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Never trust a Capellan, but shoot a Lyran on sight edition

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Evil Egg.
Reminder that the kickstarter is fake and no one is ever going to get their stuff. You threw your money away.
how understanding are people with "before we begin, i'd like to deploy this highlander with half the srm ammo and 1/3 the lrm ammo, and this thunderbolt with no mg ammo' kind of thing?
Here's some unbridled autism
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This thread belongs to the Draconis Combine (while I work on another lance for my Sword of Light).
As long as you recalculate BV, if it increases, sure.
>People's shipping emails and tracking have been posted publicly. They made their deadline to ship in June. Cope and dilate

I've not seen mine yet. Granted, I've not been to check my emails today, but I've had nothing so far. 3 days and 12 hours to go though.
wait, not loading ammo increases bv?
Depends on the ammo. Remember that explosive hazards subtracts BV, remove hazard, BV increase.
dumping ammo is an advanced thing then?
weird, i tried with highlander too, and 1/2 srm increases bv, but 1/3 lrm decreases bv
Dumping ammo is something that you do during the game. It has an opportunity cost and risk involved. It may also be one of the many optional rules, can't remember.Staring the game with empty bins =/= dumping.

LRM 20 bins are worth more BV for damage potential at long range than the handicap of the explosive hazard.
alright, but what if you just did it on the turn immediately after the game started? it seems functionally the same to me.
You're vulnerable to helicopters with 20+ movement flying directly behind you and blasting you with SRMs until one gets a lucky hit on the rear torso and detonates the ammo as it's dumping.

Also you can't run that turn.
oh, interestinf, though personally i think handicap outweighs potential damage., but it can be because somehow i end up knifefighting before using much lrm shots and the highlander has waaaaaay more missile ammo than it needs for one game
Any hit to the ass (crit or no crit, doesn't matter) will detonate the ammo while you are dumping.
so in the extremely likely scenario that your opponent didn't bring VTOLs, nothing?
do you normally start your games with each lance within five hexes of each other?
I backed the Kickstarter but lost interest in Battletech since then. Not sure what I'm gonna do with all that stuff when it finally arrives.
Resell it to idiots at a 300% markup.
Rekindle your interest in battletech
Are there any pre clan invasion light mechs, besides the Jenner, that are fast and mount 2+ medium lasers and an SRM?
Would it be more worth it to go with a hatchet on a heavier mech, or TSM on a lighter one to get headcapping punches?
only 6/9, but commando-7x -7y?
Hatchets were good when they used the punch table.
What killed the interest was three fold. First, I tried to get into the lore, read some of the short story collections, and I didn't really get the appeal. It's just a bunch of mercenaries fighting.
Secondly, I tried some of the models. I'm used to Bandai and GW models so the soft plastic and slightly muddy detail was a disappointment.
Thirdly, in the Kickstarter you could pick a coin with the logo of one of the apparently one billion different factions in the game. I picked the one that kinda looked like the Whataburger logo because I thought that was funny. Then I find out that canonically they were wiped out and no longer exist.

I dunno, maybe I'll try watching the cartoon.
The cartoon is actually canon*
>*as a piece of in-universe propaganda

This was fought over. I forget the details, but there was a tabletop battle fought between two members of staff, one who wanted it canon and one who wanted it not canon. Canon won.
That's the kind of dumb shit that makes me love battletech.
Come up with a faction of /yourdudes/ that are all cute girls, that's what I'm doing.
Also, having finished episode 8 of the cartoon last night: It's fun and has managed to keep me engaged, but be warned in advance that it's kind of dumb.
Keep in mind the cartoon is now considered in canon propaganda about the clan invasion.
If you want something that isn't "just mercs fighting each other" try some of the more major event books, like the Gray Death Legion novels, or the Blood of Kerensky trilogy. First is a Merc group going up against the Dracs, and the second is the clan invasion with main characters being the children of and future rules of the great houses and some most well known merc groups. Or the Warrior trilogy, which goes over events in the Fourth Succession War.
Isn't there a faction that's like all sex workers, some of whom are catgirls? I remember that from the Kickstarter but their logo looked really stupid
This is a Battletech thread, anon, not a Land and Sea thread
Are there sheets for those?
It's missing an *if you're in North America
I want to believe.
If it looked kind of like a green cat's paw, that was the Magistracy of Canopus, rimward of the FWL and Capellans.
They're not all sex workers, but they do go heavily into the tourism and 'entertainment' business due in part to being a libertarian-leaning (and matriarchal) monarchy and exposure to and limited acceptance of the New Hedons.
And yes, they have both catgirls and mermaids, some cybernetic, some biological; their other claim to fame is retaining advanced medicine, and they're right next to where a Star League genetic engineering lab was found and pillaged by pirates, so they've got the next-best biotechnology after the Clans.
>not being in north america
It's your own fault
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you might be thinking of the magistracy of Canopus, the military aren't sex workers (as far as I know) but it's easy to make that mistake when the amazonian femdom plutocracy's primary producers of GDP is sex tourism, touring sex spaceships, and spies.
also yeah there are cat girls, usually some kind of cosmetic surgery or cybernetic enhancement,
whether or not this was voluntary or not depends if you fall into the buckets of, slavery, "indentured servitude due to defaulting on debts", or being a man.
>if you fail to pay your student loans, this could be you.
Forced catgirlization might be the hook I need to get into this setting...
Been contemplating that pic, and 'periphery society using up-armed Industrialmechs that were turned into bunny girls by alien parasites' is a hook I could do a faction writeup on, if you're interested.
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I got some 3D printed models. they were flawless, just had to clip off some struts.
the atlas even had millimeter wide antennae that survived shipping and snapped off immediately after I started handling it.
shrapnel #16 i believe. or, megamek
If I were to ever somehow end up in control of the Battletech franchise, the first thing I would do is destroy the MoC. The type of "fans" that faction attracts are something we can do without. The only question I'd really have about it is if I'd have them be destroyed in-universe or simply retcon them out of existence outright.
>3D printed gargoyle exploded and is now leaking uncured resin out of a crack in his back

Well shit. I’ve managed to drain the liquid resin as best as I can by setting him on his back and squeezing his shoulders to coax out one drop at a time, and the internet says I can re-cure the resin by sticking him in the sun for an hour so he soaks up some UV rays. But I’m annoyed that now I’ll have to fix the paint job and I’m worried that some of my other 3D prints are walking bombs that just haven’t gone off yet.
It's like I'm playing free cities all over again.
>when its been proven it's genetic engineering and they have all kinds of monster girls.
(I will probably do this anyway regardless, now that I'm caught up thinking about it)
Aren't purple bird is now bff with cappies?
Also, I had to confess, that I found Marik one of the most aesthetically pleasurable faction in BT
You'd find solace in the shitty Resurgence fanfic then. The Magistracy is wiped out in that one.
Nah, they're useful as a containment faction, like Taurians.
Not clear yet on Marik-Liao relations. The next source book should have details. Marik and Liao are at war with the Wolf Empire and ilClan Wolf on Terra respectively so they're co-belligerents but not necessarily allies.

On the other hand, teaser art has implied Danai Liao is going to be running the show, and she's friends with Nikol Marik. That could turn into a true alliance
Marik actually being involved with the plot?
What's a common Lyran medium mech that isn't the Griffin or Hatchetman.
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The FWL and the Cappies are never allies. Even when they're "allied", they aren't allies. This is the "aid package" sent to the Cappies during the 4th succession war, after the formation of a superstate that was an existential threat to Capellan and Marik alike. This single image is also what made me into a purple bird fan
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Pixie is far and away their most common entry in Xotl's RAT, but like bugmechs, everyone has loads of PHawks. Vulcans are also pretty high up there.
I'm certain the TC has the highest concentration of secondary fans. Like half of them think it's just space texas, thematically and politcally.
Sentinel seems like one of those mechs where the downgraded versions are actually better.
Let's not bring /40kg/ language in, God knows there's enough of their faggotry around.
Janos has got to be trolling here right?
As annoying as the "7" on the 2s chart is, the Ultra 5 IS still a better gun, not least for the range upgrade. But at the same time, checking for crit on your ammo torso when a PPC hits because they shaved the armor to afford to be able to streak the 2 isn't a great look.

Ultimately, the Sentinel is one of those mechs where I'm glad they introduced a royal variant that actually makes good use of the Star League tech to have the lore of the SLDF being the unstoppable juggernaut make more sense.
secondary is not 40k language

He's sending the bare minimum in aid to them whilst also insinuating that he knows they supplied Anton with supplies for his Civil War. Of course he's trolling
Is this the face of a man who trolls?
It's not just "bare minimum in aid" anon. Every part of that care package is a carefully crafted insult. This is a divine level of trolling that mere mortals can only aspire to
The mercenaries box is going to retail for $75? That seems like a lot.
I don't think it's exclusive to 40k and I'm pretty sure it's been used here for years
I never heard it until the 40k migration.
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is that fucking roger delgado's master with a slightly different bit of facial hair?
I know classic battletech traced a lot of actors but still lol.
The trick is the two other Sentinel downgrades that replace the autocannon with a large laser or PPC.
>secondary is not 40k language
Oh yes it is.

Anyway, unrelated to that guy, what happened to the topic pic? Hot white chics not allowed eh?
first mention I can find was five years ago
Wait, what jump-capable heavies and assaults mount RACs? Was there a Victor variant or something?
nta, but the 2hu fandom has been calling people secondaries for the better part of a decade, at least

I mean that makes sense, 40k was probably the next franchise after DnD to have to really deal with the secondary phenomenon, due to how 40k exploded on Youtube (ironically by reheating old dead /tg/ memes)
There's quite a few. A victor, hammerhands, marauder II and emperor, to name a couple.
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So last thread we had info dumps on Rasalhague. Where would I go for more info on St. Ives?
Breakaway Capellan state, sided with the Davions around the Fourth Succession War. Generally culturally Capellan, but with Davion liberty sprinked in. Real-world analogue is Taiwan.
>t there was a tabletop battle fought between two members of staff, one who wanted it canon and one who wanted it not canon. Canon won.
>That's the kind of dumb shit that makes me love battletech.
Not two members of staff. A group of trolls on the main BT listserv wouldn't stop flapping their yaps, and issued a formal batchall, so the Line Developer at the time (Based Bryan Nystul) accepted it. And canonized a custom Annihilator with 5 Gauss rifles for the occasion. He won, but announced that a) FASA would never publish the record sheet for Gausszilla, and b) the cartoon would merely be canon as propaganda.
Bryan was unfathomably based for a Ghost Bear
I'm going to create my own battlemech! It's gonna be cool and have cool lore and equipment!
Name a better combo than a PPC and SRMs.
His opponent was a female staff member.
Plasma rifles and MMLs.
kuritan and war crimes
capellan and treachery
clanner and stupid shit
ammo and CASE
kicks and opposing mechs at -1 level
pulse lasers and targeting computers
Ignore all other recommendations.
Go read Star Lord.
If you enjoy there's something worthwhile in this setting for you. If not, oh well.
First thing would be to make the Davions only accept FtMs and butch lesbians as First Princes retroactively.
Learn2search megameklabs
They're in Major Periphery States as well, but there's also a mess of info spread across various Liao publications too. Too many to list.
Inferno missiles and battlefists.
>Waco Rangers mechs in the background

Nice headcanon bro, lol.
My man! The Crusader 8L and Yu Huang Y-H11G are a bunch of fun. Turns out that even with double heatsinks, 15 additional heat a turn is a bitch.
It's ladybois and asian twinks who bottom for Davions.
>2hu fandom
Yeah I don't know what that is. Clearly ain't Battletech though.
Are you new here?
Does the FWL use LRMs more than average?
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Not everyone watches your gay ass anime, kid.
2hu has been a thing since the pc-98...
I get why you'd say that, but they really don't. Not in 3025 at least.
How honorable is this double lance? (I will need to get another Jenner).
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Why was the pic deleted?

It doesn’t violate any rule
It's just a bog standard drac force. Dunno why you need our approval for it.
What would a marik company look like? I have a good idea for the other major houses, but not the FWL
Anon, you think jannies enforce the rules instead of arbitrarily lording according to their own opinions?

What's with this meme of fucking lying and saying every minor IS is in the Periphery books? You were doing this with Rasalhague as well.

St. Ives doesn't have much info outside of some of the RPG books because where it falls timewise, between the 4th succ war and Civil War. It's a Clan Invasion thing.
In this case it's because the Capellan-St. Ives war drew in the MoC and the Taurians, so it gets a fair bit of discussion not found in other sources.
Star Lord isn't even that good a novel.
'Somehow, Palpatine returned' applies.
What did the TC do?
$75 retail means you'll be able to pick it up online for under $60. It has 12 minis so it's pretty comparable to the AS box.
It's fun schlock
It's too spread out to screencap the whole thing. Here's a sample.
I mean, Hanse motherfucking Davion is just straight up William Shatner, so it wouldn't surprise me at all. (this is probably also where the anons who complain about all BT people looking like crackheads comes from because most of the images are from traced photos of 80s film stars so a lot of them WERE crackheads)
>$60. It has 12 minis
I get dozens of minis for $50 of resin.
>sample of star league history
>sample of clan culture
>sample of inner sphere culture
>sample of periphery culture
>sample of solaris-style arena fights
>revisits a location from the GDL trilogy, which you should read next. This is important because nothing lasts forever in this setting and seeing the change shows you why the "eras" system of publishing is so powerful
You can find the answer to that in the Major Periphery States Handbook.
Wait, someone doesn't like reading about mercs (cause they are boring), so your suggestion is to recommend a bunch of books about mercs to them?
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Reading that, and it's no wonder that so many of the newtech Marik designs from the helm revival were heavies and assaults.
I like the clans as opfor, and I like the looks of their mechs, but I wouldn't have a clan force.
Mercs fighting great houses, or Great Houses fighting clans, not mercs fighting mercs.
Bro that's not even a dogwhistle.
In 3025, it's a lot of fast mediums and lights backed up by heavy troopers and a few kickass assaults.
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Imma do post-Helm/early Invasion era since later timeline gets messier and 3025 is boring.

Scout Lance:
Phoenix Hawk 3M (Lance Commander)
Locust 3M
Hermes 2M
Cicada 3G

Skirmisher Lance:
Wolverine 7M (Lance Commander)
Wolverine 6M
Griffin 3M
Ostsol 5M

Fire Support Lance:
Orion 1M (Lance Commander)
Trebuchet 7M
Awesome 9M
Archer 4M

Command Lance(optional):
Battlemaster 3M (Company Commander)
Hunchback 5M (bodyguard)
Goliath 3M
Warhammer 7M
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probably cuz it looks AI AF.

also this>>93182067
although pointing out jannie retardation is a quick route to B&
Recon/pursuit would be locusts, wasps, stingers, and/or hermes ii
direct fire support is awesome, marauder, warhammer, rifleman
indirect support is archers and trebs, possibly mixing in a medium w/ lrms or an orion as a bodyguard
main battle lance would be 55 ton mediums, possibly hunchback or orion too
heavy support lance is stalker and goliath, with whatever bodyguard can keep lights off their asses

The thing about the FWL is that they don't get too many unique mechs until later, but they do get very good upgrade packages for most staple mechs.
Then print them? Idk what to tell you. It's a product that's priced in line with the rest of the company's products. Of course printing your own is cheaper.
You can't print models. Loren won't be able to afford another porche.
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can't forget the cicadas. Mariks make a lot of those.

And hard agree on the upgrade packages. Some of my favorite mechs in the games are standard designs that everyone has but of which, the Mariks just made the best one. Griffin 3M, Archer 4M, Wolverine 6M are all great examples of this phenomena.

You have this brief window when they're making great designs before they decide to embrace the 8 point damage meme and start slapping ERLL and LGR on everything, which naturally results in a bunch of really shitty designs
I take it you're comparing ERLL/LGR designs to dual PPC carriers?
The Crockett is proof that the ERLLs have their place in a loadout, you just need a third gun in your main battery to fish for PSRs. It's more complicated than dual PPCs though, and that scares people. Nevermind that it's producing more consistent hits/damage. Adding up a bunch of 10s is easy.

LGRs are trash however. No argument there. Writers forgot to do basic weapon math once again.
Just buy shares in the chemical industry.
What does DuPont have to do with embezzlement?
how do you guys think of sun tzu? too much asspull?
>First, I tried to get into the lore, read some of the short story collections, and I didn't really get the appeal. It's just a bunch of mercenaries fighting.
Yes, and?
>bans matter
You don't know how to get a new IP and delete your cookies?
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Mostly I'm salty over all the times I've tried to make the stupid battlemaster, Albatross, Sirocco and Grand Titan with the LGR + another long range gun combo. It never works and it's always an exercise in frustration. LGR exists like the AC2, it's to stick on a helicopter gunship that sits at max range and plinks, not on a battlemech.

ERLL can work on their own for the main gun of a light mech or even in pairs for something like an Ost or the 7M Wolvie, but when they're paired with an LGR to try and make up for the absurd tonnage wastage that that stupid piece of shit represents, it gets frustrating.
When I first heard about him, I was told that he was a joke.
>he's named after a great general, but in BT he's incompetent!
I think that was preferable to having the man named after a strategic legend actually be a strategic legend.

As for saving the Cappies from extinction.....no great house is allowed to go extinct. I do think it mars the setting that the Cappies weren't pushed out into the Periphery to lick their wounds and regroup. Granted, this would draw endless comparisons to the Clans so I understand them not wanting to take this approach.

There's no good options here, so I just don't bother with thinking about it much. Long live the Chancellor Romano was more interesting
>I picked the one that kinda looked like the Whataburger logo because I thought that was funny. Then I find out that canonically they were wiped out and no longer exist.
And who would that be?
Dues Ex Capella was one of the dumbest things they've ever done in the lore of this setting, and we have a LONG list of contenders for that top slot.
Such as?
I am new
My best guess is FWL, the bird looks a bit like the W
>canonically they were wiped out and no longer exist.
I think it's pushed off the podium by the multiple consecutive doppelganger plots, but only just.
>Kerensky ruined everything. He could have joined Amaris and perhaps coup him later, but instead he makes already shitty situation worse and eventually he runs away from the mess he partially caused.

I it socially acceptable to say this out loud anywhere in the inner sphere and periphery?
Have a basic outline done for this, but I'm about to be busy for the rest of the day, so won't be able to post anything up till tomorrow.
NTA and I don't know about wiped out, but didn't the FWL collapse into its constituent states somewhere around Jihad/Dark Age?
May as well say
>General Gage ruined everything. He could have joined Washington and perhaps coup him later, but instead he makes already shitty situation worse and eventually runs away from the mess he created

Either people will have a vague idea what you're talking about and not care much, or they'll actually have a good handle on it and think you're a retard.
i do wonder how the setting could've gone had kerensky stayed and tried to make a terran enclave with Comstar. though i imagine he wouldn't be able to keep the non terran units after a while and shit would just get nuked like the rest of the inner sphere. Still better than the shit his son pulled
Teenagers exist in every age, I heard.
Don't worry about the Jihad/Dark Age until you get a better handle on the setting. It's all one massive clusterfuck.
They got better.
Is the Hermes II 2M supposed to be the stopgap "energy variant" they made to fill the void left by the original fuckup? I know it's usually portrayed as a spookmech, but the introduction dates seem to line up and it is an energy boat.
wait, so cappies weren't space china forever? what were they like back then?
Have you tried reading their old manuals?
They had soviet elements and weren't just based on one thing.
Alright if you want stupid shit of Battletech Lore we have in no particular order:
Deus Ex Capella aka Xin Sheng
Clanner Society
Clanner plot armor where they win nonstop forever instead of bogging down immediately due to the logistical impossibility of their invasion corridors and the 2000 LY supply routes
Wobbie Jihad plan going from "we're going to nuke all the clanners" to "we're going to nuke everyone, even our actual allies because they wouldn't agree to nuke the clanners"
Clan invasion deleting the FRR 10 seconds after it was formed because we can't have nice things.
FWL teaming up with the Cappies and Dracs instead of going full partition-of-Poland realpolitik mode and eating the rest of it while the Davions were digesting their half.
Any time a taurian fan opens their mouth.
Everyone just handing away their battlemech armies because Stone asked them to.
The fall of Terra at the start of IllClan (single most heavily defended planet in the galaxy with decades of buildup and reinforcements, draining the entire ROTS dry to build Fortress Terra, and it falls in like a paragraph in the book ostensibly about that event, and the entire rest of the book is just clan v clan masturbation)
The completely ludicrous number of times we've gotten [Insert Authorname pet mercenary company here] finding random SLDF cache full of magical lostech for them to get started with. It's happened enough times now that you have to wonder if the SLDF wasn't just building dozens upon dozens of random caches on every planet in the entire Sphere
Everyone just outright deciding not to restart Warship production after the Jihad, despite still having the knowledge, techbase and facilities to do so.
The Wolves being on a mission to teach the Inner Sphere how to defeat the Clanners in battle, so their idea was to train the IS pilots how to duel like clanners, playing to their weaknesses rather than their strengths.
No she wasn't. It was Camille "AcidQueen" Klein, who ended up writing a few things at FanPro because she was a part of the clique or superfans, but at the time she was just a very, very, very vocal member of the early online community.

I clashed with her online many times and thoroughly disliked her.
They used to be Meiji Japan. Believed in interstellar institutions and law, created the codex of honour of mechwarriors and chopped off the heads of people who offended them.

Then they got crushed by the Davion Man and went Space Natsoc. Then they got crushed even harder, but the Clans invaded everybody else, so they use the reprive to go Chinaboo in order to activate the under-utilized slave caste of theirs.

Here's still hoping that their future will be filled with C&C Red Alert memes.
Scratch that, I missed the machine guns. Still, I wonder if that stopgap model was the basis for the 2M.
I do not want to read the Major Periphery handbook today, thank you.
apparently the devs don't like warships?
Read the Wars of Reaving book and it'll make more sense. WarShips reduce the setting to "and then we bombarded them from orbit".

Plus, speaking business now, a CBT warship game gets in the way of Leviathans which CGL is actively attempting to revive.
The devs hate space stuff in general. Had they not written themselves into a corner early on, BT would have ancient precursor portals on every habitable planet, I bet.
>Vees are just better anon, mechs are obsolete.

Get back to me after I gimp your Demolisher with Inferno rounds.
LRM 5 goes woosh.
It didn't make sense then except Herb couldn't think that warships can navally bombard whatever, but are rare enough to not want to really risk in the first place. So he just wrote them out of the setting as much as possible and broke of the rules of the setting (DS can't carry capital grade weapons and missiles) to do it.


Because Herb Beas was the worst developer of the line and his underling Ben Rome was a terrible writer who didn't have a clue how to make the WoR interesting.
Battletech would be better if it all occurred in one star system with each faction having one planet and an assortment of moons and stations in orbit, with the minor powers being asteroid and lagrange points.
Clanners could be from the a neighbouring system, all the timeframes would make more sense (5-10 years for an interstellar war covering hundreds of systems is retarded even with ftl) and there would be no need for unrealistic ftl travel and communications.
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i want to paint purple mechs but the only faction i can think of that uses purple is Marik...
Would it work to paint some up and call them an aggressor formation that runs purple like the bird for training purposes?
There's this thing called Yourdudes, look into it.
You know you can search by color on camospecs, right? You're going to have to scroll through a lot of Marik but it can be done.
I have something to admit I miss the slime guy who did BT videos. Whatever happened to him?
iirc, he did some math and found out that he could either work on youtube or work on some other project that actually made money, but not both to a satisfactory degree, so he went with the one that pays the bills.
Inflation and immigration devalued currency/wages so much that he could no longer afford the time to do it.
he was a vtuber simp.
can you guys recommend me some complimentary mechs if i want either of these to be the centerpiece of my lance?
i'm quite fond of the mackie too but not sure how to justify fielding one
>how to justify fielding one
As simple as "I feel like it"
And what's wrong with that? You've got Free Worlds Guard, Marik Militia, Free Worlds Legionnaires (that's the filthy Anduriens pre-Jihad and the scheme MWO applies to FWL forces fyi), Protectorate Guard, certain Silver Hawk Irregulars, and a bunch of late era stuff nobody cares about. Plenty of those are good units to paint.
The Atlas can be paired with basically anything, provided they don't run too fast. Consider an Orion, Thunderbolts, or Wolverines.
The Highlander works best with other slow jumpy mechs with long range. The Crockett 5003-0 comes to mind. Depending on how big your game is, you'll then either need mechs that can screen your big boys and keep backstabbers off their ass, or if you can dedicate a lance to that role you can fill the rest of the Highlander's lance with other fire support mechs.
Again, we want jump jets so maybe Catapults or Griffins?
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i don't own a lot of FWL mechs
Name four unique FWL mechs in 3025. You can't.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with running a pile of reseens with Marik upgrade kits on them.
Darn, hope things work out for him.
>pointing out jannie retardation is a quick route to B&
When jannies stop being retarded I'll stop calling them out for being retarded.

Which is why I'll never stop. Ever.
>Clanner plot armor where they win nonstop forever instead of bogging down immediately due to the logistical impossibility of their invasion corridors and the 2000 LY supply routes
Cry about it. It made for a good story and gameplay event.
That's not the old manuals you fucking newfag.
BT devs don't like warships but for some reason the Clanner fleets still get to exist while the Inner Sphere fleets are back to 3rd SSW levels.

The simple solution to warship fleets was the same it's been since the SSW days: massed ASF can just swarm them and drown them under weight of numbers. But for some reason, the devs decided that the Lev IIs needed to be even tougher in lore then they are in the crunch and so the Burrs get their invincible spess fleet.

You can make a Marik force almost entirely out of generics and still be highly competitive if that's your cuppa tea, or just highly fluffy if that's your cuppa.
>massed ASF can just swarm them and drown them under weight of numbers.
That's a gameplay conceit that isn't actually anywhere in the fluff that's actually canon. Warships don't die to ASFs short of ramming attacks, or if the Warships already crippled from fighting another Warship. Gameplay and fluff are different, and it's the fluff that matters. Cope.
Name four unique mechs for anyone in 3025. And don't say Dragon, Panther, Jenner, Commando, or Vindicator, because I will laugh at you.
I admit, you called my bluff. Building regiments isn't hard but people seem to agonize over it so much. I don't get it.
>FWL teaming up with the Cappies and Dracs instead of going full partition-of-Poland realpolitik mode and eating the rest of it while the Davions were digesting their half.
FWL were weakened after the civil war, spending last resources on cappies is the most retarded idea you can have, considering FedCom is right on your doorstep. Not to mention Comstar would rape them for pouching cappies.
Raven, cataphract, zeus, I would say ur mom but that's inner sphere general
Nah, it's just because FWL are retards and developers post 1990 started the pro-Asian woke agenda.
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>making a canopian animal lance with the cataphract, catapults and wolfhound
>still ~400bv to fill
well i hope they make bee cybernetics implants in canopus so i can shove a wasp or somethinf
Marik civil war had been over for like fifteen years by the 4th war, and Andurien alone spent several years hanging out on some of the Caps' biggest industrial centers trying to pin down battalion sized formations. Sadly it would have been insulting to the dignity of the capellan people for that plot line to work out in a way that made sense.
Nta, but legitimately curious if there's an answer to this question. Closest I think you can get offhand is Hoplite (Wolf's Dragoons) Crab & King Crab (Comstar), and Charger (Dracs), but those are only mostly exclusive, and I don't know much about the DCMS weebmech lineup.
Dragoons have like 8+ exclusive mechs, it's cheating.

I don't know, they SAY the FWL was weakened, but their military strength seems pretty much the same, especially since they get the Goons afterwards.

Also, Janos fucking hated Max after that whole thing.

This list can't be complete without the FCCW. I don't even know where to start unpacking that one.

A big part of it is St. Ives getting reabsorbed easily by Liao... BEFORE the Civil War actually starts, despite the Civil War being the perfect excuse for it to happen to explain why the FedSuns didn't slap the shit out of the Cappies.
You really just go with what's more well known for them.
In the FWL case, that's Awesome, Orion, Hermes II (especially Hermes II, and Trebuchet, then you fill it out with generics, things they're known to make, a bit of salvage, and maybe one or two hardscrabble relic like a Hermes I or Flea.
Yeah. The list of all their 3025 manufacturing was posted upthread. There's nothing unique on it except the Hermes II and the M variants.
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Speaking of yourdudes, are transhumanist cyborgs with a fetish for replacing as much of their flesh with, electronics, myomer, plastic and surgical stainless steel as they can afford even if its a tiny bit of a functional downgrade when compared to the original flesh lore friendly?
So you're playing the Word of Blake?
Dude, do you think that the FWL went full Kentares against itself? None of the major provinces sided with Anton, less than a quarter of the military chose his side, and basically the only reason he accomplished anything at all was because he had the Dragoons and their invincible plot armor on his side. Half the League sat the fight out, and the only reason that the FWLM was "devastated" was because the writers arbitrarily said so, not because of any actual casualties or attrition. 2 years later when the enemy who orchestrated the rebellion against your rule comes under attack and is getting eaten alive, you don't ally with him, you stab him in the back and take what worlds of his you can. It's not like Comstar was going to stop them, they were already stretched well past their breaking point just trying to keep the Dracs in the fight, and the Comguards as a discrete military formation basically don't exist at this point. One lone duchy of the FWL was able to rip Capella's entire asshole open and was making a good start at finishing what Hanse started until the rest of the FWL turned on them instead of backing them to crush the fucking cappies into the dirt.
Or some of the post-Jihad neo-Blakist cultists who replace bodyparts with cybernetics to emulate the Manei Domini
>This list can't be complete without the FCCW. I don't even know where to start unpacking that one.
I ran out of room in the post before I ran out of stupid bullshit and the retardation of the illclan era kind of ate all my mental space, so I forgot to stuff it in there. There's probably still plenty of other things that are also dumb that I'm forgetting about too.

I must point out that the FWL only turned on Andurien AFTER the Capellan invasion flopped. If Andurien ended up winning the FWL would have totally nabbed what they could of the Cappies before turning on Andurien.
Notable for being captured often. Often enough to be on the Fed Sun MUL within the same era it first appeared.
Famous for having its factory stolen and also didn't enter service until 3028. If you count it, then you have to count it for the same two factions as the Raven.
Sold on the open market, well liked by mercenaries.
The Awesome is unique since the one other place that made it got blown up in the first succession war.
Right, but the point is that with like 1/6th of the entire FLWM military being committed the Liaos only BARELY pulled out a win. And sure, you keep the Silver Hawk Irregulars and the Tamarind Guards and Tamarind Regulars and the 8th FWL Guards in their garrisons on the Lyran Borders and you take the rest of the miltary and go curbstomp the cappies into the dirt. They just tried to replace the captain general with their own stooge. You don't let that shit slide
Hell, with how mad everyone was at Mad Max and his attempted usurpation via Anton, you probably have good odds of various provinces declining to invoke the home protection act and letting their troops go crush the Crappy Cappies into the dirt like they deserved.
I am pretty new to this settiing. What happened to Manei Domini anyway? Reading the Sarna, it seems even comstar is dead in current era as everything was taken over by clanners.
See if you can exchange the wolfhound for a panther and mongoose.
They crippled the clans for 80 years and then fucked off.
>What happened to Manei Domini anyway?
Ghosts of Obeedah.
Also remember that the implants lead to shortened lifespans, so saying that they mostly died off isn't an exaggeration.
>this is probably also where the anons who complain about all BT people looking like crackheads comes from because most of the images are from traced photos of 80s film stars so a lot of them WERE crackheads
No, it's a a couple specific artists with an extremely stylized digital manipulation technique. Mostly this dude: https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Category:Works_by_Victor_Manuel_Leza_Moreno
but also https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Margarita_Bourkova - who is at least slightly better as an artist.

I think he's talking about Waco's Whackos. Who got DRAGOON'd finally, thanks to Saint Urbanmech.

I love seeing Gideon go "I agree with you, but If I tell Loren that I'll be fired".
I like the WoB but don't relish painting white or camo, nor fading. What was the largest and most important merc group that the Blakists used? Or what was the most fun and unique? Did any escape to fight another day?
Grab Total Chaos off of the trove.
AI ain’t against the rules either
Anon isn’t discussing the game in good faith anyway, it’s just typical trolling
There are mermaids, no confirmed catgirls in text.
Most of the time when someone complains about a crackhead looking character, especially Clanners, odds are it's from the Legends book they recently did
AI the jannies don't like is, however.
Is the Hatchetman any good in 3029?
no at least that variant is one of the worst mech in the game
Shame. Still gonna use it. Any suggestions for getting the most for my BV?
No, but at least it does 10 point hits. Treat it like its name is AC/10man and it'll do something. The Hatchet should only be used incidentally if something brings itself right into your face.
What do you want from it? It's a mediocre AC/10 carrier and AC/10s are already a worse PPC.
don't try to use the axe and use it as a bodyguard
If you ever find yourself thinking "should I move into a slightly less advantageous position to use my hatchet?" the answer is no. The Hatchetman is a test bed, not an actual melee mech.
>Manic posting again
Give him his due, he is persistent, despite being on a censure on sight by the mods (for very good reasons I might add). Dont know why he doesnt quit here and go somewhere more suited to his autism, like reddit or space battles.

Depends entirely on your terrain and what its with. mostly on terrain. Its a jumpy ambush predator, it wants to be in urban or other dense terrain where it can stalk its prey before jumping in behind them. Ideally it wants to be paired with another, bigger, mech with a similar role or to be shadowing a fellow, tougher, Urban fighter. Good combos would be a Victor, the 733 or 734 Highlanders, any Hunchback, a Banshee 3S, any Orion, any Enforcer, or an Ostroc/Sol. (the latter two are fast enough to get into positions to strike.
In the open? Itsin for a bad time.

Depends on the terrain. As above, in dense terrain pair it with a larger, distracting, mech, and shadow the enemy until you can get the jump (literally) on them. Either both jump in to bracket an isolated mech (Hatchetman in the rear) or have it shadow your main brawling force and jump in to backstab when the enemy is engaged.

In the open, hang back behind your main brawlers and use the AC10 to support them until you see something thats vulnerable and then push in close to finish it off.

Its an urban predator, you really have to use it in that manner to get the most out of it.
What is it that makes the hatchet not worth it?
>like reddit or space battles.
He's b& from both IIRC. sb I know for sure they kicked him out a long time ago.
That depends entirely on what Chtorr is.
It only does 9 damage, which doesn't cross any critical thresholds. The mech is too slow and poorly armored to usually justify running out of cover to hit things in the first place, but especially when it doesn't even have a chance to ruin the enemy with its melee attack and it has to give up an mlas shot to do it. If you're in melee range anyway, sure swing it. But you'd usually be better off just skulking in some woods or behind a hill while taking potshots with the big gun. Maybe if you manage to reach something with LRMs or non-ER PPCs, getting that extra minimum range malus might be nice, but a lot of those are heavy enough that you don't want them kicking you back or fast enough to scoot back.
9 damage is enough to remove al the armour from any non-fancy late era armoured mechs head.
Sadly, the hatchet now uses the full location table, not the punch table unless you take a +4 penalty to hit. Good news is that (assuming everything hits) after shooting you should have been able to open up/weaken some rear torso armour enough for 9 points to go through.
The other problem is that its underarmoured. Hence my advice to use it as a backstabbing supporter in urban/close terrain, and pair it with something a lot scarier.

Really? Well, that honestly does not surprise me. Hes effectively banned from here as is (and would be permanently if redditors hadnt taught him to ban evade just to be rid of him). I am curious how he got banned from spacebattles though, that place is a hive of autism and spergyness. I didnt think it was possible to be banned.
Essentially if you can get behind something big it's worth it, but anything else it can relaibly catch will fuck it up. And next turn anything it DID catch is still going to be able to put it in a much better position to kick its spindly little legs off, or if it's lighter to fuck off into the hinterlands.
Compared to a punch: your damage uses the regular chart, reducing your odds of a cockpit hit (the main reason to throw punches). You also can get up to two punches. Granted, the hatchet should do about double damage compared to each punch. Hatchet also gets -1 mod vs punching's +0
Compared to a kick: same damage but the kick is focused on the legs. This is great against light mechs. Kicking also forces a PSR if it connects. You can also use your arm weapons, meaning your Hatchetman shoots an extra ML. Kick also gets a -2 modifier to the hatchet's -1

Basically, hatchet offers only drawbacks with no advantage. Maybe it's better than a punch, but why are you punching? Just kick.
This is the correct chart for calculating bv changes based on piloting and gunnery skill right?
The chart has been updated so many times that no one is ever using the latest version. Just talk it over with your group and opponent first and decide which one you'll be using and it's fine.
Looks different from the table in the latest errata for TechManual. The BV tables on MUL appear to match what's in the errata, so I'd use that.
Alright. What is generally considered to be the polite amount of deviation between gunnery and piloting. Keep them within one of each other? Two?
3/5 is okay, 2/5 isn't.
so i got a rifleman from the solaris essential box, and found an ebay seller selling enforcer and blackjack dirt cheap (wonder why) should i go for the meme and make a davion lance? also, which one last mech should i include if i go for it?
Javelin. I assume you're using the good variants of the Blackjack and Rifleman, which means you're going to have zero crit seeking in your lance otherwise.
>Classic option
>funny option
>Serious answer
Probably a Javelin, assuming you're using the LL version of the Blackjack. It complements the other designs well and gives you a close-in threat to pull some enemy attention off your tragically under-armored RFL.
Another good option is a Marauder, it's a Davion stalwart that will give you some reach and punch but without significant critseeking. Really kind of depends on what BV level you want to play at.
introtech 6000bv. well gotta wait for them to start listing the kickstarter stuffs for javelin then. also, is dual ac10 rifleman a thing or a joke?
The RFL-3C isn't real. The RFL-3C cannot hurt you.
there IS a good rifleman variant??
No, but there's some that are a lot better than the standard loadout.
Which are?
Go do the heat math. I haven't found a Rifleman that's worse than the 3N yet.
all the 3c needed was variant ac ammo
4d looks pretty bad imo
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Well, at least it wasn't something from RIFTS. Kevin Siembda is on a drug, and that drug is Kevin Siembda.
It'll be more benevolent than that, anyhow; this is the image I got the original idea from. More of a symbiote than a parasite, also.
The secret to 4d is that the large lasers are for close range self defense, not sniping.
4D can at least fire the PPCs 2-1-2-1 if you're stationary.
Getting ready for a game next week. It'll be my fourth game. I'm looking to diversify and I'm trying to figure out what models to print and paint for it. It's going to be an introtech game at 6000bv. I know I want to bring a lance of four mechs and that I want to bring a CRD-3D and BLR-1D. What I'm trying to decide is what the other 2 mechs I should bring are. The options I am looking at are


I'm strongly inclined to bring the Centurion because I really like the mini, but really I could go with any of these. I don't mind if they are suboptimal like the Hachetman either. I'm half tempted to take a 4/3 Hachetman as a meme pick. What do ya'll think?
The Dual-10 rifleman has some very serious issues and is barely usable, but at least it's not the one with quad AC-5s. The -5N is pretty solid as long as you single-tap. -4D is a stopgap when you have no other PPC options or a raging boner for Riflemen and hate armor.
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>Waco's Whackos
I guess it doesn't look much like a Whataburger logo, but it's certainly evocative of Texas
2-2-2-2-1 it is.

I'm surprised there aren't more wacky Waco fans here consider the Goons aren't well loved.
rifleman c 3.
2cuac5, 2cerllas, 2cermlas. clan spec everything. usable from the golden century all the way through to ilclan shit. it is AWESOME
wait, all introtech rifleman variants except 3c have only 6 head armor? jesus
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Why do the Dracs tend to be more popular than the Capellans?
The Dracs at least have a cool aesthetic.
The Goons are well loved, except by contrarians and cynical world-weary men in their 40-60s who don't like the idea of having protagonists.
>cynical world-weary men in their 40-60s
I feel personally attacked.

Also, the Dragoons are shit and they should have been wiped out for their resources as soon as they came into the IS.
I actually lived in Waco for a while and I still don't like them. They went to far in making them the unlikeable antagonists to the precious Dragoons. I and I assume most other Texas players settled for the Taurians instead.

Because the Cappies were ruined by Xin Sheng.
Samurai > Chinkshit
The grand dragon kicks that much ass
Opposite of writers fiat, getting a good mech variant is a notable rarity (I never understood people who genuinely liked the writer's special boys factions like ultramarines, clan wolf, and post santzu capellans, where is the fun in having you faction be handed everything, to get defeated in name only and end up stronger. It just seems boring)
You're not contrarian for liking Waco's Rangers, you're just retarded. They're "competent" mercs who lose fights 3 to 1 with the element of surprise. Get these losers out of here.
Dracs are competent villains, Caps are incompetent villains.
I wonder why. (The writers are on the side of the goons.)
If it dropped the large lasers and was just (yet another) poor man's warhammer it would be much better. Actually every rifleman variant would be better if it dropped the larger lasers.
Don't confuse "dislike of goons" for "acktually Waco was great"
rifleman 2n?
Doesn't have large lasers to drop
The 2N and 4D are functionally the same mech in terms of weapons.
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>Because Herb Beas was the worst developer of the line and his underling Ben Rome was a terrible writer who didn't have a clue how to make the WoR interesting.
capellans became designated winners, like the feds used to be, and the wolves and bears
designated winners are boring and lame
Ultimately, the Rifleman's big problem is the armor. No amount amount of UACs or ERLLs or DHS are doing to fix that.

Even Clantech can't save it from that.
sorry if it isn't 100% bt related but the taurian warship that survuved the succession wars, vandenburg. Latest fluff I read said it was an all but unsalvagable irradiated hulk and I was windering. A. how does a ship get irradiated and B, can one even fix that? Assuming real world logic instead of star league tons per square light-year
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>"human hybrids" exist a niche sex attractions in Canopus
>we've seen that at least one catgirl and one mermaid that is clearly mechanical, rather than biological
>therefore there's catgirls everywhere in BT

Just jackoff to Elementals like the rest of us.
First, the Vandenburg wasn't a wreck. We kept the only Warship, outside of Comstars fleet, successfully in orbit through the entire Succession Wars.

Second, a ship gets irradiated by taking nuke hits and passing the check to not get auto deleted.
>jackoff to Elementals
No thanks. I like real women. I'm not a gayfag who needs their woman to look like men.
>A. how does a ship get irradiated
Presumably by getting nuked.

>B, can one even fix that?
It depends how. It if was just hit by a conventional weapon or a dirty bomb, you can wash it off, or even just wait a while; the hottest stuff will decay quickly (almost by definition).

However, if the ship was exposed a lot of neutrons (for example, by getting hit by a neutron bomb), that would transmute some of the elements in the hull into radioactive elements. This could cause radioactivity that's effectively impossible to get rid of without scrapping large portions of the ship's structure and armor. That said, I don't know enough about the math and science involved to say if this is actually something that could happen.
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I don't know what men look like where you're from.
What was the thread image?
being heavily muscled is a masculine trait
This: >>93181939
it makes them look more like men
>dracs: jenner, dragon, panther, charger
>caps: vindicator
>not liking your women to look like men
sounds pretty gay ngl
you seem kinda low IQ dude
I wonder how many men you've met that look like that?

I can't think of any off the top of my head.
doesn't matter, heavy musculature is a masculine trait
a woman with more masculine traits looks more masculine than a woman without masculine traits
it feels like you're desperately trying to justify your fetish to yourself
Anyone have the IWM rampage? What does it look like, because whilst the pics on the site are small and grainy the proportions seem a little weird so I was wondering if it was just bad angles or the sculpt
>cool mechs
>cool aesthetic
>complete bastards that own up to it
>Gives an excuse to ham it up
>aren't the designated punching bag house
>Surprisingly competent
Meanwhile CC fans meanwhile are split between the old men that love their ching chong commies run by Saturday morning supervillain Max, and young(er) men who got into BT post-Sun-Tzu's Capellan Confederation.
Can nuerohelmets be used to control vehicles, like tanks and if so how'd they work?

>inb4 Brigador
If I am only going to pack the ammo bins with dead-fire rounds, should I use a normal trebuchet 5N or use a 5S instead (with normal missiles)
It's for a pirate lance
I don't know about ground vehicles, but I know aerospace fighters do use their own variant neurohelmets.
Cool backstory, cool Battlemechs, cool characters. As a Lyran fanboy Drac's are my second favorite House Faction.
Not really no. Tanks and their ilk use conventional controls. Since the neurohelmet is almost only for balance, it wouldn't add anything to have one on a tank.
Does every namefag in this general love dracs?

No. Dracs are fine, and fun, and they have a nice navy (Inazuma commerce raiding wolfpacks for life), but "love" is too strong of a word. I appreciate them for being good villains though. Dracs are basically the Forever GMs best friend.
I keep hearing that infantry and combined arms are overpowered, what do they meme by this? If I, for example, wanted to make a guerilla/militia forced consisting of 1 or 2 Mechs and a bunch of anti-Mech infantry, how would I balance the opposing force?
rifleman c 3 has almost max armour / max armour, dumbass. speak not about things you know fuck all about.

it has ac 20 check side torsos and legs 20 and 23. 31 point ct, 19 for the arms. rear armour 8 rear ct and rear side t's 5
Any clan invasion to civil war era firestarter that is good?
I'm looking for mechs to buddy uo with a berserker and a mech that can cause others heat movement penalties seems like a good pairing
They're hard for the typical "mechs only deathmatch" player to handle since they're not taking the right weapons to handle them, and anything taken in large enough numbers becomes very powerful.
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Unsurprisingly I'm all about bringing glory to the Dragon, though I'm playing Lyrans in my next game. My opponent is someone who pokes fun at me for being dracs and bringing battle armor all the time, so I'm bringing picrel in case he tailors against my Kuritans and BA.

~6500 BV, Civil War era was the terms of the match.
go for scarabus, and nightsky, and axman for max fun
anything stopping me from playing actually fair and honorable kuritan like minobu?
Nothing. Minobu was retard and died like retard.
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No, and that brings glory to the Dragon.
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Oh nevermind you playing Dracs
>anything stopping me from playing actually fair and honorable kuritan
As opposed to what, all the minmaxxed kuritan dual CERPPC machines and op MRM boats?
Sure, whether you're going full warcriminal or hyper honorobu, it still fits as a Drac. Dracs have various flavors of crazy to try.
>MRM boats
>MRM boats
>OP MRM boats
>MRM boats
why does it feel like even in introtrch without pulse laser light mechs feel subpar?

Was there a reason St. Ives had such an elite military compared to the rest of the Cappies?

Do you love any IS Faction out of curiosity? Obv not counting greenburd.
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Because lights are often subpar

Isn't that literally what Minobu and the Ryuken are for?
Genuinely surprised I didn't get a bingo.
light mechs aren't actually supposed to engage in direct combat with heavier mechs most of the time
What should one do with them then? I wish to use them desperately but people tell me not to.
>relates to fictional characters
but that's quite literally almost everyone in human history
Use them to fight light vehicles, infantry, and other light mechs, and to scout and capture objectives.
not everything you use has to be good, use what you want
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maybe i should go to a doctor
I sincerely hope this is a joke. Alkso what the fuck are visual and vocal stims?

does this look fun to you?
>visual stims
You know those paint mixing videos on youtube? Things like that where it's just a video that exists to be a nice visual stimulus. Often enjoyed by autism.

>Vocal stims
Many autistic people simply like making noises for the sake of it.

>I sincerely hope this is a joke
Having spent time with bottom, it is not.
A little bit yeah. Fuck.
Glory on paper, seething in private. Expect assassination if not outright seppuku orders.
Your slatterns shame the Dragon.
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Anon, just buy the Rampage that anon linked a few threads ago. You've been agonizing over this for months. Pull the trigger.
Cranky because we get all the omnis and clantech salvage aren't you?
.....do you play this game?
>What should one do with them then?
Use them as cannon fodder.
...i often find myself snapping my finger over and over again. maybe i should be worried
Nah, use your habit to clicker train some puppygirl (male)
it's all the rage in certain subcommunities right now
Those machines belong in the hand of proper Samurai! You tawdry whores have no business on the battlefield.
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one of the guys at my FLGS brought his Wayco's wackos tonight. Best paintjob I've ever seen in person.
what's that mech between the archer and the jaeger (i think)?
Come and take them, then, kusotarre. You can come to me in Albuquerque or meet me at Adepticon next year. If you're a greater warrior than my "mere women", surely you won't hesitate to prove it on the field of battle.
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>I keep hearing that infantry and combined arms are overpowered, what do they meme by this?
They aren't. It's that people can spam a couple dozen units for the price of 6 mechs and then drag the game down into a soul-crushing slog. Especially if they're trying to use the LRM-carrier/infantry spotter combo. If the opponent brought units with a goodly number of Inferno SRM tubes and plasma/flamers/MGs, of course, the conventional force is going to deleted from the table in a handful of turns. An experienced player with a balanced force can handle the swarming without much issue even without the bonuses from setting fucking everything on fire. But in either case it isn't fun at all.

>How can I balance a militia force
Just use a mix of mechs, infantry, and a couple tanks and don't spam shit. Keep in mind that things like the Locust, Wasp, and Stinger are common in-verse partly because they absolutely mulch infantry and they're fast enough you can get a couple of them to an infantry concentration very quickly.

Holy shit, those are nice.
Ymir. He murdered the fuck out of our drac player with it. I was playing against dracs, but the player I was against usually runs FRR or Mariks.
>Holy shit, those are nice.
You want to know what's really crazy? Those aren't decals. He free-handed those insignias. He's a 40k refugee but chill about it, and doesn't hold anyone else to any painting standards. He's one of the good ones.
His edge highlights are very clean but his blue/red stripes could have benefited from some masking.
Lemme guess, eldar player?
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And because I don't feel like a full battlereport, I'm just going to do the highlights. We were using MCA's Instant Action PDF and were playing Death Before Dishonor. I ran a the left list with NARC ammo everywhere that could hold it. He started with all his units clumped up in the center and I started with the SHawk and Treb in pursuit positions with my Albatross and Orion coming on in the midfield.
Why wait? Are there not simulators? Why should we waste the Dragon's resources transporting forces so far?

You do know I'm just doing a bit right?
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I'd say mid-40s? I never asked.

By dumb luck, his positioning of his Thunderbolt let me move my Orion on into kicking range and once it and the Albatross were on it was revealed that the Thud was indeed the objective mech that was trying to escape off the board to my left and I needed to kill it and loot its body. Plenty of shooting happened first turn due to the close proximity of deployment, but both the Treb and Orion missed their NARC launchers, and I got the kick, knocking the Orion down. Despite taking 75 damage (and us using the multiples of 20 make for harder PSAs), my Orion stayed standing.
>Instant Action mentioned
Still trying to come up with a decent sixth Agenda to add in V4. Exterminate ended up being too similar to Confront and Destroy.

I figured. I just wanted to get it out of the way that I wouldn't do the battle via megamek because I don't enjoy it.
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Also fuck Fenrir BA. BA should not be able to carry fucking medium pulse lasers and also move 4. It's some pure goddamn bullshit. (the game basically starting in melee range massively amplified their effectiveness, but it was still obnoxious as hell)

Anyway, turn 2 was the only turn I lost initiative the entire time that the Orion was alive (command console is worth every one of those 3 tons), and I mostly position for future movement, knowing that he HAS to move past me next turn so I'll have plenty of short range shooting. I accept the incoming damage to my Orion's back arc, and continue trying to focus down the Orion.
>Do you love any IS Faction out of curiosity? Obv not counting greenburd.

Well, define "love" a faction.

"Love" to the point where I commonly post support memes and poorly-interpreted fluff snippets selected to make a faction look good? No. Or at least, I try very hard not to. If I'm posting faction memes, I try to make it clear that I'm funposting. I try *extremely* hard not to post deliberately biased information to support my faction (ie, in the vein of "Amaris did nothing wrong" shitposting, and yes, I know that someone is now going to insist that it's true). There are factions I like more than others, and there's factions I actively *dislike*, but I do not love ANY faction to the degree that I'm willing to be deliberately dishonest to support them. As a rule, if I say something about a faction, and I'm not clearly engaging in sarcasm or funposting, then that is an opinion I genuinely hold and is consistent with the information I have read about that faction.

Does that answer your question sufficiently?

Because you have not played double-blind BattleTech in a campaign format. The moment you require recon *and* have any weather or planetary conditions other than "sunny daylight", I assure you, Light Mechs suddenly have an incredibly important niche.

Might as well ask why light cavalry exist in Napoleonics, when you can get cuirassiers instead.
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Turn 3 I move the Orion over the hill so that his now shredded back isn't shootable, but it turns out to not matter since the Daikyu just got around the hill anyway and lands every single gun, knocking the Orion down. Despite me winning initiative, I ended up with some pretty bad placement just due to delaying the Trebuchet and Orion till pretty late in the turn because I wanted to protect their thin/weakened armor. The Thunderbolt also managed to hide itself from the Albatross and Orion, so I have relatively little fire on it. I think this was the turn I landed a NARC beacon on a BA squad after overkilling the hell out of the other 2 troopers. I forget when exactly I did that, but it wound up that bad dice luck resulted in stuff like one BA trooper eating 5 ML damage and then the LB10X slug going into that same trooper. Shoulda rolled those in reverse order.
Shame, I can't afford the trip to either Abaqurque or Adepticon. At least not this year. Maybe my finances will improve in the future.
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I win initiative again due to us keeping on tieing on dice and then the command cockpit's +1 being the deciding factor. The Thunderbolt's flight is catcable if I get my Orion back up on the first try. It's possible to get my Orion out of this gangbang if I get it up on even the second try. I fail with snake eyes and then a 3. My Orion stands on the third attempt, but it is now at 1 hex from squads of Fenrirs, at short range of a very nasty Archer, and 3 hexes from the Daikyu with its Streak 6s and ERPPC. The SHawk I brought south as an early intiative sink to get away from the Archer, and the Trebuchet I kept going south around the lake to cut off future movement, hoping that I'll finally get the NARC beacon on the Thud.

And I do get the NARC, and not only the NARC, but three Seperate LB10X BBs all go to the dome, and the pilot fails the 2nd conciousness check. I tear off both arms via internal structure, and one of the legs via BB getting boxcars on the crit check. Landing that kick at the start of the battle is what had put enough damage on it to allow my LBX BBs from the Orion and Albatross to check for crits. Since the Thunderbolt pilot is unconscious, he can't make the ride-it-down check and takes another pilot hit, pushing him up to 4 pilot damage in a single firing phase. I pay the price for it as one of the MPLs from the Fenrirs goes to the Orion's head also, decapitating it thanks to another head hit from another Fenrir pulse laser earlier in the fight.

I just need to finish off the downed Thunderbolt and then loot the body, while the OPFOR's goal is now to play goalkeeper and keep me off the hex in question.
fair point, but i doubt many people would play double blind and 90% of the time it will be on plain view no weather because of the troubles
You say that. Now I'm going to get my hands on a fog machine. Fuck you, it's immersive.
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Turn 5 I finally lose initiative and as this image was taken after shooting phase was already done; no prizes for guessing what mech is missing. (this is also why the Albatross is missing its shooting numbers)

Anyway, I bring the Treb and SHawk into protected wooded hexes, and with the Thud immobile due to unconcious pilot it's an impossible to miss target. I can't get my Albatross as close as I'd like, but I can at least put it where the Daikyu can't get a kick on its punch chart. I mag-dump with every mech I have, saving only the Albatross's firepower so as to keep it fast enough to go kick next turn if I need to. This turns out to be unecessary as with 3 limbs gone, most of the location chart is now just sinking into the side torsos and before too long one of my crit checks gives me that delicious machinegun ammo bin and while the CASE keeps the mech alive, the pilot takes 2 hits and is now dead. The return fire is much less good for my foe than it has been in previous turns, and the Albatross and Shadowhawk are both barely touched, the Daikyu misses its kick, and I can get all my mechs to almost on top of the objective with one turn's movement. My opponent concedes and we both agree that it's a good scenario. I got lucky that he went with his Thud rather than the Daikyu as the mech to be chased, because I probably couldn't have caught that due to its top speed equaling my best 2 top speeds.
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the night's other game, a 3way between Waco's Rangers, Taurians and Dracs. You can see the Ymir stomping on a Panther that it caught.
final thoughts: Despite going for a NARC beacon build, I didn't start landing the stupid things until the game was almost over, so they did almost nothing all game long. I think I got 3 extra missiles out of them the entire course of the game.

LB10Xs were my fucking heroes of the night. floating TACs are murderous (one of the headshots was actually a TAC that failed to confirm the crit). I had some pretty damn good dice luck even if it didn't feel like it earlier on when I was trying to stand my Orion or doing some of my shooting where it was like "here's 7 guns that have TN 8. all but one will miss". Swings and roundabouts as they say.

Shadow Hawk 5M is a meme that DIRELY needs more ammo. Can we get a missile type that's like caseless autocannon ammo? SHawk 5M just can't perform with 1 ton of ammo for both an Ultra 5 and an LRM20. It did acceptable damage, but the Griffin 3M is better in every way.

Daikyu is scary AF. Like the Fenrirs, this is largely an artificial element caused by starting the game with mechs in kicking range, but damn do I not like having to fight mechs with 2 streak-6s on them. I've had a bad time every time.

The Archer, like all LL Archers, wasn't a very good Archer. Too hot to use the missiles and lasers together, and it paid in having less good missiles to do so.

Trebuchet needs more armor. I included it mostly because I didn't want to have only 1 mech with a NARC launcher, and the Trebuchet at least brings its own LRMs unlike something like a Raven, but I might have been better off with the Raven and replacing the Trebuchet with something that spent that XL engine tonnage on enough armor to not have to spend half the fight kiting away from the actual fighting.
forgot pic.
I get happy whenever I see a mech with a Streak 6 upgrade variant. Those things fuck.
I've only ever fought 3 times against mechs with twin streak sixes, but twice it was the Tukkayid Madcat and then tonight it was the Daikyu. They're disgustingly good. Several firing phases looked a lot like "Okay, that's 18 damage from the auto-hitting Fenrir pulse lasers, and now here comes 24 streak damage and an ERPPC from the Daikyu. That's a falldown at +2. Even if my Orion hadn't gotten decapitated, it wasn't long for this world.
Like the means are there, and people with severe mental health issues still exist.

But you won't find a whole group of them and you won't find a whole group that is rich enough to get gear good enough to let them pilot mechs afterwards. You're just producing a group of electronic cripples that can't even Yourdudes properly here, and people will throw rocks at them.

As for the Wobbies - they aren't that group. They got cyborgified it as it constituted an upgrade of their abilities, which was meant to make it easier to fulfill their self-assumed mission towards humanity. They were a suicide cult and they also were a penance cult.
>The Archer, like all LL Archers, wasn't a very good Archer. Too hot to use the missiles and lasers together, and it paid in having less good missiles to do so.

Archer (wolf) in RG 10 begs to differ. 15 DHS puts it at +6 heat if it shoots both large lasers and both lrm20's. for +8 heat if it runs.
>Well, define "love" a faction.
Love is when you bang his door at night.
Japanese has two separate words for love – ai and koi. Koi is like puppy love. It’s swift, passionate, and very emotional. Ai is deeper. Koi is always selfish, always wanting. Ai is always giving. The differentiation is something lacking in English, and so it’s hard to teach people the difference between the two kinds of love
>Lyran Fanboy

I swear people can't read.
No, you didn't answer their question at all. Although the anons question should have used "like" instead of "love"
Fair enough, I haven't gone through all the recognition guides yet.
>answers a question
>no, you should have answered a totally different question using different words
The answer is the paint scheme

The 'goon archer loses a shitload of armor to get where it is, and Jamie's personal ride cheats with MixTech. While also being a unique, personal ace custom.
Crossbow B (or A if you want a couple of MPLs). Fun times.
Wrong. Archer (wolf) is full clan tech. Iy has 90%+ armour coverage. See the damn sheet. Goons sheet pack or rg10 /15
Also, it's Jamie Fucking Wolf, so mech configurations that would get a mere morta pilotl slain can be used to great effect thanks to all that Wolf plot armor.

It's one of those lore and tabletop divergences, because on the table, it doesn't matter if my pilot is 0/0 because the Gauss Rifle hits me all the same, bit Jamie Wolf can dance on your face and dodge lightspeed particle weapons because he's Jamie Wolf.
CGL have a whole bunch of free sheet downloads that cover all the forcepacks they have out. and the merc flavoured ones for specific units have some honestly fucking atrociously optimised mechs that STILL fit the wysiwyg of the miniature of their models, either the base or variant models they have.

for example, the BJ 2 ? with its 4 ssrm2's and 2 lpl, also has the sheet with it for a BJC that's all clantech and has 2clpl and 2cssrm4, whilst being a 4/6/4 csfe jumper with almost max armour. the little bastard is especially vicious.

I urge anyone to look up these newest versions. it means you can use ANY of your favourite mechs in any era and have them be compatible andcompetitive, since it's much fairer if everyone is using clan tech, but you personally might HATE clanmechs

so there's an all clantech kurita archer, and allclantech W archer with the srm packs.
and as ialsomentioned up the thread, a truly fucking evil rifleman that is all clantech but duplicates the base model, only far more evil. did i mention the eeeeeeeevvvvviiiillllll?
>Cranking out heavily-optimized versions to go with a new minis release
>guys it's cool, we're not trying to do the 40k thing
>uh, those rumors about us doing a new rulebook version are a joke
>we swear
>unless you like them

>Ubiquitous Clantech before 3100
Pick one.
the aforementioned rifleman c 3 is 'made' / 'converted' by clan happy space merchants. and is available from the golden century, before the clans even invented omnimechs, all the way through the ilclan 'current' era. there is zero reason you cannot have one bought from the sharkfoxes or have one converted to c 3 spec by the sharkfoxes. AND all for FAR FAR less than the price of some fucking omnimech atrocity-abomination.
fuck wysiwyg. Just let upgrades be whatever seems interesting without needing to stick exactly to the model.
wysiwyg is totally fine if the person doing it WANTS to do it. any retarded fuck trying to FORCE people to do it like some wannabe GW tourney fag, needs to die.

IF you want the BNC 3S model cgl make to stand in for the BNC 3Q, who the fuck should have anything to say about it?
On the flip side, CGL making sure every mech that gets a plastic gets an ilClan era variant that matches that plastic is also a good call, since it means we can do no-effort WYSIWYG in the new era. And it's not like it takes a lot of effort or anything, the people working on the rec guide spend twenty minutes in Megamek Lab making a new variant and write up a bit of fluff.
yep. even for old 'shitmechs' that still have diehard fans, like, that blackjack.
is 'don't use mutiple of the same mech' a rule or a gentlemen's agreement?
By far the weirdest is the Assassin 109 with its iOS SRM2

Gentleman's agreement at best, but not necessarily even that. In the lore, House Kurita is notable for fielding pure lances of Jenners, Panthers, and Grand Dragons
companies of* not lances, companies.
sharkfoxes don't sell clan military tech to non-clanners
Skirting the question is not an answer, anon
unless someone's spamming out Wolverine 6Ms in introtech or Gausszilla Annihilators or something, it's not going to be an issue.
They start doing so in the 3060s with the Mad Cat Mk II, which is branded as Mad Cat rather than Timber Wolf specifically to sell to spheroids. By the 32nd century they've built an entire business model around it. The Tiburon is notable as not being intended for export, instead built for their own warriors.
That's incorrect. They sell clan military tech to Spheroids and Mercs all the time. Hell, the Mad Cat III was intended for Clan and IS sales with the Clanners snubbing it

and you just know their very first wave of business was to sell all their 'old' stock to the 'stupid dumb spheroids' who of course ate up ALL those designs as fast as the sharkfoxes could provide them.
To be fair, the only ones "held to painting standards" here are Nuln and TMNT anons, and that's purely down to them sperging out and attacking those offering advice or criticism whilst also insisting (especially notable in Nulns case) on spamming threads with the same photos of their shoddy paintwork again and again. And it really is spam, nuln can somehow post the exact same identical photo 2 or 3 times in the same thread without the system detecting it.
If either of them was humble, listened to advice, or just didn't spam, no-one would take issue.
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>identical photo 2 or 3 times in the same thread without the system detecting it
If you open a photo in MS paint, add a single pixel of a slightly different color, and save with a different name, it's not a duplicate file so the system doesn't catch it.
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Like so
wrong, they are different but similar photos. and I refuse to kowtow to people who DEMAND I do things THEIR way because i am
I push back at tinpot wannabe dictators, you giant cocksucking faggot.
wrong, nothing so retarded. its just more than one photo.
If being extremely stubborn and refusing to develop skills is your way of having "fun" I'd hate to know what you actually do for fun
WHM-6D or MAD-3D for the last mech?
Warham, MAD is too fragile and your Rifleman will already be your backline boy
wrong again, project harder, loser.

>develop skills within the limits you have and recognise them
its called a strengths-based approach.

I bet you are one of those demented condescending, patronising fucks that tells a quadriplegic downs syndrome kid they too can be an brain surgeon and astronaut.

being cruel with your 'kindness' to the 'less fortunate' to make yourself feel better. you think you're doing the right thing, but because you're an ignorant retard you do far more harm than good.
>crying this hard
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a simple refused flank formation making use of terrain features as defensive works. tyhe water is a defensive bluwark against anything slow and heavy hitting the refused flank, with a counter-concentration of heavy mechs on the formation's left flank instead, with the unit's heaviest metal anchoring the centre.
You suck at gas lighting people
its not gaslighting, moron.
Yes it is. You're crazy.
wrong, you're just ignorant and uneducated.
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Dog patrol on the lookout for trouble. standard snoop and scoot RoE apply, Spot and ID targets, then GTFO
>wrong, nothing so retarded. its just more than one photo.
Weird that, no-one else can post multiples of the same unedited photo. That and you know when anons have been banned, almost like someone on the moderation team is giving you special privileges.

>>develop skills within the limits you have and recognise them
>its called a strengths-based approach.
No it's not and I am ashamed that a fellow male would make such a weak and female excuse. You quite literally are manic and to quote brikwars users on him; "didnt try, never will, but let me tell you the reasons its not my fault". Right there, that's your excuse summed up.
So what you're saying is you can't improve your miniature painting because you've hit your skill ceiling and that putting PVA glue on a base and dipping it into flock is beyond your skill level to do?
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What's a mech or other unit you personally like but don't see used or talked about very much? For me it's the Phoenix Hawk IIC.

>039 response
did you even read? its a DIFFERENT photo, clown.
>140 'response'
again, total failure at reading comprehension, maybe instead of demanding the one legged man win a butt kicking competition, you should learn to fucking read.

wrong. THAT I blatantly refused to do because I think it's retarded shit hat is going to wear of and break. looks like shit. i am NOT glueing shit to my miniatures TYVM, you delusional projection artiste.
anybody know what makes shg-2e standard, not introtech?
>again, total failure at reading comprehension, maybe instead of demanding the one legged man win a butt kicking competition, you should learn to fucking read.
"I refuse to try and apply these basic techniques that a 10 year old could do or to apply basic basing techniques that would make my minis look 10X better, this is the same as a legless man being unable to climb a mountain or a downy be unable to be a brain surgeon"
"Didnt try, never will, but let me tell you the reason why it's not my fault"
that's a pretty manic post bro
i don't care you schizophrenic fuck, you think anyone who disagrees with you or who won't fucking kowtow to you is 'manic' you cunt, and near as i can tell he has been gone for YEARS now.
manic moment
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go forth and fuck thineself
no matter how many times you REEEE it, it doesn't make it so, faggot.
New thread: >>93188339
>near as i can tell he has been gone for YEARS now.
Given he posted last thread and this thread, I feel your powers of observance are on par with your painting ability.

Holy kek, now this is an autistic meltdown if I ever saw one.
well that and art isn’t canon, let alone the fact the pic doesn’t say where or when it takes place
I aint the faggot who decides what other people do thousands of miles away MUST be told to do it 'my' way and 'my' way only, you psycho.
every. single.time thht i tell one of you faggots NO you act like i fucking killed and then raped your mom and sisters.
THAT is the sign of the fucking autist. you retard. I am just stubborn and you cannot MAKE me do something I have decided NOT to.
The full page has the caption
>Catering to the eccentric fantasies of the sinfully wealthy on Hardcore takes more than a few hours in makeup, but at least the pay’s good

Hardcore is a Canopian planet
>Stone's Defenders use a dark brown paint scheme with bone white skeletons interwoven with vines.

is this the hardest canon color scheme?
Absolutely canon, it's in the AToW Companion book.
It feels like he's getting worse. I don't remember him being this obnoxious a few months back.
You know you can just not reply to posts, right? Someone’s antagonizing him, great, just ignore it instead of shitting up the thread. Set a filter up, it’s not that hard.
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Okay. So, no cyberpunk cyborgs.

Are cannibals who worship Satan and his prophet Amaris lore friendly? Maybe they could still replace their limbs with type 3 and better bionics for religious reasons if they get the opportunity to do so, that doesn’t seem to be too crippling.

The could be pirates or perhaps mercenaries, Satan demands opulent altars and that is gonna cost a lot + they get to murder people for Satan and eat them and also kidnap children to brainwash them into the cult
The Ghosts are harder because the base is white and dragon tattoos are harder than skeletons.
Nope, the book doesn’t establish anything in relation to the art.
Ignore anons bullshit, for Comstar, Clans, Dragoons, Highlanders, Solaris VII and Snords Irregulars, cyber prosthetics are all easy and varying degrees of common, with so many sources there is no reason Yourdudes can't be all cyborged, hell Dragoons even canonically used some of their advanced medtech on outsiders just as repayment of favours!

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