just not paying for a custom battlefoam carrying case that won't really fit my custom army with lots of spikey bits when I can build one out of plywood and cookie trays in my garage.
I play a couple space marine chapters, salamanders is one of them
Did you buy a load of sharks from some kids store?
No, I still own and play with metal models. It just baffles me to see the very same people who complained about metal models being too heavy now complain about their carrying case being too heavy after they covered everything in magnets and sheet metal.

Kids these days don't even know how to make an excel spread sheet.
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no :)
Do you struggle when lifting bags of potatoes or rice? If so then you were probably going to have issues no matter what
nobody complained about metal models being heavy
they complained about them being awful to assemble or kitbash and even worse to paint
>Kids these days don't even know how to make an excel spread sheet.
I'll just make ChatGPT do it for me and blame my tax audit on the hallucinations
I have a few Sally helms and shoulder pads as trophies and a dead Sally or two on bases.
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Nah, just for Tyberos because an oversized terminator surfing a two-headed shark with rockets strapped to it is fuckin rad.

The chaplain is an Akhelian Allopex from AoS.

All the others are printed. The TWC are mostly Wai Toa Shark Riders from Atlan Forge with some custom bits like the shields
The reasons people complained about metal models being heavy is they would fall over on inclines and uneven terrain, it wasn't because they struggled to lift 7 lbs of models
fucking love these cunts and how they make everyone seethe
Context: I am building a Redemptor Dreadnought.
I fucking hate the Redemptor Dread kit and this is coming from a guy who enjoyed building a drop pod and put hinges on his Rhino, magnetizes all the kits he owns. Yes even the Skitarii and fire warriors. Fuck this, what moron designed this kit. I get it, its a cool kit, and its hard to design an articulated model but come on. The bottom diaper plate won't close properly and one the chest mounted bolter/missle domes wont stay in their socket with friction alone. I hate having to hold my models together with double sided tape, even when I filled the hatch-hole of my Baal Predator they still fell out. I magnetized the Baal btw, and the bolter or missile can swivel up and down. One good thing about the Redemptor is that I won't have to recast part 68. You get 2 with the kit so you can build both the plasma and the chain gun (onslaught avenger gatling cannon, iirc) that doesn't matter because I cant get the tubes of the chain gun to fit inside the hole, I've scarped at it and filed it yes. Fuck this kit and fuck it. It reminds me that one time I was chasing this bald asshole it back armour but my desk and my keyboard look like FUCKIGN HORUS. WhY is THERE A hORTUS SHAPED HORUS ON MY HORUS, THERE ARE HORUS PLANKS ON THE FLOOR EACH PLANK IS MADE OUT OF TINY hORUSES.AND FUCK CAWL FOR MISSING THE POINT
That's sick as hell
A lot better than Grimnar and the Sled.
Didn’t they get a nerf with non-round base pivot costs though? One of your dudes is on an oval
I get flak from a local guy that my Tyberos isn't the right size for Logan on Stormrider. The wolves and sled overhang the front and rear of his base a bit, and my Tyberos is pretty much exactly the length of the large oval base. But fuck em, he's just jealous he doesn't have a space shark surfing a space shark
Yeah just for him though, everything else in my army is on a round base. I was already paying for rotating his fat ass multiple times around ruins before, now it just means that I only pay the cost once.
I think that's a tad too goofy and flanderizes their image but you do you, at least you painted them well
The only thing I'd as is frickin lazors to the sharks' heads.
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I never really leave.
Just a reminder the guy in the pic died in a knife fight with an even bigger literal who white scar succesor.
How’s the piss armour coming?
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>>Sharr stood and the delegation began to leave, Atea with them. As he turned away from the Red Wake, movement caught his eye – something beyond the armourglass had stirred. For a moment, he thought he saw a shape in the dark waters, something almost unfathomably vast passing by the edge of the tank. An instant of pallid flesh and a soundless, dreadful ripple and it was gone again, receding into the gloom of its aquatic world.
-Outer Dark

Carcharodons have pet sharks, it's not unreasonable to think they wouldn't ride them like space wolves ride thunderwolves.
Look closer at
They have plasma talons on their heads to be ravenwing black knights or outriders if I want them to be
You make whatever dumb shit you want anon but don't for a second try to justify it
It mostly slightly triggers my autism in terms of size of the mount and protection. Space marines riding animal mounts is one thing, but when the mount is less armoured than the rider and probably not much bigger by mass it's a bit odd. Like, for a more exaggerated example proportionally it would be similar to an old boxnaught riding a carnosaur. Surely carnosaur is bigger, but there is disparity in density of material which both are made of.
I do have a similar issue with thunderwolf cavalry, I just wish their wolves were bigger and more armoured.
Miral Land Sharks
things like thunderwolves and other home world specific weirdness would probably work better if they were non marine auxiliaries, kind of like what jackals are to world eaters.
If I showed up for a game and you told me that was your CSM character I'd tell you to fuck off and leave. Don't bring your AoS shit to 40k.
>REEEEE someone isn't conforming to Game's Workshop's official box art and is having fun!
Have you ever thought of using hot glue or something like that to stick big strands of gore behind those halves?
Do you just glue the magnets to the end of the clear rods? Did you buy these as a kit or make them yourself?

Plz show off your storage solution too, you mentioned it at the end of the last thread.
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Make Salamanders cool again.
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I thought about using these shork riders like that, but I went with atlan forge instead, it was just easier to get marine riders to fit properly.
I did but I’m terrified of fucking it up
see >>93165736
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Just make your own dudes who happen to be related.
I was asking a genuine question. There an MM guy where with some nice minis, including a bladeguard cleaning his sword with a Lamenter company banner.
Yeah how ya do the bases?
It'd be funny if Tyberos was an ogryn that somehow didn't reject the geneseed and became EVEN bigger, and just doesn't talk so people don't realise how ogryn-tier stupid he is
>there is disparity in density of material which both are made of.
The marine is meaty as well, but he is girded in ceramite. If the mount wore power armour, that'd be nice too.
It would also be a bike lol
Make them cool yourself anon.
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I glue sand to a base for texture, paint the sand to the color of water I want, scrape on a layer of vallejo transparent water effects or this stuff from woodland scenics, wait for it to dry, then sculpt the waves with the same stuff. After it hardens I paint and drybrush the crests and wakes with vallejo foam and snow.
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This is about GW caring about their factions. I don't need more power armor in my personal life.
Up to my fucking knees
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They never stopped being cool.
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How do you fuck up your faction's aesthetic this bad? How do you go from creepy ass hellraiser to this?
Says you, salaryman
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The Haemonculus isn't the worst one. But all of the newest Dark Eldar characters are a downgrade from the 5th edition ones.
Maybe not Drazhar.
Definitely Lelith though.
Tick tock, last decent combat patrol box. Your time is almost up.
Succubus is better.
the new tau box is great as an army starter
It's not the best discount however.
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Hope another subfaction gets the spotlight again. Really don't need more kabalites.
Though obviously it will suck being a modern box.
What’s the chance of land raiders getting shelved since they’re tracked vehicles?
It definitely is the least offensive update, but I call it more of a sidegrade. The pose is much better but the face and stomach lost some definition and the trophy rack got worse. The new pose also makes it less kitbashable with the rest of the DE line, which was a nice hidden feature of all their infantry models, and comes with now weapon or helmet options of its own. Also if you have never put the new model together it has a couple small armor plates that are a bitch to get positioned right
>paying to play against cheaters
I don't think the land raider is going anywhere unless there is suddenly a new Primaris equivalent. It's too iconic and still serves a function no other vehicle does.
Let's be honest the loss of detail makes female GW minis look better
What fucks with me looking at this image is the mix of primaris armor panels and firstborn. Bikes primaris outrider bike, the marines standing around it (And everywhere else) have mk x chestplace or atleast the abplate, and the rest of their shit is terminator shoulders broke ass looking mk6 legs, mk 10 arms, and a lot of gay other shit. I hate this image, and I hate space marines.
sternguard vets
I like elite shooty guys and their special bolter ammo. also like bolters in general
Please GW just give me a Haemonculus Covens box.
You always push that the army is made of three equal parts but then only Kabals and Wych Cults ever get any focus or box sets. They're always third place among "equals".
They are starting to feel like the Bonesplitterz of the faction and we just saw how that ended for the Orks in Age of Sigmar.
Why are people so anal about 3rd part proxies
Yeah, I just worried since I’m running adrax and six blade guard vets, and I’m trying to scale up my army to 2000 points and use that assault ramp. I didn’t want to buy a unit that loses rules support in 5 years. It’s why I’m staying away from all the resin, including Vulkan He’Stan
I agree but let's be honest most of the appeal are the kaballites. The others are fun extras but we all know who the headliners are,
I mean they need to primarisize everything so I can see it happening.
That's fine. I still love you, anon. What army do you play?
problem with that is other factions use similar vehicles
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I had a conversation with an anon here 11+ years ago. He was unreasonably angry that I had printed, cut out, and glued pictures of 40K models to cardboard so I could use them as proxies in games.

I assume it has something to do with that.
And? Who cares it's space marines bb.
the scale will look off if its resized
Explain “screening” as a concept, like I’m 5.
The long and short of it is, GW dictates terms. They say it is not 40k if you are not playing with 100% GW plastic and a certain level of that mindset trickles down to the player base.
Now do Tyberos the red wake
If you put a cheap unit in front of an expensive scary unit, they have to go through them or around them, both of which slow them down.
So what unit should I use to screen if I’m space marines? Scouts?
>they often look bad
>Warhammer has a very particular style and 3rd party never looks right
>proponents are often extremely obnoxious about it, especially printfags
This is a good point. Even if they get a premaris landrader, They will never stop selling the original one because they still have to sell it for chaos and all of their cult legions. And if you have to sell a model that would fit for Space Marines, you might as well get the 40% of the player base that collects Space Marines to buy one too
Space Marines don't need screening, it's for armies with less versatile units
Models that get too close to looking exactly like GW style usually get the cease and desist hammer If they are being sold on a web storefront. I know Artel W has had to remove a few specific models because they were too close to the 40K aesthetic of what they were proxying
Scouts are good and cheap, but they're also useful for scoring so it's matchup dependent. I wouldn't use scouts to screen against tyranids, but I WOULD use them to screen against world eaters.

Generally speaking any unit that can be placed ahead of, or can be tankier than, the squishier important units behind them is a screening unit.

Things like bladeguard with a judiciar for fights first are a good screen against melee armies, infiltrators have a feel no pain baked in for durability and stop enemies from deepstriking within 12" of them. Terminator bricks or thunderwolf cavalry can build a wall between your half of the board and theirs, forcing the opponent to deal with your durable or scary units and ignoring the rest of your army.
Something about the idea of marines using scouts as cannon fodder is just funny to me
Too bad. Horus Heresy is going to cover The Scouring and bring about a range refresh on Mk7 power armour. They will continue to hemorrhage power armour at you.
This is bait. If you aren’t specialized to be good at something, then you’re bad. This has been the crux of marine weakness. You run skew with a tilt towards either shooting or melee, but you need to avoid whichever one you didn’t build for. If not your opponent will roll you up like a power armoured blunt.

This guy has the right of it.
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By placing 20 guardsmen around my tank, the terminators have to spend 1 turn engaging the guardsmen in combat before they have a chance to engage my tank.

I am using 120 points of infantry to keep a 200 point model safe from 185 points my opponent has all the while forcing those 185 points into a less that ideal position and engagement.
This is >>93166358 right though that SM generally don't need screening in the same sense.
infiltrators are good
I played a very similar list against green tide and did very well with it. I will say that if you can sneak in the watch master he does go crazy on a big unit of veterans.

You have correctly identified Agressors w/ Captain and free bolt stratagems as the only good thing Deathwatch has. Well, that and their "double oath of moment" enhancement has the old oath of moment rules so you can absolutely explode one thing with your agressors.
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My brothers birthday is coming up. I want to get him some paints to hopefully motivate him to paint and also because more models would just overwhelm him. What should I get him? He paints orks. He doesn’t have many contrast paints. I can more or less filter out what he already owns if you guys have any suggestions.

I was thinking snakebite leather and brass scorpion since they’re some of my favs. Berserker blood shade too.
judge, judge, my opponent is breaking unit coherency for an explicit advantage, DQ HIM NOW
GW fans are often funko pop tier brand cultists, warhammer is only warhammer if a big Citadel logo is on the box. I use plenty of 3d prints and not once has anyone at my store noticed, not the red shirt or any of the disgusting autists who hate that sort of thing. Just lie, nobody will care
If anyone notices I pretend to get pissed off about it and say I bought them on Ebay, "I must have got scammed."
The only thing he is missing is the two models close together at the ends to form a dogbone so everything is within 2" of two other models. Other than that this is a perfectly legal way to form a human shield for stalling tactics. This is a very common moveblocking/screening technique.
Good ones are few and far between. A lot of stl sculptors love to greeble the everloving shit out of their stuff
Another good one is “I left it in the car when it was hot once must’ve lost some detail”. Not that you ever need to, nobody cares about things unless you say the right trigger words to activate their social media conditioning
>Hmmm, this Tyberos proxy is a little too recognisable
In the fluff do all Word Bearers worship chaos undivided or are there god-specific worshipers among them? If yes do they get along or do chaos undivided guys have to mediate between say a Khorne Word Bearer and a Slaneesh Word Bearer for example?
This is why termies have storm bolters to pewpew the screens away so they can charge their desired target.
I think its kinda cool that slaanesh possesed a word bearer and gave him a free power up just for being a mediator or something. Dude probably does have aids now tho.
Where was this confirmed?
That'll kill about 6 on average (slightly less), and your opponent won't remove the ones in your way.
It's a good thing I can spend 1 CP (or none if I haven't used my Rites of Battle that turn) to get a 6-inch consolidate.
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How is 10.5 edition anons?
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I'm starting to worry that the Emperor's Children army box won't drop this November
Most people haven't even played a game or more than 1 at this point.
my terminators can jump
No codex, I no play.
I have not even played a single game of 10th
is it any good
I haven't played it, but it sucks
>Emperor's Children army box
Bless your heart.
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Metamorph rules are a mystery.
Knight Abominant

I saw defeat on a mans face when it restored half it's wounds when it just had 2 left.
Won't come until after the Ynnari vs EC starter box
He asked for a very basic understanding of it you pedantic retrobate.
Is anvil siege force any good? Very few units outside gravis suits have heavy weapons. None of the vehicles have heavy weapons either so you really can’t take advantage of the +1 to wound
>Has to choose between 10d6 torrent overwatch, surging flat 6", or regenerating d3 (or 3) models a turn.

Man that's rough
I find it extremely funny that no one saw the 20 model rule for points would be an issue.
Making the cards useless before they even arrived at their destination
what kind of idiot buys GW paper.
Infiltrators bridge the weird gap in that detachment where you want to move to get to firing lanes or objectives and wanting to gain the benefits of your detachment.

They shoot 2 shots apiece at full range with heavy, deny deepstrikes 12" out, and have a feel no pain. 10 guys and a librarian for lone op is fun. Not the best, but fun.
I JUST realized that damn. totally forgot the icon replaces the pistol and not the melee weapon.
What a weird rule, as characters also interfere with it uness it's an iconward.
It should be "no characters have a hand flamer"
Is not like GSC characters can have a hand flamer. They have no pistol, autopistol or needle pistol.
Locus that grants fight first does not have a pistol. On a side note for some reason Locus can go with Neophytes, Acolytes and Metamorphs. You can attach him while a Magus, Primus or Iconward is leading the unit. Unless it is a metamorph unit.
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So few?
>Brother Batzorig, are you seeing this shit?
Necrons are the good guys
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The entire codex has a lot of questionable things
Another strange one is bikes. Why the fuck are melee weapons this restrictive, is not like anyone can tell which one from the kit is what. Hell GW can't tell the difference between an autogun and shotgun or a drill and saw.
That's like the direct opposite of truth.
Typical secondaris.
Almost as cringe as firstborn.
5 Termies withing Rapid Fire range with their Storm Bolters shoot 20 shots. 13.32 hits on a 3+. 8.79 wounds on a 3+. 5.84 unsaved wounds with a 5+ save.
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Put a little clear gloss varnish on the inside. Itll stay on. Its a trick they use on gunpla for loose bits

Heres mine
In the realm of video games, would you guys pick up an Epic-Adventure spanning RPG regarding the Emperor of Mankind's rise, the subsequent wars, all culminating in the climactic conclusion battling against Horus the Heretic?
It's more than likely that the GSC codex was written during the brief moment that they were nearly Eldar levels of bullshit overpowered, so James just had the retard that wrote the AdMech codex do their codex too. A lot of shit just feels unnecessarily nerfed, changed for no real reason, and/or not even ran past an editor.
at the very least it keeps the unit "cheap" while making damage not lower your output that much
At least you arent asking for a realistic milsim.
I despise things that remove the mystery of the setting, so no.
It happens i got divorced by mine and i didnt get the kids. Be glad you are around your daughter instead of her being with her "mother". You can be the most positive influence on her life

My favorite kit are the new khorne berzerkers. No monopose bs and they have dynamic sculpts.
CSM ones still mog the zerkers.
Me and angron
I had an opponent quit when he came back for the second time
based retard
No. Give me more "small scale" conflicts that are very important to the people involved in them but ultimately mostly inconsequential for the 40K universe.
Legionaires or chosen?
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Man, if it didn't come until May next year that would break my heart. I don't want to wait that long!
Democharges specially. Without the 3" Deepstrike and other bonus, there is little need to reduce their output.
The new character is just silly now, it can kill herself when shooting due to the changes of hazardous, oh and 80 points for 1 lascanon or 2 lascanon that can kill the model is not great. Hell her buff is nothing burger with the lower fireright of neophytes and acolytes.
Index GSC might find a use for the character, but codex GSC? is way too expensive. Mother fucker is more expensive than the Abominant
Not in the least. This is the Emperor of Mankind: Nothing realistic about it. Something with... The Legacy of Kain level of dialogue, the ability to mix and mash combat like Fable, plenty of shooting, melee, psychic magical combat, that sort.
Fair enough.
>Go into LGS
>Walk over to where terminator suits are to pick them up
>Some guys playing at a table near me look over and say hi
>start shooting the shit while they roll
>Ask what I’m here to get
>Say I’m here to pick up 10 terminators since I just got my check and couldn’t come over the weekend
>“Don’t get terminators”
>”Bad value for points. Not a good elite infantry. Get Sternguard”
Is he bullshitting or just WAACfagging?
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Trajann Valoris.
>Rampager charges squad, murders three guard
>Trajann slaps back with 24 wounds
90 points for 5? Rough Rider are 60 for 5. I'm not sure where the extra 30 points come from
Hes right. Termies are expensive for a unit that does zero ranged damage and middling melee. Smart players will ignore them and they become a waste of points

Hell theyre shit in CSM and worldeaters too
The necrons havent done anything to fuck over the galaxy and actively work to overthrow evil gods
Ignore them. Termies are cooler than sternguard, which means they are objectively better.
sternguard more like sterngay amirite

He'd be the smartest Ogryn around if he had thoughts like that.
Fuck off retard.
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ork bros, what detachment are you running and more importantly, are you having FUN?
Okay, what should I pick instead?

Look, I’m all for rule of cool but it’s 62.50 for a box of 5 since I live in America. If they’re not worth it I’m not picking them.
Yeah Terminators are expensive but they just need to used right.
I got my Orks ancient F-14s.
>the cybertruck is expensive but it just needs to be used right
i've been on the fuck custodes bandwagon ever since trajann on his own straight up deleted my baneblade that i'd just spent two weeks painting
What you think looks the coolest but them the gameplay facts i still run terminators
>The Cybertruck is expensive but it just needs to be used right
Everything has a use.
The Cybertrucks is for a demolishion derby.
Anon, unless you're playing balls to the wall competitive games, fielding a cool but "suboptimal" unit isn't gonna lose you a game. Get the termies and post pics when you paint them.
It feels like it would be good on paper. I've tried it a couple of times to moderate success. Intercessor bolt rifles, Heavy Intercessor heavy bolt rifles, and Hellblasters plasma incinerators, are all Heavy. Not to mention Devastator Squads.
are custodes good now
>waac anons
>straight up insufferable to be around

what happened to having fun?
fun in tenth is impossible, the only goal here is to win.
Vaguely reminds me of Strong's milk armor.
If I were to theoretically start collecting Iron Warriors where should I start?
Sitting out 10th for now due to backlog and PTSD from going to last year's Tacoma Open with Votann.

Will probably run the Snagga detachment or Speed Freeks once I get around to finishing up my orks.
Horus heresy.
They're still pretty bad if you don't want half your army to be forge world models. If you do then they're pretty middle of the pack.
I just looked at the HH Perty model and I hate it.
getting a sense of taste and picking a non-undecided legion
Does anyone have an invite code to battleandbuild40k. I am asking for myself.
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I'm quite fond of BA. I like their aesthetic and their fluff for the most part. I even named my guinea pig Sanguinius back when I was a kid. Was kinda annoying to say so it became Sanny for short.
They lack firepower, which is why you need to buy the grav tank from forgeworld if you want to git gud.
Other than that, they are still godlike in melee.
Technically the hand flamers still get the cult icon as it says replace "any" instead of "all". So you replace nine pistols with hand flamers and one pistol with an icon.

You first need to decide if you wanna go full chaos with spikes and daemon engines or lean into the OG heresy look with MKIII and heresy era tanks.

These are your only choices, you have no other options to play IW.
All the monogod legions are gay.
Regular terminators have always been mediocre at shooting. But think about it, which is scarier a storm bolter or a power fist? They are more a melee unit than a shooting unit but really they are for staying around and not dying with their 2+ save and their 4+ invulnerable.
Leaning towards Chaos/Vashtorr alliance.
You put terminators in a land raider and smash them into your opponent's squishy bussy. RIP old combiweapons
I would refute this if Bloodpact were in the game.
Blood pact are mortals and are not a legion.
literally all of them other than the squatted one are superior to any undecided cuck legions
Monogod cultists can be cool, the legions are all gay.
aggressors are better
Slaanesh is maximum gay, but Nurgle is infamously straight.
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I’ve had two so far, fixed objectives doesn’t seem to pay out as well anymore, not having battleline hurts but isn’t totally crippling. Wolf jail is still alive and well, Orks got absolutely blasted but can still throw down.

I miss free stratagems deeply. Also I didn’t realize how murderfang’s activation thing worked and he managed to chain kill 3 units. Terrain placement is a huge factor and feels like even more so with the new pivot rules. It’s fun slamming a repulsor 14 inches around 2 corners.
*Have better damage output.
Aggressors die a fair bit easier though. Especially to ap-1 d3 like autocannons.
I've never played 40k before, is a Leviathan box from Ebay a good way to get started?

Or are there more cost efficient ways of getting space marines to start.
Aggressors have no damage output and no mobility, why field them?
Nurgle is straight but the Death Guard and especially Morty are gay as fuck.
Go back in time to 2015 and buy the Start Collecting box.
Mortarion isn't gay, he's ace. Has been ever since his dick rotted off.
But I thought it was proper Nurgle to defile everyone and accept defilement from everyone.
No, proper Nurgle is infesting half your population with parasites using the other half.
What app are you using there to keep track of score?
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>Favorite unit
Has to be Boyz. Basic answer but nothing beats a shitload of Orks in your opponent's face. Close second would be meganobz because I absolutely love the blocky look of mega armor.

Got some more work done on the big mek. The green was too dark so I actually went back and redid my midtone for once. I think it turned out alright. Almost done with him now.
But that means there are people who aren't infested. Why not everyone?
Nurgle's mpreg fanfic collection is admittedly quite extensive.
Nice retros. I’m getting my hands on ten of those terminators with sergeants and two heavy flamers.
This. They took away all our options all we can do is try to win man. Its fucked out here i cant even use wyches
I am now sad because I've never seen a Nurgle champion who realized someone else is better than him, and thus decides he needs to be defiled by his better. How many Nurgle followers want more disease or try to accumulate poxes?
>defilers are shit
>chaos terms are shit
>legionaires are now shit (again)
>vindicator is shit
>winged demon prince is shit
>trashtor is trash

Boss.. i dont want to play chaos lords with chosen in rhino no more
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They nerfed my army
Good news, chosen are trash.
(I play csm)
tbf you deserve to move over to horus heresy
They exist in the 40k setting, theyre guarding the throne
NTA, does CSM have anything good now? I was really looking forward to playing more often now that work has died down a bit
Yeah so they should stay in their little goon cave and not try to interact with the normals.
Cultist spam is back baby!
The pirate option with assault is cool too
So is the alpha legion one
Properly used, Helbrutes are great.
I think about using Balthasar Gold to mark veterans for my space marines. Is that a good idea?
Mark in what way?
world eaters did this with their helmets before the heresy
He's going to mark them with a golden shower.
Tabletop battles. Goonhammer runs it. It’s free on apple stor.
At times I wonder how Orks in mega armor poop.

some of the heresy boxes give you a a better deal on models.

for example, the heresy assault marines come in a box of 10 and cost only $10 more than 40k's box of 5
Aggressors good
Aggressors bad

The duality of man.
somehow look worse than the jumppack intercessors
Aggressors are better than terminators broadly, but for a different purpose. 6 aggressors and a captain in a land raider can flip a lot of shit, but a c’tan is just gonna giggle while they boil.
It also comes with a ton of extra bits and shit. Including 10 storm shields.
>some of the heresy boxes give you a a better deal on models.
Those look like shit still just like the jump pack primaris (mainly the shitty poses and tactical rocks)

Unironically just buy a box of standard assault ints and just slap a jump pack on those.
You instantly get better looking jump pack marines.

Only need to source the jump packs from somewhere or just make your own versions.
I mean the regular assault marine kit comes with tactical rocks/rubble too
How good is it to tun both gravis marines and terminators?
Imo that'd be pretty cool and thematic.
I'm a single dad too bro. I've been at it for a decade, I don't wish it on anyone, but it suits me fine. I'll pray for you. As for favorite unit.... I'm a huge fan of Flash Gitz and Mega Nobz with the Big Mek, they just have so much flavor. I'd post you a picture of them, but they are in progress.
Terminators just really aren’t worth the cost I’m sorry man. The extra survivability isn’t really all THAT helpful. You can absolutely run them together but don’t expect them to be crazy.
Nice bro, the big head turner at my shop are my Doomstalkers.
Thats the neat part -they don't.
So sick my man.
I run the basic detachment because I have a little of evening. I've been getting a lot of wins and having a ton of fun. Last game I had was vs Necron, they almost tabled me, but with my brutal cunning, I was able to squeak out a win on points. Btw, I'm saving that picture.
I'll probably go for the AL or Corsairs detachments then. I really don't want to haul a ton of cultists around again

How so?
>nta but i gotta see the flash gitz
I saw someone bring those pyramid things and doomstalkers
I had to go look
This user is underage.
So Orks are basically mushrooms. Why hasn't the Imperium or Tau or whomever just made a very potent fungicide?
>no damage
I’ve done some good damage with flamestorm squad
>no mobility
They got semi buffed there with the increase to Repulsor capacity
Have you fucking seen the places fungi grows here? You can't just make a fungicide for something that can rapidly evolve to eat plastic, use gamma radiation as part of its metabolism, or grows on the outside of a space station.
All an Ork has to do is think 'Dat don't 'urt me none' and then Ork psychic manifestation makes it so.
Me but photos aren't posting.
I'm trying to get my friend who is a professional artist to paint them so they are just primed. And my mega Nobz only have their contrast on the armor. I'm going bad moons :)
It's called a virus bomb.
Armies that require ZERO braincells to play?
Armies that need a PHD to play
world eaters
world eaters
world eaters
Worldeaters and necrons
Ork boys spam
Drukhari and GSC
Ironically, the big bad Repentia bomb everyone is prepared to cry about can't pick up a Terminator squad, so I'm sure that's something.
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I fucking hate 3dprints so much
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I want more terminators.
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Good luck tomorrow /40kg/.
Lord knows I’ll need some myself.

These little shits are almost done. Just gotta highlight them and do some freehand now.
3d print them
Hey guise I just got back into the game from secon- WHAT IN THE HOLY HELL HAS HAPPENED?!
No thanks.
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Based now i dont have to post disturbed for 30 post-Get up, come on get down with the PRIMARCH
Get up, come on get down with the primarch
Get up, come on get down with the primarch
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me
Get up, come on get down with the primarch
You heretic get up come on get down with the primarch
You fucker get up come on get down with the primarch
Madness is the gift, that has been given to me
sorry to hear you're poor
I fucking love 3d prints so much.
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Im a big dick business owner and i have 8 gw approved armies, all 2000pts
What army would they play? What killteam?
Night Lords, because they need to be edgy
In spanish bolt revolvers are called "Reboltvers"
sovl? or cringe?

vengeful one with corvus turning into a sentient cloud of birds in the warp blaring in the background
Primaris blood angels sucsessors, my dudes guard, thousand sons, sometimes knights
Anons if you lost your whole collection and were going to restart, what army would it be?
Probably Votann. I'm working on them as a second army right now and they're fun to paint.
I'd probably collect a traitor guard csm army but with mostly third party proxies.
In Spanish a boltgun is called "requiem". Now that's fucking sovl.
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Love this little guy like you wouldn't believe. Such a fun model to paint.. will get around to filling that gap eventually but I got a lot on my plate atm.

Chaos Knights probably. They're going to end up being a 3rd army for me at this rate anyway.
did you use superglue or plastic glue?
for future models you can get rid of the gap on the plasma (?) gun by putting a lot of it in the gap and pressing hard with your fingers. then when it dries use your hobby knife to shave away the excess

You could also do it with sprue glue

It looks great though, i love the glow on the body and in the eye
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Yeah I filled the gap that would've been along middle of the back... leg? but just missed the melta gap until it was primed.. and then I just wanted to paint it lmao. Will just fill in with milliput and paint over to fix tomorrow.
Based and gapfill pilled
>2014 niggas be like
If you actually played this game you'd be used to it by now
Video games are for fags and children
no that would be playing with plastic army men and making pretend war on a board game table
Plastic army men's and a full table cost too much for it to be for anyone under the age of 25
Except GWs main customers are mothers buying toys for their kids.
Noone is using superglue on plastic shit
>double oath of moment
What do you mean?
You know when you grow up you'll be able to buy your own buzz lightyears and eat chicken tendies every day but it sounds like that's a ways off for you anon
get clamping tweezers and clamp the model for 30s after gluing. I've left sketchy connections clamped overnight.
wont it slip? or drift over time
where do you find tweezers without the teeth? those look like they'd scuff the plastic up
It's the truth. Peachy went into it on the painting phase podcast. Vast majority of GW's business is first time purchases by mothers for their children. This is why they sell a moldline remover and not a vastly superior hobby knife - a child in UK can't buy anything knife-like.
a bit of silicone or rubber over the tip, if it's an issue. usually it isn't. there are cross-lock tweezers on amazon which look like they have no teeth, but they ought to be just deep enough to hold without scuffing
Uh oh everyone, he's regurgitating his favourite youtuber again
>taking a table top game so seriously you pay to attend tournaments

lol, lmao even
>man on the painting team
>talking about sales figures
>believing he knows what he's talking about
This is like listening to the Disney princesses at Disney land for insider stock trade info
You don't actually want 3 inches between your shit, you want 4.001 inches, or 4.001 inches minus base size of your screen
He was a manager on the media team as well.
Tournaments are a fun time my guy
So he wrangled the youtube and warcom goblins, and ran the social media pages? Which one of those involve any sort of transferring of wealth from the customer to the company
>anytime you do anything that puts the opponent at a disadvantage they immediately cry for a judgement to see if they can catch you cheating
Not really that common of an occurrence at all, but sure if you want to call a judge over on your time that's fine. 99% of the games I play at events never involve one at all though
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Generally a good idea to know what enhancements your army has when you play it. Because it uses the words "reroll hit and wound" roll the second target you designate is essentially the unnerfed oath. So technically deathwatch have the old unnerfed oath once per game.
Ah, you meant the relic. I was wondering if there was a stratagem or a rule I had missed. Thanks.
That's a MkV Castraferrum.
ok retard
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Arethere any conspiracy theories in 40k?
>only retards get things right
No problem, we need to get what we can with the state we are in!
are there any instances of Mortals riding Juggernauts, or is that only reserved for Marines and demons? Actually, how the fuck does a Marine get a juggernaut, does khorne just pop one up out of nowhere for them?
literally ten billion, but the most recent I can think of is that the reason they put a paragraph in about female custodes in the last codex for custards is because they wanted to force henry cavill to make his show woke and have a tranny custodes as a main character.
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Yeah and Alpharius started them all
>does khorne just pop one up out of nowhere for them?

yes. its a blessing bestowed on them by khorne
Thanks, I like the reliquary.
I think there's some R34 of Kitty Pryde riding him somewhere
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100% unironically, how can I best STEAL miniatures from GW?
Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40-watt range
monitor your LGS
check their area's garbage disposal times
a few hours or so before the truck arrives, go dumpster diving
depending on the store, they've likely dumped a lot of older boxes or books that don't sell
>order set off amazon (this is important, cause they accept return items no questions asked because they get literally millions daily)
>open it
>take out the content
>fill it up with something roughly the same weight
>send it back to get your money back
literally that easy
What would you say is the best overall melee unit in the game right now?
My dick.
Post pics
Haven't played in 6 months bros
My mountain of minis is literally just collecting dust
Having a full-time job + long commute fucking sucks
Blue board. Just imagine a baby arm holding an apple.
one of the versions I've heard was that femstodes was a concession so that space marines would be left alone
Sounds like cope to me.
Do you have access to a firearm?
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Rods are from magnet baron, they have a lot of clear acrylic rods and magnets for flight stands. Most of the actual models are prints using the Atlan Forge Wai Toa Shark Riders.

This is my case.

My case is a plywood box with slots channeled out to hold cookie trays that magnets can stick to. I have a dozen of them at home I use to hold my armies, I just slot in the army I'm playing that day and head out. There's a cover panel that holds it all inside.
Imagine feeling the urge to steal actual toys lmao, you're at peak loser status anon
You should lightly drybrush your texture paste with a bone colour to keep it from looking like your dudes are trudging through brownie batter
This is so schizo to think high level tv executives care enough about 40k to know that custodes were male only. If anything the most likely cause is a social media manager just making posts with zero effort to stir the pot and force engagement to make his numbers look good
None buys them anyway
Femstodes are in the codex, anon.
Tournaments are the most no fun allowed part of the hobby. They only exist as a means to get elitist waacfags to buy new armies twice to three times an edition because they simply can't cope with running a list that isn't totally meta breaking. Normalfags run the stuff they think looks cool or have fun piloting which is the actual intent/true spirit of the hobby. If tournaments were how the game was intended to be played the most common answer to "what should I get as my first army?" wouldn't always be "buy the models you want to paint and think look the coolest"
>If anything the most likely cause is a social media manager just making posts
Social media posts came out after femstodes were introduced in codex, not before
40k tournament are not fun, id rather try out an aos or old tournamnet before I fuck with WAAC fags in tis scene.
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>go to a tourney during the 8th ed days
>advertised as a "casual" thing the local community has thrown together to hang out
>multiple people run plaguebearer conga lines, loyal 32 with knights
>get absolutely dumpstered
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Here's how I'd make the astra militarum release the most james workshop knob polishing amazing release ever
New Krieg leaders (marshal & krieg command) & 20 Korpsmen backed by a new APC (taurox is cringe) and a Rogal Dorn with Krieg upgrade sprue
>Combat Patrol
Like the old one but replace FOB and Sentinel with new APC, castellan, and barbed wire (new Guard terrain)
Tank Detachment
Guardsmen horde Detachment
Krieg Detachment
Suppressive Fire Detachment
Index Detachment
It's very much going to depend on which events you attend, but your entire post is pretty much peak stereotype of what I'd expect someone who is only parroting shit he heard secondhand to say
Clinical depression and awful paintjob.
>the most common answer to "what should I get as my first army?" wouldn't always be "buy the models you want to paint and think look the coolest"
Its a common answer and it's also fucking retarded and terrible advice, which is why you guys repeat it constantly
Care to elaborate why you think so?
Wow you're kind of a fag. People SHOULD focus on what they like, at the end of the day people shouldnt focus on the meta because the game at its core is boring as fuck after 4 tries (if that) and rules will always change.
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Because it leads to people being dozens of hours and hundreds of quid in the hole with an army that doesn't work and feels like shit to play. Frequently leading to them giving up on the hobby once they realize they would have to start over again and shove yet more cash and time into it.

Obviously you should lean towards the models that you like, but you should also consider what models are going to actually function as a force. Both are important if you actually want to play, and no amount of LARPing as a guy that would be fine with a 0-10% winrate is going to stop that being true
Different objectives. Are they looking to get involved in the overall hobby or to get a competitive army on the table asap
How does it feel being a toddler incapable of seeing anything other than extremes
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There's a difference between "competitive" and "works", omitting consideration of what models do is a surefire way to just get rolled every time and that's not fun. Not fun for the other side either and if you want more games that aren't just some cunt enjoying trashing you every time you should probably intent to at least somewhat put up a fight
what extremes are we talking about, the game is absolutely not worth the cost, and rules will completely alter your army at the snap of a finger.
The extreme of focusing on one thing or focusing on the other, dimwit. Almost like a balance can be achieved .

If you don't like the game you also probably shouldnt bother giving advice, should stick to painting
Unless you're playing in tournaments or against waacfags, unit performance is largely irrelevant. Subpar units and armies score just as well as "good" ones if you learn to position and select targets properly, which doesn't take long unless you're a complete knuckledragging retard.
And most armies have multiple playstyles available to them. Even orks and nids can vary things up with nidzilla lists and speedfreaks/dreadmobs. You are very rarely locked into a single playstyle at the point of choosing an army unless you're a knightfag, in which case you should neck yourself.
>everyone I disagree with isn't speaking their own opinion
What a strange asspull to commit to, if it isn't my opinion then who exactly is pulling the strings making me say these things you don't like
Did trooder slip and break his neck?
Man, I wish. Probably asleep or something.
>Unless you're playing in tournaments or against waacfags, unit performance is largely irrelevant.
So painfully untrue I don't even have to bother reading the rest. Like holy shit the difference between a rough collection of random models and an army with even casual levels of synergy is night and day.

There are plenty of armies that straight up do not fucking function unless the core is built around specific ideas. Don't reply to me again, it's clear you're just being contrarian for the sake of it
when the fuck did balance get brought up? I dont give a fuck about that, the game just isnt worth it at all to invest an entire 2000 point army at all right now. let alone trying to enter a tournament scene, there are better wargames for that. Telling someone to buy a combat patrol, buy another $800+ worth of plastic only to realize the game isn't fun fucking sucks. If 10th wasnt such a horde focused edition I probably wouldnt mind but the argument you are providing yourself is exactly what gets people to feel the sunk cost fallacy. If someone has a shitty list with models they like, they can at least appreciate their models at the end of the day and ignore the game. Try and take the competitive route? You're left with plastic that you probably dont care for and are missing cash and time you probably could have managed better.
Why would they have to start over again? Providing you aren't playing against an optimized tourney list, the game at a base level is pretty balanced as long as both players are building their armies for fun/aesthetics and not to wafflestomp players through the drain
>when the fuck did balance get brought up?
What do you think the meta is
>Some rambling jaded dogshit
>What do you think the meta is
Some rambling jaded dogshit
The game is indeed balanced if you apply multiple caveats and neither player reads their army rule and connects some basic dots, sure.

In that fantasy scenario, he advice to just b urself is indeed great
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Why are they selling start collecting boxes for the price of a battleforce? What happened?
When your starting out playing 500 points or whatever sub optimal units isn't going to make a huge difference and by the time you are established and playing at 2k you will probably have at least a few models you don't use even if you followed a max efficiency purchasing plan
waac fags, whales, and people who dont realize that there are other miniature games than warhammer is what happened.
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I dread the environment in which you were forced to engage with this hobby, friend. I hope you're able to find normal people to play with some day and can field the models you like.
git caste
500pts isn't balanced all regardless sure, it's just a shit show regardless and nobody bothers optimizing. Doesn't really give you much idea how how to play at 1.5-2k though and you can absolutely fall into some pretty bad pitfalls, not just "oh I got this monster because he's cool but he's a bit shit" which is fine

I pity the new players recieving the advice of just buying whatever they want, then having 1000pts of admech that falls over dead to a stiff breeze
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>says 500 points isnt balanced
>brings up 1000 point games
Retard alert everyone.
I do field the models I like, but I also know what to put into the core of an army to make it work regardless of how much is relative dead weight.

New players don't know that, and can build a list just of dead weight. Not too fun for anybody
What game size would someone play after 500 anon? 1000 perhaps?
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It goes up for order on September 24th. Save the date!
Fluff question, my guard is a mechanized force, where every squad has an attached chimera and lascannon team. The regiment also boasts multiple tank companys and even a smattering of super heavys and rough riders. Is there a name for a formation like this? I've been calling them a Armored Rifle Company but thats literally me throwing shit together that sounds right.
>oh I got this monster because he's cool but he's a bit shit
What units do you actually have in mind making this point
well then thats more of an issue with the game than it is with the person wanting to run his plague terminators or a salamander list.
Whatever the two people who plan on playing this hypothetical game feel the most comfy with, and or what they have available at the time. But by no means should someone rush out a 1000+ list out of the gate, Especially when combat patrols are absolute rancid pieces of shit in terms of value and what models they provide.
>Nick Kyme
naw, no thanks.
>well then thats more of an issue with the game
Didn't really say it was the players fault specifically. Doesn't stop it being a problem that you should keep in mind. though
That's just an armored company. Vehicle-centric regiments still have infantry in the fluff, just not enough to be an independent fighting force.
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am i kawaii anonkun?
Faggot detected
British game lad, enjoy the colony tax
>British game lad
No wonder it's cucked to shit.
So you openly admit you enjoy cuck content?
I've thankfully quit 40k a long time ago and just shitpost about it here for fun.
Watching other people enjoy something without participating yourself.. hmm

There's a name for that, you big quid
Just grabstuff off the shelf and walk out like you already paid for it. You can even get a friwnd to ask the store imowner asinine questions to distract him
>Arethere any conspiracy theories in 40k?
The 2nd and 11th legions never truely existed and they are just the schizo ramblings of Imperial nobles and inquisitors.
>If anything the most likely cause is a social media manager just making posts with zero effort
Not even that.
Femstodes shit was revealed in the codex first and the reason why we know this is because GW, like usual, sent pre-view copies to youtubers.

And the screenshots of the Kesha story came from there.
Is there actually any credence to the whole “reality will break” thing? Or is it too early to know?
return of the throoder.
it's bullshit
Was the SoB fluff posted anywhere? I've found army rules and datasheets, but the fluff and the crusade rules haven't turned up.
Not as far as I know.
It's a terrible answer for a terrible question. If someone doesn't have the decision making ability to pick a faction, or the brain cells to look at top army lists and understand what works, or the empathy not to bring pure crunch again fluffy opponents, then he's going to get spoonfed shite.
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GW knows their audience hidden fetish
They don't sell start collecting boxes anymore, for a start
Remember picrelated passes as 10/10 in Macraggistan
Does Tau still have the different sept tenet rules/bonuses/whatever that came with 8th?
I've seen it posted to my house :^)
Kinda? The detachment choices are now Montka/Kayuon/Farsight Enclaves/Kroot

There's no "Tau sept" detachment or whatever though



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Brother... i don't... feel too good...

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