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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

1st Kavalleri edition

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Am I right in thinking there's basically no reason to ever use an ac-2 over an LRM-5?
AC2 outranges the LRM5. It's use-case is helicopter gunships to plink at mechs and tanks from beyond their normal max range. Also if you need AA duty, loading it with flak ammo.
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HA HA HA silly nightsky lance is all dotty.
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shitty camera is shitty
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>but it's in an entirely different area of the galaxy
>the early star league is their latest historical knowledge of the inner sphere
>comfortable habitable worlds are unusually common in this patch of space
>settled around 500 years ago
>relative to the inner sphere, nations are small, populous and numerous
>they have battlemechs and most star league tech
>CGL says this is battletech for the foreseeable future, they aren't touching the inner sphere anymore
>still no aliens, it's just battletech with a new cast of mechs and polities
What would you think if CGL did this?
Oh boy! three whole extra hexes of maximum range and two less minimum range at the cost of four extra tons and between thirty and sixty percent of the damage.
It's an edge case weapon, but that edge case does exist. When you're a heli and only have like 3 points of armor anyway, those extra 3 hexes of range are the difference between your enemy having a shot at long range or them not having a shot at all. You aren't worried about the opportunity cost of if you'd brought an LRM 10 instead of your AC2. You're worried about LRMs being used to return fire against you.
>bases painted
>colour scheme that isn't just mono+wash
>some attempt at details
You've improved, well done. Keep it up.
Jade Falcon is racist. Against spheroids, and other clans, and certain parts of their own clan. But what they really hate are those fuckin' bird people trying to steal their shtick.
racism and sexism isn't even common in the IS
you're either stupid and new or stupid and disingenuous
The dark age and ilclan era falcons are weird, hateful freaks who get upset about nothing even by the standards of the clans, who are all eugenicists willing to kill whole families over one guy's fuckup.
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they're the clans, not the klans
Flak ammo to plink at aero for lawndart rolls is pretty much it.
I think the AC2 should get the Anti Infantry tag so it gets the niche of extremely long range anti infantry, which is something not currently covered outside of special ammo.
Yeah, they weren't at all like that in the Aiden books, where the Jade Falcons were clearly normal even by clan standards.

Aiden is the only reason Focht didn't mass murder the Jade Falcon warrior class just like the Jags. And that was after the Falcons tried repeatedly to kill and dishonor him and abandoned honoring him after his death. Falcons are the scum of the universe, and should die even more than other clans.
I like how the tiger design came out. I think I'm going to try and do some more of these.
get colour forge's convict orange spray primer. it'll make your life a lot easier.
It doesn't show up well in the pic, but there are 2 shades of orange being used.
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Tonight's game is a 16000 BV batchall between the 37th PGC and the Snow Ravens. The Bears are going hard with
>3/4 warhammer iic
>3/5 horned owl
>3/4 stone rhino
>3/4 kingfisher a
>3/4 vapor eagle

The Ravens will be fielding
>2/4 timber wolf a
>3/4 stormcrow prime
>3/4 stormcrow tc
>3/4 vapor eagle
>3/5 summoner a

Backstory here is that I've run a point of 4 second liners for a few games now with a warning up front that these guys are dishonorable and fight dirty. Imagine my surprise when he fielded a point of Raven second liners. When that happened last game, I explained that given the relationship between the Bears and the Ravens, I would be following zell. I advised him to play his own game and not to feel obligated to follow zell, but aside from him dogpiling my Horned Owl (and me dogpiling his Incubus in retaliation) it was a pretty clean fight. He requested a 16000 BV Clan vs. Clan game immediately afterward.

The 37th intends to keep this engagement honorable as Kerensky intended, but we will see if the Ravens can restrain their perfidious impulses.
Are there any tutorial videos on how to setup Megamek for a simple hot-seat session vs AI? I don't want a sprawling campaign, I just want to shoot things for an hour or two with a friend.
First video that came up when I searched, they seem to go through the motions in the first 10-20 minutes.

It's fairly straightforward - you just boot up megamek, hit 'start new game', and then when the lobby loads you add a bot. You could have it generate random armies within a BV range via the 'create random army' button, or you can look for stuff individually through 'add a combat unit'. Rightclick on the bot/player entries to set your deploy areas so you don't start right next to eachother.

Choose whatever map you want, set team/unit colors, mess with pilot skills, and then you hit done. If you want to play multiplayer directly with people, whoever's hosting does have to port forward and share their IP, as far as I'm aware.
Striker lance is the one most worth buying multiples of if you're doing a house unit, right? Multiple wolfhounds for Steiner, multiple Jenners and Panthers for snakes, multiple BJs for Davion. 2 or 3 of each wouldn't be unheard of in a company sized element. The vindie is locked up in the beginner box for now, along with the Griffin, but what are some other faction aligned workhorse mediums and lights and where to get them? I'd eventually like to have a lance to company sized unit for each great house.
My thanks to the anons last thread who suggested Feddie mechs for me. Appreciate it.
Anyone got good art for armed industrialmech technicals? I'm after those MWDA vibes.
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Don't think these are canon industrialmechs and despite my usual dislike for scroggins, i think this art kinda slaps.
Command lance for the Wasp and Valkyrie
Battle Lance for the Centurion
Urban Lance for the Hunchback and Enforcer
Fire Lance for the Treb
You know at first, Cameron's decision to nearly bankrupt an entire interstellar MIC developing the battlemech might seem like a retarded vanity project, after all, why not just use that money to make conventional forces better? But then you realize, it was never about the battlemechs being used as a weapon of warfare, but rather as a tool of politics.

Modern professional militaries can be difficult to keep loyal while still maintaining discipline under an autocracy. You can keep a modern military loyal by promoting only the most brown-nosing commanders, having them compete for your favor, and encouraging a system of bribery and corruption, but doing so cripples the capabilities of your own military in times of genuine war. This is why all the best modern militaries end up comes from democracies, because the only way you're keeping a force that big meritocratic is if you promote a system that keeps every individual soldier down to the lowest grunt at least somewhat invested in their country.

Cameron managed to bypass all of that though by developing the battlemech. Since battlemechs are all about an individuals skill and abilities, possessing disproportionate power for a single vehicle, and not requiring much in the way of support or crew, an autocrat can maintain a powerful standing army merely by granting noble favors, wealth, and land to a handful of mechwarriors. In other words, Cameron flipped the script, and made it so that autocracies could outcompete with democracies for having competent and powerful militaries.
might have something to do with how it doesn't look like his usual work
instead of the usual lazy flat matte and childproofed engineering he does, it's full of hard corners and the panels have actual texture and detail on them
it makes me think he doesn't even like drawing most of the time, and him being art director results in everyone drawing just as badly as he does and in the same manner to not show him up too much
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Use a contrast or speedpaint for the stripes, and then drybrush over the whole lot lightly to tie it together. It'll come out better, and the technique is more or less the same.
Pic related. Your camo lines are neater than mine though, haha.
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All I want to do is have a Warhammer 6R. Why is finding a Warhammer 6R game piece so impossible
Keep looking ans eventually you'll probably find something. I finally found a decent swordman and an art accurate battleaxe stl. Fucking anything is possible.
Buy the force pack with one?
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You’re welcome
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Franz Vohwinkel did a few.
Anyone got a good STL for a Mercury? both the ones listed on ragic are kind of shit.
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Not a MOD per se, but violence is incipient.
Just shoot flechette. It's not like your AC2 was worth a damn against armor anyway.
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What do you mean? The forcepacks was out of stock for a good while but they have them everywhere now. I have one sitting in my car with me right now.
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Jesus anon, it's because in being the art director he now also has to straddle lines of "Will this make a good mini?" and "How can this easily be modeled in-game?" and "Can this be easily and cheaply produced by other artists under me?".
This ain't hard man.


Franz is so weird. Like 90% of his 3060 'mechs look an odd cross between wierd and terrible, but you give him industrials and he makes some seriously good shit somehow. I guess that's just his schtick and, unlike Chafffee he just hasn't gotten into that niche yet.
I think that's not an IM, but one of the AC/10 models of Blade.
50% of the problem with proto-mechs is that every design is UGLY UGLY UGLY and does not look fitting for Battletech at all. They went WAY overboard with the animism.
>and does not look fitting for Battletech at all
But Battletech is primarily known for having animalistic, 'organic' looking mechs.
More to the point: they look like 28mm sci-fi fantasy models.
>We want the 40k audience!
Supposedly, the artist that did the protomechs just got told to make them look like monsters or animals, and what they ended up accepting was the FIRST DRAFT. Dude was just throwing some stuff out to get a feel for which direction he needed to lean into, and they just took the sketches and never called him back to take a second pass at it.
I mean, tbf he pretty much got it down pat. Something like a VOTOMS mech would go against the Battletech aesthetic.
You know damn well there's a massive difference between a Thunderbolt or Night Gyr or King Crab and a god damn Svartalfa or Minotaur. There are exactly 3 protomech designs that look in anyway acceptable: Hobgoblin, Boghart and Sprite. Everything else does not grock with the aesthetic language of the setting at all.
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I can still barely make sense of what's going on with this design. I guess it has a horsehead?
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You ever see a quadmech my guy? Battletech has never been afraid to make its mechs...well goofy.
That is literally just a Bushwacker with four legs. Are you going to complain about the Scorpion next?
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>That's literally just (insert other goofy design)
Thank you for agreeing with me.
The Bushwacker is just an Apache with legs, so I don't know what you're talking about.
>The Bushwacker is just an Apache with legs
Which looks incredibly silly.
Behead those who disrespect Bushwhacker.
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Huh, I never saw it till now.
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I was giving Sarna a glance since I normally don't look at Protomechs and the Boggart doesn't seem too bad but oh my god, the Basilisk.
They made Rape Horse into a mech?
This is just a super sentai villain.
It's not a question of looking 'silly' or not, it's a question of the aesthetic motifs ONTOP of being ugly as sin.
I don't hate it at all. I think it's quite charming actually. But let's not kid ourselves, most battlemechs fall into the 'goofy ahh mech' category. They are cheesy 80's schlock and I love it.
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Woops, wrong pic.

>being ugly as sin
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
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We watched Shimmy do that Hell's Black Aces commission live in thread. Took him over a week of dedicated work with frequent feedback from the commissioner.
Thing is, there's a different skillset between being a commissioned artist doing a top-end piece and being the guy on the other end saying what looks good and bad. When you have bad taste, your bosses are constantly demanding retarded shit like "take the ball turret off the Wolverine", and you need herd half a dozen cats to get 160 designs done for a kickstarter in under 4 months you put out a very, very different level and quality of work. We see this repeatedly with artists like Plog and Chaffee as well. Their top-end art made on a short leash looks excellent. Once someone hands them the reins and wanders off, they flail, and when they have to tell other people what to do the whole thing goes to shit.
At least Shimmy's not Chris Lewis or Justin Nelson, but that's not saying much.
They did, and it still rapes in the 31st century.
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I'll give it this, it does look better in the art than in that photo, but I still feel like I'm looking at some kind of Jaffa knockoff.
Replace the hooves and head with something more practical looking and I think it's fine otherwise.
The head actually does serve a practical purpose, by being higher up, it distracts opponents, and makes what would otherwise be a lethal blow to the head non-lethal. Likewise, hooves are just good for quick travel.
I really like cheap mechs that can vomit SRMs. I'm thinking about running 3 commandos and a wolfhound for my Steiner light lance.
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>Lack of communication
>"Everything is ready to go!"... "Uh, no actually it isnt but it will be soon"... "We are going to ship it out now, we promise"
>Absurd postal charges for what are supposed to be local hubs (I can get a 200 kilo parcel on overnight shipping for 1/3 of the price I was charged)
Anyway, it is the 26th today. By CGL's own word they have 3 days, 5 hours, and 25 minutes at the time of posting to actually deliver on their promise. And so far, we have noting. All is silent on the shipping front.
Grab a Javelin. They're like a Commando except the launcher sizes actually line up so you can have multiple ammo types without being restricted to one or the other.
I'm not interesting in min/maxing my list. Thanks tho
Was that ever in doubt?
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This begs the question, if Cameron had decided to spend those resources on conventional military development instead, what would the world of Battletech look like today, and wouldn't most states in Battletech be republics if that had happened instead of monarchies?
Anon said he wanted a Steiner force, not a FedSuns one.
Mechs are the most effective raiders in the setting. Without them, defensive forces becomes the name of the game and you'd probably have a lot more stability.
On the flip side, since defensive forces are better than offensive forces, we'd likely see fewer but more destructive attacks when they occur, a la the artillery obsession in the Great War. This doesn't bode well in a setting with orbital bombardment and nukes, Ares Convention or not.

so, I'm thinking it would look something like
>Amaris coup still succeeds since he already had inside access
>but SLDF reconquesta goes slower and requires more city razing
>if the SLDF succeeds, the battleground planets are worse off
>if it's bad enough, maybe the SLDF fails and fucks off into the Deep Periphery
>1st and 2nd SuccWars mostly go the same, i.e. lots of WMDs.
>3rd SuccWar is very stagnant due to lack of good raiders, as discussed previously
>4th SuccWar never happens
>Clan Invasion.....?
>Kerensky's bit was to make the SLDF into a force that wouldn't cause undue suffering. Would that ideology even exist if the reconquista goes poorly?
I'd imagine that, without the investment in the battlemech, you'd probably see more investment into precision munitions for ASF's and warships, since that's currently the primary thing that's lacking for them (IIRC space warships are incapable of mounting any space-to-ground weapons that AREN'T nuclear in nature which indicates a severe lack of investment).

Imagine a warship orbital laser weapon so precise that it's able to target individual infantrymen with minimal collateral damage.
We did it. We turned Battletech into Dropfleet Commander.
I'm pretty sure Dropfleet also mostly used nukes from orbit. The entire "drop" part is that they'd rather send ground forces down to take the settings limited number of usable cities and bombarding them is a salty last resort.
The big difference is that Dropzone Commander is a more infantry focused game, typically oriented around clearing out buildings and urban warfare. Tanks and mechs still exist, but they exist to support the infantry, whereas in Battletech it tends to be the other way around.
If there's one thing I'd love to see redesigned, it's the Aerotech fighters. And the Warships. Okay, two things I'd like to see redesigned: Warships and Aerotech fighters and Draconis Combine mechs. Okay, THREE things I'd...
If you removed the mechs would Dropzone Commander be a good way to do Age of War games?
Ever since MW3, I've had a soft spot for the Bushwhacker.

Though I always remember it being an Omni for some reason.
Besines clanners and some blakists, are there any other transhumanist creeps in battletech?
I mean. If you're going to take the mechs out there are suddenly a lot of games that are better than CBT.
DZC is neat for making flying battle taxis part of the core gameplay loop, unlike most systems where air power is awkwardly stapled on.
I would love to see the results posted! I'd tentatively put my money on the Ravens, though if you follow zell, then the individual assaults will hit harder. Maybe the Stone Rhine faces up against both Stormcrows? (Obviously Stormcrow+Vapor Eagle would be better, but the Vapor Eagle twinsies duel is too good).

I'm just realizing that it would be awesome to have a game where one side plays Ravens with an R-team (field salvage team consisting of 2 Mechs, 2 points BA, and a technician team, probably represent as mechanized infantry). The goal of the mission would be to get the infantry to some site, guard them for a turn or two, and then withdrawn them in good order; possibly the Mechs each have to go visit that spot and then withdraw too, their hands full.
Idk about on the table but in the FCCW at least one warship uses normal naval guns to fire down on mechanized ground forces. The SLDF task force that took Huntress from the Jags did so as well, using a ground spotter to direct fire.
When 3D printing mechs, do you prefer to scale up your minis to a specific size? I'm looking at a file for the unseen marauder which is much larger than the actual pewter models as it's trying to be closer to CGL's current scale.
Battletechs orbit to surface weapons are largely non-nuclear (bar the nuclear tipped Capital Missiles). What you have to understand is that a weapon capable of damaging a Battletech warship, which can withstand multiple 300 KT nukes like its nothing, has an absurd level of energy that it delivers to the target. Hence, the massive blast areas and horrific level of collateral inherent to a BT orbit-to-surface action.
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So these are my first Battletech minis, and the first minis I've painted in years. I was a bit rushed trying to get them finished in time for the game I had printed them for, which was incidentally arranged in this thread, but they turned out alright I think. However I'm sure there is room for improvement. I'm well aware that I am not a good painter. I was hoping I could get some advice for improving as I start the next set of four. Doing some Medium mechs next. The process for these was basically base coat in grey, Zenithal highlight in a lighter grey, undercoat in a darker grey from below, and then go over it all with Green. Then I hit some of the details, just a single coat in a metallic paint. Went over the metallic on the cockpit glass with a yellow shade and then put dabs of color on the lasers and ppcs. Sealed it all up with a gloss varnish and then did an oil wash before sealing it again with a matte varnish. I'm not sure if the oil wash did much, I feel like I brushed too much off and didn't do it right. In any case they feel a bit lacking to me but I'm not sure what to do to improve them. Does anyone have any suggestions?
You could panel line black and edge highlight with a lighter green.
Scale is a mess, they've only been trying to standardize it now in the plastic era.
Basically, no one knows what's right, so do whatever.
I love Comstar and WoB, only after Operation bulldog (with the exception of Tukayyid). After that my only favored houses are Cappellans and Draconis Combine. I feel like I'm crazy for my preferences...am I rreally so out of it?
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White Raven is just a jet fighter with legs.
You just seem like the typical contrarian.
In FM:WC, one of the special rules for a unit is reduced scatter for naval bombardment (halved, I think?). There's a bit of an implication that the Ravens use it tactically fairly often.

In MW3e, the Artillery skill was used to spot for orbital bombardment, too (also in ATOW?).

Maybe give some sort of weapon an accuracy bonus for naval bombardment like naval lasers have a bonus against smallcraft now? (They, do, right? Or was that just in the past? Did I hallucinate this?)
Who/what am I contrary to?
Most of our book/game protags are Feddies/Lyrans and you managed to pick everyone who hates them.
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>"white raven"

You're making Perigard Zalman cry.

You bastard.
Focht is Lyran tho. I like him. Post Operation Bulldog I thought everyone hates Comstar? Not just Fedcom.

And pretty sure Cappies are also hated by everyone.

And aren't the majority of books pre-Jihad?
I will grab javelins for my FS company when they put one out. It'll go with my valkyrie, Enforcer, blackjack, and 3 riflemans.
Also I run the commando 3A, so the launchers are the same size.
Other way around. I'm not saying everyone hates Cappies (although that's true), I'm saying that Cappies despise Feddies most of all. Etc.
>see FS
>brain immediately jumps to Frederick Steiner instead of Federated Suns
damn, this is some esoteric kind of brain rot
Nope. Plenty of Comstar fans and Drac fans in this thread. I feel more out of place as a Fed Suns fan.
Quick, you need a scout lance, what four mechs do you send?
I'm talking about what I like tho. I don't hate the Fedcom in the least. It sounds like you're saying everyone ITT disagrees with me tho...oh well. Sadness increased.
I think of myself more as an autocannon fan.
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>White Raven is just a jet fighter with legs.

Looks better than tje OG Black Python (and a lot of other 'Mechs as well).
so my opinion is totally mainstream among Battletech fans in general?
Well, I don't have any Atlases to hand, and my other four mechs are accounted for, so I guess I'll have to send the Awesome, Battlemaster, Catapult, and Thunderbolt.
Light kit, like... Zeuses! Or Banshees!
I don't know about fans in general, but you seem in good company in this general.
I've not been in these threads very long, few months, but I can't really recall people posting Liao, Davion, or Steiner forces. Lots of my dudes, lots of comstar, couple FWLs, lots of dracs.
There really are only two ways here:
1) Large enough to fit the hex
2) scaled down to the dimensions of a hex per the game rules
I wish they were better, but I will run them regardless every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Nah, people hate Stoners and WoBbies. Dont lie to the kid because you think it's funny.

FWL is the only faction this general likes.
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>Looks better than tje OG Black Python
I can't find the actual OG Black Python ATM. It was part of the Japtech set.
No, mainstream among the fans is Fedsuns, Wolves, Ghost Bears, and maybe Lyrans.
Here, it's FWL, Kurita, Comstar, and sometimes Falcons.
Fire Javelin, Owens 1 C, Phoenix Hawk 3M Masters, Mongoose.
how one-sided will 3049 mechs vs. 3025 mechs game be? not quite the 3050 clans vs. is level but still pretty significant?
I feel like Falcons is mostly just bottom anon pulling hard
Oh, so we're just contrarians ITT and I'm in the mainstream among contrarians.
Balanced by Tonnage, 3049 mechs have a clear advantage. Balanced by BV, anyone's game but I'd probably give it to the 3025 mechs.
This is entirely anecdotal, but I've not met any other Fed Suns players in person. I've met Lyrans. I've met various flavors of clan. I actually know an unironic wobbie, but I usually get a bit of polite needling about liking the Suns. I don't doubt they were popular in the past, and perhaps they are popular outside of my area, but they aren't here.
Yes. That is exactly it.
Well do you play with Dragons and Cappies tho? Or are they al FWL?
Where I'm from we all run mercs.
"Fans" and "players" are not correlated unfortunately. Lots of "collectors" and a lot more "posts battletech memes on reddit that they found on facebook as their only means of interacting with the IP".
Dracs yes. Cappies no.
Rotary/light ACs should have been introduced earlier, AP ammo shouldn't be totally useless in small autocannons.
who's fighting who on the 40th anni box cover? sldf vs. amaris?

btw, if amaris was that bad, why did anyone fought for him, enough to give kerensky and sldf a hard time subdueing them?
Depends a lot on WHAT 3049 mechs are being used. Some of the upgrades were just the Inner Sphere powers throwing random tech at their mechs to see what works and others are actually really good. Something like a Hatchetman 5S, Mauler 1R or a Hunchback 5M is a whole lot less scary than something like an Archer 4M, Griffin 3M or a Devastator 2
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i need some recommendations for some more Kell Hounds mechs. i'm looking to go up to 12, and era doesn't really matter.

currently i have:
thought dhs, gauss and pulse make a lot of difference, even if it's is tech based ones
You can add some clan mechs (not much), mostly stuff from the Jade Falcons or Wolves in Exile. Outside of that, Lyran and FedCom stuff is your target. They also have a mech factory.
Because Amaris had a legitimate grievance that he shared with most of the people under his command, and only turned into mecha-hitler after that grievance was redressed.
>What you have to understand is that a weapon capable of damaging a Battletech warship, which can withstand multiple 300 KT nukes like its nothing, has an absurd level of energy that it delivers to the target. Hence, the massive blast areas and horrific level of collateral inherent to a BT orbit-to-surface action.
I mean...you could just design a Battletech warship specifically for orbital-to-ground fire support.
Clan invasion IS mechs tend to be 30-50% more expensive and more fragile. They hit harder and but still explode and lose their side torso. Obviously it depends on the mechs, but if you did a mirror match and then gave the 3025 a few extras to make up the difference, I'd still give it to them.
MUL is a good way to go, but what era are you looking to do for your Kell Hounds? or do you just want a general list?
mostly just general, my group tends to just balance games by BV. i kinda feel my stuff so far is a bit on the heavier side.
What happens if it encounters a real warship?
It's funny because the Lyrans have the Commando as one of their iconic Mechs.

It was fun how in the HBS game there was a Flashpoint where you have to take out a Steiner scout Mech and it's an Atlas, though thankfully just one.
It hides behind another warship?
I feel like Battletech is a world where people forgot the concept of specialization so now every vehicle has to be capable of doing nearly EVERYTHING.
I would also look into any Wolf In-Exile stuff since the Kell's had deep ties with them during there existence.

Pack Hunters are a good one especially late era.
Kell Hounds also manufacture the Arctic Fox, which is an IS rip-off of the Kit Fox (and a great example of why the IS should not try to copy Clan lights).
So now you need a real warship to babysit the orbital bombardment warship?
On top of that, a lot of people were personally loyal to Amaris, and even more people just fucking hated the SLDF.
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Yes, just as you need a destroyer to escort a carrier. Seriously is the concept of battlefield specialization completely forgotten in the future?
Yes. And both will be better at their intended jobs.
That isn't an excuse. He should have done it the right way from the start.
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It's not hard to design a real WarShip in such a way as to be particularly good at orbital support.

The biggest issue is that gravity pulls you down, so weapons for sustained bombardment need to be able to shoot to the aft.

Picrel can shoot a bunch (either 12 or 16, I don't remember) of HNPPCs directly towards its ass, on top of being the nastiest WarShip in the world for 400 years.

Even if rules were revised to make one particular class of capital gun best at bombardment, it would still be decent for other stuff, and you don't need a lot of weapons to orbitally bombard very hard, especially if you want precision instead of overkill. Just take whatever WarShip you wanted, toss 3 HNLs into each aft quarter, and you're good.
Tbf he probably took a look at the battlemechs that already existed and concluded that 'animalistic' was the way to go.
Only the SLDF, the DCA, the FWLN, ComStar, and the Ravens really operated proper naval squadrons. The rest of the factions always just sort of threw whatever they had together, even during the Star League when they had WarShips to go around.
In a universe without the Battlemech, attackers are going to be consistently unable to overcome the sheer mass of conventional force used in defense. You just don't have a big enough dropship to carry enough forces. This means that anyone who wants to prosecute a planetary invasion is forced to cripple or destroy defending forces before they ever make planetfall. This is going to lead to a proliferation of orbital bombardment, which then will inevitably lead into a spiral between orbital defense and orbital bombardment. Defense is inevitably going to win this battle as well, in the same manner that a ship is a fool to fight a fort; the fort (or planet) isn't vulnerable to critical damage in the way the ship is.

Which means that you have to start doing standoff orbital bombardment to outrange the planetary defenses. This in turn will inevitably lead to C-fractional missile strikes and RKVs becoming the primary form of offensive warfare, and these inevitably lead to planet crackers and, eventually, human extinction. And so Battletech becomes a game where two players sit across a pair of moonscape maps staring at each other, because neither one of them has any units, because all of the planets have been reduced to lifeless cratered husks and humanity is dead. That's what you get by being realistic and getting rid of the Mech.

Enjoy your game.
>verification not required
Does anyone have advice for basing using...dead battlemechs? I'd like to try something like taking a model I don't care about, chopping it apart and painting it in rust and metal colours to scatter around the feet of my models but I don't know if there'd be a cheaper or easier way to do that sort of thing than drop ~$20 on a couple salvage boxes.
Davions were the original douchebag faction of online Mechwarrior gaming. Cancer. A furry-haven of the uberfaggot Scott Malcomson, who ended up actually suing (and losing) the guys that made the TT game because he was just that much of an asshole.

They were also the faction that in the original online Mechwarrior were the ones that forced multiple map resets with the original golden zerg- they were so fapped to by the playerbase (the old golds of today, merely young neckbeards of the past) that Davion had a 5:1 advantage over it's faction neighbors combined and would simply wipe Liao out whenever it felt like it or someone else (read: Kurita) started making inroads from silly things like, oh, skillful play, triggering automatic map resets and leaving them immune to any real offense, as they could simply kick Liao in the nuts again and get their borders back.

Davion is the fountain from which more shit flows in Battletech than any other.
Do you know anyone with a 3d printer?
Guys, I am about to play a RPG campaign set in battletech universe. What is the most meme meh tier light or medium mech, something seen as affordable crap for poor cutomers. I could go for UrbanMech, but that thing is a bit too limited to city fighting fot he purpose of the game. Would Blackjack fit the role?

I have very limited knowledge of the battletech universe, pls help.
Yeah, though as far as I'm aware most people charge as much for a 3d-printed model.
Blackjacks are pretty good despite being seen as cursed for some of their history. If you want actual crap, you can't go wrong with bugs and honorary bugs. Wasps, Stingers, Locusts, Cicadas, and, may Allah forgive me for posting about this 'mech, Assassins.
So what you are saying is you don't have a friend with one then. That sucks. I'll print at cost for people I know. A buck or two for a mech at most. If you've no one willing to do that for you I guess you can always look for lots on ebay.
>if amaris was that bad, why did anyone fought for him
You have to remember that Amaris is cartoonishly evil. We all know he personally executed the every Cameron man, woman, and child he could find one by one, but what isn't mentioned much is that he also then had the room where he did it sealed up, the bodies left to rot.
The type of men who followed Amaris are also often equally cartoonish. We're talking chaining civilians to their mechs as psychological armor or just outright draping flayed skin over the armor plate.

It's like asking why Skeletor has henchmen. Stop worrying about it. He just does.
>but I don't know if there'd be a cheaper or easier way to do that sort of thing than drop ~$20 on a couple salvage boxes.

You can find old Mech models for cheap, sometimes on eBay or at your FLGS, especially if you don't care what Mechs they actually are.

Since you don't care, you can also try buying models from other games - Tau battlesuits, Imperial Guard Sentinels, and some other things from 40k have bits that are roughly the right scale and similar look. There's other games - Heavy Gear Blitz comes to mind for having very similar aesthetics.

I bet if you made a large enough order from IWM you could ask them to give you any assorted bits they have lying around that they didn't feel like melting down again for some reason.
>the same manner that a ship is a fool to fight a fort
What retard on Reddit claimed this? Ships are better than forts because they move.
Anything can be a meh tier cheapo mech if it's used hard enough. That said, Hermes II 2S.
Those exist. They're called monitors.
I thought monitors were warships sans jump drive.
see >>93173139
No, they don't exist. We've been over this. Monitors aren't a thing in Battletech. Literally illegal. They even have the quirk.
In the black navies? Absolutely. A Battletech fleet combat group is 'whatever was in the area'. If it's a well-planned naval offensive by a major faction, the combat group becomes 'whatever could be put together from the province', which is still a mishmash of whatever was left after the succ wars refitted to standards set by Lord Admiral Humungus since. Those ships then spent centuries performing every duty that might be expected of a military starship, sometimes multiple of them at once, regardless of the role they were designed for originally.
That would be better suited to exclusively fight other warships to prevent them from even reaching the planet in the first place. You can't move it out of the system it's built in, which means it must be guarding a system with a serious orbital shipyard. Fuck the planet, that shipyard needs to be defended from space attacks. But then we're circling back to "go play a different game" tier units.
Just take a line from Traveller's battleship vs battlecruiser idea. It's not hard, Herb. You just make the battlecruisers dependent on jump-capable support ships that can be ambushed and destroyed in isolation.
They do, but they're SDS drones.
It has good pr in universe but the Shadow Hawk is kinda shitty. It's not terrible, it's just not good at anything.
Blackjack is good because it has a terribad in-universe reputation but is actually just kinda bad mechanically - and some of the energy variants are straight-up good: the BJ-1DB replaces all of the weapons with 2 LLs and enough heat sinks to fire continuously even with a little movement. It's possibly the best introtech Mech in its weight class (granted that 45 tons is a shitty weight).
>What retard on Reddit claimed this?

That would be Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson, Viscount and Baron Nelson, of the Nile and of Burnham Thorpe in the County of Norfolk, Baron Nelson of the Nile and of Hilborough in the said County, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Vice Admiral of the White Squadron of the Fleet, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels in the Mediterranean, Duke of Bronte in the Kingdom of Sicily, Knight Grand Cross of the Sicilian Order of St Ferdinand and of Merit, Member of the Ottoman Order of the Crescent, Knight Grand Commander of the Order of Saint Joachim. Whose opinion on naval matters counts for a great deal more than yours.

And, ultimately, he is correct. The term “fort” has come to mean all of the surrounding and supporting land rather than a single fixed fortification. Thus, land based aircraft, long range, land based, anti-ship missiles, long range artillery, and the supplies in the surrounding area have all become part of the “fort” and none need to be in the same physical building or even in the same local area.

Essentially, what this means is that any weapon or combination of weapons a WarShip can mount, planet can mount more of and bigger. A planet isn't vulnerable to being breached or sunk, or to falling into its opponents gravity well. A WarShip cannot even meaningfully outrange the planet, as the planet can monut bigger and therefore longer range weapons. And because the critical points of decision are on land (usually industrial or administrative centers), by placing your anti-ship weapons around these, you even negate the WarShip's advantage in maneuverability.

All of which means >>93174282s analysis is essentially correct. RKVs become the primary method of suppressing fixed defenses, because strapping an engine to something that starts light-days away from the planet is the only way to outrange it. Once you put RKVs into BattleTech, you obliterate the setting.
I genuinely do not care.
>I like playing the bad guys
>Am I evil?
Dude, there's an old saying in the wargaming community.
"There's nothing wrong with playing Germans or Soviets. But if the guy owns more than one piece of memorabilia from them that isn't a gun, get the fuck out of his house."
Don't drink the cool-aid, just enjoy the game. Maybe look into GMing at some point.
>what is mainstream?
Decision paralysis about painting your models, Designated Hero factions, that one WAACfag who insists his lance of Dire Wolves is a normal Davion Heavy Guards unit, the token Drac player who wears a Naruto headband at the table, that other WAAC-fag whose entire army box is LRM carriers and aerospace fighters because he heard they're good but can't be arsed to actually play. Then a smattering of other stuff. The most common things I've seen on the table are the Invading Clans, FedCom -- leaning Steiner, because the Lyran Guard is apparently really sexy -- a token Drac or two, Caps and the various merc units that were the protagonists of old MechWarrior games (ELH, Dragoons, Kell Hounds, etc.)
Dracs overall sell so badly that Catalyst didn't even finish two of their sourcebooks for years after they'd moved on from the era. FASA struggled to move product for them as well.

It looks like the minis are pretty badly underexposed, and too much varnish always dulls down your color contrasts. A light edge drybrush or other highlight would go a long way to making them more readable. You also did a good job picking contrasting greens for the minis and the bases, but I'd recommend adding in some tan patches and maybe a little bit of a brown wash to tone it down some more -- right now it's the single brightest point on the model and it pulls the eye away from the mech itself.

Then you're new, we've always found the Falcons funny. NEA is even part of the Falcons with a blood name and everything.

I'd argue that the "mainstream" is a bit of a split. The Official Forum has a lot of FedSuns and Cappie fans, and the Wolves - that's old grog turf. Outside of that community on Reddit and Youtube you'll find more Ghost Bear, Lyrans and especially Taurian fans.

Then /btg/ is more Purple Burd and Kuritan leaning, with some special love for the Blakists and Falcons.
No Rasalhague...?

The RWR had a wild history and it really sucks that they did a total kill-off of it, then double-killed the bandit kingdoms that remained. It's no wonder the Amaris line angled for Terra given how tenuous their hold could be at home.
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>That isn't an excuse. He should have done it the right way from the start.
"The right way" is to submit a series of sketches, ask for feedback, tweak it to better match your client preferences, and go through 1-2 revisions. Ideally, the miniature sculptor is in on the conversation.

Press-casting. Grab some oyumaru/Blue Stuff, make a mold out of part of a mech, press a mix of miliput and greenstuff into it. Sand it flat and attach to base. Setting up for it will cost about as much as one forcepack. This is a tutorial for full-on recasting, but it gets you the names and some of the basic handling info on the products.
>Essentially, what this means is that any weapon or combination of weapons a WarShip can mount, planet can mount more of and bigger.
A planet has to overcome gravity to use any of its weaponry, a ship doesn't.

I've never met a pure Rasalhague fan, they're mostly Ghost Bear fans playing in earlier eras.

That's cool if you are though, but it would be as weird as if I found a St. Ives fan in this day and age.
>Panel Lining
My brush control isn't great so I'm worried I'll fuck the mini up, but nothing ventured nothing gained I suppose. If I don't try I'll never improve so its time to go fail boldly. Thank goodness for cheap 3d prints I don't know that I could paint a mini I paid good money for knowing I was going to fuck it up.

>Badly Underexposed
Could you elaborate on what you mean by this? I'm not familiar with the use of that term in this context.

Highlights seem to be the common recommendation, so I'll have to figure out what to highlight them with. I'll need to do some test minis and experiment with different paints to get the right color I think. But its good to have a direction to take things to improve.

I'll have to make some tan flock so I can try that on one of the test minis bases to see how that goes. I do also have a darker/duller green flock I could try mixing in. Hadn't washed the flock but I can try that as well.

Thank you for the suggestions anon.
I have never met anyone who had an actual Rasalhague force, only people who claimed to be oh so bitter about how "their faction" had been killed off.
Fucking weird to see the guide I made back in the day when I was trying to do sisters before the sisters release is still making the rounds.

I would consider myself a Rasalhague fan and even when it becomes the dominion that's the side of it I like and care about. I'm a little shocked to hear that it's a rare thing though considering how much protagonist energy the republic has.

Being a St. Ives fan would be fun except they swept all the St. Ives nationalism under the rug to make Cappie players feel better about themselves.
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IRL the FRR existed as an independent faction between roughly March 15th, 1989 and Gen Con. Of 1989.
By 1995 they were a savaged ComStar puppet state. There are a handful of FRR people but they're so contrarian even we giggle up our sleeves at them a little. At least you get Machine Gun Knees and Dracula Uniforms. And so many fucking Panthers.

>Then you're new, we've always found the Falcons funny.
Damn straight. Haters gonna hate, Cockfalcons gonna screech and troll.

>Could you elaborate on what you mean by this? I'm not familiar with the use of that term in this context.
The front of the mechs is shadowed and the background is so bright that you can make out almost no details.

Nice. I had already moved on to resin by that point, too bad GW fucked the Sisters so hard.

>Like the Blakists as villains
>Loathe painting white.

fuck I hope there are some nice Blakists mercs working in the chaos march.
I only recently got into the game and was sold on Rasalhague by 1d6chan and a friend who told me they were the go-to for guerilla warfare stuff.

I think a good rule of thumb is if it has a dedicated RAT it's not really that contrarian. I'd considered Hogs acceptable for someone who is waffling between Lyrans and Dracs when it comes to OpForing the clans.
Energy weapons

>Decision paralysis

Can I avoid the stigma around the FedSuns if I steer closer to Hasek or Sandoval?
White is their parade scheme. In combat they use appropriate camouflage.
Energy weapons lose effectiveness over range
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i can't stop buying salvage boxes.
Ah lighting issue. I can try taking pictures with a different background. I was under the impression well lit mini with a white background was good for mini pics based on previous conversations but I can try something different.
The Shadow Divisions all use a black-to-grey fade with a colored panel highlight to indicate the unit
No the "right way" is to not make furry shit in the first place. Nothing should ever look like animals at any step of a design. Not in the first draft not in the fifth draft not in any draft. Nothing should ever look like something anyone can interpret as being furry.
aight, Panther's gone
Folks...how do I get an Elemental gf?
Keep gambling. 99% of gamblers quit playing before they pull a Shilone.
No. No you can't. If you like them then do as you please and tell anyone who gives you shit to pound sand. Like who you like. Play who you want to play.
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the last 9-box i opene had SEVEN FUCKING LIGHTS, a med and an assault.
Well no shit anon. It's almost like pull rates for gatcha are always tilted towards the shit you don't want in order to make you pay for more pulls in order to get what you actually want.
How cynical.
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Light backgrounds are fine as long as the mini itself is getting enough light. "Exposure" in this case refers to the amount of light your sensor/film is getting exposed to. When something in the foreground isn't getting enough light the camera locks onto the background, only exposes it enough for that, and kills the color depth for the whole shot. You can sometimes fix it in photoshop by bumping the contrast curve a little.

Just paint your minis and you'll be miles ahead of most of the people hatin'. It always helps to have more than one force, though.
>How can I be Davion Man when I also have an FWL force?
>Checkmate, chink-o.
i dont know about you but i need more lights, most force packs are mostly heavies and assaults
it was all clan lights except for a single wasp. i wouldn't have minded if it was IS ones or even some IS meds.
I dunno about that. We have a lot of art showing pre-Schism ComGuard and post-Schism Blakists in combat in white Mechs.

"Appropriate camo in combat" doesn't actually happen much in official art in general.
Art is the lowest form of canon. The description from the field manual takes precedence.
>clan lights
oh yeah nevermind
Gotta claim them as a bondsman. See, you're average clanner mechwarrior girl, she'll be impressed if you're a good pilot. All you really need to be able to do is a cartwheel in a medium mech and she'll have her pants off in no time. But an elemental girl? She won't respect you unless you're able to make her submit.
Considering that they attack mechs all day, do you think Elementals have a size difference kink?
I'm not convinced that anything less than a 55 ton robot would ever be able to satisfy them.
My buddy bagged an elemental once. He said it was like a size dom thing, but the other way. If that's typical, the smaller you are, the more she'll love it.
Tfw i'm 5'-6"
Too tall.

So if you are waffling between...

Dracs + Lyrans = Rasalhague
Fed Suns + Lyrans = Tikonov/FedCom Corps
Fed Suns + Cappies = St. Ives
FWL + Cappies = Canopus/Andurien
FWL + Lyrans = Circinus/Marians
Dracs + FedSuns = ???
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is 3025 really a time that any mech packing 4 mlasers are considered threatening?

Threatening to what?
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Is Battletech the most mecha setting ever? You got:
>flying mechs
>quad mechs
>transformer mechs
>humanoid mechs
>chicken walker mechs
>underwater mechs
>outer space mechs
>expensive ace custom mechs
>mass produced disposable mechs
>cheap homemade mechs built in a garage
>military mechs
>civilian mechs
>police mechs
>sports mechs
>luxury mechs
>samurai mechs
>knight mechs
>cowboy mechs
>animal mechs
>mechs with turrets
>mechs with hands
>mechs with guns for arms
>armless mechs
>rolling mechs
>mechs that hold guns
>mechs with guns attached to their arms
>mechs with swords
>mechs that drive their pilots insane
Nah I'm with you, I like playing DC and CC more than I do the other houses. I think it's a mix of enjoying getting to play the bad guys/underdogs. I enjoy hamming it up when I run a drac or cappie lance.
Meanwhile Lyrans are my least favorite, I don't hate them and their mechs are cool, I'm just... apathetic to their existence I guess. The feds and purple birds are cool though.
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Try using Tamiya panel liner over gloss varnish. It'll use capillary action to flow right into the panel recesses. If you make any mistake you can clean it easily with mineral spirits.
Battletech is basically a love letter to the Mecha genre as a whole, but especially real robot, and thrown on a table top. You've got Macross, Gundam, Zoid, Mazinger, etc etc references thrown in that anyone familiar with the mecha genre can instantly spot them. Which is why it bothers me when people argue about throwing out the more radical types of mechs like protos, LAMs, Quads, etc. It feels like going against the spirit of the setting itself.
That’s what the monarchies are for, so that you can have your moody edgy princess and princesses rebelling against mommy and daddy in an 80 ton mech
NTA. Personally I am a Fedrat for life. I love Davion. Don't care for Lyrans or Birbs. Don't dislike them, mostly apathetic like you said. They just don't soeak to me. Though I do like some of their mechs quite a bit. The faction I like most after the Suns are the Dracs. They're just fun honestly and I personally think Dracs vs Feddies is the peak succession wars. I dislike Capellans the most but honestly I'd still collect and play them for the sake of opfor and I'm always happy to see them on the other side of the table.
That's basically what I was trying to do with the oil was. Maybe I just need to use less and be more careful and apply it intentionally to the areas I want it to go. I'll pick up the panel liner too and give that a go as well. Thanks anon.

Isn't that literally what Clan sibkos are for?
Personally I’m a Cappie for life. In a setting full of grey morally ambiguous factions, it’s fun to be the faction that’s just straight up evil.
When I first started getting into BT, I can't deny the Feds were the easiest to connect with and I'm still fond of them, I'll generally prefer playing a white knight, heroic type in most games I play, but with Dracs you can go full hammy.
Dracs are fun because they're fucking nuts, you don't need to justify yourself, you're the bad guy and you own that, which is fun. Plus I like the red, and the aesthetic.
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Any other weird and wacky combine mechs like this fellow?
The Blackjack can threaten most Mechs in its weight range, and a Jenner in the rear arc can threaten anything.
What if large lasers and autocannons are balanced, and PPCs are too good?
You mean an objectively worse Berserker, even when cheating and using Clantech?
But those aren't even balanced against each other.
>I can't find the actual OG Black Python ATM. It was part of the Japtech set.

That is the OG Black Python from the original TRO 3055. The color plates had the Locust IIC, Phoenix Hawk IIC, Griffin IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC, Rifleman IIC, Jenner IIC, Warhammer IIC and Marauder IIC. The remaing 'mechs, while still designed by Victor Musical Industries were black and white lineart.
Remind me what the problem was with the awesome color IICs in 3055?
>Dracs + FedSuns = ???
Paint them all red, use mostly shared stuff like Kintaros, Victors, Unseen, etc. Have a pool of a couple Dragons/Panthers/Jenners/Jagermechs/Bushwackers et. al. Swap in and out as you please, alternate between calling the force Sword of Light and Draconis March Militia. Bonus points: one of the largest groups of ethnically-Japanese people in the Sphere lives in the Drac marches and they fucking haaaaaate the Kurita family.

It's a pretty solid close range armament, especially for an investment of only 4t. Best part is it doesn't push you into overheat while running. Anything past it and you need more sinks, and it's very consistent damage. Good close-range armament for a bracketer or a medium/light cavalry design. Most dedicated close-combat stuff goes for an AC/10 because it holepunches and frees up enough heat for an SRM rack and some miscellaneous guns, or an LL for mid-ranged skirmishing.

>What if we took an Awesome and spammed AC/2s with it instead? Our range compares you superior! AM GENIUS!
>UAC/5s have the same range as an LRM and hit as hard as an LRM-20 but run cooler. AM ALSO GENIUS
>What if Javelin but kawaii?
Every Drac Omni
>Fuck you, round-eye, proprietary software
>Charger is suck. Add V-fin. Make into Thug. Charger no suck anymore.
>Hatchet is for cumdumpster bitchfaggot. Have sword instead.
Wolf Trap
>We hate Wolfhounds even more than we hate the FedCom. Let's make an Enforcer to kill them.
>Look at it
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Closest thing is a pocket warship and its still hitting like a brick and devastating football fields of land at a time.
The thing that you have to understand with Battletech is that high sci-fi precision targeting does not exist. If you are firing orbit to surface then you are aiming at a gridsquare. Or several. You are not pinpoint precision picking off individual people, you are levelling half a square mile.
The closest you could get would be low-yield lasers and subcap guns, which do less damage and have a far smaller blast radius. At which point you run into an actual warship which promptly takes it apart before it can ever do anything because you've got piddly peashooters that are only good, in naval terms, for holding off pocket warships and assault dropships, and its packing guns designed to reach out and hurt actual warships.

And where, pray tell, are you getting this second warship? After the 2nd SSW you are lucky to have 6 capital scale vessels, after the Jihad the premier naval power has maybe a dozen warships in total. Warship dominance gives way to the Pocket Warship and Carrier Dropships, and all you need is a flight of Leopard PW's showing up and raining torpedoes on you from far beyond your effective range to ruin your day. An actual warship? Might as well surrender, unless you have committed a significant portion of your remaining naval assets to one bombardment.
Note: IMHO the Warship decline is retarded and pure author fiat. As with the LAM killer spergout it should really be ignored. But sadly it is canon.
Large lasers actually do more damage per ton than PPCs do, but at the cost of range and for more heat per ton.
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Original designs by VMI as part of their overall partnership to bring stuff to Japan. They were used in place of the Unseen in the artwork and packaging for the first Mechwarrior game. Because they're shared ownership, Topps demanded that Catalyst no longer use either the VMI designs or the Studio Nue units commissioned for the Japanese edition of Battletech (which were also reimported as Solaris VII designs)
And the original MW1 Japanese box art. You can just make out the IICs

Would playing St. Ives at all be considered being a try-hard? Given they have RATs stuffed with Pillagers and Emperors?
>>Look at it
What? The naginata fucks
What is the calculation for sword damage again? I had an idea for an honorabu grasshopper but I need to know if it needs TSM to decapitate gaijins or not
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This only works out if you're boating 3+ LLs. Looks like five mechs do that, pic plus two flashmen.
There's a lot more mechs running dual PPC
should I give a pilot gun 3 if I intend to jump a lot?
You have severe mental illness.
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mechs are the furries of military fiction
>their existence doesn't fit into how things realistically develop
>overly focused on an aesthetic to the detriment of practicality
>requires wild and far-fetched justifications for their existence, and even wilder justifications for why they would be anything other than one-off freak accidents
>people disturbingly into them constantly try to convince others that they're not stupid and weird, and actually very smart and well-designed
>their existence usually mars a setting forever as weirdos hyperfixate on them even if they were only a fraction of the story
The logical conclusion therefore is that Mechs are furshit and should be removed from the setting.
>truck stronk
r8 it
Why would I use this over the existing TSM berserker?
1pt per 10 tons, +1.
why do you keep posting with this image?
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What sourcebooks would be good to have if I wanted to dig into Rasalhague? Something in me is interested in the idea of having something like an ex-Principality merc unit that roves around after Kurita eats them, comes back when the FRR happens like the Highlanders returning to Northwind, and then somehow limps out of the Clan Invasion with some second-line mechs to their name. It seems like a neat way to end up with something accumulating bits from the Lyrans, Dracs, and a way to explain how the hell they -might- end up with a Behemoth or Marauder IIC since I love those things.

The MAD-IIC especially, it's probably my favorite looking IIC design.
Have you looked at the Periphery Handbook?
Fine drybrush with a lighter green to catch the raised edges and/or deeper recess shades to bring out the colours. Too flat, but good effort.
Purple bird stronk
It is H O N O R A B L E
Once burned twice shy I guess.

This also explains why the Jenner got a IIC!
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If you mean this one, I'm not seeing any hits for Rasalhague in the index - glancing at Sarna's entry for the FRR says most of the citations comes from '20 Year Update', and it sounds like Historical: Brush Wars is where I should look for details on the Ronin War, and my gut tells me that I'll want to look at the handbooks for House Kurita - moreso now that I actually realize they're basically part of the Dracs for around 700 years.

Did St. Ives ever send troops to help the FedCom outside of the Clan Invasion, or was mercing clanners their main thing?
Nah that one pre-dates Rasalhague by about a year. You're looking for the 2009 publication. "Major Periphery States" or something
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6 lances of doooooooom.
Jumpy cruds
Jumpy thuds
Jumpy griffins
Jumpy nightskys

Stompy banshee 3s's aka the good one'
Zoomy wolfhounds.
They're just that irrelevant.
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DOTTY sky of night. Stars burning in the sky. Light years away
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Spotty spots
><paint snobbery goes here>
My theory on why a lot of the more esoteric mech designs never show up in the games or in tabletop is because they're bad like this. It feels like the amount of mech types you see are condensing quite a bit, and they typically look how you'd expect a giant bipedal tank to look. All the weird anime-inspired stuff from the 80s has de facto vanished.
I wish you wouldn't make an ass of yourself.
NTA, but I only come to this thread just to see that pic
>All the weird anime-inspired stuff from the 80s has de facto vanished.
Good. Battletech has nothing to do with anime and those designs don't belong here. Shimmering Sword has delivered us perfect Mech designs, and the sooner anime weebshit is forgotten in the dustbin of history, the better.
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I dunno. I kinda really like how my 'stars' turned out. Having dots of wraithbone and dots of auric kinda looks silly and cool at the same time. And all the lances together, they kinda fit and work.
I am rather happy with how they turned out.
Absolutely Dezgra
So, unlike the artists before him, he's intentionally making worse art than he's capable of.
Instead of drawing the mechs as good as possible and hoping the models get as close as possible, he's dumbing down the art for the sake of the models.
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Are the paintsnobs in the room with us now?
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Nope. My latest batch of painting turned out rather well and some people have said nice things.

Tricolour woods camo dirty dogs
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I dont know. Are they?
They look like they're clenching to take a shit
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but anon, that's not purple bird. that's just generic anime girl cupping her tit.
I'm not even a paint snob, my painting is shit, but even I am ashamed of those pools of black ink in the jumpjet clouds.
Absolute monarchy and the fuedal systemnis the only real government that works at a tyranny of distance and time. Sinple is the only thing that works.

So if it takes 6 to 12 months to get to different parts of your empire. You need an exceedingly simple system of government. One guy who answers to the big head honchi up and down the chain. So that if and or WHEN it breaks you only have ONE guys head to roll on that one planet.
If one planet has twelve guys rulingnit spread accross twelve planets, thwir fuckups takes 50 years to hang them for.

If only one guys is in charge for that one planet, ON thatvplanet, and theybfuckup, it only takes 6 to 12 months to hang him and his conspirators, and you slot in someone else hopefully more loyal.
Mechs are more of a masculine equivalent to Magical Girl Transformations than furry stuff.

See Symphogear, where you get the perfect overlap of magical girl and mecha stuff. https://youtu.be/Sw2KfRPbnh8
Oh I wasn't saying it was a bad thing. I actually like a lot of the more modern designs. Except the Warhammer redo. Fuck that. Classic 6R all the way.
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Not as funny as when you put the thuds upside down on their jets.
>holy ninja robits batman!
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Black clouds are ominous and scary. To the point they are idiomatic and permeate all human culture and thought
Do some reposes. 4 mechs paints painted and posed in an identical manner is kind of anti interesting.
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I have a handful of custom mechs I'm looking for input on. They're mostly just for playing around in MM based off of my main combine lance.
The atlas is fluffed as the replacement mech after the warrior's akuma blew up and there are only 3 because the last slot is a stock DRG-C
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anyone going to adepticon this march?
Anon he's constitutionally incapable of effort or improvement. Your words are wasted. His only desire is to piss you off. He has lost all other meaning in his life and now derives almost sexual pleasure from poorly shitposting by spamming mechs he painted wrong on purpose as a "joke"
This march?
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Kind of hard to see, but the Elemental stand in the forground, thats how you do an effective and striking jumpjet plume.
Where is it at? And no I will not wine and dine you if we do both go so don't get your hopes up I have no interest in your bussy.
It's in Milwaukee this year, which is a step up from Chicago because fuck Chicago
yes. march 2025.

Milwaukee. https://www.adepticon.org/

thanks, but i'm not interested.
Sell me on it. Why would one be interested in attending?
What's the zaku in front of the loki and manowar?
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At Adepticon '24, this happened.
Yes, but monarchies ruled back when wars were fought by relatively few men who could be given land and titles for their services, like knights. As warfare gradually transitioned to something fought by masses of commoners, monarchy began to decline.
And this is worth thousands of dollars?
Just heading things off at the pass what with your tendency to use this place to try and pick up daddies I thought it best to make it clear that wasn't happening. No need to get stroppy about it.
vindicator 1r or blackjack 1/1db?
DB 100%
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I unno. there was a ton of merch there from Catalyst and IWM, the Solaris thing was pretty cool (given X million cbills, buy mech & quirks & SPAs), uh... I think it might be the largest wargaming focused convention in North America?

I'm mostly going so I can play against NEA, and win. So that way I can be recognized as the hottest BT femboy, best at painting in /btg/, and the best BT player in /btg/.

Eh...? I mean, it cost me about $1700~ (CAD). Not really a big deal to me.
Yeah. Should I get two beds or one?
also, what's the price of booze in chicago? Wondering if it'd be cheaper to buy it here and bring it up because Amtrak doesn't check your bag
Vindicator, hero of the Capellan Confederation
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Oh you want an actual answer, okay. It's a major wargaming event at which lots of new games are shown off, along with tournaments, big narrative battles, classes and seminars, etc. In '24 I met a bunch of people in person who I'd only known online including NEA and Bottom, and I tried out Leviathans, which turned out to be really good and I'll be buying into it when it launches, picrel. Con was pretty fun.

>thousands of dollars
Plane ticket + hotel room + ticket will come out less than a grand.

>play against NEA, and win
Good luck, you didn't see how hard he beat me.
>So that way I can be recognized as the hottest BT femboy
You're already on the verge of twinkdeath.
>chipped nails and pimply legs
>"Hottest BT femboy"
The field isn't even that big but you aren't winning yourself any points there bottom.
So far in my CTRL+F escapades it's working out - it seems that refugees from Rasalhague went into a lot of the periphery states and at least one minor power, the JàrnFòlk, who are apparently norse-speaking space viking traders with their own jumpships, dropships, and met the Clanners fairly harmlessly in the late 30th century. No talk of them having mechs, but still neat to learn about.

Otherwise it sounds like Rasalhagians typically poured into periphery states from the Age of War through the Succession Wars and probably the Clan Invasion, too. The Outworlds Alliance were particularly friendly even if they were technically Drac citizens, and declared Rasalhague's independence day a national holiday, too.

Afterwards I can see where Rasalhague became a ComStar puppet after the Clans hit, but overall a neat scroll through to tell me where the population shifted around, at least in regards to the Periphery.
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Ah, see, i told you all
Behold, paintsnob, they name is >>93176501 reeeeeee

No, i did not paint them wrong. Nor as a joke. I painted them how I like. Which is 'wrong bad fun' according to snobs like you.
And the jokes are references. Green griffons are a fantasy ref.
Who met and formed their party at the green griffon inn?
Crusaders painted AS crusaders.
Blue angel thunderbolts.
Forest hunting dog wolfhounds
Nightsky nightsky's

Theyre all puns, you dumbass. And amusing ones that are FUN. That three letter dirty word you hate.
>Plane ticket + hotel room + ticket will come out less than a grand.

If I take 5 days for Adepticon I'm losing out on ~10 grand in revenue in addition to those costs.
Horned owl is a clan light mech that almost has a zaku appearance.
Unfortunately I suck at doing fire. Yellow and orange and reds together are super hard.
I think it would have been funnier if you had just done one of each and then put them all together as a merc unit. 4 of each makes it less funny.
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hell yeah brother
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It's in Milwaukee, which I think is in a different province than Chicago. I get drunk off like, 3~4 beer so idk, I'm not the person to ask.

lol, true. But I still look pretty okay for being in my mid-thirties. picrel.

those aren't pimples, those're cuts from doing yardwork in shorts today. and the chipped nails... well I was doing yardwork.
The best thing about having 4 of each is that i can do a cumstain level with one of each, six mechs, and have them still work really great together.
What job pays two grand a work day but you don't get paid vacation days?
Why does a general always have to have obnoxious freaks like this thing and manic that can only be purged by time?
Owning your own business.
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Because it's a SAFE bet
People like you remind me why I quit my last job, despite being the highest paying job I ever had in my life.
Self employed. Probably. Unfortunately most people who work for others are screwed over. The only real wealth building now tends to be working for yourself.
prolly sales commissions or something.
>girl cupping her tit
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Unrelated but makes me earn for those 28mm versions of the new Elementals that were apparently made for a one-off convention thing - it would be way out of scale, sure, but I'd love to run a big elemental to represent a whole point of them just because it'd be neat to have one big neat looking one.
On the plus side. Someone working for themselves if theyre, say a tradie, gets to retire at 40-60 y.o and have a big chunk of life free of money woes.
Work hard (for yourself) to play hard.
I was thinking of Adepticon.
Are you thinking of Midwest Gaming Classic? Gencon should be Indianapolis.
Of course you'll probably need at least one joint replacement by the time you retire.
working a trade may let you retire at 50 but your body will also be broken and worse than a 70 year old who did office work.
Have you considered that I don't give a fuck about your paint jobs, and am just sick of you spamming the thread with low effort bait?
Small price to pay for not being a corporate wage slave.
There are STLs floating around for 28mm Elementals, you could get some printed?

Adepticon moved to Milwaukee because they outgrew the Chicago location. https://www.adepticon.org/
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>I'm mostly going so I can play against NEA, and win

Wait...what? Oh, please. Better *men* have tried to beat me. I'm not worried about you, if your tactics are as thought-out as those nails.
You've got it wrong.
In the beginning everything mecha was thrown together in a big jumble, with sapient aliens to boot.
With the progress of time, lams, protos, most quads and aliens have proven to be less than ideal and therefore quietly sidelined or outright declared as mistakes.

Say does anyone have that bit of in universe text where a FedSuns guy is describing how much the St. Ives troops fucking hated the Cappies?
Nope. All those years at a desk with poor light, poor diet, makes it a much of a muchness.

I know tradies who spend their days, working for themselves, doing soul samples. They drive their work truck arpund to places, set a machine up (thats not even heavy) let it drill a core sample, and then read out what it says. They report that in. And for that they get the equivalent to 90 K usd a year after taxes.

A surveyor has to walk arpund with levellers and tags and shit... and gets 100's of K a year.

Hell you can sit on your ass in a crane all day. There are maybe 20 people who can drive those superhuge cranes properly innthe whole world. They get paid absolute squillions for their work of... sitting on their ass in a crane deiving it very, very very slowly and carefully.

It all depends on WHAT trade.
Depends what you're doing. The more skilled (and high paying) the trade, the less wear and tear on the body. There's no other option for me though, I could not sit in a cubicle for 8 hours a day staring at a computer. I'd rather be inside/outside being physically active and doing something that has a positive impact on other people's lives than be a nameless faceless cog in the machine.
any way to justify using named custom variant (scp-1n wendall, rfl-3n sneed, mad-dg douglass, vtr-9b li... and so on) or yourdudes mimicking their loadouts? assuming those mechs don't use special snowflake lostechs
Have you considered NOT going into thread for things you dont like and NOT reeeeing at things you hate in threads for things you hate.
"It's a canon unit of the correct era, what's the problem with running one with the rest of my dudes?"
I'm gonna win by distracting you with a footjob through your pants while we play.
I like Battletech. I do not care for trolls. And no, just because you are posting minis that does not mean you are not trolling at this point. You are intentionally trying to bait out responses from people. That's textbook trolling.
quite a lot of traditional game companies are in washinton but none of them host shit in here. sad
Nothing. As soon as a design becomes standard to the point comstar puts it into everyone's warbooks (in universe the tro's name just like we have IRL) it becomes duplicate-able.

Hence, everyone and their dogs looking at what the ELH do with every thud they get their grubby merc mitts on, and doing the exact same thing with their own thuds.
Every motherfucker buying M refit kits from the mariks because of how good they are.
>he does a thing the way I say is wrong reeeeeeee it r an troll!

Its not trolling, fucktard. You just demand everyone do everything YOUR way. Which is sociopathic retardation.
Really channeling your inner hairdresser with that comeback.
>there was only one guy in the entire inner sphere who saw what's wrong in the design and improved it in correct way
>A surveyor has to walk arpund with levellers and tags and shit... and gets 100's of K a year.
The licensed surveyor does, which is mostly an office job and usually requires a college degree. The lackeys in the field don't make anywhere that kind of money and work in 100+ degree heat
To be fair, getting into SeaTac is hell.
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This is now a BT doggo thread.
Have a sooky girl demanding loves and pats while painting happens
Have Partial Wing mechs basically supplanted what LAMs offered? I feel like I achieve a similar level of fuckery with a wing-equipped 7-14-9 Raptor II as I would with a LAM.

God, the things I'll print when I have a working printer again though I've only ever worked with filament printers. If I had one still I'd probably have gotten up to all kinds of shenanigans, even if I'm more of a videogame modeler than an STL maker.

I'd say that it's an opportunity to come up with a history or explanation for how/why the mech is custom, eg replacing the expensive/fancy stuff after it gets busted/vaporized, but balanced with how long/extensive those refits/rearms are. I'd say it's more believable to downgrade weapons on a salvaged Behemoth due to basic availability/battle damage for example versus a total overhaul of the core, internal structure, that sort of thing.
What do you expect of faggots?
If you have to ask, it's probably you, attempting to gaslight everyone.
Partial wing is just as dumb as LAMes
Cats are better.
>Xin Sheng!

>Partial wing is just as dumb as LAMes
Not at all, then. Noted.
I've seen too many people younger than me die. Your future is not guaranteed. You assume you will live to such an age or that the world will be in a position to accommodate your retirement. Of those of us who have ever been graced with a deathbed, have any of them laid on it wishing they had done more work? I doubt anyone's final thoughts have been that they wished they had worked more overtime.
No. I shall forgo money for time. At least for now. I can always earn more money later, but no one can buy more time.
It's an insult on Bottoms level is all. As Sun-tsu says, to defeat your enemy, you must understand your enemy. Insulting Bottom woman to woman is only logical.
NTA, I disagree on a point. The fags are worse, as evidenced right now ITT by the pair that are basically using the thread to sext when they could be using their personal phones to keep that degenerate shit private.
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clan cute mastiff (or rottie they both are adorable and i could be mistaken) batchal's you into loving yourself and doing your best, you're not gonna let a dog out do you, are you anon?
>picrel is what I want to do to your dog anon, do it for me please.
>no one can buy more time.
I can. Because I can afford medical care and transplants. And the moment we have the tech, my consciousness will be put into a teenagers body and I'll have a whole extra lifetime. Suck it, poorfags. Only the wealthy matter.
Apparently on topic content posts are trolling now. Because the paint snobs will lie.

Just to attempt to Paint you in a bad light.
(Pun intended hurr hurr)

See >>93176890
I never once said self improvement is bad. I have constantly said i am a shit painter and cannot get bettwr, no matter HOW I try. At no point is antthing i have said about MYSELF been a judgement upon anyone else, you fucking projection assbag
Nobody in this thread is wealthy. At best they are rich.
You should try reposing one of the mechs, even something simple like changing the angle of an arm or leg.
>But Monarchies were re-established in the Inner Sphere shortly after the fall of the Terran Alliance.
Yes but it’s unlikely this state of affairs would’ve lasted 1,000 years like it is in Battletech
>and cannot get bettwr, no matter HOW I try.
RIGHT THERE. Right there is giving up. Right there is refusing self-improvement. You're doing it right now you hypocritical fuck.
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Shw is the smartest dog i ever had. She will come up, sit perfectly at heel and give the puppy dog eyes to ask for a treat. No barking no nothing. Just perfect good girl bahaviour. She even does the 'prayer' thing without prompting or having been taught. She sits up on her haunches and puts her front feets up on your knees to beg for scritches on her chest. Whoch is what she was doing inbetween me painting and taking these photos. She knows exactly how to make the humans do what she wants.
Wrong. Its a recognition of reality and outcomes. One never quits. Again, project harder. Assume more, loser.
Yeah anon, nobody has ever been in accidents in which they were killed instantly. Enjoy your weird sci-fi techno BS cope though I guess.
>One never quits.
It's a hobby, not a job. Most of us aren't as pathologically obsessed with this as you are.
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>I have constantly said i am a shit painter and cannot get bettwr, no matter HOW I try.

If I were to take a video made to help you - and you specifically - make three marginal improvements to your painting technique that would require only minimal time and effort on your part, would you take it seriously and not draw any conclusions until you'd painted a full company using that video's methods (to give yourself some practice), or would you simply drop your brush at the first step and repeat that you cannot get better?

I'd genuinely like to help, but I also don't especially want to waste my time if there isn't going to be an honest effort.
Anon, responding is only encouraging the shitlord.
First you ascribe negativity to observable reality.
Then you ascribe negativity to perseverance in the face of said limitations.

You really are just a disingenuous shitposting fuck determined to try and make everything into fuck.
To be fair, the single thing I know about this show is that that bitch suplexes a space shuttle first thing in episode 1, and you don't get much more masculine than that.
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she seems incredibly well behaved, and a very conniving dog, she could be a doghouse lord or perhaps first dog of star league if she continues to manipulate humans to her desires, I can confidently say her only limits are her own ambition and the speed her photos are uploaded to the HPG network.
Amen. Which is why you have a trade. Plumbers can easily get buy only working 1/3 of the year, spending the other 2/3 on holiday, playing.
Except I'm not even the guy you were talking to.
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I made this.
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You guys ever used a grounded DropShip in a game? I have and it seems like spheroid DropShips are very scary, unless the enemy knows ahead of time and packs artillery. Fun, though.
tempted to pick up a map scale or even mech scale dropship, the're not that expensive, but I've been playing battletech for only a few months, I've not even added vehicles yet.
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Cats are bastards. Doggos are mans best friend.
Grounded DropShips are fairly easy to use, and there's official plastics coming with the kickstarter wave.
Are the stls for the Union free? Tempted to try putting one together once I dig out my FDM printer again.
Alpha strike, but wurh CBT movement and maps. Ezpz.
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No, cows are.
NTA but do you have any advice to add to that given by these anons


For my minis here >>93173613
poor people architecture
I pulled that one from Cults. It's a rip from mechwarrior, not super optimized for FDM printing but I made it work.
I do take advice. Effort isnt the problem. It is that usually, effort just results in me screwing up harder.
You still have the awful simplified damage system. It's basically mechassault.
The people i live with are clowns. Liek, legit retards.

>i has to buy a brand new car every 2-3 years
>what do you mean houses need maintenance?
I have watched you repeatedly mald over people giving you advice and refuse to even consider it while screeching about them being snobs. Funny to see you back down and be polite to the namefag after spending the last bit intentionally antagonizing anons though.
if only magical girls fighting stuffs go less devolved into lesbianship
btw, how gay/lesbian the clans sibko can be? sibko with only one sex possible?
Which lets you do regimental combats. Real thick scrums. And not have it take an entire weekend.
Especially if you use CBT's alternate movement rules for large models, also as per NEA's recommendations to spees up play, and move units by the lance, have lances move and shoot together so you sinplify their tactics instead of agonising over each mech. Have the lance attempt to do 1 thing each turn.

Run the variant damage rules and advanced ammo rules and this is actually pretty fun. Makes for a sub two hour game of company vs binary. At the LGS I actually have a harder time convincing the old timers to play CBT than alpha stike.
Clans are unironic free love degenerates who are also kinda rapey. But no there aren't single sex sibkos that would be retarded.
Wrong. I have repeatedly told people being assholes to go jump in the lake. Because they dont give advice. They be paintfags snobs snobbery-ing at you to make themselves feel good by being a cunt.
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I'm hesitant, because the photo is dark enough that it's hard to make out the things you said you did. So I'll say this. You describe your Zenithal undercoat at dark grey to light grey. It doesn't show. So when you're doing a Zenithal, you want to go from almost black to almost white - I even actually *do* go all the way to white on my highest points. The more extreme the contrast on the undercoat, the better it'll show up through your color layer. This is doubly true with dark base colors; you can get away with a grey-to-grey Zenithal underneath yellow. A dark green needs the extremes.

Other thing is that painting a layer paint over metallics is really finicky, and yellow over silver is one of the rougher ones. I'm not getting any metallic out of those. I'd personally do a 3-stage jeweling using Nuln Oil as my brown (yellow shades to brown, not black), but that's me.

For a rush job, not bad at all. Very good bases. Kinda feel that silvering the hands and actuators would have helped a lot. Might need brighter highlights, but dark photo means I can't 100% tell you what to do.

You also said you did your basecoat in green. What green? Was it just a basecoat, or was it some sort of specific paint type (ie, a normal Vallejo paint bottle vs a GW contrast). Again, your Zenithal isn't showing at all, and that *could* be because you have too heavy of a green. There's a bunch of fixes for that depending on what to actually did. And none of it could matter because the pic is dark enough that *that* could be causing the issue. At a minimum, though, adjust your Zenithal.
Lemme see if I can get a better picture one moment.
On the contrary, I think it persisted precisely because of what anon mentioned: Centralizing warfare in the hands of a small bands of elite, loyal soldiers/knights (Mechwarriors).
The first and second Succession Wars bombed everything to absolute shit, so when the Ares Conventions were signed banning bombing everything to absolute shit, but the Third Succession War still rolled around you:
>Needed to go to the other guy's planet and take their shit
>Couldn't soften up their entrenched defenses with orbital bombardment
>Didn't have the ships, manpower, or supplies to take very large forces on offensive engagements
Here, the 'Mech excels as a raider. They're highly mobile, have the force projection of entire platoons of conventional forces, meaning you can get away will very small troop deployments, and are tough enough to weather literal centuries of wear, tear, and subpar maintenance. That's how you get 'kill the meat, save the metal', because it's about how many mechs you can scrounge together, and salvaging enemy 'Mechs was almost as easy and trying to build new ones.
>Ares Conventions were a Star League treaty, you secondary...
Sorry, when the Ares Conventions were re-established, since everyone kind of just ignored them for Succ Wars I and II. I should be sleeping instead of posting; also why I didn't proofread that post.
>And no, they would not.
They objectively have, on account of the fact that a bunch of mechs from original production runs 5-700 years old are still trucking about, mostly intact, even after most of humanity's industrial and a good chunk of their technological bases were nuked back to the stone age. Even in the Periphery, where those bases barely existed in the first place.
That's where mechs like the Shadow Hawk shine. It can go twice as long without maintenance, and when it does need parts, they're fucking everywhere. Come on down to Bubba's Pick and Pull Pork and Parts™ and git you a two pound pulled pork sandwich and as many Shadow Hawk left arms as you can carry!
>Ares Conventions were a Star League treaty, you secondary...
Ares Conventions were pre-Star League and it was the Star League that got rid of them, you... I dunno, 1.5ondary.
>a bunch of mechs from original production runs 5-700 years old are still trucking about, mostly intact

Standard service life of a mech is 500 years. You can baby them past that but tech in Battletech being absolutely fuck-proof except the highest tiers is something great about their civilization. You can have a noteputer that's 400 years old and with a new battery, it can fire right up. So much better than the disposable economy we have.
Griffin too. Griffin is an even better raider.
It fights at 'long' range to take things out usually before they can close too much. And has hands. And is a better jumper too. Plus that ppc is a heavy energy gun so reduced dependence on ammo.
Okay hopefully this is a better picture. So where you have that brighter section on the top of the foot that I have the arrow going to, that is a spot where it got hit with the Zenithal highlight. The areas on the leg or under torso being darker isn't just a product of lighting the paint is darker as well. At least for me in person I can clearly see the difference between the sections of the model that got hit with the Zenithal and those that didn't. I think it just doesn't show well in the photos. Hey Cranston Snord you around? When you saw them at our game on Saturday do you remember if you could see the highlights from the Zenithal? Or am I just tripping and they only exist in my head? Either way I can definitely try doing a more extreme contrast in the Zenithal on the next round of test minis.

Bases are the one thing that I remember how to do. It helps that they are super easy, but thank you for the compliment. I could definitely hit the hands with metallics on the next set. I'll be honest I'm not sure what is and isn't an actuator on these minis. They just kind of look like armored blocks to me but having some more details picked out would probably go a long way yeah.

As for the green what I did is run a contrast, warp lightning to be precise, through my airbrush to get a nice even color coating that was translucent enough to let the Zenithal show through. At least that was what I was going for. I do have pictures of the Zenithal and green basecoat stages on a test mini I did before I painted these if that would help.
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Hey everyone. Always wanted to get into a miniature wargame but was always put off by Warhammer for the obvious reasons.

Recently found out about an LGS that runs Battletech every Monday and that works for my schedule, and I loved the modularity of the rules and how chill and great of a vibe both the local and worldwide community is. I don't even like mechs but because of how cool you guys are I do now.
Buddy, there's no highlight there. At all. The part you labeled with no highlight is just in shadow.

Not trying to shit on you. Just saying what I see.
Have fun man!
NTA but look at the top of the right foot in the right picture. You can clearly see a lighter shade of green with top highlight there. Dark greens are a bitch. I don't know why people don't just use the tried and true dark color method of painting a lighter basecoat and using a darker colored thick wash. It shades so fucking good.
If you aren't using zenithal highlights you aren't a legitimate painter. /wipgen/ was very clear about that.
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Alright fair enough still not a good photo. How about this. I've tipped it on its back. The legs and under torso and crotch and what not 100 percent aren't in shadow. That show the color difference?
Not any of those anons, but it's definitely subtle, and was easy to confuse as just lighting at first. Especially since when I hear 'highlighting', I look for edge highlighting.
how is on1-va compared to on1-k? i mean, how much difference does having lrm15 make?
You can literally still do that with the method I described. You just don't basecoat in a dark color.
That's the point, if the battlemechs hadn't been created, if Cameron had, for example, decided to use those resourced to make his conventional military more advanced instead, it's likely that the Starr League would've fallen apart far quicker, and what would've replaced it would not be a bunch of monarchies, but rather republics with little interest in trying to restore the Star League.
Subtle color changes don't often show up on minis when you're actually using them. That's why camo is a bitch, if your camo is working as intended, then your mini looks indistinct and muddy at tabletop distances. High contrast is the name of the game for tabletop use.
I knew what he was talking about but that's because zenithal highlighting as well as preshading are ancient techniques for painting larger models. You can even see it in side box art of some of the 80's Unseen kits.
Completely fair. For the record I'm not taking umbrage at people saying there was no highlight. I'm just trying to do my best to give them the best images I can showing what I'm working with so I can so I can get better feedback. If the highlight is too subtle, and that seems to be the consensus, I can work on that. If additional edge highlighting on top of the zenithal would improve it I can do that too.
It was the best way I could think of to show what I was saying.
I'm the guy that saw it easily, but you definitely should have drybrushed your edges with a lighter green to make everything pop. Maybe sponge/makeup brush drybrush some dirt brown on the legs for grunge too if you want.
Your bases need more 6mm scale cows.
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But you still could have rotated the picture.
>Cent and Rifleman
Welcome to the AFFS Brother.

I hope you have a good time at your LGS.
Losing the LRM 15 means losing your longest range weapon and a good chunk of your mid range firepower. The 1-K is a generalist, the 1-VA is a brawler, one isn't specifically better or worse than the other.
shouldn't it be 4 mls front and 2 back?
I confess I could have. I don't really have a good reason for not doing so.
so if i'm to use -va i better find another mech who can cover mid-long. copy
yes but that's a MWO Battlemaster and MWO moves all leg mounts up to torsos and points all guns forward.
I use the STLs I can find.
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HA HA HA. TOTALLY not an ex comguards force.
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Bashees holding the bridge chokepoint while the wolfhounds wait to sweep into the rear.
smart. wonder why bt isn't doing that, or what were the devs thinking when they first put the guns pointing backward
Tiny cattle to graze on your pasture bases that give a sense of how big the mechs are. I bet you could find some at the hobby store train guys get their stuff at.
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Ita over akakin! I have the high ground!
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*duel of the fates intensifies*
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Cheeki breeki iv damke, komeraden
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It's good. You could probably do another slightly lighter green in just a few places to really draw the color out.
I'm posting another anon's work as a point of comparison. He does the usual drab green, but that little splash of #228B22 green really is nice.

Maybe you could manage something more subtle than what he's done? Seems like you're after a smoother style than him after all. Much more gradual blending of colors.
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wdym? butt guns are great and peak battletech is running a bunch of stupid shitmechs given to you by the RAT.

i've killed a locust and a commando with buttguns on a archer and battlemaster, respectively.

bro i have nothing against your paintjobs. keep doin' you. but like... twice in one thread? and they call me an attention whore?
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Canyonero! Canyon-ero!
I have also found butt guns to be highly underrated. I agree it's a tonnage sink, but the Blarg w/ 2 rear MPLs really does hold its own shockingly well when jumped by multiple light mechs, or just in a plain old brawl.
Actually thank you for this comment. Made me go see if I could find a better STL and I did. Thanks anon.

I'm gonna try some dry brushing on the next one and see how that goes. Or maybe do one with edge highlighting. I'll do a couple test minis I've got old misprints lying around I can use to test things.
People complained about the smokestacks. So i did a bunch without them.

Plus someone remarked they would look better as a unit that was one of each instead of multiples. So there's the six mech unit.
Which looks cool too. And is also a great unit.


fucking nice unit of fuckery.
how do you eject unwanted ammo in megamek?
I figure I'll get some infantry at some point I can stick next to them for that job. I don't think cattle on the bases would make much sense. Cattle would stampede away long before the mech got there. But thank you for the suggestion.
Out of all of these, these mechs are probably the best.
I like the idea of a flock of sheep following a mech.
You have to do it in the movement phase without moving the mech through the tabs on the bottom. Or you can go into 'configure' before the match starts and set the amount of ammo in the bin to zero, so it starts with an empty bin.
Depends on wether the mech is walking or figting, cattle in battletech are apparently commonly handled with agrimechs like cattlemasters, and are quite comfortable with vehicles. Cows will follow tractors if they're used to getting fed bales by a tractor, and since mechs take over that role, they would logically approach any mech that was just walking around and not engaged in combat, and maybe even then too.
>You have to do it in the movement phase without moving the mech through the tabs on the bottom.
Or just right click on the unit during movement phase and choose dump ammo.
Fair point. Fuck it why not I'll print one to stick on a test mech and see if it looks goofy or not.
Did you know young lambs commonly climb on and jump around on their mothers backs and any large objects they can?
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>cattle in battletech
You mean Range Bulls which are the size of African Elephants or the green alien six-legged cow that's even bigger.
Should I put together a "steal the livestock" scenario?
Goats even more so.
Yes. Yes you should. Light to mediums only, a cattle rustling raid.


and a sheepdog too who will evade your mechs while trying to get the flock away from you?
bonus points if you pick him up too?
I just need to make a file for grass texture base, I already found some cow files that should scale nicely on thingiverse.
Well, I'm currently at my job getting paid to do literally nothing, so I might crank it out in a bit. Watch this space.
The spirit of my highland ancestors demand cattle raids. We shall steal the Dracs Waegu for the First Prince's Barbecue.
Shoot me the link for the cow stl?
I get the prod, but why does it need a massive missile rack?
THere are a few, just search "cow" on thingiverse.
If you look at the original pic in the book, it's fighting a couple of space dragons trying to eat the herd.
i find the buttgun on the wolfhound pretty bad, and the same with the centurion. but on early assaults its not really a big deal.

well... keep doin' whatever you're doing if you enjoy it. that lance is pretty gross min/max in my opinion and i wouldn't be super happy to fight it, but i'd still play.

you're playing 3052... and judging by the way you've selected your list I'm gonna assume we're not adhering to any faction lists or unicorn rules. I'm gonna go with a crockett, rifleman, crab, hunchback and a wasp.

1 spacecow per mechhand. 1 spacecow = 1 victory point.

at the start of every turn, all spacecows within X hexes of a mech move their movement speed in the direction opposite of that mech.

spacecows count as a small unit and have 1 structure 1 armour

when a mech carrying a spacecow is hit in the arm, roll 1d6. on a roll of 4~6 the spacecow is kill

at the end of the shooting phase, spacecows declare an attack on the closest mech within range of their flamer
For the cattle rustlers?
Or the alien fauna equivalent to giant coyotes?
thank you
>needs an lrm20 for varmints
life must be hard for space cowboys
>check model dimensions, see that they're way too big
>autistically sperg out and calculate actual size, adjust to 1/285
>printed model is pathetically small compared to new plastic and pathetically large compared to some vintage metal
>fuck scaling, just print
These days, when I print a .stl for the first time that is not obviously massively out of scale, I just let Jesus take the wheel and send it. It's usually no worse than what's already being sold. Tonnage is actually a measurement of carrying capacity and some mechs are way bulkier than other mechs or something. I still hate seeing Locusts towering over Piranhas, but whatevs. Both of them tower over bottlecaps.

The game didn't happen unfortunately. One of my two bosses left on vacation last week and the other boss decided that he couldn't handle the workload and wanted my assistance, which means coming into work extremely fucking early to do meetings and shit. He also decided to take the rest of the week off himself and to let me handle that as well, which was a nice surprise to go with the other surprise.

I can do my job while injured, half drunk, sleep deprived, jet lagged, and recovering from Covid in a foreign country all at once with minimal problems (I know this because I once did), but I'm not comfortable with running a crew while hung over after a long night of drinking beer and playing Battletech, so this sadly has to wait until next Wednesday.
>next thursday is a holiday, so next wednesday is on like donkey kong
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Ya'll boys need volume scaling in your life. You need to take bulk into account, but it tells you if you're in the right ballpark.
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>cattle rustling
There better be at least a couple CattleMasters
Reminder that the Cattlemaster has an official mini
Clearly they are part of the Opfor. You have to take them out to get to the cattle but if you take too long they radio for reinforcements and the local landholder shows up to stop you from stealing the expensive luxury export he makes money of taxing.
Working on it, the cattlemaster gets a bonus by name
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God damn right. The Baron needs his paycheck, and Comstock needs that leather and space beef!
Honestly I could see an initial opfor made of a mix of all three Cattlemaster variants making a ton of sense. A few of the stock model to actually herd the cattle and then the security mech variant for cattle rustlers and the hunter variant for predators. Call it like 6 Cattlemasters so there are two of each barely more than a thousand BV. Then you have the rest of whatever the attacking forces BV matched by the responding Cattle Barons command lance that shows up x number of turns after the battle starts from one of the side edges.
The context of the story that illustration goes with is people bolting guns on to deal with a bandit preying on their community riding in, based on the local TRO nerd's grim observation, an Imp. It was actually an Urbanmech. The bandit still kicked their asses.
There's also a little bit of fluff for the pre-divison Rasalhague in "Sorenson's Sabers", but be aware that it's a BattleDroids sourcebook and so it gets weird in a couple places. They talk more about how the split affected the unit in "Starter Book: Sword and Dragon" and the second Sorensons Sabers book.
>There's an STL
Novel-wise, Heir to the Dragon is essential.
Well that went quicker than expected. First draft.

Reminds me of the old herding civilians scenarios from the Jihad. Looks fun.
> if you're in the right ballpark
What I'm seeing is that the ballpark is all over the goddamn place, and that I should just rotate, add supports, slice, and hit print. Or am I misreading the chart?

Admittedly it's not as important as we make it out to be. The scale in Battletech has been completely fucked since the Ral Partha days. I don't believe that I've ever had a game where I stopped and said, "Man, I've got a problem with the scaling issues on these minis. We need to address this." Hence, full send on the printing and never mind why the new Marauder looks like a 100 tonner next to the older ones. As I said earlier, they all tower over bottlecaps.
>Or am I misreading the chart?

If you have knowledge of the actual sculpts, then you can read the chart. The Battledroids Hornet, Stinger etc are all way overscaled so their numbers are too high. Stuff like Shad is overbeefed because of the backpack and shoulder gun. The Rifleman is overbeefed for a 65 tonner. The OG Mad IIC is lighter becuase of the stealth fighter design. Caesar is light because it's so damn skinny. The sweet spot to fit in classic scales is about .06-.08 cubic centimeters per ton, where the sculpts are most consistent and look right. The chart tells you where the average, skinny and beefy boys look right among all the others. I really need to update with modern stuff. Just haven't got around to it. I barely updated my catalog this year.
That's probably one of the few times I've seen an STL that looks worse than the official
Where do notoriously oversized mechs like the Phantom fit into this?
What does the official mini look like?
Up there in the .01-.011 with overscales like the Rakshasa.
Looks pretty simple. I like it. Though it kinda feels like two competing cattle raids rather than one player raiding and one defending.
Symmetrical stuff tends to be a lot easier to make. If you prefer, it can be farmer joe and his boys on one side and the banditos on the other fluffwise, but yeah, it's two sides trying to steal the same herd.
Is it actually? I've never seen one in the flesh and can't find any size comparisons. I was thinking about getting one too to pair with some other 5/8s
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Maybe a little bigger. Oh, I found a newer version I had. Still out of date compared to my physical collection but you can see notorious oversized shit like the OG Owens. Also the scale creep averages over the decades.
Fair enough.
You can't, because that's dezgra. She'll fuck you if you ask her though.
>She'll fuck you if you ask her though.

I will never in my life forget the one elemental chick from A Rending of Falcons that was like "Gosh, you think I'm pretty?" Would have waifu'd so hard.
Which she obviously wasn't. All Clanners everywhere are raised meth heads at best, and the majority are used-up roasties by the time they leave the sibko at 16 because of all the sexual contact outside the bonds of legal marriage they've been having as a result of their degenerate rapist culture. Of course the elemental wasn't pretty. How could she be?
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It's fine. I'm not pretty either. I'll take a broken 7ft tall muscle girl with a fat rack anyway.
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They're definitely not going to be attractive if you don't have a fetish for freakishly muscled women.
Face seems okay, tits too. Everything outside of hands seems fine
Yeah, because you have a fetish for freakishly muscled women.
>group doesnt use floating tac rules
thought everyone did, also implications for this? Does cut down on rolls a fair bit but seems like it would change what mechs are good significantly as it means all TAC's from the front hit CT.

We had two rules disputes

1. That because the torso where SRM ammo was located was destroyed, we didn't need to roll to see if the ammunition exploded because "the torso is like cut off like with a laser beam" and the ammunition hadn't been hit before the torso was destroyed but that was settled pretty quick (ammo ended up not exploding)

2. the other dispute was whether a unit could use its walking movement to take a step forward, twist, and then back up two steps. I thought that was bullshit but I think it checks out
>use its walking movement
Yes, you can go forward and reverse in walking movement. However! Your TMM resets when you change from reverse to forward or vice versa, as you hold still a moment to shift. So if you walk foward two, twist, and then back up two, your TMM is zero because you ended on a 2 hex move/
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fucking SARNA has put up a PRIDE rainbow atlas for fucks sakes!
Yeah I think we missed that TMM thing, its taken from the original point I guess?
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its been there for like two years man
Someone make a new threadoroonie
horrible and evil. i never looked there so I didn't notice the degeneracy and rampant sinning.
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>thought everyone did, also implications for this?
It matters most in Succession Wars games, especially larger-scale fights. Floating TACs are extremely dangerous on a lot of the ex-BattleDroids designs because of the side torso ammo issue. Since they hit limbs a lot more often you'll see more of the un-fun actuator damage, and they increase the number of lethal headshots by a fraction of a percent. It's not so much as you'd really notice it in a few small-scale games. In bigger games things with a crapload of weapons or torso bombs are suddenly soaking up crits better, while less-complicated and lighter stuff winds up getting freak mobility-kills and ammo pops a little more. IMO it's more fun overall, and I say that as a person with an entire lance of Crusaders in one of my armies. If you're running a battalion game though, defenestrate that shit.
Nta, but I repeatedly gave you advice, as did several others, when you first started spamming. Your reaction was to spit your dummy out, scream at us, and tantrum about your "paint snob" bogey man. And to double down on the spam in order to antagonise anons. How many identical photos have you posted this thread alone, 10? 12? Other anons finish a project and post 1 or 2 shots. You've spammed dozens of mostly identical photos, mostly to get a rise.
The only other person in this thread who I can say would 100% get that joke is manic but I still have to applaud you for making it. I kek'd hard.
i cannot believe i am so old that no one remembers thunderbirds etc. anymore
Hell, I was just watching Captain Scsrlet with my kid last night. Got a game lined up this weekend, too
I'm in my 30s, and I remember both shows made with stop-motion/puppets being on TV, either new or as reruns, and also having some of the older ones on video. Visiting my grandparents and them having old stuff like Bill and Ben or Trumption no, not him on video.

All the kids programming that used to be puppets or similar is being done with CGI. Everything from Captain Scarlet to Bob the Builder is CG now, and Bob the Builder was stop motion into the late 00s. And of course, because it's all for kids it's cheap, shitty animation. I guess the puppets were cheap, too. Am I being too grumpy and biased when I say that cheap puppets had more soul than cheap CG?

Fuck I almost I told a lie. I did a little googling and they actually went and made a new stop-motion series of the Clangers. That's nice.
Can't be worse than the degeneracy and sin you'd find here
wasn't actually so bad before manic and bottom
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stoners... how did we lose with machines like this..
That's a filthy fucking lie and you know it.
nah, it was better
Bill and Ben was the remake. Flower Pot Men would be what your grandparents would have had
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At least Weta did genuine set building and model work for the Thunderbirds remake.

I do miss just randomly being able to post full-on PROMOTIONS after people did commissions. And not having one rabid useless piece of shit enviously and endlessly throwing tantrums over other people being creative.
I didn't know that, I assumed the name based on the fact that the opening tune always started with a chant of "Bill and Ben".

Now I need two urbies painted up like old flowerpots.

>Was it Bill or was it Ben
>Crit the Atlas' head just then?
>Which of those two flower pot 'mechs-
>Was it Bill or was it Ben?
Don't post off topic images.
Don't post low-quality bait, troll off of /b/, or indeed falsely assert that images not only depicting BattleTech units but directly relevant to the conversation at hand are off-topic, you miserable joyless cur. Please, for the sake of everyone forced to deal with you both on and offline, kill yourself.
have you guys got the kickstarter shipping notice?
>mercenary kickstarter
>actually shipping and not just being a scam
Pick one. Cgl has 3 days plus what's left of today to reach their current "totally happening this time guys" deadline, the forecast is not optimistic.
People's shipping emails and tracking have been posted publicly. They made their deadline to ship in June. Cope and dilate.
There seems to be a guy who's troll planning to insist that the Mercs kickstarter either is fake or has been a massive failure. Probably one of the "CGL boogeyman coming to punish you for playing Battletech wrong" crowd
New thread!



Don't be deceived. The Doloire is nothing more than a fat hunchback with girth issues.
>muh hypervelocity slugs
Don't care. No girth.

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