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Previously: >>93140836

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

TQ: What's the most entertaining/interesting way you've ever seen someone "get into" a board game? Did they roleplay as their faction, make game-themed snacks, turn it into a big event? Did it affect your opinion of the game itself?
Feudum is like a splotter game, but good
entire bibliography of citations needed
except not really, it's not tight enough to be a splotter and there's too many ways to get points
it's a good game, as are splotters, but they're different enough to not be comparable
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I'm a big fan of game unboxings as a way to see what you get, since box backs are often pretty terrible indicators about what's inside a package. What are the funniest, weirdest, and/or worst unboxings you've seen? A few I know of are
just open a wargame in the bed while your kid is running around jumping all over you and your wife
the shitty paper insert falls apart everywhere and Chris Yi is freaking out
What are your favorites negotiation/banter games? Am looking for more. It's a fuzzy category in my mind, but you know, games that include bartering, trading for power, negotiation and dealmaking, and so on. Most 4X would count in my book too.

Personal faves:
John Company 2nd ed.
Versailles 1919
New Angeles

Honorable mention, despite being an absolute shitshow to play: Pax Britannica
Haven't played a lot of them, so Crescent Moon
Sidereal Confluence, Zoo Vadis, Crescent Moon, & Oath (since you already said John Company)
Options for online board game prototyping? Only features I need are hands, decks, and an interface to drag things around on. I know how to work in Tabletop Simulator but I don't know if there're better choices, particularly ones I can run in a browser since the project is so light.
I loved everything about it (and Levy & Campaign in general) except the combat, which was so fucking bad I never wanted to play it again, at least in person. Nevsky and Plantagenet on Rally the Troops makes it bearable though.
I liked it at first but once I realized that your success was largely determined by your loadout and not so much your decisions in a mission I began to get very bored of it quickly.
It doesn’t help that I think Fields of Fire does the solitaire wargame/dungeon crawler hybrid thing a lot better.
I played Nevsky several times and mostly liked it, but the game is such a long slog to get through. I booted up Almoravid in Tabletop sim out of curiosity, and it immediately repelled me by it's sheer size. Looks like it would take twice the playtime to get through.

What was bad about the combat? I thought it was mostly the same system. Combat in Nevsky was fun enough, but it felt incredibly one-sided except for maybe one or two battles per game. The complexities of the combat system felt a bit superfluous in that regard.
recommend some games that play well solo + one other player count
It’s not the combat being different between Nevsky and Almoravid, it’s the automation of Rally the Troops. L&C combat commits the cardinal sin of combat systems: it both takes way too long to resolve, while also featuring zero decisions to be made. A combat system can be uninteresting if it resolves itself in just a few seconds, because it doesn’t barge it’s way into the better aspects of a game. Likewise, a combat system can take a long time to resolve if you have meaningful choices to make during combat.

Currently I’m learning Red Strike (a very daunting game for a variety of reasons) and it has a very interesting combat system where you set each stacks combat formation, which will change what bonuses it gets on offense or defense. But, you have to balance that out with how many supplies each formation costs, of which you have a very limited amount of.
It makes each combat long but interesting. I think a similar system could have benefited L&C
Cuba Libre has my attention. What's a good way to simplify the idea of what COIN games do to people who aren't very used to heavier games? I would likely have no issue understanding it, but I'm not the best rules teacher
Agropolis, Assault on Doomrock, Spirit Island, Bullet heart or star for boss battle mode, Ashes rise of the phoenixborn with the Red Rains coop add on pack,.
mage knight but unironically this time
Santiago (not de cuba) fits pretty well. Gotta mention chinatown and sidereal confluence as agreed to in my /bgg/core contract
>>there's a big stronk gobermint that has effectively infinite resources, outside help and tons of troops, their goal is to stabilize the country
In Cuba Libre though the Government gets a lot weaker as the game goes on due to losing US Aid.
I'd highly recommend whomever is teaching the game to play the Government
Gotcha, thanks
Gotta believe the ONE place in town that stocks GMT games actually sold their last copy of it when I went today, I swear they still had it just a couple of weeks ago.
Wait why was challengers bad for your group, I'm planning on getting beach cup for mine
my group is the one that dubbed it "mental challengers"
they throw me a bone and play it with me, but the entire time the game and my appreciation for it are endlessly savaged.
I'll be picking up synergies, thinking out plays during a match, and all im getting is
>low number = bad, big number = good
>i played a game on bga vs randos, so far "pick high cards" seems to be the strategy
>oh look flop top card much decisions such design space
>maybe i just can't grasp the games subtle complexities
and so on, and so forth
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In some ways I'm glad Yi is so retarded that he couldn't figure out you're simply supposed to grab the middle. All the other autists took his word as gospel and it made the price of 15 drop stupid low
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Whoa shit, no kidding I barely looked online and I already found it for just $30 more than the base game
If my game shelf wasn't so full and the box wasn't so stupidly big I would be seriously considering this, and even now it's very tempting. I don't have Agricola, my only WP is Dune Imperium which I adore, but it's also very unconventional worker placement
Damn your group sounds like they suck dick at drafting, that does sound cancer to have to play with and listen to. To be fair my first couple games of challengers was high card until I saw more synergies other people were playing, if you show them how some of the cards combine well and which cards you want to build around, it might be easier for them to think about it. (movie star/make up artist, mascot, stable boy, full alien/halloween, etc) But the design space stuff is retarded they don't understand how to draft or what goes into it
>when to go to a higher tier deck or when to stay on deck a instead of b or the like
>when to redraw hands or not, and if you pick one card before you draw or not and why
>pivoting if someone else is trying to play your deck or when not to (mostly are 4 copies of every card, if someone has 2 you've got shit odds at the last 2)
>knowing what wincons you can draw and when to go for them
>what cards to remove and when (hologram)
Yeah you can draw like ass like any card game in the universe, but it's on you to make your deck as good as possible so that doesn't happen as much, and there so many things you can think about before you even get to drawing your card for turn. Brainlets should not talk about design, they always use it as an excuse for their shit plays
Whats the consensus with Grimcoven now that the campaign is about to end?
>Awaken Realms
Should say everything you need to know really
more like midcoven
Yeah....are boss battlers ever really even good?

I like AR but their output increasing has been really bad for their games.
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shelf of shame is getting a little large
any of these not worth playing?
That's your UNPLAYED game collection? Nigga that's as large as my entire game collection in total, holy smokes. How many games do you own in total?
>all 3 versions of sakura arms not played
fix this now
Bullet is the only one I have had fun with. Everything else has been a horrible cope about being shit at video games or not having friends/faculties to play pen and paper rpgs with.
Of the ones I’ve played they’re all worth playing.
>Chaos in the Old World
>C&C Ancients
>C&C Napoopan
>Galaxy Trucker
>Hammer of the Scots
>Sakura Arms
>Washington’s War
NTA but I do enjoy Gloomhaven as a thematic puzzle game, but yeah some people keep buying these games thinking they’re ever going to be a TTRPG replacement
maybe i'm just bad, but i get frustrated by haven scenario design at times
like when there are reveals midway through that you couldn't have planned for without already knowing the scenario
>1. Merchants of the Dark Road
Can you believe this thing is getting an expansion.
>Chaos in the Old World
Hey isn't that out of print? I'll take it off your hands.
That’s generally what I like about it though I do admit it can be irritating at times. You have to pace yourself to not blow your load and churn through your best abilities too early.
It’s not a perfect game (and was never deserving of the rank it had on gulag) but its the modern HeroQuest, for better or worse, and I’ve almost always had a lot of fun with it.
There's another L&C game in P500, Henry: The Agincourt Campaign, that's short form. I watched a playthrough by the designer earlier this year and it looks like it keeps most of the L&C mechanics while making the game tighter and shorter.
There’s also Epipolae which is also a smaller L&C game but ancients instead of medieval.
Oh yeah? explain the rules in less than 500 characters.
So, is that Oath expansion coming or what?
The kickstarter for it just finished
Personally douns endeavor to be the definition of 6/10, "it's ok". Entdecker (if its the teuber game is kinda cool but you can really feel its age
So, what are the balancing/changes they are making?
>my group is the one that dubbed it "mental challengers"
That is very funny though.
>Each player takes 2 Megami characters, builds deck from their cardpool (7 normal cards deck out of 14 cards pool, and 3 specials set aside from a pool of 8). Then players take turns drawing and playing cards (reds attack, blues not-attack, greens sit in play, yellows take the whole turn, purples can be out of turn), activating megami abilities, and using basic actions to get closer, charge shields, or convert shield to mana for Specials. First to lose 10 health loses the match.

But this simplified description doesn't really tell you why a adapt-on-the-fly small-deck-construction cards battler game is so fucking good, or why it's survived despite western publishers doing all they can to kill it dead through pure mismanagement alone.
I don't get why you are so adamant on defending the game. It is a very light and often trivial game. That's not inherently bad, it's good quick fun and play many people at the same time. But pretending there's a lot of depth is delusional imo, the agency you have is very limited. I ultimately think it's a good proof of concept that autobattlers can work as boardgames (seriously, why has no designer gone into the deep end with this).
Absolutely love 1919
Any suggestions for some simple ish games? Bonus points for History based. Friend group usually plays games like catan, dominion, and forbidden island. Cant be too complex or half the table wont enjoy it.
Hermanchads, have you looked into congress of vienna? Looked extremely cool, the great statesmen series is superb but I am a bit anxious about it as it's not designed by herman. And the +120 euro price tag including shipping is a tad too much to just say fuck it and go in blind.
Looks sweet. Id probably roll the dice on it since i havent brought anything to my group yet. Just been playing their games.
I can see the fun in puzzling it out, but even there the avalanche of plastic is a hard sell when I can do chess problems, kiseki for pure puzzles or even a magic the puzzling for some Rube Goldberg machine fun.
I feel like it never has had a chance to live. It just shambles along in pitiful undeath. I have yet to be able to get a copy as every time it hits Australia it immediately sells out and then remains out of stock for months. It has yet to stocked in its Japanime incarnation and the shipping on their website is farcical. Hopefully it will shake out okay after whatever transitional negotiations are happening.
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>Simple games are nature themed
Why is this so common?
Unironically? 7 wonders
slap leaders in after a couple of plays
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Is anyone interested in a game of Diplomacy? I'm getting a squad together with some lads and we have a couple of slots left. Any skill level is welcome.
This would be a long form game with 1 turn per week.
Lots of people like them, few people truly hate them (plenty of people say natural themes are too common, but not many outright refuse to play games with natural themes), and simple mechanics lend themselves to basic ideas like growing plants.
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>pronouns displayed more prominently than name
You playing on backstabbr?
backstabbr with negotiation and shitposting on discord
anon it simply is not a trivial game, skill & agency is involved even though there is randomness and the systems are not complex
Post here again in like 6 months, I might bite. I don't have time for a slugfest right now. Week long turns is pretty crazy.
Vassal engine maybe?
Cockatrice has hands, decks, and an interface to drag things on, as well as stuff like counters for counting things. It's used to play TCG's, but I don't know how easy it is to add your thing to it for a quick prototype thing.
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do you want an invite anon?
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Nice neverending livestream
>makes one video a month
>wonders why he makes no money

I mean come on man
it's a grift, he does the same SAVE MEEEE video every year to fleece his patreons further
let the redditor and gulagits fall for it I guess
I haven't engaged in the hobby in two years, what did I miss? Any juicy drama?
Has Rahdo trooned out yet?
No, he glows in the dark now.
Board game 2 came out
I’ve see vtubers stream longer than that
shouldn't that be camper? the lag in gulag is camp
>shouldn't that be camper? the lag in gulag is camp
No one cares
is there a gamefinder discord for /bgg/ or some near equivalent? I need to find a suitable autist for this diplomacy game.
/vm/ has a tabletop simulator general thread.
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Anyone here played Street Masters?
Games looks like a combination of Fallout Wasteland Warfare with Sentinels of the Multiverse, 2 of my top 5 games,
but I am not really sure about it.
I am always very skeptical of kickstarter games that come with a bunch of minis when standies could do the job just fine
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drop a link
>Trading in the Mediterranean
hit me up on discord, username: durgenc
we are going to start this weekend
now we are talking
its board game night tonight.
but i think i wait till next week to go.
>Trading in the med
>Trading in the Hanseatic league
Kemet is kinda mid…
it doesn't excite me
Stop posting about this faggot already.
I'm getting it, it looks like a slightly more complex version of churchill. I wouldn't be too worried about it not being a Herman design because it doesn't look like he changed the core mechanics.
>+120 euro price tag
is that the price you would pay from buying it from GMT or actual gamestore prices in europe?
is 1919 worth getting if I have Churchill and Pericles?
3 new systems and a solo mode. Adding a system so that players can change the empire between games with different perks and losses, adding a system to allow different dynasties for each player color with perks you can take between games whether you win or lose, and then changes to chronicles so the world decisions are split between players and not just the overall winner. Plus new cards, deluxe components and some new player colors.
>you will never play COIN with Rodney
why live.....................
>collapsing the Mesopotamian
Hansa Teutonica, El Grande, Troyes and Concordia. Are all easy to learn hard to master games with historical themes. Seven Wonders might also fit the criteria, but it's a lot simpler and not as deep as the aforementioned games so it is a last resort jam.
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I'm working on it, damn you.
I've got his neighborhood looked down.
But only 3 days left here and it's been raining non stop with more rain to come.
Get out of your house so I can randomly bump into you, Mr. Smith...
I think the large consensus is that it's the weakest game in the series. Which is saying nothing because churchill and pericles are absolute pieces of art. I guess idk, I did skip it however because there's only so much herman games you can get to the table
The only way I know to get gmt games is either direcly from gmt or through an import company. Prices are roughly similar (~10-20% less) and I prefer not giving money to parasitic ((((middlemen)))) if possible.
Try to get a play in of Cyclades if you want similar mythological bombast and more variety. Kemet is definitely more flowcharted, which is a shame as I love Egyptian myth equally well. One of my favourite books as a child was a collection of Ancient Greek Roman and Egyptian myths. Not sure my parents understood the level of brutality inside with things like the death of Hercules.
>avalanche of plastic
You serious?
I don't feel bad now for skipping 1919, I will be definitely be getting congress and triumvir though. That is rough on the imported prices, i'm surprised anyone buys gmt products in europe.
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I havent played the others but i loved 1919. As a game itself id say yes but against the others hard to say
Based suggestions.
the actual combat is trivial and light and fun, but you can always get better at drafting and deckbuilding, which was always the main focus of autobattlers. I'd love it if more people worked on autobattlers, challengers is a ton of fun to play to draft and think about, and topdecking is basically as fun as dice chucking for me, I don't see it as a huge flaw for the game especially when you're in control of what you put in your deck.
Catan is a very skillful game that has complex decision making
>what plots to start on and why
>when to build roads or get development cards
>pivoting when someone else is going for the same ports as you (there are only 1 of each port usually)
>knowing what wincons you can go (get 10 points)
>when to trade with other players
Yeah, you can roll like shit but it's on you to make your board as best as possible so that doesn't happen as much, and there are so many things you can think about before you even roll
Agree with this anon: >>93174283, Cyclades is where it's at. Kemet is a solo experience of building up your tableau with short bursts of multiplayer violence. In Cyclades, you're constantly competing against each other, either in auctions or in direct combat, and every thing you do ends up affecting either the map directly or your economy which will affect the auction next turn.
In that sense, Cyclades is more aggressive than Kemet despite just not all aggression is military in nature.
yeah competitive Catan is a pretty high skill game - even people who don't like the game should be able to see that
>Kemet is a solo experience
The fuck are you smoking?
kek, but I believe the negotiation is the interesting part of catan not the rolling, you only get to make one big decision on placement in the beginning that affect what you're rolling for and decide much of the rest of the game, and the rest of the dice decisions I feel boil down to whether you get cucked by the person next to you or not in the direction you're building. You can for sure math out your odds of what you can hit off the deck in challengers every time you draw, especially if there are like 4+ players, and decide which play is optimal or not. The only thing I don't like about Catan is my group sucks dick at negotiation and will just spam 1 for 1 trades for the entire game, and having to skip your turn is boring.
I'm sure we played the all in version. Even with less plastic I wouldn't be interested so I never checked. The owner was a brother of a table regular. We've played with him a few times now and it's clear he's enthusiastic about bells and whistles. I generally prefer only the materials necessary to be sufficiently distinct and durable. He seemed unimpressed
by Hansa Teutonica's noble cubes and discs.

Obviously it's an erroneous autocorrect of what was intended to be the word slow.
>kek, but I believe the negotiation is the interesting part of catan
It's hostage negotiation at best. When deals about moving the thief get involved it's literally extortion
Read the rest of the sentence you retard or is 5 words per sentence your capacity limit? You get 5 actions, 3 of which are non-combat. You spend 60% of the game staring at your tableau or at available tiles, not interacting with the map at all.
>hostage negotiation and extortion
lmao that sounds about right yeah, I haven't played much competitive catan, but I imagine it's pure torture trying to get good trades.
>Be me
>Have the best set up in my group pretty consistently
>Only win about half the time
Game is way more luck than skill but thats why its good
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I just got a copy of El Grande, sleeved and organized everything. I can't wait to play it, it looks really fun.
how are you storing thing
do the cards fit in the tuck boxes sleeved
GMTChads are we excited for next war: iran
I'm not familiar with GMT products or current events. Are you excited about a new game or about a current event that will GMT will eventually make games about?
I had a spare gamegenic tray I put the secret dials and Cabelleros in, I'm using the big tuckbox to put the power cards in, a couple of small deck boxes to put the action cards and modules in, and a little plastic container to put the king in. I'm not using the little deck boxes, I just threw them in a junk drawer in case I change my mind. That new El Grande box is seriously boxed air, so even though these plastic containers are bulky there's definitely enough space for them and now nothing but the Castillo is free-floating. I like that the new version has a portcullis to watch the meeples fall out of, but I wish you could get a wooden version like how Everdell sells a wooden evertree (I don't own Everdell BTW, just mentioning it as an example)
>That new El Grande box is seriously boxed air,
god forbid they put more folds in that massive board
Why are publishers so scared of putting folds in boards? Concordia's box would be so much more manageable if that board folded in 6 instead of 4. Surely the cost of an extra two cuts in the board doesn't outweigh the cost of shipping unreasonably huge boxes, right?
Honestly with some tuckboxes and a custom, smaller board you can probably trim down the size of the Big box down to like, Clank's box size.
The only GMT stuff I care about is RDR shipping and the next Atlantic Chase.
I have a wooden box version of Risk that uses an 8-fold board. It's an absolute mess figuring out how the thing folds back up but it is very impressive with just how well it fits in that tiny box.
>I'm sure we played the all in version.
No version of Gloomhaven adds more models. You get plastic models for the characters and cardboard tokens for everything else.
Gloomhaven has many faults but it being a box of plastic isn’t one of them.
It’ll be interesting to see how they handle BLUFOR being the aggressor here. The map is surprisingly small though, just the Iranian coast.
are LCGs (FFG and non-FFG) worth it? it seems most of them gets shut down a few years down the road
I googled the box contents—they're a far cry from what got to our table. Asked group chat and apparently it was 3d printed "improvements". Pretty much anything that could conceivably be made plastic was plastic. Plastic terrain and plastic counters. Everything was a huge pain to use since we were liable to send things skating off or domino terrain just moving minis around.
Jesus Christ man. That’s some gay ass shit right there. Gloomhaven’s biggest advantage over its competition is that it ISNT overproduced to an insane degree. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg on it.
There's weird. Having played the digital version, I assumed it was a huge box of plastic, because there is no other appeal.
The guy who brought it had at least 20k worth of 40k and WHF and multiple floors in a shed full of terrain he'd built at his brother's last count. Sounds like he simply can't help himself.
Null Signal/Nisei (Fanmade Netrunner) is the best by a long shot.

Inb4; Summoner Wars waaahhhhh!
That’s just like, your opinion man
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they actually are selling minis for the enemies now lmao
I'd assume standard sized boxes are relatively cheap to produce and bigger box looks better in stores because for some reason no matter how empty it is it feels more justifiable to pay 50 euros for a larger box.
Though concordia is a special case because - I forgot what the publisher is called, PB games or something?... Anyway they make the most retarded boxes known to man. Way too large with very thin walls that support little weight and no inlays. They practically beg to be dented inwards.
Everything about the 2nd edition is vile
The short answer is pretty much always no
They either get discontinued early on or get milked until no tomorrow. Didn't play much nettranner but I found it impressive how they pretended the lcg model would do away with predatory business; then only sold packs with known contents but whoops we only put in one of the card you really want to have multiples of, guess you'll need to buy more :^). Still a better model than the usual booster lottery.
>Still waiting for my copy of 6:Siege that I bought off of eBay three weeks ago
3 weeks isn't that long honestly. Some of these anons have been waiting for shit 6-7 years
I put in a trio of backorders two months ago on the website for the LGS I'd been using for years and is now on the other side of the city. Since then they've disconnected their phone and ignored two emails of me asking for an ETA while continuing to update the website. Their brick and mortar is temporarily closed, but is still in its old space. It's bizarre and a. Little stressful since it's for a friend's 35th.
I think the core issue is that people running these ventures tend to be passionate gamers and horrible businessmen.
My LGS told me that Mythic told them they would ship out last week but never followed up and didn't provide tracking numbers or anything. Same thing I also read in the gulag, apparently a ton of people that ordered through their website just have the game suddenly show up weeks later with no confirmation or tracking number email. Mythic games is a shit company in every single aspect, they can't even get their fucking shipping right.
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Did they improve the combat system rules? I still can't figure out what I can attack and when.
Grim stuff, anon. I hope it works out for you.
With how many monsters are in gloomhaven, who the fuck is going to ever table this?

Does 2nd edition gloomhaven even change much?
Table? I thought it was for Youtube unboxing videos, not something you play with
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Ok, rules have been refreshed, I'm pretty sure I have the basic flow down for making ideas viable and commercialized.
Just don't go bankrupt, ez pz.
How hard can two-handing this be?
reprint when reeeeeeeeeee
It has 2k owners registered in the 'geek, surely you can get a second hand box?
not paying overpriced out of print prices for a used game
i'm just shitposting though, i'm in no rush and can wait for him to find a publisher for a new edition
>Oh my science!: the game
Your table looks filthy my dude, time to relacquer
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>How hard can this be?
Quite, about a dozen turns was enough to be over taxing. I only managed to have the doctor maintain the momentum to get a commercialization going while keeping finances healthy. Spending your entire turn running fundraisers is brutal.
Not my table, at a cottage. See >>93147875
As other anon said, Netrunner is still alive thru open source necromancy. Summoner Wars is good too though, and you can enjoy both.
Immediately ordered DVONN after trying it on BGA, this game is gigabased, hopefully will manage to rope my boomer dad on it cause I'm fucking tired of his backgammon shit. I decided to check out other GIPF games to see whats the deal:
GIPF - looks basic and boring, skipped
ZERTZ - I shudder at the very thought of playing with marbles, also its just checkers
YINSH - I have no idea why this is the most popular title, its just connect 4 with bells and whistles, plus it seems to be fiddly as fuck having to flip 4-5 pieces every turn
PUNCT - 2weird4me
TZAAR - seems to be the lightest of the series, will probably buy it as a filler
LYNGK - looks very cool might buy it just to try out the ruleset
Anyone got experience with these games?
>anon summons the GIPF poster
don't forget your contractually obligated purchase of Homeworlds for abstract 1v1 goodness
Hell yeah. I'm 100% preordering everything Mark Herman puts out, unless it's something like Pacific War which I'm not reasonably ever going to play. Pericles and Empire of the Sun are straight 10/10's.

Had low hopes for Congress of Vienna when they announced it was going to be a Churchill rehash, but I'm sold on the theme and it looks like they're mixing up the core mechanics enough to make it different.

I'd say yeah. My group is mixed on it, but we like them all. Versailles 1919 is overall my least favorite, the core gameplay loop gets repetitive quite quickly, but it's enjoyable and we have at least one guy in my group who prefers it over the two others.

My group playtested Triumvir a few times when GMT ran open TTS-test groups. It needed some tweaking, but it has potential to beat out Versailles for sure. It adds some complexity, while also being shorter, if I remember correctly.
Yeah campaign rules are the hardest rules in the game because they need to symbolize not just war but also abstract fights like political campaigns and wars over spy craft, but you do grow use to them. As far as targeting I'll try my best to explain in simple terms, really suggest until you get it intuitively you use the campaign guide help sheet every time.

You and your opponent have a few pieces, warbands and Pawns. In addition you might have banners and relics. Your pawn is where you are in the world. When declaring a campaign you choose a defender, the defender needs to either 1. Rule the site you are at or 2. Also have their pawn be at the same site you are at. Ruling the site means they have warbands their (because of how combat works only one player or entity will ever have warbands on a site, it's not root rules)

Then you choose targets. If they rule the site you are at you must target it. In addition you may target any other sites they rule. Only if their pawn is at your site you may also do the following targets: relics, banners, their pawn, and favor.

Thematically think of it this way: I can attack their army in a war freely as long as I start where their army starts. I can only mug them for their money or items if they are in front of me. I can only take their Darkest Secret diary/interrogate them for it or engage them in political debate for the Peoples Favor if they are in front of me. I can only physically hurt them and send them to exile if they are in front of me.

Rest of the rules I think are pretty self explanatory. Hope this helps
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Are any of these fun?
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hope this helps anon
I don't think there's any rule overhauls/2.0 rules stuff
I got paladins recently, will try to get it to the table this weekend and let you know
>Oh my science!: the game
More like long live Ayn Rand and the "good" corporation.
It's much more about financing, subsidies, patents, and pesky regulations/utilities than the actual innovations.
probably not. you can trust me because i haven't played any of them
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>fuck yo birds
The footnotes are, as allways, a riot.
The cards get cheeky too.
>stern bitch on the right is wearing a metal collar
>dramatically expanded definition of consensual
I've played three of them, and I hope not to play any more.
>emasculation drugs
techwear tends to have stuff like that, and the card is open sexuality I don't think she's a slave but that'd be really hot if she was
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I played paladins and architects; I found them to be ok games. Would not suggest them. Architects has a semi interesting worker capture mechanic but ultimately follows the same unexciting formula.
I mean, it might be really good after 5 plays. I just didn't feel like revisiting it
Sorry to bring it up, but I don't see how anyone in their right mind would accuse phil of being a nazi.
He merely is the most stereotypical libertarian in boardgaming.

I also had an actual irl laugh at jetpacks curing depression
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>I also had an actual irl laugh at jetpacks curing depression
Same here.
And yeah, both eklunds wear their politics on their sleeves and fascism, it aint.
Should I buy imperium classics, legends or both?
*grabs by the neck*
>Now listen here, I respect Agricola, I do, but you must acquiesce that Caverna is a superiorly designed game. No longer are the players forced to go through the painful round of drafting brought about by the endless deluge of cards, instead they can develop set openings and dig into the game's mechanics on a deeper level, especially now that they are given freedom to specialize and develop their farms in any way they want. Surely Uwe Rosenberg himself agrees seeing how he abandoned the card formula of Agricola instead focusing on a deeper menu of worker spaces and exploration system that culminated in the release of AFFO.
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Make this weeb theme on the bottom and you're eon point.
are there alternatives to Boardgamesgeek? I think their monolitic influence in the industry skews the public perception and don't allow some games to be noticed.
wait, are Wingspan and Everdell solitare games? fuck I wanted to buy them to play with my family.
if you take a wojak meme seriously, you may need to rethink your life
No the gulag is too big to fail at this point, calandale tried to make one like a decade ago and it flopped and there hasn't been any of note since. consimworld is probably the only other active board game site that's influential with designers but that's exclusively for historical war games.
I played wyrmspan, and it is absolutely a solitaire game. Looks pretty though and is a chill time if that's what you value
Everdell isn't worth it
Why? what similar game (both mechanics and look-wise) should I get instead?
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"Multiplayer solitaire" means it's a game for multiple people but they barely interact during the game.

>and look-wise
A natural theme? Hm...
>Dan Bullock is developing Afghan military contractors: the game
be still my beating heart.
Most cutesy animal theme games are stuff for actual kids, like comfort valley. Theme is overrated. Dune imperium is a really solid card-driven resource heavy worker placement. It's a lot more interactive and not nearly as overproduced as Everdell, though Everdell does have tableau building instead of DI'S deck building.>>93185972
So no other game check both boxes (mechanics and theme)?
He found a publisher for it?
>He found a publisher for it?
per a post in 2023, yea
I don't appreciate tableauslop
all these games are shit except for le havre (decent) and agricola (greatest of all time)
I like the one I'm playing and I spent a bunch but I don't believe I would ever go that far in another one. It really comes down to how fun the available characters and playstyles are and how painless it is to actually play with friends/family or solo.

I was able to afford and play way more archetypes than I could with Magic, and I could essentially define my own meta, but the characters are the key.
>I like the one I'm playing
you mind sharing, anon? please
If I get Agricola are the extra goodies in the 15th anniversary box worth an extra $30? I can throw out the shitty stock insert and put in a tackle box or something
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>top game on the gulag is a stripper themed board game called Nightshift complete with miniatures
Wait what
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>Nightshift is a thematic board game that immerses players into the role of a strip club Dancer. The Customer stories and gameplay are inspired by the creator’s personal experience working as a stripper, providing an authentic and empowering take on this often misunderstood profession.
>Players must select from five different Dancers who each have a distinct approach to charming Customers. The goal is to earn the most money over the night. Be careful about interfering with another Dancer’s Customer or your night may not run so smoothly...
>Players use Action Points to Navigate the club and discover new Customers. Each Customer is unique and has variable wealth and loyalty, as well as a diverse range of potential outcomes. Some of them will have a preference for one particular Dancer. Choose your Customers wisely! Engaging with a Customer involves rolling the dice, which combined with the Player's abilities, Power Cards, and potentially a few Drinks, will determine the outcome.
>Successfully getting a Customer to the Private Room, or even better, the VIP Room, initiates a theme-based “push-your-luck” challenge. The aim is to maximise earnings from the Customer without breaking the illusion... This is achieved by performing a combination of dance moves (via card draws) in the Private Room, or deepening your connection (via dice rolls) in the VIP Room, with the ultimate goal of making the Customer fall in love.
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>Players can purchase Drinks from the Bar. Champagne is a valuable tool for persuading Customers to extend their time with you in the Private Room or VIP Room, whilst Shots can help you get them in there.
>Watch out for the Full Moon, this can trigger strange Events… Players must also keep track of when they are rostered on Stage, which provides benefits such as acquiring extra Tips and Power Cards. Don’t miss your Stage or the club will fine you! These unique Power Cards add another layer of strategy and interaction - will you help out your fellow dancers, or will you play dirty?
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this game is extremely socially draining but so so cool
>token fatty
They know what they are doing
dibs on left
Who the hell is going to play this?
into the trash it goes
The kickstarter has raised £318k or what, $400k?
Kickstarter page says:
competitive mode
2 vs 2
co-op mode
solo mode
why are fucking euros like this
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I have no idea what this is going for? The customer cards look both creepy and weird? Game is made by a former dancer? But it isn't exactly realistic either?
did they pay the artist to make the most repugnant art possible? is this a stance against stripping?
>the creator’s personal experience working as a stripper, providing an authentic and empowering take on this often misunderstood profession
confirmed wealthy tourist who did her college thesis on "sex work"

>did they pay the artist to make the most repugnant art possible? is this a stance against stripping?
The complete opposite. Apparently the artist is Caitlin aka Exotic Cancer who was the former dancer who made the game...

The gulag has a couple threads of bait like "sex work is real work and this is destigmatizing dancing!"
3 plays into Oath and I don't really enjoy playing it. Got my first win today with most areas controlled/more relics/banners than chancellor.
>bestowed citizenship round 2
>hide behind his massive army like a little bitch
>Get the banner of secrets and lose it to secret hoarding exile
>Lose my only relic to conspiracy
>2 exiles build massive armies
>Map wipe the chancellor
>Me and mostly chancellor board wipe the exiles
>Beat one defenseless exile for a relic
>Convince chancellor to let me keep 3 warbands
>He obliges
>Buy a relic
>Map wiping cycle proceeds a second time
>Exiles are less successful
>One exile blows his load trying to take scepter instead of map wiping
>Chancellor rolls 28 defense
>Chancellor kills exiles massive army with sticky fire
>I again beat a defenseless exile for his relic
>Chancellor unable to challenge me due to armies he granted me during the war with heathens
It reminds me of Eve Online. I had more fun writing this greentext than I did playing the game. Negotiation is my favorite part, but there's so much down time. Set up and tear down are quite time consuming. Combat is unsatisfying. My group's played the game probably 6 times, but I've never played consecutive games, so I haven't had a chance to really appreciate the legacy aspect. In hindsight, it's cool that I won as a citizen without directly fighting the chancellor the whole game, but it just didn't feel fun going through it. I'm not even really looking forward to being chancellor next game.
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The creator claims to be a former dancer who is now an artist
Buy an ad you astroturfing shill. I shan't be buying your gay game.
Fuck off, I'm not shilling it because it looks like garbage, posting it because it looks like a shit curio. That's all. Get a sense of humour.
Oh, I'm sure she danced for a year or two, but she always had a support structure and many career options. She's not like the 98% of strippers who don't really have a choice. If she's now an artist that doesn't involve commodifying her body then she's getting regular cash injections from mom and dad
>but she always had a support structure
Kek lad did you even read the picture? It literally explains it!
>Numbers Guy
>Ash left his investment banking career
>considers himself EC's #1 fan
Sounds like a simp investing into her idea
Ya the simp made the game. I was talking about her career outside of that
I'd laugh if he was some guy she met while stripping and he just simped so hard he got her out of that world and into art and board games by throwing cash at her.
You just know it's gonna be low effort slop. Like gay sauna. These aren't bright minds working on the mechanics like garfield or knizia this is some retard who went "what if we do a board game with X theme?" And haven't played modern board games outside of azul and splendor. Hoping to sell the game on flashy visuals alone.
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>The gulag has a couple threads of bait like "sex work is real work and this is destigmatizing dancing!"
Well if this works now I can make my fetish into a game and use that excuse
There is a gay sauna board game?
Its the only way this game is considered acceptable.
If this was anime art (or hell, western art that wasn't totally fucking ugly) then it'd be considered sexualized and therefore bad.
>this is destigmatizing dancing
Hadn't thought about it before but freaks will be playing this with their kids...
>your 1 star customers are 2 star
Kek. Admirable to implement fatty fetish weirdo dating pool as a mechanic.
The art is horrible. They should've made it Root themed then it would've actually been appealing
fresh hot take: downtime is a skill issue and not a legitimate critique of a game
>that stubble
Dale of Merchants
I’m playing High Frontier solo and somehow managed to get my rocket stuck on the moon on my very first go.

Shit game.
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Ya and I got the blogger players entire financial board in debt in my pax trans solo. Had to sell a patent for 0$ to free up a non debt cube, and then painstakingly fundraise over and over to get it back in the game.
We need to, as the locals say, git gud.
At least you could get out of the situation, but I think I'm just permanently...stuck. No legal action I can take to continue playing. Tbh I'm not sure I'm playing it correctly because the rulebook doesn't even adress this situation. But knowing Phil Eklund this type of shit probably gives him a boner.
reminds me of my Kerbal Space Program runs where i got to the moon but forgot to have fuel for the return trip so i had to make a whole second rocket to fly to the moon and rescue the first rockets pilot
High Frontier sounds like a fun time
Meh. I'm bored enough to try to learn it but it truly is an inelegant game.
can't you put the rocket into one of the outpost slots while you get another rocket up and running?
Apparently I can. The geek forums are relly helpful for this game!
Your opinion is wrong and you're ugly
Your opinion is correct and you're beautiful
I have no feelings on your opinion or appearance one way or the other.
it is also in the rulebook, section G(free actions) number 1 (the cargo transfer action) and specifically subsection e
>G1. Cargo Transfer
>This free action transfers any number of cards, Fuel, or FTs from one Stack to a Colocated Stack
>>e. Swapping Outpost/Rocket. You may exchange any of your Rocket or Outpost Stacks on the map with another of your Rocket or Outpost Stacks. Swap their Figures/outpost chits on the map and swap the Stacks (including cards, Glitches, and FTs) to the appropriate new slots on your playmat.
>>>• Flush Fuel. Any Fuel on the Fuel Strip in the original Rocket is lost unless changed into FTs before swapping per G2b.
>>>• Convert Outpost Into Rocket. Set the Dry and Wet Mass Chits to be equal to the Mass of the original outpost (F2).

and don't tell me you didn't know, because this is the same free action that makes shit from your LEO become a fully fledged Rocket. Maybe you just have a skill issue and need to git gud?
I dont have the same rulebook but yes the stacks are kindof confusing me ngl.
The punters all looking like pure human waste is definitely intentional lol. Sadly the game looks like trash, but I have no innate objection to the theme.
>top game
"The Hotness" just means the games being talked about the most, in this case because of its weirdo theme. It's not a mark of quality or support.

How many players are you playing with?
Inelegant game.
Inelegant post
On that note, which High Frontier game is your favourite? Do the sequels improve on the game alot?
>The punters all looking like pure human waste
They are all over the place? Three wise men (as in biblical) are some punters? But then there are creeps or characters stolen from movies?
>The Hotness" just means
Yeah no shit, we all know that anon. Literally no one was suggesting it was a mark of quality.
>The kickstarter has raised £318k or what, $400k?
It really doesn't take that much to fleece Kickstarter freaks.
Depends entirely on the game.
Actually incredibly based, you should always be watching other people and thinking about plays for the most part, and it's a collective skill issue if your group is slow
I'm starting to get so hungry for regular game playing that I've been watching playthroughs of board games on Youtube
I prefer Leaving Earth
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>pronouns larger than name on a FUCKING NAMETAG

We're reaching honk honk levels no one has ever even dreamed of.
t. eurocoper trying to justify the fact that his favourite games are multiplayer snorelitaires
The truth is that downtime is sometimes a skill issue and sometimes a game issue, and the true skill is being able to identify which case applies to any given game and thus becoming able to determine which games are good but take learning and which games are trash
5p Oath
I don’t understand the retooling operation. It just lets me flip any white card to the black side, for ’free’?
If my to rocket is already on Mars and I have a factory there, I can just buy a buggy patent, flip it and add it to my rocket? Seems kindof easy
i don't see how a game that isn't already trash can be ruined by downtime - any examples?
i cant find anything on retooling but i can find on black side card creation
>>B2. Patent Cards.
>>>a. White & Black-Sides. The White-Side of a patent card shows a product built on Earth; the Black-Side shows an improved product built in space. Until you build your first Factory on a Site, you will only be using the White-Side of the patent cards.
>I. Operations
>>I8. ET Production Operation
>>Bring a single card from your Hand into play, Black-Side up, at one of your Factories.45 Place the card in an Outpost Stack (G1d) at the location.
>>>a. Spectral Type. The Spectral Type (letter) of the card must match the Spectral Type (letter) of the Factory Site (I7c).
>>>b. Black Cards Only. An ET production operation can only produce cards on their Black-Side. A card without a Black-Side (e.g. Crew) cannot be ET produced
so if you have a factory on mars, then that factory can make a thing and it'll sit in that factory until transferred to your rocket (by your rocket being there to physically get the stack card, or by I9 Delivery operations)
it makes sense if you think about what actually is going on: you have a patent, space factories can use local better materials, and therefore make a better component out of that patent. But that requires that the factory materials actually make the component better, as snown by the spectral type letter on the card and factory
i assume you could park a rocket at the factory, then take a turn to 1) decomission a card from rocket to hand volontarily (free action, adjust mass), 2) ET Production at the factory you're parked at (costs your turn action, places card in temporary outpost on factory) and 3) transfer cards from temp outpost to rocket since they share a location (free action, adjust mass)

really just find the HF4A rulebook pdf and use that
>I'm going to buy two sets of miniatures and a set of jars
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Inis is the better game of the trilogy
is it normal for tableau games to feel like solitaire games?
No. Usually if you feel like tableau games feel solo it means you're a retard who hasn't figured out how to block your opponents.
nah, I'm way smarter than you
>nah I'd win
How long do GMT's P500 games usually take to ship if they're just a reprint of an older game? I imagine it wouldn't take long right?
*laughs from the 9th Circle of P500 Hell*
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Eurocels be like "yeah my game has interaction, you can draft the card you want or you can draft the card your opponent wants"
>it's just a shitty singleplayer puzzle you make your friends suffer through

There are good eurogames, but jesus christ some of them are just shit solitaire puzzles
Just cause you're smarter than me doesn't mean you're not a retard.
>brainlets STILL seething about games where the smarter player reliably wins
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Take two, we're on a roll!
Bacteriophages got commercialized, the doctor solved disease and got a growth impact to increase his agent pool. as an added bonus, the new splay makes his syndicated Spy Dust viable for another commercial action. with his developing world worker still in the Maker section to get things going, all that's missing is the funding, a few fundraisers will fix that up. Getting spy bots into the splay on its gold side will trigger regime change into First World dominant sphere, doubling the value of all those Transbiology patents he's been producing. Nevermind the impact icons of company or more growth, plus knocking out the orange card from the splay through the industry disruption icon.
Ladies and gents, we are cooking with gas here.
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Is transhumanity mostly a solo game, and how much do you like it, looks like fun
What game is this? Pax?
Combat Commander is accused of being one of the most random games ever made and yet the same 6 people win every single tournament. How interesting.
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>Combat Commander is accused of being one of the most random games ever made
No it's not, stop lying.
yes that's exacly how brainlest sound when i hatedraft and get more VP from it
I think it's a game he is creating
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Hahaha, this is fine. Nothing to see here.
first world dominant regime makes every card hold surge arrows when syndicating. Normally syndication of an already syndicated (by opponent) card is very expensive, but his regime change allows blogger to cheaply get in on the spy dust by syndicating beneath it and surging another agent upwards, getting a juicy transbiology patent out of doctors imminent commercialization. Yes it leaves him broke. But the patent ought to pay for something pricey. Ideally. God I hope so.
>I'll post chess, that'll show them I'm smart!
Nice debt you’ve got there.
Literally every single person who has ever dropped the game does so because they think it’s “too random”.
Obviously it’s a skill issue but that’s why most dislike it.
It IS usually better than a new game on P500 but it’s still a slow process outside of games that are very popular.
There’s also a nepotism angle where generally projects by designers close with GMT will get a greater prioritization than others. What were you gonna P500?
I'm not totally sure but I was looking at getting my first COIN game to take advantage of the discount. Also Empire of the Sun looks really cool
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>play Hansa Teutonica
>Once again my opponents fall for the meme of action upgrade spam
>I build a fat fucking network and max out city keys while they have fun playing dollhouse on their player desks
>104 point victory, runner ups are 54 and 49
Also, bags are a better upgrade than actions past getting the very first action upgrade
EotS is incredible but I wouldn't recommend it to a total novice wargamer. If you're interested in a heavy card driven wargame, I'd point you at Paths of Glory.
I WILL learn Oath.
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My workmate was trying to convince me on Sky Team. What's /tg/'s take on it?
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Isn't even worth the time you spent writing this post
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It's over.
How the tables have turned!
Doctor was gorging on Gold ideas, and blogger wound up getting two future shock cubes into the human progress splay. With all the gold clogging up the splay, blogger realised if he could commercialized more gold to cause a 5 card singularity, he'd trigger game end and only future shock counts for points, giving him game.
Doctor wised up and started to pivot, inserting a green idea into the splay to block singularity, and was working on getting more in there, ideally making developing world the dominant sphere and making all his green solved problems worth VP.
It was not to be. Tipping point flopped all over the market, blogger, despite dire financial straits, had one remaining gold patent worth 17 bucks, and had no issue syndicating and commercialized it to trigger a nuclear exchange (that wouldn't harm him two previously claimed gold problems), grab a problem chit of his choice (oh look let's get another gold chit) and trigger game end. The dominant regime was still first world, his 3 problem chits gave 6 vp, doctors sole mental health chit gave 2, neither had first world companies, and their hidden sphere for bonus points waaaas: First World, doing jack all in tipping the dance towards Doctor!
Blogger wins, 6-2, and man do things get dicey when patents solve liquidity issues, the splay makes tons of market cards viable for commercialized, and companies reduce the unsubsidized barrier cost. Timing was huge too, one more turn and doctor can commercialize chemical engineering and trigger regime change to developing world, where he has 8 vps to bloggers 2 if the game were to end with a tipping point.
Can't wait to teach this when I'm back home next week.
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Since it's summer I made another Root drawing, haven't done one in a while. Don't click if you don't want to see a swimsuit.
More anons need to make faux-mag covers for their favorite games.
I wonder if someone made an Agricola Almanac
I want to play Agricola so badly, I'm hungry for a good worker placement
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He was given the CIA excellence in journalism award for writing too much about Cole Wehrle
Too bad he really wants to call it Merchants and Marauders and refuses to believe that name is already taken
I don't blame him, I can't think of a great pirate themed game in existence it's only being wasted
you DON'T need more than 50 games in your collection, even ~25 is pushing it too far.
You don’t need any games at all
I buy based on genre, I basically never have more than two things in one genre and when there is overlap they're pretty different. my only real overlap is two-player abstracts and dexterity games, because both of those are REALLY broad compared to say, worker placement.
I just want Agricola, Summoner Wars, Cuba Libre or some other lighter GMT, and Tigris and Euphrates whenever that damn reprint comes out, hopefully with a premium tile option like Ra got
It's painfully average, cute looking, but not much space for decision, it's heavily dependent on having awkward roles and hidden information to artificially create "fun" moments, but the game is too short and too simple for any type of staying power.
this game looks like something designed by Nick Land, just futuristic schizo babble terms everywhere.
Eh, Inis is kinda mid itself...
With how hyped up Inis was here I didn't really feel like trying the other two games in the trilogy.
It looks a bit off but the gameplay itself is interesting and unique. Doesn't feel like a bunch of recycled mechanism. Also comes in a nice small box.
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I haven't played ot followed any news about boardgames since a bit over a year. Has anything happened since then? Any good new games?
What is the newest game that impressed you?
What is an artificially created fun moment?
Disturbing as always.
It’s so sad. I really thought he would finish the top 100.

It’s when you have fun but anon doesn’t like it.
>CIA excellence in journalism award
It's within the realm of possibility that he died of natural causes.
>What is the newest game that impressed you?
You know, a board game about being a coroner would be a fun one.
Nice write up! Makes me wanna do one for High Frontier
What? If you play with a completely constant player number, maybe. But if you play with anywhere between 1 and 8, you have to have at LEAST 3-5 games per player count. Also, a mix between heavy and light games.

25 games is nothing. I have about 75 and feeling like my collection is pretty well rounded though.
Really? How is it? How does it compare to his other games?
A bunch of "nothing" games really. Evacuation, Kunta hora, Nucleum, Arborea,... Ok games but forgotten that n a month or two.
You also got some "remakes" wyrmspan, gwt: New Zealand, AoI, DI uprising,...
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Until like the last 20 years people never played more than 2-3 boardgames in their lifetime. We're drowning in excess. If you dont play a game at least 10 times a year it doesnt belong on your shelf
I've had these bg sabbaticals before, and usually the good stuff gets talked about it in a year still; what you hear of now is more the latest hotness, like arcs.
Could get Three Kingdoms redux used for 45 euro. I've heard nothing but good things about it, and the only.other strict 3p game I own is churchill. Which is brilliant, but you don't really want to play it every time. Well yes you do, but it's long and can be exhausting.
Redpill me on three kingdoms I guess
So what stuff from a year (or two) ago is still getting conversations?
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Canada bros, we are so back
Homeworlds is awful, the opening is entirely scripted, the gameplay feels like meadering masturbation that often resets back to square 1, it's a filler game that should finish in 10 minutes but goes on for eternity instead.
could've just said you suck at the game and not waste so much time typing
I was trying to get good at an abstract game ( not chess). I picked Hive but I suck at it. Just cant seem to get it. Any tips or should I try another game?
What abstracts do you like to play?
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Get better taste
Maybe boop. is more your speed
I like to play Go, Shogi, Chess and Hive.
With hive you should open with a defensive bug and get your queen down early. 9/10 times turn 2 Queen will be correct. Always look for how you can lock down important offensive pieces like ants and the mosquito and try to anticipate your opponent's plays and play for two or more turns in the future.
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I play mahjong
>Just cant seem to get it.
The object of Hive is to pin as many of your opponents pieces as possible while tying up as few of your own pieces to as possible to do that.
The win condition is something you pick up once your opponent doesn't have enough agency to stop you.

Beyond that, the best advice I can give you is "don't make rings."
If you make a ring on your turn your opponent gets to break it on their turn. This simultaneously unpins a bunch of their pieces and pins a bunch of yours.
I really enjoy Homeworlds and Onitama
Warchest slowly creeped its way into my top10 and for me is close to a perfect abstract game. Might be my brainletism getting a kick out of the slightly random element of bag drawing

Incidentally I also think it's one of the few games that'd be fun to watch as well as play.
What the fuck is this. It like Ive finished a fever dream. I feel chills.
Take a look at Tash-kalar.
I still shill la famiglia but that probably doesn't count. As doea BotC because I hate it. Pax ren 2e was 2020 I think. Errr... Stationfall, I guess?
Pax Transhumanity, it's like the other Pax "like someone playing madlibs with a history book" series games but about the future, and all the concepts that could bring.
There's a whole series of these?!
The others as ridiculous as this essay makes them look?
Blokus is like Go-lite but activates the same positional neurons chess does for me, lots of focus on controlling specific squares. as another anon said, Hive is all about maintaining pins on offensive pieces and the queen.
well not as much, but you can have the Papal States form a respublic that then gets Reformed back into being a rligious state with a single ruler, which then allows you to Campaign on the Holy Roman Empire that's been weakened through endless banker-lead repressions, then usher in a new age of Novgorod trade and taxation to have HRE campaign against the Ottomans or something (Pax Renaissance), suport the British invasion into the Afghan states, then turn traitor and ally the Russians when it's turning out that they'll be the dominant force in the conflict, all while your hired local peasants do nothing but grow wheat for you to fund a war machine of buying and playing cards and discarding them due to court size restrictions, at the same time another player is in kahoots with three different governors so if you want to do any actions in those provinces you pay tax that goes directly to him (Pax Pamir), you can be a proud owner of an American plantation and have some mexican fucks invade it and take some of it over as per squatters' rights, just because Mexico itself is in a state of anarchy, so you stage an assasination on a random weapons manufacturer and have your own hired guns take the plant back, ad use the income to set the mexican state to Martrial Law so you can police the unrest from your other enterprises, the gun shop and the other gun shop, for free so you have even more cash to Topple the government and its Triumvirate which includes the two lowest scoring opponents and the Porfirio DIaz himself (Pax Porfiriana)

but all of the complexity stems from the cards, the actual play by play is simple, do action 1 do action 2 then pass turn to other player. the cards however are all different and can do a lot of different things, which the Pax games use to represent what happened and what could've been.
Alright, FINE I'll make the new thread lazy bastards
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three kingdoms is probably my favorite take on worker placement. all of your workers are characters with different strengths and special abilities, and after drafting from your deck you use them both for administrative and military ends. each action space is won by the player who bids with the most points towards the relevant value, so you have to decide how much you really want to double down on a space
the primary point scoring condition of occupying borderlands is also spicy, since you need to leave your generals there (losing action economy) while also needing to pay the garrison you left behind in rice and gold. all that has to be balanced with schmoozing the emperor, appeasing the peasants, and researching technology. there's also an alliance mechanic where two players each turn can share the win of a single space. and a few different ways to trigger the end of the game.
now i will say it's a pretty long and thinky experience, the asymmetry of the different generals will force you to peruse a reference sheet for the other players while internalizing your whole tableau. but wow there's so much gameplay value in a very slim box

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