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Darth Sidious Blood Rage Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

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TQ: Why Sheev aka Darth Sidious so beloved and based?
Execute Order 66
>Why Sheev aka Darth Sidious so beloved and based?
Because he’s a man so unrepentant and corrupt that it’s entertaining to watch him get away with his schemes/
Glory to Armada.
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Filipino Sith Lords are just built different, I guess...
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Same energy
He's fun to watch. TROS ruined him a bit for me though, used to be my second favourite character
Name 2 war movies, samurai movies or westerns to take elements from to make a Star Wars game plot.
Kelly’s Heroes and 3:10 to Yuma
Were there really people who got mad to the point of shitting their pants because they made Ki-Adi-Mundi a hundred years old?
High Plains Drifter and Throne of Blood
People talk about how much they want deep villains with heavy backstories
Those villains are shit unless the writing around them is excellent.
A villain like Sheev who is evil for the sake of being evil, who wakes up each morning with a smile knowing he is going to absolutely ruin someone's day for no other reason than he can, is both amazingly fun and so cartoonish that he plays best off of the more serious other characters who cannot believe someone would be so evil.
yes, because it "contradicted" his birthday in legends
I'm very glad that George Lucas' Star Wars TV show where it would have revealed that Palpatine only turned evil because he got screwed over by a heartless gangster woman when he was just a teenager never got made.
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Didn't the EU also establish that he had multiple wives and kids but then the prequels established that Jedi weren't allowed to have families so they handwaved it away as "he didn't actually care or love them"?
Pretty funny oopsie
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Which one?
Legit they should have killed Cad Bane at the end of an adaptation of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly featuring Cad, Boba and Hondo.
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I like them both, but for me it's the IDT.
yordhorde in shambles
Fuck off to twitter, you zoomer filth.
>Why Sheev aka Darth Sidious so beloved and based?
Because he wins. He's the most successful villain in all of fiction, all defeats are temporary, his final victory will never be undone, and he's even affected the real world. He is, simply put, the greatest villain to ever exist.
He was the best thing in that movie, and it ended with his victory.
Hang 'em High and Zatoichi. Padawan is blinded during an attempt to kill them, they return after embracing the dark side to get revenge and become a bounty hunter.
LAAT, I love me some proper lasers.
Best part of the episode was watching Jailbait and 'Tard Hair die. It's just too bad they can't have survived so I can see them die again.
>ECHenry vs Fractalsponge
I'll go with the LAAG
>Implying Cosinga Jr is based
His name's Sheev, not Bazinga.
Everyone saw it coming a mile away but I will give the acolyte exactly one bit of credit. They did a good job hiding the fact he actually has some muscle.

Helmet is still dumb though.
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did palpatine actually "die"? like spiritually?

his body was destroyed but he just transferred his spirit into a new host body, so because he never became one with the force, did he actually "die"?
He literally takes over Rey's body. That's why naughty Sheev buries Luke and Leia's remains on a planet he knows they both hate and takes the name Skywalker because he thought it was hilarious as a final insult.
Don't make fun of my medical condition. Millions of people shit themselves in anger every day.
I presume the second incarnation was a scuffed clone with a holocron on the back of its skull puppeteering it.
On a similar note, has anyone tried to do something similar to what I described in Canon or EU? even if it is nowhere close to true immortality it still sounds very useful.
>RLM made a video on Acolyte talking about the culture war debates over it (they found it mediocre)
>SWT appeared in a clip about it
>SWT made a video not mentioning RLM by name but saying that grifting makes no money and his best months were talking positively about Mandalorian season 2, therefore he isn't a grifter he is just honest
What a disingenous shit, your best months were because you went viral crying over Luke, this doesn't mean that grifting makes no money especially when so many creators have purposefully gone down that path.
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Fuck RLM and fuck you double time.
Did you learn nothing from that post in the other thread? Eceleb talk is cancer.
Cancer upon Eceleb culture and it’s people!
Posted in last thread

Hey there,
Anyone have an invite to a Star Wars RPG discord? Or access to the Star Wars 4chan discord floating around? I’m looking to play the RPG, and have a few sessions under my belt, but it abruptly ended when I had to break it off with my ex years ago.

While my Star Wars knowledge isn’t extensive, I’m happy to learn, and can contribute. I’m in the PST zone if that helps.

No, he can always come back, assuming he's not fermenting inside Rey like he planned, because he literally said "kill me and then become me," and...she killed him. According to Disney, evil wins in Star Wars.
Literally who cares
SWT is a culture wars grifting faggot.
RLM are irrelevant and boring.
SWT? No he isn’t, my brother.
He got upset over a fucking birthdate nigga. Of all the things to get annoyed over.
He's a bit of a whiney faggot
>wahhh I was the nerd and outcast
come on
Hmm, yeah that was kinda cringy yeah. Kinda disappointed in him despite him being a child dude for the most part.
Give the LAAG the LAAV's wings and it'd be just about perfect.
Yep :/
>leslie headland or the interviewer said we hate gay people
I mean this is culture wars grifting. The interviewer implied some nerds hate gay people but the showrunner didn't say that directly. When you say her or someone said, get it right.
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You're making a Star Wars RPG campaign. What is something COMPLETELY OFF the same beaten paths that is new and fresh? I've done:
>Jedi adventures slightly before prequels, during and escaping Inquisition.
>Every flavour of Rebel/Imperial stuff, from soldiers to spies to pilots, being both sides.
>Every crime type story you can think of.
Aka the three main pillars. I've done murder mysteries, other genres, a podracing team ffs. I am all out of ideas. Unless I just do a campaign of quiet freighter pilots, which ehhh?
Why were the Banking Clan and Munn so rich? Where did they get all the money to fund a galaxy from? Was it all because of Plagius?
He had the perfect ending in rotj now whenever I see sheev I think of that stupid fucking shitshow and how Luke and Vader accomplished nothing
>Was it all because of Plagius?
No, their fair share collective of Muun ancestors.
Btw Guys! Are you people nerds/geeks/neckbeards/scientists?
Their planet was full of gems and gold etc. To them it was common as rocks but when they met the intergalatic republic when they entered space travel they saw how valuable it was so doubled down on their resources and got very rich, fast. So this is thousands of years before Plagueis was even born
So yeah. All thanks to their Muun ancestors and Muunilinst/Scipio natural resources.
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You could do archaeology shit:
>Doctor Aphra from the comics does that shit, Luthen Rael in Andor is an antiques seller too and Bad Batch had that Entombed episode.
So there is some Star Wars precedent there. Give it a classic dungeon crawl vibe?
Say a Jedi encounters a Muun Sith. Would the Jedi for a second wonder where this Sith Muun came from and how he became a Sith Lord? What kind of upbringing and training would a Sith Muun have endured?

I would react very confused and surprised upon meeting a Sith Lord of Muun heritage.
Getting a bill passed in the Galactic Senate.
Entertainers trying to make it big.
Buddy road trip adventure trying to get Sheev Palpatine's signature.
Droids gaining sentience and escaping their masters.
All of your players are Twi'lek slaves of the hutt that is a close anagram of your name.
>Star Wars The Thick of It edition
Probably involves more Twi'lek whores, spice smuggling, and brutal murders than the average pirate campaign.
Lost in space
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Well you said Jedi adventures, why not do Sith adventures?
Ralph Fiennes as Darth Plagueis when? He looks like a Munn as Voldemort
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>You could do archaeology shit:
I have done stuff sessions like that before including dungeon crawl type things.
>Getting a bill passed in the Galactic Senate.
This I haven't done but it'll need a lot of thought to make it interesting? Would be very intrigue/dialogue heavy. Drawing a blank on what would be a good bill to get passed or to get things rolling unless I go straight towards the prequels military bills?
>Entertainers trying to make it big.
Done something like this before.
>Buddy road trip adventure trying to get Sheev Palpatine's signature.
Could do something like this and make a comedic campaign. Kind of reminds me of the film Fanboys (a group of fans went to steal a copy of TPM from Skywalker Ranch for their dying friend). Make a series of farces along the way.
>Droids gaining sentience and escaping their masters.
Two PCs did something like this in one campaign.
>close anagram of your name
I may have had too many Twi'lek's in crime stuff already though to suggest this. (Pic related)
As in, just them being lost or like Lost in Space show (family getting trapped somewhere)? I have had situations where PCs have been lost before.
While I haven't done Sith directly I have done stuff analogous to them such as Inquisitors before. This I am unsure about unless I just do my own better version of acolyte?

Thanks for all the suggestions, much appreciated. (More ideas are welcome.)
The same time we get Tom Hiddleston as younger version of Palpatine.

Which is to say, probably around 2027.
You Disney shills need to make this happen, a political drama about these two and their rise to power
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>What is something COMPLETELY OFF the same beaten paths that is new and fresh?
Off the top of my head:
>Surgeons/medical director on a backwater world
Whether if it’s a case of misguided naivety, lack of work or a series of bad choices you are now the head of a medical outpost out on a remote Wild Space world. Supplies are low, the living is borderline preindustrial, your staff are sketchy as shit, the local government has a minor corruption issue, pirates/mysterious alien raiders are a frequent problem, and the closest Twi’lek whore is 70,000 ly’s away. It can be set in any era you want, I think it could be a very Kino and fun idea.

As the other Anon’s said there is the mineral wealth that they possess, but Muun’s are an extremely shrewd and smart people. It took more than a thousand years for them to get imbedded in every single financial institution in the Galaxy (hell they even managed to spread their influence to a “mini galaxy” joined to the main galaxy, hence the Intergalactic in their name), by the time of the CW there wasn’t a single bank in the Republic that wasn’t affiliated with the IGBC in one way or another.
The Republic was extremely lucky that the entire IGBC didn’t defect with San Hill to the Confederacy.
A galactic bill to get Trandoshan‘s to stop hunting Wookies and to legally recognize Wookies as a sentient species instead of trophy hunts for them.
>Kind of reminds me of the film Fanboys
Pretty much exactly. Though the road trip movie is a long and storied genre in American cinema. Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Thelma and Louise, Little Miss Sunshine, Borat, Dumb and Dumber. So yeah, generally comedy but you can put in deeper bits and character development as well. If you set it post RotJ you can explicitly have them visit all the major locations of the movies.
>>Surgeons/medical director on a backwater world
Medical professionals in general has a lot of scope. Could do MASH and go all army doctors or do a fucking Greys Anatomy drama. Or do House set in the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center, commonly referred to as the EmPal SuRecon Center for short.
>it is space lupus
Have them be Palps personal house maids and staff.
Cyberpunks on Coruscant doing various jobs and building notoriety until eventually drawing the eyes of Imperial forces. Have to fight like Boba Fett or something at the end.
>While I haven't done Sith directly I have done stuff analogous to them such as Inquisitors before. This I am unsure about unless I just do my own better version of acolyte?
With Sith stuff, it would be best to either go forward or far backward in the timeline. There's the JCW or NSW eras, obviously. Or you could go forward to the late NJO period, when the Sith are starting to make a comeback.
Based on Lucas and what little canon there is of the Sith vs Jedi/Republic wars.
You could easily do a mixed group vs the local Sith cult who consist of maybe 5-10 actual Sith and a bunch of acolytes and who rule the Sector in need of liberation.
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Really like the LAAG.
Why was palpatine so intelligent in the prequel era, yet completely monkey retarded in the sequels?
Dying and getting resurrected in a faulty clone body can't be good for your mental health.
I meant to say the original trilogy. He was very retarded in the sequels too though
He'd won by the time of the OT. You're always more careful when everything's up in the air, you have something to lose, and the outcome is close. After pulling off a masterclass in subterfuge, he was understandably overconfident. If he could slaughter the Jedi with an army he'd built for them, corrupt the Chosen One, and pull the Republic right out from under the Senate's feet, what couldn't he do? Fat on his own success, he got complacent and got outplayed by one man's faith in his father, and a band of folks with nothing to lose and lots of grit.
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>Surgeons/medical director on a backwater world
Not a bad shout, can have situations involving different aliens biology/cultures, scrounging resources, dealing with conflicts.
Wookies had a seat in the Senate too, weird how quickly that turned to them being hunted.
>Though the road trip movie is a long and storied genre in American cinema.
Of course, but I had Star Wars on my mind hence the Star Wars example.
>If you set it post RotJ you can explicitly have them visit all the major locations of the movies.
Might be hard to directly get Sheev's autograph post RotJ. (Unless they just steal signed memorabilia.) I typed that and then remembered TRoS happened
Had cyborg players before and Coruscant as a setting. Would recommend.
I probably don't know enough to run games in those specific eras unless I did a bunch of research to be honest. (Outside of a bit of KOTOR knowledge that is.)
>Might be hard to directly get Sheev's autograph post RotJ. (Unless they just steal signed memorabilia.) I typed that and then remembered TRoS happened
It is more an innane example of something stupid one character would want.

Alt. they could be a documentary film crew.
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>It is more an innane example of something
Sure, but I kinda like the complete absurdity of it too. May as well go big for a comedic campaign.
>Alt. they could be a documentary film crew.
The Office: ISB edition.
I recall in the novel A New Dawn, which talked about Kanan's first meeting with Hera, that the cyborg villain in the book had cortosis armor. In that case the cortosis was woven in, rather than being solid. The protection it provided was energy dissipation, so when Hera shot him when he was holding Kanan the blaster energy in part grounded into Kanan. Sadly we didn't see what effect the armor would have on a lightsaber since Kanan didn't use his at the time.
The TIE Whisper in X-Wing seems to be pretty mediocre. Anyone have links to a stream of someone using it well or lists with it or something? I've been trying to use it and it just feels bad, like spending points on an SF or Silencer would have been a way better choice.
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Senility was setting in. This is why during his reign as emperor he laid the groundwork for the creation of the successor First Order and also their successor the Sith Eternal, each with massive deathfleets. In fact the Sith Eternal already had their jumbo ISDs during the time of the Empire somehow made at the same time they were pumping and dumping funds and resources into making multiple Death Stars. True story! All of it!
>The Office: ISB edition.
I was thinking more Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse
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>Playing First Order
Considering that is a documentary of making a movie, what movie would be being made?
It is more along the lines of you are making a documentary (or movie) and things are going terribly wrong.

Alt more tongue and cheek is to actually do a "Rise and Fall of Sheev" post RotJ. Again visiting and talking to whoever is left alive that still new the guy across the galaxy. First interview is with JarJar.
Which depiction of the Nightsisters do ya'll prefer?
While I usually don't like EU, rancor riding space amazons > pale witches
Don't Disney NS also have Rancors?
The worst part is that could have had both the goth witches and space amazons but chose not to.
Sotry wise you're right, but he comes back from the dead, wants a specific person to kill him, and she does. He won. Either he's in Rey, or he's going to come back again when there's no Jedi to stop him. Rey is a shit teacher and there's no Ilum for plentiful saber crystals, he WON, completely.
FFG Force & Destiny just said there are multiple Nightsister groups.
>Luke.... before I die... you need to go to Exegol... kill Sheev Luke... kill him!
That's what I hated about those Marvel comics. Shit set up for sequels.
>they wear helmets
>thongs and armored rancors
I prefer that one
EU is only U at this point. any faggoty loser reatrd who calls it 'legends' is a shitter whpo eats all the disney penises, happily.

OT, unfortunately the PT, EU and PRE disney clone wars (both gennidy and cgi)
that is all the SW that exists. ANYTHING post disney is wrong and fail antifan-fiction made by losers who hate SW.
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There's absolutely nothing wrong with including Exegol or, say, one of the ST ship designs in your games. They look miles better than the shitty garbage we got from the 90s, that most writers rightfully ignored. Fuck penis ships. I pretend that the cringe that is a "Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser" or "Carrack" doesn't exist, and that the Katana Fleet is Venators or Providences or something.
heresy. you are a foul heathen fallen to sin and the worship of shitney's vile crimes against IP.
No, I prefer the stuff designed by ILM over some dumbass Pablo Hidalgo's pen-scribbles that you call "starships" just because you're nostalgic for the 90s. Everything Disney produced, story wise, is legit hot garbage. But the designs, which are made by the same guys who designed ships for the PT and OT, are on-point. And I'll pick them over the cartoon scribbles that are shaped like dildos or turds any day of the week.
>Ton Falk-class
All belong in the garbage bin, along with pretty much most fan-made designs.
wrong wrong wrong wrong
wrong wrong wrong wrong
you're wrong
you're wrong
you're wrong
shit taste shit taste shit taste
shit taste shit taste shit taste
you have shit taste
you have shit taste
you have shit taste
*laughs in world devestator, e-wings, star defenders and TIE avengers*

*cackles in assault boat and e-9 howlrunner*

pffft, i bet you don't even ten gun interceptor w/ shields and hyperdrive.

I bet you don't even TIE defender.
Make peace you 2! I implore you.
>*laughs in world devestator, e-wings, star defenders and TIE avengers*
All good designs from the EU. But I find the Ahsoka E-Wing a massive improvement. TIE Avenger and TIE Defender also good, but I prefer the Avenger over the Defender.

Dreadnaught, Carrack, that shitty Pellaeon that gets spammed? All of them have to go, ASAP.
Nah he's got some objectively good picks. Its just that 90s garbage that needs to be thrown out to rot. Arquitens beats Carrack, any day of the week. Venator beats Victory, too.
nope. dreadnought is peak SW and proves the perfidy of the alderaanians.

>la la la we know have planetary shields that make us invulnerable to attack!

> shall we mothball our fleet of fucking 6 THOUSAND rendili stardrive dreadnoughts and breakdown these dangerous weapons so they cannot fall into the wrong hands or be misused now that we are PEACEFUL HIPPIES of peacefulness?

>no, let us just slave them and send them off into deep space, WHAT COULD GO WRONG!? let someone ELSE deal with it!

>ha, and those 12,000 crew per dreadnought, well, that's only a navy of 72 million men we just told they're fired and unemployed. I am sure they will be JUST FINE...
On one hand, most of us were calling it from the moment he brought up the first line of the Sith code. On the other hand, I appreciate that it had the decency to properly foreshadow it, even if it felt a bit obvious.
Yeah, the helmet is silly. I've seen a few nicknames for him but I'm partial to Smilo Ren.
Not everyone suffers from Grumpy Dumpy Syndrome.
You can have that storyline with a better looking ship, like the Venator. The Katana Fleet story is great, and fits, but the ship? Absolutely horrid.
Why do you feel the need to shill over this SWT faggot?
Buy a fucking ad.
the Venator looks good as an Imperial/Republic federal ship
the DHC fits amazingly well for a planetary rent a fleet that doesn't show any specific affiliation you need those sort of ships too
no you can't. the venator is a flimsy carrier with light shileds and small weapons complement, almost totally beholden to its fighter complement.

meanwhile, dreadnought class are walls of armour and shields and massive weapons complements from small laser cannon suitable for anti fighter wook, to a mass fire concentration of heavy turbolasers for taking on other capitol ships.
All of that is garbage nerd talk. Venator looks good, is made by ILM. Dreadnought is a shitty WEG lineart that looks like a literal turd with blisters.
The party's ship gets shot in the engine just as it's making the jump to hyperspace. It's only able to barely skim the hyperspace lane and keeps skipping out of it at near full-speed.
It eventually drops out completely near an uncharted world, engine dead, and because they kept dropping to realspace at relativistic speeds, 500 years have passed. They're forced to set down on the planet and find the sun's radiation is playing havoc with their electrical systems. Blasters only work one shot out of three. Lightsabers still work because Kyber Crystal Force mumbo jumbo.
They find inhabitants living in well-established civilizations, but their tech is stagnated at a medieval level. But they do have gunpowder.
Now the party is a group of outlanders with strange tech (that barely works), some primitive firearms, and a good wizard or two armed with Sun Swords and are tasked with defeating the evil Warlock that plagues their lands and his army of white demons (rakghouls).
again, you prove your failure at SW. there is a reason the GE went from shitty Venators to the Victory class and then Imperator Class SD's. you first and foremost need something able to take a vicious pounding in SW stellar naval combat. THEN you can worry about hitting back.
The ISD looks good, so that's fine. ISD, Arquitens, Raider. Executor, too, and the Cantwell. Those are good looking ships, and are made by LucasFilm. Victories are not needed. You can go from Venator straight to ISD.
wrong, victories are actually FAR supreior to Imperators. they are smaller, and once they receive their engine upgrades, far faster and more nimble, whilst still being able to take wuite a pounding. AND they have fucking 80 conc missiles tubes, allowing them to take all comers. from fighter swarms to even MUCH heavier capitol ships, the Vic-I is a beaut of a capship. AND you can make multiples of them for every ONE imperator class, which means you have a MUCH higher chance of having a squadron of them johhny on the spot where you actually NEED them when something goes down. since you know, you have a Galactic EMPIRE to patrol.
>What is something COMPLETELY OFF the same beaten paths that is new and fresh?
When nerds around the internet complained about the Force Awakens "ruining Star Wars," I wrote up an alternate timeline where Vader actually does kill Padmé on Mustafar and the Luke and Leia never existed. I decided that it was an interesting enough concept that I could make a WEGd6 campaign. I foolishly called the document "The Darkest Timeline" and worked on it until I watched The Last Jedi at the local cinema. I don't know why Disney decided to fuck up an easily managed franchise so badly, but they managed to kill my life-long enthusiasm for Star Wars. I did not end up running that campaign.

Did a Victory Class Star-Destroyer write this post? Because everything you just said the Gladiator class does even better. Plus it looks cooler.
*laughs in Garm bel Iblis's victory squadron*
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You know what's also good about them, other than being scantily clad goth thots? They are all fucking dead. Every single one of them. And not just the men. But the women. And the children, too.
i can count 3 who putlived grievous
This might be the first time I *kinda* prefer a FaggotSponge design to a Henry, but honestly I'm not much enamoured of either. The LAAG is "what if X but Imperial styled" which I almost never care for, and as usual FS is incapable of producing anything that isn't overdetailed and saddled with at least a few details that just look incongruous(those chin turrets, eww). "LAAT/i successor" isn't really something that's necessary in the Empire's order of battle; Army move around in bulk they're not trained for combat insertions, Stormtroopers attack, well, by storming and they have ships big and small - the the landing craft from Mando & the TIE/br for space ops for squad level actions and the Sentinel for platoon strength deployments - that let them do that already. In the Imperial era the LAAT is an upgunned Huey in a world of MANPADS and abundant jets. Henry at least nods to that in his fluff, but a rare miss I think.
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All the set two legendaries.
Not in Lucas canon. Disney shit fanfiction and its consoomers need not apply.
Lemme asku' summin' Rick - what if all the youtubers criticising Star Wars, every single one, literally every last one of them, is a "grifter". Not a single solitary one of them just genuinely thinks the Disneyfilm output is shit, none of them hold a sincere belief in the political criticisms they make, it's *all* "grift".

Yes? So? And? Que? Even assuming the proposition is true, it can only make money if there's an audience to support it, so unless you're suffering from oxygen deprivation-induced brain damage from shoving your entire head up The Mouse's asshole and intend to argue the "grifters" are somehow hypnotising a significant proportion of people who would describe themselves or used to describe themselves as Star Wars fans into hating it, their "grift" remains nothing more or less than further proof of Disney's mismanagement.

If Star Wars wasn't *actually* shit in many, many people's estimation, these guys would have no relevance at all and all of them would be treated like Doomcock-tier lolcows.
Is Shadow Collective starter enough to play it out of the box against local players? I don't expect it to be super competitive but it would be nice to field a legal army for 60 eurobucks.
I think only if you buy it twice.
The double pronged hangar bay access makes it look like a vagina entrance, while the proper white triangle dagger design is more manly in its piercing thrust forwards.
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What race is this dude
Isn't a single box enough to field 500pts with all the upgrades?
Dresselian. Or Pruneface.
500pts could work. But the 500pts format isn't very balanced (melee/short-range units like Maul or Black Sun goons and Heavies/Armor slap exceedingly hard on such a small table).
Thanks, needed to figure out what colours I could use
I play every faction, because I play what fighters I think look cool.
>Ton Falk-class
>All belong in the garbage bin, along with pretty much most fan-made designs

These ships appeared in Star Wars: Rebellion, and that game was the best shit ever back in the day. They will forever be cool, and opinions to the contrary are invalid.
Guns of Navarrone and Yojimbo
A giant race to get to the unexplored edge of the galaxy and back. Lots of exploring the unknown regions and fighting other crews trying to win the big billion credit prize
>moving goalposts to cope
>is retarded
Man why are you like this.
>Dreadnought is a shitty WEG lineart that looks like a literal turd with blisters.
kek its you
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And its a diet-ISD, why would I use a diet-ISD instead of the original?
>muh 90s nostalgia
my point exactly
What other crises were in EU that could make historical footnotes?
Like War of 1812-tier.
Probably really important to shaping the galaxy but not material lasting impact after 100 years.

I was thinking that the High Republic wants us to believe a chunk of the galaxy got closed off by an Anti-Republic force and that triggered border wars with the Hutts and terrorist attacks across the galaxy. Leading to the Republic deciding not to expand to the Outer Rim as in depth as they planned.

But the Jedi and Republic Security Forces beat them in the end so barely anyone remembers them and their ideology.
>Venator beats Victory, too.
Haha! I agree.
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>The Expansionist Oligarchy was a cadre of mega-corporations granted the right to administer the Outer Expansion Zone by the Galactic Republic around 719 BBY. Given a free hand, the Oligarchy ravaged dozens of systems and reduced the workers it had imported to near-serfdom; the ensuing civil unrest forced the Galactic Senate to intervene and end the experiment.

>Despite the Republic's intervention, the same organizations and market forces which formed the Expansionist Oligarchy went on to establish the Corporate Sector some two centuries later. Compromises between the Republic and the corporations resulted in further division in the Republic and the Galactic Senate, pushing the Senate away from civilian interests and more towards the interests of the companies.

Seeing some kind of conflict between the Republic and corporate police post-Ruusan is something I'd be interested in seeing.
4 activations really is not a lot in skirmish. 5-6 is the standard in my experience, but you can make it work if you play well.
Consider taking force barrier on Maul and shields on Mandos to protect your precious minis.
Black Fleet Crisis.
Lucas, George Lucas.
He could get to 5 acts with
>Black Sun Vigo
>Black Sun troop
>Pyke troop
It's not optimal but it can get shit done with Maul, Black Suns and Mandos.
>these and the CIS don't overlap
quite a bit silly
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My headcanon is the Corporate Sector was largely humanocentric and after overreaching with the Expansionist Oligarchy they became more insular. Whereas the conglomerates that threw in with the Separatists were run by or taken over by ambitious aliens with developing economies, new money kind of. At least in the case of the Trade Federation, Techno Union and Corporate Alliance where the Neimoidians, Skakoans and Koorivar climbed their way to the top of those groups. And there's theories based in the EU and stuff that their rise to power was in part orchestrated by the Sith to vilify aliens and centralize power in the core.
Oh :O
CSA is like right next door to the CIS, though. A better headcanon would be that it was where the Trade Federation, Corporate Alliance, Techno Union, etc. all had their corporate headquarters and their most immediate slave labor locations, while keeping up the pretense of only having 'influence' in the rest of the CIS. Then when the Clone Wars ends, the CSA, which is functionally a corporation of itself, gets restructured and the new shareholders are KDY, TaggeCo, Sienar, etc. Then when the New Republic comes in, it comes under new ownership AGAIN with Incom, Mon Cal Shipyards, and so forth dominating, but all of them pretty much run it like a cyberpunk dystopia, with only the brands under the main CSA brand changing.
>This I haven't done but it'll need a lot of thought to make it interesting? Would be very intrigue/dialogue heavy. Drawing a blank on what would be a good bill to get passed or to get things rolling unless I go straight towards the prequels military bills?
Finding information on how to bribe senators most effectively and acquiring said bribes to convince them to pass the bill.
You work for a senator that wants a bill passed, so you do not work in politics, you work in requisition of assets necessary for bribing/threatening/pulling favours on other Senators.
Some Senator might like Spice, another might like Twi'lek girls, another might have an unfortunate accident, as his replacement would be more likely to cooperate, while another needs a threat of unfortunate accident. Finally, some can have favours to be called in.
The content of the bill is irrelevant, the process of getting the bill passed is what can make it fun.
Katana Fleet wasn't related to Alderaan, from what I remember.
Ah I see you're a zoomer born after 2000 sometime and never experienced the better world that was the 90s.

Carry on then.
I like some of the new ships, I like some of the EU ships, I will post them when I feel like it, and there's nothing anyone in this thread can do about it.
Not him but yeah, I don't recall the katana fleet being directly linked to Alderaan at all, just a grandiose project of the Old Republic's final days.
There's good EU ships, but those aren't them.
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Then post some.
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All the good EU ships were canonized.
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people born after 1992 also didn't experience the 90s either, retard
Very much correct. I'm digging the Z-95s from Fallen Order.
That corvette looks OK, teh rest is worse-than-fanmade-tier awful.
Not shilling, SWT is pathetic
>Yiddsney shit
No thanks.
>it can only make money if there's an audience to support it
Sure there is an audience but after a while it becomes its own self sustaining thing that is inescapable and creates its own controversies. Many of these commentators talked about other shit and then all began coalescing into one thing, why? That's the grift part, the fact that the audience creates its own narratives and these creators then feed that narrative back into their own audience as a self sustaining cycle. SWT and others claim they would rather be doing different content but then never do enough of that because this is simply easier to create content with a built in audience. Star Wars is shit. Doesn't mean these creators are good when they create non-controversies over Ki-Adi-Mundi's birthdate on Wookieepedia. They are disingenous at best and hard behind their investment as the ultimate defense rather than doing anything else. Also so many commentators literally just steal comments and ideas from sites like 4chan. It is all regurgitation with nothing interesting in sight.
>hard behind their investment
You’re pathetic. SWT can beat your worthless skinny ass in a fist fight.
Fuck off shill
Yes boss :(
What’s one unit you’d like to see in Legion? Who else could they squeeze into this game?
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Bunch of fuckos working on 9-5 on a research station in the outer rim. Allows a wide range of possibilities and character development for NPCs. Deal with pirates, government oversight, horrific wildlife that gets aboard, corporate spies, drunken fuckheads and Psychotic Terrorists with curiously familiar red powersuits
Rebel/Imperial pilots in uniform

blaster pistol primaries, generally bad at firefights but good at objectives
Sith Anakin before he gets bbq’d, full power Anakin would be fun
Just do a Legends box and stuff it full of old canon characters
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>At least in the case of the Trade Federation, Techno Union and Corporate Alliance where the Neimoidians, Skakoans and Koorivar climbed their way to the top of those groups.
I thought the Skakoan’s were the founding members of the Techno Union? Are you getting them mixed up with the Gossam’s and the Commerce Guild since the Guild only became Gossam dominated after Shu Mai’s accession to Presidente

I really would like to see Nimbus Commandos for the Separatists, there’s actually a lot of organic Sep units I’d like to see like the Gossam Commandos or Koorivar Fusiliers.
Why did the Techno Union have those weird bird battle droids? What sense do they make combat wise vs a normal B1 unit?
>floating text
fucking cringe
Those tripod towers the Cis use, let me fully recreate the battle of geonosis.
I dig both, but leaning towards LAAG.
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In Legends they don't specify but in FFG and canon it says the Skakoans bought their way in. With the Neimoidians and the Trade Federation it's at least said they were founding members before they ended up dominating the directorate. And yeah same with the Commerce Guild. The Corporate Alliance is more vague but it could be a similar deal since it does say Passel Argente's company became the biggest one and that's how he ended up as magistrate.
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The capital of Skako Minor is at a very high altitude so the D1 droids and the Octuptarra variants were probably designed specifically to guard the city or other separatist strongholds like that. Rocket droids seem to be used more for space than in-atmosphere so the D1's do fill a niche.
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I don't like that darth maul took over TCW and dooku was relegated to the side in the episodes that were actually made

> In Legends they don't specify but in FFG and canon it says the Skakoans bought their way in. With the Neimoidians and the Trade Federation it's at least said they were founding members before they ended up dominating the directorate. And yeah same with the Commerce Guild.
That makes sense, I guess it seems the IGBC is the only Sep megacorp controlled by it’s original founding species (we don’t have enough info on the Hyper-Communications Cartel and we have zero info on Rogwa Wodrata’s company to extrapolate from on if they are their original founders or not)
>The Corporate Alliance is more vague but it could be a similar deal since it does say Passel Argente's company became the biggest one and that's how he ended up as magistrate.
I believe that to be the case, in fact I think it’s only in the last two centuries that the Kooriva have transitioned from a transient refugee race to a major player in galactic commerce.
Dooku was mishandled since the pilot movie. Maul coming back wasn't the main reason for how badly he was written.
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>I guess it seems the IGBC is the only Sep megacorp controlled by it’s original founding species
Yeah though the Banking Clan does employ other species and has subsidiaries like the Bank of Aargau which is a majority human world. They also employed droids to guard Cybloc Station so they have in common with the Neimoidians it seems.
>we have zero info on Rogwa Wodrata’s company to extrapolate from on if they are their original founders or not)
Some people theorized Wodrata represented the Retail Caucus as a senator. She's not a Kerkoiden but then Gume Saam isn't a Skakoan and Voe Atell isn't a Koorivar (we think) and they represent the Techno Union and Corporate Alliance in their respective senates.
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Oh and the Hyper-Communications Cartel seems to have been specifically created for the CIS, or it was formed from several shadowfeed networks and Po Nudo was put in charge of it. I'd guess he had some business connections to communication companies to get the position similar to how Tikkes was a businessman turned senator. Also kind of like Grievous being placed in charge of the army which was also pooled together from the different corporations droids.
Consular my beloved.
because you can have FOUR of them at least for every ONE ISD. crazy pants.

lolno. one victory easily creams a squadron of venators. their fighter complements get missile'd to death on the attack, and the venators then have not enough arms nor defences to withstand 80 tubes of death missiles focusing on them one by one. of yes, thevictory may end up mauled a bit, but she will recover. the wreckage that was the venators, NOPE.

yes it was. it was alderaan's disarmament. the culmination of the retarded hippie peacenik movement that alderaan was infected with. 'look we have planet shields, we don't need a navy now, get rid of them'
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>Some people theorized Wodrata represented the Retail Caucus as a senator.
I’ve never thought of it but that does make sense, I really wish they did more with the RC since they seem like an interesting faction.
>it was alderaan's disarmament.
You're a fucking moron Anon, the Katana fleet belonged to the Republic Judicials and went rogue because of slave-linked vessels and a hive-virus that caused literally everyone on the ships to go completely batshit insane.

Somehow, you've mixed up the Another Chance and its escorts with something that was explicitly explained in the Thrawn Trilogy itself.
Is there an "Epic scale" Star Wars game out there? Whether it is homebrewed and lives on 3D printing or an obscure flop of a miniatures game?

I'm talking about something 8mm or 6mm scale.
The closest thing that comes to mind is Armada.
If we include vidya as well, Thrawn's Revenge is pretty huge scale too.
I really like the dark orange color palette of TPM era republic ships.
Shills & bills
But Maul wasn’t badly written, you mushroom.
villain dooku was fine for what the show was trying to henin the earlier seasons: a moustache twirling saturday morning cartoon villain, same applies to general grievous and asajj ventress, who were just his henchmen

the show growing up was fine, but then you had dooku and grievous still act like this
so then you have maul come in who is a bit more nuanced, but it feels like he "took away from the main characters and derailed the show"

having maul is fine, but he is not the main villain of the show, and having dooku nor grievous not in season 7 at all (a scene in an intro doesnt count) just makes it feel like maul is stealing the limelight (which he is because hes basically a filoni OC at this point)

>w-well dooku was in son of dathomir and dark disciple!
and those could have been made for season 7, same with crystal crisis which was almost finished which had general grievous
Ventresstroonfaggot posting the same shit for four years. Ventresstroonfaggot being a retarded, media illiterate mongoloid for his entire life.
It would appear you mislike and later hate Ventressfag with passion. Why is that I wonder.
When you think about it, Ventress probably has one of the highest force potentials in the star wars universe.
Despite being trained as a sith assassin jobber, not an actual sith lord she:
>defeated and killed several jedi, including masters
>usually fought alone against several jedi at once
>held her ground against Anakin and Obi Wan, who are some of the most powerful jedi of the time
imagine being this eternally mad at him
lets not forget that palpatine did get concerned that she was getting too powerful

there was also the infinities story where she gets buffed by the nightsisters instead of savage and kills dooku, replaces him and has plans to kill palpatine if we want to count that
didn't infinites also have Han shooting Vader to death and Yoda piloting the death star into coruscant
That's a lot of words to say "I don't agree with them, so they're grifters", you disingenuous fuck.

And the Ki-Adi thing isn't a nontroversy, because while it's a small thing in isolation it's indicative of all the broader trends that are ruining the franchise; the people making it don't know or don't care about its history real or fictional, they make changes on a whim for no reason at all nevermind for good reason, and then when their incompetence, ignorance, and idiocy are called out by the fanbase they and their useful idiots immediately resort to branding that fanbase as bigots and hatemongers and bullies. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever that character needed to be an existing named one, it being Ki-Adi Mundi has absolutely no relevance to the story being told and that story wouldn't change a single iota if they'd used a new character or any of the several Prequel-era Jedi from the long lived species who already were confirmed to be alive during this period, but some dipshit decided they wanted the Droid Attack On The Wookies meme guy and didn't care enough to find out/respect why that's a dumb idea.

You may have guzzled so much slop that you can't taste the shit anymore, but not everyone has lowered their standards to your level yet.
and also the son escaping mortis so yod and palpatine had to team up
I find her portrayal in Legion to be interesting.
She's like an ICBM, able to do ludicrous amounts of burst damage in melee with relentless, but she dies immediately to focus fire.
A player from my community once used her to brust down Ahsoka from full health in one turn.
>but she dies immediately to focus fire.
well obviously, running away is a thing she does often

>A player from my community once used her to brust down Ahsoka from full health in one turn.
as god (and george lucas) intended
>she dies immediately to focus fire.
like every force user?
Come to think of it, I barely see Ahsoka on the table.
I mean... she only has 5 health, and no defensive surge in melee.
Anakin has his stupid buffs, Vader has 8 health, Dooku can be guarded by magnas... it's not so obvious with the others.
Yesterday my Dooku survived like 7 attacks on 1 health xd. I did have force refleksji and magnas backing him up, but still.
501st (even 332nd by extension) is a popular paint scheme for clone armies, does seem odd that ahsoka isnt popular with them

same applies to rebels, but with them it feels like "you might as well just field luke because you already own him"
Loyalty & Politics
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also defeats general grievous (who has killed lots of jedi before) and has the confidence to go against dooku, even if he's beaten her already while she had the advantage
the "low end" of her potential is being able to best and kill jedi masters, besting luminara and killing tholme
and this is in her start as just dooku's assassin

...and now that she's a bit older, wiser and more in tune with who she truly is, where does her potential end? she can sense the exact location of people spying on her, who are standing on top of what is basically a mountain, while she's a mile out to sea
something like this i'd expect from some of the most powerful force users, not from her. is she just that good?
almost forgot, she force choked obi-wan and anakin at the same time while she was pissed off
>it was alderaan's disarmament
You are thinking of Another Chance, that was featured in Stackpole's X-Wing books, not of Katana Fleet that was featured in Thrawn Trilogy.
I didn't say he was you slime mold
You nerf herder
you scoundrel
Palp pulp
>make a show all about the clone wars
>none of the clone wars main villains from the movies are ever well fleshed out
>grevious is a hand wringing cartoon villain the whole time
>dooku is just the evil overlord boss
>you never take him seriously in that role though since all his scenes are explaining things to his boss or running away
Maul coming back was some pure Filoni autism where he didn’t care about grevious or dooku and just wanted his favorite edgy sith design to come back
I don’t know if this is true but I think Maul had more screen time than Grevious, which is a fuckin travesty
You shut your lying ignorant mouth. But yeah Dooku und Grievous deserved more screentime and some well-written character.
That guard is holding Boba’s main weapon.
You... you... Double yub nub!
So true!
You’re nothing but big Palpy poofta
are Star wars RPG even good?
we got a bunch of them including Star Wars Saga (and older) in the clubroom, but I never saw anyone touching them except that one guy that tried to make a Pazaak deck.
It's nice, and I wish we'd get to see more of it. Maybe that Quantic Dream SW game will give us more of that, given the trailer had loads of Lucrehulks?
WEG is good if you're a fan of crunch.
FFG is good if you can handle the strange dice and want a crunch-lite, more narrative-driven game.
I wasn't impressed with Saga, but it survives because too many people come from D&D and want that D20 that they're used to.
did we ever get a render of her in the dress?
Po Nudo
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Wasn't this guy a mutant?
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Is this bait? It's pretty well known Lucas brought Maul back. Then he was going to push him in that video game and his sequel trilogy. Seemed like Lucas regretted killing him off as definitively as he did in Phantom Menace. There were discussions about bringing him back as early as Revenge of the Sith as the true identity of Grievous.
The Rupert Murdoch of Star Wars.
No, just a different subspecie of the Aqualish species. Although one of his aid was a shapeshifter.
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You mean Grievous?
>>is a hand wringing cartoon villain the whole time
That's what he is. Did you not watch Revenge of the Sith?
>>dooku is just the evil overlord boss
Yeah, he is a sadistic Sith Lord. Did you not watch Attack of the Clones? That's what he is. We do see him plotting and doing politics, too.
>>you never take him seriously in that role though since all his scenes are explaining things to his boss or running away
Sounds like a you problem. Dooku hasn't lost a single lightsaber fight in the entire series. He also ran away in Attack of the Clones. But I guess we have already established that you hadn't seen that one.
>Maul coming back was some pure Filoni autism where he didn’t care about grevious or dooku and just wanted his favorite edgy sith design to come back
You do know that George brought Maul back, right? Stupid, ignorant negro. Immediately kill yourself. The more painful - the better.
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Weren’t you?
At least this guy was called a mutant.
Good for him I guess.
Enough TCWsimp, don't care.
Yes I watched those movies and thought those characters could use the same fleshing out as Anakin and Obi Wan got. Fuck there’s like 20 named clones that all got some personality, but the main villains are left to flounder while the guy who died in the first movie is given all the attention
Daddy Armand Isard
The Sith Empire was a functioning state, unironically.

It would've have survived thanks to it philophical and ethical foundations even if they were a tad unorthodox compared to the Republic.
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>the guy who died in the first movie
Well, he didn't. He survived.
>is given all the attention
What "all the" attention? He was in 11 episodes out of 133. You faggots are genuinely fucking insane, lol. Unironically consider suicide.
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Why are you so mean and hostile?!
He's mentally incapable of discussing things without getting irrationally angry. He's been in these threads a lot.
Usually gets himself banned when he starts getting racist. He held himself back with the "stupid ignorant negro" comment. But not by much.
watch, he'll start accusing you of being ventressfag
Stupid people are irritating and deserve all the hostility and more.
Imagine crying about racism on 4chan. Imagine calling for jannies because you don't like being called a meanie word. It's hard to tell who is more worthless.
It's bad when you get confused with a ventressfag. That means your taste, opinions and intelligence are just as bad. That should be a sign for you to change something about your existence.
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oh waoh are those peeleon-class star destroyers?
Why did Maul just never tell the republic about palp? You’d think after he killed Savage and nearly killing him, Maul would spill the beans.
Because Maul's a retard who doesn't think long-term.
Because the force wanted the movies to happen the way they did.
Serious answer here. Maul thinks things through the lens of a Sith. He thinks the only real competition is between him, Sidious and Dooku, and that nothing else really matters other than that. Oh, and fucking up KENOOOBIIII whenever possible.
Maul would destroy your insolent fat ass if he just heard what you’ve said.
Well, mushroom head. Maul was captured and tortured by Sidious. Later Maul was hunted and attacked, went into hiding and got attacked later again. He simply didn’t have time to recover and think. Also what proof did he have about sheev being a Sith?
In the end, Palpatine was the just the product of the Sith Order.
It's actually sickening just how fucking retarded you people are. When did the collective IQ of this general drop below 80?
What do you mean, elder brother?
You’re all freaks now! Because of that monster you build.
Does anyone know what the First Order-Resistance war is called? I have never once heard it be given an official name like Galactic Civil War or Clone Wars.
Does it really matter?
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Im gonna be real with you, B1 Battle Droids are still the best.
But they only look good aboard starships and in Not!Venice
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Yeah the EE-3 Carbine I believe, the artist largely just pastes different weapons into their pics. A really egregious example is the Gossam Commando’s pic where he’s given them some bastard mixing of a MG-3 and a P90.

Jesus Christ Lucas you autistic fuck, as much as I loathe what Disney has done to the ip I’m glad that George doesn’t have supreme control (he’s good with retard wranglers but George Unleashed is just too much)
Did anyone tell Lucas that you cant take a silent nothing character and turn him into a major reoccurring villain without some serious work?
Genuinely the Maul / Dooku / Grievous thing was an awful idea. Sidious should have had one (1) evil apprentice across all three films. We never had time to get to know any of them.
>That's a lot of words to say "I don't agree with them, so they're grifters", you disingenuous fuck.
I don't like Disney Wars or Acolyte, so that statement is a strawman. Are there sincere people? Sure. But there is also a trend of people jumping on singular bandwagons too often with arguments that have no merit.
>Ki-Adi thing isn't a nontroversy, because while it's a small thing in isolation it's indicative of all the broader trends that are ruining the franchise
Lore inconsistency has existed since post-ANH people made comics that didn't know what was coming. Trying to say it is representative of the real issues is a very narrow narrative that has little weight but sounds "right" to people because of culture war narratives.
>the people making it don't know or don't care about its history real or fictional, they make changes on a whim for no reason at all nevermind for good reason
Real issues: Disney's structure and strategy, the complete creative bankruptcy and lack of understanding of Star Wars, the silliness of streaming.
>when their incompetence, ignorance, and idiocy are called out by the fanbase they and their useful idiots immediately resort to branding that fanbase as bigots
Because they are trapped in bubbles. This isn't a new thing either, adaptations have always had weird relationships with fans where people assume they will watch a thing no matter what and get angry at them. The problem is the whole industry is awash with creatives, producers and the like who don't get these properties and are bussed in.
>You may have guzzled so much slop
You're behaving like them when they call all fans bigots. You're attacking a stranger on the Internet because you are deciding who I am based on your culture wars interpretation rather than what I am actually saying. Fuck Disney. Fuck people exploiting fan anger. I know the Internet makes you think that any third opinion is a fence sitting centrist, but in the real world there are more ideas than that.
>Seemed like Lucas regretted killing him off as definitively as he did in Phantom Menace.
Why does Lucas always do that? He did the exact same thing with Boba Fett. My speculation is this: Lucas is actually a people pleaser, no matter how much fans think he changes stuff to piss them off, Maul and Boba Fett being reused was a way of trying to appeal to fans. They are both similar in being bad guys who say few things and have very appealing aesthetics. I almost feel like Lucas feels rather embarassed that the cool looking guys with little substance became so popular and then sort to give them depth and appeal to fans.
>First live action showing of Cortosis is just stupid electricity effect that turns off a lightsaber for 2 seconds
Cringe and gay so typical mouse wars
Isn't that basically how it was depicted in the comics?
No not really. They mostly just turned off like a switch and they stayed turned off for much longer.
Not really, but I'm curious about it.
Looks more like an airshit replica of an MG-34. The 34 has a round barrel shroud with circular holes, while the 42 and the 3 have a square shroud with oval holes.
Play 1.0 and enjoy always being on your opponent's 5, 6, or 7 and cloaked.
Because he was making a movie trilogy, where side villains like that either die or get captured, but he's also making an expansive franchise, where he wants to reuse those characters in other stories. He regrets not making Maul's death more vague, like Boba Fett's was. Its literally spelled out in the movie that the Sarlacc Pit digests people for thousands of years, keeping them alive, so it was always going to be a plot point to throw someone out of the movie for a time, only for the potential for them to return in a future installment. Boba Fett was always gonna live. Early EU had 4 separate stories of him escaping the Sarlacc Pit, which led to the meme retcon of how he kept falling back into it.
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>Boba Fett was always gonna live
This isn't accurate. Lucas seemed much more dismissive of him and wanted him dead. The digestion line wasn't about giving Boba Fett an out, more about making the Sarlacc seem disgusting. And Lucas didn't really care about the EU creating a way for him back as the EU was seperate to what he wanted. He did have Boba and Jango in the prequels. and expanded Mandalorians in TCW and had plans for Boba in the Underworld show. None of this was originally planned but that's fine as stuff is developed over time.

If he planned to reuse Boba I don't think he would have made him his death the way he did:
>Comedic Han moment.
>Silly scream.
Unceremonious is the right word.
It's "The First Order-Resistance War."
The Identity Politics.
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>"I hate lightsabers because they're Jedi weapons!" he thinks, but when he uses one in a fight he's super strong... what kind of light novel protagonist is this?
Ah oui
Sheev hating lightsabers is one of the many dumb silly EU shenanigans?
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NTA he never says he hates it, he just says its a Jedi's weapon with a tone of amusement
Oh :o
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Because when Palps killed Savage, Maul was also captured, and got out by some fucking reason to do last hurrah on Mandalore, where he hoped to face and kill Kenobi. Before that, he had still some hope he can become the Apprentice.
>Lightsabers are such a Jedi weapon
>So I am going to show my superiority by killing them at their own game
During the battle of jabiim, 2 Jabiimi soldiers were discussing the Jedi kidnapping children and having an army of man created and grown out of vat tanks.
that's always been cope
One day I want to play Star Wars Battelfront 2 with y’all (with headset)
insane maulfag cope

only reason maull didnt tell anyone that palpatine was the sith lord (after the events of son of dathomir) was because the plot demanded that he couldnt
Sheev's just a reincarnated Chinese cultivator
since when does he hate lightsabers?
Shut the hell up anon.
Might run a prequel/high Republic era GURPS game.
Might I help you run it?
No sorry I don't enjoy being GM cucked
Ah okay. Good luck then.
by that time palp had already won, he was dictator in all but name.
The moment they hand him special rights in AOTC it's ogre.
yeah this too
i'm sorry but i'm still unironically reeling from TOR raping KOTOR's aesthetics

i know there's some good before vitiate goes super saiyan and zombie game sets in, but i just can't.
>Makes a fucking Criminal Empire with himself obviously at the head
>Literally does not stop to consider that this will get Sidious to come out and kick his ass
>Does it fucking again after being broken out, tries to kill Dooku, gets the same result after his mother dies to Grievous, retreats to Mandalore
>Btfo'd by Ahsoka and fails to kill himself.
>Fucks around for twenty years doing literally nothing aside from setting up a shitty comic project until Obi-Wan kills him.
You’re so very luck that Maul got killed by Ben. If Maul was alive and he read your post…
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actually he got a crime syndicate running for the third time and sheev paid him another visit
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>Pic related
He looks at Luke's lightsaber and says "a Jedi's weapon, much like your father's" with a bit of condescension in ROTJ. The implication for a long time was that Palpatine/the Sith didn't usually use them, and that Vader only did because he was an ex-Jedi. Then the Prequels came along.
Kek! Why are you so mean. It’s obvious I’m only messing with you.
Silly pun it is, you idiot.
>take saber swarm and hawk bat swoop from ataru striker
>take imbue item from armorer
>linked 3 lightsaber that costs one advantage to activate (of which i can get extra with force dice)
it's also a 10 years old meme ya newfagit
A dumb unfunny meme I never heard of before, you oldfaggot.
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i pretty sure it's physically impossible to not have come across a shrek meme on a 4chan hobby board
I don’t care about Shrek or Shrek memes. I don’t browse 4chan(nel) for memes nor do I pay attention to those memes. You understand?
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>. I don’t browse 4chan(nel) for memes
never in my life i expected to read this
Check the address bar again. We have been on 4chan for a while now.
4channel is over.
most nogames general on /tg/
legionfag will post the new cards soon brother, don't worry
NEXT: >>93210720

NEXT: >>93210720

NEXT: >>93210720
>Thrawn's Revenge
Sins of a Galactic Empire is larger scale.

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