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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Holy Awe Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

>Wixoss Pastebin

>Force of Will Pastebin

>Dragonball GT Shadow Dragon saga rulebook

>Gate Ruler Pastebin

>Build Divide Pastebin

>Flesh and Blood Pastebin

>Ashes Reborn Pastebin

>Netrunner Pastebin

>Fusion World Rules

Play with /acg/ through voice chat! No text chat so coordinate in thread to get some games in.

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
What's that one card you see your opponent play and you immediately know you're in for a long duel?
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I don't see MTG, Pokemon, FAB, whatever shitty game you faggots play get the spotlight like we do.
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Today's Build Divide reveals are a Super and Normal rare from the FMA vol. 2 set.

Law of the Jungle - Olivier Mira Armstrong
<Title: Law of the Jungle>
[AUTO] When this unit battles, gain 1 Alchemy counter.
<Law of the Jungle> [AUTO] When this unit attacks, remove 1 Alchemy counter. If you did, draw 2 cards and discard 1.
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Northern Wall of Briggs
<Title: Law of the Jungle>
[ACT] During this turn if you gained 1 or more Alchemy counters all your units get Power +3000.
[AUTO] When your unit attacks and wins a battle, if you gained 1 or more Alchemy counters this turn, stand that unit. You may only use this ability up to once per turn.

worst of the big three by far
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I joined an (online) MeCCG tournament. I won my first round game, with a one ring victory. Woohoo! That's worth extra points in the tournament, and now I stand tied for first albeit after only one round.

Now, the thing is, this is a swiss system. So the guy I'm playing in round two is the other guy who tried a one ring deck and won with that. And there's a pretty narrow pool of cards that a One Ring deck needs to function, and they're unique, so if my opponent tries the same strategy it's a really weird race; only one of us can get Gollum, or the Scroll of Isildur, or, you know, the Ring.

Which gives me a very weird and interesting meta-game decision. You can swap out your deck in between rounds. Theoretically you can show up with a completely different deck every round. And I'm not sure if I should try to swap out since he might play his one Ring, or if I should brazen it out. We both might wind up switching away from one ring decks. I love the strategy, but this is one type of decision I'm really not used to thinking about.
have some antedeluvian man-ass
>y it's a really weird race; only one of us can get Gollum, or the Scroll of Isildur, or, you know, the Ring.
False. You can try to influence each of those unique cards and effectively steal them from your opponent.
The reason why people don't play "Ring dump" decks it is because you need to roll high to get things done.
Well, yes, you can steal. But that still means only one of us has any of the critical resources in play at a time, and if both players are doing an identical strategy, it's going to get messy.
I hate Flesh and Blood
Early Duel Masters was the best.
Once they got passed Japanese set 5 or such it begun to spiral out of control.
>Duel Masters Then
>Duel Masters Now
>duema thence
>duema hence
>liquidating my flesh and blood collection
>so many foil Ms are worth peanuts
>even some of my equipment is only worth a dollar or two
how is this game so fucking expensive if everything is so cheap what the fuck
buy high, sell low
Congratulations, you have the correct opinion
Is there a beginner's guide for Duel Masters Plays? I heard there was a way to play in English, so I was interested in that.
The funny thing about the foil Ms in particular is they're fairly low population all things considered.
Just nobody cares because FaB is all grinders, dads, or unemployed twinks.
If any reasonable number of collectorfags ever come into the game (the monarch boom was flipniggers; they don't count) the current sets are going to do goofy swings.
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>Duel Masters Now

I like this one.
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I love Duel Masters! There's a site called shobu . io with a pretty consistent playerbase for the game. All you do is set up a screen name, no email or payment required, build your decks and play with random people. I haven't played in any myself, but they host tournaments as well. Come on by, it's great fun.
Forgot to mention, I believe it only has the first 3 or 4 sets available to build decks from at the moment.
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Hello Wixossisters. I hope you are all having a good day. Please enjoy this beautiful brown girl. I wish to lick her feet after a day of running around in her slimy shoes. Thankyou
We told you from the very start it wasn't as expensive as the trolls would have you believe. Sorry you're getting out. Are you sure about that? I know friends that have sold out and bought back in two sets later multiple times now. If you can't make a ton now then might as well keep your favorite class cards and wait for a set that makes them shine to pop back in.
>anon discovers metagame driven prices
Oh no! Fuckffab amirite fellow gamer?
I think most anons are ok paying $30-40 for like 8 cards in their deck as long as the rest is under $8.
>Well you have to pay $100-300 for each of those cards that are essential to play the game
hell no. get the fuck out and fuck whatever this game is (fab)
>get the fuck out and fuck whatever this game is (fab)
The fuck are you on about? I bought legendaries for twenty bucks, key majestics for ten to five dollars and everything else is swagging out with 1.75 foil rares. It ain't as pricy as retards claim loudly and often here.
I am pretty sure, but I am keeping my prism deck incase I ever get the itch to go back, I have a collection of promos and majestics from other classes from lucky booster pulls so I'm making an ok bit of money. I still need to figure out what to do with all my bulk though. I only ever really played casually and I just don't have the time or budget to show up to weeklies to get stomped by way more competitive people than me.
convincing strawman
I spent ~$5,000 on my FAB deck that was outdated in three months. Ask me anytime.
Post the rest of the cat.
So what game is this and what are the big laser tits supposed to be?
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>Super Combo reveal
why can't they just fucking skip these and show the cards people want to see
It’s a little annoying that the nonAlchemist in a group of nonAlchemists still makes alchemy counters.
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Should have picked a non meta hero, only yourself to blame etc. etc.
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Wixoss having so many great girls should't be possible
I want to see her butt, actually.
He's a lying shitposter, but even if he wasn't $5k means he must have bought a meta hero during peak hype AND all cards at highest rarity.
Yup. should have just played Arakni
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For the love of god, where can I buy small glass beads for use as counters or tokens in trading card games? I specifically want small ones like the orange ones on the left, but I can only find large ones like the red ones on the right, whether I look online or locally. The larger ones are impractical for use in TCGs, yet they're all I can find, even from sellers who say that they're for TCGs, or even claim that they're the same ones that used to come with Pokemon cards back in the day. And don't fucking tell me to just use cardboard counters or small D6's; I want these classy-looking small glass beads. Preferably in red so that they fit the theme for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.
just use cardboard counters or small D6's
Can I interest you in some cores? Granted you'll probably have to order from overseas for the ones that aren't blue
Don’t you just buy a mancala set and dump everything by the beads in the trash?
Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, Joann's
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Gyullas from Navia Dratp are the cream of the crop
I want to eat them
if you could smell them you'd change your mind real quick
something about this 20 year old plastic has gone off and it smells dreadful
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>expired plastic
What's the next big TCG coming out that I can get a head start on? FOMO is keeping me from enjoying One Piece or anything currently available really. I want every card, early prizing, cool promo stuff. I want it all.
keep your eyes open for the MetaZoo clap back
>I want every card, early prizing, cool promo stuff. I want it all.
You can do that for wan piss if you pay an arm and a leg.
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This shit is mad gay but is it fun?
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I have no idea, but I want some.
I'd prefer them to be round, but these look like they're the right size at least. I'll keep this in mind as a potential plan B if I can't find round ones, thank you.
I've never played Mancala, and just assumed that the beads would be too large, like the red ones in my image. But I will start keeping an eye out for Mancala sets with smaller beads, thanks.
I didn't see any at my local Walmart, and it's one of the largest Walmarts in North America. What department? I didn't see any in the crafts, toys, seasonal, or pet departments. I've never seen a Hobby Lobby or Joann's.
Not round. Also, inconsistent sizes. Thanks though.
Chromosome-enriched children eating the small round counters that came with their Pokemon cards is likely why I'm having an oddly difficult time finding such simple items in the first place.
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Oh, yeah, this is super gay.
Are there any cards for the caveman pets? Those were cool
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Don't know anything about it, myself. I'm just browsing the card list from what appears to be the first set... which I guess released in April?
Not familiar with Neopets at all, but these look cute as hell.
idk what sections they are, but look around where stores have flower vases
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>tfw no Soup Faerie gf
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Yeah, I've found large ones like these red ones in many different stores and departments, for very cheap, but the smaller beads appropriate for TCGs like these orange ones are strangely elusive.
Soup Faerie, a man's first Chihiro...
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>colors of the rainbow
>yeah it's gay
the rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon that belongs to God, not homosexuals. i like rainbows and rainbow art cards.
Maybe look in the bead sections or just settle for rhinestones with a flat side so they won't roll off the table.
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shut the fuck up
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We killed your God with the power of friendship.
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Me and my boys play this sometimes but without the cards
based and checked
Oh wow, it's out TODAY!
And here I was just fucking around when anon asked for a new game. What are the fucking odds?

It looks cute. I want to try it.
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can you at least post cards that aren't microscopic
I'd love to. Be a bro and help me find a database with better image quality. <3
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Have you seriously reported an on topic satirical post just because it was talking bad about fab???
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Those are still sold in aquarium shops. Look for "Aquarium glass rocks" and you will probably find them.
It is so cool for old ccgs being ressurected. First was VTES, then Magi Nation and Warlord. Now Neopets.

I have never played Neopets but know people who like and have collections.
I hope that some other good ccgs can return as well. L5R ccg (AEG rules) and Anachronism would be cool to see again.
To be totally honest I would actually like if FFG redid L5R but in the Legend of the Burning Sands rules set.
I have checked the aquarium sections of several pet stores. They all had larger ones that take up 1/12th of the card like the red ones in my images, but not the smaller ones that would actually be practical for TCGs. I have not tried stores that specialize in aquarium supplies though. It looks like I have at least two aquarium stores in my town. I will check them out next weekend. Thanks for the suggestion!

It is downright strange how hard these are to find. Do TCG players not use these anymore? I haven't really played TCGs since the early 2000s, but I remember them being very commonplace back then.
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Duel masters, it's from the realm of heaven.
I think even when they do the players usually look for official peripherals instead of substitutes using household items. Which gave me a thought, have you looked for red buttons at clothing stores? They'd likely have some translucent shiny ones up for sale I think
>Arakni (like arachnid)
>Huntsman (like the spider)
>No spider theming
his weapon is called spider's bite too
Play Sorcery
Why should I?
Because I need you to buy my bags
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I've been playing DMPlay's recently, god I'm so mad that Duel Masters doesn't get a proper english release, it rules so hard.
It's a solid western fantasy card game, which is currently an underserved market if you don't like MTG (or its parent company). It has pretty unique gameplay and makes for great games with friends. You can also play it for free on TTS to try it out

Plus I want more people into the game so I can play more
Too boardgameish gross
For IRL play It's one of those things of momentum, you need so much momentum to launch a card game and Sorcery just doesn't have it.

It's not a game that defines a niche like the big anime games, it's not the big dog like MTG, it's not cute like pokemon or hyper comboy like ygo, it's just... another game.
Holy shit. These are actually really fucking nice. I'm impressed. I was gearing up for side grades but these might actually be upgrades to her available armor slots. Consider this preordered for me, I gotta have the armory deck.
What set are they up to? You're invading and shit already?
I've got an amazing idea for a new TCG.
The brilliant mechanics of Duel Masters, but without the horribly cringe yugioh theme! Literally any other theme.
Genius right?
>brilliant mechanics of Duel Masters
Shields aren't that great of a mechanic.
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It's not a direct 1:1 with how stuff originally came out, there's some really modern cards in but it's mixed.

Sets 25 and 26 are out and have a bunch of invasion stuff, and also some original card designs like this combo monster
Its pretty great. Right behind ANR agendas for me.
Bullseye and Snapdragons have been dominating my dommy mommy's gear lists since she was incepted into the game. Losing arcane barrier for one and the ability to select non aimed arrows or generics is still a choice to be made, but all of these sync up together so nicely that it actually does feel like a choice now.
Fair enough. The grid becomes pretty intuitive and interesting once you get used to it, I am used to playing games like CFV and Yugioh, which already have defined zones for cards, so the grid was not so large a jump

I disagree that it's forgettable, or "part of the crowd". I think the game is distinct and fulfills a niche that is underserved
Further I don't subscribe to the idea "it's not popular so I won't play it". That mentality ensures that no game, regardless of quality, will get played.
I'm not saying everyone must play it, I'm no shill. But I do think it is a good game that deserves a chance. It's certainly far from perfect
Ew, Kiriko stuff. Total banbait.

Ehhh, I feel like you never want to attack unless there's some crazy on swing trigger, you're giga aggro, or you're going for game. Losing the game instantly to a heaven's gate has never seemed particularly fun or skillful.
Let's check in with the cult, shall we?
>still automatically fellating any hot log levi pushes out
Yep, they're just as stupid as ever.

>nock is only useful as a blue blocker
Imagine being this cucked out of the limelight to believe Azalea's specialization that's the only arrow tutor in the game, one that Bryan Gottlieb said will never ever again release while he's in charge, is really just a pretty blue to trash or toss on sight.
It always gets me wondering with old card games how expensive it was for them to get made. It's just card stock and the old art always looks like some dude off the street drew them.
Aim Azalea might be an actual alternative now.
I don't know why you even take what discord retards say seriously.
What yugioh theme? The first DM sets look more like MTG than yugioh
Quite the opposite really, I think the cult is a cosmic joke, one that loudly proclaims to be the defacto voice of the fans; in truth the real azalea players ford their own path and find what works organically.
I think it's pretty clear that the FaB scene still has a low number of high level innovators and a tendency to hivemind. And also the average player is fucking terrible at the game, myself included.

Also, I really want to see what happens once someone who can memorize both pitch stacks perfectly shows up.
Seeing a real savant situation emerge would be incredible, and one I too am waiting for as a matter of when not if. That's what makes cards that force shuffle so strong, an effect that is inherent of tutor cards such as the cult's "pretty blue" Nock Death. I can't pitchstack, so having three reshuffles per game serve to free up card clumping and add acceptable risk for Blind Azaleaing; a nuance that these baffoons critically under rate.
I've honestly got my suspicions as to why Azalea is getting aim support now is because of how underwhelmed everyone was with judge jury and executioner upon reveal. It's honestly an undercooked aspect of the game, so getting more defining support gear tells me that they're serious about pushing that as the goto strategy for vanilla Rangers.
Yeah, I was surprised Riptide got and aim spec too.
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Oh boy, this box sure has suffered a lot but I wonder what could be inside?
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Is this true?! 3 boxes of Z/X Zillions? But wait a minute... Let's take a peek.
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I know that back, this does not look like Z/X Zillions... Is this some kind of a prank?
This is pretty dumb.
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And I found zero amounts of pranks inside! It's just the Legions bulk a kind Anon offered. Look at all these beauties. Wait, I see some more...
Alright, it's less dumb than I thought, but the delivery needs work.
Based anon for sharing cards.
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There IS actually some Z/X in there, and also two packs of Vividz! May the anon be blessed (you know who you are).
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Sorry it didn't live up to your expectations, here's more cards to make up for it.
I'm personally not interested in it but check out Union Arena I guess.
Happy for you anon that you enjoyed it. They allow only up to 3 items shipped so had put them in boxes + some bulk to fill it in
>call lgs
>"Any chance you guys will be carrying Neopets?"
>"We weren't going to. Seemed like a waste that would sit on our shelves and collect dust like Metazoo, but I've been getting so many phone calls today asking about it that I might order a case or two and see what happens."
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Kitty finished its journey from Japan. Thank you to the anon who pointed it out to me! It's really cute.
3 "items"? What a weirdly nonspecific restriction
its private carrier, first time shipping internationally for me .
Other bulk is no so interesting z/x, lycee and wixoss
who cares about azalea, spoil more elemental shit
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Most high rarity cards from Rosetta will remain unspoiled until the premiere event.

Aside: The existence of both Earth and Lightning themed runechants seems to suggest both Florian and Aurora will use them in a meaningful way. Perhaps LSS are moving away from early Runeblade concepts where each hero was supposed to have a unique aura and towards the runechant as a fundamental pillar of the class.
So then, will the "embodiment of X" cards remain Runeblade associated, or get shifted into the design space for Elemental as a whole?

>Most high rarity cards from Rosetta will remain unspoiled until the premiere event.
fine by me, i want to plan their commoner decks

>premium runechants
okay time to build a gold cold foil extended art marvel holographic signed copy

>So then, will the "embodiment of X" cards remain Runeblade associated, or get shifted into the design space for Elemental as a whole?
if i had to guess i'd say the latter, Verdance's gameplay seems like will be centered around outlasting the opponent, and embodiment of earth synergizes with both this and the class, as wizards run many non-attack actions
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Most AEG games are done by artists who also drew rpg art for them. Some are probably better in black and white, but at least they are all hand draw. Nowadays artists use photoshop to mix & match reference images and then trace on top of those.

Old art = SOVL
New art = ai slop = generic shit (most of times)
I think embodiments will remain Runeblade specific since token aura creation seems to be part of their class identity, much more so then Wizard.
>who cares about azalea
Yeah right, that time has come and gone. Those were the days.
Duel Masters artwork was on another level folks....
Anyone know where I can find resources for proxying keyforge? My googlefu is failing me I tried discord, I downloaded the TTS mod and the files were very low res, as with the cards on Cards of Keyforge.
keyforge is super cheap lol, You will probably pay less in a random deck than printing cards (but you probably want to deck build, i guess)
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I'm actually pretty keen to try her in LL format of all things. Kraken's Aethervein seems fucking broken with Amp effects, and we all know what a mistake Crown of Seeds was.

Going back and checking, it seems like the Lexi specialization from DTD creates Embodiments of Lightning. Maybe that's a signal, but it's also just one card.
>it seems like the Lexi specialization from DTD creates Embodiments of Lightning
Oh yeah...That was such a nothing card it flew completely under my radar.
anyone here plays Grand Archive? It looks generic as hell, but its mechanics are so good it almost won me over. The fact that my city for some reason has a pretty active scene for it helps. But online it seems like barely anyone plays it.
>its mechanics are so good
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I will belive this, not because i think is true, but because i want it to be true.
Also they have full arts.
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I just now found out about tribal Neopet fairies, specifically bottled fairies, and am intrigued. If there's a faction of elvish muscle-girls you might sell me on playing.
Silvie is cute.
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No. The best i can for you is some evil women with the dark Faeries or Xandra(almost got away with fairy genocide).
But really no.Also you won't find any sexy stuff on neopets.
>Tranny hunters
How did they let that in, really disappointed in Disney...
It has an awkward weird resource system that got a bandaid called floating memory
Friend, those are barefoot fairies. We both know that counts as sexy stuff to somebody.
Every single one of those cards has dreadful art.
Neopets was a browser game for children from the late 90s/early 00s. Even if you're a furry, the level of coombait is on par with Paw Patrol.

The fact it's coming back at all is shocking, but I wish it well.
Now's the time to get all the stock and resell high value nostalgia bait cards to the weirdo furry kids who grew up with neopets and became doctors somehow.
Have any of you long time TCG players been able to spot the influence of AI generation in recent sets?
I'm not anti-AI so it only matters to me if it's significantly shittier than whatever Ranjesh is redeeming, I haven't noticed much of a difference over the last few years.
To be clear, I'm not particularly impressed with the art of most games. They're usually "good enough" with a small handful of notable artists producing work a cut above the rest.
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Recent sets of what?
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I don't mind using A.I. for helping to get a pose right or to generate general ideas to then draw from and I think most artists should incorporate A.I. in the process of making art.
That said I think there's a lot of lazy work being done with some recent tcg art only because of the use of tracing or using raw A.I. art with little in the way of editing. There is a noticeable influence.

I think at some point generated art will become indistinguishable from an actual artists work, but I figure the price of hiring an actual human artist might horseshoe back around into being the cheaper option by then.
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!OH NO! Anons are posting card images, I M GOING INSANE !!!!!
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Cute snek. Where were these posted? I don't see them on their twitter
Man this shit cute as fuck and looking at the rules it seems pretty fun
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I like that you think PAW Patrol has low levels of coombait
I been playing neopets for nostalgia lately before this even got announced so this caught me off guard. Definitely might get a starter deck cause this looks really fun
Yeah, I'm gonna wait until next week and see if my lgs actually decides to order any, and if not then I'll just order some online. I'll probably grab one of each starter and two booster boxes so I can get free shipping if it comes to that.
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Low levels of coombait for people who aren't step 5 or above
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Which step would picrel be?
Damn it I’ll need this.
>I been playing neopets for nostalgia lately
If you mean the browser game, you may also be interested to know they made redemption cards in the set.
This has metazoo 2.0 written all over it, m8
Plz no. Fuck scalpers. Let this just be a niche game that stays just barely relevant enough to keep producing more.
Sounds like someone ain't got that hustle mentality bro
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>another Super Combo
fuck off Bandai
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To be fair, it looks more like a WoWtcg thing than something Metazoo related.
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the fact they use a super combo as a "reveal" still confuses me. maybe if 18 was wearing Bulma's bunny outfit i would be hype for this card and the new set.
That's a good point.
Finally managed to give WoWTCG a try yesterday. Initial thoughts are the pacing of the game wasn't what I expected, and I felt a lot at the mercy of the deck for those permanent class buffs which am really strong. Could well just be my inexperience though.
Quest cards and holding resource for the opponents turn is fun.

The other thing is we're using the 2011 decks for the purpose of doing the dungeon decks, when I remember people here saying the game only got really special in it's last year or so (2013?)
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Somewhere in the 1 to 2 region. May be a perfect halfway point, actually
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BASED digits
What stops it from getting a full 2?
still has human face with animal ears
Ah, that's a reasonable point.
I hate how Shield Triggers are so crucial to the balance of Duel Masters.
They have had redemption codes in products before like plushies and other games like the old tcg but they are usually fair about distribution
So when will lss ban art of war, this is not okay
What happened fabfriend?
This annoying prick on a Discord I just joined was showing off his collection of them. He owns dozens of copies and he's bragging about their value being "unsinkable". I just want to watch everything blow up in his fat faggot face.
Don't worry, i'll do an astral projection into their dreams that will convince them to indirectly nerf the "art of war" card from the game flesh and blood™ by legend story studios
I'm kinda surprised how unpopular this game is, I've seen people at my lgs try it out with the demo decks and they just look bored out of their minds, does the game just present itself poorly?
It's made by people who thought Weebs of the Shore was a good name, that should be all you need to know
I'd bet they're going to reprint it eventually, because it's an auto-include in every deck that can use it. See: Tunic.

Gotta say though, I enjoy playing FAB but am hating the MST heroes. They're not fun to play against at all, and I'm too brainlet to try to learn Zen or Nuu. I hope the new arcane set gives some generic runeblade cards at least, to make Viserai playable outside of "count to 40 runechant" non-interactive decks.
it was always pretty special, but the later content is great as is the community-made stuff created after it went oop. you can sink a lot of time in that game, there's a ton.
what deck were you playing, for reference? there's a ton of variation in what a wow deck can look like and how it plays.
Just did last week!
Here are my pulls from the draft that happened the day before before the Avatars of Yggdrasil cup in Paris. Didn't place in the tournament proper but my Bro got 5th place with the avatar of Earth I lent him.

The best part of the event was definitely getting to meet the artists. I really like Queen of Midland even if it's super fragile so getting Severine Pineaux to sign it was incredible. Same for the foil Sand Worm.
The geomancer was given by another player, I didn't open one in my boxes of Beta and he was kind enough to gift one to me
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early spoilers up for the next ashes box
illusion deck and another chimera. new uniques for victoria, rimea, sembali and hope.
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with a card spread. rimea getting an errata, seems like the only one. and one new card.

her old ability was complicated but bad. basically gone the fucking opposite direction, now she's strong but simpler.

assume this is a victoria card since she's on the whole harley quinn mad circus bullshit. invert is a new ability, basically body inversion on a unit. seems situational shit like the original.
I want to get into PanZ/FanZ, but struggling a bit because there's so much out there. Are there any good starter guides and/or deck lists out there? Where do people print cards from, for the fan additions?

I want to put together 4 decks (cell, freiza, Goku, Buu, ideally) that are roughly equal in power, to pull out with friends or on slow nights at the LGS, because the game seems super fun. But I'm not really sure how to get started on it.
Nice pulls anon. I love Angel/devils egg. At first I thought the 1hp change per turn would not be significant, but it really helps you get gain control of the games momentum once it comes out

What deck did you play? Right not I'm enjoying Fire/Air combo
>that should be all you need to know
It doesn't though.
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Blue Goku leader
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Blue Gohan SR
No combo could be a death sentence.
>Play Rude-E's latest scheme with a 20:1 investor to player ratio, low momentum and zero supply
No, I don't think I will.
History set 2 when?
I don't think there will be any more History sets. They used them as an excuse to reprint old cards in other languages primarely.
Nowadays if something needs a reprint they just put it in the expansion slot.
Sucky, there are so many cards that feel almost essential for certain heros that are locked into older OOP sets
Japan just got a launch. I'd be shocked if HS2 doesn't come out to put AoW, CnC, tomes, key legendaries into Japanese.

Maybe with some new art, even.
You can address 2 of those issues by actually playing the game if you enjoy it
You can also play it literally for free via TTS
>he doesn't dropship Chinese fakes on tcgplayer
might be cool
placing specific things on top of your deck might mean it has some support for drawing into certain things. wonder if blue will get some kind of field card to use with his defensive ability
could see some use as a 1 or 2-of you throw away and bring out with Goku Black later in the game
You're getting rid of 10-20k of combo and maybe a blocker, plus it's 30k so maybe worth? (wouldn't know for sure, largely outsider)
2011 Horde DK starter (ghouls and diseases with cheap allies) vs Alliance Druid starter (big allies and buffs).
Didn't get any of the big diseases to deal damage per turn to the Druid and didn't pull a card to make duels until turn 8 or something. Did get some weapons but the clap back from Druids big damage allies was painful when I had to use it
I just got into it recently. RetroDBZCCG site has the original demo decks (pre release, not the randomised ones during launch) that I used to get started. I'm just working through my group one set at a time now adding cards we like
RetroZ is indeed a good resource.
>But I'm not really sure how to get started on it.
I’ve got experience with Score but what I did was make decks out of the piles I had to get used to the game again and then adjust accordingly. Then I put a few decks together, played against myself or a friend for a few games and find out what’s overperforming and what needed to be tweaked. Added removed cards over time. Some decks took longer to balance but it was worth it and worst case, playtest the decks you think will underperform so your group is learning the game while dunking on you.

Also gives you time to look through some cards as you learn the game and find out what silly things you can do. Score/Pan/Fusion has a bunch of blocks that “counterattack” or let you copy moves which I found out about after starting and worked into a deck, though not as heavily as possible. Also remember if you’re making a battlebox you can mix and match if you want. Playing Pan/Fan but see a Score/GT/Retro card you like? Throw it the fuck in.
I gotta take my own advice and look at Frieza options.
You can mix GT/Super cards into *anZ? I thought Super at least was a completely different game
what you boys know about lorcana
has brooms
I don't play Disneyshit.
If I wanted to play Duel Masters, I'd play Duel Masters.
Easy to learn/play, nice looking and small footprint. It's a good alternative for the Pokemon crowd, or the old standard mtg crowd (pre-FIRE).
Nobody said anything about Super, anon. That is a different game. GT, however, is a part of ScoreZ.
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Has kitties.
Not Super.
GT cards are part of the original Score game but for a couple reasons some people separate them as their own thing. And some of them stand out more than other cards mechanically since Score updated rules and created optional rules that all its followers abandoned.
>created optional rules that all its followers abandoned
Please clarify.
Unless I’m forgetting one there’s only one change they made around GT that is actually optional, as the other replaces the core rules entirely. You can choose whether you advance with the earlier anger system or if you use the new level up step and remove 10 cards from your discard pile to do so. Anger still exists outside the GT-only format, and card design changed to center the balance around dumping your own discard pile.
>nonoptional changes in Score, often ignored like in Retro
Instead of just drawing 3 cards, you looked at the top 6 and rearranged them first.
Allies used their own PUR instead of just 1.
Not really a rule but Namekian got axed. It wasn’t in Score until the 4th set so it ends up being absent half the game, and the GT sets and their focus on interacting with the discard pile would have made the whole style obsolete (beyond Namekians not showing up on screen).
Also they have different card backs for what it’s worth, and their numbers tend to be bigger even if their effects aren’t.

Pan tweaked Score’s core rules in a number of ways but even before that fan groups were ignoring any mechanical change Score made postKidBuu while tacking on their own. They do keep the GT naming conventions for card types though. Events instead of Combat or Setup instead of Non-Combat and all that.
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I read Score as Super, sorry for being retarded.
GT and Score were actually billed as different games.

You had Score Z
You had Focused (GT only cards)
Finally, you had Expanded, which was a combination of both games, which was only done later as a means to try to get people into GT.

GT abandoned several mechanics of Score Z, most notably Anger levels. GT personalities had on average 20 power stages instead of 10, and energy attacks were made MUCH stronger in terms of raw damage.

Oh I almost forgot, Most Powerful Personality Victory wasn't a mechanic in GT.
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There will eventually be enough reprint equity for them to release another reprint set, but I also think "History Pack N" is over for English. The sets included in HP2 (Monarch, Tales of Aria, and Everfest) remain oversupplied, and in the case of Everfest under-opened. I think the white border is fun and hope to see it again.
AoW was never in HP2.

>locked into older OOP sets
That doesn't mean anything on it's own. ToA and EVR are OOP and you can get them cheaper than MSRP still. Please actually look at the stock in your local market instead of repeating reddit wisdom.

Anon, none of those cards are in HP2. All of those cards (depending on what you mean by "tomes") are in HP1 which, in English, you can get almost anywhere for significantly less than MSRP.
They can just print HP1 in Japanese.

Are you guys all new or is this some high level shitpost I don't understand? And before you start screeching, yes I agree some cards need more supply and a lower price. It's just the reasoning in this thread is incoherent.
I don't see what is so fun about this game from a mechanically point of view.
The design is safe asf which makes it boring to me
But I'm glad Lorcana and One Piece are in the market. More players we take out out Yugioh the better.
wtf i love one piece now
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>GT and Score were actually billed as different games.
They were not. Baby Saga (GT) was simply the release that followed Kid Buu Saga (Z).
>Finally, you had Expanded, which was a combination of both games, which was only done later as a means to try to get people into GT.
This is incorrect. Expanded was played more than Focused as long-time players were already entrenched in the game with their collections of Z cards still being incredibly relevant.
>GT abandoned several mechanics of Score Z, most notably Anger levels.
Yes and no. The GT cards themselves never referenced anger, but in Expanded you could still use anger and had to declare which leveling mechanic you were using at game start.
>GT personalities had on average 20 power stages instead of 10
Sixteen stages, not twenty.
>Oh I almost forgot, Most Powerful Personality Victory wasn't a mechanic in GT.
As with anger, it was still a potential win condition in Expanded, though it fell out of meta contention with the advent of level 6 personalities in Shadow Dragon Saga.

Your post is horribly full of misinformation.
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The design is expanding, slowly. But yeah, it's basically a group of old mtg core sets, but with Hearthstone's creature combat, and no blocking attacks to face.

The draw is the game is well paced and easy to play, it's Ravensburger rather than wotc or FFG or another actively cancerous company, and you can easily find stores hosting events. It's no masterclass in game design, just functional and simple with a reasonable number of decision points per turn.
This doesn't even resemble the character's looks. Also he's an archer, not a knight. That kinda goes against what his whole idea is about.
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Correct, that's what the Floodborn designation is - big change to the character vs Canon. This one is a vigilante/knight. Normal card art for this version of Robin Hood attached.

The original card is the ~$300 foil "enchanted" version
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Another Floodborn example. They've got shit like Cinderella as a Knight, giant Tinkerbell (coombait, and printed before recent Tink cancelation), Ariel - Sonic Warrior, etc.
>intelligent gaston
Not sure if based or cringe. Kinda a bit of both, honestly.
How long before people get tired of them rotating characters in Lorcana? Or are there enough characters in Disney to keep them going?
>One Piece
And those are just the ones on the top of my head. Mind telling me why all these games decided to pick it up if it isn't that great of a mechanic?
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Me personally I prefer life counter but I think how Gate Ruler and CFV use their life mechanic is another favourite
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Good afternoon, Card Weavers! Spent my day off yesterday tweaking and testing my project. Buffed and nerfed some factions and balance is a lot better. Wahey!
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>still gets cucked by Beast
Why are white women so fucked in the head?
Good job, keep up the good work!
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Gimme da POOSEE baus.
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Kryptik is kill again.

Sad. Tanner absolutely shat the bed with a winner. Had he not pushed the poker decks, done the retarded van tour, and most importantly inexplicably changed the card stock between set 1 and 2, Kryptik would be a successful /acg/. Instead it's dead again. I guess it's some solace that he probably lost his shirt on the stupid Wicked Prophecy decisions, but I'd rather the game still be alive.
Cool that you’re still working on it. Have you tested it with another player or just against yourself so far?
I will play your game
>he says as he consumed media

Dino AnoN wept...
I like shields and damage cards as a health mechanic, and with the right restrictions damage triggers can be tense fun instead of annoying rng. The versions where the damage becomes types of resources is also just fun design space to me that life points can’t always replicate. Eating your own life anytime vs it being a built-in catch-up mechanic, along with the trade off of giving your opponent something they might be able to use against you.

I’ve seen the criticism that life points have the potential to be really static and boring (only the last life matters and all that) but being able to steal life, or paying life in a risk-reward setup, or having cards that check your life condition, or potential designs like two health bars mitigates that. Also just like shields there’s a risk to losing too much life and putting yourself in range of your opponent’s combo or aggression. The last point of life is the one that matters but you made the decisions that put that life in range. Your life not being cards that get flipped over doesn’t change that your choices have impacts. That and Boring But Functional can be the perfect fit for a game. FoW tried both and didn’t need the shields stapled onto the life that just worked.
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Z/X has less cheesecake than Wixoss and it was surprising to me that we got English Wixoss first.
Who are you quoting?
>Please actually look at the stock in your local market
I'm not paying £150 for 3 surgical extractions, that's lunacy
What do you mean, AGAIN?
I'm thinking about getting a box of Wicked Prophecy just to have the single biggest fumble in tcg history on my shelf.
You're deliberately avoiding the point in order to perform outrage.
A set being "Out of Print" does not inherently mean anything for the price of a card. It doesn't even necessarily mean anything for the price of a pack.
I'm interested in playing it, I'll say that much. But without solid online platforms to try games, my desire to play them drops hard.
>Game announces, after like 9 months of "development" that Atonement (set 3) is being canceled, for various reasons that equate to "the team is half assing this part-time so nothing is getting done"
>speedrobo games steps in to print Atonement
>literally a week before it gets printed, Tanner (Kryptik owner/founder) pulls the plug, for "not matching with the vision and values of the game" or similar empty reason
>"post mortem" stream planned for Sunday, without Tanner
>word on the street was that Wave 0 of atonement sold at Origins was dogshit quality, which may be why plug was pulled

That's the gist of it.
Honestly I'm not sure if I could fuck up this hard if I actively tried. This is fucking sad.
Thanks for the summary.

There's also a stream tonight at 9pm EST, we'll see if more info comes out. But at this point it's been like 15 months since the last release, and they aren't doing a Kickstarter or have any stated path forward.
I actually think that acrobat ally might be pretty ball busting. Unit Guard isn't as good as Alert on a 3/4, but the body inversion ability works on attack or defense and it doesn't need to target the thing she's actually fucking fighting. and it's friendly/enemy too.
which means even on an empty board she can turn herself in to a 4/3 at will, turn your other defensive guys into threats. gib the other players 0/2s and shit. it's pretty good.
Because they are bad games.
>not liking Duema
Unironically fake card game fan
Its anime FAB with a weird resource system that uses your hand and autodiscards something from it. I would say its fine but its literally fucking dead in the US unless you go to the 3-4 LGS that hosts it. Its pretty strong in SEA and Taiwan for some reason.
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You’ll know they’ve run out of ideas when they pull an “Evil Heroes” set. The villains can turn good but Disney would never let them make heroes into villains, even though it would be cool as shit
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Does BP reduction kill in BSS?
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yes, it count as destruction
First time I'm seeing BSS cards that actually look mechanically interesting. Shame the game's spoiled or I'd hop into a sealed/draft (which is what I would have done from the beginning if Bandai weren't dogshit at pushing that format).
>Watching GDC on Hearthstone
>Talks about user accessibility, giving players little wins to get them hooked
>Decide to give it a go and download it. Played heaps of TCG so this is like dipping in the kiddy pool
>Play the tutorial handhold and start first real match
>Choose mage, opponent hunter (its playing so fast I'm pretty sure it was a bot?)
>get absolutely r*ped, my cards are just piddling on my own shoes while the enemies cards are all the globetrotters from space jam popping off every turn
What the fuck? I don't mind losing my first game but this is a game that's supposedly specifically designed to give players little wins to make them hooked but instead it anally fisted me while laughing. Huh???
bro that first match is stacked in your favor
what the fuck did you do
My cards were toilet water I played them as best as possible and the AI opponent or whatever just whacked out random shit that decimated me it certainly didn't feel stacked in my favor. Maybe I was a rare outlier...
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I hope every person that ever put a single cent into Metapoo gets incurable gonorrhoea
anon, your LGS has tons of these
maybe. more interested in the rimea errata. she's finally got enough battlefield to actually use ancestral army more than once a game.
Triggers and yellow is the literal worst part of one piece though? Also lol at saying Kaijudo when that's literally duelmaasters.
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Thanks doc
Doesn't that seem like absolute shite?
Yeah, probably. It's not like Green needs a late game finisher.
It's undoubtably worse than the other Green leaders. However, if there's an offensive combo card for green maybe it could be usable?
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Goku SR
Lmao what the fuck is this?
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A 6-cost draw 2 with Blocker.
I see you are unable to read.
Is a 6-cost ramp really that relevant?
>6 cost blocker with no protection and only 30k power
Was at Origins and saw this in passing and there was no interest in the game at all. Even took a looksee at their draft table they set up and there were only 6 people, one Im sure was a developer
NTA, but Wixoss.
This is DMP yeah? How many more years till we get to Joe era in DMP?
People posting spoilers here with 0 discussion of them makes me laugh.
People posting cats here with 0 discussion of them makes me laugh.
The cancer that is killing /tg/. Consume paint-by-the-numbers product, often times for established IPs while simultaneously disparaging anyone that tries to make their own traditional game.

In short, those assholes lost me a deluxe paddock prototype.
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It seems a lot easier to just type things out and use tabletop sim to easily tweak things at the point you're at in this project
Don't bother with them. They chased out a once-in-a-generation visionary. A true artistic genius, scorned and exiled by the small minded and charmless rabble.
Bespoke experiences that will never be.
Time and space left uncrossed.
Dinos... paddockless.

It's a shame what they've done to the thread, but we must not let them crush our Artist's spirit too. Let us not lash out, brother. Leave them to their ignorance and know peace.
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Early next year is my guess.
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Speculation, when you gain life with verdance, you opt the same amount
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Without any other effects, that would make her specialization weaker as written than if it was "Gain 3 life".
On those grounds, for now, I believe your speculation is unlikely.
She will get an embodiment of erff whenever she gains life.
I realize this is satire, but in general I feel like this hits close to home for the real state of this site. It use to be a dream machine, /tg/, only now a days it's been twisted into a dream grindr.

tl,dr - unironically this
I can't even tell how many layers of irony people are on anymore.
like you guys remember the dino anon wasn't an actual creative, right? he was one of those "idea man" types with the barest outline of a high concept, who was trying to con actual creators in to doing free work for him. the only reason we even still talk about him is that he was so comically lacking in tact or self-awareness. the anon up above with photos of his prototype has shown more work in one post than dino anon did over three threads.
I play Grand Archive, I moved to it after playing CEDH and Legacy. It's WAY better than MtG and that's exactly what it's intended to be... a replacement for MtG. That's part of why I think it struggles, MtG is too entrenched and popular. If both games were new then GA would win hands down but much of GA's potential playerbase is already invested elsewhere sadly.

The most common complaint I hear is the resource system but I think that comes from people who've only experienced a starter deck. The starter decks were designed for completely new plays to learn the game so they're designed to be slow and simple with a lot of unsynergystic options to show what you "could" do with the deck. Playing two MtG starter decks against eachother is far more boring because you can get flooded or screwed by mana. GA atleast doesn't have that problem.

Once you're playing a constructed deck with a focus and some cost-effective cards the resource system feels tight and just right.
>Dude this creatures causes 3 to summon
>Uh ok Ill out down 3 cards to summon it yay
>Now I only have 3 more cards left in hand
>This attack card cost 2 ok lets do that
>Oh look my hand is now empty
I miss this game
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I'd argue the goblins were cats, too.
That is definitely a very feline-looking goblin.
GA bullfuck where you have to evolve your leader to theur final stage in order to use the cooler cards turned me off.
>pussy goblin goblin pussy goblin pussy
i m a g i n e
The game has a lot of cost reduction and impulse draw effects to keep you from running out of steam. If anything its the random discard at end of turn is what feels bad
GA is basically like FaB but actually a game and not a scam.
What happrned to FaB? Never got into it but a lot of the competitive magic grinders where I lived went to that game instead. Is it in a bad spot?
No, the antifab schizo just constantly shit posts against it because of the autism. It just launched in Japan and seems to be doing well.
basically they tried to make a whole game about the burn mirror
there's no card economy, strategy, fun, or meaningful decision making
it's just dump hand -> pass turn
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Objectively false but hey, keep repeating it and it'll eventually become Journalism
It's in the best shape is ever been in. New sets are great, new heroes even better than before. They're doing a fine balancing act because they both have relevant heroes on launch and allow preexisting classes to thrive in the most diverse meta the game's ever known.
Let me be clear. Flesh and Blood is solid. Like a rock. Nothing belligerent internet axe-grinders can say will change their course. Don't believe me? Watch them continue to maintain stability as things continue at an exponential but steady rate.
Prove it's a scam. I'll wait.
But is there any money in flipping cards?
Buy cards because you like to collect or play with the cards. If you want to make money go into stocks or crypto, wasting time trying to flip cards is for literal retards.
Metazoo and FaB both had a sheen of Rudy to them, which is a bad look.

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