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Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Edition


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Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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Are you watching the PT tomorrow? Any predictions?
Fun fact if you don't have Revolt you can Push your own Nadu to get a trigger.
it will be on at FNM and I will hopefully remember to watch it at home too
>any predictions?
something with a relatively small turnout is going to run away with it, like a 6 decks or less archetype
yes anon we all know how fatal push works, you can target anything and it checks if it dies on resolution
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The fuck is impending, some suspend variant?
will probably be 'put it onto the board as a not-creature' to get the etb effect and it becomes a creature after the notsuspend timer is done
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t'was destiny
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Apologize NOW!
There's going to be unfathomable deck in the Black Burn deck at this PT if people were already going as far as Soul Spike.
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Which bet should we bet anons? My inner timmy want to see the honest Eldrazi to take this PT
Great minds think alike necro anon >>93182301, whats your list look like?
Why? Among the pack trailing behind Nadu, Black Scam has been one of the larger archetypes. Were people thinking Scam got rotated?
Sorin, Grief, Bowmasters and Sheoldred with Necro, removal and some burn
I'll pump Amalia in response
Modernfags are crying about rotation but i wish Pioneer could rotate as hard as Modern at least with this meta
>downticks sorin
>move Veinripper to the field
so MH are actually very good and the best way to keep a format healthy
nice to know
MH legal in pioneer when
a new set every month
why is duskmourn even fucking coming out in goddamn september and not spooky season
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Your wish
WotC command lul
I despise the Boros Energy deck more than anything. It's like playing vs some retard's custommtg deck. I will be rooting for (God forgive me) Tron.
AI is getting better but not quite there yet
>Affinity prices all crashing down
>deck can be built for like $290
At this rate Ill probably just build affinity and attend FNM to gatekeep wins every other week.
to anyone still wondering how modern horizons 1 was allowed to happen, look at this post

pioneer horizons is happening before the end of this decade I can promise you that
Me too, energy is complete cancer to play against
>end of this decade
why not just make MH pioneer legal? as long as they keep fetchlands out the formats will be vastly different tehee

phlage is maybe my favorite modern creature ever if I'm honest
I'm here just to say
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picking these two because they are my current decks
I was wondering what fag picked Goryo's. Desu Phlage is legendary.
I cant believe some retard dare to pick SSS
>People picking the current #1 meta deck plus Nadu
Couldn't be lamer if you tried.
What happened to mono blue tempo in pioneer? Why was Delver not ever a deck in pioneer?
Free him.
I want those decks gutted which is why I voted for them
That was me, SSS + Mardu were my picks. Probably RG SSS just to pack extra Boseijus for Shuko.
>What happened to mono blue tempo in pioneer?
you mean blue spirits?
>Why was Delver not ever a deck in pioneer?
no topdeck manipulation
Can you imagine how fucked it is to track Nadu in paper? Looking forward to all the on-camera judge calls this weekend.
>no topdeck manipulation
Are you not aware that even in Legacy most Delver flips are/were blind?
modern newfag here, what's SSS?
I vote to win anon not to make some.shit up. Nadu will be in the finals and in my opinion Mardu too. Is the best you can make in the format right now
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No, like Djins and pteromanders
I just came back to Arena after 3 years absent, and I have 60 rare wildcards, and 40 mythic wildcards. It's hard to get back into standard because I don't have any cards aside from Outlaws, and it's hard to get into Explorer since it seems to be dominated by Kamigawa which I don't have.

What format should I craft towards? Standard, Explorer, Historic, Timeless? Of course I'll wait until after rotation though, but wanted to see what people say.

The argument towards timeless could be that sure I would probably delete all my wildcards through two decks but in theory those decks will last longer... But again another Modern Horizons 3 could rotate it further. Explorer, at least I have a lot of M21 standard era cards so I'm not starting from scratch. Brawl... Well I just don't care about it if it's not 4 player.
Bertocini must be livid he can't play pro Magic anymore.
what is this and why it looks like some Yugi card?
SlickShot Showoff
Jim said he brought some bullshit and hopes he doesn't piss of his team when it goes 0-10, what deck do you think it is?
MH2 tribal.
Mardu vs Tron because it's Modern
You don't want this. You think you do, but you don't.
Makes sense. I'm surprised it isn't just played in ruby storm, is it too redundant?
I don't know about delver lists of the past, but current legacy delver runs like 20 cards that can control the top card of your deck, and the other reason delver is playable there is because of how much free interaction and efficient removal you get to play,
I think if pioneer had good topdeck manipulation delver would be playable, but not nearly as good as legacy delver is because of all the other cards we are missing

it doesn't line up well against the most common forms of interaction in the format like fatal push and thoughtseize
The /other/ birb
Japanese alt-art showcase thing for Duskmourn. Apparently they're gonna be going for 10 of those alt-arts per set going forward, because... Japanese alt-art is popular.
Delver's problem in Pioneer is the lack of other good threats, and not having Lightning Bolt.
jap artists only make stuff that looks like that
i think they used a lot of artists from force of will this set
Theyre just getting ready for final fantasy. They got actual jap pixiv artists on board now.
Basically just doesn't fit into the game plan. DRC has the upside of surveiling. SSS is just a Grapeshot that the opponent can kill as far as a storm deck is concerned.
Ruby Storm has the Twiddle effect of not really presenting you with targets for your removal. Medallion isn't a creature, and Ral can drop and flip in the same turn at instant speed. If your opponent takes out their removal they're leaving themselves wide open to huge slapdowns from SSS.
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>this was 6 years ago
What's the situation where you can stick a SSS and deal meaningful damage with it, but you can't just storm off instead?
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>that one madlad with nethergoyf deck
What the fuck? How do these retards get into protour?

Literally pic rel
Sometimes in Eternal formats is best to go with what you are familiar with... In Modern, land of bullshit, is a bols move thought
Retards here thought necro was a bad card in modern.
/tg/ is really not good at magic
Element of suprise?
Conversion rate after forst day?
It's the same as everything else in MH3 where people said it was amazing, then they said it was shit, and then they say it's amazing again. It's the third fucking Modern Horizons set and people still haven't learned that we're not gonna know for sure how the meta's gonna shake out until the set's been out for a little while.
We'll let you know after the first day.
Necro IS a bad card in Modern.
Wait a month after the craze dies down.
Necro is the single best draw spell in Modern. It's not actually close.
>Anon retarded take
/mtgg/ at its finest
>t retard
Why don't you wait a month before trying to call it? You could be right, but we don't really know how things are gonna look when things settle down.
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Fuck I wish I could
There's always the Standard RDW option, you can run it with Slickshot Showoff being your only rare
Standard rotates
Pioneer queues are insanely long and meta is obnoxious
Historic is faster, decks are more diverse but also as degenerate if not more

I wouldn't craft shit except maybe manabases that are evergreen
sexo con Doña Aguirre
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>Jeskai conrol
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>The pubes poking out of the leotard
None of these thoughts are in the bible
Pubes on a white girl are so disgusting not gonna lie
why do they print cards like Obeka into Standard instead of just doing a dedicated Commander set for them?
As opposed to pubes on a non-white?
Because they want EDH players buying Standard packs in addition to buying dedicated EDH products
because they want commander players to buy every product so they put commander cards into everything
>Philippians 4:8
>Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
This do it for me
I don't see how it's all that different
bastard jews
This. The last two Standards set were ruined moreover for the absolute incompetence of these retards at design, write and bring to life an interesting set but specially because they are so obssesed with the fake magic group they feel an obligation to put ten thousand random legendaries, 0 interesting or weird mechanics and a complete lack of effort in card/lore design. Our last hope for 2024 is BLB and things are already looking grim
For asian chicks : hot
Anyother race : ehh
Glad you're finally caught up
there are unkown lenghts to avoid fucking a white girl
Alt art is the top cute for me
I know that this LGS-dependent, but how many people run meta vs rogue decks/brews on average? I've only played on arena and I'm curious
Rogue decks are a lie, everyone want to win
We don't really have that kind of data outside of tournaments, which obviously favors meta decks above experimentation.
I played Modern at my LGS last week and I fought
Round 1: some incredibly wild As Foretold brew
Round 2: Mono U Merfolk
Round 3: Dice Factory

I saw someone playing Prime Time, someone playing Affinity, someone else also had a Murktide deck on them. Everyone was basically just playing their favorite Modern deck or something wild. Shit, the Prime Time player brought a janky Hollow One deck to fuck around with before the event.
People in paper tend to play decks they like over meta, but we do still try and tune them to be as good as possible.
It's an evaluation. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. But even after having it seen in action it looked underwhelming to me.
Now Legacy is a different thing.
Call me when it wins something. I get the feeling in a few days' time you will be proven the retards.
They exist. Theres a girl at my fnm who brings goblins every week. She just wants to play goblins.
Yes, i have indeed lost to her snoop combo before. Never again kill this fuck on sight
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No one tell him Mono black necro won the Hareyuya West tourney
I've seen so many janky decks win that thing it's insane
>We are still playing in Standard with Takashi card a world champion
The truth is that janky decks can win in Modern just fine, it's just that in the west players refuse to have fun and will only netdeck, spawning metagame snapshots containing very few decks.
When I've seen it, it seems pretty strong. It's still doing all the usual scam bullshit, but also some games it lands the necro and they just never run out of cards and can snipe you with Soul Spike out of nowhere. I'm not saying it's unstoppable, but it doesn't seem straight up bad like you're saying.
I'm actually VERY surprised that the Mono B decks don't run Collective Brutality. It flips Sorin, disrupts your opponent, and benefits greatly from Necro refilling your hand.
When Soulspike is the best you can do you know it's pretty underwhelming kek
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>*blocks your path*
Merfolk is the real T0 deck, get out with that rare draft chaff
I was inspired by that post earlier and am now trying to brew Obeka in Standard. There are basically only 2 possible payoffs for it lol. Generous Plundered and Laughing Jasper Flint.
Could go kinda hard with the extra combat spree card desu
Thats the thing, soul spike and march are good because they pitch cards and are isntants, so you overdraw and then pitch before discard. Pitching main phase 1 sucks with a 5 card hand.
Youd rather play the march, or thoughtseize, or spike you may pitch to it
>runs toxic deluge mainboard
Heh, nothing personal kid
Train Heist? I've been basically trying to bypass having to play Obeka at all at the minute. Discarding her with Inti and then committing a crime to turn Lazav into her once opponent doesnt bother blocker. Even does more damage than normal Obeka so you get extra upkeeps. I do like the train heist though, even for just the ability to make treasures that help Plunderer get the win too.
Sack tideshaper for Flare of Denial
Any responses?
>killing yourself through 6 free counters
thanks for doing my job for me
There's far more than that, even phyrexian arena is in standard.
>flare of denial
>force of negation
ok cool man good try
>all these butthurt posters
At least wait to see how much Birb's decks dominate the PT this weekend. You cunts are the most defeatist bunch of sooks I've ever encountered - it used to he that people wouldn't even try to beat a strong new deck they'd just try to have it banned out of existence , but now you're calling for a deck to be banned before you even know if it's good
Imagine trying this against counter fishland
Lmao even
I was thinking of the plunderer angle with train heist, making a bunch of treasures then getting an additional combat for him to attack (again) to burn your opponent out
Reminder that Treasure Cruise also needs to be banned in Pioneer.
The problem I'd expect to see with Dracosaur is that your opponent just wipes your board afterwards. You get all your upkeep triggers off, but often just don't get to use the shit you created.
something about the border on the text combined with the weeb full art genuinely made me think you'd just posted a FoW card in this thread at first
and sorin
and amalia
and fable
Like I said, there's more than that. Not going to claim they're good, but there's enough to meme with.
Do you run any surveil lands or 'splashes'?
Im trying a underground mortuary and a boseiju main with pick your poisons in the side
what a meme
Fuck you fishies im gonna run this out of spite now
Yep. Absolutely in agreement.
these look like a bloomburrow cards. wth most of them even are animals. wasn't duskmourn supposed to be a horror set? what's with the cartoony look
Yeah that's a great idea
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>No changes to any format
magic is literally dying
cheap shot
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I feel these are alt arts and the actual designs will be actually spooky, besides i have the impression these animal ghosts are the "benevolent" part of the horror house but the rest will go in the line of horrorand slasher protagonists
>and the actual designs will be actually spooky
now youre just being delusional
hasbro/wotc will never let anything remotely un-marketable pass again
the designs wont be cutesy but good art is basically gone
they held back on the phyrexians because people got icked out, do you really think they'd actually let artists hit any good horror themes
Most people who sink money into this game want to win. Online and LGS players are far more likely to be sweaty no fun tryhards vs kitchen table players.
These both look like they're from an anime card game. The Goat especially, though. That is some straight up modern Yugioh looking art.
I think the artists might've done a lot of YGO or Pokemon TCG art. Not too familiar.
but why is the set symbol even a pretty foresty butterfly rather than some silence of the lambs moth?
Is affinity literally unironically bad right now?
shut up and buy it
The artist did Force of Will (the anime tcg)
Its either just kept losing so theres no results, or its just old and busted vs the new hotness everyone is trying so no one wants to play it.
I for one havent seen shit on MODO for affinity
was this not supposed to be a spooky set?
It's more moth than butterfly by the shape of it. And it probably has to do with whatever the fuck this thing is.
Reminder to vote for the two decks you think will make the finals. Lets see how good /mtg/ really is at evaluating cards.

>He thought Bloomburrow would be good
Alt arts probably lean more into surreal and 'fanciful' horror rather than the actual art.
The best thing it does is still scamming.
Izzet or Jeskai Control? Jeskai looks stronger but I'm missing more of the pieces
Only the Indian marking shills have posted that they think Bloomburrow will be good.
>pillar of the format
my dick can only get so hard
Only Indian CHADS have posted that the KNOW that BloomKINO will literally save Magic
>mtg is dying when it's more profitable than ever
/mtg/ logic
Not at instant speed.
Grief has never been instant speed?
At what cost though?
mtg is edh now
>profit is important not quality or player retention
>More profitable than ever

Yeah, that's why they had all those staff cuts and why paper play is drying up all over the place. Thankfully none of that matters because they can keep hunting addicts and EDH whales and Arenababs forever while the rest of the game fucking shrivels up. At least they can until Hasbro finally collapses and drags WotC down with it.
>profit is a reflection of vitality
Unironically I think you should drown yourself in a ditch because there's nothing left of you but marketing propaganda. You are not human.
I'm not sure how Nadu is supposed to be ok in any way
Necrodominance is only good if you can do things at instant speed before you have to discard.
just fucking buy it okay
logic that stems from players, yes
naturally, it confronts the corporative facetious profit driven narrative you just described
what the fuck
it's also good to just draw 7 cards and craft your hand
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>Two card combo that wins the game on the spot if the opponent doesn't interrupt it
According to commander players, you just need to interact more
Commander players also actively hate it
What? That's only part of it. A big part of the power is that it might as well read "Your minimum and maximum hand size are the same". You can always draw a new hand at the end of the turn no matter how much pitching and discarding you're doing.
>this card isn't ok to unban, we found out we can make more money printing pseudos of it at best, or just straight up better cards that don't have to compete with the likes of splinter twin
>drawing too many cards is bad! Why? It just is okay!!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again, WotC won't unban a weak card because they can just print a new better version and force you to buy new product.
It's shit if you have to wait time because you're going to lose life. It's only really good if you can win on the spot.
>look mom I'm projecting!
This is banned
Nadu, Grief, the Ring, Bowmasters and Phlage are fine
Also these things apparently have the glimmer subtype. Whatever the fuck a glimmer is. As its not a spirit or incarnation or an avatar.
Hey retard, why dont you want to draw 7 cards for 7 life? Did Grislebrand touch you in your nonos?
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This is the average horror aet i expect in Duskmourn
Lot of talk for someone in bowmaster range.
That explains it. That shit was cutsie anime as fuck. Holy balls.
have a qt spirit snek, instead :D
I don't know why anyone would expect anything different
>march it for uhhhhhhhhh 12 gain 12
Kinda sad to see the second ability isn't a keyword, would've been a cool set mechanic.
your life doesnt matter unless it's at 0, thoughever
just dont go into bolt range buddyretard
and they don't have to balance against cards like twin or pod, that might still make for better decks that they can't forcefully rotate
Imagine thinking Bowmasters will stop Necro when the deck runs Grief and Thoughtseize.
You can say either though or however, we are all adults here.
you are out of luck, boyo
See, now that's a decent point. Necro on its own gets fucked sideways by Bowmaster. Ironically, however, the main decks playing Bowmasters at this point are Necro decks, which have the best answer to Bowmasters (i.e. playing their own Bowmasters).
But I want to say the funny meme word
>Imagine thinking Bowmasters will stop Necro when the deck runs Bowmasters

i am older than you and i will speak like a reatrd if i so desire
>Opponent gets 3x Treasure Cruise AND a Galvanic Iteration copied Temporal Trespass in one game
>We still win

luv me some flings
Is that shit even playable in any deck? Never saw one.
I'd play it in limited
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I'm slowly adjusting the list.
It's getting fairly good. Just about my most successful brew.

Ancient One getting online with the 8 permanents in the 'yard so it can block a Storm Giant Hall was actually what won that game in the end.
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fr fr no cap
Just look at this opening hand and tell me you don't want to play against this shit.
Against turn 3 Sorin/Ripper, the Ripper has to chump block lmfao.
If I have the Lazav Multliculti on the board. I declare blockers with him, and then change into Ancient One, it will block normally? Or the block still invalid and things happen.
Griselbrand won on the spot in Neoform...
>If I have the Lazav Multliculti on the board. I declare blockers with him, and then change into Ancient One, it will block normally? Or the block still invalid and things happen.
Yep. Once attacks and blocks are declared, "Can't attack/block" effects are ignored as the thing has already happened.

Lazav is often an 8/8 beatstick that shits out a clue every turn.
Just hope they don't have a single piece of interaction? lmao
Okay. The card is still bad in Modern.
Bowmasters has been replaced by Discharge in Modern.
Incorrect, my friend. That is not the equation.
The real situation is: THEY hope they DO have interaction.
AND we have neither Stubborn Denial in nor Thoughtseize in hand.
And we don't draw into midgame grinds like Lazav to gobble up our Ancient One now that they burned their removal, or Kroxa to crush the game out even though we got disrupted early.

The fast start is just the beginning of how vile this list can be.
I never mentioned Bowmaster, it's irrelevant to what I'm saying.
insane cope
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Wait, hold on. Which one of these artists is the Force of Will one? There's a ton of artists on this set doing anime artwork.
See you in a month.
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>I feel these are alt arts
Hey there, sherlock, where is your fedora?
BTW this set is just a Locke & Key inspired set, what a joke
thumbs up emoji
>I. Must. Hate.
>Me. Angry.
Get new material faggot, is lame at this point.
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Youre so fucking braindead.
What the fuck deck do you even play? I want to know what kind of mouth breather im actually dealing with
Terese Nielsen.
>Tron is immortal.
Thanks to Ugins Labyrinth enabling turn 1 Chalice cancer.
T1 Trinisphere on the draw is also PRETTY GOOD.
is t1 chalice even good in modern
its ok
>this retarded magical christmas land opening is the reason why trinisphere costs $60 now
How would this list perform in the current Modern meta?

4 Karn, the Great Creator
2 Acidic Slime
4 Arbor Elf
1 Dryad Arbor
4 Eternal Witness
4 Llanowar Visionary
4 Noble Hierarch
3 Trinisphere
2 Beast Within
4 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss
1 Plow Under
4 Primal Command
2 Turntimber Symbiosis // Turntimber, Serpentine Wood
4 Utopia Sprawl
2 Blast Zone
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
1 Breeding Pool
1 Lair of the Hydra
6 Snow-Covered Forest
4 Verdant Catacombs
1 Waterlogged Grove
1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth

1 Chalice of the Void
1 Ensnaring Bridge
1 Haywire Mite
1 Liquimetal Coating
1 Phyrexian Metamorph
1 Pithing Needle
2 Repudiate // Replicate
1 Sundering Titan
1 The Stone Brain
1 Tormod's Crypt
1 Torpor Orb
2 Walking Ballista
1 Wurmcoil Engine
Pretty sure AIDS did it M1 G1 T1 in his blue Eldrazi video.
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So it turns out no cards are actually good and we all gaslighted ourselves into thinking magic is a game about choices.
Wrap it up, we dont need to talk about magic anymore. No more magic generals needed
Are you ready for (insert generic corporate horror)!???!?!
Boy am I!
>we all gaslighted ourselves into thinking magic is a game about choices
Haven't thought that for almost a decade, and I've only known the game for little over a decade.
>playing magic in 2024
Who's braindead now?
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I m also angry with hasbro/wizards, so fuck off shill, stop apologizing in name of rosewater.
Magic is in a bitter state, anyone still playing either is too much invested or has some mental issues.
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/mmg/ - silver and weapons, why?
Why is everyone so bitter here?
my God but...2024...it's the current year?
I'm pumping Amalia, what's wrong with that
>post modern stifledrazi here day 0 of reveal
>its bad it wont work
>deck count: 6
And yeah fuck the rotation.
Because a thing we used to enjoy was destroyed so WotC could milk money from pathetic manchild consoomers who couldn't care less for quality.
Im not bitter. Im just mentally impaired and can't stop defending BBC (Big Black Cards) like vein ripper and necrodominece
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You're actually wrong. 2015 is /currentyear/, we're in /currentyear/+9
Just a post to see how interested people are but I'm interested in hosting a /mtgag/ timeless event. If interested, just reply and if I see enough interest I'll start setting it up.
how did I fuck that crossboard link up so bad. Do you not put in the last backslash?
Because the game is garbage now. Why do you even have to ask, don't you have a functioning brain?
>Do you not put in the last backslash?
You do not.
the more you know. I never do crossboard links so I thought I had it. Should have double checked the FAQ before I made myself look dumb...
Been here since 2008 and I still have to check the FAQ to get crosslinks right lol
Yeah we know shill, shill, shill, WotC bad Hasbro bad Magic shit blablabla as i said get mew material or better save you (and us from your mindless shitposting) and fuck off, be free, stupid faggot.
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>we want the shadowverse audience
Laughs in Ancient Tomb
I thought you were wrong or this was just a regional thing. These were ¥2280 a week ago and I didn't buy any because I was waiting for fakes to be made and didn't want to spend $60 on the playset. I feel awful.
>1 week without mtgo decklists
it's officially over
we will never recover from this
billions will die
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I just want to win with smart people decks... Give me good decks... Out meta powerful decks... I don't have the enough brain to brew...
People say I'm a sweet man
no mtgo decklists
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How do I maxx /accelerate/ mtg?
bloomburrow will be shit
duskmourn will be shit
death race will be shit
2025 will be shit all of it
what is to hope for? why we shouldn't be bitter here?
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You dont Pucci
The future of TCGs are cute monsters.
You find gravity
That's conceptually cool though.
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Don't insult Marks hard work he's been working very hard this year.
Have you read Ride the Tiger?
I would dig some schlock and camp, but knowing wotc, they wouldn't be able to pull it off.
Cute animals are fine, too.
Iunno. I just know I am in that stage of fandom enlightenment where the game being garbage is not something to be mad about, its just part and parcel to playing it.
If you had to put this art in a card which effect would that card have? Which colour?
looks like that dr disrespect dude
PreFIRE format when?
Selective Service System
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Phoenix is literally just hard carried by Treasure Cruise lmfao.
so you figured it out
Congrats anon, you know understand what people complained for months about, clap clap clap
>don't draw treasure cruise
>win anyway
>Don't draw Eye of Ugin
>Still manage to win with Eldrazi
holy shit did guys know that tron can make 7 mana with just 3 lands???
did you guys know that ral and tamiyo were busted cards?
Show me one game where Phoenix has won without drawing treasure cruise, and the opponent didn't mull to 5 or less.
>Don't draw [Extremely Strong Card]
>[Tier 1 deck] wins anyway
Crazy stuff uh?
Wich lands?
>never draw nykthos
>"omg green is tier o stfu ban idk karn or something"
izzet players are something else
>brick with opening hand even after mulligans
>[tier 1 deck] wins anyway
crazy stuff
I miss Sac being a top tier deck, same with God forbid me Greasefang, my cute little rat
they will be playable again after ripper is gone
you just miss netdecking at seeing them in some chart
Reminder to get your vote in for this weekend's finalist decks so we can see just how good /mtg/ is at card evaluation.

>I miss Sac being a top tier deck
that is the only deck I don't miss
stealing my creatures for 1 mana is fucking cheating
whats with the autist who hates meta
hes been doing it all day
blud is broken record fr fr
When they ban Nadu, will they also ban Phlage or are they going to punt that can down the road so we can see what 70% RWx Modern looks like?
>Heh, you played well kiddo, but now I'll play my 3rd land and cast Phlage, Helix your face, and pass tur- ACK!!!
Who is tapping out with this fuck plotted?
I would always save a fucking removal if i see a mountain, and of i see this plotted? Two removals if i had the mana.
what were they thinking? that card is seeing play and success across all formats...
>Wasting entire turns
You know they don't have to cast it right?
silly anon. WotC doesn't think in the traditional sense like you and me. WotC is a somewhat sophisticated Ai that makes cards and artwork based on prompts given to it by a single overpaid monkey.
SSS is a healthy card for the metagame. Without it aggro couldn't compete against all the unfair combo decks. His decks are not even the best deck in any given format.
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>go on twitch out of boredom
>mtgo main channel just started streaming
>there's this goblin on stream
never change evil jews
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>SSS is a healthy card for the metagame
>Yung Dingo
No way that's a real name lmao
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>holds up 1 mana
Go on anon, play into it, i just wasted my turn not tapping out. Im definitely gonna lose now
Yes anon unfair combo decks still dominate modern and pioneer. SSS is unironically fair.
Anon you don't make a game more fun by giving EVERYONE the wombo combo shit; you ban the wombo combo shit.
Except wotc is allergic to banning shit
Did you not see my angel of jubilation retard?
R players always play into onboard tricks ShakimgMyDamnHat
You're the one saying they made the format better, not me.
Sounds like the name of a creature
>Yung Dingo
>Creature - Dingo
Someone ask why the decklist page isn't back up yet.
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>creatures have been powercrept so much that Legacy Delver lists have unironically started cutting Delver
It's over
Delver has his time.
Now the moment of the F.I.R.E. children has arrived.
its not that delver was explicitly powerful
delver is a 1 drop who you can win the game with eventually while being able to hold up your 8-12 free counterspells
theres just other one drops that do that now
Do not try to explain deckbuilding philosophy to /mmg/ they are genuine heathens
Why are they still calling this delver lmao
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I'm glad people outside of here are aware of this problem, but it's not like it will affect anything.
Delver was a popular ban target for many people for a long time as far as I remember.
Also Ragavan is banned in Legacy, with it legal it would probably look even worse for Delver of Secrets.
Probably because it shares almost every card with the previous lists with Delver.
I think mtggoldfish just automatically categorizes lists based on how many cards they share with existing ones.
>Delver was a popular ban target for many people for a long time as far as I remember.
meant for >>93185746
delver is an ideal which we should all strive for
he is more than a singular card, more than a man
Now we can confirm the death of magic
>1 mana 3/2 flyer is now unplayable garbage
Amazing. They will have to reprint at mythic rarity with a paragraph of text on the flip side. Call it Delver of Horrors or some bullshit
>1 mana 3/3 flier that surveils every noncreature spell
>1 mana walker
hes simply been crept
Don't forget the 1 mana goyf and 2 mana Frog these are also quite busted for tempo lists.
I mean mid-2010s Affinity (Robots) was called Affinity despite having 0 affinity cards. People associate the deck with the lynchpin card long after the card's actual time
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I think Tamiyo was also underrated by a lot of people, to me it was clear that 1 mana walker that can win the game in a few turns is quite powerful, at least in Brainstorm formats where flipping her is extremely easy.
It reminds me Origins Jace, back then I also thought it looked quite strong but a lot of people seem to underrate these cheap blue planeswalkers for some reason.
She was the most hyped up one, from what I saw.
This is your brain on game design
I thought people mostly hyped up Grist.
There was one guy in these threads that thought Sorin was as good as Oko because he could make food tokens, I don't think most people, especially not here, have any idea what makes a card good or bad.
tap blue for spell snare
Any responses?
I'll.. eh.. pump.. mmm.. swifty?
Have they done anything with Garruk after he got cured
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Wishing this list didn't have crutch saga in it.
How else would I be able to tutor out my haywire mites?
How else would I be able to tutor out my Shadowspear?
Isn't it mostly there just because it's an enchantment land that puts itself in the graveyard while also grabbing an artifact creature that can put itself in the graveyard? Four types from one card seems quite nice for the goyfs.
I cast bolt bolt growth spike and hit you for 5 with my swiftspear. GGs
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fetal push should be banned
>Shocks you with barbarian rings for 4 the next turn
Heh, nothing personel. Should've stabilized on an empty board kiddo
how the fuck do people go to a 5+ hour event without a serious urge to amsturbate
You jerk off in the toilet, duh.
I'm a huge simp for cheap tawdry horror, especially creature features. Please let Duskmourn not be shit
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>Picklock Prankster
>Treasure Cruise
>Picklock Prankster
>treasure Cruise
>Four phoenixes ready for action
Nothing personnel, kiddo
>"Grief is, at least to me, the card that's most emblematic of the way Modern has evolved with Modern Horizons sets. The straight-to-Modern expansions put more of an emphasis on interaction in a format that had a reputation for being 'two ships passing in the night, Grief excels at that, and being a spell that can be played for free means it can disrupt in the very small window that the fastest Modern decks have to be stopped. Grief is proactive disruption in that it doesn't require your opponent to have done anything to still be effective interaction. Grief 's ability to be used proactively means that abusing the evoke mechanic by playing cards like Not Dead After All allows you to do more than just disrupt, but completely dismantle opposing game plans as early as the first turn, which brings us back to the Modern we talked about before: blisteringly fast, but now instead of racing to execute to our own plan, we instead race to tears yours apart. Grief blends the speed of 'old' Modern with the interactivity of the post-Horizons format, making it the poster child of the present and future of the format."
okay, but why did they need to put unmask on a creature? why not just print unmask directly into modern?
Nice, a retarded take from someone I'm supposed to know but have never heard of?
it's basically a summary of why it will never be banned, by a pro tour winner
So I can make manchildren cry when I pull "in response..." shit outside of blue.
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I think one of my least favorite things about FIRE and its consequences is how topdeck can just completely blow out entire games by themselves.

You can go from an opponent with zero cards in hand, nothing on board, and you with a dominant board presence, to them topdecking Treasure Cruise or Return to the Ranks and your opponent suddenly just wins a game they had no right winning. Not from behind, not from a tense game, not a close call, the game just flips 100% from totally losing to instant win.

So many games are just LITERAL heard of the cards ass coinflip bullshit. Zero strategy, zero interaction. Just "I drew the I won card"
It sucks so much ass. Everyone at WotC needs to be fired for how badly they've blundered game design. E v e r y o n e.
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I think the moronic focus on only ever banning cards for power level reasons is awful. It contributes to how bad the game is.
Just because the top four decks (with 80% meta share combined) are technically kind of even with each other, does not mean the game is good.

It's a designers job to make an entertaining game, an engaging game. One where decisions matter.

Yes, you SHOULD ban T3f just because it fucking sucks ass and makes the game boring. You SHOULD ban cards like Treasure Cruise, even if you think the format is """healthy""" with it rampaging, simply because the card creates extreme arbitrary, topdeck-dependent, strategy-negating gameplay.

Who cares if a card is too powerful. I mean yes, many of the cards that need to be banned ARE too powerful, but who fucking cares. Get over it. Just ban them because they FUCKING SUCK.
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I used to make custom cards with that exact same mechanic.
Funnily enough it was a horror themed set too.
>Including a counter to solve memory issues.
WotC would NEVER!!!
So instead of two ships passing in the night, it's two ships blindly ramming in the night. What a step up!
Tourneyfags are often retards too. We got Bowmasters because they asked tourneyfags what they thought.
there aren't many more scenarios in that metaphor
ravagan was also made by pro players so whatever the case they do this things in tandem
When does the PT coverage start and where can I watch it?
The ships could actually see each other and exchange fire like they're fucking supposed to
It starts in around 90 minutes, you can probably watch it on twitch or youtube.
To be fair, MH3 kinda killed Ragavan, you barely see him anymore.
bowmasters rotated ravegan
I guess so, but when a format picks up speed it no longer goes back
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Ragavan getting powercrept out of Modern should be peak clown world, but all it shows to me is that we can't even comprehend the true heights of clowning that WotC is capable of.
You people aren't real fans and hate magic
no, we aren't the ones designing the game
This isn't even the final horizon. MH4 soon, and then, MH5 will be just around the corner.
SO true
XD omg dude you got us good!
Anon, treasure cruise is a 10 year old card
I must be sincere i'm more afraid of UB sets... You don't need hype for MH we all know what we can expect, but depending on the franchise you need something else to make people outside of the Cummander crew to buy cards and that could lead to some terrible design ideas
Can someone post an image with WotC's explanation as to why there are so few non-human(oid) planeswalkers, saying that they want the fans to be able to sympathize with them?
UB sets are literally the only thing of value this series has produced in years, I would prefer a thousand asscreeds and dr tumblr sets over another soulless hat theme park.
speaked like a true commander faggot enjoyer, sis.
riggged protour draft, cards are already slveeed
Ikawa-san... this deck...... is not good......
>drafting a BW deck in mh3
Big Kev you mad man

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