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Darth Tenebrous Scientific Mastermind Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

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TQ: How'd your last Star Wars game go?
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Bith & Muun
George Lucas, you either love him or hate him or both! Bless & curse George Lucas!
no, I heavily romanticize his contrabutions to the franchise to suck him off because I just hate disney!!!!
>his contrabutions to the franchise
If you're going to downplay his creation of Star Wars, at least enable spell checker.
look im just retarded, its contributions
Pretty fun! The players infiltrated an Imperial Supply Hub on Coruscant in order to find routes of a big convoy the rebels want to raid. But while infiltrating they discovered that the Empire has found the local rebel cell's base and is planning a massive, planet spanning attack on known rebel elements. Not only that, but the Empire has finally noted the party as an important group, right as the party is hidden and disguised in their midst!

Had a funny moment where the party face pretended to be a random imperial officer. He rolled a few triumphs so we agreed that the random name he chose was the actual name of an Imperial war hero who he beared a passing resemblance to. At the end of the session we agreed to add a 1 magnitude obligation for when they eventually run into the actual imperial officer.
I really wish we would get some Clone Wars Era political thrillers with Palpatine's plots and what not, setting people against each other in ways that only benefit the Sith, making everyone run around like headless chickens
Had a few TCW episodes about that, fleshed out padme a bit as she was doing everything she could to maintain the soul of the Republic.
>wasnt both seasons of andor written at the same time?

Doesn't mean they can't do rewrites and reshoots to get their shit in
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>George only cares anout da freaking merch!
>Meanwhile, in reality
a lot of people wont be happy if it ends up like the majority of the other shows it it forces character cameos
TCW was more of a passion project, he was already rich enough to never have to work again at that point. He was more focussed on toys earlier in his career
The cope is real.
I like George though, but he objectively did say he added the ewoks to sell toys to little kids.
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And the wookiees wouldn’t have been… because they just wouldn’t have, okay?
They still would have sold toys of wookies, but George literally said he changed it to tubby little teddy bears to appeal to the toddler market. You can keep coping if you'd like but that is a fact.
>people forgetting that many of georges ideas and beliefs changed over the years
George is tied with Hideo Kojima when it comes to people just making shit up about him wholesale.
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Does he still hate Mara Jade?
well george doesnt have the same fanbase as kojima where they suck him off and credit other peoples work as his, that belongs to filoni
George is like the reverse Kojima, everything good he comes up with gets credited to somebody else while everything bad gets blown out of proportion.
Selling Lucasfilm to Disney was partially revenge and we deserved it.
Friendly reminder that the best ideas from Republic Commando come from Lucas.
I love Republic Commando and I wish we got more things with that aesthetic and theme
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Well there was a book seri-
>fuck you mandalorians are pacifists now!
What do Mandalorians have to do with clone commandos?
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...don't worry about it.
Clones were so cool as Mandalorian larpers who the Mandalorians hated. It was a cool dynamic between the army of clean and sleek super soldiers vs the barbarian warrior culture they were literally spawned from. It had a real Varangian guard feel to them, so intensely loyal to their new owners that they would gun down the jedi in the name of the republic. It was some hardcore shit, but of course children's tv writers can't handle that level of nuance and made them standard american GIs that were simply misunderstood and mind controlled.
That chip retcon was so dumb. Fuck, Stover's RotS novelization makes it clear the clones turned on the Jedi on their own violition. Cody might like Obi-Wan, but orders are orders.
Also, didn't Disney also retcon Jango Fett as just another larper and not a "trv" Mandalorian?
A Bith Lord?
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you posted the wrong image anon
Yeah, yes.
We tried to run away from the Empire, only to find out that the Rebellion were hiding in the same place. So while I just wanted to find somewhere else to run to, I got outvoted by the rest of my crew (they're all Jedi) so now we're joining the Rebels.

>Captcha: yapjo
That's a good Star Wars name.
Jango is now a foundling, so more like an adopted Mandalorian.
Vode An

Deus Vult
That's a pretty funny story of why you joined the rebels, I've also got one for the group I run
>Good guy doctor PC floats the question of joining the rebels
>3 guys abstain
>the opportunistic ex-politician is for
>the ex-imperial assasin is against
>they end up joining
>completely alters the entire course of the edge of the empire campaign
I could not give less of a fuck about the mandowank aspect of clone commandos, I just like bulky operators.
That and the grimy, wartorn aesthetic of the commando games are what sets them apart.
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Travissfags get the rope. Based George dabbing on her braindead ass and making her quit because her fetish was changed, kek.
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This was years before Shitsney and has nothing to do with them, thoughever. Take your pills.
>loves george
>hates disney
>even though George has shown his unwavering support for their creativity
Begone, falseflagger
I too enjoy lying
So if I wanted to start Star Wars Legion what would be a good army to learn?
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Without even getting into the white slaver era
George has enough experience with merch to know that the toy executives are retarded, if you make cool things than they'll have plenty of toys to make after. You can see it with Hasbro right now, when they had access to Power Rangers all they did was just rehash nostalgia toys instead of focusing on the stuff that was new and Power Rangers is now dead, something that even Disney didn't do.
Empire have always been a dominant and low skill floor faction. Republic is a little harder but also an elite, forgiving faction to play. Rebels and Separatists are tougher to play because they rely on tricks and mobility for the rebels, and overwhelming numbers for the separatists.
Currently workshopping and idea for a more simulationist wargame centered on the clone wars and I wanted to give a meaningful distinction between phase 1 and phase 2 clones. My idea is that phase 1 clones are always easily controlled but may struggle when not given the proper command structure. But phase 2 can operate more independently but are harder to wrangle.
so would you suggest the Blizzard Force for starting Empire?
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George was burnt out after the first two and was going through a divorce during the making of Return of the Jedi. So yeah, he rushed to wrap up the story and not make any more sequels so he could take a break from filmmaking and focus on his family. He was definitely reinvigorated and more passionate about Phantom Menace but then the critical reception likely dented that. But I do think his heart was in the prequels more because he was able to do things he wasn't able to on the first few films. As he said the technology had caught up to his imagination. Plus he'd created that backstory for the original 1977 film, which began in the middle of the saga. He talked about beginning in the middle of the story because that's more interesting. Phantom Menace also takes a lot of elements from earlier drafts of A New Hope as well, on a technical level at least it feels like his original vision for Star Wars that he couldn't pull off in the 70s.

Now the sequels on the other hand were always something that existed in limbo even in the 80s. And then he decided like I said before to just compress everything into the original trilogy. So that is the end of the saga. Trying to drag it out to nine films doesn't really work after that. And yeah I don't think George's heart was ever in that and it was just for financial reasons with Disney. He wasn't even going to direct them. He'd told the middle, end and then beginning of his saga already. It would've felt like a glorified epilogue. And the only way Disney was able to really justify it in the end was by bringing back Palpatine.
No, the best way to get into the game is to split a starter box with a friend. Or else you will need to buy the movement/range tools, dice, and generic cards and tokens separately.
>split with a friend
bold fucking assumption but I see what you mean about the bits
George created interesting Mandalorians, ones equivalent to the Weimar Republic struggling with their militaristic past while trying and failing to avoid falling back into the same destructive pattern.

Then Dave took them back to being a multicultural society of only warriors in Boba Fett armor.
Buy it anyway and keep the rebel half for demo games, or yourself, sell on ebay, or for a dioramma
can't argue with that.
What units would you recommend for Empire beyond the core box?
As it should be. Satine was a fool, and it's a shame she didn't get to see the Siege of Mandalore before she died.
>TQ: How'd your last Star Wars game go?
awful, inferno squad in shatterpoint is absolutely fucked. Devs having a hard on for the Empire yet again.
Yes, but not because of her as a character but because she changed his vision for Luke's future.

IN a verys real sense, Mara Jade is is the Mary Magdalene to Luke as the Mesiah, and she leads him to be a father in more than figurative way, while he leads her to the Light side and motherhood (effectively completing her redemption arc)
Rebels will make you good at the time, but are the weakest faction
Leave Traviss and her fans alone, you toxic freak.
>changed his vision for Luke's future.
Which was only a thing since the prequels? No attachments bullshit was never mentioned in the OT. I remember george initially not liking her because of her hair.
Another box of stormtroopers is the bread and butter option, gives you a decent rounded out force that can play skirmish (500 points vs the 800 point standard)
good at the game**
You got game?
Cool. So I noticed that you have to have cards to add specialist units like the rocket man and the heavy blaster type guys. How does that impact the model count for the unit?
Adding a specialist unit with a card adds a new model to the unit
sweet. you've been a very helpful guy. One last question tho: are AT-STs any good? I love me some chicken walkers
I've only heard about it but they're pretty good, biggest unit in the game. Last I checked the meta has moved to heavily armored infantry, but tanks still have their purpose. You can even play a variant list which allows you 3 AT-STs in a single list, bit of a meme but sees tournament play
That sounds goofy as fuck but i'll refrain for now. Probably gonna see if the core box goes on a good sale for Prime Day since my LGS doesn't have any sets in right now besides the Separatist Invasion Force, which I considered but I heard the CIS is kind of complicated.
Rebels are lame as fuck from an aesthetic standpoint imo.
Here's a good blog post about playing the Empire
Also forgot to say, I personally play CIS and they are very fun. You just drown the enemy in shitty B1s while your more powerful units get shit done. Grevious is actually a skilled jedi killer like his 2D incarnation, while still being tricky like his 3D/LA. Very fun, but definitely tricky.
HIs PT scripts are from the late 80s to early/mid 90s, so they actually are from the same time period when Mara Jade was created.
GL also regularly said he did not pay much or even any attention to what the EU writers were doing
So it is quite likely that he learned about Mara Jada around the time he was finalizing his concepts for TPM.and drawing the outlines for AotC.

Also, he married a black woman, obviously he would hate all gingers as living proof of his poor taste and choices.
CIS looks neat and I have a fondness for the Clone Wars despite sand, however I think that might be better for a second army once I actually grasp the game.
Also, have another MJ pic.
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Speaking of Legends kino, I'm gonna run the DarkStryder Campaign for my group in the future. Any recommendations and advice are very welcome.
>GL also regularly said he did not pay much or even any attention to what the EU writers were doing
GL also pretends that he didn't steal tons of shit from Dune and french comic book artists. It's all part of his George Lucas Vision (TM) bullshit, while from ESB to Andor the best SW has been made by other people.

In the late 80s to early/mid 90s Star Wars was kept alive by videogames, the WEG TTRPG, Dark Horse comics and books.
>finalizing his concepts for TPM.and drawing the outlines for AotC.
There's no way that the original outline of AoTC survived the TPM release and reception.
Yes, I'm a believer in the Darth Jar Jar/ The Mule theory, but even without that we know that due Jar Jar part being reduced and the mishanding of the Dooku/Sifo-Dyas plot
Darth Plagueis sucks. I'm tired of this 6head fag
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In the end who was Palpatine's best apprentice?
It will always be Maul, the other two just didn't put their hearts into it.
Maul was exactly what he wanted because he was raised to be exactly what he wanted. He put a ton of time and effort into creating Maul and it all worked out pretty well considering how long Maul survived in the end. Dooku was always just a stopgap, and Vader was just as unbalanced as a sith as he was as a jedi and spent too much time dwelling on shit from years ago instead of focusing his hatred on anything constructive.
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>kills a Jedi Master on his first mission
>survives getting cut in half
>conquers Mandalore single-handedly
>establishes a Galactic Criminal Empire
>escapes Sidious' captivity
>a Sith from childhood like Palpatine, not used goods ex-Jedi like Count Poopoo and Mannekin Bitchwalker
>looks like a demon
>super fit
>kino voice
There is only one answer.
Too bad he dies like a bitch to old Obi
>Obi-Wan lives in his head rent-free so badly he still tries to kill the guy when he's an old codger
>Obi-Wan knows him so well he kills him in a single move
Despite never watching Rebels, that scene is still kino of the highest order.
>groom millennial 10yos in 1990 into liking star wars
>now they have autism
Based geroge.
>kills a Jedi Master on his first mission
>gets cut in half
>the end
It was rough, buddy. One of our players got seduced into joining droid Lenin after I spent a session insisting that he wouldn't. I'm so sad, bros.
>now they have autism
You joke but I am sure that the atrocious romance dialog negatively affected my ability to flirt.
There is no shame in it. Obi learned how to live forever in just 20 years, and none of the Sith did in thousands of years. Obi is one of the greatest Jedi Masters in history. He studied Maul in his head, and he replayed that duel with Qui-Gon in his head for decades. Of course he was cooked.

And Vader could not beat Obi in ANH. He did not particularly outskill him in the duel, and Obi held his own really well, and could fight as long as needed. Obi chose to sacrifice himself with a smile on his face to help Luke escape. Absolute giga chad.
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Tasty cope.
Bitches loved jarjar talk on tinder back in 2014 though.
Vader did everything a Sith is supposed to. Eliminated the entire Jedi order, personally hunted down every survivor and even killed his master as all good Sith should.
>Eliminated the entire Jedi order
Clones did. He killed a bunch of defenseless kids and lost to Giga-Chad Kenobi.
>personally hunted down every survivor
Clones did, and then Inquisitors or Starkiller.
>and even killed his master as all good Sith should
Yeah, but he did it not for Sith reasons. He did it because he is a pathetic little bitch, and because he was destined to do it. One could argue it was not even his agency. It was the W(h)ill of the Force. Vader is a pathetic retard.
>Clones did. He killed a bunch of defenseless kids
>Clones did, and then Inquisitors
Both old EU and new canon consistently portray Vader as personally killing numerous knights and masters in the Temple and subsequently when hunting down survivors.
>and lost to Giga-Chad Kenobi.
He also killed Kenobi which is more than Maul can say.
>or Starkiller.
Starkiller is one of the worst, lore breaking pieces in the entire old EU as is debatably more of a Mary Sue than Rey.
>Both old EU and new canon consistently portray Vader as personally killing numerous knights and masters in the Temple and subsequently when hunting down survivors.
Don't think so. The only thing we've seen is him killing a class of first graders.
>He also killed Kenobi which is more than Maul can say.
He didn't. Kenobi literally stopped fighting and raised his lightsaber to become a force ghost at will. His body fucking disappeared even. He didn't kill shit.
>Starkiller is one of the worst, lore breaking pieces in the entire old EU as is debatably more of a Mary Sue than Rey.
ablooo ablooo

The Battle of Sullust is proceeding apace. We have taken the first of many cities on our road to the capitol, and the fleet has arrived, making slow but solid progress against the pro-Imperial Home Guard fleet. We were preparing a strike against the pro-imperial forces communication array and ground defense turbolasers when we ran into an A6 Juggernaut in the tunnels. That's where we left off, probably going to have to board and dungeon crawl it if we don't want the offensive to stall.

Unfortunately it's looking like our hiatus is going to be at least two weeks so I'm twiddling my thumbs.
>Don't think so.
Old EU. Vader killing a conclave of Jedi.
Not canon.
>Don't think so.
New Canon, Vader killing a Jedi Master.
Neither is Starkiller
>ablooo ablooo
Waku waku
I don't think so.

he did EVERYTHING palpatine wanted and furthered his plans the most
No that's what Mike Stoklasa said.
>Disney isn't canon
>Old EU isn't canon (except the part of it that I like)
shut up, bozo
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I wish we got a companion game called Separatist Commando, it would been cool as hell to play as CIS organic soldiers or elite Droids. My idea’s for the squad would be a Nimbus Commando leader, a Gossam Commando sniper, a BX-Commando Droid assassin and a Skakoan Legal Deputy demolitions expert doing morally questionable missions for the Confederacy. And I think it would be cool to have it do cross play matches with Republic Commando we’re you and your mates fight against Clone Commandos and vice versa.
>Jedi girl's severed hand is right next to the arm it was removed from
Shouldn't it be a few feet away, where she was standing before she fell? Did Vader chop her hand off while she was already on the ground?

The crime scene investigators are going to have a hell of a time with this.
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You're certainly right, I just wanted to point out that Mara Jade appeared in teh EU around the same time that GL was working on the script for TPM.

They did change a number of things, and the script for AotC was finalized three months or so after TPM released.
The PT certainly suffered from nobody telling Lucas 'this is a bad idea', and by 'this' I mostly mean the age of Anakin,j Jar Jar being in the movie for more than three minutes, AotC attempting to fit two movies worth of story into one movie and failing, and RotS requiring years of TCW to explain what the FUCK was going on (i.e., also trying to fit too much strory into too little time)
Don't get m wrong, the movies do get their story across, but they tend to feel rusehd and especially AotC could have done with a little less time spent on chase scenes and set-piece battles.
Also, dialogue writing was awful, and they totally overdid the CGI. The latter is understandable, it was new at teh time, and ILM wanted to show off.

TPM realy is the odd one out, and it struck most people who had loved SW in the 80s and 90ßs as just not feeling like SW.
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>How'd your last Star Wars game go?
Had two different ones this weekend, but each were pretty good for different reasons and had fun in both.

The first RPG session was more combat focused, taking place during the Battle of Kamino. We had a Chiss Jedi Master, Human Jedi Padawan, an ARC Trooper Commander (my character), and his squad. We defended Kamino both from space and on the ground, and got to fight General Grievous at his forward operation base. We deviated from canon as this battle ended in Grievous’ demise. Now for the upcoming session, we are training to assassinate Chancellor Palpatine, as we know his plans. I wonder if the GM would feel more at place playing a game like Legion, but it was enjoyable.

The other RPG campaign was much more role-play focused with not a whole lot of combat, also taking place much more closer to canon so far. Its been over two years since the end of the Clone Wars, our party consists of a Nagai pirate, a Geonosian terrorist, a Clone Trooper (my character, also one of my ARC Commander’s former squadmates from the other campaign), a human medic, a Trandoshan mercenary, and a Togruta dark-side practitioner. Currently we’re at the Fondor shipyards setting the foundations of our own independent faction. The Geonosian made clever business deals to get droid manufacturing parts, the medic and the pirate made some purchases so now we have two Scyk interceptors in addition to our Gozanti frigate, the Trandoshan having the worst luck completing a bounty on a runaway teen, while the clone and the Togruta adopted a force-sensitive Shistavanen kid but secretly need to eventually give him away to an Inquisitor so we can secure his insider help. The session ended on a cliffhanger, a recently acquired ancient protocol droid snuck into the Togruta’s room to steal her datapad for currently unknown reasons. Also, I believe romance between the clone and the Togruta are developing, which leaves me with conflicting feelings.
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Old Obi v.s. Vader is the coolest lightsaber duel never seen, and it should stay that way.
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I think it's funny how Darth Killstreak's hideout is one of the only places in the entire fucking galaxy that has guardrails around a ledge.
Obi-wan is one of the best characters in this series, bar none.
It's because he can't see where he is going with the helmet on.
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This is why Ventress wanted to steal his midichlorians.
Stop posting that disgusting thing.
Black actress, can't swim, etc.
The jokes literally write themselves.
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Ventress wil be the mother of Obi-Wan'S children, even if I have to write fapfiction of her forcing herself onto his helpless force-ghost
>Darth Killstreak
Though really, Vader's killstreak is going to be hard to beat.
If you want to count most kills, this nameless girl in Ep.7 who pulled the trigger on Starkiller Base has the most kills of any character in the setting. Perhaps the most kills of any fictional character ever, if you exclude Thanos on account of his kills being retroactively nullified by time travel.
Do Muuns do anything besides banking? Is the whole population in on the IGBC enterprise?
Do Hutts do anything other than run criminal organizations? Do Twi'leks do anything other than dance and sell ass? Do Klatoonians or Nikto do anything other than work as mercenaries? Do Kaminoans do anything other than grow clones?

As far as I can tell, humans are the only species that don't have their job determined by their race.
Yes to all of these. Certain races may have proclivities due to their race's culture and expectations, but just about any race you can name are sentient individuals who are more than capable with breaking with tradition.
I was thinking Jedi. Also, who the hell counts the sequels for...anything?
Imperial Senators are in Black Sun's pocket, trading their insider knowledge and influence for lining their pockets. Which Senators of which worlds are guilty of this treason?
You don't have to respect them to count them. Just look at that masterful First Order emblem, like an anus with teeth! So scary!
nah they got cool aliens and their troopers all look different
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Rebels lets you put anything on the table, from the moderately uniform formal Alliance solders to some random kids who make up a "cell" on some nowhere planet because they welded some shitty blasters to their shitty speeder. If you can't figure out how to make them look cool, that's on you.
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Imo it’s only really the AlderaanIan’s that look lame, the rest of Alliance does have cool stuff like the various special forces and commando units.

>Do Muuns do anything besides banking?
There is a fair few military oriented Muun’s with an entire corps of Muun officers, but again they are all working for the clan.

>Do Twi'leks do anything other than dance and sell ass?
Yes, they also sell and do drugs.
Legion looks like a cool game. But where the fuck do I even start with it? And why is everything so fucking expensive?
>Where the fuck do I even start with
Pick up the faction respective battleforce and an essentials kit.
Blizzard force for the empire, Echo base defenders for rebels, 501st Legion for Republic, Separatist invasion for CIS, or 2x Shadow collective starter
>Why is everything so fucking expensive
Legion is a much smaller scale game than something like 40k, and is comparatively pretty cheap.
Skirmish games run like 5 or 6 units, while full scale games around 7-10 units.
Some of this made me laugh a bit. never before seen abilities such as breathing water, for instance. I'm sure Kit Fisto taught her the advanced techniques for it.

"Step One: be amphibious. That's it."

This was written before the final Maul vs Obi fight in Rebels as well, wasn't it?
Silence, boyo.
Him und Sheev Sidious
One of the many flaws of Star Wars. Also when one character says or does something, his whole people/species will say or do it too!
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“There might be something dangerous out there…lurking in the shadows…”
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Praise the mysterious green aliens!
Yoda Species
Did they called themselves Yoda Species before Yoda was born? Or is Yoda called Yoda because he's a Yoda?
IMO Star Wars is at its best when it goes full-on fantasy.
To this day I have a boner for Dromud Kaas from MotS.
The spieces is unnamed.
Then it's okay to call it mysterious green aliens.
Yoda is an individual name. Not the name of the unnamed species which Yoda belongs to.
It’s okay but rather not do it.

I am just amazed that in 40 years of Star Wars history, nobody bothered to name this species.
This is like ONE mystery in this ridiculously detailed setting that Lucas never cared to unravel.
Because Lucas don’t want to. George likes it to keep it secret and I agree with him.
Yeah, he made it clear to not let anyone mess with it. But he isn't around to stop Disney now, anyway.
But it's just... weird. Like, literally everything else about Star Wars lore gets autistically overexplained, up to and including those random fucking worms that the assassin tried to killed Padme with in Ep 2, but Yoda's species is one thing Lucas draws a line on?
What did you guys think about Filoni opening the gates to another galaxy in Ahsoka? Couldn't he just have used the unknow regions? They're called unknow for a reason.
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Eh, it's been done before.
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This shit would be so fucking funny you can't even believe.
I still remember those assholes who said that it was a good thing the entirety of EU got decanonized, simply because of those niggas, the vong.
Haven't Filoni had already stealth reintroduced the vong, but under a different name?
I would say the Vong situation is slightly different because they were invasors, while Filoni took the main characters there to a completely 'normal' location.

He showed sketches of them in some of those panels about excluded Clone Wars arcs.
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I hope they do meet again, even if it's for a BBQ at obi-wan's place or her telling him to stop being a miserable sack of shit
I don’t sense anything.
This franchise is so fucked. This fandom is so fucked. Hilarious that most of these are also The Bad Batch fans. Told you so. Only braindead brainrot women liked that shit.
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>he's mad because women would rather fuck a fictional character than him

hit the gym bro
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That is part of it. Both Obi-Wan ad Cal exemplify the honourable, virtuous knight, duty-bound samurai, who stick to their code long after their order fell and their liege has been murdered. Both land on an ultimately self-destructive path of isloation or vengeance.
Both of them require a pragmatic Nightsister in their life who tells them to stop moping and start fighting the good fight again. Well, and to repopulate Dathomir, and the galaxy in general,. with force sensitive children.
Yin and Yang. Balance.

But since we have current year Disney doing this, they'll just ride their shitty ideas down in flames and cry that old, evil fans simply don't understand the brilliance of their checkbox-ticking, utterly immersion breaking racist crap.
Did they really set up a shill network for a shirtless dude on twatterX?
Also, didn't all teh women in the show loudly state they were lesbian? Why do tehy suddenly care about a guy?
If they'd used that money to hire a more talented writer (i.e. some random author from fanfiction.net), they might have made it iinto the 20-something audience score.
Headland literally IS the author from fanfiction.net.
the audience score isnt because of the actual writing quality, its because headland is a lesbian and the main actress is black+lgbt

people are giving episodes low scores before the episodes even come out
yet of course said people get pissy when someone calls out review bombing
Or maybe people give teh episodes shit ratings becasue the story is convoluted nonsense, the action is lame (with like one and a half exceptions), the camera and scene setting is like a bad memoory of cardboard backgrounds and pacific northwest woodland from the 1990s, and roughly half the actresses and actors deliver a wooden, unemotional performance at best?
Bonus points for lead actress and diirector insulting the audience for daring to voice theiir feelings for the show, I'm sure that never backfired before when it comes to audience scores. Double bonus points for literally telling the world in an interview before teh shoow even went llive that they didn't give a fuck about teh audience that would probably watch their show.

And all this on top of the fact that it is set in an era of SW that had zero meaning, but they still managed to break decades-old movie canon. This was either a deliberate 'fuck you' to the moovies, or incompetence on a level that is astronomical.
>This was either a deliberate 'fuck you' to the moovies, or incompetence on a level that is astronomical.
It's incompetence, because the "fuck you" approach would require some talent.
And this is the show that keeps changing the motivations and personalities of the protagonists on a dime, because the scene X needs to happen.
The review bombing for politics happens, it's true, and so far the 'canon breaking' is nonsense as it's so far removed from everything and without a conclusion that is unfair to say so. Kenobi had more canon breaking every episode. The biggest change Acolyte done so far was change Ki Adi Mundi birthdate.
But the lower reviews make sense because the series overall quality is very bad indeed.
Nobody is watching Acolyte who didn't sit through Kenobi and Book, at this point D+ has a captive audience that's apparently large enough to hit revenue targets. Why would they risk trying to improve?
To be frank, I don't really give a fuck about how little a change to establisehd canon is,. at this point it's just 'one more thing' that tels us the showrunners absolutely do noto give a fuck aboout the IP, and they just end up looking like angry chjildren smashing something they cannot comprehend. It's unintentionally funny, and sad at the same time.

Their stupid 'let's only hire gay/bisexual and black/asian/mexican actors/writers/directors' is obnoxious and fucking stupid becasue they obviously hire people that lack understanding of the source material, and quite honestly the writing skill to actually make a goood season arc story.
Plus it's probably illegal because discriminating by race, sexual orientation or religion is illegal, but maybe that doesn't count in Hollywood.

I mean, most people here have probably DMed, or played in, RPG campaigns that had better stories that this utter shitshow, even if it's for teh simple reason that an RPG campaign requires even NPCs to have understandable and sensical motivations that do not randoomly change scene-by-scene.
In this show, some things that get mentioned in one scene are completely forgotten, or even reversed seconds later, probably because of re-shoots or maybe because they were making some rapid cahnges in the cutting provess to avoid re-shoots.
Which just makes the overall pricetag of teh show even more baffling.
So since they’re not doing a Mando season 4 and are making a movie, what do you expect the plot to be and how will it all end for both characters? Will Disney continue to use them in shows and movies or is this finally it for them?
>somehow moff gideon has returned

mandos house has to get blown up by an AT-AT or something to motivate him because that season 3 ending cant work with a movie
>The review bombing for politics happens, it's true,
IN a show that had prerelease interviews telling everyone that this was a political statement more than a show, and that everyone involved in making it was an activist, what did tehy expect?
By their own definition, any and all review of a political statement is a political stement in return. It'S like the whole setup is one gigantic strawmam construct to guilt-trip the audience into noot saying something bad in order to avoid being called racist/bigot/fascist/misogynist/nazi/etc.
But that is not how it works, when the 'entertainment' you produce is not actually entertaining, you can't go and tell the people that you, in fact, failed to entertain 'nuh-uh, you're wrong and you're racist, you must be entertained because I say so'
You can try that once, and stir up some (negative) media circus, and they did that with Kenobi.
It backfired badly, and cost them thousands of fans. Ironically, it cost them more female fans, too. And that show died in the scriptwriting and directing phase, too.

>and so far the 'canon breaking' is nonsense as it's so far removed from everything and without a conclusion that is unfair to say so
They literally and diirectly have Ki-Adi Mundi there, who diirectly states in teh PT that the Sith have not been around for a millenium. This show happens a hundred years or so before TPM. Yeah, maybe tehy have a le subverted expectation moment in teh last episode where it alll gets sealed in teh secret archive or something.
This also contradicts Ki-Adi Mundi's age, which was stated in a secondary source, but who cares at this point.
>Kenobi had more canon breaking every episode.
Pointing out that this shitheap of a nonsensical sequence of somewhat SW looking scenes is less shit than the utter storywriting apocalypse that was Kenobi is not really helping
can you stop talking like a 12yr old, its hard to read
Sorry, trying to adapt the writing for a modern audience style.
GL said it was for 12 year olds though
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His and Grogu's story was wrapped up pretty neatly at the end of season 3, so it'd have to be completely new for both, being that their movie is apparently separate from the Heir to the Empire movie. Also Carl Weathers died so he won't show up in an even fancier outfit. At a guess, with the cultists, mercs, and hobos all gathered together on Mandalore to restore their society, other Mandos could appear - neo-neo-crusaders. With Mandalore finally back in the hands of Mandalorians, someone could try to galvanize them to conquer the weak and ineffectual New Republic and regain glory days that none of them know through anything but ancient history, leading to a civil war ripping apart a group that just reunited.

Apart from that, more cameos and guest appearances, not only from established Star Wars people to steal screen time but return appearances from previous seasons. Could have some of his criminal buddies from season 1 return for revenge, maybe he hunts a bounty that happens to work for Boba Fett.
So Grogu is a clone of Yaddle right? That’s what they’re establishing with Dooku and Palp killing Yaddle? They had her body to do experiments on since there was no way they got Yoda’s dna.
New Hope box spoilers for shatterpoint


Leia looks good, might replace Han with her in my Luke/Han list but unsure right now. She seems more consistent but Han's highs are definitely higher.
Anon, Yaddle got squashed with a door that was goodness knows how many tons; the only thing they got DNA from at that point was pulp.
Thought she fell through the other side before it shut?
You're correct. She used the force to lift the door but was too weak to stop Dooku from killing her with his lightsaber to end the duel.
eat a dick R*bel scum
>but Yoda's species is one thing Lucas draws a line on?
Oui! I would have done the same, along with others things within Star Wars that I would have kept secret.
God I swear I’m going to send death and rape threats to Headland and her feminist minions of hers.
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>This also contradicts Ki-Adi Mundi's age

People freaking out over this has to be the funniest thing, and I think is indicative of why no one takes criticism of the show seriously.

But its a bit of an interesting microcosm to me of why any discussion around Star Wars is so fucked. It is both a major tentpole franchise meant to appeal globally BUT also has an autistic fanbase attached as well. Normally franchises are one or the other. i.e. Marvel is geared towards people who watch movies, and 40k is geared towards autists.

So to someone who just watches movies and maybe TV, basically all Star Wars from prequels onwards seems like ass because its terrible at giving context. And then for the autists into everything else, the movies and TV can't help but enrage them by invariably stepping on their pointless minutiae.
Nobody minds if *you*, an unthinking corpodrone consuming your daily hour of slop to distract you from your miserable existence, considers the established facts of the IP to be "pointless minutiae", the problem is that the people *making stories in that IP* think that way, because it's indicative of their broader lack of care - when you work in an established IP you are a *curator* more than an artist, but these fucks can't let go of their own egos for long enough to comprehend that.

It's not that "autists" care *that much* about Conehead's birthday, it's that people who aren't just mindless consoomers look at the situation and see it as proof of the wider issue; nothing about the scene required or was enhanced by using Mundi, there's no argument that it *needed* to be him, or that he made it better. They used him exclusively because maybe one or two mental deficients would point at the screen while bouncing up and down exclaiming "MUH DROID ATTACK ON DUH WOOKEES HURR HURR". It's one more in a long line of instances of them either not caring to know/find out if what they're doing goes against previously established fiction, or knowing it does and believing their whims matter more, and it's that *attitude* that people are reacting negatively to.

Which you obviously know, but I guess it's more important to feel like a smug twat because *you* don't really care about all this silly stuff right, you just discuss it on an obscure mongolian basket weaving forum to laugh at the animals and then you go home to your 9.5/10 harem and Chad lifestyle right...kek, everyone sees right through you man, even the normies you keep up this indifferent facade for.
nta but you need to go outside more
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If it's people like you who care, then it's quite literal autists who care.
No go have a cookie and take a name and no more grumpy dumpy posts.
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>People freaking out over this has to be the funniest thing, and I think is indicative of why no one takes criticism of the show seriously.
ACKtually, it tells us a lot about how Disneywars works: like a child making messes in his father's workshop.
Ki-adi appears in Accolyte because he is one of the few masters from Episode 1 who speaks and is easily recognizable. That's all. A cameo.
To make it work you need to extend his lifespan. But extending his age completely destroys what was the core of his character, that is, the biological need to have multiple wives (and how it affects his being a Jedi and his loyalty to the order). Now, you may think "that" Core was trash and had little to do with Lucas' Jedi. Fine. But the point remains. And that is a character was destroyed to appear briefly in a very poorly written B-series show. And it's the same kind of problem that generated controversy over the Force birth of the twins or Cortosis. It's bad writing. Things thrown randomly into a cauldron without any structural thought behind them.
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Leia looks good, very mobile with all these dashes and the 2 shoves on the Covert Rebel will be pretty useful.
Luke looks pretty nice, especially for a 3SP Secondary. Giving 2 rerolls to Rebel/Spy allies at range 3 is pretty bonkers.
Compared to other 3SP shitters like Greef or Ponds he is kind of amazing.
Han/Chewie are great with good HP, great offense and an easy way to put tokens on their foes but their 5SP cost is kinda prohibitive, though they can probably be used well with Mando and Greef to replace IG-11.
Amusingly enough since Thrawn's ISB glowies will probably have the Spy tag, this squad might have its best synergy with Kallus and the 2 ISB spooks.
Right now this box's main issue is how much character overlap it has with the other Rebel Boxes.
Also that pic might be useful given the state of the past few threads.
imma coom
>this has to be the funniest thing
People most certainly are laughing at the show.
>and I think is indicative of why no one takes criticism of the show seriously.
Thhis is why we'Re seeing Season 2 soon, right? I mean, why would a company that wants to make money by selling views of their show care about the actuall viewer count tanking, or said viewers cancelling subscriptions?

Maybe, just maybe, look into not making identity politics the first and only topic. Maybe look into making a good and entertaining show. Maybe listen to what the audience you're trying to sell the entertainment to actually wants.
Or go on shouting I CAN'T HEAR YOU, YOU'RE ALL RACIST AND BIGOTS at any and all criticism levelled at the televised diarrhea you insist on pumping out.
We are at three streaming shows bombing in a row for SW. The rest of Disney is performing at about the same level.
But what do I know, I'm sure the modern audience that is surely around somewhere to consuem all this modern content will turn up any day and make all these old boomers, gen Xers and millennails who used to love Star Wars (and Disney, and Marvel) obsolete. Just call them alll racist one more time, maybe it'll lwork this time.
You do realize that this histrionic bullshit is exactly the kind of thing Disney points to as an example when they want to discredit legitimate criticism, right? The show has plenty of actual problems, your autistic screeching over something that even you don't actually care about just makes you look retarded.
The Coom Doom
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>Want to get into Legion
>Know I want to play Clones
>Can't decide between Phase I's with rank colors like in Episode 2, or Phase II 212th or 501st
Break the mold, go for 187th and paint them purple
Most people in my community paint them all white, for some reason.
Out of your options, I'd go with 212th, as it's the least common option.
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always phase 1
make sure to paint some sergeants, they're always forgotten
both is good
>So to someone who just watches movies and maybe TV, basically all Star Wars from prequels onwards seems like ass because its terrible at giving context.
This is me. I still do not know who Ahsoka or Bo Katan are. I only know what a mandalorian is because I played KOTOR when I was 9
the show is better than phantom menace
Shut the fuck up, you pleb contrarian fool.
Loyalty & Politics
What do we think about the Republic Defense Coalition?
He's probably just trolling and doesn't actually have a name for them. And if he actually gave an answer it'd probably be the first dumb thing that pops in his head like "Stewjon."
That wouldn't be BIG and EPIC enough. Filoni is a hack, remember.
Thhe real proobllem is that they put their LGBTQIAwhatever agenda over making an actual show that is enjoyable to watch, and then cry 'dats wacist' when people lsay that the show sucks.
Nobody cares if there is a Danish-American female lead who identifies as black and likes to slleep with girls, if the story is good this is just not very important in SW.
This is of acttuallly zero importance to telling a good story, one that is enjoyable to watch. But they make this the central point. They even hire writers and directors according to how high their diversity score is, instead of attempting to get the best people for the job, which should be no problem at all with a close to $200 million budget.
We are at a point where youtubers who give zero fucks about Star Wars disect these shows scene by scene just to point out how awful and illlogical lteh story is, how bad the scenes are set, how lackluster the direction must be, or how they try to cover up lame fights with CGI.
And this is not some 90s afternoon TV SciFishow filmed in spraypainted set and the hills behind teh studio.

I could go on about this, but why bother. Disney will ride this down in flames, will keep blaming the audience for not liking their shit, and said audeince will just stop turning up. They have one or two attempts left, but after that it will be a death spiral. Just look at Marvell or DC.
So glad that Snoke wasn’t Darth Plagueis. As much as I love Darth Plagueis, it’s better if he stays dead. Making his death indeed tragic and ironic.
The only characters who died but came back to life later are:

Boba Fett, Darth Maul & Echo. Although with Maul and Echo it’s a bit mixed.
R2-D2 being a companion and droid friend to both Skywalkers is something I love. C-3PO being from Tatooine and being build/repaired by Anakin not so much.
>I don't know. I think there's so much going on right now where there's this feeling that there's some Machiavellian grand scheme of injecting into the water supply some sort of... what's it called? Oh, agenda! And I honestly think it's more boring than that, which is, as somebody who has spent a lot of her experience not seeing my world reflected in mainstream media, I think I'm just adhering to the old adage of “Write what you know.” And I know Star Wars and I know my experience and I know what my community looks like, and so I'm just writing what's most personal to me, which is what I think all good Star Wars is, personal stories put into this beautiful world. So I think anything more than that is giving me too much credit. I really didn't think that much about it.

>tthere's this feeling that there's some Machiavellian grand scheme
There literallly is.
The last few years at Disney/Marvell/Lucasfilm have been notthting but diverstiy and gennderswapping as a remake. Every male chharaceter, especially former main characters, get belittled, laughed at and thrown out of their own movie or show. And like cloockwerk, every single one of these made-by-activists movies and shows bombed. Because they put their activist agendafirst, and do not tell a good story.
I really do not wish to hate on the actors caught up in this, unless they join in on the shrieking, and the main blame is to be laid on the writers, directors and company suits who greenlight this shit.
If it is incompetence, it has cost Disney several billion dollaridoos at this point.
>I know Star Wars
>I think all good Star Wars is personal stories put into this beautiful world
So withinn one sentence sheh calims to know Star Wars, then imediately says she just writes what she thinks Star Wars should be.
>So I think anything more than that is giving me too much credit.
Oh so very clever, a not quite denial, so clever. Right guys, winkwink, I really didn't mean to, if you know what I mean.
Thhaht interview wher they go on about how Star Wars is now gfayer than ever, and how Star Wars was always gay sadly showed her actual thought. Especially the forced laughter thhaht utterly lacks the spontaneity of real laughter.
>I really didn't think that much about it.
Now that I ma willing to believe.
>My own experience my people my worldview bla
Are you serious? Holy shit.
Yes, fascinating. Go make an indie movoie about the experience as a rich, lebian power couple in LA and the struggle of . . .welll, what really, because you're living the high life there.
Do not go and make that movie in the escapist space fantasy universe of Star Wars, because it doesn't belong there. Do not act surprised when people look at you trying this and posting online about how it feels forced, and most importantly how tthe show is lacking in story, characters, and hahs a conbooluted and forced plot tthat feels jumbled and nonsensical.
Most importantlyl, do not call these critical voices bigotted racist nerds, unless tehy actuallly are.
If somebody says the show is stupid, the story lacks common sense and the characters feel ltwo-dimnesonal and often apparently just act in a way that teh current scene requires them to act in, that is not racist or bigotted.

If they call you an incomppetent hack who apparently doesn't know how to direct anything more than a bubblegum ad, that is not racist or bigotted.
If tehy cal you a lesbian incompetent, and your millionaire-at-25 lead actress a spoiled racist bitch for making a music viideo that literally insults all white people, that iis not racist or bigotted.
All these things are mere observations based on things that were said by you,posted by you, or or your lead actress.
touch grass
I have a method to revive star wars. It's just three very simple rules.
>There shall never be a female main character. All female characters are limited to supporting roles.
>There shall never be more than 2 female supporting characters in a SW series/game/book/etc.
>There shall be no the gay in any capacity in any released media.
We don't think about the Republic Defense Coalition.
>if we remove SJWs, star wars will be better again!
>Ignore the prequels
So what threat will there be in the new sequel movies of the sequels? Since it’s 15 years after Rise who’d even be a threat? Why does it take 15 years to even think of restarting the Jedi?
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There's nothing wrong with the concept of female characters, as long as they're based.
>The only characters who died but came back to life later are:
are we counting confirmed death though?
maul, boba fett and echo are "survived injuries"
palpatine's body died but his spirit did not as he posessed a new body (so technically counts? as he didnt "survive his injuries")

as for confirmed dead and was later brought back to life, i think there is only ventress
oh and ahsoka in the mortis arc if that counts, not sure if it was a vision or not
>George literally said he changed it to tubby little teddy bears
brain rot definition of "literally" should be gassed
this one was created to justify the weird simp with a mother complex
>palpatine's body died but his spirit did not as he posessed a new body
the groomers at disney never actually explained it, because they never thought about it
easier to get midgets and kids than giants. he's not the nba.
>So what threat will there be in the new sequel movies of the sequels? Since it’s 15 years after Rise who’d even be a threat?
Space pirates or warriors, Neo-Final Order extremists, and generally trying to restore the Galactic Republic in some shape or form.
>Why does it take 15 years to even think of restarting the Jedi?
Given the state of the galaxy now, there is probably bound to be more chaos than at anytime since before the Old Republic. That probably means less resources to find force sensitive individuals, since we’re starting the Jedi Order from the ground up again like Luke did.
The idea of Jedi, a few core Republic peacekeepers and a variety of local forces directly fighting the Hutts, Nihl and opportunistic states in direct conflict across a swath of the Outer Rim is a great idea and it’s a shame the comics are not focusing on it. It’s the War part of Star Wars and if done right could power more toy sales to keep the franchise going.
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Everybody knows the 212th and the 501st, go out on a limb and do a lesser-known Clone unit, like Gree's 41st Elite Squadron.
Sounds based, I do wish we'd see more of it. High Republic seems like it has potential, it's a shame they keep squandering it with horrible management.
Story of the vast majority of the Disney era. I still have no idea how they pulled Rogue One/Andor and early Mando out of their ass while producing...everything else.
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I'd prefer them to be a fairly rag-tag afterthought, mostly used for search and rescue and asserting nominal sovereignty in the godforsaken backwaters, than having really fancy ships and being a proper military. Think pic related.

Then shit starts going down and a jedi has to figure out how to work with them to stop an actual threat, or at least delay it long enough for the cavalry to arrive.
>Another buff sith
Where’s Qui gon gym when you need him?
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You don't get it. Evil must be sexy.
Came across these two articles in a row earlier.
Tikthots were getting all hot and wet over some guy who just got convicted of strangling two of his girlfriends to death.
And they're the ones who were going on about preferring that fucking bear less than a month ago.
Like we're not sitting around simping for drow women to enslave us... what, just me?
The only thing that aggravates me is the blatant pandering to thirsty women when anything that men find attractive gets a blanket condemnation. Nothing new though.
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>Evil must be sexy.
I mean...yeah, no shit.
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I am pretty sure it only works one way, because if I were to put Darth Talon in my show, I wouldn't hear the end of it.
Of course you'd be a chauvinist pig. How dare you put something in there that your target audience would find appealing!
>Krayt made Talon's tattoos
We could've had Darth Talon as a villain in the ST. Imagine.
Only if she leads the Knights of Ren. Those guys are badass.
>Those guys are badass
No, they aren't.
>judged by their appearance in a shitty movie
They look, and have a far cooler name than Brotherhood of the First, Second and Third Sith Orders of the Grand Bane, or whatever the fuck.
And then she gets killed by one of her kids.
No, she gets killed by one of Leia's kids.
Prereleases start today! Who's going?
NIce non-argument, mouseshill ;^)
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I just know that if they put ventress in ahsoka season 2 or the movie, they're going to fuck up the casting like they did with ahsoka
Tell me about the Shien stance, why is it the greatest stance everyone should be using?
You don't see anything other than stuffy white british men in the Empire because I'm taking all the brown women to be my bridge bunnies.
I love CIS ships
The Providence is the best star destroyer
If you're the only male on the bridge that just means you'll be the one who gets killed when you take totally-not-Sith on board.
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I'm willing to take the risk that nobody from the inquisitorius, much less Lord Vader, ever comes out here.
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Sounds to me like the warlord type of Imp that gets re-loyallized with laser cannons.
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I still don't get how badly they screwed up the casting. Like, they did it perfectly with Bo Katan, just fucking do that every time.
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Rosario Dawson was, in theory, perfect casting for Ahsoka. She's roughly the right age, she's got that ambiguously brown thing going and she's got the lips. Which makes her performance all the more disappointing.
But I'd blame terrible scriptwriting and even worse directing just as much or more than I'd blame her for that.
>But I'd blame terrible scriptwriting and even worse directing just as much or more than I'd blame her for that.

And it's hardly the first time that's happened to an actor in a Star Wars film.
Oh yeah, we don't need to go over (again!) how awful the Prequels were despite many a great actor in them.
Reveng of the Sith was good, bro!
It was definitely the best of the three and the best non-OT movie, but that's not a very high bar, sadly.
>but that's not a very high bar, sadly.
But why the fuck not?!
I'm not ignoring the prequels. I'm watching them and enjoying them, and there's nothing you can do about it. Go back to playing Wheel of the Worst, fatass.
LOL, I was a clone autist as a kid so I thought, "what, those are obscure?"
Because the first two prequels blew? There's like, five scenes between them that are actually fun to watch. Which is better than the sequels and their zero good scenes, but again: low bar.
>I'm watching them and enjoying them
It's OK to have shit taste, but I wouldn't broadcast it so loudly.
This is my only issue as well: I *despise* hypocrisy. I'd be perfectly happy for sexless catladies and wineaunts to get their topless shots and prosthetic dicks flopping around if it wasn't for the fact that even a hint of a suggestion of a smidgeon of attractive female sexuality - not even nudity, just a hot woman who's not dressed in a fucking burka - drives them into a frothing rage denouncing the show as "cisheteropatreonormative violence", any man who says they liked it as basically-a-rapist(honestly one day a lot of guys are just going to say "fuck it, we're doing the time anyway, might as well do the crime" and then I'm gonna fucking laugh), and any women who liked it - if they acknowledge they exist at all - as useful idiots.
Fuck the low bar my man! Me and my gf Maggie love Revenge of the Sith and wish it was filmed in 70mm!

Revenge of the Sith is my favorite Star Wars movie and I wish I was the one who co-directed and co-written the script!
Fuck you and eat shit! ROTS was kino!
Star Wars 4 Life

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