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Previously: >>93165604

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

>TQ: With how big the board gaming scene has gotten recently, it's easy to forget the basics. What drew you in to hobbyist board gaming? Would you have done anything differently, with the knowledge you have now?
First for DVONN being the best abstract
I yearn the day when children can breath free without the knowledge of Monopoly
best deckbuilder?
Food Chain Magnate.
No contest.
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How much have you spent so far during your exploration of the hobby?
No cute balancing the books with flipping/selling/trading. Just the hard cash up front.
why so heavy?
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>What drew you in to hobbyist board gaming?
my boyfriend wanted to get into it and made me try viticulture and wingspan
>Would you have done anything differently, with the knowledge you have now?
no, because then he'd just be upset that I don't want to play his favorite games
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>either gay or female
>plays wingspan and viticulture
Valley of the Kings if you want a pure deckbuilder without horseshit, Millennium Blades if you want horseshit
Seconding valley. Dale of Merchants also very good for its cost/size/table footprint/gameplay ratios.
>>93197871 #
three kingdoms is probably my favorite take on worker placement. all of your workers are characters with different strengths and special abilities, and after drafting from your deck you use them both for administrative and military ends. each action space is won by the player who bids with the most points towards the relevant value, so you have to decide how much you really want to double down on a space
the primary point scoring condition of occupying borderlands is also spicy, since you need to leave your generals there (losing action economy) while also needing to pay the garrison you left behind in rice and gold. all that has to be balanced with schmoozing the emperor, appeasing the peasants, and researching technology. there's also an alliance mechanic where two players each turn can share the win of a single space. and a few different ways to trigger the end of the game.
now i will say it's a pretty long and thinky experience, the asymmetry of the different generals will force you to peruse a reference sheet for the other players while internalizing your whole tableau. but wow there's so much gameplay value in a very slim box
technically a tableau builder since theres no random deck of cards element
baseball highlights 2045 if you want 1v1 with a board state element that feels a little Sakura Arms-ian
Undaunted if you want a war game
Mage Knight if you want a solo or co-op game (or Spirit Island)
Dune Imperium Uprising if you want a worker placement hybrid (or Arnak if you want that kind of game to be more focused on resource conversion)
or Stupor Mundi if you want a cool rondel/deck builder hybrid with a highly interactive scoring system that feels very puzzly since whenever you buy a card you can take its action immediately and then add it to your hand so the combo potential is very high. try it on BGA, the art and historical theme are quite nice to me
That sounds complicated, but fun. Is there a good way to simplify it? Personally I love complicated, I like having to exhaust my brain but I can barely get my group to play a game as hard as Dune Imperium
Jesus Mary and Joseph.
And this is fun?
odds say female, not gay. Gays are all into sports and ameritrash dicerollfests
you can play without the special powers for the generals, and with a recommended list rather than drafting from a random selection as the game goes on (different factions gain new generals at a different rate, some starting with fewer but catching up later)
the rules recommend that for the first game, but you could play it that way.
i don't think it's really a game for a reluctant group, but if you find a couple people willing to dig in it's very fun and the theme comes through strongly with the special general abilities and the overall strengths/weaknesses of the factions
Yes, actually. The sheer chaos of what can happen, and tactical genius of making sure whatever happens benefits you in one way or another, is sublime. Only other game series I know with so many "fuck you"s that all players are OK with is the stuff Splotter makes but that's less a series and more a design mantra.
Hilarious that it's basically the other way around now

Every single nerd community is in love with magic the gathering, DnD, Catan and other board games.
Thanks for the rundown anon, appreciate the answer. Man it does sound really cool but it's just as I feared; it'll kinda compete with churchill (tournament/short scenario at least)
But what the hell the price is fair enough and I probably won't get the opportunity again
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>Game group A (family) can play complicated, but doesn't usually want to play games at all and usually just plays Xbox every moment that isn't spent working or eating. Can play about once a month
>Game group B (friend group 1) plays pretty reliably, but doesn't like complicated at all. Hardest thing I can get them to play is Hansa Teutonica. Player count is also super inconsistent, so times I bring 5-player games there ends up just being 3 people, and times I bring 3-4 player games we end up with 7.
>Game group C (friend group 2) will definitely play complicated and revels in complicated, but they also will eat messy food right at the game table so bringing any of my own games unless it's the cheapest garbage is out of the question. They also meet twice a year if we're lucky and a couple of the members are kindof dicks.
>Game group D (friend group 3) was basically perfect. Could play complicated, was courteous about food, could meet fairly regularly, really friendly people. But they all ended up moving to different towns and states.
Winning at life would be getting a spouse and having kids I can play games with nightly, like Tom Vasel's family does. Nothing would make me happier than having a decked-out board game room that's in regular usage.
we're faggots and not into sports. he really likes the dice in the white castle and tiny epic planets though (if you can't tell, all he wants to play is worker placement type shit and engine builders.) I just keep forcing him to play blokus and ra which pisses him off, anything competitive makes him think he's losing through the whole game until inevitably we score at the end and he finds out he did fine.
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Dont even wanna think about it

How could you even ask that..you monster
I bought about 50 games in total but traded 30 of them at almost full price, one of the perks of living in a third world shithole is that stock depletes quickly and you can peddle used game for full price, I even overcharged for some of them.
This but unironically
>Valley of the Kings
>without horseshit
VotK is good because it has tons of horseshit built-in.
I dunno exactly, maybe like $5-6k. I don't keep an exact count and I resell a lot, but you're not counting anything from reselling.

I'd say about $4k on normal games and the remaining ~$2k is the rare big game I've backed.
I wasn't being ironic
>unfold board
>hear a rip
>the heavy cardboard sheet is statting to separate from the paper
I hate this. Just happened last night to my Hansa Teutonica map and also happened to Dune Imperium.
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Anon put a trigger warning/spoiler that post.
I feel physically ill.
This has never happened to me. Be more careful with your game boards, you grotesque hulking oaf.
Deck builders doesnt need randomized decks.
See Time of Crisis.

FCM is just heavy in strategy, but light to learn just like all Splotters.
Don't you draw from a deck of cards in Time of Crisis? I think pool building is the correct term for FCM.
>revels in complicated
>members are kindof dicks
These go hand-in-hand.
You still Deck Build your pool.
A deck doesnt have to be randomized stack of cards.
I understand why you dont want to call FCM a deck builder, but it is as much as a deck builder as Time of Crisis as none of them shuffle their deck AND you draw exactly what you want from your deck at the start of every turn.
The difference is that Time of Crisis only lets you get discarded cards back when you have emptied your deck while FCM lets you use the same cards over and over again.

They are per the definition both deck builders.

Even Aeon's End is a deck builder and that one doesnt shuffle either, BUT you must draw from the deck in the order it is stacked even when it is stacked in the exact order as you have discarded your cards.

Forbidden Stars is a deck builder too as it is the most important element of the most important part of the game, combat.
the "deck" in FCM might as well be a pile of chits, they are just game pieces and them being cards or the ability to stack them in a deck does not matter for the purposes of gameplay
therefore it is not deck builder
Don't make me tap the sign
thanks for the concession
next match same time tomorrow?
Yes. They're complex games but so many different things can happen that it allows for a lot of strategy and depth.
Other Pax games can be hit or miss but Pax Renaissance is worth the effort.
>Hilarious that it's basically the other way around now
>Every single nerd community is in love with magic the gathering, DnD, Catan and other board games.
This. The boomers are the ones still playing games on a Playstation. Every zoomer is PC gaming and playing tabletop games with their friends.
For better or for worse.
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I wish it was a cop-out answer like that. Nah one guy's sister is just a huge cunt in general yet still likes to tag along and another guy has too much "pull" over the group, like it's painfully obvious he's the boss and if you aren't convincing him of something you aren't convincing anybody else. A real shame, they have TI4 and I don't know anybody else who wpuld even be willing to learn that let alone own it.
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well ok
they can be meeples too

the point was that them being cards didn't bring any gameplay purpose beyond easy to mass produce, and you ddn't even try refuting that so gg's i guess
speaking of, codes 4 where
it's been years now
but the only sport I watch is dota and I mostly buy borderline abstract euros
>but the only sport I watch is dota
You're gay.

- any game where you need to shuffle
- any game where you need to hold a hand of cards
- any game where you need to splay/tuck/slide cards (hello Chudyk games)
- any game where you need to have a large deck (you gonna have 60+ babel tower of chits?)
- any game where you need to place a lot of stuff on the card (Fields of Fire, for example)
- any game where a card displays a lot of information (Fields of Fire, again)

A card is the most flexible game component ever created. You can convert every game into a card game. It's also a beautiful, tacticle component that lends itself to satifying shuffling, feats of cardistry and badass dealing. All hail cards.
And playing cards originated in China as paper money, later adapted to actual cards with symbolic depictions of money. Which once and for all proves PHIL EKLUND WAS RIGHT and libertarian free-market capitalism is the solution to all mankind's problems and indeed is responsible for the very invention of board games as we know them.

Pax Tabula Ludum WHEN.
>any game where you need to shuffle
chits in a bag
>any game where you need to hold a hand of cards
chits behind screen (like Blitzkrieg)
>splay/tuck/slide cards
chits are small enough you don't need to do that
>a large deck
again, bag of chits
>place a lot of stuff on the card
assuming the stuff is also chits, placing some on top or under the main chit is ok
>displays a lot of information
so do chits

every game is an auction game that uses chits, or can be boiled down to one such game if you remove the bloat
do the bag and screen count as chits?
Check and mate buttboi
We're hitting autism levels that shouldn't be possible.
a screen or scrabble tray is a convenience thing
your hand can be a stack of chits
with a bookend chit to cover the top, if the chits are double sided

chit pulling implies a cup, bowl, or bag but i'll concede that point
if pulling chits from the lid of the game box is still too much for your purist ass because your games don't come in boxes you can pull chits from a pile a la dominoes
if pulling chits from the table is still too much for your purist ass because your games don't get played on surfaces you can pull chits from cupped hands
too many chits to fit in your hand? invite a player with even bigger hands
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running out of copium
Looks like another W day for cardchads. It feels good to be a part of the master race.
I'm new to board games and ttrpg but I want to try out something with rpg elements but with more structure than actual ttrpgs like dnd. Something like gloomhaven or descent. Are there any cheap/easy to learn games that would be fun for a newbie to try out with a couple friends?
I'd like to see Gloom done with chits.
Even better, give me Mystic Vale.
Clank! or Clank!: Catacombs
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
Post games with kino art
Honestly is there any need for cards OR chits? Couldn’t you just write all the relevant information down on lots of pages of black-and-white printed small typeface tables and use some kind of randomiser (like dice) where necessary? Hidden information could be preserved by having different table handouts for each player.
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So good I bought a poster of one of the frogs to hang in my game stairwell.
See, for a moment I thought this was the best post in /bgg/.
Then I remembered this banger exists.
no need for components at all when you can play through astral projection
There are a couple of games I can play completely mentally (albeit still need a random number generator for card draw and component set-up).
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>You see, a lot of people misunderstand Caverna. It's actually more elegant than Agricola, and more refined, fine-tuned. Uwe Rosenberg did not compomise, he did away with the cards knowing that many people saw them as the most fun part of the game, but he did it anyway. In retrospect, the cards only made the players feel isolated and gave unfair advantages to the winners of a long, exhausting draft. Caverna puts everyone on equal footing and unleashes your creative freedom to built the farm as you like. Uncapped points! Cave exploration! Uwe would never come back to the cards because he saw that Caverna was the superior design, and it became the progenitor for his future titles - sandbox Fields of Arle, and adventuring A Feast for Odin
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>losing the physical sensation of a die roll
Hard pass
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>my game stairwell
I wonder if its possible to generate a true mental die roll. For example, you can imagine a 2D coin flipping in the air, and because your imagination if fueled by your general understanding of physical laws, in a sense you have no idea how the coin will land and can thus generate a true coinflip. Perhaps with enough practice and meditation you can sharpen your mind to throw a mental d6 die, tracking all sides at once and letting the natural gravity of your mental space dictate the result.
NTA but the games stairwell is the stair passage down to your games room. In my case it connects the game lobby and the games room.
The new tesla chip will let you imagine fair dice rolls in a future update.
You heard me.
Last placers get the shove.
>Another 6! What are the chances?
One of these nights I will take you up on your invitation to a shitposting battle
But why would you forget that AffO does use cards?
Good idea for a sci-fi story.
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My house had these cubbies built into the stairwell by the original owners.
Instead of them housing JFK photos (italians, amirite?), they became the bg shelves.
It also gives a hard cap on how many big the collection can get, which is useful.
I installed short shelves on the opposite wall, but those can only hold the small box stuff: innovation, votk, the grizzled, eklund small box stuff, etc. For anything larger, we are now at the something in = something out phase.
>He doesn't have a game stairwell
I bet you also use rough grain sand in your dune chamber like a faggot
Sincere question, if you've been using the one in/one out principle for a time already, how have you not gotten rid of fucking theseus
>how have you not gotten rid of fucking theseus
it's my wife's copy, not mine.
>>TQ: With how big the board gaming scene has gotten recently, it's easy to forget the basics. What drew you in to hobbyist board gaming?
It was just a great way to socialise with people.
>Would you have done anything differently, with the knowledge you have now?
Not bought so many games, realised that the games don't matter as much as the people you play with and that is almost always the most important thing.
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Lame. I was expecting one of those rad stairwells where one of the walls is shelves.
Child friendly games for a ten year old who likes Exploding Minions (Exploding Kittens retheme)? My issue is that games with a bit too much strategy result in him losing a bunch of the time to other family members; while games with too much luck don't feel satisfying in the slightest to play. Exploding Minions, while random and reliant on a bunch of luck, at least makes him feel like he is doing something. I am not sure what game to get that will scratch that same itch. (Family friendly recommendations in general are welcome too.)
there is a ton of chaff in there desu:
>owns both SW1 and SW2
>four COIN games
>Uno: frozen version
>Kabuto Sumo
>Disc Duelers
>the hollanspiele stuff. how do you make a dino brawl tedious
>pic taken feb 24, bet you sol is still in shrink
>dont know what black box in bottom right is, but i bet you its trash
This but unapologetically
Try dexterity games like Dungeon Fighters and Dice Flick. My nephews love them
Aggressively unfunny
>t. consooooomer
>four COIN games
You only need two: Fire in the Lake and one of your choice.
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For me, it's
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All pale in comparison to this one
Aggressively unfunny and, dare I say, slop.
>captcha: gaysg
Thanks I'll check those out.
>implying I would shake hands with a euroshitter
It’s really too accurate. The amount of simpering people do for GMT despite them routinely releasing underdeveloped slop is astounding. Most of their “best” games are games only grognards are into, which means it’s stuff this thread doesn’t give a fuck about.
t. owns several games from GMT
Bullet I think would be great for him if done right, in like the coop team or boss mode without the timer with some of the easier heroes to start. It's a pretty easy one to teach and help him think more about strategy, and the coop powers mean you can help make his turns easier
fun for everyone in the family
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Take the Goat pill
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I thought it would be good, but I wasn't warned El Grande would be THIS good
Even at a suboptimal player count of 3 and even with me getting dead last place it's the most a new game has wowed me since Pax Pamir 2
I gotta play more of it
Classic euro games are the truth. I could make my entire collection nothing but them and wargames and I'd be happy.
Well, which are your favorite "classic" euros? All I have is Carcassonne, El Grande and Hansa Teutonica. And Catan but that doesn't count.
Am I the only one who thinks El Grande is just OK?
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Have Ra and Chinatown, isn't Tigris and Euphrates out of print but expected to get a reprint next year?
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Pretty fun party game
The problem is, just like the rest of 4chan, this general is elitist to the extreme so of course gmt games that get consistent praise because barely anyone had played them so no one can comment. With the exception of Twilight Struggle and Battle Line no one can point out the flaws that become obvious once you start playing.
Mage Wars was my first dip into board gaming outside the usual shit like Monopoly and Magic (I rarely played it because those that did in my area were Blue deck, action denial mains exclusively so I assumed it was just anti-fun bullshit where 4 out of 5 colors were just fluff).
Looking back, cutting my teeth on Mage Wars for modern board gaming was kind of like jumping into video games by learning how to get competent at Dwarf Fortress.
>Straight up deck-building
Draconis Invasion and Tanto Cure
>Co-op deck building
Aeon's End or Astro Knights
>Adventure Deck Building PvP
Hand of Fate Ordeals
>Adventure Deck Building Co-op
Arkham Horror
>Millennium Blades
MB isn't deck building. It's deck construction between tournaments. The whole game is just a meta jab at the CCG hobby.
>no one can point out the flaws that become obvious once you start playing.
NTA but like?
The hardest thing about playing a GMT is telling your parents you're gay
If they don't name flaws while saying flaws exist, then the flaws probably don't exist and they're bullshitting you.
>it's not deck building, it's deck construction
Is there supposed to be a difference between these things
Piggybackinng this to ask everyone how the digital version of Tanto Cuore is.
MB is not even deck construction, it's a hand building game.
The differences being:
>deck building
During the course of a single game you change your deck of cards with new cards added and sometimes some removed. The deck is built during the games' length.
>deck construction
Before the game begins, make a deck, then you're stuck with it until the end of the game. See also Sakura Arms
>hand building
During the course of the game you have a hand of cards and you add to that hand of cards with more cards. See also Concordia
There are multiple games that do have severe flaws largely related to insufficient playtesting. Clash of Sovereigns had five pages of significant errata after a month, Illusion of Glory was almost unwinable as the Allies, Tanto Monta dumps a heaping load of nonsensical exceptions onto the HiS system as to make the game almost unplayable, and Seas of Thunder was clearly made by someone who doesn't know a single thing about WW2 naval forces.

Then you just have the games that aren't very fun and are quickly forgotten about: Plains Indian Wars, Red Flag Over Paris, Conquest & Consequence, SpaceCorp, Banish the Snakes, Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea, and so on and so forth.

All that being said, GMT has plenty of great games even if they all aren't entirely flawless. You need only to look at their top sellers to see some of what's good, and that doesn't even include other great games and series like Mark Simonitch's operational wargames or Levy & Campaign or Next War. But a lot of those are really niche, and therefore not discussed here often.
>TQ: With how big the board gaming scene has gotten recently, it's easy to forget the basics. What drew you in to hobbyist board gaming?

It's a fun way to socialize and its fun to play games with your friends that aren't always video games.

Also because of the slower nature you can politic much harder in these games and that's more fascinating to me.
Imagine shitting on GMT, the sole company keeping classical wargaming alive, that employs interest based P500 model (as opposed to hype-based model of kikestarter) to produce games that otherwise would never see the light of day, is completely open and transparent about their development stages, actively supports their games by promiting youtubers, updating lthe living rules, and making VASSAL modules available before physical release (for free, DVG, for free you bastid), and constantly tries to push the envelope instead of wallowing in nostalgia like, say, MMP
>What drew you in to hobbyist board gaming?
It was about 10 years ago. I was an Angry Joe fan back then, tuned into his stream randomly to see him playing Spartacus. I was fascinated by everything, before then I had only ever been exposed to the normal stuff. I started researching it, and came across A Game of Thrones as well, watching some random group's full-length playthrough video on youtube. That pushed me over the edge. Ended up buying both and struggled to get them tabled. Ended up exploring some simpler stuff and party games that opened up the door a bit and allowed me to slowly form a group that now plays almost whatever I throw at them.
>Would you have done anything differently, with the knowledge you have now?
I wouldn't have bought the horribly ugly tv-based version that lacks any artistic soul. Still have a soft spot for the game, but yikes, I was just more of a sucker for the show back then.
People here unironically, literally start seething when they see other people talk about games they don’t play or don’t know about, and start shitposting about them just to relieve their internal anger. That and we recently have a guy who thinks making low-quality/inflammatory low-effort posts to bump the thread is better than just having a slow thread, not understanding the former inevitably leads to the latter over time.
>TQ: With how big the board gaming scene has gotten recently, it's easy to forget the basics. What drew you in to hobbyist board gaming? Would you have done anything differently, with the knowledge you have now?
It's hard to admit, but I aside from the obligatory 'often played (shit) bgs with my parents as a kid' I randomly stumbled over that faggot wil wheatons channel and was enamoured what boardgames could do nowadays. Of course, the channel was a collection of the worst the web has to offer. High production quality, no soul; scripted games, superficial and often wrong teaches, faux excitement and fake laughs, the whole bundle.

Still, it introduced me into modern boardgaming and I'm quite thankful for that.
>I saw people having fun once and it was awful
I think it is the contrarian nature of this board. People see anons praising the same gmt games (which admittedly is like 5% of their catalogue as most of their games are extremely niche within a niche) and proceed to shit on it, having played it or not. Same reason why anons recently started being negative about wotr.
Suffice it to say gmt is utterly based and I likely won't play 95% of the games they put out. The criticisms (errata, bad components, high price) are true, but they don't outweight the good either.
Any good mecha games that aren't Battletech or Heavy Gear?
Nah nta and I'm not a super cynical person but Wil Wheaton really is insufferable.
>the sole company keeping classical wargaming alive
This is a massive overstatement. GMT is very important to the space as it’s largest contributor but they’re hardly alone. There are many other companies that produce wargames these days.
>and constantly tries to push the envelope instead of wallowing in nostalgia like, say, MMP
MMP only “wallows” in ASL and that’s because, you know, people buy it. Things like Battalion Combat Series are incredibly forward thinking for hex and counter games (and are universally beloved as a result) and while GCACW is an old series its been excellent forever.

I do agree that MMP sometimes pulls the “I know what I have” bullshit on people and are fucking ass about reprints but they deserve a lot of credit for a great number of their products.
I do get why some roll their eyes when people talk about GMT as a whole when what they usually mean is Twilight Struggle, Sekigahara, or COIN. And I don’t think it’s fair to say that you should ignore the bad stuff because they’ve published so much good stuff when the amount of bad they’ve published, just in the last year or two, would cause any other company to be mocked relentlessly.

Unfortunately, most people who shit on GMT haven’t played many of their games either and resort to complaining about math in SE4X.
>High price
By wargame standards, GMT is the only ones making games even vaguely affordable. $80 GMT games would be $130 somewhere else for worse quality components, and $160 for components as good.
The only wargame publisher I’ve seen at least partially justify the absurd prices of their games is VUCA because their production values actually almost justify it.
Instead of blindly assuming I am a washed out cynic, just check out his stuff.
Seriously, I got FITL and Fields of Fire Vol.2 for absurdly cheap prices. Meanwhile ASL SK1 is 32 fucking bucks for ONE counter sheet and a couple of flimsy cardboards
They’re the only ones that make anything resembling “bulk”.
I’m fucking astonished that the new Napoleonic game from VUCA is only $90 when it has a mounted board and *gasp* wooden pieces!
For me it's Triumph and Tragedy and Churchill.
Dis nigga plays 3 player games
I do too, my most frequent group is 3 player. It’s hard to find good 3 player games!
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Yeah Pax Ren is brilliant.
>not very fun
substantiate your claims
>It’s hard to find good 3 player games!
Boy do I have a game about ethnic cleansing for you.
To be fair I only played it twice but it felt like a pretty bog standard tableau race game.
I found it pleasant enough but pretty forgettable.
>I do get why some roll their eyes when people talk about GMT as a whole when what they usually mean is Twilight Struggle, Sekigahara, or COIN
I don't get why this is a negative thing and worth savaging a publisher and it's fans over.
I like summoner wars and ashes. Love plaid hat for them, how they freed themselves from asmodee, their early 2010s) "we don't Kickstart" stance.
But I play none of the rest of their catalogue, and their history in narrative games and "crossroad" games is honestly very poor.
Never see anyone go after them when the next wave of SW2 or ashes previews get posted here.
It's a very specific and oddly autistic hateboner anons have vs gmt.
Level99 get mocked on and off too, but it's nowhere near the level of vitriol.
It's pretty simple. GMT dicksucking is disproportionately larger than Plaid Hat dicksucking, so it also gets more hate. People who talk about SW just talk about the game, which isn't true for GMT where people will talk about all the games they've p500 or how great the coin series are or whatever else.

I don't shit on the company because I've only played a couple of their games, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find their fans incredibly annoying like a year or so ago, to the extent that I almost want to play fire in the lake or cuba libre or whatever just to hatepost about it.

All the SW and bullet fans also hate level99 so it naturally also doesn't cause the same reaction. Maybe if you used Knizia as an example.
>All the SW and bullet fans also hate level99 so it naturally also doesn't cause the same reaction
I don't. Wish they did more with sakura arms, but I like several of their games and don't really care about the ppl behind the pub. Can't recall any bullet enjoyer even mentioning lvl99.
I think you mistake banter for hate.
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Third times the charm?
They brought nothing to the Sakura Arms IP and did nothing to help it sell beyond the cynical paint by numbers anybody can figure out. Their attempts to keyword things were terrible, they cut content and to top it off the distribution was pathetic. I think you are rather blasé about a truly unskilled hobbyist company that does little but try to cash in on JP trends and hamstrings them in the process. They stink and this isn't banter.
>GMT dicksucking
lol, lmao.
where the fuck is the dicksucking?
Played it on TTS and was very not impressed. All that plastic and cardboard for a game that makes me wish I was playing Kemet or even TI4 instead.
Not to look too far: >>93206552
>lol, lmao
Are you okay?
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When did the board games general turn into the board game grumps?
ezpz solution: don't play the shit games GMT puts out, just the good ones.

everyone you listed is a literally who in their catalogue
I desperately want a copy of Chinatown, but don't want to shell out £££ - anyone got a dupe source or other recommendation for a similar game?
Print and play it. Waterfall park is not a good retheme/remake, and other trading games are either simpler (bohnanza) or more complex (John Company, Sidereal Confluence). Not to say that they're bad games, they just don't hit that sweetspot that Chinatown does.
>ok but how do i p&p it
One way could be to get the files from Tabletop Simulator, then substitute the number cards for some other way to secretly draw N numbers and return 2 back to the bag/deck. All other tokens are reasonably easy to substitute (industry chits, ownership tokens in player colors, money out of your grandpa's old Poker set, and so on). Though other ways exist also, search for one that's best for you.
meant substitute or make, printing stuff on hard photo paper at your local print shop is how I p&p'd Air Land and Sea while in the Army, so I'm sure it'll be good enough for the industry tiles as well
Looked into it because a german reviewer I like kept raving about it. Didn't play it and it could go either way from the rules alone; it didn't really convince me.
What I did very strongly get was how awfully shit the minis are in the game; you cannot convince me that the standees in the old.version were not a vastly better solution in terms of information at a glance.

I'd say avoid.
As someone not into negotiaton games, chinatown is - to my great suprise - a really good design and game. It distills the negotiation aspect down to exactly what is necessary and cool about it. It worked very well with my group of people who aren't big on negotiation. I still wouldn't pay the absurd secondary market prices.
The other anons are correct; it'd be easy to pnp. It's one of these older boxes with 80% air in it
we have the first edition + the expansions
it's a fun game, asymmetrical area control is one of our group's favourite genres
the minis are completely unnecessary
look into Cross Bronx Expressway
i'll also shill Three Kingdoms Redux again
have you tried Maria?
maybe check out Zoo Vadis
GMT seems like they're willing to publish just about anything
they'll provide support in playtesting and graphic design, but only up to a certain point. it's up to the designer for the game to be quality. i guess that's true for every publisher, but the effect is more pronounced with GMT that does a ton of printing
the upside is they also attract some extremely mega-talented and experienced designers that output the great hits
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>/bgg/ complains about the overabundance of nature themes
>one of /bgg/'s favorite games is Root, literally just COIN with cute animals
Do you sleeve pax games?
We hate root, it's the R*ddit TRANSplants that like it
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given their habit of going oop, i prefer to be safe than sorry.
But how do you get the cards back in the box? I hate when card heavy games don't account for sleeves
Yes, and only with Paladin Double Matte sleeves as nothing else is good enough.
I could use Katana sleeves, but they have opaque backs.
Was heroquest good or it's just boomer nostalgia?
>one of /bgg/'s favorite games is Root
[citation needed]
they fit?
Pax transhumanity has no insert, it is a small box as is. You make two stacks and all chits/player pieces fit into the remaining space.
Pax Ren I removed insert, use tuckboxes for the cards.
Pax Pamir, everything fits in the insert sleeved.
Rent free
Deck Building is when everybody STARTS with the same, or near the same, basic deck of cards and adds cards to that deck over the course of the game so that by the game's end everyone has substantially different decks.

Deck Construction is that everybody builds substantially different decks before the game even begins and uses those substantially different decks to accomplish the goal of winning the game.
> Wow is that a 25 year old game being resold to me at an overprice? AND it has artwork that is both harder to read and incredibly ugly?

This makes retards lose their shit for some reason
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>W-we hate Root, the fact that it's discussed in every thread is meaningless!
One of the best roll and move games along with backgammon, Mage Knight, and High Frontier
Very true
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You talking about this card game? I use to have a guy bring a deck for our Wednesday group ages ago. Pretty fun.
>Paladin Double Matte sleeves as nothing else is good enough.
Do they have the pleasant pebble texture like dragon shield matte clear?
I liked paladin when I got in on one ks wave to source all my wacky sized games (looking at you, cosmic frog, ffg and grande).
Of course you own twilight imperium.
Yup, with both expansions.
One of those things I probably won't be able to play again for years until the kids are independent - or can be convinced to join. Used to be me and my wifes favorite game when it got regular play. So hard to get rid of it. Or maybe I will soon and get back into it with TI4 in a decades time.
I'm kindof meh about the cards with different abilities. I much prefer euros with 'purer' designs.

Also why i love Concordia but hate the Forum tiles.
>a wooden box for Spirit Island implying not just the base game but also multiple expansions
I'm so glad I can safely discard every opinion you have from now on.
so that's a no.
I think Renature guy must also have been Black Exile guy. It was when people actually bought Renature and started saying it wasn't so great the Exileposting stopped.
Delete this >>93210785 so I don't have to think about it.
Quality posters come and go. Enjoy what we had and look forward to the next anon making stuff you appreciate.
Don't feel bad anon, what got me into modern board games was Game Grumps playing Munchkin.
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New gulag drama
Desperatly looking for a good coop game with actions through cards as a main mechanic.

Already got Spirit Island and have played every released coop deck builder and dungeon crawler/boss fighter so far.

Checked some playthrough videos on a few current crowdfunders like Odalin, Blood and Unstoppable.
It's all shit with just a tiny bit of actual gameplay.
The rest is just "follow these 92 steps that presents no real choice before it's your turn again".

I'm giving up.
I'll gi back to playing split screen Original Sin 2.
Too Many Bones, KDM and Street Masters are the only ones so far where the majority of the game time is actual player turns.
Seconding mage knight
Sakura Arms
Android Netrunner
I got my sister Wasabi for her birthday, it's one of my favorite casual party game.

Has anyone tried it?
Never heard of it before
Pitch it to me
It's good for what it is. A simplistic dungeon crawler with easy to understand rules. Trap detection is and always will be the most retarded shit ever and I will always play it RAW. The only thing I house rule is everyone has a movement of six instead of rolling for it. Monsters and NPCs are RAW though, makes escorts more tedious and they are supposed to be.

About trap detection, for those that don't know why it's retarded. You can check for traps in hallways within line of sight or in the room you are currently in. It's as easy as saying, I check for traps, and the Game Master will point at squares that contain traps. They won't be visible via a token until you actually trigger them though, so pay attention. That's easy enough.
The retarded bit? You check for either the room you are in OR the hallway you are in. If you are in the hallway right in front of an open door, you CAN NOT check inside that room in anyway for traps. Guess where the traps is gonna be like 80% of the time in later missions? The first space into a room right when you step inside. This makes eating traps pretty much entirely unavoidable. They will also put traps in the hallway outside of a door a lot too, so you won't see it if you are leaving the room.
Explain this clearly to ALL players, tell them it is gonna happen, it is designed so that you just HAVE to eat damage at some points and most are surprisingly fine with it. If you don't tell them up front they will get pissy when they check for traps, see none, move a single space, then trigger a trap anyway.
>GMT seems like they're willing to publish just about anything
The only negative for GMT is that I think they somewhat overestimate their appeal to non-wargamers. A lot of the ultra weird or niche concepts don’t get out of P500 hell because most people P500ing stuff are old grogs. But yeah they’ll publish any mechanic or topic, which isn’t entirely unique because basically nothing is verboten to wargame publishers.
It's a dice game that essentially has a bit of a UNO vibe to it. You start with 4 dice and your goal is to have none.
on your dice, 4/6 of the sides are 'Mana' which you can use to use cards with various effect (such as 'skip your turn', 'burn 2 dice' 'swap dice with a player', ect)
2/6 are 'pick more cards'
and 1/6 is 'give this dice to another player'

the game rapidly devolves into getting 'revenge' on other players, and that's where it shines since it's very fast paced the moment every player gets the
>roll dice
>dice effect
>use cards
turn sequence.
>anal tear rolls
Wait, there's now a board game with the same level of autism as FATAL??

Heroes of Terrinoth is solid but doesn't have a lot of content.
Dragonfire is great if you got 4 players, ass at any other player count.
Aeon's End/Astro Knights are co-op deck building boss battlers. AE uses a fixed market and AK uses a revolving market.
Arkham Horror card game is fantastic co-op, card driven abstract dungeon crawler. Shit can get pricy though.
Apocrypha is a pretty banging adventure card game. Has one of the worst rulebooks EVER written and EVEN WORSE official learn to play video series though. Once you do understand it, it's a damn good game and one of the few where player's physical position at the table matters with cards that can assist others effecting a player to your left or right or across from you. In a two player game, the other guy occupies all spots. Single player? YOU occupy all spots. Shares a lot of similarities to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game though (just better dice resolution), so if didn't like the PFACG, pass on Apocrypha.
>The game is breaking down dangerous stereotypes and destigmatizing dicks. Brave.
yeah, they both use transparent cards that overlay on each other, in mystic vale you also put them into a sleeve so you can shuffle them or something for an added layer of chit difficulty
What is a good game to "connect" people. Get more shy people to interact more, open up. Dixit is good as you can see peoples hobbies and interests.
Any other recs, I assume most are party games.
Codenames is a really good way to connect with players cause you can see live how they think and the connection they make.
I have played most Aeon's End games and I didnt like them.
We disliked Thunderstone Quest as well.
The Legendary deck builders was quite boring too.

If Dragonfire is similar to Shadowrun then it's an autopass as that game is far too random and slow in progression and variety.

Arkham Horror LCG was cool, but we dont want a deck construction game as that spot is for Netrunner only.

Never tried Pathfinder, so I'll check Apocryphia.

Played Moder art for the first time. Kinda underwhelming. Everyone started calculating the optimal, zero sum prices/bids and it seems the game started to play itself. Did we miss something? What's your experience with the game?
No, I'm not the Black Exile poster. I miss him too.
Just One is good
>Desperatly looking for a good coop game (...)
I'm afraid your search will be in vain
>an added layer of chit difficulty
That's still manageable. You have pairs of label chits. One is part of a chit-meld and the other gets used for chit-pulling.
>March of the ants second edition is coming in 2025.
Neat. I know the game was mentioned here quite a lot as a quicker 4x game.
Apocrypha is going out of print, so you can get the whole thing (base and two expansions) for pretty cheap on their site
So Clover is a banger, in the same vein as the previous suggestions. Has the advantage of being playable at any playercount, and not needing teams or someone to close their eyes.
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it's a good one. simple turn structure (do an action, everyone gets to react to it; or pass and get benefits if others keep doing actions), simple objectives (have ants squat on hexes so you control more space and can earn more resources and VP) and a cool deck of cards. What's not to like?
I keep reading of people being really enamoured by so clover, yet from a distance and just the ruleset I cannot help but think it feels like a lesser word/deduction game. Care to redpill me on it?
Fanservice is a powerful tool, who knew?
Apocrypha is a beast to learn. I know a full learn to play video exists on YouTube somewhere that is 3 hours long. It's mainly because the game does a ton of stuff that is not like other games at all, has a bunch of specific keywords that SEEM similar but mean different things entirely, and has a convoluted way of wording mission setups. For example, if a mission is titled "Cornerd the Wendigo in the Dark Alley" you need to find the card called Cornered (has overall world effect for this mission) and Dark Alley (another world effect) and the Wendigo (a master card that will be the True Threat this mission) and put them at the top of the play area.
THEN the game breaks down how many locations you have and the cards that will comprise a location deck and how many different minion placeholder cards you need to mix in as well. This seems convoluted on paper, but setup takes around five minutes from start to finish once you understand what you are doing.
The bulk of each game is a race against a clock to accomplish a given task by clearing locations and (maybe) taking down a boss. Your deck of cards is your life, and it isn't very big at all, so trying to burn through cards to mill a location and clear it is dicey as hell, but not doing it some will almost always cause time to run out. If you lose, your character sees their own death and has a negative card that sits around their character for a perpetual negative effect for all future games with them in campaign play. You can earn positive card effects for some missions too.

Like I said, it's a beast. The world it takes place in (modern day earth with supernatural shit going on that only the players can see) seems kinda played out until you get minotaurs and werewolves having gangwars in Chicago, Golems granting self driving cars sentience in silicon valley, and the Fey doing the Wild Hunt as a big ass motorcycle gang, and your character is frumpy 50 year old Midwest housewife who loves Bingo.
you deduce 8 words per clover with a whole 4 clues at a time, meanwhile other games like Just One or Codenames always have either max of 1 clue per turn, or max of 1 word deduced per round
plus the structure of "everyone simultaneously agonizes on their set of cards, then you go solving one by one" is good
pop by /vm/ sometime, we play it kinda regularly there and it's still fresh
there are at least two "Renature is great" posters
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Farmbros, I want to get into Agricola.
What would be your recommended way to do so? Would it be
>Getting the 15th anniversary on the cheap, and then throwing out the dumb paper insert so I have a big agricola box to store deck boxes, custom inserts etc with room for expansions
>Getting the revised edition, and getting a discontinued 5-6 player expansion off of ebay for better parity since 15 doesn't quite match up with the 5-6 player expansion (although I am concerned they might be bootlegs, seeing as it's one seller with loads of them) or does 5-6 player mode suck
No, I don't want Caverna I want Agricola. The theming of Agricola will be a much easier sell since several possible players are Stardew valley fans. Agricola also has a LOT more expansion content available.
oh you want that Earthborne Rangers anon
Just buy some fucking version of Agricola holy shit stop being this autistic about your purchases. Buy it and play it nigger, worry about expansions after you have done that.
Blood on the Clocktower
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Sorry, I only asked because I wasn't sure, I won't again
Anon are you new? People are going to give you shit here for no reason at all.
I will fully agree with >>93212519
Also you don't really want to play agricola with more than 4. I own the old (first ed?) that supports 5p, and despite it being one of our most played games, we only had a single 5p game.

The revised edition is nice but way overpriced and also incomplete. Just buy whatever you can get your hands on, there's really no need to be autistic about it.
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Not at all, I've been a regular in this general for a few years now. I'm just trying to be more polite in general.
Okay thank you, that's a good enough answer for me.
>mage knight is a roll and move game
kek good one
I haven't successfully read the rulebook so I can't dispute this.
It might not fit your criteria but check out Assault on Doomrock.
Sounds like a group issue desu. There are times where I will announce to the table how much something could possibly be worth and it turned into a game of chicken to try and squeeze profit out without overpaying. Other times, one artist would be dominating and the table would turn it around and flood the market with an unpopular artist, causing others to lose big on investments. If your group just follows the optimal trends and doesn't make any waves, it's boring for sure. Sometimes a shot in the dark with an obscure artist can turn the whole game around. I've seen it and lost to it, awesome game.
Don't really see the advantage other than things happening more simultaneously tbqh. Oh well, I'm gonna give it a go when I find it for cheap
How would that even work considering you do not know how much different artists will be worth. I could go further into it but I think modern art works so well because there is no clear best approach. I mean you can make people lose massively by playing two cards at once and closing the round
I'm so bad at El Grande but I'm having a lot of fun
I'd say get whatever is easiest and cheapest. Expansions can sometimes be a bit of a pain to get so I jumped from 1e to anniversary but even then it doesn't include everything. On the flip side, it's a game that takes a lot of plays to even need the expansions
I have a feeling his group treats it more like a coop experience. "If artist A is super popular we should all put down that and mutually benefit." Obviously, cardplay should be much more competitive.
me but Sidereal Confluence
Kill yourself, faggot.
Just buy Fields of Arle.
Don't do that, that's how you end up with the kids version.

"ALL CREATURES BIG AND SMALL" just means it's dumbed down enough to be played with an rat and an elephant, not that it contains all the expansions.
MK uses cards for everything.
MK is also extremely convoluted for how easy the game actually is. You got a bunch of gears to turn in order to accomplish one round of play and it really doesn't need to have half of those fucking gears. One could argue that removing some of them would make the game too simplistic, however, that increase in complexity exists JUST to make it more complex with no added benefit.
It's over designed for what it is. Then again so is Gloom have/Frosthaven and people lap that shit up too when people who actually play a lot of games are pretty vocal about them being okay at best.
>when people who actually play a lot of games are pretty vocal about them being okay at best
Plenty of people who play lots of games like Gloomhaven.
I don't know anon. I've seen people approach the game in radically different ways, which is part of the fun. Didn't want to accuse anon of misunderstanding the game, but in my experience the easiest mistake to make by far is buying a painting just a bit under what it potentially will be worth, not realizing that you *might* get 10k out of the value difference but the seller gets everything you bet for free. It's so obvious and easy to understand, yet I've seen that play a lot.
Not in my experience.
>Setup and tear down is tedious and time consuming
>Every mission is simply a race against burning out as opposed to feeling like you are combating a threat
>Classes are wildly imbalanced even among the starting options
>The microcard use and frequent shuffling damn near requires them to be sleeved
>The element board is under utilized for most classes and comes off feeling like an afterthought
>AP prone individuals drastically drag down game flow
>The long setup is especially terrible because 99% of the tiles are just different shaped room and hallways with zero environment effects baked in
>Character growth is painfully slow with minimal change when it does happen

It hits good for smash and grab murderhobos, but it could accomplish what it was trying to do with a modular board like HeroQuest and static enemy cards with dice rolled effects on them and just a plus one modifier to shit every so often kept track on a world level dial or something similar. When Gloomhaven is hitting it's stride? Great time, however, damn near EVERYTHING else surrounding that stride is not only subpar but outright bad. It isn't a good campaign game, it isn't a good dungeon crawler, and it isn't a good race against time game. All things considered it is OK at best to overly designed bullshit at worse
None of that refutes
>Plenty of people who play lots of games like Gloomhaven.
I'm interested in this answer, too, if anyone knows
Don't wear cargo shorts and you'll be fine
Define "plenty of people"
Give me a sample size of 1000 people who play boardgames at least once a week, have played Gloomhaven and at least three other dungeon crawlers and give me the average rating on a scale of 1-10 they would assign it.
Being polite here will get you shit on
You first, bitch
Amazingly the actual user reviews that rate it above an 8 usually mention using apps for monster management (which is a big hassle) and the bulk of reviews that talk about it out of the box playing tend to put it around 7-7.5 on average making it an OK game.
This is going by BGG and only taking into account where people actually reviewed it instead of just listing it as owned or wanting a copy and listing it as a 10 or just smacking the occasional 1.
So, claiming it is OK to most who play boardgames seems fairly accurate. Just like it is accurate to say people like the game because plenty of people who play boardgames like Monopoly, Life, Candyland, and other garbage tier games as well.
If we are going by "Plenty of people who play games like X" as a metric to whether a game is good or not, Monopoly and Uno are CLEARLY superior games to Gloomhaven.
>7-7.5 on average making it an OK game
>7 - Good game, usually willing to play
NTA but Gloomhaven is only meh when compared to games that are actually competitive/confrontational and therefore fun, because its a co-op game and all co-op games can never be more than mediocre.
It blows basically every other dungeon crawler out of the water though. What a dogshit genre.
Castle Ravenloft is pretty good tho
Bloodstones and Burning Banners has got to be the most interesting compare and contrast between two superficially similar games recently. Both are trying to be 1-6 player asymmetric fantasy wargames and both are inspired to some extent by classic wargames (Burning Banners much more so). And yet, in practice they couldn’t be more different.
Bloodstones is modern, slick, and streamlined. So much so that Wallace, in typical fashion, streamlined everything potentially interesting about the game out too. The asymmetry is so minuscule you could be forgiven for barely registering the differences between factions. The tiles, while cool in theory, are impractical in practice, being too large and bulky for the maps when stacked. And the scoring system is downright broken. It’s a wargame designed like a modern euro: relatively easy to parse with faux-elegant gameplay because it’s meant to be played once or twice at most, before you move on.
Burning Banners ends up the complete opposite. It revels in very classical wargame tropes, being a direct spiritual successor to TSR’s Divine Right from the 70’s. While it does have some streamlining as most modern wargames do, it’s decidedly old school in most ways. It’s designed, intentionally so, to have friction. The advanced game is over 40 pages of rules. There’s rules exceptions, granular differences in how different types of units work, significant and drastic differences between factions, and of course charts and basic arithmetic. This is a true simulationist wargame of fantasy conflict. It is made to be digested slowly of the course of dozens if not hundreds of hours and repeated plays and reads of the rules. And while it may not be played by many, it’s a game that will likely be fondly remembered 40 years from now just like Divine Right.
The only really good Wallace game is Brass/Lancashire.
Struggle of Empires is OK simply because of the alliance system with odd-numbered groups.
Age of Steam is flawed because of the die rolling for goods placement.
Auztralia is shit.
Steam is OK.
What about Automobile? :)
NTA but I saw a video playthrough and it looks like ass holy shit. Such a mess.

Though I am very biased against these 'sandbox' type games
This is my actual problem with Modern Art. Every group I have tried it with is too... non-strategic is what I will say to be polite. They make this mistake consistently, buying a piece hoping to make $10 off of it and paying the seller $50 for the privelege. Every game I have to stop a new player from radically overpaying for a card more than it could possibly even sell for ($35 bid in the first round).
Then if I try to reason aloud what pieces might be worth or argue that people shouldn't buy a piece at the crazy price they are bidding up to, I am accused of bean counting and being greedy and people make less deals with me (mostly because someone else is most likely going to overpay).
Modern Art is a great game, but it is so dependent on the players to understand it. One or two bad plays can absolutely overturn the game state and put one player in the lead purely based on another's mistake. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but for some reason my groups can't grasp it. We don't play it very often and I often play it with a group with at least one new player. Maybe if you consistently play it with a group these things get ironed out.
Thanks for that anon, pretty interesting read. Forgot about the two games already, but it seems I need to recheck burning banners.
>MK is also extremely convoluted for how easy the game actually is.
The game is not easy in any sense of the word.
>You got a bunch of gears to turn in order to accomplish one round of play and it really doesn't need to have half of those fucking gears. One could argue that removing some of them would make the game too simplistic, however, that increase in complexity exists JUST to make it more complex with no added benefit.
There is a lot of added benefit from MK's complexities, but since you didn't list a single example of an unnecessary complexity I won't bother listing any ways that the complexity adds nuance and decision making. Suffice to say all the different terrain types, locations, and enemies make very different value propositions depending on your deck and your current hand and there is a constant push your luck element of deciding when your hand is good enough to do what you actually want to do and when you need to wait and piddle around for a better hand. And often this isn't a binary choice, but a question of how many wounds you want to risk putting into your deck which will slow you down later. So I think there is plenty of added benefit to its complexity unless you have an example?
>when people who actually play a lot of games are pretty vocal about them being okay at best.
Yeah ok.
Well that does sound dire indeed. Paying more for a painting than it can possibly be worth is just plain dumb tbqh:,-), and I assume it doesn't end there. In that case I gotta agree with you. Which is very weird because I've always thought of modern art as a lightweight game for everyone. I suppose there is a bit of math/gut math involved to make it difficult for some. And funnily enough, the mathematician in my group doesn't want to play the game as he considers it too stressful.
You have to practice not saying it when you play video games.
(1) If you only do it in the vidya context it isn't that bad; I assume you don't do it at work?
(2) Why would anyone care this much. Getting the stinky eye once usually is enough for you to have restraint, you don't respond to your parents as you would to your friends, you don't make posts on other boards/forums as you would here.
I might be mistaken but I am convinced there is enough nuance in humans and the context they find themselves for this not to be a problem lest one is entirely without impulse control.
> assuming he has a job
Battle Line is better than almost every other dueling card game.
Looking for a good three player coop game. Pandemic looks solid and it's normies friendly which is a plus.
>Burning Banners
Never heard of it. It looks interesting. Have you played it?
Do you think it's somewhat overrated since it has a fantasy theme as opposed to a historical war theme? Is it something non-wargamers can pick up and enjoy?
Leviathan wilds is alright. Coops are usually bland though.
>The only really good Wallace game is Brass/Lancashire
Wrong. Perikles is also an excellent game.
>MK uses cards for everything.
It's a flip and move game like Candy Land?
>he still has merchants and marauders with the ghetto big box expansion hack
I kneel anon, it triggers my autism everytime I see it but I kneel.
Are you looking for a board game in particular?
Bloodstones has a lot more depth than you might initially think, and even though unit types don't seem too unique at first the overall composition of each bag makes each faction feel distinct
I feel people are reaching hard when they say Bloodstones has distinct factions.

Anyway when we look at "newer" Wallace titles, Steam Power does look interestning.
Hopefully the randomness wont swing as hard as in AoS.
NAYRT but the horde is distinct. Otherwise yeah.
Does anyone know of an online resource that shows the rule differences between Terra Mystica and Gaia Project?
the dragon people play much differently from the hill folk - dragons and abundance of cheap offensive units vs. lots of keeps to play defensively and giants that are strong even when outnumbered - this makes the positioning game totally different between the two
compare necromancers who have a slow ramp to their undead horde that requires a special kind of play to achieve to the horse lords who just have great economy from tile advantage and tons of cavalry to control the mobility game
corsairs and horde i think are pretty obviously distinct
Did anybody here play Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone? Is it good? Is it fun?
thank you!
In the light category sure.
heavy card games are not good.
The slop zone
What would you call a heavy card game? A CDG? Just TCG/LCGs? Mage Knight?
>but since you didn't list a single example of an unnecessary complexity I won't bother listing any ways that the complexity adds nuance and decision making
NTA but a giant fucking board (pretty sure game's biggest single component) just to track XP and levels while adding bare minimum to the game would be one example. Vlaada is general seems to design games on the principle of taking his favourite videogames and brutally beating them into board game mold. Like how MK is just Heroes of Might & Magic, Dungeon Lords is just Dungeon Keeper, Through the Ages is just Civilization, Space Alert and Galaxy Trucker hate being board games so much they include real time component.
Codenames is ...?
i mean the map once explored and all the card markets take up a lot more space than the xp/reputation tracker. interesting thing to take issue with
>Galaxy Trucker hate being board games so much they include real time component.
lol anon got filtered and now rages at every game by based Vlaada
seething anon stay seething, CGE enjoyer anons stay winning
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Do Dungeon Petz next
>Hansa Teutonica, El Grande, Argent, Netrunner, Mage Wars, Kemet, Inis, Imperial, Tigris and Euphrates, Twilight Struggle, Pax Pamir, Dune, TGZ and many more
2.95, 2.79, 3.78, 3.41, 3.68, 3.00, 2.95, 4.05, 3.50, 3.61, 3.69, 3.45, 3.69
IS is a false negative and T&E and TGZ are false positives.
It correctly sorted the other other 10 games. 7 are slop and 3 are not slop.
How's autism treating you?
The true slop is 4.2+, this is where you enter badly designed autism simulators from Eklund, wargames nobody ever finished and eurogames that didnt know when to quit from Lacerda
>Have you played it?
I have. Personally I think it’s excellent as long as you know what you’re getting into. I wouldn’t call it a monster or an extremely difficult game as long as you know that it’s still a hex and counter wargame through and through.
>Do you think it's somewhat overrated since it has a fantasy theme as opposed to a historical war theme? Is it something non-wargamers can pick up and enjoy?
Perhaps a touch overrated from people playing it as their first hex and counter game. Some approached it as just another board game and bounced off hard, but if you approach the game on its own terms, as a wargame, I think a lot of neophytes have loved it.

tl;dr it’s more approachable than most and can be learned if you’ve played heavier games, but it’s a wargame through and through at its core. Understand that and you will like it
Heavy card games are the best games
>wargames nobody ever finished
Who would you know, you never even started playing one
Haha pretty much. Except for Pax Renaissance ofc
Skat. I still have no idea how that auction works.
Hey /bgg/. Need your help. There was a boardgame in the early to mid1990's that was based on an rpg. The cover was a dude in a trench coat with a futuristic gun and a chick hiding behind a barn while a massive demon looms just on the otherside in the background.
Pax Ren's absurd rating is undeserved, its a 3.8-4.1 range, pretty much the most elegant game Phil made.
Definitely, it is extremely streamlined compared to his other games.

I will continue maintaining that the game must have been a huge group effort and that his son and playtesters probably deserves alot of credit for making it so brilliant.
Top 50 games above 4.2 on BGG
>War of the Ring
>Gaia Project
>Through the Ages
>Mage Knight
>Kanban EV
>On Mars
>The Gallerist
>Kingdom Death Monster
>Age of Innovation
>John Company 2nd Edition
>Die Macher
>Pax Renaissance 2nd Edition
>Advanced Squad Leader
>Aeon Trespass Odyssey
>Weather Machine
>Pax Renaissance
>The Republic of Rome
>High Frontier 4 All
>Empire of the Sun
>Virgin Queen
>Star Trek Frontiers
>Coffee Traders
>Here I Stand
>Perseverance: Castaway Chronicles
>Horseless Carriage
>Europa Universalis PoP
>Magic Realm
>Fields of Fire
>Pendragon The Fall of Roman Britain
>Bios Megafauna
>High Frontier
4.2 seems a little high for War of the Ring to be honest. Sure there's a lot of checks and whatnot but actual playing is decently smooth, the player aids cover a good 50% of any question you'll have.
Complexity is a meme because everybody is different in regards of understanding a game, and also you can't really quantify complexity in an objective way. What truly makes a game complex? More words in the manual, game time, setup variance, etc? I think the only thing we could all agree about complexity is that it has to do with decision space and their consequences, but then again, it's not really quantifiable.

Yeah it gets a huge rating for some reason when it's actually quite simple to grok once you get down to it.
Every last one of these games is several orders of magnitude less complex than ASL. Anyone who takes BGG weight seriously is a retard.
>Anyone who takes BGG weight seriously is a retard.
It's slop-anon, of course he's retarded
Saturday is International Day of Cooperatives. Which coops are (You) going to play to celebrate?
Assault on Doomrock (got an old save file to resume with a friend).
Will arrange spirit island with the other people and my wife will run upkeep/invader mgmt.
A few short games of Sprawlopolis afterwards with whoever is still around.
ASL is pretty simple within any given scenario. What makes it "complex" is a kitchen sink design that tries to have rules for every possible tactical recreation. The core rules, ones that play a role in every scenario, are simpler than many modern tacticals like Last 100 Yards, MBT or Fields of Fire.
I only own one coop, sprawlopolis.
I don't play Co-ops
This discussion makes me wonder. I've always assumed people just ignore the gulag complexity rating, just like whatever articles/podcasts/videos they present on the frontpage?
Not even saying they are definitly wrong, I simply wonder how people care about this.
Hey, the only thing I call slop is AI. I was just nothing that's a weird metric for WOTR.
Maybe BGG just rated it so high because it's so well known. I'd personally consider Pax Pamir 2 more difficult even if the manual is much shorter, because you have to keep track of a lot more rules and Wehrle can't write a good manual.
Some people take pride on playing "complex" games and BGG number validates them.
I look at it when planning which game to bring to my neighbors. They're not hardcore boardgamers so it's a useful tool to vet what I could teach them in a reasonable amount of time.
I was surprised that there wasn't a lot of wargames or 18xx up here. Turns out they were loaded into the Top 100
>World in Flames
>Empire at Arms
>Pax Transhumanity
>Mr. President
>Bios Genesis
>Dungeon Universalis
>High Frontier 3rd Edition
>Enemy Action: Ardennes
>Rise and Decline of the Third Reich
>Era of Tribes
>Revolution: The Dutch Revolt 1568-1648
>Flat Top
>Swords & Sorcery
>Pacific War
>Vietnam 1965-1975
>Pax Emancipation
>Pacific War 2nd Edition
>Star Fleet Battles
>Korea The Forgotten War
>Advanced Third Reich
>Axis Empires Totaler Krieg
>Next War: Korea
>Case Blue
>Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition (really?)
>Guderian's Blitzkrieg II
>DAK2: The Campaign for North Africa
>Triumph of Chaos
>Warhammer 40K 9th Edition (REALLY?)
>HEXplore It
>Next War: Poland
>Fields of Fire 2
>Tunisia II
>The Old Prince 1871
>Death Valley: Battles for the Shenandoah
>Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit 4
>Fire in the East
Goddamn there are a lot of 18xx games
Are 18XX games meant to be a "one and done" playthrough thing? Like why are there so MANY, how many variations of "put down trains and sell stocks" do you need
I played puerto rico with a literal retard in charge of the rules.
I.e. despite playing this game before and being in charge of the rules, he mistook the end game points and the price for the first three turns before i checked the booklet
The game seemed clunky and unwieldy then, due to this and other mistakes (like with captain role interpretation)
I think i saw it praised here so i ask the council: is this game fun when no literal retard explains the rules? Is it solved?
But as soon as you expand out of basic infantry on infantry fighting, ASL gets a lot harder to play than any of those. And I think MBT might be cheating because its not a WW2 game and thus has a lot more concepts and systems to cover than a WW2 game does.
Panzer is a better comparison and I don't think its harder to learn than ASL.
It's great fun and not solved at all. It's very deep with a high skill ceiling.
It's never been a factor I look at when researching games. A games complexity is something I'll consider if it's a good fit, but I place no value on the Geeks user based metrics.
No, some people just have fond memories of 1860 or 1

We got Railways of the Lost Atlas last week and it's pretty much the high point of 18xx at this point. Anyone spending $110 on a preorder that won't deliver for a year for a single map game and 2 pages of changes from base 18xx is a fool.
>Are 18XX games meant to be a "one and done" playthrough thing?
No, 1830 is a beloved classic from 1986 that's still relevant and played today because of how replayable it is. The different maps and mechanics of the other titles create a different set of priorities and valuations for the players to manipulate, some focus on the buying and selling gambles of the market while some focus on running good companies and some others have an entirely different focus.
Eldritch Horror. 4p, Forsaken Lore, Mountains of Madness side board, and Cities of Ruin
Its a system like COIN or OCS, you learn one you can hop between multiple games with minimal rules changes. Great commercial trick to sell people glorified expansions.
I love RISK, used to play it all the time with my Dad
I was OP for the previous two threads and this one, I'm gonna be too busy to bake tonight
When we hit page 9-10 I'll bake.
No yeast though so it'll be flat.
>Great commercial trick to sell people glorified expansions.
To be fair with COIN and OCS those are all made by a single publisher. Tons of different companies make 18xx games.
Any game is bad with a retard that doesn't teach it right. PR is actually a fantastic timeless game, hope you can play it again correctly.
Agree with the other two anons. Now, it's not the fanciest game anymore but that's because it's mechanics work so well.they've been copied a lot. The game itself is still very much worth playing, most of the problems arrise from putting together players of arying skill level.
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Going to be getting it from a friend, have a feeling it'll be too high iq for my tactical think-only-1-turn-ahead brain but I've wanting to finally try an uwe sandbox as I've somehow played everything but those that fall into that category
So you have no examples of needless complexity, just an issue with the physical design with regards to table space. Mage Knight is certainly an inelegant game, and I have criticisms of it, but I would like to hear your gameplay critiques.
It's ok to prefer less complex games, but you need to justify a statement like "needless complexity." Off the top of my head an example in Mage Knight of needless complexity would be that some location tiles leave the monster there while others need you to draw a new one each time. This does add some strategic considerations as a previous failure could give you more info in one scenario vs the other, but it is an annoying nuance almost impossible to remember without digging up the relevant location reference card. The strategy added by the difference is marginal and probably every tile could just work the same way and it would be mostly the same. But there aren't many examples like this I can think of.
The reference cards also should never have been double sided but that is a physical design issue not a game complexity issue.
I'm just curious, I'm reading through the book guide for Pax transhumanity, and do all the eukland pax games have footnotes on every page talking about his research and how it reflects in the board game mechanics? It's pretty interesting to read, feels like I'm reading a scifi book with all the footnotes
Just got pic related in the mail after forgetting that I backed it way back when.
What's the general consensus on it? I've been out of the loop for a while and haven't had a chance to play anything substantial as of late.
>faggot introduces his sub to Wingspan and Viticulture
Like pottery.
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Look at these lil' dudes going absolutely nuts with how much fun they are having!
>Bios Genesis
>Dungeon Universalis
>HEXplore It
How come this shit is this high?
More people have played those than the heavy wargames that make up much of everything past 100
He's right, I counted ranks 100 to 200 on BGG of 4.2 weight and above games and 75 of them were wargames
thank you anons
i'll aim to play it again then, maybe i'll print the booklet myself to check for such mistakes
Ya, they do.
I don’t think it’s been out long for enough for a general consensus to be reached. Personally I really like it, I think it’s one of Wherle’s best games so far. But like all his games it certainly won’t be for everyone.
Play a 1 card at turn 2/5/8 so youre first and then can play your 13 card on turn 3/6/9. Grab the king card and you can secure a good province (like your home province).
Never make ties, you just cost someone else points instead of gaining points yourself
try to get as many meeples onto the board as possible
try to grab second/3rd place points everywhere rather than focussing on a region thats worth a lot
hte castello depends on how many people are focussing on it. If nobody takes it, its extra points, if everyone is pouring their armies into the thing, dont go for it. Remember that everything you put in wont help you win extra scoring cards until they're let out
if you can move the king move it in a position they cannot invade your provinces, while a province of the leader is available. They'll just flood that province instead.
What game is this? It looks interesting
I'm reading here on bgg that it's pretty good
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Thank you

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