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>Thread Question:
What was your first faction in Warhammer 40,000, and what drew you to it initially? Have your preferences changed since then?
T his thread blows
World Eaters, I like khorne and how simple he operates which opened up homebrewing, but now I realize I like khorne more and not World Eaters, if there was some kind of exclusive chaos cult faction I think my interest would have pivoted towards that instead of the unfun mess that is world eaters right now.
Deamonhunters. I had just read Inquisitor trilogy and it was an army that wouldn't need a huge amount of models.
Since most of the army doesn't work anymore I'm still considering if I want to expand my GK or go for something new
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Being able to give Multi-Melta retributors Dev Wounds is funny
Being able to use 2 miracle dice to force 2d6+4 dev wounds at will is very very funny
The obsession with splitting armies to sell more codexs is retarded. All 4 should still be part of CSM
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Dark Eldar
The 5th edition refresh for the entire army. Especially the Haemonculus Covens. It all just clicked for me aesthetically like none of the other factions had yet. I was very close to starting CSM before they came out though.
They are still my main though I have branched out into Death Guard and AdMech. I guess I just really like factions with some body horror elements.
>What was your first faction in Warhammer 40,000
>what drew you to it initially
>Have your preferences changed since then?
I'm still delivert.
eh having a mega faction like that just wouldnt work anymore, not with GW writers at least. I do agree with you though.
The contrast between Space Marine supplement armies and CSM cult armies is interesting. The SM stuff is way friendlier for casual collection and rules consistency, but the CSM stuff is way easier for GW to balance and make the individual armies feel more distinct.
It's probably not the most fair comparison to make though because SM kits get overproduced and go out of stock way less frequently than CSM stuff does which hurts casual army building a lot too.
Played my first game with the new Sisters codex last night against a buddies Custodes army. Both lists were not competitive, it was a 1750 point game and the custodes player just brought everything he owned.
Bringers of Flame detachment rocks, having assault on everything feels great and makes it way easier to get to objectives with infantry without sacrificing much. The +1 strength is also great but kinda mattered less against custodes. Valhgons squad is meaner than ever to the point I don't think I'll bring them to casual matches, they just delete whatever they look at.
Love the enhancement to give sustained hits to a squads guns and it pairs great with my Palatine, dialogues, bss squad to squeeze out even more multimelta damage.
My Repentia squad was wiped out before they could do anything but that's one me for just trying to use them aggressively without a transport.
Super happy with their rules and don't mind the points increase that came with it. Hows everyone liking sisters now?
Still waiting to be allowed to bring sisters as allies for my Black Templar again.
Why did Imperial fists get cucked so hard by Black Templars?
Played Guard back in the 00s. I think I followed a series of battle reports on Lexicanum or maybe 40konline, Aileros? I learned to play by watching others, eventually I settled on the theory that 40k is a game you win before the game starts. Listbuilding was key, and back then the Guard really, REALLY rewarded good list-building.

One can only flatten so many enemies before it starts getting old, but I got one last spree in in 2014 before I put the 88th on the shelf and got into other minis. The game's changed a bit too much now, but everyone these days sucks at building lists.
Yellow sucked to paint and Black Templars just have a cooler aesthetic.
What was the point of making the Terminator Chaplin barebones so that you could add your own stuff when nowadays most kits have almost no cool excess bits anymore?
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Unironically the Ork psyker meme. Once I actually got into the faction and their real lore of just being green retards that love to fight and make ramshackle technology, I started to hate those memes being the most popular thing about Orks.
For that reason as well as the fact that multiple spergs have seen my Orks on the table and started chanting "I'm a tank" over and over, I now absolutely hate the Ork psyker memes, especially that adeptus ridiculous video. I just love my screaming green retards, regardless of if their tech is powered by magic
So CSM armies would be undivided eBay rescue slop? Yeah no thanks
Where are they getting the Dev wounds from?

In the codex it's all weapons not just melee.
What the fuck! That shits getting nerfed ASAP but I love it.
I wish the ui for wahoedia was better, I mean it's not bad but it could definitely be better.
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god damn, its free shit made by a guy on the run from GW and Putin's death squads and you still find it in you to complain.
Vallejo Special FX Paints are nice, easy to use, if you can get a hold of them - I picked up the frost one, will post images when I get home from work (image not mine, but I got similar results for a sump spill scene)
Does it say "right" and "left" on your squig? :D
Yeah, it does. He needs to remember sometimes.
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Assembling Skarbrand and just noticed his torso and legs are fully fleshed out i.e. he'd look complete with no armor.
Since I'm going for a more animalistic/natural looking Khorne army (bone swords, etc.) I'm considering leaving the armor off. Would that violate any weird tournament rules (i.e., line of sight, etc.?) It seems like it'd be pretty insignificant since it hugs his body pretty hard, but idk how strict GW is about that stuff
>inb4 just make the armor bone, I think it'd look pretty bad with my color scheme. I'll paint it metal if I have to
World Eaters because I liked Khorne Berzerkers in Dawn of War. I quickly got bored of them and switched to Iron Warriors.
I feel like the ability is fine, just not the fact you can attach it to multi meltas, really. Slap it on Dominions with the storm bolters and it's like 5 dev wounds which is good but not wild
Is that a fucking mold line on his right arm
Yeah meltas are for sure the problem. If they changed her rule to bolter and flamers only then I'd probably still use her but I doubt GW are going to add that many asterisks to her instead of just changing it to melee only.
Probably, Khorne as a whole is lousy with mold lines, even GW couldn't be assed.
Khorne Daemons is my first faction because I like both AoS and 40k and figured I'd assemble enough of a list that could do either before branching off with exclusive things like Slaughterpriests and Chaos Knights. Tbh I like Seraphon a bit more for AoS and Genestealers more for 40K, but Daemons is a reasonably close second to both so I went with it for practicality
>armlet doesn’t know what a pumped up vein looks like
That ain't a vein
Cope newfag.
GW likes to give their khorne dudes the option to go bare chested. The World Eater (exalted) Eightbound can be assembled bare chested as well. Thank you GW
I need some inspiration for how to paint my orks
Red is too colour theory is my passion
Black is a bit boring
Already have two blue green armies
Already have bone colour for my death guard

Maybe it's time to learn to paint yellow
Don't worry about tourney rules, you'll never play them and you're better off.
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Yea the fat vein running on top of the bicep is pretty common on GW sculpts.
nice gyno
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It is pride month after all.
Nobody will care

Ah yes I forgot only tournaments use TLOS
Your favourite month of the year!
This reminds me, anybody have a guide on how to paint a oilspill rainbow? I wanna do it for a nurgle army.
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Imagine letting Slaaneshi cultists just hijack an entire month every year
Is it actually a GW supported option? Seems weird they'd put so much detail into it if it wasn't, but as always there's not much info
I don't intend on doing well but I do have tournaments in my area and figure I'd give it a go
Even GW? I assume not, but they seem pretty anal
GW doesn't even mandate base sizes let alone taking the armor off models that wouldnt make any difference anyway.

Not that they have any power anywhere regardless
Blood axes lets you do all kinds of colors, and gives you the chance to improve your freehand skills.
I like that the first mortal hero they released for the army was built like a hulk rather than a twink or twunk. The temptation to do the latter was probably there. But look at that guy. He's so swole it doesn't even look like he has a neck, he has a mound of muscle with a head mounted on top. It's rad.
>Interesting. I was wondering how far you could go with kitbashing and stuff. I'm not a total asshole or intending to be a top-level player at any point, but wouldn't it give you a massive advantage for say, a non-shooting army to make their models as small as possible? Literally just legs and a torso? Even less? How far could you go before they'ed actually call your bullshit
Hmm, they're very colorful ladz. Combining stealth, big explosions, go fasta and whatever the fuck blue means, I forget, into one. Very forward thinking Orks. Best of luck to them.
I really fucking hope they don't try to push the shitty AoS Slaanesh aesthetic on Emperor's Children.
The only rules governing it are your opponent telling you to fuck off or in terms of events the TO telling you to fuck off.
Imagine living where people give enough of a shit about that crap to an extent where it plays on your mind.
I'm convinced GW will be able to find some way to please absolutely no one
Why do they always wear mismatched boots and/or clothing? It bothers me.
Why are guard players so annoyed with the artillery change? It is not they could hit things on a 3+, with indirect fire, right?
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It's chaotic
Arent Slaaneshi cultists supposed to chase perfection? Wearing odd boots that dont match doesnt seem to gel with that concept.
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TQ - For me...it's Necrons. I like the models, space pharaohs are cool to me and I like and do very well with their Phalanx style on the table top.
Shitmar designers think it looks 'cool'.
CGC are absolute gigachads though.
That's a cool picture, where is it from?
They could hit on 2s reroll 1s
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arent hit roll modifiers limited to +1/-1?
>Die well, Eldar
God what a chad
What do you rate as the best Hammer and Bolter episode?
I watched the first 2 with someone who doesn't know 40k and thought it was a lost opportunity for GW because they don't make sense without extra knowledge unlike Astartes which anyone can appreciate
Yes, but modifying the BS attribute is not. They could stack an effective +2 by having both a bonus to hit AND improvement to their BS.
You ordered the artillery piece giving it BS3+, it stood still to benefit from heavy for +1 to hit so it's hitting on 2s, and it ignores the indirect penalty / rerolls 1s from a scout sentinel.
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>Simply easier to paint (black vs yellow)
>Poster boys of 3rd Edition, where the franchise became Grimdark
>Takes what the minds eye sees when you think "Space Marine" (big angry space knight), and doubles down on it
>Maverick chapter that does things their own way (Trainees fight with the big boys, exploiting the crusade loophole to go far, far beyond the 1,000-man statute)
Why does everything in that picture feel like is only vaguely tolerating being in the picture with everything else thats there? Did they lift the Sisters face off someones MySpace profile circa 2005? Why is the Sisters boltgun so fucked up in terms of perspective? Why is the Marines knee about half way around his leg from where it should be?

Why does it feel like every single element of that picture is lifted from a different image and photoshopped vaguely into the correct place?
The funniest part is how much better they look than yours do.
Maybe the bullshit was the scout sentinel ability then
Because that's what it is, photo bashing was in for a while despite it looking fucking terrible
That’s pretty gross on bolters and flamers.
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Just want the Daemonettes to look something like the Juan Diaz sculpts. Alluring and horrifying at the same time.
GW will make your Emperor's Children Arabesque/Persian and you will be happy
The scout sentinel doing what it does is unironicaly exactly how indirect should work; bad unless you have a designated spotting unit, and the interaction you can have with your opponent is killing the spotters, not trying to get to the back table edge to kill the basilisk.

But they just took a hammer to the whole concept because GW are retarded as usual
Multi-Melta is what makes it gross, throwing 1-2 miracle dice away for guaranteed Devs is far more impactful than bolters getting it
Lord of Excess says they will have death masks with a rifle and mace and shield variant.
For sure, but bolters are really nasty now.
Never gonna happen. Best we can hope for is something more like the ones on the Contorted Epitome or Syll from Syll'Esske.
Slaanesh is big on asymmetry, most of the daemons have one boob, one crab arm and other spiky and such
If you do sub assembly do you use super glue or plastic glue when assembling the painted parts together at the end? Especially for big models.
superglue, plastic glue melts paint
Plastic glue, takes a bit longer to bond than on unpainted plastic, but it will hold.
You might need to do touch ups on paint if you spill the glue, it dissolves paint
You forgot it applies to wardrobe as well, boots and gloves often don’t match as well as clothing is usually only half worn, but it’s vertically. They have a lot going on.
>whatever the fuck blue means
blue meanz lukky, ya git. I outta krump ya.
I'm always thinking that plastic glue is permanent and that some models have parts that are impossible to paint correctly when fully assembled.
>takes a bit longer to bond
Because it’s has to eat through the paint first…
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In the fluff do all Word Bearers worship chaos undivided or are there god-specific worshipers among them? If yes do they get along or do chaos undivided guys have to mediate between say a Khorne Word Bearer and a Slaneesh Word Bearer for example?
Its intentional? It looks fucking gash. : /
There's nothing horrifying about those. I like them too but they're nice because they have nice tits and bodies. They're pretty much succubi.
It's one 200pt unit that means something big isn't safe behind it's 4++. People need to stop claiming the sky is falling because Sisters can actually kill things when their fragile units get up close AND they actually roll 6s (unless you want to spend another 190pts for the Triumph). This is not Eldar spitting mortal wounds from across the table.
All Word Bearers worship Chaos Undivided. There are no mono-god WB forces except summoned daemons and allies from the Cult Legions.
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no, they're not completely united, there is no reason why there cant be some splinter factions of them that prefer one God over the others. There is "The Sanctified" in the lore that are dedicated to Khorne, from the Siege of Vraks Imperial Armour books.
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>Worship chaos undivided
>cant summon "generic" daemons

Word Bearers worship the bussy.
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Chaos undivided is superior because it lets you ignore how lame the flanderized chaos gods are on their own and you can just pretend there's actually cool satanic forces out there.
I can tell you haven't really absorbed what the sisters book is capable of, and fuck yes you're taking the Triumph already. It's an insanely good model
So in other words the canon is conflicted on this matter. I was wondering since I kept hearing they all worship chaos undivided but "their" detachment encourages picking different gods for stratagems and enhancments.
Chaos undivided is just 4 Flanders in a room
Sisters are a borderline glass cannon army which does justify some big killy power, but army wide 3+ makes them surprisingly difficult to mop up even at T3 1W. They're not quite Eldar/Dark Eldar level of fast and fragile.
I agree they definitely shouldn't be evaluated like Space Marines though as a bar for comparison.
>Remembers meme fake color lore of purple
>Doesn't remember blue is lucky

You've out-secondary'd the secondaries, congrats.
>me right, you wrong
The book actually being fun and exciting to actually play with is a far cry from the wailing and gnashing of teeth from every melodramatic neckbeard upset they didn't get the new shiny thing for themselves.
Sisters NEED to trade up in points because an army of T3 1W models doesn't get a second chance when you need to march them right up to their targets. You act like this is immune to counterplay and that's goddamn ridiculous.
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I 100% agree anon, there is also infinite minor chaos Powers to dedciate your dudes to. I personally have really liked all the Outer god stuff in Elden Ring, and thought about how they would look in 40k. Mohg pulling bloodflame that sets you on fire from thin air (thats actually the body of the Outer god the Formless Mothers) would suit khorne.
The Scarlett Rot and all the Putrid type enemies would be a new and itneresting direction for Nurgle, the red and crimsons is just as infected looking but very different from Nurgles normal green, the rot pests are also horrific and would fit as a lesser slave race of chaos.
Hell even the Golden Order and the Greater Will would suit Tzeentch with these giant fleshy Finger like creatures controlling society, Metyr The Mother of Fingers fell from the outer space. Truly alien weird powers that is beyond mortal understadning as chaos should be.
Hmm, I wonder why Lorgar isn't leading the Black Crusades instead of Abaddon. Lorgar is the unquestionable champion of Chaos Undivided, by his connection to the warp and by virtue of being a Primarch. Lorgar should go and bonk Abaddon over the head with his big old mace and take the lead.
Be nice to see Lorgar get a bit of front-man time, plus it would set him up to face off against Guilliman nicely.
The eldar or ork one. Mostly because they give a good view about the faction identity for beginners, especially the eldar one.
The trazyn one was pretty cool too.
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>Lorgar coping about getting BTFO'd by Corax and needing Batman to bail him out
Yeah but that was literally 10,000 years ago from current date 40K. Lorgar could have been putting in work in the gym since then.
Why is there so much more art of Primarchs with them genderbent than with them as they actually were? Are all Horus Heresy fans that obsessed with female space marines?
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the 4 to 5+ FNP for meganobz was justified but a 10 point increase? thats a bit much innit
Lorgar left real space for the great game and meditiate and pray for ten thousand years. Plus GW can't decide if hes an Undivided Daemon Prince or not since whether thats canon in 40k at all flucturates.
Nah, it is the drawfags thar are mostly coomers, in 30k, 40k and everywhere
You sure are mad, the lady doth protest too much
Yeah, duh
What is she snip snapped your benis with those claws? That's scary
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Deldar codex and plastic court when?
I'm not circumcised so I can tank one hit.
yeah GW tends to be heavy handed with nerfs sometimes, i'm surprised they didn't do the same to boyz.
meganobz will be trash for a bit but i bet they'll eventually go down to 35 per model.
So Bellisarius Cawl now gets either his BS or WS improved by 1 every turn. But he already hits on 2+ with almost everything.
Does this mean he effectively has a BS/WS 1+ now?
I know you still always fail on a roll of 1, but does this negate the first -1 to hit rolls penalty he might get (like from Stealth for example)?
There's no global rule preventing improvement of BS/WS past 2+ is there?
These look terrible and retarded.
Yeah, they're perfect.
There were rumors like a year or so ago that a plastic Court of the Archon had been created. But it's unclear whether or not the leaker was just confused by the new Hand of the Archon that was announced a few months later. They were pretty accurate with the rest of their leaks/predictions though.
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Do you need special permission to visit chapter homeworlds? Like if a group of pilgrims or rich nobel wanted to see every first founding chapters homeworld?
that paintjob is really nice (especially the face!), is it yours?
I wish. Got them off google. looks like 'eavy metal though.
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Pretty sure that is one of the official GW eavy metal paint jobs. They look like the packaging art.
Most certainly. You need that for anything. I assume you’ll get no where near a planet without it.
Dark Eldar are just getting a pity model updates with their Codex and you know it. Probably Urien Rakarth because he's still in resin and unavailable.
Maybe, MAYBE if you're lucky there will be plastic grotesques too.

Court and Beastmaster are probably not going to survive to see the codex.
Yes, a bonus will negate a malus. So Cawl will, almost always, hit on 2+.
Yeah they added in hard limits to stats with the slate, you can't be BS1/WS1
They could probably jam the court on one sprue though and that would get rid of half the finecast models they need to update. Seems reasonable.
Sisters lost their wound reroll so it's like 3 mortals from 4 flamer unit on average.
Huh, so 'eavy metal IS capable of doing feminine faces, with eyebrows, just not on SoB.
That would be true if it was a +1 to hit, but it's not
Blowing the dust off of my admech models and trying out a game with them tomorrow. It's probably been a year since they've seen a table.
I know they've sucked all edition and just got a buff, but how do they play? I'm thinking of doing Explorator Maniple because the objective marker thing seems interesting to me.
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Boy do I feel bad for people looking to get into this army now
Macragge only. Would even an inquisitor be allowed on Fenris or Baak
This doesn't change anything, though? 2+ with a +1 and -1 to hit is stll a 2+, regardless of if it's a WS/BS change or modifier to hit.
All this ruling is saying is that you can't succeed on a 1, after every modifier is applied.
No one knows yet because they just got massively changed a few days ago. But it looks like the general strategy is still spam lots and lots of battleline Skitarii and support with some fast and mobile elites and walkers. The tank was terrible until just now though so it might actually be a viable inclusion now.

Exploratory Manipule is probably the worst Detachment in the codex, I'm sorry to say. Only having a detachment when fighting on one single objective each turn is pretty limited compared to some of your other options. Hunter Cohort was previously the most popular but it took a couple small nerfs in the last update.
They're not all applied at the same time, and they modify different things.

Weapon skill is a characteristic or target, +1 to hit modifies the roll. You can have the characteristic be +1, regardless of if the modifier to the roll is +/-1
You mean because of the cost? Yeah, they're really expensive. Luckily there are some wonderful STLs out there for free at the moment that I snagged up.
I like GW plastic and their models but you can fuck right off if you think I'm paying the prices that admech are at.
Can't have it be WS1+, rather*
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Meh, only if they play it on tabletop, they're still fun to collect, paint and display. Their time will come again.
Luckily the crab tank was my favorite model in the range. I love that fucker so i'm glad he's doing ok now.
But that's a bummer about the detachment. I'll have to see how it goes during this game and judge whether I change what I run from now on. It might be a while before I ever play admech after this, I just want to try it out.
Luckily for me, my opponent is blowing dust off of his Blood Angels for the game. We'll both be playing armies we haven't played in a long time.
Ah, I see what you mean then. Seems very strange to me to have it work like that.
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It's a good time to be a Mech player
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>there is also infinite minor chaos Powers to dedciate your dudes to
I wish that was the case truly but in actuality it's kind of "on paper" cope, even more so than "bro just come up with your own minor xenos".
While there are indeed many small xenos races and factions running around, there is practically ZERO, NULL, NIHIL, even reinforced tropes of Minor Chaos Gods & other Warp entities. Except maybe Vashtorr. Around 3E there was more focus on that but it has gradually shifted to Traitor Primarchs and Big Four.
aren't they getting gigabuffed? At least that's what auspex tactics said a few days ago
It blows the shitty GW app out of the water
>Arent Slaaneshi cultists supposed to chase
They are getting some decent buffs yeah, but I dont know that I'd describe it as "gigabuffed". they might get back up to 48-52% WR with it sure.
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kek, and yeah unfortunetly you're right. I think its due to GW not making models of non Big 4 daemons, and so they don't get lore, so theyre not popular so they don't get models. Vashtorr is a great direction I hope after we get Chaos demi-gods/ aspiring gods we get minor gods. Chaos is far too structured and ordered currently. We shouldn't know who us the greatest mortal and daemon champions of the chaos gods, let alone ALL OF THEM being humans.
Its cope but I think the setting would benefit if there was more
>Minor Xenos empires/ areas of control evading the Imperium
>Minor Chaos gods/ Warp powers
>Chaos Xenos champions
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>Vashtorr is a great direction I hope after we get Chaos demi-gods/ aspiring gods we get minor gods. Chaos is far too structured and ordered currently
Yeah I generally agree with the sentiment.
Shootimg detachment feels like playing horde marines with eldar dice.

For other detachments it's hard to catch up with +1 to wound that strength will give you. Maybe penitent arco spam can be good.
They'll go with the retro guitar noise marine aesthetic and only appeal to irony faggots
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Why are dark eldar like this?
Those look pretty good! I remember seeing your kastelans yesterday.
I unfortunately don't have everything in my army painted, favoring painting other armies once I got bored of admech a while ago. I'll eventually get back to them, though.
>Would even an inquisitor be allowed on Fenris or Baak
More or less yeah unless they want to suffer the wrath of the inquisition.
Marines banning inquisitors from entering their homeworld is just fast and dandy way of getting accused of heresy and corruption.

Obviously marine chapters are still going to keep things like inquisitors at an arm's length, but they are not just going ignore or intentionally antagonize them.
did you miss the part where the space yiffs attacked the inquisition and suffered zero consequences
I'll take shitting out miracle dice everywhere to force wounds through where it matters over S10 melta any day
>used to be able to submit battle reports online to affect the narrative
>now you need tickets
Did Hashutfag ever deliver or is he still just a daydreaming failure?
Who's Hashutfag? I might have pitched a Hashut warband months ago but I doubt it was me. Anyway I wouldn't go with that project because all daemon engines look like shit.
>I might have pitched a Hashut warband
Daydreaming failure
Somebody said he was going to paint up a warband of Hashut-worshipping space marines, sometime back in 2021 or 2022. Some anon hounded him and the threads for a good while, and labelled him a "daydreaming failure" because he never delivered.
High Fashion is always utterly ridiculous with its own bizarre trends and phases. Easy access to quick and painful cosmetic surgery only makes it more abundant.
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>vindicators and havocs went up
ironbros why do they hate us
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>he doesn't know what goes on in the deeper depths of the body mod community
My boy, have you ever heard of suspensions?
“unlimited authority” only gets you so far. Inquisitors may theoretically be able to exterminatus worlds and have a greenlight to do just about anything with the presumption that they’re right, but that doesn’t make them immune to the judgment of their peers nor immune to certain subfactions of the imperium just ignoring their authority because they know they can get away with it. Politics play a big role.
>havoks went up
what the fuck. can they at least give us all the kit options if they’re gonna do this shit
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Why is there no core rule that let's you pay a CP to shoot into an enemy unit locked in melee with a friendly unit if you have LoS? Just have a downside like "on an unmodified hit roll of 1-2 you must resolve that hit roll against a friendly unit within engagement range of the target unit instead"
Homebrew it, faggot.
if you dont have “fall back for free” rules just take the L and lose shooting on 1 unit. thats the price of getting charged
I dread the day they've milked SM/CSM players dry and now split my beloved IG into separate codexes.
>Imperial Guard
>Armored Company
>Steel Legions
>Death Korps
Would love to have a supplement codex with extra datasheets for the other regiments though, probably with specific Warlords w Keywords to activate the new units
>Chekov->Valhallan Units
>AlRahem->Tallarn Units
so it can be a special rule for a special unit
I dream of the day all of chaos gets rolled into one massive book called The Lost and the Damned that contains
>renegades and heretics
>dark mechanicum
>chaos space marines
>chaos knights
>chaos titans
>chaos daemons
and let's you soup to your heart's content
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hell yeah dude
>there's no way to get death guard daemon engines into an army with mauler/forgefiends
It hurts, bros.
my digga
Okay GW. When is the new roadmap update? We're finished with this one now.
There are warbands within the Word Bearers legion that dedicate themselves to a specific chaos god, but unlike say, DG and Nurgle, they still acknowledge the other gods as gods. If/when Lorgar decides he's far enough from Corax to pop his head out, the legion will in general be Chaos Undivided.

Please read the codex, I beg you guys.
My kultur is not your costume
Would be cool if they made these and just did something like If X is Warlord, then Y, (and Y1, Y2, Y3, etc) is battleline.
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We used to have exactly that
I want more basing ideas. Pictures skin to op image are best.
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Google will give you tons of results, especially if you know a specific kind of theme you want to find a variant of.
Go on...
>did you miss the part where the space yiffs attacked the inquisition and suffered zero consequences
No and the inquisition deserved it.

Marine chapters, especially first founding, have more of a political dick to swing around than any retard inquisitor.
Ty for request fill.
I actually tried that at first, but only got the same pictures over and over. Yours was not one of them.
So it sounds like marine chapters are just going to actively ignore and antagonize the inquisition
How did you paint the cloth? Its beautiful and high contrast
I like it! Works well if you make the rest of the base look sterile.
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I’m happy for you. Truly. You son of a bitch. You motherfucker. You absolute cockfuck.
So that GSC can have that stratagem instead.
But also because it's a huge buff to shooting armies.
No, they wont because they aren't retarded.
Unlike the inquisition.
Nice pixels.
I petition that we further buff ad mech. Not because I want their rules to be better but because I want their models to increase and points and make them easier to collect and army for.
>>Chaos Xenos champions
Fuck off
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You've been invited to the hottest club in Commorragh.
What happens?
the inquisition as a whole can definitely purge a chapter if they wanted. The obvious repercussions and internal politics prevents that.
I petition that we increase the points of all armies by 25% because everyone has the same problem other than the armies which should not be armies.
Crazy that the space yiffs can just get away with waging open war against the inquisition while also having their geneseed actively deteriorating them into furfags with zero repercussions then huh
The only times I go clubbing is with bros at the north pole
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>I wish the ui for wahoedia was better
Great anon, do a fork of it and improve the UI then, chop chop.
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>What happens?
I tear up the dance floor with my bitch. Get the wychs and female archons/haemonculi jealous.
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Guess I'll burn to death.
except orks
Murder on the dancefloor
These are correct but also Black Templars have currently and also previously had some of the best marine models available. Current Helbrecht is the best offering the entire line has. The old Emperor's Champion is still one of the best 40k models GW ever produced.
That's probably something they expect.
Tau seem asian inspired but what are the dark eldar and eldar inspired by?
Goths and greeks?
Elves and dark elves from WFB
the bowling alley
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Wulfen kit looks retarded, so here's a WIP of my attempt to make them less embarrassing by combing them with reivers
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And working on painting a dude. Still WIP but I think he's coming along
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warhammer lore starts to make sense when you ignore all spacemarine-centric books
Romans, greeks, egyptians, tongans
He’s clearly a digganob.
are black templars still allowed to take techmarines? i know they have some restrictions when it comes to librarians and shit
Tyranids, I just thought they looked really cool when I first saw them and I got hooked when I learned more about them.
They're a. Hodgepodge of several ancient cultures. Greeks and Phoenicians mostly, but some Babylon and Mesopotamia in there too.
Whoever designed the guy on the right is an asshole, theres no way that hair wont look stupid
Decent chance I snip it off. It interferes with the cannon on his backpack anyway. A lot of the crazier hair is on thin ice to get chopped
Alright when an ork or a warboss decides he needs some snazzy robotic implants or mega armor, who does he go to? A painboy or a mekboy?
Essentially, does it require a mek because he knows how to get the teknology functional? Or does it require a painboy because he knows how to do the surgery to get the implant inside the ork without killing it?
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Celtic, greece, egypt, japan.
Additionally, say a mek wants to implant himself with tek. Does he do the operation himself, or does he simply fix up the tek and go to the painboy?
What about a painboy wanting the same thing? Does he ask the mek for a robotic implant to put into himself, or does he have the mek install it?
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>make cool shielded units
>give them stupid ass heads

This was for prospero nigga
How about the dark eldar?
explains the faggotry
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All of this shit inside the ork here. Who put this there? Himself? A painboy?
It feels like being a painboy and being a mekboy go hand in hand, but they're clearly seperate.
Their themed around the decadent era of the Roman empire just before the collapse.
Aesthetically they're Hellraiser Elric of Melnibone with some warlock and vampire knight requiem thrown in.
Hellraiser and vampire the masquerade
Romulans and Vulcans.
Yeah, sure there s a Black Templar Tech Marine in the Helsreach book, who subverts an Ordinatus so that it can be used by the Black Templars, despite his Mechanicum misgivings.
So long as they're clear where their loyalties lie it doesn't seem to be an issue.
Half of this is really reaching
I always wondered if that was intentional or just a coincidence of translating the classic elves/dark elves split to a sci-fi setting.
Wait theyre the same species? What the fuck why do their ships look completely different then
It’s literally the same. One is no emotions, one is all emotions. Same species that diverted forever ago, etc, etc…
Painboy, a Mek is for making your gun more dakka or your trukk go fasta.
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>just got my new combat patrol in the mail
>one of the typhus sprues is bent a lil bit
Should I be concerned about this? It's mostly affecting the corner with the fly bits that I wasn't going to use anyway, but idk it's just making me nervous. The box seemed legit and all the details are super crispy so I'm not particularly concerned about authenticity I guess?
Is he still shit?
hard to tell, it could mostly just be the frame bit it differs from case to case
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I don't know, but this definitely looks like something the Dark Eldar would pilot.
But it begs the question, does the painboy understand how to make that teknology work inside the ork, or is it a 2-step procedure where it gets implanted, then the mekboy makes it functional?
Or, does the painboy just have teknology on hand, given to him/purchased from the mek?
Dark eldar ripped them off, then star trek ripped them off.
bro cmon
are the pieces themselves broken? no, then its fine
i mean you could try and ewe gw out of a kit if you really want to try
Ask them if they sell strawberry juice (I don't like alcohol)
Wouldn't mind dark eldar ships getting redesigned. They look like shit
More than likely a painboy, I'm not at the house but I'm pretty sure I've some scanned short stories from old books where the painboy is fitting mechanical legs and arms and the like to their patients, sometimes without the patients permission. I'll post them up when I get home, painboys definitely have inate knowledge of orky bionics and the like, but would be useless if your battlewagons engine needed repaired.
Sure its not much different from how the Imperium does it, if you need fixed up with a bionic, you go-to a Biologis of the Ad-Mech, you wouldn't go to an Enginseer to get a new arm. they're both Ad-Mech but they have very different fields of experience. With Orks they're both Oddboys, with different pools of knowledge.
T. The seller
A bit of both the lines are blurred. I've seen stories where the painboy has created the bionic themselves, and others where a mekboy as sold it to them for teef, and I think because it was because it was some engine powered mega-claw or something.
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Maybe, but he looks baller as fuck.
Reaching around is an Eldar player's favorite pastime
that's actually a decent answer. I figured there'd be nothing on the subject and left up to interpretation like most non-SM lore.
This definitely seems to be the case. I bet a painboy/mekboy duo or even an ork dabbling in both fields would make a killing selling the best bioniks teef can buy.
It’s already been changed to melee.
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Nah anon, even the Dark Eldar would look at that abomination and think its got a tasteless amount of spikes on it, and that the captain is definitely compensating for some personal inadequacy.
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Next codexes are going to be;
>Agents of the Imperium
I can fix her.
Yeah? Where?
Is this not from GW themselves? then even more who gives a shit
do you question everything thats slightly off in your life
are you constantly crippled by indecision
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Look into the old 2nd and 3rd Edition Codexes, Waaargh: Orks, Ere We Go, Freebooterz, Codex: Orks. They have big write-ups on the various Oddboys, their skillsets etc, and definitely a few short stories about each.
You can get a pdf of any of them on Google just with "Waaargh: Orks pdf" or whatever the title is.
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finishing up these and waiting for bases in the mail
Jesus christ put it down that could explode at any moment
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So can I.
Got it for 20 bucks off ebay
No it hasn't, and so they are priced accordingly at 85 instead.
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especially happy with this one
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No no, sometimes the answer is a big fucking chainblade...
...and then some holy promethium fire for good measure.
Mek probably designs most of it, painboy knows where it should fit and what organs to replace/connect it to. Painboy probably handles the fittings and instinctively knows what needs to be done by the rough description the mek gives him, ie "dis bit here is gonna help wiv my shooting, I can see where da bullitz is goin' after dey come out of da gun" means a cranial targeting implant.
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What the... Aren't those just Dark Eldar jet bikes?
I remember people used to use their chassis as a kitbash proxy for Battlefleet Gothic but... Did they really just turn the unofficial kitbash into official space ship models?
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>are the pieces themselves broken?
No, but I have the beeg autism. Still tho, I've got some millliput and half a braincell so if he ends up having some gaps or whatever I can fix them.
It is from ebay, but the store is large and well reviewed. I really doubt anyone is taking the time to bin and repack combat patrols. That just doesn't seem like there's any way that would be worth someone's time.
>the digits called it
it's over for me...

Looks even better irl
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Well, GW didnt really ever release a lot of Dark Eldar stuff for BFG (pic is the extent of it), so when the fans took over updating the rules and fixing problems with the game and expanding the fleets, the Dark Eldar fleets were just expanded with whatever people had already created homebrew rules for and/or using images of Dark Eldar ships for the few pieces of GW art that had them in the background.
Battlefleet Gothic PC game came around and built off of what people had done with the most recent edition of the most popular fan rules at the time, and continued it with the sequel, so now thats pretty much taken as the "official but not 100%" depictions as to what the ships should look like and what their style should be overall. Since then of course people have ripped the 3D models out of the PC games and created printable STLs from them so now thats pretty much what you'll ever see in a Dark Eldar fleet in BFG.
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Will do. Thanks for the recommendations. Can never get enough ork lore to read.
Waaagh: Orks and 3rd Edition Codex: Ork in particular are absolutely fantastic for fleshing out a lot of aspects of Ork society, start with those!
ummmmmmmmm its actually "Waaargh! : Orks"
love em. i need to fix up my ebay kopta rescues here soon. such great models.
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That legitimately looks like the Dark Eldar ship in the center of this art.
>100% white nerd men
>Games Workshop tries its best to appeal to every demographic but these men

Explain to me this sales technique because I dont get it. I've not bought a thing since the whole fem custodes thing. Are people honestly still mass consooming from a company that wants you out?
dunno, ask your discord
Nerds crave belonging like any person. They're the first to bend.
Corporate management tends to be an out of touch group given far too much power.
>Explain to me this sales technique because I dont get it.
They already have the white nerd men demographic, now they want to expand into potential new demographics.
>that pic
>100% white
Am*rican spotted
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Settle down Mohinder
genuinely a hilarious picture
Clean your room
Based Ghaalposter
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Actually you're both wrong as if you go by what the book is registered as on the ISBN register its official title is:
>Waaagh the Orks (Warhammer 40, 000)
if we're going jerk ourselves off about it.
Who's Roundtree?
Future proofing most likely. I think its 2030 for the US and 2035 for the UK and Germany to be majority non-white. Most companies look ahead of 10 years and adapt to the market that they foresee. 2050 whites will probably be a tiny majority in most western nations, a fact that makes /pol/ seethe which makes it hilarious to the normal man
Aye if you're legally blind.
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I'm outta spacefor sure
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I can't wait anymore. I need news about dark eldar.
checkers are so fucking cool bros
Da Boyz heard about a type of music called "Ska" and said "Any boy wot 'az skars iz good"
then they saw that Ska involved jumpin' a lot, and they took checkers for themselves and never looked back.
You got your news last week.
>Lelith has a girlfriend
>Vect is a loser
>Dark Eldar are lower on the priority ladder than Ynnari
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Mandrakes will get a seperate set release in late July.
You're welcome.
No issue with tech marines. Only librarians.
In particular, the ska-hardcore punk fusion does really lend itself to the tone of orks; good insight.
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We must have like a fifth of all the Dark Eldar players just in this general. Because they seem way too common here for how rare they are.
Doesn't surprise me too much that channers are a bunch of edgelord though.
I have seen a total of one non white play warhammer. The brand is more likely to die then find "the modern audience"
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>Lelith has a girlfriend
Was anyone really expecting a female dark eldar character to not be bisexual at the very least? Wyches in particular are all dykes
so what, they just give up? it might fail but it won't stop them from trying.
at my LGS I know three Chinese guys, an Indian (curry not scalps) and a black guy.
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>Los cadias?
nice cope
I'm mildly surprised they didn't make her and Yvraine a thing.
I stopped giving a shit about nu GW fluff and especially BL a long time ago. I'm immune to whatever shit they throw at me.
Until they ruin my models that is.
There's only so much room for lesbian necromancers in space
I’ll admit the hobby is still dominated by middle aged white guys but it’s slowly changing. Most of the kids who come over to the tables to ask about stuff are brown these days. The big LGS in my area has a a bunch of asian guys, indians, and even a couple black dudes who show up from time to time. For some reason AOS has by far the greater proportion of chicks here tho. There’s only two I’ve seen 40K and one is trans but chill.
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Gav Thorpe ruined Yvraine and the Ynnari and GW ignore them as much as they can now. He's just that bad.
From a political perspective (i'm talking in universe here) that would be a really stupid thing to do.
Consider the following; Jain Zar and Lelith hate-sex
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Go for it man.
Isn't Lelith like the younger, sexier, more naked version of Jain Zar? The greatest gladiatrix of their generation?
Follow-up question: is there even a Jain Zar to scissor with or is she just dust and light inside a suit of armor?
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Considering how often Jain jobs there's probably a fresh exarch in there
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Why do they let Mike Brooks write books?
Lelith is Jain Zar if she waited about a week longer before running away, which would have ended up with her getting fucked in several ways.
My store has an explosion in mixed kids coming in, both hapa and black/white kids way more than just white kids now. Its a nice vision of our mixed future, makes you proud in a way
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>should be painting my haruspex
>instead I've just been playing rogue trader all day
like I'm gonna paint my haruspex ok? I just need to finish killing all these heretics first
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>be GW
>release core rules
>release a HUEG update to the said core rules where almost everything gets tweaked
>don't release standalone updated rules and instead expect people to check two sources
I can't believe how incompetent and lazy these fucks are. I wanted to get GSC Codex because I'm a newfag and I like hardcover fluff books but not only the Codex is dogshit, the way GW handles the rules is also unbelievably bad. Using Wahapedia is a moral imperative. Fags even added CSM recently so my friend is happy about it.
Careful, jannie has a soft spot for that author.
>The first thing Jain does when she gets a new body is find somebody nearby to fuck before it goes cold
We love Big Meaty Sister Bursts.
Lelith fucks with male mate in Valedor, so i dont expect. But i prepared than book will be awful shit, because
>writren by Mike Brooks
so i dont care about nu"canon"
no sister romance no buy
Why the fuck they dont just give everyone codex purchaser codes to download the latest version of their codex with all the updates in place is beyond me.
>make the changes
>push it to CDN
>link now gives new version
We manage it for our customers and we're an 8 person editorial small business.
post your models if you're so proactive
Is it good aye? I bought it but didn't get round to playing it yet.
This, but unironically
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Have homoculus gone too far?
>Is it good
Different anon but yes. I just finished my playthrough a couple weeks ago. It is lengthy though.
Its changing alright from 90% male to 90% male kek
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>weapon is casually capable of killing a titan or primarch
Why is this allowed?
I do wonder why hobbies that are male dominated for obvious reasons (most women just aren't interested in wargames) are seen as an issue, but nobody even mentions instances where the reverse is true. Where are the complaints about nail salons having 99% female customers? Or the lack of female participation in the suicide statistics?
Why wouldn't it be allowed? Who or what would have the authority to decide what is right or wrong, and enforce it upon everybody in the grim darkness of the far future?
It's about taking something from someone else. The second point isn't from lack of trying. Women try to take their lives more often then men, but often fail due to using soft methods. Men just use the Kirk Colbain haircut.
That bomb is pathetic in game and has never killed anything of worth in the lore either.
Primarchs can only be killed by narrative contrivance anyways, regardless of weapon.
>Gets dropped on a Primarch
>Through sheer endurance and force of will, he miraculously survives and even shoots down the fleeing Voidraven with his still-functional pistol
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Just spent $200 Canadian dollars on third party resin vehicle upgrades.
Ask me anything.
Kurt cobain...
what faction? I've been thinking of getting some for an Inquisition set of rhinos I want to make
Is it for a landraider because if so i bought the same kit!
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Is this actually a good gun or is it too high of an investment if I plan on using one or two for bullying characters?
Imperial Guard. The upgrades were for a Leman Russ tank and a chimera tank.
I bought extra sponsons that I hope I can fit onto the Leman Russ proxy I got from Victoriaminiatures too.
genuine question what's with the half-smirk that they all do?
>Ork shooting
Post what you ordered in pictures.
Boobs or ass?
if you need to pop a character just use a warboss or something with the 1 cp for precision
The librarians thing is purely the result of a maybe curse by a Xenos superpsyker around m35, they had them before that. Now they either are cursed so any prospective ones die early, or they kill them out of blind frothing zealotry. Techmarines are perfectly ok so long as they don’t forget that true loyalty is to the will of the emperor, even above the tenets of the mechanicum. I’ve always wondered if any marine chapters have quietly set up their own techmarine training and just have older Techmarines teach the new batch everything’s hey need to know and avoid the mechanicus outright most of the time.

Sally’s for example have their own forge moon they exclusively control.
How much do you weigh and also what is your name and address and what time is it supposed to arrive
It’s a common thing used to feign being comfortable when being photographed. You just notice it more in their case cus you have brain rot.
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There are worse things to spend your canuckbucks on
>>weapon is casually capable of killing a titan or primarch
You can kill a primarch with a knife to the throat
What the fuck is a tribute
Why are you on that site?
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That's what you pay for letting her stomp your balls and fist you
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Nah I don't want somebody to screw around with my order impersonating me. It is a big order and I forgot to mention I also have ordered chimera tank parts. I'll give the details on my order when they arrive. Along with a little review too.
Booba. This isn't to say that I do not appreciate ass. I like booty.
200 pounds last I checked. And I live in your walls making 40k lists and daydreaming about 40k armies.
Indeed, anon.
Post link pls i need her seevices
I also see vices.
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well I was on /gif/ and one thing led to another, don't go to /gif/ guys
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More like the snackmaster, fatty
They do that if you use their app, I entered the code from my codex and the rules auto update
This pic looks like fetish porn
There's a reason why she's the most popular wych
A space marine can carry a heavy weapon whilst keeping a chainsword on a scabbard. But what happens when close combat is met?
Do they unsheathe the chainsword...and just drop the heavy bolter?
I want to make one of my chosen dual wield accursed weapons but I can't seem to find any CSM melee weapons held in the right hand.
A space marine can one hand heavy bolter. Not to use it effectively as a weapon and shoot with it, I just mean hold onto it.
But if they are against a serious threat, they are gonnna have to drop it.
Ah yes, my 'fetish' for tall, fit, pale, smooth-skinned redheads.
>smooth-skinned redheads.
Fuck no. Freckles and red hair go together like steak and red wine.
They can use magic magnets in their suits to slap their on bolter when needed.
Straps and the like are just for style
Reminder that wanting to have kids is considered a fetish now.
Woman fetish havers, baka
>get drunk
>sleep for 20 hours
>wake up and put all my warhammer stuff in my closet because I'm tired of looking at it
>today my Kill Team Nightmare comes in the mail
Oh okay then.
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Kinoisseur over here
I fucking hate eldar, but damn the concept of mandrakes is cool.
I guess it is a fetish then.
>My real question is: CAN A HEAVY BOLTER BE HOLSTERED?
Sure, why not.
I just drew leather strap onto the heavy bolt rifle that my marine dude uses.
I did the same, but on resin Mk 7 & 8 bodies for my all-firstborn battle company.
yeah. there's a space wolves book where one of the grey hunters in the squad is the heavy weapons guy, he straps his heavy bolter to his back when it's time to get stuck into melee. pretty sure there are other examples out there, that's just the first that came to mind
That's why Kill Team is cool. You can make a team out of one thing you like without committing to the entire army.
its a documented phenomenon called the "AGP Smirk" they all have it to some degree.
>You can make a team out of one thing you like
>no wraith KT
>aspect KT lacks Spiders/Hawks/Reapers
this is why everybody hates eldarfags
>why do they all have that half smirk
You know when youre playing werewolf and you trick everyone else into believing youre a villager? Same feeling
It’s really retarded but you essentially have to use either raptor arms or take a bolt pistol, shave off the pistol bit and then use the hand to attach a melee weapon
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Good luck mate. Sounds like you've got some fun times ahead.
Cool models but this has to be the hardest to read KT out there. Can't even really tell the leader apart
Every Eldarfag, regardless of the Epdar they're a fag for, is somehow always a colossal asshat. How do you even function alongside other players?
Marine players can count rivets on every armor mark, why can't we count wraithbone studs HUH?
Not a regular bolter, a Heavy Bolter. I wanted to know what it'd look like but couldn't find any pic
Marines are an actually important faction, Elsar aren't.
How do space marine players cope with the fact knowing chaos will always look better than them?
Yeah I missed the heavy part somehow.
As presented on the models I'm gonna go with it's impossible.
Maybe in actual scale it's doable
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I think black templars and that similar kind of knightly loyalists, so a number of dark angels too, look better than the standard black legion chaos flavour
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because chaos marines are manlets compared to the chad primaris
They don't look better to SM players so no coping is required.
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“My Man!”
*sound of snapping fingers*
Finally read all the Imperial Armor books. Other than now having something resembling a love for the setting again, I've really fallen in love with Eldar Corsairs. It's all the parts I love about these goofy space elves and then more, suits me better than Dark Eldar which is my current army. But I guess I'm just fucked unless I can convince someone to play 7e or want to settle with playing Killteam huh?

Space Pirates are so damn cool...
I’d love to see it, but I get the feeling it’s going to be a lot of Space Marine codices
They aren’t just going to give you a PDF if you have a code. That’s too easily pirated. They give you access to updated rules through their app if you plug the code into it from your codex.
>3rd edition Orks over 2nd edition Orks...
>No mention of Gorkamorka...
I don't see it. Armenian architecture known for a lack of pointy things, and Eldar are way too over the top 19th century Celtomania.
No-one cares anon .

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