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Darth Plagueis On His Guard Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

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TQ: How wise was Darth Plagueis really?
not at all, like all sith
>How wise was Darth Plagueis really?
wasn't he just an autistic scientist.
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I'm a Force Sensitive Luke-like and I'm about to visit Zeltros in what is probably a trap laid by Raith Sienar (the meme version).

What should I expect?
You should expect to get an inordinate amount of polychromatic pussy, and probably an absurd TIE-shaped adjacent death trap cooked up from Raith's most spiced-up nightmares
Can we have some TQs that are game related?
>How'd your last Star Wars game go?
Next time I will do that.
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admit it
acolyte is better than this trash
Fucking hell, you people are like whores debating which strain of Hepatitis is the best
Tons of red hot bitches and TIE fighters with unorthodox wings.
I like both, honestly.
Might run a prequel/high Republic era GURPS game.
Might I run it alongside with you?
ahsoka was pretty good actually, my new favorite star wars show, though mostly due to villains of the series
Sure, I love being GM cucked.
God I hate Wookies, why do we even let them in the Senate? They’re not even sentient, I mean look at them.
only bad think is ashoka was not caving in to ezra x sabine
I vehemently dislike both. But Acolyte doesn't anger me as much because I didn't have any expectations for it. Ahsoka was a horrible disappointment aside from Ray Stevenson.
Sol is a more interesting Jedi than Ahsoka, but Baylan and Shin were much better antagonists than the edgy anime villain Sith in the new show.
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t. hasty bloodthirsty trandoshan hunter
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>le intentional vaguespeak and unknown motivations are better than edgy guy who is evil because fuck the jedi

baylan and shin suck, "vaguespeak" is judt a poor writers attempt at making a character seem deep
what the fuck is a bokken jedi? whats his deal with mortis? why does he go about a cycle? what cycle?
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>During the battle of jabiim, 2 Jabiimi soldiers were discussing the Jedi kidnapping children and having an army of man created and grown out of vat tanks.
I’ve always thought that the Jabiimi Nationalist uniform should have been the standard uniform for CIS organic soldiers. It’s kinda odd how the CIS or Republic didn’t have a standard non-droid/clone military force, with most CIS organic forces consisting pre-existing megacorp security forces or rag-tag rebel/militia forces.

>What should I expect?
>a weapon to surpass the Tie Gear, and red pussy

>ah the senator from Trandosha, we have been expecting you
CIS is all about independent systems, so besides the droid army they would only have local militias and defense forces on their side.

Republic on the other hand wanted worlds to organize their defenses independently and the clone army was just a ace in the hole that was brought up when CIS rebelled.
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>what is a bokken jedi?
New Jedi trained in the wild after Order 66, like Ezra and Shin. It's literally explained in the very scene where the term was introduced, dumbass.

>whats his deal with mortis?
We don't fully know yet. We can only speculate. Mortis became known to the Jedi after Anakin and friends went there. Given that they were immensely powerful, ancient beings with deep knowledge of the Force, clearly, he wants something to gain from it.

>why does he go about a cycle?
He literally explained it. The cycle of light and dark, the cycle of Empires falling and rising, the endless cycle of war, suffering and death. He experienced it first-hand. The fall of the Republic and Order 66, the death of everything he had known, the death of his family and friends, shook him to his core. And what happened after the Empire was defeated? Inefficient, bloated New Republic took its place. With the new Empire rising, with the Imperial remnants plotting in shadows and growing bolder. He seeks to stop it. Given that Mortis was a Nexus in the Force, that existed on the same plane as the Cosmic Force, and Son was capable of breaking the laws of time — which are inherently tied to the Cosmic — it is understandable why Baylan would seek for anything connected to it, given his plans that go on the metaphysical level.

All of the villains in Ahsoka show are far more interesting narratively, conceptually, and visually, than anything in The Acolyte.

It became more than evident that you have a pile on stinky shit in place of your brain, ventressfag. Look at how you type, look at the low-effort, normalfaggot "memes" from reddit and twitter that you constantly post here. Your opinions are utter dogshit, factually wrong 99% of the time, and your taste is utter dogshit, you completely lack any literary comprehension. So no surprise here that you missed all of it. Like you miss 99% of everything that you watch. Unironically, blow your fucking brains out, you utter waste.
I dunno. Baylan had a great presence from Ray Stevenson being built like a brick shithouse and Shin Hati being a little hottie.
But Smilo Ren has a higher (onscreen) bodycount of actual Jedi, including two who would normally survive any other work (Yord & Jecki).
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>including two who would normally survive any other work (Yord & Jecki)
They have no character and they were barely fleshed out. Yord was a boring asshole, and Jecki was nerd emoji incarnate. They were cartoon archetypes. They were in 3 episodes, mostly in the background, before being offed. They were designed to be red shirts. All the other Jedi were just nameless nobodies, even lower on the redshirt rank, who didn't even speak a word, and who all died immediately. Literally Coleman Trebor tier.
Yeah, so were most jedi.
NTA, but I thought bokken jedi ad something to do with bokken (wooden training sword).
>he once again thinks everyone is ventressfag
>outs himself as someone who likes filonislop and gets pissed off when anybody questions it
Yes, they do. It means that Baylan sees these bokken Jedi as inferior. They will never reach the potential of the old masters, as they had all been killed, and all the knowledge had been lost - so there's no one to teach. The bokken is used as a relatively inexpensive and relatively safe substitute for a real sword. In Baylan's mind, these "Jedi" will never become the real sword. Whereas the actual real sword is called "shinken." Thus Shin. Which is why Baylan got mad when Shin tried to imply that she is like Ezra, a "bokken" Jedi. He trained her to be more.
>japanese words words words
wow filoni we get it, you like japan
Ahsoka has Baylan, thus is better.
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>why does he go about a cycle? what cycle?
>he doesn't know about the cycle
I dont like kreia

besides light and dark are just meant to co-exist as both are natural states of the universe
"stopping the cycle" is just the whole kill the force kreia philosophy, and it's in no way "good" if you're going to do something like unleash abeloth
>besides light and dark are just meant to co-exist
Oh you're one of those.
High hels are sexy, but do not belong in combat.

Some exceptions apply.
the dark side is natural tho
So Anon's, what minor detail do you expect to irrationally enrage you in this weeks episode of Acolyte?
None, as I am going to continue not watching it, as it has been for me from the very beginning.
On the topic of Darth Plagueis the Wise, have you seen Anakin's thesis on the topic? It has some novel interpretations on the story, and is making some ground in academic circles.

Just found a bunch of prequel meme video's I found hilarious. My favorite joke is definitely the one where Anakin is denied his rank of master because his Thesis offended Mace Windu, and caused Depa Bellaba to jump out the window. At the end Anakin takes his seat and Obi-Wan says that Shaak-ti also committed suicide to avoid listening to Anakin's thesis, but it was in a deleted scene so it's unclear if it's canon or not.

You're boring.
I assume the evil sister's motivations will change another three times each of the next episodes.
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Got a nice narrative game in today, Clones just would not fucking die.
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Was a pretty fun game.
Dumb lore question.
Can a non-Force sensitive individual use lightsabers? I was thinking about introducing an order of elite commando units that can both operate blasters and lightsabers to my tabletop session and I could swear something like that was already a thing in the old EU.
IIRC, Vader's inquisitors in the Disney's canon were also supposed to work like that at one point, but not anymore?
I am so confused.
>Can a non-Force sensitive individual use lightsabers?
Yes. Han Solo was able to activate Luke’s lightsaber on Hoth so he could cut open the Tauntaun. Another time in more recent Disney comics, a stormtrooper activated Obi-Wan’s lightsaber after he recovered in his home and Han had also activated some random Jedi’s lightsaber in the early run of the main Marvel Star Wars comic.
Of course. We had Din and the Darksaber (hell, all those mandos and the Darksaber) and Finn in Force Awakens. And if someone whines about Disney you can point out there was classic Han on Hoth.
Yeah, but I was thinking more about using it competently in combat as an emergency weapon. I guess there is a darksaber, that the Mandalorians have no issues using.
>emergency weapon
With enough training and combat experience, it should be not much of a problem. Grievous could stand toe-to-toe with Jedi Masters and he was not a force user, just an experienced fighter. However, you may be right that the weapon should be more or less used for a last resort, as most non-force users seem to have a difficult time wielding one.
Ahsoka has Thrawn, Shin, Baylan and Ezra so it's still kino
I always liked that comic. Takes place on a rainy world and
You think the world is ready for the Gungan Jedi Knight?
Yeah, the rule is anyone can use a lightaber. But only a Jedi (or someone trained in the force) can use it well. Cause only Jedi can use it to block blaster bolts, and if you can't then you're just open season for any fool with a blaster.
I think it's easy to do. I don't think you even need to avoid them speaking in a pidgin, just have them speak slowly and measured.
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This is a good ship
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what about dark jedi in thigh high boots and questionable outfits?
What's the deal with the kilometer tall observation deck? They made specifically as a warship so it wasn't a luxury cruiser that got converted or something. And all the fighters are droids. It's not like they need an air traffic control tower.
man they do fuck all with her dont they?
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Does Star Wars Unlimited have a digital client?
Turbo Slut
Yes, even as a Jedi Master in time.
Where the fuck is everyone?! The fuck?!
>they were designed to be red shirts
What does that make the jobber jedi who were with them, infrared shirts?
Face it, they were supposed to be 3d characters, the writing is just CW tier.
Japan exists in the SW universe now
>don't notice details (in STAR WARS)
>don't stop watching if you don't like it
>just love it the whole time
Funko pops.
It's so they know which way up is without a beacon.
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This fat bloke had no right to be as competent as he was
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This series is getting hard carried by Jacinto and Jung-Jae
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curved hilt lightsabers are best lightsabers, don't fight me on this
>look cool
>enable you to style all over your opponent using form 2
>look even cooler when using 2 at once
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thoughts on the design of this one?
Azn supremacy
Curved lightsabers are the best but why would you use two, nobody uses that style.
Damn I love the Darth Bane books.
That stepdown under the activation button looks uncomfortable.
Is that Ventress' saber from bad batch? Looks sleek. I like it
>Japan exists in the SW universe now
Well Europe already does, or are the terms "saber", "monk" and "knight" ok for some reason?
yes, of which someone cries about going "why would she use a curved lightsaber designed like her old ones she hates dooku reee!"

like, she's been trained in form 2 so it makes sense to use a saber designed for it?
>yes, of which someone cries about going "why would she use a curved lightsaber designed like her old ones she hates dooku reee!"

Why should she change it, when she's been using the same desing for years and is very likely accustomed to it? Makes no sense, it's like
>I've trained my whole life in fighting with polish sabres but some guy I hate is also using polish sabres so I better learn to use a longsword now
>monk isn't even specifically European
In the case of saber and knight, I'm not trying to "bite the bullet" but better words actually could have been used.
>SW sabers aren't curved
>SW knights practically always on foot
However knight and saber have been a consistent part of the universe since ANH, while it's jarring to suddenly have Japanese terms pop up in one show.
What's the idea behind lightsaber pikes? Wouldn't they at a tremendous disadvantage against normal lightsabers in a fight? Like it would be so much easier to disable it by slashing it
If they just made the pikes out of cortosis or beskar, no.
>What's the idea behind lightsaber pikes?
They look cool.
>lightsaber pikes
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well she used a straight hilt for a while, but the only real reason was that "it was more conventional"

no idea what happened to it, only hint is darth maul may have stolen it (from her grave?) as they reused the asset for his lightsaber in TCW S7
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>Give us yer planet

Where they appear in the EU, they are described as having hafts made out of sabre-resistant materials. In addition, the working parts of the sabre are all located at the emitter, so if they somehow cut through the haft the blade is still usable.
I kinda want to get into TTRPG Star Wars, what is best system?
Rakata fucking Infinite fucking Empire?!
Apparently some people on twitter are mad about how Qimir uses his helmet to block lightsaber blows because it's made of Cortosis, and apparently that's bad because "Why isn't everyone/darth vader using it", but isn't that also a valid question way before this? We already knew about Cortosis and Beskar so it's not like there wasn't already a precedent for wearing gear that protected you against lightsaber attacks. Is it just another example of people complaining about something that's already been established for decades or what
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What these dudes said.
The retards over there are worse than Ventressfag, Pallaeonfag and Vatnik combined. Stop visiting that wretched place.
It's a paradox because a lot of the fandom menace types claim to want the EU to be canon but if it was canon they'd be asking a lot of those same questions about why X didn't use cortosis etc. It's a dumb question to begin with because they're always going to introduce new things that call the movie lore into question, but you can always just use your fucking brain to come up with a reason why it's not in the films or shows if they haven't given an official explanation anyway, or you know it doesn't really matter.

It's a similar deal with the Inquisitors but again I'm pretty sure they explained that they're all dead by ANH (at least ones who were former Jedi), making Tarkin's line about Vader being the last of their religion true. And again with the cortosis thing we know it's rare anyway. And a lot of it's deposits could've been destroyed prior to the Clone Wars anyway.
Russians, anon?
Yeah, stuff changes. I was a bit of a star wars boomer for a long time so when people were like "Oh man they're bringing back bo katan, ahsoka" I was like who the hell is that? The concept of anakin having a padawan he literally never mentioned in the prequels is definitely more 'lore breaking' than most retcons... But it's okay, because the prequels are bad but the clone wars show is pretty good
FFG if you're okay with custom dice (there's free dice rollers available), D6 if you want normal dice and/or you're a grognard, Saga Edition if your group refuses to learn anything other than d20.

>Is it just another example of people complaining about something that's already been established for decades
Yep. I'm pretty sure refined cortosis in particular hasn't shown up in live-action before so a lot of casuals are confused by it.
Ventressfag! Once I finished watching TCW & Bad Batch and reading Dark Disciple, I want to discuss Asajj Ventress with you. Both the legends and canon versions.
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Revenge of the Sith is pretty good, Star Wars boomer.
I don't like the flippy dippy fight sequences. I do think the emotions are good in the last stretch but I'm never gonna accept the 'died of a broken heart' bullshit
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>"Why isn't everyone/darth vader using it", but isn't that also a valid question way before this?

>It's rare as hell, found only on 2 planets in nuCanon and 5 planets in EU
>Brittle as hell until super refined
>expensive as fuck to mine
>touching unrefined cortosis without any protective gear just straight up kills you
>even handling it with protective gear in an unrefined state can give you what is basically radiation sickness

There is a lot to it
>but I'm never gonna accept the 'died of a broken heart' bullshit
And I respect that.
No its still retarded, what happens if you miss and shoulder butt the damn thing? What if someone kicks you while you are definitionally off balance. What if someone grabs you by the back of the head and delivers a
>Sick RKO out of no where
Cortosis is great but no one should be aiming to take blows on it. That's way too close to a lightsaber. Same way even if you have kevlar, and kevlar is great. You don't want to be shot because what if they shoot you in the arm or head.
Coitus Cortosis
From the description of the symptoms, it's almost like Vader WAS wearing it.
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It seems fairly likely that Lucas devised the idea of Anakin having had a padawan during the making of Revenge of the Sith or in postproduction. Nothing made it into the films to allude to that or prior in the Genndy cartoon. But he was meeting with Filoni and telling him about Anakin having a padawan before ROTS premiered and concepts of Ahsoka exist dating back to summer 2005 at least. It's just one of those ideas that kind of fell to the wayside. Originally Ahsoka would've been Ashla from AOTC too but the age didn't quite line up (I don't see why that stopped them when they retconned Barriss' age) and Rex was Alpha-17, and I'm sure people would've complained about that when his personality didn't line up with how he was in the comics.

But again all this just shows that they're always adding new things, incorporating EU stuff and retconning. It's nothing new.
Wouldn't even be suprised since Sidious tried to make Vaders suit as shit as possible on prurpose
It's been an old fan theory and I can't recall if there was any canon to it, that Sheev wanted Vader's suit to keep him in discomfort and pain at all times so that he would always have his negative emotions but, ideally, would never be able to focus himself on destroying his master.
makes sense, once legends book (can't remember the name) that took place maybe a few weeks or months after Order 66 has Vader list how much the suit is fucked up, like there wrong materials used, the audio was fucked, he needed to be cleansed of necrotic flesh regularly etc.
In hindsight it was kind of a missed opportunity not have Rex be Alpha-17 or have a similar personality to him at the start. And similar to how Ahsoka matures he's very gruff and by the book at the start but softens over the course of the show to become the Rex we're familiar with. Rex doesn't get a huge number of episodes where he is developed. Mainly The Deserter and Umbara arc.
I thought Vader DID use it, which is why we see a lightsaber blade bounce off his shoulder without much more than some sparks and a grunt of annoyance.
Yeah I'd believe it. It's just an example of people being stupid and ignoring any consistency for the sake of being mad I guess
I like to think Vader's armor was forged with a small amount of cortosis which allows lightsabers to bounce off it/absorb the impact of a strike but not a strong enough concentration to fully short them out.
To be fair, 'what if you miss' applies to a lot of force user stuff. They might deflect blaster bolts instead of dodging but they have the skill to do so. In Acolyte his technique allows him to stay close, disable lightsabers temporarily, then kill people when they're defenseless. It does actually backfire because his helmet eventually breaks and a fragment is used to disable his own lightsaber
Would make sense to stretch what little you have by alloying it.
>claim to want the EU to be canon but if it was canon they'd be asking a lot of those same questions about why X didn't use cortosis etc
That just shows you have selective knowledge of the EU since that was always explained by its rarity and volatility.
If you need your EU canon nerds to be fake canon nerds then it's just a strawman.
>I want the EU to be canon
>"but I claim you are upset about X, and the EU also had X (I am very intelligent)"
>then *clearly* that's not what I take issue with
His suit was probably Phrik (haha name funni) since it tanked a lightsaber to the shoulder (lightsaber resistant materials are used in multiple movies, something conveniently ignored when strawmanning fans who complain about canon changes) but didn't short out Luke's lightsaber.
Maybe Vaders armor used Phrik? iirc phrik is only lightsaber resitant and doesn't short them out
Right, but in the show it is volatile - the helmet and gauntlet smash after being used for the battle
My main point is that it's silly to complain "Why didn't Vader use lightsaber resistant materials?!" when it's obvious even in the OT that he did.
Right, I agree that cortosis in the show isn't an issue, my point is that if there's no problem then why have such laser focus on the one invalid criticism the show gets instead of the many valid ones?
>like, she's been trained in form 2 so it makes sense to use a saber designed for it?
You can use Form 2 even with regular lightsaber or one built like Lightfoil.
>and apparently that's bad because "Why isn't everyone/darth vader using it"
I find it more funny since we literally had three seasons of a show where the main character has lightsaber proof armor and yet that didn't cause issues or break canon.
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>and yet that didn't cause issues or break canon
It did. Jango in AOTC and all the Mandos in TCW died easily from lightsaber/shots. None of them had ever used their beskar armor to block shit, none of them had even tanked a barrage of blaster fire like Din Djarin in every episode of Mando. And Mandalorian also established that even Bo-Katan had Beskar armor. None of it makes any sense retroactively. Because Beskar did not exist back in the day, it was not a thing in the movies and TCW. Lucas created the Darksaber precisely because of it. It was originally a Vibroblade - which he didn't like.
It's mostly just one sperg and one shill for a rageb8 jewtube fag who care.
I think the problem is at least from what I've seen most people complaining about the show online aren't actually pointing out the legit problems(direction is a mess, story is a mess, overtunning the jedi autism without understanding it) and are just complaining about random stuff like fire in space.
>Jango in AOTC and all the Mandos in TCW died easily from lightsaber/shots.
None of them got hit with lightsabers in their armor, and Rebels does show Sabine both using her armor to stop lightsabers and take blaster fire.
>None of them got hit with lightsabers in their armor
Hey, genius, if they could block lightsaber with their armor at will, they would have done that, given that they had encountered numerous lightsaber-wielding foes. You know, like Din did when he fought against Ahsoka/Gideon in Mando. You'd have to be an idiot to not do it, if you are wearing a lightsaber immune, impenetrable armor. And shit ton of Mandos died from blaster fire, and they had to be careful, including Bo-Katan, to not get shot, as opposed to Din Djarin, who had impenetrable armor and could just tank shit. That's because Beskar did not exist back then. And it is shit storytelling for two reasons:
1) It's literally fucking impenetrable with no downsides, it completely nullifies any stakes of the action scene;
2) It's shit world-building. Le super sekrit special OP invincible metal that is magically absent during the most important events of the movies/series, that somehow magically reappears later in possession of some fucking nobodies when it doesn't fucking matter, lol. Why did Gideon make himself an army of Beskar stormtrooper commandos, and the Empire did not? Shit's fucking retarded.

>and Rebels
Same stupid shit.
>that is magically absent during the most important events of the movies/series
But it isn't, we have two guys in both trilogies who have armor made out of it. And no one else in the films are mandos so naturally no one would have mando metal. It's like saying Damascus Steel not showing up during the War of Roses is a plot hole.
sure, just make sure you make a post that i dont miss
>Because Beskar did not exist back in the day
It's been around since 1994 though.
>It's like saying Damascus Steel not showing up during the War of Roses is a plot hole.
Kek it actually is like that
No it's not. Negative emotions are natural, and learning to control and balance those emotions with positive ones is how someone properly attunes themselves to the Force. The Dark Side is not negative emotions, it's torturing the living energy of reality with your 90's emo edgelord-tier wallowing in negative emotions until it lets you roast people alive with lightning you shoot from your fingers. It's a perversion of the natural order and innately, irreddemably evil. It cannot "co-exist" because it's an inevitable doom-spiral of self-destructive selfishness and need to dominate.
I think it's weakmanning by the defenders of the show. I follow most of the boogeyman usual suspects and if they even took the cortosis bait at all (not all of them did) they continued on to the other criticisms. Anyone constantly beating the drum for how dumb the cortosis critics are is deflecting.
Jango doesn't incorporate it into his fighting style at all, he acts like lightsabers are insta-death to him and they prove to be so.
If he could have won the fight by angling his wrists a little and tucking his chin then he's absolutely retarded.
>we have two guys in both trilogies who have armor made out of it.
No, we don't.
>And no one else in the films are mandos
There are no Mandos in the films, period. Jango and Boba were not Mandalorians.
EU shit was never a part of the real story.
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Can you upgrade or modify N-1 Starfighters? I know they did it in that Mandalore show but I mean in the EU timeline? I need to know for a Star Wars D20 game I'm in.
One of the worst retcons in Star Wars.
Also, their armor was stolen beskar.
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Not modifications, but there were other variants built by the same manufacturer.


As for modifications, well everything can be modified, from tramp freighters to starfighters and beyond.
How much? Well you can go with subtle little changes, or gear it up all the way to uglies territory.
Can't retcon what was never canon in the first place.

Beskar is not a thing. Not mentioned anywhere in the movies, clone wars, audio commentaries, interviews, production books.
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Fixing them up and selling them might be a viable option if we cant fit the Starfighter equivalent of a V8 engine in them, I guess.
Its Post Endor/ Current-Pentastar, and I haven't been able to look into the rule books to see if N1s are even any good anymore.
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Dead gaem? I split this box with a buddy and took the Empire half, wanted to add some 3d printed units to bring it up to 800 points. Aside from Tabletop Admiral being a good resource, what's support for this game look like?
I think Naboo was using G1 starfighters by then. AKA nuN1s.
Game is still going well, it is the only of the ffg star wars wargames that survived and continues to get support. There's semi-frequent releases that are increasing in speed as AMG allocates their shit to make more legion stuff.

Most LGS I have gone to have at least one box, and the communities that exist tend to be very easy going. There's a lively tournament circuit but I've never gone to one.

Most importantly, it's very easy to get friends interested. I have yet to meet someone who wargames that hasn't watched star wars.
You hate the EU? Why?!
Headland mentions it was supposed to be a rare and brittle material in canon as well which is why he doesn't have a whole suit of armor made out of it and why Jecki was able to break his helmet.
>After watching The Stranger fight, a lot of people are talking about cortosis. Were there any other Legends elements that you wanted to integrate into The Acolyte?

>Oh, that’s a really good question. It’s a spoiler, though... but cortosis was a big one. It’s a tricky thing because you respect George Lucas in the sense that you don’t want to weaken the power of a lightsaber. It’s almost hallowed in that sense, not just within the series, but in pop culture. But cortosis was such a great new element, and I had always thought of it as such a cool thing to incorporate. [Lucasfilm lore consultant] Pablo Hidalgo and I worked a lot on the machinations of it before we started designing it. It was very important that it be breakable, that it basically not be super hard. It’s why Jecki can get the helmet off him so quickly. It’s kind of a brittle thing. There’s also a limited resource of it, which is why he doesn't have a whole suit of armor, and it only works for maybe a minute. We worked really hard on what it would look like, because we didn’t want it to look too powerful or too goofy. Pablo, [visual artist] Rob Bredow, and I talked a lot about it. So that’s the cortosis story, but the other Legends stuff we can talk about after the finale.

She makes it sound like she came up with any of that lmao.
Still, it seems like they actually thought it through, it's one of the least shit parts of the Acolyte.
>Jango and Boba were not Mandalorians.
What are some good card sleeves for the tiny Legion upgrade cards? From my understanding ffg doesn’t make those card sleeves anymore
Dogshit Disneyworld FX lightsabers.
Where can I find the old D6 rules?
Unofficially, yes. Try Karabast, it's quite good for a fan project.
no, those are special prop ones that can take a beating

the lighting element is similar to the FX ones, but thats mostly for the glow and to add the CGI later
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I play every weekend, and the roadmap is full of legion releases.
You're a mongoloid, it's a behind the scenes image

>So much of Qimir was understanding how to use your body and not just standing there in a suit or being encumbered by a suit. We were like, “We have to get him in something flowy.” As soon as I said he didn’t have armor, everyone lost their mind. “How can you not have armor?” I was like, “Why would you wear armor if you’re not going to get hit?” It’s like theElden Ringcostume. The Elden Bling. When you summon people, you always summon the people that aren’t wearing anything, and it’s like, “These people are fucking crazy.”

Ahsoka: creator has not played Elden Ring
Acolyte: creator has played Elden Ring

>she plays D&D and Elden Ring, she's so relatable!
>Harvey who?
the harvey criticism feels like its from fags who already hate her and need to find a reason to hate her

but because they're from nu-4chan they dont want to be homophobic and call her a dyke, so they just go "w-well big bad harv!!!!"
everyone worked with him, who gives a shit
>I'll try deflecting to personal characteristics, that's a good trick!
Grown people usually don't play overrated /v/ermin console shit. Another pathetic pandering attempt to score le relatable nerd points. And you fell for it. How embarrassing.
But not everyone was his personal assistant for at least a whole year when he raped shit ton of people. Oh, and she never told anyone. What a loyal worker. She's a dyke, she's a talentless nepo-baby, she promotes nepotism (she casts her dyke butch wife in major roles for every project she's been working on), and she's just plain evil.
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It's not bad only when the lesbians in question are hot, because then we, men, can find aesthetic enjoyment in it. It is bad, however, when it is a bunch of man-faced dykes, who can't shut the fuck up about LGBTQABCDEFGHIZXC+ political agenda.
so she would be tried as an accessory to his crimes then?
of which, she hasnt been? (or has and was found innocent)

sure love to spout a load of shit without an ounce of critical thinking put into it
>of which, she hasnt been? (or has and was found innocent)
So you're coming at us full blast and you don't even know?
sure love to spout a load of shit without an ounce of research put into it
You are a moron if you think everyone always gets their due. World isn't just, and US judicial system is not even remotely just. She could have gotten off the hook in a million ways. The fact remains: she was his personal assistant. And she could not have not known. And she is still a talentless nepo-baby.

Ventressfag, is that you?
Good to know. I'm glad I gave it a shot - I thought at first that it was a card game hiding behind its miniatures, like Warhammer Underworlds. Glad to know that the cards are mostly just a listbuilding and roster management mechanic.
I accept your concession
Woof. I concede the point.
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No one has conceded anything to you. You have conceded your dignity, intelligence and the right to live by enjoying this garbage made by a talentless nepotism product, who has made dogshit, cringe, incompetent show about her queer experience.
>we were on the brink of extinction
Did they only do one take or something?
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In your opinion, I think the show is okay
She's literally evil
>Oh, and she never told anyone.
Did she know? If you have evidence she knew, you should probably submit that, it would be obstruction of justice to withhold it.
>B-b-but she was his secretary!
Motherfucker do you think he just asked her to put "sexually harass and or rape women" on his fucking schedule? How goddamn retarded ARE you?
You're just figuring this out now?
>If you have evidence she knew, you should probably submit that, it would be obstruction of justice to withhold it.
>got xir law degree in a cereal box
>-[witch laughs manically]
>can't form a counterargument so just uses an ad homenim
You were being deliberately retarded, he was within his rights to hit you back with an equally juvenile retort. While there may be nothing to substantiate a court case, it defies reason and beggars belief to assume that the secretary of a notorious pervert was unaware of his proclivities, especially when this has been a running joke about Tinsletown since the fucking '30s. She knew, she was just good at not leaving obvious evidence to force a DA to take her down, and was a good enough office politician to not get caught up in his downfall. That's why she's got a director job now.
That wasn't me, more than one anon here thinks you're a retard.
> While there may be nothing to substantiate a court case,
Aka, no evidence. Aka, you doing nothing but pulling shit out of your ass and claiming it doesn't stink. That's what I fucking thought.
>guilty until proven innocent but only for people I dont like
curved hilts are only useful for chopping with tip-heavy blades. for a lightsaber, you want straight hilts, so you can slash and stab as quickly as possible with the weightless blade.

realistically, you'd use a lightsaber as a rapier/thrusting sword in most instances.
>can't stab with a blade that faces forward better by default
So many anons replying to this praising Baylan Skoll. I wonder if they know...
The real mongoloids are the ones who watch that shitshow
Were Yuuzhan Vong a good idea in retrospect or should they die in a fire?
I am asking, because I am looking for an enemy template for my rpg session that does not revolve around either Sith or the Empire. Or heaven forbid, fucking Mandalorians. Because those are becoming a bit trite.
Mando literally gets pure beskar early on from Imperials. I always thought it was just an issue of others not having as pure beskar.
I like them aside from the force immunity thing
They should die in a fire and so should everyone who wrote and greenlit that trash.
Like George?
We need more kino planet based forces in general. Shit you'd think the OT would be rife with local rebel sector forces with their own unique arms and armor. Imagine the raw aesthetic you would get by the late war seeing a full galaxy sized army cobbled together from tens of thousands of worlds, held together by a thin strand of alliance regulars and then whatever the fuck the spec ops guys are wearing.
The problem is a lot of the people that want the EU don't really want the EU back. I'm probably one of the few that is a fan of the entire EU as a singular universe, from Dark Empire, to the Vong to the Denningverse. But if you ask the average EU fan, they'd give you several different answers depending on which fan you want. Some of them want the EU, without TCW's additions, despite how vital that is to latter EU lore. Others want the EU, but with LOTF/FOTJ and SWTOR removed. And then there's those who want the EU, but without NJO and everything after it. There's even some who want the 90s EU without the Prequels, though that level of grog seems to have died out.
Cortosis doesn't bug me, and headbutting a lightsaber to turn it off is the kind of crackhead energy I like in a sith, but there is a very big problem in how it was not established beforehand, nor explained at all afterwards, making it feel like an asspull to anyone not familiar with the setting.

Like fuck me man the Acolyte has so many damn problems don't make me defend it.
That's another thing I have a problem with, people are finding all the wrong things to bitch about in things like the Acolyte. Like you're gonna bitch at the age, of an alien side-character, but you aren't going to address that the pacing is reminiscent of a CW show?

This gives me "fond" reminders of the fandom menace that was back in the PT days
>ugh WhY diDnT PreQuELs uSE ViCtoRy-ClaSs and Z-95 ugghh
>ughh wHy IsN'T SaxTon's gArBaGe mAdE cANON ugghh
>ugghh wHy DoNt JeDI looK lIke ThIS piEcE of CoNCEPT aRT ugghh
and more meaningless nerd speak
I have a feeling that most people who want the EU back (myself included) use it as a shorthand for "we want the continuity that doesn't fuck over Luke, Han and Leia back". I don't think fans were THIS upset over losing the EU, until they realized the ST is bound to fuck over the OT as a matter of principle.
At this point, I don't care what Lucasfilm does, and how many EU elements they will bring back in desperation, because in the end this is the same continuity in which Luke Skywalker dies like a bitch and is replaced by a girlboss.
Pretty much this, 100%. I set most of my games in the old EU, but that's because its a fleshed out universe. But I don't MIND multiple continuities, and I find that most of the vitirol leveled against Disney is specifically because they turned Han into a dead-beat, Luke into a bitch and Leia into a girlboss mentor, although that last one isn't that offensive.
I can agree with this. I have issues with Disney+ Star Wars but I don't have the vitriol for it that I feel for the Sequels and what they did to the beloved original cast. Timothy Zahn even decried what they did and I agree with his sentiment that it's fine if they want to focus on a new, younger cast of characters than the geriatric originals. But if they wanted them out of the way, they just had to write them doing something else. They didn't have to kill them. Killing the original trio was just a slap in the testicles. Or a kick in the taco.
Completely unnecessary, made out of pure incompetence, or in the case of TLJ, with pure disdain for the franchise.
It has become a daily routine for me to watch with a grin the nonsensical criticisms made by haters for the sake of criticism.
Most of them are anime icons or political accounts.
Even in TLJ's case, I doubt it was Rian literally hating Star Wars. He wanted to subvert expectations, so he made Empire Strikes Back, but with some twists, same way JJ made A New Hope, but with some twists along the way.

What they really should've done is retcon Luke's death, along with Han's. And I mean immediately, in Rise of Skywalker. They needed to have come back and lived to the end of the franchise to go on to rebuild the Jedi Order, for real this time. It shouldn't have been
>somehow, Palpatine returned
but instead
>somehow, Luke returned

Retcons are always a save when they time them right, and do it right, but they couldn't even get that right. No one got to care about the girlboss, the black guy yelling about her constantly and the constantly-shifting backstory guy that is Poe Dameron. TROS didn't need Palpatine back, it needed Luke back. And it was far easier to do it than Palpatine, lol.
>I have issues with Disney+ Star Wars but I don't have the vitriol for it that I feel for the Sequels and what they did to the beloved original cast
For me, those two problems are intertwined. Because the Disney+ shows inevitably lead to the ST. So you can keep teasing Luke rebuilding a Jedi Order in Mandalorian all you want, we all he's going to fail and die because he used basic bitch Force Projection too hard.
And in the end everything the heroew are trying to accomplish is going to be for naught because somehow Palpatine is bound to somehow return eventually.
I can't find any excitement in Disney Star Wars once I know they all lead to the bad future. With some random bitch stealing the name of Skywalker for herself.
see >>93225099
But again, they completely lost a chance for that. Even if they retcon the Sequels NOW, it would be kinda pointless, and more of a sidenote
>oh did you know Luke didnt ACTUALLY die in the Sequels?
I want to see a young Palpatine with a sharp personality like Kymir.
Put the Acolyte series on the first team and allocate more budget. Star Wars has nothing to do with awards and bombing review sites is no big deal.
The only way out of this is to decanonize the ST and start anew, with a proper plan this time around. But Kathleen Kennedy and her Lucasfilm lackeys will never agree to that, because she's personally involved in that bitch Rey.
And even if Disney loses the rights to SW eventually, this might take so long, both Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford might be dead or too old for a redo.
>He wanted to subvert expectations
I know. He subverted my expectation of a competent fucking movie. He intentionally went out of his way to shit on Finn's character arc. To shit on the mystery of Rey's parents. To shit on the mystery of Snoke. To shit on Luke. To shit on Anakin's lightsaber. To shit on Phasma. To shove in a ham-fisted message against capitalists and the military industrial complex.
He's the one who insisted on the giant dreadnought, insisted that it be completely flat. And made the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, fucking bombing run bullshit with slow as fuck bombers having to fly above it for no fucking reason. All the First Order were turned into simpering jokes. The fight scene in the throne room was horribly choreographed.
Fuck TLJ.
Fuck Rian Johnson.
Fuck JJ
And fuck Kathleen Kennedy for hiring those fuckwads.
Rey and Snoke had an entirely different backstory as of TFA. Rey was something along the lines of a mind-wiped Jaina, she was Han and Leia's daughter. Snoke was supposed to be Plagueis, that was that. TLJ decided to subvert those expectations because a lot of fans at that point figured it out, and cue in that GRRM quote, which is pretty accurate for this situation. And I'm not just spitballing here, H+L=R is not a theory, it was quite literally in the original story drafts for TFA that JJ adapted in broad strokes from George. He swapped Maul for Snoke, i.e Plagueis, originally.

Then JJ decided to fuck all of that and make Palpatine the key to everything instead, so he had to shift Rey's backstory, AGAIN, to accomodate that. So Rey essentially has three origin stories
>Han and Leia's daughter, hence the interactions with Han in TFA and how she knew the Falcon so well
>No one, hence Kylo Ren interactions
and finally
>Rey Skypalpatine
JJ had to make the shit adjustment because Rian Johnson went and said her parents were rando nobodies and there was nothing there. And then killed off Snoke so that JJ had no big bad for the final movie and because he wanted to redeem Kylo, had to pull out "somehow palpatine returned"
Rian Johnson uses subverted expectations in the same way that dude directing Battlefield: Earth uses dutch angles. He knows that smart people are doing them, he doesn't know WHY.
>haha, I am going to kill off the main villain halfway through the movie to fuck with people, bet you did not see this one coming?
Well, yeah motherfucker, I didn't see that, in the same way I didn't see my neighbour fucking my dog coming. There is a reason people don't do that. And yet, Rian keeps going so that he eventually shuts down every single plot thread TFA established, without establishing any plot threads in TLJ that the sequel can work with. So now, the entire trilogy is fucked, and we need to dust off Palpatine for a finale, because we are left with nothing.
Including the protagonist, because Rey was already a paper-thin character, with the mystery of her parents being the only thing she had going for her. It wasn't an interesting thing, but it was something. And then Rian goes, "nah, this doesn't matter" and refuses to establish anything else and now your protagonist is left with no drive or motivation whatsoever.
Read my lips, Rian: subverting the idea is only half of the success, you also need to present an alternative idea yourself.
I mean having a Palpatine-like hooded wizard guy be the villain was a dumb idea. Should've went with Maul, but they just replaced the knock-off villain, who might've had an interesting backstory (Snoke = Plagueis) with the actual original villain, which.. why?
I guess that was JJ Abrams thing to create mysteries where they weren't necessary. I wouldn't taken the new protagonist being openly Luke's daughter/granddaughter living in Jedi Temple somewhere. But I guess JJ really wanted that "I am your father" moment, Rian has derailed anyway to troll the audience.
Fine, you want mystery? Let's say Luke's granddaughter is completely deaf to the Force. That's a mysterybox.
In the original Lucas drafts, she was just Kira Solo, a Jedi on a mission to a junkyard planet. I'm certain the whole memory loss thing was added later on, and was an Abrams thing.
This doesn't make Abrams faultless. How about NOT rehash the OT for your premise for a Sequel Trilogy?
Because at that point Maul was dead, and JJ Abrams had nothing to work with, once Rian was done with TLJ.
Look, I think JJ is a hack, but I legit don't envy him trying to write the continuation of a trolling trashfire that was TLJ. Even Timothy Zahn and Laurence Kashan would probably give up at some point.
>Because at that point Maul was dead
Not in the original Lucas drafts.
Ahsoka and Mando are guaranteed to be crap because they have to lead to the sequel, and in fact the story isn't that interesting.
Ando and the Acolytes don't care about that, so it's enjoyable.
Obi-Wan is a shame.
For what it's worth I really like the basic idea of Kylo killing Snoke. I also like that he had to win at telepathic chess in order to do it. ST feels like an inspired writer brainstormed a bunch of great ideas and then a corporate stooge turned them into a script, not saying that's what happened but that's what it feels like.
Mando was good until it abandoned everything that made it interesting (small time dude trying to make it in the galaxy) and just became "our title character will sit in the backseat while we jerk off to cameos, cameos, and him playing second fiddle to Bo Katan's story"
"Oh and that plotline of Baby Yoda finding a jedi master? Yeah, he just leaves because we need the little cunt to sell more merch"
No it doesn't, but it is what it is. That's what the Disney wanted, and apparently they thought that Mr Plinkett's reviews were a good template to go off of.
It just baffles me that they had no plan whatsoever, even though they KNEW they were doing three movies.
Seriously, even I can write a better story treatment as a joke than what ST ended up being. It's the incompetence that baffles me.
>"Oh and that plotline of Baby Yoda finding a jedi master? Yeah, he just leaves because we need the little cunt to sell more merch"
This is why I didn't bother with season 3, first 2 seasons were all leading up to that moment, Mando making a sacrifice for Grogu's greater good, then nah fuck that few months with Luke and its all fine
Yeah, I guess the lackey killing of the main bad guy and becoming even worse bad guy, is an interesting concept. The issue is just that Kylo Ren is a whiny bitch and is memed on so hard, even Adam Driver is making fun of him. So he can't possibly be the bad guy, because nobody will take him seriously.
Maybe Rian should've looked an what he was working with and figure out that this might be a VERY dumb idea?
Mando S3 reminded me of Wrestlemania season, where the top guy smiles and takes a backseat to celebrities who take the spotlight. And that fucking pacing problem. What is it with these Disney+ shows (Mando S3, Acolyte, Ahsoka) where they act like its the era of television shows? Its not 2005 anymore. You don't have 30+ episodes of filler to go through. Focus on the fucking plot.
The Acolyte even has a plot at this point? I think as of Episode 4, every mysterybox has been resolved.
Or the bad guy doesn't have to be the Empire knockoffs and their edgelord leader? TLJ was ass, but it gave a blank slate, which you could've done ANYTHING with that would've been better than what we got. Duel of the Fates was mediocre as hell (but as an upside, fixes Hux), but it would've still been better than TROS.
>Yeah, I guess the lackey killing of the main bad guy and becoming even worse bad guy, is an interesting concept.
And it resonates with what the fans already know about the Sith. Everyone wanted to see more sith-shit and this is some entirely typical sith-shit. Call me an assshole but I think that Kylo Ren was generally very compelling and being a whiny bitch just made him better. Vader was also a whiny bitch, but in a very different way, Vader was always imposing and impressive even when he was throwing a tantrum. Vader was an old master, Kylo is a young upstart, it's a big change but it totally fits with what we know about dark-side users.
Sure, but you don't pull a new villain out of your ass in the final movie, especially not without any foreshadowing. "It was Yuuzhan Vong/Thrawn all along" would be as stupid an asspull as "it was Palpatine all along".
JJ made a dumb choice of trying to rehash the OT. I wouldn't have done it, but ok, sure, at least have the balls to commit to the bit, not change the plot halfway through.
Except Kylo isn't supposed to be a Sith.
But it would've been better. If you have to do an asspull to make a good movie, I say go for it, rather than commit to complete shite. Disney's course-correction is always, ALWAYS wrong. They thought JJ was the guy to do it, but fact of the matter is, TFA is as bad as TLJ and TROS.
No one past TFA thought Knights of Ren to be anything more than biker gang Sith groupies.
I think there's a way of writing the 3rd movie where you focus on a big political villain in order to drive the plot but the real villain is Kylo and the big political villain is just there to job. The 2nd movie left things in pretty bad shape but it was salvagable.
>If you have to do an asspull to make a good movie, I say go for it, rather than commit to complete shite
I don't think any asspull would've saved TROS from being a total disaster, because that trilogy got fucked with TLJ. And yes, TFA has sowed the seeds for that, but at least with TFA you had *something* to work with and you could've still written yourself into a corner of "Rey clowns on Kylo Ren because reasons".
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Yeah, but there is no politics or worldbuilding whatsoever in the ST. So you have a very small pool of people to choose from.
Thanks, RLM. Yes, I will continue to blame RLM for giving JJ Abrams bad advice.
My favorite part is how they're now backtracking, going down the rabbit hole of
>actually world-building is good, its... its just that Prequel world-building bad
Snoke Plagueis might've been ok, but it would've just mirrored Palpatine. So nah, its not. The premise was fucked and based around Gen X manchild ramblings of both JJ Abrams and RLM.
Eh, I legit think Prequels have a much better worldbuilding than the OT. It's one thing they have going for it. The dialogue and delivery is ass, but I would never criticize the worldbuilding.
>Japan exists in the SW universe now
Someone has never been around a Nemoidian and it shows.
Yet more proof that Elden Ring gamers are the biggest most insufferable faggots on planet earth. Literally gayer than a male penis entering a male asshole.
I'm reading the Vong series for the first time now as a middle aged adult having avoided it at the time because of most of the people I knew who were into EU stuff adopted the "it's worthless edgelord garbage trash for gay babies" line and at the time I generally trusted their opinions on media.

Honestly I think 90% of the hate for it is groupthink, based on the one actually-bad thing the writers did - killing a major character at the outset to create a "nobody is safe WOOOOOOOoooooOOO" impression in the readership, then immediately going back to the MCs being thoroughly plot-armoured, thus disappointing both the people who didn't want the MCs to die *and* the people who wanted everything to *actually* turn into an edgelordy GoT gorefest - because I'm having fun with it. I think in the end I'll probably be left with the impression that I wish they'd done more with Anakin's musings about/connection with the Vong and how that could demonstrate they aren't actually "immune to the force" but just interact with it differently or whatever, as I understand they don't do that, but otherwise it's fine. Hellraiser aliens from beyond the galaxy's rim is certainly a heck of a gear change for the main antagonist, but the books did need *some* kind of change given we'd had almost two decades of stories of the heroes beating up the Empire and the latter were reduced to a little rump state, and Georgie had already pinched all the "era of crimelords" material for Clone Wars.

I'll reserve judgement until the end, but at the halfway point I think they're fine.
Some of the dialogue and the way it was delivered in prequels was fine and good.
Caring about noncanon disney shitfic is incredibly funny to me, it’s like watching the fandom try and have SUPER SRS discourse over someone’s deviantart OCs
I can't help but think that maybe we would've been spared all this "subverted expectations" bullshit if Rian Johnson's parents had chosen to spell his name right.
>How wise was Darth Plagueis really?
Not enough to survive
I still think that Maul/Talon would've been way better villains than "we have Revan at home".
Yeah I agree. It’s obvious that the acolyte for example is non-canon to Star Wars.
The sad thing about The Acolyte is that you can tell that people behind the wheel know a thing or two about Star Wars, they just don't care to make the end product good. And that's imo even worse.
>(she casts her dyke butch wife in major roles for every project she's been working on
God, I fucking hate her, she can't act at all
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>I am asking, because I am looking for an enemy template for my rpg session that does not revolve around either Sith or the Empire

Bando Gora not directly sith but dark side adjacent, I used them in one of my campaigns which was fun since my group thought they were just facing some shady crims and not force attuned assassins that are deathsticked to the gills
TFA is worse than TLJ. Snoke sucks, TFA is the one that made Luke hiding away from the world needing a damn stupid map to find him
Not gonna lie, I like the Knights of Ren better.
This isn't me saying you were doing this, but it is reminding me of how Mauler's fag band were all about 'show don't tell' and complaining (justifiably) about the dialogue in the show that was indeed telling instead of showing - but then saying that re:cortosis, it should have told, instead of shown. I think having the show feature a brittle metal that disables lightsabers and clearly shows how it functions is good enough. You could say 'well what about the wider setting implications' but when you look it up you can see that its already existed the whoel time
mauler and his fag band dont read the books which is where the disconnect lies
granted, the whole "they retcon the books anyway" is a valid criticism

however, the disconnect lies when a creator of a show, or a writer HAS read the books and uses elements from it
so how they see it is "we dont need to spell out "its cortosis" in the episode" because cortosis has already existed in the setting as it appeared in a novel (thrawn alliances)
meanwhile the person ready to hate on it has not read the books and so will instantly complain about how its broken and overpowered because "oh you could just build a suit of the stuff and be invincible" despite this already being addressed in said books

if the star wars youtubers actually read shit, a lot of these retarded takes wouldnt be spoken to begin with, their lore knowledge is limited to anything shown on screen and any youtube summaries of something, yet claim to be lore experts
>the EU, without TCW's additions, despite how vital that is to latter EU lore
TCW is almost totally irrelevant to the EU. Literally the only real tiein is Denning going "uuuuhhhhh yeah Abeloth was related to the Ones and Luke goes looking for the Mortis dagger".
I guess that they are complaining at how it feels like an asspull without the proper set up. Sure it is something that exists in the universe but odds are it would feel cheap unless you established its presence.
that's fine
If you don't care for Denning, I can see your reasoning. Unfortunately, I do care about a great many things about Denning. Also I find the divided Mandalore into Sundari ran by Maul and Keldabe by ALPHA much better than just having ALPHA alone.
The horse has been cosmic dust for years now.
Sure but you could say the same about palpatine being able to blast lightning from his hands in the OT. It's never foreshadowed or set up
I at least appreciate lesley headland for being a fan of star wars, including the EU

the ideas may not be the best but deep cuts like cortosis show a level of love to the franchise as a whole, rather than a love of certain works in the franchise
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>There's even some who want the 90s EU without the Prequels, though that level of grog seems to have died out.
No I'm still here.
No one cares, retard. Take that shit to reddit for updoots or something.
It doesn't need to be, the Emperor is set up as an archetypical evil wizard trope, you kinda understand that he does evil magic without this being set up first. That's the mythological osmosis kicking in.
Smilo Ren being able to shortcircuit lightsabers while headbutting them, though... yeah, that requires an explanation, because that's literally the only time we see a helmet do this kind of shit, and not everybody knows about cortosis.
you cared enough to read it and respond
Luke could've still been sequestering himself for a good reason. There was some fan theory going around that he was containing an ancient evil on that island or something. Wouldn't make TFA any better as a movie, granted.
That actually makes it even worse. Because at least if you don't know anything about Star Wars and don't care (like Rian Johnson), then I can at least understand why you would release a turd. But for a Star Wars fan to release something this disrespectful... I don't get it. If I were in charge, I would make sure this is the best Star Wars content the fans want to see, because I'm a fan myself. But I guess Headland was more concerned with her agendas than her supposed love for Star Wars.
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>galaxy of heroes gets a visual update
>they put rosario dawson's face on 17yr old ahsoka

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That's why I was giving the ST the benefit of a doubt until the TLJ. Because while there were so many idiotic plot points there (like Rey being a wunderkind that can do literally anything), I was still hopeful this is going somewhere.
But then TLJ came out and I realized, nope, this is not going anywhere.
how is it disrespectful?
Yeah, this is a thing that kind of needs a Chekov's gun. Would have been easy to have a small scene that explains cortosis that the audience could call back on. With force lightning we are already long passed establishing that the dark side is powerful and the force can do crazy shit, so the audience accepts it with no issue.
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How do meetings with these guys go normally?
What agendas? She denounced the lesbian witches in an interview where people asked her about that. And the stuff about it being the "gayest SW" were jokes in case you couldn't tell. The show itself is average to fine. She seems to be more of a KOTOR fan judging by the fact she plays vidya, included a Selkath and they've been playing up the idea of Jedi using mind wipes like what happened with Revan.
>With force lightning we are already long passed establishing that the dark side is powerful and the force can do crazy shit,
Also, Yoda flat out spells it out to the audience in TESB.
>30 minutes of Dark Greetings
>1 minute of worthwhile political discussion
>29 minutes of Dark Farewells
I always love watching the scene in Andor where two imperials are just casually talking about how they slowly killed off this local culture and plan on just outright destroying it soon, and you kind of forget their boss is a space wizard that shoots lightning while laughing.
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Thrawn Books have Cortosis be rare since nobody in canon really knows how to forge it.

But normies don't fucking read soooo.
...those guys look so done with David Lynch.
No, his navigators had AIDS.
the fuck are those
>Spacing guild didn't even show up in dunc
make it make sense
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He was always going to be in self-imposed exile even in George Lucas' version. It's simply a question of why he went into seclusion. But I think the idea he goes there to meditate on the future of the Jedi and their role in the galaxy going forward but ends up heading down a deep rabbit hole in the force putting him in a dark place mentally, is fine. He was in this deep meditation for years when Rey found him which kind of comes off in some of the early concept art with the floating boulders or him buried in sand. Whatever answers he found in the force would've shaken him (the Whills?/the never-ending cycle of conflict?) and Rey would've had to pull him out of it and back to reality from that isolated place to rebuild the Jedi.

But of course the idea was with this that the Jedi weren't completely extinct and similar to Order 66 many of them had gone into hiding again like in the Legacy comics. Having no other Jedi in the sequel trilogy was one of the weirdest choices. Even in TROS they could've had a scene where the Jedi who were still alive after Order 66 and Ben's massacre come to help Rey in the end because Luke or Leia put a call out instead of the Citizen's Fleet.

But I don't think there's anything wrong Luke having the motivation that he doesn't want the Jedi to fight in another war because of what happened when the Jedi sacrificed their moral code to that last time. So he disbands his order and searches for an answer in the force. Which is what Lucas said his sequels would explore, moral and philosophical issues and what it means to be a true Jedi. I think Luke would've realized the Jedi don't have fight as generals like in the Clone Wars, but they can inspire others with great acts (we get shades of this with Luke's last stand in TLJ I guess) and help train people to defend themselves. fight corruption etc.
I could've sworn Lynchs' navigators were those giant floating fetus things
>I think Luke would've realized the Jedi don't have fight as generals like in the Clone Wars
Isn't that exactly the plot point behind KotOR? Jedi refusing to help the Republic against the Mandalorians, which lead to the rise of Darth Revan?
There is a good story to tell here, too bad Disney never bothered to tell it.
You're right my mistake, they're just members of the Spacing Guild, not navigators.

Speaking of Dune though, why aren't energy shields more common in Star Wars?
Canonically Ars Dangor is Palpatine's personal huge fucking nerd that's super into ancient history, socio-politics, and literature. Conversely Sate Pestage was an ex-military gymbro and super hacker who could win a fistfight well into his 70's.
Which kinda makes the whole finale nonsensical, but ok.
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Yeah in fact I wouldn't be surprised if Luke's refusal to fight is what leads to his nephew being seduced by the dark side in Lucas' sequels. He's not been a Jedi for years when the films start, he sees Luke's pacifism as weak and when Talon approaches him she uses that anger he has against the Jedi to turn him. I remember Pablo saying his turn to the dark side would've happened across the trilogy. It's interesting how Acolyte might be kind of adopting this idea for Osha since she was a former Jedi who's been roped back into everything and now might end up falling to the dark side. George's sequels even had the leads being siblings similar to Jacen and Jaina I think.
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I always saw Revan as the "Big Boss" of Star Wars, the guy who wanted to do the right thing and in his self-righteousness went too far.
Making Kylo Ren this kind of well-intentioned villain would've been so much more interesting. Hell, the story writes itself - the Republic is in turmoil, Luke advices caution, and Kylo knows there is a much bigger threat on the horizon so he steps up and stages a coup, because it seems like a good idea at the time. That's a bit cliche, but more interesting than this flip-flopping emo with no motivation that we had gotten.
And it took me 5 minutes to come up with. What is Disney's excuse?
>he expects current year Hollywood to have a hot, red-skinned female
lol, lmao even
Here, communist lesbian space witches fuck you
>Speaking of Dune though, why aren't energy shields more common in Star Wars?

In the EU they were used in the time of the old republic but I think they fell out of use in time because blaster tech just "caught up" so to speak and it was getting easier and easier to punch through shields so creating better personal shields just became too expensive with not enough of a return
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Would've made for a different villain. I like the idea that on top of that you have Maul and Talon manipulating the crime syndicates and the imperial remnants (who're al-qaeda stormtroopers in Lucas' version, closer to the rebels than an empire at this stage) and he again sort of pulls a Palpatine playing all sides. Making the New Republic look weak against the underworld because you could have this whole thing about how a lot of those syndicates helped the Rebels get where they are so they owe favors. And then you have pro-imperial senators undermining democracy too so it's coming from all sides. It does echo what Lucas did in Clone Wars to a point with how Maul staged a criminal takeover of Mandalore in order to make the Death Watch look like liberators to the people and the Satine's government look weak. And then on top of that you have Leia losing the election to be chancellor because she outed as Vader's daughter which was also something from Lucas treatment.

And then like you said Ben Solo pulling a Revan and rebelling against Luke's Jedi for not fighting the imperial remnants/underworld causes him to go to the dark side so that struggle between action and pacifism is echoed there as well.
One of them is my mother, anon.
Please don’t remind me. Fuck Lynch for putting that shit on screen. Fuck him!
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Was Darth Revan bad/evil?
>And then on top of that you have Leia losing the election to be chancellor because she outed as Vader's daughter which was also something from Lucas treatment.
At this point I would've gotten Leia killed by the hands of Maul's assassins. You know, to give Ben Solo more motivation to rebel against the Jedi/Republic in this "you fucks couldn't even protect my mother, how can you protect the whole galaxy?" kinda way. And then you can throw potential Luke's kids into the mix that Maul might be interested in...
There's a story.
Yes, no, kinda.
He was evil, but not stupid evil. Again, think Big Boss.
>What is Disney's excuse?
They thought an OT rehash is what the fans wanted, based on RLM reviews, so they got a guy who delivered on that.
The True Ending of Star Wars Complete Saga was Return of the Jedi with the Emperor Death and Darth Vader Redemption into Anakin Skywalker Force Ghost. Reminder that George Lucas Plans for the Sequels was only a Outline.
My condolences
I don't know
I appreciate your sympathy :(
Shall I repeat the question?
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I think it's kind of clear George's heart wasn't in it. He only created the sequel treatments to drive up Lucasfilm's value for the Disney deal. I think it comes across with how he was going to recycle Maul and bunch of other things he'd already explored in Clone Wars, plus throwing in some EU like Talon. The most original sounding thing was the Whills but we don't know how big of a role they actually had in the story.

In the end, regardless of whether it's Legends, Disney or George, Star Wars always worked better as a six film saga. I know at one stage George was considering doing VII, VIII and IX but that was before he decided to kill off the Emperor in VI. After that the only story left worth telling was the prequels.
Does the Empire encourage officers to send their stormtroopers out on mandatory missions where they have to kill someone or be executed? Say sending them wipe out a hab block with rumored dissidents and seeing how each Stormtrooper kills their enemy.

Also if a Stormtrooper executed someone and does so in a cruel manner will they face discipline or commendation by the officer when they say it's to remind the population of who is their master?
Depends on the game interpretation.
Yes, he fell to the dark side.
Yes and no, his fall was a sacrifice in order to prepare the galaxy, ultimately a selfless act, sacrificing his very soul to save the galaxy.
He just got brainwashed.
KOTOR 2 is stupid because it says there is super-Sith out there but never has or will show it.
If killing mandalorians is wrong, I don't want to be right.
I bet you're one of those TLJ fans who think TRoS was what the fans were asking for.
It's based though
>After that the only story left worth telling was the prequels.
They weren't really worth telling either
alright this acolyte episode was pretty good
its kinda slow but the talking does help answer things and move the plot along

theres honestly nothing to get mad at, so any nitpicking this week will entirely be in bad faith
only complaint is the lightsaber looked too much like a prop in a scene and I wish we got more of the lightwhip, but thats it
its obvious that darth teeth IS a sith, but he was kicked out/betrayed by his master, so he's making his own rule of two as revenge, like darth maul did in TCW
Given that the Kylo Ren theme being used is very international according to Headland I think Qimir will be the founder of the Knights of Ren.
also a possibility

looks like the next episode will be another retelling of what happened to the witches, but from Sol's PoV instead
overall, I'd say the plot has picked up and I am more invested in it
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>alright this acolyte episode was pretty good
that seems highly unlikely
>theres honestly nothing to get mad at
So you are already way beyond anger and have arrived at apathy.
>any nitpicking this week will entirely be in bad faith
NIce strawman, but the simple fact that you describe fans being outraged over the breaking of long-established canon (and it beign done just to break canon, possibly in an effort to call the outraged fans 'racist nerds' again) as nitpicking already marks you as a mouse shill anyway.

How fitting, this trainwreck of a show will now directly tie into a concept that was utterly misused and abandoned with zero impact on the story in the Sequels.
What I want to know is how he got away from his master alive, seems pretty sloppy of Tenebrous or whoever it was. I hope we get to see the actual Sith lords in a capacity beyond just a cameo.
>Somehow, the Acolyte got away from his Master
It was garbage and felt like AO3 fanfiction written by a thirsty fat woman. Which is weird, given that the showrunner is a dyke, yet the show is filled to the brim with thirsty femcel fanservice.

Writing is retarded. Qimir has nothing to offer to Osha, Osha was never once portrayed as being curious with the Dark Side, and there is no reason she should listen to him at all, after he had killed shit ton of people in front of her. He had nothing profound or interesting to say. His arguments were laughable and boiled down to "I want the freedom to be angry and miserable, and it is totally a valid way to use the Force, trust me!" Is this, yet again, fatass femcel AO3 fanfic logic of women wanting to fuck serial killers, or what? What's with the naked men in Disney Star Wars? What's with shirtless Kylo, Yord, this fucking guy? Fuck off. Or give me naked bitches to balance. But they won't. Because they are hypocrites.

Sol not telling the Jedi about what had happened and just fucking turning off his communicator and going after Qimir on his own is fucking RETARDED. And the only reason they wrote it like that is because otherwise it would blatantly contradict TPM. But now he'll die before he ever gets the chance to tell anyone that he had encountered a Sith. Even though he just had the chance to tell it. But they wrote him as an irrational, stupid moron.

Absolute dogshit. Only retarded ventressfag would like this slop, either due to low IQ or out of spite, lol. You have to be utterly retarded to think any of this garbage is even remotely fine.
It would actually work perfectly if that story was told through ruins or old holocrons to help Luke see the cycle of
>there's a war on
>Jedi go to go fight in in it (officially or unofficially)
>Ends up only empowering the Dark Side

and make the conscious decision to break it.
TFA was not what the fans wanted, either, because actual fans aren't Gen X retards jerking off the OT.
Oh look, it's rageb8fag again.
Yet more media illiteracy just to get upset.
You'd be funny if you weren't so pathetic.
That was in the book Dark Lord the Rise of Darth Vader, written by James Luceno. If I remember right, it also explains how he poopoo peepees.
I'd say The Fallen Order is the best thing that happened to Disney Star Wars, because that's one story that feels as if someone cared.
I tried playing it but it was so horrendously linear, I wasn't playing a game as moving the protagonist around a barely-interactive movie.
It had no story worth telling, lol. Characters are all wet blankets generic cardboard cutouts. It's dogshit.
>WAOW unwinnable boss vader!!!!
I can't find anyone willing to play SWL in my area. People think that AMG will axe SWL eventually like all other FFG games so they don't want to buy into a system that is running on borrowed time. Shatterpoint using a different scale than Legion made people lose any hope they had left for AMG.
Have you tried looking for local facebook groups or something? At least where I live, there's at least a 100+ legion players.
It isn’t. Fuck Lunch for putting that shit on screen and making my little brother scared and puking. Fuck you Lynch and fuck your version of Dune!
>They weren't really worth telling either
Well Revenge of the Sith was and Attack of the Clones if it was done right instead of the mess we got! TCW was welcome,
Bang bang and boom booms
How are the first Core Set minis? It seems like they are shitty thermoplastic models rather than hard plastic sprues, aren't they?

Unless you were Kyle Katarn that is. He must have had the last good set of personal shields in the galaxy.

In that set yeah. But honestly they're not too bad. At least on the Rebel side. Luke's lightsaber often needs a hot water bath to straighten it out, but the rest of it is chunky enough for that not to be needed.
>Smilo Ren has whipmarks on his bed
>Darth Nepotism dyke pulls out lightsaber whip in the next scene
The shields work better for Katarn because they fear him
As they should
i dunno its not a burn scar
>alright this acolyte episode was pretty good
>its kinda slow but the talking
Stopped reading right there, I'll save myself the time and not watch it and just read the summary on Wookieepedia. I've had enough of these things putting me to sleep. The last 2 episodes did.
bet you think andor was shit too
Nope, the game is dead here. People find it too risky to spend money on a game held by such a questionable company.
Never watched Ahsoka, Acolyte, or Obi-Wan, and won’t be watching any more Mando.
None of it’s canon, simple as.
Yes that might be true what you’ve just said anon but just watch those shows so you have a 100% view.
I still think Zahn's Consortium is a bullshit faction.
Disney is incapable of writing Star Wars because the Animating Spirit of Star Wars is rebellion against the Bureaucratic Leviathan. Mandalorian was only able to get away with it as long as the Overseerers paid it no heed.
Sadly the Dream of Kafka in Star Wars remains so.
>Mandalorian was only able to get away with it as long as the Overseerers paid it no heed.
Retarded meme.

Also, Mandalorian was never good. It was always shallow, simplistic, bland baby yoda and boba fett toy ad, with the writing of a Bethesda RPG sidequests. Baby Yoda is the single most soulless, corporate, manipulative, artificial, forced shit I've seen.
Correcto-mundo. None of the Disney shit is canon.
Better than anything EU since the early 90s.
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Why would I want a one hundred percent view of garbage?
lmao even
George's heart wasn't in it since in he turned Wookies into Ewoks for ROTJ to sell more toys to kids and then doubled down for years with the Ewok movies and animated series. (And I love the little furry cannibals, but this is undeniable)
He has been a lazy hack since then. Unable to go into more serious movies like his pals Spielberg and Scorsese, and unable to take seriously his own creations.
>Mandalorian was only able to get away with it as long as the Overseerers paid it no heed.
I fear for Andor Season 2, seeing as the release has been pushed back a year
The best and worst thing to ever to happen to George was Fox allowing him full rights over merchandise.
Fox didn't think his silly sci-fi adventure flick would be successful, so they didn't even bother to fight him on control of merch. And we've seen the issue ever since.
wasnt both seasons of andor written at the same time?

if they're gonna force an animated character in it because of filoni, it should be someone relevant to the plot like chuchi in mon mothma's plotline or something
I don't agree. He just has that stupid mindset about this stuff being for little kids, while missing out that it was teenagers and adults who kept Star Wars alive during the late 80s/early 90s with the D6 RPG, the books, and the Dark Horse comics.

Kids loved more Vader, Luke or stormtroopers than ewoks. But this basic fact about children seems to have eluded him. Hence the stupid slapstick humor of the TPM and AOTC.
NEXT: >>93235963

NEXT: >>93235963

NEXT: >>93235963
The talking in Andor wasn't meaningless filler. Sorry to say.
>becoming a sith is ultimately a selfless act
kotor 2 revan was such gary stu bullshit
Qimir totally got attacked by Venestra and her light whip. She recognises his handy work hence why she said it wasn't Sol. And Sol recognised Qimir. He used to be her Padawan.

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