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Previously: >>93163979

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Post the strongest deck in the last game you played. Not necessarily your deck or the deck that won, just the deck that felt overall the most powerful.
>oops I win on turn 4 lmao
my buddy's sheoldred deck. i was using my izzet spellslinger but didn't quite have enough gas to knock ppl out or draw enough counter magic to stop his "win the game" combos
the last pod I played was everyone doing their pride month cedh commander and me just randomly throwing a second legendary next to zurzoth
the strongest deck in the pod was kinnan/tivit
yes it was about as pure sloppa as you can imagine
alt TQ:
How many decks do you have assembled right now?
40 (forty) starting life is superior to 30 (thirty)
I've lost count. 7 or 8?
Six. R, UR, RG, URW, RGW, GUR. If I could ever decide on a Boros deck to build, I'd have the complete set.
Okay what if there was a format where you had say 50 of spells of each color, colorless, multicolor/hybrid, and lands. I'm not totally sure about how drawing cards and starting life total would be. But I guess you could select which decks you draw from? Stack your green deck with ramp? Blue with counters etc
Eleven. In order to ensure none of them is neglected every time i play i roll a dice to decide a deck to play, then exclude it from subsequent rolls until all decks are played and i reset the system
Gay Bolas
I forgot to say that this format might be even better with bigger decks. 125 cards per deck for 1000 in total
Who is more fun at the head of a toughness deck, arcades or pride of hull clade?
>he's not high test at all
Who would you put in place of those colors?
38, and I have 24 more planned.
Surprisingly Arcades was not that fun.
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>reaper king
>ur dragon
>jodah the unifier
>lucea kane
>emmara, soul of the accord
>teysa karlov
>tinybones, trinket thief
>10th Doctor
>2nd Doctor
>14th Doctor
>Ellie and Alan
I still have the MH3 precons set up as well aside from Omo being heavily changed and upgraded.
At least 30. Probably closer to 40, but half my stuff is in storage right now so an exact count might be hard.
Nta but you can pick almost any other rakdos commander and it would be higher test than shitwing the risen
Who would you pick as the highest test rakdos?
Mogis for old SOUL
Rakdos for new (but kinda soulless) FUN
>How many decks do you have assembled right now?
Twenty eight: six mono-color, fourteen dual-color, seven three-color, and one five-color.

Two more on the active burner: another five-color, and a dual-color. Twelve more with some cards pulled: three mono-color, four dual-color, four three-color, and one five-color.
i love my rakdos brawl deck. it's a bunch of threaten and sacrifice effects. it really does not do super great against spellslinger/control decks, but absolutely dunks on creature based strategies. it is especially funny, because opponents are never expecting to go against decks that run hijack and kari zev's expertise and a bunch of other similar cards. fuck it feels good to dunk on people with jank that shouldn't be good.
Post reaper king pls
Lmao is that Huski guy from the last thread still here? Kicked his ass in my first ever MTGO game like three or four hours ago using the basic bitch Braids starter deck.
9, but I've got most of another on the way.
Just make a big ol judge tower
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Rakdos LoR
Rakdos the muscle
Mogis god of slaughter
Kroxa titan of deaths hunger
Ob Nixilis captive kingpin
Is there any commander more overhyped than he was?
Order of power level:
>Merry & Pippin
>Magus Lucea Kane
he was hyped?
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Any word on what impending does? The art on the Overlord is kino
Based on the name, the mana cost, and the number, I imagine it's some kind of suspend retread, but perhaps counted down by something other than turns passing.
I'm taking some apart. Finding I don't need anything more than maybe 4 or 5 EDH decks, and 5 Pauper EDH decks (1 for each mono color). Anything else is mastabatory for no reason, because I will never pkay that many decks reliably.
my shot in the dark guess: it loses a counter every time an opponent casts a spell. fits kind of with a "horror movie" feel. don't. move. a muscle. the beast approaches as you run/make frantic movement kind of idea.
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>Mr. House
>The Master

My decks vary from UBslop to cEDH cringe to 100 dollar jank. I am the consoomer.
That'd be pretty bold, considering how much Maro has trashed the Gotcha mechanic from Unhinged as bad design for disincentivizing engagement.
Maro also didn't want Time Lord as a two word type. Maro doesn't always get his way.
6 decks
4 precons
i was thinking that but just for whenever you cast a spell or maybe whenever anyone casts a spell
Based anon who actually enjoys the game and doesn't limit himself.
Also which Master? We have like 4.
That the one with Purporos that was targeted by the 4th guy with Return to Nature and was allowed to shit out a ton of cards via Powerbalance?
It might be "pay the impending cost, this creature enters as an enchantment but not a creature, with counters on it, remove at upkeep and when they're all removed it becomes a creature".
what >>93177907 said, but also i'm guessing the time he said that was from a different era of magic as well. the game has gotten very fast, and having a mechanic that slows the game down/punishes opponents for being too greedy/trying to storm off might be something design is willing to try out.
Yeah, but a mechanic that tries to encourage your opponent not to cast spells--but, notably, wouldn't discourage them from Impending other cards of their own to put you in the same bind--feels like it would lead to unfun games.
where were these revealed
"Impending" sounds inevitable, so it's more likely just an upkeep thing or some such, but a different approach to suspend.
Yeah. Idk what that guy was thinking I was sure he was going to target Powerbalance. I just got lucky desu if I didn't draw that Asphodel Purphoros was going to run away with it. Although he did kind of fuck up sacrificing that one card that let him pay 1 red to bounce it back to hand and gain like 3 mana, whatever that was, I have no idea why he sac'd that since none of us had any removal for it.
I think this is most likely the answer. The real question is whether it will be that you cast it as a noncreature enchantment--like Bestow--or if it's still a creature spell if you cast it for its Impending cost.
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Japanese MTG Twitter, they're part of what seems to be 10 Japanese art showcases that they've said they're looking to be doing every set afterwards. Makes sense, Japanese alt-art stuff is very popular. Seems the 10 for DSK are this cycle of "Overlord of the [Thing]" and the other cycle of "Enduring [Thing]". Pic-related is "Enduring Curiosity", for instance.
I wanted to hit your Gary with that Bedevil, but I screwed the timing up (let's be real, I was fucked either way). GG, Braids is dope.
Most likely it's cast as a noncreature, it's an alternate casting method like suspend and that's probably roped into it.
Yeah, I think if the Purphoros hadn't done anything during that whole interaction during my end step that probably would have actually kept you alive with like 1 or 2 life cause it would have reduced the damage the Asphodel did but with him playing that instant speed get 3 tokens spell that put you at like 4 life or whatever and then it was over lol. That was a fun game, I actually don't like Braids very much, right now I'm still in the middle of trying to figure out MTGO and put a deck together lol. That one I played you with was just the free starter commander deck, I didn't even know what was in there.
Thing is, you don't cast something when you pay its suspend cost. They could easily template it as
>If you cast this spell for its Impending cost, it enters the battlefield with N spoopy counters on it. For as long as it has a spoopy counter on it, it isn't a creature and it gains "At the beginning of your upkeep, remove one spoopy counter from this permament".
To me, in a dream
True. I'm not sure how much it'll matter that it's not cast as a noncreature but I can see it being a sticking point for some people in some decks. That's assuming I'm right with what impending means, but it's very clearly templated like a suspend variant.
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How many Pyroblast variants is too many in Mono Red?
I figure I can just load up on them since I can discard them later if I dont need em.
This is now how I thought duskmourne would look at all
Any Lucea Kane players want to give input if any of the cards in the maybeboard are worth a slot in the 99? Ignore the Wastes, the manabase is unfinished.
I'm actually just going to stop playing stuff like Heroic Intervention in my creature decks. What is the point of making my board indestructible when people only play Farewell/Toxic Deluge/Cyclonic Rift/Sunfall? I feel like the only ways to actually protect yourself from boardwipes now are counterspells or phase-out effects
I won a game last night specifically from Heroic Interventioning when my opponent cast Ondu Inversion. And at a point earlier the game, he Boros Charmed to try to protect all of his shit from a Bane of Progress. Indestructible is still good.
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The Master Multiplied. It's basically a Rakdos Clones deck that kills the whole table if I can swing out and cast one of the red extra turn spells. It used to be much more all-in on the Master but everyone caught wise to the fact that the deck doesn't do anything if you just kill the original at the start of combat. So now I clone stuff like Gary and grind as a backup plan.
It can be a pretty significant difference in some cases.
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>Enduring Curiosity/Innocence/Courage
what will they do
It sounds like you're being a salty bitch about counterplays existing. No strategy should ever have a 100% effective means of shutting down interaction.
They'll presumably all be retreads of iconic enchantments, the way the black one is Sanguine Bond. Courage is probably an Impact Tremors or Gratuitous Violence variant. I can see Innocence as Kismet or one of its many variants. If Curiosity is a Rhystic Study retread I'll laugh at the resulting complaints.
These look SO much like Pokemon full art cards, to the point where i had to check if either artist had ever made art for the pokemon TCG, but no, they haven't. I really like them.

If that's the case, it seems really difficult to balance in commander. Overlord of the Hauntwoods is basically always just a 3-drop you get almost immediately in EDH if it ticks down from opponents casting spells
>it seems really difficult to balance in commander
doesn;t matter, casual format, don't like it? rule 0 :^)
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Took Apart
>Food and Fellowship precon

>Mishra Eminent One

Basically any equipment/artifact shit.
On the other hand, if it's what >>93177926 said, then it's just a Cultivate that turns into a dude after four turns.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
8 precons
I need to make my own deck.
im still semi new
so i made that orhzov lifegain deck with flicker
but im partial to tokens, moreso than ETB
Teysa, Envoy of Tits is the preferred commander, but if i gather correctly she is a voltron commander

is Denethor a better choice for a commander, if i stick to lifedrain/token spam?
if so, what do you recommend for token protection, save from angels?
32, one of each color combo ranging in power from almost cedh (mono-colored and yuriko) to a shit pile that is pretty much non-functional (Yidris living end).
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I wanna build an Izzet deck, which one is more kino?
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This one
What do Rainbow foils look like? Heard they don't look like anything different from regular foils.
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40. Beat the 32 Challenge a long time ago but currently switch OG Karn to Emrakul the Promised End because I have awakened my power of making terrible decisions for people
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I had this deck but it was basically a "one time win" commander. After playing it once, everyone realized I needed to be killed ASAP or they had to ensure The Master neve hit the field. So, every game was just "If I summon the Master, I win." and it was very all or nothing, where the deck either won massively or just shit the bed and durdled. It also felt like expensive ass mana rocks were too needed for the deck, because you need The Master out as fast as possible, and if he dies even once, that's going to be 8 mana so your deck functions again.

Was pretty disappointed when I built him and didn't keep the deck very long.
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>deck has 29 lands
>get flooded
>deck has 41 lands
>can't draw lands
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Saheeli since Jhoira is just a worse 10th Doctor desu
How many of you play on X-mage for EDH with randoms?
I have over 150 games and have a pretty good experience with it and most people respect EDH etiquette.
I haven't played ANY EDH in weeks. No time lately.
wtf I thought this was about videogames
Ah yes, I was looking for a reason to add counterspell numbers 6 through 15 to my deck.
In what way is discovery a "fix" cascade as I hear people say? It seems like a straight upgrade to an already busted mechanic.
Because if you hit something you don't want to cast off of cascade, it goes onto the bottom with the rest of the revealed cards, whereas discover lets you put it into your hand if you choose not to cast the card. Discover doesn't fuck you over on counterspells, X costs or alternate costs.
I figured when people said fixed, they meant a fair version of cascade. Not an even more broken version. That's not really a fix. That's called power creep.
That's the logic WotC gave. Cascade is broken, yeah, but sometimes it doesn't get something you want immediately and that feels bad. Even if it's overpowered, that very very rare chance of not working made it feel unfun to use sometimes, so it needed a buff.
You need more draw. Don't listen to retards that tell you to go beyond 35-6 lands. That is more than a 3rd of your deck.
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30 life
3 players
60 cards
pioneer cardpool
>deck has 30 draw cards
>dont draw any
None. You want kino, you play Zndrsplit//Okaum
How will draw help him not get flooded at 29 lands?
Handling 100 cards is quite annoying and the chance you get clogged is higher, but with 60 cards you are going to play the same game every time.
discover is mechanically fixed since it's more versatile/can be more restrictive. Cascade is a cast trigger fully reliant on the CMC of the cast spell. Discover is just a keyword that can be activated for whatever value you think is balanced for designing a card that could be activated through cast or any other means an ability could be activated
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I wouldn't say that. Alot of the space in those 100 is usually stuffed with generic goodstuffs and slightly worse versions of generic goodstuffs to fill it all out. Same with alot of the synergy pieces, padded out with identical or near identical effects. The actual quirky gimmicky shit you want to do has a comparitively small share of the deck. With a smaller pool you'll still see those same generic cards you'd normally see, but you're more likely to see the pieces you actually want and can make a more focused and fun gameplan.

t. former yugioh player who knows what the same thing every game looks like.
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just play a fun deck bro
Magic players have no idea how good they have it sometimes
>play one wordy card in EDH
>everyone groans and whines at the table
Could be like Yugioh where every single card is WORDSWORDSWORDS. Be happy it's only some cards in magic.
Pantlaza dino tribal + cascade/exile
Miirym dragon tribal + clones/flicker/burn (cancer, going to dismantle)
Caesar unmodified precon

Other decks I use online and might get (or at least proxy for the few times I play irl)
Volo Guide To Monsters beatdown
Urza Lord High Artificer ultrabudget (half the cost is Urza himself)
Etali Primal Conqueror clones/flicker (kinda sucks, might dismantle)
Lynde curses (this one sucks fat cock, going to dismantle)
Mr. House dice rolls
Twilight Sparkle group hug
39-40 lands with several utility lands is the ideal ratio. 35 is just asking to miss drops.
>Putting 5 more lands is somehow going to make sure you will not miss land drops
>Meanwhile nearly half your deck is lands, +30-40% ramp, draw, removal and boardwipes
>10 cards remaining for tutors and infinite combos

The other guy is right, 60 cards starts making more sense.
I always have 40 lands in my decks.
Hitting those early land drops is crucial. Draw is good but you don't want to be relying on draw spells just to grab lands for you. Better to have the gas and use draw spells to grab the bombs than have the bombs and use draw spells to grab the gas.

I also play casually and look down on anyone that uses tutors or combos.
39-40 makes sense if you're running a lands deck. If not, you probably shouldn't be using the same amount of lands as a landfall deck.
39-40 is asking for an opening hand of 6 lands. So I hope your deck can make use of that.
t. Pentlaza deck
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Did I stutter? I said ALL my decks.
No treasures.
t. Ur dragon player
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based as fuck card
Wrong, fucko.

Use this with Great Henge and Skullspore Nexus for giggles.
you slap down this bad boy and rummage through your collection of artifact cards for a big play
whats the card /edhg/?
owari da
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I still think battles are pretty clunky.
Is it worth playing these for the creature on the back or should I basically be playing these for the front side and just taking potshots at it if the opponent has no blockers?
I could say 3 with parts can swap in and out on the deck.

Angry Omnath
Falco Spara
Perrie the Pulverizer
Blim,Comedic Genius
$100 Ob Nixilis,Captive Kingpin
>Fallout Precon
Mothman counters
The Master creature payoffs
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>swing at one person for 6 damage because they have the most life and board presence.
>immediately one shots me on their next turn with a 22/22 in response.
I guess I deserved it.
>Ashnod, Flesh Mechanist
>Gandalf the White
>Saruman, the White Hand
>Rocco, Street Chef
>Samut, Voice of Dissent
>Burakos/Folk Hero
>Grenzo, Dungeon Warden

i like variety and i like to keep decks around and tune them. I rarely take apart dekcs, there has been a few i have binnend and others rebuilt to ones in the list
i like your autisitc listing in WUBRG order
based UB retard.
did Doctor Who actually pull you in?
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Pull me into what?
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petty plays is what i play this format for. i love to punish stupid plays, even if it costs me the game too
into EDH and/or magic in general, darling
I like to cast worldfire when I am going to lose, just as a fuck you to everyone else.
Played from 2011 until 2015. Quit because standard sucked and modern was too expensive. LOTR is the main reason I came back.
i dont think they were groundbreaking or worthy of their hype as well, but some are very sweet that want to be flipped.
at least in my playgroup no one ever blocks for these battle anyways if they would lose a creature over it
Multiple questions about this card
>how does a single creature deal combat damage to multiple players in a single combat?
>does this suck ass? feels like its effect is impossible to get off unless you have flyers against no reach/flying or one of those unblockable cards but the benefit doesn't seem worthwhile? You lose damage and get some Mites which can't block
>not picking a commander because a stronger one exists
are you an actual child?
I wish Battles offered incentives for other players to hit them, currently its basically a single player mechanic because why would you hit someone else's Battle to give them an 8/8 unless you are trolling.
If it were something like
>If a player deals combat damage to this Battle, that player draws a card.
>If a source deals damage to this Battle, that source's controller gains life equal to the damage dealt.
It at least offers incentive to swing at it for card draw/life and the Battle's owner gets the benefit of depleting the Battle's defense counters without effort
White Gandalf
Runo Stormkraken
Ojer Axonil
>Playing top tier is what children do. Adults play subpar things
This post makes no sense. Take more time to think of your (attempted) insult. 0/10 see me after thread
why would you just rule out perfectly good jank, just because stronger, powercrept shit exists?
meet up at the parking lot, no kicking
It's a bad card. Only way I can think of how a creature would deal combat damage to multiple players in a single combat is if the creature had double strike and after the first damage step someone used a damage redirection spell or effect, such as Mirror Strike. As far as I'm aware, all attacker redirection effects have to be done in declare attackers step.
In any case, the "one or more players" part is worthless, but wouldn't be the first time when there's unnecessarily convoluted wording to take into account some extreme corner case or corner case that will happen maybe in the future, like if they print a card that has a triggered ability that causes the creature to do combat damage to all of your other opponents on damage and it's all considered combat damage.
>why would you just rule out perfectly good jank, just because stronger, powercrept shit exists?
Why would you play something shittier?
>got pulled aside at the LGS and told I should consider retiring my stax/MLD deck
i fucking hate crawbabies
is it purely casual or is it for prizing?
If it casual, I could understand how facing stax/MLD would be a dampener on the play session.
If prizing is involved, tell them to go fuck themselves, there has to be a winner and its YOU
I love MLD being a sin. I can run absurdly powerful lands and no one can do shit.
35, going down to 32. I try to keep around that number because any more and I never really play any of them.
>Muxus Goblin tribal
>Rog/ Krark storm
>Vaevictis Asmadi dragon tribal ramp
>Gandalf, Friend of the Shire Polymorph control
>Bilbo, Birthday Celebrant soul sisters aristocrats
>Mycotyrant loampox
>Thrun, the last Troll enchantress voltron
Maybe you should send them a message next time and destroy not only their lands but everything they got.
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>all you need is one mountain and a group ping
could work for my burn deck, if it wouldn't usually win by t5-6
why am I not allowed to remove everyones field of the dead at the same time again? am I supposed to just 1for1 myself against 3 players or what >>93179710
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between exit from exile , zulodok precon and kaalia , which performs the best out of the box . Will use one of those for a precum tournament this friday . Some ppl say playing with zulodok makes you archenemy pretty fast , kaalia is a litle outdated perhaps ?
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Anyone else have satin towers get really sticky suddenly?
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stop hotgluin that shit anon
That was me, sorry. They're just so sexy.
Kaalia precon is hot garbage, as are all other MTG:Commander precons too. If exit from exile is the one that had Faldorn, it's pretty good.
a tournament based on the incredibly unbalanced precooms von WotC? do they just want to see the same 3 decks or what?
I mean the outsides. They're like gaumy, like they got soaked in something. They were in a case.
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You're overestimating that each player on the table will have a flyer blocker. For the mites, just sac them to whatever value generator or buff them with anthem. It's true the commander herself isn't strong enough but if the effect connects once it can snowball fast enough because now everyone has to decide whether to choke some poison or giving out more mites to you.
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>MOM Ephara would be perfect for my Jeskai enchantments deck
>but the deck contains literally no auras, gods, or demigods
It's a very specific kind of pain.
its not like you have to do any of this just to play that card, its still a 3 mana card with a very minor hoop to jump through. you can always just run all the glitters or something to help you get that Ephara
Only 1, and its not really finished yet. I'm mostly a 60 card player, but have a Bhaal Lord of Murder deck that I am slowly upgrading/pimping out. I think it's getting a bit too strong for the group I've got at the moment, so I'll probably start collecting the cards I need for my Thrun voltron deck.
In 60 card formats, I've got a modern and 2 pioneer decks sleeved up at the moment. Could probably throw something together in legacy bar fullsets of dual lands.
could be a reaction to sweat. I know lots of soft synthetic material that shows that kind of reaction to sweat over long time, especially if you have somewhat acidic sweat (usually a fat people issue).
problem is, once the damage is done, you cannot reverse it. your best bet for the future is to clean your non-damaged stuff after every time you use it. any very mild soap solution should do the trick, but use very sparsely to not damage the box.
I have two that have a weird film building around them, but the rest are fine. Legit no idea why, and they all are stored in the same spot. Apperantly it's not uncommon after a number of years, either.
>oh sweet, crystalline giant, why did I take it out of my artifact deck again?
>chose [...] at random
oh, that's why
that shit should stay in alchemy, there is no way designers actually playtested this. there is a website that does it for you, but thats already too much
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I've noticed ot's becoming even more apperent that people aren't running little/no removal and are doubling down on threats/combo pieces, and it's having a very negative effect on the game as a whole. What can WotC do to make targeted removal good again, because it seems everything that's played is a 2 for 1 value engine, and flicking a single card off the table has somehow become EVEN WORSE in a 4 player format. Do I just hard replace all my targeted removal with board wipes instead? Shit's annoying.
that just might be a commander thing. its much more efficient to push your own gameplan as hard as possible instead of trying to police 3 opponents.
also, the ridiculous amount of Ward just nerfed spot removal immensly, while buffing boardwipes and counterspells even more so. a lot of boardwipes arent beneficial to a lot of gameplans and drag games out even further, and 4 colours are basically left out of counter magic. in my theory at least, Ward pushed the playerbase naturally to a more self-centric deckbuilding style, since your standard spot-interaction has been gimped to much.
they should have never lean into Ward so much
on that note: isnt that what WotC wanted in the first place, when they gave your precious value creatures and legends Ward so much? Just play your solitaire, dont worry about interaction
Jhoira is not worse than the tenth doctor lol
That's the reason why I always cram at least 5 board wipes into every deck. Any minimally well-build deck will just flood the board with tons of cheap value engines, because relying on few pieces will just get them removed instantly.
My favorite plan is to let everyone build up their bullshit value engines, wipe everything, then win by card superiority.
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Something in the veins of Fire Covenant design might be the solution.
very nice card
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yes, basically anything that say "cant be countered". but i dont know if introducing something to counter a problematic thing is the right approach.
they did that already with the Regenerate-Indestructible-Exile-PhaseOut pipeline
Sure, but losing the utility of the front side and the added hoops to get anything out of it makes it much harder to justify cuts for it.
wouldnt that just be countered if you dont pay the ward cost? it doesnt say its uncounterable
Boardwipe is essential for that instance where something like Sigarda that just says NO U.
12? I dunno lemme think
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and then a few unfinished/pilfered lists laying about
The counters do nothing when she's not on the field so it's garbage
Oh no, how will Blue/Green get and keep a three mana creature on the field...
This. I played against a guy who has this deck. I literally just removed his commander or countered it every time he cast it. Then I felt bad at let him stick around one turn and wouldn't ya know it, exponential growth is wild. Really toxic commander for the game cause you either shut him down or you let him have fun and lose, similar to dragons just bad for the games health
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Reminds me of this.
>I'm bad at the game but let me tell you how deckbuilding should work
>I'm bad btw!
Weird post
Every post you make just further confirms you are an underage faggot anon lol. There is fun to be had with trying to optimize a commander who isn't the best in the theme. There is fun in playing a commander that you like because you like it. It is decidedly immature to base your decisions off of silly metrics like "best" when the commander is largely just there for colours or to bolster your game plan. Simply put you have no appreciation for magic or for testing yourself, which is the behavior of a child and not an adult.
Removal needs it's own printings really. Standard removal has to be 1 for 1. Because for obvious reasons that's fair. The standard for EDH removal should be 2 for 1 minimum.
Reminder if most of your decks are precons then you don't play magic, you don't like the game, and I will pull out my strongest deck every time you come to the table.
>ermmm I only have a precon can you guys play lower power?
No. Invest some money or time for proxies and make a deck. It's not my job to have a worse experience because you can't be bothered to actually invest your time into the game
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I think a 1 for 1 can also work if it's something like mana drain that gives you back resource.
It's Japanese alt-art showcases. The Glimmers are probably a more benign force in Duskmourn, and the set symbol being a butterfly makes me think it's overall very surreal. The butterfly is probably that weird thing we saw in key art. Or, fuck it, maybe Aminatou's involved for once.
Surreal horror could be cool, for some reason my friends convinced me it was going to be based on 80's slasher horror which seems cringe
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>endless possibilities
>experience all of them
How many phyrexian cocks?
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all of my decks are weaker than precons because I don't run fast mana
Also they're likely very specifically going out of their way to make Duskmourn not feel like Innistrad 2.0 would be my guess.
They've said it's broadly based on more modern horror, which includes surreal stuff and slasher movies.
Neither do precons anon. You're just bad
I thought this was the case too, but after seeing Manzanedo's art for the set I am actually quite optimistic that we're getting some sort of Clark Ashton Smith dark-fantasy type setting.
Big butt.
they do, but that one sol ring doenst make a huge difference constistency wise
It's worse when you're playing a deck where every maindeck thing has 80% of the same text on every card with the relevant part being all the way at the bottom.
>sup guys, I nerfed my deck, it's probably on precon level now
>proceed to drop 20 +1/+1 counters per combat turn
>everyone gives me dirty looks while I rock my best shit-eating grin
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>the most fun to play?
>the best of the bunch?
i signed up for singleton and i will keep playing singleton
Giada, Font of Hope
Ao, the Dawn Sky
Nemata, Grove Guardian
Bladewing the Risen
Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis

Need to make a blue deck at some point.
>never in my life have I downpowered a deck and I never will
>will never consider a deck 'done' until its cEDH-level of optimised
This is the 60cardfag in me. I cannot help it, even though my friends start to resent my decks once they hit a certain level of power and I just start building a new one. Usually it'll begin very budget and I'll slowly amass the cards I need to make it good.
Bro she's like twelve.
So I dunno, six? Once for each color plus artifacts? Pretty sure she hates phyrexia but I'm willing to bet she's a freak willing to do anything once (per color).
Reminder to execute all bird wizards immediately. It will feel bad and it is a 2-for-1 for your opponent, but trust me, it is just better that way.
>enchantments deck
>literally no auras
No one thinks of sol ring when they say fast mana you disingenuous that
>erm but technically
Does not matter.
Having no self control and being unable to match the group isn't the "60cardfag" in you it's just you being a faggot with no self control. Probably with a dash of bruised ego because you clearly have an incessant need to win
woah! spell on the stack, pay 3 to horizon of progress to put a land into play. responses? ok i'll set this dark depths down and pass priority
Post your deck list that has dark depth and horizon of progress in it
based armchair psychologist
this anon speaks the truth. I was trapped in this mindset too. after all, why shouldn't I include [overpriced OP card that fits a million themes, but my theme is special so it absolutely needs it]?
but by nerfing my own shit to my group's standard, I discovered a truth about me, and now I enjoy the game much more.
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is clearly better, but is it $10 better?
It seems like a really good card but I wonder if a lord effect is even worth it for dinosaurs. When I think of lords I think of elves or vampires or humans where you flood the board with twenty 1/1s and turn them into 6/6s with four or five different lords. With dinosaurs I've usually only got four or five on the board at a time.

Vigilance and trample are cool though. I've got a surprisingly large amount of dinos without trample and I like to swing with everything I've got so I usually get merked the moment I start feeling myself and leave my board tapped. Plus I'm running a bunch of exile synergies so I might get some small perks when he comes out of exile if I suspend him (lots of fliers in my playgroup so some emergency flying blockers is a plus).
>table constantly bitches about my decks
>we start recording wins and losses
>I almost never win
>decide to double down and make my decks even more powerful
>winning the most now
and yet everyone has stopped complaining about my decks. Interesting dynamic, I'd like to think they know better now
Very fun

My hilario class plays:

>have shifting woodland and cactus man(all lands are deserts)
>brainstorm and discard blightsteel colossus
>copy blightsteel in the stack
>march of velis vel
>untap lands with magus of the candelabra
>swing out with blightsteel copies

Other game
>cave spelunking, omo out
>reshape the earth
>maze’s end, win
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me and my playgroup were lost in the optimization sauce, but luckily we got to our senses.
EDH is casual, like it or not, and it sounds like your friends are in that exact mindset.
This isnt a tournament with prize money at stakes, this is you hanging out with your friends trying to have a good ol' time playing some cards.
You should treat EDH much more like a boardgame, were each player should have an qual shot at winning and only play decks roughly in the same power lane
raw stats always shut commander players up because it reveals how delusional they are
reminded edhtards are the people that think fucking sol ring breaks the game or that demonic tutor is op
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Definitely put in magus and
But also don't forget retreat to coralheim. An extra untap with not missing land drops is really useful and goes hard with even bad fetch lands
Also rhythm of the wild and I'm probably going to add hot springs to my list since I need more haste redundancy
what were your decks before your transition?
could simply be that, too many cut-throat commanders that forced a 3v1 on you
no, you're just a trash player
if you aren't playing to win then there's no point. Durdling and doing nothing is a straight up waste of time.
Nobody is saying play cedh exclusively but holy fuck if you find a theme you like and build a deck for it at least make it fucking win.
Nobody wants to sit at the table watching you take 10 minute turns to accomplish nothing
It's good that you put those beta bitchers in their place, now they understand: Challenge your power, and suffer more. They don't dare whine or complain about your decks lest you make them even more powerful. Truly, the chaddest move. I shudder to think what you would do if they simply wanted to stop playing with you. Saw comes to mind.
vannifar evolved enigma
I didn't know how to build hee at first so my strategy was trying to kill people with manifests, naturally being in simic there's a lot of control. Never won though.
I altered the deck into a surprise flip deck that can comfortably win the game in 4 turns assuming I don't get an abhorrent opening hand.
They don't complain about this version. I just find that interesting
>we must play edh to win
I guess all the commander centric products that power crept the format has led to this.
well it's obvious what happened, they saw the stats realized they were retarded for complaining about you and swallowed their egos long enough to let you have your time in the sun
if you cannot build a deck that matches a certain powerlevel, that means you are trash at deckbuilding. you simply assemble a goodstuff combo pile and then call it a day. you are the lowest of the low, anon.
and then again, why are you completely ignoring the point about everyone sticking to the same powerlevel for a nice game with friends?
is it because you have no friends? are you a nogames faggot, anon?
>all black and white
the other anon obvisouly has another mindset than the rest of his playgroup, he is the odd one out there. All i suggested was tuning it down accodingly to match his friends.

play with your group however the fuck you like, dont get your panties twisted over nothing
nigger the only people who don't play to win are the rc and they're fucking retards. Commander hasn't been "theirs" in ages. Nobody in the real world outside of actual retards sits at a magic the gathering table and says
>yes doing absolutely nothing and wasting everyone's time? sounds like a great idea
people prefer when games end faster because then you get to play a whole new match and one of them might get a luckier hand. Dragging games out is pointless and shows you completely misunderstand what makes games fun and are just a bad player seething that other people are better at deck building than you
build your deck to have fun
play to win

simple as
>yes doing absolutely nothing and wasting everyone's time? sounds like a great idea
those retards don't exist, anon. everyone knows you are a nogames faggot who doesn't play the game. why do you even keep coming here? is it because nobody else talks to you?
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What are some good sources of card advantage in blue?
I know this sounds like a shitpost but I'm actually having trouble finding cards that offer a good rate and aren't sorceries. I'm trying to keep the powerlevel of my deck down just a little so that rules out Rhystic, Remora, Treasure Cruise, and Dig Through Time. I find it hard to believe the entire color's identity of "draw ten million cards" is supported just by a few cards.
Im so glad i dont know you or will ever have the misfortune of playing with you
Where do you get your counterfeits from? I see BM, USea, and BL a lot but haven't bought from any of them
>those retards don't exist, anon
actually those retards are you, I see it all the time normal people play then some whiny loser with the most boring durdleshit deck imaginable shows up, does fucking nothing
then cries cuz someone ended the game on turn 7 even though there's 5 of us meaning it's already been an hour and a half
just shut the fuck up. You're a blight and actual disease on the game.
ok sounds like your friends dont like you playing controll decks with no real wincon. death through unevasive base 2/2s seems pretty slow.
Actually I'm a real one :)
well truth be told I'm just happy no one has had a real salt moment for the past few weeks, I'm getting my wins, they sometimes win. It's good now. My deck still has heavy control though, sometimes if I can't win fast I gotta grind out the game with the deck which becomes a mounting challenge but I have been able to successfully keep our Nadu player in check
Do you call your IRL clients faggots?
You have one turn 2 play which is playing beanstalks. throw out cultivate for farseek to enable turn 3 commander.
I don't have to because I have platinum angel in play
of course you do, schizo-kun. only problem is, those made-up people only exist in your head, because you never actually play with anyone.
you are the problem of this format - the eternal nogames faggot trying to tell everyone that his goodstuff combo pile is how everyone should play the format.
your delusions lead to you having no friends, faggot. and now all you can do is impotently seethe about your own imagination. I'm glad I'm not damned to live such a dogshit life.
>Nadu players complaining
holy fuck, man.
Based for keeping him in check
If you think a deck to win requires the staples and all the boring cards then you're simply bad at deckbuilding anon and no amount of lashing out will fix that
>wall of text
>all projection
yeah no, you're not fooling anyone you fucking clown
>y-you're the nogames not me everyone totally wants to do nothing for 4 hours!
idk who you're trying to convince with this post. It's such a weird lie because everybody who has ever played knows that durdling is the antithesis of fun. Maybe you'd have friends to play with if you didn't bitch whenever someone put down something stronger than a 6/6
No they pay me anon. My hourly rate provides you with my kind input.
commandertards have never played real magic so they often feel threatened when an actual magic player shows up with their decks and their attitude.
Point is if you don't play to at least try and win you aren't a real magic player and you should fuck off
Usea is currently offering the best quality but only buy cards printed in the last 18 months. before he used to be shit. Quality still varies between the cards. some are unplayable.
BL, Ron and VZ all get their supply from the same printer. Quality dropped in the last two years. Getting good prints requires reading lots of reviews.
BM is an american based reseller. might be an option if you dont trust the chinese. he simply resells USea, BL, Ron and VZ, claims top pre-filter the cards and only resells good printings and demands a premium price for this. no proof for his statement, just trust me bro. I dont trust him.
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>Retard thinks he speaks for the community
Sol Ring is fast mana no matter how you look at it. It doesn't matter if it's expensive card or not.
Is BM the only one with etched foil cards?
my favorite way to play is turning creatures sideways and smashing face, basically all my decks are as gruul as they can be.
what does that say about me?
>complains about projection
>proceed to projects that everyone who doesn't play cEDH is playing durdleshit
like I said, what a dogshit life that must be, constantly afraid of your own imagination because you have no friends to play with and are stuck in goodstuf pile limbo forever.
I've ordered from Black Lotus several times. ~100 cards, was upset with the quality of one of them (holo sticker was very off-center), but otherwise I have never had a problem. Quick to ship, easy to contact, answers questions.
The etched foil cards come from USea.
The first print run was excellent. the newer ones curl like crazy. with the exception of commander legends, "real" etched foils havent curled for me at all.
pack it up fellas, the supreme gamer has spoken
This thing. Always pops off and manages to vomit out so many cards and somehow everyone on the table ignores it every time.
I don't think I speak foe the community. But I definitely do know that when people lament fast mana no one (or a non zero number of people) are including sol ring in that grouping. Your disingenuous behavior has no effect on me
the fact that you think trying to win = cedh tells me all I need to know
lmao at someone like you accusing anyone else of being "nogames"
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Shark Typhoon is a card that absolutely fits in just about every U deck I own, but will never play because it's so goddamb cringe on every level that I can't lower myself to run it. I'm 100% serious when I say if the card was, "Drake Typhoon," and made Drake tokens instead of fucking sharks, it'd probably be one of my favorite cards ever.
Means you are a man who knows what he wants and while he likes to have fun is ultimately about his business, however silly that business may be.
"the community" doesn't care about fast mana
people like strong cards, you can cope about it but mh3 has shown us people enjoy high power, they enjoy competitive play.
They just don't enjoy shit like thoracle ending the game turn 2. Anything below cedh and all bets are off
I've got about fourteen but I only really consistently play and make adjustments to four.
The fuck does this have to do with my post?
>mh3 has shown us
Nothing. The sets been out for 2 weeks if you think you can make any sweeping generalizations already then you're retarded
the fact that you still think people aren't trying to win because they don't assemble goodstuff piles tells everyone they need to know about you
nogames faggots like you are nogames faggots for a reason: nobody plays with them, letting them seethe alone.
And MH2.
And MH1.
And LotR.
And Vintage/Double Master's.

You know own what sold like shit, though? The intentionally weaker designed "made for Commander" D&D set. So yeah, that Anon is kind of stop on.
Boxes selling well does not actually translate into how played they are. In general each of those sets only has a few cards each that see lots of play in EDH lol. And this also just shows how bad you are at the game because the D&D sets have an insane amount of power in them. Please stop replying to me you are retarded, double masters doesn't even make sense cause it's a fucking reprints set holy FUCK anon never talk to me again
Not a big fan of the shark ado reference. Always wanted to make a Jaws themed shark deck but don't want to use the flying shark commander. Are there any legendary sharks or crusty old sailor types, hell even a legendary boat?
thanks mate, i could feel my chest hair growing out a little
intense levels of cope, no one wants to play weenie hut jrs magic
that type of balancing always kills games, people would prefer 4 overpowered decks slinging it out to 4 shit decks slinging it out any time any day
you're only reading what you want. plenty of good quality posts in the thread.
youre right, but man, the shit smearing contest since an hour ago
Nothing about what I said was cope lol. Your arguments were simply not very good, nor did they support your position in any way. Cause we can actually look at what cards are played, we dont need to use sales as a proxy to measure that lol. You're bad at arguing and bad at thinking anon. I also never made any such claims about how people should play magic one way or the other, you really aren't winning here
I like how campy it is
I wonder if how cringe it is depends on if you saw the sharknado movie

Cause I never saw it and it just reads as one of those low budget movies that happened to have a novel concept that got memed on
uh huh except the mh3 have explosive use
as do the free spells like fierce guardianship
you're a salty retard who's angry he can't disprove hard fucking data. I don't even need to argue anything because the numbers themselves show you wrong. So go ahead, be stupid while wotc print another Nadu tier card that will also be used by everyone
The literal Omo precon
You haven't provided any data anon. You said box sales, which decidedly are NOT relevant here when discussing what's being played
>free cards
I never once denied people liked strong cards anon lol again you're incredibly stupid and your fragile ego is preventing you from engaging with this discussion with any honesty whatsoever. The ACTUAL data suggests that every set you listed only has a few cards that become staples. You also brought up 2 sets that show you have a terrible understanding of the game. Masters sets are reprint sets, they don't add new cards, and the D&D sets have some of the strongest cards in them in recent years. You literally do not even know what the discussion is here you're just angry and insecure lmao
>/mmg/ makes fun of us last thread for complaining about birb
>check their current thread
top fucking kek
Sorry Satan, but you're wrong. There's nothing wrong with precons, especially for new players and those that want to play at a lower power level. Cry and seethe from Hell, bitch.
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I had a good kek >>93181057
Look, I really like global enchantments.
>Force of Will is bad because you go negative with it
>Arcane Denial is bad because your opponent goes plus with it
What does this nigga want out of interaction?
>>Arcane Denial is bad because your opponent goes plus with it
Ive had people put me ahead with denial because they cant play it but use it because every youtuber recommends it lel
thats the spice of the card, i love Arcane Denial becaus of this. Same with Chaos warp
Everything is wrong with precons. It's training wheels, which is to say, it's not the actual game. Just like you're not actually biking if you still need the training wheels! I always pubstomp precon fags for trying to ruin everyone else's time with their narcissstic attitudes
I became a meme in my regular playgroup because I kept using Denial on my own 1-drops to draw 3 cards
Top 5 Generals for a lands deck?
Mono B Ob Nixilis
Flip Nissa
gitrog, gitrog, windgrace, windgrace, omnath
I once played against some dipshit running this guy on Spelltable. He obviously stacked the deck perfectly, but watching him run out all his swamps was pretty neat and I will probably build this deck one day.
The amount of work required to actually pull of grandeur in mono black I'd let him stack his deck every time desu
>all this cope
anon you lost its time to stop typing
powergamers won and you lost
The funny part here is my position has been in defense of strong cards the entire time. All you do by repeating "cope" is showing the class you cannot think or even properly interpret a post anon. You have terminally online brain and everyone else is laughing at you
its not abount grandeur just big fat voltron idiot
>idiot for assuming the deck is being built around the gimmick it incentivizes
Ya.... no. If it's just a voltron deck then very boring.
i was calling the commander the idiot baka san....
Stop being mean to me.
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>Opponent targets you with Fact or Fiction
how to reply without looking like the retard opp thinks you are?
every time I play this the table always discusses it so the target never matters
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you don't like playing against kino?
how are the results? is your table retarded?
no but I'm always picking the best pile for me so it's still worth it
Still my favorite blue draw, since its days in standard. Dig through time is also based
but it doesn't target.
>so the target never matters
nah, it matters which opponent chooses. because whoever makes stacks is the final arbiter, and not all points in the discussion are weighted fairly. sometimes the arbiter might be more on the caster's side, sometimes the arbiter might do something that one of the other players DOESN'T want, because it would sway the dynamic too much in their favour. if you are playing against dummies who don't have multi-faceted thinking processes, yeah it might not matter. but if you are playing with people who actually understand what table politics are and how they can work, it absolutely matters.
The truth about this card is 1. The table will just discuss it and 2. No one puts it in a deck unless they have easy access to their graveyard so it's moot. It should be exiled and to hand, so there is an actual choice to be made
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>turn the cards upside down
>make a 3-pile and a 2-pile
>dare the fact or fiction player to pick a pile without turning it face up
It might not be optimal but if they play along then it's exciting for the whole table and if they don't, they look like a wimp.
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For my Ulalek deck that is 3 color I am running Tron lands and cards like Cloudpost, Planar Nexus, Copy Land (not a land but you get the idea) and then Eldrazi specific lands like Eye of Ugin
How worth it is running cards like Crop rotation or Expedition Map to search for specific lands to activate Tron and the like?
It largely doesn't matter so long as it has green in it. You're just choosing the support pieces.
Most expensive card + 2 lands
Most expensive card + least expensive card
very good. what three colors? if you have u/g consider putting omo in too so you can make lands like EoU tap for mana and make more locuses/turn on urza lands with her
making Eye of Ugin also a Tron Land is pretty funny, Tricky Terrain has a lot of great cards for Eldrazi it seems
Depends on situation.
Lands vs spells
combo piece vs protection
Or if they are really behind/ you are teaming up to answer someone 5/0.
Just identify what you think they nerd most and put it in the smaller pile.
it isn't "a" tron land, it counts for *every* tron land
Do you still need three lands with one counting as one piece of tron each?
No, you just need one land that's all types. Urza lands specify that you have to control a Mine, Tower and Power-Plant, and an everything counter'd land is all of those in one.
Thats even better than I thought it would be wow
That also means Planar Nexus completes Tron on its own
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When should I buy singles for the AC set? Day or two after the set drops?
yep! urza's cave is a great option to find the perfect land you need too
he D&D sets have an insane amount of power in them. Please stop replying to me you are retarded, double masters doesn't even make sense cause it's a fucking reprints set holy FUCK anon never talk to me again
Name those cards if they're so great.
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Is playing EDH with randoms worth it?
I was thinking about either playing on X-mage, or on MTGO w/15 dollar mana traders sub, I dont gaf about owning cards and just want to have fun, and prefer online play in all avenues of games.
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Folded by the BBK; get ‘lashed, lmao
xmage public lobbies are pretty chill.
Literally the entire dragon set? The initiative cards that took over vintage and legacy by storm? Minsc and Boo are literally considered the best planeswalkers currently. You are just not very informed on the game anon and that's perfectly fine!
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I go to search for EDH vids on youtube, and all the major channels are LGBQT/Trans friendly, featuring a bunch of trans people, and non-conforming gender weirdos, while MTGA is filled with normal nerd dudes, that are more logical and just relatable guys you would hang out with maybe.
Funny how that works, but it makes me kinda disgusted with EDH even though I enjoy it.
Cedh gameplay TV has very minimal politics. One American player will maybe mention something, and that's as far as it goes. Other than that ya I can't think of a single EDH channel that isn't faggy. I guess EDH Deckbuilding doesn't really do any of it either
Tolarian cuck college
Wonder why CEDH has more normal people.
EDH is more popular and has more troons as a result. Prog algos push it so even though there's maybe 3% troons in standard and 5% troons in EDH, you're going to see troons in 10% of standard videos and 50% of EDH videos. That's just how the algo pushes shit.
Competitive-mindedness is inherently conservative.
Could be but Tolarian college is like the biggest EDH content creator out there, and everyone video theres trans stuff
What are /tg/ friendly EDH channels then? Only one that I really know of is demo from EDH deck building or grazzet mtg
I went to a new lgs and had an internal giggle when the tranny I was playing against pulled out a new vegas deck
also he was wearing fishnets to show as much skin as possible looking at him was awkward
there literally is no such thing as chud friendly edh on youtube, you have to go to big boy stuff like legacy for actual reasonable minded adults
theres one guy who just exclusively plays every variety of painters servant in legacy and his only other videos are gun reviews
Loreseeker is based
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>how did you know i was trans?
Friendly? Probably none. Indifferent quite a few I'd say, in that they simply dont focus on shit besides the game
Is this true? Thats fucking disgusting and I'm sorry you had to go through that.
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>the most fun to play?
Shadowborn Apostle and it's not even close
>Most fun
Relentless Rats or Petitioners, both invoke endless seethe
While we are on this topic does anyone else hate joey from the edhreccast
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>lgs is doing the WoTC pride event this weekend with prizes, several of which are just for winning games of commander
Any one else doing these events? Any thoughts about the gameplay side of things?
Ya lgs owner announced it last week. Sunday will be games as normal so I'm just skipping Saturday
yeah my lgs is doing it but im not participating because i dont like to play edh in a competitive setting, i just like fucking around with my friends
they are all playing their gay-commanders in casual games too though just to practice so i was slapping inti next to zurzoth to double commander with them
like 4 iirc
>old Sisay
>Stangg EW
You too? Seems like every game I see any kind of deciding cards like that or this one everyone at the table makes no moves until everyone else agrees on the same choices.
I give em all 5, every time. It’s my favorite card
Tribalkai? He's pretty much just a voice over for games and almost never talks about anything besides the games themselves.
If you have a partner deck can you have 3 commanders?
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>tfw really want to play magic tonight at my lgs
>have to hang out with my stinky girlfriend
>won't get to go to the fnm for another month at least because of work
Im a huge fan of this card recently. Protects your commander, gets rid of a threat. O-ring effects arentt the best but they have their place and when they make your commander harder to remove as well its good in my books
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I'm pretty sure he was referring to AFR which was packed with unplayable dogshit while also giving us one of the worst mechanics to ever curse this game.
god i fucking wish the mordenkainen was playable
AFR also had tons of gas. Old gnawbone, teleportation circle, that gaeas cradle on a stick lots of good tech, the entire class cycle, all the manlands saw a fair bit of play across formats! Whatever he's referring to he is retarded!
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For every AFR card that was playable there were half a dozen in every rarity that were useful in 0% of decks. Out of the 257 original cards from the set, I'd say maybe 25 are playable in any capacity, let alone good.
Contrast CLB which had cards so good that they landed as cEDH staples to this day.
Pairing krrik with maralen of the mornsong and making no changes to the deck to dunk on fags with a hetero couple
what is the most FUN deck for everyone?
why couldnt he be like 4 mana
build a cube
>its good in my books
Read better books
Giving your opponent the 2 for 1 special isn't good

Destroy target creature, Planeswalker, or Enchantment

Yes, I'm serious. Fuck Enchantment babies, it's time a 3rd color gets hard removal for it.
Why did you take part the hobbit precon? (Asking because I’m a pussy and don’t even play mine but want to keep it)
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Clearly you've never played against Masumaro. Play him in a UGx deck so you have access to all the green spells that scale based on creature power.
Thoughts on 6+ CMC low powerlevel commanders? Based or cringe
>Cmc 3
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>playing mill deck
>lucky crab turn one
>by turn 5 am able to cast a 76/76 lord of extinction
>voltron player immediately after me has ONE creature that he made a 13/13 protection from green
>asks me if I will kill him next turn when I can swing, tell him while it is rude to kill someone singly so early that he should still leave a blocker
>swings anyway
>every other player casts multiple creature spells to ensure they have blockers
>kill the voltron player when it comes back to my turn because he doesn’t have a blocker and wasting the attack is suboptimal

He acted like I betrayed him when he had protection from green, if he wasn’t so greedy he could have blocked me AT NO RISK to himself
very based, will not remove commander to see the game plan
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>Still an auto include in every graveyard based B deck without G or W
All the more evidence to support that Enchantment's have been getting away with(out) Murder for too long.
I'd still play it in grixis
Then don't stop at 3 cmc sorcery.
2 cmc instant or walk.
It's a deal, sir!
Imskir posting
Her ability costs mana to use, it takes longer to come off, and she has zero way to speed it up. Meanwhile the Tenth Doctor only needs something to attack and it is free (doesn't need to be him), and can just automatically take things off suspend with his own inherent ability. He has higher stats and cannot die to bolt. And after all of that, he gets a second back up commander. So, if you want, you could play Adric or Clara and get double triggers. His ability can also be doubled more easily than Jhoira. The thing Jhoira has over him is

>smaller mana cost
>works from hand instead of top deck
But making your deck manipulate the top deck is easy as fuck, so playing from the hand is more preference IMO. I don't see what she has over him aside from a smaller mana cost.
demo isnt edh friendly hes fucking retarded. fuck off demo
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Sincerely, wtf do we (or WotC for that matter) even do about the fact that creatures/threats have gone far and away more powerful than anything else in the game while tripling down on step-dodge mechanics to protect threats?

I'm serious. Between Ward, a fuckload more protection spells (a lot that are basically free to cast), and free countermagic showing up everywhere, it's literally impossible to stop even ONE player, let alone try and police 2+. It's sincerely getting absurd now. Top it off, everything seems to give you borderline free card draw and ramp now. The game feels like a busted server mod with the mod dev having absolutely no idea wtf they are even doing.
New thread:
>make your commander harder to remove
nah bro it's just making StP double as enchantment removal for 2 extra mana
As someone who bought the precon, you can force a scoop just by getting to copy Cloudposts

Last game went:
>Planar Nexus, Urza's Tower out
>Staff of Domination out, Magus of the Candelabra out
>Vesuva copying Urza's Tower
>board scoops after showing an infinite

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