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Previously: >>93155201

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

Anon, you're up! You've just been played face down. What card are you?
that card would be bonkers in Kadena, fuck AC tho
>>93163713 Linking my question
1vs1 is different
AC set doesn't have blackwashing, AC1 took place in Syria/Holy Land
1v1 is vastly different. each commander plays extremly differently in this sitatuation and Anje Falkenrath happens to incredibly good in 1v1, not to so much in 1v3
wtf i'm tibalt's rager
Commander format
60 card deck
pioneer cardpool

there, everything is fixed now.
thanks for the useless reply you fucking nigger why on earth would i make them myself when i wanna support some artist who makes cool tokens. proxying never even occurred to me your wisdom is appreciated
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Artists Kickstarter and patreons. Pic related are nils hamm ones I got recently
60 card deck
All cards must be from the world your commander is along with core set cards.
plane-specific cube
any sets or cards featuring that plane
only will work for a few thuogh
• Commander Format
• 75 card decks (60 + possible Sideboard + Commander makes 76 total cards)
• 25 starting life
• Only block/standard constructed cards allowed; banlist is updated an enforced every 6 months
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When would a blue deck not want to include a Rhystic study?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>yeah I just think
*plays mystic remora*
>that smothering tithe
*casts consecrated sphinx
>is a bit op you know?
*casts minds aglow*
>It's just free value, if you wanna play with us you should consider removing it
*drops Jace, finishes mill and wins the game*
I'm really sick of "new" players saying stuff like this
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Smothering Tithe is a color break and mistake and shouldn't have been printed (it should have been a 3 MV blue card)
Okay thanks, next game I'm going in with my Inferno Burn deck totally not because I'm holding a grudge over this super casual game lmao
smoethering tithe IS obnoxious though, it taxes just your regular draw for turn, it's kind of insane
those other cards are all too except for war jace, if you mill/draw your deck fairly, no consultation garbage
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when all your friends are green faggots.
when i dont want to signal to the world that i gargel cum
>Anon, I think
*casts Disciple of the Vault
>that you have
*taps Hidetsugu and nukes your Sphinx for 9 damage
>the wrong
*burns you for 10+ for spending treasures
*turbo sacs Atsushi and brings him back with Nim Deathmantle, using KCI to sac the treasures he makes on death, killing the entire board
Since edh is a social game with metas being localised to your friends or store usually its a matter of budget or powerlevel
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>A 4 mana enchantment that simulates tax collection is a "strong bend" in Ozhov
Kindly fuck off mark. You're just mad that making it cost 4 wasn't enough to prevent it from seeing play. It's your own fault for making a "coin mana" mechanic and then shoving it on literally every card.
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my pet peeves: being mana screwed/flooded and being only used for safe attack/damage triggers. I don't care about being milled or what have you.

>play gonti steal deck
>neat, this is fun
>upgrade it some
>play against a steal deck
>holy shit this is annoying, fuck stealing
>hmm is this what I've been doing to people?
>my god, I'm a monster

I don't think it's a 'bend' or 'break' or what the fuck ever. It's just a bullshit card in a 4 person format. Obviously, it's not a big deal in one on one.

Realistically, leave this card alone.

Create counters to it.


Creature - Rapist
If a source or an effect an opponent controls would have you pay a cost of any kind, instead, that player must pay the cost, or they lose 5 life.
"I don't think so dipshit, you asked if I'll pay. No take backs. Now pay up or get raped"
1: This creature phases out until end of this phase

There, ward, rhystic, propaganda, etc countered.
Gay Bolas
People will legit cry about anything, I had people tell me my phenax mill deck is too strong
who loses to mill?
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post decks, paper only.
how can you stand so many different card treatments and borders?
at least his basics are uniform
>Is Hidetsugu cooler than those overpowered blue cards?
Of course.
>Is he better?
Of course not.
>Is your scenario only possible in magic Christmas land?
>Table paying into Minds Aglow with Sphinx on the table
Deserved to lose
variety is the spice of life, anon.
ANd Yet yOur pOST DiDn'T raNDOMly ALTerNATE CaPS, CURiouS
4 player commander is casual, if you only can play 1v1 look into brawl or adjust your deck accordingly. you need a whole lot more of interaction in 1v1, there is no time to dick around like in 1v3
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My goal is to get a few more people playing so it turns into regular commander, but it's slow progress. Perhaps I should suggest to him that we go to a local commander night somewhere, once he's comfortable with the game and his deck
Why play a deck if you don't think it can win?
he wants to hit those fat, satisfying mills
captcha: mgakin0
MEGA KINO, I agree
Has anyone felt like this lol? Mix of shame and cringe
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Here bro, i'm thinking about building imskir next
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i really like imskir. probably going to put it in this deck as well as my breya modular deck
Looks like Magical Christmas Land DOES exist, boys!
>Mystic Remora
Sure, ban it with Rhystic if you want to hit Smothering too
It costs 6 mana your table need spot removal drug
>Minds Aglow
Whats this garbage looking Chinese magic wannabe client?
holy fucking newfag
I'm still sad that they gave up on Enrage for dinossaurs for the return to Ixalan. It was their whole thing as a tribe.
it is a pretty shit client though
Rip dinosaurs now they all do these retarded things
It's a fossil, I can't believe people still use it for commander when it crashes out all the time.
>Dinosaur gets lovetapped
>Lashes out in an autistic frenzy, and does a thing
enrage was kewl
Just 75, Commanders count towards deck count. That's why they call your main deck "the 99".
Just play a clone army deck where the only things you can do are cloning and copying, that way other people are always at fault if they lose to you.
>pioneer brawl
bitch is you fo real
not him but i have one, on the flipside its incredibly hard to get ahead and close out games that way, its the only reason i run Insurrection in there.

One time we were facing a dino barrage with Gishath, i decided to copy his board and the whole table groaned at my shit. as if it is my fault he had a huge board
Does no one at that table have self-awareness? Do they also blame mirrors for showing them their reflections
steal decks are fun as to play and play against as long as you aren't blatant thievery'ing everything and taking what everyone has invested resources into already. gonti, stolen strategy, and etali effects are fun. your opponents don't feel bad because they aren't being 2-for-1'd with every card played. when you are just impulse drawing or gonti-drawing their library, it is nowhere near as feel bad.
>i decided to copy his board and the whole table groaned at my shit.
this is getting out of hand, now there are two of them
Ixalan dinosaurs should have been my favorite thing ever, but because I took a hiatus during that time I simple can't connect to it. Shame
change the set icon to the clovers, fuck with the copyrights, and you have a cringe-kino proxy
>card does a thing
>card does a thing when you do a thing
Cringe. Vanilla and french vanilla creatures are the only acceptable card types.
>steal decks are fun as to play and play against as long as you aren't blatant thievery'ing everything and taking what everyone has invested resources into already
i disagree, the point of stealing is to make people feelbad. magic is literally about 2 for 1ing your opponent whenever you can
for me, its shivan dragon
i play "blacks suns twilight," i kill something of theirs and return something of mine. or shadowborn demon and kill a creature while leaving myself with a threat in the air.. these are 2 for 1s no reasonable person will take issue with. people take more issue if you gain control of their creatures/spells, there is something more viscerally unappealing to being beaten with your own things, but people are far less upset if you are taking the things they already invested into. i wouldn't care in 1v1, may the strongest strategy win there. but playing the commander boardgame with the bros, im not trying to get anyone's panties in a twist.
Can't believe Magical Hats is finally in Magic.
I don't know. It's not anywhere near as much of a color break as Mystic Remora or Rhystic Study are. Those two should have been white anyway.
If someone makes a thievery deck its better to stealmaxx and not pussy out like you would
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nice skullclamp, very cool
well, it turned out to be an awkward stalemate, neither me or him could properly attack because on could then kick the other guys teeth.
But i blame him for being such a wuss to not take the first swing even though he usually really likes that- gishath players, amirite?
>yes just make you table hate you
nah, i'll stick to the theft deck i made. i get enough value that i become archenemy every time with that deck anyway, i don't need to make the table even more upset by saying "lol, thanks for paying for that 7 drop for me"
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steal is removal with a premium, with the benefit for the Thief of getting that creaure instead of it going in the bin, doing nothing. the thief is more happy to get the creature than the other player is sad to lose it.
the total happiness of the table increased.
Here's a good litmus test for if someone is a sweat.
>your LGS charges $5 entry
>winner gets $15 credit for the first game, then play as much as you like after
Do you bust out a CEDH for better odds to net $10 in store credit when everyone at the table is playing casual?
like you said the table alrady hates you, theres really no reason to be a wuss about it. its not even a good archtype to play in general so your gay feelings towards the topic are very weird
Think of a card you really hate in commander. Now see if that card is legal in pioneer. The answer is usually no
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Thanks to LUMA, I'm going to get a job working on gameknights! I'm going to finally meet Josh Lee Kawaii and the smaller asian too.
20 starting life is unironically the best way to play. The game was designed around 20 HP, what does have 40 hp provide but making games take forever and kill 90% of potential Agro decks. Blue is already the best color, it’s not like we need to do anymore to help it.
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>Blue is already the best color
Yeah of course you bring out your strongest deck. That's the point of it being incentivized anon, to give everyone a reason to give 100%.
It is in CEDH, which is a good way to telling balance. I’m all for casual shit though, and like fixing glaring errors in the game that make it less fun
if you are playing money yes, they shuold be playing cedh or near ish power level too
i would not be playing in such an event though, i dont want to play vs that power level nor with randos
The point is to bring people into the store, not to make you act like a faggy sweatard. Kill yourself
>paying time and money to lose
what a weird mindset
That doesn't make any sense anon at all anon if they wanted people in the store they would simply let you play there for free lol. You are low T
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>about to post my deck
>realize I've gotten so many foils since the last picture
>lose all desire to lay out my cards
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Assuming each was $30, which would you purchase and play if you had to choose?
>like you said the table alrady hates you
never said that. i said there;s inherent salt in being beat by your own shit, the hate comes in when you are being beat by the shit you invest resources in.
i guess mardu crimes is the moust fun sounding
>i get enough value that i become archenemy every time with that deck anyway
You unironically did say that.
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just post an old version, i don't mind.
cranial archive is such metal fucking art
we will never get that again
being archenemy does not mean the table hates you, it just means you are the major threat at the table. holy crap, you're daft.
when i finally get around to making a bloodborne theme deck, it 100% gets in as a slot for "madman's knowledge."
Thats what archenemy entails anon, the table is hating you out exactly because you are a percieved threat.
>store charges 5 dollar entry
>winning the first game nets you money
Why would I give 5 dollars to some fag just so I can play craw tribal when I can turbo krrik and make them pay me and still play craw tribal after the first game?
the study of kino
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>Need to uncurl my foils because it's disgustingly apparent which cards are which
>low T
It’s magic the gathering you dumb faggot
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Ive got a deck built around this guy, what should I add to optimize it.
Ive got this and Primal Vigor/Parallel lives as the main combo where after playing one of the powers i can get exponential growth off of a single worm. I then added some black sacrifice cards to start the combo rolling. It works and is very funny when my opponent realizes how fast I can scale and concedes at full HP, but more often than not its too slow to set up.
ashnod/nim deathmantle loops?
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i forgot to post the image, woops
4 lands in my mimeoplasm deck are curled as fuck and when I see one in the top 20 cards I psychologically cannot stand knowing where that land is
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Is this guy from modern horizons 3 any good?
Only twice each turn is kinda weak, I’d pass, there are better Simic commanders
there's two different "hates" being discussed here, and you either know that and are being disingenuous or you are too autistic to realize the difference. there's "being hated out," where the table turns the majority of their attention to you because you are the perceived threat, and there is "the table hating you," where the table has an emotional response to the type of cards you are playing.
Nah I know how both of those work im just messing with you but lets not pretend a theft deck doesnt being an actual negative response from most people so this makes me correct anyway.
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>doesn't being
I'm trying to decide between Don Andres, the Renegade, and Conti, Canny Acquisitor, for a casual theft deck.

Don Andres pros
>access to and buffs threaten effects
>gets payoffs for theft effects that let you cast the spells for free
>buffs stolen creatures no matter the source

Don Andres cons
>doesn't itself allow thefts
>balancing pirate tribal vs. theft

Gonti pros
>makes any evasive creature a theft enabler
>ramp and cost reduction make it easier to cast stolen spells
>doesn't have to worry about tribal synergies

Gonti cons
>doesn't synergize with free-to-cast stolen spells
>access to fewer theft effects

Is there anything I'm missing? If anyone has built decks for them (not just played the precons), how did you like them?
why did you post your own picture?
Hazezon is better and Deserts arent good unless you heavily invest into tutors/ways to alleviate the fact 95% of them enter tapped.
Out of the box its middling. His best build isnt even a Morph build but rather cheating big dudes by manifesting top card of library to field.
And Duskana ended up being boring after 2 games. Don't play it.
Incremental gains with some decent value pieces. Needs some tweaks to get it rolling but not as much as the other two.
gonti. gonti has green for ramp, and as you are still going to be casting your opponents spells as well as your own, you will be needing a lot of it. my theft deck is sans W and plays nothing but ramp and theft spells with three exceptions (nalfeshnee, and the commanders cecily and elmar). elmar in particular is great, he almost acts like a mana dork in command zone. you target mana dorks and untap them. nothing feels better than untapping a bloom tender for serious mana gains.
Don't play Gonti.
>reliant on small evasive creatures in a 40 life format
>reliant on others cards that you have little to no control over unless you bounce a permanent to top of deck.
>>>5 mana means you're fucked if he dies even once
Don Andres at least gives you power on taking what you know is there, and Treasure for spells you cast even if they hit a bad target.

Felix Five-Boots is not a great commander but turned out to be better than Gonti, and more reliable in my own deck's way to gain value (Draw On-hit effects especially. I ended up taking every theft effect out except for Villianous Wealth since I can make treasures with Old Gnawbone.)
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Competition is competition and you are afraid of it even when you are literally told to do it through incentives. You have no testosteroné
I love stupid alternate wincons
I like this card but I feel like there's a decent amount of thinking involved for figuring out a proper breakdown of the curve he desires
I run it in my arcanis deck just because I draw so much that I'll get it eventually
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I only care about dinosaurs.
Recommendations for dino decks?
I've got decks for
My main deck. Dino tribal.
>Etali Primal Conqueror
Not dino tribal.
>Indominus Rex
Lame. Not dino tribal.
Hate this one. Dino tribal. Sometimes I just swap her out for Gishath.
Are you the guy at my lgs
Thats basically the best you can do
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how different is Pantlaza to Gishath feel to you? i've always asumed swaping between the two would be easy but i didnt account for blink effects
Embarassing man, you’re a fuckin tragic tale
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Embarassing man, you're a fuckin tragic tale
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Well he's fun as hell and pretty sexy so I'm okay with that.

Completely different but it depends on how you build him I guess. You could just build Pantlaza as basic dino tribal and get away with it, but I build him more as an exile-matters kind of deck with tons of exile synergies. I don't even have any flickers, though I'll probably grab a copy of Ephemerate at some point just because it's so convenient.
Gishath is okay. If you play him as ramp-and-rape then it's fun. If you're just cheating him out of the command zone then it's pretty lame. Feels too explosive for me. With Pantlaza you've got a shaky board for 2-3 turns. With Gishath you've got a shaky board for 3-5 turns then you're the archenemy on turn 6.
You've literally neutered yourself to the point that if everything isn't a hugbox to you you need to demonize it. You have a fragile ego and/or are full of pride but without any of the capabilities required to back either up
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Best commander for Reality Acid wins? I'm thinking Orvar or Moritte would both be good choices what do you guys think
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My buddy who stopped playing back in the 90's wants to play with my usual group. He knows how to play but he dropped out before Commander was even a format, so his deckbuilding needs some work.
I'm not actually good at deckbuilding at all (proud netdecker) so I figure I'd post his deck here and ask you guys what to do.


How do we fix this?
First thing I'm noticing is that buddy needs lands.
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Brago lets you attach it to hexproof permanents, because a flickered Aura doesn't target when it returns.
post some friggin art
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>Hate this one. Dino tribal. Sometimes I just swap her out for Gishath.
Wayta's pretty much an entirely different deck than Gishath. You need to build around maximizing any enrage triggers to make the most out of her abilities. You don't want stuff like pic related or Pyrohemia in an average dinosaur spam deck since wotc steered the tribe away from the enrage mechanic, but you do want them in Wayta.
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Yeah, I run it as an enrage deck. It's just boring.
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If having an enchantment would kill a combo (analogous to Fblthp + Proteus Staff), I'd leave it out.
Proteus Staff + no other creatures*
You could run Kalamax, though that's less a dino deck than a spellslinger deck headed up by dinos. Other option would be to run Blue and Owen Thundergun as partners, and focus on stacking a variety of counters.
Nigga needs a couple more lands. I mean, he could get away with running that many in X/G, but he'd need some fucking ramp instead. I'd probably drop at least 10-12 creatures and focus on adding instants and sorceries for interaction and ramp.
I feel like somewhere along the way we've lost touch with what constitutes a "legendary creature"
Your friend appears to be based as fuck with Deranged Hermit, Spikes, and a bunch of other cards from when I started the game.
Very charming deck, but it has a lot of cards that just don't hold up. If your meta is a craw great, if not, cut:
Llanowar Elite
Plague Beetle
Feldon's Cane
Primal Cocoon
Evil Presence
Leshrac's Rite
Diseased Vermin
For more lands more draw more ramp. Also most Spikes are not great without a counter doubler these days but I would never fault a nostalgic man for playing them.

It won't save you from lethal damage, as you'll die with the lifegain trigger on the stack. But you can use it to effectively neutralize an attack against you, profit off somebody attacking someone else, or to give your own guy pseudo lifelink.

>anon is exploring old sets and found how based Otaria is art-wise
You love to see it
A unique individual?
Study isn't essential by any means. It's stupid easy to get value from so it's a crutch for every bad player in the format who just wants as much goodstuff crammed in "their" deck.
Giving treasure to G because lol ramp is one of the dumbest color pie decisions since the whole "only W and R need to abide by the color pie" thing started. As much as I hate it, the djinn is already out of the lamp and every color should be able to do everything just like U, B, and G already do.
I agree with you, but not on this example. It's a Universes Beyond property; Universal Studios wanted a non-actor CG mascot for the Jurassic series so Blue, the trained Raptor with a blue stripe, was made for Jurassic World. The card depicts a named character with supposed significance in its universe, that is what legendary is.
I'd go Yuma, you get most of the essential desert stuff. I've seen some nutty plays with yuma, seems like a lot of fun
I had a game experience recently where three players (myself included) were running Universe Beyond commanders, and the forth player was a "returning player who played back in the day" and he was only running classic older "pre power-creep" cards. It made me depressed. What have they done to this game.
In what way is Blue not legendary? They're a named character with an important role in their films.
And then you sold all your cards and went home. No, you kept playing
What have they done to this game, anon? Make it fun?
>I had a game experience recently where three players (myself included) were running Universe Beyond commanders, and the forth player was a "returning player who played back in the day"
Alright now you have to tell us what you were all playing.
Yuma for sure. It's really fun for a precon.
Hoisting is just Mill but worse for the person getting Heisted because not only are you losing cards to exile, which removes them from decks that can make use of the graveyard, but your opponent can then cast those cards
just an alchemy tard winging about nothing
and mill is just blue burn, who cares about the minor flavours of how you are killed
which commander did you last win with?
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Had me on the ropes and I would have lost if I didn't have Blur to give me another blocker in the opponent's combat phase, then I swung for lethal when my turn came around.
>Indominus Rex
But she's cool though. Comes out slightly different every time, keeps hands full, and has some neat variation in the supporting creatures.
Buffed an Oketra with Kitt Kanto and Strength of the Harvest to swing for the win. Not very exciting but got there.
I Genesis wave'd for 17 and everyone scooped.
Not a dino commander, though. It may be a dino but Indominus does nothing for the tribe. It's a keyword tribal commander.
Ah, ok that's fair. I've had a lot of fun with her, a really cool direction for a commander in her color combination, but she's just coincidentally a dinosaur. More a mutant than anything else.
Not that anon, but as the guy you were originally responding to, I'm probably just playing her wrong. It feels like I'm holding on to a hand of cards just to bring her out with a nice list of keywords, but while a 6/6 flample first strike deathtouch creature with hexproof and indestructible is pretty scary, it's not enough to solo a whole table.
I mean I've got some graveyard recursion and obviously I can actually play the creatures in my hand instead of just feeding them to Indominus, but then she gets hit with an exile board wipe or spot removal (if she's lacking either hexproof or indestructible) and if I don't have 2-3 creatures left in my hand for her, I'm basically dead in the water.
Draw 12 is funny but without the mana to cast anything it comes across as more of a discard 5.
Yeah, I feel you. She ended up feeling like a big dangerous body but only one single body while other decks can vomit out several without even trying. Very easy to be overrun when trying to play her. And if she gets exiled then it's going to be tough. Part of why I tried throwing in some decent by themselves includes like Pir and Toothy along with Railway Brawler which can make almost anything a threat and easy generators of blockers like Wand Of Orcus or backups like Mimeoplasm. Threats that can be decent on their own and coincidentally work well with Indominus. I'm not going to pretend it's not an Indominus or bust kind of deck, but I've had a good showing with her in the groups I've played. A counter spell or two along with some fighting and bite spells have helped immensely. But even then there are going to be games where she just won't cut it.

You guys are hilarious.
Seriously, though, when was the last time we got such a blatantly overpowered Commander? I guess Kinnan? Damn, they are shit at making Simic cards.
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>it's episode where mono red krenko isn't targeted first
He can't keep getting away with it
Mayael the anima. Flipped over deathcoil wurm with xenogos and unnatural growth out. Snuck right through the atraxa players gazillion sized token army that each had a gazillion counters on them, no hawte though :^)
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A guy at your table slaps this proxy down. Your response?
as to see his original copy and if he can't produce it kick him out of the pod
>refuses to leave in your path
We have a guy in our pods that plays exclusively 100% ecchi proxy decks so i probably wouldnt even notice. The people we have that would likely care more about it being a dockside than green anime titties
then we would simply ignore them if they try to play with us
That is a proxy I can tolerate unless you are fat and you smell.
but if you are JUST fat or smell, it is ok?
>"Proxies should be the accepted standard."
Yuma. Because I'm going to sidegrade my lands deck with Hazezon and I need the lands. And so I can change my BFZ Omnath to the fixed oracle Omnath.
Who are you quoting?
The guy that has said
>"Proxies should be the accepted standard."
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Omo. Everyone scooped after using doppelgang on Cloudpost where X is 3
I don't understand.
is that guy currently in the room with you?
Big kiddie proxies should be the accepted standard.
Phone posting really got me on that one.
He's right behind you.
Don't look.
What were the other 2 targets?
Tell him to do 25 push ups, if he can't then he is kicked out.
Tell him about my theory on goblin girl enthusiasts.
>do 25 push ups, if he can't then he is kicked out
I dont know if its just me and my usual playgroup but people that sperg over proxies dockside or tits typically cant do pushups
Planar Nexus and Urza's Tower. Didn't realize you must target 3 targets then make 3 copies afterwards.
But opponents scooped immediately after targeting Cloudpost.
The theory is that they're based and greenpilled?
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Burakros, Folk Hero.
A few boardwipes happened, Reanimation and a dash of lifelink gave me the edge.
I upgraded the Precon a bit, but even the stock Precon is very good
holy fuck, miirym is gay.
We have a Miirym player in our pod, luckily he rarely plays and just runs a budget list, but even on a budget that commander is extremly obnoxious and its instant 1v3 for him
>WotC doesn't have the balls to write out "Legendary Creature - Orc Cleric Rogue Warrior Wizard"

To Fix Commander


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Let's try that again with less sideways.

Freshly updated with the first set to include the mechanic since Aether Revolt. While it feels good to shift the focus a little bit more to the mechanic itself, part of me suspects that cutting some of the goodstuff to make room for it is going to end up having weakened the deck.

Also the answer to this question, though it was before the updates.
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cartoon villain, flooded the board with vampires and no board wipes happened

I have Tetzin deck that does not run Rhystic Study purely because it needs a critical mass of artifacts and whenever I have a turn when an artifact does not ETB on my side of the field, I'm falling behind.
Literally, the only ench I was able to justify was Underworld Breach.
That's okay I wouldn't want to play at an lgs that promoted such an atmosphere I am happy to be separated from you and your ilk! Was this supposed to bother me?
>dockside extortionist
You're banned from my Local Goblin Store.
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not that anon, but card showing cleavage is not "sexual materials," you daft cunt. you are larping when you say you are a lawyer, because no court would ever consider that dockside "sexual materials." heavy metal mags used to get put out on front display in comic shops where, yes, lots of children were around, and none of them got busted for "exposing children to sexual materials." music videos that are far more sexual get thrown up on the mega screens at best buys, and no one has been jailed or fined for that. get your head out of your ass.
Prove it. No really, the burden of proof falls on you. Prove the the goblin card is lewd enough to get me arrested THEN Prove your a lawyer. I'm fine if you manage to do the first, I don't think you can you will Prove the second claim.
You'd have to first play the game to even remotely accomplish that.
If I was 12 again and saw this I'd say "nice"
>people choose to subject themselves to those.
Then me playing my Dockside is fine because they didn't have to play at an LGS with strangers, they choose to subject themselves to my cards. That's the price of playing Magic in public, I guess! And if they REALLY didn't want to see the card, they can just go to another pod!
>And heavy metal magazines were never in displays lol please do not larp as some oldhead.
wrong, every comic shop i went to had them where you could just grab them off of a display. they were never locked up in an 18+ section. they wouldn't sell them to minors, but they didn't hide them away. the dockside is just as sexualized as many advertisements from the 00s. showing cleavage is not "sexual materials" unless you are in goddamn saudi arabia.
Marvo. Cheat out Myojin of Night's Reach and Nezahal, whole table couldnt keep up with my grip of answers.
We had cards with women showing cleavage before, that anon must be gobophobic.
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>Myojin of Night's Reach
How do we reach gobo-equallity? Goblin (women) should be integrated into human society.
When are we going to arrest WOTC for distributing pornographic material like pic related to minors? Her left boob is almost entirely bare for god's sake! Think of the children!
>just want a flat chested, wide hipped gf like my french animes
The west has fallen
Hakbal, merfolk tribal, in one of the slower games we've ever had. Ended with me going, "Oh wait, this guy is unblockable. You're dead."
I've seen enough goblin girl pics to know there are some that are just what you're looking for, just remember to specify your preferred gobo type is on the form!
It's easy: we swap the (white) human women out for the goblin women! Everyone's happy! Except the white women of course, but there's no pleasing them.
I had completely overlooked that Doppelgang was target permanent and not target creature. I'll have to pick one up for Omo as well. I haven't tweaked the deck much other than removing the real obvious chaff and replacing it with a proper gate package, but so far it's been a blast to play every single time.
I play this in my Orvar mono U ramp. It's fun to use the other post for healing as well.
Remember what they stole from you
>play eldrazi precon with like 2 upgrades
>Pop off
>Friends whine the entire time and proclaim they don't want to play against it anymore
It's a precon, what more do you fuckers want from me
>Meyoco variants locked behind Secret Lair RNG
Mannn, FUCK wotc
Just don't fall for the changelings trap like putting pic related. Rangeling lands is a better payoff than adding changeling payoffs

There's now Trenchpost as well to mill out people
>Just don't fall for the changelings trap
No worries there. I get for some people Omo is their first experience with "oops, all lords" style decks, but I find being able to fuck around with land types way more useful and way more fun.
>There's now Trenchpost as well to mill out people
That's not a bad idea as a second win con. Currently I run Orvar around ramping and small eldrazi (like spamming Reality smashers), because I really like the idea of him, but really hate running combo decks, and it's just so easy to fall into an infinite combo rabbit hole with him.
Yea, whenever I say fuck this game and play Cyclonic Rift
never underestimate a betas desire to white knight and step on the moral high horse to feel better about themselves by shaming others with any tools they can grip with their scrawny grasp
I used to really hate control players, stax and counterspells
and then I started playing them and I can finally understand why everyone plays them. Counterspells are inarguably the most hilariously broken form of interaction ever printed. I used to consider myself a pretty bad magic player but when I started playing control it was like a whole new world opened up.
Decks or strategies I used to struggle against became downright trivial. The amount of power counterspells hold is shocking I was in disbelief at how much I could totally disrupt the flow of a game for often 0 mana.
I maintain that I was right about blue and control but I also now understand why people do it. It's like playing the game with cheats on, it's hard not to feel excited holding so much power without even needing to put bombs into your deck
>thing that is unfair and too strong is great to play as but awful to play against
yes that is how things tend to go
Fuck free spells, especially counters, for exactly what you said. they completly fuck over the basic rules of the game and are the most obnoxious thing they ever came up with.
but i agree, once i started to lean in on counter magic solely as a self defense tool, and it does feel like cheating. Its basically the only way to effectevly stop combos and instat/sorcery based wincons, with very rare off-colour exceptions
Dude, blue is the main character of MTG, we all know this. Main character is usually the strongest
>Counterspells are inarguably the most hilariously broken form of interaction ever printed
idk why so many controlfags refuse to admit this, nobody would have a problem if they just admitted they're playing on easy mode
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how come eldrazi elicit such an intense reaction from people, how are they different from any other late game threat?
but wheres muh acknowledgement for my very high IQ play of countering that One Ring, because i KNOW how good it is?
for some reason people thinking winning via a 7 mana instant win combo is less egregious than ulamog exiling half the library of one whole guy at the table for 3 extra mana
>the simic and azorious player get into yet another stack war trying to resolve their own one ring
the difference being their absolute pushed support coupled with years of powercreep turned Eldrazi late game threats into mid game threats
because making 6 million tokens in 2 turns: good
losing them to annihilator: bad
I run an ultra budget list (no card worth more than $0.35 on card kingdom other than Miirym herself, I don't even have a sol ring) and even I agree that Miirym is extremely gay.
I basically have her deck dismantled. I was just pulling her out because I used all my other decks that night already.
aaah yes, the immaculate 5d chess, qraduple digit iq game of "yes, no, yes, no, yes, no"
they are in this bizarre spot where they are simply not good enough for high level play but are absolutely strong enough for every form of play other than cedh. So they can be bad, good or anything in between.
Meaning every player must treat the eldrazi player as a potential threat because he might be one of those devious bastards who managed to make a power level 8 eldrazi meatgrinder.
Eldrazi have the power to actually win games when in this position which naturally makes them a bigger threat than say, dinosaurs
I hate it so much, maybe if they weren't literally free it wouldn't be so bad
this pretty much, they're by no means overpowered or broken but they're a present and real power to be reckoned with.
I don't think the fear towards them is totally rational but they are something you are expected to keep an eye on
>a bunch of self admitted child molesting fruits hate countermagic
Ah, yes, edh general
found the blue player
People fear what they don't understand
Annihilator is just a high salt mechanic. It's not necessarily anymore or less powerful than other things. I think it's also the fact that most of them are colorless so you never know when your opponent is going to whip out something that makes you roll your eyes because they can go in every deck
Omo precon
Turned all my 5 deserts into frogantuas with 1 player already out then hopped over to everybody else

Despite Magic constantly releasing new cards, more so than ever before, once something is deemed scary in the collective consciousness it sticks with that reputation more or less forever. Eldrazi have the one-two punch of the cultural memory of the original Eldrazi releases and how they were the big dick endgame monster for years, and also Eldrazi Winter fucking up modern. As someone who was around when Rise of the Eldrazi was announced, seeing the webpage do a dramatic reveal for Kozilek certainly did help sell them as something majestic and threaten, to the point where it will stick around forever even though we live in a world where infinite comboing is incredibly easy, mana efficient, cheap financially, and can be backed up with cheap counterspells.
this, it's fucking marketing
like oh wow the eldrazi player ramped and duplicated nu-lamog with annihilator 13 on turn 5
so scary!
meanwhile the dragon player has 500 hasted dragon tokens, the control player has stifle ready for annihilator and the guy with black is currently tapping to cast soul shatter.
The people who cry about eldrazi are the same people that think green stompies is a broken archetype
They are decidedly "Strong" but not "unfair"
so, bad players will always consider them cancer and good players will always consider them dogshit.
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>quit commander with the rest of my playgroup
>they print a legend Ive been waiting for a while
>also one of the best representatives of what green wants to do
Who is this guy exactly
Something to do with the Weatherlight and original Phyrexia storyline (?)
As I recall from the wiki, he was declared Korvecdal (uniter?) by Oracle en-Vec
Same guy as Eladamri, Lord of Leaves who I want for my elf deck but can't justify $60 for
A couple years ago I had an elves with Marwyn at the helm that was really powerful, thematic, and fun. But my playgroup ended up having 3 other elves decks over that time, so it lost a lot of its luster. I ended up selling the entire thing to a friend and have been waiting for an interesting green general to show up to build another heavy-creature deck.

Now this new Eladamri is super powerful and could lead a fantastic elves deck himself. I just wish it was a different tribe or something more unique, idk.
Pact costs (5) though.
This guy would cost 5 mana if he was printed a decade ago
thats what im sayin man
the fact that this insane card is only mid power is so wild to me
i hate how pushed the game is
im surprised he is in bolt range, at this point
idk why wotc is so anal about every legend not being boltable when bolt is rarely played in commander
EDH newfag here. What's the primary win condition in this deck? https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=56656&d=622568&f=cEDH
get enough creatures down to swing for lethal
Damn, I was scanning for some stupid combo that EDH is known for.
it actually costs 0 which is why spells that acknowledge cmc treat it as such
Why do they keep making her look like a man
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Would require blue to be bolt proof
No combos but all the creatures are in there to slow the opponent down
Stax + aggro
ayo, could it be having thrice the opponents somehow differs from 1v1??
which is doubly annoying since this bitch has basically ward - its controller draws a card, and he is in colours that just counters the bolt anyways
should have been a 2/1
What a disgusting card
Is there a way to fix Simic? Or the opposite way: are there any simic commander that arent broken value piles that feel like babby mode cheating? I would absolutely count the shards as Simic too: Sultai, Temur, Bant - of which i'd argue Sultai to be the least offensive.
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I WILL be playing nadu all summer and you can't stop it.
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hey, Nardu player. Outvalue THIS
I got a glock in my rari anon. Why would you not stay strapped when you've got several grand in cardboard in your bag.
the tastelesness all checks out. we've got a high level larper here
>Is there a way to fix Simic?
No. It's playstyle of durdle out into big value matches the current design ethos of EDH perfectly, and since lands are sacred and thus cannot be touched and drawing cards is good, Simic and Simic adjacent decks will be good outside of cEDH where expensive artifact ramp is widely available to everyone.
>are there any simic commander that arent broken value piles that feel like babby mode cheating?
There are actually quite a few that aren't babby mode off the commander alone like Tawnos or Verazol, but they are heavily restrictive and even then the color identity is strong enough to carry the deck even if the commander isn't questionable.
Since you're targeting with that, I'll reveal the top card of my library...
I still have no idea why the lands don't come in tapped at the very least
You have the right general idea, but the wrong take. Control is based as fuck, and the revelation you SHOULD have pulled from your experience is that solitaire decks are the most cancerous forms of deckbuilding imaginable.
It's not a white card, anon, sheesh.
guis, /mmg/ is making fun of us, again
How do none of these women carry keys?
I'm laughing because otherwise I'd cry.
on my turn i flicker darksteel mutation attaching it to nadu (no targeting)
>an aura doesn't target a creature when it's cast and attached
It does when it’s cast, but not when it enters without being cast, such as if it were to be flickered.
fickering auras that enter without being cast don't target, they simply attach to a valid target (correct type for the aura and doesn't have protection from the aura)
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>Pushed FIRE legend that's fucking up multiple formats
>Still gets fucked by random legend from 2005
Hail to the Queen
Ill sac a scute
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i too believe in Golgari supremacy.
it's THE quintessential EDH color pairing
How exactly does savra "fuck" nadu
it even is one of the two identities that got Group Hug right, as far as i am aware. The other being Rakdos with Xantcha.
other based approaches to an otherwise obnoxious archetype?
it's an edict on a stick, wich doenst target and kills nardu, as long there is nothing else to sac.
Savra just fucks over most creature and commander dependent decks
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>play edh with two playgroups
>playgroup 1 stopped playing 6 months ago
>other playgroup havent set up a game in 2 months
>try and set up a game night
>two of the guys have pretty much given up on the game
>the only guy who cares went from gigawhaling on mtg to gigawhaling on 40k and only wants to play that
its so over lol
She's not anything on a stick actually. She does nothing on her own
commander is reclining
I too recently stopped playing Magic and started getting into the Warhammer40k hobby. For me, the prices of MH3 gave me such sticker shock, it made me look at Warhammer prices and say "oh wow this is actually reasonable".
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>it made me look at Warhammer prices and say "oh wow this is actually reasonable".
>magic is so fucking dogshit cost wise that WH40k pricing looks reasonable
jesus fucking christ
Solid all around. Well-costed for an early-mid beater for dragons. Because it's a death trigger, it's unreliable for ramping or card advantage. Treat it as a cheap dragon with upside, not a ramp piece.
I use him in Jaxis and am rarely unhappy to see this card.
I've got one of these and I genuinely hate it. I feel like such a tryhard when I play it. Everyone at the table groans when they see it. It's just too good.

What would I even replace it with? Should I just put another mana dork in? A draw engine?
Village Bell-Ringer is always a combo piece. With 4 mana from creatures it's infinite mana and infinite etbs from other creatures. Thought-knot seer mills every enemy
Anon, casuals groan about anything.
If you start your opening hand with Sol Ring and they haven't, they will groan, moan or eat fries and lick the fingertips.
just lol at them and tell them to run a $0.02 artifact removal piece instead of the 40th piece of value/synergy in their valuepile
if your deck isnt just a single guy i imagine growing rites of itlimoc would work
why isn't your deck 100 cards of removal don't you want to win???
its such a does-it-all that its hard to determine what to replace it with. do you care more about the mana or the drawing? id go for another draw spell or something
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>get dragged into mtg by friends
>get really into building decks
>force everyone to play them
>friends keep telling me they want to play 60 card formats and stop with commander
>ignore all of their faggy requests and build more decks for them to play
>they try to escape but they all keep crawling back because I know what's best for them
>recently, all of them started to build new commander decks
>one of them even set up a game and elo tracking side for our circle
you dragged me into this, and as long as I'm playing, you are playing too
i'm kinda suprised this isnt appearing in lists everywhere for dinos, wouldnt this go crazy in pantlaza?
any groan commanders for groan tribal?
that one
makes me groan and edge in frustration
Between 3D printing (including commissioned) and recasts it's easy to get an army for cheap. It's also an artistic project unless you're a slob, so getting it painted and converted to a decent standard will last you a while
It's honestly the reason why I don't consider anything else than full proxying to be acceptable
They hate beauty because beautiful things make them feel insecure and angry. Everything they make must be either as ugly as they are or blatently fetishistic so that it corrupts the intrinsic beauty portrayed. Pretty much every beautiful magic card is now only found in older sets.
I made a deck that was nothing but removal, it's miserable to play against, drags games out, and has no clear win condition. I loved it but everyone I played against hated it because they didn't get to play the game :(
I'm both the Great Henge guy and the Miirym guy.
Different decks thankfully, but still.
>removal deck without wincons
all you need are a bunch of mass reanimate spells and aristocrat effects and you will win 99% of pods
god damn, i KNEW it

im glad you changed your ways
Rending Volley
What a broken overpushed card
I have a decent number of Power 5+ dinosaurs but I also have a lot that don't hit the threshold. I have 17 creatures that would proc it, and 5-10 of those aren't realistic targets to discover/cascade into due to high mana cost.

Pantlaza himself not triggering it is probably enough to keep me away from it since it would be too much of a gamble.
What EDH commanders are most popular at your LGS these days?
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who should I build next
build Ruby and have 90% of the deck be 1 and 4-drops.
One or 2 mh3 boxes or an entire 40k 2000pt army.
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Should he lean experience counters tribal or go wide spawns?
retardation. Same with sliver hate

It doesn't. My friend routinely tells me about 40k prices and the price of one model exceeds some of my decks in the high three figures.
go wide spawns. Experience is too unfocused to go all in on
4 drops I get but why 1 drops?
This literally has happened to several people I know.
Top left corner
What this guy said >>93170071
>I would have a complete autism melt down
sounds bout right.
Beast thingy that draws a card every creature
It's mostly just Annihilator. Otherwise they're easy to deal with.
friend of mine made a killer landfall deck with this guy
Most of them don't even have annihilator, though?
Same story here except with Digimon and 40K
Shit I'd rather just use Up the Beanstalk
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No but most decks have the ones that have annihilator. You'd be silly to not include them.
exp counters but by going wide with the other exp cards that actually synergize with him. Ezuri, Meren, Minthara, Othari, mizzix would probably work well too if you have enough cards for him. instead of going all in on spawns/scions too you could always try to find ways to cheat those creature types onto other creatures you control
There's like 4 cards with an annihilator over 2.
to use the extra mana on turns 1, 2 (ruby has haste) and 4.
so very flexible, so many interesting builds. used to seem like overpowered slop, but it isn't "do thing, draw card" of modern design, so it now gets a pass. this is my top choice.
great card, deceptively powerful. most people will just let you draw and take 2, and before they know it their life will be a lot lower than they realized and they are facing you down with no cards in hand and you a full grip. second choice.
>play omo
>everyone loses their fucking mind
>an ‘everything’ counter? Sounds dangerous
>removes omo over esper turn 3
>omo is apparently kos over turgrid

Next day, new group

>play energy precon
>energy? Woah you have THREE energy?
>sounds dangerous
>get focused

???? It didn’t make me mad, but, it was legitimately confusing, I wanted to just remark ’..if your stupid’ whenever I’d play a fucking artifact that lets me t,3 energy: draw a card and they go ‘woah that sounds dangerous’
Aren't Chinese knockoff models very cheap?
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Stay strapped bird bros. They h8 us cuz they 8nt us.
I always wanted the build an ad Mech army? Are they strong/noob friendly?
>random cringy gun picture
at least you're smart enough to not put it in a safe
>Woah you have THREE energy?
>sounds dangerous
Motherfuckers, energy is only dangerous in multiples of six and eight. I feel an instinctive need to put the fear of God in them with the nonsense I can do with Primal Prayers, Aethersquall Ancient, and Decoction Module.
Based. Best wincon is just flying over their stupid blockers and infinite combos and just club the crab out of them. That feels like an earned win unlike:
>You didn't ramp fast enough and I produce 100+ mana and draw half my deck and therefore i win.
>not a Glock
>not in a Ferrari
Omo decks do fine without her desu if you built for lands and not the gimmicky changeling lord strat.
favorite mono green commanders / deck ideas? need one last one to fill out my slot
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>dark deal turn 3
scratch, i actually need it to be esper
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only one valid answer
Only acceptable if it's chair tribal.
this basically turns off alot of bullshit infinite combos right?
>names boromir
>wants to borrow the ring
Nope there are plenty of infinite combos that aren't casted for free.
This...is the best esper has to offer? Might just stick with dimir or azorius
there's Breya
I tried, he's not high test at all. You either build him as a turbo linear combo deck, or he eats one kill spell or counterspell and then you essentially are locked out a commander for almost all of the rest of the game. There's very few games where Bladewing can be both fair and interesting.
Faithless Looting/Thrill of Possibilities type effects with a reanimator package and rituals for fast mana.
It's strong because you'll use entomb to dump a Utrava Hellkite into an animate dead some games but sometimes you'll just settle for lesser dragons.
I found that a lot more fun than going for Worldgorger lines while still being strong.
anon, i think everyone just hates you. it has nothing to do with the cards, they are pretending it is the decks when they really just want to eject YOU from the games.
Yeah, I tried those things in my list and it still wasn't enough to make Bladewing viable. You're better off running Kaalia or even VOW Olivia if you're just trying to cheat in fair dragons.
>have to wait several minutes to bake
don't forget the damn thread title btw
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That would make sense for the 2nd game. The first one was with new players, and they thought lifelink was on death…

Just a few hours ago:
>2 months ago
>playing phenax
>turn 10+
>get undead alchemist, phenax and intruder alarm and immortal elixir out
>guy loses his marbles
>recognizes me, invites me to a game
>everyone is playing precons except him, I use the energy one
>recounts in detail how cheap my mill combo was months ago and a good way to piss people off while we shuffle
>goes out of his way to focus me
>kills me with an infinite (heliod commander/ballista) immediately goes to handshake ‘gg’ passive aggressively
>shake and he tells me that he can give me a few pointers if I want to improve

I’ve never lost a game and stewed about it for longer than a few hours, this guy straight up said ‘youre the dude with the zombie infinite mill from a few months ago right?’ And had to rack my brain wtf he was talking about. Then downplayed heliod after everyone picked precons, and tutors for hangar. It was so blatant that I I’m honestly flabbergasted and flattered that I somehow stomped someone into shitting themselves for months.
On cast triggers are hard to deal with and unfun because they lack good interaction or responses in 90% of decks.
At the same time eldrazi also inhabit the same place as slivers. If you don't deal with them they're really powerful, but they fold to very simple things like board wipes or removal.
A lot of mothman, a lot of that merfolk precon commander.

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