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Previous thread: >>93095712

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Have you ever played in the Banestorm setting? If so, how was it?
I exclusively print my GURPS sheets in black and white.
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Basic vs Technical vs Fantastic Dungeon
Which grappling system is the best?
FDG. It's like if Technical Grappling was meant to be played.
Are you excited for FDG 2e that Douglas Cole teased on trannycord?
>Last time, on "Misadventures with 'GURPS Power-Ups 9'": Our mysanthropic amateurtagonist was attempting to split up the GURPS Basic Attributes in order to better differentiate disparate types of natural aptitude. However, his attempt to seek out an independent assessment in how his intended changes aught to be priced completely failed, with no responses at all. While waiting, he also expected to resume his discussion with a mysterious grognard that chose to question how he assigned Power-Blow to Strength; however, the mysterious grognard inexplicably disappeared without a trace. Does he yet lie in wait, looking to ambush our amateurtagonist at a convenient opportunity, or has he instead revealed himself to not merely be a pretentious fop, but also a coward? And how well will his attempt to split up the GURPS Basic Attributes as per "GURPS Power-Ups 9" stand up to scrutiny? Find out in this episode of "Misadventures with 'GURPS Power-Ups 9'"!

Splitting IQ into parts, as per "Cheaper IQ" on Page 5 -
>Perception: 5 Points
>Disposition (Will, renamed): 5 Points
>Knowledge: 3 Points
>Ingenuity (Technical & Adventuring Skills): 5 Points
>Expression (honest expressions of emotion): 2 Points

Splitting DX into parts, as per "Cheaper DX" on Page 5 -
>Basic Speed: 5 Points
>Agility (moving the body around as a stable platform from which to do other actions): 7 Points
>Coordination (precision movement of the extremities, and anything held by the hands): 8 Points

Splitting HT into parts, as per "Cheaper HT" on Page 7 -
>Basic Speed: 5 Points
>Health: 5 Points

Splitting Basic Move from Basic Speed, as per "Cheaper Basic Speed" on Page 9 -
>Reflexes (Dodge & Initiative): 15/20 Points, 4 Points per DX or HT
>Speed: 5/20 Points, 1 Point per DX or HT

Splitting Reflexes and making it a Secondary Characteristic of Perception & Agility, similar to "Reformulating Basic Speed, OODA" on Page 19 -
>Perception: 10 Points
>Agility: 10 Points

... Continued

Summary of Changes, not considering reassigned Skills -
>Perception: 10 Points
>Expression: 2 Points
>Disposition: 5 Points
>Knowledge: 3 Points
>Ingenuity: 2 Points
>Speed: 2 Points
>Agility: 10 Points
>Coordination: 8 Points
>Strength: 10 Points
>Health: 5 Points

I haven't fully considered how my assumption of using the following skills aught to change how things should be priced; recommendations are welcome.
... Corrected

Blast, miscounted somewhere. Specifically, Ingenuity should be 5 Points.

Summary of Changes, not considering reassigned Skills -
>Perception: 10 Points
>Expression: 2 Points
>Disposition: 5 Points
>Knowledge: 3 Points
>Ingenuity: 5 Points
>Speed: 2 Points
>Agility: 10 Points
>Coordination: 8 Points
>Strength: 10 Points
>Health: 5 Points
Is this a new meme?
Is there a way to simplify core GURPS mechanics like combat? Is this kind of thing included in any of the supplements? I know about GURPS Lite, but it just seems to have less options, not necessarily simplified in terms of GURPS’s core mechanics. I haven’t read it yet, though, was just watching a rundown on GURPS combat and I’m a little overwhelmed (I’m basically retarded). If you can’t tell, I know almost nothing about this system outside of what I’ve learned from a couple introductory videos.
Nice write up, I was thinking about another approach (gradual change along history, instead of being kickstarted later) but I like it nonetheless.
>>Araterre becomes a great naval power and begins exploring and colonizing the rest of the world
Last I checked, the problem with the ocean in Yrth was the monsters inhabiting it, so it might be difficult to explore it without more modern warships.
At it's most simple - an attacker rolls against his skill to hit. If he hits, the defender rolls against his defense. If the defender fails, he takes damage.
There's then all sorts of *optional* crunchy bits to put on top. Hit locations, shock penalties (a 1 second debuff to someone who gets hit, penalizing most things except for defenses), crippling injuries, special attacks (All Out Attacks, deceptive, defensive, committed, feints, telegraphic, etc.)
To steal what some anon said in the last thread, what's great about GURPS is that you'll want all those crunchy bits, because they're good and cool.
Thanks. I am very interested with this system right now, mostly due to the sheer amount of high quality supplements, but I was just asking because I need to start with something more simplified. I’ll probably cut out those more optional additions to combat for now, and then add them in when I’m more comfortable with GURPS.
Post video links
No problem. I got into GURPS just a few years ago for the same reasons and haven't looked back. Just remember that literally *all* of the crunch is fully optional and enjoy perusing the quality material.
Out of the, what GURPS stuff are you currently (or plan to start) looking into?
It was just whatever the first one was that came up when I searched for GURPS combat. I would get you the link, but I’m lazy and on my phone for reasons I can’t say without breaking a rule.
I’m thinking of trying GURPS solo before I try it with any players so I get a grip on the system and don’t both embarrass myself and also botch at least a full session while learning it.
The solo campaign I’m thinking of doing is one based on Batman Beyond, so like a cyberpunk vigilante thing, meaning Ultra-Tech, Martial Arts and probably a couple others would be needed, minimum.
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GURPS is definitely worth running solo. I've been enjoying it that way for a while. There's so many different details you can add and go really in depth with.

Question for those ITT, how detailed do you all like to get with enemy organizations? Do you use Boardroom and Curia rules to keep track of them?
Are there any hard rules for making divergent tech level equipment and adding appropriate dollar values to them? Like steampunk, diesel punk, or any other TLX+Y situation.
There are some guidelines in Steampunk under Retrotech Approach (p. 28) that are viable for most types of divergent tech levels.
Is there a way to copy a game project from an older version of foundry to a newer one? I just realized I had been setting up my game in foundry 10 when foundry 12 is out along with an updated version of the GURPS module. Not the biggest deal if I can't, just wish I looked at the update message first before starting work on this.
>Have you ever played in the Banestorm setting? If so, how was it?
Yes, ran (a modified version of) Moon of Thorns from 1shotadventures. It was OK, setting worked well, players enjoyed real religion mixed into their fantasy, main issue was I decided to stick with basic magic system and everyone hated it. Just ignored the artificial technological stasis and multi-verse stuff.
I started with dungeon fantasy RPG. Its a good intro.
Seconded. A lot of anons say that you shouldn't use it to introduce new players, especially DnDrones, and they may be right. But if the you're the new player and you're eager to learn the system, DFRPG is a great crash course.
That's some good shit, thanks anon
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Yeah, I'm normally one of those Anons that bangs the drum about DF being awful for onboarding new players, but there's a world of difference between trying to get new players excited for GURPS and catering to a group of already invested newbies. In the first situation the familiarity is a liability, but in the second it's an asset.
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Is there a license free version of GURPS I could use in a video game project? Someone in /osr/ said that they recall a license free verison of GURPS was made at some point. I was wondering if this were true, and whether or not a PDF of it exists.
Just don't call it GURPS, retard. Mechanics aren't copyrighted, only the text.
How would I go about statting a creature whose IQ decreases proportionately with their HP?
I thought Fallout was going to use the GURPS system and they got caught which is why they used SPECIAL?
You telling me I could just rip D&D or WHFRPG or GURPS or whatever and just change all the names and the respective holders couldn't do a damn thing?
>I thought Fallout was going to use the GURPS system and they got caught which is why they used SPECIAL?
Jesus christ, how many layers of bullshit this story went through to reach this point? They disagreement either in regards to pay or SJ being overly controlling, who fucking knows.
>You telling me I could just rip D&D or WHFRPG or GURPS or whatever and just change all the names and the respective holders couldn't do a damn thing?
Consult your lawyer on specifics, but there are plenty of games that are clear rip off with rules being reworded enough to avoid any issues. And for video game it doesn't matter to begin with. The only reason video games even bother with official licenses is either for the setting material or just for the clout in case of dnd.
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>taking anything said on /osr/ as real

Also, no, unless your intention is to make a game for personal use between you and your firend.
I think the easiest would be to reduce their natural IQ to the lowest level and then include multiple tiers of “IQ +2 (Accessibility, Only when HP is X% or higher, -Y%).
If you want to REALLY simplify it, do a quick contest of "gun vs gun" or "Sword vs Sword", stating how the margin of success affects.
Both fail: both get wounded.
Both suceed: Greatest margin trumps the other (disarms/gets a rendition)
You can solve it with 2 rolls, if it's not important and tactical combat is irrelevant.
That's what happened with FAllout :-)
They wanted to use GURPS as the game system, SJGames said no, they implemented a system that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike GURPS.
In most cases, read their licences, they state it how to produce clearly derivated work, so it wouldn't be a problem.
Personally, I'd go for the ORC licence (they sure would be happy to know) which is DnD 5th with the typography changed X-D
Yeah, its pretty similar to OSR games in genre, and can get some "why don't we just play d&d". But its a solid intro to the mechanics. If you don't need to worry about the former its good for the latter.
And any fictional relationships between renamed characters needs to change. That's what the US' only vaguely lawsuit said (a fight between boardgamey producers)
That said, many TTRPG companies and their licences operate under the assumption that ruling wouldn't apply to TTRPGs, and its never been tested against TTRPGs.

So - in theory yes. In practice, don't know. Good chance of a lawsuit that could bankrupt you based on that ambiguity though.
TQ: I've wanted to run a Tredroy noir mystery game, but ended up running Monster Hunters instead. Which is good practice for me, because this is my first time branching out to a higher TL with some real gunplay.
But I still want to run a Banestorm game. I think the setting is kino and underrated.
What are some of the major things I've missed if I haven't kept up with GURPS since August 2021?
Realm Management
Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions
Meta-Tech (was supposed to be released today but got delayed by 1-2 weeks)
Are there stats for guns with high ST requirements suitable for augmented humans (cybernetics, battlesuit etc)?
They're usually Gunner weapons, since their ST is too high to normally be usable by humans.
The Mini-Gun in High Tech is a prime example, Arnie's Hollywoodization of how portable it supposedly is notwithstanding.
Most of the HMGs, AGLs, and light cannon in High-Tech would seem suitable. In Ultra-Tech there are also some equivalent ones like the assault cannon, gauss minigun, rainbow strike laser, etc.
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What kind of armor values would a Bulldozer have?
Would the spell Resist Fire protect against a Force Sword? If so, could the subject of a Resist Fire spell use a regular metal weapon to parry a Force Sword?
Does this guy belong to you?
Take a long arm, remove stock (Bulk +1, Acc -1, Rcl +1, minST x1.2, -1 lbs) and shorten barrel (Bulk +1, Acc -1, Dmg x0.85, -0.75 lbs), wield it with one hand (minST x2) and call it a custom handcannon.
.50 BMG ball ammo does 7dx2 pi+, thus .50 BMG AP does 5dx2 (2) pi (though it's usually tracer or API, so it'll also do a point of burn damage).
Thus you need DR70 to resist the AP rounds (or DR35 hardened).
The high-end ammo tends to be APDS-T rather than APHC (but the Soviet/Russian 12.7x108mm HMG does use APHC), for 6dx3 (3) pi inc, and thus requiring DR126 or hardened DR63.
Note this is very thick armor - the armor design article allows for rigid materials to be up to 0.2" thick as armor, and flexible materials can only get up to 0.5" thick - or double those for head armor. A plate protecting the Vitals and part of the Chest should probably also allow for double thickness, but this is at least triple thickness, and should probably come with a DX penalty.
Thanks a bunch! Honestly might just make it so the armor resists pistol calibers and most rifle calibers. Doubt my players will be carrying anything more dangerous than that, but if they do then I know how much to bump it up.
Where is that article you mentioned located?
For High-Tech armor, you want "Cutting Edge Armor Design" from Pyramid 3/85.
Very nice read, thanks again!
I'd say no, because Resist Fire explicitly doesn't affect damage from electricity even though it's also burning. We can extrapolate that the magic doesn't necessarily affect all forms of burning damage and that the shape the damage comes in matters just as much as the type. Hell, shape may matter *more* than type, since Resist Fire also makes you immune to all effects of heat, including (presumably) FP loss.

However, it's ultimately the GM's call. Do they want force swords (and probably nearly all laser weapons as well) to be nullified by a single spell with three prereqs and an upkeep cost of 1 FP? That's certainly going to have a major effect on the setting, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing; if they want lightsaber-wielding jedi and blaster-toting commandos to have reason to fear primitive alien shamans and their weird magic, it might be a good call.

And the second part of the question is moot. If Resist Fire affects force swords, then there's no reason to parry them; they can't hurt you anyway. I'd still say no and have the two just not interact, but again it's the GM's call.
Good answer
>I'd say no, because Resist Fire explicitly doesn't affect damage from electricity even though it's also burning
What if our subject in question was affected by both Resist Fire and Resist Lightning?
did they ever solve the issue of steel crossbows being dogshit
>Realm Management.
He said good things.
Eh, the magic system is already full of hyper-specific spells. Might as well make a new spell that has Resist Fire and Resist Lightning as prereqs and specifically handles coherent lasers and "force" effects. Maybe have it cost 7 cast/3 upkeep like Reverse Missiles if you don't want it to be everpresent?
He said major, not good. And it's not as bad as eggplant writes in his review, hes just jealous of rice
It's easy to talk shit and promote Macris (far right fascist) instead of providing any constructive criticism
This take is so moronic I have to assume that it’s insincere.
This take is so moronic I have to assume that it’s sincere.
What's so moronic about it? Rice is an accomplished writer with many widely beloved articles and books behind his belt. He's an admin of the largest GURPs community and has his own discord server with a loyal fanbase. He engages with the community regularly and helps new people. He played with Ed motherfucking Greenwood. His patreon is very successful and full of content. He doesn't speak like mentally impaired
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What do you do in this situation
Depending on how close you are to the giant ball of black stuff when it drops. Either get in the car and try to outrun the wave, or hold onto something and hope the building won't collapse.
You people are obsessed with politics. After a decade of this, we're all fucking exhausted by preening nu-puritan faggots like you. This is a board for talking about games, it's not the place for you to attack people who don't agree with your politics.
Please kys.
Roll Expert Skill (Balls)
So you'd rather play a game designed by a literal neo-nazi and fellate bloggers who support such scum?
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Cope, cuck.
Massive leftist projection. You should start charging Macris rent, faggot.
Since people like you are such annoying scumbags, it's reasons to assume that people you hate are decent people. So yes, I'd rather play games designed by your enemies than have anything to do with you.
Contrarian cuck
Anyone who writes it like this can be dismissed immediately.
Rice is a mediocre writer with an ego the size of the moon, but he occasionally writes okay material.
How does some possibly fascist faggot have anything to do with GURPS?
Someone write up a short blurb about a worldline infested by trannies
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>How does some possibly fascist faggot have anything to do with GURPS?
His Adventurer Conqueror King System (ACKS) is a superior alternative to GURPS Realm Management. ACKS 2, which is essentially a better-organized GURPS Fourth Edition to the scattered GURPS Third Edition of ACKS 1, had a successful Kickstarter campaign a while ago, and should be available for purchase in a few months.
The dude has some inexplicable cult surrounding him for a game that, and I cannot stress this enough, *is not even out yet*. His adherents love him as much for his sticking it to the libs as much as for his (supposed) game design chops; specifically, they have a fascination with the game's acronym sounding like someone hanging themselves, which among 4chan's weird breed with rightwingers is associated with trans suicide.

Every few weeks or so we get one in here acting like a kickstarter RPG will be a second coming of Christ, answer every question GURPS fails to about simulationism in RPGs, and purge the earth of all of their political enemies and undesirables.

They're also exceptionally fond of falseflag shitposting. If you see anyone mentioning ACKS or its creator in any context, positive or negative, you can safely bet it's one of the game's weird cultists. Controversy-based hype seems to be all they know.
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>a game that *is not even out yet*
ACKS 1 has been out for years. The Kickstarter backers for ACKS 2 have had the text for months (though a bunch of time is being wasted on adding art).
>They're also exceptionally fond of falseflag shitposting. If you see anyone mentioning ACKS or its creator in any context, positive or negative, you can safely bet it's one of the game's weird cultists.
Ah, a fellow -ACKS fan
Force swords are plasma, not fire.
Die mad about it, incel.
i thought it was really funny that acks2 got banned from every ttrpg discussion forum on the planet, not because of the racism, but literally because the game sucks and the guy got caught discord brigading to generate fake astroturfed discussion and reviews of his game.
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Eggplant reviewed it? I was talking about... Whomever it was who tried to walk through making it work in the sjsg forums, and got Chris rice to respond to questions, and over and over the "answer" was [you need to use gm fiat to paste over the big holes in my unfinished ruleset]. Some anon here shred the thread.

I don't care for his politics, but I've seen a thing or three in his game I've grabbed for myself. Mostly for hex exploration. Saying Realm Management sucks is not equivalent to saying ACKS does it well. I've never played ACKS. It seemed a little vague to me.

ACKS isn't horrible for estimating what it'll take to build a building, from a read through, but I still prefer the old 3e mongoose book of strongholds & dynasties for that.

d20 Conan (also by mongoose) got an empire-running book (they lost the licence before it dropped but shared the unpublished manuscript on their forums at one point), I think it was largely a revision of strongholds & dynasties.

I tried running RuneQuest Empires once. I vaguely remember it was not great.
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I know I asked here before what are some highly recommended advantages and skills but I forgot to save what you guys responded with. I know one of them was some skill that let you meditate a specific way to do something like either heal or save yourself from a HT roll but I forget what it was called.
I know of the popular advantages like:
>Combat Reflexes
>Common Sense
>High Pain Threshold
but what else do you guys recommend, especially for helping new players?
I'm convinced that anything Rice shat out that people like went through a lot of Kromm pushing to get him to tidy it up. His published content is too inconsistent in quality and his patron content too trash for me to believe any ohe4 explanation.

And I've observed him and interacted with him a few times on the FB group and the SJG forums. He's a pretentious dick, just in general.

Regardless of whether some of his published stuff is good (and I will admit, some of it is), Realm Management is not. I also admit I don't like him as a person.
Lots of people like his realm management subsystem in his game, and point to it as a bare minimum of what Realm Management should have been like.
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Is anyone running a supers campaign online?
Been reading old comics and its gotten me in the mood for some supers.
This fucking review lmao
Unrelated but his review of Dynasties & Demagogues in a slightly less recent post is interesting
>Dynasties & Demagogues
That one, I came across his YouTube video on. I've read it before though. Its good, but its not really about running a nation, its about backstabbing courtly intrigues.
>that review.
Oof. Scathing. His review only mirrors what I've seen elsewhere though.

First time I've ever seen anyone praise AEG Empire, I've skimmed it but never tried that one.
>the guy got caught discord brigading to generate fake astroturfed discussion and reviews of his game.
That's just called marketing. But I guess he didn't pay off the forum admins prior to his shilling campaign, rookie mistake.
That's just marketing. Though some places will ban you for marketing.

He was banned from RPG net well before that. RPG net accused him of shit thanks to him working with greek-name-mc-whacko before he got cancelled, and he sent a letter threatening to sue the site for hosting defamation. And since he's a lawyer who could very obviously represent himself for free, they took the threat of major financial consequences for their unprovable accusations seriously, and banned all mention of him and any game he works on.

Where else was he banned?
So Plane Shift is the spell used to travel from one world to another. But it has Planar Summons as a prerequisite. This makes sense for some things, I suppose - you have to know Planar Summons (Hell) before you can learn Plane Shift (Hell).
But what use is Planar Summons (Homeline) or (Centrum) or (Reich-2)? Seems kind of weird.
As I understand it, the spell would rip someone from that timeline into your own. How useful that is depends on a lot of things. If the spell is specialized to ISWAT agents (and you have an existing relationship with them), it could be a direct way of calling in the cavalry. A general timeline spell could be used by a dark wizard or monstrous maneater to pull in victims no one in his world even knew existed (until someone traced the parachonic signature, or whatever trace it would presumably leave behind).

Alternatively, it could indeed be useless. Maybe humans can't be summoned and controlled like spirits or demons can, so Planar Summons is purely taught as a prereq. It would be like how you need Mathematics (Applied) to learn Engineer; all rolls in a game will be against Engineer, but you still need at least a point in Mathematics, if nothing else than as a nod to needing some background in theory.

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